2 | Meet our team.... Welcome Always on time and Always free to read $150 Cover $100 for a full single page advert with artwork supplied $50 if you supply yuour own artwork ready to go (email Ads to Other packages and bulk discounts available Out on the 1st of every month! Owners Kristy Roebig & Tracy TASVICSA Teena killilan@bigpond.comSloan NSW Tiarne tiarne.tattersall@icloud.comTattersall ACT Danielle daniellejs87@hotmail.comJune NTQLD Sarah emzacily@gmail.comGordon WA Jeni NZ Lesley
Caber has received some excellent critiques from Working Dog Specialists and AB’s Judges and we are looking forward to earning more awards based on merit and recognition of Cabers parity to the Breed Standards.

Caber is a 12th Generation Direct Sire Line Champion bred from excellent examples of the breed his father SUP Ch Nahrof Enough Said ET, his GF GR Ch Nahrof Say No More, his GGF UK Ch Nahrof No Comment and the sire that Caber closely resembles is his GGGF Gr Ch Nahrof First Edition CD (who graces the cover of the AKC Breed Standard). | 3 Front Cover Photo: TAK Photography The Cover
MBIS / BISS “Caber” SUPREME Champion Neeca be On Demand PT. As Caber reached full maturity COVID struck……but just like a fine wine Caber has ma tured into a seamless performer that consistently exhibits all the hallmarks of his breed as he enters the ring to run eagerly and effortlessly.
Responsible breeding is not a business.
A responsible breeder’s interest in the breed extends beyond his dogs, which is why some call them “hobby breeders.” This type of breeder learns everything they can about the breed. He joins local and national breed clubs and researches his breed’s physical characteristics, temperament, his tory, and other aspects to ensure that he is aiming for the correct qualities in his litters.
The ethical breeder only breeds as many litters as they can comfortably care for. They produce a litter only if they can provide long-term care for the puppies in case, they cannot sell them for any reason. However, a reputable breeder usually has no problem selling his dogs and often has a long waiting list of screened buyers.
In obedience trials, field trials, herding trials, earth dog trials, tracking events, agility events, and con formation dog shows.
Canine & supplied by Narelle Hammond Canine Construction and Conformation FB Group)
Caesarean sections and medical emergencies cost more. Few of these expenses are incurred by backyard breeders. How much does a breeder expect to bring in from the sale of the pups? Responsible breeders charge more than backyard breeders, who price low to sell the puppies quickly. Even with this low-profit margin, reputable breeders are still very deman ding of their buyers as they take full responsibility for the puppies they produce and have strict criteria for potential buyers. If they cannot match a puppy with an acceptable buyer, they will not sell it. They never sell a dog to a home that is not at least as good as the one they provided. Instead, they keep the puppy themselves, sell it later as an adult dog, or even breed it in the future as an ad ditional step towards breed improvement. In many cases, a reputable breeder produces a litter with the intent to keep one of the puppies to continue their efforts on breed improvement.
4 | Reputable breeders do not breed puppies for profit. They do it for the betterment of the breed, the love of dogs, and… well… for the enjoyment of raising healthy pups. They very rarely make a profit on a litter of puppies. For a litter of, for example, six golden retriever pups, a responsible breeder can spend as much as $5000 on medical testing, stud fee, shipping the bitch to the stud and back again, extra food and supplements, whelping box and birthing supplies, vaccinations and worming for the puppies, registration for the puppies, and so on. Plus, the breeder bears the expense of taking time off work to ensure that the birth and delivery go smoothly.
Responsible breeders’ puppies come with a health guarantee. If the puppy does develop a disorder that is covered in the guarantee, a responsible breeder will take steps to make things right by providing a refund, a new puppy, or helping the owner with the problem. Many breeders require a contract in which the buyer promises to desex the puppy to prevent future backyard breeding and the deterioration of the breed. Breeders provide limi ted registration instead of main registration. This means that although the puppy is registered with the ANKC, the pup is flagged, not for breeding or showing. All puppies with show potential will be sold with a contract that does not allow breeding unless certain criteria are met. The dog must live up to the breed standard, both in physique and character, and must pass all required health checks and certifications for the breed. Buyers who intend to breed should expect this and aim to be responsible breeders. If the new owner has problems at any time in the future, the breeder will help or take the dog back. If for any reason, the new owner is suddenly unable to care for the dog, the breeder will take the dog back. No responsible breeder wants their dogs to end life in the pound, on the streets, or shuffled from one unsuitable home to another. They will accept the puppy, or full-grown dog, regardless of the circumstances. Most breeders extend their work for the breed to rescuing aban doned dogs and. use their resources to have the dog checked by a vet, trained, and socialized, and find it a home. An individual who breeds respon sibly loves the breed and wants the best for every member of that breed.
A reputable breeder will show and compete to prove the worth of their dogs and to the world.
Confirmation | 5
A reputable breeder works very closely with his dogs, so he knows the personality and tempera ment of each one. They record the puppy’s pro gress from birth and can identify each one’s traits. This helps him to match every puppy with a buyer for a perfect fit. They can also judge which animals have the best potential to be show dogs and which ones will make the best family companions. Breed standards are specific. They usually do not meet the breed standard in some way, such as size, bone structure, coat type, colour, or another
Concerned for the breed’s future, responsible breeders pre-screen both dam and sire for genetic faults. While some backyard breeders state that they have had the parents checked by a vet, this is no guarantee that the dog is healthy. There is a noticeable difference between having a veterinarian “look over” a dog and the proper genetic testing that ensures a healthy animal. Other indications of a reputable breeder are the amount and quality of dog supplies and equipment on site. Breeders who commit to developing the breed will invest their money in whelping beds, puppy pens, crates, and grooming tables. They pur chase only the best dog food or make their own. Responsible breeders keep a clean and safe envi ronment for the pups. They gladly show prospective buyers the kennels and discuss the breeding process thoroughly. They can explain why they chose the sire as the stud and give details about what qualities they sought to reproduce or accentuate. They can also offer answers about linebree ding, out-crossing, and inbreeding.
physical trait. Puppies regarded as pets rather than show dogs are not inferior animals, although some breeders may sell them for less.
Some breeders charge slightly more for show-qua lity pups than for pet pups but are wary of breeders who expect a substantial difference. While a breeder may be able to discern which puppies have show potential, no one can foresee what that eight-week-old puppy will be like in one or two years. If there is no visible disqualification or fault in the animal, ask the breeder about the price difference. An ethical breeder will have no qualms about answering questions and will encourage them. Be wary of breeders who charge different prices for male and female dogs or who charge extra for a pedigree or a registration.

Biotech company PharmAust is continuing recruit ment of pet dogs in Australia and New Zealand with untreated B cell lymphoma to finalise evaluation of a promising, newly formulated anti-cancer drug. Lymphoma is a common and aggressive cancer diagnosed in dogs, and the cause not known¹. Symptoms can include swellings (enlarged lymph nodes), lethargy, weight loss and loss of appetite. It is most common in middle-aged and older dogs. Also, some breeds appear to be at increased risk of developing lymphoma, such as Golden Retrievers, Boxer Dogs, Bullmastiffs, Basset Hounds, Saint Bernards, Scottish Terriers, Airedale Terriers, Bulldogs, Dobermans, Rottweilers and Bernese Mountain Dogs. This suggests that there may be a genetic component to lymphoma, although this has not been confirmed. 2 3 “There. is no cure for B cell lymphoma at the moment. Usually, only 50% of dogs with B cell lymphoma will survive without treatment for around 30 days and the other half will mostly have severe progressive disease4,” said Dr Roger Aston, Executive Chairman of PharmAust.
Dogs in treatment had high quality of life Post-trial, some veterinarians and the respective pet owners have elected to continue the novel therapy treatment and, sometimes, in combination with prednisolone, said Dr Agnew.
Following early Phase 2 success in Australia and to prepare for a trial to formally register the new anti-cancer drug in pet dogs, PharmAust is now also conducting this clinical trial in New Zealand and expects the first enrolment in the United States trial site in August.
Of the 16 pet dogs with optimum blood levels, 13 PharmAust is calling for pet dogs with B cell lymphoma for next clinical phase of promising anti-cancer trial
Canine Health
“During Phase 2a and Phase 2b trials, the new an ti-cancer drug demonstrated effective anti-cancer activity and minimal side effects, which supports continued development into Phase 3 registration trials,” said Dr Kim Agnew, Principal Investigator of the trial.
Furthermore, the most common side effects of a dog being treated with chemotherapy include gastrointestinal effects (vomiting, diarrhea or loss of appetite) and decreases in blood cell counts.
Veterinary trial centres have been set up in Aus tralia, New Zealand and the United States to evaluate the anti-cancer drug in dogs that have been newly diagnosed with B-cell lymphoma and have not started any other treatment. The drug is already approved for veterinary use for a different indication and species. PharmAust is aiming to repurpose this drug as a safe and effective cancer treatment.
16 |
“The combination with prednisolone, which has provided average extension of survival to these pet dogs of 16-24 weeks, more than double the life expectancy than standard of care (palliative steroid therapy) that typically provides for 6–8week survival in association with a range of adver se events,” he said. “Pet dogs treated during and after the trial at this optimum level experienced a high quality of life and minimum adverse events were Twenty-sevenreported.”pet dogs have now been treated using the novel therapy. With continued positive outcomes, PharmAust is preparing for a successful Phase 2 completion and the commencement of a subsequent registration trial.
“Currently, the best indicated treatment option for canine lymphoma is chemotherapy, which comes with its own set of limitations and adverse events, and unfortunately, relapse can occur within six to 12 months of treatment.”
“The commercial target is to develop a product that supersedes the use of prednisolone alone, providing a canine lymphoma treatment option that can be administered daily by the owner and enabling the dog to maintain an excellent quality of life during treatment. Survival expectations are anticipated to be similar to a range of single active chemotherapy programs in dogs.”
To participate in the Phase 2b trial, dogs can have any stage of lymphoma but must be feeling gene rally well. Ultimately, the patient will only be given the treatment if they have B cell lymphoma but im munophenotyping (analysis of whether the cancer is a B cell or T cell type) is covered as part of the initial screening. | 17 have achieved stable target lesions. This includes one dog with a partial response (60% regression). Nine of the 16 dogs with optimum blood levels have achieved stable disease by RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours). Side effects were minimal or not detected. Which dogs with lymphoma are eligible?
• Substage A (feeling well)
• Dogs of any sex and at least one year of age • Immunophenotype can be pending but must be submitted, and needs to be B-cell to confirm enrolment
Participating vet clinics
The dog entry criteria for the new clinical trial program are:
Owners will have to transport their dogs to their respective centre and pay the cost for initial consultation for diagnosis. Once the pet is diagnosed with lymphoma, PharmAust will cover all clinical trial costs, including travel expenses to and from the trial centre as well as post-trial maintenance treatment if both pet owners and vets consider this might be beneficial.
• Any stage of lymphoma (based on physical exam)
• Good quality of life • The dog should weigh more than 11kg
• No previous treatment in the previous 8 weeks, including corticosteroids (prednisolone)
Pet owners interested in enrolling their dog in the trial need to contact their veterinarian for a referral to their nearest trial centre.
For questions about the trial program, please contact Dr Roger Aston, Executive Chairman, Phar mAust Ltd on
For more information about PharmAust, visit
Veterinarians – for questions about patient referrals or trial sites, please contact Principal Investigator, Dr Kim Agnew at kim@kapconsulting.
• No other significant concurrent medical problems
The tablets will be administered at home and owners will be asked to keep a simple logbook during the trial period.
The trial involves consultations/treatments at the dog’s nearest trial centre, which currently includes five sites in Australia, one site in New Zealand and more recently a site in the Unites States.
• Animal Referral Hospital in Homebush, Sydney NSW • Western Australian Veterinary Emergency and Specialty (WAVES) in Success, Perth WA • Perth Veterinary Specialists, Osborne Park, Perth WA • Animal Referral Hospital in Sinnamon Park, Brisbane QLD • Veterinary Specialist Services in Jindalee, Brisbane QLD • Veterinary Specialists Aotearoa (VSA), Auckland NZ • Heart of Texas Veterinary Specialty Centre, Texas USA
18 | CompetitionPointDogzonlineAustralianScore2022

No. 1 - Fox Terrier (Wire) Aust Sup Ch Graebrook Adrenaline Junkie (Graebrook Kennels) (20747)

No. 7 - Papillon Aust Sup Ch Birikino Victory Dance (Ian Rasmussen) (7813)
No. 10 - Bernese Mountain Dog Aust Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again (R & K Berwick) (6528)
No. 8 - Newfoundland Aust Ch Happybear Look Who’s Talking (AI) (Ms N Ryan) (7494) | 19 DOGZONLINE POINTSCORE 2022 RESULTS AS AT 01/9/2022 AS PER DOGZ ONLINE PTY LTD WEBSITE
No. 2 - Australian Shepherd Aust Sup Ch Ellagant Covert Surveillance (A Richardson & K McKinnon) (18569) No. 3 - Siberian Husky Aust Sup Ch Articpride Winter Snow Storm (Rodney J Connelly) (11450)
No. 9 - Whippet Aust Sup Ch Shawthing Floozie Inth Jacuzzi (Vicki Shaw) (6859)
Leaderboard - All Breeds - Australia

No. 4 - German Shorthaired Pointer Aust Sup & Am Ch Vjk-Myst Journey Downunder (Imp USA) (Heiderst Knls/ S Rattle/T Sproule/M Reichmuth) (9706)
No. 5 - Lhasa Apso Aust Sup Ch Amesen Skyfall (AI) (Amesen Kennels) (9345) No. 6 - Samoyed CIB/ Am Gr/Aust Sup/ Fin Ch Smiling Snowball Luminous Pandora (Imp USA) (Ying Chen (Helen)) (7924)
Show Dog of the 2022
20 | All Breeds – Queensland No. 1 - Papillon Aust Sup Ch Birikino Victory Dance (Ian Rasmussen) (6765) All Breeds - Victoria No. 1 - Fox Terrier (Wire) Aust Sup Ch Graebrook Adrenaline Junkie (Graebrook Kennels) (16487) All Breeds - New South Wales No. 1 - Maltese Lva Jnr Ch Ltu Jnr Ch Ltu Ch Sup Ch Tauro Axel (Imp LTU) (Mrs M Atkinson) (5030) All Breeds - Tasmania No. 1 - Affenpinscher Aust Sup Ch Majomarc Dartagnan V Kazari (Ven Grasso & Trudi Counsell) (4822) Leader Board – All Breeds - State | 21 All Breeds - South Australia No. 1 - Siberian Husky Aust Sup Ch Articpride Winter Snow Storm (Rodney J Connelly) (10298) All Breeds - Western Australia No. 1 - Newfoundland Aust Ch Happybear Look Who’s Talking (AI) (Ms N Ryan) (6528) All Breeds - ACT No. 1 - Dobermann Aust Sup Ch Copperdobe Life Of The Party (Imp NZ) (A Mundy & D Woods) (1418)

Breeds - Northern Territory No. 1 - Pug Aust Ch Quom Mr Goldfinger (C Savy) (577)

No. 3 - Poodle (Standard) Magicalia Divine By Design (Margie Nottle-Justice & Darcy Clark) (1371) No. 4 - Weimaraner Kismaner Drinkin with Dolly (Kathleen Rogers) (1235)

No. 6 - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Aust Ch Cavalierlove Scandalous Affair (Miss T & Mrs K Perkiss) (1145)
No. 5 - Siberian Husky Miniatura Catching Fire (Rodney J Connelly) (1180)
No. 2 - Shih Tzu Aust Ch Tzuave Careful Wat U Witch For (J Brown) (1434)
No. 7 - Samoyed Aust Ch Lunasea Big Little Lies (AI) (Miss Y Chen) (1126)
Rising Star of the Year 2022
22 |
Rising Star Leader board - All Breeds - Australia

No. 8 - English Springer Spaniel Aust Ch Anvilhart Me Myself And I (Anvilhart Kennels) (1115) No. 9 - Whippet Aust Ch Arjai Heart Of Glass (Jo Kramer) (1102)
No. 10 - Australian Shepherd Ochaye You Do You (Tim Thomas & Belinda West) (1048) No. 1 - Pointer Aust Ch Chesterhope I Call T Shots (Imp NZ) (Mr B Threadgold-Wallace) (1801)
All Breeds - Northern Territory No. 1 - English Springer Spaniel Aust Ch Wytcher B Spellbound (N B & S P Jones) (560) | 23
All Breeds – Queensland No. 1 - Shih Tzu Aust Ch Tzuave Careful Wat U Witch For (J Brown) (1152)
All Breeds - Victoria No. 1 - Pekingese Aust Ch Khyleini Top Loader (F Menezes & J Milford) (1007)
All Breeds - Tasmania No. 1 - Staffordshire Bull Terrier Aust Ch Bustabones Black With Two (AI) (Bustabones Knls) (621)
Rising Star Leader board – All Breeds - State

All Breeds - New South Wales No. 1 - Pointer Aust Ch Chesterhope I Call T Shots (Imp NZ) (Mr B Threadgold-Wallace) (1411)
All Breeds - South Australia No. 1 - Poodle (Standard) Aust Ch Magicalia Divine By Design (Margie Nottle-Justice & Darcy Clark) (1371)
All Breeds - Western Australia No. 1 - Whippet Aust Ch Canyonlands Made From Legends (Mr M & Mrs J Boase) (1102)
All Breeds - Australian Capital Territory No. 1 - Basset Hound Aust Ch Earlingford Spotlight (John Bink) (455)
24 |

Neuter of the Year 2022
No. 7 - Shetland Sheepdog Aust Neut Ch Lurikeen Talkn About My Girl (Ms J Harris & Ms A Stanton) (453) No. 8 - Afghan Hound Aust & Neut Gr Ch Chakdarra Holly Go Lightly (Imp NZ) (Mrs J Y Anderson) (436) No. 9 - Alaskan Malamute Aust & Neut Ch Maiitsho Survive Da Wildice (Tori Hay nes) (420) No. 10 - English Springer Spaniel Aust & Neut Ch Cardhu Dare To Dance (J Waite) (406) No. 1 - Samoyed Aust Sup & Neut Ch Airebis What Dreams R Made Of (Kellie / Judy & Graham Hughes) (809) No. 2 - Cocker Spaniel (American) Aust Ch Boxcrest Courage Under Fire (Yvonne Green) (641) No. 3 - Border Collie Aust Gr Ch / Neut Ch Nahrof Etched in Ice (Mrs K Han sen) (529) No. 4 - Shetland Sheepdog Aust Sup Ch Sheltastic Speak No Evil (Sheltastic Kennels) (515) No. 5 - Shetland Sheepdog Aust & Neut Gr Ch Sharndah U Make My Heart Sing (A Shepherdson / T Walters) (474) No. 6 - Dalmatian Aust & Neut Ch Paceaway Summer Reigns (Michelle Li ttle) (459) | 25
26 | New CompetitionPointDogzonlineZealandScore2022

No. 5 - Golden Retriever NZ Spr Ch Sandlewood Take A Bow (S Fleming/ G Nel son/ P Gordon/ K Jackson) (1118)
Show Dog of the 2022
No. 7 - Alaskan Malamute NZ Sup Ch Koolrunnings Summer-Shadow SDX (L John son/D Fraser/C Loft/G Whangapirita) (1002)
No. 8 - Pekingese Barramba Dark Invador (Melanie Burgess & Jessica Bur gess) (985) No. 9 - Australian Shepherd Am Gr & NZ Ch Dreamstreets Where’s Wally (Imp USA) (Bronwyn Falconer) (981) No. 10 - Newfoundland NZ Ch Summerford’s All Fired Up Kelef (Imp CAN) (So nia Nicholson) (853) No. 1 - Cocker Spaniel NZ Ch Suedanka Shined My Halo (A Calman) (2283)
No. 2 - Gordon Setter NZ Gr Ch Settmore Stormy Night At Azzaro (Imp AUST) (Kim Atkinson) (1447) No. 3 - Great Dane NZ Ch Lapsewood Jack Sparrow (Gary Withers) (1325)

Leaderboard - All Breeds - New Zealand | 27 DOGZONLINE POINTSCORE 2022 RESULTS AS AT 01/6/2022 AS PER DOGZ ONLINE PTY LTD WEBSITE
No. 4 - Irish Setter NZ Spr Ch Lanascol Was This The Answer (Carolyn Ce derman) (1138)
No. 6 - Bernese Mountain Dog NZ Ch Schallenberg Thunder Bolt (Linda Jury) (1052)
28 | Show Dog of the Year 2021 Leaderboard - All Breeds - North Island

No. 5 - Golden Retriever NZ Spr Ch Sandlewood Take A Bow (S Fleming/ G Nel son/ P Gordon/ K Jackson) (1049) No. 6 - Bernese Mountain Dog NZ Ch Schallenberg Thunder Bolt (Linda Jury) (1007)

No. 7 - Newfoundland NZ Ch Summerford’s All Fired Up Kelef (Imp CAN) (Sonia Nicholson) (853) No. 8 - German Shepherd Dog Oakway Hardcore (Lenore Halliwell) (629) No. 9 - Whippet Arjuna Nelli Ph’ant (Libby Clarke) (628)
No. 10 - Dachshund (Smooth Haired) Nasus Eddie Murphy (Imp AUST) (K A Hardwick) (620)
No. 3 - Gordon Setter NZ Gr Ch Settmore Stormy Night At Azzaro (Imp AUST) (Kim Atkinson) (1319)
No. 2 - Great Dane Lapsewood Jack Sparrow (Gary Withers) (1325)
No. 1 - Cocker Spaniel NZ Ch Suedanka Shined My Halo (A Calman) (1648)
No. 4 - Irish Setter NZ Spr Ch Lanascol Was This The Answer (Carolyn Ce (1138)
No. 9 - Irish Terrier NZ Ch Tasdale Tis a fine Ting (Diane Riley) (267)
Show Dog of the Year 2021
No. 2 - English Springer Spaniel Aust & NZ Sup Ch Peasblossom Poet (Imp UK) (N / R & A Trainor) (566) No. 3 - Whippet NZ Ch Kana-Ka He’s My Hummer (Jackie Newton-Wi lliams) (477) No. 4 - Siberian Husky NZ Ch Melandar Red Ruby at Rundles (Zarnia Cross) (400) No. 5 - Havanese NZ Ch Hashki The Wow Factor (Imp AUST) (Noleen Campbell) (356) No. 6 - English Springer Spaniel Penita Princess Ofth Universe (Imp AUST) (N & R Trai nor) (337)
No. 8 - Jack Russell Terrier Jacknthebox Rumours Run Riot (Jo & Gerard Price / Ani ta-Kaye Malby) (276)
No. 10 - English Springer Spaniel NZ Ch Arawhiti Unique Eugene (N & R Trainor) (260)
No. 1 - Bouvier des Flandres Am & NZ Gr Ch Bon Idees Qaught You Lookin at Bouvpilot (Imp USA) (T D Lawrence & A Motta) | 29
No. 7 - Shiba Inu NZ Spr & Aust Ch Rakurai Pretty Fly For A Red Guy (IID UK) (Imp AUST) (Jennifer Nield) (287)
Leaderboard - All Breeds - South Island

30 | Group 1 Aust Ch Triseter Mopsi Quincy (Esther Joseph & Denise MacCallum) Group 2 Aust Sup Ch Graebrook Adrenaline Junkie (Graebrook Kennels) Group 3 Aust Sup Ch Tyeanbo Take Another Look (GGroupMunro)4 Aust Sup Ch Elarabie Oasis Odyssey (S Green/ E Guthrie & A Green) NewsVictorian Lillydale Kennel Club inc Pot of Gold Show 13 Aug 2022 Victorian News Column | 31 Group 5 Am Gr & Jap Ch Raintrees Jp Le Nozze Di Figaro (Imp JPN) (Kitty Flynn) Group 6 Aust Ch Krystalcove Blue Steel (Miss R Cutler & Mr S GroupBell) 7 Aust Sup Ch Danefred Memories Rmade O This (AI) (Frieda Clifton) Best In Show Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Am Gr & Jap Ch Raintrees Jp Le Nozze Di Figaro (Imp JPN) (Kitty Flynn) Runner Up Best In Show Great Dane Aust Sup Ch Danefred Memories Rmade O This (AI) (Frieda Clifton) Best Neuter In Show Shetland Sheepdog Aust Sup Ch Sheltastic Speak No Evil (Sheltastic Kennels)

32 | Lillydale Kennel Club inc Treasure Chest 14 Aug 2022 Group 1 Balkana Bilbo Baggins (J W GroupCamac)2 Aust Sup Ch Graebrook Adrenaline Junkie (Graebrook Kennels) Group 3 Aust Sup Ch Tyeanbo Take Another Look (GGroupMunro)4 CH Dzum Nutbush City Limits (Dr BJFrost) | 33 Group 5 Am Gr & Jap Ch Raintrees Jp Le Nozze Di Figaro (Imp JPN) (Kitty Flynn) Group 6 Aust Ch Lunasea Big Little Lies (AI) (Miss Y GroupChen)7 Aust Ch Senarabull Hermossa (Senthil Arunachalam) Best In Show Fox Terrier (Wire) Aust Sup Ch Graebrook Adrenaline Junkie (Graebrook Kennels) Runner Up Best In Show French Bulldog Aust Ch Senarabull Hermossa (Senthil Arunachalam) Best Neuter In Show English Springer Spaniel Aust & Neut Ch Cardhu Dare To Dance (J Waite)

34 | Runner Up Best Neuter In Show Deerhound Aust & Neut Ch Luvadeer A Beautiful Mirrahcle (Miss A Bierman) The Samoyed Club of Victoria Inc 74th Champ Show Judge: Mrs Noreen Clark (Ireland) Best In Show Mrs K O’Reilly’s Aust Ch Nordicharm Royal Wizard RU Best In Show / Opp Sex in Show Miss Y Chen’s C.I.B. Aust Sup Ch. Fin Ch. Am GRH Smiling Snowball Luminous Pandora (Imp USA) | 35 New WalesSouthNews Tiarne Tattersall New South Wales Columnist Email: Well after a few years of the spring fair being cancelled in NSW because of COVID this year it was able to be held and with a full international panel with an entry of over 1000 dogs each day it was a fantastic entry Congratulations to the committee for such a well run event and for all the hard work to ensure the weekend went Congratulationssmoothly to all the winners Friday 26th august FCI Show Best in show CH. Lunasea Nothing Holdin Me Back (AI) New South Wales News Column Baby puppy in show Moonacre China Doll Puppy in show Kismaner Drinkin With Dolly Runner up neuter in show Ch & Neuter Ch Copperdobe Wick’d Lil Witch (Imp NZ) Saturday 27th August Best In Show CH. EX SENTIA (FCI) SGT. LARVEL JONES (IMP POL)

36 | Runner Up Best In Show CH. Lunasea Big Little Lies (AI) Baby Puppy In Show Nordicharm Kissed By Kalaska Puppy In Show Nellabah Eskimo Jo Neuter In Show Neut.Ch.Boxcrest Courage Under Fire Runner up neuter In show Grand Ch CIB Parkhurst Indian Gem Sunday 28th August Best In Show CH AM CH Piedmont’s High Roller (Imp USA) Runner-UP Best In show CH Monterrez Kind of Special At Barragan Best Baby Puppy In Show Nordicharm Kissed By Kalaska Best Puppy in show Rustufarion Up N Ready Neuter In Show Gr Ch Jumadabey Ovarzazate Runner up Neuter In Show Ch.& Neut. Ch. Bohunt Buckle Up Buttercup Here are a collection of images from the weekend, in no particular order. | 37

38 | | 39
Congratulations to all the kids who competed Huge congratulations to overall winner Jorja Baxter who claimed the 2022 title with Aimee Meagher awarded Runner Up.
Both girls were from the 13 to under 19 years age group. Full results 7 to under 10 years 1st. Olivia Moorby 2nd. Aila-Rose Weir 3rd. Peggy Manson 10 to under 13 years 1st. Jessica Laws 2nd. Ava Knight 3rd. Catherine Haynes 13 to under 19 years 1st. Jorja Baxter 2nd. Aimee Meagher 3rd. McKenzie Smith
Sunday also saw NSW hold their State finals where the winner will go and represent NSW at the National held in SA in October and compete to see who will repre sent Australia at Crufts next year

40 | | 41

42 | Western Australian News Column Jeni Sach WA Columnist Email: mailto:
We start this month with a welcome to WA for the young Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Mily, Ch Dapsen Can You See Me Now, owned by Denise & Aimee Petersen and being campaigned in WA by Christie Chapman. In only a few weeks in the ring here Mily has finished her Australian Champion title, taken out many Best of Breed awards and class in group awards and also Runner-up Best in Group! I’m sure there will be many great wins ahead for this team.

AustralianWestern News

Congratulations to Julia Van Dinter who recently travelled to Queensland for the Labrador Retrie ver National and the EKKA. At the National her homebred dog Ajax, Ch Sangate Could Get Messi (AI) was awarded Reserve Dog Challenge and Best Intermediate in Show. At the EKKA, the litter brother Joker, Ch Sangate Another Fine Mess (AI) was awarded Dog Challenge and Runner-up Best of Breed. Joker is co-owned by Anna Courtman.

Best in Show Neuter was Jackie Cook’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Ch Staffegan Gems Pride. Runner-up Neuter was Tony and Sue Mallia’s Keeshond, Neut Ch Kahnhond Hunter of Hearts.
Runner-up Neuter was Ally Jones and Sligrachan Kennels’ Beagle, Neut Ch Sligrachan Lucs Magic Happens.

Runner-up Best in Show was Michele Triplett’s Pomeranian, Sup Ch Mmdivine Fast And Furious.

On 30 and 31 July 2022 Metropolitan Kennel Club of WA conducted two Championship Shows using interstate judges. At the first show General Specials was judged by Mr Brad Santas (NSW) who awarded Best in Show to Michelle Roberts’ Dalmatian, Sup Ch Winterfalls Some Like It Hot.

Neuter was Julie Harris and Ashlea Stanton’s Shetland Sheepdog, Neut Ch Lurikeen Talkn About My Girl.
This time Michelle Roberts’ Dalmatian, Sup Ch Winterfalls Some Like It Hot was Runner-up Best in BestShow.inShow
At the Sunday show General Specials was judged by Lianne Rowles (NSW). This time Best in Show went to Rick & Kathryn Berwick’s Bernese Moun tain Dog, Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again. | 43

Runner-up in Show was Kym Prendergast’s Malte se, Ch Pentacles Ace of Snow County (Imp Kor). Best in Show Neuter was Marnie Hall’s Golden Retriever, Parkridge Jack Hall. Runner-up Neuter was Ch & Neut Ch Zacjae In The Red. Lyn Brand (NSW) judged General Specials at the second show. She also awarded Best in Show to Natasha Ryan’s Newfoundland. Runner-up in Show was Michele Triplett’s Pomeranian, Sup Ch Mmdivine Fast and Furious.

Western Australian News Column
44 |
On 6 & 7 August Fremantle Dog Club ran a triple header weekend of shows. This club also had a panel of interstate judges. The first show had Mr Max Winch (Vic) judging Best in Show, which he awarded to Natasha Ryan’s Newfoundland, Ch Happybear Look Who’s Talking (AI).

Marnie Hall’s Golden Retriever was once again Best Neuter in Show with Runner-up going to Tony & Sue Mallia’s Keeshond, Neut Ch Kahnhond Hunter of Hearts. The Sunday show saw different dogs in the win ner’s circle with Stephanie Rickard (Vic) awarding Best in Show to Rick & Kathryn Berwick’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again. Runner-up in Show was Theano Zapantis & Brad Simpson’s Junior French Bulldog, Ch Theano Rip Wheeler. Best in Show Neuter was Sup Ch & Neut Ch Icepower Bumble Bee, owned by Mrs K Black & Ms D Byles. Runner-up Neuter in Show was Neut Ch Luri keen Talkn About My Girl, owned by Julie Harris & Ashlea Stanton.
Runner-up Best in Show was Helen Chen’s Samo yed, Ch Lunasea Have It My Way JC. This was also Best in Show at the second show. Best in Show Neuter at both shows was Julie Ha rris and Ashlea Stanton’s Shetland Sheepdog, Neut Ch Lurikeen Talkn About My Girl. Conditions at the second show were a complete turn around with a beautiful cool and sunny day. Jean Butterfield judged General Specials and following awarding the Samoyed Best in Show, she awarded Runner-up Best in Show to Debbie Wilkes & Paige Hopkins American Cocker Spaniel, Sup Ch Staryanks Heir Apparent. Runner-up Best in Neuter in Show was Tony & Sue Mallia’s Keeshond, Neut Ch Kahnhond Hunter of Hearts. On 20 & 21 August 2022 several clubs held spe cialties & semi-specialty shows. The Gun Dog Club of WA had their Championship Show with Mrs Linda Adams from Victoria judging. Best in Show was Debbie Wilkes & Paige Clark’s American Cocker Spaniel, Sup Ch Stayanks Heir Apparent.
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Runner-up Best in Show was Mrs L & Mrs W Lof tus’ English Springer Spaniel, Ch Olbah Duchess of the Dunes Best Neuter in Show was Ms M Hall’s Golden Retriever, Parkridge Jack Hall. Runner-up Best Neuter was T Fountaine’s GSP, Ch & Neut Ch Wahrelegende Cookies N Cream TK.S JD TheCA.Shetland Sheepdog Club of WA’s Champions hip Show was judged by Mrs Kim Tresidder from NSW. Best in Show was awarded to Sue & Julie Van Dinter’s Sup Ch Sunland Star Witness.

On 13 & 14 August 2022 Bunbury & Districts Dog Club conducted one of their show weekends, showing off their fabulous new clubrooms back at their old grounds. The judges for the weekend were Mr Geoffrey Maudlen, Ms Susan Foster & Mrs Jean Butterfield from South Australia. Un fortunately the Saturday weather was extremely unkind with cold, wet and windy conditions and many gazebos not making it through the weekend. Congratulations to judges, stewards and exhibitors for braving the conditions. At the first show Mr Maudlen judged General Specials and awarded Best in Show to Josh & Sarah Griffiths’ Shih Tzu, Ch Killilan The Court Will Rise.

The Spitz Dog Club of WA had Ms M Schelbach from Qld judging. For Best in Show Ms Schelbach chose Mandy Ramirez Pomeranian Labellapoms Threeshaesofpearl.

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The Bull Terrier & Bull Terrier (Miniature) Associa te of WA and the German Shepherd Dog Asso ciate of WA both also held shows on 20 August however I do not have their results.
Western Australian News Column
Runner-up Best in Show was Chris & Emma Luxford’s Ch Ambermoon Heat Of The Night. Best in Show Neuter was Julie Harris & Ashlea Stanton’s Neut Ch Lurikeen Talkn About My Girl.
Runner-up Best in Show was Helen Chen’s Samo yed, Ch Lunasea Have it My Way JC. Best and Runner-up Best Neuter in Show were both Finnish Lapphunds, Ch Kalevi Cheri Blossom owned by Ms L Valentine and Ch Mirawee Deluxe Edition owned by Mrs B & Ms S Laurin. | 47
At the Saturday show Runner-up Best in Show was Julie Harris and Ashlea Stanton’s Shetland Sheepdog, Sup Ch Lurikeen To Glam T Give A Damn. At the Sunday show Runner-up Best in Show was Karlyermai Kennels’ Australian Silky Terrier, Sup Ch Karlyermai Gotta Bea Rokstar

The West Coast Rottweiler Club of WA had a Championship Show which was judged by Mr Glenn Sparham from NSW. Best in Show was Sha ron Gossage’s Ch Jamzaaba VZ Nevermind. Runner-up Best in Show and Best Puppy in Show was Carla van Verseveld’s Gelderland Queensbury Rules.

On 27 August 2022 and 28 August 2022 Hills Kennel Club of WA held two championship shows with a panel of four interstate judges – Ms Jo Rasche (SA), Mrs Tracie Edwards (SA), Ms Carol Hobday (Vic) and Mrs Kerry King (SA).
On Sunday, 21 August 2022, at the Non-Sporting Dog Club of WA Championship Show Ms Diane Boyle from Victoria awarded Best in Show to Michelle Roberts’ Dalmatian, Sup Ch Winterfalls Some Like it Hot.

General Specials on Saturday was judged by Kerry King and on Sunday by Tracie Edwards. Both judges chose the Bernese Mountain Dog, Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again.
Runner-up was G Russell & M Vanhoe’s Standard Poodle, Ch Bouffant Im Still Standing (AI). Best in Show Neuter was Tony & Sue Mallia’s Keeshond, Neut Ch Kahnhond Hunter of Hearts. Runner-up Best Neuter in Show was the Great Dane, Ch & Neut Ch Alariqus Anastacia Royale (AI) owned by Ms R McLean & Mr I Barclay.
Congratulations to Natasha Ryan who has travelled to the Eastern States with her Newfoundlands. She recently showed at the two Newfoundland Club of NSW Shows and was awarded Best in Show by both breed specialist judges – Ms Sonia Nicholson (NZ) and Ms Lucy Lynch (NZ) with Ch Happybear Look Who’s Talking (AI). Luca was also Best in Group at some of the Spring Fair shows and at least one other show while showing in NSW. If anyone has news they wish to share please either sent me a facebook private message or email me at Jeni Sach
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Runner-up Best in Show Neuter was was Ton & Sue Mallia’s Keeshond, Neut Ch Kahnhond Hunter of Hearts. At the Sunday show Best Neuter in Show was Char Janz beautiful 15 year old Chihuahua (Long Coat), Can Ch & Neut Ch Laud Matador De Torro (Imp Can).

Best in Show Neuter on Saturday was Julie Harris & Ashlea Stanton’s Shetland Sheepdog, Neut Ch Lurikeen Talkn About My Girl.

Runner-up Best Neuter was Jackie Cook’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Ch & Neut Ch Staffegan Gems Pride.
Western Australian News Column
It was an exciting day for Cathy Ling with the Miniature Poodle, Kaasha Clouds of White finishing off his Australian Champion title with a Best in Group and Puppy in Show award. This puppy is owned by Mark & Jeni Sach, prepared by Cathy Ling and handled by both Cathy and Jeni. | 49 Tasmanian News Column Teena Sloan Tasmanian Columnist Email:

Another quiet month of limited shows in Tasmania with the Final of the Tasmanian Junior Handlers being held. The Judge for the Competition was Hollie Mann from Victoria where she chose for her overall winner Miss Reagan Pearcey, Congra tulations Reagan and good luck for the finals in Adelaide in October. First show for the month was All Breeds Kennel Association and the Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Ch Cormead Doluch owned by C Mathews took out the top award, the following weekend at the Sou thern Classic the Beagle Supreme Ch Karakush Cake By The Ocean owned by Pearcey/Gibson took out the honour of BIS next shows there was 2 run by the British Bulldog Club where the Affenpinscher Supreme Ch Majomarc Dartagan V Kazari owned by Grasso/Counsell was the winner at the first show and the Newfoundland Ch Yesallaw Lest We Forget With Paddlepaws (AI) owned by Gray/Paddlepaws Knls took out the PM show. Our final shows for the month of August were held at picturesque Showgrounds in Ulvers tone on another freezing drizzly day, Best In Show at both shows was the Flat Coated Retriever Ch Kellick Criminal Intent owned by B Evans. Our first official Lure Coursing Trials were held and was very well supported by some very enthusiastic exhibitors. Huge congratulations to all involved especially Griff Parry for the enormous amount of work he has put in to this new venture which from all accounts is a fantastic day out for our Canine Companions. Congratulations to everyone and dont forget if you have any news you would like to include please let me know. Teena

50 | Tasmanian News Column | 51 New Zealand News Column Lesley Chalmers New Zealand Columnist
New NewsZealand

Eureka! We have had some All Breeds Champions hip shows this month! I was truly beginning to despair that we would ever get to see another one!
On 1st September they should start again with vengeance as this is the date that NZKC signalled would be start-up for shows again. However before moving on to the Champ Shows, at the end of July the Judges Practical Exams for the South Island were conducted in Christchurch. Due to COVID and Kennel Cough, a number of candidates from the North Island were “shipped” south to sit here. Well done to Shirley Rolfe (Toys) Kirsten Price, Caroline Matheson & Karla Magnus (Working), Kimberley Frazer & Giselle Jeannes (Hounds). Congratulations to them! The Auckland exams have been relocated to Palmerston North and will be held in September. As usual these shows are spon sored by PURINA PRO PLAN and its generosity is Atexceptional.EasternBay of Plenty KA, Anna Ancell selected the winner for BIS and it went to Sup Ch Lanascol Was This The Answer Bred & Owned by Carolyn Cederman.
For Reserve Best in Show Anna Chose the Chow Chow Tsarjolan Bright Star Gazer belonging to J Jenkins-Piggot.

According to the NZKC Show Regulations, this weekend must have been one of the last times that any judge other than an All Breeds judge can judge General Specials. This was a stop-gap measure brought in to alleviate the problem of a lack of judges during the COVID period. In the South Island at the PURINA PRO PLAN Dunedin Exhibition Centre & Waikouaiti KA shows the awards were spread around a little more – and a whole THREE shows!
I am given to believe that the weather was atrocious and big kudos to the EBOPKA for arranging for the hot pools to be made available to the frozen exhibitors! The following day Rotorua KA held a Championship Show at the same venue in Kawerau and officiating for General Specials for the first time was Steve Peel. He also gave the BIS award to the Irish Setter, Sup Ch Lanascol Was This The Answer and Reserve to Bruce & Faye Andersons GSD CH Aubernee Halle lujah.
Coming up in the lower North Island at the end of August is The Toy Fair 2022 being run jointly by Ma nawatu Toy Dog Club & Horowhenua & Kapiti Toy Dog Club. I understand they have a boomer entry so will look forward to some results from that for next month. In other news, very sadly Robynne Trainor’s father, Kevin Wells passed away recently. A long time participant, Kevin was always ready to lend a hand and I can still picture him sitting on a stool collecting entry money from cars entering McLeans Island and if anything had to be fixed, Kevin was your man. A real trouper! Gary Withers recently returned from a wonderful judging appointment at the Great Dane Specialty in UK and promptly fell victim to COVID
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New Zealand News Column
First up was Best in Show for Nigel & Robynne Tra inor’s Ch Penita Princess ofth Universe, awarded by Diane O’Neill. This was a remarkable win as at the time Ruby had a 6 week old litter! Reserve Best in Show went to the Jack Russell Terrier, Jackinthebox Rumours Run Riot (Aust) Owned by Gerard & Jo Price & Anita Malby. The second show saw Kelly Martin doing the honours of selecting the In Show awards and she chose Teresa Lawrence & A Motta’s Bouvier, Am Ch & NZ Gr Ch Bon Idees Caught You Looking at Bouvpilot (USA) Reserve was Nicole Harrison on a raid South with her and Tania Colquhoun’s Boston Terrier, NZ & Aust Ch Rossdhu Nofashun Fauxpas with Devine. Another raider from the North Island took the third BIS award given by Lavina MacKenzie Good win. Amanda Calman’s homebred Cocker Spaniel, Ch Suedanka Shined My Halo was the top winner at the Waikouaiti KA show, with the Reserve going to the Bouvier, Am Ch & NZ Gr Ch Bon Idees Caught You Looking at Bouvpilot (USA). Amanda apologises for no photo but she was rushing to get away. Nicole Harrison tells me that she is having a great run with her baby Russian frozen semen puppy Devine N’All Th’Riot Places by Rossdhu having taken 5 out of 5 Best Baby of Group awards.

Martin & Wendy Hewitt have just taken off on a great trip to UK and Spain. Bon voyage! And then there was me and I judged the fabulous SAWO Show in Finland – some truly wonderful dogs in the 3000+ entry and it was great renewing the acquaintance of people and friends who I have not seen for 3 years. But let me tell you that travelling post-COVID just ain’t what it used to be!!
Thank you for reading © September 2022 OUR NEXT ISSUE WILL BE 1st October 2022