Notice of Change in Operating Rules
(Deletions are shown in strikethrough type and additions in boldface underlined type) ON MARCH 17TH, 2021, the TKPOA Board of Directors
approved the following Proposed changes to Architectural Control Rules for a 28 day membership review period. These rules will be considered for adoption at the June 16th, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting. If you would like to provide any feedback to the Board prior to approval, please email your comments to Heather Blumenthal, Operations Manager at hblumenthal@, or submit them in person at the TKPOA Pavilion Office.
Section 10 – Landscaping 10.03 All Developed lots within the Tahoe Keys are to be landscaped and maintained. Undeveloped lots must also be maintained. The dumping of any debris is prohibited. Vehicles must be parked on approved paved areas. Trailer/Boat storage is not allowed. 13.17 Over Water Platforms (OWPs) – The maximum width, parallel to the high waterline, is limited to 25% of that measurement. Under no circumstances can the width, as measured parallel to the high waterline, be more than twenty feet (20’). Height limitations not to exceed twelve inches (12”) above the bulkhead and no more than three feet (3’) above high water where there is riprap. 13.24 Maintenance and Cleaning are recurring activities not requiring ACC approval. They are associated with maintaining accessory structures in a good condition. They include tasks such as washing, painting (same colors) and replacement of lighting fixtures, hardware, bumpers (in kind) and resetting of pilings. Resetting of pilings means to drive existing piles back down to original depth, in the original position. Section 14 – Exterior Lighting The primary intent of rules for exterior lighting in the TKPOA is to: a) Protect property owners from annoyance and obtrusive glare; b) enhance safety, security, and usability of the properties; c) provide for installation and maintenance of subtle, low-intensity lighting, which enhances landscaping, and d) provide protection for night-sky viewing opportunities. This requires attention to overall management of outdoor lighting and a general reduction in lighting intensity. 14.03 Accent decorative and landscape lighting should be soft, low intensity and not offensive to neighbors or to traffic. All exterior lighting must be extinguished after 10:00 p.m.; with the exception of low intensity front and/or rear property lights. No rope or string lights are permitted except as provided in section 15.14. (holiday lights) 14.04 Dock, Ramp, and Over Water Platform (OWP) lighting 14.04a Light colors are limited to: warm white and pale blue.
Purpose and Effect of Proposed Rule Change To further clarify Architectural Control Rules
Section 9 – Fences 09.03 Height: Fences must not be higher than six feet (6’) along the side of the house, or higher than three four feet in front of the house or four feet (4’) in the rear of the house. Front fences must comply with the 5 foot setback from the curb requirement. Section 9A – Revetments, Bulkheads, and Landscape Walls 9A.01 Landscape walls less than 2 feet high and not within 1 foot of the high water line are exempt from City permit requirements. 9A.03 Any landscape wall four three feet or higher, at or facing the high water line, and changes the natural slope or gradient of the lot, will require a City Permit. 9A.04 Walls four three feet and higher are required to be engineered and contain an engineering stamp. You are encouraged to contact TRPA CSLT first to reduce the potential for misunderstandings about the type of wall and review processes required. 9A.05 Landscape/retaining walls: If a retaining wall is necessary, it shall not be more than 1’ above the high waterline (HWL) when placed behind the HWL. No retaining wall shall be below the HWL. Additional height of the retaining walls may be considered if it is 2’ or more behind the HWL. Retaining walls may be of the following materials: rock, concrete, concrete blocks, interlocking vinyl, or steel piling. Other materials may also be considered. Keys Breeze
APRIL 2021