DESIGNING AN AD FOR AIR JET AND DISINFECTANT SPRAY BY APPLYING BEHAVIOURAL ECONOMICS. The practice of hygiene and self-help is quintessential behavior to be advocated in today’s scenario, due to the rapid increase of UTI and vaginal infections, mostly to females. Public washrooms and common toilets are the common arena to witness the unhygienic and unconditional condition for usage. But we often have no choice of option than to compromise to the circumstances. The maintenance of most public washrooms can be rated below average. It is mostly observed that the seat of most western toilets remains wet due to tinkle of urine or water sprayed by the previous user which makes it very uncomfortable and unfavorable condition to sit on it. Sometimes even tissue paper doesn’t help to it. So, I admit the potential need of a method to make the user have a safe and hygiene experience while using the toilet. A concept of portable “AIR JET and DISINFECTANT SPRAY” was ideated to solve the issue. The motive was to design an ad to have an influential impact on the consumer to purchase the product and hence enhance sell of the product. The prospect theory of behavioral economics was applied to strategize the concept of ad for maximum attraction. Traditionally it is believed that the net effect of the loses and gain that involves with any sort of choices we make are combined to produce an overall evaluation of whether a choice is desirable. The modern concepts tends to use “utility” to describe enjoyment and contend that we prefer instances that maximize our utility. But people do not process information in such a rational way. So in 1979 Kannehman and Tsversky presented an idea called prospect theory. In preventative health related decision such as decision to purchase a product because the disutility relative to not using the product is greater than the utility associated with prevention of possible diseases. People will feel that the anticipated disutility of suffering from UTI is great enough related to expected utility of prevention of possible consequences of UTI. So, the publicity enhancing the loss of a person not using the product will be more than the awareness of benefits he would get by using the products. Beneficiary outcomes could be like an advice and it may lead to ignorance or negligence in some cases. Here the loss (due to acute infection and then transforming into chronic infection) will be fragmented (multiple loss) which also will lead to a heavy loss(death, vaginal cancer etc…). So the impact of loss will be more critical. Message framing theories could also be applied. Message framing refers to presenting a persuasive message in terms of expected gains or losses associated with an advocated behavior. In general a gain framed message presents beneficial outcomes or the absence of negative outcomes related to performing the behavior advocated in the message. Conversely, a loss framed message presents negative outcomes or the absence of positive outcomes associated with not performing the advocated behavior. In this the loss framed message will promote testing more strongly than gained framed message because people favor risky prospects of losses over sure prospects of loss. In another way the customers attention to the serial and adversity of disease could be directed to what will occur, or the past loss (actual) or future loss (expected) and these could serve as a reference points. Future disability could also be another theory applied to design the ad. People seems to be quite capable of making influential comparison to imagined (counterfactual) states and this skill ought’s to extend to imagined future(ante factual) states. (Kanheman and Miller 1986, Roese & Olson, 1995).
However in contrast people who do not have significantly distressing past experience may not move by appeals to resiliency.