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2021 Water Quality Survey

Please complete the survey by Friday the 15th of October. The results will be summarized for the members on the TKPOA website.

By Water Qualtiy Committe

LAKE TAHOE FACES A SERIOUS THREAT from aquatic invasive species (AIS), and the Keys are at the center of the controversy. For years, the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association (TKPOA) has led an effort to fight AIS, working with the prominent regional regulatory bodies. As a community, we have spent millions of dollars on the weeds problem, and the agencies have mobilized their staffs in support of our efforts and matched our investment. This joint effort now enters a critical period. The environmental background work is near completion, and a testing methodology for herbicides, ultraviolet light, and a few other treatments has been defined. There will be a public comment period on the draft permit for the herbicide test early this fall. Then, we will be looking to the key regulatory bodies—the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) and the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (LRWQCB)—for approval of the “Control Methods Test” (CMT) in January. If approved, the testing would start in the Spring of ‘22, if water levels and other natural factors permit.

While the TKPOA Water Quality team has worked very hard to keep this program on track, we must recognize that the pending approvals are just the beginning of a much longer battle to get the weeds under control and improve water quality and recreation in our Keys. The Water Quality Committee is sending out this survey as follow up to the 2020 TKPOA Member Survey. We hope to use member feedback to help us with our long-term planning & budgeting, as well as our near-term outreach efforts. The link to the Water Quality Survey is below. Please complete the survey by Friday the 15th of October. The results will be summarized for the members on the TKPOA website. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

The Water Quality Committee (WQC) Survey link:

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekELfsum0kJA3bYc4b0aoSiBr6w9ad o7Nmsbu3JrGOuN3kMQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

If you have specific questions or feedback for the committee, please send them to:


For more information, please visit: www.keysweedsmanagement.org The survey link can also be found on the TKPOA Website at www.tkpoa.com

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