September 2020

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trueworki ng show dog

Cr i c k e t

Aus t r a l i a nCha mpi onS a nds pr i t eWi s hUponAS t a rHT Dob7/ 7/ 2019| Br edbyMr sSE i na m( WA) Cr i c k etga i nedherHTi nher r s tda yoft r i a l l i ng a tonl y13mont hsofa ge.

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Aus t r a l i a nCha mpi onKa l a nS pi r i tI nT heS k yHT Dob3/ 8/ 18| Br edbyMi s sJWa ngl er . E l t onga i nedhi sHTi nhi sr s tda yoft r i a l l i ng

Owneda ndpr es ent edbyMi r i a mS c hi l l er S out hs pi r i tKennel s ,S out hAus t r a l i a

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pl ea s eema i l usa ti nf o@k 9onl i ne. c om. a ui fy ouwi s ht obookt hec ov erpos i t i on


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South Australia We are back at K9 online and also South Australian shows! It’s been a responsible break for South Aussie’s health & safety and I am sure we are all going to do our best to remain this way. South Australia held 2 weekends of shows at David Roche Park in August …first was the Gawler KC with 3 shows and local Judges and last weekend ADSS held 5 shows officiated by predominately a Queensland panel. Gawler KC led the way with our return to showing under COVID 19 restrictions and did a mighty job. Club committee and ring officials guided those on ground with timely reminders throughout the show to be mindful of social distancing etc It appeared to me that

lead exercise yard. Social distancing was adhered to with sanitiser on hand. Monica McCaffery and Richard Stevens from The Gundog Club of South Australia also supported the membership by arranging and conducting informal ring training and “mock shows” on many of the Sunday openings. This was by breed, group or all in together depending on the numbers. Whilst there were willing helpers to “judge” the individual dogs, Aspirants and Trainee judges were given preference to build their ring time experience. Others volunteered to act as ring stewards to imitate the show experience as much as possible. Many dogs had their first experience with hand sanitiser and face masks.

541 & 460.

There were also 3 Aspirant/Trainee Practical Handling sessions held, which were led by Marie Merchant – 2 in July and 1 at the start of August. Marie was assisted by fellow Group Leaders and Assessors who were on hand to discuss and advise our future judges. These sessions were well supported by the membership and I believe were a win/win to all who attended.

Wendy Baker was thrilled with ADSS entries of 376,

Happy Retirement Wolfgang Schnitzer!

the majority of exhibitors/handlers were all very supportive of each other to conduct themselves under the “new norm”. Entries were strong with Gawler shows receiving 560,

534, 489, 449, & 415. The Club embraced & introduced the new concept of Covid Marshalls …further strengthening our community’s resolve to conduct & exhibit at shows both safely & responsibly. At this stage there are plans for a 3 show weekend at Pt Pirie in mid September, again with a local Judging panel. Let’s hope South Australia remains COVID safe and these go ahead and the Club has a successful weekend. Dogs SA membership support…..

After 28 years as Executive Officer of Dogs SA, Wolfgang is taking his next step in life and looking forward to “me” time. His contribution to assist and steer our fraternity into new ventures such as automation of the office records, purchasing and the many improvements of David Roche Park, along with ANKC & sister states support and projects has been pivotal. I for one will miss his happy greeting on the phone with that jovial smile in his voice. Wishing you all the very best in your retirement Wolfgang.

Whilst it was understood that shows were unable to be held, exhibitors/owners still sought ways of being able to keep their dogs and indeed pups, socialised. So, over the last couple of months, Councillor Roberta Crouch arranged and opened David Roche grounds on Sundays from 10am to 2pm with Cheryl Currie helping out on the few Sundays Roberta was unavailable. This was met with steady support and enjoyment by both owners and their dogs who spread out over the various rings and also took advantage of our huge off

Cheers Julie Manser


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CARMEN MI LNE |SOUTH AUSTRALI A |st eppenwol f st af f or ds@ gmai l . com

T ha nky ouf orr ea di ng ©S E PT E MBE R2020 i nf o@k 9onl i ne. c om. a u


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