1 minute read
Define the system : defining the envirorment and model of the subway virtualy in cyber space which is an exact replica of the subway in the real world
System of individiual agents must be defined after the defining system. determining each agent's characteristics, behaviours, and decision-making procedures is necessary .
The environment in which the agents will operate must be provided.This includes any external factors that could affect how the agents behave in and out of subway
The next step is to model the interactions between the agents and the environment. This can be done using syntax theory
Once the model is complete, the simulation is run to see how the systembehaves over time The simulation can be run multiple times with different inputs or parameters to explore different scenarios.
ABM can assist in our understanding of how particular agents behave and interact with their surroundings.
Emergent phenomena:
ABM can assist in our understanding of how complex phenomena, like social norms or traffic congestion, develop from the interactions of individual agents
System-level outcomes
ABM can assist us in predicting the results of system changes, such as modifications to infrastructure or policy