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BESTBABYI N SPECI ALTYSHOW Chr i sJ ac ks i c( USA)“ J axs t oc k”
OPPSEXBABYI N SPECI ALTYSHOW Lukas zKoz l ar ek( Pol )“ Ber s er ker ” Res er veChal l egneDog(mainpic) f i r s tweekendoutofbaby!& Fi ni s hest heYearof fwi t h Mi nori nGr oup!
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Looki ngf or war d t o2020
Car menMi l ne | s t eppenwol f s t af f or ds @gmai l . c om |f i ndusonFac ebook
South Australia Hi there! I’m excited to join Carmen and her team for this wonderful publication and would ask all South Aussies to forward their monthly news to be passed on to not just those in our fraternity …but around Australia and indeed the world!! February held a total of 15 All Breeds Champ Shows … starting & finishing off with ADSS’ cluster weekends, with the Collie Club & Adelaide Hills KC hosting double headers, & 4 shows over a 3 day weekend in Naracoorte. February had more shows on offer to enter than other years with ADSS P/L in full swing. Entry numbers for shows during the month averaged out “around” 330. Whilst many usually plan to “skip” February with its heatwave weather, this month overall was much milder than recent years.
I’m personally thrilled with Aspyre Pointers’ newest champions CH Aspyre Watch UR Tongue “Rolex” and litter sister CH Aspyre Cat Got UR Tongue “Kitty” when at the Collie Club of SA All Breeds Amenities shows - “Rolex” BIG 1 on Saturday - Judge Prof R Crouch, following up again next day with BIG 1 and sister “Kitty” BIG 2 - Judge Mr David Johnson. “Rolex” then went on to win his 1st All Breeds BIS 1 Judge Mr F McEvoy. Naracoorte shows had great weather and by all accounts, a wonderful atmosphere with lots of laughs . I have heard of 3 special moments being Kristy Lewis’ Gr Ch Sailoz Xclusive By Design going BIS 1 at the “Peggy Thorne Memorial Show” - Judge Ms M Patten then following up with 2 more BIG 1 which gave her *Supreme Champion status (* pending)
Our devasting bushfires are still foremost in many of our minds and what great efforts by the Collie Club of SA, Adelaide Hills KC and ADSS P/L raising funds at their respective shows via raffles and/or show profits. Well done to all who supported. Welcome to SA from those Abroad….. Phil Cottrell and Rod Moag have imported a 10 month male Borzoi from Sweden at the end of January moving into their family and joining “the pack” with ease. LYNX SKYFALL “Sky” was shown over 2 competitive weekends in February under breed and hound specialists to take home all 4 BOBs on offer plus 2 Puppy in Groups with Kyle, (Phil & Rod’s son), piloting Sky. Show Wins Kym Barnett and co-owners Liz Lee and Maxine Carter celebrated their Boxer - Grand Ch CIB Ronin Digital Lock (AI) CD. (Imp NZ) “Lochie” gaining his *Supreme title under Judge Bob Lott at the Collie Club of SA show. (*pending)
In the Hound ring Std Smooth Dachshund Boskahun Rock the Night Away “Dolly” (above) owned by Glenn Murphy and Noel McLaren gained her title (pending approval) and celebrated over the weekend with a BIG 1 & BIG 2, 2 x Puppy in groups and a Puppy in Show! I’m sure there were lots of other exciting wins, celebrations and news all through February and look forward to hearing from many of you each month.
Cheers Julie Manser
Western Australia February has seemed to fly by. Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of WA and Sighthound Club of WA held a double header cash and Sash show on the weekend of 1/2 February 2020. Wendye Slatyer officiated General Specials on 1st February and Glenda Cook on 2nd February. On the 1st February Best in Show was awarded to Sup Ch Koolmove Watch me Shine. Runner Up in Show was Sup Ch Ochaye I Am Prime (pictured below). Best Neuter in Show was Ch Malokki Down to Earth and Runner Up was Toorork Billys Boy.
Bernabout Charm Offensive with Runner up going to Kahnhond Hunter of Hearts. The following weekend we had Hills Kennel Club who brought in 7 interstate judges, this hasn’t happened in a while with clubs being cost effective and bringing in 5 or 6 judges and groups being doubled up. Kim Tosi awarded Best in Show to Sup Ch Chakrata Mistress Matilda on Friday 21st . for Runner Up she selected Ch Lurikeen To Glam To Give A Damn (pictured below). Best Neuter was NCH Vansitar In The Ghetto and Runner Up was Ch Malokki Down to Earth.
On 2nd February it was a good night for the Working dogs with Am Grand Silver Ch, Sup Ch Cordmaker Mister Blue Sky taking Best in Show while Sup Ch Ochaye I Am Prime was Runner Up (pictured below). Best Neuter was again Ch Malokki Down to Earth with Runner Up this time going to Kahnhond Hunter of Hearts. On Saturday 22nd Fay Harris took over the specials ring. She chose Ch Kuhnheit El Diablo Da Gonsalo for Best in Show and Kineta Beach Music for Runner Up (pictured below). Best Neuter was Ch Malokki Down to Earth and Runner Up was Ch Aziah Winter in Coming.
Two weekends later, it was time to head south to Albany on the 15/16th. Best in Show on Saturday was judged by Shellie Marshall who awarded Am Grand Silver Ch, Sup Ch Cordmaker Mister Blue Sky Best in Show, Runner Up was awarded to Ch Cavhill King of Hearts. Best Neuter was Ch Bernabout Charm Offensive Jacqui Weekes judged BIS on Sunday and awarded top honours to Ch Bernabout Black Label. Runner Up was Am Grand Silver Ch, Sup Ch Cordmaker Mister Blue Sky. Best Neuter again was Ch
At the time this goes to print, our Premier Western Classic weekend will be in full swing, we look forward to reporting on that next month. Until next time, happy showing, Sarah and Ashlea
T hanky ouf orr eadi ng ©MARCH2020
i nf o@k9onl i ne. c om. au