Kids4Kids 'Writing for a Cause' 2016 Review

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A WORD FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Children are naturally creative, if you stop and listen to them

Bringing creativity and literacy together is a powerful tool.

they are often natural storytellers. They love to make things

The benefits are numerous and wide-ranging. It encourages

up and will very often have imaginary worlds to refer to. They

student engagement, brings a theme to life, captures

also love to get involved in making things, giving them a sense

students' interests and improves knowledge retention.

of achievement.

Creative literacy can also encourage reluctant readers, build

At Kids4Kids, we nurture that creativity by providing fun and

confidence, and help teach practical skills.

engaging creative writing and illustration workshops. These

We love what we do at Kids4Kids! And we certainly would

workshops encourage children from low resourced primary

not be able to do it without the incredible support we get

schools to develop their own story through creative teaching

from our volunteers, facilitators, judging committee and

techniques. We have professional illustrators come to share

sponsors. Together, every year we are able to celebrate and

drawing methods to help enhance kids’ illustrations and

nurture creativity. Lucky us!

designs. At the end, we hope that kids are inspired, motivated and ready to submit their stories to the annual Writing for a Cause Competition. Danielle Stutterd



About Kids4Kids




Spotlight on…




Buddy Reading Program



22 And the winners are…. 24 Writing for a Cause 2016 Participants and Winners 28 My Story Creation Workshops 2016–2017 32 Acknowledgements




When Kids4Kids asked me to develop a creativity workshop for primary teachers, I jumped at the chance. “So, you’re asking me to be a part of the incredible Writing for a Cause project

Kids4Kids is a Hong Kong based non-profit organization established to inspire inspire young people in Hong Kong to take action and make a positive social impact. Kids4Kids aims to develop social awareness and responsibility by providing platforms that empower kids to enact positive change in their community. To date, Kids4Kids has partnered with over 65 schools, 40 community centres, and has involved over 15,500 students.

Nurturing Creativity in Literacy Development

and work with teachers on an area of education I feel passionately about?” I was hooked from the first moment. Hong Kong is a fast-paced metropolis, where time is money and everyone is busy getting ahead and providing for their family. And in education especially, competition is fierce and academic achievement is most prized. It seems there isn’t much space in the school curriculum for concepts such as creativity. What I love about the Writing for a Cause (WFAC) competition is that there are almost no limitations placed on the children. They get to develop, write and illustrate their own original stories. Children use divergent thinking and



give their imaginations a full workout. No one is applying the brakes on their

Through service and creativity,

Kids4Kids believes in a world where


Kids4Kids develops platforms to

all young people should, by the

empower all young people to be

power of their positive actions,

socially responsible and community

have the opportunity to make a



ideas or telling them there’s no way they can have a talking blue dog as a main

But why is this so very important to developing minds? As we dive headlong into the digital age, it is creativity that is at the very heart of 21st century Rachel Wilson My Story Creation Trainer

learning skills. It is creativity that will set humans apart from machines. So hats off to the teachers who somehow find that extra time, space and energy to support their students in creative expression. And hats off to Kids4Kids as WFAC celebrates its 9th anniversary. What an honour to be a small part of it.



SPOTLIGHT ON… Megan Mak author and illustrator of “Octopus Pipi Catches Friends”

Why did you join Writing for a Cause Competition? I love creating stories, so when Teacher Xu asked whether I wanted to participate in the Kids4Kids Writing for a Cause competition, I immediately said yes.

What have you gained from the overall experience? Upon participating in the Writing for a Cause competition, I realised that completing a picture book was more difficult than I imagined. But, as long as I persevered and did not give up, I could achieve anything.

Megan, 9, one of the Overall Winners of Writing for a Cause 2016. Megan is studying at Tuen Mun Government Primary School.

Where did the inspiration for your story come from? I was inspired to create this book based on my daily interactions with my classmates at school.

What has been the most challenging aspect throughout the whole process and how did you try to overcome this? There are so many illustrations in the book, so it was simply impossible to complete all the illustrations in a day. During the illustration process, it was difficult for me to be consistent with the illustration style and writing. However, with my parents’ and Teacher Xu’s encouragement and guidance, I succeeded and finished the book!

What message did you want to convey to the reader? Through reading my book, I hope readers will understand that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. We should learn to appreciate others’ strengths but at the same time we need to learn to accept the shortcomings of others.

SPOTLIGHT ON… Mrs Mak Megan’s mother

How did you get Megan involved with Writing for a Cause? Megan loves creating stories. She took the initiative to join the competition herself. She enjoyed the entire process of designing this book.

What do you think Megan has gained from the process of writing and illustrating? This competition has required her to come up with an idea for a story, writing the story and creating illustrations, which were all completed by her. It has been a valuable experience for her.

What are some of the difficulties Megan has overcome? During the creation process, Megan faced many difficulties; for example, I had to keep reminding her to be consistent with the illustration style and writing. Whenever Megan was frustrated, I reminded her that storytelling was her passion. She wanted to participate in the competition, so she worked hard to accomplish this goal.

author and illustrator of “Octopus Pipi Catches Friends” 6


SPOTLIGHT ON… Annalise Mak author and illustrator of “The Rainbow Connection”

Where did you find the inspiration for your story? A lot of the elements in my story were based on what I see in my daily life. For example, I wanted the story to be about a smart girl hero who loves science and math–because I really love science and math. The leprechaun, Edgar, was based on an old man I saw hobbling on the street with a walking cane. I also like twists on myths and fairytales, so it was a lot of fun to play around with fairytale creatures and a science-loving girl hero.

What messages did you want to convey to the reader?

Would you recommend Writing for a Cause to your friends?

You don’t know what good you can do until you are brave enough to do it.

Yes, this experience was absolutely amazing! I had so much fun writing and illustrating my very own story. I felt that I grew a lot both as an artist and an author. I was really happy that some of my friends were also doing it so we could share our growth as writers. I was also so happy my grandparents, friends and other people liked reading my story and sharing it with their friends on Facebook!

Just because someone seems weird, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t help them.

Annalise, 10, one of the Most Promising Writers of Writing for a Cause 2016. She is studying at Hong Kong International School.


When you face a problem you shouldn’t give up easily. You sometimes have to think ‘out-of-the-box’ to solve the problem. Knowing a lot about science can help many people!

SPOTLIGHT ON… Annie Ho Ting competition judge

Why did you become involved with Writing for Cause (WFAC)?

What did you think of this year’s submissions?

Kids4Kids is a good friend of Bring Me A Book Hong Kong. This is my third year as a judge for WFAC, which provides a platform for children who may not have the opportunity for creative writing and illustrating in school.

As a former SCMP columnist recommending children’s books, I have met and researched many authors and illustrators, and the common thread among them (besides their brilliant imagination) is their love of books since childhood. It’s quite easy to see from the submissions who has read a lot of picture books; those with the best story arcs are the ones who likely do a lot of reading for pleasure.

How do children benefit from WFAC? If participants are interested in the creative process of writing and illustrating, I think they can learn a lot from the feedback of judges who have a wide range of expertise in picture book creation. Annie Ho Ting is chairman of the board at Bring Me A Book Hong Kong. She also chairs the selection committee for its English and Chinese book guides.

What tips would you give young writers interested in WFAC 2017? Read, read and re-read quality picture books. The more you read, the better writer and illustrator you will become!


SPOTLIGHT ON… Hu Man-yee teacher

Why did your school join the Writing for a Cause this year? Gifted and life education are our school’s major concerns, so joining Writing for a Cause helped meet our goals. It allowed students to become writers and illustrators and helped us identify talent. It also helped our students freely explore and express life issues.

Would you recommend My Story Creation workshops and the competition to other schools and why? Yes, I would. The workshops were excellent. They were concise and effective. Students can learn writing and drawing techniques through authentic practice. Moreover, the workshops are free and save teachers time in work preparation.

SPOTLIGHT ON… Vivian Kwok writing instructor

What has been your experience volunteering at Kids4Kids?

How does My Story Creation facilitate students' story creation?

This is my first year teaching both writing and illustration classes as part of the My Story Creation. Kids4Kids classes are not teacher-centered; there are a lot of opportunities for students to share their thoughts and speak up. As teachers, all we need to do is ask the right questions to guide students to think and be creative.

My Story Creation Primary School Programme empowers students to write and create stories. Students are encouraged to think out of the box and to write whatever they want to. As soon as the students come to realise that there is no right or wrong in story creation, they start to write with confidence and their innate creativity follows naturally.

What are the major difficulties students face when writing?

What tips would you give to students interested in story creation?

Ms. Hu, teacher-librarian at Tuen Mun Government Primary School

Lily Ho teacher

How did My Story Creation help your students?

Do you support students extracurricular activities?

Students are eager to create their own story. It is a good experience for them to do something they are interested in and take initiative to complete the task.

Yes, students need to broaden their horizons. Schools can design exercises that are less ‘controlled’ so that students can use their creativity for their school work.

Vivian conducted My Story Creation Workshops. She is a student at the University of Hong Kong.

Sometimes, students struggle with deciding what they should write about. Most of them are great academic writers at school, with a high level of language proficiency. Yet when it comes to creative writing, they tend to stay on the safe side and often think too logically.

Grab a pen and start writing! Don’t be afraid to share your stories with your teachers, family and friends. They are here to inspire and be inspired.

Ms. Ho, English teacher at Carmel Alison Lam Primary School 10


PERSPECTIVE Every year, during the judging process of the Writing

with them to encourage a reading habit, and build

One way to practice is to discuss their own

for a Cause Competition, I am delighted to discover

their confidence when discussing the context of the

favourite story. Through step-by-step analysis

some unique and fascinating stories. It is obvious

the story, preparing them for creating their own

of plot, children will grasp the development of

that modern education tends to encourage the

stories in the future. Parents can even encourage

the story. Kids4Kids has been running regular

children to see things from various angles and

children to rewrite certain parts of classic children’s

illustration and writing workshops in recent years,

express their own opinion. Schools and learning

stories, practice for creating their own storylines.

providing children with detailed guidance to help

centres teach students the skills and techniques for drawing and writing, but they should focus more on encouraging the students to create unique and original stories.

Sherry Lu Writing for a Cause Core Judge


As a judge, another important discovery from the competition has been that while many entries usually had a good start and well-developed characters, when the main character faces a dilemma, the writers have

them create beautiful illustrated stories. It is true that creativity does not come out of the blue; the ability to put one’s own thoughts into action is built on the gradual development of interest, accumulated knowledge and experience.

It is a fact that family has always been the cradle

not thought thoroughly in advance how the problem

for creativity, since family is the base where early

will be solved, and therefore rush to end the story.

The purpose of the Writing for a Cause Competition

human behaviour and thinking patterns are forged.

Such is a pity that this drawback diminished some

is indeed to encourage children to exercise their

It is therefore every parent’s duty to consider how

beautiful stories. I therefore recommend to parents or

imagination through the creation of colourful and

to ignite and nurture the spark of creativity. For

the teachers that they discuss with the children how

interesting stories, and by doing so, to make an

example, parents can collect the doodles of their

to imagine and develop their entire story, creating a

impact on others and inspire more children to join

young, and praise their work. This is to show them

nicer ending.

or express their opinions and creativity.

that their creative work is welcome. As children grow, parents can also read and discuss the stories



Maria Wong is a social worker at The Salvation Army Yaumatei, Integrated Service for Young People. She joined the Buddy Reading Program in 2015.

A chat with Maria Wong, Social Worker

Why did you choose to run the Buddy Reading Program in your community center?

This program provides an Englishspeaking platform for children from low-income backgrounds to learn the language outside of school. Also, as many of the Kids4Kids volunteers are secondary-school students, children view them as role models and can bond easily with them.


How does the Buddy Reading Program benefit the children in your center?

Would you recommend this program to other centers?

After joining a few Buddy Reading sessions,

I would recommend this program as Kids4Kids

children become more confident in speaking

provides extensive resources and support, for

English and taking the initiative to converse

instance: volunteers, staff, books, training,

with the volunteers. The children in the

activities and workshops. You can see that the

program also develop a stronger interest in

organization has invested a lot to make this


program run smoothly.



Nicky Yang is a Volunteer Leader at BOKSS Social Service – Wan Chai Integrated Children and Youth Service Centre. She joined the Kids4Kids Buddy Reading Program in 2014.

A Chat with Nicky Yang, Buddy Reading Volunteer

Is there anything you want to share from your Buddy Reading volunteer experience? At the end of the day, it’s not just about how many books the kids have read or how many English words the kids can recognize. It’s about how this program connects the volunteers and kids by sharing the enjoyable experience of reading. I feel empowered through these reading sessions and it makes me realize that I can positively impact the community.

What motivated you to be part of the Buddy Reading Program?

What is your favorite part of the Buddy Reading Program?

What is the biggest challenge you have faced in the Buddy Reading Program?

I really enjoy the connection between the volunteers

My favorite part of the Buddy Reading Program is the

The biggest challenge I faced in the Buddy Reading

and the children. We develop a bond through

individual reading towards the end of the session.

Program is reading to unresponsive or shy kids. I

games and reading activities. I have seen growth

During the one-on-one or one-on-two experience,

remember reading with a kid who did not respond to

and improvement in the children over the year, as

I really get to strengthen my relationship with each

any of my simple questions in the beginning of the

their interest in reading grows together with their

kid and give them my full attention. I have a chance

term. Initially, I felt a little discouraged, but it also

confidence in English. I'm grateful to be able to

to accommodate their reading habits and read books

pushed me to strengthen my reading skills. Over

be a part of a reading program that is beneficial for the children and their learning. It's a humbling experience to give back to the community by doing something I love.

that the children are actually interested in. This is a special experience for them as they might not have the opportunity to read at school or at home, so it's very humbling for me to give them that experience.

the term, the boy showed more interest in English and even read to me. Although it was challenging at first, sometimes it just takes more time for kids to feel comfortable with opening up to new people. By being patient and optimistic, it turned out to be really rewarding for the both of us in the end.




Story Time Buddy Reading and My Story Creation allow children the time and space to engage in story telling and creation.




Something to Celebrate Over 480 children were involved in Writing for a Cause. They have proudly written their own stories over the previous year. Kids4Kids volunteers devoted themselves to support the Buddy Reading and our team of enthusiastic volunteers were all celebrated at the Kids4Kids Change Maker Awards held at Asia Society in April.





A Journey to the North Pole


A Splash of Colour

I Won’t Be Alone Anymore!

Octopus Pipi Catches Friends

The Wolf and the Sheep

A small turtle called Denny asks his

Sophie lives in a colourless town of grey,

A lonesome boy named Wally confronts

Octopus Pipi’s first day at school is not

A fierce, blood-thirsty wolf lives on a hill.

mother, "What is the North Pole actually

black and white. But her grandmother

a big, hungry grizzly bear in the woods.

going well. How can Pipi cope? And how

When his neighbour the farmer goes to

like?" She giggles and tells him he must

says their town wasn’t so dull long ago.

He discovers his true courage and finds

can he earn his classmates’ respect? This

town, the wolf does not waste any time

go and find out for himself. Will he

Can they bring back all the joyous shades

out how much richer life can be, with one

story’s ending will put a smile on your

trying to turn the farm's flock of sheep

Cause 2016 as individual

survive the journey?

of the rainbow to their streets, meadows

simple change.


into his next big dinner.

participants or through their

written by James Wang Chun Lee; illustrated by

More than 480 children joined Writing for a

school or learning center. Following two rounds of

and houses?

written by Ka Wang Choy, Hoi Yu Cheung& Hoi

Kelly Wai Yin Liu (Po Leung Kuk Lam Man Chan

written & illustrated by Misha Agrawal (Hong

written by Sheung Hei Macro Ngai; illustrated

written & illustrated by Sze Wing Megan Mak

Lam Yeung; illustrated by Ching Fung Chu (Lam

English Primary School)

Kong International School)

by Hei Tung Vanessa Ngai (Open Category)

(Tuen Mun Government Primary School)

Tin Methodist Primary School)

selection, our judges chose the Overall Winners; Most Promising Writers, Most Promising Illustrators and the Spark Award. The ten

Big Foot’s Life

best stories from Writing for

First Flight

Lifelong Lessons

Tom’s Adventure

What a Day!

a Cause competition 2016 are published in the Kids4Kids Treasury Volume 6.

Big Foot lives with a family that cannot

The music deserts her. Her brain freezes

Jake the runaway cat wants to make

Tom is a little boy who lacks courage.

Michael Jordan is coming to town! His

afford many things. First he loses his

white. The black notes all melt away.

friends with a group of forest cats, but

One night, a little soldier knocks on his

biggest fan in Hong Kong rushes to greet

giant smelly shoe. Then he loses his

This is what panic feels like to a talented

cannot seem to fit in. When a small

window and asks to come away with him.

him at the airport but the boy’s helpful

friend, the sock. Can he survive without

young musician facing an audience. Can

kitten falls in the river, Jake's actions turn

A monster has taken over his country and

nature gets in the way of meeting his idol.


she ever recover and perform on stage

them all into real friends.

they need his help!



written & illustrated by Lok Kan Lee

written & illustrated by Minhee Ho

(Lok Sin Tong Lau Tak Primary School)

written & illustrated by Sophie Vallis

written & illustrated by Ng Wai Kwok

written & illustrated by Bailey Cherry

(Hong Kong International School)

(Open Category)

(San Wui Commercial Society School)

(Open Category)



Most Promising Illustrator Most Promising Writer Overall Winner Spark Award


Nok Moung

Sze Ying Kong

Sydney Jan

Pui Yan Tang

Cheuk Kiu Leung

Ting Him Avian Lam

Taryn MacKenzie

Sa Wei Sarah Chai

Ching Hei Ko

Wan Chi Vangi Fung

Victoria Herbert

Selina Eve Kwok

Ziqi Gao

Shuk Hing Chiu

Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School

Sum Yau Lam

Ka Ching Yuen Ki Yuen Ng Tsz Kwan Lau

Hui Yin Leung

Wing Fung Chan

Wing Wun Wang

Lai Ying Wong

Yan Long Mok

Yan Shun Kwok

Sze Ching Ho

Yat Chi Chow

Yi Tung Tang

Participants and Winners

Sherry Shen

Carmel Alison Lam Primary School

Sze Wan Kylia Chan

Chinese International School

Chinese Methodist School, Tanner Hill Charis Chan

Sze Ting Ng Tsz Huen Li Tsz Ying Kung

Yik Yiu Tsang

Tsz Tung Fu

Ying Tung Lok

Wan Hei Poon

Adrian Chiu

Charmaine Shun Yuk Wong

C.C.C. Chuen Yuen First Primary School

Wan Ki Lau

Andrea Wu

Chi Ki Chan

Wan Ki Janice Chung

Ashley Leong

Chi Long Rooney Tang

Annie Kwok

Wing Ching Chu

Ashley Wu

Cai Man Wu

Yan Cheung

Ching Man Lee

Audrina Wong

Chi Wai Liang

Yan Yuet Joyce Lien

Belinda Tse

Chui Wan Cai

Yat Hei Chan

Bernice Chan

Go Cheung Kwok

Yu Kai Chung

Cassandra Cheung

Chiu Tung Chan Chun Yin Lo

Hoi Yan Ho

C.C.C. Heep Woh Primary School

Cindy Shum Elliot Yuen

Hang Yi Lam

Delia School of Canada

Ka Wai Fung

Cheuk Nei Cherie Law

Helena Cheng

Hau Ching Fong

Anubhuti Tripathi

Ka Ying Li

Chor Kiu Lo

James Henstock

Hei Lam Wang

Bulusu Venkata Sai Teja

Lisa Kwok

Chun Hei Lau

Jemma Quinn

Hi Ching Lam

Caeden Todd

Sum Wun Wong

Chun Kei Enoch Lam

Jerry Chan

Hiu Wa Joyce Wan

Chaehoon Jeon

Ho Tin Lu

Charlotte Kei Yuk Wong

Ching Man Chan Ching Man Ke Ching Yi Lam

Tsz Ying Lau Tze Ling Lau Wan Yin Tsui Wau Anissa Chan Yan Yan Sin Yat Laam Ashley Leung Yee Tak Yim Ying Zi Lin Zi Kiu Isaac Lam

Sze Kei Chan

Chun Nok Chan

Justin Ku

Ho Yin Tsui

Darin Lei

Sze Ki Ko

Hau Tuen Tse

Katie Fu

Hoi Lam Tsoi

Jaysan Gurung

Tsz Lam Luo

Hau Yin Tse

Kian Chan

Jasmine Ashley M Nizal

Hee-Eon Yoo

Wai Ming Chong

Hin Chung Oscar Lee

Laura Wang

Ka Ching Karen Mak

Katrina Lem

Wai Xin Ma

Ho Yau Chan

Liu Yi Mei

King Ching Chan

Kushaj Dwivedi

Wei Lun Lin

Ho Ying Mak

Maegan Wang

Kwan Ning Leong

Nabila Roslan

Wing Him Sandy Wong

Hou Lun Lawrence Chan

Marcus Wong

Kyrie Ho

Namish Balakertmy

Wing Yan Liu

I Lam Cheung

Marcus Yeung

Lok Ching Bonita Hui

Saransh Sahoo

Wing Yi Shen

Jenny Tsz Ling Pang

Meagan Hsu

Long Kit Tse

Seoyeon Son

Yi Yan Yung

Ka Chun Li

Melody Zhang

Man Shun Tsang

Sooveen Oh

Yuen Ying Li

Mei Yin Ho

Naveen Verghese

Mason Shing On Lai

Yeji Byun

Zi Yao Lin

Suet Ching Tang

Olivia Zheng

Nicholas Cheuk Ming Li

Yejun Byun

Hoi Pa Street Government Primary School Hei Yiu Kwok Hoi Lam Lee Hoi Ying Tam Ka Hei Gao Ka Na Leung Kai Xin Tiffany Chen Kit Sang Au Lok Yiu Lo Man Yan Leung Pui Yu Lai Wing Hei Mak Yin Ching Ho

Hong Kong International School Adele Liu Aiesha Shekhar Alyna Takahashi

Jennifer Yung

HKUGA Primary School

Kaitlin Shum

Audrey Yan Wing Ho

Leila Sherriff

Chi Ying Li

Lucy Keller

Chung Yin Wong

Macy Arroyo

Cindy Kong

Madeleine Hsu

Hinton Tsang

Meghan Lem

Isabelle Catherine Robinson

Michael Hu

Ka Yu Chau

Michelle Fang

Le Cheng Li

Minhee Ho

Lok Kwan Lauren Tse

Ka Yuet Cheng Pak Ue Lam Ting Hang Lee Wai Kiu Hsieh Yan Hei Yannis Chan Yui Ching Cheng

Man Ching Ashley Chan Po Huen Iris Cheang

Lam Tin Methodist Primary School

Olivia Wu

Scarlette Naomi Robinson

Ching Fung Chu

Victoria Lai

Simona Tsz Wing Young

Hoi Lam Yeung

Violette Morel

Tsz Yan Lo

Hoi Yu Cheung

Yonsu Park

Wan Ki Chik

Ka Wang Choy

Zoe Tranbarger

Yue Ching Wong

Kai Kiu Mong

Hong Kong Taoist Association Wun Tsuen School

Islamic Primary School

Amara Ali Hafsa Bibi

Cassia Lee

Mahnoor Shezadi

Claire Rin Holcombe

Momana Zahoor

Cynthia Huang

Nida Khan

Dylan Hui

Nissan Dhungana

Ella O'Reilly

Pakeeza Hussain Butt

Eric Cho

Saadia Rahees

Faith Yih

Saahib Ahmad

Gabriella Kao

Sze Ki Yeung

Gina Xung

Zainab Sarfraz

Ines Tong

Hiu Ki Chow

Misha Agrawal

Ariana Sabet

Harrison Chua

Hin Chi Jacob Chan

Nicola Wong Oi Lam

Annalise Mak

Hanna Yoon

Kowloon Rhenish School

Akashdeep Singh Babu Nivedha Vinodh Balnoor Kaur Here Harrpreet Singh Inaaya Chowdhury Jaideep Singh Nuha Hamza Fathima Sayal Thapa Ubaid Ali Shah Wngyu Wang

Sze Man Li

Lok Sin Tong Lau Tak Primary School Chin Yuet Wong Chui Chi Lai Hiu Yan Law Hiu Tung Wang Hok Yau Cheng Hoi Man Tang Ka Lai Lau Ka Yiu Li Lok Kan Lee Mei Sze Ho Tsz Hang Yu Wai Hei Chung Wai Lok Ng

Isabel Alessandra Djerejian


Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School Ching Sze Lam Hiu Ching Poon Hoi Ying Chan Ip Shuen Li Ka Hei Wong Ka Ki Chau Ka Mun Lam Mei Ki Li Mei Ying Lo Nga Wan Ip Shi Kit Fung Sui Tung Lam Wai Kwan Wo Wai Lung Tsang Wan Yiu Michelle Kwok Wing Shan Ng Wing Tung Yeung Yee Ki Man Yi Ching Wong Yin Tung Lau

Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch) Chi Yan Chan Chun In Zhou

Kelly Wai Yin Liu

Sze Ting Qin

Wing Tung Cheung

Oalana Cutler

Wing Ying Liu

Ocean Cutler

Choi Yin Chu

Wai Ho Deng

Pui Yiu Law

Chui Xiang Kong

Wai Yee Lin

Sui Ip Ng

Ka Shan Lam

Wan Tung So

Sum Yuet Lee

Larita Shan

Wang Chun William Lu

Tsz Ching Yeung

Brendan Cheung

Ng Wai Kwok

Wing Lam Leung

Yin Ling King

Calvin Te

Shing Hei Achilles Woo

Wing Man Leung

Ying Yee Chan

Cayden Chi Hang Lock

Sin Hang Li

Wing Ying Li

Yuen Ki Chau

Ching Kimmy Kwok

Sum Lok Leung

Wing Yu Deng

Chloe Law

Sum Yi Angel Cheung

Xiao Qi Chen

Chun Fai Wat

Wing Yi Chen

Yin Yu Chan

Hau Yau Abbie Yiu Ho Yan Kwan

S.K.H Kei Fook Primary School

Ka Yan Isabelle Luk

Ching Hong Chan

Natalie Kung

Chin Ngan Cheung

Sophie Ying Ying Abrahams Tsoi Yi Woo Tsz Fei Chan

Chun Hei Chan Chu Yu Chang Hiu Nok Sam Lam

Tsz Yok Soleil Chan

Ka Chun Au

Tsz Yuet Clarie Chan

Ka Hin Chan

Wing Yu Ally Cheung

Ka Ho Tsui

XinYi Li

Ka Yan Au

Yuhe Pan

Kong Tat Cai Kwan Cheuk Kan

Ling Ting He Nicole Tam

Avitoz Singh

Man Lung Lung

Suen Ting Wong

Dodee Sing EE Ong

Meshal Shazadi

Sum Yi Chiu

Isaac Chiu Chun Au

Ngan Chu Cheung

Sze Ching Liang

James Wang Chun Lee

Pui Ying Hung

Wai Wan Cheung

Keene Romano

Sit Mei Chan

Long Hei Chan

Adeline Lee

Janelle Ching Yau Ho

Valarie Lee

Yuen Yu To

Ambrose Chun Lam

Aimee Lam

Jessica Wong

Wing Hei Kaitlyn Wong

Alicia Liu

Jody Tin Yuet Chu

Wing Kiu Mok

Bailey Cherry

Alvin Ho Yeung Chan

Ka Nam So

Xiang Zhou Sun

Bridget Wong

Anna Parsons

KiKi Wenren

Yat Hei Josephine Tang

Charlotte To

Annika Wing Yin Li

Kiu Zelda Ting

Yat Sum Samantha

Cherie Ng

Anoushka Hemnani

Kristen Lo


Chun Kit Luk

Audrey Sik Chi Wong

Kwan Kiu Valerie Tang

Yat Tung Janice Wong

Eden Yee Tan Leung

Beatrice Lee

Kylie Kiu Yan Kun

Yee Him Chung

Ethan Kin Hei Chiu

Carys Lam

Lake Shu Delphine Wu

Yee Yan Tang

GiGi Chen

Celine Tsai

Lin Lei

Yu Him Adrian Kan

Grace Oi Lam Au Yeung

Cherie Che

Lola Shaw

Yung Lap Cho

Hei Tung Vanessa Ngai

Chi To Karsten Shiu

Marcus Chan

Zahra Hui

Huen Kiu Ng

Chi Wai Kaniya Shiu

Mavis Chan

Joline Gigi Chuk Ka

Ching Hei Andre Chan

Megan Siu Yu Ching


Chiu Wa Lai

Lauren Ing

Ming Hei Matthew Wong

Chun Lok Cheung

Nadia Hemnani

Lauren Tsz Yan Shaw

Creamy Pui Sze Wong

Ngai Chi Marcus Chow

Ka Yi Lau

Darren Lam

Nicole Leung

Kaitlyn Ting-Nuan Wong

Dionne Char

Katrina Fong

Nicole Lit

Dora Tsoi Kiu Yeung

Nicole Tang

Ryan So

Ethan Hiu Fung Shaw

Samantha Yee Sum

Oliver Yat Yu Chui

Hamish Ka Lun Lau

Owen Yat Nam Chui

Haydee So

Paco Che

Hei Yeung Ethan Ip

Pui Yan Brianna Shum

Hei Yiu Hailey Wan

Ritsu Fujimura

Helicia Sze Ching Cheng

Sum Yue Yip

Ryan Austen Choi

Hiu Yan Natalie Cheung

Tarun Hemnani

Sai Ka Li

Hiu Yuet Lau

Tetsu Fujimura

Sek Yuen Tong

Horatio Luke Yeo

Ting Hong Chiang

Shek Yuen Issac Tong

Hsin Yi Matthias Kuo

Tse Huen Patricia Chu

Sophia Yin Ting Chiu

Imogen Shaw

Sze Ho Louis Chan

Lok Ying Yang Pui Lam Tam

Nord Anglia International School

Tsz Yeung Brian Lam

Adelaide Wong

Ellie Ho

Tsz Hin Tsang

Oon Ching Chan

Yuen Lam Ma

Isis Hey Yan Chan

Yan Yee Lam

Tsoi Wan Yang Tsz Shing Ho

Yu Yin Yang

Tsz Hei Wong

Wai Ching Mak

Tsz Ying Tung

Yiu Fu

The Open Category Participants

Isaac Nok Him Wong

Wing Yu Lam

The Open Category Finalists

Chun Sing Choi

San Wui Commercial Society School

Yee Tan Cheung

PLK Lam Man Chan English Primary School

Ka Wai Ng


Wing Hei Tam

Tuen Mun Government Primary School Chak Curtis Chan Chin Ying Fung Ching Yau Chan Chun Nok Fok Chung Sing Wong Hiu Ching Kwok

Tin Shui Wai Methodist Primary School

Hoi Yiu Yoyo Yeung

Cheuk Lam Li

Ka Ki Ng

Ka Chun Mok

Yui Kiu Chen

Cheuk Tung Chau

Kit Tung Chan

St. Edward’s Catholic Primary School

Cheuk Yu Leung

Lai Sin Ho

Ching Yan Ngan

Long Ching Yau

Ching Yiu Cheung

Miu Yan Fan

Cho Yiu Yeung

Muk Yan Ng

Chung Hei Chan

Naomi Chintyne Wong

Hau Suen Cheung

Sze Wing Megan Mak

Hei Man Chong

Tin Yan Chow

Hiu Ching Tang

Wing Tung Lam

Ho Man Liu

Yankee Wong

Hoi Kiu Cheung

Ying Ying Wong

In Feng

Yuen Kuk Agatha Lee

Jason Kwok

Yun Cho Liao

Nok Man Leung

Yun Pang Liao

Cheuk Ting Kong Chi Chun Ho Chi Ngai Wong Ka Lok Tung Lai Wing Wong Man Fei Fan Man Wai Yu Sui Suet Samantha Cheung Sze Ching Wang Tsz Sum Lai Wai Ching So Wai Man Chan Yin Ching Wong Ching Man Hui

Siu Au Sze Ching Yim Sze Man Lee Tsun Hin Choy Tsz Yan Hong


Leung Sheung Hei Macro Ngai Sophie Vallis

Most Promising Illustrator Most Promising Writer Overall Winner Spark Award



Aplichau Kaifong Primary School

Po Leung Kuk Tin Ka Ping Primary School



Baptist (Sha Tin Wai) Lui Ming Choi Primary School

Po Leung Kuk Women's Welfare Club Western District Fung Lee Pui Yiu Primary School


Carmel Alison Lam Primary School 迦密愛禮信小學

C.C.C. Heep Woh Primary School 中華基督教會協和小學

C.C.C. Wanchai Church Kei To Primary School 中華基督教會灣仔堂基道小學

Chinese Methodist School, Tanner Hill 循道衛理聯合教會丹拿山循道學校

Chiu Yang Por Yen Primary School 潮陽百欣小學

Christian Alliance S.Y. Yeh Memorial Primary School 宣道會葉紹蔭紀念小學

Participating Schools and Community Centers

Emmanuel Primary School 靈光小學

Hennessy Road Government Primary School 軒尼詩道官立小學

HKSKH Kowloon City C&Y Integrated Service Centre 香港聖公會九龍城青少年綜合服務中心

HKUGA Primary School 港大同學會小學

Hong Kong Taoist Association Wun Tsuen School 香港道教聯合會雲泉學校

Islamic Primary School 伊斯蘭學校

Kowloon Rhenish School 九龍禮賢學校

Lai Chack Middle School 麗澤中學

Lam Tin Methodist Primary School 藍田循道衛理小學

Lee Chi Tat Memorial School 李志達紀念學校

Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch) 樂善堂梁銶琚學校 ( 分校 ) Lok Sin Tong Leung Wong Wai Fong Memorial School 樂善堂梁黃蕙芳紀念學校

Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran Primary School 路德會呂祥光小學



Precious Blood Primary School 寶血小學

S.K.H. Fung Kei Primary School 聖公會奉基小學

S.K.H. Kei Fook Primary School 聖公會基福小學

S.K.H. Kei Oi Primary School 聖公會基愛小學

S.K.H. St. Peter's Primary School 聖公會聖彼得小學

S.K.H. Tin Shui Wai Ling Oi Primary School 聖公會天水圍靈愛小學

S.K.H. Yautong Kei Hin Primary School 聖公會油塘基顯小學

Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School 天主教聖母聖心小學

St. Edward's Catholic Primary School 聖愛德華天主教小學

St. Eugene de Mazenod Oblate Primary School 獻主會聖馬善樂小學

Taoist Ching Chung Primary School (Wu King Estate) 道教青松小學 ( 湖景邨 ) The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Verbena Youth S.P.O.T. 香港青年協會賽馬會茵怡青年空間

The Salvation Army Yau Ma Tei Integrated Service for Young People 救世軍油麻地青少年綜合服務

Tin Shui Wai Methodist Primary School 天水圍循道衞理小學

Tuen Mun Government Primary School 屯門官立小學

Wong Tai Sin Catholic Primary School 黃大仙天主教小學

Yan Chai Hospital Chiu Tsang Hok Wan Primary School 仁濟醫院趙曾學韞小學

The Kids4Kids annual story writing and illustration competition is a chance for young writers and illustrators to collaborate and create.



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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank the following organizations who have supported Writing for a Cause 2016:





(Princeton University Language Project)



Editor Dania Shawwa Abuali

2016 Review

Project Coordinator Alexa Li and Priscilla Lin

Design and Layout Ruby Chu

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