Avanti-Fall 2012

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justin-siena A Catholic High School in the Lasallian Tradition Justin-Siena is a Catholic high school in the Lasallian tradition called to provide educational excellence in a loving, Christ-centered community that prepares students to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world.

ABOUT THE SCHOOL SEAL In addition to identifying our physical location and the year of our founding–in 1966, our seal contains the history of our school. The JustinSiena seal embodies the icons of the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael (who co-sponsored the school through the 2005-06 academic year) and the De La Salle Christian Brothers. The original Dominican black and white cross, Fleury, indicates a spiritual ideal in spreading the Gospel of Christ by preaching and teaching. The five-pointed star signifies the sign of faith, which guides all Christian Brothers and Lasallian partners in their vocation of Christian education. Finally, “Sempre Avanti” heralds the legacy of the Brothers, and more specifically, Justin High School. Italian for, “always forward,” these words appeared on the original school seal of Justin High School representing a commitment to looking forward and never being complacent while exhibiting a passion for preparing the students entrusted to their care for the future.


Please send address changes to Office of Advancement at Justin-Siena | 4026 Maher Street | Napa, CA 94558. Or email wingt@justin-siena.org. AVANTI is also available online at www. justin-siena.org.

Comments and/or editorial contributions can be sent to Director of Communications Eileen Mize at mizee@ justin-siena.org. The School reserves the right to publish and/or edit material to reflect the values of our mission.


Speratus Winery exists for a single purpose: to fund the Brother David Brennan, FSC, Tuition Assistance Program that ensures financial accessibility to students desiring a JUSTIN-SIENA education regardless of their ability to pay. Speratus is derived from the Latin word sperare, which means to hope.

WWW.SPERATUSWINERY.COM (See article on page 7.)


justin-siena magazine for alumni, families, and friends | autumn/winter 2012–13



Educating Tomorrow’s Engineers


“STEM education is at the heart of today’s high-tech, high-skill global economy. For America to remain economically competitive, our next generation of leaders—the students of today—must develop the critical-reasoning and problem-solving skills that will help make them the most productive in the world.”

Bottling Hope


As an integral part of the Napa-Sonoma communities, Justin-Siena is committed to remaining accessible, relevant, and sustainable for generations to come. To help achieve this goal, there is an exciting new project that will help Justin-Siena advance the mission and benefit those that enjoy great wine.

One School, One Book




Last summer, the entire Justin-Siena community embarked on a new summer reading initiative, One School, One Book, a literacy-based activity to further build and develop relationships and common ground. All faculty/staff and students read the same book and parents, alumni, and coaches were invited to read the book as well. The unforgetable book chosen was Unbroken–the story of the life of Louie Zamperini.

What’s inside? 6

Mission Matters


Braves Report


Hall of Honor 2012


Class Notes


Cover Story


Annual Report

About the Cover

The One School, One Book project had the entire Justin-Siena community reading Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken last summer. Mr. Louie Zamperini, on whose life story the book was based, visited Justin-Siena on October 1, and the crowd gathered in a packed Clark Gym was captivated by his story. Pictured on the cover with Mr. Zamperini are (clockwise from l–r): Isabella Richardson ’14, Kendall Howell ’14, Henry Dixon ’14, and Samuel Oberting ’14. For the story and photos see page 22.



justin-siena at-a-glance

december 6 President’s Circle Reception


Justin-Siena Theatre presents the spring musical production of Footloose.


7 Christmas Band and Choir Concert


in the Chapel at Mont La Salle




26 Crab Feed 27–31

Catholic Schools Week

february 13


april 27 The Great Party–Passport to India 29 Feast Day of St. Catherine of Siena


Justin-Siena Theatre production of ComedySportz™

Great Party


Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass and Celebration

17 Winter Open House



Letters 2-5

By: A.R. Gurney


Justin-Siena Theatre presents a spring play: Love Letters

1–3;7-9 Justin-Siena Theatre

of Dance

presents the spring musical production of Footloose. (Show opens 2/28)

11 De La Salle Social Justice Forum 12

Dan Clark Basketball Tournament Begins

31 Easter Sunday

8-10 Spring Dance Show: Decades 17 Founders Day Celebration 22 Spring Band and Choir Concert june 5 Baccalaureate Mass

Ash Wednesday Prayer Service; annual student Change for Our World Drive begins

6 Graduation campus contacts Admissions Office

Main Office

Advancement Office

Sports Hotline

Alumni Office

Theatre Box Office

707.255.0950 ext. 641 707.255.0950 ext. 681

707.255.0950 ext. 644

Braves Store

707.255.0950 ext. 626

Business Office

707.255.0950 ext. 607


707.255.0950 ext. 667 707.255.0950 ext. 585

AVANTI is published twice a year by the Office of Communications for Justin-Siena alumni, parents, friends, faculty, and staff.

Administration Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO Mr. Noel Laird Hesser Principal

A Message from the Office of the President

Ms. Heidi Harrison Vice Principal for Curriculum and Instruction

There is no doubt that this is an exciting time to be an educator as well as a student.

Sr. Susan Allbritton, OP Vice Principal for Administrative Services

This fall, after a fourteen-year hiatus due to administrative duties, I stepped back

Mr. Robert Bailey Vice Principal for Student Life

seniors. While the physical classroom feels the same as it did fourteen years ago, the

into the classroom to teach a one-semester course in public speaking to juniors and experience of delivering a curriculum has changed. It has been motivating and enjoyable to use new tools available to teachers and students to achieve defined learn-

Board of Trustees Mr. James Heim Chair

ing outcomes that are no longer just grandiose ideas, but tangible and measureable moments of growth. Through the means of technology, I, along with my students have been able to access speeches (written or recorded), both today and from yesterday, at the click of a mouse or

Br. Kevin Slate, FSC Vice Chair

a tap on a screen. My students have been able to showcase logical and ethical appeals in their speeches through

Mrs. Michelle Benvenuto

and with more focus on the development of their arguments. This has brought critical thinking to a new and

the use of visual and audio aids that have brought their content to life and have inspired them to work even harder

St. Emmanuel Cardinale, OP

higher level. My experience in the classroom this semester has certainly proven to me that these new tools are,

Mr. Thomas Durante ’93

in fact, increasing the quality of output and effort from the students. However, with all the tools available, they

Mr. Dennis Pedisich

still remain just that—tools—a means to an end, not an end unto itself.

Mrs. Mel Denise Preimesberger Br. Stanislaus Sobczyk, FSC, Ed.D. Dr. Paul Sweigert

In the upcoming semesters Justin-Siena will continue to move forward in revolutionizing student learning on our campus. Now that we have our wireless infrastructure in place, we have begun making preparations for the immediate future, all centered on student learning. Our new engineering program featured on page 4 is a primary example of our advancement forward, and there is so much more to come. But it in the midst of all this

Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO

enthusiasm as well as trepidation about technology, tools, and teaching, what has impressed me the most this

Mr. John Van Hofwegen Secretary & Finanacial Officer

will to do so.

Ms. Julie Yip Recording Secretary

holy presence of God. We remember people in our lives that have formed our being and realities. We remember

Publishing Credits

touched the minds and hearts of our entire school community this fall. We remember events such as those por-

Editor-in-Chief/Designer Eileen Mize, Director of Communications

war and the determination of the human spirit. We even remember those who have created legacies here on our

Photographers: Thom McDermott; Eileen Mize; Kathy Kellebrew; Chris Swain; Yearbook Staff

past semester is that we still pause to simply remember. And remembering does not require new tools, only the What do we remember? As a school family we open each school day and each class by remembering the generations before us that have helped shaped our world and nation. People like Louie Zamperini, whose story trayed in our fall theatre production of I Never Saw Another Butterfly, which reminded us of the horrors of campus—our alumni—five of whom we honored this semester for living out the core principles of Lasallian education years after their graduation and who still rely on the gift of their faith. The future with all its possibilities is exciting, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to forge ahead. But


unless we study, appreciate, celebrate, and remember the past, our future endeavors will have little context,

Robert T. Jordan; Thomas Coughlan; Kathy Scollin; Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79; John Dyer; Chris Fidler ’02; Michele Farver; Tiffany Wing; Mike Fisher; Megan Castellucci ’11

purpose, or meaning.


Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO

justin-siena magazine 4026 Maher Street | Napa, CA 94558 707.255.0950 | mizee@justin-siena.org www.justin-siena.org

A Catholic High School in the Lasallian Tradition

mission matters

Educating Tomorrow’s


“STEM education is at the heart of today’s high-tech, high-skill global economy. For America to remain economically competitive, our next generation of leaders—the students of today—must develop the critical reasoning and problem solving skills that will help make them the most productive in the world.” i


n 2011, a new course, Physics First, was added to the freshman curriculum

to provide them with an introduction to


over the next four years. After a great deal of research and discussion by our Science and Math Department faculty

physics earlier in their academic pursuits. The success of

members and administrators, it was agreed to pursue a

this course led to greater discussions in the spring of 2012,

partnership with Project Lead The Way (PLTW), a lead-

with unanimous agreement to start taking an aggressive

ing provider of rigorous and innovative STEM education

approach toward incorporating STEM education (science,

curricular programs used in middle and high schools across

technology, engineering, and math) into the curriculum

the United States. Through the generosity of a Justin-Siena i


justin-siena Avanti

Project Lead the Way website: www.pltw.org

parent, implementation of such a program was expedited, and Introduction to Engineering and Design, a first-year engineering course, was added to the course catalog for the 2012–13 academic year. PLTW trains teachers nationwide for every class they teach in the program, as the curriculum is updated and evolves every single year, keeping up with current engineering developments and practices, and always seeking more effective assignments, projects, and teaching strategies. In order to prepare for teaching the Introduction to Engineering and Design class, this past summer, I attended an in-depth, two-week training seminar in Colorado. We were able to immerse ourselves in not only what the material would entail, but how it would be presented to our students and how we might best present the class ourselves once the school year started. I was thrilled to find that the engineering and design course takes an extremely engaging, handson approach to material that high school students typically do not have the chance to experience. There are tests in the class and material to be learned and studied, but there are

above). These amusing, creative, and brilliant results were

plenty of opportunities to apply that knowledge in a very

then shared with the class, launching us into discussions

direct way that parallels its eventual use in the engineering

about the benefits and merits of their vastly different design


results. We had the opportunity to discuss factors like cost

Students learn the basics of what it means to be an

feasibility, material selection issues, consumer safety, ergo-

engineer, and the kinds of projects that various types of

nomics, knowing your desired client, and other consider-

engineers would work on. They learn to keep a proper

ations engineers must think about when designing products.

engineering notebook, as well as how to document their

All of this could be discussed in the context of something

measurements accurately and sketch different technical

they had just worked on and designed themselves, making

drawings. Eventually, they will begin modeling objects and

the class real and applicable.

parts on our CAD (Computer Aided Design) software and

I personally find this program very exciting for a num-

build entire products of their own design, all while keeping

ber of reasons. First, it is a wonderful way for high school

their research and design process properly documented.

students to experience engineering, rather than trying it out

In the first months of this course students have under-

after they have already declared it as their major in college.

taken fundamental projects focused on certain aspects of the

It presents the material in a very direct and hands-on way,

engineering design process, such as brainstorming, rapid

so that students don’t just learn “this is what engineers do,”

prototyping, and meeting sometimes unforgiving deadlines.

they actually get to do it! So far, seeing the students reacting

They must use very limited materials and are required to

to the material in such a positive way has also been massively

have set times for brainstorming as many ideas as possible,

encouraging to me. I think that is partially because it is very

systematically narrowing down those ideas, building, test-

easy to see how all the things this class teaches are directly

ing, and revising. The emphasis is on following the proper

applicable to real-world engineers and their daily jobs.

design process rather than simply the end result. In one project, I presented them with a simple paper

The skills taught in this program will be very valuable to any students seeking to pursue engineering in college,

coffee cup, and said “redesign this cup to make it more

as they will already have a basic grasp of not only what it

appealing to the consumer.” There were no other major

means to be an engineer, but also a familiarity with many of

guidelines, and the results were great. We had things like

the common practices that engineering students will employ

“the iCup”, with a built-in mp3 player and headphone

in school and on the job. The program is planned to grow to

jack, to a more simple modified paper design with better

a full 4-year set of course offerings. It’s good to know that

insulation and a slight indentation so that the cardboard

students in this first engineering course are as happy to be a

sleeve doesn’t fall off (one of these sketches is pictured

part of this new program as I am! justin-siena Avanti


mission matters

LOCAL HISTORY A new course in California History with an emphasis on the Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley will connect students with their heritage.


he 2012-13 academic year opened with a number of

added to the 2012-13 course catalog, and Ms. Alma Gal-

new course offerings to enhance our ever-expanding

legos, a Napa native herself, will teach the class that begins

college-prep curriculum. Among those, a California History

January 2013. Some sample learning objectives for the

course with an emphasis on the history of the Napa Valley

California/Napa Valley history course include an analysis

and Sonoma Valley was introduced. Its local angle makes it

of the economic history of land-use, the history of labor

a Justin-Siena original.

issues, and of course wine industry history. Mr. Coughlan,

The impetus for such a course began in a conversation between Andy Beckstoffer, alumni parent and benefactor,

explain, “To meet these objectives, the course is designed

and President Robert Jordan two years ago. Mr. Beckstoffer,

to utilize local expert guest speakers, offer mission-centric

a long time and involved Napa resident, expressed his belief

service-learning opportunities, and involve other innovative

of the benefits inherent in a class like this. “Young people

teaching methods.

who identify with pride in their sense of place can boost their

Ms. Gallegos is excited to teach this course. “By the end

morale and self-esteem,” he remarked. The timing couldn’t

of the course students should be able to identify the various

have been more perfect for bringing this idea to fruition.

cultures that have influenced modern California, identify

Coincidently, Mr. Thomas Coughlan, Social Studies

major events in the chronological history of the state and re-

Department Chair last year, was pursuing a newly created

gion, and experience local culture and geography first hand.”

master’s program in teaching at Saint Mary’s College. “The

“The California/Napa Valley history course is also

capstone project for graduate students in this teaching

congruent with many of the Lasallian Educational Outcomes

program was to develop a set of questions within a content

(LEOs), such as: “students reflectively engage in service to

area of their choosing, collect multiple resources for teach-

others and in social justice activities;” and “students think

ing the content, investigate research on teaching and learn-

critically, work collaboratively and independently, as well

ing in specific subject areas, and design new ways to teach,”

as clearly express themselves orally and in writing;” and

explained Mr. Coughlan. “Creating the framework for a

“students exercise social responsibility.” This new course is

course in California/Napa Valley history was a perfect fit.”

another example of the vibrant, diverse learning opportunities

This semester-long elective for upper classmen was 6

who is now working in the Advancement Office, went on to

justin-siena Avanti

offered to students at Justin-Siena.

Bottling Hope for Justin-Siena






s an integral part of the Napa-

winemaker Jean Hoefliger of Alpha

Sonoma communities, Justin-Siena

Omega Winery. The royalties from wine

is committed to remaining accessible,

sales that will benefit Justin-Siena’s

relevant, and sustainable for generations

tuition assistance program are incred-

to come. To help achieve this goal, there

ibly high: 74 percent of gross sales (before

is an exciting new project that will help

taxes) are contributed to the Br. David

Justin-Siena advance the mission and

Brennan, FSC, Tuition Assistance

benefit those who enjoy great wine.

Program. The balance is used as working

Speratus (speh-RAH-toose) takes its name from the Latin word sperare “to

capital to fund administrative costs and production of future vintages.

hope.” Speratus wine means hope for

The Br. David Brennan, FSC, Tuition

families in need at Justin-Siena by provid-

Assistance Program offers tuition as-

ing additional funding to the Br. David

sistance grants for families with annual

Brennan, FSC, Tuition

incomes at or below the

Assistance Program.

federal guidelines for the

While attending De

reduced lunch program

La Salle High School and

(185% of the federal pov-

Saint Mary’s College,

erty level). As a Catholic

Kelly Trevethan, an

school in the Lasallian

owner of Alpha Omega

tradition we are called to

Winery, was taught the

assist a minimum of 5% of

importance of giving

our student body through

back to those in need. In

this program. We have an

2010, Kelly created the

obligation to make

Speratus Winery project for the sole purpose of

Br. David Brennan, FSC

funding scholarship programs for needy families attending Lasallian Schools.

Lasallian education accessible to families

who desire it, yet cannot afford it. We hope you will join us in supporting

Many of Napa Valley’s most prominent

the Speratus Winery project. PLEASE

wine industry organizations have joined


Kelly to ensure this project’s success.


These wines are made by world-class


The grandson of Italian winemakers, Kelly (pictured above, left) inherited his family’s passion for wine and winemaking. It was this passion that inspired Speratus Winery. A successful entrepreneur and businessman, Kelly launched Speratus Winery as a philanthropic project to benefit Lasallian education. Speratus donates 100% of their profits to support tuition assistance for low income young men and women so that they may have access to a Lasallian education, like Justin-Siena High School. He is a Partner of Alpha Omega Winery, a member of the De La Salle High School President’s Advisory Board, and is a past member of the Saint Mary’s College Board of Regents, also Lasallian schools.

JEAN HOEFLIGER, CO-FOUNDER & WINEMAKER Born and raised in Switzerland, Jean’s (pictured above, right) experience has taken him through winemaking regions of the world–from Bordeaux to South Africa, including esteemed estates of Chateau Lynch-Bages, Chateau Carbonnieux, and Meerlust. Jean’s winemaking talents are evidenced by his scores of 94 and above in many well-known wine industry publications. Jean’s passion, knowledge, scientific training, and innate ability put him in a unique position to take the best grapes from around the world and transform them into wines worthy of world class standing.

BR. DAVID BRENNAN, FSC, TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The Br. David Brennan, FSC, Tuition Assistance Program offers tuition assistance grants for families with annual incomes at or below the federal guidelines for the reduced lunch program (185% of the federal poverty level). As a Catholic school in the Lasallian tradition, Justin-Siena is called to assist a minimum of 5% of the student body through this program. Justin-Siena has an obligation to make Lasallian education accessible to families who desire it, yet cannot afford it.

justin-siena Avanti


2012—A Heroic Homecoming

A very Heroic Homecoming it was! Complete with a spirited

rally and the traditional bonfire in addition to a week of spirit days, Homecoming 2012 saw victories on the field in all three games, crowned Mikayla Weiner ’13 as the Homecoming Queen, welcomed alumni back to campus, and created many memories for our students. for more photos from homecoming


look for our photo stream on flickr . com : braveslife


justin-siena Avanti

2012 Royal Court (pictured l–r) Claudia Luna-Morales ’13, Jennifer Hard ’13, Camille Sacristan ’13, Adeliz Calderon ’13, last year’s queen Megan Howell ’12, Susannah Jennings ’13, Mikayla Weiner ’13, and Eleni Hill ’13. You can read about these talented ladies on the school’s website under STUDENT LIFE > COMMUNITY EVENTS > HOMECOMING .

fall review The Athletics Department strives for a values-based athletic experience. Thus, our student athletes broaden their own experience and education by learning and modeling the important values of a competitive spirit, teamwork, discipline, dedication, and sportsmanship that coexist with our overall school mission. As Athletic Director, I am proud of these achievements and wish to congratulate our student athletes, their families, and our coaches on an exceptional season. Way to go, Braves!


CROSS COUNTRY Head Coach – Chris Fidler ’02

• At press time the varsity boys team is 4-5 and the varsity girls team is also 4-5. • The varsity girls are lead by junior Teal Bullick , sophomore Nora Apelgren, and seniors Mary Bisconer and Jennifer Hard. • The varsity boys are led by sophomores Connor Deleuze and Austin Castrucci, and senior Cristian Guzman. • At press time the Braves are advancing to the MCAL Championships, which will be followed by the North Coast Section Meet of Champions.


Head Coach – Rich Cotruvo • At press time the varsity team is 8-2, and 5-2 in MCAL play earning them the #1 seed in the North Coast Section (NCS) Division IV playoffs and have a first round bye. • The Braves are lead by senior running back Austin Connolly and senior quarterback Marcus Armstrong Brown. • Both JV and freshman teams finished with 5-5 records. • The freshman team finished the year with 5 straight wins and in 2nd place in the MCAL.


Head Coach – Ray Graziani

• The varsity team finished the year with an undefeated 15-0 record. • The girls won the MCAL team tournament by 70+ strokes. • They took 2nd place at the NCS Tournament of Champions. • The girls tied for 3rd place at the Northern California Championships. • At press time sophomore Kathleen Scavo and senior Isabella Bosetti had qualified for the state tournament at Red Hill Country Club, in Rancho Cucamonga in mid-November. • The Braves are led by Sophomore Kathleen Scavo. She is followed by seniors Isabella Bosetti and Flurina Kobler, and freshmen Maria Davis, Emma Duge, and McKenzie Amaral.

justin-siena Avanti


braves report

fall review BOYS SOCCER Head Coach – John Schwartz

• The varsity team finished the season with a 3-15-2 record, with the JV finishing with a 3-15-1 record. • The Braves finished the season with a Senior Night victory over San Marin 2-0. • Two seniors teamed up to score the first goal when Michael Katrenak assisted Garret Bright, who finished with a strong header. • The third senior, Noel Roldan was solid at midfield. The Braves put the game away when Leonardo Lacerda scored on an assist from Ramiro Mendoza. • Scott Wippern, Gannon Van Sickle, and Julio Olivera were outstanding on defense. Goalkeeper Nicholas Politz preserved the shutout.


Head Coach – Jim Reilly

• The Braves finished the team season with an 11-7 record and advancing to the MCAL Playoffs. • The Braves are led by senior Rachael Carston and junior Olivia Wilson who won the MCAL Doubles Championship. At press time they are schedualed to play in the NCS Doubles Tournament. • Although the roster is large, with 30 girls, only 12 play in each match. • Sophomore Claudia Torkleson, senior Julianne Lieb, International Student Julia Almeidinah and sophomore Samantha Pfaff round out the singles lineup. • Sophomore Gabriella Gutterson and senior Sarah Kuehn. Senior Caroline Flynn and junior Christina Bryne, and sophomores Frances Minigan and senior Hannah Green teamed up to represent the Braves in the doubles competitions.

GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Head Coach – Tiffany Molinar’07

• The girls varsity team finished the season with a 7-17 record, losing to San Marin in the MCAL playoffs 2-3. • The Braves, without any seniors on the team, were led by sophomores Claire Ballentine and Alison Deming, and junior Ella Joyner-Shone. • Juniors Emily Wirick and Melissa Castellucci also helped lead the Braves this season. • The girls JV team finished with a 14-2 record, taking 2nd place in the MCAL. • The girls frosh team finished with a 10-9 record.


justin-siena Avanti

way to go braves! WATER POLO Head Coach – Joey Gullikson

• The boys varsity team finished with a 12-12 record, losing their first round NCS game to Encinal, 10-6. • The girls varsity team finished with a 12-9 record, also losing their first round NCS game to Piedmont. • The girls team won their first round MCAL playoff game vs. Terra Linda High School 7-3. • This is only the 2nd time in the history of the program that both teams have advanced to the NCS Championships. • Coach Gullikson is in his first year as the head coach of both the boys and girls teams. He had an outstanding career at University of Pacific. He is supported by Andrea Marin ’09 and long time assistant Cindy Barker, who is also the head swimming coach.

justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

JUSTIN-SIENA Hall of Honor

To recognize outstanding alumni who have emerged as leaders of distinction in their communities and whose lives reflect FAITH, SCHOLARSHIP, AND SERVICE the core attributes of a true Lasallian leader. Pictured above l–r.

Chris Lamson

Alynn Squier Wright

Class of 1990

Class of 1978

CEO of Cheyenne Products, a leading Home Décor products company headquartered in Rogers, Arkansas

Head Volleyball Coach at St. Francis High School in Sacramento, in her 24th season First Grade Teacher at Our Lady of the Assumption

Suzanne Frommelt Collins

Br. George VanGrieken, FSC

Class of 1981 Assistant Chief Probation Officer Second in Command of the Sacramento County Probation Department

Class of 1970 President of Saint Joseph’s Institution International in Singapore, Brother has dedicated his life to the Lasallian mission and helping school communities design, develop, and deepen their Catholic and Lasallian identity.

Joel Miroglio Class of 1978 Principal Owner & Architect of Miroglio Architecture + Design in Oakland

Building a Life on a Foundation of Faith


he 2012 Alumni Hall of Honor was held this year during

journeys, struggles, and successes. A common theme in each

the school day at a special student assembly for Home-

of their remarks centered on how Faith has been a guiding

coming week. “We wanted to connect the students to our

force and continues to play an important role in their lives.

alumni so that students will see the variety of ways in which

They credited the solid foundation they received as students at

our alumni pursued their passions after graduating from

Justin-Siena as a primary influence in shaping their faith.

Justin-Siena,” explained President Robert Jordan. Students found great inspiration and wisdom in each inductee’s presentation. They shared stories of their personal 12

justin-siena Avanti

A corrections officer in Sacramento, Suzanne Frommelt Collins ’81 talked about her faith affecting her leadership style. “As I was promoted within the department, I was

fortunate to get the opportunity to create and manage

“My accomplishments stem from a strong core set of

programs for offenders to assist them in turning their lives

values that Justin-Siena had a lot to do with. . .It starts for me

around and becoming productive citizens. It was while man-

with knowing that we are constantly in the presence of God,

aging one of these programs that I personally realized how

a value that became clear to me at Justin. Before prayer, we

influential my Catholic faith was on my decision-making and

reminded ourselves, in the Lasallian tradition, “that we are in

my leadership style. I believed I could do so much more and

the holy presence of God.” If you internalize that, doesn’t it

leave a positive impact on people’s lives. I look back upon that

make you want to do your best, to be kind, to be generous, and

assignment and realize that my education and foundation that I

to be as Christ-like as we can? Really standing for something,

received at Justin-Siena is what inspired me to serve a difficult

having values that are right, and being courageous in living by

and often overlooked population.”

them, is the hard part. But by getting this right, so much good

Joe Miroglio ’78, an acclaimed architect, knows something of the importance of solid foundations. He had nothing less from his Justin-Siena days. “I can’t thank my parents

for you, your families, and your communities will come much easier.” Br. George VanGrieken, FSC ’70 currently serves as

enough for the precious gift of a Justin-Siena education.

President of a Lasallian school in Singapore. He entered the

Putting four kids through a private parochial high school on

Christian Brothers a year after graduating from Justin High

one salary is a wonderful accomplishment, and a powerful

School. He enthusiastically shared the following advice with

statement about the value they place on a Catholic education.

students from his experiences:

Finally, since I am an architect, I tend to think in architectural terms. I think of my terrific Catholic faith-based education as the spiritual foundation and structure for all my life’s activi-

“First, when you have an important choice to make, do that which you would most regret not having done later on. Second, no good deed goes unpunished. When you do

ties. The Christian principles taught here at Justin-Siena are

something really good, it’s usually pretty hard to accomplish.

truly a blueprint for leading a meaningful life.”

People will oppose you, things won’t always go right, and there

Alynn Squier Wright ’78 spoke of her time as a multi-

are obstacles around every corner. The good thing is hardly

sport student athlete when Title Nine was in its infancy, and

ever the easy thing. But that’s where integrity and persever-

the dedication and commitment of her teachers and coaches.

ance come in.

Now a long-time educator and coach in the Catholic school system, Alynn is grateful for her high school experience. “I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.

Lastly, I have only one little sign on my desk that says: “What would you start to do if you knew that you could not fail?” There are so many people that have big dreams and

If I had not made the decision to attend Justin-Siena back in

ambitions, but they leave it all in their heads. They never do a

1973, I would not be in Catholic education today. If I had not

darn thing about it. They never start. If you have a dream or

been inspired by the teachers I had growing up, I would not

ambition or a ‘what if,’ you can and should start on it today,

be the teacher I am today. If I did not have coaches that cared

right now, in some little way or other.”

for me and pushed me, I would not be the coach I am today. I

“I’m very thankful for my experience at Justin-Siena

am honored to be able to teach and coach in a Catholic School.

because it’s led to so many other great adventures and experi-

It was the Catholic education in high school and college that

ences, both on the inside of my life and on the outside. The

changed my life.

world around me continues to be more interesting all the time,

Chris Lamson ’90 recently accepted a new position as CEO of Cheyenne Products, a leading home décor products

and the foundational experience at Justin-Siena is one of the things that helped make that happen.”

company, headquartered in Rogers, AR. Prior to that, Chris spent 18 years with The Clorox Company where he recently

for more photos from

held the position of Vice President, General Manager over

hall of honor

Clorox’s business with Walmart, Inc, which approaches $2 billion in sales. At the age of thirty-four he was the youngest person to become a Vice President for Clorox.


look for our photo stream on flickr . com : braveslife

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alumni news

Class Notes Catch up with other alums!


most valuable lineman. He was also first-team All-Golden Valley Conference as a linebacker.

We love hearing from you and know that your classmates do too­­ —so keep the information coming! Enjoy this news from other Justin-Siena alums. We hope to hear from you soon. You may submit updates and information in the enclosed postage-paid envelope or email Alumni Director Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 at gerlomesc@justin-siena.org. Be sure to include a photograph too!*

move to Grass Valley, CA in a few years, following his retirement from ABC.


Patricia Cowger (above), owner of PLC Interiors in Napa and Tavola Bella in San Francisco, has recently become a contributing columnist for the Napa Valley Register. “Demystifying Design” appears every other Saturday in the Home and Garden section in print and in Arts and Life online.

Steve Dodd (above left) was recently inducted into the Napa Valley College Athletic Hall of Fame. While playing at the college, he was a two-way starter, a tackle on offense and middle linebacker on defense, who became Napa’s 14

justin-siena Avanti

David Putman (above) recently celebrated 31 years on the job at KABCTV in Los Angeles. Dave is an engineer at the station working primarily in the station’s news department. He has won numerous awards for his work including one from the Los Angeles Press Club for his role in covering the 1992 riots in Los Angeles and a national Technical Team Emmy in 1988 when his services were “on loan” to ABC for the Winter Olympics in Calgary, Alberta. In his time on the job he has shot and edited news, operated a satellite truck, covered fires, floods, earthquakes, and politics. Dave spends his spare time volunteering at a local railroad museum. He and his wife, Lisa, live in Santa Clarita and plan to

poems, Western Solstice, published by Hiraeth Press and available at Copperfield’s Bookstore in Napa.


1976 Arts Council Napa Valley announced the newly selected Napa County Poet Laureate, Leonore Camp Wilson, who was unanimously appointed by the Napa County Board of Supervisors on July 10. Leonore received her B.A. and M.A. degrees in English/Creative Writing from U.C. Davis and is currently a creative writing instructor at Napa Valley College. She recently won the Writers and Work and Villa Montalvo Center for the Arts fellowships in non-fiction, and has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes. Her writing has been featured in the Quarterly West, Madison Review, Third Coast, and Trivia: Voices of Feminism, with her latest collection of

Lisa Clark-Schmeling (below) has enjoyed some recent success with her dance group—The Lisa Clark Dancers—on NBC’s America’s Got Talent. Her dancers made it to the top 48 performers. Lisa, who is the mother of Delaney Schmeling ’11 and Kirby Schmeling ’14 and sister of, Kristen Clark ’89, and Tom Clark ‘86, also teaches dance at Justin-Siena. Her choreography can also be enjoyed in various

theatre productions and spontaneous Flash Mobs in Patrons Plaza. Be sure to catch the spring dance show—check the school calendar for dates. Kara Pecota Dunn recently wrote an article for the St. Helena Star about her book club that was inspired by Robert C. Morrish, her English teacher at Justin-Siena. Each month one of the members chooses a book either written by a foreign author or based in a foreign country for the group to read. they cook a meal from that country’s cuisine.

* Information received after October 15 , 2012, will appear in the spring/summer 2013 issue of AVANTI.



Heidi Saltenberger Rérat (above) attended U.C. Santa Barbara after graduating from JustinSiena and earned a B.A. in communication and then a M.A. in organizational communication at the University of Illinois Champagne-Urbana. After working as a business consultant for Andersen Consulting in Chicago, Heidi met her husband, a Swiss from the Frenchspeaking region, while traveling in New Zealand in 1998, which lead her to move to Switzerland in 1999. She completed a 4-month intensive language program to improve the French she learned while at JustinSiena. Heidi was hired by Gucci Timepieces as a Sales Training Program Designer and worked in this role until the birth of the first child in 1993. She currently lives with her husband, Philippe Rérat and their two daughters, Sophie and Kate, in Porrentruy, Switzerland, a Frenchspeaking region. Their daughters are bilingual and have both American and Swiss passports. The Rérats speak English in the home and French outside of the home and usually travel back to California each year to visit with family, reunite with friends, and to give their children the experience of life in the United States.

2004 Hall of Honor recipient, Matthew Farver received his MBA from Kellogg, Northwestern’s School of Business Management. Matthew also received the Dean’s Distinguished Service Award which is given to graduating students who have made significant contributions to Kellogg through outstanding involvement and lasting enhancements to their community. Matthew currently works in marketing for Gallo in Modesto.

ranch in Sun Valley, Idaho. Her maid of honor was Stepheny Moore Johnson ‘95 and bridesmaids included, Michelle McGilley McCarroll ‘02, Marna Farver Moghaddasi ‘96, and Paula Portet Anglin ‘96. The wedding was officiated by Kevin McCarroll ‘01, and the couple honeymooned in Belize. Rian graduated from San Francisco State University and now lives and works in Sun Valley, Idaho with her husband, Christopher.

2012. Joey Schmitz ’99, Peter Schmitz ’03, and Matthew Schmitz ‘01, all served as ushers with Ken Mace ‘97, a groomsman and Michael Savage ’99, Robert’s best man. After graduating from Justin-Siena, Robert earned his bachelor’s degree in construction management from Chico State University in 2004. He is a member of the Walnut Creek United Soccer Team and Bike MS. Robert is a project engineer for W.L. Butler, in Stockton.

2000 Kristen Rodriguez Sutton and Christopher Aaron Traina, (left) have announced their engagement to be married in St. Augustine, Fla. After graduating from JustinSiena, Chris earned a B.S. in chemistry from Santa Clara University in 2003. In 2008, he received his doctor of philosophy degree from Princeton University. He is a member of the American Chemical Society and works as a scientist for Allergan Medical in Santa Barbara.



Rian McCarroll (above) married Christopher Salvatierra on September 22, 2012 on a private

Robert Mace (right) married Chantal Lacrampe at St. Apollinaris Church on June 23,

2001 Marissa Marie Cardwell, daughter of Anna Sousa Cardwell ’72, graduated from UCLA in 2005 and received her PhD in microbiology from the University of Chicago this past spring. Pictured in the photo above from left to right, are her father, Chris Cardwell; brother, Andrew Cardwell ’05; Marissa; and mother, Anna Cardwell.

2002 Brett Brockmeyer is currently the assistant winemaker for PlumpJack Winery where he has been working since graduating from U.C. Davis in 2008.

justin-siena Avanti


alumni news





Lindsey Lum (above center) graduated from Saint Mary’s College in 2007 with a B.S. in business economics and communications. After Saint Mary’s, Lindsey continued on to receive her B.S. in dental hygiene, graduating this past spring. Younger sister, Laurel Lum ‘06 (above left), graduated from the University of the Pacific with a B.S. in dental hygiene in 2010. Both have been working at their father’s dental practices in Vacaville and Benicia. Joseph Lum ‘07 (above, second from left), graduated in 2011 from Loyola Marymount University with a B.S. Joe lives in Marina del Rey, CA and works as a financial advisor at the sports business management firm, NKSF, LLP. When not busy with work, the Lum family enjoys traveling. Recent trips include Europe, Hawaii, and the Caribbean. The family’s biggest pleasure is to watch their youngest brother and current Justin-Siena student, Steven Lum ‘14 (above right) play on the varsity football team and support the Braves.

Karen Paulson (above) is the Alumni Coordinator at Lund University in Sweden. After graduating from UCLA in 2009 with majors in both anthropology and Scandinavian studies, Karen completed a twoyear master’s program in applied cultural analysis (MACA) at Lund in 2011. Lund University was founded in 1666 and currently has over 46,000 students. It is Sweden’s largest institution of higher education and research and is consistently ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. In addition to working with undergraduate and graduate international recruitment and marketing, Karen has been enhancing the university’s alumni relations strategy. This past academic year, she has organized alumni events in New York City, Los Angeles, Bangkok, Istanbul, Washington, D.C., Shanghai, and Beijing. She is currently developing an alumni e-newsletter and planning alumni events scheduled this fall in London and Tokyo.

justin-siena Avanti

Napa County MVP her sophomore and senior seasons at Justin-Siena, Alexis Mezzetta (above), is in her first year as an assistant coach for the Loyola Marymount University women’s basketball team. Alexis, who was a four year standout with UCSD, will spend time as the program’s recruiting coordinator and, on the court, will work with the team’s guards. Justin Paniagua was recently engaged to Devon Lockwood, while on a trip to France. Justin is the son of Lori and Paul Paniagua ’77 and nephew of Paula Paniagua LaRue ’73, Cynthia Paniagua ’75, Claudia Paniagua Mares ’78, and Jocelyn Paniagua Varner ‘80.

Shannon Johnson, (above) who graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2010, is engaged to Robert Vayda. Shannon graduated with a B.S. in materials science and engineering and works as an applications specialist with Hunter Lab. Robert who graduated in 2009, with a B.S./M.E. in civil engineering is an Engineer with MPR Associates Inc. Shannon and Robert plan to marry on March 22, 2014 in Maui.

2007 Tiffany Molinar (right) is the new head volleyball coach at Justin-Siena. Coach Molinar has been coaching volleyball in and around the Napa Valley for a number of years. No stranger to the home of the Braves, she has served as the freshman

and JV volleyball coach at Justin-Siena during the past three years. In addition, Tiffany has coached for the Evolve Volleyball Program, a local developmental volleyball program. Currently, Coach Molinar is completing her B.A. in liberal studies at Sonoma State. Eddy Villalobos and Ellen Thompson ’06 (below) were married on August 25, 2012 at St. Joseph Marello Catholic Church in Granite Bay with a reception following at Granite Bay Golf Club. Eddy’s twin brother, Antonio Villalobos ‘07 served as best man with Ellen’s sister, Rachel Thompson ’09 acting as maid of honor. The wedding party also included Eddy’s brother, Raul Villalobos ’04 and Vicky Deely ’08. Other alumni in attendance were Tim and Miriam Keown ’82, James Thompson ’08 and Giancarlo Altamura ’07. Eddy graduated

from Cal-Poly, SLO in June 2011, and Ellen graduated from Sacramento State in June 2010.

2008 Kyle Cash (above) graduated from Baylor University in May 2012 with a B.S. in health science studies. While at Baylor he was a 4-year member of the track and field team as a highjumper. He was named 1st Team Academic All Big 12 and received numerous honors on both the Big 12 Commissioner’s Honor Roll and the Baylor Dean’s list. Recently engaged to his girlfriend, Laura Sherrill, Kyle is currently attending the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine as he chases his dream of becoming a physician. Tyler Mitchell, currently attends Merced College, and is listed No. 1 in the men’s all-around cowboy category by the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association. Tyler recently won the bronc riding, steer wrestling, and the all-around title at the 72nd Poly Royal Rodeo, which was hosted by Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo. He is No. 3 in steer wrestling

and No. 11 in the country for saddle bronco riding. Tyler won his second straight California Cowboys Professional Rodeo Association Champion Steer Wrestling title in Redding last year. He

also earned All-Around cowboy honors and had wins in all three of his qualifying events at the finals. Tyler competes at the collegiate level where he is a member of the West Coast region.

Courtney Pardini (above) of Novato graduated magna cum laude from the University of San Diego on May 27. She earned a B.A. in accountancy and started a position at PriceWaterhouseCoopers in September.

Katie Paul (above) will graduate in August from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln (UNL) with degrees in merchandising and marketing. While at UNL, Katie started the UNL women’s lacrosse club team, serving as its president, and also served as a member of the Lied Center Student Counsel. Her junior year, she spent a semester at American InterCcontinental University in London studying with their School of Design. It was there that she met up with David Ichikawa and Austin Amaral (both pictured above), who were also both studying in the UK that semester. Katie is currently completing an internship with Embellish Boutique in Lincoln, NE.

the Pacific this coming Fall. He anticipates completion of his major in business marketing in 2013. Paul is currently involved in an internship with the Tuleberg Marketing group in Stockton. In the spring of 2012 he helped to successfully organize the American Cancer society Relay for Life in Stockton. Paul joins the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity this fall.

Josh Stanley, Jordan Burns, Austin Amaral, and Ryan Andre recently launched their all-sports website called, JAR Sports. Articles about the MLB, NFL, NBA, and various other sports, whether it is pertaining to a specific topic or about a fantasy sport can be found. Their website also has videos and a top 10 section involving many different lists and rankings about various topics. Other contributors to the website include: Joseph Roldan, Zubin Purewal, Danny Cacho, and Wyatt Amaral ’13.

Graduating one year early and on the Dean’s List, Alexzandra Owner (above) received her bachelor of music in professional music/song writing with emphasis on the music business from Berklee College of Music in Boston. After graduating, she traveled to London for a 10 week Internship with “Finger Lickin Records” in the management department, and had the opportunity to meet her favorite band, Mum-


ford and Sons. While in London, Ali attended an Olympic soccer game. After time in London she returned to Boston to finish a recording session of her own original songs and then headed to Los Angeles in pursuit of work.

Anna Nosce (above) graduated from University of California, Irvine last June with a B.S. in biological sciences. Anna plans to enroll in several post-baccalaureate classes in human anatomy, hematology, immunology, medical microbiology and analytical chemistry with hopes of enrolling in a clinical lab science program in the near future. She is looking forward to finding a career in laboratory research.

Paul Dugoni (right) is entering his senior year at University of justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

Front row: Steve Dodd ‘72, Pat Dodd (mother), Debby Dodd Lambert (sister). Back row: Bill Dodd ‘74, John Dodd ‘76, and Jim Dodd ‘75.

The Dodd Family Scholarship Fund Creating a legacy for future generations


at and William (Bill) Dodd, Sr. were among the very

Justin High Association, the parent booster club for athletics,

first group of alumni parents to send their children to

of which Bill Dodd, Sr. was a pioneering leader.”

Justin-Siena. They were ever-present on campus when

Jim remembers, “My parents put a high priority on

their sons Steve ’72, Bill ’74, Jim ’75, and John ’76,

education, and they acted on that priority by their commit-

attended Justin-Siena -- whether it was attending foot-

ment of service to the school. As a result of my parents’

ball games, cooking spaghetti for team dinners, or leading

investment of their time, they helped strengthen the school

parent meetings. Their unwavering service to the school

as an organization. Justin-Siena now represents one of the

was an expression of their gratitude for the opportunities

top influential organizations in our family’s educational and

Justin-Siena provided their children, and helped ensure

spiritual development. Justin-Siena is important to Napa

that the school would continue to thrive for future genera-

Valley as it offers the opportunity for rigorous academic

tions. Their son Bill recalls, “My parents were apprecia-

preparation but also an unapologetic spiritual side based

tive of the Christian Brothers for coming to Napa to begin

upon Christian values. My parents believed this was so

Justin High School. When my parents moved to the Napa

important to their own children.”

Valley in 1950, there was not a Catholic high school in the


According to Steve, Justin-Siena represents an oppor-

area. My mother was raised in Catholic schools and wanted

tunity for Catholic education in the Napa Valley “with a

the same for her children. She and my dad were commit-

close-knit student body and devoted faculty with a wide

ted to supporting Justin-Siena in any way they could to help

variety of co-curricular activities.” Steve follows in his

the Brothers get the school off the ground. In fact, Justin-

parents’ footsteps through his volunteer leadership in

Siena’s first football field was built with the support of the

California’s Central Valley at his children’s school.

justin-siena Avanti

Bill continues to serve the school as a local ambassador for special projects. For example, when the school launched

Mission, to lead and to serve.” The Dodd siblings, Steve, Bill, Jim, and John–as well

a campaign to build a new stadium in 2006, Bill not only

as their sister, Debby, who is an honorary graduate (Siena

chaired the campaign, but also sought financial support

High School had not opened yet)–have chosen to continue

from local friends and businesses. The new field, complete

to honor their parents’ legacy of service and commitment to

with an artificial turf and track, was successfully completed

Justin-Siena by establishing a permanently endowed schol-

in 2008, thanks in large part to Bill’s fundraising efforts.

arship fund: The Dodd Family Scholarship Fund.

The stadium now bears the Dodd Family name in honor of

Endowed funds such as this provide consistent income

their parents with an inscription at the entrance that reads

for growing tuition assistance needs and help assure future

“By their monumental service to Justin-Siena, Pat and Bill

generations will have access to a Justin-Siena education.

Dodd exemplified a key component of the Justin-Siena

establishing a named endowed fund The Justin-Siena mission emphasizes a commitment to providing educational excellence in all programs. In addition, the school is committed to creating an economically diverse student population that reflects the communities we serve. Today, with escalating costs, it is increasingly important for Justin-Siena to seek additional support for

partially endowed named funds A gift of $25,000 or more will establish a partially endowed named fund. A minimum initial gift of $10,000 is required to establish the named fund. The minimum level of $25,000 must be met within three (3) years of establishing the named fund.

meeting these goals. This is accomplished in part through named endowed funds. Benefactors to our school community may establish, in perpetuity, a partially endowed or fully endowed scholarship fund in their own name, a family name, or in memory or in honor of a loved one. For additional information or questions on how you can help to sustain a Justin-Siena education for future generations, contact the Director of Advancement, 707.255.0950 ext. 681.

fully endowed named funds A gift of $125,000 or more will establish a fully endowed named fund. Individuals establishing named funds are also automatically included as members of the Justin-Siena Legacy Circle. All funds are professionally invested and awarded in accordance with the criteria established in the Endowed Fund Agreement and in keeping with the guidelines established by the School. justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

Marielle Rocca (above) was named this spring as a student ambassador for the group Education in Ireland. An initiative of the Irish government, the organization’s mission is drumming up publicity for Irish universities and other educational institutions. As a student ambassador, Marielle writes guides for other prospective foreign students in the form of blog installations. She continues to study business and economics and is on track to graduate from Trinity College Dublin, in two years. Thanks to her academic achievements, Marielle was the only female student in Trinity’s Business, Economics and Social Studies program to receive a fiveyear scholarship in May 2012. The award includes significantly reduced tuition, free campus housing, and financing for books and meals.

2010 Last summer, Jeffrey Gerlomes (above) completed an eightweek internship at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy 20

justin-siena Avanti

Research in Washington, DC. Jeffrey specifically worked in the office of senior fellow Lynne Cheney, former chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities, on her upcoming biography of James Madison. Jeffrey, in his third year at the University of Notre Dame, is host of a documentary series, “Irish Eyes,” on Notre Dame’s student-run cable television station, NDtv this fall. He is also supervising and coordinating all of NDtv’s operations as executive director.


Megan Castellucci (above), now a sophomore, started her first season working with the Cal State Fullerton Athletics Department this fall. She joined the Titan Family as the assistant to the head of Ticketing and Marketing, and also works with the game sales representative, marketing, and promotions staff. Megan attends all Titan Athletic

home games and is on the field or in the stands energizing the crowd and promoting Titan Athletics. In the spring, Megan will transition to be one of the interns for Titans Baseball, primarily in the VIP Relations department as well as on the marketing staff. “This has been one of the greatest opportunities for me. Sports have always been such an important piece of my life and it is a blessing that I have been able to work for an NCAA Division 1 athletics team. I love waking up and going into work and taking on new things everyday –it has been a dream working with everyone in the athletics department. I am proud to be a Titan!” Also of note, Megan lent her skills in the Office of Communications at Justin-Siena last summer

on public university campuses. Her instructors were Governor Scott Walker-Wisconsin, Senator Rand Paul-Kentucky, Pat Buchanon, Congress woman Michelle Bachman, Senator Rick Santorum, Welfare reform activist Star Parker, Col. Alan West, Senator Marco Rubio, journalist Jonah Goldberg and former speaker Newt Gingrich.

Maria Ferguson received one of the 2012 Newman Awards for Best Seminar Writing at St. Mary’s College for her work on Homer.

Payson Everett-Brown, a biology major at the University of Denver, worked at NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) as a biological intern this past summer, writing responses to Biological opinions, Environmental Assessments, and meeting with the Army Corp of Engineers in regards to dam removal on rivers in the San Joaquin Valley. She will be returning to this work in December and next summer, as it’s a yearlong internship.

Gabriella Morrongiello (above) was accepted to the National Journalism Center summer internship for Fox News channel’s Washington bureau beginning May 13, 2013, after submitting an application, several of her published newspaper articles, and two interviews in Washington, DC. This past summer, the Regan Library selected her to attend a Young Americans for Freedom conference at George Washington University where she learned to promote conservative activism


Megan Howell returned to campus for the Homecoming festivities and to hand over her Homecoming Queen crown to Mikayla Weiner ‘13, this year’s queen.

Sarah Weakley performed this past summer in Napa Valley Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. She joined an extraordinary group of talented Napa Valley College and professional Shakespearean actors under the direction of Jennifer King.

In Memoriam Olga Shifflett passed away on July 5, 2012. She is survived by her children; Kathryn Shifflett Hoff ’70; Dr. Michael Shifflett ’71 (Susan Ianziti Shifflett ’72); Dr. Steven Shifflett ’75 (Susan McDaniel Shifflett ’75); Mary Shifflett ’76; and grandchildren; Alexander Hoff ’99, Mary Hoff ’97, Lindsay Hoff Keller ’95, Kathyrn “Lucy” Hoff ’01, Conor Hoff ’07, Augusta Shifflett ’04, Kyle Shifflett ’15, Brian T. Streblow ’04, as well as many other family and friends. Darlene Obranovich, wife of Jeffrey Obranovich ’75 passed away on September 17, 2012. She is survived by her husband and her daughter, Cherie Obranovich ’03 as well as many other family and friends. Donald Lee Harris, father of Don Harris ’76, Jeanne Harris Collins ’77, Tim Harris ’80, Jerry Harris ’81, Mary Beth HarrisWoulfe ’86, and Jack Harris ’88, passed away at his home on June 16, 2012. He was surrounded by his family.

Her Passion Pays Off Taylor Cabalse ’10 first discovered her passion for writing during her freshman and sophomore years at Justin-Siena, in Mr. Douglass’s and Mr. Tres’s classes. This passion flourished during her junior and senior years with Mrs. Laura Kelley-Weakley and although she enjoys writing, her long-term goal is to complete her double major in English and psychology at the University of San Diego, and pursue a career in editing. Taylor did not start writing for the University of San Diego school newspaper until her sophomore year. During the summer between her freshmen and sophomore year she emailed the Editor in Chief inquiring about open positions on the staff. Because of her experience and knowledge with computers she was hired as Web Editor. Over Christmas break, the then Editor in Chief contacted her to say he was impressed with her work ethics and wanted to train her as his successor. Starting spring semester she began shadowing the editor and, even though she was chosen as the successor, she was required to go through the interview process which included an application, an essay, and three interviews. Even with the challenge of hiring a completely new staff of fifteen for the newspaper, Taylor is up for the challenge saying, “I truly am excited for everything I can teach the new staff and everything I can learn from having this position. With this position I am not only getting a sense of what my future life will be like after graduation, but I am getting a huge leadership opportunity and I believe I will benefit a lot from this position these next two years.” Taylor is the daughter of JV football coach, Gerald Cabalse and sister of Ian Cabalse ’07, who is part of the IT staff at Justin-Siena.

Taking time out from their volunteer work at Clinica Verde in Boaco, Nicaragua last summer are, front row from left, Helena Herber, Christina Franzino ‘12, Michael Pollack, Daiana Bucio ‘12, Antonio Ferrini, Camille Sacristan ‘13, student chaperone Viri Maldonado ‘08; back row from left, Dr. Steve Herber, who also volunteered at the clinic, Jack Huber and Dominic Lefever. The eight Napa Valley students were the first participants in a three-week pilot program, Helping in Global Health and Education Reform (HIGHER), developed by Napa doctor Mary Huber. Read the whole story “In the News” at www.justin-siena.org.

Isaac Mejia, husband of Lucy Bedolla Mejia ’79, passed away on September 8, 2012.

Rob Van Wormer ’83 (above) passed away unexpectedly on October 27, 2012. He headed fire prevention efforts for Cal Fire’s Santa Clara unit. Rob is survived by his parents, Sharon and Ken Van Wormer; his wife, Jennifer; and sons, Austin and Dalton, as well as many other family and friends. Mary Clark passed away on September 10, 2012. She was the wife of the late former Braves coach, Dan Clark and is survived by her sons, Michael Clark ’85 (Holly Salazar Clark ’86) and John Clark ’89, as well as many other family and friends.

Roman Rillera ’86 (above), passed away unexpectedly on May 19, 2012 in Battle Ground, WA. His many friends from Napa, Portland, and Washington will never forget Roman’s unique spirit and humor. He loved animals and adored his Doberman show dogs.

Paul Joseph Ignaitis ’00 (above in a collage of his own painting), son of Joe and Stephanie Ignaitis , passed away on November 4, 2011. While at Justin-Siena, Paul was an excellent athlete and integral part of the varsity football team. “Paul or “Paulie” known to many was a kind hearted, goofy, fun loving, hard-working, family loving guy.”

On October 8, 2012, Edward Scherer, grandfather of Benjamin Scherer ’10 and Jenna Scherer ’14 passed away. justin-siena Avanti



Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption, Laura Hillenbrand’s book about Louie Zamperini, could easily have been entitled ‘Endurance.’ The Justin-Siena community is now well aware of how Mr. Zamperini endured the challenges he set for himself, and how he endured the challenges thrown at him in ways few if any of us can imagine. Those challenges include overcoming contracting pneumonia as a young boy; finding the drive to compete at the highest levels during a brilliant career as a distance runner; foregoing near certain athletic glory when global conflict brought his career to an untimely end; training for, flying, and surviving deadly combat missions as a B-24 bombardier in the Pacific Theater during World War II; refusing to succumb to everything

from shark attacks, to strafing, to despair during a harrowing 47-day ordeal on the open sea; enduring unimaginably cruel treatment at the hands of his Japanese captors for more than three years; and, after surviving all of the above, overcoming intense post-war battles with depression and alcoholism by giving himself over to his faith. That’s a remarkable list. Indeed, managing to come through any one of those experiences would be something to point to as a fine achievement. To have survived all of that, and to spend more than a half-century inspiring others to overcome the obstacles in their lives, is far more than we could ever expect from even the extraordinary among us. To call Mr. Zamperini’s life extraordinary may be an understatement. —MR. JON DYER, INSTRUCTOR IN SOCIAL STUDIES


justin-siena Avanti



ast summer, the entire Justin-Siena community embarked on a the new summer reading initiative,

One School, One Book, a literacy-based activity to further build and develop relationships and common ground. All faculty, staff, and students read the same book and parents, alumni, and coaches were invited to read the book as well. What transpired was an incredible opportunity to engage in thoughtful discussion and reflect with students on what it truly means to be brave and have faith in the presence of God. We could not have kicked off this program with a more galvanizing book choice, and the community-building objectives succeeded far beyond our campus borders—to dinner tables, retreats, playing fields, and even in the choice of the fall theatre production of I Never Saw Another Butterfly. At the age of 95, Louie Zamperini graciously agreed to bring his unique story of selfless commitment, courage, faith, and endurance to Justin-Siena to share the gift of his life with us at a student assembly, which included four hundred parents and community friends, and twenty-three special guest veterans from the Yountville Veterans Home. Louie was accompanied by his son, Luke Zamperini, and arrived in his favorite USC baseball cap, running shoes, and Olympic jacket. He entered the Clark Gym to a standing ovation to the theme score from Rudy while waving his hat to the crowd. After taking the stage where he was joined by President Robert Jordan and Principal Noel Hesser, he acknowledged the other veterans in the room for their service and commitment. He went on to talk about his experience during World War II and beyond. He was grateful for the invitation to speak to the students and he said that sharing his story with young people and affecting positive change in their lives is what motivates him today. Louie’s resilience was evident when he spoke about his experiences and enthusiastically responded to questions posed by students. When asked by one student if he was a hero, he humbly said, “I’m no hero. I am a survivalist.” His sense of humor resonated with the crowd as much of his musings brought a chuckle or even applause. (con’t next page)

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Students asked Louie . . . AUSTIN CONNOLLY ’13 “What was one of your favorite mischievous acts to commit in the prison camps to get back at the guards?”

Louie chuckled at this response and went on to share the story of using a bamboo shoot and his pant leg, tied off at the ankle, to smuggle rice from the factory where he and fellow prisoners were enslaved and then emptying it out in a secret spot to be shared later. He commented on the fact that the prisoners took these acts as little victories which played a great part in their self-preservation. Austin asked this question because reading about Louie’s mischief was his favorite part of the book. It made an impression with Austin because it showed how important it is to keep morale high when there is much despair.

LAURIE CRUZ ’13 “Ms. Hillenbrand said in Unbroken that you are constantly striving for new things to learn—even skateboarding in your eighties. What new things are you learning today, and where do you find your motivation?”

Louie talked about finding his motivation in talking to young people. He was very much at ease in the Clark Gym talking to teenagers. He hopes that his story of forgiveness inspires young people. Laurie remarked, “Louie is an amazing example of resilience in the face of extreme resistance. I am amazed at how, at the age of 95, Mr. Zamperini remains so sharp and steadfast in his calling.

for more photos from zamperini assembly look for our photo stream on flickr . com : braveslife


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We asked students: What did you find most meaningful about Unbroken? What struck you most?

Whether on the field, in the classroom, at the gym, or any-

How Louie never gave up his drive to survive and his

where you face obstacles, it is important to remember that

constant ‘unbroken’ spirit.

with willpower and spirit we can succeed through even the

–Michael Christensen ’14

toughest situations. It is in stories like Louie’s that we can witness what it means to give it your all.

How Louie’s life was destroyed by war, yet rebuilt.

–Justin McClure ’14

–Lisa Oakley ’13

Louie shows us that focus, hope, and faith are some of the

No one wins a war!

most lethal weapons that can be used against opposition. If

–Jillian Fields ’14

we treat triumph and disaster just the same and only keep in our minds what we must do to succeed, there is nothing that

I was very inspired by his deter-

can stop us from reaching the light at the end of our darkest

mination. His older brother who


told him ‘a few moments of pain is

–Isaiah Herrera ’14

worth a lifetime of glory’ inspired Louie… I think about this during

Louie’s persistence and perseverance through all of the

my offseason training regimen of

‘road blocks’ in his way was inspiring.

hill running in Sonoma so that I

–Shaylynn Duterte ’13

will be in peak condition for the Justin-Siena soccer season. It was

This book taught me two things about God: God is always

a once in a lifetime opportunity to

with us and watching over us, and God is always willing to

meet a real American hero—in person!


–Givino Rossini ’15

–Max Risch ’14

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the arts

b r av e b i l l Established


te RAsPAnti A PlAy by Celes

Kendall Howell ’14 as Raja and William Francis ’15 as Honza.

Braves Take Center Stage at Napa Valley Opera House The Justin-Siena fall play takes place in and out of memory, primarily in the ghetto of Terezin during World War II and was produced in support of Justin-Siena’s One School, One Book project. This year, our school community read and studied Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, a true story of survival and redemption.

Cast members: Jillian Fields ‘14, Andrea Hallahan ‘13, Arianne Irucuta ‘14, and Max Risch ‘14. 26

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im Heim brings over 25 years of proven management

Caboodles, LLC, and eXchangBridge which was later ac-

skills in the manufacturing, distribution, retail and con-

quired by Peregrine Systems.

sumer goods business with the U. S. and international busi-

Jim has a BBA and MBA from Cox School of Business at

ness communities. His leadership experience also extends

Southern Methodist University. In addition to serving on

into the e-commerce world. His strength lies in his ability

several non-profit boards, he has been a featured speaker at

to turn small or struggling manufacturing businesses into

various industry trade events and has appeared on the glob-

international successes through strategic management and

ally syndicated TV show “World Business Review.” He has


been a member of the Justin-Siena Board of Trustees since

He is currently President of the Pet Group, a division

2009. Jim and his wife, Theresa, live in Napa.

of Central Garden and Pet, which has become the world’s largest pet supply and manufacturing company since he became President in 2004. He has served as President and CEO of several companies, including The Color Factory,


annual report

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mr. James Heim, Chair Br. Kevin Slate, FSC, Vice Chair Ms. Michelle Benvenuto St. Emmanuel Cardinale, OP Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 Mr. Dennis Pedisich Mrs. Mel Denise Preimesberger Sr. Marian R. Schbert, CSJ Br. Stanislaus Sobczyk, FSC, Ed.D. Dr. Paul Sweigert President & CEO Mr. Robert T. Jordan Secretary & Financial Officer Mr. John Van Hofwegen Recording Secretary Ms. Julie Yip

MR. JAMES HEIM brings more than twenty-five years of proven management skills in the manufacturing, distribution, retail and consumer goods business within the U.S. and international business communities. His leadership experience also extends into the e-commerce world. His strength lies in his ability to turn small or struggling manufacturing businesses into international successes through strategic management and planning. He is currently President of the Pet Group, a division of Central Garden and Pet, which has become the world’s largest pet supply and manufacturing company since he became President in 2004. He has served as President and CEO of several companies, including The Color Factory, Caboodles, LLC, and eXchangBridge which was later acquired by Peregrine Systems. Jim has a BBA and MBA from Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University. In addition to serving on several non-profit boards, he has been a featured speaker at various industry trade events and has appeared on the globally syndicated TV show “World Business Review.” He has been a member of the Justin-Siena Board of Trustees since 2009. Jim and his wife, Theresa, live in Napa. 28

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Mr. James Heim

Dear Justin-Siena Community, As a member of the Justin-Siena Board of Trustees since 2009, I am honored to step into the role of Chair as Charlotte Addington’s term comes to an end. I want to thank Charlotte for her leadership these past four years and for her unwavering commitment to supporting the forward movement of Justin-Siena. It’s an exciting time at our school. The administration completed an ambitious strategic planning process this past year which will guide the direction of the school for the next five years. The plan addresses changes and enhancements to many important aspects of school life – academics, athletics, co-curricular programs, faculty professional development, transportation, and facilities. The Board of Trustees fully endorses this plan which incorporates the master plan vision as well. In our leadership role as stewards of the long-term fiscal health of the school, the trustees look forward to providing guidance and support for the successful implementation of the administration’s priorities over the coming years. It is a pleasure to welcome three new members to the Board: Tom Durante ’93, Mel Preimesberger, and Dennis Pedisich who are highlighted here. Their valuable expertise and perspectives about Justin-Siena and education in general will support the good work of the administration, faculty, and staff who are committed to assuring an educational environment that is Accessible, Relevant, and Sustainable for all students entrusted to their care.

Board Members Welcome to our newest

Mel Denise Preimesberger Mel chose to join the Board of Trustees at Justin-Siena because “having served for a number of years in the field of higher education and recognizing its value, I am a proponent of ensuring this option for as many students as possible. I feel the opportunity to participate on the Board of Justin-Siena will allow me to follow my passion of promoting and supporting education while reaching a broad and diverse audience in the Napa Community.” occupation: Retired college administrator, University of Southern California volunteer involvement: Napa Valley Youth Center, Marlborough School Alumni Council, California African American Museum of Art, the USC Black Alumni Association, Terra Nova Homeowners Association, and the St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Youth Ministry program

Dennis Pedisich Dennis and his wife Colleen are Justin-Siena alumni parents of Nicholas ’01 and Brett ’04. Dennis served as a member of the Justin-Siena Foundation Board for eight years before joining the Board of Trustees this year. Dennis looks forward to his new role as a member of the Board, stating “I believe that the school provides a superior education in the Lasallian tradi-

tion. Over the years the school has faced many economic challenges and I am happy to be a part of helping ensure the school is here for generations to come.” occupation: Regional President of Rabobank in Napa volunteer involvement: Past President of the Napa Valley College Foundation Board, board member for the Children’s Health Initiative, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Kiwanis board

Tom Durante ’93 As a native of Napa, graduate of St. Apollinaris grade school and Justin-Siena High School, joining the Board is a natural next step in his involvement with the school. “I have enjoyed my years of involvement at Justin-Siena, particularly in the areas of alumni relations, advancement, and theatre. I see this as my next opportunity to continue to help Justin-Siena thrive for the next generation of Braves.” occupation: Founder and President of The Lux Productions, a theatrical and event production company in Northern California volunteer involvement: Past President of the Justin-Siena Alumni Council, past board member of the International Special Events Society

justin-siena Avanti


always forward

Operating Revenue and Expenses 2011-2012 OPERATING REVENUE

5 4






Tuition and Fees


Auxiliary Programs



Fundraising (Gifts & Grants)



Special Events



Justin-Siena Foundation


Braves Store & Transportation





2 1




OPERATING EXPENDITURES Salaries and Benefits $ 6,258,463

2.5% 57.2% 4.8%

Tuition Assistance $ 1,586,215



$ 577,859


Academic / Co-Curricular Programs

$ 725,486


Auxiliary Programs

$ 544,907


Operations and Maintenance

$ 445,190


Braves Store & Transportation

$ 528,479


Capital Expenditures

$ 275,051

4.1% 5%



14.5% 2.5%



Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 681 to advise us of this error. Thank you.


justin-siena Avanti

Honor Roll of Donors Parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends of Justin-Siena make a difference each year by including the school in their charitable giving. The President’s Circle recognizes annual gifts and pledges totaling more than $1,500 which were contributed between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. $100,000 + The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation

$50,000—$99,999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beckstoffer Mr. Richard Long

$10,000—$49,999 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Adair Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Byrne Mr. Eberhard Bruss Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve Lasallian Education Fund Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pires Estate of Robert Rufran Saints Peter and Paul Benevolent Society Mr. and Mrs. Adam B. Simms Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name

The Class of 1973 and the Brian Towey Family and Friends Mr. Victor M. Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Swanson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Torkelson Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Zeller, Jr. ‘76

$5,000—$9,999 Mr. Peter Berta and Mrs. Julie Berta Caymus Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Darrin Channels Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cothran Dr. and Mrs. David J. Danzeisen Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeBlauw Mr. and Mrs. Brett DeLeuze ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Francis Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Franzino Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Guttersen Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Danny Hoffert The Alfred and Hanna Fromm Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jennings

Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund Mr. and Mrs. Dean Letcher Mr. and Mrs. Hugo R. Maldonado Mr. Michael Murray ‘78 Rotary Club of Napa Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Sheekey Mr. Charles Wagner

$2,500—$4,999 Mr. Ken A. Carpenter ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Carson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cepeda Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Paul Croft De La Salle Institute Mr. and Mrs. Nripendra Dhillon Mr. William Dodd ‘74 and Mrs. Mary Bachmeier Dodd ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. E. Michael Downer Mr. Juan Furne and Mrs. Montserrat Toda Mr. Joe Freeman and Mrs. Teri Freeman Mr. and Mrs. James W. Herwatt

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hill Holman Teague Roche & Anglin LLP Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. H. John Jansen Kiwanis Club of Napa Mr. and Mrs. Walter Klenz Kolob Construction Mr. and Mrs. William Lefever Mr. and Mrs. Michael Martini Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. A. Maurice Myers and Mrs. Jean Myers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oberting Pepsi Beverage Company PG&E Corporation Mr. and Mrs. David Raffin Mrs. Christina Von Reitzenstein ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ricci Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Jon Sebastiani Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Salvestrin ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Scollin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Starr

Several Student Ambassadors had a chance to sit down with Mr. Louis Zamperini and talk to him a bit about life at Justin-Siena. Picture l–r: Paul Brown ’13, Natalie Avellar ‘14, Adriana Ramos ‘14, Grant Wright ‘13, and Ami Benavidez ‘13.

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annual report

Monica Aguilera ‘13, a student in the new Sports Medicine course learns the finesse of taping—Pawa was kind enough to her practice on his arm.

Mr. Kevin Teague Umpqua Bank Ms. Darla Viau Wells Fargo Matching Gift Center Mr. and Ms. David Wignall

$1,500—$2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Ackerman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Andrade Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. William Bacigalupi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Bank of Marin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Beirao Mrs. Deidre H. Bell Mr. Jeff Bell Mr. and Ms. Richard A. Beller Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Best Mr. Jeffrey Bishop and Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs Bishop ‘80 Dr. John B. Bosetti ‘78 and Mrs. Nancy Jameson


justin-siena Avanti

Mr. and Mrs. Stan Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Bright Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burtness Dr. Edward Cain and Dr. Dianne Harris Mr. and Mrs. John E. Caldwell II Mr. and Mrs. David A. Castrucci Chevron Corporation Matching Gifts Program Mr. Steven S. Kuehn and Dr. Jayma Claus Mr. and Mrs. James E. Collins ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Consing Jr. Mr. Kevin Crossland and Ms. Francesca Kirkpatrick Dr. and Mrs. John W. Daw ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeValle The Doctors’ Management Co. Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Dominguez Mr. Thomas Durante ‘93 Mr. Jon Free and Ms. Carrie Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Egan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Elliott-Smith Eye Specialists Medical Group Of

Napa Valley, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christian P. Fassari Mr. and Mrs. David L. Forsythe Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Gafvert Ms. Karen Gatton Dr. and Mrs. William N. Gonser Mr. and Mrs. Dirk M. Hampson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harper IV Mr. and Mrs. John H. Harris Mr. Matthew Harris and Mrs. Christina Harris Mr. and Mrs. James V. Heim Dr. and Mrs. Steven Herber Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Hernandez Dr. and Mrs. Dan G. Huber Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kelly Mr. Timothy Keown ‘82 and Mrs. Miriam Smith Keown ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Kirk Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Mr. John Korte

Greg and Robin Krill Mr. and Mrs. David Lattin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Lawson Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lowenstein Dr. and Mrs. Randall C. Lum The Lux Productions, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Malloy ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McNeill, III Mr. Dushan Medan and Mrs. Gigi Pappas Medan Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mendonsa Mr. Michael Mertens ‘83 and Mrs. Lisa Sebastiani Mertens ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Miyasaki Mr. Peter Mondavi and Dr. Katherine Mondavi Napa Valley Marathon Napa Valley Orthopaedic Medical Group, Inc. The Peter Newton Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Parella Ms. Marie Pak, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Jay D. Parkin Dr. and Mrs. Brian S. Pecha Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Michael Quast Queen of the Valley Hospital Mrs. Rosemarie Quinlan Ms. Christine Richardson Mr. Donald Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Roberts Mr. Jake Scheideman Mr. and Mrs. Sid S. Scherer Mr. and Mrs. Grant Showley Dr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati St. Helena Sports Medicine & Orthopaedics Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sugar Mr. and Mrs. Rick Tooker Mr. Fred Tooker Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Whan Mr. Michael Williams and Mrs. Pam Williams Dr. and Mrs. John P. Zimmermann Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Zuntz

$500 - $1,499 Mrs. Christine Adams Ms. Charlotte Addington Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Aguayo Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Greg Amaral Mr. Richard Appleby and Mrs. Christine Appleby Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Archer Mr. Robert Archer Mr. and Mrs. Felton C. Arcia Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto A. Avelar Mr. James T. Bailey Mrs. Doris V. Barbagelata Mr. and Ms. Alberto P. Barretto-Grignoli Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett

Mr. Ernst Bauer and Mrs. Leslie Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Liam S. J. Bell Mr. and Dr. Rodolfo Beltran Mr. Charles T. Granata and Mrs. Daphne Birkmyer Mr. Benjamin D. Bisconer Mr. and Mrs. James Bishofberger Dr. Gerald Bittner DDS Mr. Richard Blanchard Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boles Ms. Kimberly J. Boothroyd Mr. and Mrs. Dionisios Bouzos Mr. and Mrs. William T. Boyd Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzini Ms. Donna Brion Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Buscher Mr. Ian K. Cabalse ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Calderon-Pickett Mr. and Mrs. Jay Caldwell Dr. and Mrs. Ferdinand O. Calinawan Mr. Frank DeMichele and Ms. Donna Calonego Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell Sister Emmanuel Cardinale, OP Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Credante L. Casilang Dr. and Mrs. Peter P. Chau Mr. and Mrs. Michael Christian Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Cody Mr. and Mrs. David G. Colomy Mrs. Shannon Maher Connelly ‘79 and Mr. Francis J. Connelly Dr. Mark W. Connolly MD Ms. Mary Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cotruvo Ms. Sinnin Danle Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daw ‘75 Mr. James Day ‘72 Ms. Lisa de Bruin Mr. and Mrs. Scott DeMartini Mr. Doug DeVaul and Taylor Family Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Diaz Mrs. Dawne P. Dickenson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiGiacomo Mr. and Mrs. John Dimond Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dolinar Mrs. Jeanne Doty-Chasseur Dr. and Mrs. William D. Duge Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dunlap Mr. W. Hugh Durdan Mr. and Mrs. Grover D. Espiritu Mr. and Mrs. Chris Estes Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Estrada Ms. Jennifer Perlmutter Flynn ‘84 Mr. Martin Flynn ‘82 Ms. Bridget M. Folan Mr. and Mrs. John C. Foley Mr. Phillip B. French Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gamble Mr. Glenn Calderon-Pickett and Mrs. Linda C. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gavin Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ‘79

and Mr. Jeffrey R. Gerlomes Mr. Michael Giovannoni ‘81 and Mrs. Catherine VanWinden Giovannoni ‘83 Ms. Jillian Glass Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gomes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Groswith Mr. and Mrs. William C. Haden Mr. and Ms. Lester Hardy Mr. David L. Harris and Mrs. Arleen Degala Harris Ms. Leona Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Troy Heathcote Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hercules Mr. and Mrs. Moises Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Noel L. Hesser Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heying Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. John Hlivka Mr. Tom N. Ho and Mrs. Mimi V. Quach Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoff Mr. and Mrs. David Holquin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hosburgh Mr. and Mrs. David Hosford Mr. and Mrs. John Houtary Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hurwitz Ms. Maria A. Irucuta Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jaeger Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Jr. Ms. Daria Janese and Ms. Teresa Johnson Ms. Julie A. Jenanyan Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Jeramaz Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kamins Mr. Gregory Kelley ‘81 and Mrs. Medley Manasse Kelley ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Kennedy Ms. Bridget D. King Williams Dr. Paul Kivela and Dr. Madeline Andrew Mr. Frank Klobas Ms. Kirsten Komes Dr. Steven Kunihiro, DDS Mrs. Susan P. Lane and Mr. William Lane IV Mr. William H. Lane IV Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lanzafame Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ledwich ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lehenbauer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Lemieux ‘73 Mr. and Ms. Gregory C. Ley Mr. Don Lieb Ms. Kay Lieb Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lieber ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Linder Ms. Merrill A. Lindquist Mr. Gregory Newland and Mr. John Liptow Mr. Jose-Louis Lopez and Mrs. Bertha Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lucia Mr. Raymond Morales and Mrs. Irma Luna Mr. Christopher Madrigal and Mrs. Christina Dowdall Madrigal ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marin

Justin-Siena Foundation Board of Directors Tom Carey ’86, Chairperson Del Britton Roger Carlson, M.D. Ed Farver Dennis Pedisich D. J. Smith Timothy J. Wahle, DDS ’85 Robert T. Jordan, ex officio

Support us without affecting your budget. Q. Given the uncertain economic conditions, I am hesitant to part with cash or assets. Is there a way I can still offer financial support to Justin-Siena? A. Yes, you can make charitable contributions that will have zero current impact on your cash reserves. Here are three simple options: 1. Retirement Plans. When you name JustinSiena High School Foundation as the beneficiary of your retirement plan assets (pension plan, IRA, 401(k), etc.), you don’t part with a single penny today and you protect your estate from taxes later. If you were to instead leave these assets to your family, up to 65 percent of their value could be eroded by taxes. 2. Life Insurance Policies. You have two worry-free options to leverage life insurance policies. First, you can name Justin-Siena High School Foundation as the recipient of the policy’s death benefit. Or you could sign over ownership of the policy to us now. This latter option allows you to receive an income tax deduction equal to the policy’s fair market value or the total premium paid, whichever is lower. 3. Bequests through your will or trust. Including a gift to Justin-Siena High School Foundation in your will or living trust allows you to feel good about your contribution now and transfer money later, after your lifetime. Each of these gift options are gifts that keep on giving beyond your lifetime. You will support the important work of Justin-Siena for future generations while enjoying peace of mind about your financial stability today. Contact the Justin-Siena Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 681 for our official bequest language.

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annual report

Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Martin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Randy W. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. C. Mattei Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. Robert McElearney Ms. Kelly McElearney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. McIver Mr. and Mrs. Raymundo Mendieta Mr. and Mrs. George Mieling Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mohn Ms. Necole Montgomery Dr. Vincent Morgese and Dr. Victoria Morgese Mr. Michael Murray Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Mukesh H. Naik Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Navarro Jr. Mr. and Mr. Gregory Newland Ms. Ramona Nicholson ‘81 Ms. Nancy Nittler ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O’Neill Mr. John R. O’Neill and Ms. JoAnn L. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Byron Orris Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Pachote Dr. Polina Podracka Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Politz, D.D.S. Mr. William J. Pollacek and Mrs. Nancy Pollacek Mr. and Mrs. Todd Pope Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Post, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Prieto

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Ramos Mr. and Mrs. John P. Reynoso Mr. Eric N. Risch Ms. Renee E. Risch Mrs. Virginia Romero Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Roomian Mr. Ned Roscoe and Dr. Jane Roscoe Mr. Joseph Rossi ‘70 and Mrs. Patricia Sannella Rossi ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Dino Rossini Mr. Juan F. Sacristan and Mrs. Jennifer Kline Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Sawicki Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Say Mr. and Mrs. John A. Scavo Mr. and Mrs. Steiner Schaufel ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Schrette Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz Mr. Christopher H. Searl Dr. Steven C. Shifflett ‘75 and Mrs. Susan McDaniel Shifflett ‘75 Mrs. Sharon L. Skeeters Mr. John R. Smith ‘71 and Ms. Elizabeth Machado Mr. and Mrs. William M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Smith Ms. Deidre M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. George Solakian Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Stockand Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sweigert, MD Mr. Zsolt G. Takacs and Ms. Sylvia G. Toth

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tate III Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Tellez Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tenbrink Mr. and Mrs. George Torassa, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Tsegeletos Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Turley Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Ulin Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Valdez Mr. and Mrs. James Van Sickle Mr. and Mrs. Armando Velasco Mr. and Mrs. Jens Vidkjer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vlaming Mr. and Mrs. Rudy von Strasser Dr. Timothy J. Wahle ‘88 and Dr. Erica Conway Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wainwright Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Warner Jr. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Watson Mr. and Mrs. Randy Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Michael Webb Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Wells Mr. Thomas A. Welsh Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip White Mr. Matthew Wilkinson and Mrs. Kristin Kelley Wilkinson ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wills Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wilson Mr. and Mrs. William Wrenn Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Youngborg Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Zimmerman The Dental Office of John W. Daw, DDS Electronic Script Donor

Members of the Class of 2012 proudly showing off their college choices on college sweatshirt day at the end of last school year.


justin-siena Avanti

Windermere Napa Valley Properties Bank of America Foundation Byron Orris Autobody, Inc. CoCo Toys Intel Foundation, AG6-601 Altamura Enterprises Napa Valley Swim Team Napa Engineers Society Napa Parlor No. 62 - Native Sons of the Golden West The Capital Group Companies, Inc. American Legion Post No. 199 Eshaan Medical Spa Napa Valley Community Foundation Bella Casa Glasson Development Company T&L Services, Inc. Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation Napa Sons of Italy Lodge No. 2043 Napa Style Community Projects, Inc. Elan Vineyards Churchill Manor Cardiology Consultants of Napa Valley Charles Krug Winery B & G Tire of Napa Valley Architects LLP The O’D Open Vlaming & Associates, A Professional Corporation Campus Kitchens

Garvey Vineyard Management Eiko’s Inc Center Veterinary Clinic ComedySportz Los Angeles Napa Valley Heritage Fund

$1 - $499 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Aboudara Sr. ‘73 Mrs. Petite Abruzzini Mr. Robert Faber and Ms. Lynn Adamo ‘75 Mr. Brian Alger and Mrs. Julie Alger Ms. Debra L. Allard ‘73 Sister Susan Allbritton, OP Mr. Tom Sillen and Ms. Lucy Salazar Allen ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Altemus Mr. and Mrs. Michael Altobell ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Alonso Alvarado Padilla Mr. and Ms. Sal Alvarez Mr. and Mrs. Andy Amador Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson Ms. Janet E. Anderson

Mrs. Charlotte Anderton Mr. Joseph J. Andre ‘77 and Mrs. Erin Healy Andre ‘77 Mr. Dennis Andrews Ms. Carolyn L. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Vaea Anitoni Ms. Susan D. Antonini Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Arbios Mr. Bryan P. Arbios ‘05 Ms. Laura M. Arbios ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Armstrong-Brown Mr. and Mrs. James Asbury Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Ault ‘72 Mr. Andrew J. Avellar and Mrs. Shelly Avellar ‘83 Ms. Tresa Ayers ‘70 Ms. Joni G. Azdee Mr. Peter Baedeker and Mrs. Erica Baedeker Mr. George J. Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Ballentine Jr.

The Freshman Retreat, experienced by all freshman, is a great opportunity to learn more about our Lasallian Heritage and each other.

Ms. Elizabeth M. Ballinger Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Bamford Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Bardessono Mr. and Mrs. Hal Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Randal M. Barnum Mr. Richard R. Barragan ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Ms. Alison M. Bassett ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Bassignani Mr. Nathan D. Bassignani ‘08 Ms. Maria G. Basulto-Aceves and Mr. Jesus Basulto Hernandez Mr. Joselupe Basulto-Aceves ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Crandall Bates Ms. Colleen A. Bates Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Batt Mr. and Mrs. Paolo Battegazzore Mr. David G. Bauer ‘70 and Mrs. Mary Andrieux Bauer ‘70 Ms. Gay Bautista Mr. and Mrs. Arvan E. Bell Mrs. Deidre Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Bell Mr. Harrison S. Bell ‘07 Ms. Molly R. Bell ‘10 Mr. Kevin J. Belton Janet L. Belton Mrs. Virginia Benninghoff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benvenuto Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Berghout Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bergin Mr. Stanley B. Berry ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Berto Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Mrs. Clementina Biale Mrs. Mary B. Bickford Mr. Danny Birdsall and Mrs. Kristin Birdsall Ms. Holly Birkbeck Mr. Kim Blackseth and Mrs. Audrey Borges Blackseth ‘72 Ms. Genevieve A. Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Boitano Mr. John N. Boitano and Mrs. Mary Boitano Ms. Margaret Boitano Ms. Tonya A. Bonifacini ‘71 Mr. Wayne Bonnington and Ms. Molly E. Pardi Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Borman ‘73 Dr. Alok K. Bose and Mrs. Maureen Bose Mrs. Janet Botill Mr. and Mrs. John Bouldt Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bowman ‘84 Mr. David A. Bowman ‘84 and Mrs. Beth Tichy Bowman ‘86 Mrs. Tanya Bozarth Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Braddock Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brasil Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Brehm Msgr. John Brenkle Mr. and Mrs. William Bresciani Mr. Michael Brisbin ‘79

Mr. Mark Brody and Mrs. Mary Brody Mrs. Nanci Brown ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown Mr. Robert Brown Mr. Richard A. Brunson Mr. Roger Bubel Mr. E. John Doyle IV and Mrs. Nicole Bugna Bugna-Doyle ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bullick Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bundschu ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buoncristiani Ms. Nancy Burlingame Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Buxa Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cabalse Ms. Taylor A. Cabalse ‘10 Ms. Jacquelyne L. Calendo Mr. Gregory J. Calvelo ‘89 and Mrs. Therese Bettinelli Calvelo ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Jose R. Campos Mr. and Mrs. Juan A. Caoile Mr. Chris A. Cardwell ‘72 and Mrs. Anna Sousa Cardwell ‘72 Dr. and Mrs. Roger F. Carlson Sister Jeremy Carmody, OP Mr. Benjamin J. Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ‘77 Ms. Brianna Caron ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Garry L. Carpenter Ms. Jane Andrea Carpignano ‘72 Mrs. Pat M. Carson ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Nino Casilang Mr. Brian G. Cassayre ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. James Cassayre Mr. Ben Cassinerio Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Caughman Mr. and Mrs. Loreto C. Cayabyab Mr. and Mrs. Javier Cendejas Mr. Jeffrey E. Chappell Mr. Joseph Cherry and Mrs. Kristen Cherry Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Christian Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Ms. Bonnie Cistone and Mr. A. Mark Glickstein Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Clark Ms. Georgine Clarke Mr. Michaun L. Clay Mr. Edwin M. Clerici Mr. Charles T. Coit ‘71 and Mrs. Janet Frediani Coit ‘71 Ms. Florence F. Concannon Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ‘84 Mr. Chad J. Connolly Mr. Ted Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Derald D. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cook Ms. Janice Cook ‘70 Dr. Mary C. Cooke MD, MS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Corona Mr. Thomas Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coughlan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Coughlan

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annual report

JUSTIN-SIENA Mobile The Justin-Siena Mobile App gives current students, parents, faculty, alumni, and prospective students access to great information—right at their fingertips. Get calendar and event information—including athletics and theater productions, news alerts, bus schedules, student/parent handbook, contact information, access to social media channels, and so much more. You can even submit a photo right from your smart phone! The Mobile App is a great way for alumni to keep up to date with events and each other. Go Braves!

Ms. Patricia Cowger ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crow Mr. Alexander E. Crown ‘03 Ms. Jeanne M. Croxdale ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Timm F. Crull Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Curtin Mr. Anthony Custodio Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cybulski Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D’Adamo ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Gemy D’Adamo Mr. and Mrs. Steve Davino Mr. and Mrs. Chester Davison III Ms. Ashley De Lucca ‘91 Mrs. Barbara Decius Mr. and Mrs. James T. Deely Mrs. June Defilippis Ms. Jill A. Dekeyser Mr. and Mrs. James Dekloe Mr. and Mrs. John W. Delsman Sr. Ms. Ellen M. Derby Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Dick Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickenson ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Dickson ‘70 Ms. Rose G. DiMaggio Mr. Peter Dipasqua Mr. Stephen P. Dodd ‘72 Ms. Judith A. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Richard Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Donohoe Mr. David Doshier and Mrs. Lisa Doshier Mrs. Linda D. Doshier Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Douglass Mr. Michael J. Doyle ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Donald du Bain Mrs. Teresa Duban Mr. and Mrs. David Duckhorn Mrs. Michelle Duckhorn and


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Mr. David Duckhorn Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Dugoni Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Dugoni Mr. and Mrs. James Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. Curt Dunkle Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Duterte Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dyer Mr. Richard E. Eberle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ebert Ms. Jenny R. Ellingsen Mr. Mike Englebrecht Mr. and Ms. Alan J. Esquibel Mr. Andrew Euser ‘78 and Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ‘77 Mrs. Mary M. Euser ‘77 and Mr. Andrew Euser ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Evans Mr. Ronald Even and Ms. Carolyn Whipple Mrs. Nicole Fahrer ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwin Farver Dennis Fechter Mr. Michael A. Fernandez Mr. Robert W Fields and Mrs. Christine Paustenbach Fields ‘71 Ms. Carolyn Fields and Mr. Justin Hayes Mr. Michael Fisher Mr. Kevin P. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Flanagan Mr. Michael P. Fletcher ‘09 Ms. Loretta Fogarty ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foss Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Mrs. Frances S. Freewater Mr. and Mrs. William J. French, Sr. Mr. Aldo Frias and Ms. Brenda Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. John Frommelt

Mrs. Carol Frommelt Mr. and Mrs. Tom Frommelt Mr. Tom Frommelt Mr. Tito Fuentes and Mrs. Alma Fuentes Ms. Patricia C. Gacutan Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. William Gass Ms. Ashly Gatton ‘06 Ms. Addison E. Gatton ‘11 Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Gelow Mr. John Gerlach and Mrs. Katherine Cochrane Gerlach ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Gerlach Mr. Erich M. Giebel Ms. Nancy Gifford ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gilliam Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Gilpin Dr. Michael C. Glafkides MD Ms. Christine Glass Mr. Whitney Glass Ms. Mary B. Godshall Mrs. Ann Goodsell Mr. Robert T. Gorran Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. Ray Graziani Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Greenlee Mr. and Mrs. Emmett G. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. David Gruenwald Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Guerrazzi Mr. Adolfo Guevara Mr. Jason Guiducci and Mrs. Kristen DePasquale Guiducci ‘93 Mr. Deepak Gulrajani ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. George Guorgui Mr. and Mrs. Serafin Guzman Mr. and Mrs. Keith Haas Mr. Toby Halkovich and Mrs. Andrea Freeman Halkovich ‘91

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Hallahan Sue and Tom Hallum Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Halterman Mr. Jeffrey E. Hammond Mrs. Alfred A. Hampson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hanna ‘91 Mr. Brian Hanna ‘91 and Mrs. Karen Hanna ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. James Hard Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Harper Ms. Heidi Harrison Mrs. Virginia M. Hartinger Mr. and Mrs. Alston Hayne Mr. Fred J. Hearn and Mrs. Diane Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Henri Mr. Stephen F. Henry and Ms. Mary Kay Lacey Mr. and Mrs. James B. Henry Mr. and Mrs. J. Dwight Hensley Ms. Dorothy A. Herger Mr. and Mrs. Jose Herrera Mr. Alexander Hesser Mr. Robert A. Hewitt and Ms. Kristi Amoroso Mr. Brian Hill and Mrs. Lynn Gragg Hill ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Blake M. Holtzclaw Mr. Raymond Honeywell and Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ‘01 Mrs. JoAnne Horner ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horton Mr. David Houle and Mrs. Geneen Sousa Houle ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt Ms. Julie Howe Mr. Don L. Hudson and Mrs. Kathleen Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Huffman Jr. Mr. Dan Hughes and Mrs. Nancy Heitman Hughes ‘71 Mr. Bret Hyatt and Mrs. Kelly Squier Hyatt ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Lt. and Mrs. David C. Jackson Mr. Brecon Jackson ‘91 Mr. David Jamison and Mrs. Kathleen Frediani Jamison ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jankiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Claus Janzen Mr. Christopher Jaurique and Mrs. Robin Jaurique Ms. Karin M. Jinbo Mrs. Cindy L. Johnson ‘71 Mrs. Patricia Johnson ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Jones ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kampton Mr. Richard B. Karr and Mrs. Madonna Karr Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kastner Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Kay Mrs. Julie A. Kean ‘71 Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kell Mr. and Mrs. Bill L. Keller ‘91

Mr. Gregory Kelley ‘81 and Mrs. Medley Manasse Kelley ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kemble ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ketelson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kiedrowski Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kiess Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kirmse Mr. Patrick W. Kiser ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kiser Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kitchen Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Koehler Ms. Mary E. Koford ‘70 Mr. Mark Kolar ‘74 and Mrs. Anne Sannella Kolar ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. George Konstantinopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Kopra Mr. Anthony Borders and Mrs. Kim Kostin-Borders Mrs. Debra Gilleo Kottong ‘70 Mr. Kevin P. Kress ‘91 Mr. Christopher B. Lamson ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Landry Mr. James E. Laque Mr. and Ms. Brandon C. LaRocco ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Latno, III Ms. Janny Latno

Mr. Marc Laurence Ms. Dolores M. Laurence Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Lauritsen ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Layne Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Ledesma Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. Chad LeDoux Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lee Mr. Roland D. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lehmann Mrs. and Mr. Molly A. LeMasters ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas LeMasters Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Leport Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Lesti Mrs. Denise Leuschner Dr. and Mrs. James Lies Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Llamas Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Loeffler Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Loh Mr. Samuel Loh and Mrs. Josephine Loh Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Y. Loh Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Loh Ms. Theresa Long Ms. Winifred M. Long Ms. Esther Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Lopez Mr. Carlos M. Ortiz and Ms. Flavia Lorega Mr. Ron Lugton

You can stay connected with all things JustinSiena through a variety of social media outlets. Our TWITTER handle is JustinSiena; “Like” our page on FACEBOOK (Justin-Siena) or join the Justin-Siena Alumni Group; browse through a variety of photos on FLICKR at BravesLife; or enjoy little snippets of campus life on our YouTube channel called JSBravesLife. With these apps also available on smart phones, there is no excuse not to be connected! (Direct links can be found at www.justin-siena.org.)

Ms. Laurel K. Lum ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lyons Ms. Leila P. Lyons Mrs. Deborah Mack ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. E. Magaoay Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Magee ‘88 Mr. Michael F. Magee ‘88 and Mrs. Aline Magee Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Maher Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney Mr. R. Andre Maillard and Dr. Phylis Wakefield Mr. Norm Mains Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo C. Mallari Ms. Kimberly Manasse ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manasse Mr. and Mrs. Rosendo P. Marin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marks Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marshall Mr. Richard Martin and Mrs. Karen Rienecker Martin ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Mason Mrs. Linda M. Mattos ‘72 Mr. Laurance G. Maxson and Mrs. Susan Maxson Mr. David McCallum and Mrs. Ann Rogers McCallum ‘70 Mr. Steven McCann ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Richard McClanahan Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. McClay Ms. Shannon C. McDermott ‘97 Mr. Don McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. McEvoy Mr. and Ms. Rob L. McGinnis Ms. Nathalie McGrath ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Ian McIvor Dr. Henry McNeely ‘72 Mr. Paul Mead Mr. Justin Medaris and Mrs. Jennifer MacDonald Medaris ‘85 Ms. Jan Mehan Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Mendoza Ms. Tonette M. Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Menosse Ms. Sarah Merkel Ret MSGT Tony R. Merlonghi and Mrs. Genie Merlonghi Ms. Carolyn M. Merry ‘73 Mr. Dustin M. Mertens ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Meyer Mr. Bruce A. Miroglio ‘75 and Mrs. Mary Cassayre Miroglio ‘75 Ms. Eileen Mize Mr. Peter Moale and Mrs. Ruth Clark Moale ‘70 Ms. Angelina E. Mondavi ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Mooney ‘96 Mr. John B. Moore, Jr. ‘03 Mr. Stuart Moore and Mrs. Sandra Cassayre Moore ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Morando Jr. Mr. Craig M. Moreno ‘70 and Mrs. Louise Goodin Moreno ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Moreno Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Morrell Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy Mr. Christopher Murphy ‘91

Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Murphy Mr. Samuel A. Murray ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Musgrave Ms. Joyce P. Nachtrieb Mr. Ray L. Nasuti Mr. Ronald R. Nasuti ‘73 Mrs. Lorraine M. Negri Mr. R. Nelson and Mrs. Sarah Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Nickerson Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Nicks Mr. and Mrs. Richard Niemann Mr. John R. Nord Mr. Roy G. Norris Ms. Lynn Norris Mr. Francisco Nunez, Jr. ‘91 Ms. Norma Odenweller Ms. Karen O’keefe Mr. and Ms. Steven M. Olry Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Owens Mr. Mark Palley and Mrs. Sarah Reynoso Mr. and Mrs. Angelo G. Pappas Ms. Marilyn Paquette Mr. and Mrs. Everett A. Parker Mr. Raymondo Particelli ‘79 and Mrs. Annetta Cervone Particelli ‘79 Mr. Raymondo Particelli ‘79 and Mrs. Annetta Cervone Particelli ‘79 Mr. Louis Pascalli III Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Pascalli, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Pasquale ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Paul Ms. Kathryn E. Paul ‘08 Mr. Jack Paulus and Mrs. Kathleen Anderton Paulus ‘72 Mrs. and Mr. Suzanne Pawlak ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Pedisich Mrs. Betsy Pelkan Ms. Paula Penn Mr. Scott Petrie ‘72 Ms. Michele Piatti-Cosgrove Mrs. Mary Pimentel Ms. Billie Jo Post Mr. and Mrs. Carl Post Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Ms. Helen M. Prado-Chavarin Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Pramuk Mr. Bruce Prichard and Mrs. Claudia Gilfillan Prichard ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Prince Mr. and Mrs. Jose J. Ramos Mr. Mark A. Rappaport ‘72 Mrs. and Mr. Mary-Margaret Ratto Dr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Reat Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rebullida Mr. David J. Reichel ‘91 Mr. Nicholas E. Reinell ‘03 Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Reynoso Mr. Daniel L. Reynoso Mr. Bert Ripple Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Ripple ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Robinson Mr. Edwin Robles Mr. and Mrs. Craig Rode Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rodelander Mr. and Mrs. George Romero Ms. Victoria S. Roomian ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rosa

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annual report

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ross Mr. Chris Rosselli ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rossi Mr. Anthony Rossomando and Mrs. Sandra Biale Rossomando ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Rota ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rota Mr. Dave Ruane and Mrs. Chris Ruane Mr. Gary Ruff Ms. Alexis A. Ruff ‘05 Ms. Theresa Rutledge Ms. Caryn P. Sachs Mr. and Mrs. Javier Saenz Mr. Brandon L. Salzberg and Mrs. Kristen Salzberg Mrs. Stephanie Sanders ‘71 Mr. Brad Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Michael Savage ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schaldach Mr. Matt K. Schaldach and Mrs. Deborah Schaldach Mr. Mark Schloesser and Mrs. Tina D’Adamo Schloesser ‘85 Ms. Katie L. Schloesser ‘10 Mrs. and Mr. Danielle E. Schmitz ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Schmitz ‘03 Mr. and Ms. Matthew Schmitz ‘01 Sister Marian R. Schubert C.S.J. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schuhriemen Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glenn Schulman Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Adan Serrano Sr. Mr. David Sesin and Mrs. Diane Sesin Ms. Mary Ann Shakespeare Ms. Meghan E. Sharkey ‘91 Dr. Michael Shifflett ‘71 and Mrs. Susan Ianziti Shifflett ‘72 Dr. Michael Shifflett ‘71 and Mrs. Susan Ianziti Shifflett ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Harinderpal S. Sidhu Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Sigel ‘91

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Silva ‘71 Mrs. Marie E. Simmonds Ms. Sandra S. Simon Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Sinclair Mr. Gregory D. Sinclair ‘99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Bret P. Skillings Brother Kevin M. Slate FSC Mrs. Danielle Slavik Mr. and Mrs. George Slevin Ms. Cynthia Slevin Gallagher Ms. Jenea Smith Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Smith Mr. Stephen P. Smith ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith II II Brother Stanislaus J. M. Sobczyk FSC, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. David Soldati Mr. Timothy J. Soldati and Mrs. Katherine Soldati Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Solis Mr. and Mrs. Juan Solorio Ms. Donna M. Sparks ‘72 Ms. Kathy Sparlin Ms. Claire L. Spencer Ms. Lisa Spivey Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stachon ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Stahler ‘91 Mr. Sanders Ergas and Ms. Whitney T. Stanier Ms. Kaye Starley Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Steen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Steiger Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Stel Dr. and Mrs. Shane L. Stiver Mr. Robert Stockand Ms. Daisy Strasser Mr. Jeffrey Streblow ‘77 and Mrs. Kimberly Lamme Streblow ‘82 Mrs. Patricia Streblow Ms. Kristen Stubbs Mr. Christopher R. Swain

Physics First, now in its second year, gets freshmen engaged in labs and projects right from the first day of school. Pictured here: Ian McFarlane and Cameron Miller in Mr. Yeend’s class.

Mr. and Mrs. Roddrick Sweeney Sr. Mr. Stephen D. Swingle ‘70 Mr. Martin D. Takacs and Mrs. Kelly Takacs Ms. Marilyn Tallent Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Tam Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Tangaan Mr. and Mrs. Roger Taylor Mrs. Caitlin Tchaikowitz ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Tholcke ‘77 Mr. Michael Thomas and Mrs. Sandra Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Thompson Jr. Mrs. Anne Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tiffany-Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kay C. Tong Mr. Paul T. Torzilli ‘72 Mr. Eric L. Toscano ‘95 Ms. Molly Towey-Donohoe Mr. Donald A. Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Traina Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tres Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tubman Ms. Denise H. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Alex Valdivia Mr. and Mrs. John Van Hofwegen Mr. and Mrs. John Van Hofwegen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Van Pelt

Our special Mass and celebration of the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe has been enjoyed by many members of the community. Pictured here is traditional dress are Sophia Shirza ‘12, Esmeralda Gil ‘12, Mrs. Gil, and our Director of College Counseling Ms. Esther Lopez. This year’s 3rd annual celebration is scheduled for December 12, 2012. See school website for details. We hope you will join us.


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The Justin-Siena 2012–13 Board of Trustees. Pictured l–r (back): Board Chair, James Heim; Mel Denise Preimesberger; Dr. Paul Sweigert; Tom Durante ’93; Dennis Pedisich; (front) Brother Br. Stanislaus Sobczyk, FSC, EdD; Brother Kevin Slate, FSC; Sr. Emmanuel Cardinale, OP; Michelle Benvenuto

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Van Staaveren Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Winden Brother George VanGrieken, PhD, FSC ‘70 Mr. Steven Vargus Mr. Daniel Vega ‘91 Mrs. Janet Henderson Verlander ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Vick Mr. Raul R. Villalobos ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Raul Villalobos, Sr. Ms. Christine M. Villalta Fitzpatrick Mr. Michael C. Violante and Mrs. Mary Rose Violante Ms. Cindy Violante Mr. and Mrs. David R. Vlaming Mr. Chris Von Strasser Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner Dr. and Mrs. Brian E. Wahle Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Ward ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wasilewski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weaver Mr. Michael L. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. James R. Weaver Mrs. Joan M. Webster Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Weiler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Welsh Ms. and Mr. Miranda R. Welsh ‘01 Mrs. C. Monica Wetmore Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Wheeler

Mr. and Ms. Andrew R. Wheelwright ‘91 Ms. Shanna White Mr. and Mrs. Johney L. White Mr. Ronald Whitehead and Mrs. Paula Clerici Whitehead ‘78 Ms. Rachelle L. Whitehead ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. John (Heath) H. Whittemore Ms. Carolynn M. Wild Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Wild Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Willard Mr. Thomas R. Willard and Mrs. Margaret Willard Mr. and Mrs. Mark Willey Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Willis Mr. Ronald F. Wilson and Mrs. Barbara Benning Wilson ‘71 Mr. Mark Browne and Mrs. Lily Wilson Wilson-Browne ‘91 Mrs. Laura Winslow Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wirick Mr. Harry Wojcik Mrs. Kathy L. Wong Mr. Kenneth J. Wong and Mrs. Sandy Jop Wong Lai Cheung Wong Ms. Shannon Woodard ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wormood Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Wulf

Mr. and Mrs. Stacey E. Wysocki Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Yates Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yeend Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Yip Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Yip Mr. and Mrs. Scott Zion Target - Take Charge of Education Napa Valley Horsemen’s Ass’n. United Way of the Bay Area Cooke Orthodontics, Inc. Bank of Napa Holy Family Community The Clorox Company Napa County Bar Association Troy Heathcote Grading & Landscaping Napa Junction Hotel Venture, LLC Strong & Hayden American Legion Auxiliary Napa Unit #113 New York Life Foundation Monticello Deli & Catering Vintage 1870 Apex Electric First Priority Financial GSM Landscape Architects AC Shoes And Athletics Schrette Insurance Axiom Engineers

The Bright Group, Inc. ZSI Inc. Napa School of Music Coldwell Banker Kiwanis Club of San Rafael and Central Marin Lawlers Liquors Vineyard Dental St. Paul’s School Capelli A Hair Studio Microsoft Matching Gifts Program H.F. Hillmann Lowe Show Horse Centre Vintage Investment Properties, LLC Superior Technology Solutions, LLC Skillings Construction St. Apollinaris School North Bay Plywood Van Winden Nursery, LLC Axelrode Orthodontics Robert H. Zeller, Attorney at Law La Ferrera Architects, Inc. Mobile Giving Foundation Claffey and Rota Insurance St. Johns #26 Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Program

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annual report


Honor & Memorial

A contribution to the Honor–Memorial Gift Program is a wonderful way to honor someone dear, either living or deceased. The name of the recipient of an Honor–Memorial gift will be placed in the Justin-Siena Book of Remembrance and remembered in prayers of the Justin-Siena community at the regular Masses throughout the school year.


In Honor Of Mary Bettencourt Mrs. Ann Goodsell (John Goodsell Scholarship) Jeffrey E. Chappell Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro Cardiology Consultants of Napa Valley Dr. Su Hua Newton Bank of America Foundation Mr. Anthony Custodio Ms. Theresa Rutledge Victor M. Smith Mrs. Dennis Quinlan Robert H. Zeller Community Projects, Inc.

In Memory Of Paul Arnerich John Korte (John Korte III Scholarship Fund) Jeanne C. Barsi Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Ault ‘72 William G. Benninghoff Mrs. Charlotte Anderton Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mrs. Virginia Benninghoff Ellen J. Bertain Donohoe Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC John Biale ’77 Clementia Biale (John Biale ’77 Scholarship Fund) Duane M. Bozzini Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Joseph P. Brenkle Mr. John Korte (John Korte III Scholarship Fund) Don Carr Mr. and Mrs. William Bacigalupi Thomas A. Clark Mrs. Colleen Clark Robert A. Cordeiro Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Meyer Lois Croxdale Ms. Jeanne M. Croxdale ‘75


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Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. Ray L. Nasuti Mr. Ronald R. Nasuti ‘73 Br. Daniel Scholarship Fund Holy Family Community Kevin D. Darst Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Donohoe Josephine L. Dito Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ‘75 and Mr. Michael H. Chouinard James E. Driscoll Mr. John Korte (John Korte III Scholarship Fund) Roger H. Farrell Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Karen Gerner Mr. John Korte (John Korte III Scholarship Fund) Ralph Giacomini Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Jeffrey W. Goodsell ‘77 Mr. Joseph J. Andre ‘77 and Mrs. Erin Healy Andre ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. William Bacigalupi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Bardessono Ms. Margaret Boitano Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzini Mrs. Clementina Biale Mr. Benjamin J. Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. James Cassayre Dr. Timothy J. Wahle ‘88 and Dr. Erica Conway Mr. and Mrs. Gemy D’Adamo Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D’Adamo ‘82 Mrs. June Defilippis Mr. and Mrs. John W. Delsman Sr. Mr. David Doshier and Mrs. Lisa Doshier Mrs. Linda D. Doshier Mrs. Carol Frommelt Mr. and Mrs. John Frommelt Mr. and Mrs. Tom Frommelt Mrs. Ann Goodsell Mr. and Mrs. Emmett G. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. James B. Henry Mr. Don L. Hudson and Mrs. Kathleen Hudson Mr. Richard B. Karr and Mrs. Madonna Karr

Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kiess Mrs. and Mr. Molly A. LeMasters ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas LeMasters Ms. Theresa Long Ms. Winifred M. Long Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manasse Mr. Steven McCann ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Morrell Ms. Joyce P. Nachtrieb Mrs. Lorraine M. Negri Mrs. Mary Pimentel Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ross Mr. Anthony Rossomando and Mrs. Sandra Biale Rossomando ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rota ’77 Mrs. Patricia Streblow Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Thompson Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Brian E. Wahle (John Goodsell Scholarship) John Goodsell Mrs. Ann Goodsell (John Goodsell Scholarship) Steven Haas Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Meyer Richard Hampton Mr. John Korte (John Korte III Scholarship Fund) Ruth K. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kiser Donald Harris Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzini Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Virgil J. Holman Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Richard J. Janese ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Henri Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Jr. Ms. Daria Janese and Ms. Teresa Johnson Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan John Korte III ’83 Scholarship Fund Bonnie Cistone Mrs. John Korte Shannon Lemieux ‘06 Mr. Bernard Henri Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Lemieux ‘73 Sr. Theophane Lewis, O.P. Ms. Bonnie Cistone and Mr. A. Mark Glickstein (John Korte III Scholarship Fund) Damian Maldonado ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Hugo R. Maldonado Napa County Bar Association Mr. and Mrs. Scott Zion (Damian Maldonado’07 Endowed Scholarship Fund) Robert McMaster Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daw ’75 (Robert McMaster Scholarship Fund) Diane McLaughlin ‘76 Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Marjorie Monagle Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Robert Morrish Ms. Helen M. Prado-Chavarin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daw ‘75 (Robert C. Morrish Memorial Scholarship Fund) Vernon I. Newton Mr. Chris A. Cardwell ‘72 and Mrs. Anna Sousa Cardwell ‘72 James P. Nolan Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Kevin M. Norman ’91 Mr. E. John Doyle, IV and Mrs. Nicole Bugna-Doyle ‘91 Mrs. Nicole Fahrer ‘91 Mr. Toby Halkovich and Mrs. Andrea Freeman Halkovich ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hanna ‘91 Mr. David J. Reichel ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Sigel ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Ward ‘91 Daniel O’Connor Holy Family Community (Br. Daniel Scholarship) Harold Pagendarm Mr. John Korte (John Korte III Scholarship Fund) Dorothy M. Pramuk Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzini Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Gregory J. Prewoznik ’91 Mr. E. John Doyle IV and Mrs. Nicole Bugna Bugna-Doyle ‘91

Mrs. Nicole Fahrer ‘91 Mr. Toby Halkovich and Mrs. Andrea Freeman Halkovich ‘91 Mr. Brian Hanna ‘91 and Mrs. Karen Hanna ‘91 Mr. David J. Reichel ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Sigel ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Ward ‘91 Jess Romero ’77 Virginia Romero (Jess Romero Scholarship Fund) Dennis D. Quinlan Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzini Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lowenstein Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Nicks Mrs. Rosemarie Quinlan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tubman Mr. John Korte (John Korte III Scholarship Fund) Apolonia E. Roche Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Jesus P. Romero ’77 Mrs. Virginia Romero (Jess Romero Scholarship) Patrick Savage ’00 Dr. and Mrs. John W. Daw DDS ‘99 The Dental Office of John W. Daw, DDS Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Amy Sawicki ’91 Mrs. Clementina Biale Byron Orris Autobody, Inc. Mr. E. John Doyle IV and Mrs. Nicole Bugna Bugna-Doyle ‘91 Mrs. Nicole Fahrer ‘91 Mr. Toby Halkovich and Mrs. Andrea Freeman Halkovich ‘91 Mr. Brian Hanna ‘91 and Mrs. Karen Hanna ‘91 Mrs. Denise Leuschner Mr. Ray L. Nasuti Mrs. Lorraine M. Negri North Bay Plywood Mrs. Dennis D. Quinlan Mr. David J. Reichel ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Sigel ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Ward ‘91 Amelia F. Scaruffi Mr. and Mrs. William Bresciani Community Projects, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cook Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Halterman Ms. Dorothy A. Herger Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kiser Mr. and Mrs. John L. Prince St. Johns #26 Phillip Schill Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney William B. Serrao Mr. John Korte (John Korte III Scholarship Fund) Brian T. Towey ‘73 Mrs. and Mr. Mary-Margaret Ratto

Mr. Anthony Rossomando and Mrs. Sandra Biale Rossomando ‘73 The Class of 1973 and friends (Brian Towey ‘73 Endowed Scholarship Fund) Matthew D. Travers ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Meyer Rita Treleven Mr. Benjamin J. Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ‘77 Leny M. Van Winden Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC John Vasconceles Mr. John Korte (John Korte III Scholarship Fund) James Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Bardessono Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buoncristiani Mr. and Mrs. James Cassayre Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cook Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crow Mr. Ronald Even and Ms. Carolyn Whipple H.F. Hillmann Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lowenstein Ret MSGT Tony R. Merlonghi and Mrs. Genie Merlonghi Mrs. Lorraine M. Negri Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Nicks Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Pramuk Mr. Anthony Rossomando and Mrs. Sandra Biale Rossomando ‘73 Ms. Marilyn Tallent Brian Wahle Dr. Timothy J. Wahle ‘88 and Dr. Erica Conway Sis Watts Mrs. Colleen Clark Rafael Wilecke Sister Jeremy Carmody, OP Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name Gary Winters Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kampton Veronica J. Zimmermann ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schaldach Mr. Matt K. Schaldach and Mrs. Deborah Schaldach Mr. Doug DeVaul and Taylor Family Dr. and Mrs. John P. Zimmermann

Students prayed for those people in their lives who help them to be the best they can be at the 2012 All Saints Day Liturgy.




A gift to the Honor–Memorial Gift Program is a wonderful way to honor someone dear, either living or deceased. The name of the recipient of an Honor–Memorial gift will be placed in the Justin-Siena Book of Remembrance and remembered in prayers of the Justin-Siena community at the regular Masses throughout the school year. A letter is sent to the honoree or the family of the deceased informing them of your gift. The amount of your gift is confidential and supports the Justin-Siena annual tuition assistance program. For additional donation envelopes or information on how to create a permanent named fund, contact the Office of Advancement at 707.255.0950 ext. 681.

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annual report

In-Kind Donations In-kind donations provide incredible support for special events, program needs, student activities and capital improvements. The following individuals and businesses generously provided in-kind gifts during the 2011-2012 school year that support our auctions and help to offset our operating costs for all of these activities. 4 Row Vineyard AC Sailing SF Amici’s Anderson’s Conn Valley Vineyards Andretti Winery Andrew’s Limousine Antica Napa Valley Aonair Artesa Vineyards and Winery Auberge du Soleil Azalea Springs Vineayrds B.R. Cohn Winery & Olive Oil Company Balletto Vineyards Barnett Vineyards Beaulieu Vineyard Bergin Glass Beringer Wine Estates Best Western Tuscan Inn Black Stallion Estate Winery Bling Bouchaine Vineyards Boyd Family Vineyards Brooks Family Vineyard Buehler Vineyards Buoncristiani Family Winery Buster’s Barbecue & Bakery C. Stuart Moore Design Cache Creek Casino Cafe Sarafornia Cain Vineyard & Winery Cakebread Cellars Campus Kitchens Cardinale Winery Carino’s Italian Casa Nuestra Winery Celadon Central Valley Supply/Builders Chappellet Winery Charles Krug & Peter Mondavi Family Charter Oak Winery Checkerboard Vineyard Chimney Rock Winery Chinnock Cellars Christian Brothers Retreat & Conference Center Christine George Design Cliff Lede Vineyards Cline Cellars Clos Pegase Winery Compadres Rio Grille Continuum Estate Corison Winery Cowgirl Creamery Creative Concepts & Design


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Dalla Valle Vineyards Daviana Winery Deering Wine Demptos Glass Corporation Diageo Chateau & Estates Wines Dimond Creek Vineyards Discover Sunriver Vacation Rentals Domaine Carneros Dominus Estate Don Sebastiani & Sons Dunn Vineyards Dutch Henry Winery Dyer Vineyard Eagle Cafe El Molino Winery Elaine Bell Catering Elan Medical Elan Vineyards Elizabeth Spencer Wines Epic Roasthouse Etude Wines Far Niente Winery Favela’s Fusion Fleury Estate Winery Flora Springs Winery Fortunati Vineyards Freemark Abbey Winery Frog’s Leap Winery Fume Bistro and Bar Gillwoods Cafe Golden Gate Fields Golden State Warriors Grace Family Vineyards Green Valley Floral Grgich Hills Estate Gundlach Bundschu Winery Hall Wines Harlan Estate Helen Lyall Inc. Herdell Printing, Inc. Hill Family Estate Hog Island Oyster Company Honig Vineyard & Winery Howell Mountain Vintners & Growers Association Infineon Raceway Interiors by Design Janson Capsules Jessup Cellars JM 2 Associates Jones Family Vineyards Joseph Phelps Vineyards Just Cakin It Justin-Siena High School Kenwood Vineyards Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants

Kongsgaard Wine Kuleto Estate Winery Ladera Vineyards Laird Family Estate Winery Lamborn Family Vineyards Larkmead Vineyards Lasallian Education Fund Lewis Cellars Long Vineyards Lost Tracks Golf Club Lotus Salon and Spa Louis M Martini Winery Lowes Luna Vineyards Lynch Vineyards M Squared Wines Madonna Estate Madrigal Vineyards Mary’s Pizza Shack Mason Cellars Mayacamas Vineyards Meadowood Napa Valley Meander Cellars Mercedes Benz of Fairfield Milosport Monticello Vineyards Monti’s Rotisserie & Bar Morton & Bassett Spices Napa Junction Hotel Venture, LLC Napa Style Napa Valley Adventure Boot Camp Napa Valley Country Club Napa Valley Film Festival Napa Valley Kitchen Gallery Napa Valley Olive Oil Manufacturing Co. Napa Valley Republican Women Federated Napa Valley Toffee Company Narsai David Estates Negociants USA Nicholson Ranch Winery Nickel & Nickel Nova Wines, Inc. Oakville Ranch Vineyards Oenotri Opus One Orin Swift Cellars Ovid Napa Valley Pacific Blues Cafe Paradigm Winery Paradise Pools, Inc. Paratus Vineyards Patz & Hall Peju Province Winery Pepsi Beverage Company

Phifer Pavitt Pier 39 Pier 39 Ice Cream Shop Pilates Napa Valley Pine Ridge Winery Piola Wines Pizzeria Tra Vigne Prager Winery & Port Works PRESS Restaurant Pronghorn Ravenswood Winery Red Cap Vineyards Renteria Vineyard Management Restoration Hardware Revana Family Vineyard Revive in Solano Reynolds Vineyards Robert Pecota Winery Roman Spa Hot Springs Resort Rosina’s European Skin Care Rudd Oakville Estate RustRidge Winery Rutherford Grove Winery Rutherford Hill Winery Ryan Bates Photography Saddleback Cellars Sala Salon Salvestrin Winery San Francisco Giants Sarah Heller Cooking Schrader Cellars Scott Harvey Wines Scott Lyall Clothes For Men Scribe Winery Sequoia Grove Winery Shafer Vineyards Sift Cupcake and Dessert Bar Silo’s Silver Oak Cellars Silverado Country Club Simco Restaurant Smoakville Solage Calistoga Sonoma Canopy Tours St. Helena Cyclery St. Helena Florist St. Supéry Estate Stage Gulch Ranch Staglin Family Vineyard Steltzner Vineyards Steve Silver Productions, Inc. Stony Hill Vineyard Storybook Mounttain Sullivan Vineyards Summers Estate Wines Sunshine Foods

Swanson Vineyards & Winery Sweeney’s Sports Switchback Ridge Synergy Medical Fitness Center T&T Freshcuts Tenbrink Winery Terra Valentine Winery The Girl and The Fig The Westin Verasa, Napa Thirteen Appellations Winery Three Sticks Wines Trancas Steakhouse Trefethen Family Vineyards Trinchero Family Estates Truchard Vineayards Turley Wine Cellars Turnbull Wine Cellars Turner Broadcasting/Nascar.Com V Marketplace V. Sattui Winery, Inc. Valley of the Moon Winery Venge Vineyards VGS Chateau Potelle Via Pacifica Selections Vintner’s Collective Vitro Packaging Volker Eisele Family Estate Waterbar West End Napa Whitehall Lane Winery William Cole Vineyards Winery Exchange Zahtila Vineyards ZD Wines Ms. Maria G. Basulto-Aceves and Mr. Jesus Basulto Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. George Altamura Mr. and Mrs. Liam S. J. Bell Mrs. Deidre H. Bell Mr. and Ms. Richard A. Beller Ms. Lesley P. Berglund ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Bozzini ‘77 Mr. E. John Doyle, IV and Mrs. Nicole Bugna-Doyle ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. John E. Caldwell II Mr. and Mrs. William B. Carson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Castrucci

The Clark Gym turns into the Braves Crab Shack every January and welcomes hungry crowds to this sold-out fundraiser. Tickets for the 2013 Crab Feed are on sale now at www.justin-siena.org.

Mrs. Shannon Maher Connelly ‘79 and Mr. Francis J. Connelly Dr. and Mrs. David J. Danzeisen Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeBlauw Mrs. Kate Derby Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Francis Ms. Karen Gatton Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ‘79 and Mr. Jeffrey R. Gerlomes Mr. Matthew Harris and Mrs. Christina Harris Ms. Leona Hayden Mr. and Mrs. John Hlivka Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffmann Dr. and Mrs. Dan G. Huber Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Jeramaz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jolley Dr. Paul Kivela and Dr. Madeline Andrew

Mr. and Mrs. David Lattin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marks Mr. and Mrs. Michael Martini Mr. Joe McNeany and Mrs. Annie McNeany Mrs. Lissa Miller Ms. Eileen Mize Mrs. Sandra Cassayre Moore ‘82 and Mr. C. Stuart Moore Mr. and Mrs. Richard Niemann Mr. Richard H. Osgood Ms. Angie Pieper Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pires Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Politz, D.D.S. Mr. Gary Prioste and Mrs. Susie Prioste Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Roomian Mr. Gary Rose Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glenn Schulman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Scollin

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Showley Mr. Victor Smith Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. Alan Stanford and Mrs. Jane Stanford Mr. Jeanne Strong and Mrs. Robin Strong Mrs. Patricia L. Sugar Mr. and Mrs. John Van Hofwegen Mr. and Mrs. Rudy von Strasser Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson Mrs. Lynn Wyman Mr. and Ms. Mark Zall

Community Scholarships for Graduating Seniors

Altamura Enterprises American Legion Auxiliary Napa Unit #113 Byron Orris Autobody, Inc. The Dental Office of John W. Daw, DDS Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Kiwanis Club of Napa Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund Napa County Bar Association Napa Engineers Society

Napa Parlor No. 62 - Native Sons of the Golden West Napa Sons of Italy Lodge No. 2043 Napa Valley Community Foundation Napa Valley Heritage Fund Napa Valley Horsemen’s Ass’n. Napa Valley Marathon Napa Valley Swim Team The O’D Open The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation

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Now Open–Online! the justin-siena braves store is

www.braves.justin-siena.org christmas shop now for the braves in your life!




Great Party


JUSTIN-SIENA Saturday, April 27, 2013 5:30–11:00 pm Clark Gymnasium

Join the Party ! Donate an item for the auction. ideas: vacation homes/trips, SF theater tickets, iPad Mini, Jewelry, Collector Wines, Pro sports tickets/ packages, limo service, airline vouchers, golf outings,

Dinner & Dancing Silent & Live Auction Exciting Raffle

luggage, gift certificates

Put together a table of your friends.

For more information:

Caroline Gerlomes ’79,

Director of Special Events

707.255.0950 ext. 644





PERMIT NoO o . 83

CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED JUSTIN-SIENA is a Catholic high school in the La-

sallian tradition offering a college preparatory program that serves approximately 645 young men and women in grades 9–12. Founded in 1966 by the De La Salle Christian Brothers and the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael, the school is located on forty acres in the City of Napa and is in the Diocese of Santa Rosa. Justin-Siena serves a variety of students from Napa, Sonoma, and Solano Counties.

Alumni Hall of Honor 2012 brought many alums home On Friday October 12 the Alumni Hall of Honor inducted five new members at a special ceremony that included the entire student body. Pictured above are the inductees and the current members present for the ceremony. Back row (l–r): President Robert Jordan, inductees Christopher Lamson ’90, Suzanne Frommelt Collins ’81, Alynn Squier Wright ’78, Br. George VanGrieken, FSC ’70, Joel Miroglio ’78, and Principal Noel Hesser. Front row (l–r): Timothy Borman ’73, William Dodd ’74, Br. Conrad Kearney, FSC, Dr. Michael Shifflett ’71, Stephen Silva ’71, and Tom Durante ’93.

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