Endlessly beautiful
GREECE اليونان جمال ال ينضب
جواهر تايالند الهادئة
ISSN 2410-4035
Summer 2016 Dear Reader,
،ﻋﺰﻳﺰي اﻟﻘﺎرئ
Summer is here again and there’s no place better than the Mediterranean to spend it, some might say. I agree, if you find those places with verdant rolling hills, rugged mountains and gently sloping valleys, pristine coastlines, secluded bays and endless sandy beaches.
ويقول البعض أنه ليس هناك مكان أفضل،مرةً أخرى ّ ها هو الصيف يعود أوافقك الرأي في حال وجدت تلك األماكن ذات.من المتوسط ألن تقضيه فيه والسواحل، والجبال الوعرة والوديان المنحدرة بلطف،التالل الخضر ا ء الجميلة .البكر والخلجان المنعزلة والشواطئ الرملية التي ال نهاية لها
Add to that list meandering rivers, crystalline lagoons, hidden waterfalls, deep gorges and unexplored islets. Sweeping vistas, stunning panoramas and lush olive groves. And a wealth of flora and fauna.The Mediterranean has it all.
والشالالت،إضافة إلى تلك القائمة هناك األنهار المتعرجة والبحيرات البلورية وكذلك اآلفاق... وا ألودية العميقة والجزر الصغيرة غير المستكشفة،المخفية وثروة من النباتات، وا لمناظر الخالبة وبساتين الزيتون الخصبة،الواسعة . البحر األبيض المتوسط لديه كل ما تصبو إليه.والحيوانات
A total of seven different areas have been designated EU Natura sites in Messinia. The highest mountain of the Peloponnese, Mount Taygetos (2,407 metres), hosts 138 endemic plant species on the western slopes alone.
تم اعتماد ما مجموعه سبع مناطق مختلفة في ميسينيا كمواقع طبيعية في ّ وقد 2407 جبل تايجيتوس (على ارتفاع، أعلى جبل في البيلوبونيز.االتحاد األوروبي . نوعا من النباتات المستوطنة على المنحدرات الغربية وحدها138 يستضيف،)متر
Thanks to its unique geographic location, Messinia is one of the first places in continental Greece (and mainland Europe in general) where migratory birds make a stop-over in the spring. The outstanding natural heritage of Messinia also includes the second most important Mediterranean habitat of the Caretta caretta sea turtle in the Gulf of Kyparissia, the Mediterranean seal and the bottlenose dolphin around the Inousses islets near Methoni.
ميسينيا هي واحدة من األماكن األولى في،وبفضل موقعها الجغرافي الفريد محطة لالستراحة في ً اليونان القارية (في أوروبا) حيث تشكّل الطيور المهاجرة المتميز في ميسينيا أيضا ثاني أهم ويشمل التراث الطبيع ي.فصل الربي ع ّ ،موطن في البحر المتوسط للسالحف البحرية كاريتا كاريتا في خليج كيباريسيا وفقمة الب حر األبيض المت و سط و د لفين أنف الزجاجة في جميع أنحاء جزر .اينوسيس بالقرب من ميثوني
In this issue you will find the most beautiful Greek destinations on the mainland which I recently discovered myself. Away from the hustle and bustle of so many overcrowded destinations in Europe, Costa Navarino, Porto Heli and the island of Spetses are jewels which are still to be discovered. Enjoy exploring Greece’s natural beauty and culinary delights, but if your way is rather east, amongst Thailand’s most amazing resorts featured in this issue you will definitely find the right one for you. On your stop-over in Paris, don’t hesitate to dine at the new Nobu Matsuhisa restaurant opened recently at the Royal Monceau! Bon appetit... sawadee kha... kalimera. Yours truly, Karine Lackner, Executive Editor
في هذا العدد ستجد أجمل الوجهات اليونانية على األرض حيث اكتشفت نفسي كوستا،صب العديد من الوجهات المكتظة في أوروبا َ َ بعيدا عن صخب ون.مؤخرا بورتوهيلي وج ز يرة سبيتسيس هي جواهر نادرة ال تزال تنتظر من،نافارينو .يسكتشفها ولكن إذا،استمتع با كتشاف الجمال الطبيعي واألطباق الشهية في اليونان بد أنك ستجد ما يناسبك من بين ّ فال،كانت وجهت ك نحو الشرق على األغلب .المنتجعات الكثيرة المذهلة في تايالند في هذا العدد تتردد في تناول العشاء في مطعم نوبو ال،خالل محطتك العابرة في باريس ّ ً !ماتسوهيسا الجديد الذي افتُ تح مؤخرا في الرويال مونسو . كاليميرا... ساواديكها... طيبة ّ شهية ّ ،مع تحياتي الخالصة ,كارين الكنر رئيس التحرير التنفيذي . 01
THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION, OF DEMOCRACY, PHILOSOPHY, MEDICINE, THEATRE, AND SO MUCH MORE... EXPERIENCE THE BREATHTAKING BEAUTY OF THIS FABLED PENINSULA – THE STEEP RAVINES OF ITS MOUNTAINS, THEIR PEAKS ROCKY AND BARREN, THE VIVID BLUES OF THE AEGEAN SEA, HOME TO THE NAUTICAL TRADITION OF THE NEIGHBOURING FISHING VILLAGES; AND THE VALLEYS OF OLIVE GROVES SCENTED WITH WILD THYME AND OREGANO. GREECE IS ONE OF THE MOST INTRIGUING COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. I WILL DO MY UTMOST TO HELP YOU ENJOY THE FOLLOWING PAGES, EXPERIENCING THE MANY FINE THREADS THAT STILL JOIN OUR MODERN CIVILISATION TO THE TIMES OF ANCIENT GREECE. SPETSES ISLAND The island of Spetses has a long and rich history, but the most interesting period is that of the Greek War of Independence, the revolution of 1821. Spetses was the first of the Greek islands to raise the flag of the revolution on the morning of 3rd April, 1821 at the monastery of St. Nicolas. Laskarina Bouboulina of Spetses, a very important and influential person in the revolution, used her wealth to build and lead a navy after her husband’s death. Spetses is not just about the inspiring history, but also about the beauty of the island. It is cosmopolitan yet traditional, a charming combination of quaint streets, pine forests and local charm, where reminders of the rich history of the island are around every corner. HYDRA ISLAND For much of the past, Hydra has stayed in the margins of history.The population was very small in ancient times, and except for the brief mentions in Herodotus and Pausanias, has left little or no record in the history of those times.
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As you approach the port of Hydra, the magnificient little town opens its arms to you. The statue of Andreas Miaoulis, a local war hero, welcomes you as he stares out to the sea. Spanning from the port up the hills, you can see the impressive clock tower of Hydra and beautiful old mansions as far as the eye can see.There is no motor transport allowed anywhere on the island, only donkeys and water taxis provide a means of getting around. Hydra is as impressive in the morning as it is in the evening. The picturesque island of Hydra will stir a lot of positive emotions, and the photos and memories you will take away with you will never be forgotten.
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EXECUTIVE EDITOR & PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Karine Lackner editor@horizonandbeyond.com SUB EDITOR Elena de Mello Hogarth ASSISTANT TO EDITOR Zora M. Trias zora@horizonandbeyond.com MARKETING EUROPE Eric Poulard-Garesio marketing@horizonandbeyond.com
PR & COMMUNICATIONS MIDDLE EAST Isabella Manon Weijtmans isabella@horizonandbeyond.com GRAPHIC DESIGN Ghislaine Habib ghislaine.habib@gmail.com
02 Welcome toGreece
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MASAR Printing and Publishing International Media Production Zone, Dubai, UAE +971 (4) 448 4000 www.masarprint.com PUBLISHED BY MANDALAY MEDIA MFZE RAK Media City, Al Jazeera Al Hamra, Ras al Khaimah, UAE www.horizonandbeyond.com DISTRIBUTION UAE
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BLUE TRUCK LLC The publishers cannot accept liability for errors or omissions in this publication. Readers should seek specialist advice before acting on articles published in this edition. The ownership of trademarks is acknowledged. No part of this publication may be reproduced.
Sparkling summer nights Istanbul
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Oman Sicily SouthTurkey THE CHEDI, MUSCAT
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برؤيا فريدة لبناء1988 تأسست امان في عام مجموعة من المالذات الحميمية التي تتمتع بكرم أدخل أول امان.الضيافة الراقية للمساكن الخاصة تايالند ُ(ينشر أيضا في هذا،بوري في فوكيت أمان، ومنذ ذلك الحين،العدد) هذا المفهوم . فندقا ومنتجعا30 نمت لتشمل
MYSTIQUE 38 ي�ضم المنتجع امان زوي ومنتجع �ضحي وعدد من،جناحا وهو يقع على قمة تلة في،الفلل اليونان على ال�ضاحل ال�ضرقي من ويطل على جزيرة،البيلوبونيز �ضبيت�ضي�س التي يعود ا�ضمها اإلى كلمة م�ضتقة من ال�ضن�ضكريتية لـ"ال�ضالم" والكلمة اليونانية التي .'تعني 'الحياة باالعتماد على العمارة اليونانية مع الخطوط،الكال�ضيكية ،الوا�ضحة والجمالية الفريدة نرى اأن اأجنحة امان زوي الم�ضتقلة جميعها مفتوحة على �ضرفات مع م�ضبح خا�س وتطل على المناظر البرية والبحرية ، في الليل.المحيطة بها ُي�ضاء المنتجع ليبرز تفا�ضيله .المعمارية الفريدة
AMAN WAS FOUNDED IN 1988 WITH THE VISION OF BUILDING A COLLECTION OF INTIMATE RETREATS WITH THE UNASSUMING, WARM HOSPITALITY OF A GRACIOUS PRIVATE RESIDENCE. THE FIRST, AMANPURI IN PHUKET,THAILAND (ALSO FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE), INTRODUCED THE CONCEPT, AND SINCE THEN, AMAN HAS GROWN TO ENCOMPASS 30 HOTELS AND RESORTS. Perched on the hilltop of Agios Panteleimonas, which means ‘The all-merciful saint’, Amanzoe commands extraordinary views of the Aegean Sea and undulating hillsides cloaked in olive groves. The resort is the ideal base from which to explore this pituresque region, full of ancient sites and charming villages. Comprising a 38-suite resort, spa and a number of exclusive villas, Amanzoe is situated on a hilltop in Greece on the east coast of the Peloponnese, overlooking the island of Spetses, and draws its name from the Sanskrit-derived word for ‘peace’ and the Greek word for ‘life’. 06 .
ابد أا يومك مع وجبة فطور حميمية في وقت �ضروق ال�ضم�س في موقع امان زوي الجنوبي الذي يطل على المناظر الطبيعية المذهلة وب�ضاتين .الزيتون المحيطة بالمنتجع Aman Resorts never set out to be the biggest. They prefer to focus on unrivalled quality and to offer an intimate experience without limitations. This boutique mind-set, paired with a lust for faraway cultures and a deep appreciation of the creative and elegant, has earned this small collection a sophisticated niche and loyal following. The Aman experience is mystical and most fully expressed in their finely tuned home-away-from-home experience, and this is what I love about them!
�ضيقوم فريق متخ�ض�س ومتواجد دائما تحت الطلب بتن�ضيطك من خالل مجموعة والفواكه الطازجة والفطائر اليونانية،متنوعة من االأطباق المحلية مثل الع�ضل .التقليدية والبي�س الع�ضوي المح ّلي استكشف البيلوبونيز من البحر
اأو الزورق ال�ضريع واللي،اإذا كنت في مزاج للمغامرة المائية مع امان زوي واحد ما عليك اإال اختيار ما ينا�ضبك من هذه...62 اأو بير�ضينج، اأو اكوا زوي،واحد .الموا�ضالت باأرقامها المتوفرة . 07
تقدّم ال�ضاليهات المك ّيفة والف�ضيحة التي تقع مبا�ضرة على ال�ضاطئ كل و�ضائل الراحة تاأ ّمل هذه المناظر.المتاحة لالأجنحة مع �ضرفة وحديقة خا�ضة وحمام �ضباحة ،الخالبة بينما ي�ضتعد الطهاة لتح�ضير اأف�ضل المنتجات المحلية المو�ضى بها ل�ضواء القريد�س الجامبو و�ضمك البا�س البحري والحبار، �ضرطان البحر،على �ضبيل المثال .واالأخطبوط و�ضرائح لحم ال�ضاأن
AMANZOE’S BEACH CLUB The Amanzoe Beach Club is adjacent to Korakia beach and the ideal spot to while away the day, enjoying the sea breezes. Here you will find the equipment for windsurfing, kayaking and snorkelling, as well as sailing options.You may want to end the day with a very chilled-out private BBQ at your beach cabana. Situated directly on the beach, the spacious, airconditioned cabanas provide all the comforts of a pavilion,with a terrace,private garden and swimming pool. Take in magnificent views as chefs prepare some of the finest local produce recommended for barbecuing like lobster, king prawns, wild sea bass, calamari, octopus and lamb chops. The same can be done in the comfort of your pavilion should you want to dine in. The fireplace can be lit for extra cosiness, and candles placed in all corners will give a flickering light, while the Bose sound system plays your favourite tunes from your iPod.
Drawing on classic Greek architecture, with strong lines and a paredback aesthetic, Amanzoe’s standalone pavilions all open onto terraces with private plunge pools and views of the surrounding land and sea. At night, the resort is lit up to highlight its unique architectural details. I am guided down an olive tree-lined small road by buggy to reach my home for the night. Each pavilion is accessed via a stone-walled courtyard, leading to a high-ceilinged living area and king-size bed positioned in a marble alcove with views.
Each pavilion has separate areas for bathrooms and separate dressing rooms for you and your partner. Even the spacious shower has two sides and both have rain shower or hand shower features. No more arguing with your other half about who gets to shower first. At Amanzoe, you will have the pleasure to splash around at the same time and wash each other’s backs! I love soaking in the sunken bath with a view of the olive groves, the wonderful Aman amenities adding that extra element of relaxation.
My free-standing 210-square-metre (2,260 square-feet) Deluxe Pool Pavilion opens onto the terrace, which offers me a 12-metre (39 feet) swimming pool and magnificent views of the Aegean Sea and surrounding countryside. I am mightily impressed. SUNRISE BREAKFAST
Begin your day with an intimate sunrise breakfast at the south-facing location of Amanzoe, overlooking the stunning landscape and olive groves surrounding the resort. The dedicated team will be on hand to energise you with a variety of local delicacies such as honey, fresh fruit, traditional Greek pies and local organic eggs. Alternatively, do as I do, and breakfast at your pavilion, with outdoor privacy under the olive trees or under a sun roof on the comfortable cushions of the benches and chairs overlooking your pool and the resort’s vast hills and valleys.
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EXPERIENCE THE PELOPONNESE FROM THE SEA If you are in the mood for an adventure on the water with Amanzoe One, a Wally One power boat, or Aquazoe, a Pershing 62, you may choose from a number of customised charters offered. Even though there are charming tavernas at several destinations, the chef is happy to create an Amanzoe picnic or snack to take with you. Whatever you do, do not miss the magnificence of a Greek sunset, during which the mountains and the sea are painted in a beautiful, dusky pink. . 09
Time to step out of my room and into the library, where a multitude of books about Greek history, places and myths awaits.Then to relax my mind from reading about all these legends, I get a treatment at the spa. I recommend a holistic massage with Aliki; the therapist has golden hands which take me to a different dimension. Afternoon tea or cocktails can be enjoyed at Fire Pit, where flickering fireplaces enchant you before a dinner of Mediterranean or Asian food at Amanzoe’s assortment of eateries.
This summer, Francesco Miralles, a specialist in Eastern healing practices, will be in residence at Amanzoe, offering his Harmonia programme of therapies for body, mind and soul. A 90-minute beauty experience, including painless acu-lifting, body sculpting and fluid drainage, a 90-minute detox experience, with holistic acupressure and fluid drainage and 60 minutes of physiotherapy, acupuncture and craniosacral therapy can be experienced from 8th to 28th August.
For those travelling with a group of friends or family, Amanzoe is the perfect place to unwind and enjoy each other’s company in the privacy of your home-away-from-home. Amanzoe’s villas are cool, spacious abodes surrounded by olive groves. Overlooking the Aegean Sea, each of the stunning four-to-nine-bedroom villas features open terraces with sand-coloured marble floors, traditional dry stone-clad walls and concrete columns and cornices. A chef and a host serve each one. I guarantee that you will have the vacation of a lifetime and should you be so carried away by this mystical place in the Peleponnese, there is a solution – buy your own villa!
امان زوي هو المكان،الأولئك الذين ي�ضافرون مع مجموعة من االأ�ضدقاء اأو العائلة المثالي لال�ضترخاء والتمتع بق�ضاء الوقت مع بع�ضكم البع�س في خ�ضو�ضية �ضبيهة ا�ضتك�ضف فلل امان زوي الممتعة والتي....بتلك التي ت�ضهدونها في منازلكم الخا�ضة كل من.هي عبارة عن بيوت ف�ضيحة تحيط بها ب�ضاتين الزيتون وتطل على بحر اإيجه هذه الفلل المذهلة تتاألف من اأربعة اإلى ت�ضعة غرف نوم تتميز ب�ضرفات مفتوحة مع والجدران المك�ضوة باالأحجار ال�ضلبة التقليدية،اأر�ضيات من الرخام بلون الرمال وهناك �ضيف من كبير الطهاة واآخر من كبير...واالأعمدة الخر�ضانية واالأفاريز .�ضخ�ضي ب�ضكل ٍ الخدم ي�ضرفان على راحة كل نزيل ٍ https://www.aman.com/resorts/amanzoe/villas-to-own
10 .
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اإنه المكان المف�ضل لدى الفنانين وال�ضيا�ضيين ورجال االأعمال والم�ضاهير من حيث موقعه المثالي على �ضاطئ البحر مما يتيح لك التمتع بالمياه الزرقاء ال�ضافية والمناظر البانورامية الخالبة من كل زاوية .تقريبا من المنتجع منتجع وسبا نيكي بيتش هو منتجع ومستحدث على شاطئ البحر مبتكر َ مع جاذبية ال مثيل لها للمسافر الراقي والنخبة العالمية من أصحاب األعمال ،في بورتوهيلي الخالب والحصري وهو أحد أكثر المناطق المرغوبة في من خالل جعل هذا المنتجع المعا�ضر الراقي فريد وم�ضاحات،من نوعه مع مناطق معي�ضة ع�ضرية واأنيقة .الريفيرا اليونانية
ع ّرف رجل االأعمال جاك بنرود العالم،1998 في عام اإنه مفهوم نادي ال�ضاطئ ال�ضمولي الذي....بنيكي بيت�س ، والمو�ضيقى، والمطاعم،يجمع بين و�ضائل الترفيه . جميعها في مكان واحد...واالأزياء وال�ضينما والفن
نيكي يغمر،�ضفافة رائعة واإطاللة مذهلة على البحر �ضيوفه في نوع من الحياة الفريدة على غرار الفنادق الراقية ويدعوهم اإلى وجهة جديدة براقة اأنيقة .وجديدة وممتعة
A favourite among artists, politicians, businessmen and celebrities, the resort has views of crystal clear blue waters and stunning panoramas from almost every corner of the property. The moment I set foot in the resort, I’m embraced by whites and blues, and Greece’s sea-faring heritage is highlighted by a ship half sunken out in the sea.
I enter my suite on the ground floor with private pool and deck and those same whites and blues, capturing that holiday feel. I discover mirrors placed on walls for clever reflections of light and space and the set-up of the bathtop as a separation of the bedroom to the bathroom is another great touch. I love the Nikki Beach style and I just want to jump into my bathing suit and jump into the pool!
ِعش والعب،امكث في
اﻟﺮﻳﻔﻴﺮا اﻟﻴﻮﻧﺎﻧﻴﺔ . 13
HOW TO GET THERE About 190 kilometres from Athens by road and 55 minutes from Piraeus port or 25 minutes by helicopter. If you are spending your vacation in other parts of Greece, for example at Costa Navarino, you will be 224 kilometres from Kalamata by road, and for those jet-setters wishing to fly in from Mykonos, it is 55 minutes by helicopter. The islands of Hydra and Spetses are just a short boat-ride away.
In 1998, entrepreneur Jack Penrod introduced the world to Nikki Beach, the ultimate beach club concept that combines entertainment, dining, music, fashion, film and art. Since then, Nikki Beach has made its mark in the best trendsetting destinations worldwide. Today, the Nikki Beach concept has grown into a global, multifaceted luxury lifestyle and hospitality brand comprising a Beach Club Division, a Lifestyle Division with its own collection, a Special Events Division and a Hotels & Resorts Division. Knowing all of this, I am keen to have dinner with Nikki Beach’s general manager, Eleni, the F&B marketing manager of Nikki Beach and Silia, the PR and marketing manager of the Porto Heli Collection. All lovely people! We enjoy trying out the chef ’s specials prepared to astonish and delight us. With his international experience from New York to Dubai, he surely knows how to entertain the guests this summer.
THE MENU . MASTELO CHEESE topped with raw pistachio and rose relish. . MAGIC SOUP from red cabbage with wasabi foam and pickled baby onion. . BABY ROCKET SALAD accompanied by a manouri cheese-stuffed pear and sprayed with a balsamic cologne of strawberries. . OPEN HARUMAKI with shrimps, spring vegetables, sautéed crab meat, hay from carrot and turnip and wasabi mayonnaise. . TUNA STEAK AND KING CRAB marinated in yuzu butter and schichimi pepper. . ‘LOVERS ADDICTION DESSERT’ prepared by the executive chef on the dinner table.
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The Nikki Beach Resort & Spa has Mediterranean elements fused with elegant sleek designs. The original 1970s structure of the building embraces the contemporary look and feel of the signature Nikki white décor.The curves, the comfort and the pebbles in the lobby reflect the sea, while enhancing the feel of being cocooned from the outside world. The blue artwork and photographs on the walls are another touch that makes all the difference and tells you where you are – right here on the Mediterranean Sea with the flamboyant colours of bougainvillea and the scent of jasmine. By making a unique contemporary boutique resort with stylish and elegant living areas, impressive diaphanous spaces and stunning sea views, Nikki gives its guests a luxury-drenched hotel lifestyle that feels new, elegant and chic, fresh, fun and glamorous.
In the evening, I indulge in my concept-oriented room characteristics such as the adjustable mood lighting, ‘MyBar’ (no small bottles here, just real-sized ones) and mirrors that can be hidden behind white curtains should I want to bring my energy level to low and cosy (one of the concepts of Nikki Beach).
The resort offers 22 beach view guest rooms and 44 suites, Nikki Spa, Nikki Beach Club, Tone Fitness and an outdoor swimming pool. Entertainment walls, lavish bath amenities and oversized bathrooms are some of the special features that you will be able to enjoy too. Stroll along the beach and discover nature at its best, inhaling Greek scents from the flora along the way. Nikki’s STAY.LIVE.PLAY approach to hospitality is a joy and something you must experience for yourself.
If that is not what you’re aiming for, the Pearl Rooftop Lounge on the top floor of the resort is where the beats, vibes and ambient chatter set the tone for the rest of the night. Sipping on artsy mixologists’ favourites, I enjoy the amazing view of the bay from the sky bar where I can choose between a full culinary experience or the sushi bar and pan-Asian cuisine creations. At Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Porto Heli, my friends and I meet up with active, dynamic and individual luxury travellers, cosmopolitan citizens of Greece and the world, and relaxed and glamorous trendsetting guests. The resort is made for mingling! The ‘energy level factor’ is the centre of this new concept. As it does for each one of us, the energy at Nikki Beach Hotels & Resorts varies with the time of day, from outlet to outlet, and even within each venue. High or low, in relaxing or dancing mood, you can design your own journey and realise the dream of your own ultimate Nikki Experience. . 15
THE ROMANOS a Luxury Collection Resort
Costa Navarino provides the ideal base from which to discover a fascinating history that goes back 4,500 years. Neolithic settlements, Mycenaean palaces, classical temples, Byzantine churches and medieval castles are all within easy reach of this luxury resort, both in Messinia, as well as in the broader area of the Peloponnese. Driven by the desire to preserve and promote the region’s natural environment, as well as the cultural and historical legacy, Costa Navarino’s identity is inspired by the fascinating history of Messinia, conveying it in a more contemporary manner.
القصص واألساطير المحلية والخرافات ّ
ﻛﻨﻮز اﻟﺒﻴﻠﻮﺑﻮﻧﻴﺰ يوفر كو�ضتا نافارينو قاعدة انطالق مثالية الكت�ضاف تاريخ م�ضتوطنات الع�ضر الحجري. �ضنة4500 رائع يعود اإلى ، الق�ضور المي�ضينية والمعابد الكال�ضيكية،الحديث والكنائ�س البيزنطية وقالع القرون الو�ضطى كلها في ، �ضواء في مي�ضينيا،متناول اليد من هذا المنتجع الفاخر .اأو في م�ضاحة اأو�ضع من البيلوبونيز
the Treasure of the Peloponnese
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The seaside location not only provides the perfect setting for unforgettable weddings in Messinia, it is also a romantic honeymoon resort, and a place where guests can enjoy two of the best golf courses in Europe while taking in unobstructed views of the Ionian Sea. Besides golf, you can indulge in signature treatments at Anazoe Spa or choose from an unmatched range of sports, cultural and other activities.
S A Set amid lush olive groves and overlooking the storied waters of the Ionian Sea, this luxury hotel in the Peloponnese offers rooms and suites ranging from 43 square-metres to 192 square-metres with private infinity pools in almost all ground-floor accommodation, along with the magnificent 660 square-metres Royal Villa Koroni, all attractively appointed to create a distinctive and inspiring environment of authentic luxury and heartfelt hospitality.
A diverse selection of culinary venues offer fine all-day dining, with a wide variety of international, ethnic and traditional cuisine in which local organic ingredients play a prominent role.
The Romanos Resort at Navarino Dunes, was honoured at the Condé Nast Traveller Readers Travel Awards 2011, 2012 and 2013, and featured among the world’s Best Hotels in Condé Nast Traveller’s Gold List 2012.
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Why not discover Polylimno and its secret passages, starting at the village of Haravgli and walking through the dense vegetation that takes you to an ascending series of pools and waterfalls up to the biggest and most impressive in the area, where the water tumbles down from a height of 25 metres. We head to something more culinary now! I meet two Greek ladies who teach me how to prepare some Greek specialities. Their stone house is just amazing, sitting on the edge of the hill overlooking the blue sea, and listening to what the ladies have to tell me about the dishes which were the preferred meal of Captain Vassilis Constantakopoulos is fascinating. We eat, we chat and we dance the sirtaki (at least I try) and say goodbye – I promise not for long! The regard for Messinia’s nature, rich history and traditions and the respect for the local communities and their way of life are what I find here. I’m totally enamoured with my few days at Costa Navarino in company of my very charming guide Dr Vassilia Orfanou, a GreekAmerican who represents the high standards and ethics of Costa Navarino.
When chatting with locals in Messinia about Costa Navarino, and the man who made it all happen, Captain Vassilis Constantakopoulos, they all say the same thing: ‘He did not do it just for his own children’s futures, but for ours as well. He put us on the global map!’
Guests are encouraged to discover the beauty, history and culture of Messinia by engaging in authentic cultural experiences that enable them to become part of a heritage spanning the millennia. Our day starts in the morning from the Romanos, the beautiful Luxury Collection hotel, from where we visit first the ‘belly of the Ox’, Voidokilia, the world famous white-sands beach shaped like a Greek ‘Q’ that separates Gialova Lagoon from the sea. It has been associated with the Homeric port of Ancient Pylos, one of Telemachu’s stops on his search for his father, Odysseus. Methoni Castle is no less impressive. The Venetian elegance of the iconic fortified complex of the Peloponnese dates from 1209. Crossing the bridge that leads into the castle and walking to the octagonal fortified islet known as Bourtzi is an experience I don’t want to miss and I stand up high on the ruins to take the most amazing pictures with the fresh sea breeze caressing my face. At Methoni you’ll find those charming traditional Greek tavernas and a beautiful beach that is the epitome of this country’s abundance of natural beauty.
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Many have personal stories to share about how affable, genuine and straight-talking he was when he visited the villages and shops. In regards to tourism especially, Captain Vassilis was a visionary with clear ideas on what Messinia needed to get ahead. Guided by a deep-rooted respect for nature, history, culture, his fellow countrymen, his Greek and foreign visitors, motivated by the love of his country and Messinia in particular, Captain Vassilis achieved something special.
فندق الك�ضري،يبد أا يومنا في ال�ضباح من رومانو�س من حيث قمنا اأوال بزيارة "بطن...كوليك�ضن الجميل وهو ال�ضاطئ ال�ضهير عالميا برماله، فويدوكيليا،الثور " اليوناني الذي يف�ضلQ" البي�ضاء على �ضكل حرف وقد ارتبط مع ميناء االإغريقي.بحيرة جيالوفا عن البحر اأحد محطات تيليما�ضو في بحثه،هوميرو�س بيلو�س القديم . اأودي�ضيو�س،عن والده فاأناقة البندقية...قلعة ميثوني لي�ضت اأقل اإثارة لالإعجاب .1209 المح�ضن الرائع في البيلوبونيز تعود اإلى للمج ّمع ّ في ميثوني �ضتجد تلك الحانات اليونانية التقليدية ال�ضاحرة وال�ضواطئ الجميلة وهذا هو اأكبر مثال عن وفرة .الجمال الطبيعي في هذه البالد ومن ثم يمكنك ال�ضعود اإلى قلعة باليوكا�ضترو التي تعود والتمتع بمنظرخالب من ال�ضفاء،13اإلى اأواخر القرن ال كما و�ضفها ال�ضاعر،اال�ضتثنائي والالنهاية المتالألئة القلعة عبارة عن �ضخرة �ضاطئية...كو�ضتا�س اوراني�س ُ�ض ِّيدت على اأنقا�س،مع االأ�ضوار واالأبراج الآثار قلعة فرنجة .اكروبول بيلو�س
‘Costa Navarino was not a job. I had a job, thank God, a good one. It was my vision since I was young. It was a lot of trouble and hard work but that’s the way it is with dreams,’ he once said. After that refreshing excursion, we head towards Pylos and the castle of Niokastro (built in 1573), the Ottoman fortress that guarded the southern approach to the harbour of Pylos. Through the pretty pine forest, I explore one of the best–preserved fortifications in Greece and I visit the Archaeological Museum, also known as the Antonopouleio Museum and the Museum of Underwater Antiquities. It is just amazing to see the objects that have been found underwater and I fully understand why the Greek government has stopped people from diving here. You could then hike to the late 13th century castle, Palaiokastro, to enjoy a view of exceptional serenity and shimmering infinity, as the poet Kostas Ouranis described it. It is a rocky promontory with ruined battlements and towers of a Frankish fortress, constructed on the ruins of the Acropolis of Pylos.
With his wife and three sons, he dedicated 30 years to this endeavour. ‘When you face an important and difficult task and have chosen a course of action, pursue it with determination,’ he told his sons. It all started with a boy from a poor family who left his village, Diavolitsi, in 1948 at the age of 13 and headed to Athens, where he toiled by day and studied by night. At 18, he went to the sea. In a maritime career spanning 20 years, he worked his way up to master. In 1974, he founded Costamare Shipping, growing into one of the world’s biggest container shipping companies. But the creative flame was burning inside of him. As day slips into night, venture out to enjoy the renowned Messinian hospitality at the fishing village of Gialova and discover traditional tavernas serving fresh fish, seafood and mezze, and spend a romantic seaside evening in the village’s cafes.
ما عليك اإال الخروج لال�ضتمتاع بكرم،وحين يتقدّم الليل ال�ضيافة الم�ضينياني ال�ضهير في قرية ال�ضيد جيالوفا واكت�ضاف الحانات التقليدية التي تقدم االأ�ضماك الطازجة واق�س ليلة رومان�ضية،والماأكوالت البحرية والمقبالت .على �ضاطئ البحر في مقاهي القرية
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T The therapeutic olive-oil treatments (oleotherapy®), based on ancient local practices inscribed on clay tablets discovered at the nearby Palace of Nestor, are unique in the world. Many of the therapies expand on the ideas of Hippocrates (460-377 BC), known in the West as the father of medicine, who described olive oil as ‘the great therapeutic’ The spa also features kinisiotherapy, thalassotherapy and floating pools, indoor and outdoor treatment areas, as well as an extensive range of light therapies and heat experiences, including ice-grotto rooms, mist showers and herbal saunas.
THE WESTIN Resort Costa Navarino
Costa Navarino comprises five distinct sites that respect the natural environment, history and Messinia. Navarino Bay is an area of 140 hectares along a magnificent two-kilometre seafront, a spot of outstanding natural beauty steeped in history and legend. It was here, some 200 years ago, that the allied armada of Great Britain, France and Russia defeated the Turkish-Egyptian fleet in 1827, ending the Ottoman expansion in Europe.
In Anazoe Spa’s herb garden, guests staying at either one of the five-star deluxe resorts in Peloponnese can view and choose those local herbs best suited to their own personalised treatment.
The 4000-square-metre Anazoe Spa offers a unique wellness sanctuary, with a full range of specialty treatments based on health and beauty practices of ancient Greece. Costa Navarino is blessed with an abundance of beneficial herbs that are carefully selected and gathered for the Anazoe Spa products.
ما، اأحد اأف�ضل الوجهات العائلية في اأوروبا،في منتجع وي�ضتن كو�ضتا نافارينو اأوالغرف واالأجنحة العائلية على التالل،عليك اإال الخيار بين الغرف الفاخرة الخ�ضراء المتواجدة على موقع مم ّيز على البحر والتي توفر مزيجا من المناظر .المطلة على الغولف والبحر وحمام ال�ضباحة متر80 و40 الغرف واالأجنحة في هذا المنتجع الفاخر في البيلوبونيز تتراوح بين وجميعها توفر مناظر، متر مربع625 اأما فيال ميثوني الملكية تحتل م�ضاحة،مربع في حين اأن معظم الوحدات في الطابق،خالبة ال مثيل لها على البحر االأيوني .االأر�ضي تتمتع بحمامات �ضباحة خا�ضة ياأتي على �ضكل العديد،مطبخ الذواقة في منتجع وي�ضتن الواقع في نافارينو ديونز ف�ضال عن مقهى،من المطاعم التي تقدم االأطباق الوطنية والدولية والمحلية مع مجموعة وا�ضعة،اإلى جانب حمام ال�ضباحة واأماكن لل�ضواء والع�ضاء االأمريكي .ومتنوعة من المطابخ العالمية
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مطعم نادي ايالند الأكثر من 25عاما ،كان نادي ايالند ،وما زال ،الوجهة االأكثر �ضعبية على �ضاطئ الريفييرا في اأثينا الأولئك الذين يبحثون عن الرقي .عند و�ضولي ،وبعد م�ضافة ق�ضيرة بال�ضيارة من و�ضط مدينة اأثينا على طول ال�ضاحل ..ها اأنا اأكت�ضف منظر َا يحب�س االأنفا�س.
بداأ المطعم يتقديم اأطباق من مطبخ البحر االأبي�س المتو�ضط في ال�ضنوات االأولى، اأما اليوم فهو يوفر اأطباقه االإبداعية ،وجميعها موقعة من قبل ال�ضيف الحائز على جائزة الطهاة نيكو�س �ضكليرا�س .وت�ضمل قائمة الطعام اأي�ضا ال�ضو�ضي الم�ضهور واأطباق اآ�ضيوية مرموقة اأخرى .مع اإطاللة رائعة على البحر مبا�ضرة وعلى ال�ضاحل من الجانب االآخر ،ال يمكنك الح�ضول على جو اأف�ضل اأو اأكثر حيوية. وهنا بداأت اأفكر بالفعل حول اأي عيد ميالد اأومنا�ضبة اأ�ضتطيع اأن اأدعو جميع اأ�ضدقائي لهذه البقعة الرائعة من اليونان .ولكن مهما كانت المنا�ضبة ،فنادي ايالند والخانات المجاورة له �ضت�ضيف لها خ�ضو�ضية مطلقة ...وكذلك هو الحال بالن�ضبة الأجزاء كثيرة من اليونان ،هذا البلد الجميل ...فكل جزء يقدم الكثير بطريقته الخا�ضة ،واأ�ضلوبه المتدرج من التقليدية اإلى الع�ضرية الراقية.
يقع المطعم على ال�ضاطئ مبا�ضرة وهنا يبرز جماله الطبيعي ...ومنذ ال�ضنوات االأولى من عمله� ،ض ّكل مطعم نادي ايالند �ضرخة وا�ضحة الأولئك الذين يبحثون عن االأجواء الراقية للبحر االأبي�س المتو�ضط والت�ضميم الع�ضري. يتوجه النا�س من جميع اأنحاء العالم للتمتع بجو فريد من نوعه ،والع�ضائر المثلجة، و�ضاالت المو�ضيقى والرق�س ،كل يوم من اأيام االأ�ضبوع من مايو وحتى نهاية ال�ضيف. وبما اأن اليونان هي اأر�س المياه الزرقاء التي ال مثيل لها ،ي�ضتمتع العديد من النا�س في االإبحار فيها ،اإذ ترحب ايالند بال�ضيوف القادمين من البحر على متن يخوتهم الخا�ضة ،وهنا تتم ال�ضفقات من خالل المن�ضة ذات ال�ضكل الفريد.
Located right on the shore, it stands out for its natural beauty, and from its first years of operation, Island Club Restaurant was an immediate hit among those looking for elegant Mediterranean ambiance and trendy design. People from around the world all come together to enjoy the unique atmosphere, the frozen cocktails, lounge music and dance parties, every day of the week from May till the end of the summer. As Greece is the land of unparalleled blue waters, which many enjoy cruising, Island welcomes guests coming from the sea on their private yachts, and tenders can arrive through the specially shaped platform.
َ َ مرتفعا مالذا إنه وجهة معروفة على شاطئ الريفييرا في أثينا ...فنادي ايالند يوفر للهروب من أمسيات الصيف الحارة وهو المكان المثالي للمناسبات الخاصة.
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Starting in the early years with Mediterranean cuisine, today the restaurant boasts creative dishes, all signed by award-winning chef Nikos Skliras. The menu also includes the famous sushi and Asianfusion section. With wonderful views to the sea and the coastline on the opposite side, you can’t get a better or more vibrant atmosphere.
ISLAND CLUB RESTAURANT For more than 25 years, it has been the most popular destination on the Athens Riviera for those looking for style. On my arrival, after a short drive from the centre of Athens along the coast, I am blown away by the scenery.
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THE PRIVATE HOUSE On the wooden deck beside the oblong zen pool, as well as in the lush garden with a view of the infinite blue, I enjoy my afternoon lying on the lounger, watching fishing boats passing by on their way home. Interrupted only by a few seagulls soaring above, I embrace this totally relaxing scenery and imagine how amazing it must be to receive your friends here for an unforgettable evening. The huge speakers indicate that dancing must be another joy, with no closing time to stop you. Thinking about music, I step into the villa’s bedroom where I find the CD player and the choice of ‘early drinks’ or ‘late shoes’ CDs made by Kostantinos Panas and Lia Mansola to enjoy pleasant and relaxing moments before I am picked up for dinner at Island Club Restaurant. The next day around 6am, I open my eyes and gaze from the bed to see the sun rise. I can’t help but jump out of bed to catch the moment with my camera just to find myself a few minutes later back in the warm sheets and comfort of the bed with a view.
With a seating capacity of 1,000, the Residence is a magnificent garden full of ancient olive trees and tamarisks right up to the edge of the sea. The Mediterranean architecture, nature, colours and the simplicity blend with the authenticity of the landscape.
Zonars opened in 1939, and 75 years later, its history is still very much alive. Spyros and Chrysanthos Panas reopened the historic bar lounge restaurant with the mission to promote the Athens Revival philosophy. Many famed personalities have visited, including Anthony Quinn, Sophia Loren, Melina Mercouri and Odysseas Elytis, the famous Greek writer.
THE PRIVE This is an ideal area for corporate dinners for smaller groups of 100, while at the same time providing direct access to the Island Club. The large veranda, with a superb view of the sea, creates a magical scene of unparalleled beauty.
I have a healthy, colourful breakfast with plenty of fresh fruit, tasty strawberries and delicious freshly squeezed orange juice accompanied by cereal and Greek yoghurt. I enjoy blue waters, and watch the parade of animals passing. First I get to see about twenty seagulls taking their morning bath with loud squawks as if they’re telling each other how much they’re enjoying it.Then a little brown and white cat is curious to come into my bedroom but, as she sees me, decides to hide behind a door, which is safer than falling into the Jacuzzi which is sunken in the floor! Lastly, two dogs on their way to new adventures pass by without even taking notice of me. I can see they have collars, so they must be from the neighbourhood. Here at the Island villa, holding professional meetings and conferences as well as private receptions is the fabulous idea of the owners, the Panas family.They provide the latest sound and image equipment contributing to the success of an exceptional business meeting with a one-of-a-kind flair.
Although glamorous (it’s just around the corner from Hermes, Dolce & Gabbana, beautiful jewellery stores and the iconic Hotel Grande Bretagne), Zonars respects its heritage, resembling a hotel lobby with exceptional cuisine and impeccable service. You may sit outside to have your coffee and watch people strolling by to City Link where you can find another great place to stop and enjoy your lunch. City Bistro is considered the best in Athens, and its cosiness and simplicity bring to mind such eateries in France. Bar de Theatre, just adjacent to it, has an artistic atmosphere. Early in the morning, it operates as an espresso bar; in the afternoon, people can enjoy aperitivo cocktails after work; while in the evening, it transforms into a trendy street bar that welcomes actors and passers-by for after-theatre drinks.
THE C-LOUNGE This is the space to elegantly enjoy brunch, a light meal or a coffee. It is now the daily destination for those who love simplicity and quality. The blend of young people who love nature and stylish foreign visitors in this chic yet casual place is what makes C-Lounge not just another café. The unique and original décor is in harmony with the minimalist furniture and Philippe Starck lighting, with rare ethnic items from exotic locations in Africa, Bali, India and Sri Lanka. The space exudes a wonderful feeling of mystery.
THE GALLERY With room enough for 400 guests, the Gallery is the ideal place for an unforgettable wedding. Its astonishing sea views escalate in levels and create a particularly hospitable and cosy atmosphere. The white of the tiny church of St Dionysios, perched atop the rock, against the blue sea is picture postcard perfect! I am already thinking about which birthday or celebration I can invite all my friends to in this glorious part of Greece. Whatever the occasion, Island Club and its neighbouring hostelries will make it extra special and so do many parts of this beautiful country of Greece, each with its own style, encompassing the traditional, trendy and elegant. 26 .
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تم اإي�ضالي اإلى مكتب الدخول لالأ�ضخا�س،عند و�ضولي اإلى فندق غراند بريتان فتح...416 المرموقين في الطابق العلوي ومن بعده اأخذني الموظف اإلى الغرفة رقم ! اإلى الجناح الرئا�ضي... لي الباب وها اأنا اأدخل
MyAegean Adventure
، مليئة باالأثاث العتيق واللوحات والتماثيل، متر مربع تمتد اأمامي200 اأكثر من و�ضلة من الفواكه الطازجة المو�ضمية التي، وال�ضتائر المذهلة، واالأ�ضياء الجميلة،التحليق فوق أثينا في الطائرة هو بالفعل متعة حقيقية للنظر حتى اأنه، ومجموعة متنوعة من المك�ضرات والحلويات وال�ضوكوالته،باالضافة إلى الجزر والجبال والتالل الخضراء والشواطئ ي�ضيل لها اللعاب . هذا البلد العريق بتاريخه لديه الكثير كان هناك تمثال يوناني م�ضنوع من ال�ضوكوالته البي�ضاء.الرملية في األسفل هذه كانت األفكار الرئيسية التي كانت تدور في...ليقدمه
12 واكت�ضف غرفة معي�ضة كبيرة وطاولة طعام ت�ضع، ها اأنا اأدخل اإلى الجناح،رأسي وكنت أنتظر بفارغ الصبر الوصول إلى وجهتي واأت�ضاءل من يا ترى تناول الع�ضاء هنا من قبل (ربما الرئي�س اردوغان... واستكشافه مع بعض �ضخ�ض ًا،الفندق األسطوري غراند بريتان .) اأحد ال�ضخ�ضيات المرموقة من ال�ضيوف ال�ضهيرة،من تركيا .األماكن التاريخية الرائعة القريبة منه
مغامرتي اليونانية حلم أصبح حقيقة
Because of his passion for flying he decided to switch from a high ranking officer to a captain on a Boeing 787 Dreamliner and is now on a private trip back home. Amazing neighbour to have on a five-hour flight! Who hasn’t dreamed of meeting someone out of Top Gun in real life? Approaching Athens from the air is already a real feast for the eyes, with the islands, mountains, green hills and sandy beaches below. This history-drenched country has so much to offer, I keep thinking to myself, and I can’t wait to be at my destination, the legendary Hotel Grande Bretagne, explore it and some incredible historical places nearby. Upon my arrival at Hotel Grande Bretagne, I am led to a VIP check-in desk at an upper floor from where my butler takes me to room number 416. He opens the door and I enter – the Presidential Suite!
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Over 200 square-metres are in front of me, filled with antique furniture and paintings, statues, beautiful objects, amazing curtains, a basket with mouth-watering seasonal fresh fruit, a variety of nuts, sweets and chocolate, with even a Greek statue made of white chocolate. I walk through the suite, discovering the large living room has a dining table for 12 people and I ask myself who might have had dinner here before (possibly President Erdogan of Turkey, just one of the suite’s prestigious guests).
Here royals and presidents would definitely feel at ease and so do I. No doubt at all, my Viennese origins spring back to life and I have a real sense of deja vu. The stucco ceilings amaze me even more, the detailed work on the walls, doors and floors taking all my attention and I truly appreciate my hosts’ love for keeping this place a real jewel. It’s hard to leave the suite to go and explore but I am awaited by the charming Dimitris Melios who guides me through the hotel – better described as a palace – and explains that although it was renovated in 2003, many features are still original, such as the marble floors in the lobby, which are absolutely stunning. We are walking through the winter garden, which has an incredibly romantic atmosphere with huge flower bouquets in the centre. To its flank is the legendary American bar, from where we visit the cigar lounge which gives the guests a colonial African feel with brown leather and a central fireplace lit, of course, only in the cooler winter evenings.
Going on to the cosy sitting room, which is the more private part of the Presidential Suite, I find an open fireplace on both sides, separating the bedroom. There’s a mirror over the mantelpiece, but looking twice I discover it’s the TV. Just next to the sitting room is the amazing marble bathroom with golden and crystal taps, a beautiful antique mirror above the two sinks which reminds me of the one I have at home (which is originally from Vienna and over 150 years old) and Aqua di Parma amenities in large sizes all over the bathroom and shower (which serves as a steam room too).
The seaside is not far and so many islands are within easy reach by boat. But let me tell you about the most famous place in Greece, known throughout the world, the Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis. It can get pretty warm in the summer months in Athens, but there is an amazing park to enjoy called the National Garden (formerly the Royal Garden) right behind the Greek Parliament. The Royal Garden was commissioned by Queen Amalia in 1838 and completed by 1840. It was designed by the German agronomist Friedrich Schmidt who imported over 500 species of plants and a variety of animals including peacocks, ducks and turtles. American writer Henry Miller wrote in 1939: “It remains in my memory like no other park I have known. It is the quintessence of a park, the thing one feels sometimes in looking at a canvas or dreaming of a place one would like to be in and never finds.”
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Built between 447 BC and 438 BC, it is the most magnificent creation of Athenian democracy at the height of its power. Those interested in archaeology should explore it along with the new Acropolis Museum built to house the artefacts found in and around the Acropolis. The museum was thoroughly modernised in 2009 to include a ground level glass floor through which current excavations can be observed and it will be open to the public to walk through soon. In an afternoon stroll around the Plaka, a pleasant walkway on the north slope of the Acropolis, I can see the Tower of the Winds, a building erected around 50 BC for the purpose of measuring time. On the west side of the Acropolis, the temple of Hephaestus is one of the most intact temples of ancient Greece and is surrounded by elegant restaurants perfect for lunch.
بجوار غرفة المعي�ضة هناك الحمام الرخامي المذهل مع ال�ضنابير من الذهب . ومراآة عتيقة جميلة فوق المغ�ضلتين ذكرتني بالمراآة التي اأقتنيها في منزلي،والكري�ضتال بالتاأكيد هنا الملوك والروؤ�ضاء �ضي�ضعرون .بالراحة الكاملة مثلي تمام ًا يمكن للطق�س اأن يكون حار ًا جد ًا في اأ�ضهر ولكن هناك حديقة مذهلة،ال�ضيف في اأثينا اأ�ضتمتع بها تُدعى الحديقة الوطنية (�ضابقا الحديقة الملكية) التي تقع وراء مبنى .البرلمان اليوناني كتب الكاتب االأمريكي هنري ميلر في عام "تبقى هذه الحديقة في ذاكرتي:1939 اإنها...بخالف اأي حديقة اأخرى عرفتها تعبر عن جوهر الحدائق الذي ي�ضعر به المرء اأحيانا حين النظر اإلى لوحة من الكانفا اأو الحلم بمكان فريد يود اأن ياأوي ."اإليه وال يجده اأبدا فاأنا على ا�ضتعداد لتناول الع�ضاء في مطعم على... وبالعودة اإلى فندق جراند بريتان ويا لها من مناظر رائعة! فمائدتي تطل على المناظر، ال�ضطح يتمتع بمناظر خالبة والجبال كخلفية واالأكروبولي�س الم�ضيئ والمهيب الذي يتوا�ضل،الجميلة للمدينة .مع ال�ضماء . 31
Be sure to visit the Ancient Agora, located at the foot of the Acropolis, where political meetings were held. Visit Hadrian’s Arch, built to honour the Roman Emperor Hadrian for his contributions to the city of Athens, and consider a trip to the Temple of Olympian Zeus. The Corinthian columns of the temple are only a few minutes’ walk from Syntagma Square.
اأعد ال�ضيف االأطباق اليونانية االأ�ضيلة التي يتم عر�ضها...الطعام ال يقل عظمة مثالية لال�ضتمتاع بمذاقها،بطريقة الماأكوالت الحديثة في كميات لذيذة و �ضغيرة واأنا اأقول ذلك... الريزوتو مع الجمبري هو اأف�ضل طعام تذوقته اإلى يومي هذا.الرائع !بدون اأي نوع من المبالغة كما كانت ذكرى هنري ميلر...يا لها من رحلة �ضتبقى را�ضية في ذاكرتي اإلى االأبد !عن الحديقة الملكية
During the Greco-Italian War and the Battle of Greece in 1940–41, the hotel housed the Greek General Headquarters. British forces made it their headquarters at the end of the war in 1945 and during the early stages of the Greek Civil War, the hotel housed Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou, the Council of Ministers and the British military assistance force under General Ronald Scobie. The 21st century saw Hotel Grande Bretagne undergo a complete renovation to restore it to its former glory, and approximately 112 million Euros were invested to completely modernise the building. There are 321 comprehensively renovated rooms, including a 400 square-metre (4,305 square-feet) Royal Suite on the fifth floor and not to forget ‘my’ Presidential Suite on the fourth floor.
The food is no less astonishing. The chef has prepared authentic Greek dishes which are served in a nouvelle cuisine way in small delicious portions, just perfect to try and get your taste buds enchanted. The risotto with shrimps is the best I’ve ever had – no exaggeration!
What a treat forever anchored in my memory, just as Henry Miller’s memory of the Royal Garden!
Hotel Grande Bretagne is the most amazing hotel in Athens, if not in Greece, there is no doubt about that. The structure was built in 1842 as a house for Antonis Dimitriou, a wealthy Greek businessman from the island of Limnos, only 12 years after Greece’s independence from Ottoman Rule. It was then bought in 1874 by Efstathios Lampsas, who restored the mansion with an 800,000 drachma loan and named it the Grande Bretagne. It was only in 1888 that the hotel had electricity installed.
The late hours in Athens are spectacular and a good way to usher them in is to experience the Evzones (an elite ceremonial guard) outside the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Syntagma Square at the hourly changing of the guard.You can enjoy an incredible music event at Odeon of Herodes Atticus, a steep-sloped amphitheatre originally built in 161 AD and still the best venue in Athens for concerts and plays. Summer strolls are delightful on Dionysiou Areopagitou Street. It starts near Hadrian’s Arch and ends near the picturesque Philopappou Hill with breath-taking views of the Acropolis and the Theatre of Dionysus. Back to Hotel Grande Bretagne and I am ready for dinner with a view at the rooftop restaurant, and what a view! My table gives me a front row view of beautiful scenery overlooking the town, the mountains as the backdrop and the illuminated Acropolis majestically reaching up to the skies.
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Sparkling Summer Nights
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Sparkling Summer Nights with
ORIENTAL PRINCESS NECKLACE AND DETACHABLE CLIP set in white gold with round, marquise-cut, pearshaped and baguette-cut diamonds, baguette-cut rubies, 40 pear- shaped rubies for 38.37 carats and one pear-shaped DFL type 2A diamond of 8.07 carats.
HIGH JEWELRY RUBIS SECRET WATCH White gold, diamonds, pink gold, 115 oval-cut rubies for 151.25 carats (origin: Mozambique), quartz movement, unique piece.
REF LETS ADRIATIQUES NECKLACE The Re ets Adriatiques necklace showcases a group of exceptionally paired turquoise pendants. White gold, round diamonds, round Paraíba-like tourmalines, round sapphires, sapphire beads, round emeralds and cabochoncut turquoise.
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Sparkling Summer Nights with
Sparkling Summer Nights with
38 .
GREEN INSPIRATION Designed for men, the GREEN INSPIRATION comes in a solid platinum case with the typical Grieb & Benzinger hand-guilloché bezel and a black alligator strap with green stitching. The eye-catching, two-part dial is extraordinarily deep: Eastern Arabic numerals on the upper hour scale with green dots marking the hours combine with a handcrafted, guilloché, green-coloured base dial whose colour changes ever so slightly as the sun’s rays touch it.
PHAROS RASPBERRY The ladies’ PHAROS RASPBERRY impresses with its raspberry coloured base dial that also shifts slightly when in certain lights and also features Eastern Arabic numerals. Complemented by an impressive solid white gold case set with 77 brilliant cut diamonds on the bezel and lugs (2.55 ct), the PHAROS RASPBERRY is a larger feminine piece, with a 43mm diameter. Topped off with the bright raspberry matching alligator skin strap, this creation is a real eye-catcher on the wrist.
Sparkling Summer Nights with
DISCO BUTTERFLY WATCH As the wearer’s wrist moves, a kaleidoscope of gemstone and diamond butterflies circle hypnotically, powered by an inner rotor. “FIL DE CAMÉLIA” WATCH “Fil de Camélia” watch in 18 karat white gold, 338 diamonds for a total weight of 4 karats and a black satin strap bracelet. Quartz movement. CHANEL Fine Jewelry.
A close collaboration between master craftsmen at Graff ’s London atelier and the in-house team in Geneva, this new generation of Graff ’s butterfly timepiece has resulted in a perfect combination of jewellery design, diamond setting and Swiss watchmaking.
Sparkling Summer Nights
As the demand for jewellery watches continues, the variations of the Butterfly watch including the finest diamonds combined with rubies, emeralds or an array of sapphires bring a new and vibrant addition to this iconic collection.
CHANEL “MAGNÉTIQUE” CUFF “Magnétique” cuff in 18K yellow gold set with an oval-cut diamond, brilliantcut diamonds and cabochon-cut crystals. CHANEL Fine Jewelry.
Sparkling Summer Nights
“SECRÈTE” NECKLACE “Secrète” necklace in 18K white gold set with 613 brilliant-cut diamonds for a total weight of 7.9 carats. CHANEL Fine Jewelry.
“SOUS LE SIGNE DU LION” COLLECTION “Lion Vénitien” bracelet in 18-karat white gold set with 681 brilliant-cut diamonds for a total weight of 10 carats and 9 pear-cut diamonds for a total weight of 2 carats. CHANEL Fine Jewelry.
DISCO BUTTERFLY WATCH Sapphire and diamond beaded tassel secret watch.
“1932” COLLECTION, 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF “BIJOUX DE DIAMANTS” COLLECTION BY GABRIELLE CHANEL “Constellation du Lion” necklace in 18-karat white gold set with 698 brilliantcut diamonds for a total weight of 34.9 carats, 3 round-cut diamonds for a total weight of 1.9 carat and a 250-carat carved crystal rock. CHANEL Fine Jewelry.
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SWIRL RING Each ring within the Swirl ring collection features a dome of scintillating layers of diamonds which swirl rhythmically to a focal point drawing the eye to a single breath-taking stone which is elegantly elevated.
“MYSTÉRIEUSE” BRACELET “Mystérieuse” bracelet in 18K white and yellow gold set with diamonds, cultured pearls, rock crystal cabochons and black lacquer. CHANEL Fine Jewelry. “MAGNÉTIQUE” EARRINGS “Magnétique” earrings in 18K yellow gold set with 2 pear-cut diamonds for a total weight of 1 carat, 190 brilliant-cut diamonds for a total weight of 3.6 carats and 8 carved crystals for a total weight of 20.6 carats. CHANEL Fine Jewelry.
“MYSTÉRIEUSE” EARRINGS “Mystérieuse” earrings in 18K white and yellow gold set with diamonds, cultured pearls, rock crystal cabochons and black lacquer. CHANEL Fine Jewelry.
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Sparkling Summer Nights
Sparkling Summer Nights
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Istanbul اسطنبول ISTANBUL IS KNOWN AS THE HOME OF DESIGNER MALLS, HISTORIC PLACES AND BEAUTIFUL MOSQUES. KARINE LACKNER ONCE LIVED HERE FOR MORE THAN A YEAR AND RETURNS TO AGAIN FEEL THE UNIQUE VIBE OF A CITY WITH ENDLESS THINGS TO DO. The Conrad sets the tone for my wonderful return trip to Istanbul with the VIP welcome as soon as I disembark the airplane and the fast-track arrival experience – so very important at the busy Ataturk international airport – plus the transfer to the hotel in luxurious BMW or Mercedes.
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Conrad Istanbul’s magnificent position overlooking the city and the Bosphorus strait is one of the things that first strikes me when I arrive at the hotel. Impressive 553 rooms in addition to 76 suites all recently renovated feature a contemporary and elegant style.
التاريخ العريق والمناظر الرائعة واألجنحة الفخمة
من المعروف أن اسطنبول هي مقر مراكز التصميم واألماكن التاريخية والجوامع ثانية َ عاشت كارين الكنر هنا في الماضي لمدة أكثر من عام وها هي تعود.الجميلة .لتشعر بصخب حياة المدينة الفريدة وأشياء ال حصر لها للقيام بها
كونراد يم ّهد لرحلة عودتي الرائعة الى ا�ضطنبول مع ترحيب كبار ال�ضخ�ضيات وهو مهم جدا في- منذ نزولي من الطائرة وتجربة الخط ال�ضريع في المطار باالإ�ضافة اإلى نقلي اإلى الفندق في مركبة فارهة- مطار اأتاتورك الدولي المزدحم .كالمر�ضيد�س اأو بي ام دبليو
. 45
CONRAD’S CHOICE OF 76 SUITES The Bosphorus and city panorama is breathtaking from the 92-square-metre heated terrace of the Presidential Suite. Decorated with modern art details, this 240-squaremetre suite is located on the 11th and 12th floors. Invite seven guests to join you for a dinner prepared in the kitchenette or host a cocktail reception for 50. You’ll be able to work out in your private fitness room or retire to the study to watch a show on the 55-inch LED TV. The Turkish-style bathroom with an amazing Bosphorus view, rain-shower head, sauna and whirlpool tub is a place to unwind for hours. The bedroom has a private entrance and you’ll enjoy the 2x2-metre bed with stunning Istanbul views.
The hotel’s architectural design with unique balcony terraces offering the most amazing panoramic views to the world famous Bosphorus bridge (to be admired especially in the evening when the lights are glittering) and the ideal location in the vibrant area of Besiktas is what a visitor like me is looking for! With over 3,000 shops, the Grand Bazaar can be overwhelming – especially if you hate haggling. My strategy is to feign indifference, never name your price, don’t lose your cool, and be prepared to drink copious glasses of tea. There’s treasure to be found if you know where to look. The fresh-pressed juices at Fes Café next door will perk you up when the pushy hawkers start to grate. There are rich pickings just outside the covered bazaar, too. Check out Armaggan, a one-stop shop for contemporary Turkish designs, and Hilat for bold, solid gold jewellery inspired by antiquities.
Take in the panoramic Bosphorus view from the heated terrace of this 147-squaremetre Ambassador Suite, situated on the 9th and 10th floors. It has a kitchenette, a dining table for six and a furnished terrace for summertime receptions, great for small gatherings of up to 15.
يوفر ت�ضميم الفندق المعماري بال�ضرفات الخا�ضة به مناظر بانورامية مذهلة على ج�ضر البو�ضفور العالمي ال�ضهير (�ضيء يثير االإعجاب وخ�ضو�ضا في الم�ضاء ...عندما تكون االأ�ضواء متالألئة) وهو ذو موقع مثالي في منطقة حيوية في بي�ضكتا�س !واأعتقد اأن هذا ما يبحث عنه ا ّأي زائر مثلي
Karaköy’s food scene combines trendy newcomers like Lokanta Maya (famous for herbed zucchini-and-feta fritters with a dollop of cardamom yogurt) with classics like Karaköy Lokantasi (which does a knockout hünkar beğendi – slow cooked beef over creamy, chargrilled eggplant). It’s also a hugely popular breakfast spot. Next time I’ll come early and just order a traditional Turkish breakfast which I love so much.
... البازار الكبير هو تحفة رائعة بح ّد ذاته، من المحالت التجارية3000 باأكثر من كان يمكنك، منذ وقت لي�س ببعيد.اأردتُ ا�ضتك�ضاف الجانب ال�ضبابي من المدينة �ضغير في �ضوق ال�ضمك كراكوي وتناول ما ل ّذ وطاب من الماأكوالت كر�ضي �ضحب ٍ ٍّ ولح�ضن الحظ ذلك لم يتغ ّير،البحرية مع اإطاللة مجانية على البلدة القديمة . دقيقة ب�ضيارة االأجرة من كونراد15 فهو على م�ضافة...البتة
The amazing view of the Old Peninsula and the Bosphorus from the furnished balcony or through the large bedroom windows of the Bosphorus Suite will enchant you. Featuring a living room with a curved corner sofa and 46-inch LCD TV, this bright suite offers you ample space for relaxing after exploring the city.
Ambassador Suite - working area
ي�ضطف على، اأحد اأكثر الممرات المائية ازدحام ًا في العالم،م�ضيق البو�ضفور والق�ضور الباروكية والقرى،) اليالي�س (فلل الواجهة البحرية، واجهته الجميلة وها، وهنا دعوتُ اأ�ضدقائي المقيمين با�ضتئجار قارب �ضريع لنا خ�ضي�ضا.ال�ضاحلية .نحن ننطلق عند غروب ال�ضم�س و توبكابي والعديد من المعالم،ال يمكنني اإطالق ًا االرتواء من زيارة اآية �ضوفيا ولكن ما اأ�ضتطيع فعله هو التقاط بطاقة للمتحف من بواب كونراد.االأخرى الكثيرة .لتخطي قوائم االنتظار
فهذا...ا�ضطنبول تمتلك ثروات ثقافية غير عادية ولكن لديها روح ال لب�س فيها اأي�ض ًا ... المزيج من ت�ضابك تاريخها وال�ضيافة التركية المتوا�ضعة يمنحك الكثيروالكثير .ك ّل ما اأمعنتَ في زيارتها
Ambassador Suite - bathroom
Boasting a dining table for six people and large windows, the Grand Deluxe Bosphorus Suite is designed for entertaining. Invite your friends or bring your family to share the view. The suite has two LCD TVs, an iSound system and an inset mirror TV in the bathroom. The 95-square-metre Terrace Suite has those panoramic Bosphorus views too, from the lovely heated terrace. With extra terrace seating, the suite is ideal for summer cocktail receptions for 20 people. Stay inside for more intimate gatherings at the dining table.
Bosphorus Suite with balcony living room
All suite guests can enjoy exclusive access to Conrad’s Executive Lounge, offering complimentary continental breakfast, drinks and snacks throughout the day. For a cosy experience with your loved ones, the Family Suite, ideal for five people, features a living room with a double-sized sofa bed and a second bathroom with a rain shower. The spacious bedroom has a kingsized bed, a 46-inch LED TV, iHome system, and a private bathroom with a bathtub and a walk-in rain shower. Room service with the children’s menu, babysitting services and a crib or rollaway bed are available to make parents’ lives easier!
..حركة المرور في ا�ضطنبول يمكن اأن تكون مك ّثفة ولكن هناك حل رائع لتج ّنب ذلك وهي مجموعة من الجزر الخالية من،فما عليك اإال الهروب اإلى جزيرة االأميرات بويوكادا المليئة بالفيالت، وهي االأكبر، اأجملها....ال�ضيارات في بحر مرمرة .الخ�ضبية التي ُل ّونت باألوان البا�ضتيل
46 .
Presidential Suite - terrace
موقع كونراد ا�ضطنبول المم ّيز يطل على المدينة وم�ضيق البو�ضفور هو اأحد اأول من الغرف الرائعة553 فهو ي�ضم.االأ�ضياء التي ا�ضتوقفتني عند و�ضولي اإلى الفندق . جناحا تم تجديدهم موؤخرا باأ�ضلوب معا�ضر واأنيق76 باالإ�ضافة اإلى
I want to explore the young side of the city. Not long ago, you could pull up a stool at Karaköy’s fish market and feast on seafood with complimentary views of the Old City, and that hasn’t changed a bit, happily. It’s just a 15-minute taxi ride from the Conrad.
The Bosphorus, one of the world’s busiest waterways, is lined with beautiful yalıs (waterfront villas), baroque palaces, and seaside villages. I invite my local friends, hire our own speedboat and set off at sunset and coast past bohemian Ortaköy, quaint Arnavutköy, chichi Bebek and Rumeli Hisarı – a giant fortress built in four months – all on the way to Anadolu Kavağı, where the Bosphorus meets the Black Sea. Istanbul seen from the water is an out-of-theworld experience!
Presidential Suite - living room
Ambassador Suite - terrace . 47
I can never get enough of visiting Hagia Sofia, Topkapı and several other landmarks again and again. I can pick up a Muzekart from Conrad›s concierge to skip the queues. Navigating the Byzantine and Ottoman sights into Sultanahmet can be challenging, so when I need a break I stop at a peaceful spot for a modest lunch in the teahouse in the courtyard of the Caferaga Madrasa, where calligraphy, marbling and other traditional arts are taught.
Traffic in Istanbul can be intense but there is a great solution to it. Escape to the Prince Islands, a cluster of car-free islands in the Sea of Marmara. The prettiest island is the biggest, Büyükada, its wooden villas painted in pastel colours. It’s about 105 minutes by ferry from Kabataş docks, between Dolmabahçe Palace and Istanbul Modern. IDO operates a faster catamaran service during summer months. I am so aware that on sunny summer weekends the ferries are rammed, so aim for the earliest boat during the week.
On arrival, I climb into a horse-drawn carriage on Büyükada’s beguiling harbour and the romantic ride leads me through pine forests to the
Istanbul possesses not just extraordinary cultural riches but unmistakable soul. That mix of intertwining histories and unassuming Turkish hospitality gives you more the more you look.
Monastery of St George atop Yucetepe, the island’s highest peak. Around lunchtime, I sit on the shore in one of the many restaurants (I can’t decide which one is my favourite) and then stroll around the picturesque streets where I am tempted to buy all kinds of articles from beautiful bech towels to cute souvenirs before hopping on the ferry back to my Conrad sanctuary, ready to chill-out on the roof-top terrace with the most amazing views you can get of Istanbul.
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RoyalLuxury WITH RomanticViews OF
الملكية الفخامة ّ مع إطاللة رومانسية ال مثيل لها على مدينة
ً ً خاصا قصرا في األصل كان هذا الفندق شانغريال باريس ، غرفة مذهلة101 وهو مؤلف من، ،لألمير روالند بونابرت ويقع في الدائرة، جناحا36 غرفة للضيوف و65 من ضمنها . بالقرب من التروكاديرو، األنيقة في باريس16ال
Born in 1858 as the only son of Prince Pierre Bonaparte (1815-1881) and Justine Eléonore Ruflin (1832-1905), and grandson of Lucien Bonaparte (the younger brother of Napoleon Bonaparte), Roland Bonaparte was the great-nephew of the French emperor. In 1880, he married Marie-Félix Blanc, daughter of François Blanc and heiress to the Casinos of Monte Carlo and the Société des Bains de Mer Resort, Hotels and Casinos. In 1886, due to new legislation banning the relations of French rulers serving in the armed forces, Roland Bonaparte was forced to abandon his military career. Already a learned aristocrat and enthusiastic traveller, Prince Roland devoted himself to the in-depth study of geography, geology and ethnology. Cultured gentleman and scientific philanthropist, the prince was the last male descendent of the Lucien Bonaparte line. His passion for travel and entertaining are etched in the rich foundations of both his resplendent palace and Parisian history. 50 .
�ضتعيد واجهته االأنيقة اإلى االأذهان اإرثه، باري�س،ومنذ �ضولك اإلى فندق �ضانغريال الموظفون اليقظون وال�ضر ّية الكاملة �ضمان اأن تتلقى.ملكي �ضابق ًا القديم ٍ ٍ كم�ضكن .معاملة ال ت�ضوبها �ضائبة من بداية الرحلة فتلك المناظر الخالبة �ضت�ضيبك.. اإن كانت غرفتك تطل على برج اإيفل ونهر ال�ضين اأناقة العالم القديم في الغرفة المز ّينة بكثير من الحب من خالل عمل.بالذهول . تراها تنعك�س على المدينة التي تمتد اأمامك باأناقة تامة،الحرفيين . 51
As you arrive at Shangri-La Hotel, Paris, its elegant façade brings to mind its legacy as a former royal abode. Attentive staff and a pleasantly discreet check-in ensure that you receive impeccable treatment right from the start.
In July 1882, the prince and princess welcomed daughter Marie into the world. Ten years later, the prince began construction on his palace, envisaging a sumptuous family residence. From her bedroom, young Marie admired the innovative Eiffel Tower, whilst Roland chose for himself the apartments facing the Avenue d’Iéna. In 1907, Princess Marie became engaged to Prince Georges of Greece and Denmark. This family event provided another joyous occasion to receive guests in the family salons, with the couple’s official engagement photo taken that evening in the Salon de Famille. In 1924, Prince Roland Bonaparte passed away at the age of 66. Princess Marie sold her father’s estate to the Suez Canal Bank Company in 1925, which, between 1926 and 1929, transformed the palace into luxury apartments, adding two storeys and a cupola over part of the ground floor, inspired by the work of Gustave Eiffel. 52 .
Richard Martinet directed the architectural renovations and PierreYves Rochon designed the interior style, at times empire, at times luxury minimalist, and at times a stunning mix of both. Apart from the Signature Suites, all rooms and suites are decorated in shades of blue, white and ecru, in keeping with both European empire and Asian aesthetics. Interiors offer a pleasing harmony of textures and colours, from silk-threaded wallpaper, textured wall panels and refined crystal hardware on custom-made furnishings.
In your room, commanding views of the Eiffel Tower and the River Seine hold you transfixed. The old-world elegance of the room, lovingly adorned with the fine work of craftsmen, is mirrored in the city that lies just below. Now, you’re in the mood for a light meal, and La Bauhinia is the just place for it. The exquisite glass cupola and Murano chandelier reflect the elegance of the meals prepared at the restaurant. On the other hand, you could savour the Cantonese cuisine at the renowned first Shang Palace in Europe, which earned a star in the Michelin Guide. With your hunger satisfied and spirit invigorated, it’s time to immerse yourself in the City of Lights.The Pink Lady, Le Bar’s signature cocktail, is just the pick-me-up needed to start you off. Embark upon a culinary voyage at L’Abeille, the hotel’s French gastronomic restaurant, which is also Michelin-starred, to finish off your day. A walk around the hotel uncovers a little-known 16th arrondissement, the very Parisian Passy village and the splendid Balzac House, not to forget the countless museums ensuring true abundance. The historic walk highlights the exceptional destiny of the townhouse belonging to Prince Roland Bonaparte that was to become Shangri-La Hotel, Paris 120 years later. The city has left you enamoured. And it all began at the majestic Shangri-La Hotel, Paris.
اإن كنت بمزاج لتناول وجبة،واالآن ال بوهينيا هو المكان المنا�ضب..خفيفة فالقبة الزجاجية الرائعة...لذلك وثريات المورانو تعك�س اأناقة الوجبات .المج ّهزة في المطعم ،ابداأ رحلتك في مطعم الذواقة لـ اآبيي واختر الطعام الفاخر في المطعم الفرن�ضي الحائز هو اأي�ضا على نجمة .رائع ٍ الإنهاء يومك...مي�ضالن ٍ ب�ضكل بالتاأكيد �ضتغادر مدينة باري�س واأنت وكل هذا الع�ضق ال ب ّد اأنه...مت ّي ُم بها بد أا في فندق �ضانغريال الفخم في .باري�س . 53
RAMADANESQUE PACKAGE Aware of Middle Eastern travellers’ spiritual needs throughout their stay, each room and suite at Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris will be equipped with a Qibla, Quran and a prayer mat, to ensure the utmost convenience. Additionally, for suhoor, refreshing yet nourishing milk and dates will be served every day at sunrise so guests can begin the day in the best way possible. Iftar is traditionally a time for families and friends to dine together and so Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris has created an authentic Qatari-inspired special menu of halal dishes. Highlights will include impeccably prepared chicken biryani and shrimp specialities as well as the national dish jereesh, made with culinary excellence.
Matsuhisa Beverly Hills and the celebration of six other exclusive destinations around the world, Matsuhisa Paris opened in March 2016, under the expertise of executive chef Hideki Endo and his team of sushi masters. Matsuhisa Paris brings a highly contemporary vision of Japanese cuisine, a gastronomic encounter between Asia and Latin America, two cultures dear to the heart of Nobu himself. Matsuhisa Paris has adopted and adapted the celebrated formula from Nobu’s other restaurants in Beverly Hills, Aspen, Athens, Mykonos and Munich.
The hotel is just minutes away from Arc de Triomphe and Champs Elysees in Paris’ 8th arrondissement. At Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris, art is omnipresent, with the exclusive service of an art concierge, an art bookstore, a private art gallery, a 99-seat cinema and an impressive private art collection.
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Food and drink are an art form here too, from the buzz of the Long Bar on the ground floor, to the two restaurants, Matsuhisa Paris for a Japanese cuisine and Il Carpaccio, a Michelinstar Italian eaterie. Not to be missed are the delicious pastries, macarons and chocolates by Pierre Herme, considered by Vogue magazine as the Picasso of pastry. World-renowned chef Nobu Matsuhisa and Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris have teamed up to introduce the first Matsuhisa restaurant in France. Further to the internationally feted
The extensive and original menu at Matsuhisa Paris offers a unique Peruvian-Japanese culinary experience with a bespoke array of Nobu’s legendary signature dishes including Albacore tuna sashimi with jalapeño peppers, black cod with miso, and sashimi tacos as well as traditional sushi. Chef Hideki has also worked with exquisite French delicacies to offer one- of-a-kind dishes such as algae tacos with black truffle, crispy oysters with caviar, wagyu beef with foie gras ravioli and ponzu sauce or wasabi and aioli sauces. Nobu is part of the very select circle of the most charismatic chefs on the international scene. He is known for his unique style and original flair, combining Japanese gastronomic codes with exotic flavours and techniques gleaned from his time in Latin America.
To further set the mood of the season, guests will enjoy the sounds of Arabic-inspired instrumental music whenever entering and leaving the hotel through the main entrance. For in-room culinary pursuits, the masterful chefs have prepared a menu featuring a number of authentic Qatari dishes for the allday dining menu and room service, to allow guests to truly enjoy a taste of home in the comfort of their room, at any time of day. Additionally, five percent of the proceeds from each Ramadanesque package booking will go to the Educate a Child charity by H.H. Sheikha Mozah in honour of the Holy Month of Ramadan.
عروض رمضان
واإدراكا لالحتياجات الروحية لم�ضافري ال�ضرق �ضيتم تجهيز كل غرفة وجناح،االأو�ضط خالل اإقامتهم ،في فندق لو رويال مون�ضو رافلز باري�س باتجاه القبلة ل�ضمان اأق�ضى قدر،وقراآن كريم و�ضجادة �ضالة �ضيتم، في ال�ضحور، باالإ�ضافة اإلى ذلك.من الراحة تقديم حليب مغذٍ كل ليلة قبل يزوغ الفجر حيث يمكن .لل�ضيوف اأن يبدوؤوا يومهم باأف�ضل طريقة ممكنة االإفطار هو عادة وقت الجتماع العائالت واالأ�ضدقاء - وبالتالي اأن�ض أا لو رويال مون�ضو،لتناول الطعام معا رافلز باري�س الئحة طعام خا�ضة م�ضتوحاة من االأطباق ومن اأبرز اال�ضتعدادات.الحالل القطرية االأ�ضيلة وتخ�ض�ضات الروبيان،تح�ضير الدجاج البرياني الذي اأعد مع التم ّيز،وكذلك الطبق الوطني الجري�س .الكبير في الطهي خم�ضة في المئة من عائدات،باالإ�ضافة اإلى ذلك الحجز لموائد االفطار في رم�ضان �ضتذهب اإلى الجمعية الخيرية "ث ّقف طف ًال" لالأطفال المن�ضاأة من قبل ح�ضرة �ضاحبة ال�ضمو ال�ضيخة موزة تكريما ل�ضهر .رم�ضان المبارك
راﻓﻠﺰ ﺑﺎرﻳﺲ-ﻟﻲ روﻳﺎل ﻣﻮﻧﺴﻮ
و ﻣﺎﺗﺴﻮﻫﻴﺴﺎ
كفندق2010 أعيد افتتاحه في عام نجوم وهو من أكثرها إثارة5 فاخر وذلك بعد عامي،في مدينة األضواء عمل شهدت تحوال جذريا وكامال من .قبل المصمم فيليب ستارك
ال�ضيف نوبو مات�ضوهي�ضا الم�ضهور عالميا ولو رويال مون�ضو رافلز باري�س عقدا �ضراكة الإن�ضاء اأول مطعم وباالإ�ضافة اإلى مطعم.مات�ضوهي�ضا في فرن�ضا ،مات�ضوهي�ضا في بيفرلي هيلز المحتفى به عالميا وكذلك االحتفال ب�ضت وجهات ح�ضرية اأخرى في مات�ضوهي�ضا باري�س ّتم افتتاحه،جميع اأنحاء العالم بخبرة ال�ضيف التنفيذي هيديكي2016 في مار�س مات�ضوهي�ضا.اإندو وفريقه الم�ضهورين بال�ضو�ضي باري�س يعر�س روؤية معا�ضرة للغاية للمطبخ لقاء تذوق الطعام بين اآ�ضيا واأمريكا...الياباني . ثقافتان عزيزتان على قلب نوبو نف�ضه- الالتينية . 55
TRISARA a green and serene treasure
KARINE LACKNER DISCOVERS A DIFFERENT SIDE TO PHUKET, AND WITNESSES A RESORT THAT IS TAKING SUSTAINABILITY IN HOSPITALITY TO THE NEXT LEVEL AND OFFERING THE HIGHEST STANDARDS OF LUXURY. risara has become a landmark since it opened in November 2004 and I would call it a hidden treasure after my most enjoyable stay there in April.
Phuket Island’s most exclusive, intimate resort is just 15 minutes over a private bay from Phuket’s International Airport on the quiet, relatively undeveloped north-western coastline. The short drive is a beautiful introduction to the ‘real’ Phuket, winding through small villages, jungle and beaches before I arrive at the resort’s discreet entrance, hidden by towering ancient hardwoods.
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Trisara’s owners are also the managers and the driving force behind all design decisions, passionate about service, food and attention to detail, something too often overlooked in today’s world. The gently sloping contours of the site have been developed to allow all villas at Trisara to embrace wide ocean views, sunsets and the cooling sea breeze. As I walk down a few steps to my pool villa’s entrance escorted by a staff member facilitating the check-in inside the villa, I discover the green abundant nature and the blue ocean in front of me from a higher elevation which gives me the sensation of being on top of the world.
م�ضاحة، مع اأحوا�س ال�ضباحة والفلل ال�ضكنية48 تحتل اأجنحة وفيالت المنتجع ال وكم هو. متر ًا عن واجهة المحيط2000 فدانا �ضمن حدائق غ ّناء ترتفع برفق40 وخا�ض ًة اأنها مخفية،موؤ ّثر كيف اأن جميع اأماكن االإقامة ت�ضعرك بالخ�ضو�ضية التامة الفلل المملوكة والخا�ضة.وتحيط بها الحدائق اال�ضتوائية الخ�ضبة من كل جانب ذوات غرف النوم التي تتراوح بين االثنتين وال�ضتة هي متاحة للتاأجير مع مطابخ وهو اأم ٌر مثالي للعائالت التي ترغب في التمتع بعطلة خا�ضة مع كل،خا�ضة وموظفين .مزايا المنتجع الفاخر حيث الخدمة ال ت�ضوبها �ضائبة
دقيقة فقط عن15 يقع منتجع جزيرة فوكيت االأكثر تم ّيز ًا على خليج خا�س يبعد . وهو هادئ وغير متطور ن�ضبيا �ضمال غرب خط ال�ضاحل،مطار فوكيت الدولي والم�ضافة الق�ضيرة التي اجتزناها بالمركبة ما هي اإ ّال مقدمة جميلة لفوكيت حيث مررنا عبر قرى �ضغيرة والغابة وال�ضواطئ قبل اأن ن�ضل اإلى،""الحقيقية .مدخل المنتجع المخفي والمخباأ بين االأخ�ضاب ال�ضلبة القديمة ال�ضاهقة
وهادئ أخضر ٌكنز ٌ ٌ ً ً منتجع يتّ خذ وتشهد وجود،مختلفا لفوكيت جانبا تكتشف كارين الكنر ٍ ً عنوانا له في قطاع الضيافة الذي يصل إلى أرفع مستوى االستدامة .ويوفر أعلى معايير الفخامة ّ
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he resort’s 48 pool suites and villas, and residential villas sit within 40 acres of gardens, rising gently from the 2000 metres of ocean frontage. Impressive how all accommodations offer a sense of total privacy, surrounded and hidden by lush tropical gardens. The privately owned two- to six-bedroom residences are available for rental with private staff and kitchens, which is ideal for families who want to enjoy a private vacation with all advantages of being nestled in a luxury resort where service is impeccable.
My one-bedroom Pool Villa (one of 22 individual villas) offers me 240 square-metres of space, including the private 10-metre infinity pool, teak sundecks, outdoor shower and 96 square-metre bedroom. Imagine the little detail: my two sun loungers are placed inside the water (only their feet), so I can lie with the cool water just under me and breath-taking views from east to west.
ut that is not all Trisara has to offer. Three Ocean View Pool Suites sit even higher above the bay and you can feast upon the wonderful open sea views from above. These 230 square-metre suites offer the private bedroom with en-suite and outdoor shower, and a separate living room that can be closed off with sliding doors, with its own bathroom. A ninemetre infinity pool and open decks make this suite perfect for someone looking for an extra spacious villa.
If you want to be closer to the water, there are two two-bedroom Oceanfront Pool Villas perched directly above the bay, naturally with incredible views and privacy. The central living area leads out to the pool decks and 10-metre private pool. These are Trisara’s most private villas and have the most open sea views. Perfect for small families! The eight Trisara Signature Villas, equipped with a full kitchen and the services of a dedicated cook and housekeeper are ideal if you are looking for something larger with a certain homely feeling. On either side of a central living and dining pavilion sits the two main bedrooms, which also have access to the private 18-metre infinity pool and decks outside and are, needless to mention, surrounded by lush tropical gardens open over the pool to a sea view.
12 Ocean View Pool Rooms are set higher above the ocean view pool villas, all enjoying expansive sea views as well. These pool rooms are 117 square-metres, including the 50 square-metre air-conditioned bedroom, outdoor deck and the four-metre infinity plunge pool. Each Pool Room has a private entrance walkway and shares one common wall with the adjoining Pool Room. If you are travelling with a friend, the two Pool Rooms together can be rented as a two-bedroom unit and the partition separating the two pool decks can be removed. What a clever solution, offering both the luxury of the 50 square-metre bedroom.
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YOGA, GYM AND SPA As I wander one morning down from my villa to the breakfast on the large terrace close to the beachfront, I discover the private beachfront yoga sala along the garden pathway from the end of the main pool. What an amazing place to meditate and indulge in the yoga poses with a private instructor. After breakfast I have my spa treatment scheduled. Breakfast is a large but exquisite buffet of fresh items (my favourite is always the fresh coconut, which gives you all the nutrients you need) and you can enjoy it either indoors or outdoors, again overlooking the ocean, this time much closer. The gym is located below the spa, so I decide to pay it a visit before my treatment. It offers a full selection of weights, cardio machines and exercise equipment and a dedicated personal trainer assists with exercise programmes designed to suit your needs.
uay Thai (Thai boxing) is a traditional martial art practice that is also known as kickboxing and provides an excellent entire body workout. Experienced staff are on hand to train you in the various techniques, so I take this into consideration, but before getting strong, I prefer the strong hands of my massage therapist. Knowing that another exciting and different form of exercise is TRX suspension training, a new fitness training system using ropes and cables, which allows the user to work out against their own body weight, I understand that this peaceful place offers lots of action too, should you long for it! The six spa suites are an oasis of calm, all located in one villa. Treatments can also be enjoyed in the privacy of your villa or suite, or even by your pool, which makes the experience entirely unique, and it’s so convenient, that should you need to flop into bed to further your relaxation, it’s right there!
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اليوغا وصالة رياضية ومنتجع صحي
واأنا اأتج ّول يوم ًا في �ضباح اأحد االأيام من فيللتي لتناول االإفطار على ال�ضرفة الوا�ضعة ،على مقربة من �ضاطئ البحر اكت�ضتف نادي اليوغا �ضاال على �ضاطئ البحرعبر مدخل الحديقة في نهاية حو�س يا له من.ال�ضباحة الرئي�ضي مكان رائع للتاأمل واالنغما�س في ريا�ضة اليوغا مع مد ّر ٍب .خا�س ٍ اأجنحة ال�ضبا ال�ضتة هي واحة ً يمكن اأي�ضا اال�ضتمتاع بالعالج في. وكلها تقع في فيال واحدة،من الهدوء ، اأو حتى في حمام ال�ضباحة خا�ضتك،خ�ضو�ضية الفيال الخا�ضة بك اأو جناحك م ّما يجعل هذه التجربة فريدة بح ّد ذاتها ومريحة جدا بحيث ت�ضتطيع االرتماء ! اإنه المكان المنا�ضب...في اأح�ضان �ضريرك مبا�ضر ًة لموا�ضلة ا�ضترخاءك . 61
�ضخ�ضي يح�ضر ويمكنك اأي�ض ًا اختيار اأن تد ّلل نف�ضك في الم�ضاء حيث اأن هناك طا ٍه ٍ لك �ضواء خا�س حول البركة الخا�ضة لعائلتك في وقت الغروب اأو اأن تخرج اإلى ال�ضطح بكل ب�ضاطة واال�ضتمتاع باالأطباق التايالندية االأ�ضيلة والماأكوالت العالمية .تحت اأ�ضجار النخيل م�ضتوحى من مطاعم الماأكوالت البحرية المميزة مطعم الماأكوالت البحرية تري�ضارا ً مع المنتجات الطازجة من،الموجودة على �ضواطئ الريفيرا الفرن�ضية وكابري .اندامان والبحار المتو�ضطية
GREEN CREDENTIALS Trisara has recently built its own reverse osmosis water plant. Clean water is filtered through the reverse osmosis membrane and exposed to UV lights. The water is then re-mineralised and bottled in sterilised glass bottles, sealed in an airtight ceramic stopper and clipped in place with a metal clasp.
But you can also choose to be spoiled in the evening as a personal chef prepares a private barbeque on your pool deck for your family at sunset or simply head out to the Deck and enjoy authentic Thai dishes and international cuisine under the palm trees.
o how will you spend your days? Stroll down to the beach and lie back on a sundeck chair or loveseat next to the 47-metre salt-chlorinated pool or opt for your feet in the sand on a lounger prepared by the attentive staff. For lunch you can even grab some snacks and salad out on the main beach bar and have them right there under your umbrella.
Trisara’s seafood restaurant is inspired by the iconic seafood restaurants found on the French Riviera and Capri, with the freshest products from the Andaman and the Mediterranean seas. The seafood is responsibly caught from sustainable sources and I enjoy the table set up to overlook the beach.
Or venturing out! The island’s most significant rainforest and waterfall is a great place to visit, just 30 minutes away at Khao Phra Teaw National Park, where you can also ride a friendly elephant through the forest.
Taking a closer look towards the beach, I can’t believe my eyes: hundreds if not thousands of little crabs making their way to the water and leaving their claw marks in the sand like an artwork! As I come closer, they all stop (time enough to see they are hermit crabs) and crawl back into the houses they carry on their backs, waiting for the intruder to pass by. Amazing creatures and I feel once more replenished by nature, the feeling I miss when living in a city.
Between December and April, water sports fans can rent Trisara 1, a 9-metre cruiser. Fast, comfortable and a lot of fun, it can be used as a water taxi to explore the beaches of the west coast or to take snorkelling trips to a nearby island. The comfortable, fast sports cruiser Ashoka 1 is available by the hour or for half or full day charters.
The main bar is a great place to relax, watching a stunning sunset; you can’t get enough of it. Vincent, the assistant director of marketing, invites me to experience some of the great gourmet tapas and amazing cocktails on my first evening and I feel this is the best way to start my holiday.
Phang Nga Bay is truly spectacular and calm on most days. A private half or full day cruise to what is known as James Bond Island and other islands nearby is the perfect trip out.
كيف �ضتق�ضي اأيامك؟ نزهة اإلى ال�ضاطئ وا�ضتلقاء على كر�ضي الحمام ال�ضم�ضي مترا47 اأو مقعد الحب الوثير بجانب حو�س ال�ضباحة المعقم باأمالح الكلور بطول .اأو و�ضع قدميك في الرمال على كرا�ضي خا�ضة من اإعداد الموظفين اليقظين لتناول طعام الغداء يمكنك االعتماد على بع�س الوجبات الخفيفة وال�ضلطات على .ال�ضاطئ الرئي�ضي �ضريطة اأن تحتفظ بها تحت مظلتك The efforts the resort has gone to in promoting sustainability are wonderful. From separating and recycling waste water to irrigate the gardens, to collecting rain water on all roofs (again used on the gardens), Trisara has left no stone unturned. They changed 45,000 halogen lights to 3-watt LED bulbs in 2012, installed energy saving sensors and timers on doors and use no chlorine in any of the pools. It’s not just their green credentials that are impeccable. Trisara has thought of everything, from the Angel of Privacy in your room to place outside if you do not wish to be disturbed, to the homemade chocolate truffles and cookies offered with their compliments and replenished on a daily basis. A place you could easily call your ideal home and some do, so why not you?
،اأو تغامر بالخروج! الغابات المطيرة وال�ضالالت هي اأهم معالم الجزيرة للزيارة وحيث يمكنك اأي�ض ًا، دقيقة بداخل الحديقة الوطنية خاوفراتيو30 وتبعد فقط .التج ّول على ظهور الفيلة الودية خالل الغابة ويمكنك القيام برحلة...خليج فانغ نغا مذهل حقا وهادئ في معظم اأيام االأ�ضبوع بحرية رائعة لمدة يوم كامل اأو بع�س اليوم اإلى ما يعرف با�ضم جزيرة جيم�س بوند ...وجزر قريبة اأخرى من الخ�ضو�ضية المالئكية في غرفتك اإلى اأماكن اأخرى،تري�ضارا فكرت بكل �ضيء واإلى كماأة ال�ضوكوالته المحلية...في الخارج اإذا كنت ال ترغب في اأن يتم اإزعاجك ال�ضنع والكعك المتوفر دائما مع تحيات االإدارة واإمكان ّية التجديد على اأ�ضا�س .يومي والبع�س يعتبره.. اإنه مكان باإمكانك ب�ضهولة اإطالق عليه ا�ضم المنزل المثالي اإذ ًا َلم اأنتَ ال؟...كذلك
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KARINE LACKNER IS REJUVENATED AT AMAN’S FLAGSHIP PROPERTY IN THAILAND. المقر األكثر شهرة في،تجدد شبابها في امان ّ كارين الكنر .تايالند
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اﻟﺸﻔﺎء اﻟﻜ ّﻠﻲ
ﻋﻠﻰ ﺷﻮاﻃﺊ ﻓﻮﻛﻴﺖ
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S Since its opening in 1998, the Thai beach resort of Amanpuri has established a reputation for excellent personal service and fine cuisine, enhanced by the natural beauty of the tropical island surroundings. This timeless retreat on the west coast of Phuket is in harmony with its idyllic setting. Ancient Ayutthayan architecture informs the design of its pavilions and villas, which overlook lush vegetation and the pristine Andaman Sea.
The turquoise waters that surround Amanpuri offer voyages of discovery in every direction, whether it is exploring the coasts by boat, water-skiing or scuba diving the pristine reefs. On land, the lush vegetation is part of a rich cultural history, including 30 Buddhist temples on the island, five excellent golf courses, and the serene, crescent-shaped white-sand beaches lined with loungers and umbrellas. After a delicious breakfast (not a buffet; you can order whatever you wish), the crescent beach, which lies at the foot of a cascading sweep of stone steps, is calling me. Next to two huge rocks, I find my ideal spot on a comfortable sunbed, which is carefully prepared by the beach boys. Chilled water and sunscreen lotion are provided right away too and whenever you leave for a swim, they will come and adjust your towels so upon return all is in perfect order. 66 .
The beach is nestled into a bay, or this one is anyway, as next to my preferred sandy haven is the other choice guests of Amanpuri get, just separated by the Beach Terrace, a tiny spot elevated on some rocks with a few tables where you can have a bite. The sand is soft and light, fish welcome you swimming around as soon as you enter the water (maybe thinking you’re going to feed them?) and peace is reflected in more ways than one. Amanpuri’s Sanskrit meaning, ‘place of peace,’ comes to mind.
المياه الفيروزية التي تحيط بامان بوري تو ّفر رحالت ا�ضتكت�ضافية في كل �ضواء ا�ضتك�ضاف ال�ضواحل عن طريق القوارب والتزلج على الماء اأو،االتجاهات .الغو�س في ال�ضعاب المرجانية البكر وبجانب هذا... اأو هذا ال�ضاطئ بالذات هو كذلك، اكت�ضب منتجع ال�ضاطئ التايالندي امان بوري �ضمعة يقع ال�ضاطئ �ضمن خليج،1998 منذ افتتاحه في عام مف�ضول، كل ذلك يعزّزه الجمال المالذ الرملي المح ّبب ا ّإلي هناك خيا ٌر اآخر يف�ضله �ضيوف امان بوري...كبيرة في الخدمة ال�ضخ�ضية المم ّيزة ومطبخ الذواقة .الطبيعي للجزيرة اال�ضتوائية ومحيطها وهو عبارة عن مكان مرتفع فوق بع�س ال�ضخور مع... عن ال�ضاطئ بال�ضرفة فقط .عدد قليل من الطاوالت حيث يمكنك تناول المق ّبالت الخفيفة . 67
Rarely offered for resale, the iconic Amanpuri Villas are set on a headland on Phuket’s fabled west coast, alongside the brand’s flagship beachside resort. Offering extensive indoor and outdoor living spaces, they reflect Thailand’s gracious architectural aesthetic in lush tropical gardens. Designed around expansive swimming pools just steps from the azure waters of the Andaman Sea, Amanpuri Villas make it possible to own the original Aman lifestyle. Prices on demand from amanpuri@amanresorts.com.
Interspersed throughout a mature coconut plantation, the 40 Thai-style pavilions and 32 private villas open onto outdoor sun decks and private dining terraces. My beautiful pavilion has a huge terrace with a Thai-style centre piece and I wish I could throw a party, so inviting does it look. Each pavilion has an outdoor sala and sun deck, some enjoy the most spectacular views (103 and 105), featuring private pools surrounded by lush tropical vegetation. The elegant pavilion bedroom leads to a spacious dressing room area with twin vanities, a sunken bath and separate shower. Two things astonish me the most, the housekeeping filling the bathtub, throwing flowers into the hot water in the evening and lighting candles all around, and the super modern loo, which does not just have a heated seat but also does automatically what a bidet does, only manually and you even get dried! 68 .
فيال32 ذوي الطراز التايالندي و ال40 تتخ ّلل مزارع جوز الهند ال�ضا�ضعة االأجنحة ال الخا�ضة المفتوحة على ال�ضرفات الم�ضم�ضة في الهواء الطلق وتلك الخا�ضة بتناول وجناحي الخا�س يتمتّع ب�ضرفة كبيرة مع منحوتة على الطراز التايالندي...الطعام لكل جناح هناك.في الو�ضط مما يدعوني الإقامة حفل خا�س في هذا المكان الرائع 103( �ضرفة في الهواء الطلق �ضاال و�ضطح م�ضم�س وبع�ضها يتمتّع بمناظر خ ّالبة .) وي�ضم حمامات �ضباحة خا�ضة محاطة بالنباتات اال�ضتوائية الخ�ضبة105و ح ّمام ال�ضباحة المركزي للمنتجع ي�ضبح �ضاح ًة هادئ ًة تعك�س وهج،عند الغ�ضق اأما المطعم ف ُيعتبر المكان المثالي...ال�ضماء حين تغرب ال�ضم�س في بحر اندامان .لم�ضاهدة هذا العر�س الم�ضائي ابتداء من هذا. واالمداد بالطاقة والتغيير،امان بوري هو المالذ المثالي لال�ضترخاء �ضيفاجئك المنتجع بعرو�ضه المبتكرة، وبعد �ضهر من العمل على تحديثه،ال�ضيف ! فال تف ّوت ذلك-
The Aman spa is a holistic sanctuary inspired by ancient Thai therapies with treatments including roasted coconut scrubs and sandalwood wraps. One afternoon I am definitely up for a yoga session in the open-sided salas at the spa and after such a relaxing yet nonetheless challenging hour, I decide that the next morning at 8am a meditation class should follow. Qi Gong, Muay Thai and more are on offer, and all complimentary for the guests, not to mention paddle board Pilates. The state-of-art gym offers floor-to-ceiling windows and has the most mind-blowing view that I have ever seen in a fitness studio. . 69
At dusk, the resort’s central swimming pool becomes a tranquil stage, reflecting the sky as the sun sets into the Andaman Sea. The restaurant and bar provide the ideal settings for watching this nightly show. Facing the swimming pool, the Terrace specialises in Thai cuisine and here you can take your breakfast and dinner (even your lunch if you have space). The second restaurant serves Italian cuisine and is open in the evening only. Make sure you reserve your table with a view on the corner! Just steps from the beach (the second one), Naoki serves Kaiseki, the fare which combines the best of French techniques with a Japanese sense of artistry. From 1st to 15th August and 15th to 30th October, internationally renowned wellbeing practitioners Roger Moore, Anamai Apaiso and Patrycja Klak will be leading an Alignment and Awareness Retreat, combining private movement, massage and mindfulness therapies.
Amanpuri is the perfect retreat to relax, recharge and transform yourself. 70 .
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فلسفة الحياة الهادئة في
سونيفا كيري
Soneva Kiri 72 .
. 73
Soneva Kiri is the latest Soneva, offering intelligent luxury of the highest international standard in a remote environment that nurtures the indigenous feel in design, architecture and service. Their philosophy of ‘no news – no shoes’ is all too true; as I arrive and am greeted by the smiling faces of the general manager and his team at the pier, everyone is barefoot.
Soneva Kiri can be found on Koh Kood, a remote island on the east coast of Thailand, known for its pure waterfalls, crystal clear waters and traditional village life. It offers the limited number of 36 pool villas on either beach level hillsides or cliff tops, all overlooking the Gulf of Thailand and well hidden in the lush nature. Koh Kood is the fourth largest island in Thailand, but one of the least developed. Life a la Robinson Crusoe awaits here – plus lots of luxury!
Mr Friday, my personal butler, takes me to my villa, puts some music on and here I float away in the ambiance of a tropical rainforest surrounded by bamboo construction from floor to ceiling. Soneva Kiri is developed with the principles of ecologically sustainable design and materials selection, and with construction methods adapted to protect the environment. Even door handles and hangers are eco, sinks are made of a combination of bronze and copper, and the taps and the piece of cupboard the sink stands on one-of-a-kind creations. I am handed a personal phone on which I can reach Mr Friday (Tony is his real name) for anything I need or wish. Personal electric buggies and push bicycles are the modes of transport within the resort, so after a dip in the fresh pool I decide to take a tour around the resort and I am amazed how vast it is. I almost get lost, but on every corner there are indications where to find what, so soon I have everything under control.
Sustainab Local Organic Wellness
My flight from Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi International Airport to Soneva Kiri takes 70 minutes in an eight-seater plane and I can closely observe every move of the pilot and his team while admiring the islands in the crystal clear water beneath us. Arriving at the smallest airport I have ever seen (it is literally an airstrip) it takes five minutes by speedboat to the resort’s arrival pier. Everything, from my arrival in Bangkok onwards, is done in style and with a smile!
الجزيرة النائية على ال�ضاحل ال�ضرقي لتايالند والم�ضهورة ب�ضالالت،تقع �ضونيفا كيري في كوه كود فيال مع36 وتوفرعدد َا محدود ًا من.مياهها النقية ومياهها العذبة ال�ضفافة وحياتها القروية التقليدية وكلها،اأحوا�س �ضباحة تتجمع اإ ّما على �ضفوح الجبال على م�ضتوى ال�ضاطئ اإ ّما على قمم الجروف البحرية ، كوه كود هي رابع اأكبر جزيرة في تايالند.تطل على خليج تايالند ومخفية جيدا في الطبيعة الخ�ضبة باالإ�ضافة اإلى الكثير- الحياة على طريقة روبن�ضون كروزو تنتظرك هناك.ولكنها اإحدى االأقل تط ّور ًا !من الترف دقيقة في طائرة70 رحلتي من مطار �ضوفارنابهومي الدولي في بانكوك اإلى �ضونيفا كيري ا�ضتغرقت مك ّونة من ثمانية مقاعد كنت اأ�ضتطيع اأن اأراقب بد ّقة كل حركة من الطيار وفريقه بينما ا�ضتمتع بالجزر مهبط ٍ وو�ضو ًال الى المطار االأ�ضغر الذي راأيته في حياتي (حرفيا.الغارقة في المياه ال�ضفافة تحتنا كل.للطائرات) الرحلة ت�ضتغرق خم�س دقائق فقط بالقارب ال�ضريع اإلى الر�ضيف البحري وبلوغ المنتجع ! وبابت�ضام ٍة... ٍبا�ضلوب راق يتم، من و�ضولي اإلى بانكوك و�ضاعد ًا،�ضيء ٍ منذ و�ضولي وا�ضتقبالي باالبت�ضامة المر�ضومة على وجه. ال اأحذية" حقيقية جد ًا- فل�ضفتهم "ال اأنباء .كان الجميع حافي القدمين... المدير العام وفريقه وو�ضع بع�س المو�ضيقى وهنا بداأت، اإلى في ّلتي الخا�ضة، كبير الخدم المخ�ض�س لي،اأخذني ال�ضيد جمعة .اأرحل بعيدا في جو من الغابات المطيرة اال�ضتوائية المحاطة ببناء من الخيزران من االأر�س حتى ال�ضقف ُ�ض ّلمت هاتف ًا �ضخ�ضيا يم ّكنني من االت�ضال بال�ضيد جمعة (ا�ضمه الحقيقي هو طوني) الأي �ضيء اأحتاجه ولذلك، العربات الكهربائية ال�ضخ�ضية ودفع الدراجات هي و�ضائط النقل داخل المنتجع.اأو اأرغب به بعد اأن غط�ضت في الحو�س ذي الماء العذب قررت اأن اأقوم بجولة حول المنتجع واأنده�ضت من مدى .ات�ضاع المكان 74 .
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Time to get ready for dinner, as Tony waits to take me to a car which drives me over two small bridges to the amazing Benz in the middle of nowhere, or better described as in the middle of water. Accomplished Thai chef Khun Benz has returned to her homeland after a decade of providing the Asian aspects to the cuisine at Soneva Fushi in the Maldives. The restaurant is a classic wooden Thai structure on stilts amongst the mangroves fringing Klong Yai Kee in which her vast repertoire of Thai dishes is presented. There is some slight confusion on my part as she greets me. Having been told that I am not a great meat-eater, I mishear ‘vegetarian’ as ‘Italian’ and ask myself for a minute why she’s offering me Italian food when she’s so famed for Thai fare, but then it clicks and so I shake my head and say ‘ah yes, vegetarian!’
فطوني ينتظرني لياأخذني اإلى ال�ضيارة التي،حان وقت اال�ضتعداد لتناول الع�ضاء و�ضط ال يمكن و�ضفه اإال ٍ �ضتجتاز بي ج�ضرين �ضغيرين اإلى بنز المذهل الواقع في .اأنه منعزل تماما وتحيط به المياه من كل جانب
In the truest form of slow food, almost all the ingredients are produced either on Koh Kood or nearby Koh Chang. All the seafood, such as the scallops that feature in Benz’s famous hormok, comes from local fishermen.
المطعم عبارة عن هيكل خ�ضبي كال�ضيكي على ركائز تايالندية بين اأ�ضجار .المانغروف كلونغ ييكي ويقدم طيف ًا وا�ضع ًا من االأطباق التايالندية
I am served an array of Thai dishes, some spicy, some not and find myself wondering what magic they weave around the vegetables to make them so tasty and different. At Soneva Kiri not just the quality of the food and friendly service but also the environment of the dining experience itself is an unforgettable highlight every day. Dining can be romantic, private and a unique experience.
One afternoon I try the exciting and exclusive Tree Pod Dining. Hanging in a tree 16 feet, or around five metres, off terra firma, engineered with a rigid frame swathed in woven rattan, you can enjoy a choice of tea with a view served by a flying waiter who gets whatever your heart desires via a zip line. It’s amazing to see him arriving with a basket full of delicacies! Intimate moonlit dinners on a private beach, live cooking classes and simple, delicious lunches using the freshest of produce from the resort’s own organic fruit and vegetable gardens – the settings are as memorable as the cuisine. One of my (and certainly every guest coming from far) preferred spots is the immaculate white sandy beach just a short boat ride over from the resort, where you take your lunch with your feet in the sand, and nothing but blue turquoise sea and palm trees around you.
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هي من ح�ضاد، مثل اال�ضكالوب الم�ضهور به بنز،جميع الماأكوالت البحرية .ال�ضيادين المحليين
ما عليك، والتي ي�ضار اإليها على اأنها مد ّرج الطبيعة االأم،في �ضونيفا كيري لي�س فقط نوعية الغذاء ود ّية والخدمة لطيفة بل اإن تجربة تناول وفي �ضينما بارادي�ضو تناول الطعام يمكن اأن يكون رومان�ضي ًا اإ ّال اأن تنغم�س في الليل وبع�س االأفالم الكال�ضيكية تحت �ضماء �ضافية مر�ضعة...الطعام في حد ذاتها هي �ضعادة يومية .بالنجوم وقاعة لمقاعد الجمهور .وخا�ض ًا وي�ض ّكل تجربة فريدة من نوعها ُبني ب�ضكل فريد.الجحر هو مظهر من مظاهر الحياة الحقيقية لخيال الطفل ِ فهناك زاوية ت�ضم اأكثر من �ضتين نكهة.الع�ضاء لي�س نهاية رحلة اليوم الرائعة هذا المكان المبتكر للعب... لذلك ال يمكن تمرير ليظهر مثل مانتا راي عمالق يحوم فوق الغابة،من المثلجات المحلية ال�ضنع واالآي�س كريم في اأي وقت . واأولئك الذين يبحثون عن تجربة ال�ضوكوالته في االأطفال يوفر ملعب ًا فريد ًا لالأطفال من الخم�س �ضنوات وما فوق،المبردة من دون توقف منع�س . ال ي�ضتطيعون اإال الت�ضاهل في التعامل مع اإدمانهم عليها،نهاية المطاف 76 .
. 77
Morning or afternoon, any time is good to enjoy the Six Senses Spa. My treatment is performed in one of the eleven uniquely designed double treatment rooms by a therapist who I know from Six Senses Spa at Sharq Village in Doha. It really is a small world! Four rooms have private relaxation areas, each offering personalised sensory spa journeys, wellness activities, workshops and lifestyle programmes by visiting practitioners who bring unique talents to the spa to enlighten and inform guests.You can read all about it in our Special Spa edition volume one. And once you’ve read about this idyllic slow life, speed on over to Koh Kood to experience it for yourself.
After a chilled afternoon reading your favourite book, head back to the villa and get ready for some incredible sunsets. Perched atop the cliff, looking over the rain forest to the sea beyond, pre-dinner drinks at So Spirited are a must! Dinner is not the end of the day’s fantastic journey. Featuring a wall of more than sixty flavours of homemade sorbet and ice-cream at any time, So Chilled can’t be passed by without a refreshing stop, and for those looking for the ultimate chocolate experience, So Chocoholic completes the indulgence.
For little ones under five, there is heaven on earth in the dedicated childcare in the Eco Den. Children can play for hours within a dream world, in its own natural swimming pool, plenty of shaded areas with decking for outside play, a green finger garden, a sleep and relaxation room for afternoon naps and a discovery room for exploring.
Featuring fair trade premium chocolate sourced from cocoa trees around the world, the chocolate is presented in blends of up to 95 % in a cool and comfortable room. Be it mousses, cookies, drinks, bon-bons or truffles, chilled coffee or tea deliciously rounds up the melting sweet blends. And at Cinema Paradiso, referred to as Mother Nature’s amphitheatre, indulge in the night and some classic movies set beneath a starbejewelled canopy and an auditorium of personal loungers. Cocktail service is provided and complimentary but mandatory hot buttered popcorn completes a soirée to remember. Mosquito spray and a blanket to cocoon in are important details when enjoying an open-air cinema in the middle of the jungle, of course provided by the staff! The Den is the real life manifestation of children’s imaginations. Uniquely built to appear like a gigantic manta ray hovering above the forest, this innovative play place offers children five years and above a unique playground.The family I meet tell me with enthusiasm that their children have never before had such an incredible time on vacation, and as I can rarely see them with their parents, I can well believe that! 78 .
في اأي وقت يمكنك اال�ضتمتاع بمنتجع الحوا�س،ال�ضباح اأو بعد الظهر كل منها تقدم، حيث توفر اأربعة غرف مناطق ا�ضترخاء خا�ضة،ال�ضت رحلة ح�ض ّية فريدة من نوعها واأن�ضطة للياقة وور�ضات عمل وبرامج يمكنك اأن تقراأ كل �ضيء عن ذلك في...تدريب على اأ�ضاليب الحياة .1 العدد رقم،"طبعتنا االأولى الخا�ضة بالمنتجعات "ال�ضبا ما عليك اإ ّال اأن ت�ضرع،ومتى قراأت عن هذه الحياة الهادئة المثالية .وتتوجه اإلى كوه كود لتجربة ذلك االإح�ضا�س بنف�ضك . 79
Mandarin Oriental Bangkok
KARINE LACKNER FINDS THAT THIS LEGENDARY HOTEL, FAMED FOR SETTING THE STANDARDS OF SERVICE, LIVES UP TO ITS REPUTATION. Built in 1876 and perfectly located on the banks of the Chao Phraya River, Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok has been an inspiration to a host of world-renowned writers from Joseph Conrad and Somerset Maugham to Graham Greene and John Le Carré. The Oriental, as it was then known, was the first luxury hotel in the Kingdom of Siam and is the oldest in Thailand. Beginning with Tsar Nicholas II of Russia in 1891, the hotel has welcomed numerous heads of state, captains of industry and a host of celebrities over the years. In April 2016, the hotel marked its 140th anniversary with Buddhist merit by offering alms to 99 monks. It also paid tribute to its longest serving employee, Ankana Kalantananda, who began working here in 1947. The former Reading Room in the Authors’ Wing was her office for many years and has been officially renamed in her honour.
During the latter half of the year, Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok will then host an exclusive week-long exhibition of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit of Thailand’s dresses in the Authors’ Lounge. This extraordinary event is presented in conjunction with the Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles and includes dresses worn by Her Majesty at various events at the hotel over the years.
تكتب قصتها الخاصة في الفخامة والطراز عاما140 المميز لمدة ّ
ماندارين أورينتال بانكوك
،المميز الرائع تحت ظل أشجار الخشب العريقة لموقعها ّ حميمية الفيال تجمع ,المفتوحة الماديكوي سافانا محمية ّ ّ .الخاصة مع كل كماليات الفندق العريق
There are many other special events this year too, many of them culinary-themed as the hotel is known for introducing Michelin-starred chefs to Thailand in the mid-1970s and remains Bangkok’s premier gourmet destination. Top of the list is commemorative collaborations at the highly acclaimed Le Normandie French fine dining restaurant by two-star Michelin chef Alain Solivérès from 4th to 9th July.
ماندارين اأورينتال،رائع على �ضفاف نهر ت�ضاو فرايا ٍ ويقع1876 ُبني في عام ٍ ب�ضكل بانكوك كان م�ضدر اإلهام لمجموعة من الكتاب الم�ضهورين عالميا من جوزيف .كونراد و�ضومر�ضت موغهام اإلى غراهام غرين وجون لو كاريه �ضي�ضت�ضيف ماندارين اأورينتال بانكوك معر�ض ًا،خالل الن�ضف الثاني من العام ح�ضر ّي ًا لمدة اأ�ضبوع ل�ضاحبة الجاللة الملكة �ضيريكيت للف�ضاتين التايالندية في . �ضالة اوثرز.الإن�ضاء فندق الماندارين اورينتال140 ت�ضادف الذكرى ال�ضنوية ال،2016 في اأبريل
At Lord Jim’s, José Avillez, who also has two Michelin stars, will present his exceptional cuisine from 24th to 28th May, followed by three-star Michelin chef Diego Oka from 23rd to 26th June.
كان الع�ضاء االأول لي في ال�ضرفة المطلة على النهر، وغالبيتها في فنّ عندما و�ضلت اإلى بانكوك،هناك العديد من الفعاليات الخا�ضة االأخرى هذا العام اأي�ضا وكم. اإذ اأن الفندق م�ضهور باإدخال طهاة حائزين على نجمة مي�ضالن اإلى تايالند لمطعم ريم ناآم الذي يقدم خيار ًا لذيذ ًا من االأطباق التايالندية التقليدية-الطهي .منذ منت�ضف ال�ضبعينات وال يزال الوجهة االأولى للذواقة في بانكوك !حظيتُ بالدالل
80 .
. 81
Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok deservedly has an international reputation for splendid service, style and grace, and this is imbued throughout its eight restaurants. The hotel’s private teakwood shuttle boats provide daily access to the world famous Thai Cooking School, the hotel’s Thai restaurant and the award-winning Oriental Spa and Health Centre across the river.
Designed to significantly enhance the facilities and services of this awardwinning hotel, the historic heart of the property has recently been restored to its original splendour. The project saw a significant room reconfiguration, with the creation of new spacious suites, including a Grand Royal Suite in the Authors’ Wing and twelve suites with balconies in the Garden Wing which I have the immense pleasure to visit in the company of Etienne de Villiers, the hotel’s director of public relations. The six-bedroom, 600-square-metre Grand Royal Suite is Bangkok’s grandest presidential suite and occupies the entire first floor of the renowned Authors’ Wing, which was the original Oriental Hotel. The suite has private elevator access and incorporates the onebedroom, 315-square-metre Royal Suite and the adjoining 165-squaremetre Ambassador Suite with two bedrooms, as well as three further separate guest rooms.
ُ�ض ّمم هذا الفندق الحائز على الجوائز العالمية لتعزيز المرافق والخدمات المتوفرة لديه ولذلك ّتم ترميم الجزء التاريخي لهذه المن�ضاأة التاريخية كي ت�ضتعيد روعتها .االأ�ضلية متر مربع600 وم�ضاحة، ُيعتبر الجناح الملكي الرائع الموؤلف من �ضت غرف نوم الجناح الرئا�ضي االأكبر في بانكوك ويحتل الطابق االأول كام ًال والمعروف با�ضم . الذي كان في البدء فندق اورينتال االأ�ضلي،الموؤلف الم�ضهور وينغ 315 والجناح الملكي بم�ضاحة، يوؤدي اإلى اإحدى غرف النوم،للجناح م�ضعد خا�س ف�ضال عن، متر مربع مع غرفتي نوم165 متر مربع وجناح ال�ضفراء المجاور بم�ضاحة .ثالثة غرف منف�ضلة اأخرى لل�ضيوف
When I arrive in Bangkok, my first dinner is at the Riverside terrace of the Rim Naam restaurant which offers a delicious choice of traditional Thai dishes. And how they spoil me! From steamed prawns with fresh salad and chilli lime sauce wrapped in rice noodles to deep-fried herb crabmeat and minced chicken to herb pomelo salad with grilled blue river prawn to steamed snow fish with black pepper and garlic sauce, each and every dish is a pure delight. The dessert of Rambutan sorbet, water chestnut rubies in chilled coconut milk and Royal Thai petit four caps a taste sensation fit for a king or queen.
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يحتل م�ضاحة.. ً واأو�ضي بزيارته،جناحي الجميل هو اأحد اأجنحة الغاردن الجديدة وي�ضم نوافذ ممتدة من االأر�س اإلى ال�ضقف تطل على، متر مربع مع تخطيط م�ضت ٍو80 . ولديه �ضرفة اأي�ض ًا،النهر والحدائق
Authors suite living room
Authors suite Captain Andersen
كبير الخدم ال�ضخ�ضي الخا�س بك متواجد في اأي لحظة من اليوم لملء الثالجة مع طبق من الطهي يومي ًا ٍ الم�ضروبات والع�ضائر الغازية المجانية و�ضتح�ضل اأي�ض ًا على .كمفاجاأة لك
Oriental suite living room
A beautiful light-filled Victorianinspired glass conservatory offers further dining for six guests and relaxed lounge seating. The 140-year-old building’s restored original open balcony affords stunning vistas over the tropical gardens of the Authors’ Wing and the majestic River of Kings. My beautiful suite is one of the new Garden Suites and I can highly recommend it. 80 square-metres with a split level layout, it boasts floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the river and gardens, and has a balcony. The bedroom features a large marble bathroom with separate bathtub, a walk-in shower, double vanity and a walk-in closet. The smaller suites are no less beautiful, and feel like a cosy bachelor’s apartment but are perfect for young couples looking for somewhere to cocoon and snuggle up.
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All the suites’ beautiful contemporary interior design combines elegance with the hotel’s unique colonial inspired heritage and Thai culture, and the eye for detail makes them even more special.Your personal butler is there at any moment of the day to fill your fridge with complimentary soft drinks and juices and you’ll get a little daily culinary surprise as well.
Garden wing suite . 85
يقدم �ضتوديو العناية بالقدمين واليدين لبا�ضتيان غونزالي�س اأفخر المو�ضات لالأظافر والبارافين والعالجات ذات اللم�ضة الفرن�ضية .المل ّونة انه امر خا�س جدا التواجد في مثل هذا الجو واكت�ضفت اأي�ض ًا اأن ملياردير،االأ�ضطوري الحرير التايالندي جيم توم�ضون كان يوم ًا لوي�س توما�س.�ضريك ًا في ملكية الفندق الذي ُح ّولت ق�ضته، ابن اآنا ليونوينز،ليونوينز الرائعة اإلى فيلم حائز على جائزة االو�ضكار .يوم ما مالك الفندق ٍ كان في،الملك واأنا
HISTORY The Authors’ Lounge, a favourite destination for afternoon tea, society weddings and elegant events, has been restored to its classic late 19th century design and extended to flow seamlessly through to the hotel’s riverside terrace and gardens via four salons named after famous authors who were guests of the hotel.
140 وعلى الرغم من اأنه فتح اأبوابه منذ ولكن بالتاأكيد هذا لي�س الف�ضل االأخير،عاما مع الخدمة. بانكوك،من ماندارين اأورينتال فهو ق�ضة ال بد...المثالية واالأناقة والفخامة .اأن اأعود اإليها مرار ًا وتكرار ًا
Here the hotel’s longstanding affinity with the literary world is exemplified with images of greats such as Conrad, Maugham, Coward and James Michener, and are juxtaposed with scenes taken at the hotel during those eras, quotations from their works, and in some cases, signed books on display. It’s very special to be in such a history-laden atmosphere, and I discover that Thai silk tycoon Jim Thompson was once a co-owner of the hotel. Louis Thomas Leonowens, son of Anna Leonowens, whose remarkable story was turned into the Oscar-winning film The King and I, was at one time the hotel’s proprietor.
There is creativity and ambition in the story of the group that now owns Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok. It began with the opening of its flagship property, the Mandarin in Hong Kong in 1963, which soon built up an enviable reputation for luxurious service.
Author’s lounge
In 1974, Mandarin International Hotels Limited was formed as a hotel management company. The group’s intention was to expand into Asia and operate hotels that would reflect the standard of service synonymous with their property in Hong Kong. That same year, the company’s hotel interests expanded further through the acquisition of a 49 per cent interest in the Oriental, Bangkok, which was already acknowledged as one of the world’s great hotels. Through the management of both the Mandarin in Hong Kong and the Oriental, Bangkok, the group was in an unusual position of having two flagship hotels whose names represented the best in hospitality. In 1985, the company rationalised its corporate structure by combining these two prestigious properties under a common name, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group.
Fine dining Le Normandie 86 .
Although it has been open for 140 years, this is surely not the last chapter of Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok. With its exemplary service, style and luxury, it is a story I will be returning to again and again.
ORIENTAL SPA The hotel has reopened its popular spa studio concept with more worldrenowned beauty treatments that are available for the first time in Bangkok, as well as express services for people on the go. The PEDI:MANI:CURE Studio by Bastien Gonzalez offers luxurious nail brightness, paraffin touch and French colour touch treatments, as well as the signature Bastien’s Duo. There is unique collagen-enhancing facial care from QMS Medicosmetics, experts in the field of skin ageing and skin regeneration. This innovative science, age-defying products and highperformance treatment collection is available exclusively in Asia at the Spa Studio at Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok. . 87
DUSIT THANI’S SUITES Dusit Thani Bangkok is known to attract a long list of elite travellers and celebrities and when you see the majesty of their suites, you’ll know why so many flock to this hotel perfectly situated in Thailand’s bustling capital.
DUSIT TWO BEDROOM SUITE The Princess and Ambassador Suites offer the ultimate luxury accommodation, with Thaiinspired décor and private en-suite facilities in each bedroom. Princess Suite size: 140 square-metres Ambassador Suite size: 110 square-metres
Suite size: 240 square-metres
RATANAKOSIN SUITE Ratanakosin Suites are luxurious one-bedroom suites with separate living and dining rooms for added convenience and privacy. With a spacious interior, they are perfect for entertaining.
Your suite offers a direct hotline to the personal butler service, a private check-in and check-out and concierge service, exclusive breakfast at the Club Lounge, luxury amenities, all-day refreshments, evening cocktails and canapés at the Club Lounge, and complimentary use of DFiT Fitness Centre.The daily in-room fresh fruit is a real treat, and late check-out until 4pm lets you indulge for just that bit longer.
من المعروف اأن دو�ضيت ثاني بانكوك يجذب قائمة طويلة من م�ضافري النخبة ، وحين ترى عظمة االأجنحة...والم�ضاهير �ضتعرف لماذا يتوجه هذا العدد الكبير من الجماعات اإلى هذا الفندق الذي يقع في .قلب العا�ضمة ال�ضاخبة في تايالند 88 .
MAJESTY SUITE The Majesty Suite is the most magnificent accommodation at Dusit Thani Bangkok, decorated with tasteful hints of Thai heritage and panoramic views of the city.
As well as everything you would expect from a five-star hotel such as the finest linens, splendid décor, breath-taking views and service that strikes just the right note, DusitThani adds some very welcome extras to make you feel like a celebrity, whether you are one or not.
اإن كانت ال�ضجة واالأ�ضوات ال�ضاخبة ،قد اأتعبتك خالل النهار في بانكوك فما عليك اإال اأن تتوجه في الم�ضاء اإلى المطعم التايالندي الجميل،بنجارونغ فرئي�س..الإيقاظ حا�ضة التذوق لديك الطهاة �ضيقوم باإعداد االأطباق المف�ضلة . بل واأكثر من ذلك...لديك
Suite size: 110 square-metres DUSIT THANI RATANAKOSIN SUITE
التجربة الفريدة الراقية للضيافة التايلندية في
أجنحة دوسيت
The Thai Heritage Suites are unique rooms named after the ancient cities of Thailand. The rooms are the ultimate in modern functionality combined with definitive luxury and traditional Thai design.
Suite size: 80 square-metres
. 89
The chef ’s show kitchen is the perfect place to experience the true taste of Thailand, and it’s fascinating to see the skill and little bit of magic that goes into creating the sumptuous dishes. The private bar with its luxury décor and warm Thai hospitality is a welcome haven if culinary dramatics aren’tt your thing.
Dusit Thani Bangkok faces the historic Lumpini Park with its wide boulevards and expanse of lakes, and is conveniently adjacent to both the Skytrain and subway stations so you can easily manoeuvre your way round the major shopping, business and entertainment centres of one of the most exciting cities in the world. If the buzz of Bangkok has worn you out during the day, retreat in the evening to Benjarong, the fine dining Thai restaurant to have your taste buds reawakened.The chef will prepare your favourite dishes and more. 90 .
Genuine Thai hospitality awaits you at Sabai Thai at the Westin Doha Hotel & Spa, with its elegant Asian theme and antique Thai artefacts blending the old and new. Beautiful water features with coy carp herald a dramatic space; distinctive design and dedicated service all come together in a location where Doha meets the East. And just wait till you try the food!
Thai cuisine is known for its complex tastes and Sabai Thai’s inventive yet authentic menus showcase the country’s finest ingredients. If you’ve never had the joy of Thai food before, or you’re a longtime fan, you’ll be delighted by what’s on offer, and not just on the plate.
At Sabai Thai you’ll find the classics on the drinks list, but you’ll also be mesmerised by their enticing, thirst-quenching creations inspired by the fresh fruits and spices of the floating markets of Thailand. There’s a story behind each, from the deliciously indulgent Cha Dum Yen and Thai ice tea with milk to Pie-Tong, with lychee and rose petals. Revel in new discoveries just as much as old favourites as you take in the sights and sounds of the traditional live entertainment on the Khim played by Thai musicians.
Elegant Asian theme and antique Thai artefacts blending the old and new
There are two live cooking stations where you can watch the kitchen theatrics of flaming woks and furious chopping in awe as the chefs prepare culinary delights. Even the business lunch and signature weekend brunch have a Thai twist.
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The hand weaving of silk, a long-neglected cottage industry, captured Thompson’s attention, and he devoted himself to reviving the craft. With his natural flair for design and colour, and driven by his single-minded dedication, Thompson soon gained worldwide recognition for his success in rebuilding the industry, generating international demand for Thai silk and contributing to the growth of the silk industry. He gained further renown through the construction of his house combining six teak buildings, which represented the best in traditional Thai architecture. Most of the houses were at least two centuries old and were easily dismantled and brought to the present site, some from as far as the old capital of Ayudhya.
Architectural vision
Thompson was confident that with peace restored and the expansion of air travel, there would be a significant increase in leisure travel to the Far East, and these travellers would need acceptable accommodation.
On March 26th 1967, just eight years after he moved into his home, Thompson disappeared while on a visit to the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia. Not a single valid clue has turned up in the ensuing years as to what might have happened to him. His famous Thai house, however, remains a lasting reminder of his creative ability and his deep love of Thailand.
Few hotels in Bangkok then could be considered of international standard. Only one had an ideal location, the old Oriental, a former palace overlooking the Chao Phraya River that flowed through the capital.
It was a meeting place for travellers and a social centre for the foreign community. Charlie Chaplin, Noel Coward and Somerset Maugham were just a few of its famous patrons. Excited by the prospects it presented, Thompson became actively involved in the reorganisation of the Oriental Hotel. There are so many wonders to see in the Thai capital Bangkok, but Jim Thompson House is a special tourist attraction with an intriguing history. James Harrison Wilson Thompson was born in Greenville, Delaware, USA in 1906. He attended public schools in Wilmington, went on to boarding school at St. Paul’s and attended Princeton University from 1924 to 1928. Although Thompson had a keen interest in art, he chose to become an architect and went on to study architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. He was a practicing architect in New York City until 1940. With the escalation of the war in Europe in the early 1940s, Thompson volunteered
92 .
The house and the art collection soon became such a point of interest that he decided to open his home to the public with proceeds donated to Thai charities and projects directed at the preservation of Thailand’s rich cultural heritage.
for the United States Army, an important turning point in his life. He was assigned to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a move that offered him an opportunity to see more of the world. He worked with French forces in North Africa and assignments also took him to Italy, France and Asia. To prepare for his mission, Thompson undertook rigorous training in jungle survival and completed the course successfully. However, the war ended abruptly as Thompson and the other OSS men were en route to Bangkok. A few weeks later, he assumed the duties of OSS station chief. In late 1946, he received orders to return to the States to receive his military discharge.
By this time, Thompson had developed a fondness for the country and its people and began to seriously contemplate settling down and going into business in Thailand. He foresaw a promising future for the country and wanted to be a part of this process. He decided that upon leaving the service, he would return and take up residence in Thailand permanently.
In his quest for authenticity, Thompson adhered to the customs of the early builders in most respects. The houses were elevated a full story above the ground, a practical Yhai precaution to avoid flooding during the rainy season. The roof tiles were fired in Ayudhya, employing a design common centuries ago but rarely used today. The red paint on the outside walls is a preservative often found on many old Thai buildings. The chandeliers were a concession to modern convenience, but even they belong to a past era, having come from 18th and 19th century Bangkok palaces.
In 1976, the Thai Court-appointed administrator for the property of Jim Thompson received permission from the government ministries of the Kingdom of Thailand to legally establish the James H.W. Thompson Foundation. By virtue of its presence and the dictates of its charter, the foundation is committed to the preservation of Thailand’s rich artistic and cultural heritage. The foundation supports a wide variety of research, publication and seminar projects in furtherance of this aim. www.jimthompsonhouse.com
All the traditional rituals were followed during construction of the house, and on a spring day in 1959, decreed as being auspicious by astrologers, Thompson moved in.
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فندق شيدي مسقط هو مزيج مثالي من العمارة العمانية واآلسيوية على غرار .طراز زين
هو ع�ضو،فندق �ضيدي م�ضقط في منظومة الفنادق الرائدة في العالم واأول فندق عماني افتتح اأبوابه في عام،معا�ضر هي158 جميع الغرف الـ.2003 لغير المدخنين وتتمتع بمناظر جميلة جدا على الحدائق اأو على برك المياه ( حيث اأني اأحب اال�ضتماع اإلى �ضوت نوافير الماء المهدئة) اأو اأنها تطل على .الجبال وخليج عمان
Occupying a prime beachfront location, the exclusive 21-acre, fivestar beach resort is just 20 minutes north of old Muscat, the capital of the Sultanate of Oman, at Al Ghubra.
يوفر المنتجع للزوار خيارا وا�ضعا من اأحوا�س ال�ضباحة للكبار فقط:وعددها ثالثة حو�س مجموعة �ضيدي المترامي االأطراف مع تجمع الكابانا على م�ضاحة الواجهة وحو�س،البحرية الرائعة االأطول، متر103 اآخر بطول )في المنطقة (للكبار فقط والحو�س ال�ضديق لالأ�ضرة �ضراي بالف�ضيف�ضاء ال�ضوداء .والمظلة االأنيقة
The clean, minimalist lines of the low-rise white buildings are accentuated by gardens of symmetrical simplicity, with rows of manicured hedges and pools of water creating zen calm. As I walk from the lanternlined reception through the gently arched hallways and out into the modern Moorish water gardens, I am reminded of the Alhambra. I can’t help but take pictures every two minutes while I am guided past fountains and lush, green grass to my Chedi Club Suite. Four colours dominate, white (houses), green (landscape), blue (sky and sea) and brown (the wooden features and stones in the water ponds).
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The Chedi Muscat, a member of the Leading Hotels of the World and Oman’s first contemporary hotel, opened its doors in 2003. All of the 158 non-smoking rooms have very pleasant views across the gardens and ponds (I love listening to the calming sound of the fountains) or mountains and the Gulf of Oman. The resort offers guests a choice of not only one pool, but three: the adult-only infinity Chedi Pool and Cabana set on a superb seafront location, the 103-metre Long Pool, the longest in the region (for adults only) and the family-friendly Serai Pool with its black mosaics and elegant canopy.
وهنا اأبد أا رحلة ال تقاوم من ملذات الطعام مع خيار موؤلف من �ضتة والمطبخ، حيث تق َّدم االأطباق العربية والهندية واليابانية،مطاعم وكذلك الماأكوالت،الماالوي وذلك للبحر االأبي�س المتو�ضط البحرية في مطعم ال�ضاطئ حيث تناولت اأول ع�ضاء لي في ليلتي ا�ضتمتعت بتناول الع�ضاء مع، وفي ليلة اأخرى.االأولى في المنتجع �ضوت االأمواج المتالطمة اأمامي على ال�ضاطئ برفقة جميلة من حيث �ضعرت باال�ضترخاء التام،مورتون جون�ضتون المدير العام .واالنغما�س في اإح�ضا�س كامل لعطلة حقيقية
ومن ثم ال�ضبا الجميل! على متر مربع ي�ضكل800 م�ضاحة جناح13 مالذا حقيقيا مع بما، يمتلك ال�ضبا الخا�س به في ذلك مرافق تغيير المالب�س الخا�ضة التي هي قمة في .االأناقة
ﻋﺎﻟﻢ ﻣﻦ
اﻷﻧﺎﻗﺔ اﻟﺨﻴﺎﻟﻴﺔ
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embark on an irresistible voyage of dining pleasures with a choice of six restaurants, featuring Arabic, Indian, Japanese, Malay and Mediterranean cuisine, as well as seafood served at the Beach Restaurant where I dine my first night in the resort. I enjoy the sound of the waves hitting the shore here one evening in the lovely company of general manager Morton Johnston, fulfilling my need for total relaxation and indulging in that real holiday feel.
or sporty types, who I see a lot of, the resort offers two floodlit tennis courts, a spa and wellness centre and Health Club stocked with 30 pieces of top-of-the-range Technogym equipment from the Visio Web line, Pilates equipment, Power Plates, free weights and a Kinesis wall. Upon entering the non-traditionally outfitted gym, I find myself in a living room atmosphere, where high-tech is separated by seating areas with magazines and furniture pieces with vases and other decorative elements, all in warm colours and welcoming energy. I haven’t seen and felt that in any health club before. High- and low-impact group exercise classes as well as personal training sessions are available to further ensure that your fitness goals are achieved, which at this place is a pleasure not a burden! In the afternoon I enjoy the Kripalu-style yoga which comprises an infusion of Kundalini, Yin, Therapeutic and Vinyasa pratices at 4:30pm on the green grass facing the blue ocean next to the Long Pool. And then the beautiful spa! The 800 square-metres form a true sanctuary with 13 fully self-contained spa suites including private changing facilities that are the epitome of understated elegance. It specialises in Balinese therapies, but also offers an extensive variety of beauty rituals based on the holistic principles of aromatherapy, Ayurveda and herbalism. My Balinese massage is performed by a Vietnamese therapist who is very much concerned that I feel comfortable in the super soft sheets she wraps me in during the heavenly treatment in the oh so beautiful therapy room set up by the interior designers in the unique Chedi style.
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All dining options are sure to promise a memorable experience, as they offer both outdoor and indoor seating catering to every season, which is rather important in the hot months between May and September. Fabio, the director of food and beverage, will make sure you have all your taste buds are longing for from breakfast to dinner.
Before or even after the treatment enjoy the steam or sauna in the same elegant atmosphere between chocolate brown sparkling Bisazza mosaic in the showers and stylish sinks.
If you are looking for a chill-out night next to the Long Pool opt for a fusion of Japanese and Middle Eastern cuisine and assorted refreshments (for adults only) and let yourself be transported to another world by the flickering flames of the multiple fireplaces between 6pm and 10.30pm.
كل جناح في فندق. غرفة وجناحا158 يوفر فندق �ضيدي م�ضقط �ضيدي ي�ضتوعب �ضخ�ضين بالغين وبحد اأق�ضى طفلين تحت �ضن ويمكن لالأطفال النوم على االأرائك الموجودة في �ضالة،12 يتم ّيز الحمام بحو�س. المال�ضقة لل�ضرفة الخا�ضة به،الجناح هناك اأي�ضا اثنتين من.ا�ضتحمام عميق ود�س رائع ك�ض ّالل المطر المغا�ضل وخزانتين على كل جانب مع عدد من الدروج ال�ضتكمال .اال�ضتمتاع با�ضتخدام الحمام المفتوح ت�ضمل االأجنحة اأي�ضا خدمات عمليات النقل اإلى المطار في �ضيارة ،)! وبكل االختيارات، وميني بار مجاني (نعم،ليموزين مر�ضيد�س .يعباأ مجددا يوميا اأما اأولئك،فندق �ضيدي م�ضقط هو منتجع للنا�س الرومان�ضية الذين يبحثون عن الكثير من الن�ضاطات فيجب اختيار مكان وهنا يكمن �ضحر وجاذبية هذا المكان االأ�ضطوري الذي...اآخر اأن�ضح اأي �ضخ�س يقدّر متعة القراءة والح�ضول على الر�ضاقة .والدالل باأن يزوره بكل االأحوال
And should you be in the company of a group of friends and have some special celebration, then I definitely recommend the private dining areas the Nam Hai and the Legian, which are superbly decorated and give you the luxurious feel you long for when having a special occasion with a private circle of loved ones.
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top by at the Boutique, which offers a great choice of limited edition art, fashion pieces and gifts that are exclusively available at the Chedi Muscat. The Chedi Muscat offers 158 rooms and suites that are divided into five room categories: Serai Rooms, Serai Sea View Rooms, Deluxe Rooms, Deluxe Club Rooms and Chedi Club Suites (I love my Chedi Club Suite!). Each Chedi Club Suite accommodates two adults and a maximum of two children below the age of 12, the children can be accommodated on the existing sofas in the lounge of the suite, your terrace or balcony is just next to it. The bathroom features a terrazzo sunken bathtub and an impressive walk-in rain shower. Two washbasins and two closets on each side with drawer space complete the open-plan bathroom. I find it so convenient to have your dressing room located in the vast bathroom and I love the en-suite arrangement of the Chedi Club Suite from the moment you enter in the Arabic-style sitting lounge and walk through the beautiful zen bedroom into the bathroom with its extensive shower. The suites are also inclusive of return airport transfers in Mercedes limousines, complimentary minibar (yes, the entire selection!), which is is refilled daily, laundry service (except dry cleaning), daily newspaper and access to the Club Lounge. Here, guests can enjoy afternoon tea and evening cocktails and canapés as well as complimentary wi-fi.
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man is rich in history and culture and a must-see is Bait Al Zubair. A former private home-turned-museum, it is an Omani architectural wonder that displays an incredible collection of artefacts including 17th century Omani swords, valuable handcrafted khanjar (curved and sharpened on both edges, the traditional Omani dagger is a national emblem of Oman, carried in a sheath decorated in silver, on a belt of silver filigree) and an extensive coin collection. Frankincense, the aromatic resin of the Boswellia tree, was once considered more precious than gold, and it is the must-buy souvenir in Muscat, where you can smell it everywhere. The stunning new opera house was built by royal decree by the Sultanate to pay tribute to Omani arts and culture, and brings in performances from all over the world. The massive grand mosque, with its soaring dome and minarets, is a landmark in Muscat. Perhaps equally awe-inspiring is its red, 21ton prayer rug within, the second largest single-piece carpet in the world. The Chedi Muscat is a resort for romantic people, those looking for a lot of action must look elsewhere, and this is the charm and magic of this legendary place I would recommend to anyone appreciating a holiday reading a book, getting fit and pampered by all means.
La Cantine du Faubourg, the celebrated Parisian institution, originally located at 105 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, brings its chic, daring and sensorial experience to Dubai. The venue opened its doors in April and boasts vibrant views of Dubai International Financial Centre. La Cantine du Faubourg was born more than a decade ago, doing its ‘little turn on the catwalk’ of Paris’ top fashion avenue. What was previously a site for a bank quickly bloomed into one of the City of Lights’ most coveted addresses for a hip lunch, after-work drinks, dining and entertainment. But this is more than a restaurant, it’s an artistic rendez-vous, a lifestyle statement, a hybrid gateway for celebrities and beautiful people from around the world in search of their private playground and a multi-sensory experience. Make your grand entrance, in between twin skyscrapers. The stage is set at Jumeirah Emirates Towers. There’s a place for everyone at La Cantine du Faubourg: those who prefer a ‘behind-the-curtain’ dinner at table d’hôtes; those who would rather relax in a private booth; and those who stay perched on tall bar stools.
Paris boasts a strong heritage of rustic bistros and traditional brasseries. But as a capital city, it also drums an international beat, with influences from around the world. Today’s Parisians are well-travelled foodistas, very much like the connoisseurs of Dubai.
MAIN COURSE ‘POUR SUIVRE’ – some of France’s most famous dishes Seared tuna, ratatouille, chateaubriand, seared salmon, asparagus, sauce Béarnaise, pansautéed veal striploin, gratin dauphinois, sea bass and black quinoa, les petits burgers (foie gras, truffle, beef chorizo).
‘A PARTAGER’ MENU Truffle butter and black olive tapenade, Truffle tarama.
AND FINALLY ‘POUR TERMINER’ – the dessert Chocolate fondant à la mode, caramel crème STARTERS ‘POUR COMMENCER’ brûlée, millefeuille rouge, profiteroles, sorbet Truffle chestnut and ice cream velouté, quinoaselection. I had orange salad, lemon and herbs, seared tofu, craband mandarin avocado salad, and raspberry ice citrus vinaigrette, cream, a delicious beetroot and feast for your taste William Shakespeare goat’s cheese buds, and the Eton salad (tried it – mess (to share for amazing!). Burrata, seared tomatoes, pesto four at least), which is irresistible to me. Don’t (a must have!), Gillardeau oysters. Tuna worry – I didn’t eat it all! tartare au couteau, sea bass ceviche, caviar, blinis and crème fraîche, caviar de Sologne The French Martini recipe is a pure delight. 15 gr or 30 gr, Beluga caviar, Impérial caviar. Fresh baby pineapple cooked with Ketel One Seared scallops, mango and pistachio, gambas, and spicy pink pepper, shaken with creme de garlic and coriander, saffron-mustard mussels, Myrtles, Chambord, lime juice, raspberries and beef carpaccio, rocket and parmesan. Foie blackberries and served in a classic Martini gras terrine, toast and figs, seared foie gras, glass! caramelised apples, toasted baguette, pizza à la truffe, lobster spaghetti.
“If music be the food of love, play on!“
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Sicily is an island at the crossroads of ancient civilisations. Its rich in natural beauty, with rocky mountain ranges, olive groves, vineyards, beaches and azure waters. It’s a place where food, family and festivities flourish.
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Verdura Resort is on the south-west coast, a perfect position for exploring the island. The seaside town of Sciacca, renowned for its carnival, and the orange groves of Ribera sit next to the resort. The Valley of the Temples in Agrigento and the Temple of Selinunte are both just a 40-minute drive away. The capital, Palermo, is just over an hour’s drive, and the Aeolian, Egadi and Pelagian islands can easily be reached by helicopter. Verdura Resort is set on 230 hectares, making it larger in size than the Principality of Monaco. It has nearly two kilometres of private Mediterranean coastline and its own vegetable garden, and orange and olive groves. It’s a place with a true sense of space, which cannot be captured through a single image.Your room will seem woven subtly into the landscape, with uninterrupted views of the sea from your private balcony or terrace. And above all, you’ll discover an outstanding level of service. Each of the over 200 rooms (50 are suites) have been individually designed by Olga Polizzi. The interiors are contemporary yet rooted in Sicilian culture. Expect earthy tones, fabrics drawn from an antique Sicilian majolica tile and local artwork.
صقلية هي جزيرة في مفترق طرق الحضارات مع،القديمة وهي غنية من حيث جمال طبيعتها سالسل الجبال الصخرية وبساتين الزيتون وكروم إنه المكان. والشواطئ والمياه الزرقاء،العنب المناسب حيث الطعام واألسرة واالحتفاالت .تزدهر
تاأ�ض�س »كانيون ران�س« من قبل ميل و انيد زوكرمان وجيري كوهين ا�ضتوحى زوكرمان الفكرة. اأريزونا، في توك�ضون1979 في عام .الرائدة لبدء منتجع �ضحي بعد اعتناءه بتح�ضين �ضحته الخا�ضة افتتح منتجع »لينوك�س« عام،و بعد النجاح المالي لموقع توك�ضون وتلك التي،1999 ومن ّثم افتتاح عدّة منتجعات �ضح ّية في عام1989 .2008 اأقامها في ميامي بيت�س في عام ط ّورت ال�ضركة وجهتها العالمية االأولى بتوجيه من الرئي�ضة التنفيذية من خالل منتجع »كانيون، الجديدة للعالمة التجارية �ضوزان دوكرتي ران�س« ال�ضحي في »كابالنكايا« الذي اأقيم على �ضبه جزيرة خالبة و�ضوف تفتتح.« �ضاطىء »ايجه...على ال�ضاحل الذي تعانقه ال�ضم�س يمزج الم�ضروع.2016 المرحلة االأولى من هذا ال�ضروع في يوليو «اللياقة الراقية مع برنامج حياة �ضحية م ّما اأك�ضب »كانيون ران�س .قاعدة من الزبائن المخل�ضين من جميع اأنحاء العالم
،أطباق البحر األبيض المتوسط لعبة الغولف والسبا في
منتجع فيردورا في صقلية
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لدى النزالء. غرفة مطلة على بحر »اإيجه« الرائع141يتاألف »كانيون ران�س« من قدم مربع107،500 ح�ضري َا امكانية دخول منتجع »كانيون ران�س« الذي يغطي الواحة. متر مربع) و مراكزاللياقة البدنية وال�ضحية ومركز ال�ضفاء10،000 (حوالي حيث يمكن لل�ضيوف اال�ضتمتاع باجدد العالجات لتجديد، غرفة عالج38 لديها «ال�ضباب بمزج ممار�ضات الطب التقليدي وال�ضرقي الم�ضهورة بها »كانيون ران�س ، مع حمامات �ضباحة داخلية وخارجية واولمبية واللياقة البدنية في الهواءالطلق وكذلك غرف الطين و العالج المائي واالأجنحة لالزواج مع حمامات خا�ضة واأحوا�س .اال�ضتحمام
The resort takes its name from the last Duke of Verdura, Giuseppe di Lampedusa, author of The Leopard. You’ll find a leopard in every room. Some rooms have internal courtyards with planted orange and lemon trees, all offering amazing sea views from your balcony or terrace. The spa philosophy is based on Sebastian Kneipp’s five pillars: water, plants, exercise, nutrition and balance. It’s through the interplay of all of these elements along with an experienced team of health professionals and therapists, that body, mind and soul are put in balance.
Housed in pavilions grouped around an open-air courtyard, the 4,000-square-metre spa has extensive treatment rooms and a 20-metre indoor swimming pool, a doubleheight steam room, saunas, a state-of-theart gym, a fitness studio, spacious relaxation areas and a hair and beauty salon.There are four outdoor thalassotherapy pools, heated at different temperatures, each with varying salt densities, minerals and organisms. Verdura is a world-class golf destination too, with two 18-hole championship courses and one 9-hole par-3 course, all designed by Kyle Phillips. With their own vegetable garden, orange groves, lemon trees, in-resort olive oil and almond production, Verdura serves you the very best Sicilian produce in the restaurants and bars. ZAGARA RESTAURANT With menus designed by celebrity chef Fulvio Pierangelini, enjoy inspirational Mediterranean cuisine in a sophisticated evening environment. The main dinner restaurant showcases the abundant natural produce of the island, such as olive oil, oranges, lemons and freshly caught fish. AMARE RESTAURANT AND BAR Amare is a fish market and restaurant where the chefs cook up the freshest fish and seafood, such as salt baked sea bass or linguine alle vongole. Watch the sea sparkle from the shaded terrace at lunchtime, or listen to the sea lapping at the shore in the evening.You can also sit at the Crudo Bar or lounge on one of the sofas nearby to taste the AsianItalian fusion menu of crudos, ceviches and sashimis.
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LIOLÀ TRATTORIA Eat as the locals do with authentic Sicilian food. Relaxed and rustic, Liolà is a typical Sicilian trattoria with lots of live cooking. Sicilian caponata. Arancini and pannelle. Sicilian Pasta alla Norma. Pizza is also available, straight from the traditional, wood-fired oven. GRANITA BAR The main bar is a great place to watch the sunset. Enjoy expertly-mixed cocktails, light bites, international classics and Mediterranean dishes. Fancy going further afield? Visiting Greek ruins? Flying over Mount Etna? Parachuting over the resort? Taking a boat trip to neighbouring islands? Driving through Sicily’s landscapes in a typical Fiat 500? Horse riding on its sandy beaches? Tasting the finest Sicilian produce? Like any good hosts, Verdura has made this easy and this is so in all of the ten Rocco Forte Hotels around the world from Edinburgh to St. Petersburg, Florence, Rome and London.
�ضاج و �ضي في الفندق ووايلد ثايم،ي�ضم المنتجع مطعمين .الذي هو خيار اأقل ر�ضمية بجوار حمام ال�ضباحة وال�ضاطئ كالهما يقوم بتقديم مجموعة وا�ضعة من االطباق ال�ضحية ال�ضهية الم�ضتوحاة من مطبخ �ضحي وذواق واأطباق م�ضتوحاة من منتجات البحر االأبي�س المتو�ضط الطازجة .الممزوجة مع المكونات التركية وكانيون ران�س ُيعتبر رائد َا، عاما40 منذ ما يقرب من واأعدت بطريقة، عند االقت�ضاء، مع منتجات محلية،في االأطباق ال�ضحية للذواقة متوازنة غذائي َا الإ�ضفاء نكهات مح ّببة في حين تبقى متوازنة من حيث ال�ضعرات .الحرارية والدهون غ ّير كانيون ران�س الغذائية العادات لكثير من النا�س �ضنة25 لمدة تتجاوز وهو متواجد دائم َا لم�ضاعدة الراغبين على تحقيق قدر اكبر من ال�ضحة وال�ضعادة .والر�ضا . 103
Canyon Ranch was founded by Mel and Enid Zuckerman and Jerry Cohen in 1979 in Tucson, Arizona. Zuckerman was originally inspired to start a health resort after his own success with improving his health. Following the financial success of the Tucson location, the Lenox resort opened in 1989. SpaClub locations opened in 1999, with the Miami Beach property in 2008. Zuckerman left New Jersey with his family in 1958, and travelled west to find a new home. After five weeks, Zuckerman ended up in Tucson, Arizona. He visited Sabino Canyon, north-east of Tucson, at the base of the Santa Catalina Mountains, and decided he wanted to live in such natural beauty. Later, when he decided to open a health resort in 1978, along with his wife Enid, he purchased the 42-acre Double U Dude Ranch, near Sabino Canyon. The old ranch buildings were in bad shape but rather than tear them down and potentially damage the energy of the place and scare away the wildlife, he decided to rebuild them. Canyon Ranch was born.
يشكّل، عاما والى يومنا هذا40 منذ َ َ رائدا في موقعا »«كانيون رانش وهو اآلن يفتتح أول،الصحة واللياقة على الريفييرا،منتجع له في أوروبا .التركية المذهلة
تاأ�ض�س "كانيون ران�س" من قبل ميل و انيد زوكرمان . اأريزونا، في توك�ضون1979 وجيري كوهين في عام ا�ضتوحى زوكرمان الفكرة الرائدة لبدء منتجع �ضحي و بعد النجاح.بعد اعتناءه بتح�ضين �ضحته الخا�ضة افتتح منتجع "لينوك�س" عام،المالي لموقع توك�ضون ومن ّثم افتتاح عدّة منتجعات �ضح ّية في عام1989 وتلك التي اأقامها في ميامي بيت�س في عام،1999 .2008 ط ّورت ال�ضركة وجهتها العالمية االأولى بتوجيه من الرئي�ضة التنفيذية الجديدة للعالمة التجارية �ضوزان من خالل منتجع "كانيون ران�س" ال�ضحي، دوكرتي في "كابالنكايا" الذي اأقيم على �ضبه جزيرة خالبة ." �ضاطىء "ايجه...على ال�ضاحل الذي تعانقه ال�ضم�س و�ضوف تفتتح المرحلة االأولى من هذا ال�ضروع في يوليو يمزج الم�ضروع اللياقة الراقية مع برنامج حياة.2016 �ضحية م ّما اأك�ضب "كانيون ران�س" قاعدة من الزبائن .المخل�ضين من جميع اأنحاء العالم
Today, it operates two US destination resorts, the hotel spas at the Venetian and the Palazzo hotels in Las Vegas, and the spas on the Queen Mary II, Regent Seven Seas cruise ships, Oceania cruise ships and Celebrity Cruises. Under the guidance of the brand’s new chief executive officer, Susan E Docherty, the company has developed its first-ever international destination, Canyon Ranch Wellness Resort at Kaplankaya, on a spectacular peninsula of the sun-kissed Aegean coast. The initial phase of the Canyon Ranch development opens in July 2016. The property integrates the signature wellness and lifestyle programming that has earned Canyon Ranch a famously loyal clientele worldwide. Kaplankaya is nestled in the breath-taking natural beauty of this ancient healing land, stretching across six kilometres of stunning coastline along seven bays, each with its own secluded beach. Rugged terrain crashes gracefully into the sea. Undulating hills clad in evergreens, wild olives and cypresses mimic the sea’s gently lapping waves. The gateway town of Bodrum is steeped in history and tradition dating back to the first human settlements around 5000 BC. Presenting a robust mosaic of architecture, history and art, the resort is within a few hours of dozens of archaeological sites, including two of the former Seven Wonders of the World. 104 .
استراحة فخمة ومفعمة بزخم الصحية الحياة ّ
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C Canyon Ranch has a total of 141 rooms, all of which have stunning views of the Aegean Sea. Guests have exclusive access to the 107,500 square-feet (approximately 10,000 squaremetres) Canyon Ranch Spa, Fitness and Health and Healing Centre. The oasis has 38 treatment rooms, where guests can enjoy rejuvenating treatments combining traditional and Eastern medicine practices for the complete wellness experience Canyon Ranch is known for, and a lounge pool, indoor exercise pool and outdoor fitness and lap pool, as well as a mud chamber, hydrotherapy suites and couples’ suites with private showers and soaking tubs. Aquavana® thermal suites include a Finnish sauna, igloo, Crystal Steam room, HydroSpa (a large pool with varied hydro massage stations designed for relaxation), experiential rains (invigorating, multisensory cooling showers) and feet therapy basins for men’s, women’s and mixed experiences. There are various hammams too, and an indoor aquatic exercise and therapy pool, plus Watsu® pool.
The fitness centre is equipped with Technogym® cardio and resistance equipment complete with Technogym Cloud technology for use with smart phone wellness monitoring apps. Multipurpose areas and fitness studios, in addition to a private Kinesis studio, Pilates studio, yoga studio, cycling studio, Wallyball/Racquetball court and outdoor TRX® and Aerial Yoga waterfront venue, not to mention expertise and consultations in nutrition, exercise physiology, life management and eastern and western medicine, complete the dizzying variety of services on offer.
غرفة مطلة على بحر141يتاألف "كانيون ران�س" من لدى النزالء ح�ضري َا امكانية دخول منتجع. "اإيجه" الرائع قدم مربع (حوالي107،500 "كانيون ران�س" الذي يغطي متر مربع) و مراكزاللياقة البدنية وال�ضحية10،000 حيث يمكن، غرفة عالج38 الواحة لديها.ومركز ال�ضفاء لل�ضيوف اال�ضتمتاع باجدد العالجات لتجديد ال�ضباب بمزج ممار�ضات الطب التقليدي وال�ضرقي الم�ضهورة بها "كانيون ران�س" مع حمامات �ضباحة داخلية وخارجية وكذلك غرف، واولمبية واللياقة البدنية في الهواءالطلق الطين و العالج المائي واالأجنحة لالزواج مع حمامات .خا�ضة واأحوا�س اال�ضتحمام
Each day is an exhilarating exploration of life’s possibilities, so whether you want to hone your athletic performance, tackle a health concern, lose weight or simply start living more healthily, the choices are endless at Canyon Ranch. 106 .
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The resort has two restaurants, Sage + Sea in the hotel and Wild Thyme, a more casual option adjacent to a pool and beach. Both offer a wide array of healthy and flavoursome gourmet Mediterranean-inspired fresh, sustainable cuisine interwoven with Turkish ingredients. For nearly 40 years, Canyon Ranch has been celebrated as a leader in healthy gourmet cuisine, with produce sourced locally, when appropriate, and prepared in an artful and nutritionally balanced manner to create robust flavours while remaining balanced in calories and fat. Canyon Ranch offers an in-depth experience that provides you with professional guidance, hands-on learning and the practical tools you need to pursue your goals. Transforming lives for more than 25 years, Canyon Ranch is here to help each person achieve greater health, joy and satisfaction.
�ضاج و �ضي في الفندق ووايلد ثايم الذي هو خيار اأقل ر�ضمية،ي�ضم المنتجع مطعمين كالهما يقوم بتقديم مجموعة وا�ضعة من االطباق.بجوار حمام ال�ضباحة وال�ضاطئ ال�ضحية ال�ضهية الم�ضتوحاة من مطبخ �ضحي وذواق واأطباق م�ضتوحاة من منتجات .البحر االأبي�س المتو�ضط الطازجة الممزوجة مع المكونات التركية ، وكانيون ران�س ُيعتبر رائد َا في االأطباق ال�ضحية للذواقة، عاما40 منذ ما يقرب من واأعدت بطريقة متوازنة غذائي َا الإ�ضفاء نكهات، عند االقت�ضاء،مع منتجات محلية .مح ّببة في حين تبقى متوازنة من حيث ال�ضعرات الحرارية والدهون �ضنة وهو متواجد25 غ ّير كانيون ران�س العادات الغذائية لكثير من النا�س لمدة تتجاوز .دائم َا لم�ضاعدة الراغبين على تحقيق قدر اكبر من ال�ضحة وال�ضعادة والر�ضا 108 .
شوفال بالن راندهيلي
مالذ لعطلة عائلية من العمر
The 45-villa maison has been conceived in synergy with the island’s lush vegetation and lagoon views. French ‘Art de Recevoir’ dispensed by a team of alchemists offers truly personal service to create tailormade activities, unforgettable experiences and bespoke surprises for adults and children alike.
Creative family bonding is spurred with a Cheval Blanc Randheli family well-being journey, including dedicated spa treatments for kids and a range of healthy activities to burn energy and feel fabulous.
Private butler, snorkelling and diving, moon-lit yoga, family desert island adventures, Guerlain treatments at the maison’s idyllic spa, and island and sunset cruises, are just a few of the treats in store. Food is also an art, with five individual restaurants from fine dining to relaxed al-fresco options that entertain and surprise guests day after day.
After a day of movement and stimulation, families are invited to partake in one-of-a-kind spa and relaxation rituals, with treatment aiming to provide an interactive wellness education for all.
Kids can learn new skills and experience heart-racing water-sports, creating extraordinary memories to take home. Little fishermen and women can test the waters and learn new fishing skills. Kids and parents can try their hand at local-style fishing in the sparkling Noonu Atoll waters.
Alongside the charming Le Carrousel kids’ club, with a dedicated arts and crafts room and private pool for children between the ages of three and 12, and Le Paddock for teenagers, these tailored experiences ensure Cheval Blanc Randheli remains a family playground like no other. LITTLE CHEF EXPERIENCES Budding foodies can get hands-on with the maison’s master chefs and learn exciting new skills in a range of culinary ateliers. FAMILY CULINARY AFTERNOON Show off pizza dough spinning and cookie decorating skills! From pizza to macarons, to smoothies and cookies, the maison chefs will tailor a lesson completely to each participant’s taste buds. Children can follow chefs to a behind-the-scenes peek in Randheli’s magical kitchens. Aprons and chef hats provided. BEACHFRONT PICNIC AND BARBECUE Families can learn how the maison’s masterful chefs prepare freshly caught fish (even the kids’ own catch of the day), local island delicacies or classic favourites before indulging in a feet-in-the-sand beach barbecue and picnic with amazing views of the Maldivian sunset. 110 .
FAMILY JET SKI ADVENTURE Hop-on and ride away on a family jet-ski adventure with the Cheval Blanc Randheli water-sports team. The tour jets off to Five-Island, where soft sandbanks and spectacular experiences await. From swimming, to basking in the Maldivian sun, to photoshoots, a picnic or manta ray spotting, Five-Island is truly an unmissable spot.
والمغامرات العائلية، واليوغا في �ضوء القمر، الغط�س والغو�س،الخدم الخا�س والرحالت،في �ضحراء الجزيرة وعالجات جيرالن في المنتجع ال�ضحي المثالي لي�ضت �ضوى عدد قليل من المتع...البحرية لال�ضتمتاع بغروب ال�ضم�س على الجزيرة مع خم�ضة مطاعم فردية،خا�س ٍ ٍّ والطعام كذلك عبارة عن فن...المتوفرة لديك تتراوح بين تقديم الطعام الفاخر في ج ٍّو راقٍ اإلى خيار اال�ضترخاء على نمط اآل .يوم ٍ جميعها توفر الترفيه ومفاجاأة ال�ضيوف يوم ًا بعد... فري�ضكو
Varied daily activity programmes are always available to younger guests, including creative activities such as kite flying on the beach and flip-flop painting. The fun continues into the evening with night activities such as ghost crab hunting, mini-disco parties or outdoor movie nights at Le Carrousel. Teens will discover their own programme of fun at Le Paddock, with daily activities such as French bowls or table tennis challenges, plus an exciting range of new adrenaline-infused motorised water-sports for speed junkies. The maison hosts a line of tailored babies’ and kids’ menus and a complete line of children’s amenities, including special bathroom products and nightly turn-down gifts. The Cheval Blanc spa welcomes children to discover carefully tailored treatments – alone or alongside a parent during mother-daughter rituals or father-son treatments –from mini-Guerlain facials to mini-mani-pedis. At Cheval Blanc Randheli, little guests always feel special!
www.randheli.chevalblanc.com . 111
يدعو منتجع بارو�س جزر المالديف �ض ّكان دول مجل�س التعاون الخليجي للهروب من حرارة ال�ضيف الحارقة واال�ضتمتاع بعطلة تتم ّيز بالروح المالديفية االأ�ضيلة في المنتجع اأُن�ضئ هذا المنتجع على جزيرة اإ�ضتوائية خا�ضة ُتحيط.الح�ضري من فئة الخم�س نجوم �ضاعات من دول مجل�س التعاون4 وت�ضتغرق الرحلة اإليه،بها المياه المتالألئة والرقراقة يُع ّد هذا. دقيقة للو�ضول اإليه25 ومن ثم ينقلك قارب �ضريع في رحلة بحرية لـ،الخليجي .المنتجع الرائع المالذ المثالي لق�ضاء عطلة ال ُتنت�ضى خالل ف�ضل ال�ضيف
This season, relax and rejuvenate on a private island surrounded by blue pristine beaches and natural coral reefs rich in marine life. Baros Maldives is inviting GCC nationals and residents to indulge in an exclusive a Maldivian holiday experience of opulent luxury at attractive rates. Nestled in the Indian Ocean, miles away from the closest land mass, Baros Maldives is the ideal paradise sanctuary. Discerning travellers can now enjoy the boutique resort’s most exclusive Water Pool Villas. Every unique experience at Baros Maldives is designed to seduce the senses into slowing down, relaxing and savouring. Shortly after touchdown at Male Airport, guests can relax in their own private infinity pool overlooking the ocean in total harmony with nature, lazing in luxury and tranquil refinement. The hotel’s 15 Water Pool Villas are among the exclusive, luxurious and most favoured Villas that provide the ultimate tropical seclusion. Guests can sunbathe and swim in their own swimming pool poised above the serene waters of a translucent lagoon set into a timbered veranda deck, with loungers to relax and enjoy a view that stretches to the horizon, all in the privacy of the Villa. Each Water Pool Villa is spacious and reflects the refined elegance and natural beauty of the Maldives, complete with a dedicated Villa Host on call 24 hours to assure warm and prompt service whenever required. Nestled at the end of the boardwalk jetty with glorious ocean views and direct access down from each sunbathing deck to the lagoon, the Water Pool Villas provide the quintessential harmonious and secluded romantic hideaway. 112 .
On top of the exclusive luxuries you will experience at the Water Pool Villas, Baros offers no shortage of activities to make your stay at this elegant resort unforgettable. Only a short walk from the Villas, guests can unwind comfortably in a hammock in the serene Palm Garden whilst enjoying your favourite shisha. Indulge in a dinner cruise or a private gourmet dining experience on one of the hotels’ private sandbanks complete with a personal chef and waiter to cater to your culinary wishes. For wellness of body and soul, guests can indulge in personalised Spa treatments or enjoy yoga at sunrise and even schedule a private session on a villa deck surrounded by the Indian Ocean. Guests looking to soak up the sun can sunbathe around one of the island’s private sunbathing spots. To complete the Maldivian experience, take in a breath-taking dolphin cruise at sunset or experience the resort’s exceptional diving and snorkelling around the island’s own oval-shaped vibrant house reef and other superlative dive sites. The Baros experience is just as much about luxury and pure indulgence as about its tranquil surroundings. Enjoy an intimate holiday this season at this Maldivian haven of crafted elegance and beauty complete with authentic island charm and personalised service.
Rates start from USD 950 per night for a water villa (excluding tax and service charge), inclusive of breakfast. For bookings and more information on Baros Maldives, please contact reservations@baros.com or visit www.baros.com
PHONE 44215000 / 44219000 MOBILE 66774400