Wicked Wellness eBook

Page 31

charged my Apple Watch I use to track my heart rate and workout right by my bedside so it was ready to put on. And last but not least, before I got on the bike I filled my water bottle up. And because I’m such a wuss and hate getting super hot, I set up a fan pointing towards the bike. Mission accomplished. Now you’d think I set myself up pretty darn well to make it simple to just jump on the bike. I mean, what could possibly be in the way? You’d be surprised that every single day I still need to Giddy-up and Do It, Damn IT! myself on the bike! Every single day my head comes up with a million excuses why I don’t want to do it. It’s not something I’m craving to do. And motivation is a joke because if I waited for that to happen, I’d still be in bed today. So, I make myself do it because I want to be the type of person who takes care of her body and gets stronger. And, yes, life gets in the way. The family comes into town or an emergency work meeting pops up. It happens. But the next day, while I’m talking myself out of getting on the bike, I pull out my strategy Giddy-up and Do It, Damn IT! It’s uncomfortable. It’s not what I want to do, but damn do I feel good when I do it. At the end of the day, no matter what has happened, I know I did THAT. That important routine that made my heart a little stronger and my health 1% better than the day before. But I scheduled myself to get on the bike every day at the same exact time. And while I promise myself that I’ll do this 5 times a week, it is still something I recommit to every single day. It’s not easy. Every day I Giddy-up and Do It, Damn IT! myself on that bike knowing that I’m riding towards my freedom and more importantly, to a to a healthier body and stronger heart.



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