2 Corinthians 5:17 confirms the relationship between God and his creations. Paul addresses the church at Corinth with this message, “If anyone is in Christ, he/she is a new creation”. The acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior brings us into relationship, fellowship and communion with God through a renewed mind and a transformed heart. We are recreated, renewed, revived and regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit which gives us a new life under a new Master and his name is Jesus Christ. Christians are a part of a new order under His authority providing a new perspective and a new hope.
The Women of Goler continue to demonstrate their love and commitment to Jesus Christ through their service. The matriarchs of the faith modeled a life of labor and love for years as the church stood and continues to stand as a light in this community. This legacy continues through the leadership and dedication of the magnificent women who serve this historic church today. The fresh wind of God continues to blow on the members as they fulfill the ministry mandate for Goler in this present age.
As the first female pastor of Goler Metropolitan AME Zion Church, I am honored to serve this wonderful congregation. God continues to do new things for those of us who are faithful to the call and has prepared us to be relevant in ministry not just for tomorrow but for the right now. Jesus is the cure for the crisis in the world and the community. We have the awesome task of sharing this good news everywhere we go! The women of Goler will be instrumental in advancing the Kingdom of God through solidarity of service and faith. I am excited to be a part of this awesome congregation and am excited about the future as we “Go and Grow”.
Let us continue to live as new creations in Christ as we share the Good News of Jesus Christ! Remember, He is the Christ in Community and the Christ the cure for the Crisis.
In Faithful Service,
Rev. Dr. Tressala T. Hicklin
Rev. Dr. Tressala T. Hicklin, Pastor
The Call to Worship
“Women of Goler: Walking in the Way of Love
11:00 AM Worship Service
Rev. Dr. Tressala Hicklin, Presiding
Leader: Rejoice, Good news! The Holy One, God Almighty claims as His very own!
People: Renew in the Lord!
Leader: Renew, Good News! The times of trouble are nearly over and the time of refreshing has come!
People: Rejoice in the Lord, always!
Leader: Good news, God is in out midst, ready to serve and renew us with holy love!
All: Rejoice in the Lord always! Again, I say rejoice
The Morning Hymn “Love Lifted Me”
I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore, Very deeply stained within sinking to rise no more But the master of the sea heard my despairing cry. From the waters lifted me now safe am I.
Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help -Love lifted me Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help -Love lifted me
All my heart to Him I give, ever to Him I'll cling. In His blessed presence live, ever His praises sing. Love so mighty and so true, merits my soul's best songs; Faithful, loving service, too, to Him belongs. !
Souls in danger look above Jesus completely saves. He will lift you by his love out of the angry waves. But the master of the sea, billows His will obey. He your savior wants to be, be saved today.
TheAffirmation of Faith “TheApostles’Creed” Mrs. Rita Kilgore
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ His only son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost. Born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate; Was crucified, dead and buried: The third day He rose from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; The Holy Catholic* Church; the Communion of Saints; the Forgiveness of sins; the Resurrection of the body; and life everlasting. Amen.
*Catholic means universal
The Scripture Lesson II Corinthians 5:17-18 Mrs. Teresa Morgan
The Morning Prayer ReverendAntoinette Joiner
Worship In Dance Seasons Dance Ministry
The Introduction of the Speaker
Mrs. Linda Riggs
Selection of Preparation “Have Your Way Women’s Day Choir
The Message Rev. Kristian Hunter China Grove A.M.E. Zion, Charlotte, NC
The Invitation to Christian Discipleship
The Offering and Blessing of GIfts
The Recognition of Visitors
Presentations and Recognitions
Financial Report
The Benediction
Reverend Dr. Hicklin
Ms. Linda Glenn
Mrs. Rita Kilgore
Mrs. Crystal Evans
Mrs. Portia Ellerbe
Ms. Linda Riggs
Ms. Brandi C. Glenn
Reverend Dr. Hicklin
Reverend Dr. Hicklin
Women’s Day 2024 Speaker Rev. Kristian Hunter
An anointed woman of God, Reverand Kristian Hunter is a humble servant with a tremendous passion for God and people. Demonstrated by a life of integrity and Godly character; confirmed with signs, wonders and mighty works, Rev. Hunter loves the Lord.
The elder child of the late Pastor Frank Hunter and Mrs. May Frances Friday Hunter, Rev. Hunter is of a long lineage of Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, Teachers, Intercessors and Christian Laypersons, including her Great Grandmother, Mother Zette Friday. A dynamic Evangelist, Mother Friday traveled the United States spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and declaring His redemptive power into her early 90’s.
Just three days old, Mrs. Hunter had a vision from the Lord of the Greatness within her baby girl. Holding her new baby in her arms, the Lord revealed to Mrs. Hunter her child was special. The Lord would use Kristian to do a mighty work throughout her life. At seven years old, Kristian gave her life to Jesus and was baptized. Much of her youth was spent serving in various ministries within The General Assembly of the First Born Pentecostal Church, Bishop Willie Davis, Jr., Emeritus. The gift of love and a lifestyle of holiness was nurtured during these foundational years.
Called according to Jeremiah 1:5, Rev. Hunter has seen the fulfillment of scripture in her life –“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Rev. Hunter was consecrated a servant unto the nations and ordained a minister of the Gospel in 2007.
Rev. Hunter has been blessed to serve many great men and women of God, each of them activating Spiritual gifts and speaking into her life as directed by the Holy Spirit. Compelled by a God-ordained mandate to bring deliverance to the nations; her ministry is established upon prayer and the Word of God. In addition to ministerial service, Rev. Hunter is a well-traveled, awarded winning Financial Advisor with PNC Investments.
In early 2020, Rev. Hunter relocated to Charlotte, North Carolina. Blessed to return to her hometown, she rejoined her family in worship and service in our beloved African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. In March of 2024, Kristian was received into full connection into the AME Zion Church, where she continues formalized ministerial education. Having dedicated her life to delivering the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, bound, rejected, and forgotten of the world, Rev. Hunter’s desire is to serve the Lord with her whole heart.
Greetings from the 2024 Women’s Day Chairmen
Dear Church Family and Friends:
We greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
It is an honor and privilege to serve as Co-chairmen for Women's Day 2024 at Goler Metropolitan.
This Women's Day is particularly special because we have a female pastor for the first time in the history of our church. As Reverend Dr. Hicklin stated when she arrived, we are beginning a new thing. We Rejoicein that because new beginnings mean that we have an opportunity to start over and Renewour faith and relationship with Christ as well as Rededicateourselves to God in humility and love. God is doing a new thing at Goler Metropolitan, and we are forging ahead with Him as our lead with expectations of many great things to come. What an exciting time at Goler and what a special honor it is to be a part of this year’s Women's Day.
We extend sincere appreciation to our guest speaker, our Women's Day Captains and the program participants for your willingness to serve. We also thank Mrs. Jamesine Ruff for her faithful service in previous years. We especially thank Reverend Dr. Hicklin and Mrs. Annette Wilson for your guidance and support in the preparation of the program. We thank our church members, family, and friends for all you have done to make our Women's Day celebration a success.
Since 2006, it has been the Mission of the Goler Metropolitan A.M.E. ZION Church Family Through our Prayers, Knowledge, Resources and Skills.
Honoring Our Current Members
Mr. Eddie Boler
Ms. Shirley Carson
Mrs. Susan Cole
Mrs. Angela Davis
Mrs. Margretta-Brown Davis
Mr. Ron Ellerbe
Mrs. Portia Ellerbe
Mrs. Trylise Fleming
Mrs. Carol Henry
Mr. Fernard Henry
Mr. Ronald Kilgore
Mrs. Teresa Morgan
Mr. Iverson Surratt, Jr.
Mrs. Norma White
Committed to teach Christians about the world God created; how our faith is woven into each area of learning; and how to find purpose and meaning through God's will for our lives.
The Board of Christian Education
We Celebrate the Remarkable Women of Goler Metropolitan on our
Women’s Day Celebration
Promoting growth in the knowledge and understanding of God and His plan of redemption for the world.
Teaching the concepts of Christian missions.
Exemplifying the principles of Christian living to “Win the World for Christ”
Women’s Home & Overseas Missionary Society
Quadrennial Theme:
Reaching the Masses in an Ever-Changing World: The Journey Continues! Self-Care & Wellness, Equity & Justice, Leadership & Legacy, Empathy & Compassion
As servants of the Most High God and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ that are guided by the Holy Spirit, the vision of the Connectional Lay Council is to prepare the lay members of our church for a life of service in the Kingdom of God.
Best Wishes to the Women of
Goler Metropolitan on this
2024 Women’s Day
Responsible for the spiritual and total care of the members of the church
Committed to teaching, exhorting and praying for the sick
Model Biblical truth and harmony by leading through example
The Steward Board
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
John 13:34-35
Men’s Booster Ministry
“Producing Godly Men; One Soul at a Time”
Deaconess Arlene Simmons and
Our President Deaconess Stella Davis
On A Successful Women’s Day Celebration
The Deaconess Ministry
“I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations”
Psalm 89:1
Congratulations to the Wonderful Women of Goler Metropolitan on
Women’s Day 2024
The Cathedral Choir
Managing the financial health and resources of the church
Providing advice and oversight of the church’s budget
Ensuring the church is operating within it’s financial means
Rev. Dr. Tressala Hicklin
Wish The Women Of Goler Metropolitan
A Successful Celebration
And Best Wishes To Our District Photographer
Deaconess Stella Davis
Rev. Dr. Calvin L. Miller & Rev. Dr. Karen R. Miller
In honor of rev. dr. tressala Hicklin “Woman of God”
She is clothed with strength and dignity, And she laughs without fear of the future.
Proverbs 31:25
Mother - Grandmother - Sister
With Love and Appreciation!
Leonard Cammack II
Kristyn Cammack
Eric Hicklin
Anthony Baker
Aaliyah Cammack
Ronya Mitchell
Congratulations to My Women’s Day Captain Ms. Rosetta Foster I
In Honor of my Daughter Dr. Cassaundra El-Amin
Memory of my Daughter Ms. Wanda K. Williams
Happy Women’s Day To Our Incredible Mom
Gloria T. Robbson
Your unwavering strength, love and guidance inspires us every day. Thank you for being a remarkable captain in our lives, leading with grace and wisdom. We are so grateful for you and the example you set for us and everyone associated with you.
Today is another day we celebrate you, Aunt Portia, and all the other amazing women of Goler Metropolitan. These women have also mentored us and have had an impact and made a difference in both of our lives.
We love you always Mama,
Joya Burch
Jasmine Robbson
Women of Goler Rejoice, Renew, Rededicate
Patrice Toney Congratulates the Women of Goler on a Successful Women’s Day Celebration!
To Women of Goler & Especially to My Mom and Tre’s Grandma
Mrs. Carol P. Henry
“Thank you for your constant love and support.”
Fred Henry, Jr. and Tre’
Congratulations and
Wishes ForA Successful Women’s Day To
Gloria Thompson Robbson Women’s Day Captain
Continue to shine
You make a difference every day
Charles, Willie, Jimmie, and Ronald Thompson
Jante and Joya Burch, Cheyenne and Jasmine Mickens
Ron and Portia Ellerbe, Kia Boykins
Women of Goler Metropolitan
Women’s Day Celebration
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and But the greatest of these is love.
RobertandMarie Jamerson
In Memory of My Mom Karen Glenn
My Mom ~ a woman like no other. She gave me life, nurtured me, taught me, dressed me, fought for me, held me, shouted at me, kissed me ~ but most importantly, she loved me unconditionally.
Ms. Kimberly Ellerbe Best Wishes Goler Metropolitan For A Very Successful Women’s Day Celebration
Best Wishes to the Women of Goler
For A Successful Women’s Day
In Honor of My Sister, Daughters, Aunts and Nieces
Alma Clement Florence Brown
Portia Ellerbe
Joya Burch
Jasmine Mickens Andre’ T. Waddell
Kia Boykins
Erika Carter
Kristi White
Jehera Charles
Ouida Patten
Robin Thompson
Karolyn Thompson
Natasha Thompson
Phoua Ellerbe
In Memory of Our Beloved Mother, Sister, Grandmothers, Aunts and Nieces
Mrs. Mary Thompson
Mrs. Irene Thompson
Mrs. Alesea Neely
Mrs. Lillie Hall
Mrs. Barbara Carter
Kimberly Ellerbe
Gloria T. Robbson
Best Wishes To Our Sister
Gloria T. Robbson
And The
Women of Goler MetropolitanAME Zion Church As You Celebrate Women’s Day 2024
In Loving Memory of Our Mothers
Mary Hall Thompson and QueenEsther Ellerbe McLean
Our Daughter ~ Kimberly Ellerbe
Our Sisters ~ Barbara Carter
Marcia Lynne Bryant In Honor of Our
Daughter and Sisters
Kia Boykins
Mollie McLean ~ Melissa McLean
Wishing all the Women of Goler Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church a “Happy Women’s Day “
Teresa Morgan
In Loving Memory Of
On this Women's Day, we lift our voices in gratitude and celebration of the remarkable women who have shaped and enriched our faith community. Their unwavering devotion, boundless compassion, and tireless efforts have illuminated our path, making our church a beacon of love, unity, and strength.
As we celebrate Women's Day, let us remember and honor the women whose dedication and tireless efforts have transformed our church into a place of love, acceptance, and spiritual growth. Together, we stand, united and grateful for the extraordinary women who continue to make an indelible mark on our church and the world.
In Honor of Teresa Morgan, Annette Wilson, and Dorothy Wynecoff.
In Loving Memory of Olivia Morgan and RoseAnne Fulton.
Jessica Morgan
In Memory of Rose Anne Fulton In Memory
Olivia Morgan
In Honor of
Sharon Clark Rhonda Brown
Jessica Diane Morgan
Annette Wilson
Cheryl Greene
Dorothy Wynecoff
Shannikka Morgan Kendra Morgan
Altira Chester Mariah Garner
Teresa Morgan
To my Mom, there was no one like you!
Love and Miss You Teresa
In Memory of Lillie Stevenson
Your life was a blessing, Your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words And missed beyond measu re.
“Forever In Our Hearts”
Julius and Angela Davis
In Loving Memory of Olivia Ellis Morgan
Forever in my heart, Thomas R. Morgan “Tommy”
Mark 10: 13-16
People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his hands on them and blessed them.
To Our Daughter and Mommy, Amanda M.W. Walker. We are truly blessed to have our Girlie and Nokie. You matter. Life is short, and we haven’t much time to gladden the hearts of those who journey this way with us. So be swift to LOVE, make haste to be KIND and know that the Love of GOD, the grace of CHRIST and the sustaining breath of the HOLY SPIRIT is with you NOW and FOREVER more. The charming flower who makes our souls blossom…………………
We salute you on this Women’s Day,
----Marshall Alfred, McKenna Lee, John Milton, Emma May Alfred Lucas “Trey” and Pop Al
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7
Terrance and
Shelia Crumb
In Loving Memory Of
My Mother
Olivia Ellis Morgan
Annette Morgan Wilson
In Loving Memory Of
Thomasina R. Hawkins
July 4, 1931 – December 31, 2023
You were a precious gift from God above, so much beauty, grace and love.
You touched our hearts in so many ways, your smile so bright even on the bad days. You heard God’s whisper calling you home, you didn’t want to go and leave us alone. You loved us so much, you held on tight, till all the strength was gone and you could no longer fight.
He had called your name twice before, you knew you couldn’t make him wait anymore.
So you gave your hand to God and slowly drifted away, knowing that with our love we will be together again someday.
In Honor of My Sister Gloria Jean Robbson and In Loving Memory of My Sister Barbara Carter
Together we have shared joys and sorrows and so much more. I may not say it often enough but I want you to know I am so blessed to have a sister like you.
In Honor of My Daughter, Kia Boykins, and In Loving Memory of My Daughter and our Social Butterfly Kimberly Ellerbe I love you always
Much Love and Best wishes Jean and Goler Metropolitan ForASuccessful Women's Day
Portia Ellerbe
Honoring My Wife
Phoua Martin Ellerbe
Happy Birthday!
My Mother and Mother-in-Law
Portia Ellerbe Rhonda Brown
MyAunt Gloria J. Robbson
My Daughters
Taylor Ellerbe Rhyan Ellerbe
My Sister Kia Boykins
Best Wishes Mom,Aunt Jean and the Women of Goler on Your 2024 Women’s Day Celebration
Reggie Ellerbe
The Women of Goler Metropolitan on
In Honor of Mrs. Rita Kilgore!!!
Honoring and Celebrating Mrs. Rita Kilgore
Congratulations and God Bless the Women of Goler Metropolitan
We are fruitful laborers, ready and willing to do whatever is asked to advance the kingdom of God and our home churches.
Home Missions Society
Praise Him with the timbrel and dance, Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet, Praise Him with the psaltery and harp; Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord.
Congratulations and Best Wishes Goler for ASuccessful Women’s Day
New Vision Inspirational Voices of Praise Choir
In Honor of Dorothy Ellis Wynecoff Mother
In Honor of Mrs. Frances Steward
Donna, Ivy and Marsheeka Steward
In Memory of Our Mother
Rosetta Foster
George Jones
Rhonda Johnson
Best Wishes To The Remarkable Women of Goler Metropolitan and My Nieces
Portia Ellerbe - 2024 Co-chairman
Gloria Robbson - 2024 Captain
In Honor of My Daughters and Sisters
Theresa Bell
Alma Clement
Ann Graham
Florence Brown
In Loving Memory of My Mother, Wife and Sisters
Lillie Hall
Mary Thompson
Lillie R. Gibson
Shirley Hall
Helen Hall
Madie Caldwell
Gladys Hall
Marion Hall, Sr.
Antoinette Pollard
LaShonda Campbell China Campbell
Stephanie Kay Keyunna Napper
Valerie Canty
Barbara Pollard
Vernita Chambers
Michelle Goins Kristin Warren
Randa Hosawi La’Nae Cucrera
Angela Harris Cherie Hosawi
Verna Hosawi
Hadeel Hosawi
Terika Cucrera
Senita Cucrera
Alesha Cucrera
In Memory of
Mary E. Thompson ~ Mother
Barbara Carter ~ Sister
Kimberly Ellerbe ~ Niece
Lillie Hall ~ Grandmother
Alesea Neely ~ Niece
Nannie Irene Thompson ~ Grandmother
Willie, Charles, Jimmie and Ronald Thompson and Ron Ellerbe
Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Women of Goler Metropolitan on this Women’s
May God continue to bless you as you serve Him and his people.
Norman and Jackie Dunlap
In Loving Memory of My Mother
Mary Hall Thompson
My Grandmothers
Lillie W. Hall ~ Nannie Irene Thompson
My Sister Barbara Ann Carter and My Aunts
Inez Cousar ~ Madie Caldwell
Lillie Ruth Gibson ~Gladys Hall ~ Helen Hall
Always in Our Hearts and Memories!!
Willie Thompson
Giving Honor to My Aunt
Alma Hall Clement and My Daughter
Ouida Patten
“May the Lord Continue to Bless You Abundantly and Keep You Safe In His Loving Care.”
Willie Thompson
In Honor of My Sisters
Gloria J. Robbson and Portia Ellerbe
and My Nieces
Kia Boykins and Joya Burch
Continue to walk in the way of the Lord. Continue doing His work and serve and love Him with all your heart and soul and with all your mind and with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Continue to apply these commandments to your life and your reward will be great.
Willie Thompson
Willie Thompson
Best Wishes to the Women of Goler Metropolitan On Women’s Day 2024
Congratulations to My Sisters
Gloria T. Robbson ~ Captain
Portia T. Ellerbe ~ Co-Chairman
In Honor of My Daughter and Granddaughter
Jerhera Charles Harmonee Charles
In Loving Memory of My Mother and Sister
Mrs. Mary Hall Thompson ~ Mrs. Barbara T. Carter “Gone But Not Forgotten” Ronald Thompson
“But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you.” I Samuel 12:24
Jimmie Thompson
Wishing My Dear Sister
Portia Thompson Ellerbe
And Our Women
s Day Co-Chairmen Much Success On This 2024 Women’s Day Celebration
She is far more precious than jewels. Proverbs 3:15
You are a true example of a woman of faith. You serve and lead with such a loving, gentle spirit. Your humble, selfless character symbolizes the goodness of God’s endless grace. I am grateful God blessed you to be my sister and forever friend.
Gloria T. Robbson
On this special Women’s Day, we want to extend heartfelt thanks and congratulations to our incredible Captain {Mother-in-Law Gloria Robbson}. Your unwavering dedication and faith continue to inspire us all. As a guiding light in our family, you uplift and encourage those around you with grace and strength. We celebrate you today and always for what you do and for the beautiful example of service you set. Congratulations and may God continue to bless you abundantly. Your Beloved Son-in-Law, Jante’ Burch
In Honor of Crystal Evans
Love, Mom
AdaughterisGod’ s wayofsaying. “thoughtyoucould usealifelongfriend.”
In Loving Memory of my Sisters and Niece
Mrs. Margret Samuels
Mrs. Jean McGruder
Ms. Diane Samuels
You will always live in my heart.
Thank you for the memories!
Barbara Foggie
In Honor of Our Mothers
Gloria T. Robbson
Trina Jones
Our Dear Sisters and Forever Friends Joya Burch ~ Zalika Brown
In Loving Memory of Our Grandmothers
Mrs. Mary Thompson
Mrs. Mattie Dent
Kimberly Ellerbe ~ Alesea Thompson Neely
Best Wishes to the Women of Goler and Our LovingAunt and Women’s Day Co-Chair ~ Portia T. Ellerbe
Jasmine and Cheyenne Mickens
Best Wishes to the Women of Goler For A Successful Women’s Day
Congratulations to My Mother
Gloria T. Robbson
From Black Diamond Occasions
Joya Thompson Burch, Owner
Best Wishes To My Cuz
Stella Moore Davis
From Spencer McColl
Gloria Jean Thompson Robbson
I honor you today. You are an inspiration with your faith and love of family. I was blessed to be the first niece and to have the opportunity to hang out with you, Aunt Portia and Aunt Barbara. Thank you for all the love and blessings to you on this auspicious day. Blessings on Women's Day and you as a Captain.
With only love, your niece ~
In Honor of Our Women’s Day Chairmen
Portia Ellerbe
Linda Riggs
Margretta Davis
Stella Davis
Peyton Evans
Rosetta Foster
Gloria Robbson
Euphrobia Robinson
Annette M. Wilson
Congratulations &
Of My Mother
Mrs. Bleaker Ellis
My Aunts
Mrs. Anne Belle Hauser
Mrs. Della Morrow Mrs. Nora Wade
Love, Robert Ellis, Jr.
In Memory of
Mildred Ellis Knox
Dorothy Ellis Wynecoff
In Honor of Love,
Annette Morgan Wilson
Thank God for giving me one of His angels for my wife!