25 MAY 2014
Construction Update Newsletter
New Views Spectrum Health - Gerber Memorial
QUALITY CONTROL As we near completion, Elzinga & Volkers will
Upcoming Milestones
employ a professional
» Emergency Addition Painting Complete » Emergency Addition Wall Protection Complete » Emergency Addition Flooring Complete
cleaning company to sweep, scrub and shine the new emergency department. When the Spectrum staff takes over the project site, it will be free of debris and ready for patient care. All the counter tops, walls and surfaces in the emergency department are designed for hospital environments and can be easily cleaned and disinfected.
Executive Summary The Home Stretch!
Although it may not look it from the outside, the new emergency department at Gerber Memorial is entering the final stages. On the interior, flooring is being completed along with counter tops, wall hung accessories and interior glass. Doors are receiving their final hardware, and decorative light fixtures are being installed. We are about two weeks from what we call “substantial completion.” This means that the construction is 95% complete and the owner can start to install medical equipment, furniture and signage.
and installing the storm drainage system. With a few more weeks of good weather, we will be installing asphalt and planting trees! Thank you to all the contractors and trades people on-site. Keep up the high energy in these final weeks of the project!
- John Parker, Project Manager
On the exterior, site work in the main parking lot continues. Crews from Thompson Bros. Excavating are bringing the site up to grade
Project Progress Photos
SAFETY SPOTLIGHT The bright vests are back! Now that large excavating equipment has returned, all workers on the site are required to wear high visibility clothing. Similar to hunting gear, these bright colors and reective fabrics help workers see each other easily and stay clear of hazards. This clothing is just one part of good personal protection equipment used on the project site.
Staking for the North and West parking lots
Aluminum framed entrance into the ambulatory entrance
Two Week Look Ahead ED Addition: With interior finishes nearing completion, the ED Addition will begin to connect the existing ED department with the newly constructed building. The first stage will shut down two of the patient rooms in the existing ED. These two rooms will be reconstructed into a hallway that leads to the new ED. On the exterior, site work continues to move forward with grading on the west end of the addition. River City Mechanical is installing snowmelt piping around the building to assure clear sidewalks when, dare I say it, the grueling winter months return. Once the snowmelt is installed, Cascade Cement will pour the sidewalks over the piping for smooth walking surfaces. Cascade Cement will also pour the concrete curb that will outline the new parking lot.
- Jordan Gougeon, Asst. Project Manager
SPOTLIGHT In this issue, we would like to thank Bouma Corp. for their efforts on the ED flooring. The sheet vinyl flooring in the emergency department is specially selected for healthcare environments and takes a lot of skill to install
Retaining wall being set north of the west parking lot
properly. Bouma has done a great job on the installation so far, and we are thankful
Project Progress and Major Milestones
to have their skill on the project. Thank you from all of us at Elzinga & Volkers!
Lobby Complete ED Complete Endo Pre/Post Complete ED Enclosed ED Groundbreaking North Parking Lot Complete
Wood cloud in the ED corridor
Endo Pre-Post Start
Ceramic wall tile, flooring and fixtures in the public restroom