Spectrum Health - Beltline Integrated Care Center

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MIOSHA Safety Partnership


Spectrum Health Medical Group Beltline Integrated Care Center Monthly Report | August 2013


safety incidents

Experience Summary Total OSHA Recordables Project Man-Hours DART Rate

Current Month 0 744 0

Year to Date 0 3,576 0

Project to Date 0 3,576 0

Safety Meetings and Initiatives

Over the past month Elzinga and Volkers has conducted safety meetings on the following topics: »» Small Hand Tool Safety

»» Lightning Storm Safety

»» Fire Extinguishers and Fire Prevention

»» Preventing Overexertion Injuries

»» Compressed Gas Cylinders

»» Most Commonly Cited Standards

»» Site Safety Review Since our MIOSHA partnership kick-off meeting, we have incorporated a safety topic into every progress meeting. For the first 15-20 minutes of the meeting, we engage the trade contractors and discuss the topics that are relevant to our jobsite. At this week’s safety meeting, we discussed small hand tool safety and asked the group if anyone had an experience with a related injury. Our site electrical foreman shared a story about using a small flathead screwdriver. While he was using it, it slipped off the bolt and stabbed his hand. By discussing these personal experiences we are able to share in way that will improve our safety working habits.


Zero incidents this month! MIOSHA Safety Partnership | Spectrum Health Medical Group Beltline Integrated Care Campus | August 2013

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Safety Education

Elzinga & Volkers is working with Chris Bouwens from Professional Safety Solutions for personal protective equipment (PPE), which is this month’s training topic. With the restrictions we have enforced on-site, we feel it is appropriate to have our first training session on the site requirements as well as the proper situations and techniques for using PPE. In this session we will cover items such as safety glasses, hard hats, face shields, gloves and high-visibility clothing.

Project Progress

There has been a significant amount of progress onsite. Builder’s Iron has completed the steel erection of the main building and is currently detailing the cross bracing and leveling of the masonry relief angles. With the main steel structure completed, Kent Companies poured the concrete floors throughout the rest of the building. We have struggled with inclement weather, but have been able to pour all of the concrete decks except for the penthouse. With the floor pours completed and the steel loaded, Bouma is able to begin installing the exterior steel studs. They already started working on the east wall and will work their way around the building. With the completion of the steel erection, the remaining parking lot grading and concrete curbs can be completed. Dykema has roughly graded the north and south parking lots, and Kent has poured the concrete curbs. The remaining asphalt base will be poured in the next couple of weeks.

The north parking lot is ready for paving

East elevation while installing metal studs

The pre-construction portion of the project will be completed shortly. The design of the building is complete and bids were due to Elzinga & Volkers (E&V) on August 9th. E&V will post-bid and scope-check all of the bidders to ensure all portions of the work are covered. Once the bids are validated, E&V will submit our recommended bidders to Spectrum Health. The miscellaneous metal, plumbing, HVAC and electrical scopes of work will be our first priority. The sooner we have a contractor on board for these areas, the sooner we can start the underground work in the building. The pre-construction phase will conclude in the upcoming weeks, and we will be 100% in the construction phase. We are excited by the progress thus far and look forward to the coming months!

MIOSHA Safety Partnership | Spectrum Health Medical Group Beltline Integrated Care Campus | August 2013

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