Avanti - Autumn/Winter 14-15

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Taking Up Residence on the North End of Campus

Never Stop justin-siena Justin-Siena is a Catholic high school in the Lasallian tradition called to provide educational excellence in a loving, Christ-centered community that prepares students to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world.

Never stop inspiring, challenging, or being there. Your investment will help sustain Justin-Siena’s commitment to educating for an ever-changing world. Your investment allows Justin-Siena students to rise to their potential through the discovery of their

ABOUT THE SCHOOL SEAL In addition to identifying our location and the year of our 1966 founding, our seal contains the history of our school. The Justin-Siena seal embodies the icons of the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael (who co-sponsored the school through the 2005-06 academic year) and the De La Salle Christian Brothers. The original Dominican black and white cross, fleury, indicates a spiritual ideal in spreading the Gospel of Christ by preaching and teaching. The five-pointed star signifies the sign of faith, which guides all Christian Brothers and Lasallian partners in their vocation of Christian education. Finally, “Sempre Avanti” heralds the legacy of the Brothers, and more specifically, Justin High School. Italian for “always forward” these words appeared on the Justin High School seal representing a commitment to looking forward and never being complacent, while exhibiting a passion for preparing the students entrusted to their care.

own gifts and passions. Your investment allows us to fulfill our commitment to building a community centered on relationships . If you haven’t already, please consider a gift to the Justin-Siena Annual Fund and join us, 100% of the faculty/staff, 100% of the Board of Trustees, and 70% of parents in supporting the future of bright, capable, and deserving students.



Please send address changes to Office of Advancement at Justin-Siena | 4026 Maher Street | Napa, CA 94558, or email twing@justin-siena.org. AVANTI is also available online at www.justin-siena.org.

Comments and/or editorial contributions can be sent to Director of Communications Eileen Mize at emize@justin-siena.org. The School reserves the right to publish and/or edit material to reflect the values of our mission.

Make your gift online at www.justin-siena.org/annualfund or use the enclosed envelope.


justin-siena magazine for alumni, families, and friends | autumn/winter 2014–15


Taking Up Residence



The full dinner table surrounded by animated students and staff in the dining room of the Justin-Siena Student Residence is the image of a large, happy family. Dinner begins with prayer followed by lively conversation, laughter, complaining, noise, and of course, the consumption of food, not unlike the dinner tables of most American families who gather for the breaking of bread together, except that this is one large family.

Compelled by a Duty to Serve



“When you greet someone in Burundi, you usually say, ‘Amahoro,’ ‘Peace.’ When you repeat Amahoro many times, as Deo did when he heard his father’s voice, it means that you are overjoyed. Amahoro, Amahoro, Amahoro,” quoted English teacher Louis Pierotti ’72 to introduce guest speaker Deogratias “Deo” Niyizonkiza at the “One School, One Book” assembly on October 28, 2014.

Alumni Hall of Honor Inducts Three


Justin-Siena inducted three special alumni into the school’s Hall of Honor on Friday, October 3, 2014, in a special ceremony in the Clark Gym for students, faculty, staff, and special guests. The Hall of Honor, held every other year since 2004, recognizes outstanding alumni who have achieved distinction, emerged as leaders, and whose lives reflect Faith, Scholarship, and Service—core attributes of a true Lasallian leader.


What’s inside? 10

Mission Matters


Braves Bites


Braves in the Arts


Braves Report


Braves World


Alumni Class Notes

Annual Report

About the Cover By working together and embracing a family-like community, these adult and student residents are pioneering a new chapter for Justin-Siena. Pictured: (back row l–r) Matthew Schmitz ’01, Tasha Schmitz, Bob and Agnes Bailey; (bottom row l–r) David Zheng ’16, Yunhee Lim ’16, Johanna Meier ’17, and Josh Jackson ’16. Read more on page 4. Look for this icon throughout the magazine. It means: MORE ONLINE.


Places to go. People to see!



For a complete and up-to-date calendar of school events visit: www.justin-siena.org/calendar

Fri, December 12

Thurs, January 15

January 15–18

January 24

Winter Concert

Justin-Siena Theatre presents

Featuring choral and instrumental music performances

Winter Open House

30th Annual Crab Feed

An Admissions event for prospective families

Now in its 4th season! Every match is different

Certainly puts the FUN in fundraiser and always sells out

Feb 27-28; Mar 1, 6, 7, 8

Thurs, April 23

Sat, April 25

May 1, 2, 3

Visual Art Show

Lantern Festival– Journey to China

Spring Dance Show

the 2015 Great Party spring auction

Yountville’s Lincoln Theater

Justin-Siena Theatre presents

Urinetown The Musical

Opening Reception in the Gasser Center Gallery


Yountville’s Lincoln Theater

New Beginnings

Fri, May 8

Fri, May 15

Wed, June 3

Thurs, June 4

Spring Concert

Founders Day

Featuring choral and instrumental music performances

Culmination of a weeklong celebration of our Lasallian heritage

Baccalaureatte Mass

Commencement Ceremony

honoring the Class of 2015

honoring the Class of 2015

AVANTI is published twice a year by the Office of Communications for Justin-Siena alumni, parents, friends, faculty, and staff.

Board of Trustees Mr. James Heim Chair Br. Kevin Slate, FSC Vice Chair

A Message from the Office of the President

Sr. Emmanuel Cardinale, OP Mr. Thomas Durante ’93

Several weeks ago we all set our clocks back a full hour. This time change has al-

Mr. Dennis Pedisich

ways seemed to me a bit more dramatic than when we experience the time change

Mrs. Mel Denise Preimesberger

in the spring. I think it is because it represents a more visible shift in seasons. The

Br. Stanislaus Sobczyk, FSC, Ed.D.

air has a bit more chill to it, the colors of our trees and in the vineyards inform us

Dr. Paul Sweigert

that change in happening, and most significantly, we lose light. The days become

Mrs. Suzanne Truchard

shorter and shorter as we march towards the winter solstice.

Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO

While this darkness and change of weather happens, our Christian tradition gives

Mr. John Van Hofwegen Secretary & Finanacial Officer Ms. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Recording Secretary

Administration Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO Mr. David Holquin Interim Principal Ms. Heidi Harrison Vice Principal for Curriculum and Instruction

us a different approach to these winter days. It is in darkness that the light of Christ becomes even more radiant. The single glow of the candle reminds us of God’s presence, and represents the warmth and spirit of family that becomes so obvious this time of year. The power of the light of Christ radiates within certain traditions on our campus that take place this time of year. The introduction of new signs and symbols emerge for our students. Our weather forces our community inside more on our predominately outside campus. The warmth of our community is put on display in our dining hall at lunch, at our traditional all school Thanksgiving feast, and in the sacredness of the Mont La Salle Chapel during our Christmas music concert. It is further evident even outside at our alumni games the day before Thanksgiving, or as the warm summer nights that represented the opening of fall sports, are now replaced by blankets and hot chocolate as we watch our Braves enter the division playoffs. This light is also evident in new traditions. As I leave the office these days in the darkness of night, a new light is

Mr. Robert Bailey Vice Principal for Strategic Initiatives

literally shining on the north side of campus. The former Siena Convent, which sat dark for several years, is now

Publishing Credits

Light will always penetrate the darkness, and guide our Justin-Siena family towards the promise of hope and

Editor-in-Chief/Graphic Designer: Eileen Mize, Director of Communications

teachers, staff, parents, students, alumni, benefactors, friends, and the Christian Brothers. It is indeed the light

Photography: Thom McDermott; Eileen Mize; Kathy Kellebrew; Noel Hesser; Yearbook Staff Contributors: Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79; Carolina Guevara; Noel Hesser; David Holquin; Michele Farver; Robert T. Jordan; George Nessman; Tiffany Wing

full of new life from our on-campus residential students. This represents only one part of a new light that emerges on a school community that is always moving forward.

happiness. This light is ignited, maintained, and kept glowing by the people of our school community: our of Christ! May God bless us all in this holy season, and may His light shine on you and your family. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!

Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO

A Catholic High School in the Lasallian Tradition

cover story


justin-siena Avanti

Taking up Residence


Making a home on the north end of campus

he full dinner table surrounded by animated students and staff in the dining room of the Justin-Siena Student Residence is the image

BY NOEL HESSER Accreditation Support Services Instructor of Mathematics

of a large, happy family. Dinner begins with prayer

begins the evening schedule. Students have posted weekly chores which include dinner set-up and clean-up. Grace is offered by a student or staff member, and a jovial mealtime is enjoyed by all. Manda-

followed by lively conversation, laughter, complaining, noise, and of

tory quiet study time follows dinner from 7:15 pm to 9:15 pm when

course, the consumption of food, not unlike the dinner tables of most

tutoring is also available (or mandatory for those struggling in a subject).

American families who gather for the breaking of bread together, except

All check in to the house chapel by 9:30 pm for a “family” meeting

that this is one large family. Though the eighteen student residents all

where issues, concerns, and joys are discussed, followed by evening

miss home, they are unanimous in their acclamation that living in the

prayer and relaxing time for music or the gym. “The chapel time is my

Student Residence is like belonging to a large, vibrant family.

favorite time of the day,” comments Tasha Schmitz, one of the adult

“It feels like home, feels like my own house because of all the little touches of hominess created by the staff, and we all really get along well,” says Adrian Jinbo ’15, who calls Fairfield home when he is not in

leaders; “It’s a time of sharing and reflecting, a very bonding experience.” Bedtime is staggered depending on age: 10:30 pm to 11:30 pm. Sophomores Kathy (Wenting) Chen ’17 from China and Nana

residence here. Christa (Zeyu) Chen ’16, who hails from China, adds,

(Ting-Yun) Chen ’17 from Taiwan say the schedule is “really help-

“We really love the adults who make this place feel like home. And after

ful and good for all.” This sentiment is echoed by Johanna Meier ’17

speaking English in school all day, it is relaxing to be able to converse in

from Germany and Christa Chen, seated at the table with the others,

Mandarin during recreational time.” Josh Jackson ’16, who says that

chatting about their boarding experience thus far. What about privacy?

this is his first time living away from his home in Detroit, affirms that

“We have more privacy here than at home,” claims Christa, and the

the Student Residence is like home: “The Baileys and Schmitzes act as

rest chime in their agreement. “We have private rooms and greater

our parents, and we are quickly becoming a family as we bond with each

ability to be ourselves without so much involvement by others,” says


Johanna. Domestic student Adrian Jinbo and international student

How does it all work? According to Agnes (Aggie) Bailey, Director

Yunhee Lim ’16 from Korea function as Resident Assistants and hold

of Residential Life, it is the result of “hard work, mutual respect, posi-

weekly community meetings for the residents to provide student voice.

tive attitudes, humor, and a workable daily schedule.” Students agreed

Yunhee explains, “While the adults are present, this is student-run—

that the schedule meets their needs effectively, providing structure as

“Residence” continued page 6

well as freedom. Weekday mornings begin with a wake-up knock on the door at 7 am and the typical rush of showers, breakfast, either from the convenient in-house snack room or at the Justin-Siena Dining Hall, and then rushing out the door to make the 8 am beginning of the school day. The Student Residence is closed during school hours. After school, students need to check in by 3 pm, unless other arrangements have been made. From 3 pm to dinner at 6:30 pm, students have free time, either at the house or by prior arrangement. Just like at home, friends are able to come over, the TV is on, the game room open, with any number of alternate activities available such as swimming, biking, and using the Fitness Center. Some are involved in sports, and others will work on homework or venture into the community, all with permission, of course. Dinner, provided by local restaurant Suppertime, which is run by the long-time Justin-Siena Savage family, is a required event which Opposite (clockwise): Adrian Jinbo ’15 and Aggie Bailey playing the piano, Josh Jackson ’16 gives Mr. Bob Bailey a birthday hug, Tianyi (Cain) Deng ’18 heads out on a bike ride after school, Johanna Meier ’17 and Yunhee Lim ’16.

Alex Sun ’17 is happy to call this place home.

justin-siena Avanti


cover story

we problem solve complaints and plan what we want to do in our free time.” A large white board in the dining room highlights a core Lasallian value which helps students and adults to live and work in harmony. Adult leader Bob Bailey notes, “Living together allows us to teach and learn so much about

ously with a host family in Minnesota, explained the

for more photos

difference that many reiterated: “In China, the focus

of residential life & the student residence

look for our photo stream on flickr.com: braveslife

our Lasallian mission. It is really challenging and invigorating.”

is on thinking; I prefer the approach here because developing good thinking applies to all areas of learning whereas one really does not know what knowledge content will be useful in the future.” The South Napa

Earthquake (August 2014) was also an unexpected surprise, occurring

The weekends are not much different for the residential students

shortly after their arrival. Most agreed it was one of the scariest experi-

than for the rest of the student body. A later wake-up time followed by

ences of their lives, as none of the international residents had ever felt an

a leisurely (optional) breakfast, cooked on site, is Joshua’s favorite time

earthquake before. “I’m gonna die!” was Christa’s first thought as she

of the week. There are chores (week on, week off), homework, and all of

awakened, and their phones were soon full of texts from home. Parents

the other outside activities mentioned previously. Dinner is provided by

were predictably uneasy, but students agreed it was something that will

the Bassetts on the weekends, and the adult staff is gradually introducing

become a great story for the future. Also on the list of surprises were the

more creative dinner options like a recent barbecue on the patio as well

spread-out campus, in contrast to multi-level school buildings at home,

as a dinner hosted by the cheerleaders. Group activities like an August

and the pool and pet dogs, both of which contribute to the positive feel-

visit to the ropes course in Glen Ellen and a YouTube evening round

ing of “home.”

out the weekend. November excursions included rock climbing, movie

Joys and favorites abound. The chocolate chip cookies were high on

night at the student residential community of Archbishop Riordan High

this list, followed closely by the pool and the dogs. Mealtimes, musical

School, and a visit to the Natural History Museum in San Francisco.

evenings, weekend breakfasts and excursions, and just hanging out and

Residents are allowed to have friends sleep over on the weekends, so

socializing together were aspects of residential living that all the students

other than having a car, a luxury not allowed to residential students, the

enjoy. A common theme that emerged among adults and students alike

Student Residence is very much home.

was humor. Adult leader Matthew Schmitz ’01, who went from hav-

Were there surprises? How did expectations meet with reality? The


is on knowledge and memorization. Here, the focus

ing no children to being a supervisor of eighteen, muses, “They make

most common response to this query was that the educational approach

me laugh,” but on a more serious note, he agrees with Aggie Bailey’s

here differs greatly from previous experiences in their home countries.

assertion: “I find that, like a parent, I am feeling increasingly very

According to Tanya (Yawen) Tan ’18, “Education is more relaxed here.

protective of them!” The Student Residence has all the hallmarks of a

In China, it is all about drills and tests, but here there is more discus-

family, and students and adults agree that it is a great place to be. “I love

sion.” “The teachers are warmer and friendlier than in Germany, more

it here,” claims Yunhee; “being on campus, we can easily participate in

motivated—they form relationships with their students,” Johanna

co-curricular activities and fun weekend events that bond us together—

commented. David (Xiaodong) Zheng ’17, who also lived previ-

we are a big, happy family.”

justin-siena Avanti


About the first


@ residents

4038 Maher Street










Get to Know Agnes Bailey Director of Residential Life

Agnes (Aggie) Bailey, Director of Residential Life, is learning to navigate her new role at Justin-Siena. While she technically is not mom, not teacher, and not friend, she finds that she nevertheless experiences aspects of these relationships in her interactions with the students. She enjoys getting to know the students and the humor which characterizes their interactions. She grows increasingly protective of them as any mother would do, and she finds herself inspired by their warmth and positive attitudes which she refers to as “a maturity of the heart.” The Student Residence is a happy place where they are all learning together to “live their faith, treat people well, and respect each other.”

domestic students

(California, Michigan, and Minnesota)


14 resident dogs

international students • • • •

11 Chinese students 1 German student 1 Korean student 1 Taiwanese student

Aggie has a rich history of curricular and co-curricular experiences. From 1974-2011, Aggie fulfilled leadership roles at the Diocese of Santa Rosa’s Redwood Adventure Camp (current name) including Director, Co-Director, Program Director, CFO, and CEO of the CSM Foundation. It was there that she met her husband Bob, Vice Principal for Strategic Initiatives at Justin-Siena. The family basically grew up at Summer Camp, and all three of her their children, Michael, Anna, and Matthew, were baptized there. Aggie has years of direct experience in parish youth and campus ministry and has teaching experience at both the primary and secondary levels. Prior to her new position here, Aggie served as music teacher and technology coordinator St. Eugene’s Cathedral School in Santa Rosa. In addition to her primary role in the Student Residence, Aggie teaches one section of Religious Studies. Aggie holds a B.A. in Psychology (with a minor in Music) from Sonoma State University and a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies from The Franciscan School of Theology in San Francisco, as well as being a Master Catechist. She plays guitar and leads or participates in the music at many Justin-Siena liturgies.

justin-siena Avanti



Compelled by a Duty to Serve “When you greet someone in Kirundi, you usually say, ‘Amahoro,’ ‘Peace.’ When you repeat Amahoro many times, as Deo did when he heard his father’s voice, it means that you are overjoyed. Amahoro, Amahoro, Amahoro,” quoted English teacher Louis Pierotti ’72 to introduce guest speaker Deogratias “Deo” Niyizonkiza at the “One School, One Book” assembly on October 28, 2014. The packed house of students, staff, visitors, and community members resounded with a heartfelt welcome for both Deo and Tracy Kidder, author of the book about Deo’s life and work, Strength in What Remains.

BY NOEL HESSER Accreditation Support Services Instructor of Mathematics for photos from the special event on oct. 28 with deo and tracy kidder

look for our photo stream on flickr.com: braveslife

highlighted the astounding difference between life in Burundi and life in the United States. Burundi ranks 180 out of 187 countries in the United Nations Human Development Program’s Human Development Index; the U.S. ranks 5, slightly behind Norway, Australia, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. In the United States, there are 247 doctors for every 100,000 people; in Burundi, there are 2 for every 100,000. “Such injustices should not exist in the 21st century,” he claims. Images of a primitive hospital surgery in Burundi illustrated this point as well as his assessment that the Ebola crisis in West Africa is a result of such disparity and a broken health care system. “This is why Village Health Works was created, based in the value of the dignity of others,” Deo explained. Before and after photographs supported his point: emaciated patents were transformed through appropriate treatment into healthy, vibrant people. “When you consider what all of us here have been given, there is no limit to what the world expects from us,” Deo made clear. “It is our duty and responsibility to serve.” The contrast urges us to ask, “What can we do? There is much to do,” said Deo. He continued, “Look at the beauty, abundance, and resources which surround you, and ask, ‘What did I do to be born As the Justin-Siena 2014 “One School, One Book” summer reading selection, Strength in What Remains is a nonfiction account which chronicles the journey of Deogratias who as a young medical student, fled war-torn Burundi, migrated to the U.S., and returned home to found Village Health Works, the only modern health center in the region. Strength in What Remains was chosen by the Summer Reading Committee for its compelling exploration of faith issues, global perspectives, and strong social justice themes. Kidder acknowledged in his opening remarks that he “did not set out to do a good deed” when he decided to write about Deo’s experiences; “I just found it a good story.” He discovered, however, that Deo’s story “rang true at a deeper level. Deo did not have to go back to Burundi; he could have lived a life of prosperity as a doctor in the United States, but he did go back—to serve.” Kidder urged the audience to resist modern cynicism when they reflect on Deo’s story: “There is such a thing as true altruism in the world. What Deo created at Village Health Works in Burundi is a marvelous health center and instrument of peace.” Deo began his presentation with some sobering statistics which 8

justin-siena Avanti

into such wealth? What did those in Burundi do to be born into such poverty?’” The situation can be overwhelming, but Deo told a familiar story about a man saving starfish, tossing them back in the water one at a time from among thousands stranded on a beach. When a passerby asked how he could hope to make a difference for the starfish in the face of such overwhelming numbers, the man replied as he tossed one starfish in to the water, “It made a difference for that one!” Deo continued, “You cannot change the whole world overnight, but waiting is not a solution. Save one life and you save a family; save one family, and you save a village, save one village, and you save a country.” The story resonated with many students. Olivia O’Brien ’17 commented in a classroom blog, “No good deed is too small to affect the greater problem at hand. Helping one person…may not change the world…but it changes lives.” During the student question and answer period which followed, the contrast between two cultures, worlds apart, was made abundantly clear. In lives constantly filled with the fear of death, fear was pervasive. “You avoid it all cost,” Deo explained. In response to a question about the lives of teenagers by Ramiro Mendoza-Axle ’15, Deo talked about

school in Burundi: “I remember going to school on the first day and being in a room packed with students. But by the end of the year, there were half of us left at best. Some died of illness, others left school to look after their families when the mothers had died. Some had to return to the fields.” Deo explained that life was so harsh and death so ever-present, there was no time to think about recreation in the sense it has here. Alumna Dr. Emily Cotter ’00 (see sidebar), present at the assembly, reiterated the contrast: “I am always surprised by the vast disparity of wealth between places like Napa and rural communities like Kigutu. I still have trouble understanding how our world has developed in a way that leaves so many millions of people without access to safe drinking water, sanitation, electricity, nutrition, and basic health care, when others live in a paradise people visit for destination weddings, honeymoons, fine dining, and wine tasting.” Another question and its answer evoked considerable discussion later: Elessia Stel ’15 asked about the outlook for young women in Burundi. “No woman owns land in Burundi, yet they work the hardest,” Deo responded. “Few go far in school because of the needs at home. Pregnancy is most often a death sentence for a young woman, who because of malnourishment cannot deliver a baby except by C-section, and these are not readily available.” In discussions the next day, students were grieved by the reality of this response. Lindsey Krill ’16 lamented, “It is hard to fathom. Here a pregnancy is joyful news; it is such a harsh contrast to think that this news in Burundi would mean more suffering and potential death, more to fear.” By the end of the assembly and in question and answer sessions following, Deo’s message to the Justin-Siena community and to the world emerged clearly. “We build peace by understanding the cause of conflict. We change lives and strengthen the community through dialogue certainly, but we must first provide the necessities of life,” Deo explained. “Much comes from hard lives lived in constant desperation and fear of death. It is essential that we eradicate poverty.” How would Deo sum up his message to us? “You, too, can do it. You can make a difference. But don’t wait—too much time is wasted in waiting, and the urgency of the need is now. You have so much—you must convince yourselves that you can change a life, and by so doing, change the world!”

Former Brave Emily Cotter ’00 Serves at Village Health Works Justin-Siena alumna Dr. Emily Cotter ’00 served at Village Health Works (VHW) in Burundi this year in both February and September. During that experience, Dr. Cotter relates, “I worked on establishing a preschool health program to provide pediatric health care to the students at a VHW-supported preschool in Kigutu. In September, I worked on multiple projects including medical teaching on assorted topics including an EKG lecture series, consulting on difficult cases during rounds with the clinical team, Ebola preparedness, and assorted other clinical/program management projects.” Why two stints at VHW? “I returned to Village Health Works as I truly respect the organization and resonate with its mission,” said Dr. Cotter. “I was inspired by the holistic approach to the promotion of health through activities like education and agricultural and economic development. I adored getting to know, and working with, incredibly dedicated and inspirational colleagues in Kigutu. I felt welcomed immediately and find it wonderful to have a global health ‘home away from home.’” Emily has also worked on global health projects in Zimbabwe, Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Australia. She relates, “I feel incredibly privileged with the education I’ve been able to pursue, from Justin-Siena through medical school. A strong foundation in social justice and human rights drives my desire to serve in places like Kigutu, with organizations like Village Health Works.” Dr. Cotter received her Bachelor of Science degree from Tulane University in New Orleans, graduating in 2004. She then earned a Master of Public Health in Infectious Diseases from UC Berkeley in 2006. After working in public health for a few years, Emily went on to achieve a Doctor of Medicine degree from George Washington University in Washington, DC, graduating in 2012. She is currently in her third (and final) year of a family medicine residency at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center, a county hospital in Martinez, California, where she is pursuing a full spectrum of family medicine training (inpatient, obstetrics, surgery, pediatrics, etc.) and enjoys working with an underserved population. Opposite: Deogratias “Deo” Niyizonkiza addressing the student body and guests in the Clark Gym. Left: Singa Danle ’15 chats with author Tracy Kidder as they walk to the Gasser Center. Above: Deo with Dr. Emily Cotter ’00.

justin-siena Avanti


mission matters

Braves Among Us When asked what makes our community special, the most common answer is the people. Justin-Siena is blessed with countless individuals who are doing incredible things. Here are just a couple who are making their marks on this community and beyond.

CAITLIN MAYO ’18 Caitlin Mayo ’18 recently earned two firsts in Irish dance in Preliminary Championship

“is largely reserved for solo dancing. In team

Competition at the Comerford Halloween Feis

and drama dancing, the arms are used.” Caitlin

in Anaheim, California, in October. A feis is a

explained the competition levels that she has

traditional Gaelic arts and culture festival, and

moved through to reach her current status:

the term is commonly used to refer to Irish

“First Feis, Beginner 1, Beginner 2, Novice,

dance competitions. Two firsts means that Cait-

Prizewinner, and Preliminary Championships

lin has made it into Open Championships, the

where I earned the two firsts.” Dancers are

top ranking of Irish dancers and highest level

judged in a number of areas, she explains, such

of competition. Open Champions is a category

as “rhythm and timing, position of the feet, and

from which an Irish dancer can compete in

high leaps and form.” Caitlin’s favorite form of

any major competition such as Nationals, All

competition is team dancing: “Teams are com-

Irelands, and many more. Caitlin just competed

prised of 2-8 dancers who work in unison—it’s

at the Western Regional Championships, or

great fun but challenging.” Caitlin performed

Oireachtas, in Phoenix, Arizona, in Novem-

with a team of eight girls at the World Champi-

ber and will travel to Montreal in April for the

onships in London last year and looks forward

World Championships.

to Worlds in Montreal in the spring.

Caitlin’s recent win is the culmination of

Caitlin was born in Manchester, Connecti-

years of hard work and passion for Irish dance

cut, but her family relocated to Napa for her

which began at the age of 7. Caitlin’s story

father’s employment, so at six months she be-

illustrates the impact a motivational teacher

came a California girl. Caitlin’s last name would

can have: “When I was taking ballet lessons,

appear to be Irish, but it is actually an Ameri-

an inspiring Irish dance teacher visited our

canized version of a French name. Caitlin’s

studio—I was immediately enthused, enjoyed

Irish heritage comes from her mother’s paternal

the experience, and I moved from ballet to Irish

great grandmother whose parents were born in

dance. Because I have enjoyed it so much, I

Galway and Roscommon. She attended Stone

have just kept up with it!” After several years

Bridge School in Carneros where she received

at a studio in Sonoma County, Caitlin has

the Leadership Award at her graduation from

recently switched to Dillon Magh Adhair Academy of Irish Dance based

8th grade with high recommendations and praise from her teachers.

in Walnut Creek, San Francisco, and Bend, Oregon. Caitlin’s passion

Caitlin volunteers at Stone Bridge on her days off from Justin-Siena and

and resulting achievement require a tremendous commitment. Caitlin

continues to support younger siblings and friends as an active member

remarked, “I practice 4 to 5 days per week, traveling to Walnut Creek,

in the school community. Caitlin and her family are parishioners of St.

not to mention competitions. Keeping up with classes and homework

Apollinaris Catholic Church in Napa where she met many of her Justin-

is challenging—I put in some late hours!” Her dedication to dance

Siena friends through CCD and St. A’s School; she has also maintained

and academics is admirable; Caitlin maintains all As and Bs, and her

friendships from her Waldorf preschool days at Apple Garden in Napa.

achievement in dance is remarkable. Most of us are familiar with Irish dancing because of its popularization in 1994 by the world-famous show “Riverdance.” It is notable for its rapid leg and foot movements, body and arms being kept largely 10

stationary, but Caitlin explains that this style

justin-siena Avanti

When Caitlin graduates from Justin-Siena, she is interested in working in crime investigations and/or forensics and traveling the world utilizing her love of languages.

JOSHUA COVARRUBIAS ’16 completed it in late November. His hope is that “five years from now, the turtle population will have risen and the geese will have their own place in the lake.” Joshua lives in Fairfield where he attended B. Gale Wilson Middle School. He has a freshman sister, Madison, at Justin-Siena and two other siblings. He has been scouting for a good part of his life, starting in the Cub Scouts and moving up to Webelos while living in Southern California. In 2008, his family relocated to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he eventually joined the Boy Scouts. Soon after, the family moved to Fairfield. Joshua has held many leadership positions with the troop including Patrol Leader, Scribe, Quartermaster, Chaplin’s Aide, and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. He was chosen by his peers to become part of the Order of the Arrow, characterized as Scouting’s “national honor society.” He is currently part of Troop 482 in Cordelia, CaliforAn abdominal injury during middle school prevented Joshua Covarrubias ’16 from continuing his interest in football at Justin-Siena, but he seized the opportunity to focus his energies instead on advancing

nia. Also an artist, Joshua has used his talents to design logos, shirts, and flags for the troop. In 2012, Joshua embarked on a mission trip through his church

in the Boy Scouts. Joshua currently holds the rank of Life Scout and is

to the Navajo Nation in Arizona to renovate and clean the church and

finalizing his project for the rank of Eagle Scout. In order to achieve this

assist with Vacation Bible School. “The experience was life-changing,”

highest rank (in 2013, only 6% of all scouts earned the rank of Eagle),

says Joshua. “I was so struck by the poverty I witnessed and the contrast

each boy who receives it must complete a substantial project which

with the way we live here; it has inspired me to continue to serve the

proves leadership while providing a benefit to the community. Joshua’s

poor on these mission trips and in other ways.” Joshua volunteers

Eagle project goes beyond an average project because he has incorpo-

in many ways such as clean-up and special events and mission work

rated the William T. Hornaday Conservation Award. The Hornaday

through his church, helping the elderly with lawn care and handiwork,

Award is a project with emphasis on conservation, including wildlife

and working at the Mission Solano Thrift Shop.

preservation. Most completed Eagle Scout projects demonstrate a

Joshua hopes to pursue a career in law enforcement or politics and at

positive and immediate impact to the community, but the conservation

this point intends to begin his studies at Solano Community College and

project needs to be revisited five years from development. Only 1,100

transfer to a four-year university.

Hornaday Medals have been awarded nationally in the past 80 years. “Poking around Rockville Park in Fairfield, I discovered that the indigenous turtles are being killed off because migratory geese are competing with the space on the docks, pushing them into the water,” Joshua explained. “If the turtles return to the shore instead, they are more easily killed by dogs and raccoons.” To solve the problem, and after considerable feasibility research, Joshua conceived a plan for separate decks. “One 8’ x 8’ floating dock will be a resting and sunning area for the turtles,” Joshua theorizes. “Then l have constructed two separate 5’ x 5’ stationary docks, each with a tire in the middle, to attract the geese to a potential nesting area.” Joshua began his project in August and

Speratus Winery exists for a single purpose: to fund the Brother David Brennan, FSC, Tuition Assistance Program that ensures financial accessibility to all students desiring a JUSTIN-SIENA education regardless of their ability to pay. Speratus is derived from the Latin word sperare, which means to hope. justin-siena Avanti



braves bite


Celebrating the every day ways our Braves inspire faith, scholarship, and bravery throughout our community. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT HOSTS FIRST LEGO REBOTICS COMPETITION On Saturday, November 15, 2014 from 9am5pm, the Justin-Siena Engineering Department hosted an official FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Robotics Competition (FRC). Sixteen teams of students from 9-14 years of age, who spent the last six or more weeks preparing robots and presentations, converged at Justin-Siena to show off their creations. What is FIRST LEGO League? In FLL, young people are immersed in real-world science and technology challenges. Through

A SHAKEY START TO THE SCHOOL YEAR Just one week into the new school year, the Justin-Siena campus was rocked by the South Napa Quake. With an epicenter just 6 miles south of campus and a magnitude of 6.1, the quake made its mark on campus. Luckily our single-story campus saw no major structural damage, but there were plenty of messes to clean up and rattled nerves to console. Justin-Siena was the first Napa school to reopen after the quake due to the great response for clean up assistance. When school resumed the Tuesday following the quake, students, faculty, and staff gathered in Patrons Plaza to begin the day in prayer together. Thank you to all those who offered assistance in the form of dollars, for photos of quake damage around campus and the cleanup efforts

look for our photo stream on flickr.com: braveslife 12

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prayers, helping hands, and kind words. It is moments like these that remind us of the power of the Braves community. Thanks especially to the following who answered our call to action in the form of earthquake relief for fixing broken windows, a new fountain, glass and altar repairs in the Chapel of the Christian Brothers, and much more. Mr. and Mrs. William Ballentine Jr. Mr. Donald Botill and Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ‘72 Mrs. Jeannette Cherrington ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coleman Mr. John M. Dierking and Mrs. Lisa Marino Dierking ‘87 Mr. Chris Estes Mrs. Traci Estes Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Francis Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Huston, Jr. Mrs. Ann Igata Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jolley Mr. and Ms. Andrew A. Killeen Mr. Michael Mertens ‘83 and Mrs. Lisa Mertens ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Miyasaki Dr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Roberts Mr. Brian T. Sheekey and Mrs. Sally Sheekey

their participation, children develop valuable life skills and discover exciting career possibilities while learning that they can make a positive contribution to society. FLL offers many programs and the Robotics Tournament is an exciting one. Dubbed a varsity sport for the Mind,™ FRC combines the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology. Under strict rules, limited resources, and time limits, teams of 25 students or more are challenged to raise

funds, design a team “brand,” hone teamwork skills, and build and program a robot to perform prescribed tasks against a field of competitors. It’s as close to “real world” engineering as a student can get. Eager to see what other students create and present, Justin-Siena engineering students planned this qualifying competition and were responsible for the setup and coordination of the event. Faculty, staff and parent volunteers were on hand to assist the Engineering Department. Department Chair Mr. Chris Fidler ’02 served as “Pit Boss” stationed in the Gasser Center where robots were tested, prepped, and judged for design. Justin-Siena students assisted in several capacities at the competition from inspecting robots, helping keep score, re-setting the playing field, and judging assistance. Instructor of Engineering Garry Carpenter, who ran a Braves Robotics Institute on campus last summer, said “We expect more than 200 people on campus for the big day. These tournaments are all about kids showing off and having fun! This is exciting for Justin-Siena and ties in perfectly with what we are teaching in class—what it is to be an engineer from design and implementation to working with people and planning, and it’s

Audrey Lee ’18; former Justin-Siena Instructor in Science, Mr. Bob Yeend; Will Gonser ’15; and parent volunteer Nick Kenaston facilitating a competition in the Dining Hall.

great fun to see what these young competitors come up with. They have so much fun.” The top 4 teams advance to a regional competition after this event at Justin-Siena.

OCTOBER 31 MADE FOR A HAUNTED HOMECOMING Embracing the Halloween theme with Homecoming set for October 31, campus became a haunted backdrop for spirit days, lunchtime activities, the rally and bonfire, and the big football game against San Rafael. The Braves were victorious on the field and crowned a king and queen during the halftime festivities.

Thomas Pannetier ’15, Frances Minigan ’15

for photos of 2014 haunted homecoming 2014 Homecoming Court (pictured l–r): Eric Herwatt ’15, Morgan Malloy ’15, Naufahu Anitoni ’15, Singa Danle ’15, Andrew Campos ’15, Hannah Wallace ’15, Ramiro Mendoza-Axle ’15, Emma Schulman ’15, Thomas Pannetier ’15, Frances Minigan ’15, T.J. Schrette ’15, Elessia Stel ’15, Adrian Jinbo ’15, Claudia Torkelson ’15, Aidan Wignall ’15, Vida Jaffe ’15

rally, bonfire, & game

look for our photo stream on flickr.com: braveslife justin-siena Avanti


braves bites

Engineering students (pictured clockwise from top left): Kristina Reyna ’16, Rachel Brashear ’16, Meghan McIver ’15, Katie Michelon ’16, Grace Avellar ’16


DODD STADIUM ENTRANCE GETS SAFETY AND DESGIN UPGRADES There’s no mistaking this is the Home of the Braves! This fall, Director of Facilities Brian Cassayre ’98 engineered and facilitated the installation of a new archway to welcome

Junior and senior engineering students at-

fans and athletes which offers many safety

tended a Napa Valley Film Festival showing

upgrades from the original sign erected more

of “Big Dream” and post-show discussion

than 10 years ago and provids an opportunity

with the film makers at the Lincoln Theater.

to update the graphics to reflect the Braves’

The Napa Valley Film Festival was proud to

branding. Take a look next time you’re on

present Kelly Cox’s new documentary about


girls and young women succeeding in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. “Big Dream” introduces us to and follows young women from places as diverse

Gear Up For GAME DAY!

as Nairobi, Alaska, and inner city Philadelphia as they beat the odds and triumph where so many of their gender have failed due to a lack of confidence or a solid support system.

Shop our full line of signature Shield and Braves wear for men, women, and youth at our convenient online Braves Store. Apparel, gifts, gear, and more!



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Now Open Contributions to the 2014 Fund-ANeed at the Crab Feed and Great Party made this possible. Thank you!


FITNESS CENTER #s In addition to new flooring and paint, the following equipment and enhancements have resulted in a more efficient and more inviting space for students. w 4 combo racks with bumper plate storage w 8 dumbbell benches/ and 2 dumbbell racks


w 2 large roll-up doors w Embossed JS logos w 1 rowing machine w 1 elliptical machine w 1 treadmill w 3 glute ham benches w 3 bicycles

If you’d like a tour, please contact advancement@justin-siena.org.

justin-siena Avanti


braves in the arts

A RETRO PARODY FOR THE STAGE The Twilight Zone was an American science-fiction/fantasy anthology series created by Rod Serling, which ran for five seasons on CBS

true monster.

from 1959 to 1964. The series consists of unrelated stories depicting

Rod Serling served as executive producer and head writer; he wrote

paranormal, futuristic or otherwise disturbing or unusual events; each

or co-wrote 92 of the show’s 156 episodes. He was also the show’s

story typically features a moral and a surprise ending. This production

host and narrator, delivering monologues at the beginning and end of

celebrated the 55th anniversary of the show and paid tribute to seven

each episode. Serling’s opening and closing narrations usually sum-

of the most popular episodes.

marize the episode’s events encapsulating how and why the main

More than five decades after its premiere, The Twilight Zone is as

character(s) had entered The Twilight Zone.

relevant as ever. That staying power is almost as eerie as the show

In 2013, the Writers Guild of America ranked it as the third best-

itself, considering the world has long since shifted past the Cold War.

written TV series ever and TV Guide ranked it as the fifth greatest

Yet, much of its commentary remains poignant. Taking down self-

show of all time. Thanks to Director Mr. James Thomas Bailey who

ishness, narcissism, paranoia, standards of beauty or whatever the

created this “Live on Stage” retro parody for all to enjoy and to the

weekly target may have been, Rod Serling and his writers would often

entire cast and crew who brought these classic episodes to life.

for photos from twilight zone and other productions

look for our photo stream on flickr.com: braveslife Top left: Andrew Campos ’15 as Rod Serling; the entire cast of The Twilight Zone; scene from Episode 4.


refocus the lens on society itself, with the suggestion that we are the

justin-siena Avanti

Artist Spotlight Student artists were comissioned this fall to create artwork for a Justin-Siena Christmas card. Studio arts and graphic arts students in Ms. Monica Jacobson’s classes worked using a variety of mediums to express what a Justin-Siena Christmas looked like to them, and a selection was made (pictured right).

GETTING IN TUNE The music program is flourishing under the direction of Yesenia Villasenor ’16, Advanced Studio Art Class Title: Árbol de Navidad | Medium: acrylic, spray paint, collage

Graham Terry ’04 and Lauren Seva and with our partnership with the Napa School of Music. Record numbers of students are participating in the instrumental music

In the artist’s words: “With a goal of representing world cultures in the

program and choir, having recently expanded to include

celebration of Christmas, I selected words connecting themes and emotions

a large Advanced Choir section. In addition to campus

experienced during this joyful season. The background was painted in acrylic.

performances such as Open House, President’s Circle

After selecting the words, I collaged them in the shape of a tree, and added the

Dinner, and two annual concerts, music students have

letters that spelled out Merry Christmas at the end of the branches. For the fi-

been perormfing in the broader community. Recently

nal touches I used spray paint and acrylic to add depth and create a festive feel.”

they provided entertainment on Election Night in front of Napa City Hall. Come listen for yourself at the Winter and Spring Concerts.

2015 Arts Calendar

January 15, 16, 17, 18

Feb. 27, 28, Mar. 1, 6, 7, 8

May 1, 2, 3

May 8

Opens April 23

North Gym

Lincoln Theater

Lincoln Theater

Dining Hall

Gasser Center

justin-siena Avanti


braves report

fall review CROSS COUNTRY Head Coach – Matt Wilkinson

The Cross Country team had an excellent season and making a mark in the MCAL. The Boys completed the regular season in the Top 3 of the league, while the young girls’ squad finished middle of the pack. The team has shown tremendous dedication to their sport beginning with a rigorous effort this past summer. MCAL Record: BOYS 6-3, GIRLS 3-6

award winners Most Valuable: Connor deLeuze, Juliette Nast Most Improved: Nicholas Troppy, Donna Roscoe Most Committed: Austin Castrucci, Juliette Nast Coach’s Award: William Lattin, Ryann England


Head Coach – Jim Reilly

The positive atmosphere that surrounds this team is tangible. The students practiced hard and competed hard for their team. A strong fourth place finish in the MCAL standings and a trip to the MCAL playoffs were highlights from the regular season. The team qualified for the NCS Tournament. MCAL Record: 8-6 (1-1 Playoffs). 10-8 Overall

award winners Most Valuable: Kiera Connelly, Marcela Hernandez Coach’s Award: Claudia Torkelson, Frances Minigan Most Improved: Stella Hewitt


Head Coach – Ray Graziani

The golf team has now won 44 MCAL matches in a row going 16-0 to capture the MCAL Regular Season Championship. They followed that up winning the MCAL Tournament and then the North Coast Section Championship. Wow! MCAL Record: 16-0

award winners Team Rock: Kathleen Scavo Most Improved: Emma Duge Coach’s Award: Ana Gonzalez


justin-siena Avanti

fall review BOYS SOCCER Head Coach – Mikael Tigrett

The soccer team played with great energy and enthusiasm. While the game results may not show it, they had a fine season together and have contributed to the growth of a positive team culture for the future. MCAL Record: 1-9-1, 2-14-1 Overall

award winners Most Valuable: Scott Wippern (Varsity), Kellan Clark (JV) Coach’s Award: Ramiro Mendoza-Axle (Varsity) Nathan Hamlin (JV), Paul Morlet (JV) Best Offense: Givino Rossini (Varsity) Best Defense: Gannon Van Sickle (Varsity) Rising Star: Mads Holstebro (Varsity)

VOLLEYBALL Head Coach – Molly Anibale

The volleyball team was in the chase for the MCAL Title for much of the season. Ultimately, they finished 9-5 and in 4th place. The team played a difficult schedule and were highly competitive and had a can-do spirit. Volleyball is the # 2 seed in the NCS Tournament. MCAL Record: 9-5, (1-1 playoffs) 17-16 Overall

award winners Most Valuable: Katelynn Hayden (Varsity), MaryAnne Anitoni (JV), Gina DiMare (FR) Players’ Choice: Claire Ballentine (Varsity) Pawa Award: Tana Foley (Varsity) Coach’s Award: Anna Staggs (JV) Most Spirited: Channing Wilkinson (FR) Most Improved: Nicole Hanson (JV), Anna Zheng (FR)

WATER POLO Head Coach – Joey Gullikson

The water polo teams turned in strong performances during MCAL play staying in the hunt for the league championship. The teams demonstrated a competitive spirit and competed for each other. Their success is not a surprise. Both Boys and Girls qualified for the NCS Tournament MCAL Record:Boys 8-2 (1-1 playoffs) 19-7 Overall, Girls 7-3 (1-1 playoffs) 13-9 Overall

award winners Most Valuable: Sam Sheekey (V-Boys), Samantha Pfaff (V-Girls), Defensive Player: Joseph MacNichols (V-Boys), Julia Leonardini (V-Girls), Kyle Delonis (JV-Boys) Offensive Player: Sam Thatcher (V-Boys), Rebecca Reynolds (V-Girls), Tyler Youngborg (JV-Boys) Coach’s Award: Mathieu Sanders (V-Boys), Haley Hunter (V-Girls), Kevin Palla (JV-Boys)

justin-siena Avanti


braves report

fall review FOOTBALL

Head Coach – Rich Cotruvo A big win over MCAL power house Marin Catholic was a singular achievement for this squad. However, the team also took a share of the MCAL Championship and is positioned for a strong post season run. The team enjoyed enthusiastic support from a great student section all season long in going 6-0 at Dodd Stadium. Earning their 6th NCS title since 2000, the Braves have much to celebrate this season. The final match-up, an NCS Championship victory over St. Mary’s on a stormy Friday night in December, certainly ended the season in an unforgettable way! MCAL Record: 6-1, 11-3 Overall

award winners Most Valuable Offense: Liam Boyd (V), Maxwell Hautala (JV), Marlon Washington (FR) Most Valuable Defense: Eric Herwatt (V), Vincenzo DeDomenico (JV), Ronald Caretti (FR) Lineman of the Year: Mohammed Halabi (JV) Coach’s Award: Matthew Baker (FR) Most Improved: Daniel Mickens (Varsity) Most Inspirational: Matt Soldati (Varsity) Rock of the Year: Naufahu Anitoni (Varsity)


Head Coach – Lisa Johnson

The Cheer Team’s energy and enthusiasm were palpable at Braves’ Football games. The squad turned up the effort even higher with a tremendously athletic performance at the Homecoming rally, which received a thunderous ovation from those in attendance. The Cheer Team moves into Competitions during the Winter Season, and will also be seen on the court during basketball games. The team took first place at a competition at UC Davis in early December.

way to go braves! MOVIE TRIVIA Did anyone see the movie the Sony Pictures movie that came out late summer called When the Game Stands Tall? The film depicted the journey of legendary football coach Bob Ladouceur, (pictured to the right with the Braves’ coaching staff) who took the De La Salle High School Spartans (a nearby Lasallian school) from obscurity to a 151-game winning streak that shattered all records for any American sport. Coach Ladouceur paid a visit to the Home of the Braves to catch up with Coach Cotruvo and take in a playoff game at Dodd Stadium. The Justin-Siena football team cruised to a 42-0 victory over visiting Kelseyville in the first round of the CIF North Coast Section Div. IV, setting a great tone for their playoff run.


justin-siena Avanti

FALL HIGHLIGHTS Athletic Director – George Nessman The Fall Sports Season is in the books and the Winter Season is under way. Here are a few of the many noteworthy accomplishments by Justin-Siena teams this Fall: * Boys Cross Country, Girls Tennis, Water Polo, Volleyball and Golf all earned Team cumulative GPAs of 3.5 or above. * Eight of our nine Fall sports qualified for the North Coast Section Championships. * Girls Golf Won the NCS D-II Title, and Football has advanced to the Finals. Volleyball and Boys Water Polo made it to the semi-finals of NCS. * Girls Golf and Football earned Marin County Athletic League Championships. * Seven of our nine teams finished in the Top Four in the MCAL.

Follow the Braves @JSBraves

The Justin-Siena girls golf team received a proclamation from the Napa County Board of Supervisors, honoring the Braves on their CIF North Coast Section Division II title in October. Napa County Supervisors proclaimed Nov. 25, 2014, as “Justin-Siena Girls Golf Team Day in Napa County.” Each of the players received a certificate. On hand for the ceremony were Kristina Reyna, Emma Duge, Maria Davis, Anais Gonzalez, Eleonore Catteau and Hannah Smorra. They were joined by head coach Ray Graziani and assistant coach Kali Flowers-Porter.“We have a lot of successful high school teams in Napa County,” said Bill Dodd ’74, a member of the Board of Supervisors, who was recently elected to the State Assembly. “The section championship is something that is surely coveted and is something that is a higher standard.”

justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

Alumni Hall of Honor Inducts Three Justin-Siena inducted three

and knew that whatever he did

outstanding alumni into the

in the world he needed to try

school’s Hall of Honor on Fri-

his best to make a difference.

day, October 3, 2014, in a spe-

He also shared with the stu-

cial ceremony in the Clark Gym

dents the importance of learn-

for students, faculty, staff, and

ing at Justin-Siena that service

invited guests. The Hall of Hon-


or, held every other year since

and that there’s a bigger world

2004, recognizes outstanding

around us than the universe we

alumni who have achieved dis-

occupy. Mark was introduced

tinction, emerged as leaders,

by fellow classmate, and friend

and whose lives reflect Faith,

of 30 years, Greg Calvelo ’89.

Scholarship, and Service—core

His parents, Jim and Carolyn

attributes of a true Lasallian

Cassayre of Napa, received the

leader. Nominations are sought

award on his behalf.

through a committee of the Alumni Council. The 2014 honorees were Mark Cassayre ’89 for Alumnus


Megan Dominici was introAbove: Olivia Everett ’04 with Interim Principal David Holquin and President Robert Jordan. Below: Megan Savage Dominici ’92 with her husband, Jason Dominici, and their children, Nicholas, Sophia, and Adeline.

of the Year; Megan Savage Domi-

duced by Justin-Siena teacher Mr. Jake Spears who credits Megan for helping him find his own calling to teach. Megan went

nici ’92 for Excellence in Service; and Olivia Everett ’04 for Out-

on to talk about learning the importance of service as a young student

standing Young Alumna.

at Justin-Siena and remarked also how she is continually inspired by

These individuals join a distinguished group that includes alumni and former faculty/staff: Tim Borman ’73, Suzanne Frommelt

her ongoing work with young people in her role as Director of Youth Ministry at St. Apollinaris, including current Justin-Siena students.

Collins ’81, Coach Frank Defilippis†, Leonardo Defilippis ’70, Bill

Olivia Everett who is President and CEO of the Napa Valley Arts

Dodd ’74, Tom Durante ’93, Matthew Farver ’94, Br. Conrad

Council was introduced by a colleague who spoke of her passion, dedi-

Kearney, FSC, Cynthia LaBrie-Norall ’79, Christopher Lamson

cation, and admirable leadership qualities. Olivia shared how the in-

’90, Joel Miroglio ’78, Bob Morrish†, Kevin Norman ’91†, Michael Shifflett, M.D. ’71, Steve Silva ’71, Br. George VanGrieken, FSC ’70, Alynn Squier Wright ’78. As President Robert Jordan mentioned in his opening welcome remarks, this special event is intentionally held during the school day so current students can meet, learn from, and be inspired by these former Braves. At the core of a Justin-Siena education is a Lasallian mission that these honorees have embraced and shared with their communities. Although recipient of the Alumnus of the Year honor, Mark Cassayre couldn’t be here for the event, as he currently serves as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Maputo, Mozambique, he addressed the community via a video expressing his gratitude and remarked how at Justin-Siena he learned about the concept of vocation 22


justin-siena Avanti

tegration of personal spiritual exploration, social values, and practical skills that she was able to access at Justin-Siena helped guide her to where she is today, she also expressed her immense gratitude to the teachers who helped her on the path of discovering her vocation. Several members of the Hall of Honor were in attendance including, Bill Dodd ’74, former board of trustees and Napa county supervisor and recently elected to the State Assembly, Brother George Van Grieken, FSC ’70, Director of the Holy Family Community at Mont La Salle, and Steve Silva ’71, former board of trustees and owner of Steve Silva Plumbing. The Hall of Honor event speaks greatly to the mission of our school as it celebrates what students have learned while at Justin-Siena and, more importantly, what they’ve done with their passion and knowledge since graduating. The honorees serve as excellent role models to our students and a testament to the incredible work of our teachers over the years. The Alumni Council looks forward to seeking nomination for the 2016 Hall of Honor Awards Ceremony.

Hall of Honor

Alumnus of the Year, Mark Cassayre ’89, was unable to attend the presenation so receiving the award on his behalf were his parents, Jim and Carolyn Cassayre. Mark delivered a pre-recorded acceptance speech video which played at the event. It can be viewed online at www.justin-siena. org/hallofhonor.

ALUMNUS/A OF THE YEAR AWARD is presented to honor an exceptional alumnus/a whose achievements in his/her vocational field have brought distinction to themselves, honor to Justin-Siena, and real benefit to their com-

About the Hall of Honor This event is held every other year to recognize outstanding alumni who have achieved distinction and emerged as leaders whose lives reflect Faith, Scholarship, and Service – the core attributes of a true Lasallian leader. To help us honor graduates who make Justin-Siena proud, please submit a nomination form for an Alumni Award. Nominations are accepted from students, staff, community members, and alumni.

munities. EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE AWARD is presented to an alumnus/a who has rendered outstanding voluntary service to Justin-Siena, the Alumni Association, the De La Salle Christian Brothers, or the greater community.

for photos from twilight zone and other productions

look for our photo stream on flickr.com: braveslife



presented to an alumnus/a with accomplish-

Read about the current members of the Hall of Honor and learn more about the awards and nomination process. www.justin-siena. org/hallofhonor

ments of significant importance at an early stage of his/her vocation (1-10 years out of high school) related to their chosen field or to the greater community.

justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

Braves World Catch up with other alums!

We love hearing from you and know that your classmates do too­­—so keep the information coming! You may submit updates and information in the enclosed envelope or email the Associate Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations Carolina Guevara at cguevara@justin-siena.org. Be sure to include a photograph too!*


working with receivers and defensive backs. In an article for the Napa Valley Register, Steve said, “It’s a good deal for me, an outlet away from the stresses of the emergency room.” He loves the game and working with young student athletes, doing all he can to try to bring out the best in his position groups by drawing on his years Justin-Siena. He had the great

who played freshman football

pleasure of being the facilitator

for the Bears, is an emer-

Brother George Van Griek-

during the question and answer

gency room physician at Sutter

en, FSC was assigned Director

segment of our One School,

Lakeside Hospital in Lakeport,

of the Holy Family Community

One Book special speaking en-

but that’s not his only job. He

30 Year Reunion. The Class of

effective August 1, 2014. Prior

gagement this fall with Pulitzer

also coaches football at Justin-

1984 had a wonderful reunion

to this, Br. George was serving

Prize winning author of Strength

Siena, and has been doing so

at the Andaz Hotel in down-

in Singapore as the president of

in What Remains ,Tracy Kidder,

for 17 years. As a junior in high

town Napa. Pictured (below)

Saint Joseph’s Institution Inter-

and Deogratias on whose life

school, he was All-Superior

from left to right: Julie Miller,

national (SJI International).

the book is based.

California Athletic League and

Mary Romero, Diane Klycin-

All-City as a wide receiver. As

ski-Buchanan, Pete Zeponi,

a senior, he was All-SCAL and

Courtney Smith, Tina Huss,

All-City as a safety and played

and Charles Shannon.



Justin-Siena in 1973 and 1974.

returned to his alma mater,

Steve Shifflett (pictured top

teaching English, Religion, and

Steve started as an assistant for

right with Ed Ghiringhelli,

Visual & Performing Arts at

the Braves in 1979 and has been

left), a graduate of UC Berkeley

on the coaching staff since,

justin-siena Avanti


on championship teams at

Louis Pierotti (below) has


of knowledge and experience.

* Information received after November 1 , 2014, will appear in the Spring/Summer 2015 issue of Avanti.


Diego Garcia (above) is a San Francisco based singer/songwriter whose roots go back to

Alynn Wright (above), St.

the theatre program at Justin-

Francis High School coach, was

Siena. Diego earned his Bach-

recognized during the 2013 sea-

elors and Masters degree from

son for her 25th overall as head

the San Francisco Conservatory

coach at the school. She was

of Music. Every year he returns

joined in a pregame ceremony

to the Napa Valley Center for

by, from left, assistant principal Ann Maries Faires, president Margo Brown, principal Theresa Rodgers and her captains Ali Koumelis, Noa Nighingale and Anna Baytosh. Alynn is also a member of our Alumni Hall of Honor, inducted in 2012.

Spiritual Living for a concert of


thanksgiving and inspiration.

Alex Guerrero (above) is a

mate evening featured original

current Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) Counselor at Napa Valley College. EOPS is a state-funded program established by the California Legislature in 1969 to address the issues of equal access to quality education. The over-all intention of EOPS is the one of “extending the opportunities for the community college education to all who may profit thereof, regardless of economic, social and educational status.� Alex is also a Mentor Coordinator for



the Puente Project at Napa Valley

This year his concert was held on November 7, 2014. The intiwords and lyrics, and copies of his self-titled album were available for purchase. Diego Garcia is a writer and content creator, and enjoys distilling large concepts into inspiring, evocative,

Jason Anthony (above) and Jeff Wilson tied for fourth place in the championship flight of the Stocker Cup at Sonoma Golf Club in October, 2014. Anthony, who played golf for Justin-

and relevant messaging.

Siena, Napa Valley College, and


71, and 70 for a 217 total. The

Fresno State, had rounds of 76, Stocker Cup is held each year

Brian Cassayre (right) and his wife, Brittany Cassayre, welcomed their first son, Kieran Louis Cassayre (below), on June 19, 2014; 7lbs, 20.5in.

College. The Puente program is an academic preparation

Chris Henderson (above) is

program aimeds to increase

the third-generation owner of

the number of educationally

Henderson Tile, which was

disadvantaged students who:

started by his grandfather and

enroll in 4-year colleges, earn

recently featured in the Napa

college degrees, and return to

Valley Register. The company

the community as mentors and

has been in business for more

leaders for future generations.

than 75 years and specializes in

Puente provides 3 areas of service

residential custom remodeling.

to students: teaching, counseling, and mentoring. justin-siena Avanti


alumni news in memory of Peter C. Stocker,

Graham Terry (right) has

who died in a helicopter acci-

returned to his alma mater,

dent at Rancho San Carlos near

teaching music at Justin-Siena

the Carmel Valley in 1990. The

through the Napa School of

Stocker Cup is one of the top

Music. In addition to providing

annual amateur tournaments

accompaniment at school litur-

on the West Coast, each year

gies and other events, he is busy

drawing a field of top players

preparing his instrumental mu-

from around the country.

sic students for their upcoming

graduated cum laude from the

Winter Concert.

History Honors Program, and




returned to Notre Dame to attend law school, where she focused her coursework on estate planning, tax, and business transactions. She received the ABA-Bloomberg BNA Award for Excellence in the Study of Hearth Law based on her research and writing in the areas of long-term care planning and end-of-life care issues. Laura is an associate in the firm’s wealth preservation team, where she is a key member in the elder

Andrew (Andy) Bettencourt

law practice area, and assists

(above) joined the Justin-Siena

clients in the need of Medi-Cal

staff as the Summer Programs Coordinator and full-time

Laura Srebro (above) joined

substitute teacher. Long time

Gaw Vale Male, a Napa-based

member of the Braves basket-

law firm, as an associate in July

ball coaching staff, Andy is now

2014. As a former member of

the head girls basketball coach

the Justin Siena Mock Trial

as well as an active member of

team, she now enjoys judging

our Alumni Council.

local Mock Trial competitions. After Justin-Siena, Laura


went to college at the University of Notre Dame where she

planning, veterans’ benefits, and special needs trusts. Laura also serves as the treasurer of

Eduardo Villalobos and Ellen Thompson Villalobos ’06, welcomed their son Mark Daniel Villalobos on October 1, 2014. Justin-Siena Assistant for Academic Services Silvia Villalobos is the proud grandmother.


the Napa Valley Woman Lawyers, is a member of the events planning committee for the Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, and does volunteer work for various local charities.

Kaylee Carroll Miller (right) married Brian Miller, from Mill Valley, over the summer. After Justin-Siena, Kaylee at-


tended Dominican University of

A graduate of UC Davis, Eric

California and currently works as

Sweigert (pictured above at

a Marketing Director for a prop-

the Mass of the Holy Spirit

erty management firm in Marin.

with colleague Jim Day ’72)

Brian has his own company in

has returned to his alma mater

the computer technology indus-

teaching Social Studies at

try, providing repairs/guidance

Justin-Siena. He is thrilled to be

for those in need. They currently

back and has been very involved

reside in Sonoma.

this first semester.

justin-siena Avanti


all four years and earned the Whitworth Mind and Heart Scholarship and physics department scholarships each of those years. He also earned the Glen P. Erickson Memorial Scholarship his senior year.


pediatrics units. During her

breathe in that first “Golden

last week, Sarah travelled to a


small clinic in Pabo, Uganda to teach a “Helping Babies Breathe” class to expecting mothers and to provide wellness check-ups for those living in Pabo and other surrounding villages. Sarah also prepared a presentation on the prevention, disease process, and treatment Ali Bassett (above, left) was

of Malaria that she gave in Gulu

among the thousands of run-

over the summer and presented

ners who conquered the hills

at the University of Kansas this

of San Francisco for the 2014

Jose Basulto-Aceves (above) is

fall. The photo below is Sarah

Nike Women’s Half Marathon

currently studying at Saint Mary’s

with two midwifery students

SF on October 19, 2014.

College in Moraga, CA. Jose

who are now, after successfully

spent a year abroad in France,

completing the course, certified

influenced by his wonder-

to teach Helping Babies Breathe

ful experience in Mrs. Annick

in the hospital and to others in

Bouldt’s French class. He spent

the community. Many women

his fall semester in 2013 living and

birth children in their homes

studying in the South of France in

in villages because they cannot

Aix-en-Provence, and his spring

afford hospitalization and so

semester of 2014 in Paris. Jose is

there is a big push to educate

studying Communications with a

midwifery students on how to

focus in public relations and media

perform safe and sterile home

journalism and a French minor.

births and help the newborn


2012 Meghan (Meg) Gallagher (above addressing the LSL class in the Gasser center on a recent visit to campus) is a current student at University of Notre Dame and a Hesburgh-Yusko Scholar. She is studying Political Science and French. Her passion for development work in Africa, and specifically in Uganda, drew her to the Notre Dame chapter of Building Tomorrow since her freshman year. This past summer, Meg got the opportunity to travel to Africa to research the impact of Building Tomorrow schools in rural communities of Uganda. Building Tomorrow is a nonprofit that strives to expand access to quality education in sub-Saharan Africa. As of

Upon his return from his travels, he was hired as an editorial intern for the East Bay Area’s Diablo Magazine and Publications. Sarah Francke (right, center) Jonathan Hoff (above), graduated summa cum laude May 2014, from Whitworth University with a bachelor of science degree in engineering physics. Jonathan was named to the Whitworth Laureate Society every semester,

is currently a student at the University of Kansas, School of Nursing and spent last summer in Gulu, Uganda with three classmates and three faculty members. Sarah spent two weeks at St. Mary’s Lacor Hospital both teaching and learning in their burn, midwifery, and justin-siena Avanti


alumni news September 2014, the organiza-

catching 10 passes for 127 yards

tion has 17 operating primary

and scoring a touchdown as

schools and is in the process

the Vikings beat Santa Rosa

of constructing 6 additional

Junior College, 44-41. For the

academies. After the completion

year, Armstrong-Brown has 25

of the research project, Meg

receptions for 360 yards and

stayed in Uganda for an extra

five touchdowns. He played on

month to work in a rural parish

Justin-Siena’s 2012 CIF North

primary school in Kyengeza. To

Coast Section Division IV

read more about her trip, you

championship team, which was

can check out the blog her and

11-2. He was named All-Napa

two other Notre Dame students

County for Justin-Siena, which

contributed to while in Uganda:

after taking third place in the


MCAL, was the No. 1 seed for


the playoffs.


Derek Wrenn qualified to com-

Braves around the world We love hearing from students from our International Student Program. Here’s the latest:

pete at the 2014 USA Weightlifting University National Championships in September 2014. Derek will be competing for team CTS Strength & Conditioning, a sports performance and fitness training facility in Napa, and will be going up against the nation’s best collegiate-level weightlifters. He had to reach a minimum-qualifying total of his best snatch and clean and jerk in a sanctioned competition in order to be able to compete at this event. Derek, who attends Oregon State, competed in the 94kg weight class “C Session.”

2014 Marcus Armstrong-Brown

Amelia Hardy (right) placed

(above) is having a very good

in the top 5 of the U.S. Junior

year in football for Diablo

Women’s Double-handed

Valley College-Pleasant Hill.

Championship, which was

Marcus, who played for Justin-

hosted by the American Yacht

Siena, caught a 23-yard touch-

Club in Rye, N.Y. for three days

down pass from Adam Wood

of racing in the Club 420. The

with just 2:05 to go, giving

races were held in June 2014.

Diablo Valley a 31-30 nonconference win over Sierra-Rocklin on October 3. On November 15, Marcus had one of his best games as a wide receiver 28

justin-siena Avanti

Anna Mueller (above) studied at Justin-Siena for the 20132014 academic year and in July returned to her home in Germany. On August 10, 2014 Anna and her family travelled to Hawaii and sent us a photo of her wearing her Braves jacket at the national park of Kauai. As she put it “Once a Brave, always a Brave!” Anna is currently finishing up her high school education in Germany and hopes to come back to the U.S. for college.

In Joy Congratulations for the blessings bestowed on these Braves. Proud grandfather, Noel Hesser (faculty) and uncle, Alex Hesser (faculty), welcomed Elisabeth Alexandra Burke (below) to the world on November 8, 2014; 8 lbs, 5 oz, 19 in.

In Memoriam Our thoughts and prayers are with these Braves. Randy Weeks, uncle to David Gamble ’16, passed away October 9, 2014 at the age of 59. Randy was the President of the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, and passed away while attending the Independent Presenter’s Network Conference in London. Carol Del Arroyo, mother to Jillian Del Arroyo ’17 and Gabriel Del Arroyo ’14 lost her valiant battle with cancer on September 13, 2014. Brian Hanson, father to Nicole Hanson ’18, passed away suddenly on June 2, 2014. Instructor in Science Michael Brady’s grandmother, Lillian Aldene Powell-Brady, passed away September 2014. She was 98 years old, living in San Jose, CA, and lived a strong and happy life. John Cabral, grandfather to Eric Sweigert ’08, passed away on September 12, 2014. Mike Gormley, father of Liam Gormley ’13 and Thomas Gormley ’06, and Michael Sugrue passed away Nov. 28.

Mike Webb (recently retired

Embracing a Warm Tradition

Braves bus driver, above) passed

“The homecoming bonfire tradition for me is one that conjures

away August 28, 2014. Mike was

up great memories starting from back when my brothers and

a bus driver with us since 1996

I attended Justin-Siena to now as a member of the staff. I love

and was recently honored with

that I get to relive those memories from years ago as I build and

other retirees this past Founder’s

light the bonfire that students enjoy today. It is great to see the

Day. Mike was diagnosed with

entire community circled around and enjoying such a unique

an aggressive cancer shortly after

high school tradition that you only get to experience here on

the end of the school year. He

campus.” – Brian Cassayre ’98

is the grandfather of Shea Giaquinto ’06 and current student Nina Giaquinto ’15.

Brian engineered a special surprise with a Braves twist for the 2014 bonfire that revealed itself well into the burn. There was a large metal sculpture of the Braves’ arrowhead logo standing tall as the wood crumbled around it. We are grateful to Brian for his passion and enthusiasm.

Darius Heskett ’70 lost his battle with liver disease on June 21, 2014. He was born in San Rafael to Marvin and Dorothy, and moved to Napa at a young age. He was a member of the first Class at Justin-Siena in 1970, where he was a standout athlete in both baseball and football. Mary Jane ‘MJ’ Allen, mother to Jakob Zall ’14 passed away on July 30, 2014 at her home in Sonoma, surrounded by family after a short, hard-fought battle with ALS. She was 57.

ALUMNI eNEWSLETTER: Hopefully you already receive the Braves

Bulletin once a month during the school year, but we have added an Alumni newsletter called the Brave & Bold to our communications to keep you up to date with alumni-specific news and events. If you have not received this in your inbox, please contact Carolina Guevara at cguevara@justin-siena.org. We look forward to connecting with you. justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

Bill Dodd ’74 Wins State Assembly Napa

community he has served on

County Supervisor Bill Dodd



the Queen of the Valley Hospi-

‘74 who becomes the first Jus-

tal Foundation, the American

tin-Siena graduate to be elected

Canyon Chamber of Commerce,

to office in the state Legislature

the Napa Rotary Club, and the

and the first Napan in the state

Queen of the Valley Health Care

Legislature since 1980. Recently

for the Poor Committee. His

sworn in to office, Bill is Yolo

new post at the State Capitol will

County’s State Assembly mem-

mark the end of his 14-year post

ber, having won the District 4

as a Napa County Supervisor.

race in the midterm election. The

He is also a distinguished mem-

District covers all of Napa and

ber of the Justin-Siena Alumni

Lake counties and parts of So-

Hall of Honor.

lano, Sonoma, Yolo, and Colusa

In 2014, Dodd was honored


by the Napa Chamber of Com-

From the Daily Republic newspaper: “I am running for the state

merce as Citizen of the Year for his work in raising more than $3 mil-

Assembly because California needs a new direction and a fresh ap-

lion dollars for local charities to help those individuals who need it

proach,” Dodd said during his two-minute opening statement at a


forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters in September. “It

Bill resides in Napa with his wife Mary where they raised their five

also needs to return to basic principles like stability, integrity and co-

children, Jeffrey Dodd ’00, Brian Dodd ’02, Bridget Gann ’03,


Georgia Gann ’04, Robert Gann ’06, and are now enjoying their

After graduating from Justin-Siena, Bill studied Business Manage-

four grandchildren.

ment at California State University, Chico. He went on to own and operate one of the largest fullservice Culligan Water operations in California. During this time, Bill served as President of the national and state trade associations: the Water Quality Association and the Pacific Water Quality Association. Dodd certainly upholds the Lasallian motto, “Enter to Learn; Leave to Serve,” as he’s been serving in many capacities for years. Not only a long time supporter of Justin-Siena who sent his five children to the Home of the Braves, Dodd has also been a member of the Justin-Siena High School Board of Trustees. In the greater 30

justin-siena Avanti

An Election Night family celebration! Back (l–r): Noah Hickman, Bob Gann ‘06, Jeff Dodd ‘00, Mary Dodd ‘74, Bill Dodd ‘74, Steve Dodd ‘72, Brian Dodd ‘02. Front (l–r): Bridget Gann Hickman ‘03, Elsie Hickman, Ally Dodd, Roberta Dodd, Ashley Manion.


annual report

A Message from the Board of Trustees

Dear Justin-Siena Community, The Board of Trustees of Justin-Siena High School is comMr. James Heim

missioned by the De La Salle Christian Brothers to govern the mission of the school. This responsibility includes overseeing the financial health and future of our school as delegated to the Office of the President. I am pleased to inform you that Justin-Siena remains financially sound and healthy and that the annual budget reflects the priorities of the mission to provide educational excellence in a loving Christ-centered community that prepares students to

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mr. James Heim, Chair Br. Kevin Slate, FSC, Vice Chair St. Emmanuel Cardinale, OP Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 Mr. Dennis Pedisich Mrs. Mel Denise Preimesberger Br. Stanislaus Sobczyk, FSC, Ed.D. Dr. Paul Sweigert

serve and to lead in an ever-changing world. The commitment to sustaining this important mission is also a priority of the Board of Trustees, which concerns itself not just with the present, but even more importantly, the future. The Board of Trustees is grateful to the parents, alumni, friends, and community members who continue to support our school with a spirit of faith and zeal. At the same time, we support and encourage the administration’s commitment to seeking new alternative revenue sources and providing a sense of security now so that tomorrow looks promising for future generations.

Ms. Suzanne Truchard President & CEO Mr. Robert T. Jordan Secretary & Financial Officer Mr. John Van Hofwegen Recording Secretary Ms. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you for your continued support. Please find in this edition of Avanti recognition of our many supporters. May God bless you all and Go Braves!

Sincerely, James Heim Board of Trustees, Chair


justin-siena Avanti

Operating Income Statement 2013-2014 OPERATING REVENUE

5 4





Tuition and Fees




Auxiliary Programs




Fundraising (Gifts & Grants)




Special Events




Justin-Siena Foundation




Braves Store & Transportation







2 1




Salaries and Benefits


$ 6,692,008


$ 1,720,012



6 2

Tuition Assistance




$ 678,385




$ 1,081,094


Auxiliary Programs


$ 465,932


Operations and Maintenance


$ 694,094


Braves Store & Transportation


$ 620,829


Capital Expenditures


$ 108,593


5 4





Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 641 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Honor Roll of Donors Parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends of Justin-Siena make a difference each year by including our students and programs in their charitable giving. We offer this Honor Roll of Donors in recognition of gifts which were contributed between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014. Founder’s Society $25,000 + Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beckstoffer Mrs. Margaret Darrin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Darrin Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve Grieve Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Osgood Mrs. Bernice Pirro Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Torkelson

Trustee Society $10,000—$25,000 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Ackerman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hall Mr. and Mrs. David L. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Salvestrin ‘82


justin-siena Avanti

The Benilde Religious International Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Zeller, Jr. ‘76

Leadership Society $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Armstrong Chevron Corporation Matching Gifts Program Mr. Francis J. Connelly and Mrs. Shannon Connelly ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Cronwall De La Salle Institute Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Guttersen Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund Mr. David Perata ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. David Preimesberger Rotary Club of Napa Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sangiacomo ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sebastiani ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Smith The August Sebastiani

Charitable Foundation The Class of 1973, The Brian Towey Family and Friends The Margaret A. Darrin Foundation, Inc.

President’s Circle $1,500 - $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Andrade Mr. and Mrs. James Asbury Mr. and Mrs. William Bacigalupi Mr. and Mrs. William Ballentine Jr. Dr. and Ms. Richard A. Beller Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Best Mr. Jeffrey Bishop and Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs Bishop ‘80 Dr. Teresa Bonzani Dr. John B. Bosetti ‘78 and Dr. Nancy Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brazil Drs Jeffrey and Kimberly Breneisen Brewers Supply Group Mr. and Mrs. David W. Brown Brown-Forman Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burtness Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cain, MD Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Carey ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Carson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Castrucci Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ceccato Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cepeda Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Corona Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cothran Mr. and Mrs. Paul Croft Mr. Kevin Crossland and Ms. Francesca Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Jon Curry Damian Maldonado Memorial Foundation, Inc Drs. Kathryn and David Danzeisen Dr. and Mrs. John W. Daw, DDS ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. DeBlauw Mr. Johannes deBruin ‘85 Ms. Lisa M. deBruin Mr. and Mrs. Brett deLeuze ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Delonis Mr. John M. Dierking and Mrs. Lisa Marino Dierking ‘87

Mr. and Mrs. E. Michael Downer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Durante ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Elliott-Smith Mr. and Mrs. David L. Forsythe Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Francis Mr. and Mrs. David J. Francke Mr. Juan Furne and Mrs. Montserrat Toda Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Futo Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Gafvert Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gleeson ‘85 Grace Vogler Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. George Guorgui Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi Mr. and Mrs. Dirk M. Hampson Mr. Lester Hardy and Mrs. Janet Pagano Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harper IV Mr. John H. Harris Mr. and Mrs. James V. Heim Ms. Joan H. Henderson Dr. and Mrs. Steven Herber Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Herrera Mr. Robert E. Hunter, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Huston, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Manly Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaufmann, Jr. Mr. and Ms. Randall Kehl Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kenaston Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Kiwanis Club of Napa Mr. and Mrs. Justin Laird Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Lemieux ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Letcher Mr. and Ms. Robert Levy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Malloy ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Martini Dr. Henry McNeely ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. and Mrs. George Mieling Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Miller, Esq. Mr. Erich Bradley and Mrs. Marie C. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Miyasaki Mr. Peter Mondavi and Dr. Katherine Mondavi Mr. and Mrs. Luc Morlet Napa Valley Community Foundation Napa Valley Orthopaedic Medical Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nugent Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oberting Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Pachote Pacific Union Dr. Marie Pak Dr. and Mrs. Jay D. Parkin Mr. and Mrs. Gary Peace Dr. Francisco Pestana and Melissa Lee Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pfaff PG&E Corporation - Campaign for the Community Mr. and Mrs. Tyler A. Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pires Randall C. Lum, D.D.S. Ms. Carol Record Dr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ricci Mr. Bill Gary Facendini and Mrs. Heidi Rickerd-Rizo Mr. and Mrs. David Ross Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Sangiacomo Vineyards Ms. Emilia Sebastiani ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Sebastiani Jr. ‘95 Mr. August Sebastiani ‘98 Mr. Brian T. Sheekey and Mrs. Sally Sheekey Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. Shifflett ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Showley Mr. Tower C. Snow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Stockand Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sweigert Drs. Artoteles and Imelda Tandinco Mr. and Mrs. Michael Taylor The Doctors Company The Pear Southern Bistro Mr. and Mrs. Rick Tooker Ms. Darla Viau Mr. and Mrs. Rudy von Strasser Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Wang Mr. and Ms. David Wignall William Cole Vineyards Ms. Melanie Wilson Windermere Napa Valley Properties Mr. and Mrs. Markson H. Wong Mrs. Stephanie V. Zuntz Mr. Lawrence B. Zuntz

Principal’s Circle $750 - $1,499 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arnold Mr. Andrew J. Avellar and Mrs. Shelly Avellar ‘83 Bank of America Foundation Bank of Marin Bank of Napa Mr. Daniel Barrango and Mrs. Rebecca Merry Barrango ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Crandall Bates Mr. and Mrs. Liam S. J. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown Mr. and Mrs. David Castleberry Mr. and Ms. Frederic G. Catteau Charles Krug & Peter Mondavi Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael Christian Mr. and Mrs. Scott Copple Mr. and Mrs. Heath R. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daw ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. DiGiacomo Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DiMare Mr. and Mrs. John Dimond Mr. and Mrs. William Dodd, Jr. ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Dodd ‘75 Mr. John Dunbar Electronic Script Donor Mr. and Mrs. Chris Estes Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwin Farver

Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya T. Favreau ‘88 Jennifer Lee Flynn Mr. and Mrs. John C. Foley Mr. Jon Free and Mrs. Carrie Edwards Ms. Judith Freels Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman Mr. Jeffrey R. Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Giaquinto Ms. Jillian Glass Dr. and Mrs. William N. Gonser Mr. and Mrs. John Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Halsey, Jr. Mrs. Suzanne Hanson, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hercules Mr. and Mrs. James W. Herwatt Mr. and Mrs. Noel L. Hesser Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hooey Mr. and Mrs. David Hosford Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Huber Mr. Bret Hyatt and Mrs. Kelly Squier Hyatt ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Jeramaz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jordan Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Kelleher Mr. Timothy Keown ‘82 and Mrs. Miriam Keown ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Koehler Mr. Paul LaFontaine ‘82 Mr. William H. Lane, IV Mrs. Susan P. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lanzafame Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ledwich ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leonardini, II Dr. and Mrs. Randall C. Lum Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Darren Maloney ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Michael Merwin Napa Parlor No. 62 - Native Sons of the Golden West Napa Recycling & Waste Service NapaStyle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ney ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Pedisich Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Politz, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Prince ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. John Prittie Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Rabobank Reynolds Family Winery Mr. and Mrs. Ned Roscoe Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Dino Rossini Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Rota Mr. Brad D. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Steiner J. Schaufel ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Schrette

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scott Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. Shifflett ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Silva ‘71 Mr. Gregory D. Sinclair ‘99 and Mrs. Jill Sinclair ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, II Mr. Patrick Smorra, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Starr Mr. and Mrs. Armando Suarez-Baez The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Valdez Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen Mr. and Mrs. Armando Velasco Wells Fargo Matching Gift Center Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Whan Mr. Matthew Wilkinson and Mrs. Kristin Wilkinson ‘83 Dr. and Mrs. John P. Zimmermann

Red and Blue Club $1 - $749 Ms. Kerri Abreu ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abshear Mr. Amable T. Abundo Mr. and Mrs. Ron Acuna Mr. Robert Faber and Mrs. Lynn Adamo ‘75 Mrs. Christine L. Adams Mr. Michael Adams Ms. Victoria Adams Ms. Charlotte Addington Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adiz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Adriance Sister Susan Allbritton, O.P. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Altobell ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Alonso Alvarado Padilla Mr. and Ms. Sal Alvarez Ms. Sandra Alvarez Mr. and Mrs. Greg Amaral Amazon Foundation American Legion Auxiliary Napa Unit #113 Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Andersen Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Andrachek Mr. Matthew Andre ‘10 Mr. Joseph J. Andre ‘77 and Mrs. Erin Andre ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Vaea Anitoni Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Arcanin Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Archuleta Mr. and Mrs. Felton C. Arcia Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Anderson Ashauer ‘79 Athletic Feat, Inc. Mrs. Marion M. Ault Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto A. Avelar Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Ayvar Ms. Joni G. Azdee B & G Tire of Napa Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Baechle Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baedeker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Mr. James T. Bailey

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Mr. Michael Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balmaceda Mr. Woodrow Banta nad Mrs. Jennifer Schmitz Banta ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Barber Mr. and Mr. Richard R. Barragan ‘70 Ms. Irene Barragan Silipin Mr. Marcus Barrango ‘14 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Bassignani Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ‘78 Mr. and Dr. Paolo Battegazzore Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baumann Beau Fleurs Mr. and Mrs. James Behan Mrs. Anne Marie Behan Mr. Keith Behlmer Mr. and Mrs. Arvan E. Bell Ms. Deidre H. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Bell Ms. Molly Bell ‘10 Bella Casa Property Services, LLC Mr. Kevin J. Belton Mrs. Virginia Benninghoff Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Berger Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Berghout Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bergin Ms. Gloria Bergin Mr. David Berry ‘94 Mr. Scott Berry ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berta Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bethard Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Ms. Lindsay Biggar ‘08 Dr. and Mrs. James Bird Mr. Benjamin D. Bisconer Mr. and Mrs. James Bishofberger Mr. Daniel Bishofberger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Bittner Black Gander Chimney Sweeps Bluestone Pool and Landscape Mr. Bob McPhee Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bonfigli Mr. Zachary R. Bonzani ‘17 Dr. and Mrs. Alok K. Bose Ms. Isabella Bosetti ‘13 Mr. Chris Bost and Mrs. Cassandra Bost ‘03 Mr. Donald Botill and Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. John Bouldt Mr. Vasilios Bouzos and Mrs. Eleni Bouzos Mr. Demetri K. Bouzos ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Dionisios Bouzos Mr. David A. Bowman ‘84 and Mrs. Beth Bowman ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Boyd Mr. and Mrs. William T. Boyd, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzini Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Brady Mr. Curt D. Brashear and Mrs. Kathleen Chermack Brashear ‘87 Ms. Susan Brauner Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bremer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brennan

Mr. Daniel Sondheim and Mrs. Chalon Bridges ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brockmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Walt Brooks Mrs. Erin M. Brosnan Mr. Robert Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brudney Ms. Christy Brunton ‘89 Mr. Roger Bubel Mr. and Mrs. George Buckingham Ms. Laura Buntrock ‘04 Ms. Mary Burwell-Morrongiello Mr. and Mrs. Michael Busick Mrs. Billie Butler Ms. Susan L. Bynum Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Byrne Mr. Ian Cabalse ‘07 Ms. Leslie M. Caccamese Mrs. Megan K. Cadigan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Cadle Mr. and Mrs. John E. Caldwell II Mr. Frank DeMichele and Mrs. Donna Calonego Mr. Gregory J. Calvelo ‘89 and Mrs. Therese Calvelo ‘89 Mr. Martin Campbell ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Campbell Mr. Jim Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Jose R. Campos Mr. Andrew Campos ‘15 Mrs. Patricia Campoy Mr. and Dr. Sean Capiaux Mr. Chris A. Cardwell ‘72 and Mrs. Anna Cardwell ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carlson Ms. Erica H. Carmona ‘17 Mr. and Ms. Enrique CarmonaHernandez Mr. Benjamin J. Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ‘77 Ms. Brianna Caron ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Garry L. Carpenter Dr. Joseph Carrillo, MD Ms. Annette M. Case Mr. and Mrs. Credante L. Casilang Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cassayre ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Castellucci Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cavaz Mr. Dylan J. Cavaz ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cayabyab Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Celaya Mr. and Mrs. Clovis Celestin Malu Centeno Dr. and Mrs. Myo S. Chang Mr. and Mrs. Darrin Channels Mr. Jeffrey E. Chappell Dr. and Mrs. Peter P. Chau Chaudhary & Associates, Inc Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Christian Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Mr. and Mrs. Nick J. Ciarabellini Ms. Nyrene Clark ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark Ms. Georgine A. Clarke

Mr. Michaun L. Clay Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cline Ms. Susan Cloe and Mr. Jon Cloe CoCo Toys Ms. Molly Cole ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Collins ‘77 Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Derald D. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Cordova, Jr. Mr. Emilio A. Cordova ‘17 Cortese Training Systems, LLC Mr. Thomas Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cotruvo Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cox Mr. Alexander Crown ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Timm F. Crull, Jr. Mr. Brauck Cullen ‘02 Ms. Bonnie B. Cullen ‘08 Mr. Djiego Cura-Igama ‘17 Mr. Robert Curtis ‘01 and Ms. Aimee K. Curtis ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D’Adamo ‘82 Ms. Sinnin Danle Mr. Steve Davino Mrs. Cathy Davino Mr. and Mrs. Milton Davis Mr. James Day ‘72 Mr. Gerry De Guzman and Mrs. Cora Marapao Ms. Kathryn de Maigret Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Denkin ‘92 Mr. Joshua DeBonis ‘98 and Mrs. Elizabeth DeBonis ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Deely Mr. and Mrs. Kamran Dehzad Mr. Mark Del Arroyo Mr. and Mrs. Tracy S. Del Dotto Ms. Gracie DeLeon Mr. and Mrs. Scott DeMartini Ms. Cassandra Depew ‘05 Ms. Kris Dern ‘03 Mr. Doug DeVaul and Mrs. Susan Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Devine Mr. Joseph C. Devine ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Dick Mr. David Dickey and Mrs. Erika Moone Dickey ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dilda Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Dixon Mr. Brian Dodd ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. William Dodson Mr. Jason Dominici and Mrs. Megan Savage Dominici ‘92 Ms. Alexandra Donoghue Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Donohoe Mr. Michael J. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Drummond Mr. and Mrs. William D. Duge, MD Mr. and Mrs. Curt Dunkle Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Eagle Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Eaton ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Ebert

Mr. Gregory L. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Egan Mr. Mark Eggan Mrs. Adrienne Eichenberger Eikos, Inc Mr. Matthew Engelbracht and Mrs. Lindsey Heathcote Engelbracht ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Keith England Mr. and Mrs. Francis Esser Mr. Anthony H. Esser Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Estrada Ms. Olivia Everett ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Christian P. Fassari Dennis Fechter Mr. Michael A. Fernandez Mr. Daniel Fernandez ‘04 Mr. Daniel Fernandez ‘15 Mr. Christopher Fidler ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fields Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fioretti Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fisher Mrs. Linda S. Fisher Mr. Eric D. Fitzgerald ‘17 Ms. Christine M. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Flores Mrs. Rita Flynn Ms. Bridget M. Folan Ms. Angela Fontana ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foss Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Mr. William R. Francis Mr. William Francis ‘15 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Franzino Ms. Juliana Franzino ‘16 Ms. Alma D. Gallegos Mr. Steven Garaventa ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Diego E. Garcia ‘94 Mr. E. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gardiner Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gardner Ms. Berenice Garvan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garvey Mr. Joseph Garvey ‘02 Mr. William Gass and Mrs. Jennifer Lohwasser Gass ‘93 Ms. Karen A. Gatton Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gavin Mrs. Susan E. Gavinski Mr. Daniel Gaynor ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Geesey Mrs. B. C. Geiger Mr. John Gerlach and Mrs. Katherine Cochrane Gerlach ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Gerlach ‘98 Ms. Mariah Germono ‘09 Ms. Sarah D. Gianelli Mr. Shea Giaquinto ‘06 Ms. Cheryl Gibbs Mrs. Catherine M. Gill Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Ginn Mr. Michael Giovannoni ‘81 and Mrs. Catherine Giovannoni ‘83 Mrs. Carol M. Giovannoni Ms. Julie Giovannoni Ms. Sandra Glasco Mr. and Mrs. Clark Glasson

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.


justin-siena Avanti

Members of the Class of 2014 wearing their college colors with pride. 100% of the Class of 2014 headed off to college or university this fall. More about the Class of 2014 at www.justin-siena.org/Classof2014. Way to go Braves!

Mr. Cole Gleeson ‘17 Mr. Rick W. Glitz and Mrs. Mary Glitz Mr. Jared B. Goble Ms. Mary B. Godshall Ms. Samantha Gomez ‘09 Ms. Yovana Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Gonzalez, Sr. Mrs. Ann Goodsell Mr. Fernando Gouveia Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas Granata Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Ray Graziani Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Greenlee Ms. Jennifer Greenway Mr. and Mrs. David W. Gruenwald Ms. Kelly Guenthner ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Guerrazzi Mrs. Lupita Guerrero Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Guevara Mr. Jason Guiducci and Mrs. Kristen DePasquale Guiducci ‘93 Mr. Joey Gullikson Mr. Deepak Gulrajani Mr. Walter Gunz Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Gutierrez Mr. Oscar R. Gutierrez ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Serafin Guzman Mr. and Mrs. William C. Haden Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Hallahan Mr. and Mrs. Clark K. Hallam Rev. and Mrs. Luke Ham ‘05 Mr. Nathan W. Hamlin ‘17 Mrs. Alfred A. Hampson Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna Mr. James Hanser Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harais Mr. Malcolm S. Hardy ‘17 Mrs. Susanne E. Harmeyer Ms. Heidi Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hart

Harvest Pediatrics Mr. Adham Hassan Mr. Kareem Hassan ‘16 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hautala Ms. Leona Hayden Mr. and Mrs. David G. Haymond Mrs. Megan Healy ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Heathcote Mr. and Mrs. Troy R. Heathcote Mr. Matthew R. Heathcote ‘17 Mr. Brent H. Hebb Mrs. Shannon Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Dr. Ann Hefner-Gravink Ms. Kathy Hegelein Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hein Mr. Timothy Henry and Mrs. Patricia Bickford Henry ‘76 Mr. Lain Hensley and Mrs. Jean Korte Hensley ‘88 Ms. Angela Hensley ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Moises Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Jose Herrera Mr. Alexander N. Hesser Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Heun ‘83 Mr. Andrew J. Heun ‘17 Mr. and Ms. Robert A. Hewitt, III Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hickey Ms. Wendy Hill Mr. Tyler W. Hinsley ‘12 Mr. Gregor Hirschler Mr. and Mrs. John Hlivka Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hodges Ms. Jamie L. Hodgkin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoff Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Holden ‘82 Holiday Inn Express Mr. and Mrs. Jens D. Holstebro Mr. Mads M. Holstebro ‘17

Holy Family Community Mrs. Beverly Hosford Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Houle Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt Mr. Rob Howell and Mrs. Judith Dick Howell ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Rob Howell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Huffman Jr. Ms. Norma B. Huhn Mr. Ralph Hünnefeld Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hurwitz Ms. Bridget Huston ‘09 Mr. Will Inman ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Irvine Mr. and Ms. Gary M. Ittig Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Mr. Mark Jacobson and Mrs. Monica R. Jacobson Mrs. Sabine Jaeger Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Jr. Ms. Julie A. Jenanyan Ms. Karin M. Jinbo JLVS, Inc. Joey Gullikson Water Polo, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Marion Johnesee Mr. and Mrs. Bradley W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Jones ‘02 Mr. Charles B. Jones and Mrs. Gail Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kalten Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Kampton Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Kawalek Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Ms. Jacqueline Kearns ‘01 Ms. Margarita Kelesheva Mr. and Mrs. Don Kellebrew Mr. and Mrs. William L. Keller ‘91 Mr. Jim Keller and

Mrs. Lindsay Hoff Keller ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Mr. Christopher Kenaston ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kenton Mrs. Kathi Kibbe Mrs. Kathleen M. Kinda Ms. Bridget D. King Williams Mr. Randall Kingsford and Ms. Andrea Kingsford ‘90 Mr. Aidan R. Kingsford ‘17 Dr. John Kirk Mr. Cameron Kirkpatrick Mr. Patrick Kiser ‘84 Mrs. Sharon R. Klein Mr. Brian Knight ‘78 Ms. Patra Knox-Orr Mr. and Mrs. John A. Komes Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Korte ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Korte Mr. Anthony Borders and Mrs. Kim Kostin-Borders Mrs. Laura Kramer-Orr Mr. and Mrs. Greg Krill Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kunst Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Kunst Ms. Kelly Lann ‘84 Mr. Brandon C. LaRocco ‘98 and Ms. Miranda LaRocco ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Latno, III Mr. and Mrs. David Lattin Law Office of Lester F. Hardy Lawlers Liquors Mrs. Kathlee Lawrence Ms. Shaun Lawrence Mr. David E. Lawrence Mr. Adolfo Ledesma Vasquez, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Chad LeDoux Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lee Mr. and Mrs. William Lefever

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Upon returning to campus following the South Napa Quake (school was closed for one day for clean-up), the entire community met in Patrons Plaza for a brief prayer service to give thanks for eveyone’s safety and offer support to community members.

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lehenbauer Mr. Kevin Lemieux ‘03 Mr. Nicholas M. Lenz ‘17 Ms. Catharina Euser LeVine ‘70 Mrs. Susanne Leviton Ms. Jill M. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Justin Lewis Mr. Don Lieb Ms. Kay Lieb Mrs. Christine Lim Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lindauer Mr. and Mrs. Steven Linder Lito Auto Body, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Llamas Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Y. Loh Ms. Karen Lombardo Mr. and Mrs. Jose-Louis Lopez Ms. Esther Lopez Mr. Dana A. Lopez and Mrs. Ann Lopez Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lowney ‘77 Mr. Michael L. Lowry Ms. Lisa Lubag Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lucchetti ‘91 Ms. Laurel Lum ‘06 Mr. Raymond Morales and Mrs. Irma Luna Mr. and Mrs. Chad S. Macaulay, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Madden Mr. Christopher Madrigal and Mrs. Christina Dowdall Madrigal ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Magee ‘88 Mr. Tanner Mah Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Maher Mr. Kevin Maher ‘89 Mrs. Kelly Maher Mr. Andre Maillard and

Dr. Phylis Wakefield Mr. and Mrs. Amadeo Maldonado Mr. and Mrs. Ronaldo Malinis Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo C. Mallari Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malloy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mansi Mr. and Mrs. Rosendo P. Marin Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. C. Mattei Dr. and Mrs. Mark Maus Mr. Laurance G. Maxson and Mrs. Susan Maxson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McCarthy Mrs. and Mr. Elisa J. McClure Mr. Michael McClure ‘06 Mr. Patrick McCrea and Dr. Kelli McCrea Mrs. Maureen McCurry Ms. Shannon McDermott ‘97 Mr. Matthew G. McEligot Mr. Robert McElroy Mr. Sean McElroy ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. McEvoy Ms. Leslie G. McFarlane Laura Ann McGill, R.N. Ms. Karen McGilley Ms. Mary Ann McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. McIver Mr. and Mrs. Ian McIvor Mr. and Mrs. William McKoy Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Mead Mr. Justin Medaris and Mrs. Jennifer MacDonald Medaris ‘85 Mr. Richard Meese Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Mendoza Ms. Sarah E. Merkel Ms. Kimberly Merkel

Mr. Michael Mertens ‘83 and Mrs. Lisa Mertens ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Messenger Mr. Markus Mettler Mrs. Bernadette Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Meyer Mrs. Mary Ann Michelon Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Midyette Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller Mr. Robert Miller and Mrs. Sonja Van Winden Miller ‘87 Ms. Hannah L. Miller ‘17 Ms. Kelsey Minigan ‘10 Ms. Frances Minigan ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miroglio ‘78 Ms. Sophie Miyasaki ‘14 Ms. Jennifer Miyasato Ms. Eileen Mize MJ Nugent & Co, Inc Dr. Bente Moerch Mr. Eric Momsen ‘89 Mrs. Irene Montes Ms. Necole Montgomery Monticello Deli & Catering Mr. John Moore ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Moore Mr. Jaime Moreno ‘09 Drs. Vincent and Victoria Morgese Mr. Paul M. E. Morlet ‘17 Mrs. Christina Morrison ‘83 Mrs. Veronica Muro Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Murphy Mr. Michael Murray ‘78 Mr. Craig T. Musgrave MW Wines Napa County Bar Association Napa Electric

Napa School of Music Napa Sons of Italy Lodge No. 2043 Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Mr. Frank S. Narvaez Mr. Ray L. Nasuti Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Navarro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Navone Mr. Patrick Neeley and Mrs. Debra Neeley Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Newman ‘77 Ms. Ramona Nicholson ‘81 Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Nicks Ms. Nancy Nittler ‘79 Mr. Brien C. Noonan Sister Brigid Noonan, O.P. Mr. and Mrs. Kim Norup Mr. Patrick Nyeholt Mrs. Rachelle Obiacoro Mr. Chris O’Brien and Mrs. Stephanie O’Brien ‘81 Mr. Mason O’Brien ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. David O’Donoghue Ms. Karen O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Olen Mr. and Ms. Steven M. Olry One Whirld, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Orr Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Orr Mr. Elliott S. Paddock Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pagador Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paloney Ms. Cynthia Paniagua ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Justin Paniagua ‘03 Ms. Marilyn Paquette Mr. and Mrs. Spero Pavlatos Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Peatman Mr. and Mrs. William Peatman, Sr. Mr. John K. Peatman ‘17

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.


justin-siena Avanti

Dr. and Mrs. Brian S. Pecha Dr. Heather M. Pena Mr. and Mrs. William L. Perdue III Ms. Anita Perrin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peschken Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Petersen Mr. Mark Petersen ‘71 Ms. Michele Piatti-Cosgrove Mr. Christian Platt ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Ms. Lisa Powell Ms. Helen M. Prado-Chavarin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Prieto Mr. and Mrs. John L. Prince Mr. and Mrs. Michael Quast Ms. Stephanie Quinlan ‘97 Mr. Paul M. Quinones and Mrs. Piper Murray Quinones ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Jose J. Ramos Dr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Reat Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Rebullida Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Reid Ms. Jillian R. Reid ‘17 Mr. Nicholas Reinell ‘03 Replay Sports Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ret Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reyna Mr. and Mrs. John P. Reynoso Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Reynoso Ms. Anna Reynoso ‘03 Mr. Art Rincon and Ms. Jill Callanan Rincon ‘79 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Ripple ‘84 Dr. Debra A. Rocha Mrs. Virginia Romero Mr. and Mrs. George Romero Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Roomian Mr. Gary K. Rose Mr. Joseph Rossi ‘70 and Mrs. Patricia Rossi ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Rundquist Mr. and Mrs. Jim Russell Mr. Kevin P. Ryan and Mrs. Lynn Bozzini Ryan ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ryan Ms. Camille Sacristan ‘13 Mr. Juan F. Sacristan and Mrs. Jennifer Kline Ms. Carlota Saflor Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo E. Sanchez Mr. Mathieu L. Sanders ‘17 Mr. Joseph A. Sangiacomo ‘17 Ms. Maureen Savage ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey L. Say Mr. Christian Say ‘12 Scarlet Brigade Band Boosters Mr. and Mrs. John A. Scavo Mrs. Herta Schaldach Mr. and Mrs. Sid S. Scherer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schindler Mr. Brent Schmeling ‘84 and Mrs. Alisa Clark Schmeling ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Schmitz ‘03 Mr. and Ms. Matthew Schmitz ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Stan G. Schmutz Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Schnebelt Mr. and Mrs. John A. Scholl ‘79

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent K. Scholl ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glenn Schulman Hon. Richard Schweiker Scott W. Newman & Mary deBenedetti Mr. and Ms. Tim Scully Mr. Christopher H. Searl Ms. Lauren S. Seva Mr. Joseph Shelfo and Mrs. Gina Shelfo Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shindle Mr. and Mrs. David Shipp Mrs. Kendal Shomura Ms. Robin Short ‘91 Mr. Logan Showley ‘15 Silicon Valley Community Foundation Mr. Jayme Silva ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Adam B. Simms Mr. Josh Laurence P. Siy Mr. and Mrs. Bret P. Skillings Skillings Construction Brother Kevin M. Slate FSC Ms. Deidre M. Smith Mrs. Patricia Smith Ms. Jenea A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Smith Mrs. Belinda L. Snow Brother Stanislaus J. M. Sobczyk FSC, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Solis Mr. Randy Souza and Ms. Kristin Bria Souza ‘88 Ms. Kathy Sparlin Mr. Jacob C. Spears Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Spinelli Sprint Foundation Ms. Laura Srebro ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Randy St. Jean Mr. John Staggs ‘82 and Mrs. Theresa Staggs ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stanier Ms. Karyn Steele Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Steiger Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Stevens Ms. Christine M. Stevens ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Strauss Strong & Hayden George Studdert Mr. Oliver Stumm Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sugar Mr. and Mrs. John Sugar Ms. Zoe A. Sugar Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Sunseri Mr. Christopher R. Swain Mr. Peter J. Sykes Mr. Jupe Tan Target - Take Charge of Education Mr. David Tchaikowitz and Mrs. Caitlin McDermott Tchaikowitz ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tenbrink Mrs. Marian L. Terrell The Presentation School The Ultimate Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Sean Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Stuart N. Thompson Mrs. Anne J. Thompson Three Wine Company Mr. Stan Tonneson

Ms. and Mr. Trisha Tortolani Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Towey ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Huy M. Tran Mr. David Travers ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Tremblay Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tres Trisha Tortolani Skin Care Dr. and Mrs. David C. Troppy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Truchard Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Tsegeletos Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Rev. Antonio Valdivia Valent Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Valine ‘89 Mr. Matthew C. Valine ‘89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Grubbs Valine ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. James Van Sickle Ms. Lessette Van Winden ‘79 Ms. Lindsay M. Vanoli Mr. Steven A. Vargus Mrs. Luz P. Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Vasser Dr. and Mrs. Ali Vaziri Ms. Maria Vermes Mr. and Mrs. Jens Vidkjer Villa Corona Mr. and Mrs. Raul Villalobos, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Villao, Jr. Mr. Robert Villao Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Villasenor Mr. Alan Villatuya Ms. Polly Villatuya Mr. Charles J. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner Mrs. Michelle R. Walker Dr. and Ms. Wayne Walker Ambassador and Mrs. Stephen P. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Ward ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Ian Ward Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wasilewski Mr. Michael P. Wathen

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Watson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weakley Mr. and Mrs. Randy Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Anita Webb Mr. and Mrs. Richard Webster Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Weiler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Welsh Mr. David H. Werle ‘82 Mr. Connor R. Wesson ‘17 Mr. Dan Wetherell Mr. and Mrs. Philip White Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. White Mr. and Mrs. Heath H. Whittemore Mr. Chad Wildman ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Willard Mr. Aidan Willard ‘17 Mr. Richard Q. Williams Mr. R. Curt Williams and Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ‘77 Ms. Julie Williams Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Willis Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wills Mr. and Mrs. Corey J. Wing Mr. and Mrs. Mitch L. Wippern Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Wirick, Jr. Mrs. Kathy L. Wong Mrs. Allyson Wood Mr. and Mrs. Scott G. Wright Ms. Jordan Wright ‘05 Mr. Jacob A. Wright ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Wulf Mrs. Angelynne Yee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yeend Mr. and Mrs. John S. Youmans Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Youngborg Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Zanardi, PhD ‘86 ZD Wines Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Zeller, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Zepponi ‘84 Mr. Zachary Zion ‘07

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Fund-A-Need You did the heavy lifting! It was through the tremendous efforts of many that we have a space with new and varied pieces of equipment, new floor, greater security, and an indoor/outdoor feel which assists with ventilation as well as making it a place where all students are excited to visit and witness their own growth. Mr. Andrew J. Avellar and Mrs. Shelly Avellar ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker Mr. Daniel Barrango and Mrs. Rebecca Merry Barrango ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Bassignani Mr. and Mrs. Crandall Bates Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beckstoffer Mrs. Deidre H. Bell Bella Casa Property Services, LLC Ms. Gloria Bergin Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bergin Mr. and Mrs. John Bouldt Mr. and Mrs. Dionisios Bouzos Mr. and Mrs. William T. Boyd, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bradford Ms. Susan Brauner Mr. and Mrs. Walt Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cain, MD Mr. and Dr. Sean Capiaux Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Carey ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. David Castleberry Mr. and Mrs. David A. Castrucci Mr. and Ms. Frederic G. Catteau Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ceccato Mr. and Mrs. Darrin Channels Mr. and Mrs. Michael Christian Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coleman Mr. Francis J. Connelly and Mrs. Shannon Connelly ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Heath R. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Paul Croft Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Cronwall Drs. Kathryn and David Danzeisen Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Darrin Mrs. Margaret Darrin Mr. and Mrs. Brett deLeuze ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Delonis Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Denkin ‘92 Mr. John M. Dierking and Mrs. Lisa Marino Dierking ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. DiGiacomo Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DiMare Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Durante ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Eagle Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Ebert Mr. Matthew Engelbracht and Mrs. Lindsey Heathcote Engelbracht ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Mrs. Linda S. Fisher Mrs. Jennifer Lee Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Francis Mr. and Mrs. David J. Francke Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gardner 40

justin-siena Avanti

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Geesey Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Ginn Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gleeson ‘85 Dr. and Mrs. William N. Gonser Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Guevara Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Guttersen Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harais Mr. Lester Hardy and Mrs. Janet Pagano Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hart Mr. and Mrs. Troy R. Heathcote Mr. and Mrs. James V. Heim Mr. and Mrs. Noel L. Hesser Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. and Mrs. Jens D. Holstebro Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Huston, Jr. Mr. Bret Hyatt and Mrs. Kelly Squier Hyatt ‘80 Mr. and Ms. Gary M. Ittig Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kalten Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaufmann, Jr. Mr. and Ms. Randall Kehl, J.D. Ms. Jill M. Levy Mr. and Ms. Robert Levy Dr. and Mrs. Randall C. Lum Ms. Laurel Lum ‘06 Mr. Raymond Morales and Mrs. Irma Luna Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McCarthy Mr. Michael McClure ‘06 Mr. Robert McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. McEvoy Mrs. Laura Ann McGill Mr. and Mrs. Ian McIvor Ms. Kimberly Merkel Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Miller, Esq. Mr. Erich Bradley and Mrs. Marie C. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Luc Morlet Mr. Craig T. Musgrave Mr. Ray L. Nasuti Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ney ‘93 Ms. Ramona Nicholson ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nugent Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Osgood Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Pachote Mr. and Mrs. Gary Peace Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Pedisich Dr. Francisco Pestana and Mrs. Melissa Lee Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pires

Mr. and Mrs. David Preimesberger Mr. and Mrs. Gary Prince ‘79 Ms. Stephanie Quinlan ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Jose J. Ramos Mr. Bill Gary Facendini and Mrs. Heidi Rickerd-Rizo Mr. and Mrs. David Ross Mr. Kevin P. Ryan and Mrs. Lynn Bozzini Ryan ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Salvestrin ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sangiacomo ‘87 Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sebastiani ‘88 Mr. Brian T. Sheekey and Mrs. Sally Sheekey Mr. Joseph Shelfo and Mrs. Gina Shelfo Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. Shifflett ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shindle Mr. and Mrs. Grant Showley Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, II Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sugar Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sweigert The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Torkelson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Truchard Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Vasser Ms. Maria Vermes Ms. Darla Viau Villa Corona Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Welsh Mr. and Ms. David Wignall Mr. Matthew Wilkinson and Mrs. Kristin Wilkinson ‘83 William Cole Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Mitch L. Wippern

Honor Roll of Alumni Our alumni community is critical in the success of advancing our mission. We are grateful to those alums who have supported their alma mater financially. Alumni support is growing and we look forward to engaging alumni with their time, talent, and treasure. Class of 1970

Class of 1977

Class of 1982

Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Barragan ‘70 Ms. Catharina Euser LeVine ‘70 Mr. Joseph Rossi ‘70 and Mrs. Patricia Rossi ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Towey ‘70

Ms. Kerri Abreu ‘77 Mr. Joseph J. Andre ‘77 and Mrs. Erin Andre ‘77 Mr. Daniel Barrango and Mrs. Rebecca Merry Barrango ‘77 Mr. Benjamin J. Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Collins ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lowney ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Newman ‘77 Mr. R. Curt Williams and Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ‘77 Mr. Joseph Rossi ‘70 and Mrs. Patricia Rossi ‘77

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D’Adamo ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Holden ‘82 Mr. Timothy Keown ‘82 and Mrs. Miriam Keown ‘82 Mr. Paul LaFontaine ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Salvestrin ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Steiner J. Schaufel ‘82 Mr. John Staggs ‘82 and Mrs. Theresa Staggs ‘82 Mr. David H. Werle ‘82

4% participation

Class of 1971 3% participation

Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Eaton ‘71 Mr. Mark Petersen ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Silva ‘71

Class of 1972 6% participation

Mr. Donald Botill and Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ‘72 Mr. Chris A. Cardwell ‘72 and Mrs. Anna Cardwell ‘72 Mr. James Day ‘72 Mr. John Gerlach and Mrs. Katherine Cochrane Gerlach ‘72 Mr. Will Inman ‘72 Dr. Henry McNeely ‘72

Class of 1973 2% participation

Mr. Steven Garaventa ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Lemieux ‘73 Mr. Jayme Silva ‘73

Class of 1974 1% participation

Mr. and Mrs. William Dodd, Jr. ‘74

Class of 1975 7% participation

Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Dodd ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daw ‘75 Mr. Robert Faber and Mrs. Lynn Adamo ‘75 Ms. Cynthia Paniagua ‘75 Dr. and Mrs. Steven Clay Shifflett ‘75

Class of 1976 2% participation

Mr. Timothy Henry and Mrs. Patricia Bickford Henry ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Zeller, Jr. ‘76

9% participation

Class of 1978 6% participation

Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ‘78 Dr. John B. Bosetti ‘78 and Dr. Nancy Jameson Mr. Brian Knight ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ledwich ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miroglio ‘78 Mr. Michael Murray ‘78

Class of 1979 7% participation

Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Anderson Ashauer ‘79 Mr. Francis J. Connelly and Mrs. Shannon Connelly ‘79 Mr. Jeffrey R. Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ‘79 Ms. Nancy Nittler ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Prince ‘79 Mr. Art Rincon and Ms. Jill Callanan Rincon ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Scholl ‘79 Ms. Lessette Van Winden ‘79

Class of 1980

8% participation

Class of 1983 5% participation

Mr. Andrew J. Avellar and Mrs. Shelly Avellar ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Brett deLeuze ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Giovannoni ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Heun ‘83 Mr. Michael Mertens ‘83 and Mrs. Lisa Mertens ‘83 Mrs. Christina Morrison ‘83 Mr. Paul M. Quinones and Mrs. Piper Murray Quinones ‘83 Mr. Matthew Wilkinson and Mrs. Kristin Wilkinson ‘83

Class of 1984 6% participation

Mr. David A. Bowman ‘84 and Mrs. Beth Bowman ‘86 Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ‘84 Mr. Rob Howell and Mrs. Judith Dick Howell ‘84 Mr. Patrick Kiser ‘84 Ms. Kelly Lann ‘84 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Ripple ‘84 Mr. Brent Schmeling ‘84 and Mrs. Alisa Clark Schmeling ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent K. Scholl ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Zepponi ‘84

Class of 1985 4% participation

Mr. Jeffrey Bishop and Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs Bishop ‘80 Mr. Bret Hyatt and Mrs. Kelly Squier Hyatt ‘80 Mr. David Perata ‘80

Mr. Daniel Sondheim and Mrs. Chalon Bridges ‘85 Mr. Johannes deBruin ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gleeson ‘85 Mr. Justin Medaris and Mrs. Jennifer MacDonald Medaris ‘85 Mr. Kevin P. Ryan and Mrs. Lynn Bozzini Ryan ‘85

Class of 1981

Class of 1986

Mr. Michael Giovannoni ‘81 and Mrs. Catherine Giovannoni ‘83 Ms. Ramona Nicholson ‘81 Mr. Chris O’Brien and Mrs. Stephanie O’Brien ‘81

Mr. David Bowman ‘84 and Mrs. Beth Bowman ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Carey ‘86 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Zanardi ‘86

3% participation

2% participation

2% participation

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Class of 1987

Class of 1991

Class of 1996

Mr. Curt D. Brashear and Mrs. Kathleen Chermack Brashear ‘87 Mr. John M. Dierking and Mrs. Lisa Marino Dierking ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Malloy ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Darren Maloney ‘87 Mr. Robert Miller and Mrs. Sonja Van Winden Miller ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sangiacomo ‘87

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Keller ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Korte ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lucchetti ‘91 Ms. Robin Short ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Ward ‘91

Class of 1997

Class of 1988

2% participation

Mrs. Jennifer Schmitz Banta ‘97 and Mr. Woodrow Banta Mr. Scott Berry ‘97 Ms. Shannon McDermott ‘97 Ms. Stephanie Quinlan ‘97

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Denkin ‘92 Mr. Jason Dominici and Mrs. Megan Savage Dominici ‘92

Class of 1998

4% participation

5% participation

Mr. David Dickey and Mrs. Erika Moone Dickey ‘88 Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya T. Favreau ‘88 Mr. Lain Hensley and Mrs. Jean Korte Hensley ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Magee ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sebastiani ‘88 Mr. Randy Souza and Ms. Kristin Bria Souza ‘88

Class of 1989 7% participation

Ms. Christy Brunton ‘89 Mr. Gregory J. Calvelo ‘89 and Mrs. Therese Calvelo ‘89 Ms. Nyrene Clark ‘89 Ms. Molly Cole ‘89 Ms. Angela Fontana ‘89 Ms. Kelly Guenthner ‘89 Mr. Christopher Madrigal and Mrs. Christina Dowdall Madrigal ‘89 Mr. Kevin Maher ‘89 Mr. Eric Momsen ‘89 Mr. Matthew C. Valine ‘89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Grubbs Valine ‘89

Class of 1990 2% participation

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Altobell ‘90 Mr. Randall Kingsford and Ms. Andrea Kingsford ‘90

6% participation

Class of 1992

Class of 1993 6% participation

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Durante ‘93 Mr. William Gass and Mrs. Jennifer Lohwasser Gass ‘93 Mr. Jason Guiducci and Mrs. Kristen DePasquale Guiducci ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ney ‘93 Ms. Maureen Savage ‘93

Class of 1994 2% participation

Mr. David Berry ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. Diego E. Garcia ‘94 Mr. Jim Keller ’94 and Mrs. Lindsay Hoff Keller ‘95

0% participation

4% participation

5% participation

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cassayre ‘98 Mr. Joshua DeBonis ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Gerlach ‘98 Mr. Brandon C. LaRocco ‘98 and Ms. Miranda LaRocco ‘01 Mr. August Sebastiani ‘98 Mr. David Tchaikowitz and Mrs. Caitlin McDermott Tchaikowitz ‘98

Class of 1999 3% participation

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Daw ‘99 Mr. Gregory D. Sinclair ‘99 and Mrs. Jill Sinclair ‘99 Mr. Chad Wildman ‘99

Class of 2000

Class of 1995

1% participation

Mrs. Megan Healy ‘95 Mr. Jim Keller ’94 and Mrs. Lindsay Hoff Keller ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Sebastiani Jr. ‘95 Mr. David Travers ‘95

Class of 2001

Mr. Martin Campbell ‘00

4% participation

3% participation

Mr. Robert Curtis ‘01 and Mrs. Aimee K. Curtis ‘01 Mr. Matthew Engelbracht and Mrs. Lindsey Heathcote Engelbracht ‘01 Ms. Jacqueline Kearns ‘01 Mr. Brandon LaRocco ‘98 and Ms. Miranda R. LaRocco ‘01 Mr. and Ms. Matthew Schmitz ‘01

Class of 2002 4% participation

Mr. Brauck Cullen ‘02 Mr. Brian Dodd ‘02 Mr. Christopher Fidler ‘02 Mr. Joseph Garvey ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Jones ‘02

Class of 2003 6% participation

Mr. Chris Bost and Mrs. Cassandra Bost ‘03 Mr. Alexander Crown ‘03 Ms. Kris Dern ‘03 Mr. Kevin Lemieux ‘03 Mr. John Moore ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Justin Paniagua ‘03 Mr. Nicholas Reinell ‘03 Ms. Anna Reynoso ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Schmitz ‘03 Enjoying the 2014 All Alumni Reunion. Top (l–r): Molly Pugh Cole ‘89, Nyrene Clark ‘89, Brian Savage ‘89, Christy Brunton ‘89. Bottom (l–r): Greg Calvelo ‘89, Angela Fontana ‘89, Kelly Asbury ‘89, Kristen Clark ‘89. Check your alumni e-newsletter, The Brave & Bold, for information on the 2015 Reunion.


justin-siena Avanti

Class of 2004 3% participation

Ms. Laura Buntrock ‘04

Ms. Olivia Everett ‘04 Mr. Daniel Fernandez ‘04 Ms. Emilia Sebastiani ‘04

Class of 2005 5% participation

Ms. Brianna Caron ‘05 Ms. Cassandra Depew ‘05 Rev. and Mrs. Luke Ham ‘05 Ms. Angela Hensley ‘05 Ms. Laura Srebro ‘05 Ms. Jordan Wright ‘05

Class of 2006 2% participation

Mr. Shea Giaquinto ‘06 Ms. Laurel Lum ‘06 Mr. Michael McClure ‘06

Class of 2007 1% participation; $490

Mr. Ian Cabalse ‘07 Mr. Zachary Zion ‘07

Brandon LaRocco ’98, Miranda LaRocco ’01, and Laura McCarroll enjoy the Alumni Opening Night Reception at the Lincoln Theater for the spring musical production of Anything Goes.

Class of 2008 2% participation

Ms. Lindsay Biggar ‘08 Ms. Bonnie B. Cullen ‘08 Mr. Daniel Gaynor ‘08

Class of 2009 3% participation

Ms. Mariah Germono ‘09 Ms. Samantha Gomez ‘09 Ms. Bridget Huston ‘09 Mr. Jaime Moreno ‘09

Class of 2010 4% participation

Mr. Matthew Andre ‘10 Ms. Molly Bell ‘10 Ms. Kelsey Minigan ‘10 Mr. Mason O’Brien ‘10 Mr. Christian Platt ‘10

Class of 2011 0% participation

Class of 2012 1% participation

Mr. Tyler W. Hinsley ‘12 Mr. Christian Say ‘12

Class of 2013 1% participation

Ms. Isabella Bosetti ‘13 Ms. Camille Sacristan ‘13

Class of 2014 1% participation

Mr. Marcus Barrango ‘14 Ms. Sophie Miyasaki ‘14

Class of 2015 3% participation

Mr. Andrew Campos ‘15 Mr. Daniel Fernandez ‘15 Mr. William Francis ‘15 Ms. Frances Minigan ‘15 Mr. Logan Showley ‘15

Class of 2016

Mr. Mads M. Holstebro ‘17 Mr. Christopher Kenaston ‘17 Mr. Aidan R. Kingsford ‘17 Mr. Nicholas M. Lenz ‘17 Mr. Sean McElroy ‘17 Ms. Hannah L. Miller ‘17 Mr. Paul M. E. Morlet ‘17 Mr. John K. Peatman ‘17 Ms. Jillian R. Reid ‘17 Mr. Mathieu L. Sanders ‘17 Mr. Joseph A. Sangiacomo ‘17 Ms. Christine M. Stevens ‘17 Mr. Connor R. Wesson ‘17 Mr. Aidan Willard ‘17 Mr. Jacob A. Wright ‘17

1% participation

Ms. Juliana Franzino ‘16 Mr. Kareem Hassan ‘16

Class of 2017 16% participation

Mr. Zachary R. Bonzani ‘17 Mr. Demetri K. Bouzos ‘17 Ms. Erica H. Carmona ‘17 Mr. Dylan J. Cavaz ‘17 Mr. Emilio A. Cordova ‘17 Mr. Djiego Cura-Igama ‘17 Mr. Joseph C. Devine ‘17 Mr. Eric D. Fitzgerald ‘17 Mr. Cole Gleeson ‘17 Mr. Oscar R. Gutierrez ‘17 Mr. Nathan W. Hamlin ‘17 Mr. Malcolm S. Hardy ‘17 Mr. Matthew R. Heathcote ‘17 Mr. Andrew J. Heun ‘17

Jill Wooley Sinclair ’99, Jenny Schmitz Banta ’97, and Narisa Orosco Woolworth ’99 enjoying the 2014 All Alumni Reunion.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Class Participation Totals Our most important goal for the Annual Fund is participation. Every gift counts, no matter its size. Make your gift today by visiting www.justin-siena.org or complete the enclosed envelope. Consider giving to the school who gave you so much.


























































































justin-siena Avanti



Honor & Memorial

A contribution to the Honor–Memorial Gift Program is a wonderful way to honor someone dear, either living or deceased. The name of the recipient of an Honor–Memorial gift will be placed in the Justin-Siena Book of Remembrance and remembered in prayers of the Justin-Siena community at the regular Masses throughout the school year.


In Honor Of

Kenneth Harold Grubs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Egan

Stephen J. Bardessono Mrs. Ann Goodsell (John Goodsell Scholarship) Mr. & Mrs. David Fanucchi Mr. and Mrs. Spero Pavlatos

Royce Hall Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC

Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC De La Salle Institute Michael Webb Mr. and Mrs. Ted Giaquinto

Richard J Janese ’02 Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Jr.

In Memory Of

Beryl King Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC

Monsignor Joseph Alzugaray Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC

Shannon Lemieux ’06 Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Lemieux ‘73 PG&E Corporation Campaign for the Community Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt

Hope Barragan Barthel Mr. Jayme K. Silva ‘73 Robert P. Biniek Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mary Clark Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Ted Connolly Chaudhary & Associates, Inc Laurette J. Daw Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Willard E. Dobbeck Mr. Chris A. Cardwell ‘72 and Mrs. Anna Cardwell ‘72 Lynne Drexler (Alex H. Urban Memorial Scholarship)

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Madden Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dilda Mr. Stuart N. Thompson and Mrs. Francis Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. White Mr. Michael L. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Marion Johnesee Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Baechle Mr. Rick W. Glitz and Mrs. Mary Glitz Ms. Susan L. Bynum Robert J. Gianelli Ms. Sarah D. Gianelli

Eleanor D. Hynote Mr. and Mrs. Thom McDermott

Kyle Henry Lieber ‘79 Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Anderson Ashauer ‘79 Charles Malnati Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott James McCaffrey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott David Edward McCrea Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ‘75 John Wilson McVicar Mr. Chris A. Cardwell ‘72 and Mrs. Anna Cardwell ‘72 Robert C. Morrish Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Helen M. Prado-Chavarin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daw ‘75 Leota Chubb Stocking Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Frank A. Perata Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Carmen Perez Mrs. Anne J. Thompson

Bertram “Bert” Ripple Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cox Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Gene Salazar Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Joseph John Scholl, Jr. Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Rob Howell, Jr. Mr. Rob Howell and Mrs. Judith Dick Howell ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzini Loeta Stocking Mr. and Mrs. Thom McDermott Doris Supple Mr. and Mrs. Thom McDermott Theresa A. Towey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daw ‘75

The Brian T. Towey ’73 Scholarship Fund The Class of 1973, The Brian Towey Family and Friends Wilhelmina VanHofwegen Mr. and Mrs. Thom McDermott George A. Wesolek Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Veronica J. Zimmermann Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Doug DeVaul and Susan Taylor Mrs. Herta Schaldach Dr. and Mrs. John P. Zimmermann Rod Zinke Mrs. Ann Goodsell (John Goodsell Scholarship)




A gift to the Honor–Memorial Gift Program is a wonderful way to honor someone dear, either living or deceased. The name of the recipient of an Honor–Memorial gift will be placed in the Justin-Siena Book of Remembrance and remembered in prayers of the Justin-Siena community at the regular Masses throughout the school year. A letter is sent to the honoree or the family of the deceased informing them of your gift. The amount of your gift is confidential and supports the Justin-Siena annual tuition assistance program. For additional donation envelopes or information on how to create a permanent named fund, contact the Office of Advancement at 707.255.0950 ext. 628.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

In-Kind Donations In-kind donations provide incredible support for special events, program needs, student activities and capital improvements. The following individuals and businesses generously provided in-kind gifts during the 2013-2014 school year that support our auctions and help to offset our operating costs for all of these activities. AC Sailing SF Mr. and Mrs. John A. Adriance Ag 4 Youth Program Alpha Omega Winery Amuse Bouche Winery Antica Napa Valley Auberge du Soleil Mr. Andrew J. Avellar and Mrs. Shelly Avellar ‘83 B Real Balletto Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Crandall Bates Beaulieu Vineyard Dr. and Ms. Richard A. Beller Mr. Kevin J. Belton Bistro Don Giovanni Black Stallion Estate Winery Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blanchard Jr. Blue Pagoda Pearl Company Blush Napa Valley BOND Estates Bottega Bounty Hunter Brix Restaurant Brown Estate Vineyards Buoncristiani Family Winery Busters Southern Barbecue Cache Creek Casino Cafe Sarafornia Cain Vineyard & Winery Cake Plate

Cakebread Cellars Campus Kitchens, LLC Capiaux Cellars Carpe Diem Wine Bar Cartelligent Cecil Lamberton, DDS Ceja Vineyards Celadon Chalk Hill Estate Vineyard and Winery Charles Krug & Peter Mondavi Family Chimney Rock Winery Clarksburg Wine Company Cliff Lede Vineyards Cline Cellars Clos Pegase Winery Colgin Cellars Compadres Rio Grille Conn Creek Winery Mr. Francis J. Connelly and Mrs. Shannon Connelly ‘79 Cooking with Julie Corison Winery Cork Supply USA Costco Wholesale Warehouse Daviana Winery David Aurthur Vineyards De La Salle Institute Del Dotto Vineyards Della Santina’s Trattoria Domaine Chandon Don Sebastiani & Sons

Donna Asch Designs Downtown Joe’s Duckhorn Vineyards Due Vigne di Famiglia Dynacraft BSC, Inc. Eclectic Designs Elaine Bell Catering Elan Vineyards Elevation Ten Elizabeth Spencer Wines Ethan Allen Eye Care Center of Napa Far Niente Winery Farm Fresh to You Mr. Mark A. Fidler ‘82 and Mrs. Kathleen Fidler ‘83 Francis Ford Coppola Winery Mr. Jon Free and Mrs. Carrie Edwards Fume Bistro and Bar Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Gafvert Gandona Estate Garnet Vineyards Ms. Karen A. Gatton Gloria Ferrer Caves and Vineyards Golden Gate Fields Golden State Warriors Goose & Gander Gott’s Roadside Green Valley Country Club Greenhaus European Day Spa Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve

Swanky guests enjoying the 2014 Great Party - A Swanky Affair. Plan to join us in 2015 as we journey to China for a Lantern Festival. This annual auction and dinner is a fun and fabulous way to support Justin-Siena. Details: www.justin-siena.org/greatparty


justin-siena Avanti

Grieve Family Winery Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Guevara Gundlach Bundschu Winery GV Cellars Hair Collective Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Halsey, Jr. Harlan Estate Ms. Leona Hayden Healthquest Hestan Vineyard Highway 12 Winery Holman Teague Roche & Anglin LLP Hope & Grace Wines Hotel Yountville Howell Mountain Vintners & Growers Association Mr. Bret Hyatt and Mrs. Kelly Hyatt ‘80 Il Fiorello Olive Oil Company Ilsley Vineyards Ms. Alice Jack Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Jaffe James H. Yoo, D.D.S. John Anthony Vineyards Joseph Phelps Vineyards Jump Highway Kenwood Vineyards Kongsgaard Wine Kuleto Estate Winery Ladera Vineyards Laird Family Estate Winery Lamborn Family Vineyards Lee Youngman Galleries Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lemieux Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Lets Glow Napa Valley Levy and McClellan Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Lounibos Luna Vineyards M Squared Wines MadoroM Vineyards Madrigal Family Winery Mankas Steakhouse Mary’s Pizza Shack Massage Envy Ms. Laura Ann McGill Meander Cellars Meyer Corporation Mid City Nursery Mrs. and Mrs. Michael Minigan Morlet Family Vineyards Morton & Bassett Spices Mustards Grill Napa Bella Napa General Store Napa Valley Adventure Boot Camp Napa Valley Casual

Napa Valley Fastframe Napa Valley Film Festival Napa Valley Performing Arts Center at Lincoln Theater Napa Wine Tours Nina McLemore Oakville Grocery Offbeat Brands Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O’Neill Opus One Orin Swift Cellars Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ormerod Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Osgood O’Shaughnessy Estate Winery Ovid Napa Valley Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Pachote Paradigm Winery Paratus Vineyards Patz & Hall Winery Peju Province Winery Mr. David Perata ‘80 Pina Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pires Pizzeria Tra Vigne Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Politz, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Potrebic PRESS Resteraunt Pride Mountain Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prittie Prohibition Spirits Quintessa Winery Rancho Cucamonga Quakes Ravenswood Winery Red Cap Vineyards Regusci Winery Renteria Vineyard Management Repris Wines Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds, D.D.S. Reynolds Family Winery Robert Craig Winery Rockzilla Roman Spa Hot Springs Resort Rosina’s European Skin Care Rutherford Grove Winery Saddleback Cellars Saint Helena Winery Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Salvestrin ‘82

The 2014 spring musical, Anything Goes, performed to sold-out crowds at the Lincoln Theater in Yountville. Save the date for the 2015 production of Urinetown, also at the Lincoln Theater.

San Francisco Giants San Jose Giants Sangiacomo Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Scollin Scott Lyall Clothes For Men Scott Lyall Shoes Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sebastiani ‘88 Shafer Vineyards Silver Oak Cellars Silverado Resort Simco Group Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, II Solage Calistoga Sonoma Gourmet Sonoma Raceway Sonoma-Cutrer Vineyards Sport and Cycle, Inc. St. Michael’s High School Staglin Family Vineyard Stratosphere

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sugar Switchback Ridge Synergy Medical Fitness Center Taylor Family Vineyards The Carneros Inn The Daily Method Napa The Fresno Grizzlies The Girl and The Fig The Morlet Selection, Inc. The Preserve Spa The Shop by Thomas Bartlett Three Wine Company Todd Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Torkelson Treasury Wine Estates Trefethen Family Vineyards Trinchero Family Estates Turley Wine Cellars V Marketplace V. Sattui Winery, Inc.

Vintage Oaks Ranch Vintner’s Collective Vintner’s Golf Club Von Strasser Winery Washington Street Lodging West End Napa Whitehall Lane Winery Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson Wine Train Gallery Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Alden Yates ‘78 Yates Family Vineyard Your Body Works Crossfit and Family Fitness ZD Wines

Community Scholarships for Graduating Seniors

American Legion Auxiliary Napa 113 Scholarship August Sebastiani Foundation Scholarship Brian Towey ’73 Memorial Scholarship Brother Daniel O’Connor Memorial Scholarship Byron’s Inc. Auto Body Scholarship Kathleen Frances Springer Memorial Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Art Stewart Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Brent Gularte Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Napa Scholarship Napa County Bar Association Scholarship in Memory of Damian Maldonado Napa Engineer’s Society - Adrianne Insogna Memorial Napa Lodge 2043, Sons of Italy Napa Parlor No. 62, Native Sons of the Golden West Scholarship

Napa Valley College Foundation Scholarship Napa Valley Community Foundation Julian Weidler Business Scholarship Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Scholarship Napa Valley Marathon Scholarship Napa Valley Marathon Scholarship O’D Open - Bill Ward Memorial Scholarship Patrick Savage Memorial Scholarship Rotary Club of Napa (Napa Noontime Rotary) Shannon Nicole Lemieux Memorial Aquatics Scholarship The Presentation School Scholarship The Alex H. Urban Award for Theatrical Excellence The Todd and Kelly Decker Award for Theatrical Excellence justin-siena Avanti


Legacy Circle Your Legacy Gift Makes a Lifetime of Impact


id you know you can provide Justin-Siena with a much larger gift

than you had previously considered, resulting in a partnership with great meaning to you and strong future benefit to Justin-Siena? For example, you can make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime. You can give stock and realize larger tax savings. You can donate your house, continue to live there, and get a tax advantage all at the same time.

Your planned gift could allow you to obtain some or all of the following benefits: •

Reap income-tax savings through charitable deductions for the value of your gifts •

Avoid capital gain taxes on contributions of long-term capital gain property •

• Eliminate federal estate tax on the value of the interest in the property eventually passing to charity •

justin-siena foundation board of directors

Fulfill your philanthropic goals

Reduce costs and time in estate planning

One of the simplest ways to benefit Justin-Siena is to name the school in your will with a general bequest. Planned gifts can build a financial safety net for the school by building an

D. J. Smith, Chair Ed Farver, Vice Chair Tom Coughlan Patrick Gleeson ’85 Manbin Monteverdi Robert T. Jordan, ex-officio

endowment that gives lasting and ongoing support. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 628 or cguevara@justin-siena.org to find out more information or if you have already included Justin-Siena in your estate.





CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED JUSTIN-SIENA is a Catholic high school in the Lasallian tradition offering a college preparatory program that serves approximately 670 young men and women in grades 9–12. Founded in 1966 by the De La Salle Christian Brothers and the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael, the school is located on forty acres in the City of Napa. Justin-Siena serves a diverse student body from Napa, Sonoma, and Solano Counties.

Something to Cheer About On December 6, the Justin-Siena Competition Cheer Team took first place at the UCA Cheer Competition held at UC Davis. This achievement also earns them a bid for the National High School Cheerleading Championship in Orlando, Florida. That same day, our varsity football team earned their 6th NCS title since 2000. What a great season for the Braves!

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