Family Matters March 2019
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Advocating for Children
Scholarships and Awards Spelling Bee Winners
FROM THE PRESIDENT The wind is blowing us in to remind us to hurry and get inside. Why should you hurry inside? To get to your computer and make sure that you have made all the deadlines. March is full of deadlines and an exciting event. Let’s start with an exciting event! On March 14, we will be having a Vendor Fair and Training Night. This night will give you an opportunity to learn in two workshops. Fundraising 101 will give you tips, pointers, and ideas on how to best raise funds for your Parent Teacher Association (PTA). In addition, we will discuss filling out the Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) approval form for fundraisers. Budget 101 will give you the basics on your budget. We have vendors with products and services that include fundraising, spirit wear, programs and services, and more. The event is from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Come when you can, and stay as long as you need to. Look for the flyer in this newsletter. We are also providing free food, so join us on Thursday, March 14, at Waggener High School. March 15 is the last day to apply for scholarships for high school seniors, to apply for any awards from 15th District PTA, and to submit a nomination to the nominating committee to join the 15th District PTA Board next year. Applications are on our website. There are also more details in the articles in this newsletter. Don’t wait until the last minute. Apply now. Don’t get blown away. Take a breath, and remember we are here if you have any questions or need help. We hope to see you on March 14. Sincerely, Autumn Neagle, President (502) 718-2590 |
Calendar of Events March 10 ����������������� Daylight Saving Time begins. 12 ����������������� Jefferson County Board of Education (JCBE) Meeting 14 ����������������� Vendor Fair at Waggener High 15 ����������������� Membership Dues Deadline 15 ����������������� Awards and Scholarships Deadline 15 ����������������� 15th District PTA Board Nominations Deadline
April 1–5 �������������� JCPS Spring Break 15 ����������������� Membership Dues Deadline 16 ����������������� JCBE Meeting 23 ���������������� JCBE Work Session
On the Cover: 15th District PTA represents at Children’s Advocacy Day in Frankfort. Back row, from left, Bobbi Jo Kingery, Lorie Pace, CJ Jenkins, LaQuisha George, and Julie Stone-Artrip. Front row, from left, Autumn Kingery, Anna Pace, Shari Joseph, and Nicholas Neagle 2
15th District PTA Contact List 2018-19
President Autumn Neagle (502) 718-2590 President-Elect Eddie Squires (502) 930-3516 First Vice President—Program Sienna G. Newman (502) 410-9117 Second Vice President—Membership Shawn Summerville (502) 386-1455 Third Vice President—Ways and Means Vacant Fourth Vice President—Communication Liz Cannon (502) 905-1233 Legislative Chair Vacant Nutrition Initiatives Coordinator Andrea Wright (502) 485-3199 Male Engagement Cliff Irons (502) 807-5695 Treasurer Brittney Bolyard (502) 608-0839 Secretary Anna Elder (502) 432-3023 Past President Heather Wampler (502) 671-9451 Parliamentarian Sharon Whitworth (502) 592-4185 JCPS Parent Relations Justin Willis (502) 439-8782 Title I Representative Zina Harris (502) 807-1878 Recycling Chair Sharon Kesler (502) 413-1652 High School and Scholarship Chair Robin Weiss (502) 314-2401 Health and Safety Chair Colene Williams (917) 340-0476 Hospitality Chair Erika Plantz (502) 724-8541 Diversity Chair Laquisha George (786) 274-3789 Middle School Awards Chair Bobbi Jo Kingery (502) 299-9749 (502) 314-2401
Starting a Child’s Day By Lori A. Gingrich
Establishing a plan for your child’s daily routine can help your child make the most of his or her day. When your child feels pressured or rushed in the morning, it increases stress. Increased stress levels can cause anxiety and impair concentration. These simple tips could help your child be prepared to tackle the day and decrease your stress levels too. One tip is to do as much planning the night before by picking out clothes, packing lunches, checking backpacks for notes and forms, and establishing a specific spot for your child to place backpacks or items needed for the next day. These suggestions ease morning stress and prepare you for the next day. Establish a routine of how the morning tasks will be completed. For example, do you eat breakfast first and then get dressed? Let your child participate in the decision process as well to create buy-in from the child. For younger children, make the morning routine fun. Set a timer to see if they can beat the time. Planning your child’s morning routine and consistency are keys to a great start.
Lori A. Gingrich is a National Board Certified teacher in Virginia.
Evangeline J. Sansome Scholarships Did you know that the 15th District PTA gives scholarships to graduating seniors for college? Last year, we gave out 19 scholarships! It’s time to apply, and this year, it is completely online. Just go to our website at
Awards It is now time to apply for awards that will be given out at our Awards Banquet on May 7. This year, we are offering the option to fill out the forms completely online at If you can’t fill it out online, a hard copy is available for download on the website.
We offer the following awards: • Sharon Whitworth Advocacy Award • Special Project Award • Outstanding Volunteer Award • Volunteer Participation Award
• Outstanding Male Involvement— Participation Award
• School Nurse Award
• Outstanding Membership Campaign
• Outstanding Website
• Hall of Fame Educator Award
• Outstanding Social Media
• Outstanding Local Unit Newsletter
National PTA Convention
Back row, from left, Bobbi Jo Kingery, Lorie Pace, CJ Jenkins, LaQuisha George, and Julie Stone-Artrip. Front row, from left, Autumn Kingery, Anna Pace, Shari Joseph, and Nicholas Neagle
The 2019 National PTA Convention and Expo will be held in Columbus, Ohio, from June 20 through 23. That means that it is only about 3.5 hours away from Louisville. If you haven’t been to a national convention, it is a complete experience. This is an opportunity to network with other PTA members across the country. The workshops are fantastic and will give you so much information to bring back and use in your own PTA. Another great reason to attend this year is that National PTA is discussing a dues increase. Here is a website that explains the dues increase: If you attend, you get to vote on this! Early Bird Registration, which saves $75, ends on Monday, March 18. To register, visit
Children’s Advocacy Day The Kentucky State Capitol was filled with people who were passionate about children’s issues on February 12 for the annual Children’s Advocacy Day. This day is all about letting legislators know that kids count and that we (the voters) support legislation that supports our kids. Kentucky Youth Advocates (KYA) is the lead sponsor. At the rally, they presented legislators and advocates with Champion of Children Awards. In addition, legislators and young people were honored with Step Up for Kids Awards and celebrated at a legislative reception. The awardees are as follows.
2019 Champion for Children Awards
2019 Step Up for Kids Awards
• Senator Julie Raque Adams
• Representative Joseph Fischer
• Senator Ralph Alvarado
• Representative Kimberly Moser
• Senator Christian McDaniel
• Representative Jason Petrie
• Senator Damon Thayer
• Thomas Callahan, Youth Ambassador of the Blueprint for Kentucky’s Children
• Senator Whitney Westerfield • Representative Joni Jenkins • Representative Steve Riley
• Nellie Ellis, Youth Ambassador of the Blueprint for Kentucky’s Children
• Representative Steven Rudy
• First Lady’s Youth Leadership Council
• Representative David Meade
• Representative Russel Webber • Department for Community Based Services • Tessa Bowling, First Lady’s Youth Leadership Council • Karena Cash, advocate for House Bill 527 • Cynthia Schepers, First Lady’s Youth Leadership Council
The 15th District PTA was represented by both parents and students. We were excited to see several of our PTAs join us. We had students and parents from Brown Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), Fern Creek High PTSA, and Frost and Stuart Community PTSA.
Serve Our Community’s Children What an exciting time for the 15th District PTA! It’s time for board elections! This year, the board has worked hard on reorganizing the structure so that the 15th District PTA can best support all of our schools as well as be a beacon for advocacy for our children. The PTA mission is to be a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child. The 15th District PTA is a great way to get involved and help the children of our community. The vice president roles are now designed to help within a regional area to facilitate trainings, membership, support, and outreach so you can help your local schools. The board is also looking for committee chairpersons who have a passion for Reflections, male engagement, fundraising, diversity, health and safety, scholarships, and many more interests to help operate the wonderful programs sponsored by the district. If you are interested in serving our community’s children, please submit the nomination form by Friday, March 15. —Sienna Newman
—Autumn Neagle
Founders Day Did you know that PTA was founded 122 years ago on February 17, 1897? We now celebrate that as Founders Day. We have PTA to thank for advocating for child labor laws; creating kindergarten classes, the juvenile justice system, school safety, and hot lunches; and even working to establish libraries in our schools. To find out more about PTA’s history, check out 4
15th District PTA Nomination Form
Fill out online at
The 15th District PTA is searching for talented PTA/PTSA members who are interested in joining the 15 th District PTA Board of Directors. Officer terms will be July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2021. We know that there are many dedicated and talented volunteers in our city who have been involved with their local PTAs/PTSAs and feel that they have much more to give. If you are interested or know someone who would be interested, please let us know by filling out the information below and email it to If you have any questions, please call the district office at 502-485-3535. The Deadline for Nominating is March 15, 2019. Date: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Nominated by: _____________________________________________________________________________ PTA/PTSA: _________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (Day): __________________________________ (Evening): ____________________________________ E-Mail Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Check One: _____ I am nominating myself: ________________________________________________________________ _____ I am nominating: ________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Positions interested in: _____ President-Elect _____ Secretary
_____ Vice President (5 Available positions based on Geographical Region) _____ Treasurer
Areas of Expertise: ____ Training
____ Technology
_____ Grant Writing
____ Budget Planning
____ Reflections/Programs
_____ Marketing
____Publications/Communications ___ Clothing Assistance Program (CAP)
_____ Fundraising
Committee Chairs (appointed by the Board): Please select what you would be interested in: ___ Diversity
___ Nutrition
____ Legislative
_____ Male Involvement
___ Reflection
___ Communications
____ Fundraising
_____ Membership
___ Scholarship
___ Health/Safety
____ Awards
_____ CAP
___ Other:_________________________
Vendor Fair & Training Event Types of Vendors Catalogue Fundraisers Spirit Wear Food Fundraisers Family Nights Programs Services Restaurant Nights Banking & Finance
We invite you to join us for our Vendor Fair and Training Event on March 14th. This is a FREE event and is open to the public. This is an excellent opportunity to create business connections that will support your school, PTA, booster club, volunteer organization, or small business. We have vendors that products and services include fundraising, spirit wear, programs and services, and more. We will be also providing valuable training to help your PTA on fundraising and managing your budget. Did we mention we will have food??? Yes since this is at night – we will have a light dinner for all attendees. Registration requested but not required.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 Waggener High School Gym 3:30 -7:30 PM
TRAINING SCHEDULE 4:00 – Fundraising 101 5:00 – Budget 101 6:00 – Fundraising 101 7:00 – Budget 101
Fundraising 101 – Learn what JCPS considers a fundraiser and how to get it approved. Tips & Strategies to make your fundraiser a success. Budget 101 – Learn how to create your budget, monthly financial report, and how to revise your budget if needed.
Students Shine in Spelling Bee Congrats to the 15th District PTA Spelling Bee winners: • Christopher Brown of Crosby Middle—First Place • Vallabh Ramesh of Brandeis Elementary—Second Place • Cameron Calvin of Audubon Traditional Elementary— Third Place A total of 48 students gathered at Sallie Phillips Durrett Auditorium on Wed., Feb. 6, to compete in the 15th District PTA Spelling Bee. It took more than three hours and 21 rounds to determine the top winners. Christopher Brown, an eighth-grade student at Crosby Middle, won first place after correctly spelling geosynchronous, an adjective referring to an earth satellite or its orbit having a period of rotation synchronous with that of the earth’s rotation.
From left, Vallabh Ramesh, 15th District PTA President Autumn Neagle, Christopher Brown, JCPS Academic Coordinator Rob Brauner, and Cameron Calvin
Vallabh Ramesh, a fifth-grade student at Brandeis, spelled 20 challenging words correctly but misspelled eleemosynary in the twenty-first round. Cameron Calvin, a fourth-grade student from Audubon, was the returning winner from the previous year but was eliminated in the thirteenth round. That left two students who battled an additional seven rounds before the deciding twenty-first round. All three of the top winners won a trophy. Brown won a $100 cash prize from the 15th District PTA. Ramesh won a $50 cash prize, and Calvin won a $25 cash prize. The winner advances to the Ford Motor Company Kentucky Derby Festival Spelling Bee on Sat., Mar. 16, where competition includes the best spellers from Kentucky and Southern Indiana. Because of a prior commitment, Brown is unable to attend the event so Ramesh will advance to the regional competition. To qualify for the 15th District PTA Spelling Bee, a student had to win the contest at his or her elementary or middle school. The 15th District PTA sponsored the event, which was operated by Robert Brauner, the JCPS Academic coordinator who also served as the pronouncer. The following students were invited to the 15th District Spelling Bee: Riley Adkins Eisenhower Elementary
Charlie Campbell Lowe Elementary
Josh Hazelett Shelby Traditional Academy
Nancy Nguyen Jacob Elementary
Cole Shartzer Farnsley Middle
Isacc Alvarez Stonestreet Elementary
Amy Carrico Bloom Elementary
Camila Hilerio St. Matthews Elementary
Derrick Simms Jr., Young Elementary
Luciano Armendariz Hite Elementary
JaMichael Charter Westport Middle
Jersey Hill King Elementary
Priyal Patel Norton Commons Elementary
Nissi Arroyo Smyrna Elementary
Charli Daniels Rangeland Elementary
Nehemiah Jefferson Farmer Elementary
Keertana Bangaru Tully Elementary
Bea Davis Chenoweth Elementary
Tavarius Jones Byck Elementary
Rupesh Basnet Cochrane Elementary
Amelia Draper Carrithers Middle
Samuel Kingston Bowen Elementary
Maya Blackford Kaleb Farris Klondike Lane Elementary Wilt Elementary
Caidren Komula Frost Sixth-Grade Academy
Caliban Brauner Crums Lane Elementary
James Fitch Brown School
Carly Martin Field Elementary
Christopher Brown Crosby Middle
Kaiden Guthrie Price Elementary
Emina McQueen Engelhard Elementary
Cameron Calvin Audubon Traditional Elementary
DaShawn Harris Coleridge-Taylor Montessori Elementary
Leila Miller Luhr Elementary Azli Munoz Marcial Semple Elementary
Viet Pham Schaffner Traditional Elementary Rob Powers Noe Middle Sharan Rajamahendram Greathouse/Shryock Traditional Elementary Vignesh Rajaprakash Barret Traditional Middle Vallabh Ramesh Brandeis Elementary Kylie Richardson Watterson Elementary Adam Sareea Stopher Elementary Ismahen Sayidali Roosevelt-Perry Elementary
Kate Suel Fern Creek Elementary Sean Thompson Gilmore Lane Elementary Arik Valsted Jeffersontown Elementary Sukriti Viswanath Bates Elementary Shaianne Wacker Laukhuf Elementary Hannah Williamson Blue Lick Elementary Aaron Wornor Dunn Elementary Josephine Wright Hawthorne Elementary Yolanda Xie Meyzeek Middle 7
15th District PTA 319 South 15th Street Louisville, KY 40203
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Report Bullying and Harassment JCPS launched a convenient way to report bullying throughout the school district. A letter “B,� enclosed in a red stop sign, is now featured prominently on the top of the JCPS website. By clicking this icon, a user is taken to a form where the details of any bullying can be reported. Potential bullies listed on the form include individual or groups of students in addition to JCPS employees. Bullying incidents may involve an individual or group and may include circumstances of physical or verbal incidents as well as cyberbullying using social media or other electronic formats.
15th District PTA 485-3535
Kentucky PTA 226-6607
National PTA (703) 518-1200 or 800-307-4PTA (4782)
Twitter 15th District PTA @15thDistrictPTA /ky15thdistpta
Clothing Assistance Program @PTA_CAP
Facebook Get Connected!
SAVE THE DATE The 15th District PTA Awards Banquet Tuesday, May 7
Louisville Central Community Center 1300 West Muhammad Ali Boulevard Award nominations are open now through March 15. 8
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Kentucky PTA
National PTA /parentteacherassociation
15th District PTA Channel
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