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Nowadays, Internet has spread a new form of culture : Easter Eggs. Easter eggs in pop culture are hidden references that we can find in millions of images, for example in cinema and video games. But the origin of the first ever easter egg of history comes from the cinema industry. In fact, during the shooting of the movie Rocky Horror Pictures Show (1975), the actors were all hiding easter eggs on set. They didn’t even find them all, so in the final movie, we can see some physical easter eggs on screen.

Easter eggs are very famous in Pixar movies, or Marvel movies, and many others. But outside the hints and little winks that everyone knows, some of them are more technical or subtitle, to the point that it can takes years to spot them, if not, they can be forgotten or go unnoticed. Easter eggs are such a big thing in pop culture that there is twitter account dedicated to them, called Hidden Easter. Here are some examples, without any spoiler content !
In the opening and end credits of The Greatest Showman, starring Hugh Jackman, in the border of the credits is hidden the shape of Wolverine character, also played by Hugh Jackman in the X-Men movie saga.