May 2012
Draft Report
Practices and Strategies of the Seoul Agenda in Korea
Practices and Strategies of the Seoul Agenda in Korea
Table of Contents
Introduction : Arts & Cultural Education, UNESCO, and the Seoul Agenda
Evaluating Practices of the Seoul Agenda • Analysis Scope and Evaluation Framework • Findings of Performance Evaluation • Evaluating Practices by Goal • Implications
Policy Direction and Strategies on Arts & Cultural Education of Korea • Strategic Direction of Arts & Cultural Education • Strategies and Action Plans for the Arts & Cultural Education • Action Plan Structure • Road Map
This document, a draft report entitled
in order to ensure an integrated analysis
“Practices and Strategies of the
on what extent Korean government
Seoul Agenda in Korea”, provides
has implemented the Seoul Agenda, an
implementation strategies elaborated
indicator system was built according to
based on the performance of Korea’s
different project types:
implementation of the “Seoul Agenda:
1) arts education program,
Goals for the Development of Arts
2) arts education R&D,
Education” declared in 2010 by
3) human resources development in arts
UNESCO. The section on the practice
education and lastly 4) arts education
evaluation highlights major programs and
networking projects. The findings were
projects carried out by the Korea Arts
incorporated into devising strategies to
& Culture Education Service (KACES),
better deliver the founding message and
the government’s administrative arm for
mission of the Seoul Agenda. Lastly, an
arts education in Korea. For systematic
implementation system and a road map for
analysis, arts education projects of KACES
arts & cultural education were presented
were matched one-on-one with the goals
for further implementation.
and strategies of the Seoul Agenda, and
Phase 1
Study Process
Identify the policy trend of arts education
Phase 2
Phase 3
Evaluate the performance of implementation
Draw Implications
of the Seoul Agenda
Phase 4
Phase 5
Devise implementation
Present executive
system and road map
Introduction : Arts & Cultural Education, UNESCO, and the Seoul Agenda
Arts & Cultural Education, UNESCO, and the Seoul Agenda
At the threshold of the 21st century around the corner, UNESCO began to acknowledge the crucial role of arts education as the foundation to promote creative educational environment and as the essential element of education. To this end, as a first step to form a consensus within the international community, UNESCO during its 30th session of the General Conference in 1999 proclaimed the “International Appeal for the Promotion of Arts Education and Creativity at School”.
In 2010, a decade following this appeal for
cultural diversity and intercultural
increased awareness on the importance
understanding. Second, arts education can
of arts education, the Second World
make a direct contribution to resolving the
Conference on Arts Education was held in
social and cultural challenges facing the
Seoul, the Republic of Korea.
world today. Third, of crucial importance to the success of arts education in meeting
The most notable outcome of this
these challenges is the need to achieve
conference was the “Seoul Agenda: Goals
high standards in the design and delivery
for the Development of Arts Education”
of education programs.
which was agreed upon based on indepth discussions of international
The goals for development of arts
experts regarding the significance of arts
education include: first, ensure that arts
education in and out of schools. The Seoul
education is accessible as a fundamental
Agenda served to enlarge the roles and
and sustainable component of a high
the scope of arts education, encourage
quality renewal of education. Second,
social contribution of arts education while
assure that arts education activities
enhancing the quality of arts education
and programs are of a high quality
to drive the overall educational system
in conception and delivery. Third, apply
towards direction.
arts education principles and practices to contribute to resolving the social and
The Seoul Agenda takes the following
cultural challenges facing today’s world.
three issues as its organizing principles.
Furthermore, a total of 13 strategies and
First, there is a need for creative and
action items were presented to achieve
adaptive workforce as well as peace,
the aforementioned goals.
Since the declaration of the Seoul Agenda,
forums which helped to communicate the
the Korean government has worked
outlines of the Seoul Agenda and lead in-
towards preserving the balance in its arts
depth discussions on the field as to how
education policies within the international
the Seoul Agenda should be interpreted
community by reviewing its arts education
and applied. In particular, the International
policies based on the Seoul Agenda.
Arts Education Week commencing this
Of course, with only two years since
year will contribute to better communicate
the declaration, it is not easy to fully
and expand such venues of exchanges
reflect the messages and values of the
and discussions in a more varied and
Seoul Agenda. Since 2011, the Korean
developed forms, so that the purpose of
government has organized Korea Arts
the Seoul Agenda will be well pursued not
Education Week, offering a wide-range of
only by Korea but also the international
arts education related symposiums and
community as a whole.
Evaluating Practices of the Seoul Agenda
• Analysis Scope and Evaluation Framework • Findings of Performance Evaluation • Evaluating Practices by Goal • Implications
Analysis Scope and Evaluation Framework
To analyze the implementation result of the Seoul Agenda, we reviewed the results of programs (2008~2011) which are highly tied-up with KACES’ strategies.
Matching Result of the Seoul Agenda with Public Projects on Arts Education Goal
1 1.b Ensure that arts education is accessible as a fundamental and sustainable component of a 1.c high quality renewal of education
2 Assure that arts education activities and programmes are of a high quality in conception and delivery
KACES Arts Education Programs Subject To Result Analysis Name of Project
Affirm arts education as the foundation for balanced creative, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and social development of children, youth and life-long learners
Foster the constructive transformation of educational systems and structures through arts education
Arts-Flower Seed School project Training for educators including arts educators in and out of school
Support arts education in correctional institutions Support arts education for military personnel Community arts education (elderly, disabled, child & youth) Support arts educators in community arts education (elderly) Establish systems of lifelong and intergenerational learning in, Support arts educators in community arts education (disabled) about and through arts education Support arts education programs in welfare institutions (elderly) Support arts education programs in welfare institutions (disabled) Cultural-World Expedition project Programs tailored to rental housing apartments and industrial complexes Pilot programs series of honorary teachers consisted of 100 Build capacities for arts education leadership, renowned artists Arts and culture education colloquium advocacy and policy development Diffusion of knowledge and information on arts education
Develop agreed higher standards for arts education that are responsive to local needs, infrastructure and cultural contexts
Ensure that sustainable training in arts education is available to educators, artists and communities
Stimulate exchange between research and practice in arts education
Facilitate collaboration between educators and artists in schools and in out-of-school programmes
Initiate arts education partnerships among stakeholders and sectors
Apply arts education to enhance the creative and innovative capacity of society
3 Apply arts education principles 3.b and practices to contribute 3.c to resolving the social and cultural challenges facing 3.d today’s world
Support leading schools in arts education Creativity & Innovation centered (arts-oriented) School Support arts educators Support arts educators in community (children) Support arts education in welfare institutions (children) Support arts education for infants
Recognize and develop the social and cultural well-being dimensions of arts education Support and enhance the role of arts education in the promotion of social responsibility, social cohesion, cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue Foster the capacity to respond to major global challenges, from peace to sustainability through arts education
Study on development of arts education standards Training of faculty including the teachers and the principal Studies on developing self-diagnosis tools to promote arts education Implementation of Certified Arts Instructor (CAI) system Study on developing creativity indicators in arts & culture fields 1 Study on developing cultural competence indicators 1 Study on mid & long-term development plans for arts education policy Study on policy analysis of school arts education Research on the effectiveness of arts education in Arts-Flower Seed School and correctional institutions/juvenile hall Performance evaluation of arts education programs Developing creative experiential activity program-centering on career activities Training of education planning personnel including educators and practitioners of arts institution and association Support student volunteer groups on arts education Relevant professionals from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defense etc. Training of public servants, corporate CEOs Introduction of legal donations mechanism Training of central & local public officials Support arts education programs for juvenile halls Support arts education programs for alienated children & youth Orchestral education program for alienated children & youth Training of multi-cultural arts educators
For the evaluation of practices of the Seoul Agenda, key performance indicators were developed through the evaluation research projects of individual arts education programs. Each indicators-quantitative and qualitative-were weighted differently by program type to better reflect the characteristics and purposes of each program.
Evaluation Criteria by Program Type Indicator
Arts Education Programs
Project Scale
Continuity (degree of completion)
- Project Budget
Participant Satisfaction
- Number of Participant
Expert / Stakeholder Evaluation
- Scope of Participant
Quality of Learning
- No. of Students Per educator
- Budget Per Participant
- Average Learning Hours
Human Resources Development
Project Scale
Continuity (degree of completion)
- Project Budget
Participant Satisfaction
- No. Participant
Expert / Stakeholder Evaluation
Quality of Learning
- Average Learning Hours
- Budget Per Participant
R&D Programs
Project Scale
Continuity (degree of completion)
- Project Budget
Expert / Stakeholder Evaluation
Research Effectiveness (applicability)
Networking/ Cooperation Projects
Project Scale
Degree of Networking / Cooperation
- Project Budget
Mutual Exchange < Joint Project < Collaboration on Specific Issue (Agenda)
- No. of Participant Institutions
Informal Meeting < Formal Meeting < 1:1 Mou Conclusion < Multi-Lateral Agenda < and Beyond
Type of Institution
Domestic Relevant Institutions < Domestic Enterprises < International Relevant Institutions / Enterprises
Actual value of each indicator is to be rated relatively.
Findings of Performance Evaluation
The implementation performance of the Seoul Agenda in Korea, the following conclusion was made. First of all, goal 1 focusing on enhanced access to arts education showed the highest score of 1,135.4 (56%), followed by goal 2 highlighting enhanced quality of arts education at 616.1 (30%), and then goal 3,277.0, underscoring the social role of arts education (14%). It shows that the arts & cultural education activities of KACES have evolved around goal 1, which represents almost twice the goal 2â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and quadruple the goal 3â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s scores.
Comparison of Implementation of the Seoul Agenda by Goal (score/percentage by goal)
Goal 1 1,135.4 56% Goal 2 616.1 30% Goal 3 277.0 14%
Delving deeper into strategies, ‘promoting lifelong and intergenerational learning through arts education’ (Goal 1- Strategy c) topped the score, whereas ‘developing higher standards of arts education criteria’ (Goal 2Strategy a) came out the lowest. As high as 15 times gap existed between the highest and the lowest score, and generally performance value by goal showed high deviation.
Implementation Performance of the Seoul Agenda by Strategy (score)
Goal 1 c
d a
Goal 2
c d
Goal 3 c d
The details of project / strategy / goal-based implementation results of the Seoul Agenda are as follows:
Details of the implementation of the Seoul Agenda Goal Strategy Analysis Scope Code Name of Project ESD Support leading schools in arts education
d a b
c 2
Evaluation Result By By By Project Strategy Goal 52.5
ECD Creativity & Innovation centered (arts-oriented) School
ECF Support arts educators
ESF Support arts educators in community (children)
ESF Support arts education in welfare institutions (children)
EST Support arts education for infants
EST Arts-Flower Seed School project
HCF Training for educators including arts educators in and out of school
ESF Support arts education in correctional institutions
ESF Support arts education for military personnel
ESF Community arts education (elderly, disabled, child & youth)
ESF Support arts educators in community arts education (elderly)
ESF Support arts educators in community arts education (disabled)
ESF Support arts education programs in welfare institutions (elderly)
ESF Support arts education programs in welfare institutions (disabled)
NSD Cultural-World Expedition project
ESD Programs tailored to rental housing apartments and industrial complexes
ESF Pilot programs series of honorary teachers consisted of 100 renowned artists
RST Arts and culture education colloquium
RBT Diffusion of knowledge and information on arts education
RCT Study on development of arts education standards
HBT Training of school administrators including the teachers and the principal
RBD Studies on developing self-diagnosis tools to promote arts education
RBT Implementation of Certified Arts Instructor (CAI) system
RBD Study on developing creativity indicators in arts & culture fields 1
RBD Study on developing cultural competence indicators 1
RCT Study on mid & long-term development plans for arts education policy
RST Study on policy analysis of school arts education
Research on the effectiveness of arts education in Arts-Flower Seed RBT School and correctional institutions / juvenile hall
RBT Performance evaluation of arts education programs
RCD Developing creative experiential activity program-centering on career activities
Training of education planning personnel including educators and practitioners of arts institution and association
NSD Support student volunteer groups on arts education
HBT Relevant professionals from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defense etc.
HBT Training of public servants, corporate CEOs
1,135.4 (56%) 530.6
152.4 35.0 148.0
NST Introduction of legal donations mechanism
HCT Training of central & local public officials
ESF Support arts education programs for juvenile halls
ECD Support arts education programs for alienated children & youth
c d
ECD Orchestral education program for alienated children & youth
HBT Training of multi-cultural arts educators
638.1 (30%)
123.0 51.04
277.0 (14%)
On examination of performance by strategy with dividing the evaluation results into scores of over 200, 100~200 and below 100, the high-performance items included mostly large budget projects of arts education in and out of schools (accessibility / based on goal 1). Poor-performance items were mostly concentrated in strategy areas including standards development, human networking, enhancement of social roles of arts education and etc.
Performance Rating by Strategy Ranking Score
Strategy of the Seoul Agenda
Establish systems of lifelong and intergenerational learning in, about and through arts education
Affirm arts education as the foundation for balanced creative, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and social development of children, youth and life-long learners
Stimulate exchange between research and practice in arts education
Build capacities for arts education leadership, advocacy and policy development
Foster the constructive transformation of educational systems and structures through arts education
Ensure that sustainable training in arts education is available to educators, artists and communities
Initiate arts education partnerships among stakeholders and sectors
Support and enhance the role of arts education in the promotion of social responsibility, social cohesion, cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue
Apply arts education to enhance the creative and innovative capacity of society
Foster the capacity to respond to major global challenges, from peace to sustainability through arts education
Recognize and develop the social and cultural well-being dimensions of arts education
Facilitate collaboration between educators and artists in schools and in out-of-school programmes
Develop agreed high standards for arts education that are responsive to local needs, infrastructure and cultural contexts
Evaluating Practices by Goal
Goal 1. Ensure that arts & cultural education is accessible as a fundamental and sustainable component of a high quality renewal of education
Since its foundation, KACES has worked hard
almost 35% of the entire elementary students,
to enhance the overall quality of education in
have benefited from arts education service of
Korea by carrying out arts education projects for
KACES and the target for 2012 is to reach out
children, teenagers and students. Since 2007, it has
to 50% of the students, that is 1.73 million students.
expanded the scope of participants to include the
The rate of participation in community arts
marginalized class. Recently KACES has expanded
education has consistently grown from 7.7% in
the scope to the entire population, striving to reach
2006, 8.6% in 2008 to 9.2% in 2010. The budget
out to more participants than ever.
for arts education was increased considerably from
As for elementary schools, 1.22 million, that is
15.5 billion KRW in 2007 to 62 billion KRW in 2011.
Budget Trend of KACES Activities Related to the Seoul Agenda Goal 1 Year
Budget (Unit: million KRW)
2008 15,540
2009 22,552
2010 54,930
2011 64,495
The implementation performance of the Seoul Agenda showed that, among all projects to enhance access to arts education, ‘lifelong and intergenerational learning through arts education’ (530.6), ‘balanced development of learning competence through arts education’ (303.9), ‘strengthened leadership through arts education, diffusion of arts educational values and building capacities for developing arts education policies’ (152.4), ‘structural transformation of the educational system through arts education’ (148.4), showed the highest achievement in order.
Goal 1 - Strategy a : Affirm arts education as the foundation for balanced creative, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and social development of children, youth and life-long learners
As for the arts educator support, the number of participant students increased 1.5 times from 1.10 million in 2008 to 1.76 million in 2011.
Budget Trend for Arts educator Support Program 2008
No. of Students
No. of Educators
No. of Schools
No. of Fields (Genres)
Goal 1 - Strategy b : Foster the constructive transformation of educational systems and structures through arts education
Arts-Flower Seed School Project designates small-
sized elementary schools and helps to create an environment where all of its students can continue to benefit from arts education. The budget has been on an increasing trend, spending per student is quite large, and the project has proved to be effective in arts education in public education.
Major Accomplishments of Arts-Flower Seed School Name of School
Major Achievements
Seeking transformation via intensive arts education in small-sized schools. Although the administrative district is in the city, Yeosubuk Elementary School is actually located in the rural area. Yeosubuk Elementary Since designated as Arts-Flower Seed School in July 2008, students living in other cities and provinces have flocked School to study at this school, boosting the total number of students to 36, doubling the figure ever since the crisis of the school which was on the verge of closing down.
Goal 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Strategy c : Establish systems of lifelong and intergenerational learning in, about and through arts education
Ensuring access to arts education is implemented on a larger scale and in varied ways. In 2010 and 2011, when comparing the participants of regional, the percentage of average local residents who actually participated in the program, greatly increased from 10.5% to 20.6%. During the bidding process of the supporting project, the preferential treatment which the programs for the local residents would get was actively promoted. Therefore, the result shows that such effort was well reflected in the fields.
Breakdown of Participants for Community Arts Education Type
Local Residents
Goal 1 - Strategy d : Build capacities for arts education leadership, advocacy and policy development
Prominent and popular public figures in the arts sector including conductor Geum Nansae, Kim Duksu of Samulnori, photographer Kim Joongman have contributed their talents and personally taught arts education hoping to raise the social awareness of arts education as well as identifying potential participants. Some 100 honorary arts teachers have added vitality to a whole array of projects led by KACES in the military/correctional institutions, juvenile halls, to name a few.
Goal 2. Assure that arts education activities and programmes are of a high quality in conception and delivery
KACES has consistently tried to enhance the quality of arts education through R&D, human resources development and networking programs. Major accomplishments in each field are as follows:
R&D Projects KACES has continued to execute R&D activities
allocated to most educational projects has been
to achieve quality improvement of arts education.
also used for manual development, improvement
Since the founding year 2005, it has led a wide
study of relevant project. In particular, since the
range of R&D projects in different areas of arts
declaration of the Seoul Agenda in 2010, KACES
education as well as content development,
has gathered efforts to further enhance the efficacy
basic and policy studies, data collection and
of arts education projects in the mid to long term
evaluation studies each year for mid to long term
through performance evaluation and analysis of arts
development of the arts sector. The R&D budget
education projects.
Human Resources Development Projects KACES has constantly developed and conducted
arts educators teaching in schools and welfare
learning programs to nurture creative leaders and
facilities since 2009 to include courses specialized
talents in arts education and enhance the ability
in different beneficiary groups including workers,
of arts education professionals. CETA (Creativity
institutions /groups, multi-cultural instructors and
Education Through Arts) Academy which was firstly
community cultural planners to build professional
initiated at KACES in 2007 has developed into an
capacities. KACES conducted a mid to long-term
institution nurturing professionals by training and
study on certified arts instructor system in 2011 to
retraining professionals in arts education including
institutionalize the system at a national level, and
artists, educators and practitioners of cultural
since 2013, well-structured studies are being led to
facilities. The scope was expanded from training
fully implement the system.
Networking Project KACES since foundation in 2005 has collaborated
the country, and consequently KACES, as the
with many domestic and overseas arts education
governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s execution body of arts education
related institutions and groups. Moreover, to
policy, is building more close-knit partnerships
render arts education policy implementation more
with arts education centers in the regional areas.
effective, it has signed MOUs with the Ministry of
As for international cooperation, since 2006,
Justice, Ministry of Defense as well as the Ministry
KACES, together with UNESCO, has been running
of Education and Science, Ministry of Welfare,
an UNESCO Arts in Education Observatories,
Ministry of Gender Equality and Family and still
which is a network of observatories with a mission
maintaining solid partnerships. As of 2011, the
to gather and diffuse information and experiences
Korean government has designated regional arts
of arts education in the Asia Pacific region.
education centers in 16 cities and provinces across
Goal 2 - Strategy b : Ensure that sustainable training in arts education is available to educators, artists and communities
Major projects of KACES such as arts educator support not only offer arts education opportunities but also strive to create a new arts educational system in local communities. For example, in parallel with arts educator support, an educational committee and projects to promote community education constantly communicate with experts through with the help of an educational committee of 486 members including regional arts education experts, educators, school inspectors as well as lecturersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; council in participation of 100 arts educators. The educational committee is in charge of recruiting of arts instructors and evaluation of schools. Its role includes the annual evaluation of community arts educators and on-site visits to schools offering arts education services.
Goal 2 - Strategy c : Stimulate exchange between research and practice in arts education
KACES has completed a series of research projects to enhance the overall quality of arts education spanning content development research to data collection/evaluation research and etc. Among research areas, arts education content development had the highest percentage of 60% followed by evaluation / data collection (19%), basic study (16%), and policy research (5%). Despite of a series of researches conducted, lack of mid to long-term research projects and communication efforts of research findings proved to be barriers for improvement. KACES plans to focus its investment in research and development to share such accomplishments, various measures (i.e. inforgraphics) are being tested.
Goal 2 - Strategy e : Initiate arts education partnerships among stakeholders and sectors
KACES organized the Asia Pacific preparatory conference for the UNESCO World Conference on Arts Education in 2005, and in 2006 participated in the World Conference on Arts Education as part of the Korean delegation to build international cooperation mechanism on arts education. In 2010, KACES co-hosted the Second World Conference on Arts Education, attesting to the dynamism in their activities on the global stage. As a result, KACES established International Liaison Team in 2011, hoping to open up new horizon for global cooperation. To this end, KACES seeks to continue the existing global joint researches and networking but also address the challenges that faced by mankind through arts education on the global stage.
Goal 3. Apply arts education principles and practices to contribute to resolving the social and cultural challenges facing todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s world
KACES has begun strengthening the social role
of arts education centering on the social issues of today (migrants, urban-rural disparity and etc.) through arts education programs and R&D projects. In 2012, new independent studies have been initiated to reinforce the social role of arts education centering on social issues such as school violence, aging society and etc.
Goal 3 - Strategy a : Apply arts education to enhance the creative and innovative capacity of society
KACES has constantly offered arts education activities to build creative and innovative capacities of not only those involved with arts education but also people from all walks of life ranging from local public officials to corporate CEOs. In particular, the number of participants of arts education which stood at mere 127 in 2008 ~ 2009 soared to 1,310 in 2010 ~ 2011.
For a comprehensive analysis of the implementation performance of the Seoul Agenda, analysis objects were identified and each program type was evaluated based on evaluation framework. As a result, the three major goals, strategies and action items of the Seoul Agenda were comprehensively analyzed, providing implications for elaboration of implementation strategy.
Need for continued expansion of participants in arts education • KACES, since foundation, has led school arts
• In particular, KACES tries to expand the scope
education for children, and teenagers as well
and benefits of its arts education programs to the
as community arts education for the marginalized
average population by leveraging local
communities as a base while preserving arts
• Such efforts have led to an all-out growth of arts education since its launch in Korea : 2.2
education services for the marginalized people.
• Such commitments, in light of the Seoul Agenda,
times increase in the number of participants
have certainly provided a positive impact in
(2011 vs 2006), expanded scope of participants
enhancing the access to arts education (Goal 1).
(to cover 1/3 of Korea’s elementary and middle
Furthermore, it is essential to implement well-
school population as well as project size
structured strategies in order to expand the scope
(4 times increase in project budget compared
of participants to the overall populations
to 2006) and in genres.
as an effort to sustain and reinforce the benefits coming from Goal 1 of the Seoul Agenda.
Need for continued efforts to improve the quality of arts education • KACES is making constant efforts to enhance
budget (ex: as for the arts lecturer support
the quality of arts education. It has especially
project, the budget went down from 45,610
continued to secure the grounds to strengthen
KRW in 2009 to 27,786 KRW in 2011), it seems
the competence of arts education personnel
to be necessary to strike the most optimum
through branding activities of the Academy to
balance between expanding arts education and
nurture arts education specialists (CETA and etc)
enhancing its quality.
and encourage introducing the certified arts
• Together with the well-structured strategy to
instructor system for nurturing quality arts
better focus on the Goal 2 of the Seoul Agenda
educators (determined in 2011).
such as R&D of arts education, human resources
• Moreover, 60% of R&D efforts was focused on
development, building quality network,
content development research, pursuing to
it is also crucial to set the ground for increasing
improve the quality of arts education.
the satisfaction of beneficiaries in the mid
• And, observing the decrease of some project
to long term.
Need for balanced development of arts education policy and relevant project areas • When the Seoul Agenda was utilized as criteria to evaluate arts education in Korea, the highest achievement came from the improved access to arts education at 56%, which speaks volumes about the faithful implementation of Goal 1 of the Seoul Agenda.
• When breaking down the projects into arts education, arts education R&D, arts education human resources development and arts education network, it was notable that there was a high concentration in project-based arts education activities.
• Such trend, when evaluating based on the Seoul Agenda criteria, has contributed positively to enhancing accessibility to (Goal 1); however, relatively lacked in improving quality (Goal 2), strengthening social and cultural role (Goal 3) of arts education.
• It is needed to implement strategy for sustainable development of arts education by incorporating the process and the results of arts education R&D, reinforced competence of human resources and networking activities in the arts education programs building on the synergistic and balanced growth of R&D, human resources development and networking.
Need for sustainable mechanism and more solid partnership in arts education • Implementation mechanisms of arts education have been diversified through the initiatives to establish and transfer activities to the regional arts education centers since 2009, such as the introduction of national certificate system for arts instructors to become effective as of 2013. As such, a wide-range of activities are being implemented to strengthen institutional stability.
• It is part of the effort to establish a sustainable mechanism in terms of arts education policy and programs, and the partnership between the central government and the regional / local authorities and public-private partnership will be only possible through mutual trust and respect.
• The central government (KACES) needs to secure mechanisms to transfer its administrative power and responsibility to local governments (regional arts education center) and share its long-held knowledge and experiences.
• It is also crucial to make parallel efforts to drastically expand the private sector’s participation in arts education through corporate charity or donations of individual’s talents so that can be prepared for the potential budget cut.
• This will help to create sustainable mechanism building on joint social efforts to make arts education to take deep root in our society.
Policy Direction and Strategies on Arts & Cultural Education of Korea
• Strategic Direction of Arts & Cultural Education • Strategies and Action Plans for the Arts & Cultural Education • Action Plan Structure • Road Map
Strategic Direction of Arts & Cultural Education
KACES, building on the Seoul Agenda in 2010 and the Policy Vision for Arts Education in Korea in 2011, has renewed its vision for year 2012 as “Enhancing the quality of cultural life, Strengthening the cultural capability” commemorating the third anniversary of the Seoul Agenda. Moreover, KACES has established a well-planned strategy to consistently deliver the founding message of the Seoul Agenda, building on the achievements it has made regarding its implementation. Furthermore, incorporating the analysis of implementation of the Seoul Agenda and its findings, KACES has identified strategic goals for organized improvement of the lacking points while maintaining and expanding the positive impact. Furthermore, KACES has established strategies and action plans considering the regional context and environment so that universal values of the Seoul Agenda can be effectively delivered to the Korean society. It has also presented an action plan structure and phasebased road map.
Strategies and Action Plans for the Arts & Cultural Education
Korea has identified the following strategies, reflective of the nation’s commitment to the Seoul Agenda to better achieve the goals set forth in the Seoul Agenda. Detailed action plans are specified for each strategy.
Policy Implementation Framework on Arts & Cultural Education in Korea Seoul Agenda Goals
Vision of KACES
Action Plan
Improve access to arts education
Enhance quality of arts education
Strengthen social & cultural roles of arts education
Enhancing the quality of cultural life, Strengthening the cultural capability of society
1. Specialize/intensify arts & cultural education by participant target and expand the scope to overall population
2. Achieve improved quality of arts & cultural education and strengthen capacities of human resources
3. Ensure arts & cultural education to contribute to resolving challenges faced by society
4. Support the quality improvement of arts & cultural education through reinforced international cooperation, thereby contributing to the international community
5. Build sustainable arts & cultural education mechanism via central路regional, public路private partnership
1-1 Establish a project model for arts education specialized and intensified by target
2-1 Build a system to nurture and manage arts education specialists (Implementation of certified arts instructor system)
3-1 Strengthen the role of arts education in resolving social issues such as school violence, multi-culturalism and etc.
4-1 Explore, develop and diffuse international cooperation projects on arts education in the Asia Pacific Region
5-1 Reinforce decentralized centralregional partnership in implementing arts education policies
1-2 Create arts education environment within the living quarters with communities as base
2-2 Reinforce R&D investment in arts education and effectively share results
3-2 Ensure arts education to contribute to the recovery of local or regional cultural communities
4-2 Identify sites for international cooperation on arts education and support strengthening educational capacities on the actual field
5-2 Expand social participation in arts education through schemes for individual and corporate donations
Strategy 1
Specialize/intensify arts & cultural education by participant target and expand the scope to overall population Arts & cultural education in Korea has been extended to serve the overall population which includes the existing participants. Therefore it is incumbent to take a new leap forward to improve the quality of cultural life of every individuals in society. In this regard, we will provide specialized services to meet the needs of individual applicants while continuing to expand the scope of arts education to cover the entire population of Korea.
Action Plan
1-1 Establish a project model for arts education specialized and intensified by target Main Tasks
• Develop and expand standardized program models for arts education (military, correctional institutions or juvenile halls)
• Further develop R&D on programs for the marginalized population (disabled, migrants) and diffuse relevant educational model
• Extend arts education programs for the elderly to cope with the aging society • Build and expand the arts education cooperation support system for after-school children and teenagers
1-2 Create arts education environment within the living quarters with communities as base Main Tasks
• Expand programs for invigorating arts education for citizens in regional bases partnered with the relevant regional arts education center.
• Build and expand the system for incubating arts education related social enterprises • Continuously expand arts education activities for regions alienated from arts education
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such as industrial complexes
Road Map No.
Action Plan
Establish a project model for arts education specialized and intensified by target
Create arts education environment within the living quarters with communities as base
Strategy 2
Achieve improved quality of arts & cultural education and strengthen capacities of human resources To go beyond quantitative expansion and add more qualitative depth to arts education, it is first required to build well-organized system to achieve high standards in terms of not only arts educational content but also educational capacity. Building on the expanded base of participants, we plan systematically and comprehensively upgrade our content encompassing arts education philosophy, discourse, use, methodologies and etc. It is also essential to build a system to provide solid support to build human resource capacities in arts education such as arts education planner, teachers, researchers and etc.
Action Plan
2-1 Build a system to nurture and manage arts education specialists (Implementation of certified arts instructor system) Main Tasks
• Improve the overall operational quality of training system designed to strengthen capacities arts educators in schools and community
• Run permanent educational programs for policy stakeholders, arts education providers • Lead in-depth study and build operational mechanism to implement certified arts instructor system
2-2 Reinforce R&D investment in arts education and effectively share results Main Tasks
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• Continuously expand R&D investments in arts education • Intensify R&D of and diffuse creative arts education content • Sophistication of IT system on arts education via digital media channels
Road Map No.
Action Plan
Build a system to nurture and manage arts education specialists (Implementation of certified arts instructor system)
Reinforce R&D investment in arts education and effectively share results
Strategy 3
Ensure arts & cultural education to contribute to resolving challenges faced by society Korea has made strenuous efforts to ensure the role of arts education in addressing the social and cultural challenges faced by its society. It especially tried to approach the social issues such as the underprivileged, impoverished class, multi-culturalism, school violence and weakening local community based on mutual understanding. We plan to leverage the changes and achievements made in the process and provide support so that arts education can be applied to social and cultural issues in a more comprehensive and integrated manner.
Action Plan
3-1 Strengthen the role of arts education in resolving social issues such as school violence, multi-culturalism and etc. Main Tasks
• Expand networking meetings for arts education policy stakeholders and providers • Develop and diffuse manual on arts education activities in resolving social issues • Expand educational programs to promote cultural diversity to deal with changes faced by multi-cultural society
3-2 Ensure arts education to contribute to the recovery of local or regional cultural communities Main Tasks
• Increase support to local cultural community programs to bridge the gap in arts education
• Provide more support to arts education in regions / villages serving as the link between the government and local authorities
• Support strengthening the capacity of local arts education programs and establish evaluation system
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• Modelization and diffusion of best practices on community arts education programs
Road Map No.
Action Plan
Strengthen the role of arts education in resolving social issues such as school violence, multi-culturalism and etc.
Ensure arts education to contribute to the recovery of local or regional cultural communities
Strategy 4
Support the quality improvement of arts & cultural education through reinforced international cooperation, thereby contributing to the international community Since the establishment of KACES, Korea has carried out a large spectrum of international liaison activities including the hosting of international conferences such as the World Conference on Arts Education. It has enabled us to build diverse network with not only UNESCO but also governments from different countries, groups and experts on arts education in different genres. Such a solid network base has helped Korea to define specific project goals. Furthermore, our enduring and synergistic partnership with reputed institutions and groups from home and abroad has propelled us to take the lead in supporting the quality improvement of arts education and thus largely contributing to the international community.
Action Plan
4-1 Explore, develop and diffuse international cooperation projects on arts education in the Asia Pacific Region Main Tasks
• Identify and expand assistance in joint international cooperation projects on arts education
• Prepare organizing forum tour on arts education in the cities of the Asia Pacific Region • Upgrade networking with observatory institutions on arts education
4-2 Identify sites for international cooperation on arts education and support strengthening educational capacities on the actual field Main Tasks
• Plan and identify international cooperation projects aiming to strengthen on-site arts education capacity
• Consistently organize and upgrade workshops on arts education to network with domestic and overseas experts
• Provide assistance to international cooperation projects on arts education
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best practices
Road Map No.
Action Plan
Explore, develop and diffuse international cooperation projects on arts education of the Asia Pacific Region
Identify sites for international cooperation on arts education and support strengthening educational capacities on the actual field
Strategy 5
Build sustainable arts & cultural education mechanism via central·regional, public·private partnership For practical diffusion of benefits of arts education and creation of a virtuous cycle, it is essential to establish a sustainable mechanism building on organic collaboration of different stakeholders. Korea and KACES have made constant efforts for local arts education to become more autonomous and built partnerships with different actors in and out of arts education. We especially plan to initiate an array of activities to promote individual and corporate donations in arts education hoping to achieve stable decentralized partnership structure and seek cooperation with different actors (multilateral cooperation).
Action Plan
5-1 Reinforce decentralized central-regional partnership in implementing arts education policies Main Tasks
• Build support mechanism for arts education support center at regional level • Build arts education data sharing system between the central government (KACES) and the regional arts centers 5-2 Expand social participation in arts education through schemes for individual and corporate donations Main Tasks
• Operate programs inviting prominent figures to raise public awareness on values of arts education
• Prepare institutional measures and continue campaigns to promote donation for arts education
• Build mechanism for corporate participation and cooperation vis-a-vis arts
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educational activities
Road Map No.
Action Plan
Reinforce decentralized central-regional partnership in implementing arts education policies
Expand social participation in arts education through schemes for individual and corporate donations
Action Plan Structure
To implement strategy and tasks of arts & cultural education, it is needed take more pluralistic, multi-layered approach. The action plan structure is diverse as it spans from the government as the control tower supervising the overall policies, institutions responsible for implementing arts education policies, institutions in charge of providing the arts education services and to assistance providers. To achieve sustainable development of arts & cultural education in society, it is essential to build an effective partnership in public-private, central-regional relations with regards to the elaboration, execution and implementation of relevant policies. To implement the five aforementioned strategies, it is crucial for the different actor of arts education to evenly take part in and network among themselves to preserve the ecosystem of arts education.
Actors Involved with Implementation of Arts & Cultural Education Strategies from Ecological Perspectives
Policy Control Tower
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Other relevant ministries
Regional Arts Education Centers
Marginalized Class
General Public
Childcare facilities
Multiculture facilities
Regional, local communities
Military/correctional facilities
Cultural facilities
Specialized welfare facilities
Welfare facilities
Policy Execution Arm
Implementation Institution Schools
Education Provider
Assistance Provider
Arts Educator
Arts education groups
Welfare & multicultural facilities / institutions
Military / correctional facilities
Regional community groups
Road Map
For the constructive implementation of the Seoul Agenda, a Road Map has been defined, highlighting the five major strategies and ten action plans for the next five years.
1 Specialize/intensify arts & cultural education by participant target and expand the scope to overall population
Establish a project model for arts education specialized and intensified by target
Create arts education environment within the living quarters with communities as base
Build a system to nurture and manage arts 2 education specialists 2-1 Achieve improved quality (Implementation of certified arts instructor of arts & cultural system) education and strengthen capacities Reinforce R&D investment in arts education 2-2 of human resources and effectively share results
3 Ensure arts & cultural education to contribute to resolving challenges faced by society
Strengthen the role of arts education in 3-1 resolving social issues such as school violence, multi-culturalism and etc. Ensure arts education to contribute to 3-2 the recovery of local or regional cultural communities
4 Support the quality improvement of arts & cultural education through reinforced international cooperation, thereby contributing to the international community
Explore, develop and diffuse international 4-1 cooperation projects on arts education in the Asia Pacific Region
5 Build sustainable arts & cultural education mechanism via central路regional, public路private partnership
Reinforce decentralized central-regional 5-1 partnership in implementing arts education policies
Identify sites for international cooperation on 4-2 arts education and support strengthening educational capacities on the actual field
Expand social participation in arts education 5-2 through schemes for individual and corporate donations
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Action Plan
The Road Map for Implementation of Arts & Cultural Education in Korea
The Seoul Agenda, adopted during the 2010 UNESCO World Conference on Arts Education, has played a significant role in transforming the arts & cultural education policies and their implementation in Korea. The direction of the Korean governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arts education policies shifted away from the conventional framework to join the new concept of incorporating different societies, cultures and regions, paving the way towards a complete new era for us to take part in resolving challenges that are common to all local and regional communities, governments and the world. The Seoul Agenda has become the turning point in laying the ground for content and framework for the joint implementation of the goals, going beyond merely sharing the social importance of arts & cultural education by the international community. The arts & cultural education presented in this report together with other policies, strategies and action plans will serve as an important milestone for arts & cultural education in Korea to make a leap forward. Moreover, the Korean government will be an active partner in sharing the result of arts & cultural education implementation with the entire international community. Commemorating the First International Arts Education Week for 2012, the Korean government and KACES will continue to serve as role models in carrying out network and cooperation projects to better diffuse the values of arts & cultural education and seek improvement in its quality. The Korean government is committed to working hand in hand with the international community to help everyone in the world to spiritually enrich their lives and contribute to the progressive social development driven by arts & cultural education.
Copyright Š 2012 by Korea Arts & Culture Education Service (KACES) Practices and Strategies of the Seoul Agenda in Korea (Draft Report) Written by Korea Arts & Culture Education Service Consulted by METAA Co., Ltd. For information regarding this paper, please contact Global Administration Team of Korea Arts & Culture Education Service at +82.2.6209.5900 or