Getting on the Right Road

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Traveling the Getting on the narrow road Right Road

The Life Legacy Team

A Work in Process Version

Getting on the Right Road CONTENTS Introduction


About Core Spiritual Beliefs


Follow the Process • Knowing Christ • Accepting Christ • Making an All IN Commitment


Travelling the Narrow Road


Key References


Spiritual Toolkit Contents • Key Findings in Choosing Your Destiny • Making an ALL IN Commitment o An Individual Declaration o A Mutual Declaration • Key Indicators for Being Prepared

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Introduction This booklet describes a practitioner approach for helping people make life’s most important decision in a clear, biblically sound, and life-changing manner. This is a decision which determines life destines, as well as fulfills God’s plan for everyone to spend eternity in Heaven with His Son, Jesus Christ by choosing to get on the narrow road which leads to Heaven. This is described in Matthew 7:13-14 as follows: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

A case can be made that this is the most important booklet in Christianity because results of spiritual health surveys reveal the top spiritual need in modern Christianity is knowing “how to” establish a right relationship with Christ. This is God’s requirement for being welcomed into Heaven as described in John 14:6. “

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Results of spiritual health surveys reveal today’s ministry practices do not result in having relevant spiritual impacts on lives. A different approach for educating and training people “how to” establish a right relationship with Christ must be undertaken with a sense of urgency. This is needed in order to complete the following statement in a heartfelt, biblically sound manner: If I were to die tonight, I am confident of spending eternity in heaven because _________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________. Insights from three leading pastors put into perspective the urgency for a different approach for helping people get on the road that leads to Heaven: 1

Christianity is facing a beliefs crisis! According to Randy Frazee in BELIEVE, “churches face no greater challenge than overcoming biblical illiteracy, and the prospects for doing so are formidable because the stark fact is, many Christians do not know what they believe and why. Unless people know the basics regarding Christ and eternity, they are likely to become deceived regarding their eternity.


According to Kyle Idleman in Not a Fan, a majority of Christians are: • Fans of Christ who know about Christ rather than truly know Him. • Comfort seekers who are not willing to be inconvenienced, or endure hardships and sufferings on behalf of Christ.

There are also life costs for traveling the road that leads to Heaven—costs that are rarely being communicated. These are described in Luke 9:23: Then he said to them all: Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” “


Becoming a follower of Christ is not as easy as many of the messages being presented in modern Christianity. According to Andy Stanley, pastor at North Point Community Church in Atlanta, making a commitment to follow Christ daily is a process rather than an “instant save.” Many people believe they have a permanent ticket to Heaven because that is what they were told when they participated in some type of religious ritual. Unfortunately, they have never made a biblically sound commitment to become a follower of Christ.


Core Spiritual Beliefs What are core spiritual beliefs and why are they so important regarding our eternal destiny? These are important questions because one must choose between traditional and progressive spiritual beliefs in today’s era of contemporary Christianity. An increasing number of Christians embrace the progressive beliefs because they have natural desires to rationalize what’s right verses wrong to fit their personal preferences. Those who choose to be guided by these beliefs are taking great risks which lead to devastating life destinies. Brief responses to the two questions posed above follow: •

Core spiritual beliefs (or traditional beliefs) are described as the essentials, or most important, messages in scripture regarding Jesus’ life and teachings. These beliefs provide guidance in a manner that fulfills God’s plan and purpose for His people. This is why they are described as core spiritual beliefs.

People who know, accept, and act on these core spiritual beliefs are equipped to make a biblically sound case for spending eternity in Heaven with Christ. This results in experiencing a relationship with Him that is considered to be the most important relationship in their lives.

All core spiritual beliefs are non-negotiable biblical truths for those who desire to have a biblically sound reason for spending eternity in Heaven with Christ. Knowing and accepting these beliefs are necessary for one to truly know Christ rather than merely intellectually believe in Him. Insights Regarding Core Spiritual Beliefs • The beliefs about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, the Church, Salvation, Human Beings, and Eternity represent those which are commonly accepted by all Christian denominations; however, there are other beliefs, doctrines, and practices for which there is disagreement. •

Knowing and accepting these core spiritual beliefs is necessary for one to possess a biblically sound foundation for getting on the narrow road—the only road which leads to Heaven.

Those who know, accept, and act on these core spiritual beliefs can defend their case for being on the narrow road that leads to Heaven.

An overview of the eight core beliefs has been developed and provided in a format which is intended to: • • •

Be clearly understood Be viewed as relevant to life circumstances Inspire people to want to think differently, and take next steps

In order to meet these expectations, the following information has been developed for each belief: • Biblical insights • Practical insights • Key applied scripture references • A current life circumstance statement for demonstrating one has applied this belief in their daily life choices This describes our approach to addressing the beliefs crisis facing modern Christianity.


Overview of Core Spiritual Beliefs A description of the beliefs that are common to all Christian churches follows: 1—About God Biblical Insights • He created the world and all things visible and invisible. • He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and present in the hearts and souls of everyone. • He sacrificed His one and only Son on the cross in order to provide an opportunity for those who choose to • • •

follow Christ to spend eternity in Heaven.

He exists in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are equal and are present in the lives of those who establish a right relationship with His Son. He created everyone with an expectation that they live daily in accordance with His will and standards.

He is both a kind God who blesses people, as well as a just and holy God who will punish those who are unwilling to turn away from their sinful nature.

Practical Insights • He has a plan and purpose for everyone’s life, and provides the resources needed for everyone to realize His purpose in their lives. • God’s will for His people is that they become committed followers of Christ in order that they spend eternity in Heaven. • God’s standard for His people is to live a transformed life by constantly growing closer to Him during their life long journey. • Most Christians take God for granted because they do not fear him. They view Him more like a spare time by reaching out to Him only when needed. • He created people to serve others rather than to constantly seek happiness and acceptance. • People should be content with God due to what He has done for them rather than being discontented due to what they don’t have. Key Applied Scriptural References “I believe the God of the Bible is the only true God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”…2 Corinthians 13-14. “I believe God is involved in and cares about my daily life.”…Psalms 122:1-2 “I invest my time in fulfilling’s God’s purposes.”…Colossians 3:17 “I give my resources to fulfill God’s purposes.”…2 Corinthians 8:7 “I worship God for who he is and what he has done for me.”…Psalms 95:1-2 “I focus on God and his priorities for my life.”…Matthew 6:33 “I know my spiritual gifts and use them to fulfill God’s purposes.”…Romans 12:4 “I dedicate my life to God’s purposes.”…Romans 12:1

Current Life Circumstance Statement “I trust, obey, and fear God. I do not treat Him like a spare time by calling on Him only when I need Him”


2—About Christ Biblical Insights The following descriptions provide key insights regarding Christ which are contained in the Apostles Creed—a creed which is recited in many worship services: • The Son God • Born of the Virgin Mary • Was crucified under the order of Pontius Pilate • He arose from the dead and ascended into Heaven. • He is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. • He will judge everyone regarding how they lived. Additional Biblical Insights: • He is the Son of God and is co-equal with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. • He was human, lived a sinless life, and offered Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all people. • He fulfilled the predictions in the Old Testament of a Messiah. • He lived on earth to be a role model for Christians to pattern their lives after. • He provides the only way for people to spend eternity in Heaven. Practical Insights • A relationship with Christ must become the most important relationship in one’s life if they want to be confident of being welcomed into Heaven. • His death on the cross provided the only opportunity for a person to have their sins forgiven, and be welcomed into Heaven. • True followers of Christ live transformed lives which are guided by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. • Becoming a committed follower of Christ is more of a process rather than being an instant conversion. • Christ will judge everyone at their final life examination. This will be performed at either the Judgment Seat of Christ or at the Great White Throne Judgment. Key Scriptural Reference Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me…John 14:6.

A Current Life Circumstance Statement “My relationship with Christ is the most important relationship in my life”


3—About the Holy Spirit Biblical Insights • He is co-equal with God and Christ and is present in the hearts, minds, and souls of those who choose to establish a right relationship with Christ. • The Holy Spirit was first received by the Disciples just before Christ went to Heaven after His death and resurrection. • He provides wisdom, power, and guidance for those who trust and obey Christ • He represents the presence of Christ within the hearts, minds, and souls of people. • He comforts people in need and convicts them when they stray from God. Practical Insights • The Holy Spirit can be described as a spiritual GPS, or “What Would Jesus Do” filter” that become activated when one establishes a right relationship with Christ. • A majority of Christians struggle with knowing how the Holy Spirit should impact what they think about, say, and do. Applied Scriptural References The Holy Spirit can truly function as the Comforter and Counselor that Jesus promised He would be: And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever….John 14:6 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you…John 14:26

How does the Holy Spirit really help guide life choices? The concept of the Holy Spirit is the most difficult spiritual belief for Christians to grasp or explain. Two insights regarding how the guidance, wisdom, and power of the Holy Spirit can impact what one thinks about, says, or does are provided below: 1

Most people are creatures of habit who lack the freedom to choose the right response. They typically respond based on: (1) past habits and behaviors, (2) likes or dis-likes, (3) pre-conceived notions, or (4) peer pressures to be liked or popular. They do not have the wisdom, nor do they call on, the power of a higher source (the Holy Spirit) to guide a well thought out response.


People who experience the presence of Christ within their hearts are set apart from the rest of society. They experience the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit which guides their responses. In most life circumstances, they are willing to ask themselves the following questions which are needed to guide a well thought our response: • • • •

What’s the true motivation for how I choose to respond? How might my response impact the lives of others? How does my response relate with my beliefs and values? What would Christ do in this situation?

A Current Life Circumstance Statement “I depend on the guidance, wisdom, and power of the Holy Spirit on an ongoing basis.”


4—About the Bible Biblical Insights • It is God’s word to us, and was written by human authors inspired by the Holy Spirit. • It is the revelation of God to everyone, and the primary source for our faith and practice. • It is the ultimate source for providing guidance regarding daily life choices. Practical Insights • Unique, defining features of the Bible include: o The miracles of how it was prepared—a collection of 66 books written over a period of 1500 years with a central focus on Jesus Christ o The number of powerful men over the centuries who have tried to discredit or destroy it, and have failed o There is more evidence for the Bible’s authenticity than for any literature ever written. o It is called God’s Word even though God did not physically write it. Instead, God worked through everyday people, inspired by Him, to record what is contained in it. o It predicted many future events without ever being proven wrong. • Less than 30% of Christians consider the Bible as having decisive authority in determining right versus wrong. This results in rationalizing their views regarding Christ and eternity. • It is truly a remarkable book and is the single most important book ever written. It is an eyewitness account of historical events of such magnitude that they have literally shaped the world in which we live. But most importantly, it has led to the transformation of lives all over the world. Key Scriptural Insight The Bible is the word of God and has the right to command my belief and action…..2 Timothy 3:16-17.

Current Life Circumstance Statement “I consider the Bible as the final authority in discerning between right and wrong?” 5—About the Church Biblical Insights • It is the body of Christ, an extension of Christ’s life and ministry in today’s world. • The purpose of the church is to help people become Disciples of Christ. Practical Insights • Most Christians struggle with describing a Disciple of Christ, as well as not knowing how to become one by having a clear, systematic plan for becoming a Disciple. • The purpose of the church could be restated as helping people discover and fulfill God’s plan and purpose for their lives. • Churches that bring joy to Christ help people become faithful servants by using God’s resources in a manner which has relevant spiritual impacts on lives. Key Scriptural Reference “I believe the church is God’s primary way to accomplish His purposes on earth.”…Ephesians 4:15

A Current Life Circumstance Statement “I am involved in some type of faith community that helps me grow and develop.”


6—About Human Beings Biblical Insights • People were created by and made in the image of God, and to be like Him in character. • All people need to be in relationship with God in order to establish their true identify. Practical Insights • As result of being created in the image of God, the souls of people can only be fulfilled when they experience an authentic relationship with Him. • People were created as physical and spiritual beings. Their spiritual being originated in God’s Spirit, and they must allow Him to transform them into becoming more and more like Christ. • People identify their sense of being by discovering their Spiritual Life Why. Key Scriptural Reference “I am significant because of my position as a child of God.” …John 1:12

Current Life Circumstances “I am in the process of fulfilling God’s purposes for my life.” 7—About Salvation by Grace Biblical Insights • Salvation by grace through faith is at the heart of the Christian religion. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8–9). • The statement above has three parts (salvation, grace, and faith). • All three of the parts described above are equally important because they constitute a basic tenet of Christianity. Practical Insights • This is God’s gift to everyone to have the opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven if they are willing to meet His requirements for being welcomed into Heaven. • People must first accept it by confessing and seeking repentance for sins prior to making a biblically sound commitment to follow Christ daily. • This is one of most misunderstood, misleading messages in Christianity due to people being provided biblically light messages regarding Christ and eternity, as well as how easy it is to get saved. • Many Christians believe they will be welcomed into heaven due to being good enough; however, they will never make up for their un-repentant sinful nature by being good people and doing good works. • The concept of Salvation by Grace provides the only means for one to have their name recorded in the Book of Life. This is achieved by acknowledging past sins, being willing to repent of past sins, and accept Christ as the only one that can help them be welcomed into Heaven. Key Scriptural Reference “A person comes into a right relationship with God’s grace through faith in Christ” …Ephesians 2:8-9

Current Spiritual Reality “I know God’s gift of salvation and have accepted it by seeking forgiveness and being repentant for my natural sinful nature.” 8

8—About Eternity Biblical Insights • People were created to exist forever, in one form or another. This is determined by whether they choose the narrow road or the broad life road. • People choose to exist eternally with God as a result of forgiveness and salvation, or eternally separated from God due to their sinful nature. Practical Insights • Heaven and Hell are real places of eternal existence which many people don’t believe exist. • Less than 1% of people believe they will spend eternity in Hell. • People who are confident of spending eternity in Heaven can present a case their name has been recorded in the Book of Life. • To be eternally connected with God is Heaven, and to be eternally separated from God is Hell. • Heaven is a wonderful place and Hell is a horrific place beyond imagination. Few people spend any time thinking about, or preparing for their eternity. • A majority of Christians are deceived regarding their likely eternal destination because they have never been properly taught how to establish a right relationship with Christ. Key Scriptural Reference “I believe there is a heaven and a hell and that Jesus will return to judge all people and to establish his eternal kingdom.”…John 14:1-2.

A Current Life Circumstance Statement “I spend time thinking about and preparing for my eternity, as well as the eternity of others”


Follow the Process Results of spiritual health surveys reveal the greatest need in Christianity is to know “how to” get on the narrow road that leads to Heaven. A written process has been developed to guide those who want to be confident of being on the narrow road due to having made a biblically sound commitment to follow Christ. People who follow and act on this process can describe and defend the existence of a right relationship with Christ—a relationship that becomes the most important relationship in one’s life. This is how their names get recorded in the Book of Life. The following three-step process is intended to: • •

Equip people to establish a right relationship with Christ Describe a life-long journey for becoming prepared to hear the words “well done, good and faithful servant” at their final judgment before Christ

1 Knowing Christ The first step is to establish a biblically sound foundation which will stand the test of time. This is best achieved by understanding and accepting the core beliefs of Christianity; otherwise described as the essentials of faith. Since these represent non-negotiable biblical truths, one needs to know Christ before they accept Him, establish a right relationship with Him, and commit to following Him. After reading and reflecting on a description of the core beliefs of Christianity described on pages 4-9, do you truly know Christ by clearly understanding all these beliefs? If yes, please check the block on the left and go to Step 2. 2 Accepting Christ There are two key actions which support achievement of this step: • Acknowledge a Need Because Christ died on the cross on our behalf, we must be willing to turn away from our natural sinful and selfish desires by seeking to live daily according to Christ’s way rather than by our way. This means that we must be willing to trust Jesus to provide daily guidance regarding our trials, tribulations, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and actions. Additionally, we must be willing to obey his commands as found in scripture by submitting our lives to Him completely. Two key scriptural references which support this action are shown below: “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."—Romans 5:8 "He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy."—Titus 3:5 • Seek Forgiveness and Repent All of us have sinned and have failed to measure up to God’s standards for daily living; however, Jesus paid the price for our sins by giving His life on the Cross. We must admit we are sinners and seek His forgiveness by being repentant, or turning away from our past sins. Because of God’s love for us and the meaning of Jesus’ death on the cross, we can receive God’s offer of Salvation if we accept what is commonly described as God’s gift to us - His Grace. Two key scriptural references which support this action are shown below: "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”—Romans 3:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord."—Romans 6:23


Do you acknowledge your natural sinful nature, seek forgiveness for your past sins, commit to repentance, and accept Christ as the one that can guide you to get on the road that leads to Heaven. 3 Committing to Following Christ Daily This is the step that will determine your eternal life destination and is intended to equip you to make a biblically sound, life-changing commitment. It also helps to guard against the possibility of being deceived regarding your likely eternity by not taking any undue risks. Additional insights regarding this commitment include: • Being well-informed due to being biblically sound and relevant to current life circumstances • Not being an emotional response or taken lightly • Requiring one to take the time and undertake the effort needed Three key practical actions which support achievement of this step include: • Knowing the Meaning of a Right Relationship We experience this type of relationship when we truly know and accept Christ, know what He did on our behalf as an act of gratitude, and know what God requires for one to spend eternity in Heaven with His Son, Jesus Christ. Those who experience this relationship depend on the wisdom, power, and strength of the Holy Spirit to guide life choices regarding what they think about, say, and do. This is because they recognize the need for the presences of Christ within their hearts to keep them from falling back into their natural sinful nature. • Knowing the Importance of a Right Relationship The most important reason is described in John 14:6. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

This describes a biblically sound way to be confident of spending eternity in Heaven. Additional important reasons for establishing a right relationship include: o

We were created by our Heavenly Father in His image and have a deep inner desire to be connected with Him.


This is needed to satisfy the deepest longings of one’s soul. Otherwise, one will live in a state of some level of fear, worry, shame, guilt, and disappointment.


This represents the only way one can fulfill God’s plan and purpose for their life. Otherwise, one will continually wonder “what on earth am I here for?” or “what’s missing in my life?”


He provides a role model to pattern one’s lives after in order to have a clear conscience and be highly respected as a result of how one interacts with and treats others.


This is how one becomes confident of spending eternity in Heaven by getting their name recorded in the Book of Life.

• Knowing How to Establish It This represents the top spiritual need in modern Christianity—a need which calls for having an approach which results in people making life changes. These are changes which require life sacrifices because they want to, rather than what they need to do, or what they are told to do. Most people need to be properly educated by knowing how this commitment will impact their life destiny prior to being willing to endure life sacrifices by: 11


Understanding the earthly and eternal results of choosing to make, or not choosing to make a biblically sound commitment to follow Christ daily. These are described in the overview of Choosing Your Destiny which is contained in the Spiritual Growth Toolkit.


Embracing the cost for becoming a committed follower of Christ. This is addressed in Luke 9:32 as described in the Introduction, as well as God’s expectation for living a transformed life. This is described in Romans 12:1-2.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

As a result of understanding the meaning of these two key passages of scripture, you must make lifesacrifices, be willing to be inconvenienced, and move beyond your comfort zone. Two scriptural references that support a commitment to follow Christ daily follows: “You turn away from the old life. But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”—Luke 13:5 “You receive a person into your life. This person is Jesus Christ. Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”—John 1:12

o Make a Written Commitment There are a number of ways to make and celebrate your decision to commit to follow Christ daily. The most powerful and fulfilling way is to make a written commitment. This represents an enhanced level of clarity, commitment, and accountability than what exists in modern Christianity. This is a unique written agreement that clearly outlines spiritual outcomes that represent key indications that people are growing spiritually, rather than becoming more and more religious and participating in more and more activities. This agreement is described as a Declaration of an ALL IN Commitment which can be executed by an individual, by two followers of Christ, or by a small group of followers of Christ. There are a number of differing environments in which one’s eternity can be assured. Examples include: • Engaging in prayer in private • Engaging in prayer in the presence of others • Engaging in prayer in some type ceremony in the form of a special celebration A copy of an Individual Declaration and a Mutual Declaration have been developed and have been placed in the Appendix for those who wish to make An ALL IN Commitment to follow Christ daily. By executing a declaration of commitment, I have now established an authentic, dependent relationship with Christ, and have made a commitment to follow Him daily. This means I can defend the case I am on the narrow road that leads to Heaven and my name has been recorded in the Book of Life.


Traveling the Narrow Road What are my next steps after getting on the right road by making a commitment to follow Christ? This is intended for those who want to live a purpose-focused life which results in hearing the words “well done, good and faithful servant” at their final judgment before Christ. Ten key indicators of those who are prepared to hear these words are contained in the Introducing a Purpose-Focused Life A model in the form of a purpose-built house is depicted below. It demonstrates the concept of a generic four-fold life purpose for everyone created by God. This model also describes the key spiritual phases in a person’s life journey: I II III IV

Establishing a right relationship with Christ Worshipping God properly Modelling Christ daily Serving faithfully

For those who have chosen to get on the right road, three additional booklets are planned for 2019 which contain best practices and “how to” instructions for worshipping God, modelling Christ, and serving faithfully. These will be placed on our website upon completion.

Discovering their Life SPIRITUAL WHY

Serving Faithfully

Modelling Christ

Worshipping God

Establishing a Right Relationship


Key References The key references used in developing the contents of this booklet include: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

MOVE: What 1,000 Churches Reveal about Spiritual Growth, 2013 by Greg Hawkins and Cally Parkinson, Zondervan eBooks Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman, by Zondervan BELIEVE by Randy Frazee, 2015 by Zondervan The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? 2013 by Rick Warren, Zondervan True Spirituality by Chip Ingram, Howard Books Materials used in the Starting Point Ministry at Guilford College United Methodist Church HALF TIME BY Bob Buford, by Zondervan The NIV Life Application Bible Spiritual Toolkit Contents

Key Findings in Choosing Your Destiny

Making an ALL IN Commitment o An Individual Declaration o A Mutual Declaration

Key Indicators for Becoming Prepared


Key Findings in Choosing Your Destiny Everyone chooses either the narrow or broad life road. This is the most important decision anyone makes during their life journey. There is a compelling need to provide the information used to make an educated decision. An overview of the results of choosing each road follows: 1 The Narrow Road People who choose this road experience a sense of peace, joy, and contentment daily; and spend eternity in a place which is wonderful beyond imagination. Additional insights regarding the earthly and eternal life results of choosing the narrow road follow: • Earthly Life Results These are described as those which satisfy the deepest longings of people’s souls by: o Experiencing a relationship with their Heavenly Father o Experiencing authentic relationships with friends which provide encouragement and support o Having clear meaning and purpose for living o Having made a relevant impact on lives o Being admired and respected o Being confident of spending eternity in Heaven • Eternal Life Results People choosing the narrow road will spend their eternity in a place that is wonderful beyond imagination. 2 The Broad Road People who choose this road experience a sense of disappointment, wondering “what on earth am I here for?”, and will spend eternity in a place which is horrific beyond imagination. Additional insights regarding the earthly and eternal life results of those who choose the broad road follow: • Earthly Results The deepest longings of people’s souls will never be satisfied. This is because these people: • Are not connected with their Heavenly Father • Experience superficial relationships • Lack meaning and purpose for living • Constantly pursue happiness over joy • Are not content regarding their life circumstances • Can’t get enough of life’s pleasures, possessions, and praise • Have false hope regarding their eternal destiny Eternal Results Hell provides a lifestyle of torment, pain, suffering, loneliness, fears, and a lack of Hope forever. After learning about how wonderful Heaven is and how horrific Hell is, it is inconceivable that anyone would not want to be on the narrow road that leads to Heaven’s gate. This leads to the most important question facing Christianity: ‘How do I know that I’m on the narrow road?”


An ALL IN Commitment This represents an enhanced level of clarity, commitment, and accountability than exists in a vast majority of ministries in Christianity. This is driven by a need for providing guidance in the form of clear expectations for those who establish an authentic, dependent relationship with Christ. This represents the launch point for those who choose to live a new life in Christ; however, people need a plan and a process for continually identifying next steps in their lifelong journey. We have developed a unique written agreement that clearly outlines spiritual outcomes that represent key indications that people are growing spiritually rather than becoming more and more religious and participating in more and more activities. This agreement is described as a Declaration of an ALL IN Commitment which can be executed by an individual, by two followers of Christ, or by a small group of followers of Christ. There are a number of differing environments in which one’s eternity can be assured. Examples include: • Engaging in prayer in private • Engaging in prayer in the presence of others • Engaging in prayer in some type ceremony in the form of a special celebration A copy of an Individual Declaration and a Mutual Declaration are contained on the following pages as follows: •

The Individual Declaration is intended for those who wish to make a personal commitment to follow Christ based on having achieved all of the key steps contained in this booklet. This is geared for those who are mostly self-taught rather than being involved in a small group short course; however, they are confident that they have made a biblically sound, heartfelt commitment to Christ.

The Mutual Declaration is intended for two or more people who wish to make mutual commitments to follow Christ daily after reading and discussing this booklet. Another option would be to make this commitment after having participated in a small group short course.


An Individual Declaration of an ALL IN Commitment

Purpose The purpose of this declaration is to provide written evidence of my decision to become best prepared to hear the words “well done, good and faithful servant” at my final life examination before Christ. I will do this by following a clear, systematic plan which contains clear expectations for living according to God’s will and standards. Executing the Declaration I acknowledge vows are easy to say and difficult to honor; therefore, I wish to strengthen my commitment by seeking to establish personal accountability. Whereas:

I have established an authentic, dependent relationship with Christ, and I want to make an ALL IN Commitment to follow Christ daily by living a transformed life as described in Romans 12. This requires that I: • • • • • • •

Worship God the right way for the right reason Establish ongoing, authentic faith-driven relationships Model Christ’ attitude and teachings in my daily interactions Serve faithfully by best utilizing the resources provided by God Discover and fulfill God’s purpose for my life Perform periodic self-examinations to identify potential ways for me to grow closer to Christ by addressing sins of commission and omission Demonstrate a genuine concern for the eternity of others by taking action

Now therefore I wish to declare:

“I will need the wisdom, power, and guidance of the Holy Spirit and other followers of Christ to live according to God’s will and standards. To mark and celebrate this declaration, I am placing my signature on this document.”

Name ________________________ Date _______________


A Mutual Declaration of an ALL IN Commitment


The purpose of this Declaration is to provide written evidence of our decision to become best prepared to hear the words “well done, good and faithful servant” at our final life examination before Christ. We will do this by following a clear, systematic plan which contains clear expectations for living according to God’s will and standards.

Executing the Declaration

We acknowledge vows are easy to say and difficult to honor; therefore, we wish to strengthen our commitment by seeking mutual support, encouragement, and accountability with grace along our life journeys.


We have established an authentic, dependent relationship with Christ, and want to make an ALL IN Commitment to follow Him daily by living a transformed life as described in Romans 12. This requires that we: • • • • • • •

Worship God the right way for the right reason Establish ongoing, authentic faith-driven relationships Model Christ’ attitude and teachings in our daily interactions Serve faithfully by best utilizing the resources provided by God Discover and fulfill God’s purpose for our lives Perform self-examinations to identify potential ways to grow closer to Christ by addressing our sins of commission and omission Demonstrate a genuine concern for the eternity of others by taking action

Now therefore we wish to declare:

“We will need the wisdom, power, and guidance of the Holy Spirit and other followers of Christ to live according to God’s will and standards. To mark and celebrate this declaration, we are placing our signatures on this document.” Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Name ___________________________ Date ________________


Key Indicators for Becoming Prepared Ten (10) key indicators have been developed for those who long to hear the words “well done, good and faithful servant� at their final life judgment before Christ. They were developed in response to studying and reflecting on results of spiritual health surveys and key insights from leading pastors. 1

Can describe and defend a case for experiencing a authentic, dependent relationship with Christ; as well as having made a biblically sound commitment to follow Him daily


Can describe how the Holy Spirit guides what they think about, say, and do


Have an increasing number of spiritual friends for engaging in authentic faith conversations


Are engaged in small groups of people who are focused on helping participants grow closer to Christ and become more faithful servants


Have forgiven everyone who has hurt or harmed them in the past


Can describe how they have not allowed natural temptations for spending money, having power, and being viewed as important to have undue control over lifestyle choices


Is a positive role model of Christ as a result of demonstrating His attitude and actions in interactions with and treatment of others.


Makes life changes as a result of periodically conducting self-assessments to determine ways to become more like Christ


Serves faithfully by utilizing my gifts, talents, experiences, and passions in order to serve causes for being created, as well as having discovered their LIFE WHY.


Initiates actions to demonstrate care and concern regarding the destiny of others.

These are intended to help people measure progress along their life-long spiritual journey.


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