Travel Arabia MITT Russian Supplement

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International Media Production Zone


Jojo Dass Editor



Six Senses Zighy Bay A hideaway made in heaven


Meling Pot

Contents 8

March 2012 MITT Moscow 17 24




P.01 P.04 P.16 P.20


P.22 P.26 P.28 P.34

Whistle Stop Impressions MELTING POT MY TRAVEL BAG

P.36 P.40 P.54 P.64



International Media Production Zone


on the cover Six Senses Zighy Bay; A hideaway made in heaven in this edition's Cover Story on page 4.

Cover Story Six Senses

Zighy Bay

Укрытие на небесах

Вообразите себе это: вы вместе с вашей “половинкой” в каком-то месте между морем и горами. Что будет дальше - зависит от вас! Она – само обаяние: Six Senses Zighy Bay. В самом деле, волшебно! Слова, которые доходят во внешний мир гласят то, что мужчины предлагают своим “половинкам” в этой деревне Омани, живущей в своем собственном времени. Расположившись в уединённой бухте на полуострове Мусандам, Six Senses Zighy Bay спрятан между массивом впечатляющих гор, высота которых достигает 2000 футов и чудесного песочного пляжа длиной в 1,6 км возле отдаленного рыбацкого поселка. Некоторые добираются сюда на полноприводном автомобиле, пересекая гору. Другие прибывают на быстроходном катере, который ходит с ближайшего порта. Наиболее смелые опускаются с неба на парашюте с высоты почти тысячи футов. Одной из многих достопримечательностей Six Sense

TravelArabia Arabia 44I Travel

Zighy Bay является оригинальный ресторан высокой кухни Sense on the Edge. Название ресторана как нельзя лучше говорит о его местоположении – он расположен на вершине скалы, на высоте 293 метра. Six Senses Zighy Bay находится на расстоянии часа-двух езды от международного аэропорта Дубаи.

Travel Arabia


6 I Travel Arabia

EXTRAORDINARY HOLIDAY Designed for pure relaxation with its sun kissed powdery beaches, crystal clear waters and mesmerizing underwater life, these perfectly located retreats are a true escapist dream. Riding with the dolphins, alfresco dining by the beach or indulging your senses at the spa, discover Maldives at your own pace. When you stay with us, our promise to deliver an affordable luxury holiday stays true.

H.Maley-thila, Meheli Goalhi, Male’, Rep. of Maldives, Tel: (960) 3325977, Fax: (960) 3318273 E:, W:

8 I Travel Arabia

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14 I Travel Arabia

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Travel Arabia I 15

Arabian Experience

The Bedouins What have become of them?

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The fiber of modern Arab society is one woven by the desert dwellers of yonder times


n obvious attraction to visitors that the region’s hospitality industry has been very quick to catch up with is the allure of re-living the Bedouin life. Hotels and resorts across the Sahara have packages that come with anything from camel rides to desert camping. Souvenirs include Bedouin garments, beads and effects. Buffets always have “traditional Arabic cuisine,” Bedouin food, in other words. But where are the Bedouins? What have become of them? Path less taken The Bedouins have been in the Middle East before anyone else. As in other parts of the world, the rivers—in this case, Nile, Tigris and Euphrates among others—were where civilization flourished as it promoted trade. But the Bedouins, nomadic people that they were, took the path less taken and lived in the open desert—Arabian and Syrian deserts, the Sinai Peninsula and the Sahara— where their oases became mobile markets of trade, and there developed their own society and culture that have survived modernization and subtly made its way in today’s modern life. Indeed, beneath the towering skylines of the major cities from Dubai to Doha, Cairo and Riyadh flow an undertow with currents created by ages of Bedouin tradition passed on from generations to generations. Sheikh, for instance, is Bedouin for tribal leader. According to historians, many Bedouins were converted to Christianity and Judaism in the first few centuries of the current era; as well, many Bedouin tribes fell to Roman slavery. By the turn of the seventh century, most Bedouins had been

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converted to Islam. The Bedouins are seen as Arab culture’s purest form because of their rich oral poetic tradition, their herding lifestyle and, more importantly, their code of honour. Hierarchy of loyalties “I against my brother, my brothers and I against my cousins, then my cousins and I against strangers”. This very popular Bedouin saying touches on the clannish hierarchy of loyalties that they had lived by. Through this rule, which is framed within the ethic of self-help and collective efforts, disputes were settled, interests were pursued, and justice and order were maintained. Economists in the region say this is still pretty much the framework to which business transactions and political deals are done today. Fiery ordeal One glaring Bedouin practice is the

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bisha’a, or ordeal by fire, a ritual where the accused is asked to lick a hot metal object—a spoon, ladle, or rod—three times. The accused is then given water for rinsing after which the Mubesha, the ceremony’s presiding official as well as designated witnesses check the tongue. A person is said to be lying if the tongue is burnt or scarred. The Bisha’a, a public affair and fanfare as tea is served, is usually performed only for cases involving severe offenses; consent of the person to be subjected to the ritual is required. The person is considered guilty if he or she runs away. Oil and the juggernaut of change Today’s Arab countries regulate the Bedouins’ nomadic lifestyle; at the same time, the juggernaut of modernization has made the traditional Bedouin ways less attractive, obviously because it is too demanding, harsh and often dangerous. Moreover, government policies, oil production, and the desire for improved

standards of living, caused most Bedouin to become settled citizens of various nations in the region than remain stateless nomads. While it has been officially maintained that the government policies were put in place to provide services like schools and health care, some scholars of Middle East affairs contend that these were actually implemented to grab land. By the 1930s, the oil fields had been established and farmed by Americans and British, which brought gratuitous wealth to the Arabian empire, which in turn brought the desert people into a modern world of lavish comforts and technology. In this light, many Bedouins have settled in urban areas faced with challenges in their lifestyle, as their traditional Islamic, tribal culture has begun to mix with western practices. The traditional nomadic Bedouin hence became an endangered species in terms of survival, as contemporary commerce rolled in.

Living Arabia In Turkey, a young man comes of age in a way tradition has held for ages.

Sünnet The ritual of a new day In Turkey, circumcision is called Sünnet, which loosely means adherence to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed, and it is done the old way, that is, with the use of a knife. Indeed, this centuries-old country which has gone through changes after changes from the days of the Ottoman empire to the industrial revolution and on to what it is now today, has kept its ritual of a young man’s new day intact. Such is how widespread this practice has remained in Turkey that it even has a celebrity named, “Sultan of Circumcision” or 76-year-old Kemal Ozkan in real life who, by accounts of the Turkish media, has snipped 80,000 foreskins throughout his career, some in sensational ways like on a camel’s back or in a train. Ozkan has also been credited for performing the first “painless” traditional circumcision. History Turkey’s recorded history has it that circumcision was in fact a privilege of the opulent class. It was started around 1582, when Istanbul was the seat of the Ottoman Empire, by Sultan Murat III, who hosted a 52-day celebration to mark the circumcision of his sons, which was done with free circumcisions for poor families as well. The celebration also touches on the triumphs of the Ottoman army. Mass circumcision prevailed till around the 18th century. In those days,

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celebrations for the circumcision ritual of a prince would last up to two weeks, some went on for nearly two months, even, where up to 10,000 sons of poor families underwent circumcision and given gifts like clothing, underwear, toys and gold coins. Sünnet Çocuğu Today, attaching a gold coin to the garb of a circumcised boy by his relatives is still being practiced. On the day of the event, the boy who would be circumcised, called Sünnet Çocuğu, or Child of Circumcision, is garbed in white and red ribbons and ride flower-bedecked donkeys or cars to the ceremony venue. When the circumcision is done, the young boy’s status changes—the ribbons are removed and he holds escorts like a

king on a lavishly decorated bed, receiving compliments and gifts. Celebration of ritual circumcision is usually held when schools go on vacation or in the fall, close to the opening of schools. Preparations for circumcision start early. An elaborate circumcision outfit and clothes for relatives of the child are bought by his father. A few days before the circumcision ceremony, the Sünnet Çocuğu visits his relatives and neighbors in his circumcision outfit and kisses their hands. Every person whose hand is kissed customarily gives money to the boy. The circumcision hat is blue to protect him from evil eyes. In front of the hat a ribbon with the inscription Maşallah (Wonderful, May God avert the evil eye) is placed. On the day of circumcision, guests come together and chant Mevlit and eat a meal while waiting for the arrival of the circumcised boy. Ceremony In villages in Anatolia, the young boy, before being circumcised, travels on horseback or by a procession consisting of cars, in and around the village. The boy is brought into the circumcision hall just before noon and does not dismount from his horse or get out from car until he receives money from his father. His father gives him a present and then the circumcision ceremony starts. During the ceremony the boy will have beside him a Kirve which is equivalent of a godfather in Christian belief. It is common to hear “Oldu da bitti Maşallah” (Well, it is all over and done) or “Allahüekber” (God is the greatest).

Festivals in a fashion quite similar to the West’s Halloween trick-or-treat. A more serious part of Nowruz is the observance of the last five days of the year as the feast of all souls called Hamaspathmaedaya where the guardian angels of humans, Faravahar, reunite with the spirits of the dead. These “bounteous immortals,” or Amesha Spenta take representation in the form of seven or Haftseen are honoured guests in homes and are bidden farewell at the dawn of the New Year. Seven Thus, most homes would have the Haftseen table—a table of seven things that starts with the letter S. On these tables are:

The Nowruz jump ‘Give me your red, take my yellow.’

On every last Tuesday of the Iranian year, people throw themselves across a bonfire wishing the flames would devour their maladies—a purification rite dating back to ancient Persia. The last Wednesday of the Iranian year is called Chahar Shanbeh Suri—the “Festival of Fire,” a prelude to the New Year or Nowruz. People gather around the dancing flames and take turns jumping on the pile of burning wood. In so doing, they sing or shout, “Sorkhi-ye to az man; Zardi-ye man az to (Give me your beautiful red colour; take back my sickly yellow pallor).” Nowruz happens on the vernal equinox when the length of night and day becomes equal as the Earth’s axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same plane as the Earth’s equator. The exact beginning of the Iranian— in this case, Persian as this is being observed in other countries that were once part of the Persian empire—New Year occurs when the season changes from winter

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to spring on the vernal equinox, which usually happens on March 20th or 21st. Chahar Shanbeh Suri Chahar Shanbeh Suri, pronounced Car-sam-be suri, Persian for feast, dates back to 1700 BCE. It is the lighting up of bonfires “to keep the sun alive” until early morning. The celebration usually starts in the evening, with people making bonfires in the streets. Aside from Iranians, Nowruz, and other festivities tied to it, are also being observed and celebrated and observed in parts of Central Asia, South Asia, Northwestern China, the Crimea and in the Balkans. Aside from jumping on the fire, traditions include making special ajeel, or mixed nuts and berries. As well, people wear disguises and go knocking on doors

• • • • • • •

Sumac (crushed spice of berries): For the sunrise and the spice of life Senjed (sweet dry fruit of the lotus tree): For love and affection Serkeh (vinegar): For patience and age Seeb (apples): For health and beauty Sir (garlic): For good health Samanu (wheat pudding): For fertility and the sweetness of life Sabzeh (sprouted wheat grass): For rebirth and renewal of nature It is also customary to place a mirror on the table to symbolize reflection on the past year, an orange in a bowl of water to symbolize the Earth, a bowl of real goldfish to symbolize new life, colored eggs to represent fertility, coins for prosperity in the New Year, special flowers called hyacinths to symbolize spring and candles to radiate light and happiness. Other items are special, the Qur’an, or the Shahnameh, an epic Persian story of colorful kings and princes written around the year 1000 CE. The festivities of Nowruz reflect the renewal of the Earth that occurs with the coming of spring.

9th Abu Dhabi Festival Remembering the past through the performing arts The years 750 CE - c. 1258 CE were regarded as the Golden Age of Arabian culture. Baghdad, where the philosopher Abu Nasr Muhammad Al Farabi had lived, was the intellectual center of the world and was also the cultural capital of the Islamic world. Mecca was a center of trade where Prophet Muhammad lived as a merchant. By historians’ accounts, Islamic civilization grew and expanded by way of a merchant economy where Muslims, keen about their region’s proximity to both sides of the world, held great influence on the trade routes, taking their goods, music, art and faith with them to Western Africa, China, Spain, India, and Southeast

Anoushka shankar

an international cultural event happening from March 11, 2012 to April 6, 2012 that brought together 18 countries under the theme, “Connecting Cultures.” ‘Lessons’ What makes this edition of the Abu

‘We shall pay homage to the Golden Age of Arab cultural expression that stretched from Andalucia to China.’ – Her Excellency, Mrs. Hoda I. Al Khamis Kanoo, founder and artistic director. Asia. This year, the region remembers this past through the performing arts as presented at the 9th Abu Dhabi Festival,

Anwar Abu Dragh

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Dhabi Festival particularly special, said Her Excellency, Mrs. Hoda I. Al Khamis Kanoo, the event’s founder and artistic director, “is that it will not only enable us to look forward to a future filled with unlimited creative possibilities, but as well help us look back and learn from the lessons of the past.” .“This March, we shall pay homage to the glory days of Arab cultural expression that stretched from Andalucía to China. The Golden Age left a legacy of scientific and artistic achievement, exceeding that of any other civilization.” A new initiative and one of this year’s highlights is “Bayt Al Farabi,” a series of three intimate concerts paying tribute to Abu Nasr Muhammad Al Farabi, whose

diverse work, provided a legacy of lasting enrichment to culture and development across the Arab world and through Europe. “Bayt Al Farabi” brings together a series of performers each capturing the spirit of Al Farabi in their work. To be held at the Emirates Palace from March 27 – 29, 2012, audiences will be able to enjoy the music of Anwar Abu Dragh and Maqamat from Iraq, Gӧksel Baktagir from Turkey, and Faisal Al Sari from the UAE. Main programme The Festival’s main programme will blend musical cultures and histories. From jazz to classical, the music of the sitar to the rhythm and movement of contemporary dance, and the precision of ballet to opera. The programme crosses cultures and explores the past, present and future of artistic expression. Highlights of the main programme also include Anoushka Shankar, daughter of sitar maestro Ravi Shankar, and a Grammy-nominated artist who fuses traditional Indian music with innovative modernism through the sitar. Purchase points for tickets include and through the Abu Dhabi Festival ticket hotline number 800-4669 (local)/ +971 4 444 3459. For further information visit www.

Luxury Retreat

Six Senses Zighy Bay A hideaway made in heaven


harm is written all over her: Six Senses Zighy Bay. Enchanting indeed. Words reaching the outside world have it that men propose to their significant other in this Omani village living in its own time. A secluded bay resort on Oman’s Musandam Peninsula, Six Senses Zighy Bay is hidden behind a range of dramatic mountains jutting as high as 2,000 feet and set on a splendid 1.6km sandy beach by a remote fishing village. Indeed, the mountains are so high and steep they dwarf the resort. Some people get there on board four-wheel drives crossing a mountain. Others arrive through a speed boat coming from a nearby port. The more adventurous ones drop from the sky, paragliding from almost a thousand feet. One of Six Sense Zighy Bay’s many attractions is Sense on the Edge, an innovative course-by-course fine dining restaurant aptly named as it sits atop a 293-meter cliff and offers a fantastic view of the resort below and the bay itself. ‘Norway of the Middle East’ The Musandam Peninsula is an exclave region of the Sul-

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tanate of Oman, separated from the rest of the country by the United Arab Emirates. Its mountains rise up to 2,100 metres above the coast and juts into the Strait of Hormuz. With its rugged, spectacular fjord-like bays it is no wonder that Musandam is also called “The Norway of the Middle East”. Six Senses Zighy Bay is approximately 100 kilometres, or less than a two-hour drive, from Dubai International Airport. The resort resembles in many ways a traditional Omani village, with narrow passages between the individual villas and palm shaded, sandy roads. Except for the four-wheelers that come and go from high up the mountain for the visitors’ ride, the rest of the resort is car-free. Each of Six Senses Zighy Bay ‘s 82 villas were carefully designed and furnished to reflect local Omani culture, feature its own ‘infinity pool’ and hidden away to secure a maximum of privacy and tranquillity. Villa options Of these, 33 are called Pool Villas which are studio-type with a bedroom. There also are 15 Pool Villas located directly

Picture this: Alone with your significant other in a place between the mountain and the sea. What happens next is up to you. on the beachfront and four Spa Pool Villas offering private treatment room. All Pool Villas feature an Infinity-edged pool of 21 sqm, and a private sun lounge and dining suite. There are also two Pool Villa Suites which has one bedroom and a separate living area; as well as eight Pool Villa Suites located directly on the beachfront and two Spa Pool Villa Suites with a private treatment room. All Pool Villa Suites also have an Infinity-edged pool size measuring 24 sqm and feature a separate traditional Arabic Summer House, a private Sun lounge and outdoor dining suite. Moreover, there are eight Zighy Pool Villas all of which have two bedrooms; another two are called Zighy Spa Pool Villas with a private treatment room. All have a bedroom area on the ground floor and a second bedroom combined with living area and balcony on the first floor,

as well as an Infinity-edged pool size of 18 sqm, an outdoor Majlis and/or traditional Arabic Summer house and a private Sun lounge and outdoor dining suite. Grandest The grandest perhaps are the Retreats and Private Reserve. All also have an Infinity-edged pool size measuring 24 sqm, a traditional Arabic Summer House and/or outdoor Majlis and a private sun lounge andoutdoor dining suite. Six Senses Zighy Bay is the first property operated by Six Senses Resorts and Spas in the Middle East and offers a wide range of different restaurants and bars, a Six Senses Spa and a variety of leisure facilities and activities. And oh yes, as mentioned, Six Senses Zighy Bay runs on its own time—just ask the private butler.

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Outside Arabia

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Disneyland Paris turns 20 Explosion of lights and colours to mark the event

MARNE-LA-VALLEE, France – Disneyland Paris invites its guests to celebrate its 20th anniversary in sparkling and magical style. Throughout this exceptional year starting April 1, 2012, lots of surprises and new features will provide an explosion of magic, lights and colour to highlight the festivities. Disneyland Park will be hosting “Disney Dreams!”, an amazing nighttime show, “Disney Magic on Parade!”, a new parade, and “Disney’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Train” to have magical encounters with the guests’ favourite Disney characters. And to the delight of its visitors, Europe’s leading tourist destination will be donning extra special decor to celebrate this landmark anniversary in a fitting manner. Beginnings The great Disney Parks adventure began in 1955 with the opening of the Disneyland Resort in California. This unique park, dreamed up by Walt Disney himself, is a magical place where young and old alike see their dreams come true, launching a new era in theme parks. Other Disney Parks followed in 1971 in Florida (Walt Disney World) and in

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1983 in Japan (Tokyo Disneyland). On April 12, 1992, Disneyland Paris opened its doors for the first time to thousands of visitors. With its prime location at the heart of Europe, Disneyland Paris is within easy reach of the Paris airports and a Eurostar/TGV high speed train station located right next to the Park – and of course it’s close to Paris, the City of Light. 250 million visitors Since its opening, Disneyland Paris has welcomed more than 250 million visitors, establishing itself as Europe’s leading tourist destination. These 20 years of history have been marked by major events including the opening of must-see attractions like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril (1993), Space Mountain –from the Earth to the Moon (1995) and The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror (1) (2008), as well as the opening of a second park, Walt Disney Studios Park, in 2002 and the all new Toy Story Playland in summer 2010. In addition to the wide variety of attractions, new shows and original parades such as The TarzanTM Encounter (2000), Disney’s Fantillusion (2003) and Disney’s Once Upon a Dream Parade (2007) have provided memorable entertainment. Disneyland Paris now includes a total of 57 attractions, 62 shops and 58 restaurants. Guests can stay at the heart of the magic in one of the seven Disney hotels – with total capacity of 5,800 rooms. Disneyland Paris is one of the largest entertainment centres in Ile-de-France, featuring Disney Village, two conference centres and a 27-hole golf course. Every day, more than 14,500 employees, called “Cast Members,” are at work on stage and backstage to provide our guests with unforgettable memories. A festival of magical moments To celebrate this great anniversary, Disneyland Paris will also be offering guests the opportunity to continue with a festival of magical moments in the Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios park. Enjoy a cup of tea as you plunge into The Wonderful World of Alice and The Mad Hatter (Fantasyland, Disneyland Park), rub Aladdin’s Magic Lamp (Adventureland, Disneyland Park), have

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a romantic moment with Wall-E(3) (Discoveryland, Disneyland Park), jive at Adventureland Rhythm of the Jungle (Adventureland, Disneyland Park), Smile and say “Cheese” with Remy and Emile, the heroes of Ratatouille(4) (Backlot, Walt Disney Studios) and discover the Moteurs… Action ! Stunt Show Spectacular featuring Lightning McQueen(5). Princesses The Disney Princesses will be welcoming visitors in brand new surroundings. Located next to the “it’s a small world” attraction, this venue dedicated to Disney’s great heroines is brimming with magic. Every day, one of the Disney Princesses invites visitors to an enchanted rendezvous. At this magical new attraction, visitors will have the opportunity to strike a royal pose with one of the Disney Princesses.

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San Francisco’s Painted Ladies

San Francisco revisited

Would it be as appealing the second time around?


s we landed in San Francisco, I realised that it was 25 years ago when I first visited the city as a teenager, after spending three months working and then travelling across the USA from east to west. San Francisco had been my favourite city then. Would it be as appealing the second time around? Finding accommodation for our family of five had been a challenge, but the Herbert Hotel was ideal: three interconnecting rooms with en-suite bathroom, a shared laundry room and kitchen facilities. Located on Powell Street, near Union Square, the famous Cable Car and

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Market and Powell turntable were right on our doorstep, and Chinatown was just a few blocks away. So by our first night, we had already ticked off two of our must-sees. The next morning, we boarded the “hopon-hop-off ” open top bus tour of the city and enjoyed the sunshine as we listened to the audio-guide telling us about landmarks, such as the “painted ladies” and City Hall, and how buildings have had to be rebuilt or modified to withstand the earthquakes which pose a constant threat. Our first stop, Golden Gate Park, looked much the same as it did 25 years ago, until

a guided group of tourists sped past riding Segways (2-wheeled electric scooters). After a gentle stroll around the lake, we hopped back on the bus to head for the Golden Gate Bridge, which looked as magnificent as ever. We wrapped up and braved the strong winds to walk the 1.7 mile span and enjoy the views across the bay towards the city, and out to the Pacific, before rejoining the bus on the northern side. The next day, San Francisco’s famous fog rolled in. Our bus tickets were valid for two days so we rode out to the bridge again, grateful we’d walked across in yesterday’s sunshine.

Our destination was Fisherman’s Wharf where, after our chilly open top bus-ride, we warmed up, savouring bread bowls of delicious clam chowder. We now understood why Mark Twain had said “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” The waterfront is San Francisco’s number 1 tourist attraction, brimming with shops, restaurants, a wax museum, jet boat rides (and more Segway tours), seals sunbathing on jetties and scenic views of the bay. It had changed little. But something I couldn’t have seen in 1986 was the USA’s yacht for the Americas Cup which, until 1987, had always been defended by New York Yacht Club. It raced by impressively, practising for its upcoming defence of the trophy in 2013. But the wind was too cold for us, so we sought shelter in an eye-opening tour of the World War II submarine, USS Pampanito, moored alongside Pier 45. The following day, we enjoyed sports and culture. First, a visit to SFMOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art) which had an excellent collection of work, and a fabulous cafe with some very artistic snacks. But my favourite exhibits were the winning entries in the Google Doodle competition: art inspired by a company which wasn’t even founded until 13 years after my first visit to the city, but now, most of us can’t imagine living without. From SFMOMA we took the MUNI


Streetcar to AT&T Park to watch the baseball: San Francisco Giants -v- Cleveland Indians. Had I watched the Giants in 1986 it would have been at Candlestick Park, a ground notoriously difficult for players and fans, with its chilling, swirling winds and thick fog, but we found AT&T Park pretty chilly too, and were glad we had seats in the sunshine. The baseball was easy to follow, and a family friendly affair, but it lacked away supporters, not surprisingly given that Cleveland is 2,460 miles from San Francisco. As a result the atmosphere was relaxed rather than competitive, but still very enjoyable, especially since the Giants won 3-1. We had one more must-see: Alcatraz. The guided tour and stories from the jail were just as interesting as they had been on my first visit, and the rundown appearance maintains the prison’s sinister feel. In 1986 Alcatraz was my favourite attraction in San Francisco, and it still is, offering as it does, a fascinating glimpse of the era of prohibition and organised crime in a unique setting. So after revisiting familiar sights and seeing some new ones, it was time to leave. Would I return to San Francisco a third time? Yes, definitely. It has so many appealing attractions (although the weather isn’t one of them). Will it be another 25 years before I return? I hope not. But if it is, I’ll be nearly 70 so I think I might try those Segway tours.

Whistle Stop

The Spanish style, vibrancy and history make this place a glorious spot for the cultureseekers amongst us. —Julian Redman , Contributor

Puerto Rico Steeped in history


k, I guess the clue is in the title – but this write-up is based on truly a whistle stop tour of San Juan in Puerto Rico! Staying there for about four days, some of which were spent in a conference room, I managed, and grateful I did, to do some cycling around the old town for a day and a half and attend a spectacular evening event in the grounds of an old castle. So to the bike ride: The February weather in Puerto Rico was perfect, slightly overcast, fresh and clear skies which were ideal conditions for a brisk cycle from the hotel to the old part of San Juan around five miles away. After navigating the main roads, I finally found myself in the depths of beautiful narrow cobbled streets with delightful colourful old buildings with charm and character of almost a Dutch-colonial feel. Now being a US commonwealth— that is, self-governance in association with the United States with the chief of state being the U.S. President and the head of local government being an elected governor—the Spanish style, vibrancy and history make this place a glorious spot for the culture-seekers amongst us. Steeped in history since 1493 and Christopher Columbus’s arrival, you can enjoy Puerto Rico’s forts and significant entrance points around the island either

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by foot, car or bike. The two key historic castles are the Castillo San Felipe del Morro, where King Charles V of Spain ordered its construction in 1539 to protect the “Rich Port” (the direct translation for Puerto Rico) from seaborne enemies. The other, the Castillo de San Cristobal which was built almost three hundred years later in 1783, is another fine example of the crusading years during those times. Sadly, and really unbelievable, most of these forts have been demolished to ease traffic congestion. The most distinguished elements of these forts are the “guerites” or sentry boxes which look like pepper pots dotted around the fort to keep an eye on any possible invasion. Aside from the stone work of the forts, the nature and wildlife in the old town was remarkable with iguanas roaming free, which was a bit of a shock on a couple of occasions—the first involving a

well camouflaged and almost metre-long iguana that I almost stepped on in the grounds of the Castillo de San Cristobal that moment being a beautiful and intimate one with a creature one would normally see in a zoo; the other almost took me crashing into a tree as a brilliant green iguana cut me up as I was zooming down a hill. It shot out in front of my spinning wheels and I missed it by a scale’s breadth! I was disappointed that I didn’t manage to get a chance to visit the rainforest to see even more of Puerto Rico’s natural glorious offerings.

the country, with stilt walkers (they were almost break-dancing on them!), classic Spanish Dancing, fancy dress and live percussionists. Truly a memorable night. For those who have a vision of a highcrime destination, I didn’t feel anything other than safe during the day in and around the old town. I was informed that I shouldn’t go to a certain area, a “slum” in between the two Castillos. It looked fine to me, but I was told the police don’t even go there. As anywhere, from Europe to the US, we in the Middle East are blessed with a significantly low crime rate in comparison

San Cristobal Stilts

Puerto Rico Colourful Street

As for the people of Puerto Rico, I was delighted to have been hosted by Mario J. Dávila, the president of Toyota Puerto Rico who provided a wonderfully vibrant cultural insight to the history of dance and entertainment of the country. We were taken to the Castillo de San Cristobal where within the courtyard for the very first time was an evening of entertainment, food, local beverages and dance. The fiery and energetic evening had guests from around the world smiling with tired legs and feet after getting heavily involved with the highly charged dancing from two separate troops sent to entertain us. Thank you, Mr. Mario for your hospitality. The carnival atmosphere was typical of

A typical fort with its “guerite” or sentry box

to many destinations; so as long as you are careful and avoid the beaches at night, any unlit areas and of course keep your “treasures” out of sight, you will find that the “Pirates of the Caribbean” are only seen on the touristy merchandise. So for the flight to the US and the short hop from there to San Juan, I wish I had taken more time to have explored so much more that Puerto Rico has to offer; from the coastal rituals of sailing, surfing and scuba diving to the Rainforest with its waterfalls and wildlife. But even for the short whistle stop I had in the country, it was well worth the lengthy travel from the Middle East. Happy travels – Buenos Viajes

San Cristobal Dances

Travel Arabia I 37


Dive Dibba

‘The silence you experience underwater has a certain magic to it that is hard to be described in words.’ “Whatever happens down there; don’t panic! Stop, relax and think first!” Those were the last word we heard from Daniel before the gigantic Indian Ocean had us. The taste of saltwater on our lips and slowly making our way to the bottom of the sea. However, let’s take it a bit slow and let us explain how we got to this point. Having lived in the UAE for more than two years, we often see people thinking that the country is solely a tourism destination citing its rapid growth and impressive infrastructure. People associate the little Gulf state with the numerous luxurious hotels, malls and skyscrapers. Little do they know about the beautiful

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nature here in the UAE. The vast desert of Liwa, Hatta Mountains, Mangrove forests in Umm Al Quwain and the fascinating marine life just off the coasts. And yes you guessed it right—fascinating marine life is what we want to bring closer to you, for the meantime at least. So, here we are, starting the engine of our loyal 4x4 which took important part in many of our UAE trips. The road trip to the emirate of Fujairah begins with destination Dibba. The sceneries on the way are already quite worth a trip. After passing Sharjah on Emirates Road we were soon taken into the desert with it beautiful caramel colored dunes. After taking exit 119, we slowly came closer to the rocky

mountains of Fujairah; these mountains give a great contrast to the city and the desert. As we went along, nature was slowly turning from mere blurry images of the mind to something arousing our curiosity. After a good 1.5 hours’ drive, we reached the Neptune Dive Center Dibba, where underwater adventure started. We met our guides/instructors Daniel and Pierre who have tremendous diving experience from around the globe. We quickly went over the theoretical part of diving, which we had to study beforehand. After a short test and some instructions by our great teachers, we were finally ready to dive. All geared up in wetsuits, we started

off to Dibba Rock, located just a few minutes’ boat trip from the Fujairah coast. The iceberg example is probably the best way to describe Dibba Rock. The small rock you see on the surface does not reveal 10% of what is hidden below. The adventure started as we descended 12 meters and experienced the stunning unbelievable natural beauty we saw. Diving is a truly recreational sport, the silence you experience underwater has a certain magic to it that is hard to be described in words. Guided by Daniel and Pierre, we immediately start spotting the first fish. The variety of marine life is absolutely unexpected! Clownfish, lionfish, parrotfish and blacktip sharks are just a little example of what you can and will see. Being all surrounded by fish, you will find yourself wondering how many there possibly can be. So many colors will make you feel like you are in a kaleidoscope. The experience of our guides came in handy as they discovered two huge sea turtles. Seeing this magnificent creatures slowly gliding through the sea is an experience that makes you forget everything around you.

I guess we can say the only disappointment was when we realized that oxygen under water was limited and after almost one hour we had to ascent back to surface. In case you are not able to tell yet, our

advice is to pick up your phone and book your next dive. Become a certified diver and experience a world which is hidden to most people. If you are looking for new adventures as much as we do, we are certain you will not regret your decision.

Contributed by Karl Abouzeid / Stephan Bremberger

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‘In some countries, people have taken the modern life…and they lose their history.’ Anders Dimblad, who just recently assumed post as general manager at Banyan Tree Al Wadi, in Ras Al Khaimah, overseeing operations at both the desert resort and the beachfront villas, says that an amazing thing about UAE, Dubai particularly, is that the population is a mix of people from different countries practicing their own culture and religion yet living together in harmony. “In the UAE, everything is developing rapidly. The (local) people have embraced and welcomed the expatriate community and yet they still have their (sense of) history. It’s very strong here,” said Dimblad, a man of Swedish descent born in the Philippines to a British father and Irish mother. After staying five years in Manila following his birth, Dimblad’s family went back to Hong Kong where he was raised. “In some countries, people have taken the modern life…and they lose their history,” adds Dimblad, who also tells Travel Arabia that his family, having “pretty much a very international background,” has traveled a lot and gotten into different cultures to know what’s missing at a

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particular place. “In the UAE, they look at it as ‘How do we develop our culture? How do we develop our people and how is this new world going to interact with the way we’ve been doing it previously?’” says Dimblad, who started his career in the hospitality industry as a front desk officer at Island Shangri-La in 1999. “I really enjoy the Middle East. Once you discuss the UAE, you have a melting pot of so many expatriates from different cultures and countries and everyone gets along. Ras Al Khaimah offers authentic Middle Eastern culture and one that is more traditional. Ras Al Khaimah’s natural heritage and the Banyan Tree’s eco-freindly background allow travellers to choose RAK simply because of the unique experience. “I think UAE offers everything for everybody. There is really nothing you cannot get from here. Dimblad has criss-crossed the globe since he began his career at Banyan Tree in 2003, including management roles at Banyan Tree

Not in the UAE, says Anders Dimblad. Seychelles, Angsana Ihuru, Angsana Hotel & Suites (Dubai) and Banyan Tree Bangkok. Prior to his appointment, he was the general manager of Banyan Tree Seychelles

City Living

A grander living experience

Grand Millennium Al Wahda—perfect!

In the heart of Abu Dhabi’s financial and business district is Grand Millennium Al Wahda. Ideally situated, the hotel is a 30-minute drive from Abu Dhabi International Airport, and a 15-minute drive from Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre. The hotel’s 844 rooms, suites and apartments are all designed in a unique, chic, modern style and convey a feeling of luxury intended to make every guest feel at home in a perfectly leisurely and efficient setting. One -bedroom apartments The Bedroom apartments set a new standard for opulent style luxury. The apartments provide five-star facilities including a fully equipped kitchen with integrated washer/dryer, refrigerator/ freezer and a ceramic electric hob/electric oven, kettle and toaster. Cookware,

42 Travel Arabia

crockery and cutlery. All apartments are serviced three times a week, and parking is included. Guests of Grand Millennium’s residences also get full access to fitness and recreation facilities, business centre, concierge service and a 15-percent discount on room service. There are 156 one-bedroom apartments available, each covering 74 m2. Two -bedroom apartments The two-bedroom apartments are no ordinary city apartments; with 110 m2 of spacious living they allow you to relax and enjoy the exclusive benefits and luxurious standards expected of a leading international group of hotels. Two-bedroom apartments feature one king-size and two twin beds and a guest bathroom. All apartments come with the same five star specifications. There are 52 two bedroom apart-

ments available, each covering 110 m2. Premium one-bedroom apartments Premium one-bedroom apartments deliver a unique experience. Overlooking the Al Nahyan football stadium at Al Wahda Sports Club, these one-bedroom luxury apartments offer 97m2 of luxury living space along with one-of-a-kind view. Premium apartments come with the same five star specifications as one bedroom apartments. There are 24 one bedroom apartments available, each covering 97 m2. Premium two-bedroom apartments Our premium two bedroom apartments offer additional luxury space of 115m2 as well as breathtaking panoramic view of the city. Two Bedroom apartments feature one king-size and two twin size beds and a guest bathroom. There are 24 two-bedroom apartments available, each covering 115 m2.

Welcome to the

Marina View Hotel Apartments

It means a warm welcome, a unique holiday experience and a sophisticated style of living. Marina View prides itself in exceeding customer expectations and is dedicated to setting a new standard in the hospitality industry. Marina View Hotel ranges from homely to luxurious, but you can always be assured of generous hospitality. Marina View Hotel is a luxury residency located in the heart of Dubai Marina, fully furnished by high stylish decorations. The hotel’s modern architecture is easily spotted against the Dubai sky line with easy access to, Dubai’s key business hubs, leisure and shopping.

Marina View Hotel Apartments, P.O Box 454745, Dubai, UAE Phone: +971 4 4571000, Fax: +971 4 4570999 Email:,

Al fresco moments Al fresco spa and dining Nothing quite compares to enjoying a meal al fresco—be it a long leisurely lunch with friends or a romantic dinner for two. Here in the UAE, residents and visitors are continuing to take advantage of

the clement weather by spending time outdoors before the heat of the summers sends everyone into the comfort of air-conditioned homes and malls. This month, we have scouted Dubai to find dining venues that

Amara Spa

Light, airy and spacious, the Amara Spa at the Park Hyatt Dubai is refreshingly different. It has been cleverly designed to take full advantage of its location in the hotel’s verdant gardens, just a little way away from the main hotel building, giving it a feel of seclusion and privacy.

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The eight treatment rooms, three of which are for couples, hug the central open air courtyard and all come complete with their own private open air terrace to enjoy a rainforest shower before your treatment. Spa guests also have the option of using the outdoor pool and the

you can enjoy al fresco. We have also searched for spas that have been created to capitalise on their outdoor locations by providing open air treatments and facilities. Here are our picks:

sauna and steam room which are located within the changing rooms so it is well worth going a little earlier to relax in the tranquil surroundings. The menu is extensive and the treatments are based around the ancient healing philosophies of diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires each addressing different aspects of wellness for a personalised experience. My treatment, the Amara Massage, comes under the Sapphire suite of treatments which are designed to relax, de-stress and calm. I began my journey with a warm rose petal hand and foot ritual and was given a music menu to choose the background music. I opted for the water selection with its gently breaking waves and soothing strings as my therapist South African, Leeanne gently washed my hands and feet. The Amara massage, which uses the spa’s signature blend of frankincense, sandalwood and amber oil, is a combination of Swedish techniques and deep tissue resulting in a very satisfying experience that smelled wonderful. The pressure, firm but not too painful, gently eased out knots and tension from around my shoulders and upper back and the relaxing head massage to finish was the perfect ending. At the end of the 60 minutes I was led to the relaxation area with its floor to ceiling windows to enjoy a peppermint tea and a section of dried fruits and nuts. This Moroccan style spa, with its royal blue and white tiles and whitewashed walls, embraces local culture through the use of aromatic oils native to the region and by the creation of treatments borrowed from centuries of cultural Arabia. A concept that works beautifully in Dubai.

Good for: this is definitely a spa for couples.

Maya by Richard Sandoval Modern Mexican

Think Mexican and what comes to mind is invariably fajitas or chilli con carne. Not at Le Royal Méridien Beach Resort & Spa Dubai’s Maya by Richard Sandoval Restaurant. “While we may be a Mexican restaurant, we do not serve Tex Mex style dishes because (that’s not all that we have) in our country” says Ruben Herrera, chef de cuisine at Le Royal Méridien Beach Resort & Spa Dubai’s Maya by Richard Sandoval Restaurant. “A lot of people think of Mexican food as very unhealthy but that is not the case here at Maya. We have taken the best dishes from all over Mexico to create a menu that is truly representative of typical Mexican cuisine” Describing itself as modern Mexican, Maya, created by Richard Sandoval, has been operating in Dubai since 2006 and is a little treasure. A short stroll through the tranquil gardens of the hotel and there before you is an attractive two-storey building with spacious wraparound terrace, comfy seating and subtle twinkling lights. The modern influence is achieved by the subtle use of non South American ingredients such as truffle oil, which is used in the Costillas Ahumadas - smoked sort rib medallion; or the coconut milk – a typical Asian ingredient. What gives Mexican food its kick are the chillies. There are over 200 varieties of hot peppers with 100 of these found in Mexico and they are a key ingredient in Latin American cooking. The world’s hottest pepper can be found in India, however Mexico has the second hottest –the Red Savina habanero which packs an almighty

400,000 units of heat according to Chef Ruben. “The versatility of Mexican cuisine is vast,” says Herrera “But it is vital to understand the ingredients, particularly the use of chillies, to ensure a balance of flavours and heat.” The menu at Maya by Richard Sandoval Restaurant is exciting and inviting and Chef Ruben is keen to recommend his specialty dishes of Tacos de Langosta – tortillas with lobster, chile de arbol salsa and black bean puree; and Quesadillas Tradicionales - homemade crispy

corn masa stuffed with squash, zucchini, poblano chile and oaxaca cheese on a bed of black bean puree for starters. His main course dishes include the now famous Mole Poblano – pan seared corn-fed chicken breast with cilantro rice, plantains and mole poblano; and Huacninango a la Veracruzana - pink snapper fillet with capers, bell pepper and onions in sweetspicy tomato broth Mexican desserts are largely dairybased with milk featuring prominently in most dishes. Diners are encouraged to try the Chocoflan – a caramel flan flavoured with dark chocolate and garnished with candied walnut; or the Churros con Chocolate - crispy homemade churros coated with cinnamon sugar and served with Mexican hot chocolate and crème cappuccino. Apart from the superb menu and attentive service, Maya attempts to stay close to its roots by offering diners a truly authentic experience, whether that is the clever fusion of traditional flavours in every dish or the guacamole freshly made at your table. And, as an experience, it is clearly one that works well given the number of diners the restaurant hosts each night.

Travel Arabia I 45

Taste Travel

Dinner with 12 stars

7 international Michelin-starred and celebrity chefs at the Stars, Food & Art Gala dinner

L Claire Clarke

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ocated in front of Jumeirah Beach Residence, Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah Beach occupies a prime waterfront site in Dubai Marina. Overlooking The Walk, Dubai’s most popular beachside shopping and recreation promenade, the Sofitel pool area provides the perfect outdoor setting for Stars, Food & Art, a gala dinner that will premiere in Dubai. The event, to be held on April 3, 2012, will be the largest gathering of Michelin-starred and celebrity chefs in the UAE— a first in the Middle East. The event, which combines art and gastronomic excellence, was created in 2007 at Sofitel

Legend The Grand Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Happy with this success, the Sofitel brand, in consultation with acknowledged culinary journalist and author Lise Goeman Borgesius-Timmer, decided to introduce this festival internationally at addresses of the luxury hotel group in Marseille, Lyon, Munich, Vienna and now Dubai. Stars, Food & Art is dedicated to creating the perfect relationship between art and the enjoyment of fine dining. During Stars, Food & Art, seven internationally renowned chefs (together representing 12 Michelin Stars) will prepare their signature dishes.

Indeed, a sublime gastronomic experience. Both individual gourmands as well as companies can partake in this sublime gastronomic experience. Exciting artistic performances will accompany the culinary delights throughout the evening. The following top chefs have confirmed their participation for the event: • Three-star Claire Clark of The French Laundry (California, USA) • Three-star Thomas Bühner of La Vie (Osnabrück, Germany) • Two-star Giovanni D’Amato of Il Rigoletto (Reggiolo, Italy) • Two-star Christophe Aribert of Les

• • •

Terrasses (Uriage les Bains, France) Two star Bernard Bach of Le Puits Saint Jacques (Pujaudran, France) Celebrity Chef Joe Barza, Chase (Beirut, Lebanon) Celebrity Chef Cyrus Todiwala, Spice Namaste (London, UK) The price is AED2500 per person or AED22,000 for a table of 10 and includes an exquisite eight-course menu with carefully selected beverages and artistic programme. Room packages are also available for couples including two tickets and a Double Luxury room from

AED5500 or two tickets and a Junior Suite from AED6000. Private guests and companies can make their reservation by contacting 04 448 4851 or via email H6146-FB2@sofitel. com Further details and information available at Sofitel is the only French luxury hotel brand with presence in 5 continents having 120 addresses in almost 40 countries. Sofitel offers contemporary hotels and resorts adapted to today’s more demanding and versatile travellers.

Giovanni d’Amato

Thomas Bühner

Bernard Bach

Christophe Aribert

Joe Barza

Cyrus Todiwala

Travel Arabia I 47

Shahrzad 1001 Nights and more

Shahrzad at Hyatt Regency Dubai was named after the legendary Persian Queen and the featured story teller of 1001 Nights. It is also the place where we discovered that Iranian cuisine is quite different to Middle Eastern fare as it has many similarities to Turkish and Greek cuisine, sharing history and ingredients. For generations, Iranians have been eating fruits, vegetables and herbs for health benefits, and whilst the eggplant (aubergine) is known as the ‘potato of Iran’, Iranians also enjoy fresh green salads and a balanced diet. Entering Shahrzad, we were struck by how white it is, contrary to the heavier Middle Eastern decor; definitely arabesque features, but light and pleasant at the same time. The welcome was warm, and we were given the choice of dining close to the stage where the resident Iranian duo

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performs nightly from 9pm to midnight, or at the terrace overlooking the hotel’s lobby. We chose the latter as we prefer to enjoy dinner conversation with music in the background, rather than having the entertainment dominate our evening. Our corner table for four was a private enclave with a view of both the lobby and the restaurant – absolutely perfect to see and be seen, yet private and discrete at the same time. Our meal commenced with a plate of fresh herbs, white cheese (similar to feta), sliced and peeled cucumbers, tomatoes and onions with walnuts, accompanied by delicious flat bread and yogurt dip. A delightful way to start, refreshing and not too heavy before the main meal. Veering away from the recommended ‘taster’ plate of hot appetisers, we instead selected the Kashk Bademjan (fried eggplant and onions topped with dried yogurt, olive oil and mint) and the Soup E-Jo (barley and carrot soup topped with fresh cream). The soup was a hearty bowl - steaming hot and deliciously tasty whilst the eggplants revealed interesting flavours and textures best enjoyed with the flat bread. Swiftly following the appetisers came the Fesenjan Ba Ordak (braised duck with walnuts, onions and pomegranate) which is apparently derived from one of the oldest recipes that can be traced back

to the time of the Persian empire – with a rich pomegranate and walnut sauce that yields a distinctive dark brown colour, served with a plate of rice. The duck was extremely tender and the sauce divine – a dish worth ordering if you enjoy duck. The Khoresht – E-Maygoo (a stew of shrimps onions, capsicum, garlic and tamarind) offered very different but equally enjoyable flavours and textures, again served with a plate of rice. The dishes in Shahrzad are served family style, which really means we should have had four people sharing our two main dishes, but they were so enjoyable we didn’t feel in the least bit guilty about eating it all. We were tempted by the dessert selection which offered various tasty iced creations, but having enjoyed far too much of the main courses, we resisted on this occasion. We do recommend the Iranian tea, however; described as a blend Earl Grey, Iranian Darjeeling and saffron, served without milk - an ideal way to end a delicious evening. Shahrzad is the Iranian restaurant on the first floor of the Hyatt Regency Dubai. Open for Lunch (12.30 – 3 pm) and dinner ( 7 pm – 1 am) daily except Sunday. The resident Iranian duo entertains nightly from 9 pm – 12 midnight. Reservations +971 4 209 1234

Melbourne Food & Wine Festival

Bourdain says he’d rather eat in Melbourne than Paris. Dupleix says Melbourne is Australia’s ‘stomach’. Now how could you go wrong? Melbourne will be celebrating the 20th year of its world renowned Food & Wine Festival with 20 days of food galore from March 2 to 21, 2012 with 300 events across Melbourne and Victoria providing every form of gastronomic indulgence. Indeed, those planning to visit the city for the event have long started cleansing their palates as participating international chefs begin shining their Michelin stars for what will be almost three weeks of unforgettable eating. Melbourne is without a doubt Australia’s top food destination with international names also confirming their allegiance: Anthony Bourdain, American chef, author and TV personality has said he’d rather eat in Melbourne than in Paris. Jill Dupleix, Australia’s celebrity chef, also aptly put it when she said, “Every great country has one city that is its foodie heart, its ‘stomach’. In France, it is Lyons. In Italy it is Bologna. In Australia, it is Melbourne.” Melbourne Food and Wine Festival celebrates with Riverside Opening Weekend on March 3 – 4, 2012, kicking off culinary celebrations with a giant splash along Melbourne’s Yarra River extending to the Docklands and the launch of

the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival Greenhouse by Joost, a living, breathing waste-free restaurant and bar. The Riverside Opening Weekend will transform the city’s waterfront into a food and wine lover’s playground. With more than 30 events to tantalise taste buds of all ages, the Festival Hub at Queensbridge Square is just one great spot to start a weekend riverside promenade. Home to the giant Masterclass in Portrait, a world-first photographic portrait of 22 of the world’s gastronomic stars; the Hub will also feature lunchtime live cooking demonstrations on the main stage with some of Melbourne’s top chefs sharing their secrets to cooking up the ultimate BBQ. Also situated in the Queensbridge Square Hub and an exciting new addition to the Festival for 2012, Melbourne Food and Wine Festival Greenhouse by Joost will spring-up for the Festival in the most ambitious Greenhouse project to date. Created by Melbourne visionary and sustainable designer, Joost Bakker, the Greenhouse concept aims to prove that a world without waste is actually possible by creating a restaurant that is entirely waste-free and recyclable.

Travel Arabia I 49

Molecular gastronomy Strata is the newest craze in town

Stylish signature restaurant at InterContinental Doha The City brings a new perspective on dining Diners in Doha will now be able to enjoy amazing views and fantastic food. InterContinental Doha The City will, this month, be opening its signature restaurant—Strata. Located on levels 55 and 56 of the stunning West Bay tower, Strata is a luxurious and elegant dining and lounge space that provides panoramic views across the city. Strata will be the highest restaurant and lounge in Doha, offering guests a modern menu and exquisite ambience. Strata’s house specialty is chilled seafood, with three distinct styles served for lunch and dinner. Guests will be able to enjoy seafood platters, sushi and sashimi, alongside a range of modern dishes.

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Chefs at Strata specialise in sous-vide styles to offer delicious new flavours and textures, as well as spherification techniques to bring a new dimension to Qatar cuisine using molecular gastronomy. InterContinental Doha The City is confident that Strata will quickly become one of Qatar’s places to be seen in, offering a unique venue for an impressive business lunch or an intimate dinner with friends. In addition to Strata, InterContinental Doha The City offers a wide range of dining options, with five other restaurants and two lounge areas. These include the all-day dining hotspot, The Square. Spanning the entire second floor of the tower, The Square

serves an eclectic array of culinary creations from its four live cooking stations. The four interactive stations specialise in six separate cuisines—Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Thai, European and Middle Eastern. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with an à la carte allday menu, The Square also offers business lunch at QR88. Its position in the heart of the hotel will make it the place for people to gather with the bustling energy of a town square. Hive, for its part, is a lively lounge and energetic space, providing the perfect place to meet friends after work and enjoy a selection of light bites like Tuna and Sesame Tataki, Seaweed Salad and Yakisushi Nori, as well as Mushroom Ragout and Ricotta Fried Ravioli. An international team of chefs bring a wealth of experience and talent to InterContinental Doha The City. Having worked in five-star establishments across the globe, the new team offers a new perspective to food connoisseurs in Doha. InterContinental Doha the City opened in February 2012. For more information on InterContinental Doha The City please visit the website on dohathecity or visit the facebook page on!/pages/InterContinental-Doha-The-City.

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Emirates Stars is a modern furnished hotel apartment Conveniently located near to Dubai International Airport, City Centre, Shopping Centres, AI Mamzar Beach. Easy access towards Sh. Zayed road via Al lttihad road. Each apartment offers a spacious living and dining area, fully equipped kitchenette for your comfort and convenience. Emirates Stars commits its promise into bringing you a warm hospitality service with privacy of a home whilst on business or leisure to Dubai.


From left are outgoing TAT director Pramoth Supyen, Rooge Thamongkol, Deputy Consul-General in UAE, and incoming director Wisoot Buachoom.

New Thailand destinations

Direct flight to Phuket announced It was a gathering to witness a changing of the guards of sort. Some 100 invited officials, friends and travel writers came together at Dusit Thani on Zayed Road, Feb. 9, 2012 as the Tourism Authority of Thailand held a simple turnover ceremony welcoming TAT’s new director Wisoot Buachoom and bidding farewell to his predecessor, Pramoth Supyen. The exclusive event was graced by Chalotorn Phaovibul, Consul-General of Thailand to Dubai. Buachoom, in his speech, assured everyone he will not let Supyen down on his accomplishments—a direct TAT office in Dubai and a robust 35% growth in outbound tourism to Thailand from the region in the last four years. “The TAT Middle East Office will continue to conduct a proactive marketing and promotional approach to increase the popularity of destination Thailand within the region. “New consumer, marketing and promotional campaigns will be implemented throughout 2012, where we have set ourselves a target of a 5% increase in the number of visitors from the region to visit Thailand in 2012

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compared to the 2011 figures,” he said. Supyen said Thailand has been experiencing a strong demand from the region and this has resulted to airlines increasing their capacity and flying more than 120 flights a week to the country. “Additionally, new destinations in Thailand are being opened with direct flight access now to Phuket, which is in addition to the flights to the nation’s capital Bangkok,” Supyen said. This, he said, is the result of more travel agents actively selling Thailand. In 2011 the total number of visitors from the Middle East to Thailand reached a record 471,818 visitors, representing an annual increase of 4.09% compared to the number of visitors recorded in 2010. The UAE remains the single largest market in the Middle East from which Thailand receives visitors, which in 2011 stood at 108,462 an increase of 3.14% compared to 2010 visitors. Thailand has proven a popular destination among all market segments across the Middle East, especially for families, couples and friends and corporate groups. Thailand is also proving increasingly popular for niche travel market segments such as those seeking medical treatment abroad, school trip visits and outdoor adventure.

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54 Travel Arabia


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Travel Arabia I 55


Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi Rodeo Grill March 4 – 16, 2012 Surf n Turf is up. A power-packed combination of premium beef and seafood delights with your own choice of side orders and sauces prepared by Chef Ilker at Rodeo Grill Restaurant. Inquiries: +971 (0) 2 697 9126 Indigo March 20 – 24, 2012 Peshawar. This time, the Qureshi Brothers will take guests on a journey to Peshawar, one of the oldest living cities in Asia. The menu will showcase ‘Dum Pukht’, which literally means ‘slow oven’, and is the distinct cooking style of the nomadic tribes of the North-West Frontier Provinces to the new cuisine of the city itself. Inquiries: +971 (0) 2 697 9334 Prego’s and Café Columbia March 18, 2012 to April 8, 2012 Easter Eggs-travaganza. Easter Chocolate shaped Bunnies and eggs for sale in the Prego’s shop (Enoteca) and at Café Colombia. Easter brunch on 8 Apr Inquiries: +971 (0) 2 697 9125 / (0)2 697 9120

Concorde Fujairah Belle View Restaurant 7pm until 11:30pm. Pasta Night on Sundays. Samakino Restaurant 7pm until 11:30pm. Seafood Night on Wednesdays. Dinner buffet of the freshest and most delectable seafood dishes. Splash Pool 7pm until 11:30pm. Rodeo Grill Night on Thursdays. Family Brunch Buffet also available. Inquiries: +971 9 224 9000 or info@

Hyatt Regency Dubai The Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort & Spa Shades Thursdays 730pm – 11pm Argentinean Parrillada Grill Night Argentinean-inspired array of mouthwatering seafood and international meats. Also enjoy a wide selection of salads and desserts as you watch the sun set over Abu Dhabi. Every Thursday 7.30-11pm Inquiries: +971.2.616.9999 or email FBadmin.

56 I Travel Arabia

Shahrzad Iranian Restaurant Norooz celebration Traditional four-course meal specially created for the occasion . Inquiriers: +971 4 317 2222 or visit www.

Jumeirah Beach Hotel Beachcombers Friday and Saturday Brunch 12:30pm – 4pm Choose from a selection of international and Asian buffet with a live band playing

during brunch. With kid’s entertainment and a kid’s buffet, it is an experience your family will Inquiries: 04 406 8999 or visit http://www.

Gourmet Nights at Latitude 7pm – 11pm Choose from our delicious variety every day of the week Fabulously French Gourmet cuisine that ensures a definite come back Inspirational Indian buffet with traditional curries or tandoori grills Brilliantly British favourites, fish and chips, roast beef and desserts. French buffet - every Sunday Indian buffet – every Tuesday British buffet – every Wednesday Inquiries: +971 4 406 8999 or email

Jumeirah Zabeel Saray Amala Amala Theme Nights 6pm 12am Curry and Riesling Nights – every Saturday Vegetarian special menu - every Tuesdays Inquiries: +971 4 453 0444 or email

Park Regis Kris Kin Hotel, Dubai Kris Restaurant March Happy Hour. Enjoy house beverages from 6pm – 8pm Inquiries: 04 377 1111 / /

Park Rotana Abu Dhabi Friday Brunches at the Park Mouth-watering brunches at Ginger All Day Dining and Cooper’s Bar & Restaurant. Friday Family Brunch at Ginger 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm Open buffet with International cuisines; special entertaining activities for kids including clown and face painting. ADDED VALUE! - 1 complimentary selected massage treatment in Bodylines for each table of 4 people. 50% OFF for children between 6 and 12 years Friday Carvery Brunch at Cooper’s 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm All-you-can-eat-drink Friday Carvery Brunch featuring the most succulent roast, sausages, turkey and all accompanying trimmings complemented with free flow of selected beverages. Inquiries: or call (0)2 657 3333.


and Com y r u x u L , e c Elegan

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nge Refreshing plu ity Relax in seren

Leave the rest to us The exclusive RAMADA Continental Hotel – Dubai is renowned for its impressive range of accommodations, restaurants and meeting space. Set in the vibrant business district just 7 minutes from Dubai International Airport. This 4-star luxury hotel in Dubai offers inspired touches on a grand scale. Spacious accommodations are furnished to meet the highest standards, while the 27 elegantly designed suites and 165 rooms provide superior luxury and exclusive services. Dining transcends expectations of Dubai hotels with a tempting choice of 8 restaurants and bars. To unwind, the RAMADA Continental Hotel Dubai offers a refreshing rooftop pool and fully equipped health club. For a superior meeting and conference in Dubai UAE, let our classical event venue beautifully accommodate your event. For inquiries and reservations: Tel.: + 9714-266 2666, Fax : + 9714-268 9830 E-mail: Website.: P.O.Box : 31999, Deira, Dubai United Arab Emirates

The Address Dubai Mall

Grand Millennium Al Wahda Abu Dhabi

Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara Mother’s Day Sumptuous champagne dinner buffet serving a wide selection of seafood including oysters, tiger prawns, crab legs, freshly made sushi & sashimi. Easter Packages Good Friday seafood Al Waha restaurant. Easter Sunday special buffet dinner offering a fusion of Eastern and Western cuisine also at Al Waha including Ouzi a carving station and of course, chocolate Easter Eggs! Package details: Children can also enjoy Easter Egg hunts throughout the day! Inquiries: +971 (0) 2 886 2088 http://qasralsarab.

Desert Islands Resort & Spa by Anantara Mother’s Day Promising two hours of complete bliss, the special Mother’s Day spa package includes the Floral Foot Ritual, Javanese Lulur Body Scrub and concludes with the Aromatic Massage (120mins/AED 750 per person). Easter Packages Seaside Easter Brunch. International dishes (AED 220 per person including soft drinks). Easter egg hunts will run throughout the day for the children. Unwind at the Anantara Spa with the ‘Fatigue Away’ treatment (12o minutes/AED 600 per person). This divine treatment begins with a relaxing aromatic floral bath followed by a 90-minute session of Stress Release massage, our most relaxing massage, using a combination of strokes and acupressure techniques. Inquiries: +971 (0) 2 801 5400 http://desertislands.

58 I Travel Arabia

Porto Bello Olive Oil & Cheese Promotion A healthy dose of olive oil infused in are a la carte menu. The oils will be given with simple Mesclun Garden Leaves and or Vine Ripened Tomatoes . Inquiries: 02 4953905

InterContinental Abu Dhabi Newly launched Marina Brunch! Lavish new Marina Brunch every Friday from noon to 4pm. Choose from 2 flamboyant buffets at Boccaccio, with live cooking stations and an extended food buffet. Dine inside or outdoors at Boccaccio, Chamas or Belgian Café terrace with live jazz music. Inquiries: 0800- IC-DINE (0800- 423463) or email And our newly launched dining website:!

Nour Arjaan Fujairah Murjan Restaurant Mughal buffet dinner every Thursday. Mediterranean Nights on Mondays. Inquiries: or call +971 (0)9 202 5555

The Address Dubai Mall Cabana March 17, 2012 12:30pm – 4pm Enjoy succulent meats at a barbeque and sway to the latest beats to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Enjoy views of Downtown Dubai, also known as ‘The Center of Now’ and relax by the poolside. Inquiries: 04 4888 3444 or email dine @

NA3NA3 Seafood nights on Thursdays. Spicy gazpacho with chilled basil shrimp skewer as well as live cooking stations for grilled seafood on the Terrace. For a selection of cold seafood served on ice, choose from poached shrimp, clams, mussels, oysters on the half shell, scallop ceviches and a variety of sauces and accompaniments. A seafood soup station in Arabic and French style will add to the experience. 6.30 to 11.30pm Inquiries: 04 888 3444 or email dine@

The Address Dubai Marina Mazina Mongolian Buffet on Fridays / starts 6:30pm Mongolian buffet. The themed nights offer guests an array of sauces to choose from and prepared to your liking at our live cooking stations. Saturday Family Brunch. A choice of cuisines from around the world. While you relax, your children will be treated to a host of entertaining activities and performances including a bouncy castle, play area, face painting and Wii games. 12:30pm to 4pm AED 195 including soft beverages Children under 6 years enjoy complimentary meals and half the price for 7-12 years Inquiries: 04 4367777 or email dine.

Towers Rotana Dubai Teatro Veal and Lamb. Sink your teeth into to a selection of tender prime cuts, fresh from the butcher’s block and straight to your plate.

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Nour Arjaan

Ramada Ajman R’ Café Tacos promotion March to April. Orchid Restaurant April 8, 2012 Easter buffet of the finest international dishes Inquiries: +971 6 7031111

60 I Travel Arabia

Our specially prepared a la carte menu features a range of tempting dishes celebrating the delicate flavours of exquisitely prepared veal and lamb. Inquiries: 04-3122201

Degustation Menus

Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah Beach

Inquiries: 04 448 4860

Mother’s Day Brunch @ AOC French Brasserie March 16, 2012 A sushi corner, a live “rotisserie”, a large variety of seafood, a crepe station as well as chocolate fountain and “sweets and candies” for the little ones. Kids, Get creative in our artistic ateliers. From baking, painting or sculpturing, bring to your mom the best gift ever. Prizes will be up to win and put a smile on lucky Mothers face. A weekend away at the new Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche* A private cooking class with our Executive Chef accompanied by 3 guests of your choice * Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche scheduled to open in March 2012 Rococo A gastronomic tour through Italy

5 courses – AED 295 6 courses – AED 350 7 courses – AED 395

Grand Millennium Al Wahda


Hyatt Regency Dubai Aloe Vera Body Ritual with Red Rose Facial Treatment includes cleaning, smooth exfoliation, gel mask application and finally a moisturizing step. Complemented with this ritual is the Red Rose Facial. Hand-picked rose petals help to calm, nurture and hydrate even the most sensitive and thin skins. The cleanser and toner deeply purify the skin and tighten the pores. AED 580 per person for 135 minutes. Special Offer: Spend more than AED 800 on any spa gift voucher with us this March, and receive a complimentary 60-minute body massage. Inquiries: +971 4 209 6802. Prior reservations highly recommended.

GOLF Arabian Ranches Golf Club Arabian Ranches Golf Club is celebrating its eighth birthday, and celebrating it in style, with everybody who likes to swing a club on occasion. Until March 31, 2012, you can start your week with an irresistible offer of two-for-one on Sundays and Wednesdays or enjoy Monday Madness, when you can play at an amazing 18-hole green fee rate. All

Day Twilight Tuesday is the buffet of golf, when you can play as many holes as possible anytime, whilst Thursday is a four-player special. Bring your friends or colleagues and enjoy a round for four at the price of a two-ball. The Golf Academy also offers a two-for-one on the Par 3 Course. Inquiries: +971 4 366 3000 or email or visit

The Address Dubai Marina The Spa, The Address Dubai Marina 10am to 9pm Queen for the day / King for the day package Pamper yourself from head to toe as we suggest a series of treatments that will make your day. Includes 145 minutes of treatments for AED 962 for ladies | AED 932 for men Super Detox Wrap Detox with a Green Tea Body Scrub combined with a Spirulina Algae Wrap for a powerful anti-oxidant and an intense De-Stress Muscle Release Massage with Lemon Grass Oil to flush out those toxins and boost your lymphatic system. Complete the experience with a Booster Facial to feel fully rejuvenated. Date: Until 31 May 2012 Price: AED 599 for 125 minutes of spa treatments for with full day access to the Infinity pool located on the 4th floor. Inquiries: 04 436 7424 or email spa.dubaimarina@

62 I Travel Arabia

ROOMS Park Regis Kris Kin Hotel Dubai Two fantastic promotions: Kin Deal, tailored to suit the needs of families; and Regis Romance, ideal for couples. Guests can, no doubt, enjoy truly superb value. When a couple books the Regis Romance, they will get to stay in a Deluxe Double Room for AED 950 along with in-room breakfast, 4-course dinner in Kris, as well as special welcome amenities.

Similarly, families can take advantage of the Kin Deal and check into a Superior Jr. Suite Twin Bedded Room (King / Queen Bed) for AED 990. Part of the deal are buffet breakfast for the full family in Le Metro, dinner for parents in Kris and for the two kids in the room with baby-sitting service, plus welcome amenities. For inquiries please visit http://www.

My Travel Bag What’s in your travel bag ? Kris Fade, The Man at Virgin Radio 104.4 who recently did a 28-hour live broadcast at Mall of the Emirates, shares what he has. We’re waiting for yours. Send them to I want to try the food and everything there. Mexico just seems like it’s a fun place to go to. I haven’t been to Turkey. It’s so close from Dubai. I got a couple of friends there. So it’s a place I want to go to as well.

Does traveling alone appeal to you? No. I like to travel places with either my wife or my good friend. I like to share the experiences. I used to travel alone. I think I’ve done enough of it. Recently, I went to Lebanon and it’s such a great experience if I’ve been there alone it wouldn’t have been as cool. When was the last time you traveled? In January this year. Back home to Sydney, Australia. I was born and raised in Sydney. I actually love the place. It’s my home. What is your dream destination? I have an uncle who lives in the Caribbean in a little island called Guadeloupe. It is probably the most beautiful place on earth. It has this amazing waterfall. You walk pass the volcanoes for about an hour and you get to the most beautiful waterfall you have ever seen. A tropical island, it is in the middle of nowhere. Name three places in the world you can’t wait to see. I’ve never been to Rome. I want to go there. I’ve never been to Mexico I want to go there as well just because of the culture.


64 I Travel Arabia

Name three of your favorite places that you would love to see again, and tell us why. Sydney. Beirut—I try to go there once a year. And, London because when I went there for the first time, I was there for just three days, so I want to go back to London and actually experience the city and maybe the outskirts as well. Having been here in Dubai for four years now, I have made some friends from the UK and I think they can be able to give more insights of the city. Some would immediately hit the pool, or the spa, or the bar, or the road with their camera when travelling. How about you? I go out (of the hotel) automatically and just walk the streets. No matter where I am at that’s exactly what I do. I like to go to a city where I don’t speak the language, I don’t know anyone and where it is. I just walk the streets and it’s really good. You get lost. It’s good to get lost so long as you’re in a safe environment. I would be in Turkey and walk through the place and get lost and I would love it. I guess it’s just that your eyes get greedy and when (that happens) your eyes just want to see everything because you have never seen (them)

Sydney Harbour Bridge

before in your life. That’s what excites me about traveling: being in a place I have never been before. What motivates you to travel? Is it food…shopping…sightseeing? A mix of all. It’s everything. Again, it’s walking out, sightseeing and then stumbling across something you’ve never had before. What motivates me is getting out and doing new things. Your favorite Middle East destination? I went to Oman. I guess this is the reason why I love it—Zighy Bay. I stayed there for two nights. It was probably the most amazing place I have ever stayed in all my life. Good thing I did not have to pay for it because when I found out the price of this villa in Zighy Bay, it just blew my mind! But it’s totally worth it. It’s totally amazing. The beach was amazing with the cliff faces and we handglided into our hotel. It was so amazing. Having been in Dubai for a just a few years now, tell us your impression of the place. I think Dubai is the most amazing city in the world. You get to experience so much in such a little time. It has such a good vibe, you know what I mean? I think Dubai is where everything is. Next stop? That will be Nepal. My colleague went there. I’m dying to get to Nepal. That’s my next stop definitely. It’s exciting.


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