NPC Corporation

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NPC CORPORATION Piedmont Research and Development Corporation



NPC Corporation has the ONLY muscadine product with human clinical trials conducted on its own product.

Human Clinical Trial Research ................................. 5-6 Our Story......................................................................8 Our Products .............................................................10 Mighty Muscadine Supplement ..................................11 Mighty Muscadine Extract .........................................15 Mighty Muscadine Skincare ........................................16 Marketplace ...............................................................18 Product Development .................................................20 Oldest Muscadine Vine ...............................................24

Over $20 million donated to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center for Cancer Research on our Muscadine Grape Seed & Skin Extract

Released: 15-June-2015 10:05 AM EST

Source Newsroom: Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center has received $20 million to study the effects of muscadine grape seed & skin extract (MGE) on prostate and breast cancers. The gift by a donor who wishes to remain anonymous is the largest ever received by the Medical Center.

The principal investigators of the multidisciplinary study are Patricia Gallagher, Ph.D., and Ann Tallant, Ph.D., professors in the Hypertension and Vascular Research Center and the Department of Cancer Biology at Wake Forest Baptist. The research will involve 26 faculty members from multiple disciplines, including hypertension and vascular research, hematology and oncology, cancer biology, urology, radiology, public health sciences, radiation biology and pathology.

John D. McConnell, M.D., chief executive officer of Wake Forest Baptist, said the gift is an example of how philanthropy makes a difference for an academic medical center, and not necessarily because of the amount involved.

“We are extremely grateful for this generous philanthropic support of our researchers, our Medical Center and our mission, to improve health,” McConnell said. “This demonstrates the role that philanthropy plays for us. This gift was made by an individual who believes in our institution and has a passion for making a profound difference in the lives and health of others.

“While the amount of this gift is historic for us and provides a remarkable opportunity, the work we do as a leading academic medical center would not be possible without support of all kinds from our community and those who believe in what we do.”

The muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.), which is native to the southeastern United States and was the first native grape species to be cultivated in North America, is a rich source of polyphenols, a type of potent antioxidant. The specific type of MGE being studied by Wake Forest Baptist scientists is a new formulation not commercially available that was developed by Piedmont Research & Development of Advance, North Carolina.

This five-year gift will fund three clinical trials: a Phase I trial to determine toxicity of the extract in patients with solid

tumors, and two Phase II trials, one in men with prostate cancer and one in women with triple negative breast cancer, to determine the effect of the extract on reducing metastatic growth and on quality of life issues.

In addition, the gift will support a preclinical study (animal model) on the treatment of breast cancer with MGE; preclinical studies to determine the molecular mechanisms for the reductions in tumor growth; the effect of co-administration of the extract with radiation and chemotherapeutics commonly used to treat breast and prostate cancer; and the effect of the extract on comorbidities, which are often present in patients with prostate and breast cancer.

“This generous gift is transformative in that it allows us to develop an all-inclusive study to determine the potential benefits of this kind of muscadine grape extract for the treatment of these two cancers,” Gallagher said.

In previous studies, Gallagher and Tallant investigated the effect of muscadine grape extract on the growth of human cancer cells in the laboratory, including lung, breast, glioblastoma, melanoma, prostate, leukemia and colon. The scientists found that the extract inhibited the growth of the cancer cells tested by 40 to 50 percent.

More importantly, in a prevention study, female mice engineered to develop breast cancer had reduced tumor formation after drinking the extract (a dose equivalent to about 10 tablespoons for an average-sized man) for seven months. In a lung cancer model of fetal exposure, the tumor burden also was decreased by 50 percent in the female offspring but not in the males after drinking the extract for a year. In both mouse models, the muscadine grape extract reduced the number of blood vessels feeding the tumor.

“A gift of this magnitude can dramatically accelerate the pace of this promising research,” said Edward Abraham, M.D., dean of the Wake Forest School of Medicine. “We are more likely to see clinical trials in place much sooner because of this investment, and any potential benefits that may be identified would be passed along to patients sooner than would otherwise be possible.”


Conducted a Double Blind, Placebo

David M. Herrington MD, MHS Wake Forest University School of Medicine Controlled, Human Clinical Trial Mighty Muscadine® Grape Supplement increased the brachial artery by 4.44%

Want to be a part of what is going to be a

that Brand!


NPC Corporation produces products derived from the Muscadine Grape, (the North Carolina State Fruit) which is the most powerful dietary supplement in the market today. Although NPC Corporation has human clinical trials published by the Journal of American College of Nutrition and in vitro and in vivo human cancer cell studies, our products are marketed as a powerful antioxidant and NPC Corporation makes no claim to the treatment, prevention, cure or mitigation of heart disease or cancer.

•There could be numerous different companies or divisions in NPC Corporation: 1) Dietary Supplement 2) Nutraceutical Beverages 3)Pharmaceutical division 4) 100% Juice 5) Snack Bars and Fruit Leathers 6) Botanical Drugs from Extract 7) Ground Muscadine Seeds and Skins for Cereal 8) Antioxidant for Pets.

•NPC Corporation is inspected by the NC & US Food and Drug Administration, has received cGMP and Certificates of Free Sale by the FDA on all products and meets the standards of 21 CFR 111 The Current Good Manufacturing Practices in Manufacturing, Packing, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements.

•NPC Corporation is properly registered to sell its products in the United States.

•NPC Corporation owns approximately $265,000,000 in finished (processed, dried and separated) Muscadine Seeds and Skins at e-Commerce prices of $24.95 per bottle. Theodore Dr. Mocksville, NC



• Access to and control of the limited supply of the premium muscadine grapes via 20-year grower contracts, renewable every 20 years.

• 135,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art manufacturing facility

• 10,000 sq. ft. freezer.

• 600 Bottle per minute high speed hot-fill juice bottling line.

• NPC Corporation’s product is the most antioxidant-rich fruit found in nature because of unique phytochemicals inherent only in the muscadine grape. Compounds such as ELLAGIC ACID, QUERCETIN, RESVERATROL and OPC’s only found in this combination in the muscadine grape.

• NPC Corporation has the ONLY muscadine product with human clinical trials conducted on its own product.

• NPC Corporation’s research portfolio includes randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, human clinical trials performed at a major medical university yielding positive results on cardiovascular function. This study was recently published in the Journal of American College of Nutrition.

• Human cancer cell study recently performed on NPC Corporation’s product at a major medical university with phenomenal positive results on inhibiting the growth In Vitro of the following human cancer cells. Study to be published in a major medical journal:

• The Abstract on the Inhibition of Cancer Cell Growth by NPC Corporation’s Grape Seed was accepted and presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Meeting in Orlando held in April 2011 to over 32,000 doctors, and scientists from around the world. (Enclosed)

• The recent results from a 24 month animal study that was conducted to determine whether pre-treatment with Mighty Muscadine extracts prevents or reduces the size or growth rate of human breast, prostate and lung cancer tumors were very positive. An Abstract was recently accepted and presented to The American Association for Cancer Research Meeting held in Philadelphia on April 18, 2015. (Enclosed) These studies suggest that the muscadine grape may represent a novel nutraceutical for the prevention of cancer.

• The upcoming study will assess: 1. The efficacy of NPC’s Muscadine Extract in human clinical trials. 2.To examine the preventive and therapeutic effects of NPC Corporation’s products on cancer growth, formation and metastasis. The cost of this study is over $20 million dollars.

• In the phase 1 study, patients self-reported an increase in their energy and a decrease in fatique. Wake Forest Health Sciences is funding a grant for a clinical trial assessing the effect of the Muscadine extract on fatigue and physical function in older adult cancer survivors. It is a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 64 patients (70 or older) with a history of cancer who self-report fatigue.

• The Muscadine extract could be developed into a botanical drug or medical food to work in harmony with chemotherapy and radiation for energy, quality of life and post cancer maintenance.

Lung cancer 81.8% Brain cancer 90.2% Leukemia 74.2% Colon cancer 80.5% Breast cancer 92.6% Prostate cancer 80.4% Skin cancer 60.9%

Product Family

Mighty Muscadine® Grape Seeds & Skins Supplement

Mighty Muscadine® Grape Seeds and Skins Supplement is considered a natural whole food. Around 85% of naturally-occurring phenolic compounds (plant chemicals) are found to be present in muscadine grape seeds.


lies underneath the skin. Mighty Muscadine® 100% Muscadine Grape Juice is made using only Mighty Muscadine® Premium Muscadine Grapes. Enjoy the flavor & health benefits of this unique and delicious


Health & Energy

Mighty Muscadine® Energy Shot

Mighty Muscadine Energy Shot contains many naturally-occurring phenolic compounds that fight for your health!

Protein Shake

With 17g of plant protein per scoop and all natural flavoring, your hunger will surely be

will you love the taste, you will find that it helps reverse hidden causes hindering your weight-loss goals and efforts.

Mighty Muscadine® Grape EXTRACT made with our Patented Process

of the muscadine grape. Take ½ oz to 1 oz per day to deliver your body’s cells with the pure polyphenols found

your favorite personal care products.

Other Great Mighty Muscadine® Products

100% Muscadine Grape Seed Oil, Muscadine Body Lotion, Shampoo, Conditioner,Toothpaste and Relief Spray.

336.940.6620 |

•Clinically tested*

•Reduces oxidative stress*

•Supports heart health*¹

•Supports healthy immune system*

•Increases blood flow & circulation*¹

•Revitalizes energy levels*

•Supports brain function*

•Supports sexual health*²

•Promotes joint health*³

•Supports proper inflammatory response*3

The Oxygen Radical Absorbing Capacity

(ORAC) assay is a standard method used to assess antioxidant capacity of foods and beverages.

The phenolic antioxidants and the greatest ORAC capacity are concentrated in the seeds and skins. This makes muscadine grape seeds and skins highly desirable as a nutraceutical source of antioxidants and polyphenolics.

Here are some of the many polyphenols found in the Muscadine Seeds and Skins:




Caffeic Acid


Catechin Gallate

Chlorogenic Acid

Coumaric acid



Ellagic Acid

Mighty Muscadine® Grape Seeds and Skins Supplement contains naturally-occurring phenolic compounds including resveratrol, ellagic acid, quercetin, gallic acid, epicatechin, OPC’s and many many more. ORAC



Epicatechin Gallate


Epigallocatechin Gallate

Ferulic Acid

Gallic Acid




Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin




Polymeric Proanthocyanidin


Protocatechuic Acid




Vanillic Acid

90 Capsules per bottle

Recommended Dosage: 4-8 Daily. Vegetable Capsule. Gluten & Sugar Free.


Muscadine Grape Seed

Vinifera Grape Seed

Goji Berry


Acai Berry





Noni Juice

17 30 37 77 94 167 200 253 273
to batch.
are measured by Brunswick Laboratories, and expressed as micromole TE per 1 gram. ®
ratings may vary from batch
Our ORAC ratings
Mighty Muscadine® Grape S�ds & Skins Supplement
And Many Many M�e *These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 1.Mellen PB, Daniel KR, Brosnihan KB, Hansen KJ, Herrington DM. E ect of muscadine grape seed supplementation on vascular function in subjects with or at risk for cardiovascular disease: a randomized crossover trial. J Am Coll Nutr. 2010 Oct;29(5):469-75. doi: 10.1080/07315724.2010.10719883. PMID: 21504973; PMCID: PMC3313487. 2. Dell'Agli M, Galli GV, Vrhovsek U, Mattivi F, Bosisio E. In vitro inhibition of human cGMP-speci c phosphodiesterase-5 by polyphenols from red grapes. J Agric Food Chem. 2005 Mar 23;53(6):1960-5. doi: 10.1021/jf048497+. PMID: 15769121. 3.Greenspan P, Bauer JD, Pollock SH, Gangemi JD, Mayer EP, Gha ar A, Hargrove JL, Hartle DK. Antiin ammatory properties of the muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia). J Agric Food Chem. 2005 Nov 2;53(22):8481-4. doi: 10.1021/jf058015+. PMID: 16248541.

Mighty Muscadine®

100% Grape Juice

The most delicious part of the Muscadine is in the juice that lies beneath the skin. Mighty Muscadine® 100% Muscadine Grape Juice is made using only premium Muscadine Grapes. Enjoy the unique flavor and health benefits of this delicious 100% Muscadine Grape juice with naturally-occurring antioxidants!

•No sugar added

•Not from concentrate

•Naturally-occurring antioxidants

•Reduces oxidative stress*

•More antioxidants than blueberries.

•10 ounce bottles are great for kids’ lunch box

*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


100% All Natural Muscadine Grape Juice. Available in 10 oz and 32 oz.

“The best commercial juice or functional beverage derived from muscadines, provides about 2-4 times more antioxidant capacity per serving than its popular competitors.”

-Allan C. Somersall, PhD & MD

Mighty Muscadine Grape Juice is pressed and bottled right from the grape itself, within hours of picking to ensure quality and freshness.

The taste and natural sugar content may vary from batch to batch due to the variety and ripeness of the muscadine grape.

NPC Corporation, the manufacturing facility of Mighty Muscadine®, is the leader in the Muscadine Grape nutraceutical industry. The company manufactures premium Muscadine Grape based products in compliance with 21 CFR 111 The Current Good Manufacturing Practices in Manufacturing, Packing, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements.



Mighty Muscadine® Natural Healthy Energy Shot contains naturally-occurring phenolic compounds including resveratrol, ellagic ® Mighty

•Natural energy shot

•Provides long lasting natural energy

EXCLUSIVE P ATENT PROCES S Two US patents issued on our distinctively innovative process. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Mighty Muscadine® Plant-Based Protein Powder

Mighty Muscadine® Protein Powder includes a plant-based, pea protein-rich amino acid and digestive enzyme blend to help support healthy weight management and optimal digestion. It also includes our premium Muscadine Grape Seeds and Skins and a superfood/fiber blend with antioxidants and essential nutrients.

•Healthy Pea Protein (Vegetable Based)

•Contains the amount of protein equal to 2 eggs

• Includes Muscadine Grape Seeds & Skins antioxidants

•No artificial sweeteners

•Good source of fiber

•Soy and Lactose Free

•Gluten Free, Vegan and Non GMO

•Supports healthy weight management


Proteins can be difficult to digest, but the plant-based pea protein contained in Mighty Muscadine® Protein Powder has a balanced 17 grams of protein with excellent digestibility scores. Each serving delivers 4 grams of dietary fiber, polyphenols from Muscadine grapes, 150 mg of enzymes to aid digestion, and natural flavors.

Mighty Muscadine® Protein Powder is filling and satisfying when blended with water, milk, or milk alternatives to add nutrition to your everyday life. The vanilla flavor compliments many personal flavor preferences, for example your favorite fruit or fruit juice. Banana and Pineapple make great additions. You can use the protein powder to prepare a shake or for baking and cooking to add both flavor and nutrition to your favorite recipes. Perfect for those on the go or a part of a balanced diet.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Mighty Muscadine® Grape S�ds & Skins Extract

Mighty Muscadine® Grape Seeds and Skins Extract contains naturally-occurring phenolic compounds including resveratrol, ellagic acid, quercetin, gallic acid, epicatechin, OPC’s and many many more.

•Clinically tested*

•Reduces oxidative stress*

•Supports heart health*¹

•Supports healthy immune system*

•Increases blood flow & circulation*¹

•Revitalizes energy levels*

•Supports brain function*

•Supports sexual health*²

•Promotes joint health*³

•Supports proper inflammatory response*3

*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Many nutritional products claim to be extracts when they may be a whole milled seed or skin. Mighty Muscadine® works with a team of scientists and doctors to give you a premium Muscadine Extract.

We extract the natural antioxidants out of the seeds and skins (without the use of alcohol), that is 8 to 10 times more powerful than the suggested serving size of the milled seeds and skins in capsules. Each batch is individually tested for quality and assurance.




Caffeic Acid


Catechin Gallate

Chlorogenic Acid

Coumaric acid



Ellagic Acid



Epicatechin Gallate



Ferulic Acid

Gallic Acid





Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin




Polymeric Proanthocyanidin


Protocatechuic Acid




Vanillic Acid

And Many Many M�e

Made with our exclusive Patented Process. Available in 12 oz and 32 oz.

Mighty Muscadine® is the only brand whose Muscadine Supplements and Extracts have undergone successful human clinical trials at Wake Forest Medical Center.

Our products continue to undergo extensive research, scientifically affirming the powerful health benefits of our premium Muscadine grape seeds and skins. Not all muscadine varieties are grown with the same measurable antioxidant value. We know because we are constantly testing the phenolic content and only use the highest quality muscadine grape seeds and skins for our extract.

NPC Corporation, the manufacturing facility of Mighty Muscadine®, is the leader in the Muscadine Grape nutraceutical industry. The company manufactures premium Muscadine Grape based products in compliance with 21 CFR 111 The Current Good Manufacturing Practices in Manufacturing, Packing, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements.

® EXCLUSIVE P ATENT PROCES S Two US patents issued on our distinctively innovative process. 1.Mellen PB, Daniel KR, Brosnihan KB, Hansen KJ, Herrington DM. E ect of muscadine grape seed supplementation on vascular function in subjects with or at risk for cardiovascular disease: a randomized crossover trial. J Am Coll Nutr. 2010 Oct;29(5):469-75. doi: 10.1080/07315724.2010.10719883. PMID: 21504973; PMCID: PMC3313487. 2.Dell'Agli M, Galli GV, Vrhovsek U, Mattivi F, Bosisio E. In vitro inhibition of human cGMP-speci c phosphodiesterase-5 by polyphenols from red grapes. J Agric Food Chem. 2005 Mar 23;53(6):1960-5. doi: 10.1021/jf048497+. PMID: 15769121. 3.Greenspan P, Bauer JD, Pollock SH, Gangemi JD, Mayer EP, Gha ar A, Hargrove JL, Hartle DK. Antiin ammatory properties of the muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia). J Agric Food Chem. 2005 Nov 2;53(22):8481-4. doi: 10.1021/jf058015+. PMID: 16248541.

® Mighty Muscadine® Personal Care Products

Our Mighty Muscadine® Body Lotion, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothpaste and Relief Spray are all free from toxins and infused with Mighty Muscadine® Grape Seeds and Skins Extract for antioxidant benefits.

Our 100% Pure Muscadine Grape Seed Oil is virgin cold pressed, to retain essential nutrients.

100% Pure Muscadine

Grape S�d Oil

• Supports the appearance of healthy aging

• Naturally-occurring antioxidants

• Moisturizes dull, dehydrated skin

• Excellent source of tocotrienols*¹

• Fat fighting properties, as a supplement*¹

• Helps reduce the appearance of scars

• Skin feels smoother and softer

• Removes make-up

• Absorbs easily, does not clog pores

• Helps condition nails, hair and scalp

• 2 fl. ounces

Body Lotion

Free from Toxins. . . Simply Common Sense

NO Sulfates | NO Parabens

Relief Spray

Infused wi� Muscadine Extract

• Cools and soothes skin naturally

• Supports proper inflammatory response.1

• Naturally-occurring antioxidants, like Quercetin

• Botanically infused

• Cools stressed skin

• 2 fl. ounces

Infused wi� Muscadine Extract

• Enhances skin elasticity & regeneration

• Naturally-occurring antioxidants


Infused wi� Muscadine Extract

• Cleans and whitens teeth naturally

• Non-greasy formula

• Leaves skin smooth for 24 hours

• Contains no sulfates, parabens or dyes

• Supports skin from sun and stress

• Supports optimal skin health

• Moisturizes with botanical & fruit extracts

• 8 fl. ounces


Infused wi� Muscadine Extract

• Restores natural shine

• Naturally-ocurring antioxidants

• Moisturizes scalp

• Contains no sulfates, parabens or dyes

• Perfect for all hair types

• Natural fruit extracts

• Moisturizes & replenishes natural hair balance

• 8 fl. ounces

• Naturally-occurring antioxidants

• Fluoride free

• Excellent for sensitive teeth and gums

• Freshens breath

• Supports optimum oral health

• 4 fl. ounces


Infused wi� Muscadine Extract

• Naturally detangles & moisturizes hair

• Naturally-occurring antioxidants

• Moisturizes scalp

• Contains no sulfates, parabens or dyes

• Perfect for all hair types

• Natural fruit extracts

• Moisturizes & adds shine

• 8 fl. ounces

*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Conditioner MUSCADINE EXTRACT infused with 8 fl. oz. (240 mL) For All Hair Types Safe for Color Treated Hair NO Sulfates NO Parabens NO Dyes Après-shampooing Free from Toxins... Simply Common Sense Antioxidant Haircare Body Lotion MUSCADINE EXTRACT infused with 8 fl. oz. (240 mL) All over moisturizing body lotion for all skin types. NO Sulfates NO Parabens NO Dyes Antioxidant Skincare Lotion pour le corps Free from Toxins... Simply Common Sense Toothpaste MUSCADINE EXTRACT infused with FRESH MINT / MENTHE FRAÎCHE 4 oz. (113 g) Antioxidant Personal Care Fluoride Free Sans fluor Free from Toxins... Simply Common Sense Dentifrice Shampoo MUSCADINE EXTRACT infused with 8 fl. oz. (240 mL) For All Hair Types Safe for Color Treated Hair NO Sulfates NO Parabens NO Dyes Shampooing Free from Toxins... Simply Common Sense Antioxidant Haircare
EXCLUSIVE P ATENT PROCES S Two US patents issued on our distinctively innovative process.
Zhao L, Yagiz Y, Xu C, Lu J, Chung S, Marshall MR. Muscadine grape seed oil as a novel source of tocotrienols to reduce adipogenesis and adipocyte in ammation. Food Funct. 2015 Jul;6(7):2293-302. doi: 10.1039/c5fo00261c. PMID: 26073057.

Want to be a part of what is going to be a


June 4, 2020

What Is the Nutraceutical Industry? (And How Big Is The Market?)

The global market for nutraceuticals had a value of over $380 billion in 2019. This is expected to grow in coming years.

The nutraceutical industry is, therefore, a hugely important one. However, many people still know little about nutraceuticals, if anything.

So, what are nutraceuticals? Read on as we answer this question and share more important information about nutraceutical companies and products.

What Does the Nutraceutical Industry Do? Essentially, the nutraceutical industry finds ways to take the nourishing powers of food and use them as medicine. This is useful for many different reasons.

Many people struggle to ingest the necessary amounts of nutrients from their diet. This is especially true of people who don’t eat fresh fruit and vegetables due to dietary preferences or lack of availability.

Nutraceuticals allow users convenient access to almost every nutrient out there. No matter what you’re deficient in or feel you need more of, there should be a nutritional supplement out there just for you.

Nutraceuticals come in the form of pills, capsules, and powders, but the term is also used to describe whole food items. As we will see, there are various categories of nutraceuticals.

Important Types of Nutraceuticals You Should Know About - There are a number of different approaches when it comes to nutraceuticals, both in terms of the nutrients offered and the method of ingestion. The broad categories of nutraceuticals are those we’ve listed here.

Dietary Supplements - Dietary supplements are what immediately spring to mind for many people when they think of nutraceuticals. They are medical products that contain concentrated doses of key nutrients that we traditionally would have gotten from foods.

Dietary supplements typically come in the form of pills and capsules. Common examples are multivitamins and iron supplements.

While dietary supplements can look like any other medication, it’s important to remember that they come from food in many cases. Omega-3 supplements, for example, are made of concentrated fish oils.

Much of the research involved in the production of new dietary supplements is done on food. For example, a recent study on avocados suggests that some of their constituents might be an effective treatment for obesity.

Functional Food - Functional food can be a confusing concept, as all food is functional in one way or another.

When we talk of functional food, what we’re referring to is a food that has health benefits beyond its basic macronutrient content. These foods will do more than simply keep hunger at bay.

Examples of functional foods include seeds, nuts, and certain fruits and vegetables as they occur naturally. However, there are also certain foods which are manufactured to have a greater amount of a given nutrient (milk with extra protein, for example). These are known as fortified foods.

Functional foods are to be distinguished from dietary supplements on the basis that they are foodstuffs rather than medication. While they won’t make up your whole diet, functional foods are to be viewed and calculated as part of your daily caloric intake.

Medicinal Food - Medicinal food is a similar concept to that of functional food. However, this term generally refers to foods with specific medical benefits as opposed to general improvement of health.

For example, foods typical of the Mediterranean diet have been shown to be effective for sufferers of diabetes. The high fat percentage in foods like olive oil and yogurt have a more favorable impact on blood sugar levels in many patients.

You should always consult a doctor before starting on a particular diet for a specific health issue.

The Advantages of Nutraceuticals - There are many reasons why it might be a good idea for you to invest in nutraceuticals. We’ve looked at a few of the most important ones here.

Treatment of Certain Conditions - There are certain health conditions for which nutrition is vital. However, the need for a certain nutrient may be so great that a regular diet simply won’t meet your needs.

Anemia, for example, is caused by a clinical shortage of iron in your body. While you can get more iron from foodstuffs like green vegetables and red meat, many people find it more effective or convenient to turn to an iron supplement.

Healthier Appearance - The most important part of any beauty routine is healthcare. Nobody looks their best unless they are in good health.

There are a number of considerations here. Healthy hair, for example, requires a range of different vitamins along with healthy levels of iron, zinc, and protein. Your skin relies on healthy fats and antioxidants, as well as a number of vitamins.

Greater Immunity Against Diseases - Your immune system functions with the help of the nutrients you put into your body. Without healthy doses of vitamins and minerals, your system will be unable to provide adequate protection against illnesses.

Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, this is a more important consideration than ever. To give yourself the best chance of fighting off the virus if you are unfortunate enough to contract it, you’ll need your immune system to be in good shape.

If you have poor immunity, you should consider taking a vitamin supplement. Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin E are especially important for this purpose.

Improving Your Health Naturally - Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, staying healthy is more important than ever. However, many of us struggle to get in the requisite nutrients from just our diets.

If this sounds like you, the nutraceutical industry might have the answer. Nutraceuticals are a great way of adding natural sources of health to your diet without having to eat a hugely diverse range of foodstuffs.


No Sugar | No Carbs | No Calories No Artificial Sweeteners

A Revolutionary Antioxidant Beverage for Cellular Health



Powered by the Makers of

Powered by the Makers of Patented Process

Don’t just hydrate your body. Nourish your body with every sip!

Don’t just hydrate your body. Nourish your body

with every sip!

We have created the most powerful antioxidant beverage found in nature, backed by science, prioritizing quality over fluff, sizzle and hype. Renowned Le Bleu vapor compression ultra pure distilled water is infused with Mighty Muscadine Grape Seeds and Skins Liquid Extract* to deliver a potent antioxidant beverage that is a refreshing new take on hydration.

Patented Process

We have created the most powerful antioxidant beverage found in nature, backed by science, prioritizing quality over fluff, sizzle and hype. Renowned Le Bleu vapor compression ultra pure distilled water is infused with Mighty Muscadine Grape Seeds and Skins Liquid Extract* to deliver a potent antioxidant beverage that is a refreshing new take on hydration.

The native muscadine grape is unmatched for its diversity of antioxidant phytochemicals, namely polyphenols for which approximately 100 have been identified in this unique fruit. Muscadine grapes also contain 20 chromosome pairs, compared to 19 in other grape varieties, that give this rare vine a genetic advantage to survive in hot,humid climates and provide us with a host of compounds that fight damaging free radicals.

Long known as the “King of the Superfruits”, the muscadine grape resembles the antioxidant composition of a whole fruit basket and gives your body a boost of health-promoting benefits. With Vinetastic, we have captured the prowess of muscadines in a refreshing beverage that will hydrate and invigorate. Rest assured that we have captured the harmony of the science behind nature’s most perfect grape, America’s First Grape. No Sugar

The native muscadine grape is unmatched for its diversity of antioxidant phytochemicals, namely polyphenols for which approximately 100 have been identified in this unique fruit. Muscadine grapes also contain 20 chromosome pairs, compared to 19 in other grape varieties, that give this rare vine a genetic advantage to survive in hot,humid climates and provide us with a host of compounds that fight damaging free radicals.

Long known as the “King of the Superfruits”, the muscadine grape resembles the antioxidant composition of a whole fruit basket and gives your body a boost of health-promoting benefits. With Vinetastic, we have captured the prowess of muscadines in a refreshing beverage that will hydrate and invigorate. Rest assured that we have captured the harmony of the science behind nature’s most perfect grape, America’s First Grape.

Caffeic Acid

• Rutin

Catechin Gallate


INGREDIENTS: Le Bleu Vapor Compression Distilled Water, Mighty Muscadine Grape

INGREDIENTS: Le Bleu Vapor Compression Distilled Water, Mighty Muscadine Grape Seeds and Skins Liquid Extract, Citric Acid, Natural Flavors, Stevia, Vegetable Juice and/or Beta Carotene for color.

Chlorogenic Acid

Coumaric Acid



Vanillic Acid • AND MORE....all working in perfect harmony!

• Rutin • Vanillic Acid • AND MORE....all working in perfect harmony!



* Made with Mighty Muscadine patented process, Patent No. 11,135,261 B2

* Made with Mighty Muscadine patented process, Patent No. 11,135,261 B2

1 9
Quercetin • Resveratrol • Ellagic Acid • Gallic
• Anthocyanidins • Anthocyanin • Caffeic
• Catechin • Catechin
• Chlorogenic
• Myricetin • Oligomeric
• Pelargonidin • Peonidin • Petunidin •
• Proanthocyanidin • Procyanidins • Protocatechuic
Muscadines naturally contain:
Coumaric Acid
Ellagitannins • Epicatechin
Epicatechin Gallate
Ferulic Acid
Gallotannins • Gallocatechin
Kaempferol • Malvidin
Piceatannol •
Seeds and Skins Liquid
Citric Acid, Natural Flavors, Stevia, Vegetable Juice
Beta Carotene for color.
• Resveratrol • Ellagic
• Gallic
• Anthocyanidins • Anthocyanin •
| No Carbs | No Calories No Artificial Sweeteners A Revolutionary Antioxidant Beverage for Cellular Health Muscadines naturally contain: Quercetin
• Catechin
Delphinidin • Ellagitannins • Epicatechin
• Epigallocatechin
• Gallotannins • Gallocatechin • Kaempferol • Malvidin • Myricetin • Oligomeric
• Pelargonidin • Peonidin • Petunidin • Piceatannol • Polymeric Proantho • Proanthocyanidin • Procyanidins • Protocatechuic

Proposed NPC Corporation Process

Skincare & Age Defying Beauty Products

NPC Corporation

100% Muscadine Juice A Beauty Pr 2.25.20 Healthy Energy Shots and Antioxidant Beverages Snack Bars, Fruit Leathers and Non-Tobacco Dip 100% Muscadine Juice
Oils for Cosmeceuticals, Aromatherapy, Culinary, etc. Antioxidant for Pets
Extract for Pharmaceutical Botanical Drug or Quality of Life Drug Dietary Supplement Ground Muscadine Seeds & Skins for Cereal
Antioxidant Rich Protein Shake
I take Mighty Muscadine everyday for my health and energy. “ ”

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