Core Value Boot Camp

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Core Value Boot Camp Being Appreciated and Treating People Right



Responsibility Perseverance

About the Heart BridgeBuilders We are a small group of individuals who believe building bridges between our generations is one of society’s greatest needs. Mentoring our younger generations is needed for equipping them to become prepared to respond to opportunities and challenges faced in life. This is achieved by helping them build “rock-solid” foundations which stand the test of time. The first step in this process of “foundation-building” is to teach our younger generations how to interact with, and treat, others like they should be treated. It is our hope that this booklet will be one of the most life-impacting booklets you ever read.

"I was fortunate to have participated in the presentation of these core values to a small group of Eastern Alamance high school football team players. It was a wonderful experience, and gave me much hope and faith in our future leaders." Tal Jobe Former basketball coach at Eastern Alamance High School

“This booklet is a ‘must have’ for any young person looking to grow as a leader and position himself to positively impact his community.” Patrick Stokes Football coach at Williams High School

Core Values Introduction What are core values, and why is being guided by core values so important? The purpose of this booklet is to educate you regarding core values, and let you decide if you want to make an “ALL-IN Commitment” to experiencing a lifestyle which is guided by core values. Describing Core Values. They: • Are described as the moral compass used by people to judge what is right and wrong, and act accordingly. This means they are the essence of moral character. • Reside in hearts and are largely formed on past experiences. • Are the “gold standard” for how people should be treated. Why Core Values are Important. They are: • A visible indicator of a person’s true identity. • Essential for an individual to be appreciated due to being admired, respected, and trusted. • Necessary for building authentic relationships which provide encouragement and support. • Needed for leaving a lasting legacy of making a significant difference in lives. Introducing Four Personal Core Values The four values listed below represent powerful ways for one to gain a positive self-image, and to be appreciated by others. Humility—Respect—Responsibility—Perseverance A description of these values and defining traits of people who demonstrate these follows. This has been developed for participants in a short course called Core Value Boot Camp to read and discuss in a small group environment. It is an environment which is safe, welcoming, and engaging. Engaging discussions help participants gain mutual understanding regarding their meaning and importance. 1 About Humility Humility is a lifestyle which is demonstrated by those who put the needs of others before oneself, don’t believe they are superior to, and are grateful for all they have. Many believe humility is a sign of weakness; however, it is sign of strength due to having to model moral character in today’s selfish, worldly culture. • • • •

Defining Traits of Humility Possesses empathy and demonstrates • A peacemaker rather than a divisive force. compassion for those in need. • Resists natural temptations for: Not viewed as a “know-it-all”, or one who has ❖ Demonstrating pride and arrogance. to constantly have to have their way. ❖ Having power or undue influence. Not blaming and / or criticizing others. ❖ Seeking praise and special treatment. Not thinking too highly of oneself, or their ❖ Being viewed as important. inner circle of associates. ❖ Being a people pleaser who constantly goes along to get along. Refraining from overusing the words “I and me” in conversations. • Kind and generous to others—particularly to those in need.

2 About Respect A lifestyle of respect calls for one to follow the “Golden Rule” by treating others like they should be treated. • • • •

Defining Traits of Respect Not looking down on those who are different. • Inviting others to join in and participate. Listening to those with differing views. • Being responsive to requests. Seeking to understand differing perspectives. • Following through on commitment made. Demonstrating value and appreciation. • Being on time for meetings and events. Being open, honest, and forthcoming in conversations.

3 About Responsibility This is defined as doing something because it is the right thing to do, even when no one is looking. It is demonstrated by being accountable to those for whom they are placed in charge, and acknowledging mistakes. • •

Defining Traits of Responsibility Being willing to best use one’s resources to • Not covering up for, or making excuses for, fulfill their life-mission. others. Acknowledging personal failures and • Honoring vows and commitments. shortcomings without blaming others. • Being a person of their word. Their yes means Being open, honest, and transparent yes and their no means no regarding what’s happening within their midst.

4 About Perseverance This is defined as staying the course to complete the task at hand, even when times get tough. It is modeled by being patient and persistent on causes people embark on. This is in spite of difficulties, failures, or opposition. People who model this value must be willing to deal with many unfair life circumstances along their life journey. • • • •

Defining Traits of Perseverance Rejecting a natural tendency to give up quickly when times get tough. Getting out of one’s comfort zone by taking responsible risks. Demonstrating a sense of contentment when struggling under trials to keep moving forward. Demonstrating a sense of confidence, courage, commitment, and determination. Demonstrating patience and a willingness to stay focused on the task at hand.

The core value of perseverance can be restated as “press on, press on, and never give up.” This can be described as a life motto for those who are focused on fulfilling their life-mission. A case can be made for the lack of core values being the major cause of social justice in today’s society. Questions to Ponder Please reflect on the following questions prior to participating in a small group discussion: 1 2 3 4 5

Why are living by core values all that important to you? What does each of the core values mean to you, and why are each of these important? What are the traits of people that model each value that you most admire? What are the traits of people that don’t model each value that bothers you most? Why might not having and living by core values be described as the root cause of injustice?

A Core Value Assessment This is a thought-provoking evaluation of how well you are treating others. This evaluation can be performed individually, or with others that know you well and will give you honest feedback. Twenty statements which are clear evidences of living by core values have been prepared. Please score these statements by checking the block which best describes your current life situation on the following scale: A = True

B = Partially True

C = Not True

D = Needs Attention

I—Humility-Related Statements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I am viewed as being unselfish due to putting the needs of others before myself. Scoring of this Statement A B C D I am viewed as one who possesses empathy and demonstrates compassion to those in need. Scoring of this Statement A B C D I am not viewed as one who is a “know-it-all”, or has to have my way. Scoring of this Statement A B C


I am not viewed as one who constantly finds fault and / or criticizes others. Scoring of this Statement A B C


I am not viewed as one who looks down on others. Scoring of this Statement A B



I am not viewed as one who goes along with the crowd in order to conform to their wishes. Scoring of this Statement A B C D I am not viewed as one who seeks praise and / or special treatment. Scoring of this Statement A B C


I believe humility is a trait demonstrated by strong individuals Scoring of this Statement A B C


II—Respect-Related Statements 9 10 11

I am viewed as one who does not look down on others. Scoring of this Statement A B



I am viewed as one who values and appreciates those with differing views. Scoring of this Statement A B C


I have a reputation of being true to my word. Scoring of this Statement A B


Additional respect-related statements are continued on the following page.


Please score the remaining statements by checking the block which best describes your current life situation based on the following scale: A = True 12 13 14

B = Partially True

C = Not True

D = Needs Attention

I have a reputation of being on time for meetings. Scoring of this Statement A B



I follow through on commitments made in a timely manner. Scoring of this Statement A B C


I believe that living by core values provides a positive self-image. Scoring of this Statement A B C


III—Responsibility-Related Statements 15 16 17

I am viewed as one who acknowledges my failures and shortcomings without blaming others. Scoring of this Statement A B C D I am viewed as one who honors my vows and commitments. Scoring of this Statement A B C


I have a reputation of doing what should be done in a timely manner. Scoring of this Statement A B C


IV—Perseverance-Related Statements 18

I am viewed as a patient person. Scoring of this Statement A B




I demonstrate traits of confidence, courage, commitment, and determination. Scoring of this Statement A B C D


I am viewed as one who is persistent due to not giving up when times get tough. Scoring of this Statement A B C D

Evaluating the Assessment This is a three-step process as follows: • Step One is to determine the top three traits for which you scored well. These are your strengths; therefore, you need to celebrate and build on these. • Step Two is to identify the top three traits you need to work on. These are the traits which are barriers to your being appreciated, respected, and trusted. • Step Three is to make a commitment to becoming more appreciated by treating people like they should be treated during the next few weeks. Please state this in writing below:

Making an ALL-IN Commitment This is for those who want to make a higher-level commitment to treating people like they should be treated and having a positive self-image. This is achieved by executing the following agreement:

A Lifestyle Commitment Purpose

This provides written evidence of our commitment to be guided by core values by making a written Declaration. We will honor this due to what we learned in Core Value Boot Camp, how we plan to treat others, and how we view ourselves. When we fail, we recognize we have these values to lead us back on the path of progress towards meeting our goals.

Executing the Declaration

We acknowledge that good intentions often do not become reality; therefore, we wish to strengthen our commitment by seeking to establish personal accountability.


We declare that we know the meaning and importance of being guided by core values. This requires we focus our energies and resources towards demonstrating: • Humility • Respect • Responsibility • Perseverance

Now therefore we wish to declare:

“We are committed to living by core values. This requires that we stay focused on treating people like they should be treated. To mark and celebrate this declaration, we are placing our signatures on this document.” Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Name ___________________________ Date ________________

How do you want to be remembered? The next step in addressing this question is to read the booklet Leaving a Life-Legacy and discuss with others in a small group gathering called Life-Legacy Boot Camp. This boot camp will help you continue to build a life foundation which stands the test of time.

Building a life foundation which stands the test of time is essential for becoming prepared to respond to challenges and opportunities faced in life. 336.707.3689

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