Fall 2018
INSIDE THIS ISSUE 11 Points Forward
Rally to Save Our Schools! Candidates Forum
FROM THE PRESIDENT The season is changing from summer to fall, and we also see the change in our schools and our Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs). This school year started with lots of change as we advocated against a state takeover. While this seems to be in the background now, we cannot stop advocating for our schools and our children. PTA is all about advocacy and making a difference in our schools and in our children’s lives. I encourage you to continue to advocate as the election draws closer. Join us to learn more about the school board candidates at our forum on October 25. Attend the advocacy training that Kentucky PTA will host on November 2. This will really open your eyes to how things work in Frankfort and give you the tools to use your voice more effectively. I also encourage you to look at the 11 points that #OurJCPS has created to help guide Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) forward. (The 15th District PTA is a member of the #OurJCPS coalition.) I also ask you to sign the petition supporting these ideas. Here are some events that you don’t want to miss: • October 18—Rally to Save Our Schools at Central High School Magnet Career Academy (MCA). The 15th District PTA has joined this event to bring awareness to our public schools.
15th District PTA Contact List 2018-19 • October 22—12 noon deadline to deliver your winning school Reflections Art Program entries to the 15th District PTA office • October 25—The 15th District PTA hosts a school board candidates forum at the VanHoose Education Center. This is a great opportunity to meet the candidates and have your questions answered. • October 27—JCPS Showcase of Schools • November 2—This Kentucky PTA training is wonderful and will help you take the next step to advocate for our children. • November 6—Vote. This is a powerful and important way to show your support and voice in our government. Only you can make a change. There may also be change in your PTA: new officers, new opportunities, or new school administrators. Take a breath, and realize that change is an opportunity to grow. So grow with your PTA, and spread your wings! If you need help or have questions, please contact us. We are always here to help! Sincerely, Autumn Neagle, President (502) 718-2590 15thdistrictpta.president@gmail.com
every child. one voice.®
Calendar of Events
15 �������� Kentucky/National PTA Dues Payment 18 �������� Rally to Save our Schools 22 �������� School Reflections Entries Delivered to 15th District (12 noon) 25 �������� 15th District PTA Jefferson County Board of Education (JCBE) Candidates Forum 27 �������� Showcase of Schools 30 ������� JCBE Meeting
November 1–30 ���� Kentucky PTA Parent Involvement Month 1 ���������� Proudfoot Award Application Deadline 2 ���������� Kentucky PTA Grassroots/Advocacy Training 6 ���������� Election Day—No School 12–16 �� American Education Week 13 ������� JCBE Meeting 15 �������� Kentucky/National PTA Dues Payment 20 �������� Unity Day 21–23 �� Thanksgiving Break—No School 27 �������� JCBE Meeting On the Cover: Kailea Partin, an eighth-grade student at Jefferson County Traditional Middle School (JCTMS), worked ten hours at the Clothing Assistance Program (CAP) during the first week of August. She helped prepare uniforms and shoes for dozens of JCPS students at 11 area shelters to make sure they had new uniforms to begin the school year. Partin was one of three JCTMS students who volunteered at CAP in the weeks before the school year began.
Autumn Neagle (502) 718-2590 15thDistrictPTA.President@gmail.com
Adam Kesler arkesler24@gmail.com (502) 413-1639
First Vice President—Program
Sienna G. Newman sgnewman77@gmail.com (502) 410-9117
Second Vice President—Membership
Shawn Summerville daaville@yahoo.com (502) 386-1455
Third Vice President—Ways and Means
Eddie Squires pta.eddie@gmail.com (502) 930-3516
Fourth Vice President—Communication
Liz Cannon Anncannon1968@gmail.com (502) 905-1233
Legislative Chair
Taylor Everett teverett@teachfund.com (502) 640-8323
Nutrition Initiatives Coordinator
Andrea Wright andrea.wright@jefferson.kyschools.us (502) 485-3199
Male Engagement
Cliff Irons ironsclifford@gmail.com (502) 807-5695
Brittney Bolyard 15thdistrictpta.treasurer@gmail.com (502) 608-0839
Anna Elder 15thDistrictPTA.Secretary2017@gmail.com (502) 432-3023
Past President
Adding New Voices The 15th District PTA recently added four new chairpersons to help with special projects. Here are profiles of two. Look for the other two in a future issue. • Colene Williams is a mother of three students, one at Audubon Traditional Elementary and two at Hawthorne Elementary, where she serves as the PTA secretary. Williams has a degree from Appalachian State University, and moved to Louisville from New York City about seven years ago. “It is my first year being involved in the PTA, but absolutely not my last,” Williams says. “I have 13 years ahead of me being a JCPS parent, so I wanted to become a part of the volunteer infrastructure and help in any way that I could.‘’ Williams’ first-grade child has anaphylactic allergies to tree nuts and chickpeas, which has made her an advocate for families with food allergies. • Bobbi Jo Kingery is the mother of Autumn, a student at Stuart Academy, and she serves as the president of the Frost and Stuart Community Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA). She serves as the programs commissioner for the Kentucky PTA, and she joined the 15th District PTA to serve as the chair of middle schools and awards. “I wanted to be involved with children,” Kingery says. “I wanted to bring happiness to children during the school day and be there for them.”
Heather Wampler hkwampler@gmail.com (502) 671-9451
Sharon Whitworth swhitwo1@aol.com (502) 592-4185
JCPS Parent Relations
Justin Willis justin.willis@jefferson.kyschools.us (502) 439-8782
Title I Representative
Zina Harris zyt.hars27@gmail.com (502) 807-1878
Recycling Chair
Sharon Kesler sharonkesler24@gmail.com (502) 413-1652
High School and Scholarship Chair
Robin Weiss robin.e.weiss@gmail.com (502) 314-2401
Health and Safety Chair
Colene Williams (917) 340-0476 cdingens@gmail.com
Hospitality Chair
Erika Plantz (502) 724-8541 pjerika27@yahoo.com
Diversity Chair
Laquisha George (786) 274-3789 laqgeorge@hotmail.com
Middle School Awards Chair
Bobbi Jo Kingery bkingery07@gmail.com (502) 299-9749 (502) 314-2401
Created by Jeanne Reilly, NDTR, SNS
Tax Changes and Your PTA
Some of the rules regarding Kentucky’s sales and excise taxes changed in July. So what does this mean for PTAs collecting membership dues and selling spirit wear? Nothing has changed for PTAs, according to the Kentucky Department of Revenue. If your organization is affiliated with an elementary or secondary education institution—which includes PTAs and PTSAs—the changes in the sales tax laws will not affect you. This also applies to sales of admissions to athletic events or other retail sales by elementary or secondary schools or their school-affiliated groups. As long as the net proceeds from the sales are used solely for the benefit of the elementary or secondary school or its students, the sales tax changes do not apply. For more information, visit taxanswers .ky.gov. 3
A Better Way
FORWARD http://bit.ly/JCPSplan
Educating the Whole Child
All students are unique individuals who deserve the opportunity to develop the skills, dispositions, and knowledge they need to thrive in a diverse changing world. The public school experience should be about developing students’ voice, choice, and agency that will help them make a difference in the world.
Authentic Deeper Learning: Students are More Than a Test Score
All students deserve to explore, grow, and creatively develop through meaningful, authentic deeper learning experiences in a broad, rich curriculum including academics, arts, music, language, field trips, service learning, and trades. Learning must acknowledge and respect the backgrounds, perspectives, and learning styles of our diverse communities and emphasize engagement instead of preparation for high-stakes tests. 4
for JCPS
Smaller Class Sizes
All students deserve to have individual relationships with their teachers, as strong relationships create strong classrooms. Smaller class sizes allow time for more focused learning experiences and allow teachers to personalize and differentiate instruction, build relationships with students and families, and give students more meaningful feedback and attention.
Caring Learning Environments: Restorative Practices and Trauma-Informed Care
All students deserve compassion, empathy, and a safe place to learn. At every level, our system must develop policies and practices that build relationships and resolve conflicts in ways that support every student. Students deserve educators well-trained in restorative practices and trauma-informed care. The JCPS community must work to dismantle the school-toprison pipeline and empower students to change their lives and their world.
Recess, Play, and Service
All students deserve at least 30 minutes of play and movement on a daily basis. We know students learn when they play and when they help others. Recess promotes social and emotional learning such as working together as a team, making friends, and deciding which game to play next. Middle and high school students need time to develop their abilities and interests by participating in clubs and service projects.
A Better Way FORWARD for JCPS
Healthy and Inviting Buildings
All students deserve fully staffed schools that are clean, healthy, vibrant, and inviting. Buildings must be safe, in good repair and well maintained, with soap in the bathroom, safe drinking water, sanitary classrooms, and working HVAC in every school. Schools should be a welcoming place with the physical settings and equipment students need to grow and learn.
Schools that Engage the Community
All students and families deserve full-service community schools that provide access to critical services such as healthcare, childcare, dental clinics, adult education courses, before/after school programs, summer enrichment, and recreational opportunities. This includes special programs, magnet schools, and opportunities to learn with and from people of different backgrounds and cultures.
Collaborative, Democratic Decision Making
Inclusion and Equity: Quality Education for All
All students deserve voice and choice in their education. Decisions about learning should also include and be guided by the voices and choices of the parents, educators, and communities who are closest to students, as voiced through school councils and inclusive district committees. It is vital that our school district and state government are committed to fully funded public schools governed by a democratically elected school board accountable to the public.
All students deserve a high-quality education regardless of their special education needs, primary language, race, ethnicity, religion, documentation status, family income, family composition, sexual orientation, gender identity, or neighborhood. Students deserve educators, curricula, and a community committed to equity, disrupting racism and other systems of oppression, and reducing learning and opportunity gaps. Our schools need to be welcoming to all our students and their families.
A Living Wage for all JCPS Employees
All students deserve bus drivers, food service workers, office staff, and facilities workers who earn a living wage. These employees are parents and neighbors who are part of the community, and who impact the lives and education of our students. Quality wages help us keep a quality workforce.
Invest in Public Schools
All students deserve a diverse population of highly qualified, licensed educators, including nurses, social workers, counselors, psychologists, bilingual instructors, and library media specialists in their schools--all day, every day. Every school must be fully funded with the resources, equipment, physical facilities, technology, support for professional learning and development, and ample professional staff to fulfill our vision and provide students the space to dream and grow. Fully funding public schools is our best hope for creating the future our community needs and deserves.
Become an Advocate for Children
Kentucky PTA will host Speaking Up for Children: Advocacy Training for PTA/PTSA Members from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, November 2, at the Kentucky PTA office in Frankfort. The registration deadline is Tuesday, October 23. The training costs $20, and lunch is included. The training will equip attendees with the ability to advocate on behalf of students and children with the goal of improving services and opportunities for all children. For more information or to register, call (502) 226-6607 or send an email to kentuckypta@bellsouth.net.
Know a Dedicated School Board Member?
Nominations are now being accepted for the Proudfoot Award, an annual honor bestowed to a Kentucky school board member. The Kentucky PTA and the Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) sponsor the award, which is named after the late Dr. Warren H. Proudfoot. The award is presented at the annual KSBA conference and celebrates a public school board member who has exhibited distinguished leadership and service to the community during his or her tenure on the school board. The award nomination deadline is Thursday, November 1. For more information, visit kypta.org/programs/ proudfootaward/.
CAP Provides Services Thanks to significant volunteer support and energy, since July 30, the 15th District PTA CAP has served the following: • 3,698 students with new uniforms • 1,660 students with new shoes • 1,484 families with gently used clothes • 100 students with vision vouchers for exams and glasses CAP serves JCPS students and families throughout the school year and never charges for service. For a tour, to volunteer, or information about donating clothing and accessories, call 485-7062.
Please save the date of the Take What You Can Tote! Clothing Giveaway. The annual event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, December 8, at the 15th District PTA CAP in conjunction with the JCPS Diversity, Equity, Poverty (DEP) Programs. This event will distribute free gently used adult clothing and accessories on a first-come, first-served basis. Donations of gently used clothing and special items are accepted from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each weekday at CAP, 319 S. 15th Street. This event requires significant clothing donations and volunteer support. To volunteer your school extracurricular club or organization for this event, call 485-7062.
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15th District PTA 319 South 15th Street Louisville, KY 40203 www.15thDistrictPTA.org
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Deliver Those Reflections Entries The deadline is 12 noon on Monday, October 22, to submit your school’s winning art entries to the 15th District PTA division of the Reflections Arts Program. The deliveries must include the winning artwork or thumbdrives of the pieces as well as the students’ completed paperwork. Artwork needs to be delivered to the 15th District PTA office at 319 S. 15th Street, Louisville, 40203. For more information, call 485-7062.
15th District PTA
www.15thdistrictpta.org 485-3535
Kentucky PTA www.kypta.org 226-6607
National PTA
www.pta.org (703) 518-1200 or 800-307-4PTA (4782)
Twitter 15th District PTA @15thDistrictPTA twitter.com /ky15thdistpta
Clothing Assistance Program @PTA_CAP twitter.com/PTA_CAP
Facebook Get Connected!
15th District PTA
Kentucky PTA
National PTA
www.facebook.com /parentteacherassociation
15th District PTA Channel
Pinterest 15th District PTA
https://www.pinterest.com /15thdistrictpta/