June/July 2017
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Father of the Home Field (Cover) From the Presidents
Awards Banquet Winners
Boyer's Legacy
Stay Connected to the 15th District PTA!
Back-toSchool Clothing Blitz One school year winds down, and another begins. Please add these dates to your planning calendars. This is the busiest time of year at Clothing Assistance Program (CAP), and your help as a volunteer would be greatly appreciated. During this time, hundreds of families visit CAP to shop the racks of gently used clothing and receive new uniforms, socks, underwear, and belts for their children. All of this is provided free, thanks to the generosity and muscle of volunteers. Your efforts during the Blitz will help students and families start the new school year prepared and ready to learn. For more information or to sign up as a volunteer, call 485-7450. The 15th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA) will provide breakfast, lunch, snacks, and refreshments for volunteers. If you know families who need to schedule an appointment, encourage them to call their child’s school beginning July 10 and ask for the Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC). The FRYSCs can schedule families for service.
Calendar of Events June 13 ��������������������Jefferson County Board of Education (JCBE) Meeting 14 �������������������Flag Day 18 ��������������������Father’s Day 27 ������������������JCBE Meeting
July 15 ��������������������Financial Review Form Due 25 ������������������JCBE Meeting 31—Aug. 5 �����Back-to-School Clothing Blitz (above)
August 2 ���������������������Kindergarten Countdown 8 ��������������������JCBE Meeting 14 ��������������������First Day for Teachers 16 ��������������������First Day for Students 22 ������������������JCBE Meeting 27 �������������������PTA Back-to-School Bash 2
• Monday, July 31 Clients: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Tuesday, August 1 Clients: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Wednesday, August 2 (Restocking Day) No Client Appointments Volunteers: 8 a.m. to 4 pm.
Check out the expanding roles that the 15th District PTA offers on social media. The image below is a video still from the YouTube training video “How to Do a Financial Review Form,” recently created by the 15th District PTA in an effort to help JCPS PTAs/PTSAs. (The annual form has to be completed by July 15.) Training videos and other communications will be posted throughout the year on the 15th District PTA YouTube channel.
• Thursday, August 3 Clients: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Friday, August 4 Clients: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Saturday, August 5 Clients: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Volunteers: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Get Help With 2-1-1
More than 900 nonprofit organizations offer services to families, women, and children through the Metro United Way 2-1-1 service. The service offers help for a variety of tough times—big and small. Families, advocates, and educators can also use the number to help obtain assistance for others. To participate, text your ZIP code to 898211 (TXT211) and you will be contacted by a local call specialist. For more information, visit or send an email to Glen Powell at
You can still find news, information, and upcoming events through the 15th District PTA’s presence on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, as well as the websites of the 15th District, Kentucky, and National PTA. To stay updated, follow us and like us at the below links.
PTA Contact Information 15th District PTA 485-3535
Kentucky PTA 226-6607
National PTA (703) 518-1200 or 800-307-4PTA (4782)
See page 5.
15th District PTA
Kentucky PTA
National PTA /parentteacherassociation
Twitter 15th District PTA
Meet the 2017-18 Board!
Facebook Get Connected!
@15thDistrictPTA /ky15thdistpta
Clothing Assistance Program
15th District PTA Channel
Pinterest 15th District PTA /15thdistrictpta/
For additional information about the PTA, visit the Kentucky PTA at or the National PTA at
FROM THE PRESIDENTS The 15th District PTA Annual Awards Banquet was held May 10 at the Ramada Plaza. The following content includes the speech by outgoing President Heather Wampler and incoming President Autumn Neagle.
Heather Wampler As president of the 15th District PTA for the past four years, I have great reason to express my heartfelt thanks to the officers, members, administrators, principals, teachers, staff, and community members I have had contact with. We have accomplished much together in these years that passed too quickly. During this time, I have spent time in the schools, and I can attest to telling you that great things are going on with our local PTAs. These accomplishments are helping students reach their potential. Together, we have worked to encourage our local units and assist you with the tools you needed. We must always be aware that the students are learning from our behavior and looking to us for leadership and guidance. And that is what we have provided for them. Volunteers advocating for the children, for every child. Thanks to all the 15th District PTA Board members who served so faithfully. I have been inspired and feel fortunate to have served with each of you. A special thank-you to my family: my husband, Brian Wampler, for his support and my son, Noah Wampler. Then, my parents, Jim and Karen Lovelace, for helping me with making sure my son had a chaperone on field trips, taking him to appointments, and being there for him when I could not be there. I have a little something for each of you as a small thank-you for all the support you have given to me, if you could come forward so I may give that to you at this time. We must continue to encourage parent involvement and support student achievement. Every child deserves a quality education and an opportunity to reach his or her full potential. Thank you for the opportunity to serve an association that deserves to grow and prosper—and will continue to build and prosper with your new leadership of the 2017–2019 board. I leave you with a favorite quote of mine. “Individually we are one drop. Together we are an ocean.” —Ryunosuke Satoro And as I say thank you and farewell, I want to give our incoming president something to remind her of the 101,000 students and all the families she will be representing these next two years and pass along the gavel that was passed to me four years ago.
Heather Wampler (president until June 30) (502) 671-9451
Autumn Neagle I am honored to be elected into this position. Thank you. This position is not something I will take lightly, and I promise to give it my all. A president is only as strong as the leadership team that surrounds them and the members they support. I am very lucky and honored to be serving with the incoming board, all of whom bring their wonderful and diverse talents with them. I also look forward to working with you, the membership, in the upcoming two years. I have been asked several times what my vision is for the next two years. At first, I thought, “Well that is easy.” But no, it’s not. I started asking around and reflected upon the reasons I joined PTA, and found that I have three things I really want to see accomplished over the next two years. My number one priority is training. The second priority is fun. I want us to have more fun. Sometimes, because we have to do so many things to be in compliance with [the] IRS and Redbook, we forget to have fun. Yes, we have to do those things, but if that is all we are doing and we are not having any fun, no volunteer will stay after the fun has left. I encourage you to have fun or find ways to bring fun to your PTA. Lastly, the centerpiece on your table is filled with butterflies. I want you to leave the room this evening with an objective and a butterfly from your table. The butterfly looks delicate, but looks can be deceiving. According to Chaos Theory, it has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly’s wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. It is called the butterfly effect—change one thing, change everything. That is what I want for each of you. I want you to be the change in your school, your PTA, your community, and a child’s life. Remember, a small change can make such an important difference in a child’s life, and that small change can have far-reaching effects. That is why we are here, and that is why we participate in PTA. We want to make a difference in not only our child’s life but all the children in our community. I encourage you to flap your wings. Bring the fun and change into your PTA and your life. Please take one of the butterfly sticks with you. It has three butterflies—each has a magnet—and put them somewhere they remind you that you make a difference. Or pass out two of the butterflies to other people to encourage them to flap their own wings. I look forward to flapping my wings with you the next two years. I look forward to the change we can do together for the children of our community. I look forward to seeing the beautiful wings of change that we, as a district, can do together. Thank you.
Autumn Neagle
(president beginning July 1) (502) 718-2590 3
Louisville’s 2017 Father to Know What is one thing you know to be true about fatherhood?
Jason Whiting is a proud 1994 graduate of Central High School Magnet Career Academy (MCA) and the son of longtime JCPS educator John Whiting, who served as principal of Shawnee and Seneca High Schools. He’s also the Family Matters summer issue’s Father to Know. Whiting is carrying on his family’s legacy of education and mentoring by serving for six years as an assistant coach on the Central High School MCA Football Team. He also coached youth league for 11 years as well as one year at Farnsley Middle. He has three grown sons, and he is active in his daughter’s elementary school sports. Whiting played football at Central, and he served in the armament division of the U.S. Air Force, producing bombs and missiles for the F15 and F16. Before he was coaching on the sidelines, he could be found with his children in the stands, cheering the Yellow Jackets as they dominated opponents and won state championships. One of Whiting’s sons has two 3A state championship rings, and even Whiting’s wife, Renata, has learned how to spot a 4-3 defense. The Central High connections for the Whitings and its historic role in the city are sources of pride. Whiting’s father was an early and consistent advocate of the pool at Central High, believing that everyone should learn to swim, including inner-city kids. Beginning in August, Whiting loves the magical mixture of a team emerging from the locker room; a hot stadium full of students, fans, and alumni; smoke from the tailgater’s charcoal; and the buzz of the stadium lights. “We want this to be an everlasting memory,” Whiting said. “Our DNA is here.” The work to create memories and championships—and see students go on to achieve success in college and life—keeps Whiting proud of Central’s past and excited for its future. After Whiting has worked all night and all morning for a local trucking company, you can find his red Ford F150 in the parking lot of Central Stadium, where he mows the football field weekly—sometimes twice weekly—throughout the spring, summer, and fall. The same F150 hauls the team’s equipment trailer to away games in Louisville and throughout Kentucky. In between work and family, football season is almost a year-round focus for Whiting. “We go 11 months out of the year,” Whiting said. “We’ve been blessed to go deep in the playoffs.” 4
There are no days off!
Which of your physical or personality traits do you see in your children? Very strong-minded and outspoken as well as when they’re locked in on something—the goal will be achieved.
Who will you be thinking about on Father’s Day (June 18)?
Jason Whiting Hometown
Louisville. Product of Mill Creek Elementary, Brown School, and Central High School MCA
Family Wife, Renata Whiting, and children Terry Camp, 20, Jayson Whiting, 20, Jaden Whiting, 18, and Devan Whiting, 11
Who modeled for you what a father should be? No doubt my father, John Whiting. He spent 30 years in JCPS as a teacher, coach, and administrator.
My father passed away six years ago on June 23, and I have tried to raise my children on the life lessons I learned from him.
What has been the biggest success story so far of fatherhood? I would say that my success story would be that my sons graduated and are progressing and growing in college while working, and one has committed to the military. They stay close to each other, and my daughter sees the world as a blank canvas and will leave a footprint of love and compassion on the world.
What is your source of energy?
Someday, when your children are reminiscing about their father, what type of man do you hope they describe?
My family. I enjoy seeing my wife smile, and I enjoy being a father and supporting them in extracurricular activities, football, track, volleyball, and cheerleading.
A hard-working family man, stern but fair, and supportive, and always with an open-door policy
What makes a special Father’s Day?
What is one thing that you know you did right as a young father?
A special Father’s Day for me is just having my wife and kids around and we are enjoying each other because they grow fast and won’t be at home forever.
Making sure I am accessible and providing for them, being an active father and showing them love regardless—win or lose, good or bad—teaching them it’s okay to fall as long as you get up and not make excuses
AWARDS The 15th District PTA honored the following schools and individuals at the Annual Awards Banquet, held on Wednesday, May 10, at the Ramada Plaza: • Special Project/Program Award—Eastern High Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), Field Elementary PTA, Lincoln Elementary Performing Arts School (LPAS) PTA, Maupin Elementary PTA, Norton Elementary PTA, and Wilder Elementary PTA
Jan Sansome Boyer
A Legacy of Supporting Students Throughout the past 34 years, more than 520 students have benefited from the foresight and generosity of Jane Sansome Boyer and her family. Boyer, 75, died at her Louisville home on March 26, but her contributions to JCPS students were continued and celebrated at the 15th District PTA’s Annual Awards Banquet. Boyer’s family asked for expressions of sympathy to be made to the 15th District PTA, and some of Boyer’s family members attended the banquet to honor their matriarch’s legacy.
• Outstanding Volunteer Award—Veronica Berkenbosch of Eastern High PTSA, Mike Morgan of Meyzeek Middle PTSA, and Ann Stein and Sandra Stevens of CAP • Outstanding Volunteer Participation Award—Maupin Elementary • Outstanding Male Involvement Award— Dunn Elementary PTA • Outstanding Membership Campaign Award—DuPont Manual High PTSA and LPAS PTA • Outstanding Newsletter—Brandeis Elementary PTA, Dixie Elementary PTA, and Maupin Elementary PTA • Outstanding Social Media Award— Kammerer Middle PTSA, LPAS PTA, Middletown Elementary PTA, Wheeler Elementary PTA, and Greathouse/ Shryock Traditional Elementary PTA • Outstanding Local Website Award— Brandeis Elementary PTA, Norton Elementary PTA, Wheeler Elementary PTA • Sharon Whitworth Advocacy Award— Brian Wampler, 15th District PTA Legislative Chairman • Hall of Fame Winners—Dr. Deborah Rivera of Field Elementary, Joyce Pryor of Kammerer Middle, Debbie Shannon of LPAS, Cari Norris of Maupin Elementary, and Justin Matson of Middletown Elementary • Evangeline J. Sansome Scholarship Winners—Annabelle Ramirez, Whitney Hedgecock, Bryce Jones, and Tatum Thompson of Butler Traditional High; Alanis Charieese Harris, Zakayla Riley, Jershai Angelique Payne, Toree Sims Jr., of Central High School MCA; Quintin Ellis Bynum of duPont Manual High; James Parker Duck and Paisley Brianna Simmons of Eastern High; Megan Jo Solomon, Joshua Taylor Coe, Kimberly Sierra Jefferson, and Madalyn C. Stack of Louisville Male High; Kadiatu Cherif and Matthew Thomas Colwell of Seneca High; and Aaron L. Nolles of Western High
In 1983, Boyer chaired a committee to establish a student scholarship fund with the 15th District PTA. In addition to personally donating the nest egg of the money for the fund, Boyer established protocols to safeguard the money and to determine how the scholarships would be awarded. Boyer served as the committee chair since its inception, recently stepping down to chair-emeritus before her death. Boyer launched the Evangeline Johnson Sansome Scholarships to honor her mother. Boyer worked closely with Paula Wolf, past president of the 15th District PTA. Wolf spoke at the banquet and remembered her friend and mentor. “She was passionate about educating all children and lived Every Child, One Voice long before it became the PTA’s mantra,” Wolf said. “I am going to miss Jane’s impressive financial knowledge and her opinions, which she freely shared, of current affairs, local and national. But most of all I will miss her as a role model. Her actions spoke louder than her words, and her words were powerful, well-chosen, well-timed, and usually straight to the point.” Boyer’s efforts resulted in more than 520 scholarships to students, which totaled more than $605,750 to help them with college tuition. In May, 18 graduating seniors were honored with Evangeline J. Sansome Scholarships, each valued at $1,700. Thanks to the extra generosity of Boyer’s friends and family, Annabelle Ramirez of Butler Traditional High was honored as the first recipient of the Jane. S. Boyer Scholarship, valued at $2,715. Ramirez plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College in Columbia. Wolf presented the scholarship along with Chuck Boyer, Jane’s husband of more than 55 years.
Meet the 2017-18 Board The following individuals were elected to serve on the 15th District PTA Board on May 10. Their terms will begin on July 1. Bottom, from left: Liz Cannon, Fourth Vice President (Communications); Sienna Miller, First Vice President (Programs); Autumn Neagle (President); and Nikki Hockman, Fifth Vice President. Top, from left: Eddie Squires, Third Vice President (Ways and Means); Shawn Summerville, Second Vice President (Membership); Sid Gamertsfelder, Treasurer; and Adam Kesler, President-Elect A big thank-you goes to the volunteers who are serving on the 15th District PTA Board through June 30: Heather Wampler, Autumn Neagle, Eddie Squires, John Buie, Liz Cannon, Nikki Hockman, Theresa Mayfield, Patty Martin, Callie Sloan, Kathleen Helm, Monica Lakhwani, Pinky Jackson, Adrian Oldham, Dana Moody, Laura Brown, Cherie Dimar, Brian Wampler, Cliff Irons, Andrea Wright, Adam Kesler, Sharon Kesler, Sharon Whitworth, Kassidy Helm, Heather McGovern, Zina Harris, and Justin Willis. 5
Required Financial Review Form 2016-2017
Submit Financial Review Form to Principal of your school Per “Kentucky Department of Education Accounting Procedures Redbook” Regulations each PTA/PTSA must submit an annual financial report to the Principal of your school by July 15 th. Mail Financial Review Form to Kentucky PTA, 148 Consumer Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601 Kentucky PTA and local unit bylaws require all PTAs and PTSAs to file a Financial Review Form with Kentucky PTA by July 15th of each year to remain a “unit in good standing”. Financial Review Report Form for the Local PTA/PTSA
Name of PTA/PTSA ____________________________________ PTA District ___ County ____________ EIN This financial review is for the 2016-2017 fiscal PTA/PTSA year.
(For PTAs/PTSAs this will be July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Check your bylaws if unsure.) $_______________ 1. Beginning Balance (as of last date covered by last financial review) 2. Receipts (total receipts from the beginning to the end of the period covered by this financial review)
3. Total Cash Available (add number 1 and number 2)
4. Disbursements (total disbursements from the beginning to the end of the period covered by this financial review)
5. Ending Balance (subtract number 4 from number 3)
6. Bank Statement Balance (for last month covered by this financial review)
7. Checks Outstanding
Total Checks Outstanding 8. Deposits Outstanding _____________
Total Deposits Outstanding 9. Bank Account Balance (Subtract number 7 from number 6, Add Number 8)
$_______________ $_________________
Date of financial review: ________________________________________ We have examined the books of ____________________________________________________PTA/PTSA for the financial year 2016-2017 and find them to be: (Please choose one) ___Correct ____ Substantially Correct ___Incomplete ___Incorrect Substantially correct with the following adjustments: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Review Committee: Consists of 3 people who do not have check signing authority (Optional: professional auditor) Signatures: Financial Review Committee Chair (or professional auditor) _____________________________________
2. (Member) _______________________ 3. (Member) __________________________ This Financial Review information should be presented to the PTA/PTSA at its first general meeting after the completion of the financial review. Remember to mail this report to Kentucky PTA and keep copies for your records.
ALL PTAs/PTSAs MUST FILE FORM 990, 990EZ, or 990N with IRS by November 15th of each year. See Part 4 – Financial Matters for more details on filing 990s
Part 4 – Financial Matters
Kentucky PTA Leaders’ Notebook
Name of PTA/PTSA
Mail OR E-mail This Form
___________________________________________________________________________ For each VP position check job description, i.e. 2VP - Membership, or use the blank to indicate position. List any other Executive Board members (elected officers) on a separate sheet using the same format. President Name: ____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________ City: _____________________ Zip: ________ Telephone: home -
cell -
work -
1VP ⃞ Programs ⃞ Membership ⃞ Ways & Means ⃞ Volunteers ⃞ __________________ Name: ____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________ City: _____________________ Zip: ________ Telephone: home -
cell -
work -
2VP ⃞ Programs ⃞ Membership ⃞ Ways & Means ⃞ Volunteers ⃞ __________________ Name: ____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________ City: _____________________ Zip: ________ Telephone: home -
cell -
work -
3VP ⃞ Programs ⃞ Membership ⃞ Ways & Means ⃞ Volunteers ⃞ __________________ Name: ____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________ City: _____________________ Zip: ________ Telephone: home -
cell -
work -
Secretary Name: ____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________ City: _____________________ Zip: ________ Telephone: home -
cell -
work -
Treasurer Name: ____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________ City: _____________________ Zip: ________ Telephone: home -
cell -
work -
Reflections Chair Name: ____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________ City: _____________________ Zip: ________ Telephone: home -
cell -
work -
Kentucky PTA, 148 Consumer Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601 E-Mail, fax 502-226-6610. 15th District PTA, PO Box 35444, Louisville, KY 40232-5444 E-Mail 7
15th District PTA 319 South 15th Street Louisville, KY 40203
Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Louisville, KY Permit No. 1049
Dated Material Deliver Immediately Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities
Your Trash Is Our Cash!
Honorary Membership Chairman
The 15th District PTA recycles empty ink jet and toner cartridges. The money from our recycling program helps provide funds for PTA programs that serve students and families. If you have empty cartridges, don’t throw them away. Send them to the 15th District PTA office inside the football stadium at Central High School MCA. The JCPS Pony mail service will deliver boxes when they are addressed to CAP and the PTA office. For more information, call 485-7062.
Congratulations to Kimberly Cecil-Jones, who has agreed to serve as the 15th District PTA’s honorary membership chair for the 2017-18 school year. CecilJones is a marketing and public relations professional who hosts The Jones Report, a weekly radio program each Sunday on 104.7 FM and WLOU 1350 AM. She was also Ms. Plus America 2012. Cecil-Jones is an energetic, dynamic speaker who hopes to help schools and PTA/PTSAs with their recruitment efforts. Look for a feature of Cecil-Jones in the August issue of Family Matters.
United States Department of Agriculture
School’s Out ! UP WER
Summer Fun !
SUMMER MEALS for KIDS & TEENS Being Served in Your Community To find a nearby site:
Call 1-866-348-6479 Go to
Open to all children 18 and younger NO Enrollment, NO Cost! U.S. Department of Agriculture | Food and Nutrition Service | FNS-490 | May 2015 | Reprinted May 2017 | USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
Food for Students All Summer JCPS School and Community Nutrition Services invites students to participate in the JCPS Summer Feeding Program. Through Friday, August 4, children can visit any JCPS open feeding sites and will be given a meal at no charge. The program, funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), hopes to relieve some of the financial difficulties of providing breakfast and lunch meals during the summer months when school is out. The program offers nutritious meals at no charge to anyone who is 18 years of age or younger. Meals must be eaten at the site, and adults will not be served. To find a list of sites and view menus, visit or call 485-3186.