January 2019

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ChAr mahani Hel i odor rHul i vi l i ( AI )ET

ChAr mahani Hel i odor rHul i v i l i ( AI )ET “ Benni ”

T asmani a’ sOnl yMul t i Best i nGr oupandi nShowwi nni ngFi nni shLapphund. Wear el ooki ngf or war dt oawonder f ul 201 9, wher eweknowBenni wi l l c ont i nuehi ssuc c essandr eac hsomesi gni f i c ant mi l est ones. Owner / Handl er : Rac hael Hol l oway( T asmani a) Owner / Br eeder : Jac qual i neLi nc ol n( Vi c t or i a) www. z ul ei ka. c om. au

MBI GAust ChOeshi hPl ay i nT heGame.

Ownedandpr esent edbyJay denBr own| Coownedandbr edbyMoni c aMoor eandDeanDal l i nger

www. k9onl i ne. com. au

Anv i l ha r tS t a ffor ds Ce l e br a t e saS uc c e s s f ul 2018!


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YORKPARK Da vi d& Di a nneBa r c l a y ba r c l a yd@hot l i nks . ne t . a u Me l bour ne ,Aus t r a l i a

www. k9onl i ne. com. au


Australia’s Premier C.A.C.I.B. Show weekend, with a full International judging panel will be held in Adelaide on Friday 31st May, Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd June. The C.A.C.I.B Show will be held on the Friday with A.N.K.C. All Breeds Championship Shows on the other two days. The Schedules will be released pending final A.N.K.C. clearances for the judges and approval by Dogs SA. Major sponsorship from ADVANCE leads the support for this circuit from a host of major Canine companies around Australia. Full details will be released over the next few months. Our Partner Club Support Shows for this event are the Terrier Club of S.A. on the Friday with a Terrier Specialist. On the Saturday, Breed Club Shows will be held for the Papillon Club, Chihuahua Club, Irish Wolfhound Club, Samoyed Club and Schnauzer Club. On Sunday Pug Club, British Bulldog Club, Dobermann Club and Beagle Club will hold their Shows. Several of these Shows will be judged by Breed Specialists and all judges are only judging Breed Shows on the day, so they will all be held while the Winter International judging is taking place.

The previous weekend sees the Whippet Club of SA hosting the Sixth National Whippet National on 25th and 26th of May, the weekend prior. Sighthound Specialists will be judging each day at the Winter International so a great opportunity for Whippet enthusiasts. Details will be released once Schedules have been approved. Several Sweepstakes events will be run during the lunchbreak on Saturday and Sunday and for Juniors, the Estrela Trophy event will be run again in 2019. The Final, during Sunday lunchbreak will be judged by one of our Internationals. We expect to have a similar size Vendor Alley again in 2019 with many local and Interstate Vendors catering for all your Canine needs. Full Catering, including the essential early morning Egg & Bacon Sandwiches and Coffee will be available each day. Look out for our Schedules in February and March for the Winter International and Support Shows on the Dogs SA Website and Social Media and our own website http://winterinternationalsa.info/

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for the aspiring

veterinarian in

your child


Future Vet Kids Camp offers kids a difference this school holidays! Plus, 2019 PetSure Scholarship winners announced! • FVKC is a fun, educational 5-day program offered in Sydney in January. • FVKC taking final registrations as camp approaches full capacity. REGISTER NOW! Future Vet Kids Camp is a veterinary-inspired school holiday program in Sydney that offers young pet lovers something a little different to the regular holiday camp. Ask the kids who attended the camp’s 2019 program launch a few months ago with special guest Bondi Vet Dr Alex Hynes! There’s a good reason many return to camp multiple times! The FVKC program caters to kids aged 9 to 16 years and encourages responsible pet ownership, the profession of veterinary medicine and a love and appreciation of all animals and their habitats! “Whether or not the kids end up following the path to a vet career, simply being around lots of animals and animal lovers will have such a positive impact on them,” Dr Hynes said at the launch. The program offers many extraordinary experiences that inspire kids to come back for more, said Vet and Camp Director Dr Scott Bainbridge, who appears on Animal Planet Canada’s TV show Dog’s Best Friend and loves to share his passion for ‘the greatest job in the world’. Campers attend blood draw and suture workshops, vet hospital excursions and veterinary talks, plus learn about dog training and behaviour, solve real-life veterinary cases and handle animals of all shapes and sizes, and much, much more, he said. PetSure Scholarship winners announced! Future Vet Kids Camp also thanks PetSure, Australia’s leading provider of pet insurance, for donating a scholarship to two young pet lovers from the East Coast! Caitlyn May of Queensland and Rosie Poulson of New South Wales are the recipients of the 2019 PetSure Scholarship to attend Future Vet Kids Camp in Sydney in January for free and learn about what it takes to be a vet. Caitlyn, age 14, has many pets, farm animals, reptiles and fish at home and was thrilled about receiving the scholarship! “When mum showed me the website, it all looked very exciting and fun. It was also very different to all the other courses I have done before. I still can’t believe that I got chosen for the scholarship. I can’t wait until it starts!” she said. Rosie, age 9, has many various pets, too, including a pool of tadpoles and frogs! She has been dreaming of attending Future Vet Kids Camp for many years and said “I absolutely 100% want to work with animals in the future. I have everything planned. I am going to buy a big van when I can drive to fit all my animals in.”

w w w. f u t u r e v e t k i d s c a m p . c o m. a u

(02) 8036 3186

for the aspiring

veterinarian in

your child

Alex Thomas, CEO of PetSure, Australia’s leading provider of pet insurance, said: “PetSure employs many veterinarians on staff, and we are proud to sponsor a program that inspires young kids to fulfil their dreams of becoming a vet. We know animals play a significant role in our society so having kids interested in a career that looks after animal health and welfare is invaluable.” Future Vet Kids Camp January 2019 Program The January 2019 schedule is once again packed with fun and educational ‘animal adventures’, excursions (such as to Sydney’s Animal Referral Hospital) and talks by veterinarians, behaviourists and experts from animal rescue, reptile, small animal, canine sports groups and more! Campers will learn about equine health, genetic diseases, pet nutrition, stem cell therapy, animal rescue, wildlife conservation – and that’s just the beginning! For the complete schedule, please check out here. “We love to see the campers get excited about pursuing their dream to work with animals, and then go out with the knowledge and experiences they’ve gained at the camp and start making a difference for pets and people around the world!” said Dr Bainbridge. “Some of our camp graduates have already embarked on their educational journey at veterinary school and we look forward to following their successes!”

2019 Future Vet Kids Camp Registration Future Vet Kids Camp will run from Jan 7 - 11 and Jan 14 - 18, 2019. Daily hours: 9am – 3:30pm. Cost is $595. For more information, detailed curriculum and to register online, please visit www.futurevetkidscamp.com.au

MEDIA CONTACTS Dr Scott Bainbridge, Veterinarian & Director, Future Vet Kids Camp yyzvet@sympatico.ca Caroline Zambrano, FVKC Publicist petjourno@gmail.com / 0403 550 730 Future Vet Kids Camp graduates, returning campers and PetSure Scholarship winners are also available for interview. Please contact Caroline to make arrangements. About Future Vet Kids Camp Future Vet Kids Camp offers a safe, comfortable environment that explores and nurtures the human animal bond all under the supervision of highly qualified, enthusiastic instructors and specialised animal handlers. The goals are to promote responsible pet ownership, the profession of veterinary medicine and to encourage the children to love and appreciate animals of all kind. The camp has more than 20 partners that offer years of specialised animal experience and professionalism that contributes greatly to the programming. The Camp operates out of Waverley College in Waverley and runs every January for two weeks during the school holidays. Programming is split into three separate age groups running simultaneously each week: Wombats (ages 9 - 11), Kookaburras (ages 12 - 14) and the Junior Vet program (ages 14 - 16). To discover more, visit www.futurevetkidscamp.com

w w w. f u t u r e v e t k i d s c a m p . c o m. a u

(02) 8036 3186

Victoria December started off with the Dogs Victoria Summer Spectacular the Saturday Show saw the Old English Sheepdog Am & Aust Sup Ch Barkshire’s Captain America (Imp USA) owned by C, S & J Moore awarded Best In Show by Mrs T Okkola (Finland), she awarded the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Aust Ch Neworder The Band Played On owned by Mrs B & Miss K Marsh Runner Up Best In Show.

At Kilmore Kennel Club on the 14th of December ‘Chicago’ Multi Int Ch Boom Chicago V Tum-Tums Vriendjes (Imp NL) owned by R Wallis, S Marshall & G Huikeshoven was awarded Best In Show, Mrs S Patterson then awarded Bowey, Watt & Alexander’s Lakeland Terrier Aust Sup Ch Ryandos Stand and Deliver At Bridgewood (Imp NZ) Runner Up Best In Show.

We finished the year with 6 show in 4 days, At the Central Highlands Shows at the Am Show the Petite Basset Griffon Vendeen Multi Int Ch Boom Chicago V Tum-Tums Vriendjes (Imp NL) at the PM show the Saluki Aust Sup Ch Talkabout Son of a Gun was Best In Show.

www. k9onl i ne. com. au

T hanky ouf orr eadi ng ©JANUARY201 9

i nf o@k9onl i ne. c om. au

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