K.I.S.H. Magazine Fall/Winter Issue - Tony Gaskins

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“K.I.S.H. Home, Inc.”

K.I.S.H. HOME,INC.’s vision is to purchase a transitional home for young women presently in or aged out of the foster care system in Delaware. For more information about helping us to purchase the home, visit... www.kishhomeinc.org or call 302-399-6477. 2

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2013


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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF VISIONARY Kishma A. George EDITORS Novita C. George Raeisha George





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Kingdom Investments in Single Hearts

K.I.S.H. Magazine represents our desire to EDUCATE, EMPOWER, and INSPIRE everyone from all walks of life to EMBRACE the New YOU! The magazine focuses on foster care “Stories of Hope” as well as, Health/Wellness, Fashion, Relationships & much more! Thank you for purchasing this magazine. Portions of the proceeds will go towards purchasing a 24-hour supervised residential home for young women ages 18-23 who are presently in, or have aged out of the foster care system in Delaware. For more information about K.I.S.H. Magazine or K.l.S.H. HOME, INC. contact us at (302) 399-6477 or www.kishhomeinc.org.

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014







FEATURE - About K.I.S.H. Home, Inc.


Fall/Winter 2014








28 TRACK CHANGE: A FRESH START by James Felix George By

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32 YOUR DREAMS ARE WITHIN REACH! By Deshauna J. Jones 34 BRING FORTH: By Pastor Sybil Bull 34 DARE TO DREAM BIG: By Edvante Showers 36 DAYCARE SUCCESS: By Andrea Dickerson



THE SURVIVAL STORY By Author Ebony Canion


WHEN YOU HAVE A DREAM By Rodney Davis K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014




Letter From the Editor-In-Chief

APPY BIRTHDAY K.I.S.H. Magazine! Time has flown by so quickly. If you are familiar with this magazine, you know that I am always excited about each issue and I am very appreciative of our subscribers and supporters. In this special Fall/Winter 2-cover issue, you will meet people that share their struggles, hardships, and triumphs, thus leaving you with a sense of hope. If these people made it, YOU too can make it in spite of your circumstances. Maybe you are doing well, but you may have some friends and families that are not doing well at all. We trust that you can use these experiences, testimonies, and stories to share with them. It is our hope that K.I.S.H. Magazine will be of help in all the areas of your life: spiritually, emotionally, and socially. This is a very special issue, with cover interviews and testimonies of Cora Jakes- Coleman, the eldest daughter to the world-renowned Man of God, Bishop T.D. Jakes and First Lady Serita Jakes & Tony Gaskins ; Celebrity Author, Life Coach & Speaker. Also in this issue; life after foster care, empowerment, health & wellness, Author’s Spotlight and fashion, just to name a few. Thank you for supporting K.I.S.H. Magazine, a project birthed out to raise money to purchase a home, which will be a 24-hour supervised residential home to serve the young women ages 18-23 years old who are presently in, or aged out of the foster care system in Delaware, as they transition to become independent. We will be supportive to make sure that they have a smooth transitioning from foster care to the real world. We want to help the young women to become world changers in making it a better place for themselves and everyone to live in. We look forward to seeing you again for the Spring/Summer issue. We know that there are many magazines to choose from, and we are glad you chose K.I.S.H. Magazine. Be empowered and remember that there is greatness inside of YOU!

By Kishma A. George Editor-in-Chief / Visionary www.kishmageorge.com Like Us On Facebook /KishmaGeorge Follow Us On Twitter @kishmageorge

Kingdom.Investments. in Single.Hearts. SINGLE: Empowering single girls and women. HEARTS: Helping girls and young women discover their potential in becoming world-changing leaders by pursuing their God-given dreams, goals and visions.


Kingdom Investments in Single Hearts (K.I.S.H.) Home, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, faith-based organization that empowers, educates, heals and inspires teen girls & women ages 13-25. K.I.S.H. Home, Inc. is currently raising funds to purchase a 24-hour supervised residential home for young women ages 18-23 who are presently in, or aged out of the foster care system in Delaware. Our vision is to provide a transitional home and the goal is to offer alternatives for this high risk population and minimize homelessness, poverty, unplanned pregnancies, substance abuse and incarceration among young women presently in, or aged out of foster care.

A passion within her grew for these young adults and their future as she experienced their frustration in handling basic skills, such as opening a checking/savings account, parenting, and the frustration of single parenthood. Ms. George knew that these young adults - whether they were a single parent or single without children - needed a strong support system that would empower and encourage them to take control of their lives. They struggled in the transition of leaving their foster homes or care because many were still attending high school and were not emotionally or financially stable.

K.I.S.H. Home, Inc. also offers a Women Destined for Greatness (WDFG) Mentoring Program for girls and young women ages 13-25 in Delaware. WDFG is committed to inspiring girls and young women to develop self-awareness; promote excellence in the mind, body and spirit; as well as empowering them to increase their creativity, self-esteem, and self and net worth by implementing programs that teach them how to make an impact in their family and community.

.I.S.H. (Kingdom Investments in Single Hearts) Home, Inc. was founded by Kishma A. George, out of the desire to make an impact in the lives of girls & women in the community, as well as young women who are presently in, or aged out of the foster care system in Delaware. Through Ms. George’s works as an Independent Living Mentor, she has mentored young adults. During her tenure as a mentor she witnessed the tremendous challenges these young people experienced daily, while trying to find their way to a selfsufficient and stable life.

Many of the young adults with whom Ms. George worked left their foster homes or care at the age of 18, and found themselves homeless, pregnant, lacking self-esteem, incarcerated or unemployed, and without guidance. She became frustrated by the minimum amount of resources the community offered these young adults and wanted to make a difference in their lives, making certain that they had a safe; successful transition to adulthood and independent living. It was then that Ms. George began her journey of seeking ways to assist young adults in becoming emotionally and economically self-sufficient so that their transition out of foster care and into independent living was successful.

To help make this transition home happen, you can send donations to: K.I.S.H. Home, Inc., P.O. BOX 672, Felton, DE 19943 Or online at www.kishhomeinc.org

Established in August 2008 as K.I.S.H. Home, Inc. the organization’s goal is to offer young women in Delaware the support they need to become emotionally stable and self-sufficient in every aspect of their lives and community.

What K.I.S.H. means‌

KINGDOM: The Kingdom of God will be built through the ministry of K.I.S.H. Home, Inc. by incorporating programs that will encourage girls and young women to make an impact in the world. INVESTMENTS: An investment of time and life enrichment activities will be implemented in such a way that will empower girls and young women to change their lives.


K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014




riting for K.I.S.H. Magazine has given me the opportunity to interview some very influential people, and no matter what the topic is, I am always blessed. So it is no surprise that my recent conversation with Mary Pitts, aka Mary Millionaire, had my spirit stirred for a very long time. Encouraging people who are lost, hurt or just need love, is something that is very near and dear to my heart. The Bible says laughter is good medicine for the heart – sometimes a little crying too; it gives balance to the soul. This just so happens to be Mary Millionaire’s mission too. Like most children who are placed in Group Homes and the Foster Care System, feelings of REJECTION coupled with a desire to BELONG and LOVED, can be quite overwhelming to say the least. At the age of eight, this was Mary’s plight.

FROM PAIN TO PURPOSE An Interview with Mary Pitts By Javon George and Mary Pitts

She was placed in the Foster Care System of Philadelphia County, separated from familiar surroundings into an unknown environment forced to cope with what she later realized were symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In non-technical language are, but not limited to, “Feelings of anxiety or stress that are triggered by past traumatic experiences, flash backs or events in one’s life that usually influence their coping strategies or mechanisms.” In my interview with Mary, she spoke about constantly crying in private, learning to suppress her true feelings out of fear of rejection by her Foster Family or others, which lead her to devalue herself worth which played out later in her life in some of the toxic relationships she allowed herself to be in. She reflected, “I was always preoccupied with wanting to be accepted by others, that I did 8

not realize I was losing a large part of my own individuality and significance.” Reflecting back, Mary realized that all of the PAIN she experienced in her early childhood and adolescent years in Group Homes and Foster Care were the blueprint for her PURPOSE or ‘higher calling’. “I realize as I got older, God always had HIS HANDS on my life in spite of it all.” She expressed fond memories of her late deceased Foster Parents, Mr. Harold, and Mrs. Theresa Redman and realized they were actually BLESSINGS in her life. ” My foster mother was strict. Her husband was

the lenient one. Before I could play, I had to clean, and clean well. She taught me basic life skills at the age of eight. I was introduced to the Lord Jesus Christ, as my Personal Savior at nine. She taught me the importance of prayer, forgiveness, and serving others through the local church outreach.” Although Mary’s parents were not capable of caring for her at the most crucial and impressionable times of her life, she spoke of how she loved them both and later in life had to learn to RELEASE and FORGIVE both parents for K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

From Pain to Purpose continued different reasons. She reunited with her siblings and father, William Pitts Jr., at the age of fourteen and recalled the many, many challenges that blended families faced. “In spite of the difficulties...and boy did we have them, I know I am extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to see the Grace and Mercy of God work in my family, particularly my father’s life. God raised him up from prison, addiction, interpersonal challenges into a STERN, yet CARING father, minister, advocate, college graduate and husband to his extraordinary wife, mother, fabulous cook and entrepreneur, Mrs. Victoria Eulada Pitts, whom I developed a ‘Deep Respect’ for, although we did not always see eye to eye.” Again, it is evident more than ever that; her pain was for another’s spiritual gain. The challenges she faced and experienced were not

is designed to operate in both SECULAR and SPIRITUAL domains. Our VISION is to bring restoration, healing, unity, social awareness, hope, encouragement, admonishment, as well as laughter to every community, family unit, high risk youth, man, woman, child, particularly African Americans, through the endowment of the ARTS.” Mary attributes her spiritual and creative development through serving others, her fiery trials, personal mistakes, life’s lessons and the few people God used to impart and mentor her. She contributes her father’s study and love for the Word of God as having a huge impact on her thirst for Godly Wisdom and Revelational Knowledge. During our dialogs, I have learned that despite many challenges, one of the hardest obstacles Mary had to learn to overcome was not amazingly experiencing life as a recent Breast Cancer

queen, but did not know it. She passed away last year in 2013. Rest In Peace Vivian Butler... Rest In Peace Mom.” Today Mary walks in Victory and is THRIVING! You can hear her share her life’s experiences through one of her many gifts... writing and poetry! She is known as ‘Truth Serum the Prophetic Poetess’ to many and passionately shares her insight and wisdom through the art of Spoken Word. She has 25 years working as a former Social Worker II, Case Manager, Residential, and Outreach Community Worker with the City of Philadelphia Department of Human Services, Provider Agencies & Church Affiliations with Diverse Populations such as Children & Youth, High Risk Youth, Mental Health, Special Needs, and severely Dysfunctional Families. Mary believes that it takes more than a Foster Care System or

“The GREATEST thing in life darling is UNDERSTANDING.” ‘about her’, but for the good of others. At an early age, Mary recognized the call of God on her life into the ‘Prophetic Office’. She did not fully understand it then, but realized later the significance of her spiritual gifting and abilities God graciously blessed her with is to be a blessing to others and an instrumental tool for the Body of Christ. She recalls how she was naturally drawn to intercession and studying the Word of God for hours at fourteen years old, particularly the Old Testament of the Bible and how the Spirit of God confirmed through His spirit, revelation of His Word and significant others, that she is a ‘Demonstrative Prophet’, likened to the Prophet Ezekiel. Ezekiel used creative means to speak to heart of GOD’S people such as mime, oratory, acting, and comedy. Through this revelation, Mary was impregnated with a VISION to minister to people accurately through God’s Revelational Gifts, secular and artistic mediums. At twenty years old she wrote her God-given vision for what is birthed today called ‘Prophetic Presentations’...”A growing and developing millennium creative production company that SPEAKS FORTH the mind of God in an ARTISTIC, MELODRAMATIC, and DEMONSTRATIVE FASHION. It K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

Survivor or Kidney Transplant Recipient; it was the rejection of her mother that hurt the most. “I always desired to have a close relationship with my biological mother. I did everything I could do to try to get her to accept me. I wanted desperately for my mom to be proud of all my achievements. Like the fact I graduated from Community College of Philadelphia, LaSalle University and avoided some of her pitfalls. Of course, I can recall some good times and laughs we shared, but her rejection outweighed those memories. It was not until I was 21 years old, when a good friend helped me to see I needed to accept that my mother might not be able to give me what I truly desired. I realized later in life that throughout my mother’s limitations, she was still always feeding me wisdom through her ‘brokenness’. My mom had ‘her own proverbs’ birthed from ‘her pain’. Out of all the things, she would say to me, the one that continues to resonate in my soul is, “The GREATEST thing in life darling is UNDERSTANDING.” Trust me, my mother had a witty, humorous yet severe way of stopping you in your tracks with the truth! Truly, her mistakes are the JEWELS I wear around my neck. My mother was a

Bureaucracy to mend and bring healing to the plight of many children in Foster Care placement and beyond. “It takes a Village to raise our kids. Everyone must play their part consistently and become the CHANGE they seek. Fathers and mothers must work together for the common good of the child if at all possible. We must stop putting the responsibility on the system and through forgiveness and faith begin to repair our own.” There is a Prophetic Presentations Artistic Production Event in your area COMING SOON! Feel free to contact CEO & Founder Mary R. Pitts at 267-257-1451, on Twitter@MpMillionaire, Instagram@ marymillionaireceo and Facebook as ‘Mary R. Pitts’, or their website: http://www.propheticpresentations.com. STAY TUNED for her upcoming screenplays and novel debuting Winter Of 2014 called; ‘Soul Ties...The Expose’, under the moniker, she is otherwise known as, Mary Millionaire.



Memoir of a Teen Mom Turned Millionnaire Shashicka Tyre-Hill

Getting acquainted with the author of Blessing and Miracles-A Memoir of a Teen Mom Turned Millionaire, Shashicka Tyre-Hill Briefly describe your daily activities and responsibilities as founder and owner of Miracle Home Care, Inc. Shashicka Tyre-Hill (STH): I manage seven locations in the state of Georgia. Each location has a staff including a senior administrative to oversee the daily responsibilities. I review client reports, payroll, discuss staff concerns, access and prepare for incoming clients, deal with insurance companies and government agencies including Medicaid. Briefly describe what prompted your interest in the healthcare field, specifically providing home care services. STH: My grandmother, Susie, passed away from cancer in 2000. I assisted my mom in caring for her during her last days. My heart wanted to see her comfortable in her last days. Afterwards, I put an advertisement in the newspaper at the suggestion of my mother who convinced me to continue working as a home care assistant. I got a call the next day from a woman whose friend was a widow who also had cancer and would be needing 24-hour care once she left the hospital. Because I had my children, I was unable to offer my assistance for the needed 24-hours. The client proposed that I find the people to fill the 24-hour aroundthe-clock care and she would pay enough to compensate the additional help and me. That was the beginning. What suggestions regarding networking would you give to those seeking to work in this particular field? STH: This is a hands-on field and more than anything, you must have a passion and heart to work with the elderly, sick, or shutin. Learning first aid, CPR, and other safety certifications can prove beneficial when seeking a job in this field. This is not a field with after work networking mixers. The best way to get your foot in the door is to show up and have a heart to help. I started my business when I was 23 years old. I obtained my home health care license at 21. I became the youngest in the country to do so. I advise K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

young people to pursue their passions from an early age. What are the major challenges in your role as a business owner in the healthcare industry? What solutions have you deemed best to handle these challenges? STH: I would say dealing with insurance companies and case managers for those clients who are on Social Security or public assistance. There is a lot of tedious paperwork and back and forth. Medicare pays on time, but personal insurance companies can be nightmares. Obamacare has made things better. More folks are able to receive our services. About 95% of our clients come from social service and Medicaid. It makes it so much easier for us to help everyone who needs the assistance. STH: Recently I was approved to open an adult day center in a community in Georgia. I received a lot of push back from the community, including them calling the city inspector, code enforcement, zoning office and health department to stop me from opening. I am happy to say the adult day center will open. Families need a place outside of their homes where they can send love ones for attention and care during the day. When you open up physical locations in communities there will definitely be challenges, but we push through.

Determination is what helped me push through when I was rejected twice for my license. I was approved on the third and final attempt. I prayed constantly. Qualifying for my license with only a GED education was one of the toughest things to do. God wanted me to start this business. What I lacked in education, I had in faith and determination. I recently published my memoir, Blessings and Miracles and in the book, I discuss the long and challenging journey that led to the seven locations I have today. When I look back over where I have come from, I see that I am resilient. What advice do I have for younger colleagues? STH: Never give up on your dreams! You can be anything you want to be. It will not be easy and you must be willing to sacrifice. Sacrifice socializing with friends. Sacrifice shopping and hitting the nail salon or dining at restaurants. If you have determination, then you must be prepared to sacrifice and push beyond doubt and fear. Blessings and miracles happen to those who believe.

To what would you contribute your level of success? STH: Determination and faith in God are what I say has made the difference. I took $700.00 from my income tax almost ten years ago and turned it into a $7 Million dollar company. I was a high school dropout and a teen mom by the age of fifteen. I had a daughter to care for. I was determined to provide for her, especially during times where I did not have much support. I had to return to school and get my GED before I could even apply for a license in home health care. It was a juggling act, between caring for my children, I had a son a few years later and going to school and surviving. 11


K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

TONY GASKINS Positioning Yourself for a Godly Marriage

An Interview with Tony Gaskins by Vincent K. Harris

Vincent: It is a pleasure to meet you Tony. How are you? Tony: I am doing well and outstanding. Vincent: We are super excited to speak with you today regarding Positioning Yourself for a Godly Marriage. Tony: I am ready! Vincent: Great! Let us begin. Question: How long have you been married and what have you found to be the best time to communicate to ensure an effective dialogue between you and your wife? Answer: I am going on eight years of marriage, and when it comes to communication, I believe you should always communicate in a time of peace. My father used to always say, “In a time of peace, prepare for war.� What he was actually saying is that any time something has happened that is bad, consider waiting 24 hours, and if it is a normal situation, which has caused a disagreement, consider waiting an hour. As a general rule, never try to communicate in the heat of the moment.



uestion: How do you gauge whether something needs to be discussed an hour later or 24 hours later?

Answer: The 24 hour delay to consider communicating with your spouse should be considered; if there is something on the table in which either of you feels it is worth leaving the relationship and subsequently, getting a divorce. If this is the case, you should certainly wait 24 hours. Now, if it is something that is day-to-day maintenance such as dividing the chores or mishandling money, you should wait an hour just to allow things to cool down. Question: What is the biggest lesson you had to learn as a married man? (Moment of reflection.) Answer: I had to learn how to be faithful. When I was dating around and moving from woman to woman, I did not understand and know how to be faithful. Subsequently, once I entered into marriage, I had to learn how to be with one woman. For me, that was the biggest challenge of all. Question: You mentioned your father previously. What lessons did you pull from him to center you again with regards to faithfulness to your wife? Answer: The number one lesson I received from my father is to be responsible for yourself and your family. He taught me, in order to be faithful to my children; I must also be faithful to my wife. The responsibility you embrace is working, paying the bills, and coming home EACH night, just as a start. That is something my father did and I learned to embrace as well. It was his actions that taught me far more than his words.


Question: Outside of communication and faithfulness, how do you overcome the challenges of a relationship?

view and perspective, what should couples consider doing if they are still far apart on the decision that should be made?

Answer: I have to always remind myself to be selfless. Love is not about me – it is about ‘how can I love her.’ I believe it is my job to give her an abundant amount of love by loving her the way Christ loves the church and that is a sacrificial love. As a result, I sacrifice my wants, desires, and ego to put her first. By doing that, it helps me to avoid potential arguments and improve on my faithfulness; knowing that I love her in a way that I do not want to see her hurt.

Answer: I believe that is when it becomes 51/49. That is when you find out who is the most mature in the relationship, loves the most and who is willing to be selfless enough to come off of their stance and trust the other person enough to know they have the best intention in the situation.

Question: What things should a man consider, when thinking about a potential wife? What should he be looking for in a wife?

Question: What should couples strongly consider discussing before marriage?

Answer: You want a woman who shares your belief and your faith because that is usually your core. So, you want a woman whom you know can stand on that same foundation you both equally embrace and share. You also want a woman who is ambitious but also knows how to balance it with family. Therefore, for example, you do not want a woman who only wants to lay up under you. You want a woman who, if needed, will be the CEO of the home. In essence, you want a woman who understands the difference between ambition and busyness. You also want a woman who understands that submission is strength, not weakness. Meaning, she understands the importance of your leadership but she is also strong enough not to allow you to run over her. Question: If you and your wife do not have the same perspective on something, how do the two of you come to an agreement? Answer: I believe you should seek to understand and then be understood. Therefore, instead of trying to see things my way, I try to see things her way, and if it honestly makes sense then I will submit to her instead of being a tyrant and a dictator. The Bible says to “submit ye one to another….” and I truly believe in His Word. So, again, whether it is something like the decision on which sports are good for your children and which are not, begin to understand the point of view of your spouse, submit to one another by making the best decision for the moment and do not forget to stand on your foundation as a couple. Question: During those times where the two of you cannot come to an agreement once you have heard each other out and have an understanding of each person’s point of

(We are laughing. Why, you ask? Because like many, we have been taught the opposite and it truly comes down to the specific situation.)

Answer: In my book, Single Is Not A Curse, I talk about the three core things couples should discuss: Faith, Family and Finances. Question: If you could go back and give the 18-year-old Tony Gaskins advice, what advice would you give yourself? Answer: Man up and settle down. The sooner a man can gain control, identify his wife, and be faithful to her, the more successful, and happy you will be in life. Being with one woman in a faithful relationship will cause you to be the happiest version of yourself. Know that having five different women in a day is not considered having the “spoils of the land.” Instead, they will be some of the most painful and stressful days of your life. The lesson is simple. Develop strength and control at an early age and embrace love coupled with a selfless heart. Only then, will you find true peace in your heart and begin the journey to the best version of yourself and the best days of your life. (You can feel the purity in Tony’s heart as he is responding.) Question: Where can people find you on the web and across social media? Answer: You can find me on the web at TonyGaskins.com and all of my social media is @TonyGaskins. That includes Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. The time spent with Tony was a joy and quite enlightening. We encourage each of you to support him by following him across social media and embracing his insight as it relates to love and relationships. Tony, you rock!

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

When You Have a Dream An Interview with Rodney Davis by Javon George

“DOUBT is the failure to attribute When You Have a Dream Continued Not only did I have the blessed pleasure of interviewing Mr. Rodney Davis about When You Have a Dream, I was also blessed repeatedly as I prepared this article. Now, if you have ever had a dream, this article is for you! Whether you are walking in your dream, are working to start your dream, or need a little push, no matter what stage your dream is in, you will be able to relate. So grab your coffee, get your notepad and see what Rodney Davis, Author, Playwright, Actor, and Musician has to say about When You Have a Dream. You have my word, you WILL be blessed! Javon George (JG): Let us talk about when you have a dream. I think the easiest thing about having a dream, is dreaming. If just dreaming made the money or brought the success everyone is looking for, I would be one of the wealthiest women in the world! If I cannot do anything else, I know how to dream! That is not enough, is it...? Rodney Davis (RD): No, it is definitely not enough, there is so much more that you need besides the dream. You are right, dreaming is the easiest part but there are other things, because when you talk about a dream; a dream is just the invisible seed that God plants inside of you, to bring about a visible harvest in your life. It is a plan of God’s. Outside of the dream, you need the desire for the dream to come to past. You need respect for the dream. Let me back up because the first thing you need to do is qualify the dream, meaning to determine whether the dream is from God or if it is just selfish ambition. That is crucial…and the easiest way to determine that is to see if the dream is for other people, or if it really just benefits you. Anytime God gives you a dream, it is going to affect and benefit other people. Nevertheless, a selfish dream will only benefit you. So you qualify the dream. Then you have to have desire for the dream, obedience to the dream; you have to have faith for it to happen. There are many things that you need along with the dream that God has given you. 16

JG: Absolutely and you stated a key piece there. You said one of the quickest ways to determine if the dream is from God is to determine who benefits from it. Is it you or is it someone else? Also, along with that though – and if you can speak to this – is those dreams seem to be...not unattainable, but it is been said that if the dream is bigger than you, and you feel like you yourself cannot do it, then that dream is from God. Can you talk a little more about where these visions come from and why are we selected? RD: A dream from God is a God-sized dream. That kind of dream seems unattainable at first...it really seems to be beyond your reach, and that is why one of the key pieces you need is desire. The Bible says that if you delight yourself in Him, He will give you the desires of your heart. In other words, when you have a desire for your [God-given] dream, God will begin to give you what you desire because it is from Him anyway. Notice what God says in Genesis, He says that he has made us in His image. And really to me that means “in his imagination”. God had a picture of us, and then He says He has made us in His image and after His likeness. In other words, He has given that same capacity to have an imagination, and to have energy to dream and to see visions, and so you really have to determine whether it is from God. Every dreamer in the Bible – from Abraham, to Jacob, to Joseph, and those in the New Testament – every dream benefited someone else, and so that is the key. When your dream benefits someone else, you can know beyond the shadow of a doubt that it is from God. If it is a dream that seems unattainable, and unreachable, it is because God wants you to have the desire to pursue it, and so that desire will motivate you. If you think about it – most people – if they need something, the need is not enough motivation for them to get it. Even if you want it, it is not enough motivation. But desire is going to motivate you to go after what you know God said to you. Therefore, I really believe that you have

to determine whether it is from God and then you have to use the necessary steps to pursue it. JG: Well said. Let us talk about your personal experience with your visions and your dream. When did you first realize your dream or get your vision? RD: Well, I can go back as far as high school, when I had a dream that I was going to be this writer, and that I was going to be in the music industry in some way or some fashion. A few days after that [dream], I was in a group of three other young boys, and we were in a competition for the entire school. We were to create a jingle for this radio station, it was a competition amongst all the schools, and we won! We developed this jingle that allowed the entire school to win a trip to a theme park, and that was exciting. They interviewed us afterward, and they said, “What do you see yourself doing? What are you going to be?” I thought that was interesting because of that dream I recently had. I told the paper,

“I’m going to go to Delaware State College, and I’m going to major in music and English education and sure enough that is exactly what I did.” I was focused. I had my desire. I had respect for that dream – because what you respect, you attract. Things come to you when you begin to respect it. So that was the early stages of my dream, and I would get to college and would major in those two things. Even in college, God begin to speak to me. I had another dream of being on stage in front of thousands. My acting came alive; I was in different play productions and learning how to act and do things like that, and God began K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

past blessings to present problems” to just open me up as far as dreaming,and I saw myself ministering to people. God called me to minister, ultimately I am an elder now and a minister of music, and I am just excited about what God is unfolding and showing me. It kind of reminds me of the story of Joseph. If you look at Joseph he had his dream when he was a teenager of what he was going to be and what he was going to do. Therefore, God will speak to you at a very early age as He spoke to me about my dream, and what He had planned for my life that would impact others, along with me. JG: That is amazing! I am just excited to hear about that. I know if people have to sit back and think, but it is no coincidence that those desires that they have today, are the desires they were given as a child. Since high school, you had to be focused, and desire it – which you did – attending the college and program you said you were going to. I can only image that there were some obstacles that presented themselves. What were some of those obstacles and how did you face them? RD: Well, some of the major obstacles to dreamers I believe – especially myself in my opinion is frustration. You are trying all you know how to do – especially when it comes to acting and things like that – making it in the music business. Frustration is probably the [biggest] obstacle that you face. Another obstacle is just, unconcerned friends and family…you know (laughs), and I really believe the enemy uses those kinds of people, because they are the closest to you, and he knows that if he can get to your family, most often he can get to you and try to kill the dream that God has inside of you. You depend on friends and you depend on family to support you in fulfilling your dreams. So frustration and unconcerned friends and family mess you up. You know another frustration of mine that I had to face, is just being physically and emotionally exhausted. I was in a marriage that was very physically and emotionally exhausting; things

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

happened along the way, in our marriage. Things happened along the way in life, you know. While pursuing my dreams, I discovered that I had an 11-year-old daughter that I never knew about (laughs). Just that in itself is mind boggling, you know, I often say that kind of stuff only happens in the movies, this does not happen in real life, but it happened to me. On the road to fulfilling my dream, I was blindsided by the fact that I had a daughter that I never knew about. Probably one of the top things that you go through as a dreamer is just being able to conquer your doubts and your criticism. I say all the time that doubt is the failure to attribute past blessings to present problems, in other words, you have to be able to look back and see where God has brought you. Moreover, if He did it back then, He will do it again, you know, He will do it right now. Then there is criticism. Every dreamer is always going to have critics. Critics – I really believe – are designed by God to let you know that there is something great inside you that you need to birth out. So you have to be able to conquer critics. Those are the walls that you have to face – that I faced. And I am talking about some major (laughs) walls as far as critics are concerned; from spiritual fathers who you believe…are placed to father you, and support you, who all of sudden turns their backs on you when you say, “Look this is what God gave me.” I had to deal with that, and those are definitely some things that you face. JG: Thank you for bringing up the doubt I think that is a primary. Moreover, the opposite of doubt – belief – is desire’s companion. You can have desire but you also have to believe what God said, so let us talk about that. What if you have someone – let us just say a spouse, who just does not understand your dream, or is critical of your dream? How do you deal with that and where did you draw your inspiration from to move forward?

better for you, when you are pursuing your dream – I will say that – it is better...to have a spouse that is right there supporting you, if you are married. If you are not married, the support of family is definitely very helpful. But God can do it without family; if you look at Joseph’s story, God did it without his family’s support. His family threw him in the pit! It was some people called the Ishmaelite that got him out of the pit, and that is a key revelation right there. God will often times use people you least expect to help you, to help you to fulfill your dream, and that is what we have to be aware. So yes, you want the support of your family. Yes – you want the support of your spouse. But do you need them? No. Because when God plants a dream inside of you, He will use whomever. He will use people that other people thought was a mistake. What I mean by that, going by that particular story of Joseph, it was the Ishmaelite. The Ishmaelite came from Ishmael, who was Abraham’s, illegitimate son – his first son, the son of Hagar. In other words, they thought it was a mistake, but God used Ishmaels’ descendants to get Joseph out of the pit! So God will use mistakes and make it a ministry. He will use mistakes and make it a miracle, so we cannot despise, we have to be aware that it may not come from friends. It may not come from family. However, God will get an A-team together to bring about, His dream in your life. JG: Wow! That is so very true. Let us talk about being prepared to deal with the sacrifice that comes with the determination required to bring dreams to fruition. So we know you have to have desire. We know you have to believe. Nevertheless, there is also some physical sacrifice, which is nonspiritual that you have to do here on this earth. Talk about the sacrifice that comes with pursuing your dream. RD: You are going to have a lot of definitely sleepless nights. I say that because especially

RD: I really do believe that it is critical…it is


if you are like me in my life – I have a family, I have four children, and as a man, you have to do everything you can to take care of that family. On the road to pursuing my dream, I have to take care of my family, that requires me to work, and what ends up happening is that after work, you have to work on the dream. You have to stay up longer than everyone else. You have to do that because of where you see yourself. But you [also] have to put time in at work. Now, I should have said firstly, you have to be prayed up. If it is a dream from God, then you need God’s steps to fulfill your dream. You have to be prayed up. You have to have daily praise. You have to be in your Word, because God not just speaks in dreams, He speaks through His Words. He actually gives you your road map to fulfilling your dream. So you have to prepare spiritually, you have to prepare physically – I say physically because as far as exercise, they say it profits little, but the key thing is that it profits, so you have to be physically in shape – some people are not healthy enough to fulfill the vision for their lives. You have to set goals for yourself, which is a struggle for me (laughs). Setting goals is really the key because you will find yourself stagnant, lying dormant because you failed to set a goal. I remember when I first was producing my play, and a man asked me, “Well what do you need to do it?” I said, “Well I need a date and I need money.” (Laughs) He said, “That is all you need? So if I give you the down payment, will you get started?” And I thought, well wait a minute, hold on! Because I did not have people in place, I did not have actors; all these different things. So you have to really set goals for yourself and then work to achieve those goals. But there will be sacrifice. Sometimes you are going to feel like you are alienated from your family because you are going to be up in a room somewhere trying to prepare,


trying to work it out, and it is going to be time consuming. I mean you look at Henry Ford who created the engine, he did not stop, and I mean he was persistent. Even if you fail at it, keep trying. When Henry Ford was creating the V8 engine, he did not stop. When everybody was saying it could not happen, he kept pursuing until finally, it happened. [And it happened] because he had that desire, he was persistent, he made the sacrifice and he had the income to do what he needed to do for it. JG: So we have talked about – dreams and how to pursue them, and some of the obstacles, and how to get over them. Now, let us talk about your dream. So you are a playwright, an author, an actor, and a musician. I would say that you are walking in your vision! RD: Oh, yes! I am walking in most of my vision. Right now God is doing some great things in my life. That dream I told you about, about being on stage in front of thousands; last time I did the play, “When it Rains,” in Vineland, New Jersey, it was a sold out crowd of 1400 people. The biggest crowd yet! I am just in awe at what God was doing. He created an A-team for me, and I like what Habakkuk says, “Write the vision, and make it plain so he that readeth it may run with it.” In other words, after you write your vision, you make it plain; God is going to give you a team that is going to run with your vision! We try to run with it ourselves, but it is a team, He puts next to you, to run with the vision and the dream that He has given you. I am a minister of music, and right now presently I am filming. Last year God blessed me to film with Calvary Pictures in film called “God’s Amazing Grace” with Clifton Davis, who starred in “Amen” and “That’s My Mamma”. That was an awesome experience, and this year, I have a lead role in another film called “Be Careful What You Pray For,” that should be out in the fall. I am excited about that, and I

believe it is going to be a great film. I am definitely fulfilling parts of the dream that God has given me. JG: You say you are fulfilling part, what is yet left for you? RD: God has definitely called me to pastor, and not for title sake, because I am not into titles, but I have a Shepard’s heart. He has been grooming me from day one, in ministry – that is my chief, chief passion, is to be before the people and just sharing everything that He has given me. I believe we do not go through experiences just to go through them. There are some hurting, fragmented people, that have gone through similar situations that I have and you know, God has given me some life lessons to help them, and to propel, to motivate them, to teach them, all that He has given me, [and] has taught me. God has called me to the ministry, so that is really the next step. JG: There are some people with hurting hearts that need to be reached; you are right about that. Thank you so much for talking with me. How can people get a hold of the plays that you have done, or follow you to see what your next upcoming events might be? RD: People can reach me on Facebook – look me up, Rodney Davis. I am also on Twitter and Instagram. We do have the play in DVD form, so just look me up for a copy of the play. I was blessed to be a Co-Author of the book “When New Life Begins” which is an awesome, book that you really have to get. There are some definite lessons in that book that will really bless your socks off! Rodney Davis is a Playwright, an Author, an Actor, and a Musician. Connect with Rodney on Facebook (Rodney Davis), and Twitter (@Roddav).

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

BACK ROW: LEFT TO RIGHT: Barbara Blackston, Sabrina Young, Sonja Poitier, Michelle Walsh, Berndetta Sedden, Tena Gladney, Tracy Hammond, Belinda Talton, Norma Velez-Fenen FRONT ROW: LEFT TO RIGHT: Janelle Middleton, Natalie Burke, Mary Cooper, Loucinda Hobbs, Dale Boome

WOMEN’S Ministry Spotlight DAUGHTERS OF ESTHER MINISTRY By Pastor Mary Cooper

Daughters of Esther Ministry was birthed in the heart of its founder, Pastor Mary Cooper; God has placed a powerful intercessory mantle upon her to boldly go and set the captives free, to empower women to fulfill their God-given destiny. An extraordinary gift to the Body of Christ, Mary ministers under a powerful anointing and is often used by God to prophetically speak what “thus saith the Lord.”At the Daughters of Esther, you will discover your gifts while you learn to discern your calling…God has called the Daughters of Esther to provide a place for woman who are seeking more of Him, and desire to fulfill His purpose for their lives as the women encourage one another in their dreams and visions. As women meet on a weekly basis, lives are transformed. In addition, the women are set free from strongholds to enable them to grow to experience the life of Christ in its fullness. Some of the ladies who regularly attend the DOE Ministry were asked to describe their experiences. Here are some of the following comments that were given – Building Foundation, Strong Woman, Safe

Place to be who you are and grow into what you were created to be. Love, Joy, Deliverance, Fellowship, No gossip, No put downs, Presence of God, Lots of Love, Like Family, One Accord, Multiplication, Can come in like a Caterpillar and you will come out like a Butterfly, and You Are Used in your gifting. Additionally, Women are groomed to be Bold, Walk in their Authority and become Confidence Woman of God. In addition to our weekly meetings, the Daughters of Esther host yearly women’s conference, prayer breakfast, special fellowship, and outings. Weekly Meeting: Tuesday @7p.m. Victory Christian Fellowship 100 Wilton Blvd. New Castle, De 19720 For more information visit: daughtersofesther.com daughtersofestherministry@aol.com Facebook

The Survival Story Author Ebony Canion

On June 30, 2012, a car hit me on purpose and drug me almost 200 ft., folding me half up under a car. This happened shortly after an altercation, which I was trying to keep the peace during the whole time, until I was attacked and had to fight back. A woman got in her car and hit me head on as my family screamed for her to stop but she kept going. I suffered seven broken ribs, a leg, pelvis and dislocated spine in which those three have rods and screws in them. I fractured my jaw and shoulder, my lung collapsed, the lower left side of my face was ripped up, and I nearly bit my tongue off. They both needed sewing back together. I lost three teeth; my back was tattooed with the pavement thus needing a skin graph. I had a hole on my left side, which the Doctor described as the size K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

of a shark bite and said that he could literally stick in his fist. There was a small amount of blood on my brain and I needed a blood transfusion! My family was told that I might not live, but may be paralyzed, or become a vegetable; it was just a waiting game! However, God said different! I still cannot feel my feet all the way and I have some numbness on the back of my leg. Nevertheless, I am now up and walking with the aid of a cane and braces. I am not a vegetable nor paralyzed. I am indeed proof that God is still with us even though this world is so cold!! In addition, the world needs to know that God is still in the healing and blessing business! God has done some miraculous things in my life helping me beat

the odds in this situation and MORE such as being a widow at the age of 23...domestic violence, being molested and raped. I know that I absolutely have to continue to share my story with the world, simply because it glorifies the goodness of God! I have actually put my story into a book titled Left for Dead and it has all five stars on Amazon and has been blessing lives all over the world! In addition, I have an Instagram page @survival story that has over 42k followers that have witnessed the glory of God! I believe that when God chose me He knew that there was no way I was going to keep quiet about what He has done for me... and I will not! He has been too good to me!


An Interview with Cora Jakes Coleman



by Prophet Angela Shepherd

am honored to have this opportunity to interview an anointed, appointed, purposeful Woman of God, Mrs. Cora Jakes Coleman; A Wife, A Mother, speaker, writer, blogger, soon to be adorned in a new dress in God’s Kingdom as Minister. Already functioning in Kingdom leadership as the Children’s Ministry Director for The Potter’s House; the eldest daughter to the world renowned Man of God… we have ALL come to love for his God-given anointing and ability to reach us profoundly with God’s Word, Bishop T.D. Jakes and First Lady Serita Jakes. She is a woman on fire having a heart for young women battling infertility in all areas of life desiring to reach their promise. Angela: Grace and peace, Woman of God! Thank you for taking time out to spend some time with us today to share with us… an “up and close” insightful view of Cora Jakes Coleman from P.K. to Wife to Mother to Writer to Ministry. Glory be to God! Welcome on this glorious day. Cora: Thank you so much for having me. I am honored. Angela: All right, All right…. Well if it is all right with you… I would like to start from marital bliss… Cora: Okay.

Angela: Did you and your husband immediately desire to have a child? Cora: Ummm. No, I would not say… I do not think so much that we that my husband and I desired to have a child immediately. So much as, we desired to be under God’s umbrella. In the case that we did want to start, it was very important to me to be married before even considering having a child. Angela: Amen. Amen. Amen. That is covenant. When you were diagnosed with Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), for those that do not know; it causes small cysts to form on the ovaries and can possibly lead to the inability to conceive without medical assistance. In my research, you were also diagnosed thereafter with infertility. What was your reaction? What was your state of mind? Cora: Well, actually I was diagnosed at the same time. So when they diagnosed me with PCOS, they also said it was going to be tough for us to have children. As a young girl, I always dreamed of being a mother. I had been having dreams about birthing a son since I was as young as ten… so naturally I was disappointed, a little bit devastated honestly but I did not let it waiver my faith. I did not let it shake me. It just brought out the fighter in me. I knew that this was going to be a fight and for a long time, I had been writing letters to my son and telling him that, I would fight for him for as long as I live until the day that I die. It just meant that it was time for me to put on my boxing gloves. That was my state of mind… we gotta fight! Angela: That is right… that is right… that is right! What were your next steps to finding answers to your questions, support, alternative or holistic treatment to counteract what was diagnosed?

Faithing Fertility from the Natural to the Supernatural

Cora: Well, we went to a fertility clinic and considered all of our options. Talked to them about our situation and our story and got ready and prepared to start doing our first IVS Cycle. That was very shortly after we had gotten married because the doctor had stated to me that time was not necessarily on my side. So that was our first step, to go to a specialist and see what our options were and hit the ground running. We did not try any holistic treatments at that time. My second IVS Cycle we did but our first one we just hit the ground running ready to do the IVS Cycle. Angela: Okay, Okay… All right… How did all of this pan out… the treatments, the medical assistance pan out for you? Cora: Well, unfortunately, our first IVS Cycle was not successful and our second one was not successful either. So right now, as a result of our second IVS Cycle not being too long ago, this year... We are taking a break, taking a sabbatical… trying to get our heads on straight because it is very emotionally and physically draining to have to do an IVS Cycle at all. Therefore, right now we are just relaxing, enjoying our family and our new Godson, and he consumes my everything! Angela: Awwh! How awesome! I want to transition into that emotional place for a moment… A dimension of prayer is crying the languages of travail. You cannot speak about

travail without speaking about conception, which correlates with pregnancy. Understanding there must be conception before the manifestation of travail. As the seed of the Word of God goes forth, it is in a spermatic state seeking a womb causing pregnancy, causing expansion and growth, and finally labor. I want to ask… during that place… that emotional place… DID YOU CRY? In addition, DID YOU FIND A PLACE OF STRENGTH in the travail?

Cora: I will be completely honest… I cried. I was much stronger the second time than I was the first. The reason being, I had asked the fertility clinic that if it was negative news to call my husband because he does very good breaking anything down for me but they did not write that instruction down. Therefore, when they called me I was very excited because I felt like they were about to tell me that I was pregnant and they gave me bad news and I was at work at the time. I completely lost it! My husband and my sister had to come and get me! It was the most devastating time to date that I think I have ever experienced in my life. I am grateful for the support that I had in my family. I do not think you can go through anything like that without support. They were able to help me get through it and help me find strength. You know I was young and so it was harder for me to even have to go through it knowing like I was young and should not have to be going through that. I found strength in my support team. I found strength in my family. They helped me. They helped me to get through it. Angela: That is so awesome and so important and I am glad that you shared that. Support truly can make a difference. Travail is that place you labor in… in spirit to release what God has placed in your spirit. It is purposeful, focused, intense, and strategic. It is a place of labor and positioning to birth out. Yes? Cora: Exactly, exactly, absolutely! Angela: Yes! Would you agree it is a process? It is an opportunity for spiritual growth. Cora: Absolutely! I feel like every, every struggle, or problem or storm that we go through is an opportunity for us to understand that God does all great things with a process. That is actually my favorite part of my relationship with Christ… is knowing that whenever I am trying to get to a promise or purpose; in any manner; I have to go through a process. I think that God does all things in a process and I agree that… that is one of the most beautiful times where you get an opportunity to really develop your relationship with Christ in an intimate way… while walking through the steps that would have been hard without Him. Angela: Amen! Amen! I receive that! Now, the process of birthing what God has predestined to come out is after crying, and travailing. God allows the baby to come forth praying in the spirit what He has placed within your spirit. When did you realize God had a purpose for you in all this? That God was requiring you to open your spiritual womb for His purpose, His power,

and His Spirit to allow Him to do something extraordinary, something great through you. Cora: I would say it was shortly after my first IVS Cycle. The enemy just continued to play over my head with negative statements about the IVS, about it not being successful, and why would God take you through all of this… just all of those negative things that any woman who is fighting infertility hears. After going through all of that torment, I asked God… I laid prostrate before the Lord asking what can I do to get out of this dark hole? What can I do to help someone with this story that I am going through? That is when God told me to start Fertility Faith; that there was another young girl sitting in a fertility clinic; looking for hope, encouragement, and wisdom. That “my voice” would be, “the voice” to go into that fertility clinic with her – my voice would be the voice to go around the world to speak life into everyone’s barren place. It was shortly after that, I realized that fighting for Nehemiah would be my Ministry and I am grateful, I am so grateful that God entrusted me with such a fight knowing that I can win! Angela: Amen! Amen! And I am so glad that you acted on that unction because God does tremendous things during the process in the birthing place and that out of that came something wonderful which is Fertility Faith. I would like you to expound upon that. What is Fertility Faith and its purpose? Cora: Fertility Faith first began as just encouragement for my fertility sisters, to keep fighting for their promise and to keep fighting for what God gave them. As I was doing that, people responded and it was getting a lot of positive feedback. I was sitting watching my sister receive an award Becoming an Overcomer. As I sat in the audience, I looked at her in amazement… she still awes me and I said God you have called me great. Place me on the road of greatness. As soon as I said that… God began to speak to me about the world being infertile. We as people allow ourselves to stand in a barren land and not speak life. That Fertility Faith will be the movement to speak life to everyone’s dream. The Movement – to speak life to everyone’s purpose. Once God gave me that, it was almost like an immediate breakthrough, out of the box experience for me where it was like… WOW! I will be able to touch so many more people with this, than I would have staying in the box with just women! And so, it is exciting for me. Fertility Faith has become a movement. It has become a community of people coming together to build an army to unite and fight for what God said YES to!

Angela: Amen! I heard in the Spirit… Your GREATER is coming! Cora: Yes! Yes! Angela: Bless the Lord! Bless the Lord! Well, Woman of God, I believe when we are about our Father’s business putting Him FIRST in our seeking, it causes Him to be about our business and our desires in alignment with His will for our lives. His Word tells us that we WILL have FRUIT from our intimate walk with Christ, and our fruit WILL BE HEALTHY and WILL MULTIPLY. And that leads me to ask the next question… What is NEXT for Cora Jakes Coleman in KINGDOM advancement? What can we expect? Cora: Wow! That is a very, very good question. I do not get in the habit of limiting God. I am truly an open and willing vessel to whatever God expects me to do. So what is next for me is to continue to walk in God’s will and His ordained steps for me. I am in The Potter’s House School of Ministry about to become a Minister. I have speaking engagements coming and God has really, really blessed me to be able to use this Ministry and go out to speak to people and so whatever God has me to do, that is what I am going to do. So…My next steps are whatever God’s steps are. Angela: Amen. Amen. Where do you see your ministry’s reach? Will this be the only area of concentration? Do you see God EXPANDING the vision, EXPANDING the commission, the mantle? Cora: I truly believe that God is going to expand it because He already has. We went from just fertility and infertility and fighting with just fertility sisters and now we have grown to just becoming bigger and speaking life into everyone’s barren land. So I believe that as my storm and my fight develop that my ministry will develop with me and I believe that God will do exactly what He says… and make room for my gifting and I am not just a speaker, writer and author. There are so many more gifts inside of me and I am waiting for God to just continue to unlock those. So there will be extreme expansion and I am ready for it! Angela: Amen! Amen! Well I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying… that even in the fight Woman of God that you already won. You have already won! So let that minister catch hold in your spirit! Bless the Lord! So now Woman of God, I guess I am getting down to the last few questions. How can people connect with your ministry? Are you on Facebook, Twitter, and /or Instagram? What is your website URL for Fertility Faith?

Faithing Fertility from the Natural to the Supernatural Continued

Cora: I am EVERYWHERE! You can follow me on Twitter. You can follow me on FertilityFaith on Instagram. You can go to the website: www.FertilityFaith.com and I am on Facebook as well… thanks to LaTonya Thomas. She is my graphics designer. Fertility Faith would not be nearly as fancy as it is without her. She made it possible for me to be connected to all the social Medias and I am very grateful for that. Yes! You can find me anywhere on there. Angela: Awesome! Awesome! Did you do any preparations for this? Did you take any pictures? Did you have a photographer and a make-up artist? Would you like to give credit to them in helping you prepare for this interview? Cora: Yes. I did. I did a photo shoot special for you all here for K.I.S.H. Magazine. DeVaughn Jones did all my photography for the magazine shoot and Candice Web did my makeup. Candice can be found on Instagram as well. And my husband, Skii Ventura, he styled all my garments… everything that I wore for the photo shoot. And my Assistant Audria Rochelle May… she is my right-hand. She does everything that I need. .That is my team! My team, I am nothing, without my team! Angela: That is an awesome team, Woman of God. I love that!

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

Cora: Thank you! Angela: And finally, how would people be able to book you? Are you available for bookings? If so, where can they put in a booking request? Cora: All you have to do is go to www.FertilityFaith.com - there is a tab located at the top of the site that says Book Me. You fill out all of that information. It goes directly to my Assistant. She contacts people back quickly. So that is how you can book me. I am accepting bookings and I am available for bookings for all types of events. Angela: Thank you for allowing us to get to know you better, to understand your journey and how it has birthed a supernatural baby, understanding the process by which the birthing place has positioned you to be a voice! A voice of encouragement and a conduit to the Kingdom of God for God’s daughters and families trying to find a way to cope, overcome, be delivered out of despair. That is such an awesome, awesome commission Woman of God and I salute you and cheer you on. I will be on and off Fertility Faith and sharing it with everyone in our community. I am very excited for what God is doing in your life. Therefore, we thank you for the interview and I know K.I.S.H. Magazine will also be extremely excited with THIS interview

and interaction. You covered a lot of ground and on behalf of K.I.S.H Magazine, thank you for truly opening up for many will be encouraged and inspired. I bless you with the love of Christ. Amen! We are excited! Excited about ALL of what God is doing in you and through you. Cora: Thank You So Much! I really, really appreciate it! Angela: AMEN. Well that concludes our Interview with Cora Jakes Coleman. We bless God for all He is doing in the lives and ministries of His anointed and appointed vessels who have said yes to His will and His way. They have answered the call to be light and salt in the earth that His glory be revealed and salvation realized through His son, Jesus Christ… and because of their YES… the world will come to know who He, our Eternal Father is… sovereign, majestic, emperor, the King of Kings… the Almighty God. This has been yours, for the Master’s use. This is Prophet Angela Shepherd. May the glory of the Lord, rise among you ushering you into His greater for your life. God Bless. Be Fruitful. Photography: PaperStack Graphics-Devaughn Jones Make-up: Candace_Webb(Instagram) Styled by: Brandon Coleman



K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014


Track Change: A Fresh Start by James Felix George

I cannot stop eating junk food...help! Does this sound familiar – Can I have 5 big macs, 1 large fry and a milk shake please? Sounds crazy, right, but food was my addiction. Wait, addiction??? Yes, addiction, one that cunningly arrests almost every man and be defeated by stubborn determination, sacrifice, and the will to live your best life. Have you found yourself looking through your photo album reminiscing about the days of a thinner you? As we get older we tend to let our body depreciate, forgetting that we have an obligation to take care of this habitat our souls call home. Sometimes, this struggle has to do with where we are in life now, but in most cases diseases tend to riddle the aging body because of decisions we make concerning food. I can personally attest to this. I used to eat ridiculous servings of food, binge late at night while everyone else was asleep, and just eat very unhealthy. Then one day it hit me…I did not want to live the rest of my life on prescription medication. That is when finding a way to cure my body from high blood pressure and cholesterol became a mission I could not resist. Mr. Sacrifice…please come to the rescue! Have you ever loved someone so much that you were willing to make a sacrifice no matter how difficult it was? After a few morning kisses from my one year old daughter – which by the way we do not start our day without – it saddened me to even think about her growing up without me in her life. I can die in a car accident, plane crash, etc…yes this is true…, but the odds of someone dying from health issues are far greater! Today, sacrifice plays a big role in my life along with God’s grace. I realize that it was only His grace that allowed me to reverse the havoc wreaked on my body. Unfortunately, not all are so lucky. Many do not get a second chance, and succumb to an early demise. I am extremely honored and perplexed, at the fact that our body is a temple of God. When you start treating your body with the same reverence you might treat a temple, a Holy Temple that is, great things will begin to happen for you, and in you. You become more aware of what you eat; what you drink; you become healthier, more productive, and perhaps most importantly, develop the capacity 28

for self-correction. Unaware of the warning signals your body continues to send (migraines, dizziness, fatigue, etc…), you continue in your current lifestyle until finally a life or death health scares stops you in your tracks and requires that you take immediate corrective action. After extensive research and consultation from nutritionists, I decided to try this vegan diet. So what really is a vegan diet? The vegan diet excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. My first reaction was skepticism, but after a few weeks of committing to the vegan diet, I saw immediate results. My headaches were eradicated, and I had so much energy. I lost a significant amount of weight too. I looked like a high school student again! Most importantly, I was starting a new chapter in my life that included “Mr. Sacrifice.” I renewed my mind and body, and I now have the will power to say no to food that is harmful. Therefore, you might be saying, “Ok, I’m game! However, how do I follow a vegan diet? Where do I start?” Start with research. Research, oh, and did I mention do your research? Your local grocery and health stores are an excellent place to start. Support your local farmers and get fresh produce from the farmers market. You can also search online stores. I came across followyourheart.com, which makes vegan products. This is an excellent source for someone who is trying to transition from dairy products such as mayonnaise or cheese. Focus your research on what YOU need. My wife obsessed over chocolate (and that is an understatement!), so a big part of our research was finding substitutes for her cravings. There is a lot of information out there – so much that it can be overwhelming. Thus, at the end of this article, I have listed some resources and websites that have been an enormous help in my journey. A last word about research, research until you are confident that you will be able to find and purchase the foods you will need. As a vegan diet newbie, not planning meals will discourage you, and keeping your meals interesting is critical. There is no more “fast” in your food. It takes time and patience so investing in a

cookbook, subscribing to a YouTube, or simply doing an online search for vegan recipes will keep you on the right track. Once your research is complete, set a goal for 2 weeks, adding vegetables, and fruits to your diet. During these 2 weeks, you must not consume any processed sugar, fast food, junk food, or processed foods (anything that comes in a box or a can, is high in added sugars, low in fiber, and high in sodium; saturated fat, or that includes trans-fat). Water should be your only source of liquid. If you are one who cannot handle water on the rocks, try cutting and soaking some fruit in a large picture of water in the fridge overnight before you start your 2 weeks challenge. Be sure to record your progress and thoughts in a journal. After reaching that goal, take an assessment of your energy and your overall mental outlook. Do you want to turn back, or forge ahead? I hope that you are ready to live your best life! Now the fun begins! Are you ready? A vegan diet is not really a “diet,” it is a lifestyle; one that takes adjusting to, like any major life change. It is a process, and you will face diverse temptations – old snacking habits at work, family gatherings, holidays and the like. If you fall, do not feel guilty. Guilt will only discourage you from moving on. Just do not make it a habit. Whatever you do, do not give up, remember your vision, and keep your eye on the prize. As promised, check out some of these websites, and resources for a fun, educational and delicious journey. Websites: veganstore.com | veganessentials. com | vegancuts.com | veganperfection.com | vegsources.com | followyourheart.com Documentaries and Educational Films: Available on Netflix: “Vegucated” | “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” | “Hungry for Change” | YouTube: Fully Raw Kristina James George is a Christian, writer, and is currently raising awareness about Vegan-ism, which has touched his life in a profound way. Follow James on Twitter @estheticvisions. K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

The words for this season

are “versatile” and “oversized.” There is enough of both to keep you from getting bored! You will love the fall color palette of aurora (red), sangria (dark pink), misted yellow, royal blue, and radiant orchid. Aluminum gives us a new neutral color to add to our outfits. Mauve mist, cognac, and cypress add a nice mix for day to night.

Handbags hit a home run this fall with ornate backpacks and metallic oversized clutches, by the likes of Chloe. Tory Burch and Louis Vuitton enamor us with fine baroque and tapestry print purses. If you are in a playful mood you can not go wrong with a whimsical fur bag or something embellished with glitter or polka dots.

Shoe trends have repeated some of the best styles to date. Isabel Marant gives us knee high and ankle boots.The more embellishments the better with hot studded boots by Ferragamo. Dorothy would jump for joy on the yellow brick road with the sparkly hued shoe trend this season. Oxfords and Mary Jane styles gives us a strong yet feminine vibe.

Bowler, cowboy and wide brim hats are fave picks to polish off your outfit. Round rim sunglasses, leather gloves, and scarves also add extra appeal. We can’t get enough of oversized pendant necklaces, belt style bracelets, and structural chokers. Floral wrap necklaces and multiple finger rings add . dramatic flair to any wardrobe.

Diva Dell’s Fashion Tip: Want to incorporate more than one trend, without creating a busy look? 1. Top knot, undone look, not too sleek 2. Oversized turtleneck or sweater 3. Denim jeans, leggings, or skirt 4. Knee high boots or ankle boots 5. Decorative mini backpack 6. Statement earrings and decorative multiple finger ring!

Hair picks this fall are high top knots, center parts, and ponytails. Mod squad hair and braid/twist styles were also faves on the runway. This fall’s fashion trends are an eclectic mix of different cultures, eras, and regions of the world. Fall calls for Norseman prints, knit styles and 60's inspired dress. The notion that bigger is better is in effect with oversized sweaters, pants, and robe coats, by A. McQueen. Fur gladly holds our wardrobes hostage for another fall season with shearling, and Astrakhan styles. Diva Dell’s Beauty Tip: Want a beauty look that goes from day to night in 5 min.? 1. A hint of blush or bronzer 2. A touch of metallic eyeshadow for lightly shimmered eyes 3.For night: add colored eyeliner for a pop of color 4.For night: go from subtle lip color to a bolder color The over the top 70's eye makeup was designers go to look this season, with metallic eyes and matching lip color. Doll-like faux lashes and ultra bright eyeliner add pop to our beauty look. Go for bold with blue and red eyeshadow and plum lipstick, or opt for a minimal look with glowful skin and just a touch of shimmer on the eyes.

5. Mascara by day,opt for dolllike faux lashes for night!

Fashion Design, Fashion Styling/Makeovers, Fashion Retail Products 1-800-804-0194 www.divacoutoure.com K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014



Left to right: Shirlene Jones & Delores Anderson

We Were Two Social Workers Determined to Make a Difference! In 2008, a co-worker with the State of Delaware persuaded Delores Anderson (Dee) and I to take evangelism training offered by the Way to the Master. After I took this course, it seemed like the Holy Spirit was downloading revelation in my spirit about how and why I should be evangelizing. I sat down for lunch with Dee and the other co-worker conveying to them what I believed the Spirit was saying. The following week a young man was murdered less than 50 feet from our place of employment. This young man’s death seemed to hit me like a ton of bricks. It was as though I was emotionally connected, but… why? I did not know him personally nor did I know his family. I fasted for fourteen days, because I needed more clarity from God. I truly felt lead to attend the young man’s funeral. It was a very moving service, over forty people made a commitment to Christ. God was showing me that, “The harvest field is plentiful but the laborers are few” (Luke 10:2). I continued to seek the heart of God. God gave me a mandate, “It is time to take Him outside of the walls.” Our foundation scripture is Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” The next thing God gave me was the name of the ministry, Save Our Sons and Daughters (SO SAD) Outreach Ministry. God even gave me the colors for the ministry; yellow which represents the Son of God and black to represent sin and darkness. It appeared as though almost immediately Dee was able to catch the vision. We are still working in the vineyard, today. SO SAD’s went out to witness in the complex, where the young man was murdered. We had corporate pray. Then, we walked along singing the songs of Zion. During this outreach, a devoted Muslim brought something to my attention. He said, “Ya’ll sharing the Good News is fine… but what about the natural food?” I shared what he had said with others. I started thinking of how Jesus fed the 5,000 and that was just the number of men. Jesus gave spiritual and natural food. Over the past five and half years, SO SAD Outreach Ministry has given more than 2,500 pounds of food with the support of our dedicated coworkers and others in the community to help local families. We also raised funds e.g. yard sales and an Annual Spaghetti Dinner. SO SAD has two food drives per year to assist families with providing breakfast and lunch for their children, during the Easter and Christmas break. Thank you to DHSS/DDDS in Kent County, Delaware. In 2013, SO SAD sponsored a Back to School Celebration feeding 120 people and giving 92 backpacks with school supplies. Since 2009, we have given two hundred and seven backpacks with supplies. We realize that it does, “Take a village to raise a child.” If God is tugging as your heart, help us to help others. Our primary focus continues to be winning souls for the Kingdom of God!! We still go out to the local communities, apartment complexes, and up and down the street handing out gospel tracts, praying, singing, and encouraging people to choose Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Email us: deloresanderson77@yahoo.com or shirlenejones38@yahoo. com Please feel free to check our website: http://sosadoutreach.wix. com.sosadoutreach.


YOU ARE MORE Than What You’ve Become Vincent K. Harris

In the movie “The Lion King”, Mufasa, the king, was killed trying to rescue his son, Simba, in a stampede planned by his brother Scar. After Mufasa’s death, Scar convinced Simba it was his fault and told Simba to run away so he would not be accused of his father’s death. Now, right before this scene, Simba was excited and singing about how he could not wait to be “King.” However, one of the mistakes he made when the death of his father occurred is that he listened to his fears more than he listened to his dreams. Throughout your life, you will be exposed to two different voices with two different messages. One will be very domineering and reinforced by friends, the media, and the world at large. The other will be voiced by only a few and its message will be attacked by the masses. Subsequently, you will be forced to choose which voice or path to follow. Choose wisely, because the destination of your family will be determined by the choice you make today. Let us review the two voices: Voice #1: Fear – This voice will tell you to never try anything new and shows you repeatedly in the dark room of your mind, all of the negative possibilities that could occur (Scar telling Simba he was the reason for his father’s death). It will lead you to believe that if you try K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

and fail, you are a failure, and that you will be embarrassed and ridiculed by the masses. This voice will cause you to be frozen in a time, a place in your life you hate, but you will grow to accept it because everyone else seems to be in the same place so it must be right. Initially, Simba listened to his voice of fear. He left the village and started hanging out with two individuals named Timon and Pumbaa who wanted nothing out of life, and gradually, Simba lowered his standards to those around him even though he was born to be king. As a matter of position, he was king but practically he was living beneath his potential. Look at all the time Simba wasted before deciding to fulfill his purpose and destiny. Are you doing the same? Voice #2: Dreams – This voice will show you a life very few live if you are willing to make the necessary sacrifices. There will be struggles and obstacles; however, the passion of your dreams will propel you to success. Lives will change because you dare to be different and you inspire others with the hope for a better tomorrow. You will feel freedom just by pursuing the dreams and even if you do not achieve them, there will be no regrets. This voice becomes the dominant voice because you learned to listen to those dreams more

than your fears and teach others to do the same – and it is the only way to really obtain freedom. Another mistake Simba made was that he did not want to become King bad enough. He left without facing the obstacle in the way of his dream. He allowed Scar to talk him out of what was rightfully his and the passion he wanted. Instead, he lowered his standards, became content, and surrounded himself with individuals who had neither passions, standards, desires nor ambition. Truthfully, he surrounded himself with individuals who wanted nothing out of life. He allowed his current circumstance to become his vision. It is very simple. Successful people do what unsuccessful people refuse to do. You may tell me what you want in life but can I look at your actions and behavior to see that same picture? Never forget this, “Behavior never lies.” What you do tells the world exactly what you want in life. You are more than what you have become! You can connect with me at: YouTube :: www.YouTube.com/VinceOnBusiness Twitter :: www.Twitter.com/VinceOnBusiness Facebook :: www.Facebook.com/VinceOnBusiness Website :: www.VinceOnBusiness.com



K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

by Deshauna Jones

YOUR dreams are within Reach! When surrounded by already favorable circumstances, there is far less struggle to believe that our dreams are within reach. How challenging is it for a wealthy architect to believe he can sketch and build his dream home? That is no struggle at all. However, try convincing a drug addict, with a seemingly shattered existence, that she will leave a mark on history. When extended the opportunity by K.I.S.H. Magazine to share words of encouragement, I could not assume my experiences made me an expert. Considering the weight of the assignment, I did what I find myself doing often the more successful I become; I sought God for wisdom and guidance. The words “never give up on your dreams,” echoed in response to my seeking heart. To some this revelation is less than profound, maybe even cliché; but the melody of these resounding words creates the story of my entire life. They resonate as I peer into the often dark and lonely corridors of the places I call my past. They take on new meaning as I reflect on where I am in comparison to the places I have traveled; homelessness, suicide attempts, and the drug addict I mentioned earlier, that was me. My life story has been one of challenge and conquest, and I am convinced now more than ever that the biggest mistake we can make is forfeiting tomorrow based on the impossibilities of today. Through the lenses of proper perception, we all have the ability to view trouble as a necessary part of the journey to purpose. The road traveled to accomplish your goals should have signs along the way that read, “DON’T TURN BACK! DREAMS K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

WILL BE REALIZED!” These would serve as reassurance we are on the right track, no matter how unfamiliar or contrary our surroundings appear. My purpose in writing this article was to remind each of you, and myself, to never give up on our dreams. Though today it may seem you are going backward instead of forward, know that your present state does not limit your future destiny. Consider the steps of Joseph; all ordered by God in spite of adversity. Consider the steps of a suicidal addict; steps that led to you reading this article. Make a fresh commitment to never, allow life’s roadblocks, to cause you to abandon your dreams. My life is proof that nothing can stop your destiny unless you allow it. “God has put a driving passion in you to do something special. Why would not he? You are created in His image-the only person exactly like you in the universe. No one else can do your dream.” -Bruce Wilkinson, The Dream Giver You can connect with me at: Website: www.deshaunajones.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/deshaunajministries2013 Twitter: www.twitter.com/DeshaunaJones Instagram: www.instagram.com/DeshaunaJones




he path to greatness includes many obstacles, pain, stretching, and growth. Most people view their life as uninteresting. I want to encourage those of you that are stuck in the past, but desiring to come out, and become the person, you desire. All of us have a past that includes good experiences and bad ones. The great thing about God is this; He uses even the bad things to make us better. Whenever we make a decision not to die where we are we will make it out, it is a guarantee. It has been said anything worth having you have to pay. Many of us can attest to the truth of working, pressing and persevering to come out of the dead places that wanted to keep us a prisoner. The will of man is very powerful. Man makes choices through his will that provokes a strength and determination to rise up in him that he never thought he had. For instance, a pregnant woman makes a decision to keep her baby or abort it. As soon as she decides to keep the baby, she instantly begins to make choices that will bring her into a good place for birthing. When the time comes for a woman to give birth, she has no other option but to do what comes naturally. A person who says to him/herself I see more for myself, then proceeds to carry out what he/she sees has a road of blockades and challenges to overcome. Pain will wrap in each moment that leads to the destiny he/ she envisioned. Pain is the indication of what I describe as contractions that allow you to really open up so you can bring forth what you see. The harder the contractions for a pregnant woman the closer she is to deliver. We all wait for from the doctor in order to complete the process we have been in one word. That one word is “PUSH.� The pain of bringing forth is only for a moment, and you will feel as if you are going to die. After the PUSH occurs there is a sigh of relieve and joy. You identify that you had the amazing opportunity to bring forth something great that will not only impact your life but the life of others as well. Wherever you are on your journey, keep going!

Dare to DREAM BIG!


By Edvante Showers

any people have become enslave to the limitation. Your family said you would be a failure, your peer said success was unachievable, and as a result, the vision that you had for your life years ago has become vague. So now you ask yourself, can I make my dream a reality? The dilemma is; will you do it not whether it is possible. I have discovered that every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. Trying something new will not make you a failure but it will give you the courage to try again. The dream that you carry will lay dormant in your mind until you take personal action. What if I told you that you carry the very thing that can change the world? I want to encourage you NOT TO ABORT OR ABANDON THIS BABY! When you feel you have reached the glass ceiling, it is time to build a bigger building. Remember to DREAM BIG, IT IS POSSIBLE! My new book entitled Glory will be released October 5, 2014. You can hit me on the following below. E-mail: www.edvanteshowers.com Twitter: @edvanteshowers Facebook: Edvante M. Showers

Daycare Success My first experience in the childcare industry came by divine inspiration. I had no childcare experience, no formal business experience, I had never walked into a childcare business before, nor did I have children of my own. However, while in prayer, I asked God for his direction for my life and clearly, I heard the word, “daycare.” I immediately got started and moved confidently in the directions of my dreams. When I started my first childcare I struggled with enrollment, business management and staffing. I had no idea how to successfully grow my childcare business. Enrollment was dwindling in but not quite, how I had envisioned. I was stuck with a building licensed for more than 200 children and I only had 60. I was the driving force of my business. I, literally worked in every position of my 36

business – from the front desk receptionist, after-school bus driver, cook and occasionally in the classroom as a substitute provider. I left work every day feeling overwhelmed and tired. The next day I would start all over again feeling overwhelmed. I needed relief.

Weak in faith and without guidance, I made a decision to sell that location. After giving birth to my first born, my passion to care for children intensified. I realized it never left me so I began to pray again. This time I had no money, my credit score was low, and there was no one to go to for help. I started with what I had and began babysitting for $10.00 per day. As my baby-sitting services began to grow, I applied and obtained the license for family. We continued to grow so I obtained the license for group, then we grew to two groups and on to a large center. I moved into two large

by Andrea Dickerson

facilities to care for over 160 children each day. All of this happened in less than five years. I had purpose, promise, and passion but there was no payoff until I realized there was a better way to achieving childcare success. Through many years of hard work through trial and error, I finally found the formula to grow my childcare business. When I look at my wonderful life now, I realize it was determination and hard work that helped to build the childcare business of my dreams. My income grew successfully from $10.00 per day to $3,000.00 per day in my childcare business. I created systems, which make childcare easy. Today I am dedicated to sharing with others and want you to know – you too, can truly build a childcare business that generates wealth and happiness as you manage the childcare business you love! K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014


ife’s circumstances have a way of convincing us that all we have to look forward to in life is chaos, trials and troubles. We spend the majority of our life settling for routine and convenience instead of challenging our norms and seeking to accomplish something significant in life. We buy into the lie that life is just about going to work, paying bills, eating food, raising children, entertainment, then sleep just to wake up and do it all over again. Life is to be lived with a sense of purpose, passion, and drive to accomplish something that will leave the world at awe. God has invested too much in you for you to think small. Small thinkers accomplish small things, but big thinkers accomplish big things. It is time for you to dream bigger! There is a world changer in you. Yes, YOU! You have not yet tapped into a potential and power that is in you. Are you living life or are you letting life live you? Do not just let things happen it is time for you to make things happen.

Releasing the World Changer in YOU! By Bishop Antwain Jackson

How do you awaken the world changer inside you? You must believe that God made a large investment of Himself in you and He wants that shown to the world. We have a responsibility to God to manifest all of who He is to the world. It is a huge, world changing undertaking and God obviously believes that you are up for the task. The world is better because you are here. Your gifts, talents, and abilities are so large that they are just waiting for you to take the limits off of them so they can make an impact on this world. At this point in my life, I would rather believe God for big things and get some of it than to believe God for nothing and get nothing at all! How many times in life we wished, we had started that business, ministry, or philanthropic endeavor that would impact the world for generations to come? Here is your wake up call! Believe in God, believe in yourself, awaken your purpose, engage your passions, choose to be risky, take chances, dream big, and expect God to do big things through you. Your dreams could be God’s next big gift to the world. Let it out! We have got a world to change!

Look in the Mirror

by Simra Grant

Singles step back; take a long look in the mirror. Tell me, what do you see? We are so busy working on the external to give us a sense of worth; it is like putting on a small band aide over a huge wound. Too many of you are focusing on the external trying to fix the internal you. Do you realize that you are the impression in the image of God? You cannot put a price on God and since you are an impression in His image then you too are priceless. When we start focusing on feeding our spirit then it will reflect on the outside. So many are too focus on Hollywood’s way of appearance other than God’s way and we fall in trapped to the ways of this world. Singles you are beautiful and I encourage you to allow God to make you whole again. All the energy that you use to dress the outside up turn it around and start feeding your spirit. I promise you that His light will shine straight through you that even on your worst days your beauty will still shine from the inside out. Singles, beauty comes from within and God loves you so much that He has created each and every one of you in His image. Stay focus, stay committed, and feed your spirit man!!!! Singles You Are Destined for Greatness!! Keep Pressing!! K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014




Pursue-v. To follow the precepts of (a plan, policy) v. To follow in order to overtake, capture, kill; chase v. To strive to gain, seek to attain or accomplish

The question was raised, “How does one know that God-Himself gave the dream/ vision?” How does one know that this is not something that they came up with themselves? How does one know that it is not just another good idea? Let us just be real. Going after your God-given dreams will not be a walk in the park. In striving to gain, seeking to attain or accomplish dreams, there will be some sleepless nights, some heavy sweat, and some tears. Even beyond that, there will be a struggle. Nevertheless, you have to ask yourself, “How bad do I want it?” What am I willing to sacrifice on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis in order to see this move from a dream to a reality? 38

Another definition of pursue that really stuck out to me is when it tells us “to follow the precepts of a plan, or policy.” One, YOU DO NOT KNOW IT ALL! There are people who have been the way you are trying to go. Seek professional advice. Get a business and/ or life coach. The Bible tells us in the book of Habakkuk 2 to, “Write the vision, and make it plain.” You MUST HAVE A PLAN!! Any business that does not have a plan is planning the funeral of their business!!

attentive and persistent in doing anything. Proverbs 10:4 states, “He becometh poor that dealeth (with) a slack hand; but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.” Don’t let laziness be named among you. 3. Don’t let ANYONE talk you out of your dream!!: Remember, God did not give the dream to them. He gave it to you! BE AWARE!! There are dream killers out here; people who do not want to see you go far!

Steps to Pursuing Your God-Given Dreams: 1. Seek God’s will: I cannot emphasize that enough. What is His perfect will concerning the dream that He has given YOU? 2. Be a diligent worker: To be diligent means to be constant in effort to accomplish something;

Therefore, to you my friend, PURSUE your Godgiven dream. And when you do, the promise is, you will overtake and capture your dream. Then, and only then, will it move from dream to reality. Because, believe it or not, what you are looking for, is LOOKING FOR YOU!! K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014


hose who have God-Given Dreams to do better and become better, often find themselves faced with many detours on the road to their God-Given Destiny. Detours are alternate routes that often take longer but somehow lead us to our final destination. We have to detour when there are things before us that are preventing us from moving forward. Detours vary. Some detours happen because of accidents, road construction, or utility work. However, on the journey of producing plays and movies, there were many detours that I encountered – heartbreak, financial distress, loneliness, repossession, eviction, and unemployment. These detours have often made me question, made me cry, and made me feel like giving up. However, when you have a sure Word of Promise there will be many times when you feel like quitting, but you cannot quit. Because, the stakes are too high, and there are too many lives depending upon your success. In 2001, at age nineteen, God gave me a promise that He would use me in Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry. From the moment He birthed that vision in my heart, I began to take baby steps towards seeing it come to pass. I did not know a thing about screenwriting, producing, or directing. All I had was my faith and a Word from God. I could not afford film school, so I went to cheap bookstores and began to read all I could on how to produce, direct, and write for plays and movies. Finally, by the Provision of God, I enrolled into film school and graduated. I went on to Grad School and received a Master’s in Marketing and Business, to help hone my skills as a Producer.

DREAM CHASERS Detours to Destiny By Travis Brown

I am sharing all this to say, no matter what detours you face, on the road to your God-Given Destiny, you must keep chasing the Dream. Never allow obstacles to stop you. In the book of Genesis, Joseph received a promise from God, and in his due season, God did it for him, because he never gave up. Your Faith in action and your obedience to God are what will manifest His promises in your life. My final words are quoted from Bishop T.D. Jakes:

“When the promise of God has grown in the fertile ground of a faith-filled heart and reached the time of maturation, it will come to pass!”

The God Kind of Life

By Dawn Gibson

That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to his death (Philippians 3:10).

Greetings, I am, Just Dawn. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence. One thing in life is that, many are the days of sorrow. Through sorrows, I lost my voice and could not articulate how I felt. Pain not only silenced me but also triggered repressed memory, depression, isolation, and a host of other infirmities. As time went on – I gradually became a prisoner to my own imagination. Since the pain and suffering was too much to bear, the little girl, Dawn mentally checked out. I became fragmented in my personality. I could not process being supposedly loved, raised, and fathered by a man, who was helping me with life problems by day and helping himself to me by night. This same man who I called “Dad” not only started sexually abusing me when I was two years old, but also tormented me by tying me down in my crib, leaving me in the car at night, and giving me the privilege of seeing him

beat my mother. I grew up feeling like a motherless, fatherless, throw-a-way child. Over the years as I grew in my relationship with the Lord, the little girl inside of me remained hidden. One day, the Lord spoke a resurrecting message over my life (Think Lazarus). I experienced an awakening. Indepth memories of the incest began to resurface. It was time to face the demons of the past, however, this time, and God’s way. I had to die to maladaptive thought processes. I was empowered to face my abuser. In doing so, I felt emotions that had been trapped and bottled up inside of me for years. For the very first time, I associated my feelings with the root of my issues–that of what my father had done. As the tears fell, something happened. The wonder-working power that raised Jesus from the grave is the very same power that lifted me. The “God Kind of Life” is to know and to experience the fullness of His love. Today, that little girl is whole and no longer bound. I am the Founder/CEO of New Dawn Ministries, LLC. We are 911 for survivors (of all ages and genders) who have escaped sexual and domestic abuse.

DESTINY IS WHEN THE PROCESS OR PREPARATION ENCOUNTERS AN OPPORTUNITY. Would it not be wonderful if everything as it pertains to life came with a book of instructions? I am aware there are virtually books written on every subject that may offer some – blue print, advice, pattern, behavioral patterns, and coaching by pointing us in a direction of success as it pertains to this present life on the earthly realm. The reality yet remains is that every case is unique and it presents its own challenges.

Your Separation is for ElevationBeing Prepared for Greatness By Dr. Augustin Perez

along with personal effort. The Holy Scripture offer us great advice we find in Ecclesiastes 4:4, “...excellence will awaken envy among your peers.” Remember that once you commence this journey towards excellence and success, your circle of friends will become smaller and smaller. Therefore, it is your decision to release your fear and embark towards your destiny. In order to proceed and operate fully in excellence, one must apply to all these Biblical principles that I will enlist below out of my own personal experience.

I am NOT dismissing the facts that there are certain information that may be helpful but a soldier in combat in life needs more than just INFORMATION. He or she will need FORMATION, which will require discipline, integrity, time, energy, money, training, and sacrifice. All of these attributes summed up in four words, which makes one valid and legit – EFFORT TO GAIN EXPERIENCE. Everything in life will require EFORT– good marriage, business, ministry, etc. As far as experience is concerned, it comes to validate by granting you credibility.

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God: Put Him first (John 15:5). Good Choices of Friends: Surround yourself with folks that celebrate your destiny, purpose, assignment and are excited about you (Excited people make things happen for you). Identify your friendship in three categories -- CONFIDANTS, COMRADES and the CONSTITUENTS.

What good is it to read upon on how to become a driver without having experience? But what a delight it is ,when you get behind the wheel and get properly trained to then get awarded by having a DRIVER’S LICENSE. Therefore, legitimizing you, all due to your effort, which it has, continue to prove total satisfaction of self-accomplishment. No journey in life is void of challenges but considered trivial in comparison of the great rewards that come

Focus: Remain focus. Anything distracting you from your assignment, goal or purpose is an enemy. Plan: If you fail to plan then you plan to fail (Habakkuk 2:2). Empower others: After you have accomplished your assignment or if you are still in it, do not forget to empower others. Remember before you depart you must, impart because there can be no real success without a successor. Leave a Spiritual, moral legacy for others to follow.

An Interview with Dr. Jerald I. Perry II By Kishma A. George

It is not very often that I have the privilege to interview for K.I.S.H. Magazine. I am always excited when I do get the opportunity to interview. When I was given the opportunity to interview Dr. Jerald I. Perry II, I was ecstatic. Dr. Jerald Perry is a powerfully anointed pastor and business person. He is the CEO / Founder of Word of Life Ministries International and the pastor of Tabernacle of Deliverance in Chesapeake, Virginia. With his zeal for God and His kingdom, he intensely studies the Word, and because of the abundance of revelations and mysteries, many people are able to walk in their true deliverance, especially in the area of their finances. He has traveled locally and internationally, proclaiming the glorious Gospel with a unique God-given perspective on money, finances, and business. He is also a professional in the financial services industry as a personal wealth manager. In interviewing Dr. Perry, I was literally sitting at the edge of my seat in order not to miss anything that he said. He is such a warm and God-fearing individual. It was such a pleasure interviewing Dr. Perry. As you read his testimony, it is the hope that you will walk away with food for thought as to how you can serve God better and live a life that will honor and glorify God. You cannot be perfect but you can live a life that is pleasing to God with His strength. You will fall but you will learn that you do not have to stay down. All believers have struggles but the difference is that God will be there for them to help if they only ask. The Bible says in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it shall be given unto you.” Kishma A. George (KG): Hi Dr. Gerald Perry, thank you so much for joining me on this interview. We are excited that you are willing to share your story with us and many readers. I know that you truly have a powerful story that many lives will be changed as they pick up your testimony and read it. They will truly be inspired. Thank you so much again. You honored us to have you be part of the vision that God has placed within to help make a difference in the youth ageing out of the foster care system. Dr. Jerald Perry II (DJP): Thank you! KG: You are welcome! Dr. Perry, tell the readers a little bit about who you are, what God is doing for you in this season and a little bit of your testimony. DJP: Well, first, I thank God for allowing me to 42

share my testimony. As we, all have embraced coming to the year of 2014, which is the year of Lord’s release; we have seen in the year 2013 many, many women of God who found themselves on the brink of suicide.

communication. When we begin to cry that communication does not need to be out or down but it needs to be up. Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no counsel man falls, but there is safety among to the counsels.”

KG: Wow!

KG: For all the things that you have been through, most leaders probably would have felt embarrassed. How did you overcome not feeling embarrassed about the situation even as a leader? What advice would you give to those who might be in fear wondering how he/she can go back to the public and let the public know that this is what he/she has gone through or suffered?

DJP: We saw there were pastors who often fulfilled that abortion assignment to their ministry because Satan persuaded them. For me, being a servant, an overseer, a shepherd, and pastor of the Lord’s church, on three occasions in 2013, I found myself just liken as those men of God who actually fulfilled the assignment of their abortion and took their lives. I found myself with a gun, yet still preaching, and ministering. Therefore, I believe that it is important for us to be transparent. That we can get suicidal on the pulpit. There is a crisis among the clergy. There is a crisis among many women of God who stand daily in the sacredness, ministering to others, yet they themselves needing to be ministered to as well. KG: That is true. What would you say to those out there in that position? Right now, even in 2014 some of the leaders that may be struggling in that situation, what words of encouragement would you give them?

“Turn the phone off and spend time with the family. Because before God created the church, He created family.”

DJP: Well, first we have to realize that we need counseling. As I have worked in Cooperate America over the last ten years, last decade, I have discovered something dealing with the hierarchy of Cooperate America that we can implement even in the Kingdom of God. We need a rest, take that Selah which is sabbatical. That Selah meaning, “rest” in call of ministry; turn the phone off and spend time with the family. Because before God created the church, He created family. He created a man and a woman, a father and a mother to offspring his children. Therefore, I want to encourage leaders to really understand family. When we look at the family, to realize that, they were always dysfunction. However, it was the Holy Spirit, and the Word that brought that order to us now to be able to function in what God intended. What I found out myself was it was family that rescued me. I was crying down, as we say in the Cooperate America, “we never cry down, we cry up.” Many times in the body of Christ, “we cry out.” Look at it, when Jesus cried, the Bible says, “He lifted His eyes unto heaven and He began to pray.” Prayer is a communication. A cry is a K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

An Interview with Dr. Jerald I. Perry II (continued) What words of encouragement would you give them to overcome that situation to go back? I know that for God even though you fall down, God will bounce you up again through all trials and tribulations. Nevertheless, some people cannot cope with it. What words would you give the readers in this area?

they were going through. Then at the end when everyone found out what the pastors were going through, it was too late. So…

DJP: There is a lot of shame that is in the body for many of us because we have struggled with pride, which is one of the seven sins. First thing, I want to suggest is we deal with deliverance as well as healing. We need healing and deliverance of that prideful thing that we are really trying to sit there, portray, and really deal with it. Now we cannot cry down, again, I say again, we must cry up. There must be somebody that we entrust our spirit, our mind, and our body into their hands. That is how come we need counsel. That is how come we need spiritual parents. Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.” We need spiritual parents. We need that spiritual mother. We need that spiritual father to be able to bring balance. When we look at shame, we do not even look at the promise that we all talk about in Isaiah. Isaiah brings it to us in this manner, “for your shame, ye shall have double.” Now, what I love about that is because now if I want to present the double that I am worthy of the cause of my struggles, my pain, I must become unashamed. Where I was ashamed, I must become unashamed and become transparent. That means I got to come before somebody and expose my nakedness that they can cover me, so that they can bring closure and healing to those areas. Kishma, I can say to you Woman of God, we have to realize, the same way we have our doctors in the natural, where something is going on about our bodies we go to them.

KG: Okay.

KG: Yes! (Pause) That is true. DJP: We are transparent and we reveal our secrets. David said, “Listen, God hear me. I want to give my secret faults. You know all but here I am. I want to give You anything that is in me. I want to reveal my secrets things.” I believe we have to go back to the Word. We have to return to those things, which bring a soundness, and a wholeness as well as a holiness where it concerns those secrets faults, those secret things – our secrets. Somebody got to know our secrets. We have to trust our spirit and our mind with somebody to know our secrets. Psalm 19:12 says, “Who can understand his errors clear? Cleanse thou me from secret faults.” These secrets are what is killing men and women. KG: That is so true. Many times some of the pastors that have killed themselves over a couple of years were battling with it within themselves. They never told anyone what K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

DJP: You know Kishma, you are so powerful in what you are doing. I want to give you inside of something. I really went to God.

DJP: When we dealt with Zion Baptist in Macon, Georgia, a 42-year-old man preached one day, the message, From Tragedy to Triumph. Many men and women stand aside the sacredness of God and preach messages to a people but in reality is revealing something really within themselves. But you got to have a strong person counsel to help you walk now in that place of trial or there is going to be a tragedy. The message he preached that day, From Tragedy to Triumph was on the same day that he committed suicide. KG: Oh my! Oh no! (Pause) Oh my God! DJP: The day he took his life, he left a wife of nineteen years. KG: Oh! No! DJP: What you are saying and what you are asking is that many leaders are preaching to others what really, really, they should be interpreting and applying themselves. KG: You are so right! Prophet Perry, as we close this interview, I want you to close out with anything that God has laid in your heart to inspire or empower any reader who reads your testimony/interview. Anything that is in your heart that you believe that they will truly, truly need in this time of season in this hour. So that they will be able to go forth even in their circumstances when they are hiding things that may be bothering them. They may have a secret but they will need to go out there and let someone know. It might not even be a leader; it might be just a regular person reading this testimony/ interview. So, go ahead and close out with words of encouragement to the readers to be inspired. DJP: Amen! As we have entered into the year of a leap of covenant and blessings, I want to encourage someone today to know that we were knotted by nature. However, as scripture has been given unto us according to 2 Peter 1:4, “That we might be partakers of a divine nature.” Every day of your life, every day of our life, there are two natures that collide together. There is our carnal nature, which is sinful, and the divine nature, which is a course of prim to everything that rise within us. In this hour of season, we must take hold and understand the divine nature that was in Christ. He

went to Calvary and nailed every principality and power, ruler of darkness of this world, spirit of wickedness in high places to help us. To aid us even when our naughty nature arises in us, and therefore He has given us victory. Though you may have been a victim, I can decree and declare today that you are a victor. I say that because your name is Victory! KG: Yes! Yes! DJP: You have yet to know that you have been given a divine nature for such a time as this. So hold fast. Hold fast unto our Lord our Savior and it is through His name that every name under the heaven, whereby men had found themselves attached. Therefore, we can detach ourselves from Him. We can detach ourselves from suicide. We can detach ourselves from perversion. We can detach ourselves of course by escaping the corruption that is in this world through lust. Therefore, our desire now is not with the carnal nature but with the divine nature. This is the hour, which we will walk in our divine spiritual authority. With this of really understanding, I am naughty in nature! KG: Thank you so much, Prophet! I want you to let everyone know the church you attend. How can they locate you if they want to visit your church or reach you for anything? How can they contact you through Twitter, Facebook or your website? Please share the information with the readers. DJP: Amen! We are located in Chesapeake, Virginia. You can log on to the world web at www.tabwholelifecenter.com. Of course, through that, you will find every bit of information you need to connect with this ministry. As a global apostle with an assignment given, you can contact me through this site to personally have a one-on-one prophetic counsel, to speak unto your life, with the things in which God has purpose concerning your life. We are located at 2123 Smith Avenue, Chesapeake, Virginia, 23320. We believe where we are, is where the simplicity of the Word will impact your whole life. KG: Amen! Thank you so much, Dr. Perry, for taking this time out to share and empower the leaders and I. I have been inspired. Leaders whatever you have going on in your life that is bothering you, you need to make sure you let someone know, instead of helping others and dying inside. If you need to a regular doctor, see a doctor . If you need counseling, get counseling . You need to find someone who can pour life into your ministry as well as minister to you so that you can be effective with the ministry God has placed in your life. Thank you Dr. Perry. It was a pleasure and God bless! DJP: God bless you too! 43


I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU… POWER IS YOUR PORTION! God calls us a “Royal Priesthood.” This means that we are Kings as well as Priests under the King-Priesthood of Jesus Christ. This has never happened before in the history of God’s people. In the Old Testament, kings and priests were two distinct groups of people. You were either a king or a priest, but not both at the same time. Today, because we are in Christ, we are king-priests – a ‘Royal Priesthood’. This means that we have a double portion of speaking power because as kings, “Where the word of a King is, there is POWER” (Ecclesiastes 8:4), and as priests, “By their word every controversy and every assault shall be settled” (Deuteronomy 21:5). As I am reflecting on the young man named Elisha. It is apparent he was a man hungry for all God could give him. He wanted to encompass all aspects of Prophet Elijah’s anointing, gifting, and power! Elisha wanted more of the Lord’s power in his life and he was willing to pay the price to get it. Let me say THAT again… He was WILLING to PAY the PRICE to get it! What did it take Elisha to obtain the “double portion” he asked for? What we learn from him is valuable in our own lives. So as it was for Elisha..., the Mantle of ministry in these days… rests upon you and me. If we are going to be as effective as we should be for the “glory” of the Lord, then we too need the “power” of God’s Spirit in greater dimension. As you continue to read, the Word (scripture) reveals Elisha is told by Elijah he has asked a “hard thing” referring to his desire for “double portion” of Elijah’s spirit. Only God could raise up prophets and give positions of power and influence. Elisha pressed on in determination because he knew he needed the power of God working in him and through him if he were to accomplish his ministry, his purpose,

and his predestined mandate. He knew he needed to be controlled by the Spirit of God. He needed divine power to accomplish the will of God for his life. He absolutely knew it was a necessity to be FILLED with the Spirit of God according to Ephesians 5:18. Yielding from Elisha’s experience, we must get before God and request an influx of His POWER, and His GLORY like never before in this season, in this period, in these end times. For you cannot navigate confidently without the assurance of God being for you as the world has waxed cold and is submitted unto darkness, principalities in high places. The earth is turbulent, crying out as it is out of alignment with the will of the Father. It is critical you hear with clarity, perspicuity what God is releasing into the atmosphere, into your spirit and the voice of the stranger you will not follow nor be deceived by the enemy of your soul. Do you want double portion in your life? Are you thirsty for God’s Living water? His presence is water and exactly what you need. Allow Him to fill you again and again and again. He continually renews you with “a fresh fire” anointing. He continually gives you “fresh Manna” from heaven. Do you want to be in a position where the God of Heaven is using you for His glory in this world? Do you want to experience a greater presence of God’s POWER in your life? This kind of “blessing and power” does not come upon the uncommitted! It is reserved for those who will pay the heavy-weighty price in praise, worship, prayer, supplication, obedience, and holiness before the Lord! The glory is COSTLY! The believer who goes after God with a heart to know Him, and who seeks His face according to His revealed will is going to receive that which he is after. When we stop trying to get ON through fleshly means and through worldly shortcuts, fast food proclamations, appointment of reverenced Christendom titles, ranks in the Kingdom and

truly get nourished SEEKING God, seeking His face, going through the Refiner’s Fire to become gold, go after Him by honoring His Word and respecting His holiness… He will bless us with His presence and His POWER for His glory! If you are truly wanting His glory flowing in your life, understand the laws of Worship. Praise is a portal to worship. Psalm 100:4, “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.” Gates are powerful! There are Gates of the natural realm and Gates of the supernatural or eternal realm. When the Word of God says, “Enter into His Gates that is the realm of the eternal. Therefore, if you enter into His Gates with thanksgiving you just crossed over into eternity, into the eternal through the access penetration of Praise that will keep you operating in the eternal realm of God so it does not matter what is happening or going on around you. You must keep the heart of Thanksgiving to enter, to have access. Praise is a function of your will. Psalm 34:1 admonishes us to bless God… “I WILL BLESS THE LORD AT ALL TIMES AND HIS PRAISES SHALL CONTINUALLY BE IN MY MOUTH.” Praise can function in both realms… the Natural and the Supernatural realms. Again, Praise is a Portal into Worship. Praise causes us to enter into the Anointing we receive. When you worship God in the beauty of Holiness, you step into the laws that govern worship because GOD IS A SPIRIT and those that worship Him must worship Him in SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. Therefore, You praise God until worship IS born from your Praises (if you are worshipping Him from its purest essence)! When you Praise and Worship God; you step into the realm of Eternity. You step into the realm of the Invisible. You step into the realm where there is No Limitations, and No Boundaries.

You step into the realm where God desires begin to Manifest and expand your vision, expand your territory, enlarge your spirit because God seeks those who chooses to Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. NOW YOU HAVE A PORTION OF HIS ETERNITY. YOU FLOW IN HIS POWER, THE FIRE OF GOD AND WORSHIP BECOMES A PORTAL INTO THE GLORY REALM. HIS GLORY SHALL BECOME YOUR PORTION. GOD WILL SEEK YOU OUT AND FIND YOU. GOD’S ATMOSPHERE IS GLORY! Oh Hallelujah, Glory be unto You Abba, Father! Every time the presence of the Lord comes upon us, it is not just, so we can feel good, shake, jump, dance, shout, exercise learnedbehaviors, speak in tongues, and shout Hallelujah… The Presence of the Lord comes upon our lives because we desire oneness with Him, God Almighty. Every time God chooses to be intimate with us there is a SPIRITUAL DEPOSIT GIVEN, a deposit that is left, delivered. The Word of God says, they… that KNOW their God shall be strong and do Exploits. So when Father chooses to know us and become intimate with us, and become one with us and fellowship with us… of course relationship will never be breached. There is fellowship in His presence. Every time He becomes intimate with us; embraces us and draw nigh (near) unto us and we draw nigh unto Him, He RECIPROCATES and draws even closer unto us. He always leave a deposit, there is always evident Power, Virtue, and a Surge, and there is always a Manifestation of His Glory that is left with us. You cannot access, you cannot go into the Glory of the Lord, the presence of the Lord without receiving an impartation from Him. It will always be there. There is a transferring of POWER. And it is for PURPOSE, it is to grow, develop, empower, anoint your gifted mantle… which comes from Father. God is “placing a demand” on His investment and the manifestation of your anointing, the fruit of the spirit must come into fruition, must grow, must rise up into Sonship as we are Sons of God! There is no gender in the spirit realm. You are just spirit, an anointed vessel, and a royal priesthood. Now 2 Corinthians 4th chapter paraphrasing… We have this treasure in an urban vessel that the Excellency of the Power may be of God not of ourselves. So the Power that God places within us “begins to excel.” The treasure came from God and the Power that excels comes from God. We are His inheritance. We belong to Him. Doing things God’s way will put a shout in your heart, a song on your lips and glory in your soul. When we line up with Him and go after God with all our hearts, we will be changed forever! WE MUST LEARN THE TRUTH! THERE IS A PRICE FOR HIS GLORY, FOR POWER TO OPERATE IN KINGDOM AUTHORITY! There are no shortcuts to holiness and obedience. If you are willing to go ALL the way with the Lord, He will bless your life with His POWER and GLORY! The requirement is a consistent walk

with the Lord that “follows Him” in spite of everything… in suffering, in affliction, in heartache, through trials and tribulation, through money problems, through disappointments, through character assassination and accusation, through being misunderstood, through detrimental circumstances, betrayals, through violations physically and mentally, through addictions of all kinds, through the spirit of rejection and abandonment, through stagnation and procrastination, through battles with belief and unbelief, through lack of confidence, fear, phobia, through bad decisions, and feelings of unworthiness. THROUGH IT ALL, EVEN WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE OUT ON A LIMB AND HANGING ON FOR DEAR LIFE… AND THERE IS NO NATURAL SAFETY NET, AND THERE IS NOBODY COMING TO YOUR AID! BUT GOD! And the questions remains…WILL YOU BECOME FULLY SUBMITTED UNTO HIS WILL? WILL YOU PLACE ALL YOUR CARES AT HIS THRONE? WILL YOU EMPTY YOURSELF OUT OF EVERYTHING, WHICH YOU PLACED VALUE IN, TRUST IN, TRIED TO CONTROL, OR MANIFEST FROM YOUR OWN WILL? WILL YOU EMPTY YOURSELF OUT…? SO HE CAN FILL YOU UP WITH WHAT YOU NEED. We need God on us working through us and we need His POWER and His MANIFEST PRESENCE in our lives and in our worship.

I pray this blesses you and enlightens you in your journey in the Lord. Prophetic Release “Several months ago while in deep prayer and adoration unto Abba, Father God, MY KING I ascended up into the universe hovering over the outer perimeter of the earth. God showed me the spirit of an anointed vessel, the ether, the essence and it was LIGHT emanating from that vessel. Then another and another and another. What was happening was a population of God’s Glory being released into the atmosphere. And the beacon of lights started appearing all over the globe, all over the world, growing exponentially and rapidly. Then God showed me dots connecting one to another from their beacon of light so it looked like a net was appearing exponentially all over the world, and Abba revealed He was dispatching His Glory and speaking into the atmosphere. And every anointed vessel in obedience unto Him will hear Him and get revelation and receive deeper dimensions of His Glory and know His voice and speak His will and be activated. Then the earth LIT UP WITH LIGHT ALL OVER, a ball of light Glory to God! In addition, I heard Habakkuk 2:14, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” Praise God! –

Simone Malone

Native of Philadelphia, PA.


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K.I.S.H. Magazine | Fall/Winter 2014

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