Owners Kristy Roebig & Tracy Hopper info@k9online.com.au
TAS Teena Sloan killilan@bigpond.com
NSW Tiarne Tattersall tiarne.tattersall@icloud.com
ACT Danielle June daniellejs87@hotmail.com
NT Sarah Gordon emzacily@gmail.com
WA Jeni Sach kaasha@aapt.net.au
NZ Lesley Chalmers merthyr@xtra.co.nz
Always on time and Always free to read
$150 Cover
$100 for a full single page advert with artwork supplied $50 if you supply yuour own artwork ready to go (email Ads to info@k9online.com.au)
Other packages and bulk discounts available Out on the 1st of every month!
Ch glamcurls champagne cartel, only 9 Months old he is already making a statement for himself.
Currently Australia’s #1 hound rising star
He is already a Runner up in show winner, he has Multiple class in show awards, multiple Best in Group wins & awarded highly at breed level consistently. And he gained his Australian championship at 7 months old
This litter has been so very consistent, with both his litter sisters also currently #1 all breeds rising star in TAS & #1 all breeds rising star ACT
How often have you been ringside and heard someone say, “I can’t believe THAT dog won! He doesn’t display any breed type!” or “THAT dog really is typey.”
Have you ever wondered about the validity of these comments? Are these enthusiasts really critiquing breed type or the “style” of the dog in question? Understanding this is particularly difficult for the newbie who has no experience to draw from.
For the purpose of discussion, we need to define precisely what style is and what breed type is.
So let’s talk style. Indeed, all the dogs in the ring don’t look alike. How can they when for one thing, the breed standard says dogs can be, for example, 24-27 inches at the withers, and bitches can be 23-26 inches. Imagine looking down the line at a group of 27-inch dogs and seeing a dog in the middle of the group who is 25 inches tall. As little as one inch can make a massive difference in a dog’s appearance.That picture alone would evoke a “not very typey” comment from many exhibitors.
Let me challenge you with this thought. Doesn’t this dog’s size conform to the standard for your breed? No word in the written breed standard gives preference to a particular size as long as the dog falls within the described parameters. So what makes this dog less correct in the middle of the standard and the one at the top more correct?
If you examine that 25-inch dog closely, you might find he has several attributes that define him as “the breed”, but many of these points are proportional to his size. This is an example of personal preference or style and not type.
Another example of style can be differences in heads and expression. Many times, when you closely examine heads and are being
completely honest with yourself, you can see examples that are both pleasing and in line with the standard, but they are not what you have become accustomed to looking at. That does not mean one or the other is incorrect. Just different and someone else’s interpretation of the breed standard.
So what is breed type? All of those characteristics discussed in a breed standard define the essence of a breed. Some of them are found in many standards for breeds. Some are common to many breed standards. Some are unique, and others only to specific breeds. They all contribute to breed type, and true breed type lies in how closely our dogs conform to that breed standard.
I’m leaving you with one question to explore. I encourage you to watch dogs other than your own at breed specialties, especially some of the adult classes.When viewing the dogs stacked, do they look like all the parts fit smoothly together, and when on the move, is the gait easy, free-flowing and efficient? Take note of the head and expressions. Note the differences in the dogs. Are they a matter of style or breed type? Does breed type affect style?
Multi Best in Show All Breeds Multi Best in Show All Breeds
Multi Runner - Up Best in Show All breeds Multi Runner - Up Best in Show All breeds Best in Show Speciality Best in Show Speciality
Multi Best in Group Winner Multi Best in Group Winner
Multi Runner - Up Best in Group Winner Multi Runner - Up Best in Group Winner
No:1 Australian Cattle Dog in Australia 2022
No:1 Australian Cattle Dog in Australia 2022
Youngest Supreme Champion Cattle Dog
Youngest Supreme Champion Cattle Dog In Australia In Australia
At 2 years of age Rowdy has exceeded our At 2 years of age Rowdy has exceeded our expectations With a lot more maturing to expectations. With a lot more maturing to do the sky is the limit for this boy. do the sky is the limit for this boy
Bred & Owned By: Monica Moore & Dean Dallinger
Handled, Loved & Spoilt By: Brian Lillicrap & Lisa Carpenter
No. 1 - Poodle (Miniature)
Aust Ch Montaires Beautiful Beastie (Mrs J L MacKenzie / Mrs P & Mr M Clarke) (5524)
No. 2 - Beagle
Aust Sup Ch Johgra Summer In Paris (Mr J & Mrs M Grant) (3428)
No. 3 - Bernese Mountain Dog
Aust Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again (R & K Berwick) (2784)
No. 4 - Chihuahua (Smooth Coat)
Aust Ch Voncronan Diamond Desire @ Skyeway (Kylie Tilley & Tina Sunman) (2378)
No. 5 - German Shorthaired Pointer
Aust Sup & Am Ch Vjk-Myst Journey Downunder (Imp USA) (Heiderst Knls/ S Rattle/T Sproule/M Reichmuth) (2216)
No. 6 - Fox Terrier (Wire)
Aust Sup Ch Graebrook Adrenaline Junkie (Graebrook Kennels) (2152)
No. 7 - Maltese
Lva Jnr Ch Ltu Jnr Ch Ltu Ch & Aust Sup Ch Tauro Axel (Imp LTU) (Mrs M Atkinson) (2039)
No. 8 - Pointer
Aust Ch Onpoint A Class Act (Gerald J Munro) (1922)
No. 9 - Border Collie
CIB & Aust Sup Ch Pukawidgee The Moon In Winter (L & A Houlden / J Tyler) (1921)
No. 10 - Cocker Spaniel (American)
Aust Sup Ch Staryanks Take A Chance On Me (Mrs D Wilkes / Mrs P & Mr M Clarke) (1840)
All Breeds – Queensland
All Breeds - New South Wales
All Breeds - South Australia
All Breeds - ACT
Aust Ch Skyehaven Reign Of Chaos (AI) (Mrs B & Miss M Kent) (1746)
All Breeds - Victoria
All Breeds - Tasmania
Aust Ch Montaires Beautiful Beastie (Mrs J L MacKenzie / Mrs P & Mr M Clarke) (3412)
Aust Ch Bagatelle Moonlight Garden (Imp CAN) (Maree & Daniel Aitchison) (1810)
Pointer Aust Sup & Am Ch Vjk-Myst Journey Downunder (Imp USA) (Heiderst Knls/ S Rattle/T Sproule/M Reichmuth) (1987)
All Breeds - Western Australia
All Breeds - Northern Territory
It Again (R & K Berwick) (2784)
Beadale A Deal With The Devil (Miss J Clarke & Mrs L Niemann) (78)
All Breeds – Queensland
No. 1 - Basenji
Aust Ch Glamcurls Champagne Cartel (Jodie Delacourt & Craig Hatzikiriakos) (250)
All Breeds - New South Wales
No. 1 - Poodle (Miniature)
Aust Ch Funtosy Showcasing A Secret (Ms E Case & Miss T Perkiss) (505)
All Breeds - Victoria
No. 1 - Samoyed
Aust Ch Lunasea Big Bucks (AI) (Ying Chen (Helen)) (503)
All Breeds - Tasmania
No. 1 - Basenji
Aust Ch Glamcurls Raise Your Glass (Mel Prouse, Jodie Delacourt & Craig Hatzikiriakos) (359)
No. 1 - Lhasa Apso
Aust Ch Amesen Shutup N Take My Money (AI) (Amesen Kennels) (744)
No. 2 - Samoyed
Aust Ch Lunasea Big Bucks (AI) (Ying Chen (Helen)) (550)
No. 3 - Poodle (Miniature)
Aust Ch Funtosy Showcasing A Secret (Ms E Case & Miss T Perkiss) (535)
No. 4 - Japanese Spitz
Daesdaemar The One That I Want (Amanda Huggins) (404)
No. 5 - Cocker Spaniel (American)
Staryanks Hearts InTh Fastlane (D R Wilkes / Mrs P & Mr M Clarke) (395)
No. 6 - Australian Terrier
Aust Ch Regisvista NudgeNudge WinkWink (Regisvista Kennels) (385)
No. 7 - Puli
Cordmaker Call Me Fergus (Imp NZ) (S Huebner & P Kelly) (384)
No. 8 - Basenji
Aust Ch Glamcurls Champagne Cartel (Jodie Delacourt & Craig Hatzikiriakos) (382)
No. 9 - Cocker Spaniel
Sandtoys Smokin Inthboyz Room (N & S Lane) (374)
No. 10 - Basenji
Aust Ch Glamcurls Raise Your Glass (Mel Prouse, Jodie
Delacourt & Craig Hatzikiriakos) (359)
All Breeds - South Australia
No. 1 - Lhasa Apso
Aust Ch Amesen Shutup N Take My Money (AI) (Amesen Kennels) (637)
All Breeds - Western Australia
No. 1 - Puli
Cordmaker Call Me Fergus (Imp NZ) (S Huebner & P Kelly) (384)
All Breeds - Australian Capital Territory
No. 1 - Basenji
Aust Ch Glamcurls Moscato Mafia (Louise Foldi, Jodie Delacourt & Craig Hatzikiriakos) (65)
All Breeds - Northern Territory
No. 1 - Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog
Tagetarl Stumpy Whole Shebang (J S & C M Beckett) (31)
No. 1 - Shetland Sheepdog
Aust Neut Gr Ch Lurikeen Talkn About My Girl (Ms J Harris & Ms A Stanton) (224)
No. 2 - Samoyed
Aust Neut Ch Kimskova Ziggys Star (Rebecca Regan) (188)
No. 3 - Australian Shepherd
Aust Gr Ch Thistledust Black Velvet (Karen Davis) (176)
No. 4 - Samoyed
Aust Sup & Neut Gr Ch Airebis What Dreams R Made Of (Kellie / Judy & Graham Hughes) (171)
No. 5 - Shih Tzu
Aust Neut Ch Shemara Buttercup (Marion & Andrew Kidd) (162)
No. 6 - Italian Greyhound
Aust Ch Piccino Love Bug (Sally Cole) (158)
No. 7 - Golden Retriever
Tri Ch (RO/T) Neut Ch Keanstar Caruso CDX RAE TSD
NRA JC (P & J Convery) (155)
No. 8 - Cocker Spaniel (American)
Aust Neut Gr Ch Boxcrest Courage Under Fire (Yvonne Green) (154)
No. 9 - Alaskan Malamute
Aust Ch/Neut Gr Ch Maiitsho Survive Da Wildice (Tori Haynes) (153)
No. 10 - Tibetan Terrier
Aust Gr & Neut Ch Sesukan LHis you For Got My Crown (Mr Christian Lee) (146)
Winning in Both All Breeds & Speciality Show Ring!
Bred & Owned By: Dean Dallinger & Monica Moore
Handled By: TaraJanelle Payne & Dean Dallinger
Loved & Spoilt By: Stephen Kirk & Elle Hatherly
No. 2 - Whippet
No. 1 - Cocker Spaniel
NZ Sup Ch Suedanka Shined My Halo (A Calman) (2563)
NZ Ch Benbridge Beauty and Madness at Arcon (Coral & Anita Henderson) (2420)
No. 3 - Rottweiler
NZ Ch Ubersein Fair Dinkum (Imp AUST) (Ms Wiki Te Tau) (2274)
No. 4 - Pug
NZ Ch Glomar I Wasa Whoopsie (Penny Calman) (1806)
No. 5 - Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
NZ Ch & Am Gr Ch Homespuns Simon Says (Imp USA) (L Chalmers & K McIntyre) (1576)
No. 6 - Bearded Collie
NZ Ch Lyntree Cosmic Hallelujah (Penny & Murray Brooks) (1518)
No. 7 - Gordon Setter
NZ Spr Ch Settmore Stormy Night At Azzaro (Imp AUST) (Kim Atkinson) (1387)
No. 8 - English Springer Spaniel
NZ Grand Ch Arawhiti Unique Eugene (N & R Trainor) (1227)
No. 9 - Samoyed
NZ Ch Oscarbi Hell Yeh I’m A Rediboy (Helen Clark & Rob Barzey) (916)
No. 10 - Cairn Terrier
NZ Ch Oakway Dream It Possible (Lenore Halliwell) (857)
Leaderboard - All Breeds - North Island
Leaderboard - All Breeds - South Island
No. 1 - Whippet
NZ Ch Benbridge Beauty and Madness at Arcon (Coral & Anita Henderson) (2420)
No. 2 - Rottweiler
NZ Ch Ubersein Fair Dinkum (Imp AUST) (Ms Wiki Te Tau) (2274)
No. 3 - Cocker Spaniel
NZ Sup Ch Suedanka Shined My Halo (A Calman) (1829)
No. 4 - Pug
NZ Ch Glomar I Wasa Whoopsie (Penny Calman) (1806)
No. 5 - Bearded Collie
NZ Ch Lyntree Cosmic Hallelujah (Penny & Murray Brooks) (1518)
No. 6 - Cairn Terrier
NZ Ch Oakway Dream It Possible (Lenore Halliwell) (857)
No. 7 - Great Dane
NZ Ch Lapsewood Jack Sparrow (Gary Withers) (840)
No. 8 - Gordon Setter
NZ Spr Ch Settmore Stormy Night At Azzaro (Imp AUST) (Kim Atkinson) (723)
No. 9 - Chow Chow
NZ Gr Ch Tsarjolan Bright Star Gazer (Janet Jenkins-Piggott) (594)
No. 10 - Labrador Retriever
NZ Ch Croftsway Show Off (Julie Bedford) (502)
No. 1 - English Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch Arawhiti Unique Eugene (N & R Trainor) (1227)
No. 2 - Rottweiler
NZ Spr Ch Brookvale J-Parker at Kauriland (Tony & Judith Marsh) (846)
No. 3 - Affenpinscher
NZ Ch We Will Rock U With Affitude (Kirsten Wylie) (832)
No. 4 - Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Gchb Kamakris Mastermind (Imp) (C Tolley / Kamiron & Hunter Moates) (738)
No. 5 - Dalmatian
NZ Gr Ch / NZ Spl Gr Ch Paceaway Tearz From Heaven
At Zolandia (Imp AUST) (Pam Norman) (638)
No. 6 - Jack Russell Terrier
NZ Ch Jacknthebox Rumours Run Riot (Jo & Gerard Price / Anita-Kaye Malby) (618)
No. 7 - English Springer Spaniel
Penita Princess Ofth Universe (Imp AUST) (N & R Trainor) (507)
No. 8 - Whippet
NZ Ch Bonnymead Peaches NCream (Imp AUST) (Hank Faifua & Tony Fox) (480)
No. 9 - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
NZ Ch Nidra Celebration with Greygables (Janine King & Susan Pinnow) (320)
No. 10 - Bouvier des Flandres
Flandresfarm Nt M’ First R’deo (T D Lawrence) (269)
Australian Champion
*Australian Bred
Dean Dallinger & Monica Moore
*co Owned & Handled - TaraJanelle Payne
JUDGE: Utility Specialist
Kim has Bred, Owned and Trialed Rottweilers for many years so this win was very special for our young boy!
Dogs QLD Festive Fiesta
General Specials
Mrs Jodie Wilshier
Group:Ms Jeanette Lees
No:1 Terrier in Australia 2021
Dogzonline Rising Star
Runner-Up Best in Show winner
Multi Best in Groups
Multi Runner-Up Best in Groups
Multi Class in Shows
Owner, Breeder & Handler
Kathy & Stephen Whyatt
Sorry this is just a short post it’s been quite a few hectic weeks for me with running 4 All Breeds Shows, the Puppy Of The Year and travelling to Canberra for the Top Dog Competition to represent Tasmania with my boy Eamon “Supreme Ch Killilan Defence Rests Yr Honor, what an honour and privilege it was to be amongst the other 7 Top Show Dogs from around Australia.
So just briefly I will include some of the winners from the past few shows and promise a more up to date column next month.
Tasmania’s representative at the Top Dog Competition was Supreme Ch Killilan Defence Rests Yr Honor owned by yours truly.
The BlackHawk POTY was won by the Whippet Ch Parnew Just Another Girl owned by Griff Parry
Some of the Best In Show Winners in recent weeks have been:
The Weimaraner Supreme Ch Arnhill Standing Room Only
The Staffordshire B/T Supreme Ch Bustabones
Try Whistling This
The Old English Sheepdog Ch Bagatelle Moonlight Garden (Imp Can)
The Shih Tzu Supreme Ch Killilan Defence Rests
Yr Honor
The Labrador Retriever Ch Bradorla Ice Chill
The Standard Poodle Ch Poshnoir Good News
Travels Fast
The French Bulldog Ch Dentellieres Wild Card
Until next time
Runner-up Best Neuter was Denise Ball’s Dobermann, Ch & Neut Ch Aegis Harley Quinn.
The second show had General Specials judged by Mr Duncan McAllister from Queensland. Best in Show went to Jo Kramer’s Whippet, Ch Arjai Heart of Glass.
December and January have been quiet for shows in WA. We only had a couple of shows over New Year and then nothing until the end of January.
On 31 December 2022 and 1 January 2023 the Dobermann Club of WA conducted two Championship Shows with a mix of both interstate and local judges. General Specials at the show on the 31st was judged by Tim Thomas from Queensland and Best in Show was awarded to Rick and Kathryn Berwick’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again.
Runner-up Best in Show was again Rick and Kathryn Berwick’s Bernese Mountain Dog.
Runner-up Best in Show was once again the Finnish Lapphund.
On 27, 28 and 29 January the Canine Fund Raisers committee conducted three shows, once again using a combination of both interstate and local judges.
At the first show (run in the 1-4 system) General Specials was judged by Mrs Helen Weil from Qld who awarded Best in Show to Debbie Wilkes’ & Paige Hopkins’ American Cocker Spaniel, Sup Ch Staryanks Heir Apparent.
Runner-up Best in Show was Natasha Ryan’s Golden Retriever, Sup Ch Happybear A New Beginning (AI).
Runner-up Best in Show was Rick & Kathryn
Berwick’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again.
Runner-up Best in Show was Jenny Whitney’s Pug, Sup Ch Kabova Courage Unda Fire.
Best in Show Neuter, at his first show weekend in about two to three years and first weekend in Neuter, was the Standard Poodle, Ch Sylvenus Armd W Attitude owned by Mark & Jeni Sach.
Runner-up Best in Show was again the Bernese Mountain Dog owned by Rick & Kathryn Berwick.
Club ran their first show weekend of the year. They conducted three shows over three nights with an interstate judging panel. The first show was judged in the 1-4 format and had General Specials judged by Ms C Rafton (NSW). Best in Show was awarded to Rick & Kathryn Berwick’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again.
Best Neuter in Show was Julie Harris and Ashlea Stanton’s Shetland Sheepdog, Neut Gr Ch Luri keen Talkn About My Girl.
The second show was run in the usual manner and Best in Show was judged by Mr David Weil (Qld). Mr Weil awarded Best in Show to Ms A Lewis & Mr P & Mrs R Bacich’s Afghan Hound, Ch Aviva Vampire Tetra (AI).
Runner-up Best in Show Neuter was again Julie Harris and Ashlea Stanton’s Shetland Sheepdog.
Linda Buckley (ACT) judged General Specials at the final show for the weekend which was once again run in the 1-4 format. Best in Show this time was awarded to Tracy Roberts’ German Shepherd Dog, Ch Dewalt Domino.
Best Neuter in Show was Julie Harris and Ashlea Stanton’s Sheltie once again.
Special mention for the weekend results goes to Justine Boreham with her young Greyhound, Ch Kanati Storm Magic (AI) who in his last show in Puppy at the first show was awarded his first Best in Group award and at only his second show in Junior was Best in Group 2nd. I’m sure there are many more great wins in this team’s future.
Runner-up Best in Show was Karlyermai Kennels’ Australian Silky Terrier, Sup Ch Karlyermai Gotta Bea Rokstar.
Best Baby in Show was R Wells Samoyed, Eskimoyed Miss Attitude (AI).
Best Puppy was Pam Campbell’s Whippet, Harroway Yours Truly.
On the first weekend in February Fremantle Dog
The Shetland Sheepdog this time going Runner-up Best Neuter in Show.
Armatys (Qld) were the judges. Mr Luxton judged General Specials on the Saturday and awarded Sandria Einam’s Australian Kelpie, Gr Ch Huntarush Blossom Point, Best in Show.
Best Neuter in Show was Julie Harris & Ashlea Stanton’s Shetland Sheepdog, Neut Gr Ch Lurikeen Talkn About My Girl.
The second show was run in the normal format and General Specials was judged by Jo Rasche from South Australia. Best in Show was again awarded to the Bernese Mountain Dog. This time Runner-up Best in Show was awarded to Pam Campbell’s Whippet, Harroway Sublime.
Mr Guy Spagnolo (NSW) judged General Specials at the final show, which was once again judged in the 1-4 format. He awarded Best in Show to Debra Turner’s Golden Retriever, Gr Ch Parkridge Its All About Me. The Bernese Mountain Dog was this time Runner-up Best in Show.
Runner-up Best in Show was Desiree & Steve Case’s Siberian Husky, Dencasstique Takeme To the Bank (AI).
On Friday and Saturday, 24 & 25 February Hills Kennel Club of WA ran two championship shows with interstate and one NZ judge. General Specials at the first show was judged by Mr Ashley Reid from Victoria who awarded Best in Show to Pamela Campbells Whippet, Ch Harroway Sublime, handled by Steve Warry.
Best Neuter in Show was Jackie Cook’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Neut Ch & Ch Staffegan Gems Pride.
Best Baby in Show was Kym Prendergast’s Maltese, Pender Eye Candy.
Best Puppy was Kris & Jordyn Black’s Siberian Husky, Inuusik About Damn Time.
The Shetland Sheepdog was once again Best Neuter in Show.
On 18 and 19 February the Albany All Breeds Dog Club held the first of their two show weekends for the year. Mr Ben Luxton (SA) and Mrs J
On the Sunday Mrs Armatys also awarded Best in Show to Sandria Einam’s Kelpie.
Runner-up Best in Show this time was Vansitar Dobermann’s Vansitar Glimmer In The Fire (AI) (IID NZL)).
Best Neuter at both shows was Ashlea Stanton and Julie Harris’s Shetland Sheepdog, Neut Gr Ch Lurikeen Talkn About My Girl.
Runner-up Best in Show was Blackboy Kennels’ Labrador Retriever, Sup Ch Blackboy Absolut Viktor (AI).
Best Neuter in Show was Jodie Delaney’s Yorkshire Terrier, Neut Ch Yetholme Lunas Snowpea. Runner-up Best Neuter in Show was Mark & Jeni Sach’s Standard Poodle, Ch Sylvenus Armd W Attitude.
On the Saturday night Mr Glenn Wilshier stepped in to judge General Specials in place of his wife, Jodie, who unfortunately fell ill. For Best in Show Mr Wilshier chose Sue Van Dinter’s Shetland Sheepdog, Sup Ch Sunland Star Witness.
Runner-up Best in Show went to Chelsey Primrose & Rodney Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Sup Ch Miniatura Ember Rain.
Best Neuter in Show was Denise Ball’s Dobermann, Ch & Neut Ch Aegis Harley Quinn.
Runner-up Best Neuter in Show was Jackie Cook’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Neut Ch Staffegan Gems Pride.
The coming weekend is a long weekend in WA and is our big Western Classic weekend featuring international judges and lots of stalls. More on this next issue!
If anybody has news they wish to share please either PM me on Facebook or email me at kaasha@ aapt.net.au
Jeni SachBred & Owned By: Monica Moore & Dean Dallinger
Loved & Handled By: Monica Moore & Samantha Page