Kristy Roebig & Tracy Hopper info@k9online.com.au
TAS Teena Sloan killilan@bigpond.com
Tiarne Tattersall tiarne.tattersall@icloud.com
ACT Danielle June daniellejs87@hotmail.com
Sarah Gordon emzacily@gmail.com
Jeni Sach kaasha@aapt.net.au
Lesley Chalmers merthyr@xtra.co.nz
Biotech company PharmAust is continuing recruit ment of pet dogs in Australia and New Zealand with untreated B cell lymphoma to finalise evaluation of a promising, newly formulated anti-cancer drug.
Lymphoma is a common and aggressive cancer diagnosed in dogs, and the cause not known¹. Symptoms can include swellings (enlarged lymph nodes), lethargy, weight loss and loss of appetite.
It is most common in middle-aged and older dogs. Also, some breeds appear to be at increased risk of developing lymphoma, such as Golden Retrievers, Boxer Dogs, Bullmastiffs, Basset Hounds, Saint Bernards, Scottish Terriers, Airedale Terriers, Bulldogs, Dobermans, Rottweilers and Bernese Mountain Dogs. This suggests that there may be a genetic component to lymphoma, although this has not been confirmed. 2 3
“There is no cure for B cell lymphoma at the moment. Usually, only 50% of dogs with B cell lymphoma will survive without treatment for around 30 days and the other half will mostly have severe progressive disease4,” said Dr Roger Aston, Executive Chairman of PharmAust.
“Currently, the best indicated treatment option for canine lymphoma is chemotherapy, which comes with its own set of limitations and adverse events, and unfortunately, relapse can occur within six to 12 months of treatment.”
Furthermore, the most common side effects of a dog being treated with chemotherapy include gastrointestinal effects (vomiting, diarrhea or loss of appetite) and decreases in blood cell counts.
Veterinary trial centres have been set up in Aus tralia, New Zealand and the United States to evaluate the anti-cancer drug in dogs that have been newly diagnosed with B-cell lymphoma and have not started any other treatment. The drug is already approved for veterinary use for a different indication and species. PharmAust is aiming to repurpose this drug as a safe and effective cancer treatment.
Following early Phase 2 success in Australia and to prepare for a trial to formally register the new anti-cancer drug in pet dogs, PharmAust is now also conducting this clinical trial in New Zealand and expects the first enrolment in the United States trial site in August.
“During Phase 2a and Phase 2b trials, the new an ti-cancer drug demonstrated effective anti-cancer activity and minimal side effects, which supports continued development into Phase 3 registration trials,” said Dr Kim Agnew, Principal Investigator of the trial.
“The commercial target is to develop a product that supersedes the use of prednisolone alone, providing a canine lymphoma treatment option that can be administered daily by the owner and enabling the dog to maintain an excellent quality of life during treatment. Survival expectations are anticipated to be similar to a range of single active chemotherapy programs in dogs.”
Dogs in treatment had high quality of life
Post-trial, some veterinarians and the respective pet owners have elected to continue the novel therapy treatment and, sometimes, in combination with prednisolone, said Dr Agnew.
“The combination with prednisolone, which has provided average extension of survival to these pet dogs of 16-24 weeks, more than double the life expectancy than standard of care (palliative steroid therapy) that typically provides for 6–8week survival in association with a range of adver se events,” he said. “Pet dogs treated during and after the trial at this optimum level experienced a high quality of life and minimum adverse events were reported.”
Twenty-seven pet dogs have now been treated using the novel therapy. With continued positive outcomes, PharmAust is preparing for a successful Phase 2 completion and the commencement of a subsequent registration trial.
Of the 16 pet dogs with optimum blood levels, 13
have achieved stable target lesions. This includes one dog with a partial response (60% regression).
Nine of the 16 dogs with optimum blood levels have achieved stable disease by RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours). Side effects were minimal or not detected.
Owners will have to transport their dogs to their respective centre and pay the cost for initial consultation for diagnosis. Once the pet is diagnosed with lymphoma, PharmAust will cover all clinical trial costs, including travel expenses to and from the trial centre as well as post-trial maintenance treatment if both pet owners and vets consider this might be beneficial.
Which dogs with lymphoma are eligible?
To participate in the Phase 2b trial, dogs can have any stage of lymphoma but must be feeling gene rally well. Ultimately, the patient will only be given the treatment if they have B cell lymphoma but im munophenotyping (analysis of whether the cancer is a B cell or T cell type) is covered as part of the initial screening.
The dog entry criteria for the new clinical trial program are:
• Any stage of lymphoma (based on physical exam)
• Substage A (feeling well)
• Dogs of any sex and at least one year of age
• Immunophenotype can be pending but must be submitted, and needs to be B-cell to confirm enrolment
• No previous treatment in the previous 8 weeks, including corticosteroids (prednisolone)
• No other significant concurrent medical problems
• Good quality of life
• The dog should weigh more than 11kg
The trial involves consultations/treatments at the dog’s nearest trial centre, which currently includes five sites in Australia, one site in New Zealand and more recently a site in the Unites States.
• Animal Referral Hospital in Homebush, Sydney NSW
• Western Australian Veterinary Emergency and Specialty (WAVES) in Success, Perth WA
• Perth Veterinary Specialists, Osborne Park, Perth WA
• Animal Referral Hospital in Sinnamon Park, Brisbane QLD
• Veterinary Specialist Services in Jindalee, Brisbane QLD
• Veterinary Specialists Aotearoa (VSA), Auckland NZ
• Heart of Texas Veterinary Specialty Centre, Texas USA
The tablets will be administered at home and owners will be asked to keep a simple logbook during the trial period.
Pet owners interested in enrolling their dog in the trial need to contact their veterinarian for a referral to their nearest trial centre.
Veterinarians – for questions about patient referrals or trial sites, please contact Principal Investigator, Dr Kim Agnew at kim@kapconsulting. com.au
For questions about the trial program, please contact Dr Roger Aston, Executive Chairman, Phar mAust Ltd on rogeraston@pharmaust.com
For more information about PharmAust, visit https://pharmaust.com
No. 1 - Fox Terrier (Wire)
Aust Sup Ch Graebrook Adrenaline Junkie (Graebrook Kennels) (23316)
No. 2 - Australian Shepherd
Aust Sup Ch Ellagant Covert Surveillance (A Richardson & K McKinnon) (18569)
No. 3 - Siberian Husky
Aust Sup Ch Articpride Winter Snow Storm (Rodney J Connelly) (11867)
No. 4 - German Shorthaired Pointer
Aust Sup & Am Ch Vjk-Myst Journey Downunder (Imp USA) (Heiderst Knls/ S Rattle/T Sproule/M Reichmuth) (11329)
No. 5 - Lhasa Apso
Aust Sup Ch Amesen Skyfall (AI) (Amesen Kennels) (10797)
No. 6 - Samoyed
CIB/ Am Gr/Aust Sup/ Fin Ch Smiling Snowball Luminous
Pandora (Imp USA) (Ying Chen (Helen)) (10525)
No. 7 - Newfoundland
Aust Ch Happybear Look Who’s Talking (AI) (Ms N Ryan) (8921)
No. 8 - Papillon
Aust Sup Ch Birikino Victory Dance (Ian Rasmussen) (7388)
No. 9 - Whippet
Aust Sup Ch Shawthing Floozie Inth Jacuzzi (Vicki Shaw) (7388)
No. 10 - Bernese Mountain Dog
Aust Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again (R & K Berwick) (7281)
No. 1 - Pointer
Aust Ch Chesterhope I Call T Shots (Imp NZ) (Mr B Threadgold-Wallace) (2074)
No. 2 - Shih Tzu
Aust Ch Tzuave Careful Wat U Witch For (J Brown) (1500)
No. 3 - Weimaraner
Kismaner Drinkin with Dolly (Kathleen Rogers) (1430)
No. 4 - Poodle (Standard)
Aust Ch Magicalia Divine By Design (Margie Nottle-Justi ce & Darcy Clark) (1391)
No. 5 - Whippet
Aust Ch Arjai Heart Of Glass (Jo Kramer) (1227)
No. 6 - Siberian Husky
Miniatura Catching Fire (Rodney Connelly) (1210)
No. 7 - English Springer Spaniel
Aust Ch Anvilhart Me Myself And I (Anvilhart Kennels) (1175)
No. 8 - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Aust Ch Cavalierlove Scandalous Affair (Miss T & Mrs K Perkiss) (1151)
No. 9 - Irish Wolfhound
Aust Ch Maclaomainn Derrys Dream (Mr Aaron Brooker & Mrs Rona Moss) (1150)
No. 10 - Samoyed
Aust Ch Lunasea Big Little Lies (AI) (Miss Y Chen) (1141)
All Breeds – Queensland
No. 1 - Shih Tzu
Aust Ch Tzuave Careful Wat U Witch For (J Brown) (1338)
All Breeds - New South Wales
No. 1 - Pointer
Aust Ch Chesterhope I Call T Shots (Imp NZ) (Mr B Threadgold-Wallace) (1827)
All Breeds - Victoria No. 1 - Pekingese
Aust Ch Khyleini Top Loader (F Menezes & J Milford) (1069)
All Breeds - Tasmania No. 1 - Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Aust Ch Bustabones Black With Two (AI) (Bustabones Knls) (701)
All Breeds - South Australia No. 1 - Poodle (Standard)
Aust Ch Magicalia Divine By Design (Margie Nottle-Justice & Darcy Clark) (1371)
All Breeds - Western Australia
No. 1 - Whippet
Aust Ch Canyonlands Made From Legends (Mr M & Mrs J Boase) (1227)
All Breeds - Australian Capital Territory
No. 1 - Basset Hound
Aust Ch Earlingford Spotlight (John Bink) (530)
All Breeds - Northern Territory
No. 1 - English Springer Spaniel
Aust Ch Wytcher B Spellbound (N B & S P Jones) (570)
No. 1 - Samoyed
Aust Sup & Neut Ch Airebis What Dreams R Made Of (Kellie / Judy & Graham Hughes) (824)
No. 2 - Cocker Spaniel (American)
Aust Ch Boxcrest Courage Under Fire (Yvonne Green) (673)
No. 3 - Border Collie
Aust Gr Ch / Neut Ch Nahrof Etched in Ice (Mrs K Han sen) (573)
No. 4 - Cocker Spaniel
Aust Sup & Neut Ch Macdolly CantStopThisFeeling (Terri Davies) (561)
No. 5 - Shetland Sheepdog
Aust Neut Ch Lurikeen Talkn About My Girl (Ms J Harris & Ms A Stanton) (544)
No. 6 - Shetland Sheepdog
Aust Sup Ch Sheltastic Speak No Evil (Sheltastic Kennels) (532)
No. 7 - Shetland Sheepdog
Aust & Neut Gr Ch Sharndah U Make My Heart Sing (A Shepherdson / T Walters) (517)
No. 8 - Afghan Hound
Aust & Neut Gr Ch Chakdarra Holly Go Lightly (Imp NZ) (Mrs J Y Anderson) (499)
No. 9 - Shetland Sheepdog
Neut Ch / Aust Sup Ch Sharndah Jaggers Edge (Kerry Mc Kay) (480)
No. 10 - Dalmatian
Aust & Neut Ch Paceaway Summer Reigns (Michelle Li ttle) (472)
No. 1 - Cocker Spaniel
NZ Ch Suedanka Shined My Halo (A Calman) (2839)
No. 2 - Chow Chow
NZ Ch Tsarjolan Bright Star Gazer (Janet Jenkins-Piggott) (1813)
No. 3 - Irish Setter
NZ Spr Ch Lanascol Was This The Answer (Carolyn Ce derman) (1799)
No. 4 - Gordon Setter
NZ Gr Ch Settmore Stormy Night At Azzaro (Imp AUST) (Kim Atkinson) (1447)
No. 5 - Great Dane
NZ Ch Lapsewood Jack Sparrow (Gary Withers) (1376)
No. 6 - German Shepherd Dog
NZ Ch Aubernee Hallelujah (B & F Anderson) (1250)
No. 7 - Bernese Mountain Dog
NZ Ch Schallenberg Thunder Bolt (Linda Jury) (1152)
No. 8 - Pekingese
Barramba Dark Invador (Melanie Burgess & Jessica Bur gess) (1144)
No. 9 - Golden Retriever
NZ Spr Ch Sandlewood Take A Bow (S Fleming/ G Nel son/ P Gordon/ K Jackson) (1118)
No. 10 - Alaskan Malamute
NZ Sup Ch Koolrunnings Summer-Shadow SDX (L John son/D Fraser/C Loft/G Whangapirita) (1002)
No. 1 - Cocker Spaniel
NZ Gr Ch Suedanka Shined My Halo (A Calman) (2204)
No. 2 - Chow Chow
NZ Ch Tsarjolan Bright Star Gazer (Janet Jenkins-Piggott) (1813)
No. 3 - Irish Setter
NZ Spr Ch Lanascol Was This The Answer (Carolyn Ce derman) (1799)
No. 4 - Great Dane
NZ Ch Lapsewood Jack Sparrow (Gary Withers) (1376)
No. 5 - Gordon Setter
NZ Gr Ch Settmore Stormy Night At Azzaro (Imp AUST) (Kim Atkinson) (1319)
No. 6 - German Shepherd Dog
NZ Ch Aubernee Hallelujah (B & F Anderson) (1250)
No. 7 - Bernese Mountain Dog
NZ Ch Schallenberg Thunder Bolt (Linda Jury) (1107)
No. 8 - Golden Retriever
NZ Spr Ch Sandlewood Take A Bow (S Fleming/ G Nel son/ P Gordon/ K Jackson) (1049)
No. 9 - Newfoundland
NZ Ch Summerford’s All Fired Up Kelef (Imp CAN) (So nia Nicholson) (981)
No. 10 - German Shepherd Dog Oakway Hardcore (Lenore Halliwell) (629)
No. 1 - Bouvier des Flandres
Am & NZ Gr Ch Bon Idees Qaught You Lookin at Bouvpilot (Imp USA) (T D Lawrence & A Motta) (834)
No. 2 - English Springer Spaniel
Penita Princess Ofth Universe (Imp AUST) (N & R Trai nor) (789)
No. 3 - English Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch Arawhiti Unique Eugene (N & R Trainor) (778)
No. 4 - English Springer Spaniel
Aust & NZ Sup Ch Peasblossom Poet (Imp UK) (N / R & A Trainor) (566)
No. 5 - Whippet
NZ Ch Kana-Ka He’s My Hummer (Jackie Newton-Wi lliams) (508)
No. 6 - English Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch Caribelle Egos and Empires (Imp AUST) (Kaye Finlayson) (497)
No. 7 - Bull Terrier
NZ Ch Lobelia Gangsta Boo at Bramble (P Graham & A Shannon) (445)
No. 8 - Havanese
NZ Ch Hashki The Wow Factor (Imp AUST) (Noleen Campbell) (423)
No. 9 - Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Melandar Red Ruby at Rundles (Zarnia Cross) (400)
No. 10 - Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
NZ Ch Stormwey Madame Butterfly (Mrs Barbara Hyde) (377)
With very few shows this month due to Melbourne Royal this will only be a short post before the October feast of shows. Best of luck to our Tassie exhibitors making the long trek North over the Strait.
Brighton Kennel Club was the first show for the month with the young Staffordshire Bull Terrier Ch Bustabones Black With Two owned by Bustabones Kennels taking top spot under Kay Sneath he also took out Best In Show at one of the 3 shows held at Cradle Coast under Sue Bownds. Other win ners for the weekend were the Weimaraner Su preme Ch Arnhill Standing Room Only owned by Josh Turner under A Bowe and the French Bulldog Ch Dentellieres Cat Among The Pigeons owned by Jessica Harrison under J Black. The Golden Retrie ver Club held 2 Championship Shows in the South with Ch Oceanviews Methode Tasmanoise owned by Jenny Bliss taking top honours under specialist Ruth Thompson and the pm show under Interna tional judge Mrs W McFarlane (UK) Supreme Ch Kaparla Game Plan owned by Heather Morrison got the nod for Best In Show.
Don’t forget if you want anything included in these posts you only have to email me especially with exciting wins or news.
My apologies for a number of things this month. Firstly for the brevity – This month I had one solitary result sent to me, so I have had to “scratch and itch” from the NZKC website. If the club didn’t use the NZKC show software then there is no results – simple solution….. send me your results! Secondly only one photo becau se I came back from Samoa to a computer crash. I was also carrying Covid and I have been one of the people who it has hit hard – 8 days later and I’m still testing positive and coughing like an old wino in the Square!
Come September 1st and the “Show Heavens” opened and we had a mass of shows in both North and South Is lands as well as a number of Group and Speciality Shows. Just great to see things ticking over again.
The first week of October sees the National Show being held in Auckland at the Ardmore Grounds. The organising team seems to have pulled out all stops and it is promising to be a great show. With a breed entry of 1013, it’s a sa tisfying entry, but the cost of interisland travel these days is prohibitive for some and with Australian judges, the lure of Europeans/Americans was not there for others
Anyway, here’s the results of the shows in September that I managed to scrape up……….
General Specials: Mrs P Douglas
BIS Chesterhope You’ve Been Playd (D & J O’Neill) Pointer
RBIS Ita & NZSup Ch Shaggybark American Lover at Snodragon (USA) Autolitano/C&R Ellis/N Kanales OES
General Specials: Mr A Fry (Aust)
BIS Ch Aubanee Hallelujah (B & F Anderson) GSD
Lesley Chalmers New Zealand Columnist Email: merthyr@xtra.co.nzRBIS Ch Juscot Ninja Rose (J Sargent) Scottish Terrier
Amanda tells me that he is her third home bred Grand Champion. Great effort!
Auckland Kennel Council
General Specials: Ms K Martin
BIS Ch Tsarjolan Bright Star Gazer (J Jenkins-Piggott) Chow Chow
RBIS Am GCH & NZ CH Dreamstreets Wheres Wally
(USA) (B Falconer) Aust Shepherd Franklin & District KA
General Specials: Mrs Davida Brown
BIS Sup Ch Lanascol Was This The Answer (C Cederman) Irish Setter
RBIS Briarmist Can’t Stop The Music (Aust) P Douglas & C Falconer (LH Dachshund)
Back in “Ye Olden Days” the protocols of attending EC meetings were that you had to go even if you were on your last gasp. Leave of absence simply wasn’t given regardless of the reason. However this appears to have changed a few years back when another Councillor was in exactly the same position and since then LOA for this reason, has apparently become commonplace. But anyway back to the story, Nigel & Robynne’s dogs were entered at the show and handled by an unrelated person. Lavina Diamante was doing General Specials and she gave one of them BIS. Nek Minut the posts on FB began and obviously the poster(s) thought that the dog should not have been given BIS. Then it snowballed to Nigel should have been at the EC meeting! One of the final posts was not only particularly nasty but also lacking accuracy. Upshot after some other carrying on = Nigel resigns from EC which is extremely disappointing considering that he had been given LOA and reeks somewhat of rules for some and not for others.
So that’s one issue about this covered off. Next issue is that in “my innocence” I thought the responsibility of the judge was to award the dog they felt was the best one there regardless of who it belonged to. I don’t think there was a suggestion that Lavina didn’t do this, so why make an issue of it. Next issue is should the dogs be entered. Um, just the week previously the exact same thing happened with a different club and person involved and a couple of weeks before that was another occasion. Did we have the same “out-pouring of grief” – no, we did not. I hate Tall Poppy picking!
I understand that this was a third BIS for Hallelujah and gives him his Grand Champion title. Well done Faye and Bruce.
North Harbour KA
General Specials: Mr C Graham
BIS Ch Suedanka Shined My Halo (A Calman) Cocker Spaniel
RBIS Ch Tsarjolan Bright Star Gazer (J Jenkins-Piggott) Chow Chow
Apart from Shows, the final round of the Judges Practical Exams was held during the month in Palmerston North. Congratulations to successful candidates, Rosemary Wea ver, Jane Burke, Rob Ellis, Nicole Harrison, Sam Diggins, Kat Jackson & Amanda Calman.
Yes, it is such a thing and it has become prevalent since the rise of the keyboard warrior. Also known as up-ward bullying, in the employment world it is when a manager is subjected to bullying from a lower-level employee. Belie ve me, the same applies in the dog world!
Good luck to all those attending the National Show week – I expect lots and lots of results and photos for next months issue.
Lesley Chalmers merthyr@xtra.co.nzThis win also gave Shine his Grand Champion title and
A real “downer” of the month was the resignation from Executive Council by Nigel Trainor. This followed a particularly vitriolic post on Facebook. In a nutshell, as I understand it, Nigel applied for and was granted leave of absence from an EC meeting being held the same day as his Club show that he is VP of. Like so many small clubs these days it only has a very limited committee and one down makes an enormous impact on the workload of the others.