27 JUNE 2014
Construction Update Newsletter
New Views Spectrum Health - Gerber Memorial
QUALITY CONTROL This week, Elzinga & Volkers and the design team from
Upcoming Milestones
C2AE performed the formal
»» Final Inspections Complete »» Exterior Paving Complete »» Landscaping Complete
“punch list,” which is a process of documenting any final items that remain incomplete or do not meet quality standards. Before the first patients set foot in the new department, Elzinga & Volkers and its crews will complete the punch list and ensure all the small details are completed.
Executive Summary
Crossing the “t’s” and dotting the “i’s” With the interior of the new emergency department wrapping up, our team is turning their attention to the project close out process, which includes inspections, punch list and verification. Last week, an inspector from the State of Michigan performed a life safety inspection at the new facility. This inspector takes particular interest in the building systems that protect occupants in the event of a fire and tests each part, including the wall ratings, automatic doors and alarm systems. All finishes must also meet strict standards for low flammability to be used in a hospital. Another important process that continued this week was HVAC and electrical commissioning. As we have noted before in New Views, Spectrum Health has employed a third party
commissioning agent to verify the proper installation, operation and design of the heating, cooling and electrical systems. The commissioning process started months ago with the drafting of a formal commissioning plan. Last week, we started “functional testing” where all the different systems are run through a battery of tests and measured for performance. If any deficiencies are found, our team is notified and the problems are fixed right away. We are just around the corner from completion and the community open house. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the last few issues of New Views.
- John Parker, Project Manager
Project Progress Photos
SAFETY SPOTLIGHT Just because the project is wrapping up doesn’t mean that we let up on our site safety requirements. Hard hats should still be worn at all times, and high visibility clothing should be worn outside. Even in these final stages, accidents can happen. We have had zero accidents on this project so far, and we don’t want our first one now!
Retaining wall installed along the west parking lot
Emergency Department waiting area completed
East nurse station completed
Two Week Look Ahead ED Addition: On the exterior of the ED Addition, you will continue to hear the diesel engines and backup alarms of heavy equipment as Thompson Brothers bring the site up to grade for the ambulance drive. As grading is complete, concrete curbs will be poured in preparation for asphalt paving. Michigan Paving will be on-site to begin paving on the north drive that leads to the new Emergency Department patient drop off. On the interior of the building, trade contractors will address punch list items and correct any imperfections prior to the hospital taking final occupancy. A punch list is established by the architect, contractor and owner representatives to find any quality issues for trade contractors to address prior to demobilizing from the project site.
- Jordan Gougeon, Asst. Project Manager
SPOTLIGHT In this issue, we would like to thank Peter Basso and Associates, our commissioning agent on the project. Phil and Eric, our two on-site representatives, have been great to work with and very helpful in the resolution of any on-site
Corridor complete
problems. We appreciate their extra set of eyes on the
Project Progress and Major Milestones
complex systems installed in the hospital. Thank you for all the help!
Lobby Complete ED Complete Endo Pre/Post Complete ED Enclosed ED Groundbreaking North Parking Lot Complete
DensGlass installed on underside of canopies
Endo Pre-Post Start
Furniture and desktop equipment installed at west nurse station