2022 February k9online

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February 2022

“You’ve Got This Katelyn”

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Welcome Meet our team.... Owners Kristy Roebig & Tracy O’Dea info@k9online.com.au SA Julie Manser julie@tiptreekennels.com.au VIC Mike Higgins mikemonarkin@aol.com TAS Rachael Holloway rachael@zuleika.com.au NSW ACT Danielle June daniellejs87@hotmail.com QLD Cristina Fornasier cristina_for@hotmail.com NT Sarah Gordon emzacily@gmail.com WA Jeni Sach kaasha@aapt.net.au NZ Penny Brooks pennybrooksphotography@outlook.com

Always on time and Always free to read $150 Cover $100 for a full single page advert with artwork supplied $50 if you supply yuour own artwork ready to go (email Ads to info@k9online.com.au) Other packages and bulk discounts available Out on the 1st of every month!

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The Cover

” y re r

INCHARA FIRST HIGH FLYER “Jerry” took the Baby Puppy class by storm with multiple “in group” & “in show” wins and is following these up into the Minor and Puppy classes. Sired by Aspyre Excuses Excuses “Brynn” out of CH Aspyre Wicked Tongue “Twerk”


This stylish young man oozes attitude and is a joy to own & live with. Co-owned by Julie Manser - Aspyre and Catherine Fisher - Inchara Front CoverPhoto Credit: Ingrid Matschke Photography

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Canine Construction & Confirmation

The Topline by Narelle Hammond Canine

Construction and Conformation FB Group)

The topline plays a vital role in allowing the dog to perform the tasks they were bred for, but exactly what is the dog’s topline? The word “topline” is not used consistently in breed standards. 1) The line formed from the back of the skull, over the neck, withers back, loins, croup and tail. The top of the dog. 2) The part of the dog extending from the rear of the withers to the tailset 3) The outline from the withers to the croup 4) The base of the neck to the base of the tail 5) Withers to the rump The dog’s topline is, in fact, the profile line from the base of the neck to the base of the tail. It starts just behind the withers (scapulae) where the shoulders meet the neck and end at the ilium of the pelvis or the set on of the tail. It is that part between the bones of the limbs (shoulder blades and pelvis) and consists of the back, the loin and the croup with a ratio is “2:1:1”, in which two parts relate to the back (top of the ribcage) one part relates to the loin and the latter one part to the croup. Straight toplines are required in a large number of breeds. Straight is often referred to as being level and the topline allows the dog to efficiently trot at a consistent speed. A well-developed correctly balanced dog with a level topline will display an arched neck, neck to withers to back forming a curve, a level back, loins either arched or level as per the breed standard and croup and tail coming off level, rounded or low set depending on the breed standard.

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So, why when many breeds ask for a level topline do, we see dogs with soft toplines? There are two reasons for this. Generally, the lack of conditioning results in poor muscle tone. If you have a well-conditioned dog, the muscles fill the crevices of the skeleton to give the smooth look to the back. The dog is not sufficiently ribbed back with a short loin.This is not fixable as it is a structural issue.Two parts ribbing, the one-part loin is necessary as with the loin area there is no skeletal system underneath the hold the loin up. One-part ribbing and one-part loin will see a soft or sway back which usually goes hand in hand with a lack of muscle tone.

Toplines can be arched and the arch is in the loin area. Sighthound breeds such as the Borzoi, Whippet, Italian Greyhound, etc have an arched topline. The arched loin allows flexibility of the spine so that the hindquarters can be tucked well under to allow the dog to cover more ground with each stride, doubling up on the ground and straighten

in mid-air. This is known as the double suspension gallop. In these breeds, the rear foot is almost able to pass the point of shoulder. When the dog’s arch is continuous affecting the croup, this leads to the low tail set often seen in many sighthounds. It is important to note with arched toplines that no breed standard calls for the topline to commence from the withers. It is the back that rises a little at the loin area and not the whole topline.

curvature of the spine diminishes the power of endurance and speed and is a serious handicap for efficiency. The back of the GSD should be straight, very strongly developed without sag or roach and relatively short.

A roached topline is one that (seen in profile and standing) rises from the withers to some point in the thorax-lumbar region, before falling off again in the vicinity of the pelvis. Think of a camel when you talk about a roach in canine toplines. In a true roach, there is a region in the topline between shoulder and pelvis that is actually higher. The affected dogs have a bouncy, energy-wasting gait that interferes with flexibility. A small number of breed standards call for a dip in the back. If the rear is higher than the front end as in the British Bulldog, Shar Pei, Poodle or Dandie Dinmont Terrier there must be a transition from the neck to the back to the rear that becomes a dip.

The topline can be sloping in a small number of breeds. The profile line would slope towards the loin area. Dogs with a sloping topline tend to have more angulation in the hindquarters which results in a lower rear such as the American Cocker Spaniel and German Shepherd Dog. Max Von Stephanitz, the creator of the German Shepherd Dog, described the breed as having a back that was “straight and powerful” and added that the

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T H E J E W E L K E E P E R J. C . (Pending Dogswest Approval)

R 1 H O U N D • W E S T E R N AU S T R A L I A

T I A L L - B R E E D S B E S T I N S H OW W I N N E R




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Victorian News Column

Victorian News Mike Higgins Victorian Columnist Email: mikemonarkin@aol.com How fast a year goes. Nominations are being called for committee of management of Dogs Victoria. Last month i wrote about the burden on volunteers who donate their time to stewarding and running shows. However, Dogs Victoria is a member organisation that relies on volunteers at all levels, including the governance of the organisation. Standing for management committee should not be taken lightly. Most nominees stand because they want to give something back to the organisation, they want to make a difference to the running of Dogs Victoria, they are talked into standing, they have strong feelings about a particular issue. It is an honour to be supported by sufficient votes from your peers to get elected but there is a history of elected members not serving out their full elected term on management. The full term is 4 years but when someone resigns the vacancy is filled at the next election, but only for the remaining time of the term.This results in some people being elected for as short as a one year term before they must nominate for election again. There has also been occasions where someone has resigned shortly after election which leaves a vacancy. For some years now management has been working with less than a full committee meaning that the responsibilities are a larger work load. Although management committee supposedly meets once a month there are many months where the agenda is so large that an extra meeting is needed. Management Committee are allocated responsibilities with overseeing subcommittees. They also respond to members’ concerns. Quite a large amount of time is spent liaising with other management members and reading hundreds of pages of agenda items. Some stand because they want to make change and often campaign by saying what they hope to achieve. Management committee consists of a President, Vice

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President and 12 members, and one person alone cannot change anything. A change takes the support of a majority so it becomes frustrating if your reason for standing cannot be fulfilled. Being elected to management means that when you attend a show you are no longer just an exhibitor. Members will take the opportunity to consult with you on all sorts of issues. Management have legal responsibilities to ensure the organisation complies with the Incorporated Associations Act, the Domestic Animals Act and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, as well as acts covering employment, occupational health and safety, local government issues etc. Management committee is responsible for achieving the objectives of Dogs Victoria and for managing the finances. The Constitution clearly sets out the areas of responsibility and anyone contemplating standing for election should read this, plus the incorporated associations act. Understanding that management is not all about shows and small issues will clarify the time that must be given to serving on management. There is always a need for a wide range of skills across management committee to allow us all to continue to enjoy our dogs. On a lighter note in what has been a frustrating time, it is great that shows have resumed again in Victoria. The first shows were held east of Melbourne with great entries but in following weekends were back at Bulla and The Park, including the clubs from the north of Victoria and Ballarat who could not use their usual venues due to them not meeting Covid requirements. Horrendous weather at Bulla made it a trying time for everyone with the rings damaged making it necessary to relocate the following weekend’s shows to the Park. Tough time to be a show secretary!

Congratulations to all the winners East Gippsland Kennel Club Inc (AM Purple Show) 4-Nov-2021 Specials Judge: Mrs Barbara Doyle (VIC) (Total Entry : 392) Best in Show Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Am Gr & Aust Gr Ch Sheeba Althof Red Is Back (Imp USA) (Ms V McLaughlin & Mrs K Ostmann) Bairnsdale & District KC (PM Orange Show) (VIC) 4-Nov-2021 Specials Judge: Mrs Lyn Watson (VIC) (Total Entry : 396) Best in Show Australian Shepherd Aust Sup Ch Ellagant Covert Surveillance (A Richardson & K McKinnon) East Gippsland Kennel Club Inc (Pink Show) 5-Nov-2021 Specials Judge: Ms Jeanette Lees (VIC) (Total Entry : 376) Best in Show Border Collie Aust Ch Khayoz Rhythm Of The Jungle (Alison J Cowin) Echuca & District Kennel Cub Inc (AM Show) 6-Nov-2021 Specials Judge: Mrs Lee Parker (VIC) (Total Entry : 580) Best in Show Airedale Terrier Oldiron King of the Road (Mr & Mrs R Sorraghan) Echuca & District Kennel Cub Inc (PM Show) 6-Nov-2021 (Saturday) Specials Judge: Mrs Stephanie Rickard (VIC) (Total Entry : 574) Best in Show Azawakh CIB & Aust Sup Ch Imidiwan Amali (Imp POL) (Miss T Cox & Ms D Huon) Echuca & District Kennel Cub Inc (VIC) 7-Nov-2021 Specials Judge: Mr Gordon (Max) Winch (VIC) (Total Entry : 505) Best in Show Azawakh CIB & Aust Sup Ch Imidiwan Amali (Imp POL) (Miss T Cox & Ms D Huon) Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of VIC Inc 7-Nov-2021 (Sunday) Specials Judge: Mr Jonathan D F Marshall (VIC) (Total Entry : 44) Best in Show Rhodesian Ridgeback Aust Sup Ch Etosha Uatu of the Asgard (Anna Lane)

Victorian Spitz Breeds Club Inc 7-Nov-2021 Mrs R ROBERTSON & MESSRS SMITH & BARWICK: Am. ch CH ANWYL TELL ME ON A SUNDAY Sporting Terrier 13/11/21 AM Show Specials Judge: Mrs Anna Lane (VIC) (Total Entry : 143) Best in Show & Open in Show: Kerry Blue Terrier Aust Sup Ch Chaduna Blu Sub Zero (R Watt) Sporting Terrier 13/11/21 pm show Specials Judge: Mrs L Duval Best in Show Skye Terrier Nordicozsky Bogeyman (Mrs K Klemitilla-Dunn) Dogs Victoria COVID Recovery Show (AM Show) 14-Nov-2021 Specials Judge: Mr Roger Bridgford (VIC) (Total Entry : 932) Best in Show & Open in Show: Saluki Aust Ch Elarabie Oasis Odyssey (S Green/ E Guthrie & A Green) Dogs Victoria COVID Recovery Show (PM Show) 14-Nov-2021 Specials Judge: Mr Wayne Douglas OAM (VIC) (Total Entry : 926) Best in Show & Open in Show: Pug Aust Sup Ch Sweetess Guess I Still Love U (K De Freitas) North East Kennel Club Inc (VIC) 19-Nov-21 Specials Judge: Mrs Stephanie Rickard (VIC) (Total Entry : 541) Best In Show: Fox Terrier (Wire) Graebrook Kennels: Supreme Ch.Graebrook Adrenaline Junkie Wodonga Kennel Club 20-Nov-2021 Specials Judge: Mr Andrew J Burt (VIC) (Total Entry : 725) Best in Show & Open in Show: Pug Aust Sup Ch Sweetess Guess I Still Love U (K De Freitas) Sovereign City Kennel Club Inc 21-Nov-2021 Judge: Miss Julie Aspinall (VIC) (Total Entry : 612) Best in Show & Open in Show: Irish Setter Aust Sup Ch Rhiannon Science N Faith (Marina & Jacinta Scott) Best wishes for a safe and happy Xmas and new year to all Regards Mike K9online.com.au | 31

Western Australian News Column

Western Australian News Jeni Sach WA Columnist Email: mailto: kaasha@aapt.net.au In WA we have been living in our little bubble and while we have still managed to hold many shows last two years they were mostly using WA judges, unfortunately this is not sustainable so many clubs are choosing to run one show instead of their normal two or three, or cancel altogether. With our border rules changing throughout 2021 we have many clubs with interstate judges holding travel credits and are hoping to be able to get those judges here in 2022. After a break from the beginning of December 2021 our first show weekend for 2022 was planned to be a triple show run by Canine Fund Raisers with mostly interstate judges. Once again this wasn’t possible so two of the shows were cancelled and one show on 22 January 2022 was conducted using local judges. After a long break there was a pretty good entry and Jenny Sayers awarded Best in Show to the Siberian Husky, Ch Miniatura Ember Rain owned by C Primrose & R Connelly.

Neuter Best in Show was awarded to Denise Ball’s Dobermann, Ch & Neut Ch Aegis Harley Quinn. After the announcement that our guaranteed border opening on 5 February 2022 would not be going ahead clubs are once again scrambling to change judges and keep the shows going. So far Albany All Breeds Dog Club have changed their two judges and Hills Kennel Club have cancelled one show and are running one show with local replacement judges. Another club has chosen to postpone their events. We are now in a holding pattern waiting to see when travel without quarantine restrictions will be allowed. This is also having an effect on interstate clubs with WA judges being contracted but no certainty as to whether the judges will be able to travel. If you have any WA news please email me at kaasha@ aapt.net.au

Runner-up Best in Show was Natasha Ryan’s Golden Retriever, Sup Ch Happybear A New Beginning (AI).

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Jeni Sach

Tasmanian News Column

Tasmanian News

Rachael Holloway Tasmanian Columnist Email: rachael@zuleika.com.au

Apparently summer arrived with the start of the new year with most of our shows during January held in around 30 degree temperatures. We started with two shows on New Year’s Day, the Tasmanian Kennel Club shows, at Quercus Park. Mr Graham Cruse (NSW) judged general specials at the AM show, awarding Best in Show to Teena Sloan’s Shih Tzu, Sup Ch. Killian Defence Rest Yrhonour, and Runner-up Best in Show to Bustabones Kennels’ Sup Ch. Bustabones Try Whistling This. Ms Erin Brown (Qld) judged general specials at the PM show, awarding the Cocker Spaniel, Glenayden Amarula, owned by Ann O’Keefe and handled by Matthew Brooks, Best in Show. Runner-up Best in Show went to Sonja Gangel’s Samoyed, Ch. Lunasea Nothing Better.

The following weekend saw Southern Midlands Kennel Club hold their double-header at Pontville Sports Centre (our southern kennel venue). Heavy rains in the days preceding saw the rings more like lakes. But nothing stops dog show people! At the AM show, Mr Aramis (Joey) Lim (SA) awarded Best in Show to the Petit Basset Griffon venDeen, Ch. Rokeena Gin Fizz, owned by Robyn & Russell Wallis, handled by Daniel Aitchison. Runner-up Best in Show was the Shih Tzu, Sup Ch. Killian Defence Rest Yrhonour (Teen Sloan).

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General Specials at the PM show was judged by Mr David Tidswell (SA), who awarded Best in Show to Rachael Holloway’s Finnish Lapphund, Ch. Armahani Moonstone Movtta (AI), and Runner-up Best in Show to Teena Sloan’s Shih Tzu, Sup Ch. Killian Defence Rest Yrhonour.

The following weekend we were back at Pontville Sports Centre for the Hobart Dog Club shows, again in the heat. All group judging for both shows was completed before the judging of general specials for both shows. Mr Lance Wright (Qld) chose the Affinpinscher, Ch. Majomarc Dartagnan V Kazari, owned by Ven Grasso & Trudi Counsell, as his Best in Show winner and the Shih Tzu, Sup Ch. Killian Defence Rest Yrhonour (Teen Sloan) for Runner-up Best in Show.

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Mr Ben Luxton (SA) awarded Best in Show to the Beagle, Ch. Karakush Cake By The Ocean, owned by Leigh & Helen Gibson and Kristy Pearcey and Runner-up Best in Show to the Affinpinscher, Ch. Majomarc Dartagnan V Kazari (Ven Grasso & Trudi Counsell).

Tasmanian News Column

Western Tiers Kennel Club held AM/PM shows on Saturday 22 January, at Quercus Park. Mrs Sandra Patterson (NSW) awarded Best in Show to the Old English Sheepdog, Perfu The Cat’s Pyjamas, owned by Chris, Sue & Jason Moore, handled by Mario Weiss. Runner-up Best in Show was Josh Turner’s Weimaraner, Sup Ch. Arnhill Standing Room Only (AI).

two ‘Companion Dog’ specialties. At the breed specialty, Mrs Karen Paul (NSW) awarded Best in Specialty Show to Daisymont Kennels’ Ch. Daisymont Bohemian Rhapsody and Runner-up Best in Specialty Show to Coatesville Lockdown Faith (AI), owned by Meredith Clegg.

At the first Companion Dog show, Mr Brett Abraham awarded Best in Show to Teena Sloan’s Shih Tzu, Sup Ch. Killian Defence Rest Yrhonour, and Runner-up Best in Show to Ruth Davis’ Havanese, Amrish Born to Rule.

Mrs Janelle Mannell (Qld) judged general specials at the PM show, awarding Best in show to Teena Sloan’s Shih Tzu, Sup Ch. Killian Defence Rest Yrhonour, and Runner-up Best in Show to Bustabones Kennels’ Sup Ch. Bustabones Wot Do Monsters Eat ET.

The following day, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Tasmania held a breed specialty and

At the second show, Ms Tracy Parker awarded Best in Show to the Australian Silky Terrier, CIB/Gr Ch. Karlyermai Aint Wizlin Dixi, owned by Karlyermai Kennels and exhibited by Jannelle Waddington. Runner-up Best in Show was Shih Tzu, Sup Ch. Killian Defence Rest Yrhonour (Teena Sloan).

Summer means a pause to performance sports, but we will start to see them start up again in February. K9online.com.au | 35

New Zealand News Column

New Zealand News Penny Brooks New Zealand Columnist Email: pennybrooksphotography@outlook.com

Hi and welcome to NZ in Red Light - so like the rest of the world we now have Omicron in the Community and are into the new Red Light settings for the whole country. Thankfully no Lockdowns but will make it pretty impossible to hold All Breed Shows but looks like smaller shows will be able to go ahead so long as it is under 100 people. So after 6 or 7 months of no shows the All Breeds held recently look to be the last for a while.

Sunday was Huntly with Linda Strongman Judging the Cocker Spaniel was BIS CH SUEDANKA SHINED MY HALO (Calman) with the Puppy Whippet ARJUNA NELLI PH’ANT (Clarke) Res BIS

2022 kicked off with the Tauranga / Huntly weekend held at the lovely grounds at Katikati on the 8 & 9th Jan with the atmosphere extra special as everyone got to catch up with friends they haven’t seen in ages. BIS under Jan Brownlie was the Golden Retriever GR CH SANDLEWOOD TAKE-A-BOW (Fleming/Nelson/Gordon) Reserve BIS was the Bernese Mountain Dog CH SCHALLENBERG THUNDER BOLT (Linda Jury)

Down South that same weekend was Banks Peninsula A&P Society show Judge Anna Ancell giving BIS to the ESS AU/NZSUPCH PEASBLOSSOM POET (IMP UK) (Trainor) and Res BIS to the Whippet CH KANA-KA HE’S MY HUMMER (Newton-Williams) Waimakariri KA was Sunday with Robert Ness doing BIS. Sadly couldn’t find out who got BIS but res was the Bouvier AM.NZGRCH BON IDEES QAUGHT YOU LOOKIN AT BOUVPILOT (IMP USA) (Lawrence) The following weekend was Manawatu KA show where Denise Clark gave the Beagle NZ/AUST SUP CH KARAKUSH HAPPY LITTLE VEGEMITE (IMPAUST) (Magnus/Gibson) BIS and the Great Dane

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LAPSEWOOD JACK SPARROW (Withers) Res BIS. Wanganui the following day Carolyn Cederman gave the Golden Retriever GR CH SANDLEWOOD TAKE-ABOW (Fleming/Nelson/Gordon) This BIS giving “Judge” his Supreme Championship title. Reserve was again the Great Dane from the day before. Nelson District KA was the 22nd Jan with Kay O’Carroll judging BIS where the Dobermann CH PATONSHILL DREAM CATCHER (Wilson)

and the two girls Barbi & Luna are still growing coat but they are officially Marissa Tag Und Nacht (Imp Russia) and Milda Gute Frau (Imp Russia)

and the Pembroke Corgi was RBIS. Sorry don’t have pedigree name of the Corgi. NZ has it’s first Biewer Terriers arrive. Judith Henderson has imported 3 Biewer’s as below. The boy is Impressive Soul Von Weisse Orchidee (Imp USA) Sasha was looking forward to his first shows next weekend (probably postponed now)

and the two girls Barbi & Luna are still growing coat but they are officially Marissa Tag Und Nacht (Imp Russia) and Milda Gute Frau (Imp Russia)

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SUP CH Sandlewood Take A Bow Judge was born on the 14th of October 2015 from a mating between AUST CH Fantango Backstage Pass and our CH Sandlewood Ivy’s A Gamble. I flew to Christchurch to appraise the litter and brought him home to Auckland when he was 8 weeks old. He was not a standout in the litter but he was just a little better than his litter mates in conformation and personality, which is all important in the show ring.


Judge has proven to be an outstanding show dog, and a successful stud dog in New Zealand, producing 4 Champions to date including an All Breeds BIS and BISS winner.

Sharron Fleming

Judge lives with me and is a truly loved member of the family. He is co-owned with me by Phillida Gordon who is also his breeder and my kennel partner, Gaye Nelson my other kennel partner, and my daughter Kat Jackson, who has the honour of exclusively handling him. At Sandlewood Golden Retrievers we are all so proud of this beautiful dog and he has given us many moments to remember. The highlight of his career was on 22nd January when he was awarded his 5th All Breeds Best in Show by Gundog Specialist Carolyn Cederman (NZ). This gave Judge his Supreme Champion title, and made him the first Golden Retriever in New Zealand to hold this

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We all love him to bits and we would like to thank everybody who has supported both Judge and all of us here at Sandlewood. Through his children and grandchildren, we hope Judge can continue to be recognized as a worthy contributor to our beautiful breed for many years to come.

Stay safe out there everyone - Penny

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Goldmaid Spectacular Bid

Ernie No. 1 Australian Shepherd Australia* (Breed Pointscore)

Ch Blueamble The Pied Piper RN x Ch Goldmaid Designer Label

Bred & Owned by Goldmaid Kennels Debbie & Laura Meagher - Central Coast NSW

Dolps 21/6/21



LAYLA #1 Utility Puppy Australia TDPS 25/6/21

Owned & Handled by Tiarne Tattersall Bred by Melissa Starkey

Ch Bullmaster Scandalous Affair

(Sup Ch, Eng Ch, Int Ch Costog Mompessons Home Bru/Ch Bullmaster Lexington Avenue)

Taking after her sire in many ways. Thank you to the Breeder judges for awarding her so highly. Runner Up to Best in Show & Best Intermediate in Show — RNCAS Royal Canberra Utility Group Show —Judge Mr G Sparham (Gameguard Bullmastiffs, NSW) BOB & Best Intermediate in Group—RNCAS Royal Canberra Show —Judge Ms B Turner (Gameguard Bullmastiffs, NSW) Res CC & Intermediate in Show—NSW Specialty - Judge Mr M Yates (Salieri Bullmastiffs & Dobermans, Qld) Runner Up to Best in Group & Best Intermediate in Group —Mrs Y Metzger—Kurvon Bullmastiffs & Pugs, Tas)


Her sire, the legendary Kif.

Owned, bred & handled by Bullmaster Kennels—Vic

Thank you for reading © February 2022 info@k9online.com.au


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