Keys Breeze April 2021

Page 26

Notice of Change in Operating Rules

TEXT OF PROPOSED CHANGES (Deletions are shown in strikethrough type and additions in boldface underlined type

ON MARCH 17TH, 2021, the TKPOA Board of Directors

approved the following Proposed Rules for Water Restrictions for a 28 day membership review period. These rules will be considered for adoption at the May 19th, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting. If you would like to provide any feedback to the Board prior to approval, please email your comments to Heather Blumenthal, Operations Manager at hblumenthal@tahoekeyspoa. org, or submit them in person at the TKPOA Pavilion Office. Purpose and Effect of Proposed Rule Change To address the forecasted water shortage due to current and potential further uranium contamination citations from the State Water Resources Board per the Tahoe Keys Water Company’s (TKWC) February 28th, 2021 memorandum. The TKWC is issuing an order prohibiting “all landscape irrigation” (sprinklers, drip systems, hand watering, etc.) and draining and refilling of pools, hot tubs, and spas, utilizing Tahoe Keys Water Company supplied water for all Tahoe Keys Water Company water serviced properties and commercial customers. This includes Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association (TKPOA) common areas, all cove townhome landscaping, all single-family home landscaping, and commercial water customer properties landscaping. Violations of this order: The TKWC Rules and Regulations provide the following: Water Service Section 12; paragraph 12.2 “Termination of Service” Any violation of the “Prohibition Order” may result in Water Service disconnection based on the following Written Notices issued by the TKWC. First Violation: First Written Notice shall be issued by the TKWC. A written notice with return Keys Breeze


receipt requested to the owner describing the violation, a notice will also be delivered to the property. This notice must state the nature of the violation and request that the Owner either (i) resolve the violation within a specified time, which shall be within 72 hours or (ii) inform the TKWC of a timeframe by which the violation will be corrected. The notice shall also describe the consequences for non-compliance, including applicable fines. To avoid imposition of fines pursuant to the procedures below, the owner must notify the TKWC when the violation has been corrected. A re-inspection of the property shall be conducted to verify compliance and shall be recorded in the file for that property. Second Violation: Second Written Notice shall be issued by the TKWC. Any violation that is not resolved according to the deadline set forth in the First Notice of Violation is subject to fines and disconnection. A second notice of violation will be sent via certified mail stating that within 72 hours of delivery or attempted delivery of the notice, and a notice will also be delivered to the property. The owner must either remedy the violation(s) or contact the TKWC informing them of the date by which compliance will be achieved. A re-inspection of the property shall be conducted to verify compliance and shall be recorded in the file for that property. A fine of $1,000 will be imposed on the property. Third and Final Notice of Violation: Third Written Notice shall be issued by the TKWC. If a violation has not been resolved according to the deadline set forth in the Second Notice of Violation, a Third and Final Notice of Violation will be sent via certified mail informing the owner that the violation has not been resolved and a notice will also be delivered to the property. The Board of Directors will hold a APRIL 2021



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Keys Breeze April 2021 by Just Imagine Marketing and Design - Issuu