Avanti | Autumn/Winter 2016-17

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a news magazine for the justin-siena community


one mission five decades all heart

justin-siena Justin-Siena is a Catholic high school in the Lasallian tradition called to provide educational excellence in a loving, Christ-centered community that prepares students to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world.

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of Justin-Siena High School! Since the first day of classes at Justin High School for boys and Siena High School for girls two schools on adjacent campuses – families, business-

ABOUT THE SCHOOL SEAL In addition to identifying our location and the year of our 1966 founding, our seal contains the history of our school. The Justin-Siena seal embodies the icons of the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael (who co-sponsored the school through the 2005-06 academic year) and the De La Salle Christian Brothers. The original Dominican black and white cross, fleury, indicates a spiritual ideal in spreading the Gospel of Christ by preaching and teaching. The five-pointed star signifies the sign of faith, which guides all Christian Brothers and Lasallian partners in their vocation of Christian education. Finally, “Sempre Avanti” heralds the legacy of the Brothers, and more specifically, Justin High School. Italian for “always forward” these words appeared on the Justin High School seal representing a commitment of the Christian Brothers to looking forward and never being complacent, while exhibiting a passion for preparing the students entrusted to their care.

es and individuals dedicated to education have played an important role in shaping the lives of students. As we embark on our golden anniversary, we pause to celebrate our proud Lasallian and Dominican heritage, and its enduring impact on the young people entrusted to our care. We invite you to join us in celebrating five decades of college-preparatory education by supporting today’s students and teachers, the foundation upon which we build for the next fifty years. May God bless you and your family as we enter the holy and holiday season. Please keep our incredible school in your prayers as you gather around family dinner tables or reunite with friends. And may Justin-Siena


Please send address changes to Office of Advancement at Justin-Siena | 4026 Maher Street | Napa, CA 94558, or email twing@justin-siena.org. AVANTI is also available online at www.justin-siena.org.

Comments and/or editorial contributions can be sent to Director of Communications Eileen Mize at emize@justin-siena.org. The School reserves the right to publish and/or edit material to reflect the values of our mission.

continue to be a light of faith, scholarship, and bravery for our students past, present, and future.

ANNUAL fund Make your gift online at www.justin-siena.org.


justin-siena news magazine for alumni, families, and friends | fall/winter 2016-17


#ALLHEART: Students Articulate School Identity 4


There’s a palpable shift in student culture in this, our 50th year, and people are taking note. If you have been to a football game or simply been on campus, you may have noticed a call to action—students are commanding an “all heart” attitude in and out of the classroom and beyond.

A More Personalized Approach



As a Lasallian Catholic school, our school exists to be an agent of salvation—to ensure that our students are as strong possible in this world, so that they are prepared for the next. Like St. John Baptist de La Salle, we center our work on cultivating the temporal and eternal completeness of the individual—to make them whole—and growing the mind, body, and spirit of all students.

“Brilliant—Reserved—Dedicated”–Br. Conrad


Zeller Makes Early and Lasting Contributions to Justin-Siena Bob Zeller has many memories from the early days of Justin and Siena high schools. Back in 1966, Zeller and his late wife, Inge, convinced their eldest daughter, Cathy, to enroll as a freshman at a brand new girls Catholic high school in town. Pictured right: Bob Zeller with grandson Graham Terry ’03 at a recent instrumental concert in Siena Hall. Mr. Terry is the Justin-Siena Instrumental Music Director.


What’s inside? 13

Braves Bites


Braves in the Arts


Braves Report


Alumni News


Annual Report

About the Cover JS is made up of the many students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni, coaches, benefactors, friends, neighbors—and especially, the De La Salle Christian Brothers and Dominican Sisters of San Rafael—who call, and continue to call, Justin-Siena home. We are a rich community because of these many relationships, and we celebrate those relationships today and everyday as we—in the spirit of Advent—prepare; prepare for the next 50 years!



Places to go. People to see!




32 Annual Crab Fest nd

NEW! Silent Auction to support Athletics and the Arts

February 3–5 Justin-Siena Theatre presents

ComedySportz Now in its 6th season! Every match is different

Fri, February 24

Film Forum

Visual Effects pro and editor Anthony Lucero

Returning to Our Roots. Toasting Our Future.

join us on

april 8, 2017 for a

Golden Gala at

March 24–April 2 Justin-Siena Theatre presents

Sister Act

This Spring Musical performed at Yountville’s Lincoln Theater is dedicated to the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael.

Sat, May 6 For a complete and up-to-date calendar of school events visit:

Sat, January 21

Spring Concert

Choral & Instrumental Siena Hall

Thurs, April 6

Visual Art Show Opening Reception for our annual visual art showcase Napa Valley Museum

Fri, May 19

Founders Day Culmination of a weeklong celebration of our Lasallian heritage


Sat, April 8

April 28-30

Golden Gala at Greystone

Spring Dance Show

Returning to our roots and toasting our future.

Siena Hall

Wed, May 31

Thurs, June 1

Baccalaureatte Mass

Commencement Ceremony

honoring the Class of 2017

honoring the Class of 2017

AVANTI is published twice a year by the Office of Communications for Justin-Siena alumni, parents, friends, faculty, and staff.

Board of Trustees Mrs. Mel Denise Preimesberger Chair Mr. Dennis Pedisich Vice Chair

A Message from the Office of the President

Dr. John Bosetti ’78

As we move through the celebration of this important anniversary year, we use it as

Sr. Emmanuel Cardinale, OP

a time to celebrate the past, but even more importantly, to look towards the future. In preparing for this 50th anniversary, we have taken inventory of the many efforts

Mr. Thomas Durante ’93

and people that made our school possible from the beginning. It is important to

Mr. Walter Mickens

note that our school was born just after the close of the Second Vatican Council,

Mr. Richard Pio Roda, Esq. ’94

which called all of God’s people to live out their baptism and to take a role within

Mr. Lawrence Puck

the Church.

Mrs. Suzanne Truchard Br. George Van Grieken, FSC ’70 Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO Mr. John Van Hofwegen Secretary & Finanacial Officer

The De La Salle Christian Brothers and the Dominican Sisters certainly answered the call from Vatican II, but so did the many lay men and women who, back in 1966, saw the importance of a Catholic secondary school option in the Napa Valley. Today, to open a school like Justin-Siena is a serious feat, perhaps too large for obstacles of our time. However, by God’s providence Justin-Siena was born, and today we thrive as one of the premier secondary schools in the North Bay region.

Ms. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Recording Secretary

As we look toward the future, we see only great promise and potential to build upon the incredible and strong


ment Courses, a renovated, state-of-the-art humanities building, a schedule aligned with adolescent research

Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO

of school spirit summed up in two simple words: All Heart!

Mr. John Bordelon Principal Ms. Heidi Harrison Vice Principal for Curriculum and Instruction Mr. Robert Bailey Vice Principal for Faculty

Publishing Credits Editor-in-Chief & Graphic Designer: Eileen Mize, Director of Communications

foundation that was laid before us. This year alone we have shepherded in new programs and Advanced Placeand sleep patterns, a new advisory program to assure that no student falls through the cracks, and a resurrection

We see growth opportunities in campus facilities, academic programs, student travel, and in the professional growth of our teachers. This issue of AVANTI acknowledges the many people who have stepped forward in their support to make Justin-Siena a unique and special experience. We acknowledge them with deep gratitude and love. As we enter a new year, may God continue to bless our school community with a faith and zeal that allows us to write an even greater history these next 50 years. Live Jesus in our hearts forever!

Photography: Thom McDermott; Eileen Mize; Kathy Kellebrew; Sasha Craig; Yearbook Staff Contributors: Andrew Bettencourt ’02; John Bordelon; Emily Dutton; Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79; Michele Farver; Robert T. Jordan; George Nessman; Br. Kevin Slate, FSC; Paula Vlaming; Tiffany Wing

Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO

A Catholic High School in the Lasallian Tradition


ALLHEART Students articulate school identity

BY EILEEN MIZE Director of Communications

There’s a palpable shift in student culture in this, our 50th year, and people are taking note. If you have been to a football game or simply been on campus, you may have noticed a call to action—students are commanding an “all heart” attitude in and out of the classroom and beyond. The spirit and energy behind this student driven initiative can be traced back to the summertime when student leaders spent time collaborating on ways to improve and enhance student culture at the school they love so much. A tone was set from the very first day, and the “all heart” mantra has been a calling card for more than just spirit. Students are showing

laborated, and imagined a renewed sense of school pride. He recalled,

an elevated sense of accountability, increased academic effort, and an

“they labored over every word for hours upon hours this summer as

overall level of pride in their school that visitors cannot help but notice.

they worked to define who we are—in heritage and in aspiration.”

Brave for a Day guests, alumni visitors, and parents are experiencing for themselves “what’s with ‘all heart.’” In the words of one of the student leaders responsible for the initiative, Margaret (Maggie) Nugent

He went on, “In my time as an educator, I have never been more proud of a student body. This is their school, and their leadership is inspiring. They are calling us all to be the best versions of ourselves.” While getting the words and language just right was important in

’18 (left) explains, “All Heart is who we are as a

being able to communicate their thoughts and ideas with the broader

community. It means we do well to do good, and it

community, Margaret was quick to share that the words themselves are

also means that we maximize our God-given gifts and

really just the beginning. It’s much more action-oriented. She said, “It

talents for the greater good.” Natalie Gulrajani ’18

is not a catchphrase or a tagline. It is who we are and who we strive to

sums it up with, “to be a student here means to put

be.” It is a call in many ways, “and we hold each other accountable.”

your whole heart into everything that you do, and also

Reflecting on the initial rollout to the school community, Jack Breen

to use your heart to give back to the community and make the world a

’18 recalls a sprit of invitation. “Teachers have also responded—incor-

better place.”

porating ‘all heart’ into their lesson plans and instruction.”

Principal Bordelon, now in his second year, spent a great deal of 4

time with the student leaders last summer as they brainstormed, col-

justin-siena Avanti

Director of Lasallian Student Life Ms. Sarah Neidhoeffer articulated

to the community earlier this year, “We want our school to be a place full of authentic students with passion, drive, and love for what they do. To be full of heart is to understand that it is our call to do well so as to do good in the world.” As an educator, Ms. Neidhoeffer takes this responsibility seriously. “We try to instill in students an understanding that we are called to make the most of ourselves so that we can give who we are for the life of the world.” The spirit behind this initiative is very much inline with the words of our namesake, St. Catherine of Siena, who asserts, “be who you were meant to be, and you will set the world on fire.” The lead-by-example style of the “all heart” theme is a passionate display of a commitment to serve and is a large part of the success according to Jack. “Being a student leader at Justin Siena is no small task. It is a great responsibility. Students look up to us; so much of what we do influences and affects the student body.” Natalie agrees. “As a student leader, it is important to me to not only say these ideals, but to truly live that way. The only way to create a culture that our students are happy with is to start being an example of what our culture should be. We must be ‘all heart’ if we are expecting the rest of the community to act that way as

well.” Now a semester into a momentous year, Maggie can reflect back on the last few months and assess the spirit she’s worked hard to foster. “The impact has been really great. I am in my third year at Justin-Siena, and this is the best sense of community I have experienced since I began as a freshman. I have always felt like this place has been welcoming and supportive, but uniting around “All Heart” has enforced that feeling so much more. It feels like home to me more than ever.” Natalie agrees. “I’ve seen a greater inclusion of peers, a love for all that we involve ourselves with, a spirited urge to create strong ties within our community, and many other actions and feelings that undeniably show one thing: we love.” Maggie is embracing this historic year. “It is really special that we instigated “All Heart” during the 50th Anniversary of our school. I expect “all heart” to grow stronger and develop even more over the next fifty years. I hope to come back to school after I graduate and see the same passion and love I have for this school, passed on through future generations of students.” There are shirts, banners, and rally towels all touting the message, but what is most effective is the ground-swell of school pride that is hard to miss. With so much positive energy, there is no limit to the possibilities of greatness. Our next fifty years are off to a fabulous start. Visit campus, and experience it for yourself. justin-siena Avanti



A More Personalized Approach Mission-centered Advisory Program is having an impact

As we ushered in our 50th year, we welcomed the newest class—the Class of 2020—and a campus-wide shift in focus to concentrate on learning that is personalized, experiential, and whole. Our new Advisory Program, introduced to the freshman class this year with an expansion plan to follow, makes for an incredibly personalized experience, and our newest Braves are reaping huge rewards. Our new Associate Dean, Ms. Emily Dutton, oversees our Advisory Program and played a role in setting up the program, which consists of

With specific time allotted in the new schedule this year, students meet

groups of approximately twelve students with one faculty or staff advi-

in their Advisory groups 2-3 times a week and cover a variety of topics

sor. “The research is clear that Advisory structures help support student

and activities. According to Ms. Dutton, “Our goals for Advisory are

growth and learning, but our purpose is greater than that. Advisory

twofold: to build culture by helping forge relationships while simul-

connects directly with our mission.”

taneously giving students the skills they need to be successful. Topics

Advisory is a dedicated time for a small cohort of students and an

students have explored so far include time management, note-taking,

adult advisor to foster whole-person growth through authentic relation-

organization, social emotional intelligence, the notion of grit, and mind-

ships. Through advisory, we will shape student culture. This is not a

sets through the work of Carol Dweck. Students are also participating in

departure from our school’s foundation; in fact, the Advisory Program

a yearlong Advisory Bowl Competition for points to win a coveted prize

presents a tremendous opportunity for all to build a program that better

at the end of the year.”

reflects our heritage and our mission. As a Lasallian Catholic school, our school exists to be an agent


make them whole—growing the mind, body, and spirit of all students.

Justin-Siena is rooted in the strength of the relationships with our students. Since the time of our Founder, the relationship between

of salvation. Like St. John Baptist de La Salle, we center our work on

teacher and student has been at the heart of that work. The very title

cultivating the temporal and eternal completeness of the individual—to

“Brother” came from St. La Salle’s charge for teachers to consider

justin-siena Avanti

themselves elder brothers of the students. It’s this notion that drew Ms. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79, Assistant to the President, to sign up to be an Advisor. “I wanted to connect with the students in a way that is not always possible when you are in an office for most of the day. I think being an advisor is exactly what our Founder wanted of his teachers/Brothers. We are encouraged to be like older brothers and sisters to our advisees. As Advisors we are given the opportunity to provide for each student a feeling of a place where they are seen, known, and loved. Being an Advisor has definitely emphasized the value of a Lasallian education.” As a complete college preparatory education, we craft environments and experiences that promote focused reflection and synthesis. The structure of the program presupposes the centrality of community— that we benefit from and have a responsibility to our environments and each other. Director of Counseling Ms. Bartalotti offers support to the program and is already seeing the benefits. “Small group discussions are usually very different from the one-on-one conversations that I have with students—Advisory gives me the opportunity to see how students interact and how their distinct personalities present in a group dynamic. Through Advisory, I have observed that the Class of 2020 is very open to new ideas. They crave interaction and activity.”

Ms. Dutton is pleased with the launch of the program and is constantly working to fine-tune and improve the experience for students. “Advisory is a four year sequence, and so there is ample time to have the kinds of conversations we want to have and explore the various topics while also being sure we make time for kids to play, engage authentically, and just be as a group, especially in that first year. I am thankful for how honest our students have been in giving us feedback about their experience, and I hope we can continue to be responsive to them and help create a program they find to be rewarding and meaningful.” The feedback thus far from students is very positive. In their own words: “I really love this idea and I think it can make a huge difference in this school.” “Advisors are very nice and helpful.” “I have found my advisory experience to be very positive.” “The way Justin-Siena set up the experience is something new to me and is definitely useful and fun for those who have trouble making new friends.” This positive feedback from students in terms of making new friends and easing the transition to high school, it is not surprising, as that was how the program was designed. We are glad to affirm that it is working. Ms. Dutton says, “Advisory groups were purposefully made to be as diverse as possible to help encourage friendships between students from different schools and communities. Our Class of 2020—with 135 students—came from 36 different partner schools, and our job was to help students get to know one another and feel part of the JustinSiena community quickly. According to the majority of our freshmen, Advisory helped them meet new people and forge new friendships. Our students were with their Advisory groups through much of our freshman orientation and retreat program in August, and this set the tone for the importance of Advisory as being a homebase— like a family—for our students.” Opposite: Overseen by Br. Kevin Slate and Ms. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ‘79, an Advisory group decorates a pumkin for a Halloween contest and to try to earn Advisory Bowl points. Above: Mr. Michael Douglass’ group enjoying advisory time together. Left: (top) Br. Kevin talks stragegy with his group on how to best construct a tower out of marshmellows and spaghetti; (bottom) Megan Cadigan’s group working on one of several Advisory Bowl Competitions.

justin-siena Avanti



Kicking Off our 50th Anniversary Year ONE MISSION, FIVE DECADES, ALL HEART We are thrilled to mark the milestone of fifty years of excellence in Catholic education and proudly embrace our motto of Sempre Avanti, meaning always forward, as the school looks to build an even brighter future. Can you believe we are already half way through our year of celebrations? Mass of the Holy Spirit

which netted an additional classroom and

A beautiful Mass of the Holy Spirit was

brought highly anticipated air conditioning,

celebrated in Patrons Plaza on September 1

the commitment and vision of so many over

to open our 50th Anniversary year. We were

these fifty years brought us to this great place

thrilled to welcome many guests including


parents, alumni, trustees (past and present), Christian Brothers, and Dominican Sisters. Bishop Robert Vasa presided joined by Father Chinh Nguyen ’85, Deacon Bruce Miroglio ’75, and local priests. The liturgical choir set a majestic tone with their gift of song, complete with an original piece written by Justin-Siena Theatre Director Mr. James Bailey called “We Will” that was offered as the meditation after communion. Br. George Van Grieken ’70, member of the first graduating class of Justin High School and current member of the Board of Trustees offered a reflection. Upon the conclusion of Mass, California State Assembly member (Senator-elect) Bill Dodd ’74 made a special presentation of a Resolution on behalf our our 50th Anniversary and presented the framed document to student leaders Neha Sidhu ’17 and Joseph Celaya ’17. Thank you to all who

Braves Bash A casual day on the North Lawn, with a nostalgic nod to Founders Day memories held dear by many, featured tasty food and drink, entertainment, games, campus tours, and the ubiquitous stroll down memory lane. The Braves Bash drew nearly 500 people who enjoyed corn hole games and a photo booth, scrapbook memorabilia tents (many


lovingly curated by Br. Conrad), chili, beer, and wine all while enjoying the spirit of the Braves community. DJ Greg Chouinard ’08 played music across the decades. The JustinSiena student instrumental music ensemble performed under the direction of Graham Terry ’03, and visual art students provided face painting plus an evolving “Braves”


sidewalk mural. The Chili Cook-off brought out some good-natured rivalry between the

joined in our celebration!

decades among Coach Dennis Fechter and

100 Wing Blessing

tion Tim Garcia; and alumni chefs Kevin

While the renovated wing was ready for


current parent and Director of TransportaDaw ’75, Liz Pecha DeBonis ’03 and

the first day of class on August 18, the space

Josh DeBonis ’98; and Steve Andres ’02

was blessed at a special ceremony by Bishop

ultimately bringing home the coveted Blue

Vasa immediately following the Mass of the

Ribbon prize.

Holy Spirit on September 1. The Holy Spirit was certainly felt among the visitors gathered. An influential figure in the school’s history, Mr. Bob Zeller, was among the guests. Just as innovation and technology drove the design of these reconfigured spaces


justin-siena Avanti

View all the photos from these events at flickr.com/braveslife









1) Processional led by Clement Say ’18 and Joseph Devine ’17; 2) Father Chinh Nguyen ‘85 delivers the homily; 3) Guests from Mont La Salle, including former faculty Br. Chris Brady, FSC (right); 4) Tyler Bertani ’17 leads rousing recessional of “Shine Jesus Shine”; 5) (l–r) Bob Zeller, Walter Mickens, Paula Vlaming, DJ Smith, Bill Dodd ’74, Brian Dodd ’02, asst. from Bill Dodd’s office, Kristy and John Reynoso, and the Morenos; 6) touring the 100 Wing—Sr. Marion Irvine and Sr. Emmanuel Cardinale leading the way with Joe Bracco, Nancy Nicks, Charlotte Addington, Br. Stanilaus Campbell, and Sr. Maria following behind ; 7) Joseph Devine ’17 assists Bishop Vasa in the 100 Wing Blessing Ceremony; 8) Coach Dennis Fechter, and alums including Nelson Bettencourt ’74 (white visor) enjoyed looking through scrapbooks at the Braves Bash; 9) Chili Cook-off chefs Dennis Fechter, Tim Garcia, Claire and Kevin Daw ‘75, and Josh DeBonis ’98; 10) a family reunion at the Braves Bash (l–r) Janet Merry Botill ‘72, Monica Wetmore, Rebecca Merry Barrango ‘77, and Carolyn Merry ‘73; 11) A legacy of Braves! Angelo and Alice Moreno are parents to Craig Moreno ‘70 of the first graduating class who is married to Louise Goodin Moreno ‘75. Craig and Louise are alum parents to Hayden Moreno ‘08 and Chase Moreno ‘10.

justin-siena Avanti


In the Words of Br. Conrad:


Zeller Makes Early and Lasting Contributions to Justin-Siena Bob Zeller has many memories from the early days of Justin and Siena High Schools. Back in 1966, Zeller and his late wife, Inge, convinced their eldest daughter, Cathy, to enroll as a freshman at a brand new girls Catholic high school in town. 10

justin-siena Avanti

“She thought about going to Napa High,” he said. But after a close

Carmody, OP echoed Br. Chris’s sentiments and added, “We could

friend also decided to attend Siena High School, the two joined the Class

always depend upon Bob to give us excellent advice, as he is a gentleman

of 1970. At the time, there were less than 300 students enrolled in each

of vast experience and integrity.” Br. Chris continued, “Bob led by his

school. “With these smaller classes, we thought she might get more

sterling example of selfless service to the entire Justin-Siena commu-

personal attention,” Zeller said. “Napa High was a huge school. We


preferred the small school and a Catholic school. So we signed her up.”

Meeting with early stakeholders and members of the community,

The Zellers quickly became immersed in the swirl of both Justin

Zeller and his cohorts were pleased to receive a very positive response to

and Siena school activities such as football games, fundraisers, dances

those they approached. “There was tremendous support from the Napa

and other school happenings. “It became the social life of my family,”

community—a wide range, it turned out,” said Zeller. “It wasn’t just

he said. “We became acquainted with lots of new people. Not only

parents. People who were not Catholic, even those without kids in the

parents, but also people involved in Justin and Siena. We went to all of

school, were very interested in having an alternative school in Napa.”

their events and supported all of them.” Perhaps Zeller treasures those

Arguably the biggest change from that era was the combination of the

memories all the more because he knows how close it all came to never

two schools into one financially sustainable entity, Justin-Siena High



Just a few short years after the two schools opened, both Justin and

As a founding faculty member at Siena High School who ultimately

Siena high schools were struggling. “Things changed dramatically,”

went on to become Principal during some critical years in the mid to

said Zeller. Enrollment hadn’t yet caught on. Finances looked dim.

late 70s, Sr. Jeremy knew just how critical things had become and is

The Bishop at the time, Bishop Leo Maher, had made it plain that the

eternally grateful for Zeller’s leadership. She recalls how he was “pres-

Diocese of Santa Rosa couldn’t subsidize the schools for much longer.

ent to our every need and was instrumental in the merger. As chair of

Barring a significant intervention, the fledgling Justin and Siena High

our Board, he communicated clearly with Bishop Leo Maher and was

Schools would have to close. Without that assistance from the Bishop,

highly respected by the leadership of the Dominican Sisters and the

“The Brothers and Sisters weren’t financially able to handle it,” he said.

Christian Brothers.”

Each order was already dealing with other challenges. Vocations were

Zeller also recommended that the school form a Board of Trust-

declining, and both groups were facing downsizing of their missions

ees and a Foundation. “For the Foundation, our first goal was raising

such as hospitals and other schools.

$1 million, and we achieved that by 1974,” he said. Zeller was named

As Zeller recalled it, the school’s first two principals—Br. Bede Van Duren, FSC and Sr. Carol Quinn, OP—were not in favor of closing the schools. “They asked me if I would get together a group of people to

the first president of both the Board of Trustees and Foundation and remained president of the Board of Trustees for seventeen years. Upon his retirement from the Board and in an act of gratitude, his

help them present a plan for keeping the schools going.” His answer?

name was added to the name of a building on the north end of campus.


Brother Conrad Kearney, who was quick to say he couldn’t “put into

A third generation Napan, and an established attorney with a suc-

just a ‘few words’ all that could be said about Bob Zeller and what he has

cessful firm downtown and deep community ties, Zeller wasted no time

done for Justin-Siena.” Brother Conrad recalls, “In 1989, the original

in taking action. Former Justin-Siena faculty member Brother Chris

Siena administration building, leased to the Napa County Superinten-

Brady, FSC recalls, “As a respected Napa Valley leader, Bob was at the

dent of Schools for offices, was reclaimed and converted into the Robert

forefront of providing appropriate counsel and guidance.” Sr. Jeremy

H. Zeller Student Service Center. It was dedicated on November 5.”

Far left: Enjoying a bit of a reunion at the 2016 Mass of the Holy Spirit, Bob caught up with Sisters Susannah Malarkey and Patricia Boss. Left: Always delighting in progress, Bob gets a glimpse at the newly remodeled 100 Wing with its seminar-style classroom on a tour with President Robert Jordan.

justin-siena Avanti



He recalled another key moment in the school’s history – the beginning of a vital partnership with the Gasser Foundation of Napa.

And, the school is profoundly grateful.” Zeller said when he looks at Justin-Siena now, “I’m amazed at how

Founder Peter Gasser was asked to consider supporting the school,

much they’ve done,” he said. “It’s operating so well. They seem to have

“which he did in spades,” said Zeller. The Foundation named Justin-

really promoted community involvement. They’ve gone far beyond

Siena as one of two key beneficiaries of the nonprofit. Today, it provides

what we did in financial abilities. They’ve expanded the school activities

an annual grant that is used for tuition assistance, staff and curricu-

way beyond anything we were doing. There is an awful lot going on.”

lum developments, educational technology, and facility and campus improvements. To recognize Zeller’s commitment to his community—both the larger community of Napa as well as Justin-Siena, he will be honored by the school at the upcoming Gala at Greystone on April 8, 2017, as part of Justin-Siena’s continuing celebration of its 50th Anniversary. “I think it’s a very nice honor, but I really think the people who should be recognized are the Brothers and Sisters and all the people who helped me get the school started and kept it going,” he said modestly.

When asked what he wanted the Justin Siena community to know about his experience with the school, Zeller paused for a moment. “I want them to know the Brothers and Sisters provided such a great education for my children,” he said. Over the years all of the six Zeller children attended and graduated from Justin- Siena, including Cathy Zeller Erickson ’70, Debra Zeller Terry ’71 (deceased), Janice Zeller McFarlan ’73, Robert Zeller, Jr. ’76, Lisa Zeller Miller ’79, and Kevin Zeller ’87. Several Zeller grandchildren have also attended the school includ-

“Becoming acquainted with the wonderful Brothers and Sisters, was

ing Clark Terry ’01, Graham Terry ’03 (currently the Justin-Siena

one of the most rewarding experiences,” said Zeller. “They are still my

Instructor of Instrumental Music), and Nicole Zeller ’12, as well as

close friends. Being able to assist them in keeping the school going is the

Scott Erickson ’12 and Zach-

thing I’m most pleased about.”

ary Zeller ’14 for a time.

“Bob Zeller is my dear and faithful friend,” says Sr. Jeremy. The ca-

“They’ve all had success-

maraderie fostered during those critical years in the school’s history has

ful professional and business

stood the test of time. Those weeks and months surrounding the merger

careers.” Zeller himself is 92

of the schools had the administration in a start-up mentality. Late-night

and still works full time at his

meetings, following long days debating curriculum and enrollment

Napa legal practice – along with

issues forged lasting relationship and a lot of mutual respect. We are

daughter Cathy Zeller Erickson.

reaping the benefits of that dedication and foresight today.

Zeller had this advice for Jus-

When considering how Zeller has always remained faithful to

tin-Siena’s future leaders: “They

Justin-Siena, ushering the school through some challenging times, Br.

have been doing a very good job.

Chris Brady sums up a sentiment shared by many, “Bob Zeller is one

Keep up the good work.”

of the real heroes of Justin-Siena. He has always believed in the school: the Brothers, the Sisters, the students, and, most especially the Mission.

Photo from Zeller, Hoff, and Zeller website of Bob and his daughter and partner in the law firm, Cathy Zeller Erickson ‘70.

Present day connections come full circle Justin-Siena instructor of instrumental music, Mr. Graham Terry ‘03, teaches in the very building that bears his grandfather’s name. The building was so named to honor Bob’s years of leadership on the Foundation Board and the Board of Trustees. Graham recently hosted a concert for his students called “Solstice” in Siena Hall, and Bob Zeller was thrilled to attend. The two are pictured above in front of the stage just after the concert.


justin-siena Avanti


Celebrating the everyday ways our Braves inspire faith, scholarship, and bravery throughout our community. painting. Students may find themselves in conversation with “John Muir,” Shelton Johnson (NPS ranger from the Ken Burns series), park rangers from around the world, artists, poets, and scientists. Through these experiences, students find the importance of preserving these national park lands not only for themselves, but also for future generations.

FARM TO FORK PLANS TAKE ROOT AT THE STUDENT RESIDENCE Blessed with land, the willing and capable assistance of some of our Residence students

GEOLOGY FIELD STUDIES IN YOSEMITE During the week of September 26, Mr. Rick Landry’s Geology of the National Parks (GNP) class took their annual trip to Yosemite National Park. This week-long adventure has been a cornerstone of the course since its inception in the fall of 2000. During the week, students from the GNP class are broken into small trail groups and paired up with a Justin-Siena teacher and a Nature Bridge field instructor. Nature Bridge is an educational organization that operates campuses in six national parks. Mr. Landry has tailored this trip to focus on geology, ecology, cultural history, and stewardship. Students hike to epic locations to explore the geologic history of the Yosemite Valley, look into the past human history, observe human interactions with the environment, and complete a service project. Crosscurricular topics can be reinforced in the field with hands-on activities, and students take ownership of their education and what they take away from the experience.

In addition to learning, students give back while they are in the park. Service projects including conifer and/or invasive species removal, water quality testing, phenology surveys, and litter cleanup are performed throughout the stay in Yosemite. These projects help instill a sense of ownership of the park and an understanding that the park (and the other national parks) needs constant support from not just the government, but the public as well. This year, geology students had the opportunity to attend an evening performance by John Muir scholar Lee Stetson and hear tales

and others, along with a commitment to deliver an education with a strong experiential component, Justin-Siena is embracing its roots in ag country with an edible garden on the north end of campus. Thanks to the aid and leadership of current parent and local “farm to fork” expert, Noël Lopreore of Family Farmer, the open space behind the Student Residence is being prepped to feed students in our Boarding Program while offering some hands-on ag education for our student residents. What began with some initial clearing

of Yosemite from the late 1800s. Stetson holds performances twice a week through November for the general public, and this was a real treat for the Justin-Siena students to be able to attend. Each year the geology basis of the trip is the same, but the cross-curricular aspects vary. In addition to cultural history, this year students also benefited from more cross-curricular instruction as art instructor Monica Jacobson provided a lesson on plein air (a French expression which means “in the open air”) justin-siena Avanti


braves bites

Last year’s team, Negative Kelvin, hopes to make a return to the regional championships this year while mentoring the newest team on campus–Terminal Ferocity–now beginning its rookie year. The engineering curriculum at Justin-Siena expanded in 2012-13 to include Robotics in Principles of Engineering and with that saw an increase of student interest. Engineering Department Chair Mr. Chris Fidler ’02 and Engineering Instructor Mr. Garry Carpenter, have been learning, building, and preparing for FTC league competition right alongside Eli Granata ’12 assists school parent Noël Lopreore with Family Farmer in prepping the soil for planting.

the students and are thrilled with the level of

a couple summers ago, thanks to Mr. Dave

In a former interview with the Napa Valley

skill, leadership, and commitment they have

Sugar and his labor of love, the clearing behind

Register, Lopreore said she believes children


the Student Residence was begging for crops.

should be exposed to gardens at an early age.

One exciting aspect of robotics for our

Fast forward to the current year, the garden

“I think it is a most valuable area to teach in.

eager students is the opportunity to share their

vision is now coming to fruition. Although

Every day the lessons of life are revealed to me

knowledge with students from our partner

there have been a few smaller crops attempted

in the garden,” she said.

schools and throughout the area. In the sum-

in the past, which did yield some produce that

We look forward to reaping the benefits of

mer of 2014, the Engineering Department

was used by the Bassetts in the Dining Hall,

the lessons learned and the produce procured

faculty launched our Summer Robotics Insti-

these new plans and preparation will hopefully

from our school garden for years to come!

tute for rising 7th and 8th graders, a program,

yield much bigger and longer lasting results.

Now, as the old Irish Blessing says, “may the

which has enjoyed steady growth and interest

rains fall softly on our fields.”

and has great plans for the summer of 2017.

Last week, with the aid of Ms. Lopreore and recent Saint Mary College’s grad Eli Granata ’12 who worked with some of the students, the garden was prepped for winter by cultivating the soil to eradicate the weeds

ROBOTICS PROGRAM FIELDS TWO TEAMS With a successful rookie year under their

and mix with compost. A cover crop of fava

belt, the Justin-Siena Robotics Program

beans, peas, vetch, and rye was planted as a

expands to field two teams in its second year of

green manure, which will serve a dual purpose

FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) competition.

Another youth program our students take part in is running a FIRST Lego League Qualifying Tournament for local and Bay Area youth teams. 2016 marked the third annual on-campus competition. Justin-Siena students have worked along with faculty to run these summer programs

during the rainy season for erosion and weed prevention. In the spring the manure will be added back to the soil before planting the summer garden. Mrs. Aggie Bailey, Director of Residential Life, is thrilled with the progress of the garden and eager to see what the efforts will reap in the future. “It’s great for our students to see the benefits of working the land, and we are so grateful for the leadership of Noël—who’s great with the kids and has such knowledge.” Part of Ms. Lopreore’s business of Family Farmer is to give her clients the most flavorful, locally grown, organic food in the world — right from their own backyards. She has assisted with St. John the Baptist’s school garden and values garden education from an early age. 14

justin-siena Avanti

Engineering Department Chair Mr. Chris Fidler ’02 and Mr. Garry Carpenter with veteran team, Negative Kelvin, and our rookie team, Terminal Ferocity—and their performance at an early December tournament.

and the FIRST Lego League events assuming

our program. This is an invaluable opportunity

leadership roles in mentoring, planning, and

for students to have their hard work show-


cased in front of some very important and well-connected people in the local and national

Tournament Success Sets Tone for 2016-17

filmmaking industry.”

Mr. Chris Fidler ’02 and Mr. Garry

In addition to student work being encour-

Carpenter couldn’t be more proud of Braves’

aged and ultimately put on display, students

FIRST FTC Robotics teams—our veteran

also benefit from the expert talent in town and

team Negative Kelvin and our rookie team

the connections with NVFF personnel who

Terminal Ferocity.

can facilitate speaking engagements.

“At our first qualifying tournament of the

Mr. Pierotti, who organizes two Film

season last weekend we saw a number of amazing

Forums a year as part of the expansive Justin-

things from these teams: Teamwork, problem solving, innovation, working under pressure, dealing with setbacks, independence….the list goes on. We are proud of all of them.” Terminal Ferocity was chosen by the #4

backyard. In addition to access to special guest Pictured left: Film Studies student Nathan Reynoso ‘17 checks out a hand crank camera at the Fall Film Forum with special guest, Mark Kirkland.

seed team to join in an alliance for the semi-

speakers and networking opportunities during

finals for the day. Since their team t-shirts

the Napa Valley Film Festival, students are

hadn’t arrived, they were wearing Justin-Siena

taking advantage of film making opportunities

shirts and were known as the “All Heart”

as well, thanks to the Cameo Cinema’s Family

team—fittingly. They also brought home the

Film Festival.

Judge’s Award, an award given at the judges’

On the final day of the Napa Valley Film

discretion to a team demonstrating exemplary

Festival (NVFF), four of the top award win-

qualities that may not fall under any of the

ning films from the Cameo Cinema’s Family

other awards.

Film Festival (held on Memorial Day week-

The judges called Terminal Ferocity’s

end), are screened at the Cameo Cinema in

award the “new kids on the block award”

St. Helena. For three years running, aspiring

and recognized the students for their cohesive

filmmakers from Justin-Siena have taken the

teamwork, energy, spirit, and for their initia-

grand prize at the springtime festival, and so

tive as a rookie team.

Justin-Siena has enjoyed a great and evolving

On the heels of a successful rookie year of their own, Negative Kelvin received the Rockwell Collins Innovate Award for the second

partnership with the event coordinators and film industry professionals. Last spring Megan Steiger ’17 and Mac

year in a year. The students were recognized

Armstrong-Brown ’17 took grand prize

for innovative elements of their robot design,

for their “abstract and thought-provoking”

including parts designed, 3D modeled, and

“Deliverance of the Mind.” In their animated

printed by the students to solve specific prob-

short, armies of line-figure people await their

lems. Negative Kelvin was also named as the

turn to submit to a supreme being’s cleansing

second place runner up for the “Think Award”

machine to purge impure thoughts – until one

as well as the “Design Award” and as the third

person urges others to rebel against the theft of

place Inspire Award winner.

creativity and independence.


According to Film Studies Instructor and Film Club moderator Mr. Louis Pierotti ’72, “Our affiliation with both festivals provides tremendous visibility to our student filmmakers by providing them with ever increasing

realizing the distinct advantage of having a

exposure and an exponentially larger viewing

prestigious film festival right in their own

audiences. It’s great for both our students and

Siena Arts calendar is leveraging these connections. In so doing he has filled his two slots for the year with impressive speakers. “Since representatives from Cameo Family Film Festival and NVFF started coming to our Film Forums last year when we hosted Creature Effects Artist Mark Rappaport ’72 and “Despicable Me” screenwriter Cinco Paul, we began an affiliation that led to the appearance of Mark Kirkland at this year’s Fall Film Forum. Additionally, I was able to schedule our Spring Film Forum guest Anthony Lucero (writer/director/Bay Area Film Maker) through our affiliation with the Cameo Cinema and the Napa Valley Film Festival and a special benefit screening I attended there.” Award-winning filmmaker and director, Mark Kirkland, was a featured guest at the Fall Film Forum. This three-time primetime Emmy Award winning director known for his work on “The Simpsons” had just given a special presentation, The Origin of Film,” at the Napa Valley Film Festival, which he adapted for his presentation to the students. Demonstrating and discussing antique, silent era hand crank cameras, Mr. Kirkland dazzled students with his passion for the pioneers of movie-making. Two years ago his own silent, short film, “The Movie Picture Co.” was featured at the NVFF. The Film Forum topic was particularly timely according to Mr. Pierotti, as students are delving into the silent film genre in class and currently creating their own silent films as their semester project. Who knows, one of these silent shorts just may find its way to the Cameo Cinema’s Family Film Festival. justin-siena Avanti


braves in the arts

FALL REP AT SILVERADO Congrats to the cast and crew of the two fall productions performed in rotating repertory of Her Infinite Variety and Love on the High Seas performed the last two weekends at Silverado Resort and Spa. According to Director Mr. James Thomas Bailey, these shows offered a lot of educational opportunities from content to production. Her Infinite Variety: Love Through The Eyes Of Shakespeare’s Women, which was adapted by James Thomas Bailey from the works of William Shakespeare and offered musical settings by James Sage, featured an all female cast with monologues, scenes, and songs from Shakespeare that feature women. Through the eyes of the Bard’s most famous women, we came to learn that love, with all of its joy and pain, is ultimately worth the struggle. In contrast the Jonathan Findlater piece, Love on the High Seas delved into the world of classic Italian commedia dell’arté! Using traditional masked characters, this wild and wacky spin on the classic Italian art form took on a modern edge. Utilizing an allmale (almost!) cast, improvisational theatre found its roots in this hilarious, free-wheeling comedy. There was also much to be learned from a production standpoint. From the repertory format to the last minute changes in staging due to weather, the students learned a lot about adapting, improvising, working as a team, and organization. From the many guests who attended and raved about the shows, it was clear their hard work paid off. Thanks to all who came out to support our young artists.


justin-siena Avanti

THE CHOIR PRESENTED “WINTERLUDE” IN THE CHAPEL AT MONT LA SALLE On Saturday, November 19, the Justin-Siena Music Department was proud to present a variety of songs and choral arrangements to get everyone in a festive and celebratory mood for winter! From Mozart to Pentatonix, the “Winterlude” program was set in the Mont La Salle Chapel on a cold and rainy afternoon and evening. Under the direction Ms. Lauren Seva Hesser, the beautiful voices and amazing acoustics delighted audiences and warmed their souls! Congratulations are in order for Ms. Hesser and her husband, Mr. Alex Hesser, who welcomed a healthy baby boy, Felix, shortly after the evening concert. He held on just long enough for mom to conduct her winter concerts—talk about timing!

CALENDAR ARTIST For the second year in a row, Nils Waterfield ’18 has had his photography selected for the Bank of Marin Calendar. His photo titled Pagini Ranch will appear in the 2017 calendar. This marks the seventh year in a row that Bank of Marin has worked with photography teachers and students at North and East Bay high schools to select images for the calendar, said a news release. Students submitted more than 150 images, and judges at the bank made the final photo selections. Congratulations Nils!

“SOLSTICE”–WINTER INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT On Saturday, December 3, the Justin-Siena Music Department was proud to present a winter instrumental concert in Siena Hall under the direction of Graham Terry ’03 and featuring winter inspired music from Ireland, Norway, and even Mongolia. Solstice aimed to reinvent the way we have heard some of our favorite Christmas standards, such as Greensleeves and Christmas Time is Here, and the student musicians did a marvelous job of introducing each piece and talking about the way they approached a particular piece and what tweaks were made and why. The audiences for both shows were dazzled by the talent that filled the stage. View all the photos from these shows at flickr.com/braveslife

justin-siena Avanti


braves report

fall review


Head Coach – Sue Jameson

The cheer team ramped up the energy for home football games and, of course, Homecoming week. Braves’ spirit is on the rise and the cheer squad is helping it move forward. The cheer team puts a huge amount of time and training into their performances and coordinating routines for JV and varsity cheer members.

CROSS COUNTRY Head Coach – Matt Wilkinson

The cross country team had a strong season. The girls finished third at the MCAL Championships, and both boys’ and girls’ teams advanced to the NCS Championship Races. The girls team qualified for the the CIF State Finals, finishing 4th. This team is a testament to consistent effort and their overall improvement and performance are outstanding. Dual Meet Records: Girls 7-2, Boys 2-7


Head Coach – Brandon LaRocco ’98 First-year head coach Brandon LaRocco’s team was beset by injuries throughout the season but showed grit and determination while continuing to compete hard. The team registered a great home win over Sacred Heart Cathedral before a boisterous crowd at Dodd Stadium. The Frosh-Soph team competed for the league championship and finished second.


Record: 3-7

Head Coach – Brian Cupit

Brian Cupit took over from long time coach, Ray Graziani and was able to maintain the excellence we have come to expect from the golfers. This positive and spirited team finished second in the MCAL and third in the North Coast Section Championship. Record: 15-3


justin-siena Avanti


Head Coach – Jim Reilly The tennis team had a solid season finishing mid table in the MCAL. The team, as always, displayed a good balance between competitiveness, fun and sportsmanship. This was a relatively young team with seniors Neha Sidhu and Stella Hewitt leading the team and preparing them for seasons to come. Record: 5-9

VOLLEYBALL Head Coach – Molly Anibale

The Braves had a strong season qualifying for both the MCAL Playoffs and the NCS Championships. Braves volleyball has been moved up a competitive division in the NCS from D4 to D3 due to their recent successes in the post season. The team also defeated noted regional volleyball power, Carondelet. This is a relatively young team from which big things will be possible in coming seasons. Record: 18-15

WATER POLO Head Coach – Joey Doyle

Water polo continued its upward trajectory as both the boys and girls teams qualified for the MCAL Tournament and the NCS Championships. The girls notched an impressive opening round vs. Concord High School before falling to the #1 seed, Acalanes High School in the quarter finals. Record: 18-15

FALL SEASON HIGHLIGHTS Athletic Director George Nessman

• Braves Fall Sports Composite Record: 78-61 • Girls Golf earns a Pennant with a strong Third Place showing at the NCS Championship. • All eight Braves teams had cumulative GPAs above 3.0. Boys Cross Country set the pace with a team GPA of 3.74! • Other team GPAs above 3.5: Girls Cross Country, Football, Girls Tennis, and Girls Water Polo.

way to go braves! justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

BY EILEEN MIZE Director of Communications

Remembering our Founding Principal In the midst of a yearlong celebration of the 50th anniversary of our founding, Justin-Siena mourns the loss of an early pioneer in school history. The founding principal of Siena High School and an integral figure in the merger of Justin and Siena High Schools, Sister Carol Quinn, died peacefully at Our Lady of Lourdes Convent in San Rafael on September 27, 2016. She was a Dominican Sister of San Rafael for 62 years. Virginia Marie Quinn was born in 1930 in Stockton, California and was educated by the Dominican Sisters from first grade through college.

In 1963, the Most Reverend Leo T. Maher, DD, the first Bishop of the

She graduated from Dominican College (now University) in San Rafael in

Diocese of Santa Rosa, asked the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael to staff

1952, earning an undergraduate degree majoring in biology and minoring

a girls high school while he charged the Christian Brothers with building

in chemistry, and in 1964 she received a master’s degree in biochemistry.

a boys school on adjacent property. Construction began in February 1966

After entering the convent, Sister Carol completed her teaching creden-

and opened for classes on September 13 later that year, each school with

tial. A model educator with a commitment to lifelong learning, she con-

only a freshman class of 49 students. The late Brother Bede Van Duren,

tinued to take graduate courses in science at the University of California

FSC served as founding principal of Justin High School and Sr. Carol

and in mathematics from Stanford University.

Quinn, OP served as founding principal of Siena High School. In addition

For almost fifty years she was a dedicated educator who taught science, math and religion to high school and college students in San Rafael, Monterey, Napa, and Vallejo. Justin-Siena owes a debt of gratitude for 20

her faith and vision in bringing the first Catholic high school to Napa.

justin-siena Avanti

to her administrative duties, Sr. Carol taught math and science. From a previous interview Sister Carol recalled the warm welcome from the Napa community. “What I enjoyed most were the people

of the valley—we felt so welcome and felt so needed. We felt that we

High School in Sacramento who were led by Br. Joseph, resulted in five

could make a difference in people’s lives.” She cared deeply about her

thriving marriages. Talk about the trip of a lifetime!

students, supporting them personally as well as academically. Some of her former students can attest to that care. Lucy Salazar Allen ’72 shared, “Sr. Carol was a pioneer woman

Margee Hench ’72 shared “Sister Carol’s bright and shining face will always live in the hearts of those who were her students. As our principal at Siena High in Napa, an all girls’ school, she was a power-

from the beginning, a unique presence in countless lives. Heaven has a

ful advocate for our education and to make sure we became responsible

new star!” Susan Ianziti Shifflett ’72 said, “Sr. Carol was exceptional

women of the world. Along with other Dominicans, Sister Carol did

as a principal. She had a great sense of humor, and was very real and

not step aside easily each time the diocese was generous with the boys’

fair. I think those qualities earned her a lot of respect from both students

school, while giving us so little because we were girls. Sister Carol

and peers. She certainly was a good role model during her years at

showed us that our lives were of equal value, and she gave us strength

Siena.” Carol Rinehart Minahan ’74 who lives in New Hampshire

to become advocates for the rights and dignity of others. As was said of

now, recalls Sr. Carol as a “joyful presence” during her four years at

another...There will never be an end to the good that she has done.”

Justin-Siena. Tammy Borges Blackseth ’72 agrees and had total respect and

Sr. Carol played a key role in the merger of Justin and Siena, and thereby paved the way for the thriving campus we enjoy today. Justin-

admiration for Sr. Carol. “I remember her on one knee with a pair of

Siena President Robert Jordan commends her courage and vision. “The

scissors, snipping the stitches of a non-regulatory length hem of a Siena

steadfast commitment to education shown by the Dominican Sisters for

student’s skirt—while the student was still in it! But what was more re-

centuries is an inspiration to school leaders today and a heritage which

markable was that she had the grace and wisdom to know when to look

we are proud to claim as part of our own. Sr. Carol’s pioneering efforts

the other way. These traits make a strong leader and I felt safe under

in providing a Catholic education to the young people of Napa and be-

that leadership. I never thanked her enough. Her life was a witness to an

yond laid the foundation for the mission we carry on today. A leader in

enduring and loving walk with God through Christ.”

math and science education in her own right, Sr. Carol was a role model

Molly Gerlach LeMaster ’74 recalls “Sr. Carol was always inter-

and a woman ahead of her time. Her collaboration with the Christian

ested to hear about what was happening with my family and me as we

Brothers for the common good of educating the youth showed a level of

would bump into each other over the years.” As timing would have it,

foresight without which, we would likely not be celebrating our 50th

Sr. Carol left Justin-Siena the same year Molly graduated for a science

Anniversary this year. We are indebted to her service and hope she’s

teaching position at Dominican College so Molly went on to become a

enjoying a reunion with Brother Bede about now.”

neighbor of Sr. Carol’s living in the dorm Fanjeaux Hall and had her for botany. Martha Maggetti Gabrielli ’72 remembers, “Sr. Carol was our

Exactly fifty years and two weeks to the day of our school’s first day of class, Sr. Carol joins those members of our school’s history who have gone before. We know she would be proud of today’s thriving student

chaperone on our high school trip to Europe, and she was amazing. She

body, and we know she’ll be smiling down on us as we celebrate our

was such a good sport and gave us a lot of freedom, probably more than

school’s fifty-year milestone and a legacy of excellence in Catholic edu-

she should have. Since I met my husband, Earl, on that trip we asked

cation set in motion, in part, by her.

Sr. Carol to bring the gifts to the altar at our wedding. I have such fond

Opposite: Science teacher/principal Sr. Carol Quinn, OP in a Siena Science lab; circa 1967 | Above (left) Principal and teacher Sr. Carol Quinn in 1966; (center) Sr. Carol and Br. Bede dispense awards at Siena Awards Day held in the Siena gymnasium which today is called Siena Hall, circa 1967; (right) Bishop Leo Maher addresses the community at the official Solemn Blessing and Dedication of Justin High School and Siena High School on Sunday, April 30, 1967. Administrators seated behind (l–r): Justin Vice Principal Br. Richard Camara, FSC; Siena Principal Sr. Carol Quinn, OP; Justin Principal Br. Bede Van Duren, FSC.

memories of her.” Nancy Bowman McGann ’72 was also on that European trip, and also remembers the care and trust with which Sr. Carol treated her students. As the story goes, this trip, which was made in tandem with boys from Justin High School and Christian Brothers

justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

Braves World Catch up with other alums!

We love hearing from you and know that your classmates do too­­—so keep the information coming! You may submit updates and information to Advancement Associate Andrew Bettencourt ’02 at abettencourt@justin-siena.org. Be sure to include a photograph too!*

Sidhu ‘17 and Joseph Celaya ‘17 were on hand to receive the special State Assembly Resolution drafted on behalf of the school’s 50th anniversary.


1971 Valerie Bettencourt Grinsell and

In addition to their faculty and staff positions, they both are serv-


ing as Advisors in Justin-Siena’s new Advisory Program this year.

her siblings got together at the

Kevin Daw (pictured above with

Twelve different Advisories are

50th Anniversary Braves Bash and

his wife, Claire,) participated in

led by different teachers and staff

enjoyed catching up with family

the Chili Cook-off at the Braves

members and include every mem-

and friends. They even got to

Bash against teams led by Josh

ber of the Justin-Siena Freshmen

see one of the younger members

’98 and Liz Pecha DeBonis ’03

class. This important program will

and Steve Andres ’02 (below).

continue expanding to include all

The winner in a very close deci-

students at the school over the

sion was Team Andres.

of the family, Robert Batt ’18 (Katie’s son) play in the band that day. Pictured (l–r): Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79; Valerie;

next couple of years.

Michela Bettencourt Euser ’77; Nelson Bettencourt III ’74; their

Bill Dodd continues his impressive

mother, Mary; Robert, and Katie

political career by being elected

Bettencourt Batt ’78.

to the California State Senate on November 8, 2016, representing


the 3rd District. For the past two years, Senator-elect Dodd served on the California State Assembly.

Jim Day and Caroline Bettencourt

He made a visit to his alma mater

Gerlomes ’79 (right) were asked

to make a special presentation at

to bring up the gifts at the Mass of

the conclusion of the Mass of the

the Holy Spirit as faculty alumni.

Holy Spirit. Student Leaders Neha * Information received after November 15 , 2016, will appear in the Spring/Summer 2017 issue of Avanti.


justin-siena Avanti



Sophomore parent and alum,



Jason Anthony plays in Northern

Alexis Mezzetta is in her second

California Golf Association events

year as an assistant coach for

throughout the year and recently

women’s basketball at University

shot a 71 and 74 at the U.S. Mid-

of the Pacific in Stockton. Alexis

Amateur at Stonewall Links in

spent 3 seasons, including 2 as the

Elverson, Pa. That score was good

associate head coach, at Loyola

enough to finish in a tie for 23rd.

Marymount University and was also an assistant at UC San Diego.


She played basketball at Justin-

Brian Rhodes Everett Dodd

off her year, Alexis was married to

(above) was married to Olivia

Saint Mary’s Women’s Basketball

Anne Everett Dodd ’04 on Oc-

Coach, Paul Thomas, earlier this

tober 15, 2016 at Mont La Salle.


Siena and UC San Diego. Topping

Kelly Squier Hyatt (above) joined other alums at the annual alumni reception just before the varsity Homecoming football game. Kelly is pictured with Greg Chouinard ’08, Gary Prince ’79 and his wife, Valerie.


Back on campus to celebrate Homecoming 2016 were sisters Judy Dick Howell and Kathleen Dick Morrison ’87, who is also a current parent of a junior. Pictured along with them is the 2012 Homecoming Queen, Megan Howell ’12. All three attended the Alumni Reception prior to the varsity game.

1985 Col. Michael Madison recently visited campus on a trip from his

Father Chinh Ngoc Nguyen (right)

home in Colorado. Col. Madison

was thrilled to return to his alma

is pictured with Advancement As-

mater to join Bishop Vasa and

sociate Andrew Bettencourt ’02.

others in celebrating the Mass of

The decorated military career of

the Holy Spirit on September 1, as

Col. Madison includes Squadron

Justin-Siena began the celebration

Commander, Senior US Embassy

of our 50th year. He was also on

Diplomat, Intelligence Officer,

hand to witness the blessing of the

High level Pentagon staff officer,

newly renovated 100 Wing.

rescue pilot, and supersonic multiship fight leader. Col Madison

Brian is currently the Community Relations Coordinator at The Doctors Company and Olivia is the CEO of Arts Council Napa Valley. Olivia also becomes the Stepmother to Emma Dodd, Brian’s daughter.

Nick Reinell (above) was recently engaged to Jessica Lander of Florida.

resides in Colorado with his family.

justin-siena Avanti


alumni news


works as a software engineer for MJD Interactive in San Diego. The Matron of Honor was Hillary Smith Moreno ’06, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Gillian Barrett, Alex Cero, Maria Staggs ’08, and Katherine Stefani.



Molly Bell (above) married Greg Chouinard did a fantastic

Tommy Keener on October 1, 2016

job spinning the tunes through the

in Sonoma. Alums in the wedding

decades at the Braves Bash. We

party were bridesmaids Lizette

look forward to having him DJ the

Jaeger Bell ’08, Mary Gerlomes

Crab Fest on January 21, 2017. Get

’11, and groomsmen Harrison Bell

your tickets online now.

’07, and Dominic Deguilio ’03. Eric Sweigert (above) brought up the gifts at the Mass of the Holy Spirit with Justin-Siena Counselor Jill Woolley Sinclair ’99 to represent alumni faculty. Eric is now in his 3rd year teaching at JustinSiena and has taken on the Mock

Gabby Morrongiello (above)

Trial team with English teacher

became the White House Cor-

Jamie Hodgkin.

2009 Alison Bassett recently started her new job at Meraki, a division of Cisco as a Supply Chain Analyst. Previously she had been at Restoration Hardware. Alyson Smith married Andrew Erickson of San Diego on August 13 in San Diego. The bride is the daughter of Justin-Siena Foundation Board chair, DJ Smith and Diane Smith of Napa. Alyson graduated in 2012 from the University of Colorado, Boulder with a degree in psychology. She works for the San Diego Unified School District as a second grade teacher. The groom 24

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Paul Dugoni is currently employed by Hall Winery in St. Helena as a marketing/sales specialist. In addition, Paul coaches the freshman basketball team at Napa High school.

Luisa Jojola (above) and Spencer

respondent for the Washington

Joske (below) began working at

Examiner in November. Gabby

Justin-Siena in August, returning

graduated from The George

to their alma mater to teach Math

Washington University with a

and Science, respectively. Spencer

B.A. in Political Science, with an

serves on the Ed Tech committee

emphasis in government and

and is also an assistant coach in


football and will be taking over as varsity coach for track and field this spring.

2016 season, Megan began interning with the Oakland Athletics in the Community Relations Department, where she assisted in the execution of community programs and initiatives from the league, franchise, and player level. Megan will graduate from the University of San Francisco with her Master’s in Sport Management in May of 2017. Isabelle Mieling (above) graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor


Eli Granata (right) is helping Justin-Siena embrace its roots in ag

of Science in Bioengineering in

country with an edible garden on

December 2015. She moved to

the north end of campus. Blessed

Boston in March 2016 and started

with land and the willing and

her first job at Dana-Farber Cancer

capable assistance of some of our

Institute as a Bioinformatics Ana-

Residence students and others,

lyst until August when she started

what began with some initial clearing

a Master of Science program

a couple summers ago, the garden

in Computational Biology and

vision is now coming to fruition. The

Quantitative Genetics at Harvard

garden was prepped for winter by

School of Public Health.

cultivating the soil to eradicate the weeds and mixing with compost.

Michael Guzman (above) is currently in his senior season playing

Christian Say (above) was a


tennis at UCLA. Michael was a decorated tennis player at Justin-

recipient of the 2016 Preston

Siena, including being named

Wells Leadership Award from

MCAL Player of the Year. Michael

Intercollegiate Studies Institute

plays both singles and doubles. His

(ISI). According to a press release,

major is political science.

“Preston A. Wells Jr. Leadership Award honors students who have displayed exceptional dedication to sharing the ISI mission with others and who capture the Megan Castellucci (above) graduated from California State University, Fullerton in May of 2015 with a BA in Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations. When she was not in class, she worked for the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics for three years and ended her time with Fullerton at the College World Series with Titans Baseball in Omaha, Nebraska. During the

entrepreneurial spirit, intellectual capacity, and patriotic fervor that defined Mr. Wells.” Daiana Bucio is attending Stan-

Brandon Weaver has had a strong

ford School of Medicine after

Redshirt Junior season for the UC

graduating from UC Davis earlier

Davis Aggies in football. Brandon

this year with a degree in Genetics

has 22 tackles, 2.5 for loss, and has

Mark Castellucci (above) repre-

and Genomics and a minor in Hu-

steadily improved every season he

sented the South in the Florida

man Development.

has been at UC Davis. Brandon is

League All-Star Game and spent

majoring in mechanical engineering.

his summer playing for the Winter Park Diamond Dawgs in the justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

Florida Collegiate Baseball League.

at High Point studying HR and

He recently furthered his baseball


career by committing to the University of Montevallo in Alabama, a Division II program competing in the Peach Belt Conference. Mark will continue playing baseball there this spring, while majoring in business management.

2014 Sadie Irvine continues her basket-

Morgan Malloy (above) success-

ball career at Santa Rosa JC where

fully walked onto the Saint Mary’s

she is leading the team in minutes


Gaels women’s basketball team

played and points scored so far

Ian Lederer (above) pictured here

this season. Sadie was a member

giving Justin-Siena Theatre Arts

career at Justin-Siena that included

of the Northern California Cham-

Director James Bailey a tour of the

playing in the State Champion-

pionship team at Justin-Siena

Capitol in June while working as

ship Game, winning Player of the

and also played a season at Napa

an intern on Capitol Hill.

Year in both the MCAL and Napa

Valley College.

this fall. After a very successful

Valley, Morgan took a year off Max Risch is currently attending

from basketball. She is now back

Diano Pachote is in his junior

UCLA and working as a produc-

on the court with the Division 1

season for Chapman College on

tion intern for Conan O’ Brien.

Gaels, who play in the West Coast

the Football team. Recently, in a game against Occidental College, Diano scored his 2nd career touchdown on a 5-yard pass play. Diano is majoring in strategic and

Conference (WCC). Joseph Osgood (above) is pictured with Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple. Joseph was able to meet

corporate communication.

Mr. Wozniak at High Point Uni-

Megan Gafvert (right; second

Innovator in Residence. Joseph is

from the right) is a junior on the University of Notre Dame cheer-

versity through a program called currently in his sophomore year

Naufahu Anitoni is in his sophomore season at Saint John’s University in Football. The team is 9-1 so far this season and Naufahu has seen action in 4 games. Naufahu was the Special Teams Player of the Year in Napa Valley as a senior at Justin-Siena.

leading squad. Since trying out for the team in the spring of her

Adrian Jinbo and Eric Fitzgerald

freshman year, she has cheered

’17 were recently featured in an

at events including football, vol-

article in the Napa Valley Regis-

leyball, soccer, and men’s and

ter about eSports, a video game

women’s basketball. She is a

league where both play “League of

psychology major with a minor

Legends” that is rapidly growing

in public policy and in education,

in popularity and is even played

schooling and society. This past

in large arenas with big crowds

summer, after studying abroad in

looking on.

London, she worked for an educational internship in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania, teaching and learning about education. 26

justin-siena Avanti

title before him, including JustinSiena chemistry teacher, Jeff Chappell, and Joseph Celaya ‘17.

New Arrivals A special welcome to the newest members of the Braves community. On Sunday, November 20 at 3:39 am, Instructor in Social Studies, Mr. Alex Hesser, and his wife and Justin-Siena Choir Director, Lau-

Ramiro Mendoza-Axle and Jona-

Tania Foley at the 2016 Home-

than Frias ’16 (above) got a visit

coming game) has accepted

on campus from College Counselor

a position with Disney Tokyo

Andrea Flores at USC.

as a professional dancer, play-

Leilani Westman and Yunhee Lim

ing the part of Peter Pan. Evan’s

(above) surprised their former

Kathleen Scavo ranks 3rd on the

first dance class was at Justin

teacher, Mr. James Bailey, with a

University of Oregon Women’s

Siena, under the tutelage of Lisa

visit to his theatre in Los Angeles

Golf team in average score with an

Clark Schmeling ’84. He leaves

in September.

average round of 75 and finished as

for Japan in January to begin a

high as 15th in a tournament during

15-month contract.

the fall golf season.

ren, welcomed their first son, Felix (below), just a matter of hours after the conclusion of her winter choral concert at Mont La Salle. Welcome Baby Hesser!

Dominique Shelton recently wrapped up his freshmen football season at Santa Barbara City College. Dominique finished the season with 26 tackles, 1 fumble recovery, and 1 interception.

2016 On a recent visit to Portland,


Oregon, President Robert Jordan enjoyed an opportunity for an

at Night

impromptu alumni dinner with (above) Conner Donohoe, Rachel Brashear, Christian MaldonadoBon, James Jordan ’15, Payton Orr ’15, Meghan Piatti Cosgrove ’14, and Chris Jordan ’13. Evan Day (pictured above with

Glen Williams (above) takes the oath of an Eagle Scout surrounded by a nest of men who earned the

Make sure you are on our email list to know about all the Alumni events and activities. Join us for our next gathering on Friday, December 23 at Basalt in Napa. From 5:30-7:30 pm, enjoy light appetizers and the first round on Justin-Siena! RSVP on the Alumni Facebook page: www.facebook.com/justinsienaalumni justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

In Memory

Hugh Reat, Jr, D.D.S. passed away unexpectedly on December 8, 2016 at his home. Hugh is the father of Maryanne Reat ’76.

Our thoughts and prayers are with these Braves.

The father of Lesley Berglund ’80, William Berglund, passed away

Founding Principal of Siena High

in November. (from the Napa Reg-

School for girls, Sister Carol Quinn,

ister) Bill decided exactly how he

OP, died peacefully at Our Lady of

wanted to spend the last chapter

Lourdes Convent in San Rafael on September 27. Read the full story

Inge Zeller, wife of Robert Zeller,

on page 20 about Sister Carol’s

Sr., passed away March 5 sur-

and her Justin-Siena legacy.

rounded by her loving family. Inge and Bob were married for sixty

In Sympathy

four years. All six of their children graduated from Justin-Siena: Cathy Zeller Erickson ’70, Debra Zeller Terry ’71 (deceased), Janice

Our thoughts and prayers are with these Braves. Pete Kramer, father of former Justin-Siena and Pepperdine baseball player Michael Kramer ’94, passed away in August of this year. He was the President of Napa Joe DiMaggio back in the mid 1990s. (The following was inadvertently left out of a previous publication. We apologize for the delay in publication.)

Katharine Lynne Drexler, mother of Jennifer Drexler Madden ’90, passed away in 2014. She was an instrumental part of the Justin-Siena theater department producing shows for Alex Urban over several years starting in the mid-80s and continuing until the mid-90s. She was also a huge part of the community children’s theater in Napa, Sonoma, Solano, and Marin counties for over 15 years. She touched thousands of lives, from the young people who were part of the program (many of whom attended Justin-Siena) to the enthusiastic audiences that filled the seats for every show. 28

justin-siena Avanti

Zeller McFarlane ’73, Robert Zeller, Jr. ’76, Lisa Zeller Miller ’79, and Kevin Zeller ’87. Bob and Inge also saw several grandchildren attend Justin-Siena, including: Clark Terry ’01; current Justin-Siena music instructor, Graham Terry ’03; Nicole Zeller ’12; and Scott Erickson ’12 and Zachary Zeller ’14 who attended for a time. While raising her family, Inge was also a very active person in the community. She was a Founder of Self Help for the Hard of Hearing (SHHH) Napa Chapter and assisted in many local programs to help the hard of hearing have a better life experience. She was awarded a national spirit award for her efforts on behalf of the local chapter, the state group and the national organization. In August, Harry Wojcik passed away peacefully at Queen of the Valley Hospital. Harry is the father of Catherine Wojcik Okimoto ’71, Linda Wojcik Mattos ’72, David Wojcik ’78, Mary Wojcik Schneider.

of his life: back on a farm, raising chickens, growing vegetables, and surrounded by family, friends, and a team of happy, loving, caring people, all of which his children made sure came to fruition at the family’s Napa ranch in Carneros.

SHARE YOUR NEWS Are you an alum (or, do you know an alum) with some news or an update to share? We would love to include you in the next issue in print or online. Contact Advancement Associate Andrew Bettencourt ’03 with your news and photos. He can be reached at abettencourt@justin-siena.org. Once a Brave, Always a Brave!


annual report

A Message from the Board of Trustees Dear Justin-Siena Community, We hope that you enjoy this online edition of Avanti. Included in this edition is our annual report. The Board of Trustees is grateful for the ongoing support of Board Chair, Mrs. Mel Preimesberger

many, which include our alumni, alum and current parents, current and former trustees, faculty and staff, friends, the Dominican Sisters and the De La Salle Christian Brothers. Your support makes so much possible from tuition assistance and program growth, to facility enhancements and professional development for our faculty. The Board of Trustees has recently concerned itself with the im-

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mrs. Mel Denise Preimesberger, Chair Mr. Dennis Pedisich, Vice Chair Dr. Joe Bosetti ’78 Sr. Emmanuel Cardinale, OP Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 Mr. Walter Mickens Mr. Richard Pia Roda, Esq. ’94 Mr. Lawrence Puck Ms. Suzanne Truchard Br. George Van Grieken, FSC ’70 President & CEO Mr. Robert T. Jordan Secretary & Financial Officer Mr. John Van Hofwegen Recording Secretary Ms. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79

portant governance questions of whom our school seeks to serve and what results are expected. We take seriously our charge from the De La Salle Christian Brothers to tend to the fiduciary responsibilities of the school, which includes both our financial health as well as the integrity of our mission. Please find here our annual financial report and roll call of donors. We are pleased to report again this year that the school remains financially sound. We appreciate the efforts being made by school leaders to identify sources of alternative revenue. This, along with the support of so many, will allow Justin-Siena to be relevant for generations come. May 2017 bring you and your family many hopes and blessings, and may we all continue to do our part in making Justin-Siena an educational experience that touches the hearts and minds of all its students today and tomorrow. We are indeed grateful for these past 50 years, and we look forward to the next 50! God Bless, Mel Preimesberger Board of Trustees, Chair


justin-siena Avanti

Operating Income Statement 2015-2016 OPERATING REVENUE

5 4






Tuition and Fees



Auxiliary Programs



Fundraising (Gifts & Grants)




Special Events




Justin-Siena Foundation




Braves Store & Transportation




Other/Board Designated




2 1




Salaries and Benefits


$ 7,661,003


Tuition Assistance


$ 2,075,480


6 5




$ 584,175




$ 1,232,141


Auxiliary Programs


$ 540,307


Operations and Maintenance


$ 518,997


Braves Store & Transportation


$ 550,289


Debt Service/Depreciation


$ 364,794








Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Honor Roll of Donors Parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends of Justin-Siena make a significant difference each year by including our students and programs in their charitable giving. We offer this Honor Roll of Donors with appreciation for gifts which were contributed between July 1, 2015, and June 30, 2016. These gifts reflect donations for which no goods or services were received in return for the contribution to Justin-Siena. Founder’s Society $25,000 +

Leadership Society $5,000 - $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gamble The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Haas Mr. Xinliang Lin and Mrs. Hua Yu Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Sheekey Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Torkelson

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen The Almar Foundation Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya T. Arcneaux Favreau ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gundling Mr. and Mrs. Craig T. Musgrave Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sangiacomo ‘87 Sangiacomo Vineyards

Trustee Society $10,000 - $24,999 De La Salle Institute Mr. Brett deLeuze ‘83 and Mrs. Natalie deLeuze Mr. John Dierking and Mrs. Lisa Marino Dierking ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Phinney Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Mr. Ling Yang and Mrs. Yi Li

President’s Circle $1,500 - $4,999 406 Land, LLC Mr. Jim Anderson and Mrs. Courtney Andrain Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Andrade Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Andersen Ashauer ‘79 Mrs. Dania Atanassova-Een Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Atchison Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Mr. and Ms. Charles Boles Dr. Teresa Bonzani Dr. and Mrs. Alok K. Bose Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brazil

On September 1, 2016, the newly renovated 100 Wing was blessed by Bishop Vasa.


justin-siena Avanti

Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Breen Dr. Jeffrey R. Breneisen and Dr. Kimberly Breneisen Mr. and Mrs. David W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Carey ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cepeda Mr. and Mrs. Antonio R. Chopitea Mr. James E. Collins ‘77 and Mrs. Dorothea Collins McFarland Mr. and Mrs. Paul Croft Mr. and Mrs. Trey Curtola Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. DeBlauw Mr. Ennio Depianto Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dold Dr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Durante ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Elliott-Smith Eye Care Center of Napa Eye Specialists Medical Group of Napa Valley, Inc. Mr. Martin Flynn ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. James Forbes, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Francke Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Giaquinta, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Giovannoni ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gleeson ‘85

Grace Vogler Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. Guttersen Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hagberg Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hall Mr. Lester Hardy and Mrs. Janet Pagano Mr. Stephen Havlek and Ms. Laura Nicholas Havlek ‘89 Ms. Michelle Hearne Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herriott Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hiddleson Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. and Mrs. Greg Holquist Mr. Lu Hou Mr. Robert E. Hunter, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Huston, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Manly Hyde Mr. Larry Jitner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaufmann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kenaston Mr. and Ms. Paul Kirley Kiwanis Club of Napa Foundation Mr. Clifford W. Lede Dr. and Mrs. Norman Lee Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leonardini, II Mr. Robert Levy and Mrs. Martha McClellan Mr. Brad Rey and Mrs. Jill Levy Mr. and Mrs. James J. Marchi Mr. John Mauro and Mrs. Sofia Fedotova Ms. Leslie G. McFarlane Dr. Lynette Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Miyasaki Mr. and Mrs. Luc Morlet Col. Justin Nast and Dr. Elizabeth Durkin Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nugent Opera House Management Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Otterbeck PG&E Corporation - Campaign for the Community Mr. Paul Quinones and Mrs. Piper Murray Quinones ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Radovan Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Reynolds Family Winery Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Ricetti Ms. Antoinette Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rosenbrand Rotary Club of Napa Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Roye Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Steiner J. Schaufel ‘82 Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund Mr. Tower C. Snow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Randy St. Jean Ms. Amanda Stiffler Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Stockand Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Sullivan Dr. Artoteles Tandinco and Dr. Imelda Tandinco The Doctors Company Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Tilley Dr. Khai Tran Dr. Jacqueline Tran Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Villasenor Mr. and Mrs. Rudy von Strasser Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Williams Mr. and Mrs. Todd Zeiter Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zheng

Principal’s Circle $750 - $1,499 Mr. and Mrs. Guido Addiego Mr. and Mrs. Felton C. Arcia Mr. Andrew J. Avellar and Mrs. Shelly Sandbach Avellar ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baumann Ms. Stephanie V. Beaurain Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Bittner Mr. and Mrs. John Bordelon Mr. and Mrs. Dionisios V. Bouzos Dr. and Mrs. Edward Cain

Capiaux Cellars Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Ceccatti Mr. Phillip Charnas and Mrs. Kelly Quinlan Charnas ‘95 Ms. Elizabeth Clerou Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Scott Copple Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Cronwall Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Daw ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. E. Michael Downer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Jon K. Freudenberger Mr. and Mrs. Alma D. Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gardiner Mr. Michael Giovannoni ‘81 and Mrs. Catherine VanWinden Giovannoni ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Clark K. Hallam Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Noel L. Hesser Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Heun ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Jeramaz Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kehl, J.D. Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Mr. Paul K. LaFontaine ‘82 and Mrs. Colleen LaFontaine Mr. John LaVoie ‘90 and Mrs. Caroline La Voie Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Lemieux ‘73 Mr. Darren Maloney ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGovern Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Miller MRC Recycled Rubber Products MUFG Union Bank Napa Parlor No. 62 - Native Sons of the Golden West Mr. and Mrs. George Nessman Ms. Ramona Nicholson ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Danny Over Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Peace Mr. Richard Pio Roda ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pires Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Politz, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. David Preimesberger Mr. and Mrs. Gary Prince ‘79 Rabobank Mr. Bill Facendini and Mrs. Heidi Rickerd-Rizo Ms. Angela V. Rigg Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Robin Mr. and Mrs. James L. Rong Mr. and Mrs. David Ross Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Sangiacomo Mr. James Schloemer Mr. Gregory Sinclair ‘99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. Armando Suarez-Baez and Mrs. Claudia Pulido Suarez Target - Take Charge of Education The Dental Office of John W. Daw, DDS

Mr. Rick Van Duzer and Dr. Jodi Nunnari Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vlaming Dr. Timothy J. Wahle ‘88 and Dr. Erica Wahle Conway-Wahle

Red and Blue Club $1 - $749 Mr. Timothy D. Aboudara ‘73 and Mrs. Leslie Aboudara Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Adamo ‘78 Mr. Robert Faber and Mrs. Lynn Adamo ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Adamo Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adiz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Adriance Ms. Heidi Albers Mr. Richard S. Aldine Mr. Joshua Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Tom Altemus Ms. Sandra Alvarez Mr. and Mrs. Greg Amaral Amazon Foundation American Legion Auxiliary Napa Unit #113 Mr. Joseph J. Andre ‘77 and Mrs. Erin Healy Andre ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Vaea Anitoni Father Don Arel Athletic Feat, Inc. Mrs. Marion M. Ault Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Ayvar Mr. James T. Bailey Mr. Micah Baker and Mrs. Cheryl Cruz Bank of America Foundation

Mr. Jeffrey Baptista ‘84 and Mrs. Susan Sheela Baptista ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Hector W. Barba Mr. Richard R. Barragan ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Paolo Battegazzore Mr. Keith Behlmer Ms. Deidre H. Bell Benevity Community Impact Fund Mrs. Virginia Benninghoff Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Berger Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Berghout Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Best Mr. Andrew Bettencourt ‘02 BlackRock Dr. Matthew Bonzani Ms. Julie Bordelon Mr. Donald Botill and Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. John Bouldt Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bowman-Davis Mr. and Mrs. Erich Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Brady Mr. Curt Brashear and Mrs. Kathleen Chermack Brashear ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bremer Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brittain Mr. and Mrs. Edmond F. Brovelli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown Mr. Robert O. Brown Mr. Jeffrey Bundschu ‘86 and Mrs. Elizabeth Nagel Bundschu ‘85 Mrs. Megan K. Cadigan

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Mr. Bruce Callanan and Mrs. Jennifer Bailey Callanan ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Campbell Ms. Kimberly Campisi Mr. Chris A. Cardwell ‘72 and Mrs. Anna Sousa Cardwell ‘72 Mr. Ronald E. Caretti Dr. and Mrs. Roger F. Carlson Sister Jeremy Carmody, OP Mr. and Ms. Enrique CarmonaHernandez Mr. Benjamin Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ‘77 Ms. Brianna Caron ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Garry L. Carpenter Father Walter Carreiro Mr. Scott E. Carter and Mrs. Susan Gavinski Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Casper Mr. Brian G. Cassayre ‘98 and Mrs. Brittany Cassayre Mr. and Mrs. James Cassayre Mr. and Mrs. David Castleberry Mrs. Yolanda Castorena ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Rodel Catacutan Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cayabyab Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Celaya Ms. Tracy Chan Ms. Angelica T. Chan Mr. Angelito V. Chan and Mrs. Evelyn Chan Mr. and Mrs. Vic Chapman Mr. Jeffrey E. Chappell Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Chatagnier Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chatagnier Chevron Corporation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Steven A Chiurco Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ‘75

Mr. David Ciabattari and Mrs. Emily Ciabattari Ms. Holly Salazar Clark ‘86 Ms. Georgine A. Clarke Mr. Edwin M. Clerici Ms. Elizabeth Cobb Mr. Francis Connelly and Mrs. Shannon A. Maher Connelly ‘79 Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Conway Mr. and Mrs. Derald D. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cooke Ms. Mary F. Coppock Mr. Stan Cordero Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Cordova, Jr. Ms. Michele Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cotruvo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Coughlan Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Heath R. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Curtis ‘01 Mr. Luigi Dagnino and Mrs. Franccesca Farfan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dalen Mr. and Mrs. Milton Davis Mr. James Day ‘72 Ms. Catherine Day Mr. Gerry De Guzman and Mrs. Corazon Marapao Mr. and Mrs. Roel A. de los Santos Mr. Rommel de los Santos Mr. Rico De Los Santos Ms. Barbara Decius Mr. and Mrs. Tracy S. Del Dotto Mr. and Mrs. Robert Della Santina Ms. Rollene Delsman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Denkin Ms. Cassandra Depew ‘05 Mr. Doug DeVaul and Susan Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Dick

Economics instructor Mr. Brandon LaRocco ‘98 settles into class in the newly appointed seminar-style classroom in the 100 Wing.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DiMare Mr. Brian R. Dodd ‘02 and Ms. Olivia Everett Dodd ‘04 Ms. Linda Donley-Reid Mr. Michael J. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Downer, III Ms. Naomi D. Downey Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Donald du Bain Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duffy Ms. Julia Dunbar Mrs. Sharon Durham Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dyer, J.D. Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Eagle Eagle Crest, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Todd Eckblad Mr. Gary Egkan and Mrs. Diana Stohsner Egkan ‘74 Elan Vineyards Electronic Script Donor Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elmore Mr. Oliver Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Ian Ward Mr. and Mrs. Keith England Ms. Cymantha M. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Estes Mr. Andrew Euser ‘78 and Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ‘77 Mr. Gregory Evans Mr. and Mrs. James Farris Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fechter Ms. Beverly L. Feindt Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Fernandez Mr. Christopher Fidler ‘02 and Mrs. Stephanie Quinlan Fidler ‘97 Ms. Amanda F. Fisher Ms. Linda S. Fisher Dr. and Mrs. John Fittipoldi, Jr. Mr. James Flaherty and Mrs. Maria Flaherty Mr. C.J. Flanagan and Mrs. Sheila Flanagan ‘73

Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Ms. Carmen Flores Focus 501, Inc. Mr. John C. Foley Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Franz W. Sichel Foundation Mr. Rene Fuentes Ms. Jessica Futo ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Diego E. Garcia ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gardner Ms. Berenice Garvan Mr. William Gass and Mrs. Jennifer Lohwasser Gass ‘93 Mr. Scott Carter and Mrs. Susan Gavinski Ms. Sonia Gee Ms. Yolanda Gella Mr. Frank Gentile Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ‘79 Mr. Allyn Gilbert ‘75 and Mrs. Elaine Cogan Gilbert ‘76 Ms. Nancy J. Gilliland Mr. Harry Giusti ‘75 Mr. Kyle J. Goleno ‘95 and Ms. Amy Toll Goleno ‘96 Ms. Myrene Gome Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gomez Mr. and Dr. James A. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Gonzalez, Sr. Ms. Brenda Gonzlaez Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Ms. Jennifer Greenway Ms. Pamela Gresh Mr. and Mrs. William P. Griffith Ms. Peggy Gsell Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Guevara Mr. Joey Gullikson Mr. Deepak Gulrajani Mr. and Mrs. Serafin Guzman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Hahn

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.


justin-siena Avanti

2016 Homecoming Court (l–r): Alyssa Bonfigli ‘17, Connor Wesson ‘17, Grace Haymond ‘17, Demetri Bouzos ‘17, Maggie Prittie ‘17, Mitchell Martin ‘17, King Mac Armstrong-Brown ‘17, Queen Tyler Bertani ‘17, Jill Del Arroyo ‘17, Jake Prittie ‘17, Abigail Craig ‘17, Dan Clark ‘17, Avery Johnson ‘17, Jake Wright ‘17, Neha Sidhu ‘17, Joseph Celaya ‘17

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Hallahan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Halsey, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Luke Ham ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna Mr. Kyle Hard Mr. and Mrs. Steve Harr Mr. William J. Harris Ms. Heidi Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hayer Mr. Michael Gravink and Dr. Ann Hefner-Gravink Mr. and Mrs. James V. Heim Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hein Mr. Damany Hendrix Mr. Lain Hensley and Mrs. Jean Korte Hensley ‘88 Ms. Mary Pat Hepp Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Jose Herrera Mr. and Ms. Alexander N. Hesser Mr. Todd R. Heun ‘82 and Mrs. Lillianette Heun Mr. and Ms. Robert A. Hewitt, III Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hickey Mr. John Hickman Ms. Christina L. Hickman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hodges Ms. Jamie Lee Hodgkin Mr. Paul M. Hoff ‘70 and Mrs. Kathryn Shifflett Hoff ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Holy Family Community Ms. Laura Holzkamp Mr. and Mrs. David Hosford Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huber Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Huffman Jr. Ms. Estella C. Huijon Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Humphries Mr. Bret Hyatt and Mrs. Kelly Squier Hyatt ‘80 Intel Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Irucuta

Mr. and Ms. Gary M. Ittig Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson Mr. Conrad M. James and Mrs. Karen James Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings John Staggs Landscape Maintenance Mr. Thomas Johnston and Dr. Ann Schneider Johnston ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jolley Mr. and Mrs. Leland Jones Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jovick Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kalten Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Kampton Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Ms. Claudia Karush Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Kathol Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weakley Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Mr. John Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kiedrowski Mr. and Ms. Andrew A. Killeen Mr. Randall Kingsford and Mrs. Andrea Clark Kingsford ‘90 Dr. Paul Kivela and Dr. Madeline Andrew Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kober Mr. Anthony Borders and Mrs. Kim Kostin-Borders Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Landis Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Landry Ms. Kelly Lann ‘84 Mr. Brandon C. LaRocco ‘98 and Ms. Miranda Welsh LaRocco ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lee Legatus of Napa Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Ianziti Lely ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lemieux

Ms. Maryann Lendall Mr. Richard Lenney and Mrs. Mary Lenney ‘80 Ms. Kathryn Leonardini Ms. Denise Leuschner Mrs. Xiaozhen Li Ms. Janet Llana Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lohwasser ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Marc T. Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy P. Lowe Ms. Leila P. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Chad S. Macaulay, Sr. Mr. Christopher Madrigal and Mrs. Christina Dowdall Madrigal ‘89 Mr. George M. Malasan and Mrs. Lenora Malasan Mr. and Mrs. Amadeo Maldonado Ms. Alejandra M. Mallari Mr. Michael Mares and Mrs. Claudia Paniagua Mares ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Rosendo P. Marin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Marino Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marshall Ms. Tracy Martin Dr. and Mrs. Mark Maus Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McClure Mr. Justin McClure ‘14 Mr. William McKoy Mr. Thomas C. McWilliams ‘88 and Ms. Angela Higgins McWilliams ‘88 Mr. Dwight Meier and Mrs. Pilar Meier Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mendonsa Mr. Adan Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Menegon ‘73 Ms. Sarah E. Merkel Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Michael Ms. Mary Ann Michelon Mrs. Kathleen E. Mick and Mr. Leonard McKinzie Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Midyette Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Miller, Esq. Mr. Greg A. Miller and Mrs. Lauren Dunn Miller ‘99

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Miller Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Millhouse Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Mills Ms. Kelsey Minigan ‘10 Minneapolis Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Leopoldo Miranda Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miroglio ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mispagel Mr. Bradford Mitchel Ms. Eileen Mize Mr. and Mrs. Henry Montorio Ms. Sallie Kyle Moore ‘87 Ms. Elizabeth Moore Mr. Heath Morrison and Mrs. Kathleen Dick Morrison ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mulcahy Mr. Neil F. Murphy Napa County Bar Association Napa Marble & Granite Works, Inc Napa Valley Community Foundation Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Mr. Ronald Nasuti ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Navarro Jr. Ms. Lorraine M. Negri Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neidhoefer Mr. and Mrs. Walter Newell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ney ‘93 Mr. Huy Tran and Mrs. Luong Nguyen-Tran ‘89 Ms. Patricia M. Nickerson Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Nicks Mr. Mark Nicoletti and Mrs. Danielle LaVoie Nicoletti ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Nieto Mr. and Mrs. Angelo A. Nogara Mr. and Mrs. James F. Nolan ‘71 Ms. Vijay Norfleet North Bay Insurance Brokers, Inc. Ohio State University Research Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O’Neill Mr. Vincent O’Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Owyeong

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pace Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Pachote Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Palla Ms. Cynthia Paniagua ‘75 Ms. Katherine A. Paniagua Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Parlett Mr. and Mrs. Anil L. Patel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Peatman Mr. and Mrs. William Peatman, Sr. Ms. Betsy Pelkan Mr. David Perata ‘80 and Mrs. Andrea Perata Dr. Francisco Pestana and Melissa Lee Ms. Laura H. Peters Mr. Mark Petersen ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Petersen Mr. Tyler A. Phillips Mr. Louis F. Pierotti ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Pivarnik Mr. Christian Platt ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Polik Ms. Billie Jo Post Mrs. Jamie Powell and Mr. Matt Powell Mr. and Mrs. James L. Prager Mr. and Mrs. John R. Prager Mr. and Mrs. Clive Prasad Mr. Daniel Priest Mr. and Mrs. John L. Prince Mr. and Mrs. John Prittie Project Graduation, Inc. Mr. Lawrence Puck Mr. Raymond Quaglia Mr. and Mrs. Michael Quast Sister Carol Quinn, OP Mr. Kenneth Radford and Mrs. Kim Reilly Radford ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Jose J. Ramos Ms. Carol Raney Mr. James Raycraft ‘94 Dr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Reat Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Rebullida Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Reid Mr. Winthrop Reis and Mrs. Marie Van Winden Reis ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Revetria

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reyna Mr. and Mrs. John P. Reynoso Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Reynoso Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Richied Ms. Mychele D. Riddick Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Roberts Mrs. Jessica Roberts Ms. Vanessa Robledo Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Robles Ms. Lauren Robson Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Roche Ms. Virginia Romero Ms. Victoria Roomian ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Ned Roscoe Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rosenthal Mrs. Denise Rosselli ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Dino Rossini Mr. Anthony Rossomando and Mrs. Sandra Biale Rossomando ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Rota Mr. and Mrs. Mack W. Ruff Ms. Nathaly Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Rundquist Mr. Kevin Ryan and Mrs. Lynn Bozzini Ryan ‘85 Ms. Barbara Ryken Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Salvestrin ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar G. Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo E. Sanchez Mr. Lalin G. Sancho Mr. Sam Sayson and Mrs. Christy Sayson Mr. Brent Schmeling and Mrs. Alisa M. Clark Schmeling ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schmitz ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Stan G. Schmutz Mr. Kurt Schnier ‘92 and Mrs. Corinne Dedini ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz Mr. Malcolm Schweiker and Mrs. Kathleen Schweiker Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shaffner Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Shearer, Ph.D. Ms. Lani Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Sukhdeep Sidhu

Mrs. and Mr. Navdeep Sidhu Mr. Joseph N. Silva Ms. Eileen Simmons Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Sinclair Sing for America Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bret P. Skillings Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, II Mr. Ward Smith Mr. Dennis P. Smith Brother Stanislaus J. M. Sobczyk FSC, Ed.D. Ms. Kathy Sparlin Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Spears Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro Captain and Mrs. Christopher L. Stathos ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Steiger Dr. and Mrs. Shane L. Stiver Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sugar Mr. Patrick J. Sullivan and Mrs. Karen Sullivan Mr. Eric Sweigert ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Tapia Mr. Stephen J. Taylor Mr. Graham Terry ‘03 The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation The Presentation School Ms. Emi Theriault Ms. Anne J. Thompson Ms. Louise D. Tomasi Mr. Donald A. Townsend Treadway and Wigger Funeral Chapel Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Truchard Tulocay Cametary Association Ms. Kerri R. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Valdez Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Mr. Matthew Valine ‘89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Grubbs Valine ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen Mr. and Mrs. James Van Sickle Ms. Sylvia Varni

Ms. Tricia Vela Mr. and Mrs. Armando Velasco Ms. Darla Viau Ms. Melinda Vigil Mr. and Mrs. Raul Villalobos, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin O. Villao, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner Ms. Lyn Walkenhorst Ms. Michelle R. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Wallace, Sr. Mr. Larry D. Wallace ‘97 and Mrs. Rebecca Wallace Mr. Brett Wallace ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wallin Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Washington Ms. Anita Webb Ms. Joan M. Webster Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weis Wells Fargo Matching Gift Center Mr. Timothy Westman Michelle Whetstone Mr. and Mrs. Heath H. Whittemore Mr. R. Curt Williams and Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ‘77 Ms. Melanie Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Corey J. Wing Mrs. Allyson Wood Mr. and Mrs. Scott G. Wright Ms. Jordan Wright ‘05 Yary Sports Photography Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Yee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yeo Ms. Pandora Yniguez Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Youngborg Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Yung Mr. and Mrs. Salwan S. Zaia Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Zanardi, PhD ‘86 Ms. Denise J. Zappitelli Ms. Michelle B. Zappitelli Mr. Robert H. Zeller, Sr. Ms. Fanna Zhang

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.


justin-siena Avanti

Fund A Need As we kicked off the 50th Anniversary of our school, we embarked on a campus-wide renovation, and our academic wings took priority. Thanks to all those responsible for bringing this renovation project to completion through Fund A Need 2016: Fixtures and Furnishings. Students and faculty are thriving in the space with the interactive technology, flexible learning tools for collaboration, and innovation and differentiated learning spaces. Mr. and Mrs. Guido Addiego Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Andersen Ashauer ‘79 Mr. Andrew J. Avellar and Mrs. Shelly Sandbach Avellar ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ‘78 Ms. Deidre H. Bell Mr. and Ms. Charles Boles Mr. and Mrs. Dionisios V. Bouzos Mr. and Mrs. Erich Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Breen Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Busch ** Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cain Mr. and Mrs. David Castleberry Mr. Phillip Charnas and Mrs. Kelly Quinlan Charnas ‘95 Mr. David Ciabattari and Mrs. Emily Ciabattari Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Conway Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. DeBlauw Mr. Brett deLeuze ‘83 and Mrs. Natalie deLeuze Mr. John Dierking and Mrs. Lisa A. Marino Dierking ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Durante ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Fernandez Mr. Christopher Fidler ‘02 and Mrs. Stephanie Quinlan Fidler ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Jon K. Freudenberger Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gamble * Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gleeson ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gomez Ms. Pamela Gresh Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve *

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Guttersen ** Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hansen Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund ** Mr. Lester Hardy and Mrs. Janet Pagano Mr. and Mrs. James V. Heim Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Heun ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Huston, Jr. Mr. Bret Hyatt and Mrs. Kelly Squier Hyatt ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jolley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kalten Mr. and Ms. Paul Kirley Dr. and Mrs. Norman Lee Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Mi Sueno Winery ** Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Miller, Esq. Mr. Bradford Mitchel Mr. and Mrs. Craig T. Musgrave Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ney ‘93 Ms. Ramona Nicholson ‘81 Mr. Mark Nicoletti and Mrs. Danielle LaVoie Nicoletti ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. Danny Over Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pires Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. and Mrs. David Preimesberger ** Mr. Paul Quinones and Mrs. Piper Murray Quinones ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds ** Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Robin Ms. Vanessa Robledo Mr. and Mrs. James L. Rong Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sangiacomo ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Sheekey *

Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Smith * Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sugar Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Torkelson * Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Truchard Mr. Rick Van Duzer and Dr. Jodi Nunnari Ms. Darla Viau Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vlaming Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Williams Mr. and Mrs. Todd Zeiter *Academic Renovation Leadership Gift made prior to July 1, 2016 **Academic Renovation Le adership Gift made prior to December 31, 2016

Pictured above right: faculty members work in the newly appointed Mr. Thom McDermott Department Office for English and Social Studies. Pictured above: Ms. Emily Ciabatarri teaches English class, taking full advantage of the adaptable furnishings and full-wall white boards. Photo credit: © 2016, Sasha Moravec

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Honor Roll of Alumni Our alumni community is critical in the success of advancing our mission. We are grateful to those alums who have supported their alma mater financially. Alumni support is growing and we look forward to engaging alumni with their time, talent, and treasure. Class of 1975

Mr. Robert Faber and Mrs. Lynn Adamo ‘75 Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Daw ‘75 Mr. Allyn Gilbert ‘75 and Mrs. Elaine Cogan Gilbert ‘76 Mr. Harry Giusti ‘75 Mr. Thomas Johnston and Dr. Ann Schneider Johnston ‘75 Ms. Cynthia Paniagua ‘75

Class of 1976 Class of 1970

Mr. Richard R. Barragan ‘70 Mr. Paul M. Hoff ‘70 and Mrs. Kathryn Shifflett Hoff ‘70 Mrs. Denise Rosselli ‘70

Class of 1971

Mrs. Yolanda Castorena ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Nolan ‘71 Mr. Mark Petersen ‘71

Class of 1972

Mr. Donald Botill and Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ‘72 Mr. Chris A. Cardwell ‘72 and Mrs. Anna Sousa Cardwell ‘72 Mr. James Day ‘72 Mr. Louis F. Pierotti ‘72

Class of 1973

Mr. Timothy D. Aboudara ‘73 and Mrs. Leslie Aboudara Mr. C.J. Flanagan and Mrs. Sheila Flanagan ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Lemieux ‘73 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lohwasser ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Menegon ‘73 Mr. Ronald Nasuti ‘73 Mr. Anthony Rossomando and Mrs. Sandra Biale Rossomando ‘73 Captain and Mrs. Christopher L. Stathos ‘73

Mr. Allyn Gilbert ‘75 and Mrs. Elaine Cogan Gilbert ‘76

Class of 1977

Mr. Joseph J. Andre ‘77 and Mrs. Erin Healy Andre ‘77 Mr. Benjamin Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ‘77 Mr. James E. Collins ‘77 and Mrs. Dorothea Collins McFarland Mr. Andrew Euser ‘78 and Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ‘77 Mr. R. Curt Williams and Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ‘77

Class of 1978

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Adamo ‘78 Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ‘78 Mr. Bruce Callanan and Mrs. Jennifer Bailey Callanan ‘78 Mr. Andrew Euser ‘78 and Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ‘77

Mr. Michael Mares and Mrs. Claudia Paniagua Mares ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miroglio ‘78 Mr. Winthrop Reis and Mrs. Marie Van Winden Reis ‘78

Class of 1979

Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Andersen Ashauer ‘79 Mr. Francis Connelly and Mrs. Shannon A. Maher Connelly ‘79 Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Prince ‘79

Class of 1980

Mr. Bret Hyatt and Mrs. Kelly Squier Hyatt ‘80 Mr. Richard Lenney and Mrs. Mary Lenney ‘80 Mr. David Perata ‘80 and Mrs. Andrea Perata

Class of 1981

Mr. Michael Giovannoni ‘81 and Mrs. Catherine VanWinden Giovannoni ‘83 Ms. Ramona Nicholson ‘81

Class of 1982

Mr. Jeffrey Baptista ‘84 and Mrs. Susan Sheela Baptista ‘82 Mr. Martin Flynn ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Giovannoni ‘82 Mr. Todd R. Heun ‘82 and Mrs. Lillianette Heun Mr. Paul K. LaFontaine ‘82 and Mrs. Colleen LaFontaine Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Salvestrin ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Steiner J. Schaufel ‘82

Class of 1974

Mr. Gary Egkan and Mrs. Diana Stohsner Egkan ‘74 Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Ianziti Lely ‘74

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.


justin-siena Avanti

Class of 2001

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Curtis ‘01 Mr. Brandon C. LaRocco ‘98 and Ms. Miranda Welsh LaRocco ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schmitz ‘01

Class of 2002

Mr. Andrew Bettencourt ‘02 Mr. Brian R. Dodd ‘02 Mr. Christopher Fidler ‘02 and Mrs. Stephanie Quinlan Fidler ‘97

Class of 1983

Mr. Andrew J. Avellar and Mrs. Shelly Sandbach Avellar ‘83 Mr. Brett deLeuze ‘83 and Mrs. Natalie deLeuze Mr. Michael Giovannoni ‘81 and Mrs. Catherine VanWinden Giovannoni ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Heun ‘83 Mr. Paul Quinones and Mrs. Piper Murray Quinones ‘83

Class of 1984

Mr. Jeffrey Baptista ‘84 and Mrs. Susan Sheela Baptista ‘82 Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ‘84 Ms. Kelly Lann ‘84 Mr. Brent Schmeling and Mrs. Alisa M. Clark Schmeling ‘84

Class of 1985

Mr. Jeffrey Bundschu ‘86 and Mrs. Elizabeth Nagel Bundschu ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gleeson ‘85 Mr. Kenneth Radford and Mrs. Kim Reilly Radford ‘85 Mr. Kevin Ryan and Mrs. Lynn Bozzini Ryan ‘85

Class of 1986

Mr. Jeffrey Bundschu ‘86 and Mrs. Elizabeth Nagel Bundschu ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Carey ‘86 Ms. Holly Salazar Clark ‘86 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Zanardi, PhD ‘86

Class of 1987

Mr. Curt Brashear and Mrs. Kathleen Chermack Brashear ‘87 Mr. John Dierking and Mrs. Lisa Marino Dierking ‘87 Mr. Darren Maloney ‘87 Mrs. Sallie Kyle Moore ‘87 Mr. Heath Morrison and Mrs. Kathleen Dick Morrison ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sangiacomo ‘87

Class of 1988

Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya T. Arcneaux Favreau ‘88 Mr. Lain Hensley and Mrs. Jean Korte Hensley ‘88 Mr. Thomas C. McWilliams ‘88 and Ms. Angela Higgins McWilliams ‘88 Mr. Timothy J. Wahle ‘88 and Mrs. Erica Wahle Conway-Wahle

Class of 1989

Mr. Stephen Havlek and Ms. Laura Nicholas Havlek ‘89 Mr. Christopher Madrigal and Mrs. Christina Dowdall Madrigal ‘89 Mr. Huy Tran and Mrs. Luong Nguyen-Tran ‘89 Mr. Matthew Valine ‘89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Grubbs Valine ‘89

Class of 1990

Mr. Randall Kingsford and Mrs. Andrea Clark Kingsford ‘90 Mr. John LaVoie ‘90 and Mrs. Caroline La Voie

Class of 1992

Mr. Kurt Schnier ‘92 and Mrs. Corinne Dedini ‘93

Class of 1993

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Durante ‘93 Mr. William Gass and Mrs. Jennifer Lohwasser Gass ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ney ‘93

Class of 1994

Mr. and Mrs. Diego E. Garcia ‘94 Mr. Mark Nicoletti and Mrs. Danielle LaVoie Nicoletti ‘94 Mr. Richard Pio Roda ‘94 Mr. James Raycraft ‘94

Class of 2003 Mr. Graham Terry ‘03

Class of 2005 Ms. Brianna Caron ‘05 Ms. Cassandra Depew ‘05 Rev. and Mrs. Luke Ham ‘05 Mr. Brett Wallace ‘05 Ms. Jordan Wright ‘05

Class of 2008 Ms. Jessica Futo ‘08 Mr. Eric Sweigert ‘08

Class of 2010 Ms. Kelsey Minigan ‘10 Mr. Christian Platt ‘10

Class of 2011 Ms. Victoria Roomian ‘11

Class of 2014 Mr. Justin McClure ‘14

Class of 1995

Mr. Phillip Charnas and Mrs. Kelly Quinlan Charnas ‘95 Mr. Kyle J. Goleno ‘95 and Ms. Amy Toll Goleno ‘96

Class of 1996

Mr. Kyle J. Goleno ‘95 and Ms. Amy Toll Goleno ‘96

Class of 1997

Mr. Christopher Fidler ‘02 and Mrs. Stephanie Quinlan Fidler ‘97 Mr. Larry D. Wallace ‘97 and Mrs. Rebecca Wallace

Class of 1998

Mr. Brian G. Cassayre ‘98 and Mrs. Brittany Cassayre Mr. Brandon C. LaRocco ‘98 and Ms. Miranda Welsh LaRocco ‘01

Class of 1999

Mr. Greg A. Miller and Mrs. Lauren Dunn Miller ‘99 Mr. Gregory Sinclair ‘99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ‘99

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

BRAVES Alliance


If you have any questions or would like to discuss your support for Athletes and Artists, let us know! Andrew Bettencourt ‘02, Advancement Associate 707.255.0950 ext. 645 | abettnecourt@justin-siena.org

Nearly 90% of our students participate in co-curricular athletics and/or the arts. Athletics and Arts are an important part of a Justin-Siena education. Join the Braves Alliance and you can help ensure that these successful programs, which enrich the JustinSiena experience for our students, continue to thrive. The Braves Alliance is a unique opportunity for our athletic fans and patrons of the arts to support our student programs with various perks for the sponsor. Red and Blue Sponsor Aubert Wines Grieve Family Winery

Blue Sponsor Malloy, Imrie, and Vasconi Insurance Service (Malloy and Capponi Families) PortoCork

Red Sponsor Whitehall Lane Winery

White Sponsor Jimmy Vasser Chevrolet/Toyota Mary’s Pizza Shack






justin-siena Avanti

entertainment & Dancing




COST: $65

($75 after Jan. 9)

all you can eat crab inc. apps, sides,

dessert & wine

Community Scholarships for Graduating Seniors American Legion Auxiliary Napa Unit 113 Scholarship American Legion Post 199 of Saint Helena Scholarship August Sebastiani Foundation Scholarship Brother Daniel O’Connor Memorial Scholarship Cabrillo Civic Club #26 of California Scholarship California Scholarship Federation Justin-Siena Chapter Community Projects, Inc. Scholarship Community Projects, Inc. Scholarship in Memory of Betty Imondi Damian Maldonado Memorial Scholarship Distinguished Young Woman of Napa Valley Italian Catholic Federation Branch 103 Italian Catholic Federation Branch 12 John Biale Memorial Scholarship Kathleen Frances Springer Memorial Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Art Stewart Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Brent Gularte Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Napa Scholarship Lynne Burns Memorial 4-H (Solano County 4H) Scholarship Napa County Bar Assoc Scholarship in Memory of Damian Maldonado Napa Lodge 2043, Sons of Italy Scholarship Napa Parlor No. 62, Native Sons of the Golden West Scholarship Napa Valley College - Burrell Wilson Mathematics Scholarship

Napa Valley College - Elks Larison Scholarship Napa Valley College Foundation Scholarship Napa Valley Community Foundation - Fruit of the Vine Scholarship Napa Valley Community Foundation - Julian Weidler Business Scholarship Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Scholarship Napa Valley Marathon Scholarship Napa Valley Orthodontics Scholarship National Honor Society Scholarship Patrick Savage Memorial Scholarship Paul Sheffer Memorial Scholarship Portuguese Heritage and Cultural Society Scholarship Project-Graduation, Inc. Scholarship Richard Janese Memorial Scholarship Ronald McDonald House Charity Scholarship Rotary Club of Napa Scholarship (Napa Noontime Rotary) Shane Memorial Scholarship Winner Shannon Lemieux Aquatic Scholarship Shannon Lemieux Memorial Arts Scholarship The Presentation School Scholarship Tim Galvin Memorial Scholarship Travis Unified Teachers Association Wilson Memorial Award Yountville FOCUS

Event Fundraising Justin-Siena events bring our community together with a sense of camaraderie and celebration each year. The annual Crab Fest is our largest event on campus where alumni, faculty, parents and friends gather for a fun-filled evening of food and drink. This past year our Crab Feed included delicious Tri-Tip, a live auction and dancing. The 2016 Great Party: Taste of Cuba rocked the campus with a menu of authentic Cuban cuisine, a live and silent auction followed by salsa dancing and mingling amidst the al fresco ambiance of the Havana Lounge. We extend gratitude to all who attended these events in support of our students.

Special thanks to our 2016 Great Party Underwriter: Bolt Staffing Service, Inc.

For underwriting and sponsorship opportunities for the Golden Gala at Greystone, April 8, 2017, please visit the events page on the school website and/or contact Br. Kevin at kslate@justin-siena.org or Paula Vlaming at pvlaming@justin-siena.org. justin-siena Avanti


annual report

In-Kind Donations In-kind donations provide incredible support for special events, program needs, student activities and capital improvements. The following individuals and businesses generously provided in-kind gifts during the 2015-2016 school year that support our auctions and help to offset our operating costs for all of these activities. Alpha Omega Winery Mr. and Mrs. Tom Altemus Amuse Bouche Winery Anytime Fitness Artesa Vineyards and Winery Au Sommet Winery Auberge du Soleil Aubert Wines Mr. Andrew J. Avellar and Mrs. Shelly Sandbach Avellar ‘83 Balletto Vineyards Balloon Above the Valley Barnett Vineyards Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ‘78 Bell Wine Cellars Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton Benessere Vineyards Bin to Bottle Bistro Jeanty, LLC Black Stallion Estate Winery BOND Estates Bronco Wines Busters Southern Barbecue Cache Creek Casino Cafe Sarafornia Cakebread Cellars Campus Kitchens, LLC Cartelligent Castello di Amorosa Caymus Vineyards Celaya Law Mr. Clovis Celestin and Mrs. Karen Reid-Celestin Chanticleer Estate Charter Oak Winery Chiarello Family Vineyards Cline Cellars Clos Du Val Wine Company, Ltd. Clos Pegase Winery Colgin Cellars Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Conway Copperfields Books Cornerstone Cellars Costco Wholesale Warehouse Mr. and Mrs. Trey Curtola Dalla Valle Vineyards Del Dotto Vineyards Della Santina’s Trattoria Domain Home and Garden Duckhorn Vineyards Eclectic Designs Elaine Bell Catering Elan Vineyards EnRoute Etude Wines Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fanucci 42

justin-siena Avanti

Far Niente Winery Fitness Revolution Napa Five Hotel Shattuck Plaza Fortunati Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Franciscan Vineyards Freedom Estate Wine Frog’s Leap Winery Gandona Estate Mr. and Mrs. Tim Garcia Gerber Kawasaki Wealth Management Golden State Warriors Gott’s Roadside Grgich Hills Estate Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve Gundlach Bundschu Winery Hair Collective Mr. Lester Hardy and Mrs. Janet Pagano Harlan Estate Harvest Inn Herb Lamb Vineyards Honig Vineyard & Winery Hotel Yountville Howell Mountain Vintners & Growers Association Inglenook Winery Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Irucuta Island Oasis Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson Jacuzzi Family Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jameson Jericho Canyon Vineyard Jessup Cellars Joseph Phelps Vineyards Ladera Vineyards Laird Family Estate Winery Lamborn Family Vineyards Latitude 38 Entertainment Laurel Glen Vineyard Lee Youngman Galleries Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Luna Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Brent Madsen Markham Vineyards Mary’s Pizza Shack Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Meadowood Napa Valley Merryvale Vineyards Mi Sueno Winery Monte Smith Winery Morton & Bassett Spices Mt. Beautiful Wines Myles Davis Electric

Napa Valley Performing Arts Center at Lincoln Theater Napa Valley Wine Train Nickel and Nickel Nina McLemore Oakville Ranch Vineyards Odette Estate Winery Opus One Orin Swift Cellars O’Shaughnessy Estate Winery Ovid Napa Valley Pangloss Cellars Paradigm Winery Park And Central Hotel Pavi Wines Peju Province Winery Perata Vineyards Pine Ridge Vineyards Pizzeria Tra Vigne Pride Mountain Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prittie Red Cap Vineyards Renteria Family WInes Retro Cellars Reynolds Family Winery Ms. Angela V. Rigg Robert Craig Winery Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Robin Mr. and Mrs. James L. Rong Rosina’s European Skin Care Saint Helena Winery San Jose Giants Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sebastiani ‘88 Shafer Vineyards Silver Oak Cellars Silverado Resort Silverado Vineyards Ms. Eileen Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Sonoma Gourmet Sonoma Raceway

Spence Vineyards St. Michael’s High School Staglin Family Vineyard Steve Silver Productions, Inc. Mr. Armando Suarez-Baez and Mrs. Claudia Pulido Suarez Subterra Wines Summit Lake Vineyards and Winery Sun House Flowers Swanson Vineyards & Winery The Girl and The Fig The Meritage Resort The Morlet Selection, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O’Neill The Preiser Key to Napa Valley The Westin Verasa, Napa Three Clicks Wines Three Wine Company Mr. Huy M. Tran and Mrs. Luong Nguyen-Tran Trefethen Family Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tres Truchard Vineyards Turnbull Wine Cellars Twomey Cellars Uva Trattoria Vezer Family Vineyard Villa Corona Vine Cliff Winery Von Strasser Winery Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Walsh, Sr. Ms. Lisa A. Walter Mr. Gregory S. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Wells Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Whitehall Lane Winery William Hill Estate Winery Ms. Melanie Wilson ZD Wines Ms. Fanna Zhang


Honor & Memorial GIFT PROGRAM

In Honor Of

Ms. Mary Ann Geerts Mr. Chris A. Cardwell ‘72 and Mrs. Anna Sousa Cardwell ‘72

Brother Daniel O’Connor Memorial Scholarship Holy Family Community

Ms. Janet Gelow Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Lely ‘74

Mr. Paul Loyd Paniagua, Sr. Mr. Bruce Callanan and Mrs. Jennifer Bailey Callanan ‘78 Sister Jeremy Carmody, OP Father Walter Carreiro Ms. Mary F. Coppock Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Kampton Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott

Dr. Richard J. Heun Mr. Todd R. Heun ‘82 and Mrs. Lillianette Heun Ms. Macie Heun ‘13

Mr. Thomas McDermott Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro

Richard J. Janese Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Jr. Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan

Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin

Mr. Leo Lavio Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Marino

In Memory Of Ms. Beverly Aboudara Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Daw ‘75 Mr. William G. Benninghoff Mrs. Virginia Benninghoff Mrs. Mary B. Bickford Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Jimmie Louise Cardwell (Tim Galvin Scholarship Fund) Mr. Chris A. Cardwell ‘72 and Mrs. Anna Sousa Cardwell ‘72 Mr. L.G. Mike Chouinard Mr. Chris A. Cardwell ‘72 and Mrs. Anna Sousa Cardwell ‘72 Mr. Jerry Dietz Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Marino Ms. Carole Downing Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Marino Ms. Dottie Duddy Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Marino Ms. Louis V. Emerson Mr. Oliver Emerson Wells Fargo Matching Gift Center Ms. Mary Fredericks Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Marino Mr. Albert Thomas Frommelt Ms. Lorraine M. Negri Ms. Maureen Gavin (Tim Gavin Memorial Scholarship Fund) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gavin MRC Recycled Rubber Products

Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Bittner Ms. Laurel Farris Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Lemieux ‘73 Mr. Daniel Priest Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot PG&E Corporation - Campaign for the Community Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Mr. Carl F. Lynch Mr. Robert H. Zeller, Sr. Mr. Patrick Joseph McBride Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Ms. Anne Marie McBride Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Ms. Peggy Miroglio Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brittain Mr. and Mrs. James Cassayre Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Menegon ‘73 Mr. Raymond Quaglia Mr. Robert H. Zeller, Sr.

John F. Roche Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Jesus Romero Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Virginia Romero Rev. Antonio Valdivia Mr. Robert E. Rota ‘70 Mr. Edwin M. Clerici Mr. Frank Gentile Mr. Conrad M. James and Mrs. Karen James Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Napa Marble & Granite Works, Inc Ms. Lorraine M. Negri Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Owyeong Mr. Stephen J. Taylor Treadway and Wigger Funeral Chapel Tulocay Cametary Association Ms. Sylvia Varni Mr. Robert H. Zeller, Sr. Patrick Savage Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Mr. Gregory Sinclair ‘99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ‘99 Ms. Judith Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Kampton Ms. Diane Slaughter Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Lely ‘74

Michael Kevin Moffitt ‘73 Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC

Mr. Jack Van Hofwegan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott

Mr. Don Moreda Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Marino

Damian Vela, MD Candle of Knowledge Scholarship Mr. Micah Baker and Mrs. Cheryl Cruz Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Mr. and Mrs. Todd Eckblad Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign Mrs. and Mr. Navdeep Sidhu

Robert C. Morrish Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Daw ‘75 Richard Murray (John Goodsell Scholarship Fund) Ms. Rollene Delsman Mr. Ray L. Nasuti Mrs. Sharon Durham Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. Ronald Nasuti ‘73

Ms. Julie Yip Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott

Ms. Inge Zeller Mr. and Mrs. Edmond F. Brovelli, Jr. Sister Jeremy Carmody, OP Mr. and Mrs. James Cassayre Dr. and Mrs. John Fittipoldi, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Gallagher Mr. Paul M. Hoff ‘70 and Mrs. Kathryn Shifflett Hoff ‘70 Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. Ronald Nasuti ‘73 Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Nicks Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Peatman Mrs. Betsy Pelkan Ms. Laura H. Peters Sister Carol Quinn, OP Dr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Reat Ms. Barbara Ryken Mr. Sam Sayson and Mrs. Christy Sayson Veronica Zimmermann Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Scott E. Carter and Mrs. Susan Gavinski Mr. Doug DeVaul and Susan Taylor Ms. Linda Donley-Reid Mrs. Susan E. Gavinski and Mr. Scott Carter Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hein Mr. James Schloemer Mr. Patrick J. Sullivan and Mrs. Karen Sullivan




A gift to the Honor–Memorial Gift Program is a wonderful way to honor someone dear, either living or deceased. The name of the recipient of an Honor–Memorial gift will be placed in the Justin-Siena Book of Remembrance and remembered in prayers of the Justin-Siena community at the regular Masses throughout the school year. A letter is sent to the honoree or the family of the deceased informing them of your gift. The amount of your gift is confidential and supports the Justin-Siena annual tuition assistance program. For additional donation envelopes or information on how to create a permanent named fund, contact the Office of Advancement at 707.255.0950 ext. 628. justin-siena Avanti


Legacy Circle

Photo: © 2016, Sasha Moravec

Your Legacy Gift Makes a Lifetime of Impact


id you know you can provide Justin-Siena with a

much larger gift than you had previously considered, resulting in a partnership with great meaning to you and strong future benefit to Justin-Siena. For example, you can make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime. You can give stock and realize larger tax savings. You can donate your house, continue to live there, and get a tax advantage all at the same time.

Justin-siena foundation

Your planned gift could allow you to obtain some or all of the following benefits: •

Fulfill your philanthropic goals

Reap income-tax savings through charitable deductions for the value of your gifts

Avoid capital gain taxes on contributions of long-term capital gain property

• Eliminate federal estate tax on the value of the interest in the property eventually passing to charity •

Reduce costs and time in estate planning.

One of the simplest ways to benefit Justin-Siena is to name the school in your will with a general bequest. Planned gifts can build a financial safety net for the school by building an endowment that gives lasting and ongoing support. Please contact the Director of Advancement at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 or pvlaming@justin-siena.org to find out more information or if you have already included Justin-Siena in your estate.

Legacy Circle Members

board of directors


Gwen Famular *

Dr. and Mrs. Lydia Rufran *

Joe and Midge Bracco

The Peter and Vernice Gasser

Dr. and Mrs. Edward Shenk

D. J. Smith, Chair

Del Britton*


D.J. and Diane Smith

Bruce Butler

Joe and Rosie Keebler

Dr. and Dr. Timothy Wahle

Tom and Kristy Carey

Francis Mahoney

Dr. and Mrs. Roger Carlson

Marie and William McKenzie

Todd and Marge Evans

Ray L. Nasuti *

Ed and Michele Farver

Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Reat

Garrett Busch Tom Coughlan Patrick Gleeson ’85 Tim Malloy ’87 Manbin Monteverdi Robert T. Jordan, ex-officio


Returning to Our Roots. Toasting Our Future.

join us on

april 8, 2017 for a

Golden Gala at


HONORING MR. ROBERT H. ZELLER On the occasion of our 50th Anniversary, we wish to honor Bob Zeller for his faith and zeal in partnering with the Christian Brothers and the Dominican Sisters to advance the mission of Justin-Siena. Bob will be publicly recognized for his service at the Gala in April. We are going back to our roots! At the 2017 annual spring fundraiser, it’s all about gold for our 50th. To mark the occasion, the event will be hosted in a place significant in the history of the Christian Brothers in the Napa Valley. For decades, the Christian Brothers Winery occupied the historic Greystone building. So fittingly in 2017, we return to our roots to celebrate our 50th Anniversary. Join us in raising a glass as we look toward the next 5o years!


CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED JUSTIN-SIENA is a Catholic high school in the Lasallian tradition offering a college preparatory program that serves approximately 650 young men and women in grades 9–12. Founded in 1966 by the De La Salle Christian Brothers and the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael, the school is located on forty acres in the City of Napa. Justin-Siena serves a diverse student body from Napa, Sonoma, and Solano Counties.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and blessings in the New Year! “In some ways, the Justin-Siena experience is like a perpetual Advent. This time of year is about preparing our hearts for the love and joy and security that Christ and Christmas bring. And this school exists to prepare our students for an adult life of love, joy, and security - and to prepare them to give of themselves to make this world more like the one the Gospels envision.” —PRINCIPAL JOHN BORDELON (excerpt from Braves Bulletin article)

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