Words of Wisdom

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This is the final book of three books which I have compiled with words of wisdom. I am hoping there is something here that will help inspire you as a teacher, coach, believer or non-believer. In my life God has blessed me in coaching, teaching and other labors. He has walked with me in success and failure. There have been many lessons learned. I am grateful that you have been a dear friend and I pray your life walk will be close to God. He has never failed me! He will never fail you!

“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds.” Psalm 105:1-2

“Praise the Lord! For he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.” Psalm 28:6-7

Tal Jobe 5415 Cedar Field Drive Summerfield, NC 27358 336-908-0506 3

Table of Contents Poems................................................................................................................................................5 Wisdom............................................................................................................................................15 Friends............................................................................................................................................22 USA..................................................................................................................................................26 Family..............................................................................................................................................30 Stories.............................................................................................................................................37 Faith & God.................................................................................................................................43 Getting Older and Death......................................................................................................53




The Man with the Consecrated Car Author Unknown

He couldn’t speak before a crowd; He couldn’t teach a class, But when he came to Sunday School He brought the folks ‘en masse.’ He couldn’t sing to save his life; In public couldn’t pray; But always his ‘jalopy’ was Just crammed on each Lord’s Day.

And though he couldn’t sing, nor teach, Nor even lead in prayer, He listened well; he had a smile, And he was always there--With all the others whom he brought Who lived near and far--And God’s work was greatly prospered For he had a consecrated car. Note: “Churches need people to do ordinary things in extraordinary ways.“


That’s My Boy Down There Author Unknown

Please don’t curse that boy down there; He is my son, you see; He’s only just a boy you know, But he means the world to me. I did not raise my son, dear fan, For you to call him names; He may not be a super-star But these are high school games. You don’t know those boys down there, They do the best they can; They’ve never tried to lose a game, They’re boys and you’re a fan. The game belongs to them, you see, You’re really just a guest, They do not need a fan that gripes, They need the very best. If you have nothing nice to say, Please leave the boys alone, And, if you’ve forgotten your manners, Then please just stay at home. So, please don’t curse Those boys down there, They’ll hustle ‘til they’re done, And win or lose or tie, you see, To us, they’re number one! 7

The Indispensable Man Author Unknown

Sometime, when you’re feeling important, Sometime, when your ego’s in bloom; Sometime, when you take it for granted You’re the best qualified in the room; Sometime, when you feel that your going Would leave an unfillable hole, Just follow these simple instructions, And see how it humbles your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it, up to the wrist; Pull it out, and the hole that’s remaining, Is a measure of how you’ll be missed. You may splash all you please when you enter, You can stir up the water galore, But stop, and you’ll find in a minute That it looks quite the same as before. The moral in this quaint example, Is do just the best that you can; And be proud of yourself, but remember There’s no indispensable man.


A Teacher’s Prayer By Dorothy Smith

Lord I need not be a preacher To minister Thy truth Just let me be a Teacher Of searching, trusting, youth ! I need not speak with eloquence Or in language high and grand, Just let me encourage them to build On the Rock and not on sand ! Oh, just to be a Teacher ! No greater joy I ask Grant me Thy help and guidance For this most important task Amen


The Bridge Builder By Will Allen Dromgoole

An old man going on a lone highway, Came, at the evening cold and gray, To a chasm, vast, and deep, and wide, Through which was flowing a sullen tide. The old man crossed in the twilight dim, The sullen stream had no fear for him; But he turned, when safe on the other side, And built a bridge to span the tide. “Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim, near, “You are wasting strength with building here; Your journey will end with the ending day; You never again must pass this way, You’ve crossed the chasm, deep and wide, Why build you this bridge at the evening tide?” The builder lifted his old gray head: “Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said. “There followeth after me today, A youth, whose feet must pass this way. This chasm, that has been naught for me, To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be. He, too, must cross in the twilight dim; Good friend, I am building this bridge for him.”


Heartprints Author Unknown

Whatever our hands touch--We leave fingerprints! On walls, on furniture, On doorknobs, dishes, books, As we touch we leave our identity.

May my heart touch a lonely neighbor, Or a runaway daughter, Or an anxious mother, Or, perhaps, a dear friend! Lord, send me out today To leave heartprints. And if anyone should say, “I felt your touch,” May that one sense thy love Touching through me.

O God, wherever I go today, Help me to leave heartprints! Heartprints of compassion, Of understanding and love, Heartprints of kindness And genuine concern.


Judge Gently Author Unknown

Don’t find fault with the man who limps Or stumbles along the road, Unless you have worn the shoes he wears Or struggled beneath his load. There may be tacks in his shoes that hurt, Though hidden away from view, Or the burden he bears, placed on your back, Might cause you to stumble too. Don’t sneer at the man who’s down today Unless you have felt the blow That caused his fall or felt the shame That only the fallen know. You may be strong, but still the blows That were his, if dealt to you, In the selfsame way at the selfsame time Might cause you to stagger too. Don’t be too harsh with the man who sins Or pelt him with word or stone, Unless you are sure, yea, doubly sure, That you have no sins of your own. For you know perhaps if the tempter’s voice Should whisper as softly to you As it did to him when he went astray, It might cause you to falter too.


My Christmas Card List By George A. Gladden, Sr.

I have a list of folks I know, all written in a book, And every year when Christmas comes, I go and take a look. That is when I realize these names are all a part, Not of the book they’re written in, but of my very heart For each name stands for someone who has crossed my path sometime, And in that meeting they’ve become the rhythm in each rhyme. While it may sound fantastic for me to make this claim, I really feel that I’m composed of each remembered name. And while you may not be aware of any special link, Just meeting you has changed my life much more than you may think. For once I’ve met somebody, the years cannot erase “ The memory of a pleasant word or of a friendly face.


So, never think my Christmas cards are just a mere routine Of names upon a Christmas list, forgotten in between. For when I send a Christmas card that is addressed to you, It’s because you’re on the list of folks I’m endeared to. For I am but a total of the many folks I’ve met, And you happen to be one of those I prefer not to forget. Whether I have known you for many years or few, In some way you have had a part in shaping things I do. And every year when Christmas comes I realize anew, The best gift life can offer is meeting folks like you. So, may the spirit of Christmas that forevermore endures Leave its richest blessings in the hearts of you and yours.

DAY BY DAY Author Unknown

Let me be a little kinder, Let me be a little blinder To the faults of those about me; Let me praise a little more. Let me be when I am weary Just a little bit more cheery, Let me serve a little better Those that I am striving for. Let me be a little braver When temptation bids me waver; Let me strive a little harder To be all that I should be. Let me be a little meeker With the brother that is weaker, Let me think more of my neighbor And a little less of me. Let me be a little sweeter, Make my life a bit completer; Keep me faithful to my duty Every minute of the day. Let me toil without complaining, Not a humble task disdaining; Let me face the summons calmly When death beckons me away.




Words of Wisdom (authors unknown)

Impossibilities Vanish When A Man And His God Confront A Mountain. Honor Is Better Than Honors. If You Tell The Truth, You Don’t Have To Remember Anything. We Rise By Lifting Others. The Strongest Evidence Of Love Is Sacrifice. The First Duty Of Love Is To Listen. Big People Monopolize The Listening. Small People Monopolize The Talking. Every Man Is Enthusiastic At Times. One Man Has Enthusiasm For Thirty Minutes, Another Has It For Thirty Days--But It Is The Man Who Has It For Thirty Years Who Makes A Success In Life. Seek God First And The Things You Want Will Seek You. I’ve Never Been Hurt By Anything I Didn’t Say. The Way To Get To The Top Is To Get Off Your Bottom. A Man Who Wants To Lead The Orchestra Must Turn His Back On The Crowd. He Who Learned To Obey Will Know How To Command. Carve Your Name On Hearts And Not On Marble. You Can Accomplish More In One Hour With God Than One Lifetime Without Him. The Greatest Use Of Life Is To Spend It For Something That Will Outlast It. No Matter What A Man’s Past May Have Been, His Future Is Spotless. Defeat Is Not The Worst Of Failures. Not To Have Tried Is The True Failure. A Good Reputation Is More Valuable Than Money. God Has A History Of Using The Insignificant To Accomplish The Impossible. 16

Winston Churchill Quotes You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks. A nation that forgets its past has no future. A good speech should be like a woman’s skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. One man with conviction will overwhelm a hundred who have only opinions. The main vice of capitalism is the uneven distribution of prosperity. The main vice of socialism is the even distribution of misery. You don’t make the poor richer by making the rich poorer. Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision. Life is fraught with opportunities to keep your mouth shut.


Old Farmers Advice By Roy English

1. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. 2.Live a good and honorable life, then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time. 3.Don’t interfere with something that ain’t bothering you none. 4.If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin.’ 5.Sometimes you get, sometimes you get got. 6.Always drink upstream from the herd. 7. Good judgement comes from experience, and a lotta of that comes from bad judgement. 8.Letting the cat out of the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in. 9.Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and enjoy the ride. 10. Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just shoot you. 11. Your fences need to be horse high, pig tight and bull strong. 12. Don’t judge folks by their relatives. 13. Life is simpler when you plow around the stump. 14. A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor. 15. Words that soak into your ears are whispered...not yelled. 16. Manners don’t just happen overnight. 17. Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads. 18. Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you. 19. It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge. 20. You cannot unsay a cruel word. 21. Every path has a few puddles. 22. When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty. 23. The best sermons are lived, not preached. 24. Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t gonna happen anyway.


Wisdom From David Matheny Yard by yard, life is hard, Inch by inch, it’s a cinch.

A wise old owl lived in an oak. The more he saw the less he spoke. The less he spoke the more he heard. Why can’t we be like that wise old bird?

There is so much good in the worst of us. And so much bad in the best of us. That little it behooves any of us. To talk about the rest of us.


My World----Your World By F. T. Mott

I took a walk the other day Where as a youth I used to play. I went to see just once again The fields and streams, the wooded glen, And that old sugar maple tree. Stone walls and hidden creature trails, Muskrat burrows along the brook, Wild birds in flight where’r you look’d; Coon and fox dens here and there, Wild beauty reigned just everywhere. A world, it seems, made just for me, A place on earth where I was free. But wait! Is this the place I seek? It’s not a place for hike or trek; Nothing looks the same to me-And where is that old maple tree? There, cats and dogs and backyard sheds, Paved streets and cars and flower beds. It’s not my private world for play; Too many houses here today! I almost wish I hadn’t come. Progress--not for everyone. I sadly turned and walked away Where as a youth I used to play.


Seven Wonders of the World Author Unknown

A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the “Seven Wonders of the World.” Though there we some disagreements, the following received the most votes:

The girl replied, “Yes, a little. I couldn’t quite make up my mind because there were so many.” The teacher said, “Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help.” The girl hesitated, then read, “I think the “Seven Wonders of the World” are:

1. Egypt’s Great Pyramids 2. Taj Mahal 3. Grand Canyon 4. Panama Canal 5. Empire State Building 6. St. Peter’s Basilica 7. Great Wall of China

1. To see 2. To hear 3. To touch 4. To taste 5. To feel 6. To laugh 7. And to love The room was so quiet, you could have heard a pin drop. Just a gentle reminder-that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.

While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one quiet student hadn’t turned in her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. 21

FRIENDS “Good friends help you find important things when you have lost them...things like your smile, your hope and your courage.”


Thank God For You By Joseph Clark

Good friend of mine, Seldom is friendship such as thine; How very much I wish to be As helpful as you’ve been to me…. Of many prayer guests, one thou art On whom I ask God to impart Rich blessings from His storeroom rare, And grant to you His gracious care…. When I recall, from time to time, How you inspired this heart of mine: I find myself inclined to pray, God bless my friend this very day…. So often, at the throne of Grace, There comes a picture of your face: And then, instinctively, I pray That God may guide you all the way…. Some day, I hope with you to stand Before the throne, at God’s right hand: And say to you--at journey’s end: “Praise God you’ve been to me a friend-THANK GOD FOR YOU. ” 23

I Said a Prayer for You Today by Frank J. Zamboni

I said a prayer for you today And know God must have heard. I felt the answer in my heart Although He spoke no word. I didn’t ask for wealth or fame I knew you wouldn’t mind. I asked Him to send treasures Of a far more lasting kind. I asked that He’d be near you At the start of each new day. To grant you health and blessings And friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small, But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all!


A PRAYER FOR A FRIEND By Rhoda-Katie Hannan

This I pray for you, my friendThat you strive to be all that you can be, yet never become a copy of another. That you realize your own unique qualities, and all that makes you special. That you open your eyes to the beauty in each day. That you reach out to others less fortunate than you. That, by giving, you learn the joy of receiving... That you let go of the sadness of the past, yet always remember the good moments. That you learn to accept life as it is, even with its problems and disappointments. For life is meant to be enjoyed and, at times, endured, but never taken for granted. And I pray that you will be aware at all times that you are one special person, among all special persons. And do the best you can.




November 13, 2000 Written by High School Student We have taller buildings but shorter tempers. Wider freeways but narrower viewpoints. We spend more but have less. We buy more but enjoy it less. We have bigger houses and smaller families. More conveniences but less time. We have more degrees but less sense. More knowledge but less judgment. We have more experts but less solutions. More medicine but less wellness. We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve added years to life and not life to years.

We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We’ve cleaned up the air but polluted the soul. We’ve split the atom but not our prejudice. We have higher incomes but lower morals. We’ve become long on quantity but short on quality. These are the times of tall men and short character. Times of steep profits and shallow relationships. These are times of world peace but domestic warfare. Times of more leisure but less fun. Days of two incomes but more divorce. It is a time when there is much in the show window and nothing in the stockroom. Welcome to the New World!!! 27

The Old Man Author Unknown As I came out of the supermarket that sunny day, pushing my cart of groceries towards my car, I saw an old man with the hood of his car up and a lady sitting inside the car, with the door open. The old man was looking at the engine. I put my groceries away in my car and continued to watch the old gentleman from about twenty five feet away. I saw a young man in his early twenties with a grocery bag in his arm, walking towards the old man. The old gentleman saw him coming too, and took a few steps towards him. I saw the old gentleman point to his open hood and say something. The young man put his grocery bag into what looked like a brand new Cadillac Escalade and then turn back to the old man and I heard him yell at the old gentleman saying, “You shouldn’t even be allowed to drive a car at your age.” And then with a wave of his hand, he got in his car and peeled rubber out of the parking lot. I saw the old gentleman pull out his handkerchief and mop his brow as he went back to his car and again looked at the engine. He then went to his wife and spoke with her and appeared to tell her it would be okay. I had seen enough and I approached the old man. He saw me coming and stood straight and as I got near him I said, “Looks like you’re having a problem.” He smiled sheepishly and quietly nodded his head. I looked under the hood myself and knew that whatever the problem was, it was beyond me. Looking around I saw a gas station up the road and told the old man that I would be right back. I drove to the station and went inside and saw three attendants working on cars. I approached one of them and related the problem the old man had with his car and offered to pay them if they could follow me back down and help him. The old man had pushed the heavy car under the shade of a tree and appeared to be comforting his wife. When he saw us, he straightened up and thanked me for my help. As the mechanics diagnosed the problem (overheated engine) I spoke with the old gentleman. When I shook hands with him earlier, he had noticed my Marine Corps ring and had commented about it, telling me that he had been a Marine too. I nodded and asked the usual question, “What outfit did you serve with?” He had mentioned that he served with the First Marine Division at Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal. He had hit all the big ones and retired from the Corps after the war was over. As we talked we heard the car engine come on and saw the mechanics lower the hood. They came over to us as the old man reached for his wallet, but was stopped by me and I told him I would just put the bill on my AAA card. He still reached for the wallet and handed me a card that I assumed had his name and address on it and I stuck it in my pocket…. We all shook hands all around again and I said my goodbye to his wife. I then told the two mechanics that I would follow them back up to the station. Once at the station I told them that they had interrupted their own jobs to come along with me and help the old man. I said I wanted to pay for the help, but they refused to charge me. 28

One of them pulled out a card from his pocket looking exactly like the card the old man had given to me. Both of the men told me then, that they were Marine Corps Reserves. Once again we shook hands all around and as I was leaving, one of them told me I should look at the card the old man had given me. I said I would and drove off. For some reason I had gone about two blocks when I pulled over and took the card out of my pocket and looked at it for a long, long time. The name of the old gentleman was on the card in golden leaf and under his name…… “Congressional Medal of Honor Society.” I sat there motionless looking at the card and reading it over and over. I looked up from the card and smiled to no one but myself and marveled that on this day, four Marines had all come together, because one of us needed help. He was an old man all right, but it felt good to have stood next to greatness and courage and an honor to have been in his presence. Remember, OLD men like him gave you FREEDOM for America. Thanks to those who served….& those who supported them! America is not at war. The U.S. Military is at war. America is at the Mall. If you don’t stand behind our troops, PLEASE feel free to stand in front of them! Remember, Freedom isn’t “Free”---thousands have paid the price so you can enjoy what you have today. LET’S DO THIS----JUST 27 WORDS GOD OUR FATHER, WALK THROUGH MY HOUSE AND TAKE AWAY ALL MY WORRIES AND ILLNESSES; AND PLEASE WATCH OVER AND HEAL MY FAMILY IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN



“At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent.” Barbara Bush



Special anonymous quotes about mothers and children

Mothers are like fine collectibles--as the years go by they increase in value. As a mother, my job is to take care of the possible and trust God with the impossible. The mother’s love is like God’s love. He loves us not because we are lovable but because it is His nature to love, and because we are His children. Loving a child is a circular business--the more you give, the more you get……..the more you get, the more you give. The greatest gift a mother(father) can give her(his) children is herself (himself). Where parents do too much for their children, the children will not do much for themselves. Children spell LOVE….T--I--M--E… Mother Theresa upon winning the Nobel Prize was asked, “What can we do to promote world peace?” She replied. “Go home and love your family.”


A Grandmother’s Prayer By Barbara Burrows

Oh Lord, I do not ask for much, Eternal beauty, or youth, or such. Just give me a little hand to hold, And I’ll forget that I’m growing old. I do not ask for cloudless skies, A life that’s free from tears and sighs. Just give me a little face to kiss, And anxious moments will turn to bliss. For what is there, really, that means so much As little hands that reach and touch, As little eyes that search and see Only the best in fragile me? So let me grow more loving and wise By looking at life through their wide eyes. For through these little ones, you have given This grateful grandmother a glimpse of Heaven.


WHAT MAKES A DAD Author Unknown

God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of ages, The power of the eagles’ flight, The joy of a spring morning, The faith of a mustard seed, And the depth of a family need. Then God combined these qualities And there was nothing more to add. He knew his masterpiece was complete And so He called it DAD.


MAMA’S MAMA By Mabel Ramsey

Mama’s Mama on a winter’s day, milked the cows and fed them hay, Slopped the hogs, saddled the mule, and got the children off to school, Did a washing, mopped the floors, washed the windows and did some chores, Cooked a dish of home dried fruit, pressed her husband’s Sunday suit, Swept the parlor, made the beds, baked a dozen loaves of bread, Split some firewood, lugged it in, enough to fill the kitchen bin, Cleaned the lamps and put in oil, stewed some apples she thought might spoil, Churned some butter, baked a cake, then exclaimed “For mercy sake! The calves have got out of the pen…went out and chased them in again, Gathered the eggs and cleaned the stable, returned to the house and set the table, Cooked a supper that was delicious, and afterwards washed the dishes, Fed the cat, sprinkled some clothes, darned some socks that were full of holes, Then she opened the organ and began to play: “When You Come to End of a Perfect Day.” 34

A Second Chance

Erma Bombeck was asked what she would change if she had her life to live over. This candid, insightful, witty woman gave these answers: .

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded. I would have taken time to listen to my grandpa ramble on about his youth. I would have sat on the lawn with my children instead of worrying about the grass stains on my skirt. I would have cried and laughed less while watching television, and more while watching life. I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would have gone into a holding pattern if I weren’t there for the day. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment and realized that the ‘wonder growing inside of me was my own only chance in life to assist God In a miracle. When my child kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, “Later, now go and wash up for supper.” There would have been more “I love you’s, I’m sorry’s and thank you’s.” 35

THE LOVE OF A MOTHER It was a family treasure that vase that golden vase the vase that had belonged to my great-grandmother, to my grandmother, and now to my mother ... And the vase sat on the mantle out of reach of little fingers. However, I managed to reach it I climbed to reach it I broke it the family treasure. Golden pieces of once a family treasure valueless that moments before was priceless. And I began to cry then louder in sobs that brought my mother running. I could hardly get it out: I broke the vase ... the treasure. And then my mother gave to me a gift: A look of relief over her face and oh, I thought you had been hurt!” And then she hugged to her the one who had just moments before broken the family treasure. She gave to me a gift: She made it very clear that I was the family treasure. I was what was priceless and of great value. She also made it very clear where her heart was.




Shake It Off and Step Up Author Unknown

There is an old story about a farmer who had a mule. One day the mule fell into an old dry unused well. The farmer thought it too much trouble and too hard to rope the mule and try to pull him up and out. The mule was quite heavy. He asked his friends to help. They decided to just bury the mule and started to throw dirt in the hole. The mule shook off the dirt and stepped up just a little bit with each shovel and shake. Eventually the people could see the mule making progress, ever so small. He was moving up in the well inch by inch. After much work, shoveling and stepping up, the mule was able to reach the top and get out of the well. Moral of Story…”Shake it off, and step up! “ When trouble happens, shake it off and step up. Go from a safe zone to the “Faith Zone”. In sports and in life, when faced with adversity…..”Play a Little Harder”, “Try a Little Harder.” 38


When I was a boy, we used to play in the woods and fields close to our house. There was one particular field where our neighbor, Mr. Crumpler keep cows. He periodically had 25-40 cows fenced in there. Often we would walk from one side of the field to the other. It was of course very difficult for young boys to walk from one side of the field to the other without stepping in some cow remains. We discovered that we never stepped in the same remains a second time because, with experience, we treaded more cautiously and we knew where the trouble lay. We also learned that after stepping in something, the best way to clean our shoes was to continue walking until our shoes cleaned themselves. We would rub the dirtied shoes on the grass and turn our feet sideways and rub. Sometimes that took quite a bit of effort and walking, sometimes not. It depended on the size of the stain. Eventually the stain and the odor would go away. This example reminds me a lot of life. In life as in the pasture, there are lots of opportunities to “step in something.” Opportunities to get off track and out of focus. Occasions to make mistakes and poor decisions. In life, through experience we learn to live more cautiously and we learn where the trouble spots are. Through experience and age we learn from our mistakes, and as long as we don’t make the same mistakes a second time, we can move forward. To cleanse ourselves from our mistakes, we have to keep walking, keep washing, keep moving forward until we are far enough away from our mistakes. Eventually those mistakes will be a distant memory, but a memory still. It is only through the grace of God that those blunders will be totally forgotten and forgiven. 39


By Robert J. McMullen Submitted by Dave Potter

After my brother’s massive heart attack, he lay in a coma in the hospital’s coronary intensive care unit. Tubes and wires hooked him up to machines that kept him alive. A scope showed the wiggly lines of a faltering heartbeat. The only sound in his room was the rhythmical whoosh of the pump forcing air into his lungs. My sister-in-law stood by, helpless. As a minister I had often been with families in similar situations. I had searched for the right words, the perfect scriptural passage, a phrase of hope, trying to comfort them. But this was a new experience. During these difficult days, my sister-in-law and I were torn between hope and resignation. We appreciated every visitor. We were grateful for their stories of people who had snapped out of comas and returned to normal. We listened when they talked knowledgeably about the stages of grief. We knew they cared. But many visitors came through the door talking, and kept talking. Was that how I had dealt with my nervousness when I didn’t know what to say? Then a casual friend came to visit. He stood with us around the bed, looking at my brother’s body. There was a long silence. Suddenly overcome with emotion, he said, “I’m sorry.” There was another long pause. Finally, he hugged my sister-in-law and then turned to shake my hand. He held it a second longer than necessary and squeezed a little harder than usual. As he looked at me, tears came to his eyes. And then he left. One week later, my brother died. Years have passed and I still remember that visitor. I do not recall his name, but I’ll never forget how he shared our grief, quietly and sincerely and without awkwardness. His few words spoke volumes. 40

The Blind Girl

There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, “If I could only see the world, I will marry you.” One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, “ Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?“ The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn’t expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: “Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.” This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.

Life is a gift !

Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can’t speak! Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who’s crying out to God for a companion. Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who went too early to heaven. Before whining about the distance you drive - Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job. And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and think: You’re alive and still around. 41

Dean Robert Dyer

“Making some people mad often helps them perform.” By Tal Jobe In the summer of 1963 I enrolled at Wake Forest College. I really don’t know why I chose Wake. I had applied at the University of North Carolina and also at Davidson College. My older brother, W.Y., had just graduated from UNC so the logical choice should have been Carolina. The basketball coach there, Dean Smith, had attended one of our high school games and passed word through a prominent UNC alumnus that I would be welcome to try out for the freshman team. However one of my best high school friends, Gerald Smith, had accepted a full basketball scholarship at Wake. Since my mother was not necessarily sure that the fraternity life of Carolina was up my niche, I chose to follow my friend to the home of the Demon Deacons. College was a rude awakening for this small town boy. Since I had enrolled in the summer before my freshman year, I was able to complete two courses in advance. I made two B’s that summer, one in Math 101 and another in “The Life and Teachings of Jesus”. Then it looked like college would be a piece of cake for me. With the beginning of the fall semester, I found things to be different. I did try out for the freshman basketball team and survived the final cut only to be the 13th(last) member of the team. I was courted by the most elite fraternity on campus, Sigmi Chi. My time was spent with basketball and social life. It was fun. Fun until the end of the semester and grades arrived. I remember my first semester grades as being: P.E.- A, Military Science -A, English -D, History-D, Biology-F, Religion-C, Spanish-C. Second semester was little better as I enjoyed my newfound freedom and made lots of friends. In addition, you must remember, Wake was not exactly the easiest school out there. The competition was stiff. Classes were small and there was little opportunity to hide and not be noticed in classes of 6-20 students. Near the middle of first semester of my sophomore year I returned to my room one day to see a note posted on my door. “You have an appointment with Dean Robert Dyer this afternoon at 3:00PM.” Well I had no idea who Dean Dyer was, much less what a dean was. I could not believe I would have to miss intramural football practice for such a meeting. Perhaps he wanted to see me and present me some kind of award. I was quite popular. Robert Dyer was the dean responsible for academic performance of Wake Forest students. I walked into his office with a smile. He addressed me as “Mr. Jobe”. “ Mr. Jobe, I am informing you that you will be unable to make it academically at Wake Forest College. I will be glad to help you transfer to either Campbell College or East Carolina, but your time at Wake is about up. I was shocked, stunned, humiliated. How could this dean tell me what to do. My entire make up changed at that point. The man made me mad, furious. I began to study. I began to put time and effort into my schoolwork. From that time until my graduation in 1967, my home was the basement of the library. I was able to find a major best suited for me. I found people in the Physical Education Department who cared and wanted to help me. My grades and my attitude changed because of this man’s firm confrontation with me. It was that day I learned how people who tell you “No”, are people who care and are people who ultimately help you. So to Dean Dyer and others like my Mom who have told me “No” because of their care and concern, I say thank you. Many people are not truly motivated until they are backed into the corner and challenged. Dean Dyer challenged me that day and it changed my life. Often it is years later when we realize the people who have actually helped us most in our journey. 42



Story of Forgiveness The story is told of two young boys, Dwight and Carl, caught stealing when they were young. This occurred back in the 1800’s. A “S” was burned into their foreheads to tell the world forever of their crime. Both were also placed in prison. Upon release from prison, Carl went on his way but Dwight gave each day to helping and serving others. After many years, two young boys saw Dwight and were talking. “What do you think is the reason for that “S” on the old man’s head ? One boy said, “if you ask my mother, she would say it stands for “SAINT”. What a great change in a life. A real example of how God forgives and makes a positive out of a negative.



Author Unknown You always hear the usual stories of pennies on the sidewalk being good luck, gifts from angels, etc. This is the first time I’ve ever heard this twist on the story. Gives you something to think about…. Several years ago, a friend of mine and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband’s employer’s home. My friend, Arlene, was nervous about the weekend…. The boss was very wealthy, with a fine home on the waterway, and cars costing more than her house. The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live. The husband’s employer was quite generous as a host, and took them to the finest restaurants. Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of extravagance again, so she was enjoying herself immensely… As the three of them were about to enter an exclusive restaurant that evening, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband. He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long, silent moment. Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him. There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped, and a few cigarette butts. Still silent, the man reached down and picked up the penny. He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure...How absurd ! What need did this man have for a single penny? Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up? Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her. Finally, she could stand it no longer. She casually mentioned that her daughter once had a coin collection, and asked if the penny he had found had been of some value. A smile crept across the man’s face as he reached into his pocket for the penny and held it out for her to see. She had seen many pennies before ! What was the point of this? “ Look at it.” He said. “ Read what it says.” She read the words ‘United States of America’. “No, not that; read further.” “ One cent?” “No, keep reading.” “In God we Trust?” “Yes!” “And?” “ And if I trust God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin….Whenever I find inscription...It is written on every single United States coin, but we never seem to notice it! God drops a message right in front of me telling me to trust Him? Who am I to pass it by? When I see a coin, I pray, I stop to see if my trust IS in God at that moment. I pick the coin up as a response to God; that I do trust in Him…” “ For a short time, at least, I cherish it as if it were gold. I think it is God’s way of starting a conversation with me. Lucky for me, God is patient and pennies are plentiful!” When I was out shopping today, I found a penny on the sidewalk. I stopped and picked it up, and realized that I had been worrying and fretting in my mind about things I cannot change. I read the words, ‘In God We Trust,’ and had to laugh. Yes, God, I get the message. It seems that I have been finding an inordinate number of pennies in the last few months, but then, pennies are plentiful! And, God is patient…. The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails =4 given That’s the whole gospel message simply stated. REMEMBER If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring. He sends you a sunrise every morning. Face it friend--He is crazy about you ! 45

Take Time To Pray Author Unknown

I got up early one morning and rushed right into the day. I had so much to accomplish that I didn’t have time to pray. Problems just tumbled about me and heavier came each task. “Why doesn’t God help me”, I wondered, he answered, “YOU DIDN’T ASK.” I wanted to see joy and beauty but the day toiled on, gray and bleak. I wondered why God didn’t show me. he said, “BUT YOU DIDN’T SEEK.” I tried to come into God’s presence; I used all my keys at the lock. God gently and lovingly chided, “MY CHILD, YOU DIDN’T KNOCK.” I woke up early this morning and paused before entering the day. I had so much to accomplish That I had to take time to PRAY.


The Roses of Life Author Unknown

I’ve dreamed many dreams that never came true. I’ve seen them vanish at dawn. But I’ve realized enough of my dreams, thank God, To make me want to dream on. I’ve prayed many prayers when my answer never came. Though I waited patient and long, But answers have come to enough of my prayers To keep me praying on. I’ve trusted many a friend who failed, And left me to weep alone. But I’ve found enough of my friends true blue, To keep me trusting on. I’ve sown many seeds that fell by the way. For the birds to feed upon, But I’ve held enough golden sheaves in my hands To keep me sowing on. I’ve drained the cup of disappointment and pain, And gone many days without song, But I’ve sipped enough nectar from the roses of life To make me want to live on. I’ve been way down many times in my life, Knocked flat by the stresses that fall, But God’s always there to lift me again, To help me keep standing tall!


God’s Hall of Fame By Walt Huntley

Your name may not appear down here In this world’s Hall of Fame. In fact, you may be so unknown That no one knows your name. Fame and fortune pass you by And are given to a few, But if you love and serve the Lord Then there is good news for you. This Hall of Fame is only good As long as time shall be. But keep in mind, God’s Hall of Fame Is for eternity ! To have your name inscribed up there Is greater yes by far Than all the Halls of Fame down here And every man made star. This crowd on earth, they soon forget The heroes of the past. They cheer like mad until you fall, And that’s how long you last. But God he never does forget, And in His Hall of Fame, By just believing in His Son, Inscribed you’ll find your name. I tell you friend I wouldn’t trade My name however small That’s written there beyond the stars In that celestial hall. For every famous name on earth Or glory that they share; I’d rather be an unknown here And have my name up there.


Judging Others Author Unknown

A man went to the pastor of his church and said, “ I won’t be attending church anymore.” The pastor said, “May I ask you why?” He said, “ I see people on their cell phones texting and typing during the service, some are gossiping, some aren’t living right, some are sleeping, some are staring at me, they are all hypocrites.” The pastor was silent. Then he said, “Can I ask you to do something for me before you make your final decision?” He answered, “Sure, what’s that?” The pastor said, “Take a full glass of water and walk around the church two times and don’t let any water fall out of the glass.” The man said, “Yes, I can do that.” He went and got the full glass of water and walked around the church two times. He came back proudly and said, “It’s done.” The pastor asked him four questions. “Did you see anybody on their phone?” “Did you see anybody gossiping?” “Was anybody living wrong?” “Did you see anybody sleeping?” The man said, “I didn’t see anything because I was so focused on the glass, so the water wouldn’t spill out.” The pastor said to him, “When you come to church, you should be that focused on God, so that you don’t fall.” That’s why Jesus said, “Follow me.” He did not say follow them. Don’t let your relationship with God be determined by how others relate with God. Let it be determined by how focused you are with God.


m o r



People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. Mother Teresa If you are kind, people may accuse you of having selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. Mother Teresa The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow. Do good anyway. Mother Teresa What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight. Build anyway. Mother Teresa If God seems far away, guess who moved? If we depend on Christ for everything, we can endure anything. God always accepts knee mail. The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream. Harry Kemp I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God. Abe Lincoln Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others. R. L. Stevenson Without God, “Our Heavenly Father” we are orphans. With Him we have a “Father” and many Christian brothers and sisters who share the same Father. And we have a family, the Christian Family. 50

The Pig and the Chicken

You’ve all heard the story of the pig and the chicken who happened to be walking by a church where a gala charity event was taking place. Getting caught up in the spirit of the event, the pig suggested to the chicken that they each make a contribution. “Great idea!”, the chicken cried. “Let’s offer them ham and eggs?” “Not so fast,” said the pig. “For you, that’s a contribution. For me, it’s a total commitment.” While we chuckle at the circumstances, a good point can be drawn from this in regard to our Christian life. Are we committed, or are we just making contributions? I’m glad that Jesus didn’t simply make a contribution to the human race, but that He gave total commitment. Here’s an interesting example for coaches and players regarding their commitment to the team. Championship teams have complete commitment from all members of the team, including the coaches.* * copied from the Mebane Presbyterian Church newsletter June 2008


Love Is A Very Special Thing Author Unknown

A mother’s love is a very special thing, Gentle and soft as the lullaby she sings; Warm and embracing with power like a king; Love is a special thing. The love of a child is a very special thing, Fragile as snowflakes and butterfly wings; Simple and caring and promising as spring; Love is a special thing. This love that we share is a very special thing, It fills my heart and it makes me want to sing; Sharing and caring, such happiness it brings; Love is a special thing. For love is of God; love is God. And God’s love for us is a very special thing; Full of compassion and boundless as the sea; Holding me close and yet letting me be free. So cherish it, and treasure it. Love is a special thing.


Getting Older...Final Chapter


Safely Home Author Unknown I am home in Heaven, dear ones;

Oh, so happy and so bright! There is perfect joy and beauty In this everlasting light.

All the pain and grief is over, Every restless tossing passed; I am now at peace forever, Safely home in Heaven at last. Did you wonder I so calmly Trod the valley of the shade? Oh ! but Jesus’ love illuminated Every dark and fearful glade. And He came Himself to meet me In that way so hard to tread; And with Jesus’ arm to lean on, Could I have one doubt or dread? Then you must not grieve so sorely, For I love you dearly still; Try to look beyond earth’s shadows, Pray to trust our Father’s Will. There is work still waiting for you, So you must not idly stand; Do it now, while life remaineth--You shall rest in Jesus’ land. When that work is all completed, He will gently call you Home; Oh, the rapture of that meeting, Oh, the joy to see you come!


A Beautiful Woman in More Ways Than One Author Unknown

God looked around the garden, And found one empty space. He looked down upon the earth, And saw your tired face. He put his arms around you, And lifted you to rest. God’s garden must be beautiful For he only takes the best. He knew that you were weary, And he knew you were in pain. He knew that you would never, Be well on earth again. He saw the roads were getting rough, And the hills were hard to climb. So he closed your weary eyelids, And whispered peace be thine. It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn’t go alone. For part of us went with you The day God called you home.


His Journey’s Just Begun By Ellen Brenneman

Don’t think of him as gone away His journey’s just begun Life holds so many facets This earth is only one. Just think of him as resting From the sorrows and the tears In a place of warmth and comfort Where there are no days and years. Think how he must be wishing That we could know today How nothing but our sadness Can really pass away. And think of him as living In the hearts of those he touched… For nothing loved is ever lost And he was loved so much.


She Who Laughs, Lasts Prayer in Old Age, attributed to a Seventeenth Century Nun Lord, you know better than I know myself that I am getting older and will someday be old. Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from craving to straighten out everybody’s affairs. Make me thoughtful but not moody, helpful but not bossy. With the vast store of wisdom it seems a pity not to use it all, but you know, Lord, that I want a few friends at the end. Keep my mind from the recital of endless details--give me the wings to come to the point. Seal my lips on my aches and pains. They are increasing, and my love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter. I dare not ask for grace enough to enjoy the tales of others’ pains, but help me endure them with patience. I dare not ask for improved memory, but for a growing humility and a lessening cocksureness when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken. Keep me reasonably sweet. I do not want to be a saint, some of them are so hard to live with, but a sour old woman is one of the crowning works of the devil. Give me the ability to see good things in unexpected places, and the talents in unexpected people. And give me the grace to tell them so. 57

In My Mind By Jenn Farrell

Somewhere in my dreams tonight I’ll see you standing there. You look at me with a smile “Life isn’t always fair.” You say you were chosen for His garden. His preciously hand picked bouquet. “God really needed me, That’s why I couldn’t stay.” It’s said to be that angels Are sent from above. I’ve always had my angel My brother whose heart was filled with love. Wherever the ocean meets the sky There will be memories of you and I. When I look up at that sky so blue All I see are visions of you. “While there’s a heart in me, you’ll be a part of me.”


Rev. Ed Wilson By Tal Jobe

One of the most outstanding ministers I have known in my lifetime is Ed Wilson. Ed filled in as temporary pulpit at the Mebane Presbyterian Church for over a year while we were searching for a new minister. He had the ability to write words that lift the heart and soothe the soul. He also had the gift of delivering messages that were interesting and helpful. His friendship to me and to our church helped me in my life. Listed below are a few of his quickies. Prayer without actions is senseless. Action without prayer is senseless. When faced with adversity, “Why not.” Not “Can not.” These are not problems, but possibilities. (Jesus feeding the multitude) In giving or in any organization, we need elephants and mice. Plan, pray actively, proceed purposely, pursue persistently. (don’t give up) It is not necessary to know some things. We all need: someone to love, something to hope for, and something to do. As we grow older....bulges, bridges and bifocals. Life promises us sorrow...It’s up to us to create joy. Those who are heavenly bound must be earthly involved. Help me to say what I mean and mean what I say, without being MEAN. It is not how high we jump when we get religion, but how straight we walk when we hit the ground that counts. Growing not groaning. We should grow, not groan. Listening is the supreme act of love. Forgiving is the supreme act of love. God made the mouth to close and the ear to remain open. Trying to please all is certain failure. Grudge holders are grave diggers....their own grave. Church should be school, lighthouse, hospital and friendly bar. Church is hospital for sinners, not country club for saints. It’s not the parts of the Bible that I don’t understand that bothers me, it’s the parts I do understand. Mark Twain 59




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