Avanti--Autumn/Winter 2013-14

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ANNUAL fund JUSTIN-SIENA Justin-Siena is a Catholic high school in the Lasallian tradition called to provide educational excellence in a loving, Christ-centered community that prepares students to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world.

ABOUT THE SCHOOL SEAL In addition to identifying our location and the year of our 1966 founding, our seal contains the history of our school. The Justin-Siena seal embodies the icons of the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael (who co-sponsored the school through the 2005-06 academic year) and the De La Salle Christian Brothers. The original Dominican black and white cross, fleury, indicates a spiritual ideal in spreading the Gospel of Christ by preaching and teaching. The five-pointed star signifies the sign of faith, which guides all Christian Brothers and Lasallian partners in their vocation of Christian education. Finally, “Sempre Avanti” heralds the legacy of the Brothers, and more specifically, Justin High School. Italian for “always forward” these words appeared on the Justin High School seal representing a commitment to looking forward and never being complacent, while exhibiting a passion for preparing the students entrusted to their care.


Please send address changes to Office of Advancement at Justin-Siena | 4026 Maher Street | Napa, CA 94558, or email twing@justin-siena.org. AVANTI is also available online at www.justin-siena.org.

Comments and/or editorial contributions can be sent to Director of Communications Eileen Mize at emize@justin-siena.org. The School reserves the right to publish and/or edit material to reflect the values of our mission.

You Can. We Did. 100% OF THE JUSTIN-SIENA FACULTY AND STAFF have supported the Annual Fund this year. Now is your time to join us in supporting Justin-Siena. Make your gift online at www.justin-siena.org/annualfund or use the enclosed envelope.


justin-siena magazine for alumni, families, and friends | autumn/winter 2013–14



A New Place to Gather


“Today we bless this Dining Hall which, through the work of human hands, will be a place where we break bread and gather. Jesus showed us the dignity of labor. He was known as the carpenter’s son, and he willingly worked with the tools of his trade. Let us pray for all who labored to make this space possible, and give God thanks for the fruits of their labor.” – Father Chin Nguyen ’85

Revisiting the 3Rs


As Justin-Siena approaches its fiftieth year, although there certainly is cause for celebration of the journey traveled thus far and homage to be paid to those who led the way, Principal Noel Hesser is embracing the school motto of Sempre Avanti. He knows that now is the time to reconsider the 3Rs.

Alumni Vocation Day




Friday, September 27, 2013, was a true Homecoming in every sense of the word. More than 30 alums returned to campus to share their vocational stories. A number of alums stayed on for the Braves Homecoming game which was preceded by an alumni reception at the Christian Brothers Center.

What’s inside? 10

Mission Matters


Braves Report


Alumni Council


Alumni News


Class Notes


Annual Report

About the Cover

Principal Noel Hesser pictured with Natalie Avellar ’14, Jakob Zall ’14, and Mary Grace Komes ’16 in the recently rennovated Gasser Center (formerly the Gasser Library).

Calendar at-a-glance january 16 Winter Open House and Tuition Assistance Workshop

16-19 The highly hilarious return

of improvisational theater, ComedySportz High School League, presented by the Justin-Siena Theatre

22 Deans’ Speaker Series 25 Braves Crab Feed





Swanky Affair March 2 9, 2014

hosting an alumni baseball game on the varsity field at 1 pm. Alumni who played baseball during their time at JustinSiena are welcome to come back and play. Teams will play odd years vs. even years. BBQ after the game.



16 Alumni: Founder’s Day Alumni

2 Student Art Show 3 Spring Music and Choir Concert Gathering

5 Ash Wednesday and annual Change 23 Spring Dance show- Spellbound for Our World Drive kick-off The 2014 Great Party presents, A Swanky Affair




4 Baccalaureate

Alumni: If you are an alum affiliated with a winery, please contact our Advancement Department. We’d love to have as many alumni wines present at The Great Party: A Swanky Affair.

Alumni: Our goal is to get 100+ alumni to come back to their alma mater for this deliciously fun event.


5 Graduation 14 Alumni: All-Alumni Reunion

April 3-6 Spring Musical – Anything Goes 4

Alumni: Reception for Opening Night of Anything Goes

22 ComedySportz High School League – 10-12 Spring Musical – Anything Goes Faculty Match 22 Alumni Baseball Game. We are campus contacts Admissions Office

Main Office

Advancement Office

Sports Hotline

Alumni Office

Theatre Box Office

707.255.0950 ext. 621

707.255.0950 ext. 641

707.255.0950 ext. 628

Braves Store

707.255.0950 ext. 626

Business Office

707.255.0950 ext. 608

707.255.0950 ext. 600 707.255.0950 ext. 667 707.255.0950 ext. 585


AVANTI is published twice a year by the Office of Communications for Justin-Siena alumni, parents, friends, faculty, and staff.

Board of Trustees Mr. James Heim Chair Br. Kevin Slate, FSC Vice Chair

A Message from the Office of the President

Sr. Emmanuel Cardinale, OP Mr. Thomas Durante ’93

I continue to be amazed how some traditions and practices stay the same, and how

Mr. Dennis Pedisich

others have dramatically changed. Our own mission statement implies that this

Mrs. Mel Denise Preimesberger

should be the case. In order to be a Christ-centered school, there must be practices,

Br. Stanislaus Sobczyk, FSC, Ed.D.

traditions, and rituals that cannot and should not be touched. At the same time, if

Dr. Paul Sweigert

we are preparing students to lead and serve in an ever-changing world, we must

Mrs. Suzanne Truchard

be willing to embrace today’s advances, which open up new opportunities to our

Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO

marketplace and beyond.

Mr. John Van Hofwegen Secretary & Finanacial Officer Ms. Caroline Gerlomes ’79 Recording Secretary

Administration Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO Mr. Noel Laird Hesser Principal

students, enabling them one day to infuse and promote the common good in the

Our Founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle, faced the same issues more than 300 years ago. It was essential to him that students came to know the person of Jesus, especially through the words and actions of their teachers. It was also important that they understood how to pray and be guided by God in their lives. At the same time, he was criticized for adopting unconventional approaches in education. Some practices of the early Christian Brothers in 17th century France that caused others consternation included teaching students in groups, using their native French language during instruction as opposed to Latin, and introducing the concept of the textbook, something quite unheard of at that time. Today, we face similar circumstances. The world certainly needs young people who are grounded in faith so that the message of the Gospels can be integrated into the complexities of our world. But in order to achieve that, they

Ms. Heidi Harrison Vice Principal for Curriculum and Instruction

also need to be exposed to that world, not hidden from it. Pope Francis echoed these sentiments last summer at

Sr. Susan Allbritton, OP Vice Principal for Administrative Services

At Justin-Siena, we have been witnessing such advances first hand, as the delivery of instruction has changed

Mr. Robert Bailey Vice Principal for Strategic Initiatives

our students and their teachers new opportunities. This doesn’t mean however that students won’t encounter

Publishing Credits

World Youth Day in Brazil.

through the gift of technology. The implementation of iPads and web-based programs like Schoology are offering the traditional lecture or test as well, and it certainly doesn’t mean that the development of their faith takes a back seat. As Principal Noel Hesser explained to our faculty at the opening of this school year, the new “3 Rs” emphasize “rigor, relevance, and relationships” —all are critical to success in terms of college and thereafter, but also in terms of developing one’s faith.

Editor-in-Chief/Designer Eileen Mize, Director of Communications

So yes, our campus is wireless, iPads are supplementing textbooks, podcasts allow our students to view the les-

Managing Editor David Holquin, Chief Advancement Officer

stronger. At the same time, Justin-Siena still has its senior park, Friday night football, a homecoming bonfire,

Photographers: Thom McDermott; Eileen Mize; Kathy Kellebrew

son as many times as they wish in order to achieve mastery, and the means of communication have never been graduation on the north lawn, and most important, we have still Jesus at the center of everything we do. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!

Contributors: Robert Bailey; Michael Fisher; Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79; Carolina Gonzalez; Noel Hesser; Andrew Hodges; David Holquin; Michele Farver; Robert T. Jordan; Dick Tres; Tiffany Wing

Mr. Robert T. Jordan President and CEO

A Catholic High School in the Lasallian Tradition

mission matters

1:1 iPad—

A New Place to Gather “Today we bless this Dining Hall which, through the work of human hands, will be a place where we break bread and gather. Jesus showed us the dignity of labor. He was known as the carpenter’s son, and he willingly worked with the tools of his trade. Let us pray for all who labored to make this space possible, and give God thanks for the fruits of their labor.” President Robert Jordan welcomed students, faculty, and staff gathered on the front lawn on this exciting and highly anticipated day. “It is a pleasure for us to gather this afternoon to dedicate and bless our dining hall. We welcome Brother Conrad Kearny from Mont La Salle and Father Chin Nguyen ’85 from the Newman Center at for more photos Sonoma State.” After the brief blessing and from dining hall ribbon cutting ceremony, students poured construction and blessing ceremony through the new doors of their great new look for our space. The Bassetts served their famous photo stream on flickr.com: chocolate chip cookies to all who gathered. braveslife


Top: President Robert Jordan, Br. Conrad Kearney, FSC, and Principal Noel Hesser at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Bottom: students enjoying their first lunchtime in the new Dining Hall.

justin-siena Avanti

Two years ago the school administration spent many hours debating the pros and cons of possible Fund a Need proposals and finally settled on building a campus-wide wireless network to sustain the growing technological needs of our students and faculty. This would be just the beginning of significant and exciting developments for our educational culture at Justin-Siena. Within a year, financing the purchase of apps for our imminent iPad rollout was the appropriate next Fund a Need. In less than a year, we progressed from providing a single desktop computer only to the teachers to placing educational technology into the hands of everyone in our Justin-Siena academic community. As we move toward implementation of the Common Core, the use of technology will be instrumental. We must continue to develop rigorous and relevant curriculum that prepares our students for college, and to be successful in their careers as well. There is a growing need for people to use information in a dynamic and innovative manner within a structure of collaboration. Already we note this trend

a first semester report card By Mr. Robert Bailey VICE PRINCIPAL FOR STRATEGIC INITIATIVES

interactive learning process. Another happening in our classrooms. impressive capability that I now have Mr. James Bailey’s classes have that did not exist pre-Ipad is the abilworked in groups to produce siity to do writing exercises in class, lent films in the style of Chaplin. with samples of student work being After students film each other projected onto the Smart Board to be during dance practice, Mrs. analyzed and critiqued.” Lisa Clark-Schmeling ’84 The iPads enhance feedback and records her comments directly communication between instructor onto the video allowing students and student. Language Arts instructo know precisely what she is tor Ms. Ciabattari attributes having referring to in their routines. the iPad to having “helped break Choir classes record their vothrough in one quarter what it usually cal tests, enabling Ms. Lauren Above: Mr. Robert Bailey and Austin Smith ’16. Opposite: Natalie Avellar ’14, takes me a year plus—the fact that Seva to assess them specifically Principal Noel Hesser, Alicia DeMello ’15, and Alyssa Vasquez ’14. annotations are necessary, easy, and and provide relevant feedback. powerful. Thanks to iBooks on the iPads, student scholars have Students access assignments and related materials through Schoology, which is the norm now in most university and college been able to see me annotate in real time, share their annotations via email or Evernote lit logs, color code, and search their ansettings. Some teachers are “flipping the classroom,” assigning notations. iBooks has shown the students what I’ve been saying videoed lecture instruction as homework to provide more class for years: annotations will help you, annotations are necessary, time for questions, discussion, and working with the new mateannotations are powerful, you will come to love and treasure your rial. annotations. Thank you iPads and iBooks.” Regarding the positive effects of the inclusion of iPads into the For all the benefits, the technological developments have not learning environment, many students echo Justin McClure’s come without some growing pains. Our students are learning ’14 opinion: “There are numerous advantages of using iPads in to find “work arounds” and to manage their time and level of and outside of the classroom. Apart from the size and convedistraction. Nik Best ’15 put it simply, “For those who are good nience as opposed to books, the devices make organizing assignat managing time and managing distractions, this is not such an ments and communicating with teachers easier than ever. The efficiency of being able to access an infinite database of resources issue. For others, the unlimited resources on the iPad as well as games can serve as a big distraction.” and information is unmatched, and necessary multi-tasking can The faculty has been stretched and challenged to absorb perbe done at the swipe of a finger. The apps provided by the school haps more new material and techniques than at any other time have assisted with the transition, and have allowed a quick adapin Justin-Siena history. The level of collaboration and learning tation to the new method of learning and teaching. Teachers and students are also able to come up with new and effective methods from each other and from the students has grown dramatically. Moving forward, Justin-Siena will decide what our next 1:1 tool of assisting the learning and teaching process every day, and the will be and will hire a person to be responsible for supporting possibilities are limitless.” Mr. Day shares his perspective, “The the growth of technology usage in the classroom. Drafting plans best thing so far about having the iPad program with my stufor our growth to include outcomes aligned with Common Core dents is how they have instant access to resources. Just today we Standards and National Educational Technology Standards for were discussing the Kennedy assassination and as various topics Students and Teachers ensures that the future of educational came up, they could instantly look for websites and information technology at Justin-Siena holds promise, progress, and exciteon the subject and any particular path of inquiry that opens up ment. as the dialogue continues. This sort of thing allows for a highly justin-siena Avanti


mission matters

What Makes Our Community Shine Justin-Siena’s signature sense of community is perhaps the first quality visitors notice, the first thing a young alum names when asked about what they miss, and a number one reason why faculty and staff find this school such a great place to work. Each and every member of our community is unique, and together we shine! Meet some of our community members. Q. Favorite movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Alex Ackerman Class of 2014 A graduate of Blue Oak School, Alex came to JustinSiena seeking a college preparatory education. Not only did he find that, but Alex soon became a pioneer in our Engineering program and is also our Science Club President. He has his sights aimed high. Q. How did you get your name? My parents chose to name me Alexander for two reasons. First, the name apparently implies some sort of greatness. Second, they simply liked the name. My middle name, McLeod, was my grandmother’s maiden name and represents my family’s Scottish heritage. As for my last name, Ackerman, the origin is a bit unclear. My understanding is that there was a mistake made when my German ancestors came to the United States and their name was somehow changed from Wylan (or something like it) to Ackerman.

Q. How did you come to Justin-Siena? I spent first through eighth grade at Blue Oak School in Napa. High school was a bit of a shock at first given that Blue Oak is radically different from the standard educational model that many elementary and middle schools follow. At Blue Oak, we had no grades, and we never learned from books. Most of our learning was done through projects. Q.Justin-Siena is: Getting better every year. It’s exciting to see the addition of things that are particularly interesting to me, such as the engineering program. I hope to see Justin-Siena continue to expand in the fields of engineering and science.

Q. My favorite thing about Justin-Siena is: The fact that it has prepared me reasonably well for college and the rest of my life.

Q.In the next five years I see Justin-Siena: Continuing to grow in the fields of science and engineering, and helping to prepare students interested in these areas by equipping them with a developed skill set that will allow them to achieve more in their post-high school lives.

Q.How I make a difference at Justin-Siena: I bring a sense of enthusiasm towards learning to Justin-Siena. I always try my best and I don’t quit until the job is done.

Q. Justin-Siena’s mission is strongest when: The students are able to help those in need.

Q. Where did you grow up? I grew up with my time split between Napa and Wyoming. Both have shaped me in their own unique ways. Q. What is your favorite place to eat? My favorite restaurant is Thomas Keller’s Ad Hoc in Yountville.

Q. What is the first thing you notice about someone? I often notice a person’s personality traits first. When I meet someone new, I ask myself what that person is like. Are they outgoing? Optimistic? etc. Q. Do you have a special talent people might not know about? For whatever reason I am unusually good at wrapping Christmas presents. Perhaps I go a little overboard with it. Q. What will you miss most about Justin-Siena? I will miss the strong sense of community and all the friends I have come to accumulate. I will miss the teachers that helped me to achieve a higher than average understanding of whatever subjects they were teaching.

Ms. Georgine Clarke At Justin-Siena since 1987, Ms. Clarke has served as a teacher, coach, Campus Minister, Faculty Liaison, and Religious Studies Department Chair.

Q. My favorite hobby is: Designing and building things. Typically I spend a great deal of time conceiving, designing and building high power solid-state lasers. I also enjoy working on large rockets designed to achieve high altitudes.

Q. How did you get your name? I was born on Father’s Day so I was

Q. Personal Fun Fact: I have been playing acoustic, electric and bass guitar

in my current teaching position and I wanted to be a department chair so I was looking for a school that needed a Theology Department Chair. Justin-Siena was the only school in the Bay Area that even had an opening for a Theology teacher! And it just so happened that they were also in need someone to be the Religious Studies Department Chair.

since the sixth grade.

Q: Favorite color: bright green Q. My favorite book: The Hobbit 6

Q. I like to: Learn anything and everything related to physics.

justin-siena Avanti

named after my father, George, thus Georgine.

Q. How did you come to Justin-Siena? I was being replaced by a priest

Q. What drew you to Justin-Siena? At first it was just the job opening, but in the process of looking for a job I visited the old Christian Brother’s Retreat center and Brother Richard Moratto, FSC played an important role in my discernment process before I got the call that there was an opening at Justin-Siena. My meeting with him just confirmed that this was where God was calling me. Q. Justin-Siena is: My family, my home. Q. My favorite thing about Justin-Siena is: the strong sense of community Q. In the next five years I see Justin-Siena: Growing, improving, becoming even more cutting edge than we are already. Q. My favorite hobby is: Watching sports Q. You’d be surprised to know about me that: I’m a pretty good artist. Q. Favorite color: Ask any of my students and they will tell you it is BLUE! Q. My favorite book or movie is: It is hard to come up with just one, so, top 2, I think “Flatland” (I forget the author) and anything by Thomas Merton Q. I like to: Go on roadtrips!

Q. Justin-Siena has made a difference in my life by: giving me a home, a place to share my gifts, be myself and continue to become all that God has called me to be. Q. Justin-Siena’s mission is strongest when: We are all together as a school community appreciating God’s blessings (like the Louie Zamperini) assembly. Q. Where did you grow up? Inglewood, CA very close to LAX. Q. What is your favorite place to eat? Anyone’s kitchen but mine. Q. What is the first thing you notice about someone? their eyes Q. Do you have a special talent people might not know about?

I’m a pretty good bowler and my highest score was 288.

Q. How did you come to teach Religious Studies? I have always been a “Why?” asker (drove my parents crazy) and a truth seeker. I found the Truth, Jesus, and he is the answer to all my “whys.”

Connie and Shawn Gutterson Connie and Shawn Gutterson have two children, Gigi, a junior at Justin-Siena, and William, an eighth grader at St. Apollinaris. They also represent the Class of 2015 as Lasallian Parent Ambassadors, a group of parents who advise the President and Principal on various issues. Q. How did you come to Justin-Siena? Connie –St. Joseph Marist Brother High school in south Texas; Shawn - Eaton High school in Colorado. We both graduated from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Tx. “Go Horn Frogs!” Q. What drew you to Justin-Siena? The opportunity for our children to have an amazing high school experience that was born from a rich history in Lasallian tradition. We believe Justin Siena students gain a sense of responsibility to be leaders in their community, be enriched in their faith, and prepared to excel in academics. Q. Justin-Siena is: inspiring, exciting, fun, diverse, proud, and spirited Q. My favorite thing about Justin-Siena is: There are more than one. First of all, the commitment and dedication from the administration and faculty. Second, college preparatory support from the counseling team, and last but not least, the opportunities students have to participate in VENAVER community programs, sports, performing arts, clubs, and student leadership. Q. In the next five years I see Justin-Siena: growing to be a nationally recognized school! Known for it’s stellar academic curriculum, a faculty that pre-

pares students for college, and a beautiful campus that students will be proud of.

Q. My favorite hobby is: snow and water skiing, fishing, and traveling. Q. Favorite color: red, white, and blue Q. Favorite book or movie: The Man From Snowy River and Chasing Mavericks

Q. Justin-Siena has made a difference in my life by: We are excited about the many new friends we have made. The four years pass to quickly, we will cherish the memories. Q. Justin-Siena’s mission is strongest when: we see students with a sense of confidence to be leaders, involved in their communities, and faithful to make this world a better place. Q. Where did you grow up? South Texas and Colorado Q. What is your favorite place to eat? Bistro Don Giovanni, Coles Chop House, Bounty Hunter Q. What is the first thing you notice about someone? Their smile

justin-siena Avanti



Reconsidering the 3 Rs Charting a New Course for Justin-Siena

science and math. Those who As Justin-Siena approaches its fifearn college degrees are intieth year, there is certainly cause for creasingly working at entrycelebration of the journey traveled level jobs though they have a thus far and homage to be paid to mountain of college debt.” those who led the way, but Principal Noel Hesser is embracing the school College and Career Ready motto of Sempre Avanti. Justin-SieThere is good news. Some na, currently enjoying the healthiest solutions to better preparenrollment in school history, is coning our young people for stantly looking forward to steer the the world they will inherit school in a direction that best preare being initiated at Justinpares our young people to serve and Siena. Mr. Hesser addressed to lead in an ever-changing world. faculty at the back-to-school Mr. Hesser knows that now is the professional days with his time to reconsider the 3Rs. new course. “College and Energized and confident about the Career ready. This is where direction of the school, which is inAbove: Principal Noel Hesser pictured with Naufahu Antioni ’15, JT Gisbon we are headed. We are invoking some key educational para- ’15, and Jakob Zall ’14. Opposite: Isaiah Herrera ‘14 carries a lighter load creasingly working toward digm shifts at the moment, Hesser with his iPads loaded with apps and eBooks. preparing students to be not shares, “Our present worldwide educational system is based on an industrial model and an agrar- only ready to enter college, but to be equipped with the skills ian calendar which is reflective of the time period when public needed to be successful in college and in life—career ready.” “Career ready” used to mean a career-tech track in school— education was initially developed. The world, however, looks very different today than it did during the Industrial Revolu- classes that tended to be practical, but not necessarily college tion. Hence, in order to train our young people to be contrib- preparatory. Historically, college prep classes focused on coluting members of society and to function in a rapidly changing, lege entrance and represented a rigorous track, though typically not as practical. “Most college preparatory high schools modern world, we need to educate them accordingly.” Last summer, Mr. Hesser attended a Model Schools Con- still endeavor to increase rigor at the expense of the practical,” ference and returned more passionate than ever regarding this according to Mr. Hesser. “Yet we clearly need both college shift in education. In an effort to inspire colleagues to think and career readiness to produce successful students who are about new directions, Mr. Hesser shared the reality that edu- equipped to face the challenges of the modern world.” In a presentation to faculty on the need to shift the educationcation in general in the United States is not keeping pace with the needs of society. “One startling statistic shared at the Mod- al paradigm, Mr. Hesser covered a concept that is reflective of el Schools Conference is that 70% of today’s youth are not eligi- the direction needed in modern education—a reconsideration ble to enter the military. Think about that. It speaks well to the of the 3 Rs. “Readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmatic have given way standards of the military, but highlights the fact that a military to the new 3 Rs—Rigor, Relevance, and Relationship. When I career is no longer a noble option for students who once saw it hear something from numerous reliable sources, I take notice. as a means of contributing to society when school had not gone Rigor, relevance, and relationship are not only key words on well and college seemed out of reach. The simple truth is that the forefront of most educational initiatives; to me they also to enter the military, one needs an earned high school diploma ring true from the perspective of a Lasallian educator.” He went on to explain that the three terms must work in and a passing grade on an entrance exam, an exam that has grown increasingly complex, reflective of the increasing com- concert. As a college preparatory high school, it is critical that plexity of society. The news is full of stories of countries once we develop increasing levels of rigor, particularly in terms of in the shadow of the U.S. that are outpacing us in the areas of higher order thinking skills and high expectations based in 8

justin-siena Avanti

core standards. However, we cannot neglect the crucial need of relevance—relevance to the student in the context of the real world; relevance in terms of application and problem solving; relevance in terms of collaboration. “Increased relevance makes increased rigor possible,” Mr. Hesser explained. “And while we have known this intuitively for a long time, brain research increasingly indicates that positive relationships are a crucial component of learning. In John Hattie’s comprehensive study of the factors that influence student academic achievement, teacher-student relationships ranked number 3 out of 138. St. John Baptist de la Salle recognized this need that has been a vital element of the Lasallian charism from its beginnings in the 17th century.”

A Peek Into Today’s Classroom


The new 3 Rs and Quadrant D teaching and learning dovetail nicely with the 1:1 iPad initiative and the use of Schoology as a learning management tool. For example, in a recent English class, Mr. Hesser observed students working in groups as they explored meaning and literary devices in a short story. “They all had the text on their iPads and were using a note-taking app to both annotate and share annotations. Through airserver projection, the Quadrant D Learning teacher and the students “Innovative learning models today must prepare students to were able to share their be both college and career ready. In order to accomplish both notes and comments, goals, learning must combine rigor and relevance in an environ- producing a set of dense ment of positive relationship. We call this Quadrant D Learn- annotations. One stuing, which incorporates high levels of rigor and relevance,” ex- dent asked about the plained Mr. Hesser. significance of a comAccording to Mr. Hesser, Quadrant D teaching and learning mon symbol—was this open greater possibilities for increased rigor in the context of not particularly signifigreater application and collaboration. In the Quadrant D envi- cant in Asian culture? ronment, students not only gain rigorous skills but also the abil- ‘Explore that,’ the ity to apply those skills to real-world situations as well as the teacher said. In a matskills of problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration so ter of minutes, the small group had discovered on the Internet needed in the work environment. “This is the direction we are a host of applications of that symbol to the short story. Anheaded in terms of teaching and learning at Justin-Siena.” other group discovered the meaning of an allusion in the story by researching its historical significance. What in the ‘old days’ would have taken hours of research time was accomplished in the course of a class period, and students left the class with a rich and deep understanding not only of the story itself and the Evaluation literary devices of allusion and symbolism, but also having accomplished higher order, critical thinking Sythesis College Ready College & in a collaborative context.” Career Ready “In my walks about the Justin-Siena campus, I Analysis see this scenario repeated in various contexts, and am pleased with how the faculty have embraced our Application charted course,” commented Mr. Hesser. Together with traditional lecture and demonstration, the Comprehension educational environment at Justin-Siena is representative of a much-needed paradigm shift, which Knowledge/ Career Ready Awareness will contribute to the long-term success of our students as they prepare to navigate an ever-changing world.





Relevance (Application) Knowledge Apply Apply in one in across discipline discipline disciplines

Apply to real-world predictable situations

Apply to real-world un predictable situations

more on twitter: @PrincipalHesser justin-siena Avanti


mission matters

Academic Recognition on a National Level

Gabrielle Danzeisen

Albert Morgese

As a college preparatory high school, Justin-Siena takes great pride in its rigorous academic program, which delivers cuttingedge curriculum to students. Ten Justin-Siena students have earned prestigious recognition for their academic achievement at a national level. About 1.5 million juniors in more than 22,000 high schools entered the 2014 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2012 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®), which served as an initial screen of program entrants. The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, representing less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest scoring entrants in each state. The number of Semifinalists in a state is proportional to the state’s percentage of the national total of graduating seniors. Seniors Gabrielle Danzeisen, Albert Morgese, and Amelia Hardy, were selected from an applicant pool of 1.5 million as semifinalists in the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), as announced in late September. These young scholars represent three of the 16,000 semifinalists in the 59th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. They will continue in the competition for 8,000 National Merit Scholarships worth about $35 million that will be announced next spring. Principal Noel Hesser is proud of these students’ academic achievement. “This year our academic program is focusing on the new 3Rs of learning – rigor, relevance, and relationship, and I can’t think of three students who embrace this more. We are a college prep school dedicated to preparing students for college and career, and it is so satisfying to see what these students are engaged in both in and out of the classroom. They are well poised

Amelia Hardy

Bianca Llamas

for long term success.” In addition, the following seniors have earned the Commended Student honors of the National Merit Scholarship Program (one level below semi-finalists): Andrew Collins, Megan Gafvert, Jacob Guorgui, Helena Herber, John (Henry) Mattei, and Lia Mondavi. Commended students placed among the top five percent of the applicant pool of 1.5 million. “The young men and women being named Commended Students have demonstrated outstanding potential for academic success,” commented a spokesperson for NMSC. “These students represent a valuable national resource; recognizing their accomplishments, as well as the key role their school plays in their academic development, is vital to the advancement of the educational excellence in our nation.” Finally, senior Bianca Llamas has been selected as a 2013-14 National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP) Scholar. This year NHRP is recognizing 5,300 Hispanic/Latino students from a pool of over 259,000 who took the 2012 PSAT/NMSQT. About 90 percent of the Semifinalists are expected to attain Finalist standing, and more than half of the Finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the Merit Scholar® title. NMSC, a not-for-profit organization that operates without government assistance, was established in 1955 specifically to conduct the annual National Merit Scholarship Program. Scholarships are underwritten by NMSC with its own funds and by approximately 440 business organizations and higher education institutions that share NMSC’s goals of honoring the nation’s scholastic champions and encouraging the pursuit of academic excellence. You can read more about our finalists at: www.justin-siena.org/news


justin-siena Avanti

An Act of Hope for Justin-Siena Faculty and Staff


So they went out, got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. When it was already dawn, Jesus, was standing on the shore; but the disciples did not recognize Him. Jesus said to them, “Children, have you caught anything to eat?” They answered him, “No.” So He said, “Cast the net over the right side of the boat and you will find something.” So they cast it, and were not able to pull it in because of the number of fish. (John 21:3-6)

How did Lasallian education grow around the world to include 64 colleges and universities and over 1,000 schools and educational centers in 84 different countries? How did this educational phenomenon prosper to include over 90,000 brothers and lay educators with nearly 1 million students served? Many in the Lasallian world would cite the Heroic Vow of November 21, 1691, as the beginning of an association, guided by God’s grace, as a critical moment that triggered this educational revolution. On this date John Baptist de La Salle, Nicholas Vuyart, and Gabriel Drolin committed themselves to bring about the work of Christian education in France, even if they were the last ones left to do so. These men dared to believe that God was calling them to identify the needs of their society and empowering them to respond. In an act of faith and hope they performed a radical act to vow to live for one another and the God who called them to ministry. Today, those who serve in Lasallian educational institutions understand this vow as a framework for how we are to be associated for the mission and for the sake of the students entrusted to our care. Fast forward 320 years…the Justin-Siena faculty and staff gathered together on August 12-13, 2013, on retreat at St. Joseph’s Camp along the Russian River. As students were shopping for new school clothes and supplies, the faculty and staff prepared for the beginning of school in an overnight retreat, gathering to reflect on what it means to be “Associated for the

Lasallian Mission” in our present day. Facilitated by Brother Mark Murphy, FSC, we spent time in prayer, reflection, and group discussion on the integral “association” that is central to our Lasallian educational mission. Association unites our talents; gives focus to our roles as administrators, faculty, and staff; and guarantees cohesion to all aspects of the commitment we make to students. The tradition of the heroic vow is one that continues to this day in our lives as Lasallians working with the students of Justin-Siena. What does an effective commitment to “association” require of us as faculty and staff? What new ways of experiencing this “association” can we anticipate or glimpse might be part of this year’s school experience? Circular 461 is a document on which Lasallians around the world are meditating. It is the starting point for local and international conversation about the contemporary challenges of our educational mission as Lasallian partners. This year on professional days the faculty/staff will be using this document as a basis to guide our work, give shape to our formation, and enliven our spirituality. Circular 461 begins with the reading from the Gospel of John and a mandate to Justin-Siena faculty, staff, and administrators, as well as all Lasallians, to renew our call: “In the gospel the risen Lord calls his disciples to a new future. Lost and uncertain about what they are to do, they deCONTINUED NEXT PAGE

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Enjoy fine wine and benefit the students of Justin-Siena with each purchase of Speratus wine.


cide to return to their former lives as fishermen. But as is often the case, Christ interrupts their routine to renew their call to follow him. Despite all that he had taught them before, they still needed to learn more. …As Lasallians we too are called to cast our nets over the ‘right side of the boat’ and not return to our former lives…lives that afforded us the comfort of the ‘known.’ No, Christ is now interrupting our Lasallian journey with a new mandate to explore roads untraveled in faith and zeal.” Just as Jesus’s original disciples were called to step out of their comfort zones to evangelize and three 17th century men vowed to have their lives interrupted by the enormity of the adventure into which the Holy Spirit led them, the faculty and staff of Justin-Siena are discerning this year what the mandate to explore roads untraveled in faith and zeal means for us. The faculty and staff left retreat concentrating on the daily work and service ahead of us as an act of hope. One staff member remarked, “Brother Mark and the overall theme of retreat were both very helpful and meaningful. I felt spiritually alive and able to focus on retreat. Having time with my colleagues is always a nice thing and sets the right tone for me to begin.” If you are interested in learning more about Circular 461 or the Lasallian mission please join the conversation and visit this site: www.lasalle.org/en/2012/01/ circular-461

Braves on Stage The school year started with a packed performing arts schedule, and an everincreasing number of students dazzled audiences in several productions. Most recently was the standing-room-only instrumental and choral Winter Concert, Snow Fall, held in the Chapel at Mont La Salle. The Performing Arts season began with an outdoor production in the round ofChickspeare, performed in the center of Patrons Plaza by guest artists from Los Angeles ComedySportz; Mr. James Bailey directed. Then, in the style of a classic radio play, faculty and student performers took the the stage in the North Gym for Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. Produced as part of the school’s One School, One Book initiative, the show included post performance, discussions with the actors. Later in the fall, our young performers mounted a production of Almost, Maine at the Napa Opera house to rave reviews. We hope you join us in 2014 as we continue our performing arts calendar with the improvisational hit, ComedySportz; the spring musical production of Cole Porter’s Anything Goes; a Spring Concert; the dramatic production of Bang, Bang, You’re Dead; and the always popular dance show, Spellbound, “presenting a dance-tastical menagerie of peasants, princesses, and piorettes.” Check our calendar at the front of this magazine and online for ticket information. See you at the next show!

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braves report

fall review The Athletics Department strives for a values-based athletic experience. Our student athletes broaden their own experiences and education by learning and modeling the important values of competitive spirit, teamwork, discipline, dedication, and sportsmanship that coexist with our overall school mission. As Athletic Director, I am proud of their achievements and wish to congratulate our student athletes, their families, and our coaches on an exceptional season. Way to go, Braves!


CROSS COUNTRY Head Coach – Chris Fidler ’02

• The boys and girls varsity teams finished their seasons with identical 2-7 records • Senior Teal Bullick qualified for the CIF State Cross Country Meet in Fresno, where she finished in 79th-place finish out of 212 Division IV runners. Teal Finished in 10th place at the MCAL championships, and 11th at the NCS Championships • Junior Connor De Leuze led the boys team by placing in 8th place in the MCAL Championships. Connor covered the hilly and challenging 3.1-mile course in a time of 17 minutes and 25 seconds for a pace of 5:37 per mile. • Rounding out the NCS finishers for the Justin-Siena girls team were freshmen Donna Roscoe, Ryann England, Kayla DeLeuze, and Janae Lewis, as well as juniors Summer Atwood and Abbey Castrucci. • Rounding out the NCS finishers for the Braves boys team were juniors Austin Castrucci and Joseph Osgood, sophomores Will Miller and Sami Zaia, and freshmen Dante de los Santos and Cameron Vaziri.


Head Coach – Rich Cotruvo • The varsity team finished the year with a 6-5 season, and 3-3 in MCAL play • The varsity Braves qualified for the NCS Division IV Playoffs • The Braves were lead by seniors Diano Pachote, Carter Latno, Stephen Lum, and Cuentin Bates • The JV team finished 7-3 and the Freshman Team 3-7


Head Coach – Ray Graziani

• The varsity team finished the year with an undefeated 14-0 record (second undefeated year in a row), and won the MCAL team tournament • They took 2nd place at the NCS Division II Tournament • Junior Kathleen Scavo qualified for the CIF State Tournament, at Quail Hollow Golf Course in Carmel, where she finished 19th • The Braves were led by Junior Kathleen Scavo, followed by sophomores Maria Davis, Emma Duge, and Kristina Reyna. 14

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way to go braves! WATER POLO Head Coach – Joey Gullikson

• The boys varsity team finished 19-5, taking 3rd place in MCAL • The boys varsity qualified for NCS and finished their season in the Semi-Finals vs. Redwood • The boys varsity also took 1st place at the Wine Valley Tournament, and 2nd place at the Fresno Fall Classic • The boys varsity team was led by seniors Paul Brown, and the MCAL Goalie of the Year, Dylan Youngborg • Junior Joey MacNichols, and sophomore Sam Sheekey also helped lead the Braves • The girls varsity team is finished with a 8-9 record, taking 5th Place in MCAL • The girls varsity team went to the first round of the MCAL playoffs • The girls varsity team was led by junior Sam Pfaff, and sophomore Margaret Cline. • Seniors Theresa Bell, Sydney Ceccato, Emma Curry, and Danika Darrin also helped lead the Braves • The Water Polo program had a record number of 40 student-athletes this year which allowed us to field boys and girls JV teams • The girls JV team finished the year with a 0-6 record • The boys JV team finished the year with a 6-4 record

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braves report

fall review

BOYS SOCCER Head Coach – John Schwartz

• The varsity team finished the season with a 5-10-4 record, one point shy of advancing to the MCAL and NCS Championships • The Braves were led by seniors Irvin Colin, Julio Olivera, Nicholas Geesey, and Adolfo Ledesma, Jr. • The JV boys Soccer team finished with a 5-11 record


Head Coach – Jim Reilly

• The Braves finished the season with a 7-10 record and a 5-6 record in the MCAL, including winning the last 2 team matches of the year by defeating Drake 6-3, and Novato 5-4 • The Braves were led by senior Olivia Wilson and junior Claudia Torkelson playing #1 and #2 singles • Other singles players includes sophomore Laura Amenda, freshman Morgan Snow, senior Christina Byrne, and junior Frances Minigan • Doubles players were juniors Kiera Connelly and Marcela Hernandez; sophomore Macaela Tandinco and junior Izzy Dodino; and freshman Sofia Quinones, and sophomore Anna Pestana-Lee

GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Head Coach – Tiffany Molinar ’07

• The varsity team won the NCS Division IV Championships, defeating St. Helena, Moreau Catholic, Healdsburg, and St. Patrick/St. Vincent high schools • The varsity team earned a #4 seed in the California State Tournament • The Braves were led by seniors India Medaris, Emily Wirick, and Melissa Castellucci. • Juniors Claire Ballentine and Ali Deming also helped lead the Braves this season. • The JV team finished with a 14-5 record, taking 1st place in the Nor Cal Tournament • The Frosh team finished with a 10-4 record, taking 2nd place in the Nor Cal Tournament


justin-siena Avanti

Alumni Council Mike Ledwich ’78 President Tim Malloy ’87 Vice-President Andrew Bettencourt ’01

A Message from the Alumni Council

Kristen Brotemarkle ’08 Greg Calvelo ’89 Brianna Caron ’05 Kristen Clark ’89

Dear Alumni,

Jenny Lohwasser Gass ’93

There has been tremendous energy with the alumni these past few months and the Office of Advancement looks

Luke Ham ’05

forward to capitalizing on the great momentum we have to welcome as many alumni back to campus as possible.

Rob Lucchetti ’91 Colin Marchesini ’08 Jodi Palmer ’88

In September, Vocation Day brought back thirty-eight alumni who spoke about their vocations as doctors, lawyers, movie producers, and more to our 672 students. Later, we hosted an alumni Homecoming reception with more than eighty people in attendance. November started strong with a successful Alumni Generations Golf Tournament, which raised money for the

A New Logo:

Alumni Generations Fund. It has been more than four years since we last hosted a golf tournament, and I was pleased with the alumni showing, and anticipate next year being even bigger and better. We also played our annual Alumni Games with more than eighty participants who braved the cold to play soccer and a few elbows to play basketball.

Justin-Siena unveiled a new logo for alumni this fall to unify its identity for print and online publications, as well as merchandise.

On December 20 we hosted our first Alumni at Night for our younger alumni (21 years of age or older) from the Classes of 1997–2010 and were thrilled with an impressive turnout for a Holiday Happy Hour at The Thomas & Fagiani’s Bar. Likewise, with the always-sold-out Crab Feed on January 25, our goal is to have 100+ alumni in attendance! Please purchase your tickets now, since this event will sell out. All of this is done with the careful planning of the Alumni Council and the Office of Advancement. It is with great pleasure we welcome Carolina Gonzalez to Justin-Siena as the new Associate Director of Advancement


and Alumni Relations. She comes to us with deep roots in Catholic education as a graduate of Sacred Heart Prep in Atherton and Saint Mary’s College in Moraga. Carolina brings dynamism to the office and she is already working to re-engage alumni throughout the generations. She is an incredible asset to the school community and looks forward to meeting many of you at our various events. If you would like more information about how you can be involved with Justin-Siena, please contact Carolina Gonzalez at cgonzalez@justin-siena.org or 707.255.0950 ext. 628. I hope to see you at any of our alumni gatherings and especially on campus. Go Braves!


Associate Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations cgonzalez@justin-siena.org 707.255.0950 ext. 628

Mike Ledwich ’78 Alumni Council President

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alumni news

VOCATION DAY Keynote Address

A.J. Riebli ’87 Production Manager, Pixar Animation Studios

Friday, September 27, 2013, was a true Homecoming. More than thirty-five alums returned to campus to share their vocational stories, and the Keynote Address was offered by Mr. Riebli. For highlights please visit www.justin-siena.org/vocationday. A number of alums stayed on for the Braves Homecoming game which was preceded by an alumni reception at the Christian Brothers Center. Please contact the Alumni Office at ext. 628 if you would like information about presenting at Vocation Day in the fall of 2015. A.J. Riebli ’87 has collaborated on award-winning films such as Toy Story 2, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, and Up at Pixar. He has worked in a management capacity in the Editorial, Animation and Crowds/ Simulation Departments. As a manager, he partners and works with the creative team to achieve the Director’s vision and get it up on the screen for audiences to see and enjoy over and over again. ADVICE: “Opportunities surround you every day. You need to be open and mindful to your surroundings and the interactions you have with others on a daily basis. No job should be below you. Perceived “Dead End” jobs may actually be great, door opening opportunities. The worst thing anyone can say to you is “No.” Keep working and being persistent until someone says “Yes”. Treat people how you would like to be treated. Have empathy for others. Try and put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see how it feels. Listen more, talk less. Be punctual. Sometimes being an overnight success takes 20 years. Love what you do and you will never work another day in your life. Have one great laugh every day. 18

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Tim Borman ’73 is the former Fire Chief for the City of Napa. “I was responsible for the entire City of Napa Fire Department which included four fire stations, a fire prevention bureau and fire administration. I was enjoying a career as a school teacher and wanted to give back to my community in another way so I became a volunteer firefighter. Even though I loved teaching, I had even a stronger passion for the fire service. I eventually left the teaching profession to become a career firefighter.” In 1982, James E. Collins ’77 began at Coopers & Lybrand (C&L), one of the largest CPA firms in the world, and was responsible for auditing private and publicly held clients and providing management consulting services. He then joined Pete’s Brewing Company as its Chief Financial Officer and raised $60 million on NASDAQ in an IPO, after which he joined Comtouch Software as its CFO, raising over $100 million on NASDAQ from an IPO and private investors. In 2001, he joined Tatum LLP as a partner providing management-

consulting services. After moving back to the Napa Valley, Mr. Collins spent four years as the CFO of two Napa Valley companies with interests in wine, real estate and retail before co-founding Halsey Bottling in 2006, now one of the largest mobile wine bottlers in California. Beginning in January 2014, he will begin a new career as a professor teaching accounting to graduate students. Hector Bedolla ’77 is a consultant, salesman, and PCA with Crop Production Services. “I worked in the wine/grape industry for 30 years as a vineyard manager. In this career I developed over 1,000 acres in Napa, Sonoma and Mendocino Counties. I’ve been a consultant for 35 years and have traveled the world. I have owned vineyard and have made wines. Now I am representing an international company promoting services and selling over 600 agricultural production products.” Greg Klement ’77 is a captain for United Airlines flying a 767 mainly to Hawaii. He has a B.A.

in Business Administration from Sacramento State. Michael Murray ’78 is the Chief Financial Officer at Napa Recycling & Waste Services. “I’m the top finance person in our ninecompany operation working in the trash and recycling collection and processing industry. My main job duties are setting policy, directing employees, reviewing their work product, working on business opportunities and managing all the components that relate to finances (accounting, budgeting, forecasting, and modeling).” Michael Brisbin ’79 is a partner with Wilson, Elser Attorneys. His focus is insurance defense, and he has tried more than 21 jury trials. Tim Keown ’82 is a senior writer at ESPN in Bristol, Connecticut. His advice to students: “If you want to write, you’ve got to find your style, and the only way to do that is to read. Read novels, nonfiction books, short stories, magazines, newspapers. And you’ve got to write. Write as often

Pictured left to right: (back) Joseph Tichy ’84, Chris Schofield ’83, Will Schindler ’01, Tim Borman ’73, Kyle Lely ’02, Dominic DeGuilio ’03, Luke Ham ’05, Greg Klement ’77, Kevin Maher ’89, Monty Gray ‘95, Tim Keown ’82; (middle) Chris Altobell ’88, Br. Patrick Martin, Br. David Deradoorian, Br. Tony Elfering, Br. Roberto Martinez, Matthew Farver ’94, A.J. Riebli ’87, Jonathan Jose ’88, Elizabeth Guerra ’00, Jordan Wright ’05, Michael Brisbane ’79; (front) Michael Murray ’78, Dr. Timothy Wahle ’88, Stephie Daquioag ’03, Dr. Emily Cotter ’00, Taylor Bartolucci DeGuilio ’00, James Collins ’77, Hector Bedolla ’77, Marissa Cardwell ’01, Tim Malloy ’87, Olivia Everett ’04, Michelle Kiess Schilter ’87

as possible about as many topics as possible. Most importantly, take chances. You can’t be good until you’ve been bad.” In his 28 years in the field, he’s earned 3 New York Times best-selling books and numerous national awards for magazine writing, including Deadline Club awards for profile writing, New York Press Club awards for profile writing and public affairs reporting. Chris Schofield ’83 has been involved with the energy sector for close to 20 years, primarily on the financing side. He currently oversees all finance, accounting, and legal activities for ThermaSource as the Chief Financial Officer. He has been directly involved with the financing of both conventional and alternative forms of energy, leading the structuring of extremely complex transactions. Prior to ThermaSource, his experience includes leading the business development and finance activities for a biofuels effort that was successfully merged with another company. He is the founder of Presidio Energy, an advisory firm that focuses on alternative energy and has represented some of the leading utilities and investment firms. Chris also worked for Exxon and US Gener-

ating Company. At US Generating Company, a joint vneture between Bechtel and PG&E, he focused on project financing energy projects.

Joseph Tichy ’84 is a passenger pilot for Southwest Airlines. “The decision to enter this profession began with a 20 minute lesson at the Napa Airport. To put it simply, it was fun. I then began reading about aeronautical schools. It’s a customer service job, getting people where they want to go quickly and comfortably. Tim Malloy ’87 owns MIV Insurance Services in St. Helena, which is a full service insurance agency. “My great grandfather started a real estate/Insurance agency in 1910 that has been in my family ever since. My grandfather encouraged me to ‘try’ the insurance industry when graduating from college. If you like dealing with people, the insur-

ance industry is a great profession. Developing thick skin is a must but at the end of the day the reward is incredible.” Michelle Kiess Schilter ’87 is an organic dairy farmer with Sun-Ton Farms in Chehalis, Washington. “Together with my husband Lonny Schilter, we operate a 475cow organic dairy in Southwest Washington. My main responsibility is taking care of the calves from birth to approximately 6 months of age. Additionally, I am responsible for the record keeping operation of our organic milk and beef production certification. Our farm has registered Holsteins and I am responsible for the ongoing registration of animals that enter our herd. During the summer I do a variety of fieldwork - this includes mowing, raking, and driving truck during both our silage and hay production operations.”

Chris Altobell ’88 owns Altobell Insurance Services. He graduated from Saint Mary’s College with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Economics in 1992 and then UC Davis Graduate School of Management in 2005 and now owns his own insurance agency. Advice for students: “Submitting a resume online is the least likely way to find the best jobs. Use your personal network to explore your interests. Your parents’ friends work for companies in which you might be interested in working. See if they can facilitate a foot in the door.” Jonathan Jose ’88 is vice president of global online production for the Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. He has lead teams on digital projects including the development of global web/mobile sites and ecommerce businesses and manages a worldwide 200-member production team. Timothy Wahle ’88 is the sole proprietor/owner of a private dental practice. He holds degrees from University of San Francisco, B.S., Biology, 1992 and Creighton University, D.D.S., 1997.

justin-siena Avanti


alumni news model assessment, financial modeling at SAP Software.

Kevin Maher ’89 is the Director of Global Network Services for eBay, Inc. “Network services connects 80,000 computers to each other within multiple data centers, and keeps those data centers connected to each other and to the internet, while filtering out attacks targeting the production web site and other related services. My job is to provide leadership to multiple teams, find ways to apply people and technology to solve large difficult problems, and find and hire (and retain) the most skilled and resourceful people as possible.”

Matthew Farver ’94 is employed by E&J Gallo Winery in Modesto as the Marketing Manager of Barefoot Wine & Bubbly, the #1 revenue wine brand in the United States, Matthew, “oversees daily operations of the brand and is responsible for managing strategy, innovation and new product development, consumer insights, brand financials, as well as advertising, media, and public relations.” He holds degrees from Duke University (BA 1998) and Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management (MBA 2012). Monty Gray ’95 specializes in Mergers and Acquisitions, corporate strategic investments, mergers and acquisitions strategy, business 20

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Jennifer Ring ’96 is the Director of Business Development at St. Helena Hospital, Adventist Health. “I help the health system make decisions on new services, new technology, and where to hire new physicians. I monitor community health needs, trends with new technologies, and study how our patients are accessing healthcare services.” Brandon LaRocco ’98 is a math instructor, assistant varsity football coach, and head track and field coach at Justin-Siena. He earned his Bachelor’s of Science at University of California, Davis. Emily Cotter ’00 is a resident physician in Family Medicine at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center. “I was interested in fullspectrum medical training which could provide me with a broad skill set enabling me to work anywhere in the world, from urban centers in California to rural communities in Africa. I chose to train and work at a county hospital from a human rights standpoint because I believe in providing medical care to underserved populations no matter one’s ability to pay. I trained in public health prior to medicine and love the ability to make a widereaching impact with prevention and community health, but I also love individual experiences treating patients in clinical medicine.” Taylor Bartolucci DeGuilio ’00 is the co-founder of Lucky Penny Productions, which has produced over 10 fully staged theatrical productions (musical and non) that have been staged at the Napa Valley Opera House, Napa Valley Playhouse, and Napa Valley Wine Train Depot. She is also a 4th generation family member at Madonna Estate Winery where her tasks include managing the Tasting Room hospitality staff and Reserve Wine Club as well as special events.

Elizabeth N. Guerra ’00 is an archaeologist at the University of California, Davis in the Department of Anthropology as the Principal Museum Preparator for the campus anthropological research repository. “On a day-to-day basis, I perform a multitude of tasks including working with interns to identify, sort, and catalog historic and prehistoric archaeological materials and artifacts, documenting, rehabilitating, and maintaining the preservation of archaeological and ethnographic collections from areas throughout California, making archaeological and ethnographic data accessible to researchers from all around the world, coordinating and performing consultations with researchers and Native American Tribal officials in compliance with state and federal laws, and working with Native American tribal members in an effort to research cultural heritage.” As for how she got involved in this line of work, “I found myself extremely ill infected with salmonella in the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador while on a community service project the summer between my junior and senior years of high school. Because we were so far removed from any city having access to a hospital, I spent weeks in the care of native shamans. It was a fascinating experience and eye-opening to a world that wasn’t like the one I had been used to. I knew immediately that I had found my calling, to study cultures, past and present, and the wealth of diversity in this world, and to share that knowledge with others.” Marissa Cardwell ’01 works in the Biosafety Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where she is responsible for assessing the hazards associated with research involving biological material. This can include human blood samples, animal tissues, biological toxins and infectious microorganisms. It is her job to ensure compliance with regulations and to collaborate with researchers

helping them remain safe while handling bio-hazardous material and following correct procedures. Will Schindler ’01 is Principal at Stretto Solutions, a company which provides technology consulting services, especially mobile and web application development, as a partner to clients that range from a major multinational electronics manufacturer to a San Francisco-based federal agency. The company assesses, designs, builds, tests, and implements custom software end-to-end. “My first introduction to computer science as an academic discipline was in two independent-study courses I took with Mrs. DiGiacomo at Justin-Siena, in the back of a geometry class, to fill an empty slot in my schedule-and I learned more in those classes than any single class in my college degree.” Chris Fidler ’02 is a Justin-Siena faculty member and Engineering Department Chair. He is also the cross-country and track and field coach for the Braves. Kyle Lely ’02 is an Engineer/ Paramedic with Sonoma Valley Fire and Rescue. “I work on both the fire engine and the ambulance. We are an all-risk department and respond to calls such as medical aids, car accidents, structure fires, wild land fires, gas leaks, etc.”

Stephie Daquioag ’03 is the Director of Leadership Development and Project C.O.P.E. for the Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center in Orange County. She supervises an outdoor adventure area that

includes two zip lines, low-wired challenge course, and a high ropes course. IROEC provides opportunities for both group and personal growth through learning and doing, whether it be through team-building activities, solving puzzles or jumping from a platform 30 feet in the air. Dominic DeGuilio ’03 works for the Napa Police Department. He responds to calls for service, investigates crimes, prepares crime reports, and provides court testimony. “I made my decision to enter law enforcement for the variety of experiences it had to offer. Every day can hold a new challenge with new circumstances and people.”

Olivia Everett ’04 is the CEO of the Arts Council Napa Valley. She serves as the primary liaison to the Board of Directors and all committees, builds business and government relationships, directs partnerships, and oversees all agency fundraising and internal operations for the Arts Council Napa Valley. She also worked as the Marketing Director for Solano College and was Co-Founder & Community Outreach Liaison for Wandering Rose. She encourages Art Students to build relationships in the community. Rev. Luke Ham ’05 is a Pastor in the United Methodist Church in Alamo. “I teach, preach and lead worship for a congregation of

for more photos from vocation day 2013 look for our photo stream on flickr.com: braveslife

1,150 members in the Contra Costa County. I also focus much of my energy on work with youth and young adults. I am passionate about rethinking ‘church’ and taking worship to new places such as coffee shops, parks, bars, and bowling alleys. I have always been fascinated by all religious traditions. My initial call began when I was in Campus Ministry at JustinSiena. I resisted following it until late in college when I withdrew my law school applications and applied to Seminary instead.”

Jordan-Anne Wright ’05 is a Registered Nurse at John Muir Medical Center in Concord. “I currently work on the Thoracic Surgery and Interventional Cardiology Care Unit. I care for those who are recovering from surgical procedures in regards to acute cardiac injury, palliative cancer treatments and other thoracic disease. I have always had a desire to help those in need and have always had an interest in the medical field. My youngest sister was born my junior year at Justin-Siena; I was inspired by the nurses caring for my mom while in labor. I admired the nurses’ emotional strength, compassion and empathy while noticing their true passion and love for what they do.

Justin-Siena’s Alumni Council hosted their first alumni golf tournament benefiting the Alumni Generations Fund. The event was held on Monday, November 11, 2013, at the Napa Valley Country Club. More than 60 players came out to play, and we hope to see many more players at next year’s tournament! Pictured above: (top) Alumni Council Members Rob Lucchetti ’91, Greg Calvelo ’89, Jenny Gass ’93, Brian Dodd ’02, Mike Ledwich ’78; (bottom) April Duge -JS parent, Trent Stoppello ’91, Christina Rossi ’90, and Robin Short ’91 justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

Braves World Catch up with other alums!

We love hearing from you and know that your classmates do too—so keep the information coming! You may submit updates and information in the enclosed envelope or email the Associate Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations Carolina Gonzalez at cgonzalez@justin-siena.org. Be sure to include a photograph too!*


shop, and teaching kitchen providing Napa’s at-risk and underserved populations with

Brandon LaRocco and

professional culinary training

Miranda Welsh LaRocco ’01

and opportunities for long-term

welcomed their daughter, Pay-

success. Sean and Giovanni are

ton Loren (below), on August

joining forces again following

29, 2013; 9lbs. 9ozs.; 21 inches.

their successful management of Uva Trattoria in downtown Napa from 2001-2009. They

1972 Marc Mondavi (above) of C. Mondavi & Family recently

were keen to collaborate again on such a community-oriented and ground-breaking project.


1997 Shannon McDermott and Stephen Harle welcomed their

made public a special skill he’s

son, Alexander James (above),

been practicing for over 40

Joshua Farrell recently released

on September 29, 2013, in

his first book, The Sonoma Police

Caitlin McDermott Tchai-

years. In addition to being a

Sydney, Australia. Baby Alex

Report, where he delivers an

kowitz and her husband, Da-

well-known vintner, he is a

is pictured with his big brother

entertaining view of Sonoma with

vid, welcomed their daughter,

water witch (also known as a

Robbie who is two -and-a-half

a hilarious compilation of police

Abigail Rose (below), on August

dowser or water diviner). He

years old. Helen and Thom

blotter excerpts from the Sonoma

28, 2013, in New York City.

discovered at an early age his

McDermott (current faculty)

Index-Tribune, kooky tales from

Helen and Thom McDermott

ability to find water under-

are the proud grandparents.

locals, and personal stories. The

(current faculty) are the proud

ground using divining rods. Marc continues to spend much

book is currently available on

of his time in the vineyards

Amazon, Kindle, & Createspace.

where he oversees the family’s business and ensures they remain properly irrigated.



1994 After a stellar NCAA baseball playing and coaching career, Michael Kramer has been liv-

Sean Pramuk, along with

ing in Maine for 7 years work-

Giovanni Guerrera, Michael

ing in pharmaceutical sales with

Miguel, and James Elrich

his wife, Kristina, and 2 year

opened the doors to Foodshed

old daughter, Madeline.

Pizza and Pasta in July of this year, with the hope of making a difference in the community. Foodshed is a pizzeria, pasta 22

justin-siena Avanti

* Information received after December 1 , 2013, will appear in the spring/summer 2014 issue of Avanti.


Shea Giaquinto ’06, Shane Raftery ’06, and Warren Shinnamon ’06. What a great mini reunion!

2001 Jason Anthony (above), who played on Napa Valley College’s 2003 state championship golf team, qualified to play in the

Rachel Maher (above) is cur-

U.S. Amateur at The Country

rently the team captain for the

Club in Brookline, Massachu-

Raiderettes in Oakland. She

setts, and Charles River Coun-

visited our campus on May 23,

try Club in August 2013.


2006 English teacher, Mrs. Weakley (above center), and her

Kristina Lee volunteered to

daughter Melissa Weakley

start a social media campaign

(above left) met up with former

over the summer for the

JSHS International student,

Sinskey Eye Institute in Addis

Vera Schindlmeier ‘09 (above

Ababa, Ethiopia. The Institute

right) on their visit to Munich,

is a permanent, full-service

Germany. Vera, who has just

medical/surgical facility that

finished an internship in tour-

treated over 13,000 patients

ism and marketing, will be con-

in 2012. Founded in 2005, the

tinuing university to complete

Robert Sinskey Eye Institute is

her degree. Melissa, studying

for her Masters in International Relations in Bangkok, Thailand, had been traveling Europe for three weeks prior to meeting up with her mother in Poland. The Braves spent the evening at the English Garden, enjoying catching up and the sights and sounds of one of the largest beer gardens in Europe!

2013 to speak in Mr. Berghout’s sophomore religion class: Christology and Ecclesiology. Her witness talk was centered around the theme: Discipleship means being “salt and light” for the world by contributing our gifts to the Church and the human community. Eduardo Villalobos and Ellen Thompson Villalobos ’06 welcomed their daughter, Ann Oliva (below), on July 22, 2013.

open every day and employs a full-time staff of 12, including two ophthalmologists.

2006 Kevin Foster (right) married Lauren Catherine Philipps on March 9, 2013, at Cornerstone Gardens in Sonoma. Classmates in attendance included: Andrew Dowdle ’06, Billy Wilcoxson ’06, Scott Wangeman ’06, Jason Lehman ’06, Anthony Fontes ’06, justin-siena Avanti


alumni news

2009 Nicholas Bellomy graduated from Georgetown University May 2013 with a B.S. in Foreign Service, International Politics – Security Studies with Honors. Over the summer he was in Napa working remotely with a Georgetown Professor doing paid research work in his field. He was offered a full time job in his field working for the government and started in September. Paul Dugoni (below) recently graduated from University of the Pacific with a degree in Business Marketing. During the 2012-2013 school year, Paul held positions at Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity and at the Pacific American Marketing Association (PAMA). Paul was awarded the honor of Greek Man of the Year on the UOP campus, for showing exemplary leadership around campus and for his level of involvement in the Pacific community. This past summer, he worked for the Napa V Foundation Wine Celebration for Cancer Research. Paul is currently employed by Rutherford Hill Winery.


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Gregory Zobel is the Assistant Production Coordinator for David E. Kelley Productions’ new television show starring Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Geller, entitled ‘The Crazy Ones’, about a father-daughter ad agency. The show aired September 26th on CBS. It was at Justin-Siena that Gregory first became involved with videography and theatre, which honed

Janelle Travis (above) joined

an intense and focused interest

the Washburn University wom-

in a career in film production.

en’s basketball team, ranked

2010 Janae Bassignani, in her senior year at ASU, landed an exciting internship as a production intern/assistant for the movie CarDogs. This film is the first of its kind because it was produced entirely by Arizona State University (ASU) students. Professor Adam Collis directed the project with over 100 ASU film students working as the cast and crew members.

No. 20 in the USA Today Sports Division II national poll, as their starting point guard this year. While at Justin-Siena, Janelle earned all-state and was the all-Napa County and North Bay player of the year as a senior. Cole Williams (right), who played his senior year for the Braves and two years at Napa Valley College, signed a national letter-of-intent to play for William Penn, a small private NAIA school that is located in south central Iowa and plays in the Midwest Collegiate Conference. Cole received an athletic scholarship.

Todd Amador (above) is a Private in the United States Army and will be serving in South Korea until September 2014.

Dwight Boyko (above) is a junior at the University of Nevada, Reno studying Mechanical Engineering. Early in his studies, Dwight found a passion for learning the basics

Homecoming Revelry for the Next Generation Jim Day ’72 and his son, Evan Day ’16, are pictured with Kendall Howell ’14, who was in the 2013 Homecoming court with Evan as her escort, and her mother Judith Dick Howell ’84. Go Braves!

of a 3D modeling program and is currently in charge of the 3D

Michaela Weiner

printer and 3D scanner at the

(above) came home for

DeLaMare Library on campus.

the Homecoming Game

His position has increased his

in September so as to pass

knowledge of 3D programming

on the title of Queen not

and he has been able to design

to one Brave, but two

multiple objects such as key

Braves, Natalie Avellar

chains, Legos and iPhone cases.

’14 and Genny Say ’14.

He has even helped others take their ideas and make them into reality. Beau Wheeler (below) serves our country as a Private First Class in the US Marines.

ALUMNI eNEWSLETTER Hopefully you already receive the Braves Bulletin a couple times a month during the school year, but we are now adding an Alumni newsletter to our communication tool kit to keep you up to date with alumni-specific news and events. If you have not received this in your inbox, please contact Carolina Gonzalez at cgonzalez@justin-siena.org. We look forward to connecting with you.

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Save the Date



All Alumni are encouraged to reconnect at Justin-Siena’s All-Alumni Reunion Weekend.

Especially celebrating the Classes of 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009 Come see some of the amazing changes on campus, enjoy dinner and drinks. Each year Justin-Siena will host an All-Alumni Reunion on campus. COME BE A PART OF THE TRADITION.


annual report

A Message from the Board of Trustees

Dear Justin-Siena Community, It is with great pleasure that I begin my second year as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Justin-Siena. As you may Mr. James Heim

know, the Board of Trustees is comprised of volunteers whose purpose is to safeguard and advance the school’s mission on behalf of the De La Salle Christian Brothers. Potential board members undergo training on the Lasallian charism (history, spirituality, and philosophy of education) and Policy Governance–a model used by Lasallian schools throughout the District of San Francisco as developed by Dr. John Carver. The Board seeks to answer three questions: Whom do we serve? What do we provide? At what cost?

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mr. James Heim, Chair Br. Kevin Slate, FSC, Vice Chair St. Emmanuel Cardinale, OP Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 Mr. Dennis Pedisich Mrs. Mel Denise Preimesberger Br. Stanislaus Sobczyk, FSC, Ed.D.

As a Board, we focus on broad issues, and then delegate the operation of the school to the President and CEO. Policy Governance separates the issues of organizational purpose from all other organizational activity. On a monthly basis, we monitor the administration’s achievement of the Ends Policies, enabling staff to approach and steward the mission in a manner they deem fit, as long as the means of doing so is in line with the Board’s Ends Policies and Executive Limitations. Justin-Siena is in a strong place and poised for incredible success in the future. Benchmarks in the school’s ambitious

Dr. Paul Sweigert

strategic plan continue to be achieved, and the financial support

Ms. Suzanne Truchard

from faculty and staff, parents, alumni, alumni parents, grand-

President & CEO Mr. Robert T. Jordan Secretary & Financial Officer Mr. John Van Hofwegen Recording Secretary Ms. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79

parents, foundations, and friends all ensure that Justin-Siena is able to move forward. We are lucky to be a part of such a vibrant community. I look forward to seeing you at any number of upcoming Justin-Siena events. Sempre Avanti! Sincerely, James Heim Board of Trustees, Chair


justin-siena Avanti

Operating Revenue and Expenses 2012-2013 OPERATING REVENUE

5 4






Tuition and Fees



Auxiliary Programs




Fundraising (Gifts & Grants)




Special Events




Justin-Siena Foundation




Braves Store & Transportation 3.29%





2 1





Salaries and Benefits


$ 6,491,822


Tuition Assistance


$ 1,661,882




$ 896,100


Academic/Co-Curricular Programs 5.4%

$ 616,413


Auxiliary Programs


$ 369,088


Operations and Maintenance


$ 597,524


Braves Store & Transportation


$ 640,192


Capital Expenditures


$ 153,242





5 4





Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 641 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


always forward

Honor Roll of Donors Parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends of Justin-Siena make a difference each year by including our students and programs in their charitable giving. We offer this Honor Roll of Donors in recognition of gifts which were contributed between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013. Founder’s Society $25,000 + Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Ackerman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beckstoffer Dodd Family Trust Justin-Siena H.S. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Osgood The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation

Trustee Society $10,000—$25,000 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Adair Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Andrade Ackerman Family Vineyards Mr. Eberhard Bruss Mr. and Mrs. Darrin Channels Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jennings Mr. A. Maurice Myers and Mrs. Elizabeth Myers Mr. and Mrs. David Preimesberger

Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Smith The Benilde Religious International Trust Mr. and Ms. David Wignall Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Zeller, Jr. ‘76

Leadership Society $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. William Ballentine Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzini Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cain, MD Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell Mr. and Mrs. David A. Castrucci Chevron Corporation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. James E. Collins ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Croft Drs. Kathryn and David Danzeisen Mrs. Margaret Darrin Mr. and Mrs. Brett DeLeuze ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Christian P. Fassari

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Guttersen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harper IV Mr. and Mrs. James V. Heim Mr. and Mrs. John Hlivka Lasallian Education Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan PG&E Corporation Campaign for the Community Dr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Rotary Club of Napa Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Salvestrin ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scott Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange ZD Wines

President’s Circle $1,500 - $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Adair Jr. Adair Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James Asbury Mr. and Mrs. William Bacigalupi Mr. and Mrs. Juvenal Barajas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Beirao

Mrs. Deidre H. Bell Dr. and Ms. Richard A. Beller Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Best Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs Bishop ‘80 and Mr. Jeffrey Bishop Dr. and Mrs. John B. Bosetti ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Boyd, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brazil Mrs. Ida Britton Mr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burtness Mr. and Mrs. John E. Caldwell II Mr. and Mrs. William B. Carson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cepeda Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cline Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Cline Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cothran Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Cronwall Mr. Kevin Crossland and Ms. Francesca Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Jon Curry Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Darrin Dr. and Mrs. John W. Daw ‘99 Mr. Johannes de Bruin ‘85

In conjunction with Founders Week in May, the Lasallian Student Life Office coordinated this community photo which is representative of the Lasallian star symbol.


justin-siena Avanti

Ms. Lisa de Bruin Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. DeBlauw Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DiMare Mr. and Mrs. E. Michael Downer Ms. Margaret Duckhorn Mr. and Mrs. James Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Elliott-Smith Estate of Jeffrey William Goodsell Mr. and Mrs. Chris Estes Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya T. Favreau ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Forsythe Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Francis Mr. and Mrs. David J. Francke Mr. Jon Free and Mrs. Carrie Edwards Mr. Juan Furne and Mrs. Montserrat Toda Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Gafvert Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gardiner Ms. Karen Gatton Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve Mr. Deepak Gulrajani Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Dirk M. Hampson Mr. and Ms. Lester Hardy Mr. and Mrs. John H. Harris Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund Ms. Joan H. Henderson Dr. and Mrs. Steven Herber Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Herrera Mr. and Mrs. James W. Herwatt Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Heun ‘82 Mrs. Shannon Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Danny Hoffert Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Huber Mr. Robert E. Hunter, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Huston Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jordan Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Kirk Mr. and Mrs. David Kline Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Koehler Mr. Steven S. Kuehn and Dr. Jayma Claus Mr. and Mrs. Justin Laird Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lanzafame Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Lemieux ‘73 Ms. Maryann Lendall Mr. and Mrs. Dean Letcher Mr. and Ms. Robert Levy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Malloy ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Martini Mr. Patrick McCrea and Dr. Kelli McCrea Mr. Michael Mertens ‘83 and Mrs. Lisa Mertens ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Miyasaki Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mohn Mr. Peter Mondavi and Dr. Katherine Mondavi Monticello Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Luc Morlet Napa Renegades Napa Valley Orthopaedic Medical Group, Inc. Napa Valley Swim Team

Ms. Ramona Nicholson ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nugent Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oberting Dr. Marie Pak Dr. and Mrs. Jay D. Parkin Dr. and Mrs. Brian S. Pecha Dr. Melissa Lee and Dr. Francisco Pestana Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Tyler A. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pires Mr. Paul M. Quinones and Mrs. Piper Murray Quinones ‘83 Ms. Carol Record Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ricci Ms. Christine Richardson Mr. Donald Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sangiacomo ‘87 Mr. Jake Scheideman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Scollin Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sebastiani ‘88

Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Sheekey Mr. and Mrs. Grant Showley Mr. and Mrs. Adam B. Simms Ms. Jenni L. Smith Mr. Victor M. Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stanier Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Stockand Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sweigert Drs. Artoteles and Imelda Tandinco Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Torkelson Dr. and Mrs. Ali Vaziri Ms. Darla Viau Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vlaming Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Von Strasser Mr. Charles J. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Wang Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wesson Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Whan Mrs. Kristin Kelley Wilkinson ‘83 and

Mr. Matthew Wilkinson William Cole Vineyards Windermere Napa Valley Properties Mr. Tom Woehler and Mrs. Debbie Woehler Ms. Roberta Woolley Mr. and Mrs. William Wrenn

Bold Club Honoring our Braves of the Last Decade who have donated $25 and above. Mr. Ryan Andre ‘08 Ms. Molly Bell ‘10 Mr. Harrison Bell ‘07 Ms. Brianna Caron ‘05 Mr. Justin Clayton ‘09 Ms. Kelli Cybulski ‘07 Mr. Craig Cybulski ‘09 Ms. Victoria Deely ‘08 Ms. Cassandra Depew ‘05 Ms. Kris Dern ‘03

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 641 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

The reappointed Library, now referred to as the Gasser Center, is a hub of student learning, collaborating, and activity.

Mr. Wayne Doyle ‘07 Ms. Olivia Everett ‘04 Ms. Jessica Futo ‘08 Ms. Ashly Gatton ‘06 Ms. Addison Gatton ‘11 Mr. Shea Giaquinto ‘06 Rev. and Mrs. Luke Ham ‘05 Mr. William Kelley ‘08 Mr. Andrew Kelley ‘10 Ms. McKenzie Kelley ‘12 Ms. Kristina Lee ‘05 Mr. John Moore ‘03 Mr. Christian Platt ‘10 Mr. Nicholas Reinell ‘03 Ms. Pamela Rivera ‘02 Ms. Sarah Seguin ‘13 Mr. Cameron Silva ‘07 Mr. Michael Starr ‘10 Mr. Sam Starr ‘12 Mr. Raul Villalobos ‘04 Ms. Jordan Wright ‘05 Ms. Sara Zaia ‘06


justin-siena Avanti

Principal’s Circle $750 - $1,499 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abshear Mr. and Mrs. Greg Amaral Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker Bank of Marin Bank of Napa Bay Commercial Bank Mr. and Mrs. James Bishofberger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Bittner Mr. Walt Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown Byron Orris Autobody, Inc. C Eagle Spirit, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Ferdinand O. Calinawan Mr. and Dr. Sean Capiaux Mr. and Mrs. Credante L. Casilang Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ceccato Mr. and Mrs. Michael Christian Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Coughlan Mr. and Mrs. John N. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Gemy D’Adamo

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daw ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Diaz Dr. and Mrs. William D. Duge Mr. Thomas Durante ‘93 Electronic Script Donor Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwin Farver Mr. and Mrs. John C. Foley Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Franzino Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ‘79 and Mr. Jeffrey R. Gerlomes Mr. and Mrs. Giovannoni Mr. and Mrs. Michael Giovannoni ‘83 Ms. Jillian Glass Mr. and Mrs. Clark Glasson Dr. and Mrs. William N. Gonser Mr. and Mrs. John Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hercules Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hill Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hosburgh Mr. and Mrs. David Hosford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Irvine Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jameson Brother Thomas Jones, FSC Mr. Jimmy Kawalek and

Mrs. Kathryn Kawalek Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Kennedy Mr. Timothy Keown ‘82 and Mrs. Miriam Keown ‘82 Dr. Steven Kunihiro Mr. and Mrs. David Lattin Mr. and Mrs. Chad LeDoux Mr. and Mrs. William Lefever Mr. Jeff Lewis Mr. and Ms. Gregory C. Ley Mr. and Mrs. Steven Linder Dr. and Mrs. Randall C. Lum Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. Duncan R. McFarlane Ms. Leslie G. McFarlane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. McIver Mr. and Mrs. Jason Meyer Mr. Leon M. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller Drs. Vincent and Victoria Morgese Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moulds Dr. and Mrs. Mukesh H. Naik Napa Parlor No. 62 - Native Sons of the Golden West Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Navarro Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Peterson ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Reynoso Ms. Vanessa Robledo Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Yannick N. Rousseau Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Roye Mr. and Mrs. James P. Rustice, II ‘89 Mr. Juan F. Sacristan and Mrs. Jennifer Kline Mr. and Dr. Joselito S. San Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Sid S. Scherer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Schrette Mr. and Mrs. August Sebastiani ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Sebastiani Jr. ’95 Ms. Emilia Sebastiani ‘04 Dr. Steven ‘75 and Mrs. Susan Shifflet ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, II Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tate III The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation The Dental Office of John W. Daw, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Rick Tooker Ms. Molly Towey-Donohoe Mrs. DeeAnn L. Valine ‘89 and Mr. Matthew Valine ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Armando Velasco Von Strasser Winery Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Watson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weiner Wells Fargo Matching Gift Center Mr. Ronald Whitehead and Mrs. Paula Clerici Whitehead ‘78 Mrs. Kathy L. Wong Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey A. Yates Ms. Anne Yates ‘78 Dr. and Mrs. John P. Zimmermann

Red and Blue Club $1 - $749 Mr. Robert Faber and Mrs. Lynn Adamo ‘75 Mr. Andy Adams

Mrs. Christine Adams Ms. Charlotte Addington Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Aguayo Sister Susan Allbritton, OP Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Allen Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Tom Altemus Mr. and Mrs. Alonso Alvarado Padilla Mrs. Charlotte Anderton Mr. Ryan Andre ‘08 Mr. Joseph J. Andre ‘77 and Mrs. Erin Andre ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Vaea Anitoni Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Aquino Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Arcanin Ardzrooni Vineyard Management, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Armstrong-Brown Mrs. Patricia Anderson Ashauer ‘79 and Mr. Mike Ashauer Athletic Feat, Inc. Mrs. Marion M. Ault Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto A. Avelar Mr. Andrew J. Avellar and Mrs. Shelly Avellar ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo D. Avina Axiom Engineers Ms. Joni G. Azdee B & G Tire of Napa Ms. Eva R. Baena Mr. James T. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balmaceda Bank of America Foundation Mr. Jeffrey Baptista ‘84 and Mrs. Susan Baptista ‘82 Mr. Daniel Barrango and Mrs. Rebecca Merry Barrango ‘77 Mr. and Ms. Alberto P. Barretto-Grignoli Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Bassignani Ms. Maria G. Basulto-Aceves and Mr. Jesus Basulto Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Crandall Bates Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baumann Mr. Henry Beaumont and Mrs. Margaret Gokey Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beitz Ms. Molly Bell ‘10 Mr. Harrison Bell ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Arvan E. Bell Bella Casa Mr. Kevin J. Belton Mr. and Dr. Rodolfo Beltran Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benninghoff ‘88 Mrs. Virginia Benninghoff Mr. William G. Benninghoff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benvenuto Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Berghout Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bergin Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Berry Mr. Peter Berta and Mrs. Julie Berta Ms. Mary B. Bickford

Mr. Robert Biniek Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas Granata Mr. Benjamin D. Bisconer Mr. Robert Blackstone Mr. Richard Blanchard Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bonfigli Ms. Kimberly J. Boothroyd Mr. James Borges and Mrs. Terra Borges Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ‘72 and Mr. Donald Botill Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Bouchet, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Bouldt Mr. and Mrs. Dionisios Bouzos Mr. David A. Bowman ‘84 and Mrs. Beth Bowman ‘86 Mr. Curt D. Brashear and Mrs. Kathleen Chermack Brashear ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brennan Mr. Ryan Brennen and Mrs. Sarah Brennen Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bright Ms. Donna Brion Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brovelli ‘78 Mrs. Lisa Brown ‘86 Mr. Roger Bubel Mr. and Mrs. George Buckingham Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bullick Mr. Jeffrey Bundschu ‘86 and Mrs. Elizabeth Bundschu ‘85 Ms. Mary Burwell-Morrongiello Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Calderon-Pickett Mr. and Mrs. Jay Caldwell Mr. Frank DeMichele and Ms. Donna Calonego Mr. Gregory J. Calvelo ‘89 and Mrs. Therese Calvelo ‘89 Mr. Jim Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Jose R. Campos Campus Kitchens, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Chenier M. Caoile Capiaux Cellars Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Cardey Sister Emmanuel Cardinale, OP Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carlson Mr. and Ms. Enrique Carmona-Hernandez Ms. Brianna Caron ‘05 Mr. Benjamin J. Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ‘77 Mr. Ken A. Carpenter ‘83 Mr. Brian Cassayre ‘98 and Mrs. Britney Cassayre Mr. and Mrs. James Cassayre Mrs. Connie Castro Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Caughman Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. Cavalli Mr. and Mrs. Loreto C. Cayabyab Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cayabyab Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Celaya Mr. and Mrs. Clovis Celestin Mr. Lucien Chan ‘95 and Mrs. Joanna Gonsalves Dr. and Mrs. Myo S. Chang

Mr. Jeffrey E. Chappell Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Peter P. Chau Ms. Michelle C. Cherry Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Chesi ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Greg Chodrick Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Christensen Mr. Scott A. Christopher Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Mr. Nick J. Ciarabellini and Mrs. Traci Ciarabellini Mrs. Judy A. Claffey Mr. Don Clark and Ms. Julie Nord Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Clark Ms. Georgine A. Clarke Mr. Justin Clayton ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clayton CoCo Toys Mr. and Mrs. David G. Colomy Ms. Lou Connelly Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ‘84 Mr. Ted Connolly

Mr. Thomas Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cotruvo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Coughlan Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cremen Mr. and Mrs. Timm F. Crull, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Cruz Sgt. Calen Curtin ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Curtin Mr. and Ms. Robert C. Curtis ‘01 Ms. Kelli Cybulski ‘07 Mr. Craig Cybulski ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cybulski Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D’Adamo ‘82 Ms. Sinnin Danle Mr. Steve Davino Mr. and Mrs. Milton Davis Mr. and Mrs. Chester Davison III Ms. and Mr. Elizabeth S. Day Mr. and Mrs. Paul Day Mr. James Day ‘72 Mr. and Ms. Vincent De Domenico Mr. Joshua DeBonis ‘98 Mrs. Barbara Decius Ms. Corinne Dedini ‘93 and Mr. Kurt Schnier ‘92

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 641 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Mrs. Deely Ms. Victoria Deely ‘08 Mrs. and Mrs. Alejandra L. DeLuna-Aguilera ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Scott DeMartini Ms. Cassandra Depew ‘05 Ms. Kris Dern ‘03 Mrs. Kellie Detweiler Mr. Doug DeVaul and Susan Taylor Diageo Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Dick ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickenson ‘71 Mrs. Erika Moone Dickey ‘88 and Mr. David Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiGiacomo Mr. Michael Digiulio Mr. and Mrs. John Dimond Dr. and Mrs. Tim Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dolinar Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Dominguez Mrs. Megan Savage Dominici ‘92 and Mr. Jason Dominici Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. Richard Donohoe Commander and Mrs. Thomas Doughty ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dow Mr. Wayne Doyle ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Donald du Bain Terrence J Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Curt Dunkle Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ebert Elan Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Keith England Mr. and Mrs. Francis Esser Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Estrada Mr. and Mrs. David C. Evans Ms. Olivia Everett ‘04

Eye Specialists Medical Group of Napa Valley, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Faulkner Mr. David Fazio and Mrs. Rosemary Fazio Mr. Michael A. Fernandez Mr. Christopher Fidler ‘02 Mr. Mark A. Fidler ‘82 and Mrs. Kathleen Fidler ‘83 Mr. Paul Fields Ms. Carolyn Fields and Mr. Justin Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Figone Mr. Robert Fioretti and Mrs. Tina Fioretti First Priority Financial Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. FitzGerald Mr. Martin Flynn ‘82 Ms. Anne Fogarty ‘82 Ms. Bridget M. Folan Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Ms. Tiffany Freeman ‘92 Dr. Brian Freeto ‘93 Mrs. Frances S. Freewater Mr. Aldo Frias and Ms. Brenda Gonzalez Mrs. Carol Frommelt Ms. Jessica Futo ‘08 G & J Seiberlich & Co. Mr. Nathan Negri-Galambos and Mrs. Christy Negri Galambos ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Raul Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Galvin GAP Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Garcia Mrs. Maria Garcia Mr. Glenn Calderon-Pickett and Mrs. Linda C. Garrett Ms. Berenice Garvan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garvey Garvey Vineyard Management Mrs. Jennifer Lohwasser Gass ‘93 and Mr. William Gass

Ms. Ashly Gatton ‘06 Ms. Addison Gatton ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gauthier Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gavin Mrs. Susan E. Gavinski Mr. Timothy M. Geesey and Mrs. Melissa Geesey Mr. John Gerlach and Mrs. Katherine Gerlach ‘72 Mr. Shea Giaquinto ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Giaquinto Ms. Cheryl Gibbs Mrs. Catherine M. Gill Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Ginn Mr. and Mrs. John M. Giovannoni Glasson Development Company Ms. Gina Grasso Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Ray Graziani Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Greenlee Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Groswith Mr. and Mrs. David W. Gruenwald Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Guerrazzi Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Guevara Mr. and Mrs. Serafin Guzman Mr. and Mrs. William C. Haden Mr. and Mrs. Clark K. Hallam Rev. and Mrs. Luke Ham ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna Mr. and Mrs. James Hard Mr. David L. Harris and Mrs. Arleen Harris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hart Mr. and Mrs. James Haugen Ms. Leona Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Troy Heathcote Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Henri Mr. Lain Hensley and Mrs. Jean Korte Hensley ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Moises Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Herrera Mr. Alexander N. Hesser Mr. and Mrs. Noel L. Hesser

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hickey Mr. Gregor Hirschler Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoff Mrs. Julie Lohwasser Holme ‘95 and Mr. Craig Holme Mr. and Mrs. Blake M. Holtzclaw Holy Family Community Mr. Raymond Honeywell and Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ‘01 Ms. Judith M. Honne Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Houle Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hurwitz Mrs. Kelly Squier Hyatt ‘80 and Mr. Bret Hyatt Dr. and Mrs. Manly Hyde Ms. Maria A. Irucuta Mr. and Ms. Gary M. Ittig Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Ms. Ciara Jackson-Oliver Mr. Marty James Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Janese, Jr. Ms. Daria Janese and Ms. Teresa Johnson Ms. Julie A. Jenanyan Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Jeramaz Ms. Karin M. Jinbo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jolley Ms. Rochelle Jovick ‘97 and Mr. William P. Jovick Mr. William Jovick and Mrs. Rochelle Jovick ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kallios Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kastner Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kell Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Kelleher Mr. William Kelley ‘08 Mr. Andrew Kelley ‘10 Ms. McKenzie Kelley ‘12 Mr. Gregory Kelley ‘81 and Mrs. Medley Kelley ‘83

The Clark Gym was utterly transformed at the Great Party in April 2013 as guests were transported to India. We hope you plan to join us this year as the Great Party presents A Swanky Affair. Look for invitations in the mail after the first of the year.


justin-siena Avanti

Mary Bridget Pecha ‘13 and Rick Ley ‘13 now studying at Benedictine College and University of Southern California, respectively.

Mrs. Betty J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kemble ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Mr. Jack Kendall and Ms. Angela Gonzales Kendall ‘99 Mr. John Kenny Mrs. Mary Kerlin Mr. Matthew Kiedrowski ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kiedrowski Ms. Bridget D. King Williams Mrs. Mary Doyle Kirby ‘75 and Mr. Alan F. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kiser Mr. Patrick Kiser ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Kopra Mr. and Mrs. John H. Korte Mr. Anthony Borders and Mrs. Kim Kostin-Borders Greg and Robin Krill Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Lamson ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Landry Mr. William H. Lane, IV Mrs. Susan P. Lane Lawlers Liquors

Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Ledesma Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ledwich ‘78 Ms. Kristina Lee ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lehenbauer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lemieux Mr. and Mrs. Steven Leonardi Mrs. Denise Leuschner Mr. Don Lieb Ms. Kay Lieb Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lieber ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Neal Lifton Mr. Michael Lipney and Mrs. Kathryn Lipney ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Llamas Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Y. Loh Ms. Esther Lopez Mr. Jose-Louis Lopez and Mrs. Bertha Lopez Mr. Raymond Morales and Mrs. Irma Luna Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lyons Mr. Christopher Madrigal and Mrs. Christina Dowdall Madrigal ‘89

Mr. Michael F. Magee ‘88 and Mrs. Aline Magee Mr. R. Andre Maillard and Dr. Phylis Wakefield Mr. Norman Mains Mr. Sebastian Maldonado ‘12 Mr. and Mrs. Amadeo Maldonado Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo C. Mallari Mr. and Mrs. Darren Maloney ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manasse Ms. Carolyn M. Manick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mansi Mrs. Claudia Paniagua Mares ‘78 and Mr. Michael Mares Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marin Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Martin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. C. Mattei Dr. and Mrs. Mark Maus Mr. and Mrs. Ian P. McAbeer ‘94 Mr. David McBride Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. McClay Mr. Chris McClure Ms. Kristi McCullough ‘92 Ms. Shannon McDermott ‘97 Mr. Ian McElearney ‘12 Ms. Kelly McElearney Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. McEvoy Ms. Karen McGilley Mr. and Mrs. Lee McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Ian McIvor Mr. and Mrs. William McKoy Mr. Thomas McNicholas Mr. Justin Medaris and Mrs. Jennifer MacDonald Medaris ‘85 Mr. Richard Meese Mr. and Mrs. Raymundo Mendieta Ms. Tonette M. Mendoza Mercedes Benz of Fairfield Ms. Sarah E. Merkel Ms. Lucinda Merrill O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Scott Messenger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Meyer Mrs. Bernadette Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Michael Mrs. Mary Ann Michelon Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Midyette Mr. and Mrs. George Mieling Mr. and Mrs. Lance D. Miles Mr. Greg A. Miller and Mrs. Lauren Miller ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miroglio ‘78 Ms. Eileen M. Mize Mrs. Michelle Campbell Momsen ‘90 and Mr. Michael Momsen Ms. Angelina Mondavi ‘00 Ms. Necole Montgomery Monticello Deli & Catering Ms. Melanie Mooers Mr. John Moore ‘03 Mr. Ellery Reyes Santos and Dr. Laurel Mora Mora Santos ‘00 Mrs. Chelsie L. Morehead Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Moreno

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Moreno Mr. Heath Morrison and Mrs. Kathleen Dick Morrison ‘87 Mrs. Veronica Muro Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Murphy Mr. Michael Murray ‘78 Mr. Craig T. Musgrave Ms. Jo Ann Myers Napa County Bar Association Napa School of Music Napa Sons of Italy Lodge No. 2043 Napa Valley Community Foundation Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Napa Valley Physical Therapy Center Mrs. Lisa Nasharr Mr. Ronald Nasuti ‘73 Mr. Ray L. Nasuti Mrs. Lorraine M. Negri Mr. and Mrs. Jon Nelson New York Life Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Newman ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Nolan ‘71 Dr. Cynthia Norall ‘79 Ms. Lynn Norris Mr. Roy G. Norris Mr. and Mrs. Kim Norup Ms. Karen O’keefe Mr. and Ms. Steven M. Olry Ms. Kathleen Olup ‘83 Rev. John J. O’Neill Mr. John R. O’Neill and Ms. JoAnn L. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Orr Mr. Edwin Oviatt Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Pachote Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Paniagua Mr. and Mrs. Immanuel P. Panis Ms. Marilyn Paquette Paratus Vineyards Mrs. Paula Parks Mr. and Mrs. Nalin Patel Mr. and Mrs. Nick Patz Mr. Jaret Paulson ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Peatman Mr. and Mrs. William Peatman Mr. and Mrs. William Peatman Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Pedisich Mrs. Betsy Pelkan Mr. and Mrs. William L. Perdue III Mr. Mark Petersen ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Petersen Ms. Michele Piatti-Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Picard Mr. Christian Platt ‘10 Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Politz Mr. and Mrs. Todd Pope Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Post Ms. Helen M. Prado-Chavarin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Prieto Mr. Gary Prince ‘79 and Valerie Prince Mr. and Mrs. John Prittie Provenance Vineyard Mr. Aron Quinlan ‘93 Ms. Stephanie Quinlan ‘97

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 641 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Summer 2013 saw several projects around campus including landscaping the north end of campus to addresses drainage issues. What a beautiful enhancment to our campus for all to enjoy.

Mr. and Mrs. David Raffin Ms. Frances Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Jose J. Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Ray, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Reat Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Rebullida Ms. Elizabeth Reeves ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Reid Mr. Nicholas Reinell ‘03 Mr. Oscar Renteria ‘85 and Mrs. Denise Renteria ‘87 Renteria Vineyard Management Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reyna Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Reynoso Mr. Jeff Richied Mrs. Leslie Richmond and Mr. Peter Richmond Ms. Barbara Riley ‘76 Mr. Tom Riley and Mrs. Mary Riley Mr. Bertram J. Ripple Ms. Renee E. Risch Mr. Eric N. Risch Ms. Pamela Rivera ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Marciano G. Rivera Robert H. Zeller, Attorney at Law Mr. Edwin Robles Ms. Lauren Robson Mr. Robert F. Roche Rollgiving Mr. and Mrs. George Romero Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Roomian Mr. and Mrs. Ned Roscoe Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Dino Rossini Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Rota Mrs. Lynn Bozzini Ryan ‘85 and Mr. Kevin P. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salsman Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo E. Sanchez Mrs. Carleen Holland Sawires ‘84 and Mr. Kalim Sawires 36

justin-siena Avanti

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Say Mr. and Mrs. John A. Scavo Mr. David Schajatovic Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schaldach Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schaper Schell Creek Orchard Mr. Brent Schmeling ‘84 and Mrs. Alisa Schmeling ‘84 Mr. and Ms. Matthew Schmitz ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schmitz Mr. Kurt Schnier ‘92 and Ms. Corinne Dedini ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scholl Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glenn Schulman Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scully Mrs. Sonia G. Segrest and Mr. Darren E. Segrest Ms. Sarah Seguin ‘13 Mr. and Mrs. George Shlyapin Mr. Gery Short and Ms. Rosanne Alexander Mr. Cameron Silva ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Silva Mrs. Marie E. Simmonds Mr. Gregory D. Sinclair ‘99 and Mrs. Jill Sinclair ‘99 Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Sinclair Ms. Sharon L. Skeeters Mr. and Mrs. Bret P. Skillings Brother Kevin M. Slate FSC Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Smith Mrs. Patricia Smith Ms. Deidre M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Smith Brother Stanislaus J. M. Sobczyk, FSC, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Solis Mr. Jacob C. Spears Ms. Susanna Springer Ms. Laura St. Leger-Barter

Mr. John Staggs ‘82 and Mrs. Theresa Staggs ‘82 Mr. Sanders Ergas and Ms. Whitney T. Stanier Ms. Kaye Starley Mr. Michael Starr ‘10 Mr. Sam Starr ‘12 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Starr Captain and Mrs. Christopher L. Stathos ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Steiger Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Stel Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Shane L. Stiver Ms. Tiffany Stout ‘95 Mr. Jeffrey Streblow ‘77 and Mrs. Kimberly Streblow ‘82 Mr. David R. Sugar and Mrs. Patricia Sugar Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Sunseri ‘86 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Sunseri Mr. Christopher R. Swain Sweeney’s Sports Mr. and Mrs. Michael Szykowny T&L Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Takacs Target - Take Charge of Education Mrs. Caitlin Tchaikowitz ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tenbrink Mrs. Marian L. Terrell The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation The Clorox Company The O’D Open - Bill Ward Memorial Scholarship The Presentation School Mrs. Anne J. Thompson Three Wine Company Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tiffany-Brown Mr. Fred Tooker Toyota of Vallejo - Scion of Vallejo

Treasury Wine Estates Mrs. Lisa Tremain ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Tremblay Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tres Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Tsegeletos Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Turley Mrs. Christie M. Undercoffler ‘94 and Mr. Eric Undercoffler ‘95 United Technologies United Way of the Bay Area Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Valdez Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Rev. Antonio Valdivia Valent Mr. Matthew C. Valine ‘89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Valine ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen Mr. and Mrs. James Van Sickle Mr. Steven Vargus Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Vick Mr. and Mrs. Jens Vidkjer Mr. Andres Viera Mr. Raul Villalobos ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Villasenor Ms. Cynthia Villegas ‘76 Vineyard Dental Vlaming & Associates, A Professional Corporation Mrs. Christina Von Reitzenstein ‘82 Mrs. Michelle R. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Sean Walsh Ms. Betsy Ward Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weakley Mrs. Kathy Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Randy Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Michael Webb Ms. Joan Webster Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Weiler Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Welsh Mr. Thomas A. Welsh Jr. Mr. David H. Werle ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Philip White Mr. Heath Whittemore Mr. and Mrs. Heath H. Whittemore Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Willard Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ‘77 and Mr. R. Curt Williams Mr. Howard C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wirick Mr. Jeff Linden and Mrs. Shannon Woodard ‘75 Mr. David Woods Ms. Jordan Wright ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wright Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Wulf Yary Sports Photography Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yeend Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Yip Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Youngborg Ms. Sara Zaia ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Salwan S. Zaia Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Zanardi ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Zeller, Sr.

Honor Roll of Alumni Our alumni community is critical in the success of advancing our mission. We are grateful to those alums who have supported their alma mater financially. Alumni support is growing and we look forward to engaging alumni with their time, talent, and treasure. Class of 1970 0% participation; $0

Class of 1971 3% participation; $325

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Chesi ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickenson ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Nolan ‘71 Mr. Mark Petersen ‘71

Class of 1972 3% participation; $1,100

Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ‘72 and Mr. Donald Botill Mr. James Day ‘72 Mrs. Katherine Cochrane Gerlach ‘72 and Mr. John Gerlach

Class of 1973 2% participation; $4,470

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Lemieux ‘73 Mr. Ronald Nasuti ‘73 Captain and Mrs. Christopher L. Stathos ‘73

Mrs. Rebecca Merry Barrango ‘77 Mr. Benjamin J. Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Collins ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Newman ‘77 Mr. Jeffrey Streblow ‘77 and Mrs. Kimberly Streblow ‘82 Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ‘77 and Mr. R. Curt Williams

Class of 1978 9% participation; $7,145

Dr. and Mrs. John B. Bosetti ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brovelli ‘78 Commander and Mrs. Thomas Doughty ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ledwich ‘78 Mrs. Claudia Paniagua Mares ‘78 and Mr. Michael Mares Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miroglio ‘78 Mr. Michael Murray ‘78 Mr. Ronald Whitehead and Mrs. Paula Clerici Whitehead ‘78 Ms. Anne Yates ‘78

Class of 1979 3% participation; $2,265

Mrs. Patricia Anderson Ashauer ‘79 and Mr. Mike Ashauer Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ‘79 and Mr. Jeffrey R. Gerlomes Dr. Cynthia Norall ‘79 Mr. Gary Prince ‘79 and Mrs. Valerie Prince

Class of 1980 3% participation; $2,745

Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs Bishop ‘80 and Mr. Jeffrey Bishop Mrs. Kelly Squier Hyatt ‘80 and Mr. Bret Hyatt Mr. and Mrs. Ted Peterson ‘80 Mrs. Lisa Tremain ‘80

Class of 1981 2% participation; $3,620

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Giovannoni ‘81 Mr. Gregory Kelley ‘81 and Mrs. Medley Kelley ‘83 Ms. Ramona Nicholson ‘81

Class of 1974 0% participation; $0

Class of 1975 7% participation; $3,440

Mr. Robert Faber and Mrs. Lynn Adamo ‘75 Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daw ‘75 Mrs. Mary Doyle Kirby ‘75 and Mr. Alan F. Kirby Dr. Steven ‘75 and Mrs. Susan Shifflet ‘75 Mr. Jeff Linden and Mrs. Shannon Woodard ‘75

Class of 1976 3% participation; $14,120

Ms. Barbara Riley ‘76 Ms. Cynthia Villegas ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Zeller, Jr. ‘76

Class of 1977 8% participation; $6,930

Mr. Joseph J. Andre ‘77 and Mrs. Erin Andre ‘77 Mrs. Erin M. Andre ‘77 and Mr. Joseph Andre ‘77 Mr. Daniel Barrango and

Members of the Board of Trustees at the 2013 Commencement Ceremony. Pictured left to right: Tom Durante ’93, Sr. Emmanuel Cardinale, OP, Dennis Pedisich, and Dr. Paul Swigert

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 641 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Class of 1982

Class of 1984

Class of 1987

Mr. Jeffrey Baptista ‘84 and Mrs. Susan Baptista ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D’Adamo ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Dick ‘82 Mr. Mark A. Fidler ‘82 and Mrs. Kathleen Fidler ‘83 Mr. Martin Flynn ‘82 Ms. Anne Fogarty ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Heun ‘82 Mr. Timothy Keown ‘82 and Mrs. Miriam Keown ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lieber ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Salvestrin ‘82 Mr. John Staggs ‘82 and Mrs. Theresa Staggs ‘82 Mr. Jeffrey Streblow ‘77 and Mrs. Kimberly Streblow ‘82 Mrs. Christina Von Reitzenstein ‘82 Mr. David H. Werle ‘82

Mr. Jeffrey Baptista ‘84 and Mrs. Susan Baptista ‘82 Mr. David A. Bowman ‘84 and Mrs. Beth Bowman ‘86 Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kemble ‘84 Mr. Patrick Kiser ‘84 Mr. Michael Lipney and Mrs. Kathryn Lipney ‘84 Mrs. Carleen Holland Sawires ‘84 and Mr. Kalim Sawires Mr. Brent Schmeling ‘84 and Mrs. Alisa Schmeling ‘84

Mr. Curt D. Brashear and Mrs. Kathleen Chermack Brashear ‘87 Mr. Nathan Negri-Galambos and Mrs. Christy Negri Galambos ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Malloy ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Darren Maloney ‘87 Mr. Heath Morrison and Mrs. Kathleen Dick Morrison ‘87 Mr. Oscar Renteria ‘85 and Mrs. Denise Renteria ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sangiacomo ‘87

12% participation; $14,780

Class of 1983 7% participation; $18,995

Mr. Andrew J. Avellar and Mrs. Shelly Avellar ‘83 Mr. Ken A. Carpenter ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Brett DeLeuze ‘83 Mr. Mark A. Fidler ‘82 and Mrs. Kathleen Fidler ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Giovannoni ‘83 Mr. Gregory Kelley ‘81 and Mrs. Medley Kelley ‘83 Mr. Michael Mertens ‘83 and Mrs. Lisa Mertens ‘83 Ms. Kathleen Olup ‘83 Mr. Paul M. Quinones and Mrs. Piper Murray Quinones ‘83 Mrs. Kristin Kelley Wilkinson ‘83 and Mr. Matthew Wilkinson

A beautiful new Dining Hall for all to enjoy.


justin-siena Avanti

6% participation; $1,570

Class of 1985 4% participation; $2,375

Mr. Johannes de Bruin ‘85 Mr. Jeffrey Bundschu ‘86 and Mrs. Elizabeth Bundschu ‘85 Mr. Justin Medaris and Mrs. Jennifer MacDonald Medaris ‘85 Mr. Oscar Renteria ‘85 and Mrs. Denise Renteria ‘87 Mrs. Lynn Bozzini Ryan ‘85 and Mr. Kevin P. Ryan

Class of 1986 4% participation; $480

Mrs. Beth Bowman ‘86 and Mr. David Bowman ‘84 Mrs. Lisa Brown ‘86 Mr. Jeffrey Bundschu ‘86 and Mrs. Elizabeth Bundschu ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Sunseri ‘86 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Zanardi ‘86

4% participation; $5,280

Class of 1988 5% participation; $6,040

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benninghoff ‘88 Mrs. Erika Moone Dickey ‘88 and Mr. David Dickey Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya T. Favreau ‘88 Mr. Lain Hensley and Mrs. Jean Korte Hensley ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sebastiani ‘88

Class of 1989 4% participation; $2,845

Mr. Gregory J. Calvelo ‘89 and Mrs. Therese Calvelo ‘89 Mr. Christopher Madrigal and Mrs. Christina Dowdall Madrigal ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Rustice, II ‘89 Mr. Matthew C. Valine ‘89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Valine ‘89

The 2013 spring musical, Footloose, played to two weekends of sold-out crowds at the Napa Valley Performing Arts Center at Lincoln Theater. We hope you will join us in Spring 2014 at the same venue for Cole Porter’s classic, Anything Goes. Alums should stay tuned for a special Alumni Opening Night Reception on April 4.

Class of 1990

Class of 1994

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Lamson ‘90 Mrs. Michelle Campbell Momsen ‘90 and Mr. Michael Momsen

Mr. and Mrs. Ian P. McAbeer ‘94 Mrs. Christie M. Undercoffler ‘94 and Mr. Eric Undercoffler ‘95

Class of 1991

Class of 1995

2% participation; $601

0% participation

Class of 1992 11% participation; $888

Mrs. and Mrs. Alejandra L. DeLuna-Aguilera ‘92 Mrs. Megan Savage Dominici ‘92 and Mr. Jason Dominici Ms. Tiffany Freeman ‘92 Ms. Kristi McCullough ‘92 Mr. Jaret Paulson ‘92 Ms. Elizabeth Reeves ‘92 Mr. Kurt Schnier ‘92 and Ms. Corinne Dedini ‘93

Class of 1993 6% participation $1,615

Ms. Corinne Dedini ‘93 and Mr. Kurt Schnier ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Durante ‘93 Dr. Brian Freeto ‘93 Mrs. Jennifer Lohwasser Gass ‘93 and Mr. William Gass Mr. Aron Quinlan ‘93

2% participation; $300

4% participation; $1,400

Mr. Lucien Chan ‘95 and Mrs. Joanna Gonsalves Mrs. Julie Lohwasser Holme ‘95 and Mr. Craig Holme Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Sebastiani Jr. ’95 Ms. Tiffany Stout ‘95 Mrs. Christie M. Undercoffler ‘94 and Mr. Eric Undercoffler ‘95

Class of 1996 0% participation

Class of 1997 3% participation; $225

Ms. Rochelle Jovick ‘97 and Mr. William P. Jovick Ms. Shannon McDermott ‘97 Ms. Stephanie Quinlan ‘97

Class of 1998 4% participation; $1,050

Mr. Joshua DeBonis ‘98 Mr. Matthew Kiedrowski ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. August Sebastiani ’98 Mrs. Caitlin Tchaikowitz ‘98

Class of 1999 4% participation; $2,050

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Daw ‘99 Mr. Jack Kendall and Ms. Angela Gonzales Kendall ‘99 Mr. Greg A. Miller and Mrs. Lauren Miller ‘99 Mr. Gregory D. Sinclair ‘99 and Mrs. Jill Sinclair ‘99

Class of 2000 2% participation; $230

Ms. Angelina Mondavi ‘00 Mr. Ellery Reyes Santos and Dr. Laurel Mora Santos ‘00

Class of 2001 1% participation; $575

Sgt. Calen Curtin ‘01 Mr. Robert ‘01 and Mrs. Aimee Curtis ‘01 Mr. Raymond Honeywell and Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ‘01 Mr. and Ms. Matthew Schmitz ‘01

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cassayre ‘98 justin-siena Avanti


annual report

Class Participation Totals Our most important goal for the Annual Fund is participation. Every gift counts, no matter its size. Make your gift today by visiting www.justin-siena.org or complete the enclosed envelope. Consider giving to the school who gave you so much. 1970 0 1971






1974 0 1975




























1989 2




5 2

1995 1997

2% participation; $385

Ms. Kris Dern ‘03 Mr. John Moore ‘03 Mr. Nicholas Reinell ‘03

Class of 2004


3% participation; $650











2003 2004

4% participation; $175

3 4 5










4 1


Ms. Olivia Everett ‘04 Ms. Emilia Sebastiani ‘04 Mr. Raul Villalobos ‘04

Class of 2005



Mr. Ryan Andre ‘08 Ms. Victoria Deely ‘08 Ms. Jessica Futo ‘08 Mr. William Kelley ‘08




Mr. Christopher Fidler ‘02 Ms. Pamela Rivera ‘02

Class of 2003

1991 0


Class of 2008

1% participation; $35



Class of 2002

4 1

Ms. Brianna Caron ‘05 Ms. Cassandra Depew ‘05 Rev. and Mrs. Luke Ham ‘05 Ms. Kristina Lee ‘05 Ms. Jordan Wright ‘05

Class of 2006 2% participation; $325

Ms. Ashly Gatton ‘06 Mr. Shea Giaquinto ‘06 Ms. Sara Zaia ‘06

Class of 2007 3% participation; $130

ANNUAL fund 40

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Mr. Harrison Bell ‘07 Ms. Kelli Cybulski ‘07 Mr. Wayne Doyle ‘07 Mr. Cameron Silva ‘07

3% participation; $790

Class of 2009 1% participation; $50

Mr. Justin Clayton ‘09 Mr. Craig Cybulski ‘09

Class of 2010 3% participation; $1,125

Ms. Molly Bell ‘10 Mr. Andrew Kelley ‘10 Mr. Christian Platt ‘10 Mr. Michael Starr ‘10

Class of 2011 1% participation; $200

Ms. Addison Gatton ‘11

Class of 2012 3% participation; $1,080

Ms. McKenzie Kelley ‘12 Mr. Sebastian Maldonado ‘12 Mr. Ian McElearney ‘12 Mr. Sam Starr ‘12

Class of 2013 1% participation; $200

Ms. Sarah Seguin ‘13


Honor & Memorial

A contribution to the Honor–Memorial Gift Program is a wonderful way to honor someone dear, either living or deceased. The name of the recipient of an Honor–Memorial gift will be placed in the Justin-Siena Book of Remembrance and remembered in prayers of the Justin-Siena community at the regular Masses throughout the school year.


In Honor Of Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. William G. Benninghoff

In Memory Of Jim Barrett Mr. and Mrs. William Bacigalupi William G. Benninghoff Mrs. Virginia Benninghoff Jayne Braby Bethard Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. Ronald Nasuti ’73 Mary Clark Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzini Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Meyer Mrs. Lorraine M. Negri Ellen J. Bertain Donohoe Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Marie Lilly Durbin Mrs. Charlotte Anderton Helen Furtado Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Zanardi ‘86 Robert (Bob) Gianelli Mr. and Mrs. William Bacigalupi Richard Janese Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Ms. Daria Janese and Ms. Teresa Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Janese, Jr. Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Shannon Lemieux Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Henri Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Lemieux ‘73 PG&E Corporation - Campaign for the Community

Henry R. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzini Mr. and Mrs. Lance D. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tiffany-Brown Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salsman Mr. Leon M. Meyer Mr. Marty James Mrs. Bernadette Meyer Ms. Jo Ann Myers Ms. Lou Connelly

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Scholl, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Chodrick

Robert C. Morrish Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daw ‘75 Mr. Robert Faber and Mrs. Lynn Adamo ‘75 Ms. Helen M. Prado-Chavarin

Debra Zeller Terry Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Dr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Reat

Darlene Obranovich Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Caron Frank A. Perata Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Donohoe Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ‘75 Mrs. Bernadette Meyer Mrs. Betty J. Kelly Mrs. Lorraine M. Negri Treasury Wine Estates Peter Poiani Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Isabella P. Richardson Adair Foundation Patrick Savage Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kempkey Herman Schneider Brother Conrad Kearney Olga Shifflett Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzini Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Zeller, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickenson ‘71

Robert E. VanWormer ‘83 Mrs. Kathleen Olup ‘83 Veronica Zimmermann Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Doug DeVaul and Susan Taylor Mrs. Susan E. Gavinski Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schaldach Dr. and Mrs. John P. Zimmermann

John Goodsell Scholarship Mrs. Erin M. Andre ‘77 and Mr. Joseph Andre ‘77 Estate of Jeffrey William Goodsell John Korte III Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. John H. Korte Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Doherty Jess Romero Scholarship Rev. Antonio Valdivia John Biale Scholarship Fund Mrs. Erin M. Andre ‘77 and Mr. Joseph Andre ‘77




A gift to the Honor–Memorial Gift Program is a wonderful way to honor someone dear, either living or deceased. The name of the recipient of an Honor–Memorial gift will be placed in the Justin-Siena Book of Remembrance and remembered in prayers of the Justin-Siena community at the regular Masses throughout the school year. A letter is sent to the honoree or the family of the deceased informing them of your gift. The amount of your gift is confidential and supports the Justin-Siena annual tuition assistance program. For additional donation envelopes or information on how to create a permanent named fund, contact the Office of Advancement at 707.255.0950 ext. 641.

justin-siena Avanti


annual report

In-Kind Donations In-kind donations provide incredible support for special events, program needs, student activities and capital improvements. The following individuals and businesses generously provided in-kind gifts during the 2012-2013 school year that support our auctions and help to offset our operating costs for all of these activities. AC Sailing SF Alpha Omega Winery Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Anderson’s Conn Valley Vineyards Antica Napa Valley Art by Kiran Atalon Auberge du Soleil Azalea Springs Vineayrds B Real B.R. Cohn Winery & Olive Oil Company Balletto Vineyards Barbour Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Bassignani Mr. Joselupe Basulto-Aceves ‘11 Beaulieu Vineyard Mr. and Ms. Richard A. Beller, MD Benziger Family Winery Bespoke Collection Black Coyote Wines Black Stallion Estate Winery Blackbird Vineyards Mr. Richard Blanchard Jr. Blush Napa Valley BOND Estates Bouchaine Vineyards Boyd Family Vineyards Brooks Family Vineyard Buoncristiani Family Winery Busters Southern Barbecue

Cache Creek Casino Cafe Sarafornia Cain Vineyard & Winery Cakebread Cellars Campus Kitchens, LLC Capiaux Cellars Cardinale Winery Mr. and Mrs. William B. Carson Celadon Charles Creek Vineyard Charles Krug & Peter Mondavi Family Chimney Rock Winery Christian Brothers Retreat & Conference Center Cindy O’Brien Aesthetics Cliff Lede Vineyards Cline Cellars Clos Pegase Winery Compadres Rio Grille Corison Winery Cork Supply USA Cortese Training Systems, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Mark Couchman Ms. Natalie Coughlin Creative Concepts & Design Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Cronwall Ms. Nikole D’Adamo ‘08 Dalla Valle Vineyards Drs. Kathryn and David Danzeisen Daviana Winery Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. DeBlauw

Del Dotto Vineyards Diageo Chateau & Estate Wines Diamond Creek Vineyards Don Sebastiani & Sons Due Vigne di Famiglia Dynacraft BSC, Inc. El Dorado Kitchen Elan Vineyards Elevation Ten Elizabeth Spencer Wines Et Cetera Wine Company Etude Wines Failla Wines Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn Far Niente Winery Favela’s Fusion Fortunati Vineyards Freemark Abbey Winery Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Gafvert Gandona Estate Ms. Karen Gatton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gigluito Mr. and Mrs. Giovannoni Giovannoni Luxury Properties Gloria Ferrer Caves and Vineyards Golden Gate Fields Golden State Warriors Grace Family Vineyards Grgich Hills Estate Grieve Family Winery Gundlach Bundschu Winery

The 2013 Homecoming Court and their escorts. Natalie Avellar ‘14 and Genny Say ‘14 were crowned as Homecoming Queens– the first-ever tie


justin-siena Avanti

Ms. Leona Hayden Heick Supply Company Herdell Printing and Lithographers Heritage Olive Trees Highway 12 Winery Hog Island Oyster Company Hollywood and Vine Cellars Holme Estate Cellars Howell Mountain Vintners & Growers Association Hunter III Wines Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Jaffe James Cole Winery Janson Capsules Jessup Cellars Joseph Phelps Vineyards Juliana’s Farm Fresh Justin-Siena High School Kendall-Jackson Kenwood Vineyards Kongsgaard Wine Krave Jerky LaCasetta Ladera Vineyards Lail Vineyards Lamborn Family Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lanzafame Mr. and Ms. Robert Levy Levy and McClellan Lewis Cellars Luna Vineyards M Squared Wines MacArthur Place Madonna Estate Madrigal Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Marks Mary’s Pizza Shack Mason Cellars Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. C. Mattei Mayo Famly Winery Meadowood Napa Valley Meander Cellars Mr. Trevor Meeks Mercedes Benz of Fairfield Michael Mondavi Family Estate Morton & Bassett Spices Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moulds Mt. Brave Napa Valley Adventure Boot Camp Napa Valley Film Festival Napa Valley Performing Arts Center at Lincoln Theater NapaStyle Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Navarro Jr. Nina McLemore Nord Estate Wines

Nova Wines, Inc. Orin Swift Cellars Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Osgood Ovid Napa Valley Mr. Peter R. Scott and Ms. Candice Pannetier Paradigm Winery Paratus Vineyards Patz & Hall Winery Paul Schick Origional Organic Fine Art Peachy Canyon Winery Peter Michael Winery Phifer Pavitt Winery Pier 39 Pine Ridge Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pires Pizzeria Tra Vigne Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Politz, D.D.S. Prager Winery & Port Works Mr. Chuck Pratt Pride Mountain Inn Ravenswood Winery Red Cap Vineyards Replay Sports Retro Cellars Revana Family Vineyard Reynolds Family Winery Rick Lawley Trucking Rivercap Rivercap Spain Robert Biale Vineyards Robert Mondavi Winery Roman Spa Hot Springs Resort Rosina’s European Skin Care Rudd Estate Rutherford Grove Winery Saddleback Cellars Salvestrin Winery Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glenn Schulman Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scott Scott Harvey Wines Scott Lyall Clothes For Men Seavey Vineyard Shafer Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Grant Showley

We are blessed with close proximity to Mont La Salle, headquarters for the District of San Francisco. Joining us at the Mass of the Holy Spirit were Brothers Donald Johannson, Visitor; Mark Murphy, former visitor and Vice-Chair of the Lasallian Christian Brothers Fund; Kevin Slate, Vice Chair of the Justin-Siena Board of Trustees and Novice Director; Stanislaus Campbell, former Visitor; Conrad Kearney, former Justin-Siena Librarian; and James Joost, Auxiliary Visitor.

Sift Cupcake and Dessert Bar Silos Silver Oak Cellars Silverado Resort Simco Restaurant Simply Delicious Catering Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, II Smith-Madrone Winery Solage Calistoga Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Sonoma Golf Club Sonoma Raceway Sonoma Wine Hardware Spence Vineyards Sport and Cycle, Inc. St. Michael’s High School St. Supery Estate Vineyards and Winery

Staglin Family Vineyard Sterling Vineyards Steve Silver Productions, Inc. Stony Hill Vineyard Storybook Mountain Summers Estate Winery Switchback Ridge Synergy Medical Fitness Center Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tenbrink The Girl and The Fig The Hess Collection Winery The Loop The Other Guys The Red Grape The Terraces Thirteen Appellations Winery Thomas Dawson and Company Thorough Healing

Three Wine Company Ticketmaster Todd Taylor Trancas Steakhouse Trefethen Family Vineyards Trinchero Family Estates Turnbull Wine Cellars V Marketplace Vella Cheese Company VilLa Terrazza Patio and Home Villa Corona Vintner’s Collective Von Strasser Winery West End Napa Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Alden Yates ‘78 ZD Wines

Community Scholarships for Graduating Seniors

American Legion Auxiliary Napa 113 Scholarship August Sebastiani Foundation Scholarship Brian Towey ’73 Memorial Scholarship Brother Daniel O’Connor Memorial Scholarship Byron’s Inc. Auto Body Scholarship Kathleen Frances Springer Memorial Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Art Stewart Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Brent Gularte Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Napa Scholarship Napa County Bar Association Scholarship in Memory of Damian Maldonado Napa Engineer’s Society - Adrianne Insogna Memorial Napa Lodge 2043, Sons of Italy Napa Parlor No. 62, Native Sons of the Golden West Scholarship

Napa Valley College Foundation Scholarship Napa Valley Community Foundation Julian Weidler Business Scholarship Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Scholarship Napa Valley Marathon Scholarship Napa Valley Marathon Scholarship O’D Open - Bill Ward Memorial Scholarship Patrick Savage Memorial Scholarship Rotary Club of Napa (Napa Noontime Rotary) Shannon Nicole Lemieux Memorial Aquatics Scholarship The Presentation School Scholarship The Alex H. Urban Award for Theatrical Excellence The Todd and Kelly Decker Award for Theatrical Excellence

justin-siena Avanti


Legacy Circle Your Legacy Gift Makes a Lifetime of Impact


id you know you can provide Justin-Siena with a much larger gift

than you had previously considered, resulting in a partnership with great meaning to you and strong future benefit to Justin-Siena. For example, you can make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime. You can give stock and realize larger tax savings. You can donate your house,

Your planned gift could allow you to obtain some or all of the following benefits: •

Fulfill your philanthropic goals

Reap income-tax savings through charitable deductions for the value of your gifts

Avoid capital gain taxes on contributions of long-term capital gain property

Eliminate federal estate tax on the value of the interest in the property eventually passing to charity

Reduce costs and time in estate planning.

continue to live there, and get a tax break all at the same time.

Justin-siena foundation

board of directors

One of the simplest ways to benefit Justin-Siena is to name the school in your will with a general bequest. Planned gifts can build a financial safety net for the school by building an en-

D. J. Smith, Chair Ed Farver, Vice Chair

dowment that gives lasting and ongoing support. Please con-

Tom Coughlan Patrick Gleeson ’85 Timothy J. Wahle, DDS ’88 Robert T. Jordan, ex-officio

or dholquin@justin-siena.org to find out more information or

tact the Chief Advancement Officer at 707.255.0950 ext. 641 if you have already included Justin-Siena in your estate.



Swanky Affair March 29, 2014


! e n e c the s

Dinner, Dancing, & Auction It’ll Be a Blast!





CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED JUSTIN-SIENA is a Catholic high school in the Lasallian tradition offering a college preparatory program that serves approximately 650 young men and women in grades 9–12. Founded in 1966 by the De La Salle Christian Brothers and the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael, the school is located on forty acres in the City of Napa. Justin-Siena serves a diverse student body from Napa, Sonoma, and Solano Counties.

Sister Rosemary Touched Our Hearts In November, Justin-Siena hosted Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe as part of the Napa Valley Film Festival’s Partners in Education. Juniors viewed the documentary film, Sewing Hope, which tells the story of her ministry with young women impacted by war in Uganda. In addition to speaking with the junior class, Sister Rosemary and the authors of the book on which the film is based held an evening discussion in the Dining Hall with members of our community—faculty, staff, parents, partner school parents, and members of local parishes. More photos from her visit can be found on our BravesLife Flickr page at: www. flickr.com/photos/justin-siena/sets

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