Kappa Alpha Journal - Summer 2021

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Stirring stories of a high tone of thought and action from today’s KA undergraduate leaders—these are the inaugural recipients of the Knight Commander’s Commendation

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FRONT STORY At the recent 79th Convention & Brotherhood Weekend, at the Arizona Biltmore (note the Frank Lloyd Wrightinspired stained glass), all Former Knight Commanders attended. Pictured here are Former Knight Commander William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta–William Jewell ’57) and his grandson, Jeb Brysacz, who heads off to college this fall. Full Convention coverage will appear in the next issue.

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Dear Brothers


The Spark


Gentlemen’s Gear


Moral Compass


Modern Gentlemen


2019-2020 KAOEF Annual Report


Our Order


Chapter Eternal


Voluntary Remarks


Sir, You Are a KA


Jesse S. Lyons ASS I STA N T E DI TOR

Brent E. Buswell C R E AT I V E DE S IG N

Tria Designs, Inc. CON T R I B U TORS

Kaitlyn McConnell John Destefano


14 Character & Achievement

Rick Moore Chris Abkarians

Stirring stories of a high tone of thought and action from today’s KA undergraduate leaders—these are the inaugural recipients of the Knight Commander’s Commendation


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DEAR BROTHERS Knight Commander's Message

C. Douglas Simmons III (Beta Tau– Mississippi State ‘95)

“Our COVID-19 Advisory Committee recommended that the 2021 NLI be split into several smaller, regional sessions, along with one virtual option.”

When I was installed in 2019, at the 78th Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, the next Convention and a global pandemic were not yet in view. In January 2020, I attended Number I’s Leadership Institute (NLI) as usual. The Order was able to host our five inaugural regional Officer Training Conferences (OTC). On February 11, the disease known as COVID-19 was officially named, and on February 29, the U.S. reported a first death. The CDC announced a recommended maximum of 50 people gathering. On March 18, the Executive Council met via conference call, and Executive Director Larry Wiese reported that all campuses had closed in-classroom instruction and were expected to transition to virtual classes. All staff travel was cancelled, first through the end of March, and then for the rest of the term. While many precautions were taken, our National Administrative Office never closed, and with staff assistance, our chapters never ceased operations. I am proud that chapters and officers persevered during difficult times. Our COVID-19 Advisory Committee recommended that the 2021 NLI be split into several smaller, regional sessions, along with one virtual option. There are successes to note: Spring 2020, our highest GPA was reached, a 3.338. Fall 2020, our highest fall GPA was reached 3.085—the first above a 3.0. From July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2021, $57,283 was raised and more than $69,600 was granted to 65 recipients in the form of COVID Relief Grants, and, 131 brothers received more than $170,000 in academic scholarships. The National Internship Program was expanded beyond Washington, D.C., to include Atlanta, Georgia, and Dallas, Texas. The Crimson & Gold Society, comprised of brothers and friends giving $1,000 annually, reached its highest level at 847 members—and will reach 1,000 members this calendar year. I presented a charter to Zeta at Randolph-Macon College in the fall of 2019, and in the fall of 2020, despite the pandemic and with protocols in place, we also safely hosted two rechartering events for Beta Gamma at the College of Charleston and Delta Lambda at Middle Tennessee State University. In our overall approach to this world-changing event, the Order did not shy away. As we lead out of this pandemic, in a world filled with uncertainty and angst, I ask each of you to: 1.) Remember your obligations ; 2.) Strenuously defend every brother’s reputation; 3.) Always exert yourselves for the honor and prosperity of this Order of Knights, and; 4.) Be proud to be a KA. Because I always will be. Fraternally,

The Kappa Alpha Journal (ISSN #0888-8868, USPS #014-747) is an educational journal published four times a year by Kappa Alpha Order, 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, Virginia, 24450. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record. The Kappa Alpha Journal has been published since 1879. From 1883 to 1885 it was known as The Magazine of Kappa Alpha. Kappa Alpha Order was founded in 1865 at Washington College (Washington and Lee University) in Lexington, Virginia. Today, Kappa Alpha boasts 125 undergraduate chapters and more than 60 alumni chapters across the nation.

C. Douglas Simmons III 2

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HOW TO CONTACT: Editor, The Kappa Alpha Journal

P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-1865 jlyons@ka-order.org TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS: Fill out the Alumnus Update on the website or send both your new and old address to Erika Brooke at the above mailing address or to ebrooke@ka-order.org. MEMBER:

Copyright © 2021 Kappa Alpha Order KAPPA ALPHA ® is a registered trademark of Kappa Alpha Order.

Letter From the Editor Very few of us want to recall much of the past 18 months. Remember those initial feelings? Fear and angst about the unknown. Frustration and anger soon followed. The world was brought to a halt. There is no question that the pandemic presented an equal opportunity to affect everyone, everywhere. And, the Kappa Alpha Journal, its production, and content intended for certain timeframes, have been affected as well. Luckily, KA has been prolific for many years in producing and delivering excellent digital content through new channels, including social media, targeted e-newsletters, and websites, specifically KappaAlphaJournal.com. We continued that approach throughout the pandemic, including hosting live virtual events, engaging in new social media tactics, and more. There remain, however, traditional communication methods and the awardwinning Kappa Alpha Journal is number one on that list. As you can imagine, producing a first-class publication takes many steps and an interesting timeline. To name just a few issues incurred: production has been delayed at the publishing house and a corporate restructuring there changed several staff roles, paper mills around the world are closing or are on minimal hours, creating a higher demand for the products we utilize, and the collection of content from chapters and others has been uniquely altered. In addition, several important and atypical work paths at the National Administrative Office combined with production issues delayed the KAOEF Annual Report. While in this issue, you’ll read the 2019–2020 Annual Report, the 2020–2021 Annual Report will appear shortly. For instance, while 734 Crimson & Gold Society members are reported in this issue, this year’s count is 846, and the goal of 1,000 members will be met in December. Nevertheless, it’s comforting to note that much of the content we include is timeless. No matter what quarter or even what year you pick up your copy of the Journal, our stories of success, perseverance, and values-in-action will surely resonate. The Journal is just one minor example of the disruption we all faced and the hope of better times ahead. Our lives and professions are not without areas for improvement, but that’s the real journey—not just where we’ve traveled, not just where we are today, but where does our path lead in the future? I, for one, look forward to charting that course. A saying goes, “I can’t wait to see what the world has in store for them.” I like it better this way, “I can’t wait to see what we (meaning all of KA) have in store for the world.” With that approach, let us charge forward.

Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha– Western Carolina ’98)

“I can’t wait to see what we (meaning all of KA) have in store for the world.”


Postmaster: Send address changes to Kappa Alpha Order, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, Virginia 24450


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Rekindle your interest in the Order


“It is with a heavy heart that we are letting everyone know that after battling cancer for the last six months, Gunner has passed away. He was more than just the inspiration for our company, he was an integral part of our family, and he will be greatly missed.” — Addison Edmonds (Alpha Upsilon–Mississippi ‘06) founder, an update on Gunner Kennels and Gunner, the inspiration and Edmond’s faithful companion. Brother Edmonds is the owner of Gunner Kennels and was featured in the fall 2019 edition of The Journal. He is a member of the KAOEF’s Crimson & Gold Society,donated a kennel to the KAOEF Bid for Brotherhood auction this year, and you can learn more about his company at www.gunner.com.


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The Journal asked Number Is who served in 2020 and through the COVID-19 pandemic, “What accomplishment or success from last year are most proud of, either by your chapter or one of your members?” Here are a few highlighted responses. Blood Drive



“I was most proud of our blood drive from this past semester. COVID-19 negatively impacted the donations to Mississippi Blood Services, and their supply was basically non-existent. We partnered with Kappa Delta and planned the most successful blood drive in school history. The brothers of Alpha Mu came together for a great cause and made a real difference in our community (below, right).”

“Nu Chapter achieved several goals through the year 2020. Our chapter made several house improvements. We added on to our back deck, made nice wooden kitchen tables, put a TV out on the back deck, and graveled the walk path and cleaned up the tool shed. Even though Covid-19 hit, our chapter was able to have a great rush over the summer and was able to gain 54 new members.”

“In the infamous COVID year of 2020, our chapter was able to host a brotherhood leadership conference, take two of the university’s largest new members classes, and raise $12,000 for The Independence Fund in the last three months of the year.”

 George “Mason” Little (Alpha Mu–Millsaps ’17)

 Conner Bussman (Nu–Auburn ’17)


“We, alongside Kappa Delta, gathered supplies at our chapter facility, and then bused the supplies to those in need and effected by Hurricane Sally in the Pensacola area.”  Zach Wollermann (Gamma Eta– Florida State ’19)


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 TJ Price (Zeta Nu–North Florida ’19) Fundraisers

“The Chapter was able to raise a total of $7,652.21 at our annual MDA Clay Shoot and $560 for Harvest Hope Food Banks through an online fundraiser to aid those in need at the beginning of the pandemic. We were also able to buckle down and receive a 3.10 Chapter GPA for the Fall of 2019 semester, 3.25 Chapter GPA for the Spring 2020 semester, and a 3.12 Chapter GPA for the Fall of 2020 semester.”  Brent Glasgow (Beta Pi– Presbyterian ’17)


“This year the Chapter set a goal to purchase an electric wheelchair for a young girl with Muscular Dystrophy (above) as well as a walkin shower for a young boy with Duchenne (top). Members had to get creative with where they got the funds from and branch out to find new means of raising money.”  Byron Stevens (Delta Pi– Missouri Southern State ’17)


9/3/21 1:56 PM

THE SPARK Rekindle your interest in the Order


Ross A. Berlin

Left: Ross A. Berlin with Tiger Woods. Above: With George W. Bush.


Ross Berlin is the Senior Vice President for Player Affairs with the PGA TOUR. He is responsible for headquartersto-player communication, player education, and governance. In addition, his personal relationships with men’s professional golfers and key industry executives are critical assets for TEAM USA GOLF. He is a committed member of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation’s Crimson & Gold Society. Berlin was the first PGA TOUR staff member to test positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus back in 2020. He was tested on March 28, and did not have substantial interactions with any professional golfers during the 14-day incubation period. He has since made a full recovery.

What are you reading right now as why? “Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story by Carlos Baker.” I’ve always wanted to know more about the man and this is purportedly his best biography. It has not disappointed. While difficulties remain in understanding this complex person, I continue to marvel at and admire the gusto with which he lived his life. What is on your music playlist and why? 60’s music (because it just makes me happy), songs by rock and roll legends including Springsteen, Bob Seger, Jackson Browne, the Rolling Stones and the


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Eagles (because it brings back powerful memories and makes me want to dance) and modern day country music (because I enjoy the modern day artists and their melodies).

granted any longer. I am focused on strengthening it through better sleeping, eating, exercise habits, and trying to reduce stress.

I first heard Bruce’s music blasting out of a dorm room at Wake Forest. It’s been five decades and I still can’t turn him off. In all of his material, I hear a message of hope and faith and I find that comforting during challenging and tough times.

What kind of impact did it have on your job—and how has the pandemic impacted your profession? The pandemic has had a direct and severe financial impact on professional golf. This includes the PGA TOUR organization, our players, tournaments, fans sponsors, media partners, etc. Since March 13, 2020, the PGA TOUR has worked tirelessly and thoughtfully to bring back the game in a safe manner without disrupting the integrity of the competitions. Unfortunately, the first events back were held without “live” spectators. For me, personally, I could not wait to get back on the road to serve the players I represent.

You recovered from COVID-19. What would you want readers to know about it who have no experience with it? Several things: first, I hope they never get the disease. Second, if they do get it, I hope they are asymptomatic. Third, if not asymptomatic, I hope that they do not require hospitalization. I had all the symptoms and they knocked me down pretty hard. In reading about other COVID-19 patients, I have learned that certain symptoms were extreme for some and minor for others. For me, the nights were horrible as I awoke from sleep and could not distinguish between fact or fiction. I was often delirious until morning. Go figure. How did you change your routine after your recovery? I used to think my immune system was strong as I rarely have been sick during my life. Now, I am not taking it for

What would you tell a young KA in school? What would you tell an alumnus in the workforce? My advice to all would be to stay healthy, always maintain a good attitude and never be afraid of the future. While, “we will get through this,” I believe it will not be easy for many. Therefore, make wise financial decisions now and prepare to persevere in the future. For those more fortunate, lend a helping hand to someone less fortunate.


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Can You Comprehend Crypto? 2021 NLI Recap Video Visit KappaAlphaJournal.com to watch a recap video of the experience for our chapter’s top leadership role. The 2021 Number I’s Leadership Institute (NLI) is the Order’s flagship leadership

With the growing trends, the Order surveyed our Instagram followers with the following question:

What’s your knowledge level on cryptocurrency?  BASIC. I know what it is, but don’t completely understand it. (71%)  NO CLUE. What is Dogecoin? (16%)  EXPERT. I can explain blockchain in 1 minute. (13%)

education program, and it was “mission critical” to attempt in-person events. Instead of one large, remote gathering, the COVID-19 Advisory Committee recommended smaller, regional events and rapid testing for all






attendees. The following regional NLIs took

 Dallas, TX: January 7–8


 Memphis, TN: January 7–8


place in person:

 Charlotte, NC: January 9–10  Roanoke, VA: January 9–10 The Knight Commander, Executive Director, and some staff members attended each. Other staff and volunteer leaders were split to be the ground team for each. The following weekend, two more in-person NLIs in Atlanta, Georgia, and Phoenix, Arizona, were cancelled because of a some non-NLI travel related COVID-19 tests. The remaining Number Is participated on one virtual NLI on February 6.


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THE SPARK Rekindle your interest in the Order



KA’s Impact on Wounded Veterans In 2016, the Zeta Phi Chapter at High Point University partnered with The Independence Fund and began a student-led initiative aimed at raising money to provide all-terrain track chairs for wounded veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Since then, KA Chapters have accomplished the following:

$400,000 raised 8 track-chairs donated

Adam Rodriguez (Delta Phi–Jacksonville State ’17)

In 2020 during the pandemic, KA Chapters raised an additional $58,173.39 for the Independence Fund’s COVID-19 Relief Program to help veterans and their families confront economic challenges.

and George Peagler (Alpha Sigma–Georgia Tech ’12),



both Second Lieutenants in the U.S. Army Infantry, graduated from The Infantry Basic Officer Leader

 880

Course at Fort Benning, Georgia, today after 20 weeks

 112 families make mortgage or rent payments

of training. Both brothers now await a turn at Airborne and Ranger school. @kadeltaphi 371 Likes  @aufb_77 Way to go brothers, we're very proud of you!  @grayhurst11 @adamrodriguez746 from Delta Phi to Delta Force

families get a week's worth of groceries

 620 families get home medical/ cleaning supplies

 235 families with remote working, learning, or childcare FOUR TRACK CHAIRS WILL BE PRESENTED BY THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS:

 @jhamner3 @adamrodriguez746 delta phi represent

 Zeta Theta–James Madison

 @grayson_m0 @adamrodriguez746 excelsior my brother.

 Delta Phi–Jacksonville State, Delta Theta– Georgia Southern, and Zeta Kappa–West Georgia (this group jointly fundraised)

 @kaparrothead Time to fatten up a little bit before going to live in the dirt.

 Zeta Nu–North Florida

 @meckybaurer LOVE YOU @adamrodriguez746 !!!!

 Epsilon Nu–Georgia College

 @jacksonsrobinson The goat @adamrodriguez746

Learn more at KappaAlphaOrder.org/Independence-Fund.


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would encourage hundreds of business, professional, and community leaders, men and women, to leave work on a busy Monday for a lunch meeting, or breakfast on a Friday, or a virtual meeting during a pandemic? Why would these same individuals volunteer to sort food at a food bank, build a Habitat house, pack drugs and medicines for disaster areas, travel to Africa to help build water wells, build schools in Honduras, support education for all children and literacy for children and adults, contribute millions of dollars to eradicate polio worldwide, and work globally for world peace and international understanding? It is Service: Service Above Self, which has been the principal motto of Rotary International since its adoption in 1913. In 1986, I was invited to be a charter member of a new Rotary Club in Albany, Georgia, to be called The Rotary Club of Dougherty County. This club was chartered in 1987, and I had the privilege to serve as the club’s second president and have been engaged in Rotary since that time. In 2008, I became a member of The Rotary Club of Atlanta, which was founded in 1913, and with more than five hundred members is one of the larger Rotary Clubs in the world. I had the privilege to serve as president of Atlanta Rotary in 2015 and 2016. I also had the privilege of serving as a Vice Chairman of the Host Organizing Committee for the 2017 Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, one of the most successful conventions in Rotary’s history attended by approximately 35,000 Rotarians and guests from around the globe. Today there are 1.2 million Rotarians in more than 36,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary International is leading disaster recovery efforts, including projects related to S U M M E R 2 0 21 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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“I have been blessed beyond measure. Therefore, I have a responsibility to give my time and resources for the betterment of the community. Rotary has enabled me to share in a meaningful way some of the blessings I have received.”

COVID-19. In the midst of the current pandemic, Rotary Clubs around the world are helping in their local communities, and Rotary International has funded almost $35 million for COVID-19 efforts. The Atlanta Rotary Club, as an example, is actively working with community leaders in support of the Atlanta Community Food Bank, a leader in the fight against food insecurity in North Georgia, to develop a new model in food delivery. Connecting idle capacity in commercial kitchens with new ways of distribution to reach at-risk populations, the initial effort will fully fund distribution of 25,000 meals for the first 30 days of this initiative, and as partnerships and additional funding grow, meal delivery will be increased to an expanded population that includes families, seniors at home, and homeless encampments. Other Rotary clubs in the area will be invited to support this important effort. So why am I a Rotarian? As a child I was taught that we are created for a reason—to be in relationship with God and our fellow man, and to do good in the world. The scriptures teach us in Luke 12:48 that, “Everyone to whom much is given, of him will much be required….” I, like many other Rotarians, have been blessed beyond measure. Therefore, I have a responsibility to give my time and resources for the betterment of the community. Rotary has enabled me to share in a meaningful way some of the blessings I have received. In addition, I have met and have friendships with like-minded Rotarians of all ages, sexes, races, and religions from around the world. It is all about serving others. — Walter M. "Sonny" Deriso Jr. (Epsilon-Emory '65) (at left)


9/3/21 2:02 PM

THE SPARK Rekindle your interest in the Order

DEAR EDITOR I just finished reading the online copy of the new edition of The Journal. Congratulations! I'll vow that each issue seems to be better than the last. It is hardly surprising that the magazine is a prize-winning publication. I very much enjoyed this issue and especially the article on the Wood family and the history. So much is happening in the Order that is positive and bodes well for the future. What an asset you are to the Order and you are appreciated. Best wishes. Fraternally, Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. (Gamma Chi–Texas Tech ‘70), Former Knight Commander

Great Journal! FYI, Benjy Bailey was not on staff until around 1985. I started in 1984 and he came in shortly after me. Fraternally, Ken Jackson (Delta Tau–Francis Marion ‘81)

Editor’s Note: Brother Jackson is right, Editor Bailey visited Lost River, West Virginia, to interview Jonathan Ward Wood in May 1985. I just read The Journal Fall 2020 … well done! During these challenging times for KA, I would make every chapter officer and active member read it. Fraternally, Timothy P. Hurley (Psi–Tulane ‘77) Hurley & Cot, APLC

Just received and read the new issue of The Journal. BZ (Bravo Zulu (Well Done) signal flag flown from the mast—highest compliment that can be paid in the U.S.Navy). I had been wondering for some time whether the Order would ever address the situation of KA in the universe of fraternities re:


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TAKE NOTE Robert E. Lee, Confederate Flags, and Old South Balls. You did so in this issue and I am very grateful. As a Georgian, Mercerian, and Kappa Chapter member, I am very grateful. Thanks so very much for clearing the air so that we might continue to thrive. Also, loved the article about James Ward Wood. I certainly wish I could claim some relationship to him—but that's not in the cards. ATVB, CAPT Sidney E. Wood, Jr. USN, (Kappa–Mercer ‘54)

Just a note to let you know how much I enjoyed the fall issue of The Journal. I read it cover to cover, but especially learned so much through the Knight Commander’s message and evolution/historical perspective. Recently, Buddy (Alpha Beta–Alabama ‘81) and I have had numerous conversations about Robert E. Lee, but after reading The Journal my questions and hesitation about KA’s relationship with Robert E. Lee have been put to rest. As you can imagine, Buddy is thankful for that! He was tired of me bringing it up! The following statement hit home for me, “Like any of us, Lee was flawed, he made mistakes and errors in judgement. This is an increasingly important lesson for developing tomorrow’s leaders.” Great work throughout the entire magazine. Hope all is well with you and yours. Happy Thanksgiving! Best, Carole J. Jones - Former Chairman, National Panhellenic Conference

I am a parent of an active KA, Oliver Whitehead, in his 3rd year at Georgia Tech. The Fall 2020 KA magazine arrived at my house recently and for the first time I picked it up before he did and browsed it with interest. I’m so glad


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I did! Reading the opening letter by Douglas Simmons was balm to my soul. It soothed a nagging worry of mine ever since Oliver joined KA.

Mr. Simmon's letter is timely, and addresses the touchy issues of race, racism, and the legacy of KA in a sensitive manner. I know when my son joined that THIS was the message I wanted, as a parent, to hear: that Kappa Alpha is not inherently racist nor do you all condone discrimination or bigotry. I raised my son to be respectful of all people and to acknowledge their worth and dignity. He has found a home in KA. at Tech so I know that his chapter must fit with his values, but I really wanted to believe this to be true of KA as an organization. Thank you, Mr. Lyons and Mr. Simmons, for addressing this openly. I encourage you all to somehow make this even more public: to post this letter on your website, for example. I remember scouring your website when Oliver got a bid, hoping to read just this type of communication. If there are others like me searching for

January 6–9, 2022

Number I’s Leadership Institute Location: Caraway Conference Center Sophia, N.C.

this message, the letter would be very reassuring. Thank you again and happy Thanksgiving. Sincerely, Laura Whitehead

My name is Noah Moore and I am an active member of Rho chapter at the University of South Carolina. I was this past semester’s philanthropy chair and parliamentarian. Our president, J.T. Isgett and I were pictured in the most recent Journal and my name was wrong and was written as Landon Nott. I wanted to buy one but was wondering if it could be put in the next edition with my name. My parents would love to have a copy and I was just curious if this could be fixed. If not, I understand and I appreciate your time. Sincerely, Noah Moore (Rho–South Carolina ‘18)

Editor’s Note: Brother Moore, consider this my correction and apology. Copies are on their way.


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THE SPARK Rekindle your interest in the Order


Chapter Luminaries

Many of the KAs noted as Chapter Luminaries have been or remain involved. Two specifically are featured elsewhere in this Journal, showing the strength of support and engagement from dedicated members early in their KA career. They are:

In this edition, we feature several inaugural recipients of the Knight Commander’s Commendation, an award designed to recognize leadership and service to KA, its chapters, and for outstanding achievement by our youngest leaders—see page 14. However, this is not the first time the Order has recognized undergraduate members. From 1965 to 1969, the Order recognized outstanding undergraduates on the pages of The Kappa Alpha Journal. Active Members were deemed with the moniker, “Chapter Luminaries” if they were involved in one or more additional organizations on campus, including honorary, professional, and secret societies. A photo of the young man, his chapter and college designation, along with a notation of his extracurricular activities were composited across two to four pages of the mid-year issue of The Journal. Hundreds of KA's annually earn the title of "Chapter Luminary" for their campus activities that bring honor to themselves, their chapters, and the Order. Shown are some of the KA Chapter Luminaries for 1969-70.

Walter M. “Sonny” Deriso, at the time an Active Member of Epsilon Chapter at Emory University—now the Founding Chairman and a Director of Atlantic Capital Bank and Atlantic Capital Bancshares, Inc., and a former Chairman of the Emory Board of Trustees and recipient of the Knight Commander’s Accolade. See page 9.

Eugene M. “Gene” Julian Julian, at the time an Active Member of Beta Epsilon Chapter at University of Delaware—now a retired successful construction and building company owner, and longtime member of the Board of Trustees of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation.


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GENTLEMEN’S GEAR HIgh- Qualit y items f rom our licensed par tners


Excelsior Napa The 1865 Wine Club Exclusively for KA alumni, this is a unique opportunity to support Kappa Alpha Order and the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Your 1865 Wine Club Membership and purchases directly support critical leadership education, scholarships, and internships. KAs who join the 1865 Wine Club will receive two shipments per year (six bottles each) of handcrafted Napa Valley wines made exclusively for the Order. There is no long-term commitment. For additional questions, and to sign up, check out www.ExcelsiorNapa.com

The inaugural shipment has commenced but you may still join to receive the second shipment for 2021!

2 2020 Alumni Directory Did you miss your chance to purchase the 2020 Alumni Directory? Well don’t wait; now as it is available upon calling the National Administrative Office. Complete with color introduction with an engaging design, this tome includes the names and information for every KA ever initiated. Each chapter subhead also includes founding information and founders. Get your copy today! $100 | Call 540-463-1865 and speak with Erika Brooke.


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Character achievement


Stirring stories of a high tone of thought and action from today’s KA undergraduate leaders—these are the inaugural recipients of the Knight Commander’s Commendation.

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These men of good report are to be commended—they have been leaders of their chapters and members, addressed very serious situations on a variety of fronts, and held their own as bold leaders of men. From risk management to reputation management and several stops in between, these mature brothers stepped up to the mantle of leader in every sense of the term. Some implemented groundbreaking diversity and inclusion education; some held their members accountable to the point of removal, and others saw high achievements during a pandemic. Much has been said about who we should look to for inspiration and who we should honor. Here we honor the future of the Order, because indeed it belongs to them. — JESSE LYONS, (DELTA ALPHA– WESTERN CAROLINA ’98)

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Taylor Anderson (Alpha Upsilon–Mississippi ‘16) FORMER NUMBER I


` Led the chapter through one of the most significant media events in recent history ` Held members in question accountable and coordinated with all parties to maintain relationships and image ` Represented KA and Alpha Upsilon Chapter exceptionally well through a very difficult time for the chapter ` Worked closely with his advisors, the National Administrative Office (NAO), and University administration to lead Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) educational efforts for the chapter What do your future plans hold?

I recently graduated with a master’s degree, but I’m still uncertain. The KA alumni base has already been beneficial and opened the door to more opportunities that my specific undergraduate degree did not provide. How do you see yourself being involved as an alumnus?

I hope to continue staying involved with KA and my chapter at Ole Miss by donating and advising in any way that I can. Were there substantive skills that KA provided to you?

KA provided me with many things: experience, relationships, and training. My time as president was the most influential time in my life. I experienced new challenges on a daily basis that have prepared me for my future better than anything else I could hope for, and those are something I will always remember and never regret.


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COMMENTS: “Taylor was one of the most mature and levelheaded leaders I have ever encountered. He navigated the chapter through a very difficult situation and used it as an opportunity to begin conversation on how we can be a more inclusive community. His calm and steady leadership style was instrumental to the success of the chapter during his term. "Both Taylor and Holman (see pg. 20) represent the best of fraternity life here at The University of Mississippi. It was an honor to be able to work closely with them and see their tremendous growth as men. I am so happy they are being awarded the Knight Commander’s Commendation because their dedication to Alpha Upsilon and Kappa Alpha Order as a whole is truly unmatched.” — A r thur E. Doctor, Jr., Ed.D., Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life at the University of Mississippi


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Stephen East

(Beta Tau–Mississippi State ‘16) FORMER NUMBER I


 Successfully led chapter through rebuilding phase  Drastically improved relationship with the National Administrative Office, volunteer leadership, and university administration  Led the chapter to increase its recruitment numbers by more than 40%  Led the chapter to raise $20,000 for the Independence Fund, donating a track chair to a severely wounded veteran Was there one substantive thing that KA provided to you? What do your future plans hold?

The most substantive thing that KA provided me with was training for the real world. As I took on leadership roles that KA offered such as recruitment chairman and president, my progression as a leader improved at an extremely rapid pace. I realized that running my chapter was similar to running a business–managing a group of 100+ individuals that come from all different backgrounds, being challenged with the task of communicating effectively with all of those individuals, managing the finances of the chapter, planning large events, recruiting new members year after year, communicating with entities outside of the chapter, and most of all remembering the overall goal of ensuring the everlasting prosperity of my chapter for years after my active membership. Being able to see the resemblance of running a chapter to running a business helped me excel during my time in KA, always trying to understand where things went wrong and how I can mitigate those issues in the future. My skills in communication, leadership, networking, organization, work ethic all increased tenfold during my time in KA, and I have never lost my curiosity to learn. The training the KA gave me will be invaluable as I move forward in life and enter the business world. As I move forward in life and complete my Master of Professional Accountancy at Mississippi State University, I will begin work as an Audit Associate for KPMG in their Memphis, Tennessee, office. KA has


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"The most substantive thing that KA provided me with was training for the real world ... managing a group of 100+ individuals that come from all different backgrounds." W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

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been extremely helpful to me on this career path as I believe the vast majority of my experiences gave me an advantage during job interviews. I had countless situations where I could explain how I worked with a group to complete a task or how I overcame adversity and saw my goals through to the end. Not only that, but I also learned how to build a network and work with many different types of people, which will certainly be helpful in the real world. At the 2019 Convention in New Orleans, I even had the opportunity to network with successful KA alumni who work in various industries, thus furthering my network and learning more about possible career paths in my future. COMMENTS: “Stephen did a great job managing the chapter through the ups and downs of his term. Stephen was always levelheaded when addressing high stress situations. He advocated for his members appropriately in various instances during his term. He was able to challenge ideas and ways of doing things to help move the chapter forward as well the Fraternity & Sorority Community at Mississippi State.” — John Michael VanHorn, Assistant Director, Fraternity & Sorority Life at Mississippi State

Carson Palmer



 Traveled to all national organization’s headquarters with his IFC Executive Board and Dean of Students to establish better working relationships  Hosted a summit on campus for all national organization leadership to engage with university administration, chapter presidents, and IFC Executive Board

Palmer hosted a summit on campus ... to engage with university administration, chapter presidents and IFC Executive Board S U M M E R 2 0 21 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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"One thing the past few years have taught me is how hard it can be to understand the meaning of a decision."

Bo Baker (Tau–Wake Forrest ‘18) FORMER NUMBER I


 Successfully led chapter through rebuilding phase, in recruitment, finances, and more, following Alumni Receivership, a membership review, and extensive conduct sanction from the University

What is one thing you’ve learned in KA?

One thing the past few years have taught me is how hard it can be to understand the meaning of a decision. Whether they determine what you have for lunch or where you go to college, decisions are as inevitable as they are plenty. But what makes some weigh more than others? For me, the big ones are those with enough meaning to seep into even the smallest decisions that follow. Joining KA stands out as one of those moments, and my experience since has been filled with realizing its impact on the most unassuming corners of life. But most of all, the greatest value of my KA experience has come from sharing its meaning with close friends.

Thomas J. “TJ” Price (Zeta Nu–North Florida ’19) FORMER NUMBER I


 Successfully led the chapter through several risk management/ conduct issues, and communicated very well with the NAO through the entire process  Worked diligently to improve relationship with the University administration 18

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Brent Glasgow (Beta Pi–Presbyterian ‘17) FORMER NUMBER I


 Pioneered model relationship between Director of Community Engagement Marlon Gibson and Active Chapter leadership

Pioneered model relationship between Director of Community Engagement Marlon Gibson and Active Chapter leadership

 Worked to repair damaged reputation and relationships with a diverse campus community  With Gibson’s assistance, recruited the Chief Diversity Officer to serve as the chapter’s faculty advisor and vocal advocate What does your KA experience mean to you?

The Order has also helped me to build on my morals through our values and continuously strive to be better than I was the day before. How has KA benefited you?

Next year I will be attending the University of South Carolina School of Law. While I decided to go to law school on my own and with the help of my brother, mother, and grandfather, KA provided me with so many opportunities to build my resume during undergrad. I was able to intern on S.C. Governor Henry McMaster’s (Rho–South Carolina ’67) campaign, in the South Carolina State House after his election, and in Washington D.C. All of this provided me with great experiences that will last me a lifetime. What was your favorite experience?

I think my favorite KA activity that I got to be a part of was the annual Beta Pi MDA Clay Shoot. This is always a great time because we got to help out such an incredible cause while hanging out with Beta Pi alumni and faculty, staff, and students from Presbyterian College. COMMENTS: “Brent has been a focused, determined, and optimistic leader over the last year. He maintained these qualities in the most difficult of circumstances and he strove to develop new campus relationships between Beta Pi and other organizations on campus. His leadership presence and experience will be missed and a loss to the chapter, but his legacy will continue.” – Daniel Adams, Director of Student Programs at Presbyterian College


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Holman Buchanan (Alpha Upsilon–Mississippi ‘17) FORMER NUMBER I


 Recognized as an exceptional, mature leader and representative of the Order by all who have worked with him including Director of Community Engagement Marlon Gibson, the Alumnus Advisor, Greek Advisor, and other national staff

Zach Wollermann (Gamma Eta–Florida State ‘19) FORMER NUMBER I


 Led the chapter to take their largest new member class in several years this past fall during a pandemic

 Recognized as an exceptional leader by all who have worked with him


 Led the chapter to rebuild damaged alumni relations

“Holman was a leader who was admired by his peers and respected by administrators across campus. Leading a chapter of over 200 men is already a difficult task but coupled with a pandemic would’ve have broken most leaders. Holman stepped up to ensure that members of Alpha Upsilon remained connected to the brotherhood of Kappa Alpha Order. His optimistic attitude was a driving factor behind why the chapter was able to navigate COVID-19 so smoothly.” — Arthur E. Doctor, Jr., Ed.D., Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life at the University of Mississippi

 Proactively made improvements to the house  Enforced internal accountability measures within the chapter What does your KA experience mean to you?

I would not trade my experience in KA for anything. Having had the opportunity to serve as Number I, along with serving as the National Undergraduate Vice Chairman on the Executive Council, KA has developed me both personally and professionally since joining my freshman year. I’ve been very fortunate to benefit from the resources and opportunities Kappa Alpha allocates to their undergraduates, but more importantly, I consider myself even more fortunate to have developed the relationships I have with some of the greatest brothers, leaders, orators, men, and women who work within and for the Order. Through KA, I’ve gained lifelong friends, memories, skill sets ,and a sense of character that will resonate with me in my life forever. COMMENTS: “Zach is one of the sharpest students I’ve had the pleasure to serve and support. As a young chapter president, he quickly developed the skills needed to lead his chapter, but also found ways to influence our IFC and FSL community through a number of challenges that led to many success stories. Zach is a shining star and mentor to many in our community. I look forward to all he will continue to accomplish personally and professionally.” — Chris Graham, Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Florida State

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Caleb Adams

(Delta Lambda–Middle Tennessee State ‘20) FORMER NUMBER I


 Most effective and passionate provisional chapter Number I  Successfully led the chapter to complete their final chartering requirements  Maintained a 4.0 GPA during leadership term

“Zach is one of the sharpest students I’ve had the pleasure to serve and support." — Chris Graham, Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Florida State.

 Established excellent relationships and reputation for the new chapter with alumni What do your future plans hold?

After graduation I will be starting a job in outside sales and am getting married on June 19th. KA has absolutely helped me with my career path. Through some of the experience I gained as Number IV and Number I, I without a doubt feel very prepared to enter the professional world. What was your favorite KA activity and why?

My favorite KA activity was having the opportunity to have a role in initiation. I know how special it was for me when I became an initiated member of KA, and it was a huge honor to be able to pass that along to those that came after me.

Successfully led the chapter to complete their final chartering requirements

How do you see yourself being involved as an alumnus (donor, volunteer, advisor, etc.?)?

After graduation, I want nothing more than to continue to be involved with KA. I have already reached out to my Alumnus Advisor and plan on being on the AAC for my chapter, as well as hopefully becoming the Alumnus advisor at some point in the future.


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Charlie Haug

(Epsilon Nu–Georgia College ‘17) FORMER NUMBER I


 Enthusiastic, passionate, proud KA representing the Order’s brand superbly

Blake Barker

(Epsilon Theta–Western Kentucky ’18) FORMER NUMBER I

 Maintained excellent communication and relationship with the National Administrative Office and volunteer leadership  One of the most proactive, energetic, and effective Number Is during the pandemic  Kept the chapter fully operational and stable through a very difficult time  Maintained excellent recruitment numbers despite the pandemic COMMENTS:

 Led advocacy for the IFC’s recruitment rights to the University’s administration from overall restrictive policies  Led the chapter to increase their pledge class by nearly 60% this fall What does your KA experience mean to you?

My KA experience meant the world to me, the memories and friendships I made in KA are what made college worthwhile to me. I lived with KA brothers every semester I could, I ran for an executive position every year I was a brother, and my experiences as President are 80% of what I spoke about in interviews, and I just got hired by a great company. I have so many reasons to be grateful to KA and Epsilon Nu, they facilitated my development like no other organization I have ever been a part of, and I have friends who will stand beside me when I am getting married too. I truly could not have asked for more out of a fraternity experience.

“Blake Barker has been an outstanding leader for Kappa Alpha and has taken the chapter to new heights. Chapter membership improved greatly and chapter grades really took an meteoric rise during his presidency and beyond. Blake is one of WKU’s top male leaders, having served as Chapter President, IFC Officer twice, and now as a WKU Alumni Ambassador. “Beyond Blake’s vast achievements, he has displayed phenomenal emotional intelligence and the ability to communicate with all types of people. Blake’s rare blend charisma and hard work will take him very far in life. I am proud that he is a Hilltopper and part of the WKU Fraternity system.” — Andrew Rash, Coordinator of Greek Life at Western Kentucky University 22

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Tripp Knight (Gamma Gamma– Memphis ’16)



 National Undergraduate Chairman (2020)  Former Interfraternity Council President  Emerging Leaders Academy Peer Facilitator What does your KA experience mean to you?

I received opportunities that I would not have had without it. This is coming from someone that has taken every opportunity KA has given me. Having experience from being the National Undergraduate Chairman as well as working experience from the internship in Dallas. You get what you put into KA, I put in a lot and got a lot back from it.

"I received opportunities that I would not have had without it. You get what you put into KA, I put in a lot and got a lot back from it."

How do you see yourself being involved as an alumnus (donor, volunteer, advisor, etc.)?

I plan on staying as involved as possible. I see myself being a chapter advisor at some point or sitting on a Housing Corp. Was there one substantive thing that KA provided to you?

Being president of my chapter prepared me for life more than anything. Running a chapter is like running a small company. Learning the different methods of communication based on the individual needs is the biggest. Understanding how to budget and market yourself is something you can even apply to your personal life.


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Tr ue bear ings for your K A Jour ney

The Country Doctor Who Helped Make Missouri Spaces Smoke-free by Kaitlyn McConnell, "Ozarks Alive"

Above: Dr. Tommy Macdonnell, 98, sponsored legislation that protected smokefree spaces in Missouri


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the business of giving life. He saved souls during World War II, where he served as a sharpshooter and stormed Normandy on D-Day. As Webster County’s beloved obstetrician, his smile was the first to welcome more than 4,500 babies into the world. Decades were dedicated to family practice, for which he founded a maternity hospital and modern clinic to support rural residents. But that wasn’t enough for the 98-year-old Dr. Tommy, as locals affectionately call him. Long before the belief was commonly accepted, the forward-thinking country doctor preached the grave health threat tied to secondhand smoke. He felt so strongly about its dangers that he did the only thing he could think to do. He ran for a seat in Missouri’s House of Representatives so he could help protect the public through new legislation. Over the next several years, he battled tobacco lobbyists. He went up against fellow politicians. His bill to

offer smoke-free spaces was defeated numerous times— but still he fought. And nearly 30 years ago, he won. Thanks to Dr. Tommy, Missouri’s non-smokers were protected on a statewide level for the first time.


Dr. Tommy’s passion for helping people began long before he earned his medical degree. His father, Dr. C. R. Macdonnell, specialized in obstetrics and moved the family from Indiana to Marshfield in 1928. The elder Macdonnell was attracted to rural Webster County because he heard “it was good fishing and hunting territory,” says his son. Instead of his father’s calling, Dr. Tommy grew up in the medical field. “I would go with him on a lot of home deliveries, and I’d go squirrel hunting while he was in the house taking care of the mother-to-be,” he says. He also attended medical meetings with his father, where in his ignorance he’d collect sample packages of cigarettes for his father.


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“I’d slap my hands now,” he says. He was graduated from Marshfield High School and enrolled at Drury College (now University) where he considered going into medicine, or perhaps diplomacy or government service. But then Dec. 7, 1941—the day that will live in infamy—made its mark on history. “When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, my whole fraternity … enlisted in a reserve program except for two,” says Dr. Tommy. “Two men that had come to Drury from the state of Connecticut. We called them the Connecticut Yankees in King Arthur’s Court.” He chose the Army, even though he was too young to be drafted. He prepared for war as best he could by taking certain subjects—such as quantitive analysis, physics and trajectory— as encouraged by the military. “But I dovetailed it enough that it would work also as credits for medical school entrance,” he says. The next few years saw Dr. Tommy overseas, fighting Axis powers in World War II. He is one of few alive today who remember D-Day, a snapshotin-time that has lasted far longer than the relatively few hours he spent on the beach. “I think about it. I dream about it,” he says, recalling the day that came and went more than seven decades ago. The day required Dr. Tommy to put his sharpshooting skills, gleaned through squirrel hunting in Webster County’s greencarpeted hills, to use. “Between the (machine gun) bursts, I’d move. On up the hill, until I came to a latrine and

I jumped in it,” he says, who was hit by shrapnel in the hip. “My gas mask had already been destroyed by bullet holes. I, fortunately, was not killed, but the man at arm’s-length from me was.” Eventually, he managed to get within 150 yards of an enemy bunker and shot a round through a German observation scope. “At 150 yards, it was an easy target,” he told NBC reporter Brian Williams in 2014, when interviewed for a program commemorating the 70th anniversary of the battle. He spent years haunted by a friend, one who he believed kept calling for his help before he died. Those phantom cries weren’t laid to rest until years later, when another man who was there that day said they simply weren’t possible. “(He) told me he saw my roommate hit, and he was killed instantly,” says Dr. Tommy. “He couldn’t have been calling me to help him. He was dead.” The next year, Dr. Tommy once again saw horrific history made at the Battle of the Bulge. This time, he suffered a fractured skull, vision and hearing loss, broken ribs, and multiple shrapnel wounds. A land mine was to blame. Dr. Tommy’s exemplary service didn’t go unnoticed. He was awarded with the Silver Star, America’s third-highest award for heroism, and two Purple Hearts. He was even scouted by General Patton, and summoned to Germany to discuss possibilities for a future with the military. He recalls the day of the meeting, and of heading into the building. “I patted Patton’s jeep as I walked by it,” recalls Dr. Tommy.


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He didn’t see Patton himself, but he spoke with the general’s representative and several other high-ranking officials. They offered to send him to Paris to train as a hospital administrator if he’d stay in Europe. But neither their offer nor their prestige swayed his heart’s decision.

His bill to offer smokefree spaces was defeated numerous times—but still he fought. And nearly 30 years ago, he won. “I said, ‘I’m wasting your time, and I’m wasting mine. I’ve got the points (for discharge), I’m going home and go to medical school, become a doctor, and start saving lives instead of taking them,’” recalls Dr. Tommy. Even though his last day in the Army came more than 70 years ago, he can still open his wallet and pull out his honorable discharge card. He’s carried it with him, protected with laminate, all these years. No special reason why he keeps it so close, he says. But sometimes actions speak louder than words.


Dr. Tommy didn’t waste time. Shortly after returning home,

he began coursework at the University of Missouri to complete his undergraduate degree so he could start medical school. For that, he traveled back to his home state to attend Indiana University’s school of medicine. Those years of school and residency, spent in Indiana and at Kansas City General Hospital, gave him time to dream. When he came back home to Marshfield in the early 1950s— his late wife Ann, who was a nurse, by his side—he knew what the town needed. It needed a modern health care facility. After all, he’d grown up seeing his father make house calls and home deliveries. When folks did come to an office, it was to where his father had space in the upper floors of a former bank. He wanted to have anesthesia, the ability to do minor surgery, and on-site skilled help. He got those things, and many more, when his hospital opened in the early 1950s. It was a project largely made possible because of local businessmen who agreed to invest. “Most of the people knew me from childhood,” says Dr. Tommy. “It was really important for me because they trusted I’d be successful.” There were rooms for mothers and space for their babies. A fracture room was there, as well as one dedicated to cardiac patients and an emergency bed. He had most everything one needed for traction. There was space for continuing education with area physicians, which in the 1950s meant boxes of slides mailed to the clinic. The facility had an electrocardiogram (EKG)


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MOR AL COMPASS The Countr y Doctor

Q&A When did you join KA? Dr. Tommy: We had a good Kappa Alpha fraternity in Springfield. I was acquainted with the fraternity at Drury in Springfield. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, I enlisted the next day in the Army Reserve. They let me stay at Drury and also special studies at SMS which is now Missouri State College. And when I was called into active service I joined a special group that was being trained for the invasion of France. Can you share more about your KA experience at the University of Missouri? Dr. Tommy: I came back [from serving in the Army] and went to the University of Missouri. Transferred to Columbia, transferred my membership of KA from Springfield to Colombia, University of Missouri. I finished up two or three subjects that I had to have to get into medical school. I graduated from Missouri in 1948. At one time, at the University of Missouri, the Number I of the fraternity had to take his law degree and he had to work hard at that. During that time, I acted as the temporary Number I while he was studying for the bar. He took this test, passed it, and got his licensee as a lawyer and was successful at it. Did you ever deliver any babies that later became KAs? Dr. Tommy: My father did, he was ahead of me here in Marshfield. And for the ones that grew up and were college-aged, they all became Kappa Alphas. How did you stay connected to KA?

Dr. Tommy: I influenced several Marshfield boys that went to Drury or SW Missouri to join the KA fraternity. And then when we built the new Kappa Alpha, I gave the first contribution that was given for the building. It wasn’t much but it was at least something. It is apparent you have served your entire life, in the Army and in your community. Where did you learn that value of service to others? Dr. Tommy: I was a good Christian person. I believed in helping. 26

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machine, “the best one they had at Kansas City,” says Dr. Tommy. “Just got the same thing and put it in the clinic.” Ahead of his time, Dr. Tommy even had a way to refer those cardiac patients to a specialist via the phone. “The person with EKG on was hooked up to that telephone line and transmitted to the … clinic in Kansas City, and he could interpret what was wrong,” says Dr. Tommy. “It was state-of-the-art.” Dr. Tommy jumpstarted Webster County’s polio vaccination clinic, leading it in 1955—the very same year the vaccine became available. And all the while, he shared information about tobacco with patients. One of those people was even his father, who was a threepack-a-day smoker until he had a heart attack. “I got him to quit,” says Dr. Tommy. “He carried a package of cigarettes in his shirt pocket until it wore out, crumbled, as just a comfort agent. But he lived for 10 years longer.”


But more than anything else, Dr. Tommy delivered babies. “I’ve delivered 4,582, not counting twins, and never lost a mother,” says Dr. Tommy, a tinge of humble pride in his voice. He starts to say he never lost a baby, either—but then quickly corrects himself. “I can’t say that I never lost a baby, because (there were) babies that were deformed, born dead,” he says, citing factors he couldn’t control. “A mother was a heavy smoker, and the baby was dead in the womb from smoking so much that her placenta dried up,” he says, sharing one example. “(It) was just not getting circulation to the baby, and it suffocated from lack of nourishment.” “No, I can’t say that I never lost a baby,” he says. “Strike that out. That’s not correct.”


Dr. Tommy continued operating his first Marshfield clinic through the 1980s, when he sold it and built a

smaller one. By that time, he himself had eight children—most of whom his father delivered—and cultivated a cattle ranch and tree farm. He served through a plethora of civic positions, such as on the Southwest Missouri State University (now Missouri State University) Board of Regents. He was president of Marshfield’s school board. He was consulted for obstetrical cases at Lester E. Cox Medical Centers (today’s CoxHealth) in Springfield. But by the late 1980s, Dr. Tommy decided he had to do something else: He had to do something to protect others from tobacco’s dangers. “I was so against smoking,” he says. “I wanted to enact some legislation that prohibited smoking in schools and houses and colleges, public buildings. And I couldn’t get it passed by me here in Marshfield and the Legislature doing what they were told to do. And being paid to do what they’re told to do by the lobbyists. “So when I couldn’t get it done by long distance, I decided I’d just become part of it and fight it on the home front.” But to end up on the home front on the House floor, he had to win an election. He decided to run in 1986 for the seat of Rep. Leroy Blunt, father of today’s U.S. Senator Roy Blunt, who retired. That decision presented a challenge: Dr. Tommy is a Democrat, and “there had been very few Democrats elected in Webster County since the ‘War Between the States,’” as he puts it. But if anyone could convince voters to switch their straight-ticket Republican votes, it was Dr. Tommy. And he did, winning by a wide margin. “I ran on the Democratic ticket, and had the chairman of the Republican county committee vote for me,” he says, a smile on his face, and took office in 1987. His new political profession, however, didn’t mean that he’d give up seeing patients. “He plans to continue his medical practice with office hours on Saturdays and nursing-home rounds when he’s not in Jefferson City,” reported the


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Springfield News-Leader in January 1987. According to Caring for America, a book about family practice, Dr. Tommy also found new patients at the Capitol. “Besides his legislative duties, the only doctor in the House also ran a free clinic out of his Capitol office and took care of some 300 legislators and staffers,” printed the book. “He dispensed samples supplied by drug companies.” But those things weren’t enough: As the only doctor in the House, he worked to “educate,” as he puts it, the Legislature in Jefferson City as to the dangers of tobacco. “I saw what it did to the health of the people that I was treating,” says Dr. Tommy. “I got research, documentation of tests that had been done by important research labs and universities that proved the toxicities of tobacco itself and secondhand smoke. I had patients that had died from secondhand smoke that I could quote, children that were not born because the mother was a heavy smoker. Disease, lung problems, COPD. So many things, and I worked on it and rewrote it.” Those thoughts translated into a bill, proposed in 1988, that would guarantee that at least 70 percent of most public places would be designated as smokefree. These areas included retail or commercial establishments, health-care facilities, public transportation, restrooms, elevators and libraries. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch came out in support of his cause by February 1988, but acknowledged that the proposition would be difficult to pass. “Getting the bill through the Jefferson City maze will not be easy. For one thing, Dr. Macdonnell’s bill would allow cities and towns to pre-empt the state’s standards with tougher standards of their own. Thus, the tobacco lobby is expected

to fight the measure very hard. For another, the top three state Senate leaders, plus Rep. Judith O’Connor, chair of the House Public Health and Safety Committee, are smokers.” The newspaper was right: The bill—dubbed the Clean Indoor Air Act—died in 1988. Dr. Tommy brought it back the next year—but no cigar. It was proposed again in 1990. Dr. Tommy continued his educating, proven by an article in the Macon Chronicle-Herald from February 1990. “Rep. Thomas Macdonnell hopes the third time will be the charm for one of his favorite causes: legislation to mandate non-smoking areas in most public places.

“A mother was a heavy smoker, and the baby was dead in the womb from smoking so much that her placenta dried up." A physician for more than three decades, Macdonnell told a House committee Monday night he is pushing the bill because smoking causes cancer and people who breathe exhaled smoke, so-called second-hand smoke, are at risk. At one point during this testimony, he held up a brochure with the question: ‘Does your baby smoke?’ The answer was next to the question: ‘If someone in your household is smoking, then your baby is too.’” That year, the bill got goahead from the House through a 132—23 vote. “Macdonnell, who has pushed the measure for three years without getting it


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out of committee, attributed his success Wednesday to growing public awareness of the hazards of smoking and of breathing second-hand smoke,” printed the News-Leader. But it ultimately died that year, too. Part of the resistance was tied to a belief that restricting smoking would “interfere with individual rights and liberties,” as another representative put it in the Post-Dispatch. Then came 1991. That year, the bill was approved in the House and the Senate. But when it came back to the House for final approval, time ran out before a vote was taken. Perhaps that factor tied to then-House Majority Leader Robert Ward’s relationship with tobacco lobbyist John Britton, shared in the Post-Dispatch in May. “Britton, lobbyist for the Tobacco Institute, denied that he told Ward not to bring up the measure for a final vote. Ward, who smokes, voted against the bill when it passed the House earlier in the session but said ‘I had nothing against it.’ “Carol Winner, of the Missouri Coalition on Smoking and Health, said ‘A minimum of seven tobacco lobbyists went to Ward’s office after the Senate vote.’ But Ward said he was too busy to even take a phone call from any of them. “Macdonnell said this was the fifth failure of the bill. ‘I’ll try it again next year, and try to figure out how to beat John Britton,’” he said. In 1992, he did try again. “I’m ready for them this time,” he told the News-Leader back then. “I’m not going to be so nice. This is too important for the lives and welfare of the people of the state.” Looking back, he recalls those days. “I had the bill completely memorized. They couldn’t trick me,” says Dr. Tommy, who believes that tobacco lobbyists spent around $200,000 trying to

defeat his cause. He even faced two lawyers, hired by lobbyists, for a debate of the bill. “They kept me standing on the floor for two hours, debating— and I beat ’em!” he says. On May 13, 1992, the Springfield News-Leader announced that the bill had passed and was headed to then-Governor John Ashcroft to sign into law. “After five years of battling the tobacco lobby, Rep. Tommy Macdonnell succeeded Tuesday in sending a bill to the governor that would restrict smoking in most public places and ban the sale of tobacco to youths under age 18,” the newspaper printed. That’s right: There was another component to Dr. Tommy’s efforts. His legislation made it illegal to sell or give tobacco to anyone under age 18 in the state of Missouri. After all, while the dangers of secondhand smoke were a major force behind his efforts, Macdonnell said back then that cycle-breaking was a huge part of the law’s benefit. “By prohibiting the sale of tobacco to minors, we will stop them from getting in the habit of using tobacco products when they’re young and they’ll be less likely to start using them as adults,” he told the newspaper. It also limited their exposure as youth, outright banning smoking use in schools and child-care facilities. He was there the day Gov. Ashcroft signed the bill into law. “I stood up there with the governor when he signed it, and he handed me the pen,” he recalls. The feeling of accomplishment was there, the doctor notes, but ultimately it wasn’t the best part of the win. “Truthfully, it has saved thousands of lives,” he says. And they’re all because of Dr. Tommy.


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Member highlights f rom around the Order


The Great Outdoors Provides Opportunities for Brotherhood The Epsilon Tau Chapter at Northern Arizona University took advantage of their proximity to great hiking locations by going on frequent hikes with brothers this summer, including this one to Cathedral Rock.


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RECOGNIZED AS TOP LOBBYISTS IN NORTH CAROLINA The North State Journal endeavored to identify North Carolina’s top lobbyists. After collecting and parsing numerous metrics including surveys of legislators, staffers, reporters, and business leaders, they identified their top 10 lobbyists. This list, which represents less than 4 percent of all registered lobbyists, included three KA brothers; Tom Fetzer (Tau–Wake DELTA SIGMA–HOUSTON BAPTIST

Forest ’74) (below); President

Houston Baptist Alumnus Named Executive Director of Texas Radio Hall of Fame

of Fetzer Strategic Partners,


Sigma–Houston Baptist ’73) was named the Executive Director for the Texas Radio Hall of Fame by retiring Operations Manager Josh Holstead. The announcement was made on November 7th during the Hall of Fame’s virtual awards ceremony. Doug is Chief Creative Officer of Creative Animal International and President of Noisemaker Communications and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2012. “We’ve been watching Doug Harris work for some time,” Holstead said. “Doug’s service to arts and professional organizations like The Houston Film Critics

Society and Artists for Artists has helped these groups and others reach new levels, and that’s what we want our future to look like. In advance of our 20th anniversary, we’re ready to kick up some dust and he will be our ‘Dust KickerIn-Chief.’” Doug has served the Order as Chief Alumnus since 2015, and previously as the Walsh Province Commander since 2005. Doug is a member of the Mikell and Walsh Province Courts of Honor and a recipient of the Knight Commander’s Accolade. He is also a member of the Loyal Order and a 4-year member of the Crimson & Gold Society.


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former Mayor of Raleigh, and past Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, Ches McDowell (Alpha Omega–North Carolina State ’11); Senior Government Relations Advisor and rechartering Number I, and Jim Harrell (Alpha Tau– HampdenSydney); former North Carolina House Member and partner of Bode & Harrell.


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MODERN GENTLEMEN Member highlights f rom around the Order

Members of Epsilon Nu Chapter at Georgia College presenting a check to the staff of the Life Enrichment Center on campus. EPSILON NU–GEORGIA COLLEGE

Georgia College Raises $2,500 for Local Life Enrichment Center THE EPSILON NU CHAPTER AT GEORGIA

College and State University recently donated $2,500 to Baldwin County’s Life Enrichment Center (LEC), which serves individuals with intellectual and development disabilities. In the wake of COVID-19, the LEC facility was closed in March 2020, and many in the area were without services until “LEC at Home,” a virtual way of continuing to provide services, was launched. With a local church donating iPads to individuals, the LEC was able to help provide a sense of community to their individuals. However, live streaming on up to 50 devices led to issues for the LEC’s 15-year-old server. “What we didn’t foresee was how the technology would take off and how our 30

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very outdated antiquated system would not support that,” LEC Executive Director Barbara Coleman said. The Epsilon Nu Chapter has a history of supporting the LEC, but this year the aid was needed maybe more than ever. “When Barbara told me that their server was going down and that they needed this money, I was so excited to be able to help them,” Number I Charlie Haug said. For the past eight years, the Chapter has raised funds through a benefit concert, but with COVID-19, that was not an option for 2020. Instead, they were able to solicit donations from family and friends and friendly competition from another fraternity fueled the efforts. The Chapter didn’t stop there. They also

volunteered at a car wash to help raise more money for the LEC. “They really showed up and showed out for us, and they have always done that,” Barbara Coleman said. With the assistance of donated iPads and a new server, the “LEC at Home” program and services are now available to all individuals supported by the LEC. “We needed to make sure we did something for them,” Charlie said. “The LEC is the best organization we could hope to work with. They’re great people who do great stuff, and we’re so happy to partner with them.” The Epsilon Nu Chapter is working on plans to continue to support the LEC.


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Recognized for Distinguished Service in Guiding Legal Affairs for Baton Rouge Area Foundation Edmund J. Giering IV (Alpha Gamma– Louisiana State ’87) was recently named the 2020 recipient of the Outstanding In-House Counsel Award for distinguished service by a nonprofit in-house counsel by the Nonprofit Organizations Committee of the American Bar Association, Business Law Section. As General Counsel of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation (Baton Rouge, Louisiana), Giering’s practice emphasizes corporate law & governance, corporate, real estate & complex gift transactions, risk management, and nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations. “Mr. Giering has been a key figure in numerous notable accomplishments of the Foundation,” the release read, “from the recovery of South Louisiana following


Outdoor Cornhole Event Leads to New Members S U M M E R 2 0 21 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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Hurricane Gustav and subsequent storms and floods, to managing the award of hundreds of grants totaling $100 million following the Deepwater Horizon tragedy in the areas of disaster assistance, emergency relief, health and human services, wildlife, environment and conservation, and education. A well-respected leader in Baton Rouge and throughout Louisiana, Mr. Giering guided the Foundation’s legal affairs at the heart of these efforts.” In addition to serving as a member of the Alpha Gamma Chapter’s Housing Corporation, Edmund is a member of the Horace H. White Province Court of Honor, the Baton Rouge Alumni Chapter, and the Loyal Order.

This spring, the Zeta Chi Chapter at Kennesaw State University held successful in-person recruitment events, including playing cornhole on campus on January 30th.


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MODERN GENTLEMEN Member highlights f rom around the Order


Delta Epsilon Brother Goes to UK to Study Brewing MANY PEOPLE GRADUATE

from college and take their degrees into the world to start a career in their chosen field. But after graduating with a with a BA in history and a minor in military science, Benjamin Brooks (Delta Epsilon–Newberry ‘07) joined the U.S. Army, and is now continuing his education in what may be a somewhat unlikely place, in a somewhat unusual field of study. Brooks is working toward his master’s in science in brewing and distilling at Heriot-Watt University, a public research university based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Brooks and his wife, Jesi, are currently living in the small town of Blairgowrie, about an hour from Edinburgh. After Brooks graduated from Newberry


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he entered the U.S. Army, continuing a family tradition. Once he left the Army he decided to go back to school, and is now doing that using the GI Bill. “I was originally supposed to go to the Citadel, but I decided to stick with Newberry,” he said. “I liked it, I wanted the college experience. I was National Guard my first three years, but I actually did that while I was still in school, and as soon as I graduated I went active duty.” “After I got out of the military in 2016 I was working down in Charleston, South Carolina,” he continued. “I was looking at going back to get my master’s, I’d wanted to do it for a long time, and I got an email from the VA, saying that

they now support schools in the UK. So we started looking at different subjects for me, and my wife’s actually the one who found that they offered brewing and distilling at Heriot-Watt. I sent them [my information], they said everything was great, come on over. So I’m getting my master’s in brewing and distilling, and the government’s paying for it. It’s been tough— it’s a lot of science, classes in engineering, microbiology— I now have a lot more respect for distillers and brewers.” Brooks continues to carry the tenets and lessons of his KA experience into his life at 34. “Something KA taught me,” he said, “was that brotherhood is probably above all. I still talk to a lot of my brothers I was in college with. The

brotherhood I had in the Army, I kind of already knew about that from being in KA. But something else KA taught me was about leadership. One thing that KA really helped me out with was continuing the leadership that I wanted to do, and that was truly making me a better person.” Brooks said that his eventual plan is someday to return to the States and work in sales and marketing with a distillery or brewery, but that he’s not about to start his own business. “I probably wouldn’t do that because I’ve seen what it takes to open up a brewery and a distillery first-hand,” he said. “I would much rather be with the marketing part of it.”


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“Brewing and distilling ... been tough—it’s a lot of science, classes in engineering, microbiology—I now have a lot more respect for distillers and brewers.”


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MODERN GENTLEMEN Member highlights f rom around the Order

Riley presenting on the floor of the Louisiana State House


The Governor’s Fellow THOUGH COVID-19 LIMITED WHAT many of us did last summer, Patrick Riley (Alpha Iota–Centenary ’19) spent part of the summer months participating in the 2020 Governor’s Fellows Program in Louisiana Government in Baton Rouge. A senior and a political science major at Centenary, and the president of Alpha Iota, Riley underwent an arduous application process to become part of the program, which offers those who are accepted the opportunity to experience public policy in action, learn about Louisiana politics from both a historical and current affairs perspective, and earn three hours of academic credit. Riley explained how he was chosen for the position. “I got the fellowship by sending in an application and being selected to continue with the process after two rounds of interviews,” he said. “Previously I have worked for two K A alumni who are partners at a law firm here in Shreveport, Paul Strickland (Alpha Gamma–Louisiana State ’76) and David Smelley (Gamma Alpha–Louisiana Tech ’69), who both recommended me for the position.” Riley was also encouraged to apply for


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the program by Dr. Mark Leeper, assistant professor of political science at Centenary and a member of the Louisiana State Board of Election Supervisors. Leeper provided a letter of recommendation as well, and Riley took part in a demanding application process that included writing an essay and appearing for three interviews, including a final interview with Governor John Bel Edwards’, chief of staff. The tenets and lessons of professional conduct that Riley has taken from being a K A were useful in working with his peers and the governor’s staff during the fellowship. “Being one of a dozen interns in the program, I was able to utilize the teamwork and camaraderie skills that I’ve learned through my time in K A,” he said. “I have seen brothers in my chapter, and around the country, push themselves to uphold the high standard of what it means to be a K A. Because of this, being a K A is an additional reason to push myself toward opportunities like this, so that I can represent my chapter and the Order in the best light possible.” “K A has reinforced the values that I was raised with,” he continued, “such as the

importance of giving back to my community. Being able to work toward bettering my home state of Louisiana was a great opportunity to exhibit this. The experience and the skills that I gained working for K A alumni like Mr. Strickland and Mr. Smelley, where I learned the

“KA has reinforced the values that I was raised with.” value of the K A brotherhood and the great opportunities that it can lead to, supplied me with the foundation necessary for the fellowship. I realize how blessed I have been to work and learn under alumni who taught me the value of passing on K A connections and giving back to the Order.” After college, Riley said that he plans to enter the field of law himself. “I hope to finish law school and pass on the lessons and value of being a K A to others, just as I was given by Mr. Strickland and Mr. Smelley at their firm.”


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Members of Alpha Upsilon Chapter at Ole Miss and Sam Johnson of the Independence Fund with U.S. Army veteran Ray MacBain during halftime of the Ole Miss vs. South Carolina Football Game ALPHA UPSILON-UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI

Ole Miss Presents All-terrain Trackchair to Injured Veteran THE ALPHA UPSILON CHAPTER AT

the University of Mississippi presented injured Army Veteran, Alton “Ray” MacBain, with an all-terrain trackchair at the Ole Miss vs South Carolina football game on Saturday, November 14, 2020. MacBain served 23 years in the United States Army, where his exposure to oil fields and burn pits resulted in diminished lung capacity. The Order’s long-standing value for giving back to the community inspired their commitment to join together in support of American heroes through The Independence Fund, an organization dedicated to supporting our nation’s most severely wounded, injured, or ill Veterans, their Caregivers, and their families. The chapter fundraised more than $40,000 for The Independence Fund S U M M E R 2 0 21 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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through multiple avenues. “We used crowd-sourced fundraising to get a majority of our philanthropic contributions, but we also held a BBQ Cookout to raise money as well!” philanthropy chair Jake Jones (Alpha Upsilon–Mississippi ’17) said. “We ended up raising a little over $40,000 in total which funded the chair and we used the leftovers as a contribution to The Independence Fund COVID-19 Veteran relief program.” The Independence Fund provides the resources and tools that

enable Veteran families to regain their independence and fight for their ability to sustain it. Their Mobility program provides catastrophically wounded Veterans the chance to regain their independence through the use of all-terrain trackchairs. Chief Programs Officer of The Independence Fund, Sam Johnson, members of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter, and MacBain attended a meet and greet, then enjoyed the football game as a group, presenting the all-terrain trackchair during halftime of the Ole Miss football game. 35

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MODERN GENTLEMEN Member highlights f rom around the Order


Eye Opening Times in a COVID World by John Destefano (Beta Alpha–Missouri S&T '19) and Evan Thibaud, (Beta Alpha–Missouri S&T '08)

FOR MOST OF US THE PANDEMIC HAS MEANT STAYING SAFE AND STAYING home; unless you made a promise in Turkey to return your friend's van to Norway and you get stuck at the Albanian border in Greece. Evan Thibaud, (Beta Alpha–Missouri S&T '08), started his trip May 2019 hitchhiking from Bermuda to Portugal by sailing across the Atlantic. This is his story: My goal was to make it to Istanbul for a friend’s wedding. We had met in Mexico four years prior. After the wedding, I traveled around Turkey for a month, I met a Norwegain guy (Erik) at a hostel who had been traveling by van to India. When Erik found out he wouldn’t be able to pass through Iran because of missing his Visa window, he offered for me to drive his van back to Norway for him. Unfortunately, the next day I left for a potential business opportunity in Italy. It ended up 36

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being another month before Erik contacted me and asked why I didn't follow up on the van before I had left. I responded, “What was I supposed to ask?! Remember last night you were going to give me your VAN?”. Turned out

this was exactly what I was supposed to ask. He then said if I could get from Prague to Istanbul in the next five days, I could have the van for as long as I wanted under the sole condition I return the van to him in Norway. This is where my three-month vacation turned into much more. So began my epic adventure. My friend, a Mining Engineer and a Sig Tau from Rolla joined me in Bucha-


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I then changed directions and headed south from Poland to Hungary, through Bosnia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and finally Greece with amazing people I picked up along the way. EVAN IS A CIVIL EXPLOSIVES ENGINEERING CONSULTANT BUT DECIDED TO SPEND THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY AS A VOLUNTEER IN ATHENS. At the start of

rest and we explored the mountains of Transylvania, eventually crossing into Moldova, Transnistria (a country I didn’t even know existed until the day before I was attempting to visit), and Ukraine together before he continued his journey to NZ for his next job. At this point Erik was volunteering with families in South Africa and said I could use the van through the winter,

the COVID-19 pandemic, he found himself unable to cross the border to Albania to continue his trip. Not wanting to return to his sailboat home in Chattanooga, Evan was determined to keep his promise to return the van. He decided the best way to social distance was sticking it out alone in a van making the best of it. After being chased out of a few towns by the police, he found the beach in a small fishing town called Nea Michaniona he would be able to stay at with free wifi until he was able to cross the border, more than three months later. This was the first time Evan had been stationary in more than nine months of intense travelling. I finally had a chance to slow my life down and reconcile with being alone during my journey, discover in-depth financial education, and rethink my diet and how poorly I was taking care of myself. I was alone except for the old men who would walk the beach every day. I made a connection with them that is hard to explain, they were


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exceptionally nice to me and would bring me more food than I could eat sometimes. I’m overly extroverted but being alone forces you to understand yourself and your needs, and you become unusually okay with it. Travelling has opened my eyes to many big aspects of life but also small ones. I’ve been able to drastically improve my networking and career possibilities. Meeting someone at a conference and being able to say cheers to them in their native language is fun. The conversation quickly changes from work to the adventures found in their country and they love to share more of them. Before you know it, you exchanged business cards without ever talking about work.

He then said if I could get from Prague to Istanbul in the next five days, I could have the van for as long as I wanted Launching myself out of my comfort zone taught me more lessons than I could have imagined. My first trip outside of the USA was to South East Asia with a pledge brother after graduation. Since then, I’m often travelling alone so it helps build confidence and open myself up to new cultures and ideas. By learning how to see the good in other cultures and religions I can now under-

stand other’s points of view while remaining critical of them and myself. This happens randomly, like when I was checking into a flight in Nicaragua and the customs agent asked me my Nationality. I responded with “American” and she was upset and bounced back saying “Everyone in North and South America are Americans.” I could tell there was a lot of history behind her statement but all I could say was I am from the United States of “America” and I didn't mean to sound condescending. One issue I struggle with since traveling is seeing people back in The States complain on social media while much of the world dreams of living in the USA. I still get chills when I think of the time I heard a short Thai man perfectly sing the Jay-Z song about New York City having streets paved in gold. It's a figure of speech, but many people really do see the opportunity the USA presents for a more prosperous life. Many of us take for granted our national parks and public lands which are envied around the world. The ability to own a gun and hunt is more difficult in many places and we take for granted all the wild animals we have, even the ones we see while driving down the road. I miss how unquestionably diverse we are in U.S.A. Even in Rolla, you see students from around the world who have parents who saved their whole lives to send those students to America for a better education, an opportunity to better their English, and a shot at a potential career. We are a conglomerate of 37

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religions, races, and ethnicities trying to get along in a country with more land, population, and GDP than most. This is what makes us wonderful but also adds extremely controversial subjects many other countries don’t have to deal with. I don’t believe we have it as bad as many other countries, we only see it and experience it more because there isn’t a country in the world as diverse as us while also economically and socially influential. I am not going to act like I have seen the whole world or even remotely grasp the complexities of it, but I do know the mindset in the USA has shifted from being proud of our diversity to seeing it as a problem. We have a great deal of improvement and we should work toward that as K As and as citizens.

Member highlights f rom around the Order


LSU Supports Lake Charles Community After Hurricane

Launching myself out of my comfort zone taught me more lessons than I could have imagined. I remember being a student and participating in the Celebration of Nations with the BBQ Club and experiencing how wildly unique our fellow students were. I was not aware, nor interested at the time, as to what there was to learn but now I see how great such an event is. The food, the dance, and clothing are the fi rst and obvious contrasts seen but once you dig deeper you can see why certain foods in a region are dominant or how the clothing and dance were influenced from other nations over time. All of this is learned slowly but naturally and I realized most of us all want to have good jobs and to be happy regardless of where we come from. 38

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Following Hurricane Laura, the Alpha Gamma Chapter at Louisiana State University sent out a crew of their members to support the surrounding community. “Our chapter is making an effort to help out the people of Lake Charles that were devastated by Hurricane Laura,” Number I Robert “Trey” Menuet said. “In our effort, we are sending around 40 members down

to Lake Charles to help with clean up. We will be moving limbs and debris, as well as assisting locals with any help they might need.” In addition to supporting family and the church of some of their members, the Chapter raised hurricane relief funds for the United Way of Southwest Louisiana to distribute to those in need in Lake Charles.


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SHSU Names New Tennis Complex after Chuck Beckner


RETIREMENT FROM TEXAS SUPREME COURT Justice Paul W. Green (Omicron– Texas ’71) retired from the

During the Texas State University System Board of Regents quarterly meeting on August 13–14, approval was given for the naming of SHSU’s future tennis complex to the Chuck and Wanda Beckner Tennis Center. To be located south of Bowers and Sanders Stadiums, the facility will provide more (and better) courts for matches and practice, opportunities for revenue generation through collegiate and high school tournaments, and an upgrade in the overall experience for student athletes and spectators. Since 2005, Charles L. “Chuck” Beckner (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ’71) has served as Chief Executive Officer of UNAMSCO, the parent company of Peterson Beckner Industries of Houston, Texas and National Steel City, with offices in Michigan and Alabama; and serves as Chairman of both spe-

cialty steel and industrial construction subsidiaries. Chuck is an avid tennis player, having competed at various levels of USTA Team Tennis, advancing to several Sectional and National championship tournaments. Chuck received his BBA in 1971. While at Sam Houston State he was a member of the Kappa Alpha Order and the Bearkat Baseball team. He was recognized as a Distinguished Alumnus in 2014 and was inducted into the College of Business Administration Hall of Honor in 2017. Chuck has been a member of the President’s Circle for 10 years. The Beckners have been married for almost 48 years. They have two sons, Austin and Lance, and four grandchildren. They make their home in Dallas, Texas.

Texas Supreme Court in August 2020, after more than 15 years on the Court. Justice Green was elected in November 2004 after serving 10 years on the San Antonio Court of Appeals. “In Paul Green’s more than 15 years’ service on the Supreme Court,” Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht said, “he has consistently provided steady, insightful, and wise counsel to his colleagues and to the judiciary—and certainly to me in his role for the past seven years as senior justice. To say he will be missed is an understatement for someone who has given a lifetime of dedication to the profession and to public service.” S U M M E R 2 0 21 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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MODERN GENTLEMEN Member highlights f rom around the Order


Tillman Scholar Receives DoD Fellowship by Rick Moore


after college to lead lives of exceptional achievement, but there are some whose accomplishments and successes are far beyond the norm. Luis A. Martinez Jr. (Zeta Pi–Florida Gulf Coast ’09) is one of those men whose passion, drive, and obvious intellect have helped make him a man destined to make a difference in the world. With a Bachelor’s in Criminology from FGCU, a Master’s in Information Technology–Homeland Security Management from University of Maryland University College, a Master’s in Geoscience–Geographic Information Science & Technology from Texas A&M, and currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Texas A&M geography program, Martinez plans to use his education to serve his country. Which is something he already began doing during a stint as a United States Marine. And he’s done all this before the age of 30. “I’ve always had a passion for helping others,” Martinez says. “I initially decided to pursue a criminal justice degree and work for a Federal agency upon graduation. After graduating from FGCU, I then decided to join the Marine Corps to follow in the footsteps of my father, who is currently active duty with 32 years of service in the Navy. Wanting to fi ll the time between leaving for bootcamp, I decided to begin a Mas40

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ters in Information Technology–Homeland Security Management because I figured it’s good to know IT, and because I wanted to work for a Federal agency someday. Upon enlisting, I was given an intelligence contract, and at bootcamp was assigned the military occupational specialty of Geospatial Intelligence Specialist.”

"Tillman Scholars must be full-time students,” Martinez says, “and are selected based on four qualities: Service, Scholarship, Humble Leadership, and Impact." “No one, including myself, at bootcamp really knew what that was,” he says. “They said it dealt with maps and I would learn more upon graduation from recruit training. I ended up having a knack for it and graduated at the top of my class as the Basic Geospatial Intelligence Specialist Course Honor Graduate. It wasn’t until I went to work with a reconnaissance team that I saw the value geospatial intelligence provided for the

guys on the ground. There, I decided I wanted to pursue an education and further my experience in this field. While working on my Master of Geoscience virtually through Texas A&M, a professor took interest in my career and personal goals. Little did I know that he indirectly was trying to recruit me to apply to their program. A Ph.D. was never the goal, but I wouldn’t change a thing.” There’s more to the story of this exceptional K A brother, though. He’s the recipient of the Pat Tillman Scholarship, an award of the Pat Tillman Foundation, named for the onetime NFL safety who left football to sacrifice his life as a member of the U.S. Army Rangers in Afghanistan. Tillman Scholars receive scholarship funding to pursue higher education and continue their service in the fields of health care, business, law, public service, STEM education and overall education, and the humanities. “Tillman Scholars must be full-time students,” Martinez Jr. says, “and are selected based on four qualities: Service, Scholarship, Humble Leadership, and Impact. After submitting my application, I received a notification that I had advanced in the selection process from a pool of nearly 1,700 applicants. I was then notified that I had advanced to a video interview, and then that I was selected to the 2020 class of Tillman Scholars. Initially, I was shocked and in disbelief.” W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

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And as if that weren’t enough, Martinez Jr. was selected for a National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship, a program designed to increase the number of U.S. citizens and nationals trained in science and engineering disciplines of military importance by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). “My NDSEG research proposal is Subterranean Mapping of Unknown Environments in Support of Military Operations: Geospatial Intelligence Derived in GPS Denied Environments,” Martinez Jr. says. “The aim of my research is to provide the warfighter with the ability to accurately map subterranean environments within a GPS-denied environment. I’m supported for 36 months including tuition, a monthly stipend, and travel for conferences. Upon graduation I intend to work for the DoD and continue to teach at the university level to prepare the future workforce of GEOINT [geospatial intelligence].” Martinez Jr. has worked as a geography instructor for Blinn College in Texas and as an adjunct professor for Delta State in Cleveland, Mississippi. And he’s managing to squeeze one more important role into his schedule: He and his wife are the proud parents of a new baby girl. He’s quick to credit Kappa Alpha Order as having played a major role in his development as what many in society might call an “overachiever.” But his work is a continuing process he is modest about. “My wife gives me a hard time about ‘slowing down’ or ‘taking it easy,’” he says, “but I feel it’s important to continue the pursuit of excellence and aim for the next goal. And if you had told me the connections and life lessons I gained during my time as an undergraduate and K A would lead me to where I am in life, I would not have believed it. As a young man, 18-21 years old, I had no idea the path my life would take and how K A would influence it. K A has defi nitely served a role in helping make me the man I am today. K A took the values I arrived on campus with at FGCU and oriented me in development of my future self. Between the values of Kappa Alpha Order, academic support, and philanthropy and service, K A has influenced my journey in life.” “I was initiated into K A in fall of 2009,” he says, “and continue to keep in contact with K A brothers from my time at FGCU and meet new brothers through events. I was the one who left the local area after graduation due to joining the Marine Corps, but we continue to remain in contact and be there for one another during the successes and trying times.”

I feel it’s important to continue the pursuit of excellence and aim for the next goal.


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Healthcare Philanthropy 40 Under 40 The Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) recently released it 40 Under 40 Program recipients for 2020, and Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF) Trustee Erik T. Showalter (Gamma Alpha–Louisiana Tech ’02), CFRE, was included in the listing. The AHP’s 40 Under 40 Program recognizes the future leaders within the healthcare development community and honors the industry’s brightest young leaders who have demonstrated success in their careers in healthcare philanthropy. Erik has served as the President of the Baton Rouge General Hospital Foundation since 2018. In total, Erik’s fundraising strategies have raised over $100MM in support of healthcare, higher education, associations, and human services organizations. In his current leadership role at Baton Rouge General Foundation, the team exceeded the recent $10MM capital campaign, and he secured the largest gift in foundation history. He transformed the Foundation’s office culture helping the organization to achieve a perfect 5/5 employee engagement score on the annual ‘Best Places to Work’ Gallup survey. Erik serves as a Trustee with the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation and is a former member of the National Staff.


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CLOSE QUARTERS Pandemic in Proximity Perspectives from three chapter houses by Jesse Lyons (Delta Alpha–Western Carolina '98)

How did the house corporations respond to COVID-19? WARREN: The common priority was maintaining a safe living space while also continuing to provide a valuable experience to the undergraduate members. Rather than concentrating on ways we could save money/cut expenses, nearly every discussion I was a part of throughout the past year focused on investing more into the house.

How were each housing scenarios different? The Journal sat down with Jake Warren (Gamma Gamma– Memphis 2015). Jake is a former associate director for chapter services with the National Staff. He developed a relationship with several chapters and their housing corporation leadership. He is currently assisting the Beta Tau Chapter directly with housing and advising. In addiJake Warren (Gamma Gamma– Memphis '15) former associate director for chapter services with the National Staff)

tion, he provides guidance to the Gamma Gamma Chapter at the University of Memphis and helps with the finances at the Alpha Xi Chapter at the University of California. He has a unique perspective regarding housing challenges this past year regarding COVID-19.

WARREN: The brothers of Alpha Xi at Berkeley experienced a very difficult year due to various restrictions mandated by the State of California, but we refused to let any of it hold that chapter back. The Alpha Xi Building Association devoted nearly $60,000 toward providing members with the safest possible living conditions and creating an exceptional atmosphere for remote/virtual learning. We hired a new cleaning service that came by multiple times each week, provided a catered food service that delivered separately packaged meals every day, upgraded to a stronger Wi-Fi service, and purchased new furniture for common areas used for study.

Providing members with the safest possible living conditions and creating an exceptional atmosphere for remote/virtual learning BETA TAU MISSISSIPPI STATE HOUSE 42

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Chapter House Stor ies

The House Corporations of Beta Tau at Mississippi State and Gamma Gamma at Memphis also provided their chapters with more than enough support. It wasn’t easy seeing the bank account balance drop, but it was all worth it. Helping these chapters push through these unique circumstances and succeed was an incredible experience.

How did the chapter deal with and respond to recruitment and meetings?


Was there a financial impact on the chapters and the housing corporations? WARREN: Each of the three chapters I advise experienced shortfalls in revenue. Filling the house was quite difficult due to virtual learning. Many stayed home all semester as they could be a full-time student while not needing to be present on campus. There were also brothers that experienced personal/family hardships and were unable to afford the cost of tuition during this time. On top of that, virtual recruitment made it extremely difficult to recruit as many new members as usual. Thankfully, we were proactive and adjusted budgets to remain financially stable.

In one example what protocols, above and beyond the basic ones (mask, sanitizer, 6-feet) were implemented? WARREN: Beta Tau Chapter at Mississippi State implemented some of the best health/safety protocols that went above and beyond what was mandated by the university. Other chapters on campus had to close their houses due to a member testing positive. The gentlemen of Beta Tau refused to let that happen to them too. All bedrooms were single occupancy, they purchased no-touch thermometers to use as members entered the house, the kitchen was off-limits to keep kitchen

staff safe, hand sanitizer was available in every common room, etc. It was very impressive.

Did any chapter experience cluster breakouts and how were they addressed? WARREN: One of the chapters I advise had more than two-thirds of their inhouse members test positive at once. We immediately contacted the National Administrative Office (NAO) to work together in developing the best possible plan to manage the situation. The house practically shut down, guests were prohibited from entering, and all who lived there were required to quarantine for no less than 14 days. Food and other supplies were delivered to the house throughout each day, the entire house was deep cleaned by a professional service numerous times, and the house corporation remained in constant communication with each member to monitor their symptoms. Thankfully, no one experienced any serious symptoms, and all recovered quickly. It was a long 2-week process, but we were prepared.

WARREN: In the beginning, each chapter was prohibited from holding in-person meetings. All chapter meetings were held via Zoom. This was not very convenient and made conducting business much more difficult, but it got the job done for the most part. It was particularly challenging for larger chapters as many active members were unable to interact with all potential new members during the process. Establishing a genuine relationship with someone else and getting to know who they truly are is much easier when done in-person. It’s also not ideal to sell the KA experience through a virtual/PowerPoint presentation. All made the most of these circumstances and remained professional. Despite below-average recruitment numbers this past fall, I was still very proud of how well each chapter handled this unusual situation.


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Founded in 1982

Who We Are “To raise funds for the benefit of the Order”


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PRIMARY INITIATIVES CRIMSON & GOLD SOCIETY A campaign to secure 1,000 alumni at $1,000 annually, unrestricted— our most exclusive donor club

1865 TRUST Planned giving society, minimum gift $10,000

FOREVER KA $10.00 per month, consistent giving program aimed at graduating seniors and young alumni

LEADERSHIP FUND The annual fund to meet continuing needs


DAY OF GIVING One day for all of the Order to support the KAOEF

40% increase in funds raised 11.6% increase in number of donors


FISCAL YEAR-END 2019 Total Funds Raised: # Donations: # Donors:

$1,209,426.29 4,428 3,033

FISCAL YEAR-END 2020 (UNAUDITED): Total Funds Raised: # Donations: # Donors: 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000

$1,697,744 5,184 3,385 $2,000,000


‘19 ‘20

‘20 ‘20


$1,500,000 $1,000,000

2,000 $500,000 1,000 0


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Total Funds Raised



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R. Scott Heath (Delta–Wofford ’77)

Trustee Emeriti


40th Knight Commander


Darren S. Kay (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’88)



Steve C. Knight (Gamma Kappa–Oklahoma City ’70)

Todd D. Reaves (Nu–Auburn ’89)

Dan H. Akin (Gamma Omicron–Lambuth ’60)

Erik T. Showalter (Gamma Alpha–Louisiana Tech ’02)

Jack R. Taylor (Beta Iota–Drury ’50), Former Knight Commander

Vice President

Richard L. Burke (Zeta–Randolph-Macon ’83)

C. Douglas Simmons III (Beta Tau–Mississippi State ’95), Senior Councilor

Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. (Gamma Chi–Texas Tech ’70), Former Knight Commander

Derick S. Close (Alpha Omega– North Carolina State ’78) Secretary Eugene M. Julian (Beta Epsilon–Delaware ’63)

William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta–William Jewell ’57), Former Knight Commander


James R. Estes (Alpha Kappa–Missouri ’60), Former Knight Commander

Malcolm H. Liles (Gamma–Georgia ’71)

Robert W. Hagan (Delta Rho–Valdosta State ’74)

Timothy Killen Adams (Epsilon–Emory ’57)

William H. Skipper, Jr. (Delta Tau–Francis Marion ’84) Hon. David M. Warren (Tau–Wake Forest ’78) Former Knight Commander

Matching Gifts The Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF), a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, was founded by the Convention in 1981 and was established in 1982 to promote the education of undergraduate and graduate students in academic improvement, leadership, alcohol and substance abuse prevention, and other general educational areas. The KAOEF receives no government funding but provides a vehicle for tax-deductible contributions from alumni and friends to be made in support of KA. With these gifts, the KAOEF helps underwrite a number of educational programs to the benefit of the Order.


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Cash Gifts

The most convenient and frequently used method of supporting the KAOEF is a gift of cash—personal check, credit card authorization or money order—made payable to the KAOEF and mailed to P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, VA 24450. Online donation can also be made through the KAOEF website (www. KAOEF.org/ donate).

Many corporations will match gifts the KAOEF. If you or your spouse works for one of these organizations, your gift could multiply. Please ask your human resources office if your company provides matching gifts to charitable organizations. If so, please ask your employer for the proper form to include with your gift. You may also visit www.kaoef. org/giving or contact the KAOEF for assistance in determining if your employer offers a matching gifts program.

Planned Giving

The KAOEF has benefited greatly from planned gifts from members of the 1865 Trust and other planned giving. Inclusion of the KAOEF in your will or trust should reference KAOEF, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, VA 24450. Please visit www.kaoef. org/giving or contact the KAOEF directly for further information.

1 2 3


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Van Name




STAFF Larry Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega–Midwestern State ’87), Executive Director Andrew P. Carr (Epsilon Iota–Texas State ’00), Director of Development

Contact Us:

Tanner L. Gellinger (Zeta Omicron– Southern Indiana ’12), Director of Development


Aaron D. Masey (Epsilon Eta–Virginia Tech ’17), Director of Annual Giving and Stewardship


Rebecca Moore Foundation Assistant Ben W. Satcher, Jr. (Delta Omicron– Clemson ’79), Former Knight Commander & Chief Development Officer

Phone: (540) 463-1865 Fax: (540) 463-2140 foundation@ka-order.org www.kaoef.org www.facebook.com/kaoef

Appreciated Securities

Real & Personal Property

Your real estate and other marketable personal items can be given to the KAOEF an outright gift. For tax purposes, the contributor may deduct the fair market value of the real estate. Items of personal property must be related to the KAOEF’s purpose and function to be fully deductible. For example, a brother can donate a percentage interest in a building to the KAOEF that can be sold and the proceeds would be directed to the KAOEF.

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Who Do We Support

G. Dallas Weaver (Gamma Rho–East Carolina ’12), Director of Development

Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation 115 Liberty Hall Road P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, Virginia 24450

A gift of your appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares is an ideal way support the KAOEF. The educational programs of the Order will benefit from your support and you will receive a tax deduction for your contributions. In addition, transferring the securities prior to liquidation will help you avoid capital gains taxes. Please contact the KAOEF for personal assistance with the transfer of assets of this type. Donors can select the KAOEF to receive transfers from an IRA account without a tax consequence. Please contact KAOEF staff for personal assistance.



Membership up in past decade

Active and Provisional Chapter



Active Members

Average Chapter Size

67 men


Spring 2018 GPA


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June 30, 2020 and 2019

For the years ending June 30, 2020 and 2019

Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents Prepaid Expenses Receivable from Affiliates Contributions Receivable Land, Buildings, and Equipment Long Term Investments Assets Held in Trust Other Assets

2020* 2019 157,238 50,124 61,435 333,222 2,261,162 7,147,424 - 111,241

107,236 72,222 20,428 324,476 2,338,544 6,998,265 103,124

Change in Net Assets Without Restrictions:

Accounts Payable Notes Payable Accrued Expenses Annuity Obligation Payable to Affiliates Deferred Revenue


3,479 75,814 35,479 325,091 134,966 10,000

4,086 29,588 190,744 272,744 10,000

Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions TOTAL NET ASSETS


1,660,485 7,876,532

1,698,521 7,758,611





Comprehensive annual audited financial statements are available upon written request to the President of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. *unaudited


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Change in Net Assets from Operations Change in Value-Split Interest Agreement


59,171 49,390 13,149 527,289

61,769 49,390 28,895 473,447



184,973 425,144 223,437 483,848 204,949 34,484 89,266 -

225,677 445,050 239,767 361,084 219,604 36,108 66,050 -



(79,482) (17,196)

(280,766) (14,217)



Contributions With Restrictions 686,410 Investment Income Current With Restrictions 176,630 Net Assets Released from Restrictions (527,289) Change in Value-Split Interest Agreement - Investment Income (Loss) in Excess of Current (159,188)




177,634 (473,447) 141,079 362,261

Total Change in Net Assets 79,885 67,279 Net Assets - Beginning of Year 9,457,133 9,389,854 NET ASSETS - END OF YEAR




Program Support Awarded Salaries and Benefits Occupancy Expenses Fundraising Expenses Administrative Expenses Professional Services TOTAL LIABILITIES 584,829 507,162 Scholarships Awarded Uncollectible Pledges

Net Assets:



Contributions Without Restrictions Investment Income Current Without Restrictions Rental Income Support from Affiliate TOTAL ASSETS 10,121,847 9,964,295 Net Assets Released from Restrictions






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20 20

Assets 2020



Liabilities 2020

Societal pressures are stronger than ever

Cost of college is up 221% over 4 decades

Uncertainty after COVID-19; fraternity membership provides support

Research shows the positive benefits to fraternity membership


Expenses 2020


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NUMBER I’S LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Premiere education for every single Number I at the beginning of his term, free to all chapters (more than 120 attendees)

OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCES Regional leadership education for all chapter officers (more than 1,000 attendees)

EMERGING LEADERS ACADEMY Summer leadership program for our next chapter leaders (300 attendees)



SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM provides much-needed support and academic financial aid (more than $95,000 granted) INTERNSHIP PROGRAM offers real-world and unmatched summer experience in D.C. with expansion to Atlanta and Dallas for FY21. (5 interns selected for each city.) COVID-19 RELIEF GRANTS 37 granted in the total amount of $38,500

2015-16: 39 recipients 2016-17: 47 recipients 2017-18: 48 recipients 2018-19: 43 recipients 2019-20: 74 recipients


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CHAPTER ENDOWMENT FUND ACCOUNTS In keeping with the KAOEF’s mission and obligations as a 501(c) (3) charitable organization, the distributions from each specific chapter endowment account will be used to benefit the local chapter and/or active members and must satisfy the IRS Code for educational purposes only.

Subject to change, the distributions may be used for:

Establishment of educational areas in chapter facilities

Purchase of chapter computer equipment, software, and/or internet wiring for educational purposes

Educational percentage of national training travel expenses and registration fees

Residential educational advisor lodging/stipend

Scholarships (tuition payments) and academic expenses (books, fees, equipment)

Established and Endowed as of 6/30/2020​ Alabama—Alpha Beta Bowling Green State—Zeta Lambda Delaware—Beta Epsilon Duke—Alpha Phi Florida—Beta Zeta Florida State—Gamma Eta Georgia Tech—Alpha Sigma Kentucky—Theta Larry F. Robb Chapter Endowment Account for Midwestern State—Gamma Omega Louisiana State—Alpha Gamma Memphis—Gamma Gamma Mississippi—Alpha Upsilon

Missouri—Alpha Kappa Missouri S&T—Beta Alpha Missouri Southern State—Delta Pi North Carolina—Upsilon Oklahoma—Beta Eta South—Alpha Alpha Southern California—Beta Sigma Southern Methodist—Beta Lambda Tennessee-Martin—Delta Upsilon Texas State—Epsilon Iota Tulsa—Mu Westminster—Alpha Eta

Established as of 6/30/2020 Baylor—Delta Omega Purdue—Epsilon Rho


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INTERNSHIPS The E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship Program The E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship Program was created to provide deserving undergraduates with the opportunity to become better educated and informed on both the public and private sectors of our national government. Since its inception, this program has given undergraduates the opportunity to gain professional work experience while living in the Washington, D.C. area. Beginning in the summer of 2020, internships were secured by the KAOEF staff in locations including Washington, D.C., along with Atlanta, Georgia and Dallas, Texas. The goal was to place five undergraduate members in each city. Because ofthe pandemic, some were cancelled, some became virtual, but others persisted. The KAOEF appreciates all of our partners who hosted internships in the summer of 2020. To help fund this unparalleled program, please contact Executive Vice President and Former Knight Commander Ben W. Satcher, Jr., at (540) 463-1865, or bsatcher@ka-order.org.

DALLAS, TEXAS Chris Logsdon

Internship: HJ Sims (Investment Banking) Host(s) James Rester (Alpha Upsilon– Mississippi ’94) Ryan Snow (Alpha Upsilon– Mississippi ’13) Martin A. “Tripp” Knight III Grayson McCarley

Internship: Wingert Real Estate (Commercial Real Estate) Host: Jason Wingert (Alpha Iota– Centenary ’97) Meyers Dean

Internship: Mortgage Contracting Services (Mortgage Brokerage/Processing; Contract/Document Review) (Virtual Internship) Host(s): Marti Diaz and Fred Diaz (Delta Iota–Texas-Arlington ’84) WASHINGTON, D.C. Jeremy Slemmons

Brent Glasgow Internship: LS Group (Political Fundraising and Development) Host: Lisa Spies Arlind Ferhati

Internship: WBK LLP (Legal) Host: Bryan Tramont (Alpha Eta–Westminster '17) Eli Galiano

Internship: Convergence Media (Political and Public Affairs Media) Host: Rob Simms (Epsilon Phi– George Mason ‘89)

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How We Are SUPPORTING Along with Forever KA, KA Leadership Fund, 1865 Trust, and more, we are focused on the: CRIMSON & GOLD SOCIETY AND CAMPAIGN UPDATE

734 33 $1,000 brothers & friends from

states, all giving

unrestricted in fiscal year 2019-20

for needed scholarships & leadership education TOP CHAPTERS/GROUPS WHOSE MEMBERS ARE GIVING

Rose Circle – 30 Westminster–Alpha Eta – 23 Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon – 20 North Carolina State–Alpha Omega – 18 Emory–Epsilon – 17 Florida–Beta Zeta – 16 Texas Tech–Gamma Chi – 16 Auburn–Nu – 14 Southern Methodist–Beta Lambda – 14 Mississippi State – Beta Tau – 13



2013 – 98 2014 – 210 2015 – 267 2016 – 269 2017 – 410 2018 – 549 2019 – 643 2020 – 734

Texas – 120 Virginia – 85 Georgia – 75 North Carolina – 60 South Carolina – 59 Florida – 45 Missouri – 40 Tennessee – 39 Louisiana – 25 Mississippi – 25 51

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SCHOLARSHIPS The KAOEF is proud to congratulate and honor the following scholarship recipients: Arizona– Gamma Epsilon

Patrick Joseph Bauman ​James D. Hunter Scholarship ​Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship ​Gamma Epsilon Scholarship Alabama–Alpha Beta

Logan Sims Sheaffer Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

Dawson Heykoop Robert W. Woodruff Scholarship Gamma Epsilon Scholarship Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship

Austin Peay State-Zeta Tau

Canaan Jordan Catlett Founders Memorial Scholarship Dr. Joseph G. Webster Scholarship Verner & Mildred McCall Scholarship Nathan Tyler Robertson Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Andrew R. Eickhoff, Jr. Scholarship Zackary Robert Spoonamore Robert W. Woodruff Scholarship The Cain Family Scholarship Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Jordan Cole White William C. Morrow, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Vernon & Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship Baylor–Delta Omega

Timothy James Maguire James D. Roessler Scholarship Mark A. Robb Scholarship California–Alpha Xi

Aiden Bryce Keller Robert E. Lee Memorial Scholarship

Arizona State–Epsilon Omega

Alec Whiteley Vance E. Rule Scholarship Monroe Clark Memorial Scholarship Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta

Jacob Colton McChristian William C. Morrow, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Arkansas-Monticello– Epsilon Chi

Jonathan Hibbard John W. Nowell Scholarship William E. Dreyer Scholarship The KAOEF Scholarship Program remains an important benefit to members of Kappa Alpha Order. As a primary focus of the KAOEF, these academic-, merit-, and needs-based scholarships serve as an inspiration for excellence inside and out of the classroom and oftentimes prove the difference in whether recipients can continue their undergraduate or graduate education. In the second half of 2020, the KAOEF was very pleased to award 74 academic scholarships totaling $95,250 to undergraduate and graduate Kappa Alpha brothers and friends.


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Campbell–Zeta Psi

Dylan Mills Eure Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Jay Claude Conrad Scholarship Centenary–Alpha Iota

Jaron Bradley Petreas Vernon & Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship Patrick Dalton Riley Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship Henry G. Tiller, Jr. Scholarship Jonathan Barrett Thomson William E. Dreyer Scholarship Clemson–Delta Omicron

Parker Steenburgh Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship E. Fleming Mason Memorial Scholarship Duke–Alpha Phi

Edward James Coles William C. Morrow, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Thomas G. Paulson II Scholarship

Keaton Charles Stoner Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship William L. Meier Scholarship Marshall James Donathan, Jr. Scholarship Eastern Kentucky–Delta Mu

Dustin Gosney George O'Mara Memorial Scholarship Vance E. Rule Scholarship Emory–Epsilon

Matt Cope Mark Huntington Pruitt Scholarship Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Florida–Beta Zeta

David Brennan Kim Weller Memorial Scholarship Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi

Alexander Darrell Hood Clyde E. Williams Scholarship Crawford Province Scholarship Georgia–Gamma

William Gunn Story Michael B. Hargrove Memorial Scholarship Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma

Ashley Sloan Wilds, Jr. Clyde E. Williams Scholarship Barry E. Cox Scholarship Houston–Gamma Mu

Quinton Trey Davis Luke Patton Memorial Scholarship John Paul Rector Scholarship Kentucky–Theta

McKenzie Moss Jesse & Lala Sammons Scholarship Dr. James Sammons Scholarship Henry G. Tiller, Jr. Scholarship Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Joel Bradley Moreau Verner & Mildred McCall Scholarship Thomas C. Main Memorial Scholarship Maryland–Beta Kappa

Anthony Talentino John & Paulina T. Beall Scholarship Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship McNeese State–Delta Xi

Mathew Charles Taylor Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Vernon & Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

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Memphis–Gamma Gamma

For further questions about applying for the next round of scholarships, please contact the National Administrative Office by phone at (540) 463-1865.

Jake Warren Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship Mercer–Kappa

Arlind Ferhati Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship Stewart Turley Scholarship Francis Austin Humphrey Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Charles W. McCrary Scholarship Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

John Davis Creach Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Scholarship Emmett Lee Irwin Scholarship South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha

Jackson Phillip Bauer Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship W. E. Dunwoody Province Scholarship Tennessee–Pi

James Carmen Mangicaro, Jr. Lynch - Applegate Memorial Scholarship

James Johnson Hugh Comer Scholarship Charlie R. Ashford Scholarship

Middle Tennessee State–Delta Lambda

Tennessee Tech–Zeta Epsilon

Peyton Glover Robert W. Maupin Scholarship Vance E. Rule Scholarship Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Kolbe Leary Bruce D. Stafford / Walter M. Jones Memorial Scholarship Stanley J. Viner Scholarship Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Channing Joel Curtis Dick Wilson Scholarship Irby Turner III Scholarship Founders Memorial Scholarship Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Austin Rose, Mr. Vernon & Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship Byron Wayne Stevens Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship Jack R. Taylor Scholarship North Carolina–Upsilon

William Verwoerdt Hart/Heath/Sims/Waters Memorial Scholarship John R. Berryman Scholarship North Carolina State–Alpha Omega

Carson Powell Hunter W. Henry Scholarship Bob & Nancy Smith Scholarship Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Juan Carlos Dominguez Julian A. Pardini Scholarship William E. Dreyer Scholarship Cullen Alexander Wilkes Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship David Fribley Scholarship Tennessee-Chattanooga–Zeta Upsilon

John Richards Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Cole White Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Tulsa–Mu

Dominic Joseph Lupo Founders Memorial Scholarship Fred W. Dismuke Scholarship Dr. Bolling S. DuBose, Jr. Scholarship Graham Everett Phillips James D. Hunter Scholarship Founders Memorial Scholarship Tianyi Sun Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship Vance E. Rule Scholarship

William Jude Verneris Clyde E. Williams Scholarship John L. Hall Scholarship Washington & Lee–Alpha

William Harrison Jackson Warren Frazier Scholarship West Virginia Wesleyan– Beta Chi

Jacob Hanshaw Vernon & Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship Westminster–Alpha Eta

Robert Michael Shifrin Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship Robert W. Maupin Scholarship William & Mary–Alpha Zeta

Luke Laurino KAOEF Scholarship Porter Hardy III Scholarship William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Kole Michael Wagener William E. Dreyer Alpha Delta Scholarship Clyde E. Williams Scholarship

Valdosta State–Delta Rho

Albert Lamar Stringer, IV Knights of Arlington Scholarship Virginia–Lambda

Edward Radion Samuel Z. Ammen Memorial Scholarship Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Levi McBride F. M. Stevenson Scholarship S U M M E R 2 0 21 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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Wake Forest–Tau


2020 $95,250 74 2019 $70,825 56 2018 $74,000 59 2017 $60,000 48 2016 $36,450 41 6-year

126% growth

180% growth


127 89 96 91 90 140% growth


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GIVING 2019-2020

Alabama–Alpha Beta

California–Alpha Xi

Rieves Berry, 1st Year Mims J. Cooper, 1st Year Geoff Mark Gotsch, 3rd Year George Merrill Jones III, 8th Year Ken D. Tidwell, 7th Year Hugh P. Whitehead, 7th Year

California State-Bakersfield– Epsilon Upsilon

Appalachian State–Delta Psi Douglas Ross Coley, 5th Year Wyatt T. Dixon III, 8th Year Charles Yates Pharr, 2nd Year Stuart F. Whetsell, 3rd Year Arizona–Gamma Epsilon Douglas M. Johnson, 2nd Year Stephen G. Muzzy, 4th Year Brian A. Seastone, 2nd Year Arizona State–Epsilon Omega Phillip J. Bales, 1st Year Tyler Bell, 3rd Year Kyle W. DeWitt, 2nd Year Daniel M. Engel, 1st Year Arkansas–Alpha Omicron Thomas D. Ryan, 2nd Year James Michael Vann, 1st Year Arkansas State–Delta Eta Chris L. Vandergriff, 2nd Year Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta Dr. George Robert Franks, Jr., PhD, 4th Year Evan M. Hanna, 2nd Year E.L. Scott McLain, 3rd Year H. David Pinson, 4th Year Arkansas-Fort Smith–Zeta Rho Aaron W. Brown, 3rd Year Hunter K. Cabe, 3rd Year Auburn–Nu David J. Blesch, 3rd Year Andrew R. Cunningham, 1st Year Miles M. Cunningham, 1st Year Patrick J. David, 1st Year Robert W. Humphreys, 3rd Year W. David James, 1st Year James Douglas Kay, Jr., 7th Year John D. Lentz DDS, 3rd Year W. Thomas Morgan, III, 4th Year Harris Albert Pippen, III, 1st Year John Stephen Powell, III, 4th Year Todd D. Reaves, 7th Year H. Jerome Strickland, Sr., 1st Year Thomas Evenden Williams, Jr., 2nd Year Austin Peay State–Zeta Tau A. Blake Ball, 2nd Year Bennett Russell Evans, 1st Year Samuel E. Mynhier, 3rd Year Daniel Nolen Pitts, 1st Year Aristeo Skyy Ruiz, 1st Year Baylor–Delta Omega Robert D. Fletcher, 6th Year John C. Martin, 4th Year Ralph M. Randall, 4th Year Bethany–Beta Beta Lawrence S. Branch, 8th Year Bowling Green State– Zeta Lambda Adam J. Shipp, 1st Year

Gerald C. Down, 7th Year

Clifford Frank Loader, II, 6th Year California-Davis– Epsilon Gamma Dennis K. Baldwin, 2nd Year California-Riverside– Epsilon Epsilon Nathan J. Treadwell, 1st Year Centenary–Alpha Iota John M. Moore, 4th Year Charleston–Beta Gamma Cornelius Harrington Bissell, Jr., 3rd Year David M. Hay, 4th Year Carlton O. Schumpert, 2nd Year Citadel–Theta Commission LCDR Edward John Derst III, USCGR Ret., 5th Year LT Alexander Faris Giles III, 2nd Year CPT Ronald C. Plunkett, 7th Year Robert W. Schivera, 1st Year LTG. Ellie G. Shuler, Jr., USAF (Ret.), 1st Year Howard Jerome Strickland, Jr., 1st Year Dr. Clay Heyward Wilson, 3rd Year Clemson–Delta Omicron Brent Carraway, 1st Year Fred W. Faircloth III, 6th Year John N. McCarter, Jr., 4th Year Patrick A. O'Connor, 1st Year Daniel B. Pattillo, Jr., 4th Year David A. Pattillo, 7th Year Dr. John E. Ross III, DMD, 1st Year Louis T. Runge, Jr., 1st Year Ben W. Satcher, Jr., 8th Year Frederick Laughton Sherman, 1st Year Member Harold L. Turner, Jr., 3rd Year Coastal Carolina–Zeta Omega Jacob Seay, 2nd Year Davidson–Sigma S. Powell Bridges, 2nd Year Hon. Rudolph Bumgardner, III, 4th Year Robert Stephen Ukrop, Jr., 1st Year Delaware–Beta Epsilon Francis Espey Gardiner, Jr., 7th Year Dr. Steven E. Hastings, 3rd Year Bruce L. Hudson, 3rd Year Eugene M. Julian, 8th Year Scott H. Walter, 1st Year Delta State–Delta Beta Dr. Lee H. Baker, 1st Year J. Burns Strider, 2nd Year Daniel Gregory Tacker, 1st Year Robert Wilbanks, 1st Year Eddie S. Wilson, 7th Year James Walter Wood, Jr., 4th Year Duke–Alpha Phi Steven R. Bell, 3rd Year Richard R. Crosier, 6th Year Alexander B. Feinberg, 5th Year J. Michael Goodson, 1st Year


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Raymond Allen Jones, III, 6th Year Robert M. McDowell, 2nd Year Edwin F. Payne, 7th Year Roy O. Rodwell, Jr., 7th Year East Carolina–Gamma Rho David W. Dupree, 4th Year Charles A. Hester, Jr., 2nd Year Philip C. Hoft, 3rd Year Max Ray Joyner, Jr., 3rd Year Christopher C. Knott, 1st Year R. Randolph Reid, 2nd Year George Dallas Weaver, 3rd Year James Ben Whiteside, Jr., 2nd Year East Tennessee State– Delta Delta William Hy Stokes, 1st Year Eastern Kentucky– Delta Mu Christopher M. Castle, 2nd Year Anthony A. Davidson CPA, 3rd Year Gary J. Fassler, 2nd Year Michael S. Henderson, 1st Year Michael W. Nantz, 3rd Year Collin B. Taylor, 3rd Year Ronald Coleman Taylor, 4th Year LTC John Michael Wills (Ret.), 4th Year Elon–Epsilon Mu McLean Marion Warren, 2nd Year

CRIMSON & GOLD SOCIETY Making A Difference for Today’s Crimson & Gold The goal of the Crimson & Gold Campaign is to secure 1,000 donors at the unrestricted, annual level of $1,000. Help the KAOEF achieve this goal by renewing today and challenging other brothers to join as well. Last fiscal year we had 734 brothers and friends, representing 136 chapters and commissions, all giving at least $1,000 in unrestricted support. With this support we continue to make a positive difference in the lives of our undergraduate brothers. Therefore, we hope everyone will continue to support the KAOEF's effort to provide much needed scholarships and leadership education to our undergraduate members.

Emory–Epsilon Timothy Killen Adams, Sr., 7th Year Dr. Travis Wayne Blalock MD, 1st Year D. Melson Butler, 2nd Year John D. Cartledge, 1st Year* Dr. L. Adolph Casal, 7th Year Walter Mabry Deriso, Jr., 6th Year James Laurens Ferman, Jr., 8th Year George Rozier Lee, III, 3rd Year J. Gordon McGill, 4th Year Corey N. Neal, 3rd Year Mark N. Phillips, 1st Year Mark C. Post, 1st Year John Warren Stephenson, Sr., 4th Year Dr. James M. Tallman, MD, 2nd Year Dr. James Jefferson Thomasson, Jr., MD, FACS, 1st Year Clarence Wilbur Warner, Jr., nd Year Dr. Mell Burress Welborn, Jr., 4th Year 1SG Andrew C. West, USMCR, 3rd Year Florida–Beta Zeta Gregory B. Adams, 4th Year Henry H. Beckwith, 6th Year Edwin R. Brownell PLS, 1st Year* Thomas C. Buss II, 1st Year Thomas A. Davis, 3rd Year Thomas M. Fiorentino, 1st Year Nelson J. Guagliardo, 2nd Year Stumpy Harris, 7th Year* Jeff A. Hedden, Jr., 2nd Year Dan H. Honeywell, 4th Year John A. Langley, Sr., 4th Year

John K. Roberts, 5th Year Edward G. Sullivan Esq., 7th Year Duane Ernest Thompson, III, 2nd Year David A. Tomkins, 1st Year James R. White, 4th Year Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi Anthony M. Graziani, 5th Year Florida Southern–Gamma Pi COL Guy D. Colado, 7th Year James C. France, 8th Year Florida State–Gamma Eta Daniel Richard Amato, Jr., 3rd Year Frank A. Argenbright, Jr., 2nd Year L. Blair Bailey, 8th Year Dan W. Cartwright, 1st Year Peter H. Collins, 2nd Year Patrick J. Farrell, Jr., 2nd Year Scott D. Jenkins, 3rd Year Hon. P. Michael Ruff, 2nd Year William Godfrey Smith, Jr., 7th Year John A. Yearty, 4th Year Francis Marion–Delta Tau Brian D. Anderson, 1st Year Dr. Ronald E. Miller, Jr., 4th Year William H. Skipper, Jr., 8th Year Furman–Iota Col Winton Grier Campbell, Jr., 1st Year C. Tucker Moore, 6th Year

James M. Ney, 7th Year William T. Rogers, 1st Year Dr. Jerry R. Thomas, EdD, 1st Year George Mason–Epsilon Phi Kenneth Mika, 1st Year Whitson W. Robinson, 1st Year Robert A. Simms, 3rd Year George Washington–Alpha Nu Alexander J. Hutkin, 2nd Year Clay W. Socha, 2nd Year Georgetown–Beta Delta Robert Cohen, 3rd Year* Charley Grant, 1st Year Harrison Scott Shelton, 2nd Year Georgia–Gamma W. Lawrence Jenkins, 3rd Year Steve K. Kendrick, 1st Year Paul Van Kilpatrick, Jr., 4th Year William Lawrence Manning Knox, Jr., 2nd Year Wyckliffe Austin Knox, Jr., 2nd Year Malcolm H. Liles, 8th Year Robert Claude Norman, III, 1st Year Bryan A. Schivera, 1st Year


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*deceased before June 30, 2020 Years indicate duration of membership Lambuth–Gamma Omicron Dan H. Akin, 6th Year Charles W. Elliott, 1st Year Joshua M. Pendergrass, 1st Year


Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma

SOCIETY Exclusive Member Benefits: h h h h h h

Special recognition in the KAOEF Annual Report Crimson & Gold Society lapel pin for first-time members Special gift in recognition of membership each year Access to the Crimson & Gold Society membership roster Invitation to Annual Crimson & Gold Society event Permanent membership in the Loyal Order for a lifetime Journal subscription

Join these men, members as of June 30, 2020, and show your commitment to our Order’s mission and make your $1,000 unrestricted donation today; or mail a check to: KAOEF 115 Liberty Hall Rd. Lexington, VA 24450, or online at KAcrimsonandgold.com

The future is bright… because of 734 brothers and friends like you. High Point–Zeta Phi

Houston–Gamma Mu Harold Trammell, 1st Year Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma Dr. Joel A. Nickles, 5th Year Dr. Chris R. Sawyer , 4th Year

Georgia College–Epsilon Nu

Indiana State–Zeta Iota

Evan R. Karanovich, 3rd Year

Douglas E. Hess, 4th Year Jeremy D. McClendon, 1st Year

Georgia Southern–Delta Theta Terrell Draper Watson, Sr., 5th Year Leon C. Watson, 4th Year Edmond H. Wilson, 6th Year Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma Barry E. Cox, 3rd Year Carroll B. Hart, 2nd Year James L. Herrin, 5th Year Edward L. Kelly, 6th Year James L. Oliver, II, 5th Year Robert Thomas, III, 1st Year Charles L. Wallace, 1st Year James Hunter Yancey, Jr., 1st Year Hampden-Sydney–Alpha Tau David Carter, 3rd Year W. Birch Douglass III, 7th Year James R. Foster, 3rd Year

David Haynes Alexander, 3rd Year Andrew Trowbridge Emery, 1st Year SGT David C. Flurry, 3rd Year Sinclair Bert Kouns, III, 1st Year Donald Roy O'Neal, Jr., 7th Year Matthew D. O'Neal, 6th Year MG Jack W. Ramsaur II, 2nd Year Erik T. Showalter, 8th Year Richard H. Wilcox, Jr., 3rd Year

William Francis Bailey, Jr., 2nd Year Dewitt C. David, 1st Year Harlan H. Kappel , 2nd Year Micah A. Martello, 1st Year Dr. Russell J. Saloom MD, 3rd Year Harold P. Vice, Jr., 1st Year Louisiana-Monroe–Gamma Nu Dr. Samuel J. Lorenzo , 3rd Year Destin Brook Sebren, 3rd Year Louisville–Beta Omicron Dr. William W. Anderson , 2nd Year Robert M. Bouse, 7th Year Marshall–Beta Upsilon Kelsey W. Hill, 1st Year James F. Kirtley, 2nd Year James C. Musser, 4th Year

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Marcus E. Angle, Jr., 8th Year Stephen J. LaFollette, 6th Year James Alexander Oyler, Jr., 1st Year

Robert M. Ross, 2nd Year McNeese State–Delta Xi Ethan J. Bush, 7th Year Dr. Mark Daughenbaugh, 3rd Year

Kennesaw State–Zeta Chi

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

Craig Arnold Stack, 3rd Year Evan L. Stack, 3rd Year

C. Kevin Campbell, 1st Year B. Kyle Eaton, 1st Year MG Donald R. Gardner USMC (Ret.), 6th Year S. Morgan Morton, Jr., 8th Year Gregory R. Singleton, 7th Year Jeffrey K. Smith, 1st Year

Kentucky–Theta Jack R. Carr, 1st Year William K. Downey, 4th Year John D. Goggin, 2nd Year Daniel H. Miller, 3rd Year John D. Nicholson, 1st Year Larry M. Roy, 4th Year Gary Alan Smith, Sr., 5th Year W. Hunt Smock, 3rd Year


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Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

Louisiana-Lafayette– Gamma Phi

Liam James Donnell, 2nd Year Allen McLean Kay, 2nd Year

Fred Marion Sims, Jr., 2nd Year John William Walden, Jr., 7th Year B. Neely Young, 1st Year

Dr. James R. Andrews, 4th Year Dr. A. Michael Aura, MD, 1st Year B. Terry W. Bennett, 8th Year Christopher L. Bentley, 2nd Year Richard Douglas Lamb, III, 3rd Year W. Regi Mullins, 6th Year Ryan P. Pecoraro, 1st Year Ted Shofner Smith, III, 2nd Year T. Michael Stanberry, 6th Year

Mercer–Kappa King Vanburen Aiken, Jr., 7th Year Philetus Sawyer Harison, Jr., 4th Year Lee A. Jackson, 2nd Year J. Ed Magruder, 1st Year

William F. Roberts, 1st Year Kevin P. Tolbert, 1st Year Raymond McLeod Warren, III, 7th Year CAPT Sidney Ezell Wood, Jr., USN (Ret.), 3rd Year

Jonathan Matthew Shook Esq., 4th Year C. Douglas Simmons III, 8th Year Harold D. Walker, 2nd Year Ryan H. Whittington, 1st Year David J. Wilder, 2nd Year

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Bruce Benes, 5th Year Brad Bundy, 2nd Year C. Lance Carpenter, 2nd Year Ryan Holloway, 3rd Year

James R. Estes, Sr., 8th Year Ralph O. Hoevelman, 7th Year Charles Jacob Hoffman, Jr., 5th Year Kenneth Rickli, 7th Year Robert A. Robison, 1st Year Lee W. Schuenemeyer, 1st Year J. William Schulz, 7th Year Joseph Anthony Silvoso, II, 2nd Year Michael T. Stuckenschneider, 1st Year Lewis H. Wyman III, 6th Year

Middle Tennessee State– Delta Lambda Julian B. Baker, Jr., 3rd Year Joseph L. Coleman, Sr., 3rd Year Jeremy Duke, 1st Year Herschel Lynn Greer, Jr., 4th Year Jerry S. McElroy, 3rd Year William A. Morris, 1st Year Jason L. Potts, 2nd Year S. Todd Shelton, 6th Year Dr. Gary Gribble Wiser Jr., EdD, 5th Year Midwestern State– Gamma Omega Mitchell S. Hill, 7th Year Michael A. Stokes, 2nd Year Larry Stanton Wiese, 8th Year Millsaps–Alpha Mu Wilburn Eugene Ainsworth, Jr., 3rd Year Dr. Russell Peyton Atchley DMD, 5th Year Samuel Griffin Cole, III, 4th Year John B. Link IV, 2nd Year Stephen Lyons McCord, Jr., 1st Year Dr. William H. Murdock, Jr., 1st Year Thomas T. Ponder, 1st Year William Allen Ray, Sr., 1st Year James Murray Underwood, Jr., 5th Year

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Dennis L. Dutton, 5th Year William A. Givens, Sr., 1st Year Brett L. Hanke, PE, 4th Year James R. Hennessey, 1st Year Joel J. Kovach, 1st Year C. Edward Schmidt, Jr., 8th Year Jack T. Watts, 3rd Year Missouri Southern State– Delta Pi Daniel R. Day, 4th Year Dr. Chad E. Wagoner, 8th Year Capt Thomas Langston Williams, 2nd Year Missouri State–Gamma Beta Douglas S. Evans, 1st Year Gordon L. Kinne, 8th Year Christopher J. Puricelli, 6th Year Murray State–Delta Nu LTC Thomas Ray Murray USA (Ret.), 2nd Year

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

New Mexico–Beta Phi

Edwin W. Barnett, 1st Year Charles Phillip Buffington, Jr., 2nd Year James M. Ferguson, Jr., 1st Year Joshua Critz Fletcher, 1st Year Chad W. Franks, 4th Year Lewis Henry Gissel, III, 1st Year Joseph A. Haley III, 4th Year G. Lee Hawkins, 2nd Year Frederick Boykin Horne, III, 3rd Year Michael R. Jones, 1st Year Alwyn H. Luckey, 4th Year David Tucker Martineau, V, 7th Year Douglas Gray McKinnon, 3rd Year James J. Rester, 1st Year Taylor M. Sledge, Jr., 2nd Year William Barrett Travis, 2nd Year Jon Crosby Turner, 4th Year Stanley J. Viner, 3rd Year Hon. W. Swan Yerger (Ret.), 8th Year

COL. Brian S. Lindamood, USA (Ret.), 3rd Year

Mississippi State–Beta Tau Stevan Lenoir Black, Jr., 1st Year Stephen L. Burwell, 8th Year Earnest William Deavenport, Jr., 8th Year Walter L. Dowdle, 4th Year David George East, 1st Year Thomas David Hill, III, 1st Year Hunter M. Lipscomb, 3rd Year William Ogden Plyler, II, 2nd Year

Newberry–Delta Epsilon Leon Charles Banks, Jr., 5th Year John Woody Cornwell, 2nd Year James M. Green IV, 2nd Year Michael E. Gunn, 3rd Year Hugo Atlas Pearce, III, 2nd Year Michael E. Reid, 2nd Year Ralph Richard Sargent, II, 1st Year Andrew D. Shuler, 1st Year Rudy L. Williams, Jr., 3rd Year North Carolina–Upsilon Norman E. Block, 1st Year Scott W. Warren, 3rd Year Van Wyck Hoke Webb, Jr., 4th Year North Carolina State– Alpha Omega Paul W. Baker, Jr., 1st Year Walter D. Brady, 1st Year Dustin G. Brann, 6th Year Derick S. Close, 8th Year Gregory D. Frederick, 1st Year Paul F. Haddock III, 7th Year David Blair Hagan CCIM, SIOR, 6th Year Matthew T. Korff, 1st Year D. Stewart Marlowe, 1st Year Charles Franklin McDowell IV, 3rd Year


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GIVING *deceased before June 30, 2020 Years indicate duration of membership

CRIMSON & GOLD SOCIETY CONT’D. Grady Leonard Pittman, Jr., 1st Year William Trent Ragland III, 3rd Year Troy M. Raines, 2nd Year Ronald Glenn Sherrill, Jr., 1st Year Robert Jones Smith, 6th Year Edward I. Weisiger, Jr., 5th Year George N. Whiting, Jr., 5th Year G. Smedes York, 6th Year North Carolina-Charlotte– Epsilon Xi Justin Tanner Cannon, 1st Year North Carolina-Wilmington– Epsilon Psi George Akers Moore, IV, 4th Year North Florida–Zeta Nu Charles Ray Jordan, 3rd Year Adam R. Newell, 3rd Year Jerome X. Peters, 1st Year North Texas–Gamma Lambda Blake E. Benney, 6th Year James McKinstry Burns, 1st Year Jay D. Chamberlain IV, 5th Year William E. Martin, 1st Year Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau Douglas W. Hanisch, 3rd Year Northwestern State– Gamma Psi Charles Randolph Gentz, 7th Year Thomas N. Whitehead, 3rd Year Oklahoma–Beta Eta Brent Everett Buswell, 3rd Year Win O. Cramer, 2nd Year Paul D. Dollahite, JD, 1st Year Robert L. Morris, Jr., 3rd Year Daniel Joseph O'Connell, Sr., 1st Year William C. Routh, 5th Year

J. Derrill Rice, 7th Year Paul G. Trippe, 1st Year Brian M. Wilson, 4th Year Purdue–Epsilon Rho Scott T. Clifford, 4th Year Jeffrey W. Love, 2nd Year Stephan B. Oliver, 1st Year Lukasz Stano AWS-CWI,ASQCQE, 2nd Year Randolph-Macon–Zeta James Alexander Baber, IV, 1st Year Carlton W. Baker, 4th Year Richard Lester Burke, Jr., 7th Year J. Whiting Chisman, Jr., 3rd Year Charles Leonard Isaacs, 1st Year Thomas David Jones III, 1st Year Littleton M. Maxwell, 5th Year Daniel F. Scandling, 3rd Year Michael Joseph Walsh IV, 1st Year D. Calloway Whitehead III, 3rd Year Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon Dr. John Robert Adams, Jr., MD, 1st Year Joseph M. Evangelisti, 2nd Year Michael R. Frick, 3rd Year

Roanoke–Beta Rho Samuel B. Adams, 6th Year Frederick Leatherbury, 1st Year John H. Turner, Jr., 7th Year Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau

San Diego State–Gamma Iota David K. Dere, 3rd Year

Penn State–Zeta Eta

San Jose State–Gamma Delta William A. White, 1st Year South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha Michael R. Andreoli, 1st Year Paul W. Lammers, 1st Year D. Brady Wilson, 1st Year South Carolina–Rho Lee S. Dixon, 1st Year S. Mercer Heath, 3rd Year Batson L. Hewitt, 1st Year Robert P. Jordan, 5th Year J. Lynn McCants, 1st Year Dr Heath McAlvin Stewart, Jr., DMD, 1st Year

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

Southern California– Beta Sigma

John W. Adams III, 3rd Year Dr. George Alexander Jenkins III, MD, 1st Year William M. Matthews V, 4th Year Franklyn D. Owen III, 1st Year

Red Cavaney CAE, 2nd Year Russell H. Chesley, 3rd Year Robert C. Davis, 3rd Year Richard E. Dotts, 3rd Year Michael V. Paulin, 7th Year


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Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda William D. Balthrope , 6th Year James B. Cain, 4th Year Richard M. Davidovich, 1st Year Barry B. Donnell, 8th Year Dustin B. Donnell, 8th Year Brad B. Freeman, 8th Year John H. Howard, 3rd Year David T. Kastor, 5th Year Thomas Francis Maxwell, III, 5th Year Rufus C. Porter, 3rd Year* John J. Sheehan, Jr., 2nd Year Dr. Houston Nelson Tuel, III, 1st Year Dr. James A. Upshaw, 2nd Year Warren S. Wingert, 8th Year

Texas–Omicron Wofford F. Denius, 4th Year Brian P. Hanson, 1st Year James D. McBride, III, 6th Year Hon. William Thomas McDonald, Jr., 2nd Year Dr. Glenn A. Rogers, 2nd Year Steven W. Tomson, 4th Year Bruce E. Walker, 3rd Year Texas A&M–Epsilon Delta J. Stephen Atkins, 1st Year Eric J. Doyal, 4th Year Texas A&M-Commerce– Gamma Upsilon John C. Cain, 4th Year John B. Chenault, 2nd Year William Joe Cureton, 1st Year

Texas State–Epsilon Iota David W. Cade, 4th Year Andrew P. Carr, 5th Year F. Michael Carr, 2nd Year Scott P. Hamilton, CFP, 1st Year Ross W. Newberry, 6th Year L. Don Stricklin, 5th Year Blas S. Catalani, II, 3rd Year Ronald S. Childress, 2nd Year Brent B. Hamilton , 2nd Year Charles L. Hamilton, 2nd Year Michael A. Hedlund, 3rd Year Mitchell L. Heidenheimer, 5th Year MAJ Christopher A. Huff, 4th Year William R. Mathews, III, 3rd Year Gordon R. McDowell, 1st Year Curtis Arnold Smith, 2nd Year James B. Smith, 1st Year Paul H. Tarwater, 3rd Year E. Powell Thompson, 7th Year Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr., PhD, 8th Year Dustin S. Whittenburg, 3rd Year

Southern Mississippi– Gamma Zeta James H. Heidelberg, 3rd Year Arthur M. Park, 3rd Year Southwestern–Xi

Kent T. Chapin, 6th Year Samuel O. Leake, Jr., 8th Year Robert Warren Lilljedahl, 3rd Year Sean McComas, 2nd Year William Howard McKee, V, 3rd Year John C. Nickles, 2nd Year Cameron J. Price, 2nd Year

David N. Martin, 1st Year

Charles S. Briggs, 7th Year James Larry Crews, II, 7th Year

Daryl M. Allen, 1st Year James M. Croley, 8th Year Edwin Bryan Gentle, 6th Year William Mansfield Gilker, III, 4th Year Mark B. Holmes, 3rd Year Rock N. Houstoun, 7th Year Gerald L. Pate, 1st Year Sanford C. Reed, 2nd Year Gary T. Scott, 4th Year Michael Ross Weir, Jr., 3rd Year

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

John C. Ballou, 1st Year Michael D. Ellis , 2nd Year James B. Hichak , 3rd Year William E. Lobeck, Jr., 7th Year Benjamin Anderson Soyars, Jr., 1st Year

Jeremy W. Blankenship, 1st Year Tanner L. Gellinger, 3rd Year Benjamin K. Hirschauer, 2nd Year William Hooper, IV, 1st Year


1LT. David O. Beal, USA, 5th Year Marte W. Cooksey, 1st Year Edward Franklin Keller, 3rd Year Steve C. Knight, 8th Year Gary B. McCoy, 2nd Year Ronald E. Willis, 4th Year

Old Dominion–Delta Gamma

Tennessee-Martin– Delta Upsilon

Clayton Eugene Bunting Esq., 6th Year George W. McCall III, 6th Year Douglas L. Nickel, 5th Year

Dr. A. Rodney Allbright, 1st Year Charles L. Beckner, 2nd Year Willis A. Braden, 1st Year Allen M. Burns, 1st Year Darron E. Franta, 1st Year Jonathan K. Greene, 1st Year Tracy S. Hoffart, 2nd Year Travis B. Lacox, 2nd Year Daniel L. Moreland, 2nd Year Ronny J. Snow, 1st Year

Oklahoma City–Gamma Kappa

Southern Indiana– Zeta Omicron

Stanford–Alpha Pi Thomas B. Coleman, 4th Year Dr. James K. Collins, 4th Year William J. Hagenah, 8th Year Robert F. Sawyer, 1st Year Stephen F. Austin State–Delta Kappa J. Michael Duncan, 7th Year R. Scott Hilborn PhD, 1st Year John M. Hudec, 1st Year Dwain P. Knight, 3rd Year Tennessee–Pi Thomas G. Chappell, 4th Year Robert K. Googe, 1st Year Gust Edwin Johnson, Jr., 3rd Year Jeffrey P. Konrad, 1st Year James C. Manning, 1st Year Stuart L. Martin, 3rd Year Dr. Edwin P. Rather, 2nd Year Charles Burns Upton, II, 2nd Year


During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the KAOEF hosted several virtual Crimson & Gold Society receptions. One provided a tour of Mulberry Hill and the unveiling of the 1865 Trust Garden, another was with Ross Berlin, Senior VP for Player Relations with the PGA Tour.

CRIMSON & GOLD SOCIETY EVENTS: 2013 75th Convention, Alamo Hall, on the grounds of the Alamo, San Antonio, Texas 2014 Executive Council, Advisory Council, and KAOEF Board Meetings, The Quail Hollow Club, Charlotte, N.C. 2015 Sesquicentennial Celebration & 76th Convention, Hotel Roanoke Crystal Ball Room, Roanoke, Va. 2016 Charleston Yacht Club, Charleston, S.C. 2017 77th Convention & Brotherhood Weekend, St. Louis Racquet Club, St. Louis, Mo. 2018 Executive Council, Advisory Council, and KAOEF Board Meetings, Cherokee Town and Country Club, Atlanta, Georgia 2019 78th Convention & Brotherhood Weekend, Galatoire’s, New Orleans, La. 2020 Virtual Receptions throughout the year W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

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Texas Wesleyan–Zeta Xi


James C. Bridges, 3rd Year

Timothy J. Dixon, 4th Year Calvin Moniz, 7th Year Thomas E. Stanton, 3rd Year

Texas-Arlington–Delta Iota Alfred Diaz, Jr., 7th Year Scott M. Hughes, 4th Year Lynn A. Morgan, 4th Year Gregory Scot Weadon, 1st Year Transylvania–Alpha Theta C. Davis Carney, 1st Year J. Mason McCauley, 3rd Year Michael L. Sloane II, 1st Year Michael P. Wilson, 4th Year Tulane–Psi David Blackshear Hamilton Chaffe III, 2nd Year Dr. James W. Denham, 7th Year Jonathan H. Parker, 2nd Year

South–Alpha Alpha George P. Apperson III, PhD, 7th Year William Christopher Behnke, Jr., 2nd Year Christopher M. Elwell, 2nd Year Stephen A. Rowe, 3rd Year USMA–Sigma Alpha Commission MG Robert M. Bunker, 4th Year USNA–Sigma Beta Commission Rymn Parsons, 4th Year Valdosta State–Delta Rho Tullis Beasley, 3rd Year Cary L. Chastain, 4th Year Donald O. Davis, 4th Year COL Wayne C. Edwards, 1st Year

Introducing the Rose Circle of the Crimson & Gold Society

Robert W. Hagan, 7th Year Frank S. Heard , 2nd Year Justin C. Martin, 1st Year Vanderbilt–Chi Robert Howell Baker III, 4th Year William Winston Hoy, Jr., 5th Year Paul Hubert Kuhn, Jr., 6th Year Virginia–Lambda Frederic Hamilton Cox, Jr. FAIA, 1st Year Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta Michael B. Gimbert, 1st Year Aaron D. Masey, 3rd Year Patrick K. Moore, 3rd Year Hunter W. Wagstaff, 2nd Year Carlyle R. Wimbish, III, 2nd Year Virginia Wesleyan– Epsilon Omicron MAJ C. Robin Kelley, 2nd Year VMI–Beta Commission COL George Mercer Brooke, IV, 2nd Year David Wilson Godfrey Burke, 3rd Year LTC Mark W. Dick, 4th Year Monte C. Ferguson, 1st Year CSM G. Jeffery Jackson (Ret.), 4th Year SGM E. Kent McMichael, 7th Year David L. Miller, 2nd Year

In 2020, three KA Roses set out to raise significant funds for the KAOEF by establishing the Rose Circle of the Crimson & Gold Society. Their aim was to develop and solicit donations at the level of $1,000 annually, unrestricted, from the special women in the lives of KAs and of the Order in general. Thirty women answered the call or were sponsored to be the inaugural founders of the Rose Circle and will be recognized as such. The KAOEF and the entire Order give thanks to the KA Roses who support all that we do for the future of our youngest members, including financially.

2019–2020 ROSE CIRCLE MEMBERS Mrs. Elizabeth Asbury, 6th Year Mrs. Keena Bartley, 1st Year Mrs. Jamie Mauldin Beasley, 1st Year Mrs. Paula Tyree Bowman, 1st Year Mrs. Erika Brooke, 1st Year Mrs. Laura Carr, 1st Year Mrs. Barbara T. Cromwell, 7th Year Ms. Kitty L. DeKieffer, 2nd Year Mrs. Linda Dreyer, 1st Year Mrs. Dina A. Dudley, 1st Year Mrs. Grace J. Fishel, 3rd Year Mrs. Mary L. Frazier, 1st Year Mrs. Cori Hanisch, 1st Year Mrs. Pamela Heath, 1st Year Mrs. Rosann F. Hooks, 6th Year

Mrs. Karen Kay, 1st Year Ms. Pamela D Lee, 1st Year Mrs. Kookie Liles, 1st Year Mrs. Tracy Elleard Lyons, 1st Year Mrs. Ali Martineau, 1st Year Mrs. Katherine Canatsey Masey, 1st Year Mrs. Betty Lackey McMichael, 1st Year Ms. Jordan McNabb, 1st Year Ms. Rebecca L. Moore, 1st Year Mrs. Kristy Reed, 1st Year Mrs. Judy Schmuck, 2nd Year Ms. Anita E. Snyder, 1st Year Ms. Brianne Tillotson, 1st Year Mrs. Jennifer Wagoner, 1st Year Dr. Dawn Wiese, 3rd Year

“She’s the sweetest girl in all the world, the fairest flower that grows…” S U M M E R 2 0 21 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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Andrew Anthony Protogyrou, 2nd Year James Carlton Showalter, Jr., 5th Year Spencer C. Tucker, 1st Year LTC William Earl Wray, Jr., USA (Ret.), 7th Year David P. Barksdale, 8th Year J. Melville Broughton III, 3rd Year William B. Chastain, 3rd Year Norman Bryant Kellum, Jr., 6th Year John D. Kimberly, 1st Year Allen K. Lydick, 3rd Year Richard Gibbs McGimsey, Jr., 1st Year John G. Snover, 2nd Year Benjamin Conrad Sutton, Jr., 5th Year Robert H. Wall, 6th Year Hon. David M. Warren, 8th Year

Dean L. Cooper, 1st Year David H. Crane, 4th Year Robert E. Deal, Jr,, 6th Year Thomas A. Gorman, 2nd Year Daniel E. Harris, 2nd Year Dr. Rob Havers, 2nd Year James Stevens Hofman, 1st Year Sturt Adam Hollandsworth, II, 1st Year Darrell William Jackson, Jr., 1st Year Darren S. Kay, 8th Year Erik K. Lescher, 5th Year David J. Neihart, CPA, CFP, 8th Year Neal F. Perryman, 1st Year William R. Piper, 3rd Year Travis L. Sartain, 8th Year Dr. James Michael Schmuck, 8th Year Blake E. Stonecipher , 2nd Year Blake Strebler, 1st Year Thaddeus Aaron Stubbs, 7th Year Bryan Tramont, 4th Year

Washington & Lee–Alpha

William & Mary–Alpha Zeta

Wake Forest–Tau

Brian Hooper, 1st Year Ian Treger, 1st Year Neil T. Treger, 1st Year Washington College– Beta Omega Douglas S. Ewalt, 7th Year Joseph M. Van Name III, 6th Year Washington Univ.–Zeta Mu Jeffrey G. Leigh, 7th Year West Florida–Epsilon Sigma Nathaniel L. Robinson, 1st Year

Bensley H. L. Field, 5th Year William Jewell–Alpha Delta Stuart L. Bascomb, 5th Year Philip A. Cantwell, 5th Year William K. Dillingham, 6th Year William E. Dreyer, 8th Year Tyler Griffin, 8th Year Thomas Edwin Norris, 4th Year Brian E. Place, 3rd Year Darren G. Prenger, 3rd Year Hon. Kenneth M. Romines, 3rd Year David B. Schroeder, 1st Year Robert T. Steinkamp, 8th Year

West Georgia–Zeta Kappa

Wingate–Zeta Zeta

Jacob Templeton, 2nd Year

Jason E. Tinsley, 2nd Year

West Texas A&M– Gamma Sigma Dr. N. Andy Cole, PhD, 4th Year Donald R. Houchin, 1st Year Michael W. Jones, 5th Year John D. Morrison, 3rd Year M. Greg Reynolds, 2nd Year West Virginia–Alpha Rho William C. Brewer, 3rd Year Patrick Anthony DeLeonibus, 2nd Year Alexander Harvey Ghiz, Jr., 2nd Year Gregory J. Totterdale, 5th Year West Virginia Wesleyan– Beta Chi Millard L. Cursey, Jr., 8th Year Michael L. Duke, 1st Year Stephen E. Foster, 7th Year William E. Watson, Esq., 1st Year Western Carolina– Delta Alpha Robert A. Byrd, Jr., 3rd Year Brian A. King, 3rd Year Jesse Samuel Lyons, 7th Year Western Kentucky– Epsilon Theta Brent Fellows, 6th Year Westminster–Alpha Eta Blake Berkbuegler, 3rd Year Philip J. Boeckman, 4th Year

Wofford–Delta H. Paige Carlton, 4th Year William Norman Epps, Jr., 1st Year Raymond Scott Heath, 8th Year COL Robert N. Maddox, 3rd Year Jerry J. Richardson, 6th Year Albert Randolph Smith, II, 5th Year C. Michael Smith, 3rd Year Friends of the Order Jeff Martini, 3rd Year Howard C. Pickett, 7th Year Stephen E. Ratterman, Sr., 3rd Year Daniel A. Smercina, 3rd Year Bruce Tria, 2nd Year Chapters, House Corps., Courts, etc. Alpha Eta Chapter House Assn., 2nd Year Alpha Beta Chapter, 1st Year Alpha Omicron Chapter, 2nd Year Alpha Upsilon Chapter, 2nd Year Alpha Xi Chapter, 1st Year Beta Alpha Chapter, 2nd Year Delta Theta Chapter, 2nd Year Gamma Alpha Chapter, 2nd Year Gamma Chi Chapter, 2nd Year Gamma Epsilon Chapter, 2nd Year Mu Chapter, 2nd Year


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GIVING Alabama–Alpha Beta

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Adolph N. Hampton 1928*+ Paul M. Speake 1924*+ Henry Grady Tiller, Jr. 1947*+

John F. Bishop II 1946*+ Eugene M. Julian 1963

Appalachian State– Delta Psi M. Lee Barnes, Jr. 1987 Stuart F. Whetsell 2006

Arkansas State–Delta Eta Walter J. Dunn 1987 Arizona–Gamma Epsilon Wayne E. Dawson 1960

Baylor–Delta Omega John C. Martin 1982

BirminghamSouthern–Phi Gary Allen Brown, Jr. 1982 Valrey Wingfield Early, III 1980 Richard H. Marks 1988

California–Alpha Xi Kenneth R. Mitchell 1932*+ Julian A. Pardini 1952*+ Thomas G. Paulson, II 1949*

Centenary–Alpha Iota John M. Moore 1990 COL William E. Steger 1938*

Charleston–Beta Gamma Douglas D. Ashley 1987*+

Citadel–Theta Commission LT Alexander Faris Giles, III 2013 CPT Ronald C. Plunkett 2009

Clemson–Delta Omicron Ben W. Satcher, Jr. 1979

Coastal Carolina–Zeta Omega Jacob Seay 2017

Delta State–Delta Beta Hon. Paul C. Artman, Jr. 1970

Drury–Beta Iota Bret R. Neathery 1984 John Thomas Woodruff, III 1975

Georgia Southern– Delta Theta

Midwestern State– Gamma Omega

Leland I. Hyer 1993 L. Jay Mehaffey 1982

Don Canada 1964 Larry Stanton Wiese 1987

Hampden-Sydney– Alpha Tau

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Raymond B. Bottom, Jr. 1948* James R. Foster 2005

Kennesaw State– Zeta Chi

Bruce D. Stafford 1966*+

Mississippi State– Beta Tau

Duke–Alpha Phi

Evan L. Stack 2015

Dr. Jason R. Barrett 1998 Earnest William Deavenport, Jr. 1958

Edwin F. Payne 1959


Missouri–Alpha Kappa

East Tennessee State– Delta Delta

John R. Hutchings IV 1977

Dr. Russell J. Saloom MD 1974

Lance E. Calvert 1990 CPT David R. Cheney II 1990 James R. Estes, Sr. 1960 Robert L. Graves 1990 Harold Jordan Hudson, Jr. 1942 J. William Schulz 1960 Jack R. Taylor 1950 Lewis H. Wyman III 1963

Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

William T. Pegues III 1932*+

C. Edward Schmidt, Jr. 1962

Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Sinclair Bert Kouns, III 2015 Erik T. Showalter 2002

Robert D. Kelly 1973 Capt Thomas Langston Williams 1997 Dr. Chad E. Wagoner 1993

Lawrence E. Ault 1971*+

Lambuth– Gamma Omicron

Eastern Kentucky– Delta Mu

Dan H. Akin 1960

Donald W. Wells 1970

Emory–Epsilon Timothy Killen Adams, Sr. 1957 Ely Reeves Callaway, Jr. 1937* David Carico 1984 Hugh Moss Comer, Jr. 1934*+

Florida–Beta Zeta Stumpy Harris 1957*

Louisiana–Gamma Phi

Charles Franklin McDowell IV 2011 Grady Leonard Pittman, Jr. 1980 Robert Jones Smith 1959

North Texas– Gamma Lambda Blake E. Benney 1986 Gary Recer 1967

Northwestern State– Gamma Psi Charles Randolph Gentz 1968 W. Julian Foy 1972*+

Oklahoma–Beta Eta Gilbert I. Hayes 1968 Hugh Howard III 1948*+

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi Kent T. Chapin 1970 Edward P. Leslie, Jr. 1932*+ F. M. Stevenson 1930*+

Presbyterian–Beta Pi COL David M. Buie USA (Ret.) 1939*+

Purdue–Epsilon Rho Scott T. Clifford 2004 Jeffrey W. Love 1986


Florida Gulf Coast– Zeta Pi

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Anthony M. Graziani 2007

McNeese State–Delta Xi

Missouri State– Gamma Beta

Ethan J. Bush 1997

Ty G. Morgan 1991

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

Newberry–Delta Epsilon Leon Charles Banks, Jr. 2002


Gregory R. Singleton 1982

North Carolina–Upsilon

Grant V. Harrison 1926*+

Florida State– Gamma Eta Daniel Richard Amato, Jr. 2008 L. Blair Bailey 1988

Edgar B. Rouse, Jr. 1937*+

Francis Marion– Delta Tau


Kenneth Wayne Jackson 1981 William H. Skipper, Jr. 1980

M. Tom Faircloth 1961 M. Woody Faircloth 2005* James Thomas Turner, Jr. 1970

George Washington– Alpha Nu

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Edward W. Lansing 1943

Georgia–Gamma Boone A. Knox 1956*+ Malcolm H. Liles 1971 Philip C. Rand 1968

Georgetown– Beta Delta

Gregory B. Smith 1985

Middle Tennessee State– Delta Lambda William S. Dinker II 1974 Herschel Lynn Greer, Jr. 1969 J. Devin McClendon 1994 John R. Milam 1972 Robert A. Pugh 1975

Wallace Andrew Brown, Jr. 1940*+ Charles Zorah Flack, Jr. 1955*+ Frederick Lord Munds, Jr. 1948*+ Morris W. Pully 1945*

North Carolina State– Alpha Omega

Carlton W. Baker 1981 Frank Harry Robinson, Jr. 1951*+

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon Rufus W. Shivers 1942*+ Paul E. Snodgress 1943*+

Roanoke–Beta Rho Harry James Breithaupt, Jr. 1933*+

Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau Michael K. Nikkel 1978

Dustin G. Brann 2011 Marshall James Donathan, Jr. 1972 Matthew T. Korff 2011

COL James C. Coleman, Jr. 1928*+


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*deceased +gift fulfilled

South–Alpha Alpha



George P. Apperson III, PhD 1980

Frank Pierce Sebastian, Jr. 1944*+

South Alabama– Epsilon Alpha

Texas A&M-Commerce– Gamma Upsilon

Hon. Mallory Donald Davis, Jr. 1977 Paul W. Lammers 1980

John F. Ory 1990 Marc Allan Scott 1984 John E. Trotter 1988

Robert Howell Baker III 1971 Paul Hubert Kuhn, Jr. 1962 Philip Dickinson Rowe, Jr. 1946* Robert M. Varn 1957*+ Frank Arthur Walker, Jr. 1948

Southern California– Beta Sigma Michael P. McManus 1989 Michael V. Paulin 1960 Warren Reed Sprinkel 1941*

Texas-Arlington– Delta Iota Gregory Scot Weadon 1983

Texas State–Epsilon Iota

Southern Indiana– Zeta Omicron

Andrew P. Carr 2000 Troy W. Cooper 1987

Tanner L. Gellinger 2012

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda Scott Jeoffory Berlin VP 1972 Barry B. Donnell 1958 Rufus C. Porter 1938*

Southwestern–Xi Rock N. Houstoun 1970 Gary T. Scott 1963

Stanford–Alpha Pi William R. Williamson 1908*+

Stephen F. Austin State– Delta Kappa J. Michael Duncan 1969

Tennessee–Pi Dr. Edwin P. Rather 1960

Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon

VMI–Beta Commission COL William Henry Hastings, Jr. (Ret) 1939* SGM E. Kent McMichael 1995 Dr. Andrew J. Thacker 1961*+

Virginia Tech– Epsilon Eta James H. Cochrane, Jr. 1978 Michael C. Matthews 1978

Wake Forest–Tau

Joseph Coleman McDowell, Jr. 1978 Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr., PhD 1970

James Guy Revelle, Jr. 1952*+ Robert H. Wall 1995 Hon. David M. Warren 1978

Transylvania– Alpha Theta

Washington College– Beta Omega

Michael D. McCaslin 1970*+ Michael P. Wilson 2000

Dr. James L. Bowers 1957* Joseph M. Van Name III 1987


Washington & Lee– Alpha

CDR A. Corey Schmidt 1992


David Rhodin Murphey, III 1951*+

John Sulton, Jr. 1947*+ Dr. William A. Weinrich 1951

Univ. of Washington– Zeta Mu

Valdosta State– Delta Rho Robert W. Hagan 1974 Perry S. Ivey, Jr. 1982

Nathaniel JoDann Spears 2001

Allen R. Sandico 1997

Vernon W. Piper 1933*+

Dr. James Michael Schmuck 1969 Thaddeus Aaron Stubbs 1996 Carl Trauernicht, Jr. 1942*+

West Georgia– Zeta Kappa

William & Mary– Alpha Zeta

Washington Univ.– Beta Theta

David W. Smith 1996

Bensley H. L. Field 1954

West Texas A&M– Gamma Sigma

William Jewell– Alpha Delta

Michael W. McDowell 1990

William E. Dreyer 1957+ Tyler Griffin 1998 Louis W. Romigh 1928*+ Robert T. Steinkamp 1964

West Virginia– Alpha Rho Dr. Richard T. Feller 1937*+ CPT John Wilbur Swartzwelder, Jr. 1969 Roy H. Whipp 1968

Western Carolina– Delta Alpha Jesse Samuel Lyons 1998

Western Kentucky– Epsilon Theta

Wofford–Delta Raymond Scott Heath 1977

Friends of the Order Anonymous+ Howard C. Pickett (Sigma Nu Fraternity) Mrs. Virginia N. Toombs+

Brent Fellows 1998 Todd P. Lowe 1979

Westminster–Alpha Eta William H. Angle 1945*+ Darren S. Kay 1988

Dear Brothers,

The 1865 Trust recognizes the generosity and foresight of those of you who choose to embrace the vision of KA’s future by making a meaningful planned gift to the KAOEF. Your entrance into the 1865 Trust bears powerful testimony to the charitable expressions of your values, ideals, and commitment to Kappa Alpha Order’s future. Membership in the 1865 Trust is obtained when provisions for a planned gift of $10,000 or more are made to the KAOEF. This past year the Trust welcomed two (2) new members to its ranks. There have been 176 brothers join the Trust since it was created in 1992, and we continue the quest to encourage brothers to leave a legacy to Kappa Alpha Order so that future generations of young men will have the same great opportunities that each of us have experienced. In closing, I cannot emphasize more strongly how important it is that we are all committed. If you have any questions about the 1865 Trust, or if you wish to join the ranks of 176 other KA brothers who are already members, please contact Ben Satcher, Executive Vice President and Former Knight Commander either by phone, (540) 460-4148, or by e-mail, bsatcher@ka-order.org. Thank you for your continued support of the Order, and for making Kappa Alpha Order a lifelong commitment. Fraternally yours,

Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr. Former Knight Commander/Chairman, 1865 Trust S U M M E R 2 0 21 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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STATS 1,784 total donations $271,740 total raised


TOP CHAPTERS FOR DOLLARS RAISED Chapters up to 50 Active Members: 1.William Jewell–Alpha Delta ($7,853) 2. Emory–Epsilon ($5,605) 3. Westminster–Alpha Eta ($4,613)

KA Gives Back

Chapters between 51 and 100 Active Members: 1. Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma ($6,425) 2. North Carolina State–Alpha Omega ($5,642) 3. Wofford–Delta ($5,218)

The KAOEF’s Day of Giving is a multifaceted fund-raising event with a major impact on the Foundation and the Order. Leading into and throughout the Day of Giving on our founding anniversary, December 21, matching gifts are announced, and the Order’s membership meets the challenge. In addition, Active Chapters are encouraged to become Foundation Chapters. This designation is the result of the chapter’s committing to donate $18.65 per man that day. For many members, this is the first gift they will make to the KAOEF and begins their donation lifecycle.



KAOEF (no chapter attributed to donation) 33,159.00 Alpha Delta 11,603.55 Alpha Eta 10,133.65 Nu 10,075.00 Beta Zeta 8,450.00 Gamma Chi 8,380.15 Alpha Upsilon 8,350.00 Delta Omicron 7,245.00 Beta Lambda 5,850.00 Gamma Omicron 5,500.00 Alpha Sigma 5,450.00 Beta Epsilon 5,400.00 Alpha Kappa 5,316.68 Delta Tau 5,184.00 Theta Commission 5,100.00 Alpha Omicron 5,000.00 Epsilon 4,060.00 Alpha Beta 4,021.70 Delta 3,850.00 Alpha Omega 3,636.00 Alpha Rho 3,550.00 Epsilon Alpha 3,370.60 Delta Beta 3,150.00 Gamma Alpha 3,054.70 Alpha Mu 3,050.00


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13 31 14 9 7 120 276 7 8 3 11 6 10 3 5 183 8 171 6 8 6 44 8 95 5


Delta Gamma Beta Alpha Delta Omega Zeta Beta Commission Alpha Alpha Epsilon Lambda Delta Pi Delta Psi Pi Xi Gamma Epsilon Iota Kappa Beta Eta Mu Alpha Phi Beta Pi Tau Epsilon Eta Delta Epsilon Delta Theta Rho Beta Tau Alpha Gamma Beta Xi Delta Mu


3,000.00 2,740.40 2,603.00 2,583.33 2,526.00 2,520.00 2,500.00 2,401.10 2,300.00 2,260.00 2,250.00 2,200.70 2,160.00 2,134.27 2,133.65 2,065.95 2,050.00 2,000.00 1,958.20 1,850.00 1,846.65 1,846.42 1,750.00 1,625.00 1,600.00 1,550.00 1,550.00

Chapters 101+ Active Members: 1. Texas Tech–Gamma Chi ($16,111) 2. Auburn–Nu ($12,222) 3. Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon ($9,104)


2 90 3 6 18 2 1 18 4 4 3 118 3 4 8 89 3 2 6 4 7 94 7 4 5 3 4

Donations came in honor of or from

136 different chapters TOP CHAPTERS FOR TOTAL NUMBER OF DONORS Chapters up to 50 Active Members: 1. Westminster–Alpha Eta (51) 2. North Florida–Zeta Nu (50) 3. Campbell–Zeta Psi (40)

Chapters between 51 and 100 Active Members: 1. Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha (104) 2. Tulsa–Mu (73) 3. Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi (55) Chapters 101+ Active Members: 1. Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon (258) 2. Arkansas–Alpha Omicron (243) 3. Texas Tech–Gamma Chi (143) W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

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FOUNDATION CHAPTERS Giving to their own cause The Foundation Chapter program is an effort for current active brothers to support the KAOEF and commit themselves to helping ensure that the programs they currently enjoy and benefit from will continue for future members of their chapter. Fifteen (15) chapters committed that each brother of theirs would donate $18.65, or more, per man, to the KAOEF this past fiscal year. Many of these committed in order to support the Day of Giving. These funds are used to support the Order’s leadership programs and training initiatives, and to provide scholarship dollars to our active brothers.

Foundation Chapters Fiscal Year End June 30, 2020: Mississippi– Arizona– Alabama–Alpha Beta Alpha Upsilon Gamma Epsilon Arkansas– Missouri S&T– California–Alpha Xi Alpha Omicron Beta Alpha Georgia Southern– Missouri Southern Delta Theta State–Delta Pi Louisiana Tech– Presbyterian–Beta Pi Gamma Alpha South Alabama– Millsaps–Alpha Mu Epsilon Alpha


Delta Rho Alpha Theta Eta Gamma Sigma Gamma Beta Sigma Gamma Psi Alpha Epsilon Gamma Pi Gamma Tau Beta Upsilon Sigma Beta Omega Gamma Eta Gamma Kappa Gamma Beta Delta Xi Alpha Xi Beta Beta Delta Phi Epsilon Upsilon Gamma Zeta Theta Zeta Tau Delta Iota Beta Delta Zeta Nu



1,456.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,389.00 1,358.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,280.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,200.00 1,150.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,030.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 909.00 857.65 690.00 660.00 640.00

5 4 5 5 5 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 2 6 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 15 6 3 4


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Epsilon Epsilon Gamma Rho Zeta Chi Beta Chi Alpha Pi Zeta Lambda Delta Lambda Delta Alpha Chi Alpha Omicron Beta Rho Delta Upsilon Epsilon Iota Alpha Tau Epsilon Zeta Gamma Gamma Zeta Pi Beta Gamma Gamma Phi Gamma Omega Delta Sigma Upsilon Gamma Lambda Beta Kappa Alpha Zeta Zeta Omega


600.00 550.00 550.00 525.00 500.00 500.00 494.65 454.00 385.00 375.00 360.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 300.00 331.65 283.65 276.00 270.00 260.00 255.00 250.00 250.00 230.00 204.00 200.00 180.00

3 4 3 2 1 1 10 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 6 6 4 4 2 2 1 1 4 3 2 4


Beta Iota Lambda Delta Eta Zeta Iota Alpha Iota Alpha Nu Beta Nu Delta Kappa Delta Nu Epsilon Kappa Epsilon Tau Epsilon Theta Gamma Iota Gamma Theta Zeta Mu Zeta Psi Delta Delta Zeta Omicron Sigma Beta Commission Gamma Upsilon Gamma Nu Psi Zeta Beta Totals

Texas Tech– Gamma Chi Tulsa–Mu William Jewell– Alpha Delta


175.00 160.00 150.00 124.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 84.00 80.00

2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2

78.00 56.00 50.00 50.00 25.00

2 1 1 1 1

$ 292,219.19



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McNeese State–Delta Xi Steven Lee Gros LO3954

Memphis–Gamma Gamma David C. Wadlington LO3483 Matthew D. Wingett LO

Keep the connection for life No matter how your life has been impacted by Kappa Alpha Order, your brothers are helping future brothers have the same wonderful experience: Forever KA. Forever KA is not a giving society; it is an opportunity for Kappa Alpha alumni to stay connected for life by a gift of only $10 per month. With your support we can continue to enrich the lives of so many. Forever KA was developed in 2011 by Former Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’69) who saw the need to keep alumni engaged from the moment of graduation. Each year, when an Active Member becomes an alumnus, they are invited to become Forever KA. It is the KAOEF’s aim to make sure that every new alumnus remains connected and begins a lifetime of giving back to their Order. Additionally, Forever KA participant receives a subscription to The Kappa Alpha Journal throughout their participation in Forever KA. This year, we celebrate 831 members of Forever KA—a top level of membership in the 10th year of the program. All Crimson & Gold Society members are included in Forever KA, or also pay the additional $10 per month. The men below represent additional Forever KA members.

If you have any questions, please contact Director of Annual Giving and Stewardship Aaron Masey at amasey@ka-order.org or 540-463-1865.

Delaware–Beta Epsilon


James K. Cooper LO3704 Zach D. Nadler LO3381

Michael D. Wedlick RCDD LO580

Col Winton Grier Campbell, Jr. LO2254

Arizona State–Epsilon Omega

Delta State–Delta Beta

George Mason–Epsilon Phi

Ryan P. Taylor LO1730

Richard S. Myers, Jr. LO3158

Michael Brandon Steele LO

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron

East Carolina–Gamma Rho


Harrison Alden Robb LO3535

Matthew R. Hollomon LO2414

William E. Robinson III LO2784

Arkansas-Fort Smith–Zeta Rho

Eastern Kentucky–Delta Mu

Georgia Southern–Delta Theta

Ezekiel Cook LO3699 Timothy W. McClure LO3701

Gary Wayne Grider LO2692

Leland I. Hyer LO367

Florida–Beta Zeta

Houston–Gamma Mu

Auburn–Nu Thomas Everett Stewart, Jr. LO243

Edwin R. Brownell PLS LO3883 Stumpy Harris LO919 Douglas G. Tibbett LO2656

Austin Peay State–Zeta Tau

Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi

Douglas B. Harris LO873 David Y. Stutts CPA LO1556

Raul M. Ruiz LO3684

Altony Lee, III LO3571 David C. Merrill LO3054

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

Birmingham-Southern–Phi C. Steve Yow LO2871

Centenary–Alpha Iota Merrill Charles Wautlet, Jr. LO2447

Citadel–Theta Commission 1LT Andrew Pryor Nelson, III LO3063

Clemson–Delta Omicron James Dreyer Norris LO3976

Coastal Carolina–Zeta Omega Charles Andrew Collins, Jr. LO3754


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Florida Southern–Gamma Pi Brent E. Ellis LO

Florida State–Gamma Eta LTC Steven K. Coker LO Edward L. Horne LO3913 Jonathan S. Howse, Jr. LO2645

Francis Marion–Delta Tau Maxwell P. Davenport LO3429 Kenneth Wayne Jackson LO1123 Theodore Edgar Maness, III LO3586 John D. Waters LO3020

James Nolan Lumbley, III LO

Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma

Phillip K. Bradley LO589

Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma

Christopher M. Axberg LO399 Alfred A. Claude LO3423 Donald J. Nici LO981 John J. Waller LO3364

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Michael D. Fox LO3147

James M. Kruger LO3408 Raymond C. Lauchner LO3153 Oklahoma City–Gamma Kappa Charles C. Caldwell LO2292 Oklahoma State–Beta Xi Richard I. Evans LO3775 Chase P. Martin LO3216 Robert Kenneth Steinkirchner, II LO2689

Middle Tennessee State– Delta Lambda Derek C. Chambers LO3861 Stephen D. Grand LO3459 Nicholas S. Palmer LO1864

Midwestern State– Gamma Omega Jesse C. Brown LO4009 ENS Tyler Lee Garcia LO3914 Donald E. Hauser LO Kevin J. O'Connell LO3012

Old Dominion–Delta Gamma

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Hon. William Thomas McDonald, Jr. LO2924

Todd David Glisson CFP LO2216

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Daniel R. Cooper LO Mixon Robb LO3536 Huey Love Townsend, Jr. LO3602

Mississippi State–Beta Tau Dr. Jason R. Barrett LO2632 LTC Charles O. Cook LO3452 G. Stevens Hollister LO3567 William H. Walker LO2825

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

Northwestern State– Gamma Psi

Robert G. Brinkmann LO3601 James John Kohl, Jr. LO Joe Studer LO

Missouri Southern State– Delta Pi Robert D. Kelly LO25 Patrick A. Law LO2870

Missouri State–Gamma Beta Anthony J. Michalka LO

Newberry–Delta Epsilon Lewie E Shealy LUTCF LO2687*

North Carolina–Upsilon Clay A. Campbell LO2451

North Carolina State– Alpha Omega Stephen Howard Kouba, Jr. LO3067 Dickson M. Lupo LO3544 W. Emerson Teer LO1815

North Carolina-Charlotte– Epsilon Xi

David M. O'Dell LO24


Roanoke–Beta Rho Peter J. Foster LO3758

Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau Donald W. Thompson LO3314

South Carolina–Rho Arnold H. Clarke LO

South Carolina–Epsilon Alpha John M. Peek LO

Southeastern Louisiana– Epsilon Kappa Matthew H. Alombro LO2708 Jonathan D. Duhon LO SGT Gerard M. LaBorde LO2394 Randy S. Vicknair LO2705

Southern California– Beta Sigma Erik R. Barkhimer LO3074

Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda Raymond Randolph Beard LO1148 John J. Campbell, III LO3120 Loy B. Moore LO1212 Andrew Van Pittman LO2033 Rufus C. Porter LO

Southwestern–Xi Andrew B. Mullinax LO3398

Stephen F. Austin State– Delta Kappa

Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha

Garrett Alexander Bedenbaugh LO2644

Charles L. Kazlow LO1965 Steven M. Steele LO1645 David W. White LO3294

Michael Schaff LO Jeremy D. Smith LO3414 Adam Whipple LO

North Carolina-Charlotte– Epsilon Xi

Tennessee-Chattanooga– Zeta Upsilon

Hon. Richard L. Hudson, Jr. LO1846

Charles Robert Marczynski LO

Louisiana-Monroe–Gamma Nu Richard C. Alwood LO802

North Texas–Gamma Lambda

Paul R. Burns, Sr. LO46

Marshall–Beta Upsilon Franklin T. Brackman LO3627

Matthew Kyle Brill LO3859 Jadin Lewis LO Gary Recer LO3064 Dr Curtis Howard Stiles, Jr., PhD LO3407

Tennessee-Martin– Delta Upsilon Robert Laird Kelley LO J. David Nailling LO2780


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*deceased before June 30, 2020 Years indicate duration of membership Texas A&M-Commerce– Gamma Upsilon James C. Champion LO Frederick Russell Edgar, Jr. LO3791 Dr. Harold Jackson Lassiter, Jr. LO3790 Garry Neal Lilly, Jr. LO S. Kyle Lowe LO3399 John H. McCasland LO2513 John F. Ory LO59 Thomas A. Scott LO3448 Josh D. Shaul LO3648

Texas State-San Marcos– Epsilon Iota Scott D. Carter LO3477 D. Mitchell Sheaffer LO41

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi C. Shannon DeVaney LO3698 Tanner B. Flood LO3125 COL Michael H. Fox LO3674 Shawn M. Fyfe LO2622 J. Todd Gregory LO1489 John T. Hamilton LO3651

Valdosta State–Delta Rho Lawson Leo Patten, II LO3401

Virginia Wesleyan– Epsilon Omicron Scott A. Brown LO1736


Citadel–Theta Commission CPT Ronald C. Plunkett LO2241 Emory–Epsilon Walter Mabry Deriso, Jr. LO3520 James Laurens Ferman, Jr. LO185 Dr. Mell Burress Welborn, Jr. LO2986

The KA Leadership Fund assists our members with the rising costs of higher education and provides the resources necessary to be successful in life. In part, it supports our unrestricted funds, scholarships, internship program, and leadership education program. The KAOEF asks alumni to contribute annually, and it is through your generosity that these programs, which benefit our undergraduate members, are supported. Our hope is that ever KA will annually contribute to the KA Leadership Fund and we humbly ask for your support.

Florida–Beta Zeta Stumpy Harris LO919* Florida State–Gamma Eta L. Blair Bailey LO84 Georgia College–Epsilon Nu Evan R. Karanovich LO2410 Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma James L. Oliver, II LO3531 Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma

Crimson & Gold Society

$1,000 OR MORE IN UNRESTRICTED CONTRIBUTIONS The Knight Commander’s Circle and George C. Marshall Circle include Crimson & Gold donors as well as those who have made restricted gifts.

Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma Dr. James R. Andrews LO3715 B. Terry W. Bennett LO1133 Louisiana-Lafayette– Gamma Phi Harlan H. Kappel LO3692 Dr. Russell J. Saloom MD LO816

VMI–Beta Commission

Dr. Joel A. Nickles LO1641

SGM E. Kent McMichael LO251

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

Wake Forest–Tau

Stephen J. LaFollette LO2330

Hon. David M. Warren LO13

Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

Westminster–Alpha Eta Darren S. Kay LO55 Dr. James Michael Schmuck LO1064

Erik T. Showalter LO884 Maryland–Beta Kappa Robert M. Ross LO1279

VMI–Beta Commission

Midwestern State– Gamma Omega

William & Mary–Alpha Zeta

Aaron Mitchell Belanger LO3753

Larry Stanton Wiese LO37


Bensley H. L. Field LO651

Washington–Zeta Mu

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Winston Gammon

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Kurt E. Gazow LO2106

Dr. Russell Peyton Atchley DMD LO3260

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Stuart L. Bascomb LO2776 William E. Dreyer LO12

Bennett P. Applegate

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon


Washington and Lee–Alpha W. Anderson Wasden IV LO2665


West Texas A&M– Gamma Sigma


Roland I. Camacho LO3164 Brandon L. Finke LO2686 Michael J. Zoch LO3045

Todd D. Reaves LO1315 Clemson–Delta Omicron

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Raymond Scott Heath LO2243

William Taylor Anderson Edwin W. Barnett LO710

Kappa Alpha Roses

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Earnest William Deavenport, Jr. LO1318 C. Douglas Simmons III LO179

Mrs. Barbara T. Cromwell Ms. Kitty L. DeKieffer Ms. Kimberly J. Novak

James R. Estes, Sr. LO10 J. William Schulz LO2503

Missouri Southern State– Delta Pi

Chapters, House Corps., Courts, etc.

Dr. Chad E. Wagoner LO32

Gamma Epsilon Chapter Alpha Rho Scholarship Corp Gamma Epsilon Chapter Fund

David Tucker Martineau, V LO3484 Mississippi State–Beta Tau

James M. Ransbottom LO3760

Daniel B. Pattillo, Jr. LO1365 David A. Pattillo LO3492 Ben W. Satcher, Jr. LO17

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Jared Thomas Hopkins LO2997 Van A. Stayton LO

Eugene M. Julian LO1239

Western Kentucky– Epsilon Theta

Eddie S. Wilson LO228

Travis A. Simpson LO2756 CPL Joseph B. Tharp IV LO2212 Chris Woods LO2642

Emory–Epsilon Timothy Killen Adams, Sr. LO326

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Florida–Beta Zeta

Christopher M. Ashton LO143 Fred D. Binggeli LO3712 Shawn McWilliams LO3157

Jeff A. Hedden, Jr. LO3655

Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau


Florida State–Gamma Eta

Travis B. Lacox LO3681

J. Whiting Chisman, Jr. LO3585

Frank A. Argenbright, Jr. LO2876 Francis Marion–Delta Tau

Southern California– Beta Sigma


William H. Skipper, Jr. LO2380

Michael V. Paulin LO1623

Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

George P. Apperson III, PhD LO266


Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda

Stephen G. Muzzy LO3474

Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda

Rufus C. Porter* Dr. Houston Nelson Tuel, III LO3823

Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta

Barry B. Donnell LO1045

West Virginia–Alpha Rho

William and Mary–Alpha Zeta Phillip A. Buhler LO3487 Dr. Sean P. Connolly LO3556 William Jewell–Alpha Delta William Edwin Norris LO3977

Wofford–Delta LaFon C. Dees LO1852 Richard W. Krapfel LO3664

Delta State–Delta Beta

Malcolm H. Liles LO342 Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma Barry E. Cox LO1710 Lambuth–Gamma Omicron Dan H. Akin LO2549


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North Carolina State– Alpha Omega Derick S. Close LO2838 Robert Jones Smith LO2957 Edward I. Weisiger, Jr. LO3784

Friends of the Order Howard C. Pickett (Sigma Nu Fraternity)


James B. Smith LO3333 Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr. LO866

Marshall James Donathan, Jr. LO1144 North Texas–Gamma Lambda Blake E. Benney LO1137 Oklahoma City– Gamma Kappa Steve C. Knight LO1147 Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Richard Lester Burke, Jr. LO1038

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

North Carolina State– Alpha Omega

Kent T. Chapin LO1258

H. David Pinson LO63 Baylor–Delta Omega Robert D. Fletcher LO1317

South–Alpha Alpha

Tulane–Psi Maurice Joseph Le Gardeur, Jr. Valdosta State–Delta Rho Robert W. Hagan LO2150


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GIVING *deceased before June 30, 2020 Years indicate duration of membership

ANNUAL GIVING CONT’D. Wake Forest–Tau David P. Barksdale LO156

California-Davis– Epsilon Gamma Dennis K. Baldwin LO2606

Dr. James Jefferson Thomasson, Jr., MD, FACS LO2504 Clarence Wilbur Warner, Jr. LO3645 1SG Andrew C. West, USMCR LO3350

West Texas A&M– Gamma Sigma

Charleston–Beta Gamma

Michael W. Jones LO65

Carlton O. Schumpert LO3671

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Citadel–Theta Commission

Florida–Beta Zeta

Bryan Tramont LO3607

LCDR Edward John Derst III, USCGR Ret. LO3581 Dr. Clay Heyward Wilson LO3470

Gregory B. Adams LO817 Henry H. Beckwith LO346 Edwin R. Brownell PLS LO3883* Thomas C. Buss II LO3812 Nelson J. Guagliardo LO3732 Dan H. Honeywell LO3480 John A. Langley, Sr. LO3464 John K. Roberts LO3576 Edward G. Sullivan Esq. LO1393 Duane Ernest Thompson, III LO2757 David A. Tomkins LO3832 James R. White LO3582

Friends of the Order Ben Adams Precious Jewels Cordoba Outfitters USA, LLC

Founder’s Circle

$1,000 TO $2,499 IN CONTRIBUTIONS Alabama–Alpha Beta Mims J. Cooper LO3779 George Merrill Jones III LO385 Ken D. Tidwell LO3590 Hugh P. Whitehead LO3461 Appalachian State–Delta Psi Douglas Ross Coley LO1065 Wyatt T. Dixon III LO2829 Arizona–Gamma Epsilon Douglas M. Johnson LO2290

Clemson–Delta Omicron Brent Carraway LO3907 John N. McCarter, Jr. LO1414 Dr. John E. Ross III, DMD LO677 Louis T. Runge, Jr. LO3848 Frederick Laughton Sherman LO3853 Harold L. Turner, Jr. LO3672 Davidson–Sigma S. Powell Bridges LO3705 Hon. Rudolph Bumgardner, III LO3259 Robert Stephen Ukrop, Jr. LO1899 Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron

Francis Espey Gardiner, Jr. LO1941 Dr. Steven E. Hastings LO3747 Bruce L. Hudson LO2148 Scott H. Walter LO3815

James Michael Vann LO3795

Delta State–Delta Beta

Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta

Dr. Lee H. Baker LO3800 Robert Wilbanks LO3852

Arizona State– Epsilon Omega Daniel M. Engel LO3814

Dr. George Robert Franks, Jr., PhD LO52 Auburn–Nu David J. Blesch LO3511 Andrew R. Cunningham LO3866 Miles M. Cunningham LO3865 Patrick J. David LO3872 Robert W. Humphreys LO3562 W. David James LO3867 James Douglas Kay, Jr. LO2147 John D. Lentz DDS LO753 W. Thomas Morgan, III LO3589 Harris Albert Pippen, III LO3925 John Stephen Powell, III LO3430 Thomas Evenden Williams, Jr. LO1788 Baylor–Delta Omega John C. Martin LO1272 Ralph M. Randall LO3456 Bethany–Beta Beta Lawrence S. Branch LO1262 Bowling Green State– Zeta Lambda Kevin P. Hughes LO3108 California–Alpha Xi Gerald C. Down LO2293 California State-Bakersfield– Epsilon Upsilon Clifford Frank Loader, II LO1157


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Duke–Alpha Phi Steven R. Bell LO2612 Richard R. Crosier LO433 J. Michael Goodson LO3885 Raymond Allen Jones, III LO3334 Robert M. McDowell LO3666 Edwin F. Payne LO3613 Roy O. Rodwell, Jr. LO2749 East Carolina–Gamma Rho David W. Dupree LO3530 Charles A. Hester, Jr. LO3610 Max Ray Joyner, Jr. LO3552 Christopher C. Knott LO3898 James Ben Whiteside, Jr. LO2649 Eastern Kentucky–Delta Mu Christopher M. Castle LO2851 Anthony A. Davidson CPA LO3560 Gary J. Fassler LO1049 Michael S. Henderson LO2527 Collin B. Taylor LO2411 Ronald Coleman Taylor LO3529 Emory–Epsilon Dr. Travis Wayne Blalock MD LO3915 D. Melson Butler LO901 John D. Cartledge LO2944* Dr. L. Adolph Casal LO3449 Corey N. Neal LO3765 Mark C. Post LO3805 Dr. James M. Tallman, MD LO834

Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi Anthony M. Graziani LO3606 Florida Southern–Gamma Pi COL Guy D. Colado LO1832 James C. France LO3554

Jacksonville State–Delta Phi Marcus E. Angle, Jr. LO1082 James Alexander Oyler, Jr. LO514 Kentucky–Theta Jack R. Carr LO3864 William K. Downey LO2219 John D. Goggin LO3755 Jeffery R. McIntosh LO347 Daniel H. Miller LO147 Larry M. Roy LO1020 Gary Alan Smith, Sr. LO3313 W. Hunt Smock LO3244 Lambuth–Gamma Omicron Charles W. Elliott LO1301 Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma Dr. A. Michael Aura, MD LO3761 Christopher L. Bentley LO3659 Richard Douglas Lamb, III LO3566 W. Regi Mullins LO3482 Ryan P. Pecoraro LO3783 T. Michael Stanberry LO1773

Florida State–Gamma Eta

Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

Peter H. Collins LO3646 Patrick J. Farrell, Jr. LO3653 Hon. P. Michael Ruff LO3060 William Godfrey Smith, Jr. LO3534 John A. Yearty LO1637

David Haynes Alexander LO3505 Donald Roy O'Neal, Jr. LO2815 MG Jack W. Ramsaur II LO2195 Richard H. Wilcox, Jr. LO3252

Francis Marion–Delta Tau Dr. Ronald E. Miller, Jr. LO3411 Furman–Iota Col Winton Grier Campbell, Jr. LO2254 C. Tucker Moore LO1278 James M. Ney LO2361 William T. Rogers LO1256 Dr. Jerry R. Thomas, EdD LO3798 George Washington– Alpha Nu Alexander J. Hutkin LO3387 Georgia–Gamma Paul Van Kilpatrick, Jr. LO673 William Lawrence Manning Knox, Jr. LO2539 Wyckliffe Austin Knox, Jr. LO3634 Fred Marion Sims, Jr. LO3691 John William Walden, Jr. LO3564 Georgia Southern– Delta Theta Terrell Draper Watson, Sr. LO1348 Leon C. Watson LO1104 Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma James L. Herrin LO3050 Edward L. Kelly LO1336 Robert Thomas, III LO2920 Charles L. Wallace LO1829 James Hunter Yancey, Jr. LO474 Hampden-Sydney–Alpha Tau David Carter LO81 W. Birch Douglass III LO2521 James R. Foster LO998

Louisiana-Lafayette– Gamma Phi William Francis Bailey, Jr. LO3710 Harold P. Vice, Jr. LO3782

CAPT Sidney Ezell Wood, Jr., USN (Ret) LO931 Miami–Epsilon Lambda Bruce Benes LO1234 Brad Bundy LO3738 C. Lance Carpenter LO1310 Edwin A. Feick Ryan Holloway LO1588 Middle Tennessee State– Delta Lambda Julian B. Baker, Jr. LO1492 Joseph L. Coleman, Sr. LO3498 Herschel Lynn Greer, Jr. LO105 Jerry S. McElroy LO3451 William A. Morris LO1188 Jason L. Potts LO796 S. Todd Shelton LO23 Dr. Gary Gribble Wiser Jr., EdD LO254 Midwestern State– Gamma Omega Mitchell S. Hill LO2568 Michael A. Stokes LO3879 Millsaps–Alpha Mu Wilburn Eugene Ainsworth, Jr. LO3587 Samuel Griffin Cole, III LO2856 John B. Link IV LO3736 Stephen Lyons McCord, Jr. LO3870 Dr. William H. Murdock, Jr. LO2309 James Murray Underwood, Jr. LO3591 Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Kelsey W. Hill LO3891 James F. Kirtley LO3168 James C. Musser LO3831

Charles Phillip Buffington, Jr. LO3744 Lewis Henry Gissel, III LO3895 Joseph A. Haley III LO1224 Frederick Boykin Horne, III LO3629 Alwyn H. Luckey LO460 Douglas Gray McKinnon LO3690 Doug Simmons, Jr. LO3597 Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. LO3683 William Barrett Travis LO354 Jon Crosby Turner LO971 Stanley J. Viner LO1376 Hon. W. Swan Yerger (Ret.) LO1759

McNeese State–Delta Xi

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Ethan J. Bush LO18 Dr. Mark Daughenbaugh LO3559

Stephen L. Burwell LO1993 Walter L. Dowdle LO3219 David George East LO3787 Thomas David Hill, III LO3789 Hunter M. Lipscomb LO912 William Ogden Plyler, II LO3780 Jonathan Matthew Shook Esq. LO3603 Ryan H. Whittington LO1646 David J. Wilder LO3821

Louisiana-Monroe– Gamma Nu Dr. Samuel J. Lorenzo LO3538 Rebel R. Walters LO2248 Louisville–Beta Omicron Dr. William W. Anderson LO3616 Robert M. Bouse LO729 Marshall–Beta Upsilon

Memphis–Gamma Gamma MG Donald R. Gardner USMC (Ret) LO2192 S. Morgan Morton, Jr. LO3481 Gregory R. Singleton LO184 David C. Wadlington LO3483 Mercer–Kappa

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

King Vanburen Aiken, Jr. LO99 Philetus Sawyer Harison, Jr. LO3615 J. Ed Magruder LO3924 William F. Roberts LO1880 Kevin P. Tolbert LO1455 Raymond McLeod Warren, III LO2453

Ralph O. Hoevelman LO2255 Charles Jacob Hoffman, Jr. LO830 Kenneth Rickli LO922 Robert A. Robison LO3922 Joseph Anthony Silvoso, II LO3635 Michael T. Stuckenschneider LO3920


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Lewis H. Wyman III LO47 Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Dennis L. Dutton LO1557 Brett L. Hanke, PE LO3543 C. Edward Schmidt, Jr. LO294 Jack T. Watts LO3593 Missouri Southern State– Delta Pi

William C. Routh LO1418 Don R. Symcox LO3475*

South Carolina–Rho

Texas State–Epsilon Iota

Washington Univ.–Zeta Mu

S. Mercer Heath LO3517

Jeffrey G. Leigh LO3532

Oklahoma City– Gamma Kappa

Southeastern Louisiana– Epsilon Kappa

Marte W. Cooksey LO3948 Edward Franklin Keller LO2752 Gary B. McCoy LO3696

Andrew P. Carr LO2993 F. Michael Carr LO3670 Scott P. Hamilton, CFP LO3897 Ross W. Newberry LO3453 L. Don Stricklin LO3491

Southern California– Beta Sigma

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Daniel R. Day LO35 Capt Thomas Langston Williams LO2110

Samuel O. Leake, Jr. LO21 William Howard McKee, V LO2390

Missouri State–Gamma Beta

Old Dominion–Delta Gamma

Douglas S. Evans LO3910 Gordon L. Kinne LO886 Christopher J. Puricelli LO3676

John C. Ballou LO309 Michael D. Ellis LO2733 James B. Hichak LO1494 Benjamin Anderson Soyars, Jr. LO3834

New Mexico–Beta Phi COL Brian S. Lindamood, USA (Ret.) LO3094 Newberry–Delta Epsilon John Woody Cornwell LO784 James M. Green IV LO2597 Hugo Atlas Pearce, III LO506 Michael E. Reid LO2356 Ralph Richard Sargent, II LO3174 Rudy L. Williams, Jr. LO62 North Carolina–Upsilon Norman E. Block LO3803 Van Wyck Hoke Webb, Jr. LO3473 North Carolina State– Alpha Omega Paul W. Baker, Jr. LO3906 Paul F. Haddock III LO408 David Blair Hagan CCIM, SIOR LO43 Matthew T. Korff LO3896 D. Stewart Marlowe LO3892 Grady Leonard Pittman, Jr. LO850 William Trent Ragland III LO3734 Troy M. Raines LO3673 Ronald Glenn Sherrill, Jr. LO3813 George N. Whiting, Jr. LO3713 G. Smedes York LO2540 North Carolina-Wilmington– Epsilon Psi George Akers Moore, IV LO3539 North Florida–Zeta Nu Adam R. Newell LO1663 Jerome X. Peters LO3877 North Texas–Gamma Lambda James McKinstry Burns LO3788 Jay D. Chamberlain IV LO3510 William E. Martin LO1352 Northern Arizona– Epsilon Tau Douglas W. Hanisch LO2217 Northwestern State– Gamma Psi

20 20


Penn State–Zeta Eta David N. Martin LO1712 Presbyterian–Beta Pi William M. Matthews V LO2745 Franklyn D. Owen III LO3842 J. Derrill Rice LO3599 Paul G. Trippe LO3875 Brian M. Wilson LO145 Purdue–Epsilon Rho Scott T. Clifford LO3412 Jeffrey W. Love LO79 Randolph-Macon–Zeta Carlton W. Baker LO335 Charles Leonard Isaacs LO3822 Littleton M. Maxwell LO568 Daniel F. Scandling LO3849 Michael Joseph Walsh IV LO3873 D. Calloway Whitehead III LO3515 Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon Joseph M. Evangelisti LO3078 Richmond–Eta Clayton Eugene Bunting Esq. LO204 George W. McCall III LO2607 Douglas L. Nickel LO3594 Roanoke–Beta Rho Samuel B. Adams LO664 Dale C. Sarjeant LO3600 John H. Turner, Jr. LO2596 Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau Dr. A. Rodney Allbright LO3351 Tracy S. Hoffart LO3682 Daniel L. Moreland LO3716 Ronny J. Snow LO3839 San Diego State–Gamma Iota

Cliff R. Lloyd LO2224

Robert C. Davis LO2427 Richard E. Dotts LO3469 Southern Indiana– Zeta Omicron Tanner L. Gellinger LO3345 Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda William D. Balthrope LO3847 Richard M. Davidovich LO1479 Dustin B. Donnell LO3494 Brad B. Freeman LO1942 John H. Howard LO3512 David T. Kastor LO1836 Thomas Francis Maxwell, III LO3460 John J. Sheehan, Jr. LO3830 Dr. James A. Upshaw LO3708 Warren S. Wingert LO2116 James H. Heidelberg LO1007 Arthur M. Park LO3257 Southwestern–Xi James M. Croley LO1561 Edwin Bryan Gentle LO3548 William Mansfield Gilker, III LO557 Mark B. Holmes LO1329 Rock N. Houstoun LO961 Gary T. Scott LO859 Michael Ross Weir, Jr. LO937 Stanford–Alpha Pi Thomas B. Coleman LO3490 Dr. James K. Collins LO1081 William J. Hagenah LO1155 Stephen F. Austin State– Delta Kappa J. Michael Duncan LO11 Dwain P. Knight LO618 Tennessee–Pi Thomas G. Chappell LO3250 Robert K. Googe LO3837 Gust Edwin Johnson, Jr. LO3561 Jeffrey P. Konrad LO1058 James C. Manning LO3858 Stuart L. Martin LO3114 Dr. Edwin P. Rather LO617 Charles Burns Upton, II LO3628 Tennessee-Martin– Delta Upsilon Christopher B. Churchill LO2225 James Larry Crews, II LO2796

David K. Dere LO83


San Jose State–Gamma Delta

James D. McBride, III LO3630 Hon. William Thomas McDonald, Jr. LO2924 Steven W. Tomson LO3595 Bruce E. Walker LO3509

William A. White LO2624 South–Alpha Alpha

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi Blas S. Catalani, II LO3739 Brent B. Hamilton LO3654 Charles L. Hamilton LO3656 Michael A. Hedlund LO3605 Mitchell L. Heidenheimer LO3675 MAJ Christopher A. Huff LO3841 William R. Mathews, III LO3503 Curtis Arnold Smith LO595 Paul H. Tarwater LO3109 E. Powell Thompson LO3546 Texas-Arlington–Delta Iota Gregory R. Barbosa, Sr. LO2310 Alfred Diaz, Jr. LO549 Scott M. Hughes LO3292 Lynn A. Morgan LO2701 Transylvania–Alpha Theta C. Davis Carney LO3919 J. Mason McCauley LO1737 Michael L. Sloane II LO3829 Michael P. Wilson LO40 Tulsa–Mu Timothy J. Dixon LO2669 Thomas E. Stanton LO3540 USMA–Sigma Alpha Commission MG Robert M. Bunker LO2849 Valdosta State–Delta Rho Tullis Beasley LO3184 Donald O. Davis LO1118 COL Wayne C. Edwards LO3801 Frank S. Heard LO3749 Vanderbilt–Chi Robert Howell Baker III LO1647 William Winston Hoy, Jr. LO2091 Paul Hubert Kuhn, Jr. LO2103 Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta Gregory D. Gordon Aaron D. Masey LO3518 Patrick K. Moore LO2207 Hunter W. Wagstaff LO3771 Carlyle R. Wimbish, III LO2670

West Virginia Wesleyan– Beta Chi Millard L. Cursey, Jr. LO537 Stephen E. Foster LO2062 William E. Watson, Esq. LO1621 Western Carolina– Delta Alpha Robert A. Byrd, Jr. LO2764 Jesse Samuel Lyons LO39 Western Kentucky– Epsilon Theta Brent Fellows LO2628 Westminster–Alpha Eta Philip J. Boeckman LO425 Dean L. Cooper LO3792 David H. Crane LO164 Robert E. Deal, Jr, LO3416 Dr. Rob Havers LO3851 James Stevens Hofman LO3876 Erik K. Lescher LO3522 David J. Neihart, CPA, CFP LO2727 William R. Piper LO3667 Travis L. Sartain LO214 Thaddeus Aaron Stubbs LO2009 William Jewell–Alpha Delta Philip A. Cantwell LO3465 William K. Dillingham LO1425 Tyler Griffin LO114 Thomas Edwin Norris LO75 Brian E. Place LO3495 Darren G. Prenger LO3455 Hon. Kenneth M. Romines LO3640 David B. Schroeder LO3918 Robert T. Steinkamp LO1282 Wingate–Zeta Zeta Jason E. Tinsley LO3436 Wofford–Delta

Wake Forest–Tau

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

South Alabama– Epsilon Alpha

J. Stephen Atkins LO3894 Eric J. Doyal LO1186

Paul W. Lammers LO108 D. Brady Wilson LO1741

Texas A&M-Commerce– Gamma Upsilon

Washington College– Beta Omega

John B. Chenault LO601 William Joe Cureton LO3816

Douglas S. Ewalt LO78 Joseph M. Van Name III LO69

KAJ_Sum21_AR_44-71_P4.indd 65

William C. Brewer LO3501 Patrick Anthony DeLeonibus LO3618 Alexander Harvey Ghiz, Jr. LO3689 Gregory J. Totterdale LO3583

William Norman Epps, Jr. LO3793 COL Robert N. Maddox LO3608 Jerry J. Richardson LO3542 Albert Randolph Smith, II LO995 C. Michael Smith LO1522 J. West Summers III LO1153

Christopher M. Elwell LO1151 Stephen A. Rowe LO2655


West Virginia–Alpha Rho

VMI–Beta Commission

Charles Randolph Gentz LO2816 Thomas N. Whitehead LO3549 Brent Everett Buswell LO3185 Win O. Cramer LO3762 Robert L. Morris, Jr. LO1057 Daniel Joseph O'Connell, Sr. LO3843

Dr. N. Andy Cole, PhD LO3468 Donald R. Houchin LO133 John D. Morrison LO1171

LTC Mark W. Dick LO3596 David L. Miller LO3723 Andrew Anthony Protogyrou LO3740 James Carlton Showalter, Jr. LO3811 LTC William Earl Wray, Jr., USA (Ret.) LO872 J. Melville Broughton III LO3513 Norman Bryant Kellum, Jr. LO1480 Benjamin Conrad Sutton, Jr. LO3584 Robert H. Wall LO2698

Texas A&M–Epsilon Delta

West Texas A&M– Gamma Sigma

Kappa Alpha Roses Mrs. Elizabeth Asbury Mrs. Keena Bartley Ms. Mary Ellen Collier Mrs. Linda Dreyer Mrs. Grace J. Fishel Mrs. Pamela Heath Mrs. Rosann F. Hooks Mrs. Karen Kay Mrs. Kookie Liles


9/3/21 2:29 PM

ABOUT *deceased before June 30, 2020 Years indicate duration of membership

ANNUAL GIVING CONT’D. Mrs. Ali Martineau Mrs. Judy Schmuck Mrs. Jennifer Wagoner Dr. Dawn Wiese Chapters, House Corps., Courts, etc. Alpha Eta Chapter House Assn. Alpha Omicron Chapter Hamilton Province Court of Honor Friends of the Order Anonymous Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program John Cumming Bank of America Foundation YourCause LLC Jeff Martini Phillips 66 Matching Gift Program Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gift Program Stephen E. Ratterman, Sr. Daniel A. Smercina Bruce Tria

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron

Drury–Beta Iota

Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma

Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon

Thomas D. Ryan LO3718

T. David Dunn

Dr. Chris R. Sawyer LO3332

Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta

East Carolina–Gamma Rho

Indiana State–Zeta Iota

Evan M. Hanna LO3693

LTC Donald Travis Hicks, Jr. (Ret) LO2097 Philip C. Hoft LO3514 R. Randolph Reid LO393

James M. Ferguson, Jr. LO3871 Joshua Critz Fletcher LO2738 G. Lee Hawkins LO3588

Kennesaw State–Zeta Chi

East Tennessee State– Delta Delta


Arkansas-Fort Smith– Zeta Rho Aaron W. Brown LO2635 Hunter K. Cabe LO2519 Arkansas-Monticello– Epsilon Chi

William Hy Stokes LO2327

Jonathan Hibbard

Eastern Kentucky–Delta Mu

Auburn–Nu COL John W. Haynes, USAF (Ret.) LO502 Austin Peay State–Zeta Tau A. Blake Ball LO3756 Bennett Russell Evans LO3809 California-Riverside– Epsilon Epsilon Charleston–Beta Gamma

Florida State–Gamma Eta Dan W. Cartwright LO3838 Jonathan Smith Howse, Jr. LO2645 Scott D. Jenkins LO1924

LTG. Ellie G. Shuler, Jr., USAF (Ret) LO3808 Howard Jerome Strickland, Jr. LO3824 Clemson–Delta Omicron

Rieves Berry LO3921 Appalachian State–Delta Psi

Coastal Carolina– Zeta Omega

Arizona State– Epsilon Omega


KAJ_Sum21_AR_44-71_P4.indd 66

Joseph C. Murphy, Jr. Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

Garth K. Dunklin LO2759* Scott W. Warren LO3728 V. Charles Wyatt LO3772

Dewitt C. David LO3241 Micah A. Martello LO3781 McNeese State–Delta Xi

North Carolina State– Alpha Omega

Mercer–Kappa Robert Adger Bowen, Jr. LO3685 Lee A. Jackson LO1916

Charles Ray Jordan LO95

C. Kevin Campbell LO3863

North Florida–Zeta Nu

Miami–Epsilon Lambda

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

1LT Michael G. Webb LO3707

Paul D. Dollahite, JD LO2721 Christopher S. Hoppe LO3611

Millsaps–Alpha Mu Thomas T. Ponder LO3930 William Allen Ray, Sr. LO3928

1 1 1 40 4 2 4

North Carolina–Upsilon

Walter D. Brady LO3799 Dustin G. Brann LO3000 Stephen Howard Kouba, Jr. LO3067 Charles Franklin McDowell IV LO2709

Robert Cohen LO3290* Charley Grant LO3828

9 10 125 111 245 4 11 5 28 11 5 5 3 3 3

LTC Thomas Ray Murray USA (Ret.) LO3330

Louisiana-Lafayette– Gamma Phi

Georgetown–Beta Delta


Alabama–Alpha Beta 4,275.00 Appalachian State–Delta Psi 4,288.95 Arizona–Gamma Epsilon 6,431.05 Arizona State–Epsilon Omega 3,095.20 Arkansas–Alpha Omicron 4,954.65 Arkansas State–Delta Eta 1,758.00 Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta 4,565.45 Arkansas-Fort Smith–Zeta Rho 2,638.05 Auburn–Nu 25,115.40 Austin Peay State–Zeta Tau 2,301.65 Baylor–Delta Omega 3,385.00 Bethany–Beta Beta 1,970.00 Birmingham-Southern–Phi 386.50 Bowling Green State–Zeta Lambda 700.00 California–Alpha Xi 1,150.00 California State-Bakersfield– Epsilon Upsilon 1,000.00 California-Davis–Epsilon Gamma 1,000.00 California-Riverside–Epsilon Epsilon 100.00 Campbell–Zeta Psi 746.00 Centenary–Alpha Iota 1,012.00 Centre–Omega Commission 275.00 Charleston–(Beta Gamma) 3,322.65

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha William A. Givens, Sr. LO2088 James R. Hennessey LO3700 Joel J. Kovach LO3785

Newberry–Delta Epsilon

W. Lawrence Jenkins LO1409 B. Neely Young LO3890


Missouri–Alpha Kappa Lee W. Schuenemeyer LO3927

Leon Charles Banks, Jr. LO2690 Michael E. Gunn LO3840

Memphis–Gamma Gamma

James E. Boyer Robert A. Simms LO3569

Harold D. Walker LO3776

Patrick G. Coudrain LO2618 SGT David C. Flurry LO3748 Sinclair Bert Kouns, III LO3850 Matthew D. O'Neal LO2228

Brian D. Anderson LO3836 George Mason–Epsilon Phi

Mississippi State–Beta Tau

Murray State–Delta Nu

Ted Shofner Smith, III LO3751


Phillip J. Bales LO3874 Tyler Bell LO3516

The following list shows how many individual donors, both undergraduates and alumni, from each of these chapters gave a gift to the KAOEF and the total amounts of gifts per chapter. No members from your chapter donated if your chapter is not listed. Figures are reflective of initiates of specified chapter. Transfer chapters are not indicated.

John D. Nicholson LO3935 Lambuth–Gamma Omicron

Patrick G. Ryan, MD LO1987

Clay W. Socha LO3383

Jacob Seay LO3752

Evan L. Stack LO3422

Francis Marion–Delta Tau

George Washington– Alpha Nu

Brian A. Seastone LO1018


Florida–Beta Zeta

Cornelius Harrington Bissell, Jr. LO2086 David M. Hay LO1497

Patrick A. O'Connor LO1711

Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

J. Gordon McGill LO3626 John Warren Stephenson, Sr. LO3565

Nathan J. Treadwell LO3931

Alabama–Alpha Beta

Charles Yates Pharr LO436


Thomas A. Davis LO1717 Thomas M. Fiorentino LO3201 William H. Wadsworth LO3574

Citadel–Theta Commission


LTC John Michael Wills (Ret) LO3379

Douglas E. Hess LO3190

Oklahoma City– Gamma Kappa 1LT. David O. Beal, USA LO3307 Ronald E. Willis LO3293






Citadel–Theta Commission Clemson–Delta Omicron Coastal Carolina–Zeta Omega Davidson–Sigma Delaware–Beta Epsilon Delta State–Delta Beta Drury–Beta Iota Duke–Alpha Phi East Carolina–Gamma Rho East Tennessee State–Delta Delta Eastern Kentucky–Delta Mu Emory–Epsilon Florida–Beta Zeta Florida Gulf Coast–Zeta Pi Florida Southern–Gamma Pi Florida State–Gamma Eta Francis Marion–Delta Tau Furman–Iota George Mason–Epsilon Phi George Washington–Alpha Nu Georgetown–Beta Delta Georgia–Gamma Georgia College–Epsilon Nu

11,180.00 16,852.00 342.80 3,310.00 10,805.00 5,438.66 25.00 9,050.00 6,991.75 380.00 8,309.59 22,408.00 12,464.85 4,120.45 2,223.80 12,837.34 12,009.90 4,860.00 2,220.00 1,523.55 2,126.00 20,011.45 2,936.00

Georgia Southern–Delta Theta Georgia Tech–Alpha Sigma Hampden-Sydney–Alpha Tau High Point–Zeta Phi Houston–Gamma Mu Houston Baptist–Delta Sigma Indiana State–Zeta Iota Jacksonville State–Delta Phi Kennesaw State–Zeta Chi Kentucky–Theta Lambuth–Gamma Omicron Louisiana State–Alpha Gamma Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha Louisiana-Lafayette–Gamma Phi Louisiana-Monroe–Gamma Nu Louisville–Beta Omicron Marshall–Beta Upsilon Maryland–Beta Kappa McNeese State–Delta Xi Memphis–Gamma Gamma Mercer–Kappa Miami–Epsilon Lambda

5,708.85 15,041.25 4,500.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 5,933.60 1,008.00 2,199.00 1,786.65 29,392.00 12,604.00 25,296.13 13,221.98 4,230.00 2,835.95 2,025.00 4,875.00 5,893.65 4,533.00 5,386.65 9,750.29 5,781.65

119 25 7 2 2 5 1 5 11 34 6 19 120 6 6 3 8 9 6 21 19 8

16 18 3 7 14 12 1 14 16 4 13 36 25 54 3 21 22 12 4 5 7 36 3


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Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Tennessee-Martin– Delta Upsilon

Richard I. Evans LO3775 John C. Nickles LO3703 Cameron J. Price LO2694 Dr. George Alexander Jenkins III, MD LO3857

Charles S. Briggs LO285 Texas–Omicron Franklin W. Denius* Wofford F. Denius LO3625

Randolph-Macon–Zeta James Alexander Baber, IV LO3844 J. Donald Etz LO3759 Thomas David Jones III LO3854

Wake Forest–Tau Ross A. Berlin LO3139 William B. Chastain LO3506 Allen K. Lydick LO1078 John G. Snover LO3706 Brian Hooper

Texas A&M-Commerce– Gamma Upsilon

West Georgia–Zeta Kappa

John C. Cain LO3624

Jacob Templeton LO3720

Texas State–Epsilon Iota


David W. Cade LO2791

Dr. Scott C. Cole LO2800

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

M. Greg Reynolds LO3621

Ronald S. Childress LO3767 Gordon R. McDowell LO3810 David H. Waller Dustin S. Whittenburg LO561

West Virginia–Alpha Rho

Roanoke–Beta Rho Frederick Leatherbury LO3911 Rollins–Alpha Psi Michael O'Donnell LO3280

Texas-Arlington–Delta Iota

Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau

Gregory Scot Weadon LO3835

Allen M. Burns LO3862 Darron E. Franta LO856


South–Alpha Alpha William Christopher Behnke, Jr. LO3721


Thomas A. Gorman LO2835 Daniel E. Harris LO3773 Blake E. Stonecipher LO3717 Blake Strebler LO3786

South Carolina–Rho

Rymn Parsons LO3203 Valdosta State–Delta Rho

Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda

COL Malcolm Stanley Underwood, Jr. (Ret)

James B. Cain LO3623

Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta

Stanford–Alpha Pi

Michael B. Gimbert LO3934

Robert F. Sawyer LO3929

Virginia Wesleyan– Epsilon Omicron

Stephen F. Austin State– Delta Kappa

VMI–Beta Commission

15 8 64 272 17 13 105 35 5 3 2 8 10 25 2 1 53 10 2








Staff / Volunteers


Friends of the Order Regions Financial Corporation The Boeing Company Gift Match Fraternal Composite Services, Inc. One Main Financial Inc. Hyatt Regency New Orleans Kappa Alpha Order Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mark Schumpert


Northwestern State–Gamma Psi 4,621.60 Oglethorpe–Beta Nu 950.00 Oklahoma–Beta Eta 16,366.10 Oklahoma City–Gamma Kappa 9,806.00 Oklahoma State–Beta Xi 12,313.95 Old Dominion–Delta Gamma 3,724.00 Presbyterian–Beta Pi 4,143.00 Purdue– (Epsilon Rho) 5,110.50 Randolph-Macon– (Zeta) 14,964.00 Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon 320.00 Richmond–Eta 13,685.00 Roanoke–Beta Rho 4,710.86 Rollins–Alpha Psi 900.00 Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau 88,789.25 San Diego State–Gamma Iota 806.00 San Jose State–Gamma Delta 150.00 South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha 205.00 South Carolina–Rho 4,182.65 Southeastern Louisiana– Epsilon Kappa 635.45 Southern California–Beta Sigma 3,525.00 Southern Indiana–Zeta Omicron 859.00 Southern Methodist–Beta Lambda 43,213.15


KAJ_Sum21_AR_44-71_P4.indd 67




$1,759,867.09 TOTAL DONORS


Monte C. Ferguson LO3933 CSM G. Jeffery Jackson (Ret) LO1865


Middle Tennessee State– (Delta Lambda) 8,872.14 Midwestern State– Gamma Omega 8,203.89 Millsaps–Alpha Mu 50,390.85 Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon 24,429.10 Mississippi State–Beta Tau 11,626.25 Missouri–Alpha Kappa 22,394.00 Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha 11,545.35 Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi 7,366.95 Missouri State–(Gamma Beta) 2,118.65 Murray State–(Delta Nu) 1,400.00 New Mexico–Beta Phi 1,400.00 Newberry–Delta Epsilon 4,520.45 North Carolina–Upsilon 3,823.80 North Carolina State– Alpha Omega 19,188.37 North Carolina-Charlotte– Epsilon Xi 273.80 North Carolina-Wilmington– Epsilon Psi 1,000.00 North Florida–Zeta Nu 3,287.00 North Texas–Gamma Lambda 4,303.60 Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau 1,682.00



Ms. S. Brooke Bailey Mrs. Paula Tyree Bowman Ms. Pamela D Lee


Kenneth W. Faires LO3572 R. Scott Hilborn PhD LO3817



Kappa Alpha Roses

Cary L. Chastain LO3479

MAJ C. Robin Kelley LO3437



Western Carolina– Delta Alpha

Calvin Moniz LO2658

Robert P. Jordan LO3768 J. Lynn McCants LO356 Dr Heath McAlvin Stewart, Jr., DMD LO3833

$121,280.94 Undergraduates

Michael L. Duke LO437

Brian A. King LO2567

USNA–Sigma Beta Commission


West Virginia Wesleyan– Beta Chi

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Michael R. Andreoli LO3936

Parents / Non-Members

James M. Ransbottom LO3760 CPT John Wilbur Swartzwelder, Jr. LO2024

Black Chaffe III LO1778 Dr. James W. Denham LO3463 Jonathan H. Parker LO967

South Alabama– Epsilon Alpha


Washington & Lee–Alpha

West Texas A&M– Gamma Sigma


20 20



9 3 19 8 21 8 13 5 17 4 12 10 1 43 1 1 1 18 4 4 2 16



Southern Mississippi–Gamma Zeta 1,625.00 Southwestern–Xi 7,343.60 Stanford–Alpha Pi 3,700.00 Stephen F. Austin State–Delta Kappa 5,519.03 Tennessee–Pi 6,205.00 Tennessee Tech–Zeta Epsilon 15.00 Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon 3,313.80 Texas–Omicron 13,600.00 Texas A&M–Epsilon Delta 3,250.00 Texas A&M-Commerce– Gamma Upsilon 2,876.00 Texas State–Epsilon Iota 9,233.70 Texas Tech–Gamma Chi 29,432.80 Texas Wesleyan–Zeta Xi 100.00 Texas-Arlington–Delta Iota 6,516.00 Transylvania–Alpha Theta 3,191.00 Tulane–Psi 3,530.00 Tulsa–Mu 4,575.75 Univ. of Miami–Gamma Theta 150.00 Univ. of the South–Alpha Alpha 12,227.00 USNA–Sigma Beta Commission 1,064.00 Valdosta State–Delta Rho 7,175.80 Vanderbilt–Chi 2,711.78


3 11 6 8 10 1 13 13 3 13 9 154 1 9 6 9 76 2 13 2 10 11



Virginia–Lambda 878.50 Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta 4,977.19 Virginia Wesleyan–Epsilon Omicron 734.60 VMI–Beta Commission 18,018.00 Wake Forest–Tau 14,266.26 Washington–Zeta Mu 273.80 Washington & Lee–Alpha 2,968.80 Washington College–Beta Omega 7,597.39 West Georgia–Zeta Kappa 126.00 West Texas A&M–Gamma Sigma 6,852.15 West Virginia–Alpha Rho 5,750.86 West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi 2,613.00 Western Carolina–Delta Alpha 4,249.80 Western Kentucky–Epsilon Theta 3,272.60 Westminster–Alpha Eta 31,383.90 William & Mary–Alpha Zeta 1,125.00 William Jewell–Alpha Delta 25,424.15 Wingate–Zeta Zeta 1,000.00 Wofford–Delta 13,567.97 Friends of the Order 117,431.30 Totals

3 7 3 54 15 2 13 5 1 11 12 7 14 8 71 11 44 1 21 97

$ 1,222,772.58 3,072


9/3/21 2:29 PM



Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr.*

William Jewell– Alpha Delta

William E. Dreyer LO12

$500,000 TO $999,999

Knox, Jr. LO2539 Wyckliffe A. Knox, Jr. LO3634 Boone A. Knox* John W. Walden, Jr. LO3564

Lambuth– Gamma Omicron James L. Ostner

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

COL David M. Buie USA (Ret.)*

Dr. Russell J. Saloom MD LO816


Memphis– Gamma Gamma

Stanford–Alpha Pi

William R. Williamson*

Andrew H. Heyward III* LO16

William & Mary– Alpha Zeta

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Dr. Russell Peyton Atchley DMD LO3260

$100,000 TO $499,999

Missouri–Alpha Kappa


Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

California–Alpha Xi

North Carolina State– Alpha Omega

Thomas G. Paulson II* LO44

James R. Estes LO10

Ben W. Satcher, Jr. LO17

Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Eugene M. Julian LO1239

Duke–Alpha Phi

Roy O. Rodwell, Jr. LO2749

East Tennessee State– Delta Delta Lawrence E. Ault* LO167


James L. Ferman, Jr. LO185

Francis Marion– Delta Tau

William H. Skipper, Jr. LO2380

Georgetown–Beta Delta COL James C. Coleman, Jr.*

Washington–Beta Theta Vernon W. Piper*

Washington & Lee– Alpha

David R. Murphey III*

William Jewell– Alpha Delta

Georgia Tech– Alpha Sigma

Charles L. Beckner LO1321

Hampden-Sydney– Alpha Tau

Southern California– Beta Sigma

B. Terry W. Bennett LO1133

Maryland–Beta Kappa Edgar B. Rouse, Jr.*

Harry A. Trueblood, Jr.

Vanderbilt–Chi Robert M. Varn*

Bruce D. Stafford* LO1280

VMI–Beta Commission

Mississippi– Alpha Upsilon


Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Mississippi State– Beta Tau

J. William Schulz LO2503 Lewis H. Wyman III LO47

SGM E. Kent McMichael LO251

Wake Forest–Tau

Norman B. Kellum, Jr. LO1480 Hon. David M. Warren LO13 James H. Sammons, M.D.*

West Virginia Wesleyan– Beta Chi Harvey P. White LO3526

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha C. Edward Schmidt, Jr. LO294

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Florida–Beta Zeta

Dr. Chad E. Wagoner LO32

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Timothy K. Adams LO326 Robert J. Beckham*

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Stumpy Harris LO919*

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

Florida State– Gamma Eta

Paul E. Snodgress*

L. Blair Bailey LO84

Southern California– Beta Sigma


Richard J. Arroll Malcolm H. Liles LO342 William A. McRae Edwin Richard Neel Lewis L. Scruggs, Jr. Barry L. Storey

Friends of the Order

Gamma Eta Educational Foundation Howard C. Pickett (Sigma Nu Fraternity)

$25,000 TO $49,999 Alabama–Alpha Beta

Harold M. Anderson H. Grady Tiller, Jr.* Hugh P. Whitehead LO3461

California–Alpha Xi

Gerald C. Down LO2293 Bruce B. Higton* LO683

Delaware–Beta Epsilon John F. Bishop II* Francis E. Gardiner, Jr. LO1941

Drury–Beta Iota

William W. Francis IV LO500


Frank L. Asbury III* LO751 David Carico

Florida Southern– Gamma Pi

James C. France LO3554

Florida State– Gamma Eta

Washington & Lee–Alpha


Hugh Howard III* Harold F. MacDowell, Jr. LO213

Barry B. Donnell LO1045


Frank W. Maresh* LO14

C. Douglas Simmons III LO179

Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda

J. Michael Duncan LO11

Midwestern State– Gamma Omega

$50,000 TO $99,999

Warren Reed Sprinkel* LO656

Stephen F. Austin State– Delta Kappa Henry C. Goodrich* Texas–Omicron

David T. Martineau V LO3484

F. M. Stevenson*

Rufus C. Porter*

H. Lynn Greer, Jr. LO105

Retirement Plan Contributions IRA Alfred I. duPont Foundation

Eddie S. Wilson LO228

Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda

Middle Tennessee State– Delta Lambda

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Delta State–Delta Beta

Michael V. Paulin LO1623

Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma

Rose Circle

Jack B. Carter II* LO57

Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau

Raymond B. Bottom, Jr.* LO687

Larry Stanton Wiese LO37

Friends of the Order


Dr. Scott C. Cole LO2800

James W. Bowyer Jerry B. Fussell Hubert L. Harris, Jr.

Vance E. Rule* Clyde E. Williams* Ruth A. Elder Estate Mrs. Dorothy Tyree*

Theodore L. Weise LO293 Derick S. Close LO2838 Edward I. Weisiger Jr. LO3784

Clemson–Delta Omicron

Valdosta State– Delta Rho

Dr. C. Thomas Hopkins, Jr.


William H. Angle*

Todd D. Reaves LO1315

J. Coleman McDowell, Jr. LO516 Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. LO866

S. Morgan Morton, Jr. LO3481

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Bensley H. L. Field LO651

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

R. Jack Alexander, Jr.*

Louisiana-Lafayette– Gamma Phi

Rock N. Houstoun LO961

Gerald W. Schlief LO1214

Georgia Tech– Alpha Sigma

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi Edward P. Leslie, Jr.*

Stephen F. Austin State– Delta Kappa

LO is Loyal Order Member Number *deceased before June 30, 2020

North Carolina State– Alpha Omega

David Blair Hagan CCIM, SIOR LO43 Robert Jones Smith LO2957

Darren S. Kay LO55 Joseph Ray Gill*

Rose Circle

Mrs. Helen R. O'Mara Mrs. Gretta Robb

David J. Middleton LO180 Curt Steger


James M. Ney LO2361


Upshaw C. Bentley, Jr.* W. Waldo Bradley Daniel G. Broos G. Anthony Campbell John H. Crawford IV J. Rex Fuqua Rutledge A. Griffin, Jr.

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi Sam O. Leake, Jr. LO21


William Lawrence Manning


Black Chaffe III (Psi–Tulane ‘52) LO1778

25 YEARS OR MORE OF CURRENT CONSECUTIVE GIVING These brothers have remained committed, annually, to Kappa Alpha Order through donations to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation, gifts to the prior Kappa Alpha Scholarship Fund, or “catch up” gifts made more recently. 68

KAJ_Sum21_AR_44-71_P4.indd 68

39 64 Years of Giving LT Clinton M. Hunter Jr. (Alpha Sigma– Georgia Tech ‘55) LO583


John H. Turner, Jr. (Beta Rho–Roanoke ‘10)


CAPT Sidney Ezell Wood, Jr. USN (Ret) (Kappa–Mercer ‘54)

Jon Crosby Turner (Alpha Upsilon– Mississippi ‘75) LO971


Timothy K. Adams (Epsilon–Emory ‘57) LO326


James H. Heidelberg (Gamma Zeta– Southern Mississippi ‘72) LO1007 Dr. John A. Hildreth MD (Beta Epsilon– Delaware ‘56) LO1176 W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

9/3/21 2:29 PM


George M. D. Hunt IV William W. Kidd* LO744 Paul V. Kilpatrick, Jr. LO673 Robert E. Knox, Jr. Andrew Hall Knox Jefferson B. A. Knox S. Wistar Lewis Matthews G. Moffett

Georgia Tech– Alpha Sigma

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Robert W. Maupin* LO1591

North Carolina–Upsilon Wallace A. Brown, Jr.* Morris W. Pully* LO189

North Texas– Gamma Lambda

Larry F. Robb* LO66

Northwestern State– Gamma Psi W. Julian Foy*

Barry E. Cox LO1710 Charles L. Wallace LO1829

Oglethorpe–Beta Nu

Houston Baptist– Delta Sigma

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Max S. Flynt, Jr.*

Douglas B. Harris LO873

Richard C. Beveridge*


Oklahoma City– Gamma Kappa

Jeffery R. McIntosh LO347

Lambuth–Gamma Omicron

Dan H. Akin LO2549

Louisana State– Alpha Gamma

Dr. James R. Andrews LO3715

Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

Erik T. Showalter LO884

Memphis– Gamma Gamma

David C. Wadlington LO3483

Middle Tennessee State– Delta Lambda Richard A. Barnes

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Robert J. Richardson, Jr. LO3346

Mississippi– Alpha Upsilon

Steve C. Knight LO1147

Randolph-Macon–Zeta Richard L. Burke LO1038

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

Texas-Arlington– Delta Iota

Alfred Diaz, Jr. LO549

Transylvania–Alpha Theta Michael D. McCaslin*

Valdosta State– Delta Rho

Robert W. Hagan LO2150

Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta James H. Cochrane, Jr. LO804

VMI–Beta Commission Dr. Andrew J. Thacker*

Wake Forest–Tau

David P. Barksdale LO156 Dr. John W. Nowell*

Washington–Beta Theta Eugene E. Brucker*

Washington College– Beta Omega

Rufus W. Shivers*

Joseph M. Van Name III LO69


West Virginia–Alpha Rho

Clayton Eugene Bunting Esq. LO204 Raymond Wilkinson*

South–Alpha Alpha

Dr. G. Patterson Apperson III LO266 Alvan S. Arnall* LO1054 Robert D. Fowler*

South Alabama– Epsilon Alpha

Hon. M. Donald Davis, Jr. LO570

Southern California– Beta Sigma Otis M. Healy LO1518


Richard Baxter Wilson, Jr. LO93*

Michael R. Gonzalez LO174

Mississippi State– Beta Tau

Texas A&M– Epsilon Delta

Earnest W. Deavenport, Jr. LO1318 Hunter W. Henry, Jr.*

20 20


Russell C. Brown LO22

Texas State–Epsilon Iota L. Don Stricklin LO3491

Dr. Richard T. Feller*

Westminster–Alpha Eta Dr. James Michael Schmuck LO1064 Thaddeus Aaron Stubbs LO2009

William Jewell– Alpha Delta

Tyler Griffin LO114


LaFon C. Dees LO1852 Robert E. Graham, Jr.

Rose Circle

Mrs. Paulina T. Beall Mrs. Virginia Bateman Comer Mrs. Rosann F. Hooks Ms. Kimberly J. Novak Mrs. Mildred H. Street Mrs. Virginia N. Toombs

Chapters, House Corp., etc.

Alpha Upsilon Chapter Epsilon Delta Chapter

Friends of the Order

Anonymous Cain Foundation Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gift Program James Andrew Howard Kappa Alpha Foundation For Leadership & Service Masterpiece Investments Morgan Keegan and Company, Inc. Jenanne Owen Charitable Remainder Fund Dr. J. Crayton Pruitt Eric Robb Schwab Charitable Fund

$10,000 TO $24,999 Alabama–Alpha Beta

Clyde B. Anderson Victor H. Hanson II LO315 George Merrill Jones III LO385 Carl E. Jones, Jr. Thomas C. Moxley Paul M. Speake* Ken D. Tidwell LO3590 F. Brook Voght* Ernest G. Williams*

Appalachian State– Delta Psi

M. Lee Barnes, Jr. LO1396 R. Craig Cass LO2700

Arkansas Tech– Epsilon Zeta

E.L. Scott McLain LO3104 H. David Pinson LO63


James D. Kay, Jr. LO2147 William D. Melton LO1204 William T. Morgan III LO3589 J. S. Powell III LO3430

Baylor–Delta Omega

Keven Brelsford Caldarera Robert D. Fletcher LO1317

Bowling Green State– Zeta Lambda Kevin P. Hughes LO3108

California–Alpha Xi

Philip P. Noftsinger LO208

Centenary–Alpha Iota

John D. Smoot, Jr.

M. Allen Dickson* William T. Green LO812

Charleston–Beta Gamma Clayton P. Boardman III LO1917

Citadel–Theta Commission

CPT Ronald C. Plunkett LO2241

Clemson–Delta Omicron Charles C. Mickel Daniel B. Pattillo, Jr. LO1365 David A. Pattillo LO3492

Delaware–Beta Epsilon Dr. William R. Baldt Dr. John A. Hildreth MD LO1176 Bruce L. Hudson Esq. LO2148 Michael D. Wedlick RCDD LO580

Tom David Wagster Jr. (Gamma Omicron–Lambuth ‘65) LO1295


Dr. Heber Grey Winfield III, MD (Sigma–Davidson ‘63) LO2575

Gregory R. Singleton (Gamma Gamma–Memphis ‘82) LO184


John M. Schattyn (Beta Alpha– Missouri S&T ‘61) J. Michael Duncan (Delta Kappa– Stephen F. Austin State ‘69) LO11 Walter Wingfield Walker Jr. (Epsilon–Emory ‘66) D. Melson Butler (Kappa– Mercer ‘47) LO901 Littleton M. Maxwell (Zeta– Randolph-Macon ‘59) LO568


Robert C. Cragon (Alpha Epsilon–Rhodes ‘75) Dr. Cleveland H. Porter Jr. (Alpha Zeta–William & Mary ‘57) LO1610 Victor J. Herbert Jr. (Beta Beta– Bethany ‘64)

KAJ_Sum21_AR_44-71_P4.indd 69


Mark C. Cross, Jr. John Evans Dowlen, Jr. Hugh M. Inman* John R. Jackson John D. Jones, Jr. LO989 John F. Knight Jefferson B. A. Knox, Jr. Stephen C. Owings George W. Simmons

Georgia Tech– Alpha Sigma

Edward L. Kelly LO1336 James L. Oliver II LO3531

Hampden-Sydney– Alpha Tau

Houston Baptist– Delta Sigma

Walter M. Deriso, Jr. LO3520 James L. Ferman, Sr.* James L. Matte John M. McNatt, Jr. John W. Stephenson LO3565 Dr. Mell B. Welborn, Jr. LO2986

Florida–Beta Zeta

Michael D. Abney* LO933 Wogan S. Badcock, Jr.* Henry H. Beckwith LO346 Edward G. Sullivan Esq. LO1393

Florida Southern– Gamma Pi

COL Guy D. Colado LO1832

Dr. Joel A. Nickles LO1641

Jacksonville State– Delta Phi

Marcus E. Angle, Jr. LO1082 Stephen J. LaFollette LO2330

John Hopkins– Alpha Lambda

G. Walther Ewalt* LO77


W. Hunt Smock LO3244 Gary A. Smith, Sr. LO3313

Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma

Paul R. Burns, Sr. LO46 W. Regi Mullins LO3482 Ray P. Oden, Jr.* LO637 William T. Pegues III*

Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

Donald O'Neal LO2815

Louisville–Beta Omicron Robert M. Bouse LO729


Robert Moderwell Sloan (Beta Pi–Presbyterian ‘48) COL Walter Middelton Fitts Sr. (Upsilon–North Carolina ‘56) LO1636


James R. Estes (Alpha Kappa– Missouri ’60) LO10 Randal G. Grimme (Delta Mu– Eastern Kentucky ’70)


Eugene M. Julian (Beta Epsilon– Delaware ’63) LO1239

John H. Tucker (Beta Commission–VMI ‘78)

Eddie S. Wilson (Delta Beta– Delta State ’73) LO228

C. James Holloway Jr. (Beta Omega–Washington College ‘56)

Hon. David M. Warren (Tau– Wake Forest ’78) LO13


Donald W. Webb, Sr.* Ralph Dudley Webb


Richard R. Crosier LO433

31 Dr. Edwin P. Rather (Pi–Tennessee ‘60) LO617

Georgetown–Beta Delta

W. Birch Douglass III LO2521

Anonymous William G. Smith, Jr. LO3534


George Washington– Alpha Nu

Duke–Alpha Phi

Florida State– Gamma Eta

Sam O. Leake Jr. (Beta Xi– Oklahoma State ‘61) LO21

George Mason– Epsilon Phi

Lloyd P. Cornell, Jr.* Kenneth R. Mitchell* Julian A. Pardini*

Bethany–Beta Beta

Lawrence S. Branch LO1262


C. Tucker Moore LO1278


William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta– William Jewell ’57) LO12 Dr. Thomas Scott Dunavant, Jr. (Gamma Omicron–Lambuth ’94) LO588 Robert D. Kelly (Delta Pi–Missouri Southern State ’73) LO25


Dr. John Robert Adams, Jr., MD (Alpha Epsilo–Rhodes ’78) LO1273 John R. Rowe, Jr. (Alpha Sigma– Georgia Tech ’58) LO2893 69

9/3/21 2:29 PM

GIVING CUMULATIVE GIVING CONT’D. Louisiana-Lafayette– Gamma Phi

Harlan H. Kappel LO3692

Marshall–Beta Upsilon Franklin T. Brackman LO3627 James C. Musser

Maryland–Beta Kappa Lawrence A. Heinze* LO2242 Robert M. Ross LO1279

McNeese State–Delta Xi Ethan J. Bush LO18

Memphis– Gamma Gamma

Kenneth A. May Gregory R. Singleton LO184


King V. Aiken, Jr. LO99 M. Tom Faircloth LO19 James T. Turner, Jr. LO963

Miami (OH)– Epsilon Lambda

Bennett P. Applegate

Middle Tennessee State– Delta Lambda Julian B. Baker, Jr. LO1492 Thomas H. Campbell Nicholas S. Palmer LO1864

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Nat S. Rogers* LO646 Charles M. Sours* LO640 Hon. W. Swan Yerger (Ret.) LO1759

Mississippi State– Beta Tau

Stephen L. Burwell LO1993 U. Edwin Garrison

Missouri–Alpha Kappa Kenneth L. Brown LO313 James Earl Davis LO1084 Loren Q. Hanson* LO883 Ralph O. Hoevelman LO2255 David T. O'Neal, Jr. Kenneth Rickli LO922

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Dennis L. Dutton LO1557

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Robert D. Kelly LO25

Missouri State– Gamma Beta

Gordon L. Kinne LO886 Christopher J. Puricelli LO3676

Newberry–Delta Epsilon Hugo A. Pearce III LO506

North Carolina–Upsilon Charles Z. Flack, Jr.* Frederick L. Munds, Jr.* LO1890 George A. Webster V. Charles Wyatt LO3772

North Carolina State– Alpha Omega

Marshall James Donathan, Jr. LO1144 Paul F. Haddock III LO408 G. Smedes York LO2540

North CarolinaCharlotte–Epsilon Xi

Maj Steven Morris Williams KM, MStJ LO1631

North Texas– Gamma Lambda

Blake E. Benney LO1137

Northwestern State– Gamma Psi Charles Randolph Gentz LO2816

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Wayne T. Biddle* Jerry L. Milligan* William C. Routh LO1418 William Jeffrey Thompson

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Houston N. Tuel III Warren S. Wingert LO2116


James M. Croley LO1561 Gary T. Scott LO859

Stanford–Alpha Pi

John B. De Nault* LO2973 William J. Hagenah LO1155 James Parker Myerson LO3090 Robert F. Sawyer Robert Daniel Valdez

Stephen F. Austin State– Delta Kappa Steven M. Steele LO1645*


Kent T. Chapin LO1258 Frank W. Podpechan LO445

Dr. Edwin P. Rather LO617

Old Dominion– Delta Gamma

William E. Lobeck, Jr. LO3580 David M. O'Dell LO24

Franklin W. Denius* Norman C. George LO2672 James D. Goudge Clyde R. Littlefield* LO860 Frank P. Sebastian, Jr.*

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

Texas State–Epsilon Iota

J. Derrill Rice LO3599 William M. Matthews V LO2745

Purdue–Epsilon Rho

Scott T. Clifford LO3412 Michael Jerry Garrison LO3499 Jeffrey W. Love LO79

Randolph-Macon–Zeta Hon. Porter Hardy, Jr.*

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon John H. Bryan, Jr.*


Grant V. Harrison* George W. McCall III LO2607


Scott D. Carter LO3477 F. Michael Carr LO3670

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi James R. Purvis LO678 John E. Simpson III James B. Smith LO333

Transylvania– Alpha Theta

Michael P. Wilson LO40


W. Thomas Hopkins


Calvin Moniz LO2658 John Sulton, Jr.*

LO is Loyal Order Member Number *deceased before June 30, 2020

Washington College– Beta Omega

Dr. James L. Bowers* LO496 Douglas S. Ewalt LO78

West Texas A&M– Gamma Sigma

Michael W. Jones LO65

West Virginia–Alpha Rho James A. Todd, Jr.* LO1861

West Virginia Wesleyan– Beta Chi Millard L. Cursey, Jr. LO537

West Virginia Wesleyan– Beta Chi Stephen E. Foster LO2062

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha Jesse Samuel Lyons LO39

Westminster–Alpha Eta Travis L. Sartain LO214

William Jewell– Alpha Delta

Gary D. Barnes Stuart L. Bascomb LO2776 William K. Dillingham LO1425 Dr. Burnell “Tony” Landers LO1885 Louis W. Romigh* Robert T. Steinkamp LO1282


R. Scott Heath LO2243 Jerry J. Richardson LO3542 Dr. March E. Seabrook J. West Summers III LO1153

Rose Circle

Mrs. Elizabeth Asbury Ms. Betty Pope Stevens

Chapters, House Corp., etc.

Rollins–Alpha Psi

William W. Featheringill* LO819 Paul H. Kuhn, Jr. LO2103 Samuel W. Magruder* LO1406 Philip D. Rowe, Jr. LO697

Alpha Omicron Chapter Beta Tau Chapter Gamma Chi Chapter Gamma Eta Chapter Gamma Epsilon Chapter Delta Theta Chapter Irwin Province

Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau

Gregory A. McCrickard LO3137


Friends of the Order

Roanoke–Beta Rho

Hon. Paul Jason Cording LO54 John H. Turner, Jr. LO2596 Stewart Turley LO312

Darron E. Franta LO856 Daniel L. Moreland LO3716 Hon. Anthony L. Polumbo

South–Alpha Alpha

Rev. James L. Duncan* Nelson H. Puett LO1485

South Alabama– Epsilon Alpha

Paul W. Lammers LO108

Southern California– Beta Sigma

Red Cavaney CAE LO3179 J. Frank Mahoney III* Carlton Mulcahy Rogers*

Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda

William D. Balthrope J. Jerry Campbell III LO3120 Dustin B. Donnell LO3494 Brad B. Freeman LO1942 Loy B. Moore LO1212


VMI–Beta Commission

COL Henry Joyce Foresman, Jr., USA (Ret.) LO1361 COL William H. Hastings, Jr. (Ret.)* LO691 Dr. O. Hunter McClung, Jr.* LTC William Earl Wray, Jr., USA (Ret.) LO872

Wake Forest–Tau

Ross A. Berlin LO3139 Robert McWhorter Boswell III John L. Hall LO870 J. Guy Revelle, Jr.*

Univ. of Washington– Zeta Mu Jeffrey G. Leigh LO3532

Washington & Lee–Alpha William G. Bean, Jr.* LO661

Advisors Financial, Inc. Bank of America Foundation Duke Energy Foundation Elizabeth Hampton Trust GrandStand Sports, Inc. Grandex, Inc. Heritage Commercial Investments, LLC Jani Glenn Jim Possehl National Philanthropic Trust Omega Financial, Inc. TSC Foundation, Inc. Kappa Alpha Order

$5,000 TO $9,999 Alabama–Alpha Beta

Charles M. Fitts, Jr. LO639 Arthur L. Lenahan* W. T. Goodloe Rutland* LO3550 John D. Wyker II*

Appalachian State– Delta Psi

Douglas Ross Coley LO1065 Wyatt T. Dixon III LO2829 C. Yates Pharr LO436 Dr. D. Wayne Whetsell LO2601 Stuart F. Whetsell LO2185

Arizona–Gamma Epsilon Wayne E. Dawson LO2718 Colby J. Hunter Todd H. Langley* LO1979 Patrick J. Williams LO3547 Stephen G. Muzzy LO3474


William B. Reed LO520

Baylor–Delta Omega

John C. Martin LO1272 Ralph M. Randall LO3456


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Randal G. Grimme Collin B. Taylor LO2411 Ronald C. Taylor LO3529


David M. Butler LO901 Dr. L. Adolph Casal LO3449 John W. Cox* John T. Glover Norman George Houston III J. Gordon McGill LO3626 William D. Morrison LT James M. Tallman, MD LO834 Randolph William Thrower, Sr.* Andrew C. West LO3350 Robert W. Woodruff*

Florida–Beta Zeta

Dennis K. Baldwin LO2606 Dr. Larry A. Jenkins

Gregory B. Adams LO817 Dr. Donald M. Bryan MD Thomas A. Davis LO1717 James H. Dowling, Jr. LO3462 William Robinson Frazier* John W. Frost II LO1235 Leland M. Hawes, Jr.* Jeff A. Hedden, Jr. LO3655 Randolph W. McLaughlin W. Godfrey Smith* James R. White LO3582 Chas. Robert Yates

California-Riverside– Epsilon Epsilon

Florida Gulf Coast– Zeta Pi

Hon. William M. Acker, Jr.* LO2914 Joseph M. Farley* Robert Ervin Luckie, Jr*

California StateBakersfield–Epsilon Upsilon

Clifford F. Loader LO1157

California-Davis– Epsilon Gamma

Michael A. Costa LO1622

Centenary–Alpha Iota Lewis T. Baker, Jr. John M. Moore LO1704

Charleston–Beta Gamma Douglas D. Ashley* LO284

Citadel–Theta Commission

Dr. Clay H. Wilson LO3470 LCDR Edward J. Derst III, USCGR (Ret.)

Clemson–Delta Omicron

Frederick W. Faircloth LO1416 John N. McCarter, Jr. LO1414 Milton E. Pate Timothy J. Reed LO769


Jeffrey D. McEwen LO341

Delaware–Beta Epsilon Stephen R. Welch LO1672

Delta State–Delta Beta J. Walter Wood, Jr. LO881

Drury–Beta Iota

George W. Culler, Jr.* Bret R. Neathery LO972

Duke–Alpha Phi

Steven R. Bell LO2612 George G. Guthrie Jack Y. Harrison* LO1481 Raymond A. Jones III LO3334 James J. Kiser III LO3592 John B. McKinnon Edwin F. Payne LO3613 A. Curtis Walker*

East Carolina– Gamma Rho

David W. Dupree LO3530


Eastern Kentucky– Delta Mu

Anthony M. Graziani LO3606

Florida Southern– Gamma Pi L. Lamar Rou, Jr.*

Florida State– Gamma Eta

M.R. Buck Clements, Jr.* Gary A. DeLapp LO3276 Hon. P. Michael Ruff LO3060 John A. Yearty LO1637

Francis Marion– Delta Tau

Kenneth Wayne Jackson LO1123


Lawrence L. Keefer LO959 G. Randy Smith* LO1635

Georgetown–Beta Delta Robert A. Gritton*


William Y. Atkinson IV Harry G. Haisten, Jr. LO2911 Steve K. Kendrick Sam D. King William L. Nix Neal J. Quirk Gordon Saussy Varnedoe*

Georgia College– Epsilon Nu

Evan R. Karanovich LO2410

Georgia Southern– Delta Theta

Leon C. Watson LO1104 T. Draper Watson LO1348 Edmond H. Wilson LO366

Georgia Tech– Alpha Sigma

William H. Allen LO795


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Daniel H. Bradley Frederick W. Dismuke, Sr.* Carroll B. Hart LO1074 W. Phil Reece LO2898

Hampden-Sydney– Alpha Tau

David Carter LO81 James Russell Foster LO998

Houston Baptist– Delta Sigma

David Y. Stutts CPA LO1556

Jacksonville State– Delta Phi

Jeff A. Parker* LO1358

John Hopkins– Alpha Lambda

Craig S. Thompson


William K. Downey LO2219 Larry M. Roy LO1020 Jay F. Rutherford, Jr. LO1331

Lambuth– Gamma Omicron

Dr. Thomas Scott Dunavant, Jr. LO588 Tom David Wagster, Jr. LO1295

Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma

T. Michael Stanberry LO1773

Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

John R. Bolton LO2666 Ronnie E. Bounds, Jr. LO3668 Matthew D. O'Neal LO2228 Douglas W. Robertson LO110 Richard H. Wilcox, Jr. LO3252

Louisiana-Monroe– Gamma Nu

Dr. Samuel J. Lorenzo LO3538 William M. McGee LO987 Samuel A. Wigley*

Middle Tennessee State– Delta Lambda John R. Milam Jason L. Potts LO796 S. Todd Shelton LO23 Dr. Gary Gribble Wiser, Jr., EdD LO254

Midwestern State– Gamma Omega

William M. Bone LO3450 Mitchell S. Hill LO2568 William R. Thacker LO914

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Samuel F. Cole III LO2856 J. Murray Underwood LO3591

Mississippi– Alpha Upsilon

Alwyn H. Luckey LO460 LTG James E. Sherrard III LO1012 Douglas C. Stone* Hollis C. Thompson, Jr. Jon Crosby Turner LO971 Stanley John Viner LO1376

Northern Arizona– Epsilon Tau

Douglas W. Hanisch LO2217

Northwestern State– Gamma Psi Thomas N. Whitehead LO3549 Thomas M. Wright CPA LO978

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Dr. Jess F. Armor LO3476 Henry R. Carr, Sr.* Christopher S. Hoppe LO3611 Kenneth W. Johnston David A. Kimbell* LO1294 Daniel J. O’Connell, Sr. LO3843 Warren B. Weeks, Jr. LO805 Christopher S. Wilson LO447

Oklahoma City– Gamma Kappa

1LT David O. Beal LO3307 Dr. Charles R. Walker

MG Donald R. Gardner USMC (Ret.) LO2192 MG James L. Hobson, Jr. LO2401 Michael E. Hopper LO976 Charles E. Stone LO2741


Robert A. Bowen, Jr. LO3685 Philip R. Taylor LO2578 R. M. Warren III LO2453 CAPT Sidney E. Wood, Jr. USN (Ret.) LO931

Miami (OH)–Epsilon Lambda Bruce Benes LO1234 Gregory B. Smith

Stanford–Alpha Pi

Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

Gust Edwin Johnson, Jr. LO3561 COL John B. McKinney* LO745 William S. Porter LO1083

Samuel A. Hamacher LO3622 Charles J. Hoffman, Jr. LO830 Carl S. Quinn LO926 Jack R. Taylor LO2022 George T. Wootten, Jr.

Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Jared L. Gregory

Missouri State– Gamma Beta

Harry R. Baker LO964

Thomas M. Belk* Garth K. Dunklin LO2759* John R. Griffin, Jr. LO1675 Arthur F. Jones II J. Emmett Sebrell* Thomas Hamilton Sloan

North CarolinaCharlotte–Epsilon Xi

Dr. W. McLeod Frampton, Jr.*


Carlton W. Baker LO335 J.W. Whiting Chisman, Jr. LO3585 Dr. Stephen P. Long LO876 Littleton M. Maxwell LO568

Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon Dr. John R. Adams, Jr. LO1273


Roanoke–Beta Rho

Rollins–Alpha Psi

Michael P. O’Donnell LO3280 E. William Pautler, Jr.

Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau

Shawn M. Kocher LO1424

Travis B. Lacox LO3681

North Carolina State– Alpha Omega

San Diego State– Gamma Iota

Dustin G. Brann LO3000 Ceasar Cone III Stephen H. Kouba Jr LO3067 Dickson M. Lupo LO3544 George N. Whiting, Jr. LO3713

North Texas– Gamma Lambda

Jay D. Chamberlain IV LO3510 Gary Recer LO3064


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Edwin Bryan Gentle LO3548 William Mansfield Gilker III LO557 Clyde Mick Jones LO166 George G. Langston III LO545 Michael R. Weir, Jr. LO937

W. Thomas Bell LO559 James B. Hichak LO1494 Timothy L. Kelly III Gerald Kluis

Samuel B. Adams LO664 Curtis A. Sumpter James C. Turk, Jr.

Memphis– Gamma Gamma

James H. Heidelberg LO1007

Walter L. Dowdle LO3219 William Fritz Maxwell, Sr. LO662 John W. Ramsay* Leo W. Seal, Jr.*

North Carolina–Upsilon

Patrick G Ryan MD LO1987

Southern Mississippi– Gamma Zeta

Stephen F. Austin State– Delta Kappa

Maryland–Beta Kappa Thomas T. Wallace

James B. Cain LO3623 Hon. William P. Clements, Jr.* David T. Kaster LO1836*

Old Dominion– Delta Gamma

Robert W. Buskirk II* LO2943 T. Michael Cobb* LO1542 Roger P. Wood LO1681

McNeese State–Delta Xi

Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda

Thomas B. Coleman LO3490 Dr. James K. Collins LO1081

Bernard G. Cline, Jr.* Thomas Emory McClain, Jr. Douglas L. Nickel LO3594 Hubel Robins, Jr.*

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Robert J. Lucas LO1683 Grafton P. Tanquary, Jr. LO3541 Kenneth Amestoy Tipton* LO1249

Bill J. Ramsey

Newberry–Delta Epsilon

Ernest R. Eaton, Jr.

Southern California– Beta Sigma

Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Mississippi State– Beta Tau

L. Charles Banks, Jr. LO2690 J. Woody Cornwell LO784 Michael E. Gunn LO3840 Edgar L. Woods

Marshall–Beta Upsilon

20 20


David K. Dere LO83

South–Alpha Alpha William R. Stamler, Jr. LO257

South Alabama– Epsilon Alpha

D. Brady Wilson LO1741

South Carolina–Rho

W. Edgar Helms III* LO985 Robert P. Jordan LO3768 Thomas M. Lane Ernest G. Lawhorne James W. Smith LO807

Dwain P. Knight LO618


Tennessee-Martin– Delta Upsilon

Charles S. Briggs LO285 James L. Crews II LO2796


Richard M. Blades Wofford F. Denius LO3625 J. Kirby Ewing* LO930 Lowell H. Lebermann, Jr.* Richard M. Lucas* Clarence M. Malone, Jr. James D. McBride LO3630 Herbert Turner Odom III LO3523 Hon. Robert M. Pittenger William M. Thacker, Jr.* LO1757 Steven W. Tomson LO3595

Texas A&M– Epsilon Delta

Eric J. Doyal LO1186 Rich O'Toole

Texas A&M-Commerce– Gamma Upsilon John C. Cain LO3624 John F. Ory LO59 Marc Allan Scott LO88 John Terry Turner

Texas State–Epsilon Iota Andrew P. Carr LO2993 Ronald R. Morgan* LO295 Ross W. Newberry LO3453 D. Mitchell Sheaffer LO41

Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Michael A. Hedlund LO 3605 Mitchell L. Heidenheimer LO3675 MAJ Christopher A. Huff LO3841

William R. Mathews III LO3503 Larry D. Meyers LO790 E. Powell Thompson LO3546

Texas-Arlington– Delta Iota

Gregory R. Barbosa LO2310 Lynn A. Morgan LO2701


Black Chaffe III LO1778 Dr. James W. Denham LO3463


George Keith Hatheway* Joe F. Mills LO260 Thomas E. Stanton LO3540

USMA–Sigma Alpha Commission MG Robert M. Bunker LO2849

Valdosta State– Delta Rho

Donald O. Davis LO1118 J. Larkin Wright, Jr.


William P. Acker III LO15 Rober H. Baker III LO1647 M. Timothy Carey LO1394 W. Winston Hoy, Jr. LO2091 William A. Mitchell, Jr.

Virginia Tech–Epsilon Eta Michael B. Gimbert Patrick K. Moore LO2207 Hunter W. Wagstaff LO3811

VMI–Beta Commission James Aylor Anderson, Jr.* Henry J. Foresman, Sr.* MG Richard Logan Irby* David L. Miller LO3723 George G. Phillips, Jr. J. Carlton Showalter, Jr.

Wake Forest–Tau

J. Melville Broughton III LO3513 Hon. Thomas H. Fetzer, Jr. LO3466 Benjamin C. Sutton, Jr. LO3584 Robert H. Wall LO2698

Washington & Lee–Alpha Dr. John G.P. Boatwright, Jr. LO3551 Peter M. Candler John G. Guerrant* Frederick W. Dismuke, Sr.

Washington College– Beta Omega

George T. Cromwell, Jr.* William R. Janney III* LO45 Donald Lee Shafer III LO3457 Dietrich H. Steffens*

West Texas A&M– Gamma Sigma

Dr. Garry L. Nall LO929 Noel Andy Cole PhD

West Virginia–Alpha Rho

William C. Brewer James W. Craig* LO1417 Gregory J. Totterdale LO3583

Western Carolina–Delta Alpha Robert A. Byrd, Jr. LO2764

Western Kentucky– Epsilon Theta Brent Fellows LO2628

Westminster–Alpha Eta

Raymond F. Burfeind LO894 David H. Crane LO164 Dr. Paul J. Davis Robert E. Deal, Jr, LO3416 Daniel E. Harris LO3773 Erik K. Lescher LO3522 David J. Neihart LO2727 William R. Piper LO3667 Bryan N. Tramont LO3607 Carl Trauernicht, Jr.*


Dr. Paul D. Kountz, Jr. LO1843 Randolph Smith II LO995

Rose Circle

Ms. Suzy Nelson Mrs. Frances M. Pruitt Ms. Kitty L. DeKieffer Mrs. Virginia Hardesty Ms. Brenda G. Henry Ms. Freda S. Summers Ms. Martha P. Tarpen

Chapters, House Corps., Courts

Gamma Epsilon Chapter Fund Mu Chapter Alpha Beta Chapter Beta Alpha Chapter Alpha Upsilon Chapter House Corporation The Chapters of Graves Province James Ward Wood Prov. Court of Honor Hamilton Province Court of Honor Alpha Rho Scholarship Corp Nu Chapter Miami Chapter Of Kappa Alpha Housing Corporation Samuel Z. Ammen Court of Honor Alpha Mu Chapter Alpha Eta Chapter

Friends of the Order

Kappa Alpha Tenth Order Mr. Charlie R. Ashford, Jr. Ms. Sissy Bynum YourCause LLC Graphic Cow Mr. Robert R. Feagin, III Mr. John L. Wynne Fairclough & Co. Mr. Windsor Plaza Mr. Robert Edgerton Mr. Travis M. Osborne Mr. J. Frank Surface Mr. Delos H. Yancey III KFCL Trust Mr. Christopher Paulson

West Virginia Wesleyan– Beta Chi David E. Reemsnyder II


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OUR ORDER Provisional Chapters Established at Missouri and Colorado

Kappa Alpha Order is currently in the process of establishing or restoring Active Chapters at the following institutions: PROVISIONAL CHAPTERS

Missouri State University (Gamma Beta Chapter) Murray State University (Delta Nu Chapter) Purdue University (Epsilon Rho Chapter) University of Colorado (Zeta Alpha Chapter) University of Missouri (Alpha Kappa Chapter)

Above: Induction Ceremony for the Missouri (Alpha Kappa) Provisional Chapter.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Epsilon Xi Chapter)

Right: New members of the Kappa Alpha Order at the University of Missouri . ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020, A GROUP

of twenty-five men at the University of Missouri were inducted into Kappa Alpha Order as members awaiting initiation. Held on the front lawn of the Chapter House, Councilor James M. Schmuck (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’69) installed the chapter officers and led the Induction Ceremony with the assistance of Chiles Province Commander M. Tyler Griffin (Alpha Delta–William Jewell ’98) and Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega–Midwestern State ’87).

Hanisch (Epsilon Tau–Northern Arizona ’98) installed the chapter officers and led the Induction Ceremony with the assistance of Assistant Executive Director for Chapter Services Anthony M. Graziani (Zeta Pi–Florida Gulf Coast ’97), Director of Chapter Development Aristeo “Ari” S. Ruiz (Zeta Tau–Austin Peay State ’14), and Associate Director for Chapter Development Steven L. Gros (Delta Xi–McNeese State ’16).

On Thursday, January 28, 2021, a group of seventeen men at the University of Colorado were inducted. A first of its kind, the ceremony was held virtually on Zoom. Neal Province Commander Douglas “Doug” W.

Provisional certificates were issued to both Provisional Chapters. Once they have completed their chartering requirements, they will be fully restored as the Alpha Kappa Chapter and the Zeta Alpha Chapter, respectively.


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Indiana State University (Zeta Iota Chapter) University of Louisville (Beta Omicron Chapter) University of Southern California (Beta Sigma Chapter) University of West Florida (Epsilon Sigma Chapter) Western Carolina University (Delta Alpha Chapter)


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News, Notes & Recog nition

Staff Updates PROMOTION


Jacob A. Seay (Zeta Omega–Coastal Carolina ’17) has

Brandon A. Ashlock (Gamma Alpha– Louisiana Tech ‘18) graduated in

been named the Director of College and University Relations effective May 17. He will manage expansion and recolonization strategy, developing opportunities by visiting campuses. Since joining the staff in December 2019, Jacob has served as an associate director for chapter services and development.

DEPARTURES Damian C. Doolittle (Zeta Psi–Campbell ’17) departed the

staff in April 2021 to pursue new opportunities in North Carolina at Sanford Rose Association - Rhonemus Group. He joined the staff in December 2018 as an associate director for chapter development. Sinclair B. Kouns III (Gamma Alpha– Louisiana Tech ’14) departed the

staff in May to attend law school. Sinclair joined staff in May 2019 as an associate director for chapter services.


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November 2020, with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering having previously served as a summer intern. He served as the Number IX and as a facilitator for the Emerging Leaders Academy. Cooper W. Carroll (Delta Kappa– Stephen F. Austin State ’17) is from

Austin, Texas. He graduated in December 2020 with a bachelor’s degree with a double major in history and geography. He served as the Number III for two consecutive terms. Joseph R. “Joe” Hamner (Delta Phi–Jacksonville State ’16) graduated

in May 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in geography commissioned into the U.S. Army as a Signal Officer. Joseph helped lead fundraising events for his chapter including a bass tournament to raise money for a local young woman with muscular dystrophy.

Luke D. Snyder (Epsilon Rho– Purdue ’21) is from Bremen, Indiana. He graduated in May 2021 with a degree in Interdisciplinary Agriculture. He served as Number IV ansd was involved on campus with the Agronomy Club. Jacob T. Woodard (Phi–BirminghamSouthern ’18)

graduated in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. He served as Number I, Number II, IFC representative, and the Province Undergraduate Chairman.

These men join Steven L. Gros (Delta Xi– McNeese ‘16) and Gabriel A. Rodriguez (Alpha Iota–Centenary ‘18) as the associate director team. Stu Hollandsworth (Alpha Eta– Westminster ’16), Jacob Cox (Zeta– Randolph-Macon ’19), and Winchell Gallardo (Mu–Tulsa ’16) left the staff in December, 2020.


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FA L L 2020

An Open Lette r from the Knig ht Comm ande r pg. 2

Inter view with KAs recov ered from COVI D-19 pg. 30


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Evolution of an Orga nizat ion pg. 10

Marlon Gibso n leads on Race and Grace in KA pg. 68

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2021 FCA Awards and Leadership The 2021 Annual Conference of the Fraternity Communications Association (FCA) was held virtually. Kappa Alpha Order was recognized with two major awards for The Kappa Alpha Journal:  3RD PLACE, FEATURE STORY DESIGN: Rejoice, O young man in thy youth!

 2ND PLACE FRED F. YODER AWARD FOR OVERALL EXCELLENCE The Kappa Alpha Journal— Second-best magazine in the Greek community. This Yoder award is given for overall excellence of a total publication as demonstrated in a magazine, newsletter, or tabloid. Every issue published within the judging timeframe of the 2020 calendar year must be submitted. All magazines will be judged, from cover to cover, on writing, design, readability, and relevance of the publication to its intended audience. This year, FCA received more than 750 entries in four main categories for 34 separate awards. FCA has 71 member organizations including national fraternities and sororities as well as leadership and honor societies. The Association provides outstanding networking, educational, and recognition opportunities for its members.


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LEADERSHIP Brent E. Buswell (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’08), Director of Communications, was elected to his first term on the FCA Board of Directors as Director of Finance.

KAOEF recognized by the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence The 2020 Annual Seminar of the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence (FFE), was held virtually August 24-26. During the organization's Awards of Distinction ceremony, the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF) was recognized with two major awards:


Also, Jesse Lyons (Delta Alpha–Western Carolina ’98), Assistant Executive Director for Advancement and Editor, rejoined the FCA Board as Past President in advance of the organization’s centennial celebration in 2023. Jesse previously served on the Board including a two-year term as President.


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OUR ORDER News, Notes & Recog nition

Chapter Chartering Satcher Leads the PAC The Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee (FSPAC) has elected Former Knight Commander Ben W. Satcher Jr. as its President for 2021. Ben is the Executive Vice President for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation and recently completed a term as President of the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence. The FSPAC is the largest political action committee focused solely on higher education issues. In this age of hyper-partisanship, FSPAC contributes to individuals regardless of political party who believe in the benefits and personal growth opportunities fraternities and sororities offer collegiate men and women. No undergraduate dues are ever contributed to the FSPAC. Ben is the second KA to serve as President of the FSPAC and KA is the first fraternity to have two presidents in FSPAC’s 15-year history.


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Delta Lambda– Middle Tennessee State

Beta Gamma– Charleston

DATE: November 14, 2020, by Knight Commander Simmons LOCATION: Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro, Tennessee INITIATES: 30 GPA: 3.74 (Spring 2020) ORIGINALY ESTABLISHED: February 14, 1969

DATE: November 21, 2020, by Knight Commander Simmons LOCATION: Emeline in Charleston, South Carolina. INITIATES: 34 GPA: 3.267 (Spring 2020) ORIGINALY ESTABLISHED: January 15, 1904

Since the provisional chapter was established in December 2018, members have been involved in philanthropy and service within the Murfreesboro community and on campus, including organizations such as the Ronald McDonald House Charity, Long Hollow Summer Camp, and volunteering at other local and religious organizations throughout the last several semesters. The chapter as a whole has participated in school-sponsored activities like the Raiderthon fundraiser, benefiting Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, and the IFC’s “Movember” initiative. Recently, the chapter paired with the Eta Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. to raise funds and gather more than 100 personal care items for those affected by tornados that struck the Nashville area early this year. The members have completed an estimated 300+ hours of service during their time as a provisional chapter.

Since the provisional chapter was established in April 2019, members have been involved in philanthropy and service within the Charleston community and on campus, including organizations such as the Lowcountry Food Bank Muscular Dystrophy Association and a local children’s hospital throughout the last several semesters. The chapter has participated in school-sponsored activities including IFC Street Sweep and collected jackets for the Veterans Affairs Cold Cloth Drive. In Spring 2020, the chapter participated in the IFC Basketball Tournament Fundraiser, which raised more than $6,000 for the local children’s hospital. The members have completed more than 80 hours of service per man during their time as a provisional chapter.

Members hold officer positions with organizations including their student ambassador program called “Blue Elite Team” and AFROTC. Members are also actively involved in Club Lacrosse and Hockey. Members participate in student worker positions like Certified Flight Instructors for the Aerospace program. Members have volunteered at various local church camps.

Members hold officer positions and membership within extra-curricular organizations including Charleston 40 Tour guides, Student Government Association, Honors Engage, Greek Emerging Leaders Program, Impact Scholars, Honors Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community (ELLC), Honors Ambassador, Student Veterans Association, Department of Geology Benthic Acoustic Mapping and Survey Program, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, Outdoors Club, and Hillel Jewish Student Union. Members also participate in athletic organizations including the Club Rowing Team, Club Baseball, Club Soccer, and Tennis Club.


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2021 National Undergraduate Chairman and Vice-Chairman Elected The Undergraduate Conference met virtually on January 18, 2021, and elected the following officers for a one-year term.

NATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE CHAIRMAN Caleb L. Lambert (Epsilon Alpha– South Alabama ’18) A junior from Oxford, Alabama, Caleb is pursuing a marketing management degree from the University of South Alabama. He has served as Number IV, Number II, and is in his second term as Number I. Caleb also serves as an Associate Justice for the South Alabama Student Government Association.

NATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE VICE-CHAIRMAN Zachary K. “Zach” Wollermann (Gamma Eta–Florida State ’19) A junior from Tallahassee, Florida, Zach is currently pursuing degrees in political science and English lit media and culture (pre-law). He has served as Number I, Number II, and has previously served on the Interfraternity Council. He is currently a member of the expansion committee for fraternities on behalf of the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office. 76

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Executive Council Updates DEPARTURES


On September 17, 2020, David P. Barksdale (Tau–Wake Forest ’83) submitted his resignation

The Executive Council subsequently met by telephonic conference on September 18. During that meeting, the Executive Council elected King

Aiken’s election created a vacancy in the office of Councilor. Stephen J. LaFollette

V. Aiken Jr. (Kappa–Mercer ’83)

to fill the vacancy. As an Active Member LaFollette served as the Number VI and the Number I. He has spent the last 24 years as a volunteer starting first as Alumnus Advisor for Delta Phi, and then as the Commander of the Dunwody Province since 2009. He is a member of the Loyal Order, Military Division, Crimson & Gold Society, and the Dunwody Court of Honor. He is married to his college sweetheart, April, who is a member of Alpha Xi Delta. His daughter, Caroline, is a member of Chi Omega and his son, Caleb, is an initiate from Delta Phi as well. Professionally, Stephen is a financial advisor and the founder of Longleaf Wealth Management Group.

as Senior Councilor to Knight Commander C. Douglas Simmons III. Barksdale served as the Commander of Smith Province from 2006 to 2011. In 2011, he was elected to the Executive Council at the 74th Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. Barksdale was elected in 2019 as Senior Councilor at the 79th Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. He resigned because of personal and professional obligations.

as Senior Councilor. King served as the Commander of the John Hardeman Province from 1995 to 1997 and again from 2006 to 2008. In 2008, he was elected by the Advisory Council to the Executive Council, where he has served since.

Saloom joins the KAOEF Board Dr. Russell J. Saloom (Gamma Phi–Louisiana ’74) joined the Board of Trustees of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. While an Active Member Dr. Saloom served as co-rush chairman for two years, social chairman, new member educator for two years, and started his chapter’s house fund, which led to the construction of a chapter house in the early 1980’s. He graduated from Louisiana State University’s (LSU) School of Medicine and is board-certified in Ophthalmology. He entered private practice in Baton Rouge and specializes in Ophthalmology, with subspecialty interest of Ocular Plastic and Reconstructive surgery. He has been the Ophthalmologist for the LSU Athletic Department for more than 20 years, where he works with the trainers and athletes. He is a member of the White Province Court of Honor and is a member of Forever KA, the Loyal Order, and the Crimson & Gold Society.

(Delta Phi–Jacksonville State ’84), was elected on October 8

He resides in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with his wife Laura Day. They have two children, Elise, a Delta Zeta at LSU and, James, an initiate from Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Southeastern Louisiana, and Former Number I, and boasts several more family members who are initiates.


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OUR ORDER News, Notes & Recog nition



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George C. Marshall Award For Chapter Excellence The highest honor that can be bestowed upon a chapter is the George C. Marshall Award of chapter excellence. This award is presented annually to the top one to three chapters in the Order in recognition for their superior operations and performance.

California–Alpha Xi


• Top GPA of fraternities on campus

• Top GPA of fraternities on campus

• 3.729 GPA Fall 2019

• 3.41 GPA Fall 2019

• 3.877 GPA Spring 2020

• 3.65 GPA Spring 2020

• 13% Growth in Membership

• Largest fraternity on campus with 79 members

• Raised 13,525 including $4,224 for The Oakland AfricanAmerican Chamber of Commerce Resiliency Fund and more than $7,000 for The Independence Fund

• Raised $3,249 to sponsor a child to go to MDA summer camp

• 894 hours of community service • 76% of Chapter involved in another student organization

• 1,069 hours of community service • Held joint blood drive with 115 donors • 100% of Chapter involved in another student organization

• Team captains of 4 sport teams • 5 intramural championships

Carl Albert Award For Chapter Improvement The Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement is awarded to one to three chapters annually who show advances in their chapter the most year over year. It is named for former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Carl Albert (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’29).


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Campbell– Zeta Psi


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OUR ORDER News, Notes & Recog nition

Samuel Zenas Ammen Award For Chapter Excellence

California–Alpha Xi Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi– Alpha Upsilon

The Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence is awarded to chapters that are in the top 15-20% in the Order based on the applications received. It is named for Samuel Zenas Ammen, Kappa Alpha Order’s Practical Founder. Ammen committed his time as a member of Kappa Alpha Order to improving, fi rst the ritual and operations of our very fi rst chapter at Washington College, and later to the chapters across the nation as he served as Knight Commander for two terms, totaling nine years. Much like our practical founder, the Ammen award-winning chapters exhibit a commitment to excellence. They strive to be the best on campus and in the nation in every aspect of chapter operations.

Missouri S&T– Beta Alpha Missouri Southern State– Delta Pi Presbyterian–Beta Pi South Alabama– Epsilon Alpha Tulsa–Mu

Scholastic Achievement Awards Academic excellence has been a priority of many Knight Commanders. Through the work of our chapters, and elevated standards from the Executive Council, we continue to see a rising national GPA and successful brothers on campus.

National Scholarship Trophy This trophy, located at the national administrative office, is awarded to and engraved with the chapter that achieves the highest combined GPA for the year.

Stanford– Alpha Pi (3.845 GPA)

Scholastic Excellence Awards (3.25+) Awarded to chapters that in one semester, or both, achieve a GPA at or higher than 3.25

Semester Academic Achievement Award (3.0–3.24) Awarded to chapters who in one semester, or both, achieve a GPA between 3.0–3.24


FALL 2019

Alabama–Alpha Beta (3.530) Auburn–Nu (3.510) Campbell–Zeta Psi (3.352) Charleston–Beta Gamma (3.267) Georgia College–Epsilon Nu (3.274) Houston–Gamma Mu (3.510) Jacksonville State–Delta Phi (3.370) Millsaps–Alpha Mu (3.394) Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon (3.620) Mississippi State–Beta Tau (3.540) Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha (3.689) Presbyterian–Beta Pi (3.250) Southern Illinois–Zeta Sigma (3.273) South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha (3.420) South Carolina–Rho (3.28) Texas Tech–Gamma Chi (3.321) Westminster–Alpha Eta (3.250)

Alabama–Alpha Beta (3.043) Auburn–Nu (3.043) Charleston–Beta Gamma (3.073) Jacksonville State–Delta Phi (3.080) Millsaps–Alpha Mu (3.088) Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon (3.110) Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha (3.23) Presbyterian–Beta Pi (3.100) South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha (3.000) Westminster–Alpha Eta (3.060) South Carolina–Rho (3.054)

BOTH FALL 2019 & SPRING 2020


Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau (3.130) Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau (3.130) Transylvania–Alpha Theta (3.023) BOTH FALL 2019 & SPRING 2020

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi (3.03 & 3.130)

California–Alpha Xi (3.957 & 3.877) Centenary–Alpha Iota (3.350 & 3.624) Tulsa–Mu (3.410 & 3.646) William Jewell–Alpha Delta (3.380 & 3.550) William & Mary–Alpha Zeta (3.260 & 3.649)


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Project Outreach Awards KA is pledged to the pursuit of excellence, and our brothers are committed to the development of themselves and others. With this challenge, we must assume responsibilities in many areas. Chapters across the nation offer their time and resources each year to benefit local and national philanthropies and charities.

Outstanding Dollars Raised for Charity Per Man Alabama–Alpha Beta ($103.00 per man) California–Alpha Xi ($180.34 per man) Jacksonville State–Delta Phi ($108.00 per man)

Millsaps–Alpha Mu ($224.30 per man) Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon ($174.00 per man) Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi ($390.21 per man)

Presbyterian–Beta Pi ($228.11 per man) Southern Illinois–Zeta Sigma ($104.00 per man) William Jewell–Alpha Delta ($121.33 per man)

Outstanding Volunteer Service Hours Per Man Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi (99.2 hours per man)

Knight Commander’s Cup Awarded to the chapter with the best overall effort in Operation Crimson Gift, the Order’s blood drive initiative.

Outstanding Recruitment & Chapter Growth These chapters show the coordination of a year-round, values-based approach to recruitment, using chapter accomplishments and involvement to recruit and retain new members.

California–Alpha Xi Tulsa–Mu

Outstanding Correspondence California–Alpha Xi Campbell–Zeta Psi Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Presbyterian–Beta Pi South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha Tulsa–Mu William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Unfortunately, restrictions prevented chapters to host blood drives and no chapter met the threshold for this award in 2020.

Chapter Operations Awards Chapters are recognized, based on their applications, for a variety of areas of operations.

Excellence in Chapter Finance These chapters should have submitted all national reports on time, maintained generally a zero balance, maintain great records, utilize the tools of OmegaFi for budgeting and collecting, and maintain a minimum accounts receivable from their membership.

California–Alpha Xi Mississippi State–Beta Tau


Westminster–Alpha Eta

These chapters schedule speakers and/or workshops, attend opportunities on campus, and lead a comprehensive approach to membership education, which might include Council of Honor, The Crusade, and other areas of leadership and values education.


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Campbell–Zeta Psi

Alabama–Alpha Beta Campbell–Zeta Psi Centenary–Alpha Iota Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau Presbyterian–Beta Pi Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau Transylvania–Alpha Theta Tulsa–Mu William & Mary–Alpha Zeta

Project Outreach Award

Excellence in Educational Programming

California–Alpha Xi

Outstanding Marketing and Advertising


California–Alpha Xi Campbell–Zeta Psi Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau Tulsa–Mu


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Fratres Usque Ad Aram Fideles

Dr. C. Blaine Carpenter Beta Chi–West Virginia Wesleyan ’63 (1943–2020): Dr. Carpenter was a graduate of Lindsay Wilson Jr. College, West Virginia Wesleyan College, Marshall University, and the University of Cincinnati, where he earned a Ph.D. in biology. As a biology professor, he first taught at Bethany College in West Virginia, and later at Clayton State College in Georgia. He became an early advocate for Distance Learning and ultimately served as the Director of Educational Services at Georgia Public Broadcasting TV in Atlanta. He was a member of the Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society. Carpenter was Faculty Advisor to the Beta Chi chapter when he was appointed the Commander of the William Sprigg Hamilton Province in 1972. He served in that role until he was elected to the Executive Council in 1973 and served until 1977. He was also member of the Hamilton Court of Honor. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Kathleen (Budzak).

Gordon H. “Stumpy” Harris, Esq.

Gordon Saussy “Batman” Varnedoe

Beta Zeta–Florida 1957

Emory–Epsilon 1957; Gamma–Georgia

(1938–2021): Stumpy’s reputation as a skilled attorney and litigator was nationally known. Specializing in eminent domain cases, he ultimately argued, and won, before the United States Supreme Court. He was a dedicated KA and proud “Bull Gator” supporting both the KAOEF and University of Florida, especially the Athletic Department. He served as William B. Crawford Province Commander (1993–1997) and as a member of the KAOEF Board of Trustees during 1998– 2000, 2002–2004, and 2010–2016. He was the KAOEF Leadership Lecturer in 1998. As a Trustee, he advised the Order and the KAOEF in 2013–2014 during efforts to sell the then headquarters at the former Rockbridge County Jail and adjacent properties in Lexington under threat of taking by eminent domain from the county. That sale, of course, paved the way for the Foundation to purchase Mulberry Hill. He hosted many Executive Council meetings at his vacation home in Cocoa Beach, Florida. He was a member of the Crawford Court of Honor and a recipient of the Knight Commander’s Accolade, a member of the Loyal Order, Forever KA, the Crimson & Gold Society, and the 1865 Trust. He is survived by his wife, Ruthie, and his children, Rutledge, Sarah, and Bruce Harris (Beta Zeta–Florida ’87).


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(1938–2021): Affectionately known as “Batman,” he was born in Savannah, Georgia, he was initiated at Emory University, before transferring to and graduating from UGA. There he served as Number I. He served as Hardeman Province Commander (2004–2006) and was a longtime member of the Georgia Coastal Empire Alumni Chapter. He was inducted into the Hardeman Province Court of Honor in 1994, and in 2003, he received the Knight Commander’s Accolade. He is survived by his wife Catharine and daughter Elise.

As of publication time, the Order was aware of the passing of former first lady of KA, Linda Hill Dreyer, late wife of 39th Knight Commander William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta– William Jewell ’57), 31st Knight Commander Jack R. Taylor (Beta Iota–Drury ’50), and William A. “Bill” Wood (Alpha–Washington & Lee ’03), grandson of our Chief Founder James Ward Wood. Their obituaries will be published in the next edition.


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*deceased listing includes those repor ted through May 16, 2021.

Alabama–Alpha Beta

William H. Brittain 1966, 1/15/20 COL Carl Boyette Crumpler USAF (Ret.) 1948, 9/23/19 Walter Watlington Eppes, Jr. 1948, 6/25/14 Bailey Kincey Green, Jr. 1971, 9/1/20 Robert Emmett Jones, III 1958, 5/11/20 Samuel A. Lemaistre 1940, 12/31/06 Phillip H. Pitts 1958, 5/20/20 Charles R. Sittason 1964, 9/30/20 Ernest Vernon Stabler, Jr. 1953, 8/13/20 Sellers Stough, Jr. 1941, 1/4/14

James William Bealle, Jr. 1954, 9/15/20 Taylor B. Bodkin 1941, 5/28/14 Mose William Gordon, Jr. 1942, 4/8/17 CPT Morris L. Hayes 1950, 8/24/20 William Ralph Jones, Jr. 1943, 6/4/20 Samuel Graves Lowrey, Jr. 1958, 6/16/20 John Hans Poulsen, Jr. 1946, 4/18/20 Joseph T. Rhodes 1968, 12/16/18 MAJ John A. Russell 1946, 6/18/20 Edward Eugene Thomison, Jr. 1943, 7/25/19 Robinson Jester Ward, Jr. 1953, 3/20/18

Appalachian State– Delta Psi

Austin Peay State– Zeta Tau

James W. Worboys 2004, 6/5/20

Dylan Kellogg 2015, 4/10/21

Clemson– Delta Omicron

Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

Baylor–Delta Omega

James M. Payne, Jr. 1971, 6/7/20

James H. Bustrin, Jr. 1949, 1/30/13 Arkansas– Alpha Omicron

Kevin Ryan 2019, 3/18/21 Charles B. Clemmons 1931, 6/2/12 John W. Graves 1947, 12/9/19 Dalton E. Packmore 1957, 9/14/19 James O. Tatro 1956, 5/20/18 Arkansas State– Delta Eta

Wilkes D. East 2004, 7/6/20 William C. Fitts 1972, 8/22/20 Alfred W. Morgan 1972, 5/29/06 Robert H. Pond 1972, 5/18/20 William W. Spurlock 1975, 10/20/20 Auburn–Nu

William J. Aycock 1951, 4/12/21 Thomas Watts Andress 1951, 8/24/13 William F. Andrews 1943, 9/24/07 William H. Barton 1947, 9/16/15 82

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Todd M. Saha 1985, 1/26/21 Bethany–Beta Beta

William L. Kinney, IV 1964, 4/11/19 BirminghamSouthern–Phi

Ronald C. Lonergan 1948, 8/5/16 Hugh Anderson Neighbors, Jr. 1947, 4/13/17 Jerry B. Oglesby 1959, 11/17/19 George Edward Sutton, Jr. 1961, 2/21/18 California–Alpha Xi

Philip B. Eckert 1962, 7/20/16 Alan B. Holloway 1956, 2/18/19 John K. Mortenson 1954, 1/10/19 Centenary– Alpha Iota

George A. Hamilton 1958, 3/15/21 Ray Allan Barlow, Jr. 1984, 1/23/17 James A. Fullilove 1964, 7/12/20 William Kendrick Hayes, Jr. 1959, 9/16/18

James Guy Hughes, Jr. 1947, 12/20/20 Willie Ford King, Jr. 1961, 8/21/07 Hon. Dan Sawyer 1945, 2/12/21 John A. Vasilopoulos 1961, 6/3/20 Ralph W. White 1950, 10/18/18 Citadel–Theta Commission

CAPT Walter Harold Arnold, Jr. 2015, 12/12/20 Everett Holloway 2013, 10/6/20 CPT Charles E. Montgomery 2011, 9/19/20 Sen. William Hamilton O’Dell 2015, 1/6/16 LTC W. Stovall Witte, Jr. USA (Ret) 2010, 10/5/20


Sam R. Clare 1951, 11/11/20 Frank Johnstone Dana, III 1969, 4/8/20 Dr. Albert G. Harris, Jr. 1943, 12/2/20 Edwin Wall Monroe MD 1944, 4/16/17 Dr. William N. Nash 1944, 12/11/12 Dr. Hamilton Earle Russell, Jr. 1960, 11/23/20 Delaware– Beta Epsilon

David T. Holland 1975, 6/20/20 Joseph B. Marvel 1958, 11/27/17 Stephen R. Welch 1957, 12/19/18 Delta State– Delta Beta

John L. Hathcock 1966, 9/19/08 James W. Jacks, Sr. 1964, 8/14/20 Dr. Henry E. Outlaw 1967, 2/21/15 Drury–Beta Iota

Alvin M. Ruddick 1951, 11/23/20 John Catlett Christian, Jr. 1948, 6/30/20

Larry R. Freund 1955, 7/26/20 Ronald R. Rucker 1953, 3/13/15 Duke–Alpha Phi

Charles F. Blanchard 1942, 3/10/21 Carl F. Sapp 1946, 3/15/21 Burwell A. Allen, Jr. 1956, 3/4/21 Daniel H. Caldwell 1948, 7/6/20 William W. Gantt 1954, 6/24/19 Michael B. Halverson 1985, 12/17/15 East Carolina– Gamma Rho

Willis J. Aman 1960, 8/5/15 Jimmie L. Dagenhart 1965, 3/19/19 Mitchell G. Graham 1967, 7/23/20 Clyde Thomas Mallison, Jr. 1961, 9/6/15 John W. Munford 1964, 12/21/10 Thomas E. Riddick, Jr. 1959, 2/23/21 Donald H. Thompson 1963, 2/7/21 James S. Viverette 1965, 1/24/20 Harry L. Wicker 1959, 10/19/20 East Tennessee State–Delta Delta

William Harrison Burnette 1967, 2/7/21 William B. Miller 1968, 12/30/20 Clem C. Wilkes, Jr. 1971, 12/13/20 Emory–Epsilon

Gordon Saussy Varnedoe 1957, 4/24/21 Nathaniel Jackson Couch 1944, 7/22/20 Hon. W. Gus Elliott 1951, 8/1/20 J. McDavid Flowers 1967, 5/25/20 Dr. Joseph H. Gaston IV 1949, 7/12/20 Dr. Joseph Cholmondeley Greenfield, Jr. 1950, 10/14/20 Dr. Walter Lloyd Hudson, Jr. 1956, 7/2/20

Dr. Silas D. McCaslin 1961, 11/10/16 Florida–Beta Zeta

Stumpy Harris 1957, 4/1/21 James A. Blake, Jr. 1964, 12/24/14 Edwin R. Brownell PLS 1944, 7/23/20 Donald T. Debevoise 1949, 6/15/19 Charles E. Fry 1950, 7/7/16 James E. Gilliam 1958, 5/31/20 Jack C. Hayman 1946, 1/5/13 Robert O. Kay, Jr. 1950, 4/13/06 Thomas Albert McKean 2005, 2/29/08 Angus Williams, Jr. 1945, 6/13/19 Florida Southern– Gamma Pi

Angus C. McAulay, Jr. 1958, 6/9/04 Florida State– Gamma Eta

Jonathan Ballard Millwood 2011, 3/20/21 Walter H. Edwards 1956, 11/11/20 Edwin A. Herrin 1958, 12/27/18 Ray B. Munroe 1956, 1/27/21 John Andrew Smith 1963, 8/10/20 Richard N. Thierry 1954, 2/14/19 Francis Marion– Delta Tau

Jason M. Munnerlyn 1995, 4/9/20 Furman–Iota

COL Winton Grier Campbell, Jr. 1959, 4/18/21 Maurice N. Brown 1951, 8/15/17 John G. Cheros 1961, 9/8/20 George Washington– Alpha Nu

Harry Earl Taylor, Jr. 1946, 5/31/18 Georgetown– Beta Delta

Dr. Robert M. Davis 1947, 3/13/21 Charles N. Apple, Jr.


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CHAPTER ETERNAL Fratres Usque Ad Aram Fideles

1970, 4/25/18 Roger Hugh Bedford, Sr. 1951, 4/10/19 Georgia–Gamma

Eric E. Price 1980, 4/17/21 Howard Edwards Ayers 1942, 12/19/20 Samuel Powell Inglesby, Jr. 1960, 4/5/20 Sam D. King 1967, 12/29/20 Samuel Hill Morgan, Jr. 1963, 2/15/20 M. Clay Sewell 1976, 12/14/20 John T. Staton 1963, 6/20/19 James Allen Thomas 1949, 9/4/19 W. Byrd Warlick 1960, 9/24/19 Georgia Southern– Delta Theta

Leo Sessions Mallard, Jr. 1984, 11/19/16 Georgia Tech– Alpha Sigma

Alvin Neal Adcock, Jr. 1945, 11/1/11 Guy C. Arnall 1957, 3/25/21 Joseph K. Black 1965, 5/4/21 Walton Thomas Carter, Jr. 1948, 5/4/21 Eugene Cox Dunwody 1952, 1/9/21 John Maurice Allen, Jr. 1950, 7/30/09 Eugene Cox Dunwody, Jr. 1982, 1/9/21 Ronald S. Edmondson 1956, 11/27/19 Charles Ray Gardner AIA 1949, 11/19/20 James C. Hays 1947, 10/31/20 Eugene Horne, Jr. 1946, 12/10/16 Hall Caldwell Howard, Jr. 1956, 11/10/20 Henry Clay Moore, Jr. 1948, 2/21/13 CPT David W. Pinkerton 1946, 1/8/08 CAPT Vincent W. Segars 1988, 6/10/20 Thomas S. Williams 1947, 9/24/17

Hampden-Sydney– Alpha Tau

Dr. Lewis William Bridgforth 1958, 10/8/20 Rev. Collier S. Harvey, Jr. 1947, 9/29/15 Richard Bates Killinger 1952, 7/24/20 R. Maxwell Meador 1955, 12/22/15 Charles C. Morton 1958, 7/7/20 William Harveycutter Robertson 1948, 2/20/19 John E. Sadler, Jr. 1953, 12/17/20 Bradley S. Simms 1983, 4/28/01 William C. Vaden 1947, 7/23/19 James Shelby White 1953, 7/22/20

Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma

Dr. Charles W. Smith, Jr. 1977, 3/14/20

Arthur Roderick Carmody, Jr. 1950, 4/4/21 Kenneth E. Biglane 1945, 10/12/94 William Burney Bilbo 1960, 2/22/21 Robert D. Boston 1971, 3/25/15 Kirby Lee Cockerham, Jr. 1947, 1/31/14 Charles Aloysius Hustmyre, III 1963, 2/20/11 John W. Melton 1958, 8/11/18 Henry Clay Sevier, Jr. 1942, 3/4/16 Ben S. Thomas 1977, 3/6/21 Gerald Lewis Walter, Jr. 1955, 1/14/15 Thomas E. Ward 1956, 12/31/17

Indiana State– Zeta Iota

Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

Houston–Gamma Mu

Leon A. Denena 1957, 3/30/18 Houston Baptist– Delta Sigma

Michael Andrew Salb 2013, 5/5/18 Johns Hopkins– Alpha Lambda

Lambert John Eichner, Jr. 1939, 9/2/19 Charles Fuller, Jr. 1942, 3/22/19 Millard T. Lang 1931, 8/4/02 Henry Victor Rieger, Jr. 1957, 11/18/20 Kentucky–Theta

Jim S. Rives 1961, 4/20/21 Robert Gene Shelton 1958, 3/25/17 Lambuth– Gamma Omicron

Ken A. Crill 2000, 6/28/20 Rev. Jerry V. Crook 1966, 2/26/21 Charles E. Dyer 1984, 10/19/19 Timothy F. Goldsmith 1975, 9/28/20 Chad D. Kingsbury 1991, 5/4/20


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Thomas E. Prather 1987, 11/22/13 Gary M. Rutherford 1957, 8/11/20 John E. Yarbrough 1969, 6/11/20

H. Samuel Austin 1951, 9/6/19 John B. Roddey 1955, 4/27/20 Louisiana Lafayette– Gamma Phi

Joseph Wilson Roach, Jr. 1964, 3/28/21 Kenneth L. Butcher 1961, 12/11/20 Alcee Pierre Dupuis, Jr. 1960, 8/14/20 Raymond Maurice Sonnier, II 1966, 7/19/20 Louisiana-Monroe– Gamma Nu

George Robert Collier, Jr. 1974, 1/4/21 Malcolm James Keith, Jr. 1958, 11/18/14 Marshall– Beta Upsilon

David H. Daugherty 1949, 5/9/21 Richard W. Douthitt 1967, 1/6/19 Edward L. Farley 1953, 12/7/18

John W. George 1955, 4/21/19 Thomas Dudley Johnson 2010, 1/29/21 Worthington Holland Slutz, II 1949, 11/22/13 Kenneth C. Waldo, Jr. 1943, 9/9/20 Maryland– Beta Kappa

John F. Foley, Jr. 1955, 6/23/20 Roger B. Goss 1957, 8/29/20 Frederick W. Lewis, Jr. 1950, 8/7/20 Morgan B. Wootten 1954, 1/21/20 McNeese State– Delta Xi

Tony G. Perot 1971, 2/8/21 Gary W. Rider 1976, 7/11/20 Memphis– Gamma Gamma

Dr. James B. Barker 1950, 2/20/02 Steven A. Davie, MD 1963, 1/23/20 Robert J. Mahar 1981, 6/1/20 Walter S. Warren 1956, 6/30/19 Mercer–Kappa

Robert H. Baer 1960, 8/16/20 James M. Campbell 1966, 9/4/20 Dr. Fleming R. Childs 1942, 5/10/20 C. Kerry Glover 1978, 2/14/21 William Beverly Lumpkin, Jr. 1962, 1/23/21 Leo Sessions Mallard, Sr. 1957, 7/16/87 Dawson A. Moore III 1988, 11/3/20 Donald A. Randall 1955, 6/22/20 Philip R. Taylor 1952, 8/16/20 Dr. William B. Trimble 1948, 9/26/19 Dr. Carl Monroe York, Jr. 1943, 12/3/18 Middle Tennessee State–Delta Lambda

James M. Compton 1969, 8/18/17 James M. Pearson 1970, 2/4/21

Ronald P. Van Vickle 1970, 12/25/20 Thomas L. Wynn 1970, 5/16/18 Millsaps–Alpha Mu

William A. Adams 2002, 11/18/20 William Flournoy Goodman, Jr. 1946, 1/7/21 Ernest L. Jordon, Jr. 1945, 8/8/18 Dr. Max Harold McDaniel PhD 1956, 4/19/16 Stephen C. Meisburg 1960, 6/26/16 Albert Hardy Nall, Jr. 1953, 7/26/17 Scott S. Warfield 1935, 8/15/13 Charles H. Williams, Jr. 1953, 1/26/21 Mississippi– Alpha Upsilon

Mose J. Allison, Jr. 1945, 11/15/16 Dewitt M. Lovelace 1966, 1/2/21 Dr. Thomas C. Turner 1943, 11/20/20 Richard Baxter Wilson, Jr. 1958, 5/8/21 Dr. Fred Calvin Bordelon 1959, 1/24/21 Francis Julian Carroll, Jr. 1949, 3/3/21 Mark J. Corey 1969, 4/19/13 Theodore B. Hannah 1954, 5/9/15 Edward R. Joyce, Jr. 1946, 9/15/20 Larry G. Pegrim 1958, 5/22/17 Robert F. Powers 1954, 11/17/20 Peter R. Rudolph 1953, 6/7/19 Harvey Samuel Stanley, Jr. 1947, 9/16/15 Mississippi State– Beta Tau

Patrick Cooper Davis 2016, 9/10/20 George M. Bryan 1955, 1/20/18 Charles W. Ford 1958, 2/27/19 John D. Frazier, Jr. 1964, 7/22/20 John L. Hyland III 1951, 10/29/20 John Kershaw Kirkland, Jr. 1959, 11/18/16


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*deceased listing includes those repor ted through May 16, 2021.

William M. Lowry, Jr. 1961, 7/19/19 Robert A. Puckett 1943, 11/29/08 George D. Simpson 1950, 7/27/20 Missouri– Alpha Kappa

Fred A. Decker 1966, 1/16/20 Glennon K. Forristall 1957, 2/28/19 Robert E. Hawkins 1957, 7/25/20 Steven R. Loftus 1980, 7/11/20 Richard P. Moore 1952, 1/15/20 William Scott Phillips 1995, 7/28/20 Charles L. Souther 1966, 10/3/20 Anthony S. Vaughn 1979, 1/12/19 Missouri S&T– Beta Alpha

Dr. C. Stuart Ferrell, PhD 1961, 11/22/20 Charles R. Martin 1963, 9/15/19 Donald G. Mason 1960, 2/7/20 Harry M. Meyer, Jr. 1953, 6/23/17 Terry K. Smith 1957, 1/4/21 Frederick M. Springer 1946, 4/18/12 Seymour Subitzky 1947, 12/2/15 Missouri State– Gamma Beta

North Carolina– Upsilon

Oklahoma City– Gamma Kappa

San Diego State– Gamma Iota

Thomas Edward Rogers, Jr. 1952, 9/2/20 Garth K. Dunklin 1981, 1/14/21 Allen S. Goslen 1949, 1/22/19 George Hamilton IV 1956, 9/17/14 Gerald Fulenwider McBrayer, Jr. 1954, 2/27/19 William Charles Moore, Jr. 1949, 7/10/19 Dr Albert Ray Newsome MD 1954, 12/19/20 Robert Glenn Ogburn, Jr. 1962, 9/28/20 Clayton Bernard Smith, Jr. 1958, 10/14/01 John F. Willingham 1963, 3/5/21

Alan B. Brooking 1952, 12/1/20

Edward L. Thomas 1950, 12/6/92

Oklahoma State– Beta Xi

San Jose State– Gamma Delta

Dr. Jerry R. Choate 1962, 12/9/09 James R. Gates 1960, 2/15/21 William M. Harmon 1947, 6/3/20

Frederick I. Burbank 1949, 12/2/14 Curtis Craig Carlson 1953, 12/17/17

North Carolina State–Alpha Omega

Albert S. Orr, Jr. 1948, 2/3/05 Page B. Ashby, Sr. 1964, 10/25/19 William P. Davis 1949, 10/23/20 James R. Lowe 1984, 9/21/20 North Texas– Gamma Lambda

James W. Hampton 1955, 4/7/21 Henry Castillo 1960, 2/6/21 William R. Yeager 1959, 4/3/16

Donald Eugene Davison 1954, 12/30/20 Thomas B. Tappmeyer 1956, 11/30/20

Northwestern State–Gamma Psi

New Mexico– Beta Phi

Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Lawrence B. Coll 1963, 3/20/17 Paul W. Tanton 1945, 1/1/98 Newberry–Delta Epsilon

Ronnie R. Black 2012, 7/7/18 Richard Tyler Hook 2013, 1/20/21 Herbert Wellington Smith III 1966, 5/30/20


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Rick C. Oeder 1966, 10/6/20 James E. Bates, Jr. 1938, 6/21/19 David L. Mangini 1964, 5/1/18 William Lewis Peterson, Jr. 1949, 3/5/19 Harry H. Phillips, Jr. 1948, 7/16/20 Dr. William W. Talley II 1961, 10/7/05 Charles Worth Ward, Jr. 1952, 9/3/20

Old Dominion– Delta Gamma

Dale N. Williams 1965, 5/15/17 Presbyterian– Beta Pi

Arthur Francis Jones, II 1947, 6/2/20 Samuel Warren Mays, Jr. 1954, 10/15/17 Dr. Henry L. Smith 1953, 2/5/21 Roy M. Spratt 1940, 8/1/13 Randolph-Macon– Zeta

John W. Fleenor 1951, 8/19/18 Walker G. Madison 1956, 4/29/16 Hon. William Thomas McDonald, Jr. 1959, 2/17/21 T. Brett Reichhart 1998, 7/17/16 William A. Wilkinson 1954, 1/25/18 Richmond–Eta

Robert Sidney Murphy 1954, 10/31/20 Robert E. Swain 1954, 6/21/20 Roanoke–Beta Rho

Bruce L. Fariss 1954, 9/12/20 Joseph W. Hatcher 1959, 6/22/18 Howard E. Kerr 1930, 1/24/88 Ronald J. Strahan 1965, 4/23/08 Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau

Frank S. Craft, Jr. 1981, 7/2/20

Southern Methodist–Beta Lambda

South–Alpha Alpha

Dr. J. Patrick Dilworth 1977, 8/10/20 A. Donald Fielding, Jr. 1955, 2/5/21 Thomas McBride Goodrum, Sr. 1958, 3/2/15 Dr. John D. Hall 1951, 8/2/20 W. George Huffman 1957, 7/3/15 South Carolina–Rho

Robert L. Dieter 1948, 1/26/21 Eugene M. Hood 1946, 4/10/21 Gaspar L. Toole 1943, 1/13/21 A. King Dixon II 1956, 7/6/20 William Gordon Lyles, Jr. 1958, 11/15/20 Calhoun Allen Mays, Jr. 1946, 11/10/16 G. Spruce McCain 1946, 7/14/20 Lt. Col. James Kenneth Morris, Jr. USAF (Ret.) 1953, 10/22/20 Thomas Edmondson Ruffin, Jr. 1939, 9/23/08

John C. Allen, PhD 1954, 4/30/20 Thomas L. Freeman 1962, 11/30/18 Dr. Maurice D. Mann 1950, 11/28/10 James G. Raines 1982, 1/14/21 George A. Shelburne 1958, 2/15/21 Harry Raybourne Thompson, Jr. 1956, 9/7/15 Southern Mississippi– Gamma Zeta

Dr. William E. Bowlus 1950, 8/13/20 Robert I. Morgan, Jr. 1950, 5/12/17 Douglas R. Talbot 1960, 12/7/14 Southwestern–Xi

Larry I. Korts 1953, 6/2/20 Rev. William W. Alley 1971, 7/12/20 Dr. Paul R. Culwell 1930, 5/21/09 Paul W. Oxley 1971, 2/23/17 Louis Andrew Sterling, Jr. 1971, 1/30/20 Kevin D. Wells 1971, 4/19/17 Stanford–Alpha Pi

Ian M. Cribbs 1953, 4/13/10 Philip A. Stohr 1958, 7/17/20

Southern California– Beta Sigma

Stephen F. Austin State–Delta Kappa

Dr. Neal F. Amsden 1945, 6/13/12 Paul N. Anderson 1950, 11/16/11 David G. Berg 1957, 10/8/18 Lawrence B Hendrickson 1942, 9/6/19 William D. Maddox 1954, 7/2/17 Wayne P. Schafer 1951, 6/2/20 Dean Schneider 1948, 10/5/18 Sam G. Tsagalakis 1955, 1/2/21

Philip D. Estes 1969, 3/3/17 Morgan Whitsitt Matthews, Jr. 1969, 7/20/20 Tennessee–Pi

Thomas G. King 1960, 5/16/21 Kenneth D. Williams 1951, 5/5/21 MSgt Nathan Lynn Crawford, Sr., USA (Ret.) 1955, 1/6/21 Charles Lee Gardner, Jr. 1960, 1/7/17 Edward T. Hunter 1949, 6/8/17 David E. Woods 1966, 1/25/02


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CHAPTER ETERNAL Fratres Usque Ad Aram Fideles

Tennessee-Martin– Delta Upsilon

John L. Mantooth 2004, 7/30/17 Texas A&MCommerce–Gamma Upsilon

James L. Ervin 1970, 9/9/20 Ronnie B. Abernathy 1964, 1/26/20 D. Gene Casselberry 1961, 5/23/20 Dustin Castillo 2012, 6/30/17 Texas–Omicron

George M. Dobbins 1951, 1/1/95 John Lancaster Estes 1951, 6/14/20 LTC Frank O. Packard, Jr. 1943, 5/4/19 Reagan L. Preis 1947, 12/18/20 Robert J. Whitson 1981, 5/23/15 Texas State-San Marcos–Epsilon Iota

David A. Hambrick 1983, 11/7/19 Texas Tech– Gamma Chi

William H. Holland 1961, 11/14/20 Joseph C. McDowell 2010, 10/7/20 Beau B. Young 1997, 11/10/20 Texas Wesleyan– Zeta Xi

Derrick Michael Applon 2014, 8/28/18 Texas-Arlington– Delta Iota

Guinn Gandy 1985, 3/24/19 Transylvania– Alpha Theta

COL William Granville Clark, Jr. USA(Ret.) 1972, 11/6/20 Dr Logan Gragg, Jr. 1934, 2/9/10 Tulane–Psi

Leonard M. Finley 1942, 6/18/10 Julian Swoop Hillery, Sr. 1956, 8/29/12 Dr Kenneth McLeod, Jr. 1951, 5/27/20 Richard T. Newman 1947, 9/4/97


Mark E. Draper 1948, 1/15/02 Stephen James Jackson 2006, 6/9/20 James Gibson Yeager, Jr. 1950, 9/19/20 Valdosta State– Delta Rho

Christopher C. Ruff 1986, 11/23/20 Carter Stan Cathell 1971, 6/6/20 Gregory S. Dew 2005, 12/8/17 J. Gregg Nixon 1981, 1/1/21 Vanderbilt–Chi

J. Michael Campbell 1962, 9/4/20 James W. Jacobs 1950, 6/11/19 Eugene Harris Johnson, Jr. 1957, 6/21/19 Philip Dickinson Rowe, Jr. 1946, 4/23/20 Virginia–Lambda

Wake Forest–Tau

Dr. Lloyd W. Bailey 1946, 8/12/20 John L. Hall 1944, 3/1/14 Thomas H. Helms 1956, 11/14/10 Johnny Dale Massie, II 1981, 10/10/20 David S. Mervine 1975, 4/27/20 Joe H. Morris 1946, 6/8/18

Franklin Whitner Chase, Jr. 1956, 5/17/20 William R. Cooper 1957, 8/23/20 James W. Utt 1948, 12/1/18

Washington– Beta Omega

VMI–Beta Commission

Washington– Beta Theta

BG Norman Michael Bissell 1961, 2/7/19 COL James H. Brittingham 1964, 3/1/20 Dr. D. Christy Brothers II 1969, 2/13/20 Martin L. Caples 1962, 3/3/20 John Henry Crenshaw, Jr. 1975, 4/11/20 P. Stockton Fleming 1949, 4/21/16 Warren M. Goddard III 1978, 2/1/20 LTC Carl Moore Jordan, Jr. 1962, 6/20/20 Benjamin F. Kimsey 2009, 11/4/20 L. William Lamb 1956, 3/29/20 Dr. John J. Lund 1953, 2/19/20 Barry L. O’Donnell 1971, 2/13/20 Graham Allen Penniman, Jr. 1961, 4/1/20

Joe T. Suggs, Jr. 1959, 8/8/16


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Perry N. Ritenour 1967, 11/14/19 Rev. Jan C. Rudinoff 1964, 2/4/20 MG Thomas Harrison Tait USA (Ret.) 1955, 11/30/20 MG Merdith Wyndham Bolling Temple USA (Ret.) 1975, 11/1/20 CPT J. Kent Underwood 1968, 5/9/20 Donald McLean Wilkinson, Jr. 1961, 4/13/20

Charles Larry Brandenburg, Jr., DDS 1947, 10/16/18 P. Curt Massey, III 1955, 5/10/20

Washington & Lee–Alpha

Edward Metcalf George, II 1955, 4/11/21 Dr. Edgar W. Spencer 1951, 1/8/20 Dr. William J. Stober II 1952, 9/25/12 West Texas A&M– Gamma Sigma

James R. Pendergrass 1960, 12/28/14 West Virginia– Alpha Rho

Dr. John E. Glover 1961, 9/13/20 Joseph O. Harper 1961, 2/19/20 Kenneth R. Lucas 1961, 5/9/21 Michael I. Callahan 2011, 2/19/21

Sidney E. Grisell 1958, 8/24/20 Simon Howell 2013, 11/9/20 West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi

Dr. C. Blaine Carpenter 1963, 9/18/20 Western Carolina– Delta Alpha

James Baxter Wood 1964, 4/23/21 John E. Barker 1966, 4/11/20 Larry D. Blackman 1969, 12/7/20 Bennett K. Bloodworth II 1995, 7/22/20 Timothy W. Bolin 1985, 8/23/18 Thomas O. Bommer 1982, 7/9/20 Lon O. Joyce 1969, 12/3/20 Larry G. McDonald 1965, 12/10/20 Robert H. Pittman 1964, 1/20/19

William Jewell– Alpha Delta

Donald W. Blalock 1957, 11/15/19 James F. Carmichael 1968, 2/18/17 Marion O. Parker 1957, 6/30/20 Loren S. Powles 1948, 6/14/19 Wofford–Delta

LTC Walton B. Stamper, USA (Ret.) 1956, 4/19/21 Charles Linwood Fowler, II 1964, 7/15/20 Dr. Donald L. Fowler 1954, 12/15/20 Pierce H. Hegler 1963, 11/24/18 COL Gregory L. Troutman 1950, 10/24/20

Western Kentucky– Epsilon Theta

Chase A. Richards 2008, 8/15/16 Westminster– Alpha Eta

LTC Jerry T. Dryden 1956, 1/20/21 Major Stephen D. Hill 1963, 11/24/19 Robert G. McKelvey 1948, 2/19/21 Dr. Eric J. Stein 1983, 1/11/20 Melchior August Wagner, Jr. 1949, 5/5/20 William & Mary– Alpha Zeta

James E. Altizer 1957, 9/28/20 Andrew C. Blandford 1962, 4/23/18 Chester J. Claudon 1941, 5/20/20 Dr. Rodney G. Elliott 1954, 6/19/20 Julian S. Orrell 1946, 11/10/15 Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Jr., JD, PhD 1942, 9/26/20 John D. Weaver 1929, 12/4/02


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LOYAL LEGACY “Shortly after I graduated from the College of William & Mary, J. Rockefeller III advised me of the development of Lincoln Center in New York City. He felt it would create an area of performing arts and that it would be a great center for children.”

Bensley H.L. Field (Alpha Zeta–William & Mary ’54) was one of the lead donors for both history books, Excelsior: The Story of Kappa Alpha Order and The Compendium History of Kappa Alpha Order.


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Ensur ing the future of Kappa Alpha Order

Bensley H.L. Field


(Alpha Zeta–William & Mary ’54) Ben Field and his wife Maureen are some of the most dedicated supporters of KA and the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation in history. Ben is a member of the Ammen Court of Honor, Forever KA, the Loyal Order, the Crimson & Gold Society, and the 1865 Trust. He was one of the lead donors for both history books, Excelsior: The Story of Kappa Alpha Order and The Compendium History of Kappa Alpha Order. The Fields also support the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Stratford Hall, and the Richmond Botanical Gardens. Tell us about how you got started in philanthropic support.

Shortly after I graduated from the College of William & Mary, J. Rockefeller III advised me of the development of Lincoln Center in New York City. He felt it would create an area of performing arts and that it would be a great center for children. It was suggested that I become a part of the participation and a plaque with my name would be inscribed on a wall of donors in Founders Hall. It’s still there. I certainly understood the reason for the development. It was a way of my expressing my approval for Lincoln Center. This was the beginning for me. The “Brotherhood Relief Fund” was originally intended to provide support to those faced with disasters, but more recently has been expanded to meet the needs of young men impacted by the

pandemic. Why did you make a leadership gift to this fund?

Support of the Brotherhood Relief Fund I feel is the perfect way to help brothers and/or family in need. In this regard, a gift is much more appropriate than a loan.

“We at Alpha Zeta have over the last 20+ years almost yearly had gettogethers at a brother’s home or club.” Do you and your brothers stay connected from your era at Alpha Zeta Chapter?

We at Alpha Zeta have over the last 20+ years almost yearly had get-togethers at a brother’s home or club, as well as both Stratford Hall and Mulberry Hill. Both are outstanding properties here in the Commonwealth of Virginia.


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SOCIETY Crimson & Gold Society www.KAcrimsonandgold.com Today, Kappa Alpha Order is stronger than ever before. Nearly 8,000 active members serve on campuses across our nation. But this demand requires increased resources in a tumultuous time on every campus for our youngest brothers. The KAOEF is in the final stages of an ambitious campaign to establish 1,000 donors at the $1000 level, annually, by end of 2021. Join the Crimson & Gold Society... and invest in the next generation of KA brothers. Other ways to Support the KAOEF & Kappa Alpha Order Forever KA www.ForeverKA.org Loyal Order www.LoyalOrder.org 1865 Trust www.KAOEF.org/1865-Trust


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The Loyal Order Update These brothers joined the Loyal Order to endow The Kappa Alpha Journal and receive a lifetime subscription between July 1, 2019 and December 31, 2020.

Julian Hearn Brackman, Jr. 1989, LO#3950 Matthew W. Schivera 1997, LO#3951 George E. McGee IV 1992, LO#3958 George Mason– Epsilon Phi

Alabama–Alpha Beta

Mims J. Cooper 1977, LO#3779 James P. Barraza 1968, LO#3882 Rieves Berry 2016, LO#3921 Appalachian State– Delta Psi

Curtis Lynne Swain, Jr. 1983, LO#3777

Austin Peay State– Zeta Tau

Bennett Russell Evans 2014, LO#3809 Daniel Nolen Pitts 2012, LO#3905 Aristeo Skyy Ruiz 2014, LO#3944 Baylor–Delta Omega

Bradford W. Lowe 1960, LO#3962

Ronald J. Banks 1979, LO#3999 John W. Bradley 1979, LO#3998 Mark P. Brim 1978, LO#3997

Arizona State– Epsilon Omega

Bowling Green State– Zeta Lambda

Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

Daniel M. Engel 1998, LO#3814 Phillip J. Bales 1990, LO#3874 Arkansas–Alpha Omicron

Eric Lowell Scott McLain, II 2016, LO#3955 James Michael Vann 1989, LO#3795 Arkansas Tech– Epsilon Zeta

John D. Karnes 1982, LO#3957 John F. O’Donoghue 1982, LO#3956 Auburn–Nu

Roy Thorson McCrary, Jr. 1986, LO#3774 H. Jerome Strickland, Sr. 1959, LO#3825 Andrew R. Cunningham 1979, LO#3866 Auburn–Nu

Miles M. Cunningham 1981, LO#3865 W. David James 1980, LO#3867 Patrick J. David 1990, LO#3872 Charles Spencer Browning, Jr. 1966, LO#3903 Harris Albert Pippen, III 1985, LO#3925 Larkin B. Nolen 1959, LO#3888 T. Michael Tennant 1967, LO#3996 John W. Hargrove 1980, LO#4006


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Adam J. Shipp 2000, LO#3880 California-Riverside– Epsilon Epsilon

Nathan J. Treadwell 1996, LO#3931 Charleston– Beta Gamma

Joseph Laurnes Nicholson 1984, LO#3995 Citadel–Theta Commission

LTG. Ellie G. Shuler, Jr., USAF (Ret) 2011, LO#3808 Howard Jerome Strickland, Jr. 2017, LO#3824 Robert W. Schivera 2006, LO#3942 Clemson–Delta Omicron

Louis T. Runge, Jr. 1980, LO#3848 Frederick Laughton Sherman 1987, LO#3853 Brent Carraway 2016, LO#3907 James Dreyer Norris 2015, LO#3976 David Braden Kelly 2017, LO#3994 Delaware–Beta Epsilon

Scott H. Walter 2019, LO#3815 Delta State–Delta Beta

Dr. Lee H. Baker 1987, LO#3800 Robert Wilbanks 2019, LO#3852 Daniel Gregory Tacker 1985, LO#3884 Guy T. Mohead, III 1971, LO#4016

Duke–Alpha Phi

J. Michael Goodson 1962, LO#3885 East Carolina– Gamma Rho

Christopher C. Knott 1984, LO#3898 Eastern Kentucky– Delta Mu

Robert M. Sullivan 1970, LO#3960 Emory–Epsilon

Corey N. Neal 2002, LO#3765 Mark C. Post 1986, LO#3805 Mark N. Phillips 1976, LO#3887 Dr. Travis Wayne Blalock MD 2000, LO#3915 L. Hunt Campbell 1975, LO#4001 Dr. Harry L. Shufflebarger 1960, LO#4012 Florida–Beta Zeta

Robert A. Jackson 1967, LO#3764 Thomas C. Buss II 1999, LO#3812 David A. Tomkins 1986, LO#3832 Edwin R. Brownell PLS 1944, LO#3883 Sawyer C. Smith 1994, LO#3949 Florida State– Gamma Eta

Dan W. Cartwright 1996, LO#3838 James A. Owens 1979, LO#3981 Richard E. Heath 1967, LO#3982 William K. Seago, Jr. 1978, LO#4013 Francis Marion– Delta Tau

Richard Dustin James 2010, LO#3796 Brian D. Anderson 1983, LO#3836 2LT William Robert Simpson, III 2011, LO#3953 Luther Osorow Hinson, IV 1982, LO#3975 Furman–Iota

Dr. Jerry R. Thomas, EdD 1960, LO#3798 Dr. William H. Burkhalter, III 1992, LO#3946

Kenneth Mika 2012, LO#3819 Whitson W. Robinson 1991, LO#3820 Bruce M. Baltas 1989, LO#3901 Georgetown–Beta Delta

Charley Grant 2005, LO#3828

Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

Sinclair Bert Kouns, III 2015, LO#3850 Andrew Trowbridge Emery 2010, LO#3881 Brandon Ashlock 2018, LO#3990 Louisiana-Lafayette– Gamma Phi

Micah A. Martello 1991, LO#3781 Harold P. Vice, Jr. 1992, LO#3782 Clark Edmond Davis 1974, LO#3988 Louisiana-Monroe– Gamma Nu


Robert Claude Norman, III 1976, LO#3826 B. Neely Young 1963, LO#3890 Steve K. Kendrick 1971, LO#3943 Bryan A. Schivera 2004, LO#3941 William B. Heeney 1962, LO#4002 Georgia Southern– Delta Theta

Thaddeus Thrash 1983, LO#4011 Marshall–Beta Upsilon

James C. Musser 1987, LO#3831 Kelsey W. Hill 1967, LO#3891 Maryland–Beta Kappa

Dhruva D. Kumar 1990, LO#4008 McNeese State–Delta Xi

Leland I. Hyer 1993, LO#367

Steven Lee Gros 2016, LO#3954

Houston–Gamma Mu

Memphis– Gamma Gamma

Harold Trammell 2007, LO#3926 Houston Baptist– Delta Sigma

H. David Wills 1988, LO#3657 Indiana State–Zeta Iota

Jeremy D. McClendon 2001, LO#3889 Jacksonville State– Delta Phi

B. Kyle Eaton 2000, LO#3797 C. Kevin Campbell 1981, LO#3863 Jeffrey K. Smith 1988, LO#3893 Dr. Richard Alan Ellis 1975, LO#3986 Marcus J. Rhodes 2000, LO#4007 Mercer–Kappa

Glynn L. Grisham 1977, LO#3973 Kentucky–Theta

Jack R. Carr 1979, LO#3864 John D. Nicholson 1978, LO#3935 Lambuth–Gamma Omicron

Joshua M. Pendergrass 2004, LO#3947 CDR Parker H. Dinwiddie, Jr. 1974, LO#3991 Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma

Dr. A. Michael Aura, MD 1982, LO#3761 Ryan P. Pecoraro 1995, LO#3783 Sean M. Kane 1992, LO#4017

Lynn E. Whatley 1968, LO#3902 J. Ed Magruder 1980, LO#3924 Sean T. McMinn 1991, LO#3952 Gregory W. Brown 1982, LO#3965 Richard B. Illges 1983, LO#3966 Dr. Harold Allan Bivins, Jr. 1982, LO#3989 Middle Tennessee State–Delta Lambda

Derek C. Chambers 2007, LO#3861 Midwestern State– Gamma Omega

ENS Tyler Lee Garcia 2014, LO#3914 Michael A. Stokes 1990, LO#3879 Charles M. Gustafson III 2007, LO#3969 Jesse C. Brown 2014, LO#4009


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Ensur ing the future of Kappa Alpha Order

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Stephen Lyons McCord, Jr. 1995, LO#3870 William Allen Ray, Sr. 1975, LO#3928 Thomas T. Ponder 1986, LO#3930 Mississippi– Alpha Upsilon

Sam Lane 1973, LO#3856 James M. Ferguson, Jr. 1984, LO#3871 Lewis Henry Gissel, III 1988, LO#3895 Michael R. Jones 2002, LO#3912 Mark C. Reaves 1986, LO#3974 Mississippi State– Beta Tau

Harold D. Walker 1998, LO#3776 William Ogden Plyler, II 1995, LO#3780 David George East 1986, LO#3787 Thomas David Hill, III 1997, LO#3789 David J. Wilder 1998, LO#3821 Jonathan D. DeStefanis 1997, LO#3971 M. Ward Hubbell, Jr. 1979, LO#3980 Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Michael T. Stuckenschneider 1980, LO#3920 Robert A. Robison 1976, LO#3922 Lee W. Schuenemeyer 1994, LO#3927 Brian M. Roberts 1997, LO#3964 Erik G. Holland 1997, LO#3978 Missouri of S&T– Beta Alpha

Joel J. Kovach 2002, LO#3785

North Carolina State– Alpha Omega

Edward I. Weisiger, Jr. 1979, LO#3784 Ronald Glenn Sherrill, Jr. 1990, LO#3813 Gregory D. Frederick 2018, LO#3860 D. Stewart Marlowe 1978, LO#3892 Matthew T. Korff 2011, LO#3896 Paul W. Baker, Jr. 1969, LO#3906 Walter D. Brady 1975, LO#3799 William E. Blackburn, Sr. 1981, LO#4000 Lynn T. Clark 2011, LO#4005 Bruce W. Knott, CIMA 1969, LO#4014 North CarolinaWilmington–Epsilon Psi

John-David P. Morris 2007, LO#3967 North Florida–Zeta Nu

Jerome X. Peters 2002, LO#3877 North Texas– Gamma Lambda

James McKinstry Burns 1972, LO#3788 Matthew Kyle Brill 2012, LO#3859 Bryan G. Barretto 1987, LO#4004 Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Win O. Cramer 1996, LO#3762 Daniel Joseph O’Connell, Sr. 1997, LO#3843 Gil Ira Hayes 1968, LO#4010 Oklahoma City– Gamma Kappa

Marte W. Cooksey 1983, LO#3948 Oklahoma State–Beta Xi

Missouri State– Gamma Beta

Richard I. Evans 1964, LO#3775

Douglas S. Evans 1964, LO#3910

Old Dominion– Delta Gamma

Newberry–Delta Epsilon

Andrew D. Shuler 2007, LO#3794 Michael E. Gunn 1993, LO#3840

Benjamin Anderson Soyars, Jr. 1967, LO#3834 Michael Cawthorne Harris 1971, LO#3878

North Carolina–Upsilon

Presbyterian–Beta Pi

John Marion Barry, Sr. 1979, LO#3769 V. Charles Wyatt 1967, LO#3772 Norman E. Block 1969, LO#3803 Frederick Mitchell Genung, II 1964, LO#3806

John W. Adams III 1948, LO#3827 Franklyn D. Owen III 1985, LO#3842 Dr. George Alexander Jenkins III, MD 1985, LO#3857 Paul G. Trippe 1972, LO#3875 Richard A. Rhame 1962, LO#3904


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Lynn D. Hudgins, Sr. 1960, LO#3909 G. Andy Douglas, Jr. 1971, LO#3985 Sanford DeLoach Satcher 2018, LO#3993 Randolph-Macon–Zeta

Charles Leonard Isaacs 1972, LO#3822 James Alexander Baber, IV 1991, LO#3844 Daniel F. Scandling 1983, LO#3849 Thomas David Jones III 1967, LO#3854 Michael Joseph Walsh IV 1972, LO#3873 Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

Robert C. Cragon 1975, LO#3963


Daryl M. Allen 1990, LO#3937 Stanford–Alpha Pi

Robert F. Sawyer 1947, LO#3929 Stephen F. Austin State– Delta Kappa

R. Scott Hilborn PhD 1994, LO#3817 John M. Hudec 1986, LO#3818 Tennessee–Pi

Robert K. Googe 1980, LO#3837 James C. Manning 1970, LO#3858 Texas–Omicron


Brian P. Hanson 1961, LO#3908

William B. Pond 1944, LO#3804

Texas A&M– Epsilon Delta

Roanoke–Beta Rho

Alex Trusler 1991, LO#3855 J. Stephen Atkins 1982, LO#3894 Daniel L. Sparks 1987, LO#4003

Frederick Leatherbury 2017, LO#3911 Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau

Ronny J. Snow 1987, LO#3839 Allen M. Burns 2009, LO#3862 Willis A. Braden 2000, LO#3868 Jonathan K. Greene 2000, LO#3869 South Alabama– Epsilon Alpha

Michael R. Andreoli 1980, LO#3936 South Carolina–Rho

Robert P. Jordan 1986, LO#3768 Dr. Heath McAlvin Stewart, Jr., DMD 1972, LO#3833 Lee S. Dixon 1985, LO#3886 Batson L. Hewitt 1968, LO#3932 Southern California– Beta Sigma

Texas A&M-Commerce– Gamma Upsilon

William Joe Cureton 1970, LO#3816 Texas State– Epsilon Iota

Scott P. Hamilton, CFP 1981, LO#3897 Texas Tech–Gamma Chi

Ronald S. Childress 1970, LO#3767 MAJ Christopher A. Huff 2005, LO#3841 Gordon R. McDowell 1984, LO#3810 Texas-Arlington– Delta Iota

Gregory Scot Weadon 1983, LO#3835 Transylvania– Alpha Theta

Southern Indiana– Zeta Omicron

Michael L. Sloane II 1986, LO#3829 C. Davis Carney 1998, LO#3919 George Minister Van Meter, Jr. 1974, LO#3968

William Hooper, IV 2009, LO#3802

Valdosta State– Delta Rho

Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda

COL Wayne C. Edwards 2017, LO#3801 Justin C. Martin 1999, LO#3807 Tanner D. Herrington 2009, LO#3899 Douglas Alex Powers, II 1991, LO#3959

Joseph O. Healy 1975, LO#3972

Dr. Houston Nelson Tuel, III 1996, LO#3832 John J. Sheehan, Jr. 1977, LO#3830 William D. Balthrope 1958, LO#3847 Lawrence W. Patterson 1990, LO#3900

Virginia Tech– Epsilon Eta

Hunter W. Wagstaff 1978, LO#3771 Michael B. Gimbert 1982, LO#3934 VMI–Beta Commission Meade A. Spotts 1979, LO#3778 Stephen M. Yarbrough 1990, LO#3766 James Carlton Showalter, Jr. 1982, LO#3811 George Frederick Mayforth, Jr. 1982, LO#3945 Monte C. Ferguson 1987, LO#3933 Spencer C. Tucker 1959, LO#3938 Wake Forest–Tau

John D. Kimberly 1983, LO#3916 Richard Gibbs McGimsey, Jr. 1983, LO#3917 Jack Weston Lewis, III 1996, LO#3992 Plato Collins Barwick, III 1980, LO#4015 Washington & Lee– Alpha

Brian Hooper 2020, LO#3987 G. Wogan Bernard 2000, LO#3770 Ian Treger 2017, LO#3940 Neil T. Treger 1977, LO#3939 Westminster–Alpha Eta

Frederick N. Matthews 1987, LO#3983 John R. Koewing 1987, LO#3984 Daniel E. Harris 1967, LO#3773 Blake Strebler 2015, LO#3786 Dean L. Cooper 1983, LO#3792 Darrell William Jackson, Jr. 1986, LO#3846 Neal F. Perryman 1985, LO#3845 Dr. Rob Havers 2014, LO#3851 James Stevens Hofman 1977, LO#3876 Sturt Adam Hollandsworth, II 2016, LO#3293 William Jewell– Alpha Delta

David B. Schroeder 1964, LO#3918 William Edwin Norris 2016, LO#3977 Wofford–Delta

William Norman Epps, Jr. 1962, LO#3793 G. Patrick Watson 1978, LO#3961 Randolph Kent Liggitt, Sr. 1979, LO#3979 89

9/3/21 2:42 PM

VOLUNTARY REMARKS The Power of Our Voices by Chris Abkarians, co-founder of Juno


Juno is a collective-bargaining group that helps

students, families, and professionals reduce the

financial burden of student loans. Here’s their story as told by their co-founder, Chris Abkarians. Kappa Alpha Order has partnered with Juno to bring their service to our members, alumni, and

families to assist with finding the best student loan interest rates. This is their founding story and reason for operating.


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Only one thing could pull me away from a job at Netflix — creating my own startup. After a few years working on content strategy there, I knew I had to follow my dream and began applying to get an MBA. While I was fortunate enough to be accepted to Harvard’s program, I was left holding the bill for tuition: a whopping $147,000 price tag. Faced with that burden, most people turn to federal student loans, but I did some research and realized that going with private loans could save me some money. That’s when I met Juno’s co-founder, Nikhil. We decided if we teamed up, we could get an even better deal for ourselves and our classmates. After rallying a few dozen students, we tried approaching lenders and didn’t get particularly far. Turns out banks don’t care if 30 students politely request for a better interest rate on their student loans. W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

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Values in Action

So we went back to the drawing board and decided to cast a much wider net. Then we got 700 students together, and went back to the banks. This time, they listened. We had successfully harnessed the power of collective bargaining—the act of pooling buying power to force companies to lower the costs for everyone. Sometimes I use Costco as a comparison; when you shop in bulk, you’re getting a better deal thanks to the buying system. At Juno, we do the same thing. Now, with more than 50,000 members, all the lenders pay attention when we come to the negotiating table every year. Lenders end up saving money since we reduce their marketing costs, and our community saves money because lenders are giving everyone a better deal. Currently, we run a few different campaigns. The first is for undergraduate students and families, and ends up being a pretty good alternative to Parent PLUS loans. While Direct Subsidized Loans from the

Then we got 700 students together, and went back to the banks. This time, they listened. federal government are usually the best first step for loans, it’s easy to hit the cap of around $5,500 and need additional funding. In these situations, folks often turn to Parent PLUS, which can be good for people with lower credit scores. But for people with 650+, a better deal can be found on the private market, and an even better deal through Juno. The second campaign is for graduate students (MBA, law, etc.) and is what we’re best known for. Each year,

a large portion of the MBA community goes through Juno to get a better deal on loans as an alternative to Direct PLUS loans. Some of our members have saved more than $10,000 by utilizing our options. The third campaign is for professionals—people who have already graduated and still have student loan debt. These folks have Juno is an initiative that uses the power of

88% of Juno members have joined via wordof-mouth and the group has grown to over 26,000 members.

student loan refinancing as well as new private student loans. We’re not a lender. Instead, we use collective bargaining to negotiate with lenders. Folks who sign up have no obligation to take our negotiated deals, nor do we ever charge our members.

the option to lower their debt by Juno Is Always Free And refinancing, the act of taking out a new There’s No Commitment. loan to pay off an old loan. This is only possible with an improved credit score We just add new members to our collective, and steady income (if lenders think and let them know when we wrap up our you’re more likely to pay off your debt, negotiations, giving them the option to they’re more likely to give you a lowertake the deal or go elsewhere. cost loan). For people with private student loans, there’s no downside to For Borrowers, By Borrowers seeing how much lower your monthly Two years ago, Nikhil Agarwal and Chris payment and overall costs can go. Abkarians were looking to fund their MBAs The fourth campaign is for people with auto loans. We discovered that at Harvard Business School. They met in when people take out loans for used a group chat discussing student loans, cars, they’re often screwed by car got a group of classmates together, and dealers who are getting kickbacks negotiated a bulk discount for their loans. from lenders. By refinancing an auto loan, you can often lop off several The First Collective Bargaining percentage points and lower your Group for Student Loans monthly payment. More People = More We’re always evaluating other Negotiating Power. Juno ways to help our community save money, and if you have has helped thousands Use this exclusive any thoughts on deals you’d of people secure link to ensure KA gets like to see negotiated, more than $200M credit and referral fees to please reach out to us at in student loans at support critical leadership hello@joinjuno.com. At the the lowest-available education join end of the day, you are the joinjuno.com/p/ rates. backbone of our startup.


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group buying to negotiate lower rates on



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A candid conversation with a member of our Order

Captain (in the Navy, it's abbreviated CAPT) Sidney Wood is a longtime, loyal, KA alumnus. He has been available whenever KA has called—in joining the Loyal Order, supporting the KAOEF, and even takin gthe appointment as the founding Chairman of the Sigma Beta Commission in 2012—a pathway for graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy be elected to membership. He is a true and loyal KA brother.

Tell us about joining KA in 1954.

CAPT Sidney Ezell Wood Jr. USN (Ret) (KAPPA–MERCER ‘54)

• Loyal Order No. 931 • Member of the Crimson & Gold Society • Chairman, Sigma Beta Commission for graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy


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While I was still a senior in high school, I thought I would probably want to be a Kappa Alpha. Several of my best friends who were seniors before me had pledged KA—Sid Boutwell, Andy Heyward, Phil Taylor, and Willis Sparks had already pledged KA at Georgia, Vanderbilt, and Mercer. Rush season at Mercer convinced me almost immediately. Their friendship, and what I learned during rush convinced me that Kappa Alpha was where I belonged. I have never regretted that decision, although my two best high school friends pledged otherwise.

Why do you remain loyal to KA today? Kappa Alpha was the center of my universe at Mercer and has remained so to this day, 63 years later. Were it not for KA, I likely would have never graduated. The brotherhood and friendships formed in Kappa Chapter have lasted a lifetime, and I am so grateful. That is what makes me loyal to the Order, then, now, and forever. In

1955, at the San Francisco Convention, I saw and bought a gold KA Coat of Arms ring which, substitutes for a college class ring. I wear it to this day to show my pride in KA.

“Were it not for KA, I likely would have never graduated. The brotherhood and friendships formed in Kappa Chapter have lasted a lifetime, and I am so grateful. ” In your Navy assignments, where have you received and read The Journal? Kappa Alpha has followed me all over the world through The Journal—six assignments in Washington (three in the Pentagon) and six overseas (three in the Seventh Fleet during the buildup to and conduct of the Vietnam War, and in Finland, England, and Germany afterwards)

not to mention the 26 years afterward in Navy retirement, working for Science Applications International Corporation at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Geophysical Intelligence Agency (NGA). Throughout all of that I was forever in grateful touch with KA, through the Journal and such friends as noted above, and Bill Forester and Tom Tune when they were with the National Office in Atlanta.

What advice do you have for younger KAs who want to remain connected to the Order? My advice to young alumni is to never lose touch with the Order. Stay active as alumni. Make sure you keep your subscription to The Journal. Read it to make sure you absorb its contents to keep you current on developments in the Order, both at your chapter and across the nation. Help your alumni chapters in any way you can. Give of your time and money to support them and the Order on a national level. You will never regret it. If you don’t, you will.


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BACKSTORY A relatively unknown athlete, Jack “Indian” Jacobs (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’42) was a member of the Creek Nation and spoke no English until he was nine years old. Eighty years ago, at the University of Oklahoma, he was unanimously elected by the Beta Eta Chapter and initiated into the Order. After playing football at the OU where he still holds passing and punting records, Jacobs was drafted by the Cleveland Rams in 1942. He saw service in WWII in the U.S. Army Air Force. Thereafter, he would play for both the Washington Redskins and Green Bay Packers where he led his team to victory in one of the greatest games ever played. In the season opener against the NFL champion Chicago Bears, he played all 60 minutes, threw for two touchdowns, ran for another, intercepted three passes, and punted four times for a shocking 29—20 upset. Learn more about Jacobs in a future edition of The Kappa Alpha Journal.

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