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Ladies in Transformation Conference 2017


DUNAMIS ministry Leader Pastor Wrenwyck Williams Wrenwyck Williams, Pastor of DUNAMIS ministries, is mighty man of God committed to the teaching of the gospel of Jesus, the anointed one. He is a firm believer that God has created us all for greatness; and it is just a matter of renewing our minds to the extent that it will enable us to receive the mind of Christ and walk in the same anointing. We should not be dictators, but rather demonstrators of God’s awesome power. He believes that we were created in God’s image and nature; and as God is, so we are. The same Power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us. He states that our purpose is to be great contributors to the creation of God’s kingdom on Earth. We live to love and renew minds for this supreme purpose. Pastor Wrenwyck’s professional background includes being a highly-sought-after and successful domestic and international corporate executive for twenty-seven years. He worked his way up from entry-level associate to President/CEO during his tenure with multi-million-dollar corporations. Along the way he earned many accolades and awards for his exceptional leadership and ability to meet and exceed established goals. This knowledge and experience has given him the insight necessary to understand the mindset and plight of the executive as well as parishioners and empowered him to create strategies that enable them both to meet their professional, personal and spiritual goals. In addition, Pastor Wrenwyck is a licensed NLP Practitioner and utilizes these techniques to provide clients with a greater capacity to produce results and a greater confidence in their ability to do so. He is the best-selling author of the book, “Baby Food (digestible concepts)”, as well as a highly-recognized and award-winning international public speaker (Toastmasters International-DTM) and trainer. His inspirational messages and charismatic style have impacted the lives of thousands. Pastor Wrenwyck has been in ministry in various capacities (Deacon, Minister) for the past twenty-three years, primarily through St. Peter’s Church and World Outreach Center, Winston-Salem, NC under the tutelage of Bishop J. C. Hash, Sr. He lives by the mantra that pastors are not here to be served, but to serve.

DUNAMIS ministry Leader First Lady Wanda L. Williams Lady Wanda Williams has over twenty years of volunteer experience in church ministry, working in almost every capacity. Her passion is teaching, training, and working closely with women to develop their God-given potential. She has a special place in her heart for women who are brokenhearted, hurt, very disillusioned and who think they are facing insurmountable hurdles. Lady Wanda knows through God’s grace and an attitude of gratitude, those women will become powerful warriors and walking testimonies of redemption, forgiveness and love. Lady Wanda was mentored by Lady Joyce Hash of St. Peter’s Church and World Outreach Center; and it was under Lady Hash’s guidance that she developed a spirit of excellence within the ministry that can compete with and surpass that found in a Fortune 500 company. Under the spiritual leadership of Bishop James C. Hash, Jr. and Lady Joyce Hash, Lady Wanda gained a sound and firm foundation of the Word, the commission of saving souls and caring for those God entrusts to us. Toastmasters International awarded Lady Wanda the Distinguished Toastmaster award. It is the highest award bestowed to recognize a superior level of achievement in both communication and leadership. Lady Wanda obtained B. S. degrees in Biology and Chemistry and a Master’s degree in Adult Education and Training. With over thirty years of experience in the corporate arena, she has gained a wealth of analytical, planning and administrative skills. Lady Wanda understands all her training was equipping her to mentor God’s people, manage church resources more efficiently and magnify His name by demonstrating His power.

The Heart of Lady Wanda Greetings To All My Beautiful Butterflies! The Ladies in Transformations (LIT) Conference 2017 is finally upon us; and I am ecstatic, overwhelmed (in a good way), a little tired, but still energetic. I am mostly humbled that God gave DUNAMIS ministries the vision for this conference. While considering suggestions for a theme and then praying about it, God said “LET it GO”. I thought that was too simple, so I was trying to make it fancier or more scholarly-sounding — while contemplating throwing some scriptures with it. Again, a quiet voice within said “LET it GO”. I then went into Google search mode to look at past conference themes which sounded exciting. No matter what I did, that voice inside constantly said, “LET it GO”. Once I finally yielded to the command, I felt a sense of peace and no longer felt the arduous task to continue seeking the perfect theme. All I had to do was be still, get quiet and be inspired by my heavenly father. I realized God has given us women what we need for this day, this date, this time, and this year. Letting go is very difficult, especially for women; but we must do so if we are to minister effectively to help others obtain their breakthrough (and stay through). In the process of preparing for the LIT Conference, I discovered that there were many “its” I have not totally let go. Those “its” were hidden deep within, but started to pop up during stressful times (like preparing for a conference). Wait a minute; God set me up! I thought this conference was for every other woman. But God loved me so much, He had me play an integral part in setting the atmosphere so EVERY woman can be set free – and that includes me! During the planning and implementation of the LIT Conference, I was virtually forced out of my cocoon: my cocoon of doubt, lack of confidence and insecurities; and my cocoon of hiding my God-given talents because I was hesitant to hear someone say, “Who does she think she is?”; or, “It doesn’t take all of that.” Well, guess what? It takes all of that and a whole lot more if we are going to achieve God’s Kingdom here on earth, where the miraculous is commonplace. Furthermore, it is going to take “all of that” to endure our personal cocoon (adversity) experience. While in the cocoon, embrace it. The renewing of your mind (soul), the strengthening of your wings (physical being) and the transforming to your true identity - DEITY (spirit being) will take place in the cocoon. Thank God for DUNAMIS ministries because I now know who I am. I am DEITY, I am as God is in this world! My mind has been renewed, and I now possess the mind of Christ! Never, never, never, give up! Remember, “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.” - Anonymous Grateful and Blessed, Lady Wanda L. Williams

Robyn “ROYALTY” Chavis Robyn Chavis is a woman of God, divinely appointed to serve and support others in their visions. She is an inspirational speaker, highlymotivated leader, visionary and producer, and is often referred to as “Lady Divine” from her former radio show, “A Voice to Be Heard”. Robyn is Executive Director of WOAMTEC, Winston-Salem chapter. WOAMTEC is Women on a Mission to Earn Commission; and the first commission is The Great Commission. In addition, she is also the founder of “Trinity House of Refuge”, a women’s home that will open soon to serve women who have endured traumatic life experiences. Robyn is active in her community, supporting various homeless ministries and outreach events as well as being an integral part of her local church, DUNAMIS ministries. Robyn is a certified minister, leadership coach, spiritual coach, substance abuse counselor and certified chaplain with Abundant Life Ministries, Salisbury, NC. Robyn is also a certified life coach through TRIUNE Coaching, and a certified speaker through the “Don’t Talk, Speak” speakers’ association. She has walked in the shoes of being a teen mom, a youthful wife, and a divorcee – as well as dealt with a few life relationships that taught her various lessons. In her free time, Robyn enjoys spending time with her family, especially her two grandsons whom she lovingly calls her Mighty Men of Valor. She spends time in the Word - communing with God and sharing the love of Jesus with everyone she meets. Mother, sister, friend, prayer warrior and woman of God – Robyn enjoys life to the fullest!

Reverend Yvonne Kizer Reverend Yvonne Kizer, a native of Fayetteville, North Carolina who currently resides in Woodbridge, Virginia, is the daughter of Reverend Samuel and Lucille Williams, Jr. Reverend Kizer accepted her call into the ministry in 1997 while stationed in Stuttgart, Germany, under the leadership of Pastor Arnold Lewis. She was licensed and ordained at the Free Will International Baptist Church in Stuttgart, Germany, in 2000. She holds a Bachelor of Science in History Education from North Carolina A&T State University as well as a Master’s in Criminal Justice from Stratford University. Reverend Kizer is currently on staff at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia Gospel Service where her pastor is Chaplain Howard Cantrell. She has served as Adult Choir president, head of the Women’s ministry, Singles ministry, Hospitality ministry, Outreach and Prison ministry as well as a teacher for Bible study and discipleship classes. With a special ministry gift to reach into the lives of women, Reverend Kizer shows the reality of Godly living paired with Christ-like humility and how to use faith to create change, regardless of the difficulty. Her style of teaching illuminates her trials and triumphs utilizing humor and wisdom to teach, to lead and to break the personal bondages that women commonly experience. Reverend Kizer is retired from the United States Army and currently works for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) as chief of staff for the Research Directorate. Reverend Kizer is the mother of three children: Dominique, a high school teacher and basketball coach; Lynetta, a Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) player with the Indiana Fever; and Quiana, a high school teacher and basketball coach. Her life scripture is Galatians 5:7 - “You ran a good race, but who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth?”

Sister April Rivers Sister April Rivers is the daughter of Deacon Jerry and Evangelist Joan Rivers. She has one older brother, Minister Jerry Rivers, one sister-in-law, Sharhonda Elmore-Rivers, and one handsome nephew and one beautiful niece, Jayden and Joelle Rivers. She has one daughter, 19-month-old little Miss Laila C. Johnson, whom she loves and cherishes ever so dearly. April has been attending New Jerusalem Holy Church of God since she was a little girl. She accepted Christ at an early age under the leadership of the late Bishop Carlton Thompson and currently, Pastor Joyce Goings. She has been leading and singing songs from a young child and has sung on various choirs such as the Sunshine Band, Ensemble, Sanctuary choir, Voices of Praise (VOP), and the Praise Team. For a short while, she also served on the Junior Usher Board under the direction of the late Minister Geneva Ford, was a member of the Young People Holiness Association (YPHA), and currently serves as a member of the Pastor’s Aide Committee and the Women’s Conference Ministry. April graduated from Dillon High School in 2000 and attended Lander University for a few years. She later graduated in 2007 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing (BSN) from the University of South Carolina Upstate in Spartanburg, South Carolina. After passing the nursing board exams, she worked faithfully as a staff nurse for McLeod Regional Medical Center on the Renal/Dialysis floor. While working at McLeod, she also began serving Florence School District 1 as the school nurse for an elementary school for five years. She currently continues to work at McLeod on the Medical-Surgical floors while also serving the district as a Title I screening nurse. In March 2014, she received her Masters of Science in Nursing Administration degree from Kaplan University, graduating Summa Cum Laude. April has a sincere, devoted compassion for serving others, and it is shown through her love of nursing. While nursing is her niche professionally, singing has always been her spiritual passion. She loves the Lord; and by remembering to put Him first in all she does, this is her motivation to keep moving and pressing forward. Jeremiah 29:11[NIV] is one of her favorite scriptures: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Evangelist Betty Hash Evangelist Betty Hash is known to the body of Christ as an exhorter, teacher, preacher and mighty woman of God. Being a woman with a spirit of excellence, Godly character and integrity, she strives to show the world the good, acceptable and perfect will of God through every aspect of her life. She has been a Christian for forty-seven years and has been ministering the uncompromising Word of God for more than twenty-nine years. Consistently attending and working in the church has always been a love of hers since childhood. Her Christian walk includes serving as a small connect group leader, prayer leader for noon-day prayer on Mondays and morning prayer on Wednesdays. In addition, Evangelist Hash serves faithfully on the Mother’s Board and renders assistance as a missionary at her home church, St. Peter’s Church and World Outreach Center, under the leadership of Bishop James C. Hash, Sr. She has always exemplified a tenacious spirit in doing the work of the Lord. Evangelist Hash’s educational endeavors include attending Winston-Salem Bible College and Vintage Bible College where she received an Associate’s degree, two Bachelor’s degrees and a Master’s Degree in Ministry and Christian Education. She gives God all the glory for the great accomplishments He has given and continues to give to her in her walk with Him. She avidly testifies and preaches that with God, one can have joy in the midst of profound adversity and that He can make all your dreams come true. Evangelist Hash is the proud mother of five children and is married to Bishop Reuben K. Hash, Jr., a devout man of God. They are in love with God and serve Him side by side in proclaiming His mighty and wondrous works; and they are also in love with each other as an example to married couples in the faith. Evangelist Betty Hash is truly highly-anointed and favored by God!

LET it GO! When you’ve thought and thought on it When you rush, then have to sit You tried it on; it did not fit Let it go, Girl; let it go! She told you y’all were best of friends She’d stick around until the end, He called, and now your plans suspend Let it go, Girl; let it go! If they say, “Mama” one more time “Can I have…?” when there’s only a dime And act like quiet is a crime Let it go, Girl; let it go! Life’s frustrations set the stage Will you rant, kick, punch or rage? No, Ladies; let us turn the page Let it go, Girl; let it go! Come, do something fresh and new Let Father’s words be like the dew Refresh your soul, your strength renew Let it go, Girl; let it go! Release to Him, let the clouds pass It’s temporary; trials won’t last The future’s bright, turn loose the past Let it go, Girl; let it go!

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My Tribute

My grandma is the epitome of GREATNESS. I am led daily by my grandma to make the best of the twenty-four hours that God grants me. While praying and making daily decisions, I always ask myself, ‘What would Grandma do?’ While my flesh longs for Grandma hourly…While I deeply cherish my physical time with Grandma, I now yearn for our spiritual time. I am extremely thankful for all of Grandma’s teachings; however, I am most grateful for MY MOTHER AND AWESOME AUNTIES. These ladies assisted Grandma with training me to be GREAT, and GREAT I AM!! I LOVE YOU GRANDMA, MOMMA, AUNT LINDA, AUNT JEAN and AUNT BUTCH; and thank you for loving me.

Vanessa Quick

Tracey Booker Enterprises, LLC

“Creating Programs to Develop A Well Balanced Life” "Restore, Renew, and Transform! SOAR in the Being of self love, self worth, and walk in VICTORY in every aspect of life. There is no limit to the goodness of life and the manifestation of that goodness." -Tracey Booker

Tracey Booker is President and CEO of Tracey Booker Enterprises, LLC, a lifestyle development company via Transformational Life Coaching and media outlets. She is also the Executive Director of Metamorphosis, Incorporated, a faith- based, nonprofit female oriented service organization, which administers to women and girls, empowering them through various life changes and transitions. Tracey is pursuing a PhD in Human Services at Walden University and she has a Master of Science degree in Counseling, with a specialization in Studies in Human Behavior from Capella University. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Rowan University. Over the years, Tracey has developed an impressive list of contributions to the community and especially the Body of Christ. Tracey has served as a former Pastor of Triumph The Church And Kingdom of God In Christ, in Anniston, Alabama, Glassboro, Tracey Booker Enterprises, The Entities of Tracey Booker Enterprises, LLC NewLLC Jersey, and Wilmington, Delaware. “Creating Programs to Develop A Well Balanced Life”

Tracey is a published author, as well as an inspiring speaker and has motivated many with “I Speak Life” topics such as "A Spiritual Metamorphosis", "The Paradigm Shift", "Meet Me in the Keynotes: “A Spiritual Metamorphosis” “The Paradigm Shift” Delivery justCEOtoofname a few. She is a sought after teacher, retreat/conference Tracey BookerRoom", is President and Tracey Booker “Meet Me in the Delivery Room” “Everything Must Change” Enterprises, LLC, a lifestyle development company via “Shhhh…Don’t Tell Anybody” speaker andLifeworkshop facilitator. Transformational Coaching and media outlets. SheShe is alsois thealso the host of “Universal Broadcast with Tracey Executive Director of Metamorphosis, Incorporated, a faithBooker", a female weekly Internet radio show (www.blogtalkradio.com/UniversalBroadcast) based, nonprofit oriented service organization, which “I Speak Life”

"Restore, Renew, and Transform! SOAR in the Being of self love, self worth, and walk in VICTORY in every aspect of life. There is no limit to the goodness of life and the manifestation of that goodness." -Tracey Booker

administers to women and girls, empowering them through various life changes and transitions.


“Empowering Women and Girls: Transforming Lives”

Tracey is available as a keynote speaker and workshop leader for organizations and associations locally, nationally, and internationally.

Tracey is pursuing a PhD in Human Services at Walden University and she has a Master of Science degree in Counseling, with a specialization in Studies in Human Behavior from Capella University. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Rowan University.

Internet Radio Show

“There’s a Universal Broadcast GoingLLC On” Entities of Tracey Booker Enterprises, The Entities LLC www.blogtalkradio.com/restorerenewtransform The Entities of Tracey Booker Enterprises, LLCof Tracey Booker Enterprises,

Over the years, Tracey has developed an impressive list of contributions to the community and especially the Body of Speak Life” Christ. Tracey has“IKeynotes: served as a former Pastor of Triumph The Church And Kingdom of God In Christ, in Anniston, Alabama, Glassboro,“INew SpeakJersey, Life” and Wilmington, Delaware.

Keynotes: “I Speak Life” Keynotes: “A Spiritual Metamorphosis” Paradigm Shift” Tracey is a published author, “The as well as an inspiring speaker and “Meet Me in the Delivery Room”many with “Everything Must as Change” has motivated topics such "A Spiritual “Shhhh…Don’t Tell Anybody” Metamorphosis", "The Paradigm Shift", "Meet Me in the Delivery

Room", just to name a few. She is a sought after teacher, retreat/conference speaker and workshop facilitator. She is also the host of “Universal Broadcast with Tracey Booker", a weekly radio show “Empowering Women and Internet Girls: Transforming Lives” (www.blogtalkradio.com/UniversalBroadcast) Tracey is available as a keynote speaker and workshop leader for organizations and associations locally, nationally, and internationally. Internet Radio Show “There’s a Universal Broadcast Going On” www.blogtalkradio.com/restorerenewtransform

Transformational Life Coaching for women and adolescent girls “Your Transformation Begins With YOU”

“Speak LIFE, Do LIFE……and LIVE!

For speaking engagements: info@traceybooker.com

Connect with Tracey at: 302-588-9294 Facebook: facebook.com/metmor4s Twitter: twitter.com/metamor4s LinkedIn: linkedin.com/metamor4s

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The SIBTT Literary Group (SLG) extends A HEART-FELT “CONGRATULATIONS” and “BEST WISHES” to First Lady Wanda Williams, DUNAMIS ministries Mother, Mother Delois J. Booker and the Wonderful Women’s Ministry and Sisterhood of DUNAMIS ministries, as they celebrate their SECOND ANNUAL WOMEN’S CONFERNCE…

”THE 2017 ‘Ladies in Transformation’ CONFERENCE”!!

“Sister, I’ve Been There Too, but I Came Back to Get You” The prolific and life-giving anthology, written by the transparent and honest authors of the SIBTT Literary Group will be released in November, 2017. Many issues that women face today from a natural, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspect are presented in this groundbreaking book, and how God delivered them in the midst of it all. Visit our website at www.sibtt2004.org, for more information. **Book ‘Afterward’ is written by Pastor Wrenwyck A. Williams, Pastor of DUNAMIS ministries, High Point, North Carolina and Bishop Ernest Dawson, Senior Pastor of Rehoboth New Life Church Alliance, Fort Washington, Maryland

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POWER • KINGDOM • GLORY “At DUNAMIS we are NOT doing church we are TRANSFORMING Lives” Blessings, Pastor Wrenwyck Williams

“On Earth as it is in Heaven”

I am as God is in this world. I am a partaker of His divine nature. My mind has been renewed and I now possess the mind of Christ. The same POWER that raised Jesus from the dead lives in me. I am a conduit of this POWER for the world, and it is being manifested through me daily, for the creation of God’s Kingdom on earth. I Live to Love and transform lives for this purpose.


Transformational Application: Wednesdays at 7pm Mind Renewing Service: Saturdays at 5pm Website: www.dunamis.org Online messages: www.dunamistranforms.com

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