Marrakech the Ochre City
African Safaris
المدينة الدافئة األلوان
& Journeys السفاري األفريقية والرحالت
ISSN 2410-4035
Paris,Dubai and Doha's
LUXURIOUS Resorts, restaurants, GYM & Spas
ّ ،القراء األعزاء
Dear Readers, The start of 2016 has been uncertain in so many ways for so many people around the world, so we have to remember that what comes up must come down and – hopefully vice versa! My job is to take you away from reality and make you dream about secluded places, total luxury and relaxation and now wildlife adventures. But in order to plan a great outdoors vacation you must take precautions. So should you find lots of tempting places in this issue for the best animal viewing, keep in mind that there is a rainy season and a dry season, which is winter in Africa, so temperatures can drop down drastically to below ten degrees Celsius when out for morning game drives. The best season – for us humans but perhaps not our four-legged friends – is when water becomes scarce as wildlife will gather around predictable water resources from May or June to September or October, making them easier to spot. South Africa is a great destination for a varied holiday. It offers fantastic wildlife viewing, beautiful beaches, trendy cities and much more. Kruger is its flagship park with many self-drive options and all of the Big Five (lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard and rhinoceros) are easily seen. I recommend using a highly professional travel agent when planning your trip such as Opulent Living Travel, as they are specialists in high-end safaris. If your taste is more of an Arabian flair, then indulge in Marrakech’s luxury resorts, all of which offer a very special experience. Royal Mansour is the real riad experience plus Michelin starred cuisine; Amanjena is a haven of tranquillity and tradition; and the new Mandarin Oriental is a delight, with stunning interior design in its spacious villas.
عدة مجاالت لكثي ٍر من الناس في جميع أنحاء ً 2016 كانت بداية عام ّ غامضة في ً ً يوما وما يرتفع ال بد أن يهبط...دائما أن نتذكّر أن الحياة تدور لذلك علينا،العالم ! فالحياة مليئة بالمفاجآت...ما
تتمتّ ع، ٍعملي هو أن أخرجكم من عالمكم الواقعي وأجعلكم تحلمون بأماكن بعيدة ّ خطة ٍ ولكن من أجل وضع.البرية الكلي واالسترخاء والمغامرات والحياة بالترف ّ وإن َوجدت الكثير من األماكن...الالزمة ٍ ٍإلجازة ّ يجب عليكم اتّ خاذ االحتياطات،رائعة فعليك أن تضع في اعتبارك،المغرية في هذا العدد ألفضل عروض الحيوانات ، الذي هو فصل الشتاء في أفريقيا،أن هناك موسم األمطار وموسم الجفاف ّ ً ً مئوية ٍ درجات ٍ أقل من عشر ّ كبيرا إلى انخفاضا أن درجات الحرارة قد تنخفض ّ حتى ً .الحركية المختلفة صباحا لممارسة األلعاب عند الخروج ّ بالنسبة لنا البشر ولكن ّربما ليس ألصدقائنا ذوي القوائم- أفضل موسم ً البرية شحيحا حيث أن الحيوانات هو عندما يصبح الماء- الحيوانات...األربعة ّ من مايو او يونيو إلى سبتمبر أو،تجتمع حول موارد المياه التي يمكن التنبؤ بها ً .تحديدا مما يجعلها أسهل،أكتوبر ًومتنوعا ً ً يقدم عرضا رائعا فهو.متنوعة ٍ عطلة ٍ جنوب أفريقيا وجهة رائعة لقضاء ّ ّ غابة. وأكثر من ذلك بكثير،العصرية والشواطئ الجميلة والمدن،البرية للحياة ّ ّ المميز للقيام بالعديد من خيارات القيادة الذاتية ومشاهدة كروجر هي الموقع ّ ووحيد، الفهد، الجاموس، الفيل،جميع الحيوانات الخمس الكبرى (األسد أوصيكم بالتعامل مع وكالء السفر ذوي الدرجة العالية.بالغة ٍ بسهولة ٍ )القرن إذ أنهم من،سفريات الحياة الفخمة مثل،من االحتراف عند التخطيط لرحلتكم ّ .الراقية االختصاصيين في رحالت السفاري ّ فما عليكم إال االنغماس في،إن كان ذوقكم يميل أكثر نحو الذوق العربي ً رويال.جدا كل منها تجربة خاصة ٍّ تقدم حيث،مراكش ّ ّ المنتجعات الفاخرة في ّ منصور هو تجربة رياض حقيقية باإلضافة إلى امان... تألق المطبخ ميشالن ً وماندارين أورينتال الجديد يبعث على السرور...مالذا للهدوء والتقاليد عد ّ ُجنة ت .فيالته الفسيحة في المذهلة الداخلية بتصميماته ّ
For the first time I am featuring some health and beauty related topics such as how genetics can affect your wellbeing. As our team is preparing for our first Special Spa edition for April, we came across some highly interesting companies and products which I wanted to share upfront.You can read much more in the special edition, but I’d like to give you a little taste of what is coming. Wellness is about making healthy lifestyle choices and maintaining your wellbeing and luxury travel cannot exist any longer without fully enjoying relaxing moments delivered by professional hands. We all need that!
...الصحية ومسائل الجمال ذات الصلة في العدد ألول مرة ُأدرج بعض المواضيع ّ ّ أن علم الوراثة قد وبما أن فريقنا.يؤثر على صحتك ّ على سبيل المثال كيف توصلنا إلى بعض ،أبريل في بالمنتجعات الخاصة األولى يستعد إلعداد الطبعة ّ ً مقد .ما أردت أن أتشارك فيها معكم ُ الشركات والمنتجات المثيرة لالهتمام والتي ّ أحببت أن تتذوقوا اآلن ُ لكني،يمكنكم أن تقرؤوا أكثر بكثير في الطبعة الخاصة .آت ٍ مما هو ً نكهة ً ّ بسيطة الصحية والحفاظ عليها والرحالت الفاخرة الحياة نمط خيارات خاذ ّات تعني ة الصح ّ ّ أيد خبيرةٍ في ٍ تتلقاها من...للحظات ٍ التي ال تكتمل دون التمتّ ع الكامل باالسترخاء !بحاجة لذلك ٍ نحن جميعنا.المهني مجالها ّ
Stay tuned for this sure to be amazing special edition and for H&B’s next Summer 2016 issue which will feature the newest, most undiscovered and never forgotten destinations around the world. Happy adventurous reading!
»2016 ترقبوا هذه الطبعة المذهلة للعدد الخاص وكذلك عدد الصيف القادم ّ ...هورايزون اند بيوند» الذي سيضم أحدث الوجهات في جميع أنحاء العالم . والتي ال يمكن أن تً محى من الذاكرة...معظمها غير مكتشفة بعد ! ٍمغامرات سعيدة ٍ ُقراءة
Karine Lackner, Executive Editor 02 .
رئيس التحرير التنفيذي,كارين الكنر
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28 34 40 48 54 58 64 68
MANdarin oriental - marrakech amanjena - marrakech
10 18
swiss perfection at iridium spa, st regis - dubai
waldorf astoria - dubai Kempinski Marsa Malaz - Doha the savoy - london La reserve - paris
80 86 94 100
34 94 06 .
Dubai 80
Health 74 &Beauty
eaturing the most amazing international as well as luxury resorts in the Gulf region. 5-star hotels, private villas & chalets, islands owned by celebrities, cruises and yachts for exotic vacations, outstanding gourmet restaurants and their celebrity chefs, bespoke luxury events and innovative VVIP services in the travel industry are among the many topics for the reader who is seeking a very special journey.
SUB EDITOR Elena de Mello Hogarth ASSISTANT TO EDITOR Zora M. Trias MARKETING EUROPE Eric Poulard-Garesio PR & COMMUNICATIONS MIDDLE EAST Isabella Manon Weijtmans GRAPHIC DESIGN Ghislaine Habib WEBSITE DESIGN Farah Ismail SOCIAL MEDIA Kirat Sen
TRANSLATOR Sahar Zouheiri Advertising Enquiries PRINTING PRESS
MASAR Printing and Publishing International Media Production Zone, Dubai, UAE +971 (4) 448 4000 PUBLISHED BY MANDALAY MEDIA MFZE RAK Media City, Al Jazeera Al Hamra, Ras al Khaimah, UAE Distribution UAE BLUE TRUCK LLC horizonandbeyond
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The publishers cannot accept liability for errors or omissions in this publication. Readers should seek specialist advice before acting on articles published in this edition. The ownership of trademarks is acknowledged. No part of this publication may be reproduced.
األساطير ال تتوقف عن اإلدهاش
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never cease to astonish بقاء كارين الكنر في ماندارين أورينتال سيجعلها من المعجبات بالمكان...أكثر من وقت مضى. ٍ أي
Karine Lackner’s stay at Mandarin Oriental will make her a fan for ever more.
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كان ال�سائق اللطيف من،نتن ّقل في �شوارع مراك�ش وعن مراك�ش القديمة والت�سعة،ماندارين �أورينتال يحدّثني بحما�سة عن المدينة .ع�شر كيلومترا من الجدران التي تحيط بها
The elegant and contemporary resort is set among twenty hectares of landscaped gardens filled with the scent of 100,000 roses
مم�شى �صغير ًا ترابي ًا من �أ�شجار الزيتون ي�ؤدي للباب ي�سبق المدخل المهيب للمنتجع ً و�ش ّد انتباهي الجذع الهائل من �شجرة،درجات ُم�ضاءة بال�شموع عبر ب�ضع،الرئي�سي ٍ . �سن ٍة م�ضت500 زيتون عريقة في الو�سط حيث اكت�شفتُ في وقت الحق �أنه يعود �إلى ونحن تقلع في عربة جولف،ّتم ا�ستقبالي من قبل مدير عالقات ال�ضيوف ال�س ّيد علي �أُعجبتُ جد ًا بم�شهد الأ�شجار المورقة مع العلم �أن المنتجع افتتح قبل ب�ضعة.للفيال وعلى مدى ثالث، ولكنه ا�ستغرق بالفعل ثماني �سنوات لتطوير المنتجع،�أ�شهر فقط .عطي الكثير من الوقت والتفاني في زراعة الأ�شجار وال�شجيرات والزهور َ ُ�سنوات �أ يقع هذا المنتجع الأنيق والمعا�صر بين ع�شرين هكتارا من الحدائق التي تفوح ب�شذى . ورد ٍة100000 ُ وجدت، حين ُفتح الباب الخ�شبي المرتفع.وعبور عتبة الفيال لحظ ٌة ال تُن�سى �أي�ض ًا غرفة،�أمامي حو�ض ًا بطول ثمانية �أمتار مع جاكوزي على البخار يلي ِه في نهايته تمام ًا حيث �س�أ�ستيقظ و�أقفز، وعلى الفور بد�أت التفكير في �صباح اليوم التالي. النوم .مبا�شرة في الجاكوزي ال�ساخن تليه ال�سباحة الدافئة في الحو�ض الكبير رائع مم ّي ٍز مع ال�سجاد البربري على ٍ ٍ تتمتّع غرفة المعي�شة في الداخل بت�صميم ُ ً و�أعجبتُ جدا بالفكرة الذكية في... وتكرار الر�سم نف�سه منحوت ًا في الجدار،الأر�ض .ا�ستخدام فقط جدارين لإن�شاء من�ضدة من الرخام تحمل التلفزيون الكبير
arrive on a sunny January afternoon at Marrakech Menara Airport and instantly feel the relaxing atmosphere, a reminder of why people come to this place – to stop and do nothing. As we navigate the streets of Marrakech, the gentle driver of Mandarin Oriental rhapsodises about the city, the old Marrakech and the nineteen kilometres of walls which surround it. An alley of olive trees precedes the majestic entrance of the resort where candlelit steps lead to its main door. The immense trunk of an olive tree in the centre catches my attention, and I find out later that it is 500 years old. Greeted by the dedicated guest relations manager Ali, we take off in a golf cart to the villa. I admire the lush landscape knowing that the resort opened just a few months before, but it has actually taken eight years to develop the resort, and for three years a lot of time and dedication was given to planting trees, bushes and flowers. The elegant and contemporary resort is set among twenty hectares of landscaped gardens filled with the scent of 100,000 roses. Crossing the threshold of the villa is a memorable moment. As the high wooden door opens, right in front of me is an eight-metre long pool with a steaming Jacuzzi at its end followed by the bedroom just beyond. I immediately think of the next morning, waking up to jump straight into the hot Jacuzzi followed by a cool swim in the pool. The almost 300-square-metre villa never ceases to astonish me as Ali opens my eyes to the different parts, all perfectly connecting to each other. Each corner has something of interest, from a small but fully equipped kitchen to walls made in the traditional tadelac, a kind of Moroccan stucco. The other corner of the villa offers typical Moroccan seating in beautiful cream colours with plenty of cushions and curtains that create a cocoon effect.
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li asks me if housekeeping should light the fire in the open living room next to the pool, and as a fan of fireplaces I am thrilled. This is part of the magical atmosphere created by the staff, with candles lighting up the pool’s edge too. The indoor living room has the ultimate interior design with Berber carpets on the floor and the repetition of its design carved into the wall. I admire the clever idea to use just two walls to put up a marble counter which holds the large TV, is used as a desk and in the giant bathroom as a make-up table and on the other side holding two sinks (the largest I have ever seen carved into marble).
With Berber and Andalusian-Arabic influences, the resort provides the perfect relaxing luxury for the cosmopolitan traveller
All this against glass windows from bottom to top, so with a minimum of walls inside, you get a maximum of light and views to the garden that surrounds the villa, even from the place where ‘the king walks by foot’ – the loo!
ٌ هناك،الحمام المترامي الأطراف مثل غرفة المعي�شة حو�ض ٌ م�ستدي ٌر المنطقة. يدعوك لال�ستمتاع به،ود�ش كبي ٌر �أي�ض ًا يعمل بمثابة غرفة بخار . وهو �أم ٌر رائ ٌع للغاية في برودة الم�ساء...كلها لديها تدفئة تحت الأر�ض
In the bathroom, as vast as the living room, is a round inviting tub and an equally large shower that also functions as a steam room. The whole area has under-floor heating, which is extremely pleasant in the cooler evenings.
يوفر المنتجع الفاخر اال�سترخاء، الأندل�سية-مع الت�أثيرات البربرية و العربية حيث تمتزج الم�ساحات الداخلية بالخارجية،المثالي للم�سافرين من حول العالم ي�ساعدها في ذلك ال�ضوء اال�ستثنائي الذي ت�شتهر...وتذوب في بع�ضها البع�ض .به مراك�ش
Just when I think I have seen it all, the marble tables in the bathroom are heated too, and my towels are laid upon them, ready for me to enrobe myself in the utmost comfort. Every detail has been thought of; light and curtains can be modified from your bedside and a smaller TV pops out at the end of the bed should you wish to watch in the comfort of the sheets against a wallto-wall linen headboard. The architect of the project is Pascal Desprez, while the design of Mandarin Oriental, Marrakech, stylish and sophisticated, was created by renowned French architects Patrick Gilles and Dorothée Boissier.
o trip to Morocco is complete without experiencing a hammam, and the Mandarin Oriental’s is one of the most breathtakingly and steamingly beautiful I have ever smelled (eucalyptus). For the true enthusiast, the resort has two villas directly connected to the spacious 1800-square-metre main spa, meaning you’re only ever a few steps from the ultimate in comfort and relaxation. 14 .
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hen the evening comes, I insist you step out of the cocoon, as you will experience the beauty of the landscape and trees reflecting in the pond around the Pool Gardens restaurant. Then wander to the next highlight of the resort, the Mes’Lallla restaurant, which serves a contemporary take on traditional Moroccan cuisine by the renowned chef Meryem Cherkaoui. And once again you’ll be intrigued by the talented interior designers who have made every aspect of this place a dream come true. A library, a fireplace and impeccable service make the restaurant such a pleasant evening venue that it’s worth dressing up for! A chic and well planned resort offering the most stylish accommodation in a minimum of 280-square-metre living space in its villas, a rhapsody of indoor and outdoor living with all imaginable comfort – this is the Mandarin Oriental, Marrakech. Be a fan!
a rhapsody of indoor and outdoor living with all imaginable comfort Many of Mandarin Oriental’s celebrity guests are genuine fans of the Group. 29 exceptional personalities, loyal fans and regular visitors featured in a groundbreaking advertising campaign, were thanked for their participation with a donation from Mandarin Oriental to the charity of their choice.
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�أن�صحك بالخروج من �شرنقتك،ي�أتي الم�ساء فما عليك �إ ّال �أن ت�ستمتع بجمال المناظر الطبيعية والأ�شجار التي... المريحة .تنعك�س �صورتها في البركة حول مطعم الحدائق الذي يوفر خدمة، مطعم مي�سالال،ثم تج ّول لت�صل �إلى المعلم الآخر من المنتجع .معا�صرة للمطبخ المغربي التقليدي ووجبات ال�شيف ال�شهيرة مريم ال�شرقاوي . 17
Welcome Aman paradise! TO THE
Karine Lackner finds traditional Moroccan flair mingled with 21st-century luxury. Derived from the Sanskrit word for peace, aman, and the Arabic word for paradise, jena, Amanjena is the perfect sanctuary for those seeking tranquillity and seclusion. Set on the fringes of Marrakech, Amanjena is close enough to the allures of the city and within easy reach of the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert. With the ultra professional advice of Omar, the director of guest relations, you can experience the real Morocco without hesitation.
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اكتشفت كارين الكنر العراقة المغربية الممزوجة بترف .القرن الواحد والعشرين
أهال بكم ّ في
!جنة-امان . 19
والكلمة العربية،" "امان،من الكلمة ال�سن�سكريتية لل�سالم . ف�إن امان جنة هي المالذ المثالي لأولئك الذين ي�سعون �إلى الهدوء والعزلة،" "الج ّنة،للج ّنة
mar has hosted kings and queens, Hollywood royalty and most recently international pop superstar Katy Perry and a group of friends who came to sojourn in privacy in the peacefully majestic Amanjena. Attracted by the varied landscape of rugged snow-capped mountains, parched desert dunes and winding coastline, guests come from all over the world. The ancient city of Marrakech is centred on its 12thcentury medina, a red-walled former fortress criss-crossed by narrow lanes. Its attractions extend to the golf courses on the city’s outskirts and the surrounding villages, where little has changed over the centuries.
هي قريبة بما فيه الكفاية من �إغراءات المدينة،امان جنة الواقعة على �أطراف مراك�ش مع الم�شورة المهنية جدا من.وي�سهل الو�صول �إليها من جبال الأطل�س وال�صحراء الكبرى . يمكنك اختبار المغرب الحقيقي دون تردد، مدير عالقات ال�ضيوف،عمر ا�ست�ضاف عمر الملوك والم�شاهير من هوليوود وم�ؤخرا نجمة البوب الأكثر �شهرة كاتي بيري .ومجموعة من الأ�صدقاء الذين جاءوا لي�ستمتعوا بخ�صو�صية امان جنة المهيبة والهادئة
Alone or with a guide, you can visit the souks, tanneries, museums, mosques and the Place Jemaa El Fna, one of Africa’s busiest squares that bustles day and night with entertainers and street food. A Unesco World Heritage site, it’s so easy to imagine how the medina must have been hundreds of years ago. Two minutes away from Amanjena, the eighteen-hole Al Maaden Golf Course is joined by the twenty-seven holes of Marrakech Royal Golf Club, a narrower layout with lush vegetation and gardens dating back to the 1930s that only add to the tranquil flair of the place. Amanjena’s thirty-two pavilions and seven maisons are the epitome of understated Moroccan style. Several offer private heated pools and large gardens, inviting the guest to indulge in dolce far niente. The only thing that could interrupt your day of pleasant idleness is the traditional Moroccan hammam. Set beneath stucco Venetian domes with arched entrances, vaulted ceilings and garden courtyards, Amanjena’s pavilions and maisons are the elegant dwellings I had imagined when planning a trip to Morocco.
ال�ضيوف تجذبهم المناظر الطبيعية المتنوعة من قمم الجبال الوعرة المغطاة �ضيوف ي�أتون...بالثلوج والكثبان ال�صحراوية الجافة وال�شريط ال�ساحلي الملتف وتتركز المدينة القديمة في مراك�ش على مدينة القرن.من جميع �أنحاء العالم والتي كانت عبارة عن قلعة �سابقة ذات الجدران الحمراء تتقاطع،الثاني ع�شر جاذبية المكان تمتد �إلى مالعب الغولف.فيها �شبكة من الممرات ال�ضيقة حيث لم يطر�أ تغيير ُيذكر على م ّر،في �ضواحي المدينة والقرى المحيطة بها .القرون ٌ الأجنحة االثنان والثالثين والمنازل ال�سبعة هي تحف فن ّي ٌة تمثل النمط المعماري ودعوة... العديد منها توفر حمامات �ساخنة خا�صة وحدائق وا�سعة.المغربي وما يمكنه �أن يقطع عليك ك�سل يومك ولحظتك.لل�ضيوف لالنغما�س في الك�سل .فقط هو اال�ستمتاع بالحمام المغربي التقليدي
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he sound of running water from traditional fountains and flickering candle lanterns placed around the entire resort enhance the Moroccan ambience. In the evening the reflection of the palm trees around the large pond in the centre of the property is a feast for the eyes that I want to remember forever. The two-bedroom maison where I have the pleasure of staying features seven-metre-high ceilings and offers 360 square metres (3,875 square feet) of living space with the master bedroom placed on the first floor.
Amanjena re-opened in October 2015 after a three-month project to enhance the public areas and guest pavilions, and the addition of a new two-bedroom Maison Jardin. Carefully preserving the resort’s distinct Moroccan identity within its Moorish architecture, the refurbishment has maintained the existing chorus of colours which reflects the surrounding olive groves, Berber villages and the Atlas Mountains. Two new dining destinations have been introduced. It is a joy to try the Japanese restaurant hosted by Astrid, the hotel manager, and sample its informal izakaya-style cuisine at the convivial sushi bar and robata grill. Go a bit more local at the Mediterranean restaurant, whose varied menu traces culinary traditions from Morocco, Sicily, the south of France and Spain’s historic Al-Andalus region. You won’t be disappointed.
When I set foot in this majestic place, my imagination runs wild; it’s the ideal place for larger parties, birthday gatherings and family reunions, with kids and adults having the time of their life.
المياه الجارية من الينابيع التقليدية واهتزاز �شمع وفي الم�ساء.الفواني�س الذين ُو�ضعوا حول المنتجع ب�أكمله يعزّز االجواء المغربية ...انعكا�س �أ�شجار النخيل حول البركة الكبيرة في الو�سط هو منظر رائع للعيون .�أريد �أن �أتذكره �إلى الأبد كان،المنزل الم�ؤ ّلف من غرفتي نوم حيث كان من دواعي �سروري البقاء فيه قدم3875( متر مربع360 يتمتع ب�أ�سقف على ارتفاع �سبعة امتار وبم�ساحة . مع غرفة النوم الرئي�سية التي تقع في الطابق الأول،مربع) للمعي�شة ف�إن، حتى لو اعتقدت العك�س في بع�ض الأوقات،وبما �أن الحياة ال تتوقف �أبدا .م�سكن جديدٍ "�آمان" في امان جنة الخطط قد ُو�ضعت لبناء �سبعة ع�شر ٍ و�سوف تكون هذه المنازل متاحة لل�شراء على الخارطة وجميعها �سوف تطل لدى الم�ستثمرين كذلك فر�صة الم�ساهمة في الت�صميم.على جبال الأطل�س .والتخطيط جنب ًا �إلى جنب مع ر�ضا امالو الذي �سي�شرف �شخ�ص ّي ًا على البناء
ut as life never stops, even if in some places you might think it did, plans are made to develop seventeen new Aman Residences at Amanjena.
From the garden with chaises longues and wrought iron tables and chairs to the pool in the centre adjacent to the maison’s large living room with an open fireplace and the stunning fountain, a laid-back atmosphere abounds with touches of Moroccan flair. But Amanjena offers other types of villas, and in the blink of an eye, Omar whisks me away to the Pavilion Piscine with a twenty-fivesquare-metre (269-square-foot) heated swimming pool, a private garden and a 220-square-metre (2,368-square-foot) room. The ideal choice for a couple looking for an intimate and private setting.
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They will be available for off-plan purchase and all of which will have views of the Atlas Mountains. Investors have the opportunity to contribute towards design and layout alongside Reda Amalou, who will personally oversee the construction. Measuring 1800 square metres and with the capacity to house up to six bedrooms, all villas will be adjacent to the hotel whilst maintaining high levels of privacy. There will be options for clients to personalise their villas to include a private spa with hammam, gym, yoga and Pilates studio and either rooftop or ground floor swimming pool. Heaven can wait, but Aman cannot in your search for tranquillity.
. 23
ِعش مراكش تجربة في «رياض» At the Royal Mansour, guests do not reside in a hotel room or royal suite, but experience an exceptional and unrivalled lifestyle that is well worth the trip, Karine Lackner finds out on her recent visit to Morocco.
في رويال منصور ،ال يشعر غرفة في ٍ المرء أنه يقيم في ملكي، جناح فندق أو في ٍّ ٍ ٍ إنّ ما يدخل في أسلوب حياة استثنائية ال مثيل لها والتي تستحق الزيارة التي قامت بها كارين الكنر في رحلتها األخيرة إلى المغرب.
ُ ولدت فكرة رويال من�صور مراك�ش من ر�ؤيا ا�ستثنائية
لخلق تحفة رائعة تتجاوز مطالب الم�سافر المتم ّيز اليوم ،في حين يعك�س الجوهر الحقيقي للتقاليد المغربية ... وهذا �أقل ما يمكن للمرء �أن يقوله في ذلك. دخول "ريا�ضي" الخا�ص هو احتفال بح ّد ذاته مليء بتن ّوع وبراعة الحرفيين من المملكة ،مع الج�ص المزخرف و�سقف منحوت ٍة والأر�ضيات كبير، ٍ بفنٍّ ٍ والجدران التي تظهر براعة تاديالكت وزيلليغ�س ٍّ كل بدوره ...كل ذلك ي�أخذ بالألباب حق ًا! هناك ما مجموعه 53من الريا�ض ،والذي هو ا�سم الم�سكن الخا�ص المغربي الحائز على جائزة مي�شالن ال�شهيرة. النموذجي الذي يتراوح بين غرف ٍة واحد ٍة �إلى �أربع غرف ...جميعها مز ّين ٌة ب�شكل في فترة ما بعد الظهر في �سبا فندق رويال من�صور ،اكت�شفتُ برامج �شخ�صية �ضيف من ال�ضيوف. مختلف ولكن دائما مع هذا البحث المتوا�صل عن الأ�صل. م�صم ّمة لتلبية االحتياجات الفردية لك ّل ٍ التماثل الرائع في رويال من�صور يذ ّكرنا بحدائق ق�صر الحمراء...فرائحة الورود اخترتُ عالج الوجه �شانيل للتجميل ،خا�ص ًة لكونها غرفة العالج الوحيدة من �شانيل والحم�ضيات والغردينيا واليا�سمين والع�سل وريحان الزعتر والنعناع والمريمية في �أحد فنادق العالم حتى الآن� .أ ّما الح ّمام فهو النجم الذي ال يمكن �إنكاره في ال�سبا ،وكيف يمكن �أن يكون غير هذا ...ونحن في المغرب� ،ألي�س كذلك! و�إكليل الجبل و�شجرة الكينا ،جميعها تغمركم بموجة من الر�ضا. في مواكبة المعايير المثالية في جميع �أنحاء رويال من�صور� ،ستكت�شف مجموعة مح ّيرة من ثالثة مطاعم مختلفة ،وكلها تحت �إ�شراف ال�شيف الباري�سي يانيك �آلينو، . 25
Marrakech Like the great gates of the imperial cities of Morocco, the monumental entrance is testimony to the local craftsmanship as well as the materials and techniques used, such as traditional cedar wood, chiselled metal and sculpted plaster work. I am told that just like the famous Bab el Khemis (Thursday Gate), the Royal Mansour’s great gate promises happiness, wealth and prosperity. I find my riad – the name for a traditional Moroccan private residence – a pure celebration of the diversity and virtuosity of master craftsmen from the kingdom, with lace-embedded plaster and carved ceiling, floor and walls where Tadelakt and Zelliges take turns in the spotlight. It takes my breath away.
The Royal Mansour Marrakech was born out of a vision to create a spectacular masterpiece exceeding the demands of today’s discerning traveller, whilst reflecting the true essence of Moroccan tradition. Upon the first moment of my arrival I can see how the meticulous design marries the classical shapes of the traditional Medina with its structures, courtyards, gardens and sinus alleys. 24 .
The ground-breaking, distinctive and ingenious design with so much love for detail is exemplified by an intricate series of underground tunnels to every riad, accessed on each floor by staff only, thus guaranteeing the utmost privacy and discretion for every guest. When inside your riad you can choose on your home automation system not to be disturbed and staff doors will be blocked. There are fifty-three riads, which have one to four rooms, all decorated differently but with that same regard for authenticity. On the ground floor is the central courtyard with water fountain; the beautiful living room has a fireplace which is lit by the staff before I return from a walk in the Medina at sunset. The bedrooms and bathrooms are on the first floor, but climb higher and you’ll find a pool and fireplace on the rooftop terrace, with some riads having a private steam room and tent. With a fascinating fusion between tradition and modernity, the roofs are equipped with moisture sensors and automatically close at the first drop of rain. The perfect symmetry at the Royal Mansour is reminiscent of the gardens of the Alhambra. The vegetation is abundant, from roses to orange trees, to bougainvillea, carnations and daturas. Scents of rose, citrus, gardenia, jasmine, honey, thyme, basil, mint, sage, rosemary and eucalyptus fill me with pleasure.
Scents of rose, citrus, gardenia, jasmine, honey, thyme, basil, mint, sage, rosemary and eucalyptus fill me with pleasure
The soothing sounds of flowing water, singing birds and whispering wind in the trees provide a tranquillity I would not have thought possible at the very centre of a city. In keeping with the exemplary standards throughout Royal Mansour, a tantalising array of three different restaurants is offered, all under the supervision of Yannick Alléno, the famous Michelin-starred Parisian chef. La Grande Table Marocaine is a place synonymous with sublime Moroccan flavours that are served in a sophisticated, refined and sumptuous ambiance. La Grande Table Française proposes an excellent French menu in the heart of Marrakech. The setting is very romantic and is ideal for a tête à tête candlelit dinner. La Table is a superb loggia adorned with an open-air restaurant, amidst jasmine, gardenia flowers and gently cooing birds flying high into the sky. The steak I have for lunch is probably the best I’ve ever tried. 26 .
In the afternoon at the Royal Mansour Spa I discover the personalised programmes designed to meet the guests’ individual needs. The ten cabins offer massages, facials and hydrotherapy as well as aesthetic and beauty services with over a hundred treatments on the menu. In addition to Leonor Greyl, marocMaroc, Sisley and Dr. Hauschka products, Royal Mansour Marrakech Spa has welcomed the famous podiatrist Bastien Gonzalez and his glamorous and unique approach to foot treatments – regarded as the Rolls Royce of pedicures. I opt for a Chanel beautifying face treatment, as I like to take advantage of this being the only treatment room by Chanel offered in any hotel in the world to date. The hammam is the undeniable star of the spa, but how could it be any different – we are in Morocco, after all. . 27
Nature at its most raw in Kenya Boasting front row seats in the most dramatic wildlife theatre on the planet, Angama Mara perches on the edge of the Great Rift Valley above the game-dense Mara Triangle. Comprising two camps of just fifteen tents each, the glamorous, whimsical lodge offers a luxurious oasis of calm where views over the incredible landscape always take centre stage.
Before Steve and Nicky Fitzgerald upgraded Angama Mara’s private airstrip, a mere two minutes away from their beautiful new lodge, there was only one way to reach it. Guests would take the forty-fiveminute flight from Nairobi’s Wilson Airport and land at the Kichwa Tembo strip in the plains below. The transfer up to the lodge in a safari vehicle could take anything up to and over an hour, depending on traffic. But Angama Mara traffic is not traffic as most of us know it. Elephants, buffalo, zebra, warthogs, giraffe and antelope roamed the plains of the Great Rift Valley, the Masai Mara and the Oloololo Escarpment in their hundreds of thousands long before any lodges were built. And safari vehicles still give animals the right of way as they travel the road up to the isolated kopjes on which Angama Mara – the name ‘angama’ means ‘suspended in air’ – is perched.
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The long and winding mountain road snakes its way up out of the vast plains below to ascend to the site made famous as the location of Denys Finch Hatton’s grave in the Meryl Streep and Robert Redford classic 1985 film Out of Africa. Steve says Angama Mara’s site is probably the best in Africa – and he’s probably right. From its lofty location it presides over a sweeping canvas of the endless plains of the Mara Triangle, a vast area that stretches further than the eye can see.
ت�شق الطريق الجبلية الطويلة والمتعرجة طريقها �إلى الأعلى خارج ال�سهول ال�شا�سعة لل�صعود �إلى الموقع الذي ا�شتهر با�سم موقع قبر هاتون من فيلم دني�س الغيوم ال�شاهقة ت�ضيف ال�شعور الدراماتيكي �إلى المناظر الطبيعية؛ و، الفيلم الكال�سيكي خالل النهار،فين�ش الذي قامت ببطولته ميريل �ستريب وروبرت ريدفورد .1985 ال�شهير "خارج �أفريقيا" لعام ٍ ت�شرق ال�شم�س فوق الأفق َكنداء، في ال�صباح.في الليل النجوم ت�ضيف الرومان�سية م�ستيقظون وعلى، ال�ضيوف.للحيوانات المفتر�سة العائدة من ال�صيد في ليلة الأم�س وهم مدعوون لم�شاهدة مناظر بالونات الهواء،ا�ستعداد لخو�ض ن�شاط هذا اليوم .ال�ساخن في �سفاري بالونات المحافظين الذين يح ّلقون في الأ�سفل البعيد
الطبيعة في اء ر العذ المناطق أغلب الكينية تحتل انغاما مارا المرتبة األولى في مساحة الحياة البرية األكثر إثارة على وجه وتتميز بموقعها على حافة وادي الصدع العظيم فوق مثلث مارا الغني ،األرض ّ مخيمين كل منهما يضم خمس والغريب الشهير المالذ هذا يضم .النباتية بكثافته ّ تشتهر باطاللتها على مناظر، وتوفر واحة فخمة من الهدوء،عشرة خيمة .طبيعية تأخذ األلباب
. 29
يحتل مثلث مارا ثلث. هي الحياة البرية، بالطبع،الأكثر �شهرة وخ�صو�صية هنا كيلو متر مربع و�سهوله510 الحديقة الوطنية في ما�ساي مارا وي�شغل م�ساحة ولكن لي�س هناك.ال�شا�سعة تحظى ب�شعبية كبيرة ووجهة مح َّببة طيلة �أيام العام وقت �أف�ضل لخو�ض تجربة �إحدى عجائب الدنيا ال�سبع الجديدة للطبيعة وذلك من .خالل الهجرة ال�سنوية التي تحدث من يوليو الى اكتوبر
During the day, the towering clouds add drama to the landscape; at night the stars add romance. In the mornings, the sun rises over the horizon as predators call, returning from a night’s hunting. Guests, awake and ready to set off for the day, are treated to the sight of the hot-air balloons of Governors Balloon Safaris, floating far below. ‘The view has been known to bring tears to guests’ eyes,’ says Nicky. To build a lodge on such a special site, so beautiful, but also once so isolated and unreachable, requires a unique vision, bravery and a concept that equals the majesty of its location. There are almost certainly few better people to attempt this than the Fitzgeralds. The couple have long been icons of the world hospitality and high-end safari industry.
Having long coveted it, Steve ‘sat under trees’ negotiating with Masai elders for over fifteen years in repeated attempts to secure the site, but had never succeeded. In 2013, completely unexpectedly, he received a call telling him that if they still wanted it, it was theirs. Together with fifteen other investors, they have spent two years building a ‘super luxury’ lodge unlike, Nicky believes, any other in the Mara. The buildings of Angama Mara’s two identical camps certainly bear little resemblance to more traditional safari offerings. Ignoring every safari cliché, the bar, restaurant, lounge and Pavilion (which houses the fitness room, safari shop and pool) were built from one fantastical drawing – scribbled on a piece of paper by South African architects Silvio Rech and Lesley Carstens, who were responsible for the mould-breaking Ngorongoro Crater Lodge in Tanzania and North Island in the Seychelles.
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In the mornings, the sun rises over the horizon as predators call, returning from a night’s hunting
وتجربة،الهجرة الكبرى هي �أكبر حركة مجموعات الحيوانات على كوكب الأر�ض مليون من الحيوانات البرية ومئات1.7 ور�ؤية...فريدة لأي محب للحياة البرية الآالف من الحيوانات الأخرى تنتقل �إلى مارا من �سيرينجيتي ونجورونجورو في .تنزانيا هي تجربة فريدة بامتياز في العمر وفي طريق عودة مركبات انغاما مارا �صعودا �إلى المالذ ال�شهير بين الفيلة والحمير ...الي�سعك�إال�أنت�سمعتنف�سال�صعداءللركابالعائدين،الوح�شيةوالغزالنالمت�سكعة ال، في نهاية الطريق الجبلية،�إذ �أن العودة �إلى واحة الترحيب وال�ضيافة والترف .بد �أن تكون بح ّد ذاتها �أحد �أعظم االمتيازات المتاحة للم�سافر في �أي مكان
. 31
The most unique, and romantic, perhaps of all the views on the site is one enjoyed by guests who choose to take advantage of the private picnic option, and the opportunity to recreate the original Out of Africa poster shot of Meryl Streep and Robert Redford, in the exact spot it was taken. So beautiful and unchanged is the location that the film was shot here and not in the Ngong Hills, where Karen Blixen’s book was actually set.
B The most dramatic and surprising design re-imaginings at Angama Mara are those in the guests’ tents. From the back, the tents are fairly traditional green canvas, but open the door and all you see is the vista out of the thirty-foot glass windows, which transform the tents from ordinary into rooms with the best view on the planet.
nature’s greatest drama played out, here, in one of its most beautiful theatres
At most lodges, a game drive is a three-hour excursion in the morning and another in the late afternoon. At Angama Mara, travellers can customise their own safari. It’s not unknown for guests to set out with both breakfast and lunch packed for drives of up to nine hours in duration, all the better to track the enormous herds and the predators across the plains. There is never a clock ticking at Angama Mara – the wildlife decides the schedules. And with regard to sheer numbers of game, and the potential to see it in action, a safari in the Mara can spoil a guest for any other safari experience. This is nature at its most raw. The cycle of life, and death, the struggle between hunted and hunter, is nature’s greatest drama played out, here, in one of its most beautiful theatres. As Angama Mara’s vehicles wind their way back up to the lodge among the dawdling elephants, zebra and gazelles, you can almost feel all their passengers exhale. To be able to return to the hospitable, welcoming oasis of luxury, at the end of that mountain road, must be one of the greatest privileges available to a traveller anywhere.
Baths inspired by Spanish design legend Patricia Urquiola and beds, screens and recliners by SA master furniture maker John Vogel are the star pieces, while each room sports a superb pair of binoculars and a copy of Karen Blixen’s Out of Africa to anchor visitors in this very special place. Most special of all, of course, is the wildlife. The Mara Triangle takes up one third of the Masai Mara National Park and occupies an area of 510 square kilometres. Its vast plains teem with game, making it an immensely popular destination all year long. But there is no better time to experience one of nature’s new seven wonders than during the annual migration, which occurs from July to October.
The Great Migration is the largest mass movement of animals on the planet and a bucket-list experience for any wildlife lover.To see 1.7-million wildebeest and hundreds of thousands of other large game animals move into the Mara from the Ngorongoro and Serengeti in Tanzania is to experience the privilege of a lifetime – but to experience it the Angama Mara way is to experience privilege at an entirely different level.
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HOW TO GET THERE Angama Mara borders the Mara Triangle, with just over a kilometre of Rift Valley Frontage. It is best accessed by plane from Nairobi, and there are several scheduled daily flights that land at the lodge’s private airfield, a few minutes away. Nairobi is well serviced by major international airlines, including South African Airways, British Airways, Emirates and Qatar Airways.
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Back to Nature at SABI SABI Earth Lodge
هو- االيرث لودج،منحوت من العناصر األساسية للطبيعة وهو مشهور- حساسية في أفريقيا ً أكثر المناطق البيئية بتصميمه المعماري الفريد المنحوت في منحدر غير مرئي أضف إلى ذلك التقليد.تقريبا في عمق المناظر الطبيعية للتميز في الطهي والموقع الشهير والمتوارث المزدهر ّ َ فهذا اللودج يعتبر من... لمشاهدة مطاردات الحيوانات .أفضل األماكن العالمية لرحالت السفاري
العودة الى الطبيعة
Crafted from the elements to highlight nature’s palette, Earth Lodge – Africa’s most ecologically sensitive venue – is worldfamous for the unique architectural design that sees it sculpted into a slope and almost invisible in the landscape. Add to that a burgeoning tradition of culinary excellence and a location renowned for big-game sightings and you’ve got a safari lodge that ranks among the world’s best.
h, the African bush! The smell of wild sage and buffalo dung as the golden veld basks in the morning sun. The promise of close encounters with the big five; tracking rhino, spotting leopard, watching elephants bond at a waterhole. Such personal proximity to nature is bound to thrill your soul. Sabi Sabi Earth Lodge in the 65 000-hectare Sabi Sand Private Reserve is one of the few places on the planet where you can observe at close quarters the age-old dance between predator and prey. It’s a total immersion into a wildlife oasis that touches a deep part of us, the unexplored wilderness within. From the womb-like confines of the rough, textured walls of this living abode, you become one with the surrounding fauna and flora. Think view with a room. But, what a room. And what a view.
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في االيرث لودج سابي-في سابي
الأدغال الأفريقية! رائحة المريمية البرية وروث الجامو�س حين ت�شرق �شم�س،�آه �إنه موعد للقاء قريب مع الحيوانات الخم�سة...ال�صباح على الواحة الذهبية ومراقبة الفيلة تجتمع على، وتحديد موقع الفهد، مطاردة وحيد القرن.الكبرى ال بد �أن هذا االقتراب. مناظر ال �أجمل...نبع ماء ال�شخ�صي الوثيق من الطبيعة �سيمتّع روحك �إلى �أبعد .الحدود يقع االيرث لودج في �سابي �سابي على م�ساحة هكتار من المحم ّية الخا�صة �سابي �ساند65000 وهي واحدة من الأماكن القليلة في العالم حيث يمكنك مراقبة عن كثب لعبة الرق�ص القديمة بين انه انغما�س ك ّلي في واحة.المفتر�س والفري�سة الطبيعة،الحياة البرية التي تلم�س جزء ًا عميق ًا فينا ٍّ البرية غير الم�ستك�شفة بداخل من حدود.كل م ّنا ما ي�شبه الرحم الخام للجدران المزخرفة في هذا يمكنك �أن تن�صهر لت�صبح واحد ًا،المقام المعي�شي .مع الحيوانات والنباتات المحيطة به . 35
The African take on this sustainable architectural style that employs passive solar heating can be seen in the organic curved walls hewn from sand, stone and thatch, while indigenous plants spring from the roof. Inspired by the plants and animals, Armstrong crafted the furniture from trees uprooted by elephants or floods. Particularly noteworthy is his “burning bush” headboard in the Amber Presidential Suite – an opulent space, dubbed the most beautiful suite in the world, that boasts lounge, study, steam room and kitchenette alongside the glamorous en-suite bedroom.
hat other South African venue can boast the culinary aristocracy of fêted Eric Chavot of Michelin–starred Brasserie Chavot in Mayfair, London? Blown away by Earth Lodge, Chavot came to advise kitchen staff on the intricacies of French cuisine in January 2015. Think Miso-marinated quail breast, sweet corn, water chestnuts, brinjal, spring onion and teryaki sauce, just for starters! A typical vegetarian dish might include a porcini mushroom risotto, Parmesan shavings, micro herb salad and truffle oil, but it’s the beef fillet with potato galette, baby carrots and brandy-pepper cream sauce that seems to generate the most applause. A popular dessert is the milk tart jelly and vanilla crumble with cinnamon ice cream.
هناك ثالثة ع�شر من الق�صور العرقية الفردية المحفورة في المناظر الطبيعية المتموجة مع �أ�سطح من الع�شب البري التي تمتزج مع ال�سافانا التي �أحرقتها ال�شم�س ، و�أثاث محفور يدويا، توفر هذه الق�صور �أحوا�ض �سباحة خا�صة...على م ّد النظر ودو�شات داخلية،ومالءات من الكتان الناعم والحمامات ذات الواجهات الزجاجية .وفي الهواء الطلق لال�ستحمام واال�ستمتاع
ug into the undulating landscape with wild grass roofs blending into the sunburnt savanna at koppie-level, thirteen individual ethnic palaces offer private plunge pools, handcrafted furniture, fine linen, glass-fronted bathrooms, indoor and alfresco showers. At Earth Lodge it’s hard to tell where the mortar ends and the riverine forest begins. Throw in a Zen garden, well-stocked library, lounge, spa and a day bar – where guests can doze within muslin-enclosed salas or cool their feet in the midday heat at the pool while buffalo slake their thirst nearby – and you can see why National Geographic fêted Earth Lodge as one of its Unique Lodges of the World for its superb sustainability and rich, meaningful guest experience. Architect Mohammed Hans, sculptor Geoffrey Armstrong, interior designer Stephen Rich, co-owner Jacqui Loon, Mother Earth and Father Time boldly ventured further into the wild to offer it a reciprocal invitation. All shared their creativity to produce Africa’s most ecologically sensitive lodge, where the buildings – sunk into a slope of the earth – merge so well with the landscape, they become virtually invisible. At Earth Lodge, nature communes with you. 36 .
Fingers of sunlight linger over the gold, copper, silver, platinum and bronze elements in objets d’art, or thread through fabrics to reflect Africa’s mineral wealth and promote a sense of harmony. Nguni hides soften ivoryhued floors and, at night, branches of handmade gilded chandeliers shimmer like stars. Each piece is a masterpiece of art, design and functionality. However, guests cannot live by design alone. Victuals are vital to ensure an unsurpassed safari experience and here, Earth Lodge knocks leopard spots off the competition.
. 37
HOW TO GET THERE Sabi Sand shares an unfenced border with the south-western section of the Kruger National Park. Daily scheduled flights operate from OR Tambo International in Johannesburg to the Sabi Sand airstrip.
rivate meals are often arranged in multiple venues, such as the meditation gardens, the unique day bar (seated in the pool) or on the lawns under starlit African skies. A celebration of place and of the senses, Earth Lodge is for discerning sybarites hunting down the perfect bushveld sojourn. For pampering, the Amani Spa offers holistic beauty treatments and massages, while the small gym gives a workout overlooking a waterhole. Game drives in open vehicles and guided bush walks – all led by dedicated, knowledgeable rangers – take guests through a wide variety of habitats for special sightings of the prolific game for which the area is renowned, whether it be lions preparing for their evening hunt or bush babies leaping from treetop to treetop. Back to nature really doesn’t come much better than this!
فال ُم�ؤن �شي ٌء... ال يمكن لل�ضيوف �أن يعي�شوا على جمال الت�صميم وحده،ومع ذلك االيرث لودج يتف ّوق في مطاردة، وهنا،حيوي ل�ضمان تجربة �سفاري غير م�سبوقة ٌ . الفهود مطاردة الحيوانات في مركبات مفتوحة �أوالم�شي جميعها بقيادة متخ�ص�صة من- الموجه في الأدغال ّ ت�أخذ ال�ضيوف في رحلة- قبل الحرا�س المتم ّر�سين لمجموعة وا�سعة من الموائل لم�شاهد خا�صة من مطاردة الحيوانات الوفيرة التي ت�شتهر بها المنطقة �سواء كان ذلك للأ�سود التي ت�ستعد لل�صيد الم�سائي، �أو الحيوانات الحديثي الوالدة الذين يقفزون من ال يمكن...�أعلى ال�شجرة �إلى �أعلى ال�شجرة الأخرى !للعودة �إلى الطبيعة �أن تكون �أف�ضل من ذلك حق ًا
38 .
SAFARI CAMP IN AFRICA Peace. It’s something so many of us seek amid the demands of modern-day living. We seek out a simpler world with a slower pace, where there is time to stop and soak up the beauty of our surroundings. To find space to breathe, and reconnect with ourselves, our family, our beloveds. To craft unforgettable memories in a timeless landscape that cares little for clocks or deadlines. That place is Zarafa Dhow Suites. 40 .
مخ ّيم السفاري المم ّيز واألكثر خضرة
. ا لسال م أمر هو غالبيتنا نبحث عنه في خضم متطلبات عالمنا نحن نبحث.الحديث عالم أبسط و أقل ٍ عن حيث يكون لدينا,سرعة الوقت واالستمتاع بجمال ما حولنا وايجاد مساحة للتنفس و إعادة التواصل مع أنفسنا وكذلك لنصنع...وعائالتنا و أحبائنا ذكريات ال تُ نسى في طبيعة دون ... ال تهتم بالساعات والمواعيد،زمن .”ذلك المكان هو أجنحة “زرافا دهاو
في افريقيا . 41
ال،زرافا الموجودة على الزاوية ال�شرقية النائية بمحم ّية �سيليندا الخا�صة �إنها مف�صولة عن العالم بوا�سطة...يمكن الو�صول �إليها �إال بالطائرات الخفيفة وهي �أبعد ما تكون عن الح�شود,قنوات مائية ومئات الكيلو مترات من البراري �إنها تقع في ما قد تكون, ولكن الأهم من كل ذلك.ال�صاخبة التي يمكن تخ ّيلها .�أكثر المناطق بر ّي ًة في كل افريقيا وتُ�شعل فواني�س, وتغرب ال�شم�س خلف مياه البحيرة الهادئة...وي�أتي الم�ساء مع مناديل... كل الجهود تُبذل هنا...االع�صار و تُقدم وجبة الع�شاء تحت النجوم . هكتار في بوتوا�سنا ال�شمالية وربما الكتان الأبي�ض و ك�ؤو�س الكري�ستال لجعلك تعي�ش تجربة ع�شاء فريدة من نوعها129,000 هي مال ٌذ بم�ساحة,محمية �سيليندا وهي قنا ٌة قديمة,الم�شهور �أكثر �أي�ض ًا بقناة ت�صريف المياه �سيليندا الرائعة .ت�صل دلتا �أوكافانغو بنهر لينيانتي لعل قناة ت�صريف �سيليندا ال�شهيرة واحدة من �أف�ضل الوجهات المق�صودة في الحياة لكن بحيرة زاباديانجا لها نف�س ال�شهرة ب�سبب قطعان الفيلة،البرية في افريقيا ب�صورة خا�صة في ف�صل الجفاف حيث �أنها واحدة من,بينما حفنة من المخ ّيمات الأخرى في محمية �سيليندا تقدم تجربة رفيعة من والجوامي�س التي تتجمع هنا فر�س النهر يحمي �أرا�ضيه و التما�سيح تجوب.أميال من حولها ٍ ف�إن خ�صو�صية �أجنحة زرافا دهاو – التي تُحجز فقط عن طريق �أهم موارد الماء ل,الحياة البرية ويقدم م�شاهدة... �إنه عال ٌم م�ص ّغر من �سيليندا. وت�ستوعب للمبيت �أربعة بالغين في �آنٍ واحدٍ – هذه القنوات للعثور على فري�سة غافلة،قواعد ا�ستعمال ح�صرية .الخ�صو�صية تَعدك بطريقة فريدة من نوعها الكت�شاف هذه البراري العذراء .رائعة على عتبة �أجنحة زرافا دهاو غرفتا النوم المزدوجتان الفخمتان.هذه بب�ساطة �أف�ضل منطقة برية في افريقيا مع عطر ال�سفاري الرائع الفواح من �سراويل,هما �أبرز معالم �أجنحة دهاو الم�سافرين و �شبكات النامو�س الرومان�سية التي تتم ّوج حول الأ�س ّرة الأربعة .المحفورة يدويا والمغطاة بمالءات الكتّان الأبي�ض الناعم
Pitched on the remote eastern edge of the private Selinda Reserve, Zarafa is only accessible by light aircraft. Cut off from the world by watery channels and hundreds of kilometres of wilderness, it is as far from the madding crowd as you could hope for. But more importantly, it is situated in what is perhaps the finest wilderness region in all of Africa. The Selinda Reserve, a 129 000-hectare sanctuary in northern Botswana, is perhaps most famous for the remarkable Selinda Spillway, an ancient channel that connects the Okavango Delta with the Linyanti River. Linyanti and Okavango are both iconic names in the annals of African wilderness destinations, but for those in the know Selinda easily takes its place alongside them. For Selinda is a secretive place, revealing its wonders only to those with the patience and tenacity to venture a little further from the beaten track, to leave the tourists behind and venture forth with the true safari travellers. While a handful of other camps in Selinda Game Reserve offer a superlative wildlife experience, the exclusivity of Zarafa Dhow Suites – booked solely on an exclusive-use basis and sleeping just four adults at a time – promises an entirely unique way to discover this immaculate wilderness. And perhaps the best place to start is with the destination’s unusual name. On the drive from the airstrip, the Zarafa rangers will no doubt regale you with the story of how the camp came by its curious moniker. 42 .
the Zarafa Dhow Suites offer a level of exclusivity rarely found in Africa It’s a strange old story involving a giraffe, a dhow and a lengthy journey down the Nile. When the Viceroy of Egypt decided to gift a Nubian giraffe to King Charles X of France in 1826, he quickly found that dhows most certainly weren’t built for giraffes. To accommodate Zarafa– meaning ‘beloved one’ – a hole was cut into the upper deck of the dhow to allow for her slender neck to protrude. A wonderful view for Zarafa, and no doubt the strangest sight ever seen on Africa’s famous waterway. . 43
the emphasis is on elegant simplicity and reviving the romance of the golden era of African safaris
Although cut from the same luxurious cloth as the acclaimed Zarafa Camp, the Zarafa Dhow Suites offer a level of exclusivity rarely found in Africa. Home to just two spacious bedrooms and a central lounge area, Zarafa Dhow is entirely set apart from the main camp, with a separate entrance guaranteeing perfect privacy for the handful of guests lucky enough to call Zarafa Dhow home. This secluded under-canvas escape also boasts its own retinue of staff: a private chef is always on hand to craft whatever your heart desires; while a dedicated guide ensures a superlative wildlife experience whether you prefer a bush walk in the cool light of dawn, or an afternoon boat excursion on the expansive Zibadianja Lagoon. This is, quite simply, your perfectly private slice of wildest Africa.The two opulent bedrooms are an absolute highlight of the Dhow Suites, with an echo of vintage safaris redolent in the elegant travellers’ trunks and romantic mosquito nets that billow down around the hand-carved fourposter beds swathed in crisp white linen.
There’s an unmistakable emphasis on space here too. Views rush in through floor-to-ceiling windows, while open plan bathrooms lead effortlessly off each master bedroom, separated by an enormous copper-domed indoor fireplace. Dramatic hardwood pillars frame the glorious copper shower, the water disappearing like rivulets of the Spillway through the wooden floor below. To one side, with superlative views out across the bushveld, a polished brass slipper bath simply begs for languid evenings soaking away the dust and adventure of a day in Africa. Don’t be surprised if you find the bath drawn and a bottle of bubbly on ice when you return from your afternoon game excursion. Bedroom suites spill out onto a spacious wooden deck shaded by an enormous tree, offering up spectacular views of the game-rich Zibadianja Lagoon. A plunge-pool takes the edge off searing Botswanan afternoons, with sun loungers providing the perfect spot for a lazy day watching the wilderness wander by. Elephant and buffalo often parade within metres of the deck, meaning even days spent relaxing in camp offer up a front-row seat to the best game-viewing Botswana has to offer. 44 .
Come evening, as the sun sets beyond the placid waters of the lagoon, the hurricane lanterns are lit and dinner is served beneath the stars. No effort is spared here, with white linen napery and crystal glasses ensuring an entirely decadent dining experience. While the bedroom suites and spacious deck are a highlight, it’s in the airy lounge that the ghosts of vintage safaris are most keenly felt. A giant leather Chesterfield looks out over the lagoon; a fine place to settle in with a bird book and pair of binoculars. Dramatic imagery of local wildlife offers inspiration and a reminder of what is to come, while a small library of African literature will tempt you to delve deeper into the history of this corner of the continent.
. 45
Elegant woven rugs add a touch of homeliness to the billowing canvas roof and endless views, while a cozy traveller’s table invites guests to spend languid hours trading tales from a day of adventure. Wooden trunks that the likes of Livingstone, Selous and Hemingway might have used sit to one side, a poignant reminder that the allure of Africa has long brought travellers here to journey through Selinda’s untouched wilderness. Throughout the camp the emphasis is on elegant simplicity and reviving the romance of the golden era of African safaris. An era when time travelled as slowly as the elephants meandering through the forests of jackal berry and mangosteens a stone’s throw beyond the canvas walls. An era when the modern world was yet to intrude on our deep connection to the wilderness. For aside from the irresistible luxury of the camp, that wilderness is the prime attraction of Zarafa Dhow Suites. Selinda’s famous spillway may be one of the best wildlife destinations in Africa, but the Zibadianja Lagoon is equally renowned for the vast herds of elephant and buffalo that gather here, particularly in the dry season when it is the most important water source for miles around. Pods of hippo defend their territory and crocodiles cruise the channels in search of unwary prey. It’s a microcosm of Selinda, offering incredible game viewing on the doorstep of Zarafa Dhow Suites. When water levels allow, your private guide will take you out on the water aboard the playfully named HES Zib.
46 .
Throughout the year, morning and afternoon game viewing can be enjoyed on a private open-air 4×4 vehicle, with your expert guide bringing the bushveld to life. For the energetic, guided walks offer an unforgettable close-up view of Selinda Game Reserve, and a chance to delve deeper into the remarkable ecosystem of this corner of Botswana. Zarafa Dhow itself forms part of that ecosystem, and enormous effort has been put into minimising the camp’s environmental impact. The Dhow Suites are constructed with a light ‘footprint’ on the surrounding bush, with a cutting-edge solar farm providing ecofriendly power throughout the day. Ultraviolet filtration of borehole water has eliminated the need for bottled water, while perhaps the most exciting innovation is the decision to run the camp’s fleet of game vehicles on a blend of eco-friendly biodiesel. Taken as a whole, it transforms Zarafa Dhow Suites into one of the ‘greenest’ safari camps in Africa, as well as perhaps the most exclusive.
HOW TO GET THERE The camp is only accessible by scheduled air transfers from Maun or private air charters. The road transfer from the airfield to camp is approximately one hour, including time for brief game viewing stops en route.
From its enviable position under a canopy of leadwood trees overlooking a game-rich waterhole and the open savanna of Madikwe Game Reserve, Jamala Madikwe combines the intimacy of an exclusive-use villa with all the luxuries of a boutique lodge. ،» «جماال ماديكوي،المميز الرائع تحت ظل أشجار الخشب العريقة لموقعها ّ ,محمية سافانا الماديكوي المفتوحة و بالمياه غنية محمية على تطل التي ّ .حميمية الفيال الخاصة مع كل كماليات الفندق العريق تجمع ّ
South African
Homecoming العودة للوطن في جنوب افريقيا
48 .
... �ضبعان بنيا اللون و وحيد قرنٍ �أ�سود في واحة جماال,"فج�أة يظهر ثالثة فهود " م�شاهدة مرك ّبة كهذه �ستكون غير معقولة في �أي...هنا ال بد للع�شاء �أن ينتظر . هكذا و�صف �أحد نزالء "جماال" الحديثين..."مكان �آخر هو مثا ٌل كال�سيكي لما يطلق عليه مالكه "رودني,نزل �سفاري "ماديكوي" الملكي . "�ستين" ا�سم النزل "�صوفا �سفاري
Playing host to just ten guests in five spacious suites, it offers intelligent, highly personal service and what has been voted the best safari cuisine on the continent. No wonder so many come back for more.
ً تقع، هكتار75,000 محمية "ماديكوي" الخالية من المالريا تمتد على م�ساحة من خالل,على حدود "بوت�سوانا" وتوفر واحدة من �أكثر البيئات تنوع ًا في القارة ال�سافانا التي ت�أخذ �شكل نبات الأقلقيا المنقط والتي تعر�ض منظر ًا نموذجي ًا من طبيعة الأرا�ضي االفريقية وفر�صة كبيرة لمراقبة حيوانات مهددة باالنقرا�ض كالفهد .والكلب البري
‘All of a sudden three leopards, two brown hyenas and a black rhino appeared at Jamala’s waterhole. Dinner had to wait…’ A combined sighting like this would be incredible anywhere, but this description, posted by a recent guest to Jamala Madikwe Royal Safari Lodge, is a classic example of what owner Rodney Steyn calls the lodge’s ‘sofa safari’. ‘Actually it was one of our guests who coined the phrase. He was sitting in the main lounge, looking at a group of zebra and buffalo make way for a huge herd of elephants,’ explains Steyn. ‘He just couldn’t believe it – that he could be witnessing such a show, without having to leave the comfort of the couch.’ . 49
Jamala’s waterhole – viewed from all five villas as well as the openplan lodge – is what is known in safari parlance as ‘productive’: a place where many species congregate in numbers to slake their thirst. If the aim of your safari is not only to see animals but also to mentally defrag, then you’ll appreciate the meditative experience of simply watching, slouched in deep cushions. Not that you’re confined to the sofas – you can spot what’s ambling up while lolling around on your huge four-poster bed, or cooling off in your very private plunge pool. Better still, from your private dining table, set up in Jamala’s newest venue, the aptly named Watchtower, a comfortably furnished thatched turret that grows out of the front deck, used for sundowners, romantic dinners and sleep-outs. ‘We get a lot of photographers coming to Jamala,’ Steyn explains, ‘and we thought an elevated platform overlooking the waterhole would provide them with an interesting vantage. The results have been amazing, particularly at those times of the day when the animals are reflected in the water. From up there you also get a real sense of how vast the reserve is.’ And vast it certainly is. Located right on the Botswana border, the 75,000-hectare malaria-free Madikwe Game Reserve offers one of the most diverse ecologies on the continent, its acacia-dotted savannas offering a typically African landscape, and a far greater chance of spotting endangered animals like cheetah and wild dog.
It’s not just the game viewing that is superb. Each Jamala villa is the size of a small house, with luxurious interiors incorporating a lounge with fireplace, and outdoor facilities that include an individual rimflow pool and sala, expansive wooden decks and a private outdoor shower.
50 .
But it’s the level of intimacy that really sets this lodge apart. Jamala must be the only lodge in Africa that offers this level of luxury (there’s even a spa, with a full time therapist) – for just five rooms.
. 51
HOW TO GET THERE فكل فيال في...لي�ست م�شاهدة المحمية هي وحدها المذهلة فح�سب �صغير مع ت�صاميم داخلية مترفة تتج�سد ٍ "جماال" تعادل حجم ٍ بيت في ردهة بداخلها موقد نار و مرافق خارجية تت�ضمن حو�ض �سباحة . و�أ�سطح خ�شبية ممتدة و حمام �شخ�صي خارجي,حافوي
Unique Air now flying three times weekly between Kruger and Madikwe – just a short charter hop from Maun to Gabarone, and then a hassle-free ninety-minute transfer by road to Jamala.hour drive by car from Johannesburg.
ال بد �أن.ولكن م�ستوى الحميم ّية هو ما يجعل هذا النزل فع ًال مميز ًا "جماال" هو النزل الوحيد في افريقيا الذي يقدم هذا الم�ستوى من مع اخت�صا�صي معالجة على,الرفاهية ( يوجد حتى منتجع عالجي .مدار ال�ساعة) – لتخديم خم�سة غرف فقط حائز على جائزة �أف�ضل مطبخ في افريقيا في جوائز ال�سفاري لعام �شركة �سياحية و وكالء �سفر و4000 (ح�سب ت�صويت �أكثر من2014 . الوجبات هنا فع ًال ال تُن�سى...)�صحفيين
.ال عجب �أن الزوار ال يمكنهم الإنتظار لحين العودة ثانية
We also appreciate Madikwe’s policy of limiting the number of beds in each concession. ‘It means that visitor numbers overall are strictly controlled, and the sense of escaping into the wilderness is never compromised. But mostly we just like offering a highly tailor-made experience,’ explains Steyn. That said, the interest and care is never intrusive or cloying. Staff clearly love working here, and the joy is contagious. You leave Jamala feeling lighter in every respect. Except perhaps, your waistline.
Recipient of the Best Safari Cuisine in Africa in the 2014 Safari Awards (based on the votes of more than 4000 vetted tour operators, travel agents and travel journalists), meals here are legendary. But then food has always been integral to the Jamala experience: executive chef Nico Verster, who helped design the lodge, is also the general manager – and the author of Savanna to Sea, a beautiful hardcover book featuring recipes developed during a decade of working in the most prestigious lodges in southern Africa. 52 .
Verster takes the dietary requirements of his guests very seriously, but for him this goes way beyond allergies or intolerances. ‘We like to design our menu daily around guests’ palates – they may be happy to eat red meat but much prefer beef to lamb, or be more inclined to vegetarian, or be more attuned to savoury than sweet. We get to know each guest’s preference, then source the best quality produce, prepare it simply and present it beautifully. Simplicity is key – to be innovative without overcomplicating things. But this level of flexibility and customising is only possible in a lodge this small. It’s very intimate.’
No wonder guests can’t wait to return. ‘About sixty percent of our visitors are repeats,’ says Verster. ‘They add new safari destinations to their itinerary but they keep Jamala. They say coming here feels like coming home.’
. 53
للطبيعة األم
Mother Nature
البري والسحر ّ
ً محد ً ً وخاصا داخل البرية العريقة دا جزءا في مخيم «ابو» الشاسع والذي يحتل ّ بفرصة فريدةٍ من نوعها كي يصبحوا ٍ من دلتا بوتواسنا أوكافانغو ,يتمتع الزوار ً جزءا من قطيع الفيلة األفريقية – رغم كل وسائل الراحة الفاخرة المتاحة في اإلقامة ,والمطاعم الفاخرة والخدمة من الدرجة األولى.
It’s all about the AND the wild magic of
At Abu Camp, part of a vast private concession within the pristine wilderness of Botswana’s Okavango Delta, guests have the unique opportunity to become part of an African elephant herd – though with all the creature comforts of luxury accommodation, fine dining and first-class service.
هنا في مخيم "ابو" في دلتا �أوكافانغو ،الواقع في جيب غاب ٍة نهر ٍي ٍة عريق ٍة في و�سط محمية خا�صة تمتد على 180,000هكتار ،نجد �أن الحفاظ على الفيلة هو �س ّر بقاءها .هذا المخيم الم�ؤلف من �ستة �أجنحة هو جز ٌء من المجموعة البرية لمخت�صي ال�سياحة البيئية الح�صرية ,كما و�ضحت ال�شركة� ,إذ �أن الحفاظ على التنوع البيولوجي في تلك الطبيعة يعتمد ب�شكل �أ�سا�سي على الثدييات الكبيرة الحجم .بينما في �أجزاء �أخرى من افريقيا ،نجد �أن عدد الفيلة يتناق�ص ب�سرعة نتيجة ال�صيد غير الم�شروع ,ولكن هنا في بوت�سوانا القطعان تزدهر.
. 55
54 .
HOW TO GET THERE Abu Camp is reached via a thirty-minute charter flight from Maun.
�إنه �أحد المخيمات القليلة في. تتع ّرف �إلى القطيع,حال و�صولك �إلى مخيم �أبو .افريقيا حيث ي�ستطيع الإن�سان �شخ�صيا التعامل مع هذه المخلوقات الح�سا�سة ت�ستطيع ال�سير معهم والتحدث �إليهم و�أي�ض ًا ر�صد ان�شطتهم المختلفة كاال�ستحمام و�أنماطهم, ب�إمكانك التعلم عن تاريخهم. والتدريب والعناية البيطرية,بالطين . وتركيبة �أ�سنانهم المعقدة و ذكائهم الذي ال ي�صدق,ال�سلوكية ...الفيلة قادرة على اختبار عواطف قوية و لديها ذاكرة �أف�ضل من ذاكرة الإن�سان وق�ضاء الوقت معها وم�شاهدة العجول تلعب و تتعامل مع الأم و�أفراد القطيع الأخرى .هي �إثارة كبيرة بح ّد ذاتها
Elephant boma, Abu Camp, 10pm. A thunderstorm lashes the Okavango Delta as Shirheni, one of Abu’s magnificent elephants, moves about in the throes of labour. She makes not a sound as her back legs bend low to the ground and the baby emerges in one fluid movement. Still covered in remnants of the amniotic sac, the elephant calf – encouraged by Shirheni – struggles to her feet. It’s a slippery challenge in the wet environment but soon she’s nuzzling and suckling her mother. Jagged flashes of lightning illuminate each moment as six other elephants rumble through the night, their intense low-frequency sounds spreading the glad tidings across the wilderness. Elephant boma, 5am. The clouds have fled. Those privileged to be in camp to witness the birth find the infant pachyderm curled up next to Abu, her six-yearold brother. Both are now fast asleep after the excitement of the previous night.
ي�ستطيعون،�أولئك الذين ي�سعون في الإنغما�س الأق�صى في حياة الفيلة االفريقية ... هنا.النوم تحت النجوم في �سرير ابو ال�ستار المطل على محمية الفيلة بوما الفيلة بخ�شخ�شتهم القانعة �سي�ساعدونك,بقاماتهم المن�صوبة والمرتفعة فوق الأر�ض وهل يوجد طريقة �أف�ضل للإ�ستمتاع بتجربة.. على النوم تحت مظلة من النجوم ال�سحر الب ّري للطبيعة الأم؟
Getting around is a jumbo effort for such a tiny baby, so her first attempt to leave the boma is short-lived. After just six steps she stumbles and has a twenty-minute nap. Then Shirheni gently wakes her and with the help of Cathy, the herd matriarch, nudges the baby out the gates, across the dry river bed, through a few muddy puddles and into the green bush. The calf ’s legs quiver and frequently give in but, each time they do, one of the other elephants lifts the little newcomer back on her feet again. They stroke her with their trunks, never letting her out of their sight. Who can witness such a sight and not feel humbled and awed? Here at Abu Camp in the Okavango Delta, in a pristine pocket of riverine forest in a vast private reserve of 180,000 hectares, elephant conservation is the raison d’etre. The six-suite camp is part of the exclusive portfolio of ecotourism specialists Wilderness Collection and, as the company explains, these largest of land mammals are a keystone species on whose conservation the existence of many other aspects of biodiversity depends. While in some parts of Africa elephant numbers are declining rapidly as a result of ivory poaching, here in Botswana herds are thriving. Shortly after arriving at Abu, you are introduced to the herd. It’s one of the only camps in Africa that allows you to get personal with these sentient beings. You walk with them and talk to them. You observe activities such as mud bathing, training and veterinary care. You learn about their history, their behavioural patterns, their complex dentistry and incredible intelligence. Elephants are capable of intense emotions and have memories that are better than ours. To spend time with them, as the calves play and interact with the matriarch and other herd members, is one of life’s greatest thrills.
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You also experience the surrounding bush from the back of an elephant.You get so much closer to wildlife, ambling across the delta as impala, kudu and waterbuck eye you from a distance and eagles ride the thermals overhead. The elephants’ silent gait holds a seductive rhythm broken only by the sound of a tree or shrub being uprooted. Guests who come to Abu never want to leave. Why would they? Six high, wide and airy ‘tents’ (luxury wooden structures with canvas sides) offer panoramic views over this lush African wilderness. Inside, there’s a vast bed draped in hand-sewn linen that wouldn’t look out of place in a sultan’s seraglio, an en suite bathroom complete with indoor and outdoor showers, a comfortable seating area and a stylish writing desk. Outside, there’s an elevated wooden deck sculpted around the large fig and jackalberry trees that shade the camp.
Ultimately, though, it’s the intangible things at Abu that entice visitors from around the world. It’s watching the sun rise over the elephant boma as the herd sways in anticipation of their morning trek. It’s the smell of wild sage and tawny grasses at sunset. It’s happening upon a journey of giraffe as you ride through the bush on the back of an elephant. It’s sharing the passion of the herd handlers for their precious pachyderms. And it’s the spiritual shift that spending time with these astounding animals brings. In the words of one guest: ‘Abu Camp is a gift from the Okavango Delta that keeps on giving long after you reclaim your luggage. It will live forever in your memory for all the right reasons, fill your conversations and tempt you back to witness the next chapter in a remarkable story.’
The main buildings that encompass the guest lounge and dining area are a similar blend of tiered decking, sweeping canvas and poles and, like the suites, provide a sense of oneness with nature. Their décor captures the local vernacular with hand-woven linens, seagrass chairs and hand-hewn wooden sculptures. Those seeking the ultimate immersion in the world of the African elephant can choose to sleep out under the stars, in Abu’s Star Bed overlooking the elephant boma. Here, raised high above the ground, their contented rumblings lull you to sleep beneath a canopy of stars. What better way to experience the wild magic of Mother Nature? Just because you’re in the Okavango Delta doesn’t mean you need compromise on food. Abu Camp’s chefs provide creative cuisine of the highest standard, usually served al fresco out on the deck.
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The valley of the ancients
وادي القدماء
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An enigmatic landscape, rich flora, rare fauna and the footprints of an ancient people whose memory lives on in the rock art they left behind, Sanbona Wildlife Reserve is one of Africa’s most remarkable wilderness areas. And Dwyka Tented Lodge offers the perfect secluded luxury from which to appreciate its rugged beauty.
إن محمية الحياة البرية سانبونا هي واحدة من أروع المساحات البرية في افريقيا بطبيعتها الغامضة وحياتها النباتية الغنية وحيواناتها النادرة إضافة إلى آثار أقدام الناس القدماء الذين حفروا ذكرياتهم وفنّ هم على األحجار .التي تركوها خلفهم والتي تعيش الى يومنا هذا
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the vast expanse of Sanbona supports a surprising array of wildlife
T Touching the earth lightly. It seems a strange concept in the Klein Karoo, the long valley between the Cape’s Swartberg and Outeniqua mountains, where semiarid hills introduce the lush fields of the Overberg to the dry plains of the Great Karoo.
It’s a hard land this – the Arizona of southern Africa. Temperatures soar in summer and plummet in winter; water is scarce and animals travel great distances to survive. And, while these rocky hills and gravelly plains appear as resilient as they do timeless, this is also a fragile land, where survival is a delicate balancing act. Disrupt that balance and the land is forever changed. Which is why the lodges of Sanbona Wildlife Reserve touch the earth so lightly. Old farmhouses have been restored, water is conserved, erosion is controlled and respect for the environment is paramount. No surprise then that all three of Sanbona’s luxurious lodges – Dwyka, Tilney Manor and Gondwana – were recently awarded the Green Leaf Environmental Standard in recognition of their continued efforts to make the reserve so eco-friendly. When run-down farms in the hills beyond Montagu came up for sale ten years ago, the Shamwari Group saw an opportunity to restore the land to the way it would have been in centuries past. Rusty fences were pulled down and the land was given the time and space it needed to recover. First antelope were slowly returned, then, in 2003, lion and cheetah hunted on the plains here for the first time in three centuries. It was a remarkable transformation for a landscape that was once on the verge of collapse.
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A three-hour drive from Cape Town, Sanbona boasts 54,000 hectares of undulating mountains and plains, indigenous flora and fauna, rock formations and rock art. It’s a member of the Shamwari Group, a private collection of award-winning five-star game reserves in southern Africa.
These empty plains have a long history worth conserving, and on cave walls throughout the reserve you’ll find the rock art of the ancient San people daubed on the pink sandstone in paint of blood and ochre. Their paintings tell of hunts and game animals, visions and ceremony. Some of them date back more than 7000 years, and while many are carefully documented, others have yet to be explored. These ancient nomads are also remembered in the very name of the reserve: ‘Sanbona’, meaning the ‘vision of the San’, honours the huntergatherers that were the first to call these lands home. And what a vision it is. Just over a three-hour drive from Cape Town, and just off Route 62, Sanbona stretches across 54,000 hectares, making it one of the largest private reserves in southern Africa. Thanks to careful management of this fragile ecosystem, the vast expanse of Sanbona supports a surprising array of wildlife. Apart being one of the few Western Cape reserves to conserve free-roaming big five, Sanbona also boasts rarities such as the riverine rabbit, one of the world’s most endangered mammals. And in the bright Karoo skies over 200 species of bird are found, with everything from resilient sand grouse to majestic Verreaux’s eagle waiting to be ticked off your twitching list.
ويوفر كوخ التخييم دويكا الرفاهية الرائعة المنعزلة التي تجعلنا نث ّمن ب�شكل �أكبر .جمال الطبيعة الخ�شنة التي تحيط به ف�إن �سانبونا ال�شا�سعة,وبف�ضل الإدارة الحذرة لهذا النظام الإيكولوجي اله�ش عدا عن كونها �إحدى المحميات القليلة.ت�أوي ف�صائل نادرة من الحيوانات البرية ف�إن �سانبونا تفتخر بحيواناتها,في الخليج الغربي التي تحفظ التجوال الحر و في �سماء. �أحد �أكثر الثدييات المهددة بالإنقرا�ض،النادرة مثل الأرنب النهري التي تتراوح بين طيور,الكارو الم�شرقة هناك �أكثر من مئتي �صنف من الع�صافير جميعها �ستكون ب�إنتظارك...الطيهوج الرملية المرنة �إلى العقاب الأ�سود الملوكي .لم�شاهدتها ومن الم�ش ّوق دائم ًا م�شاهدة الأ�سود البي�ضاء القوية في البرية ولكن في �سانبونا �أ�سود تيمبافاتي, هنا.يجب عليك �أن ال تنده�ش في حال ر�أيت �أ�شياء غريبة وهذا جز ًء من الم�شاريع الرائدة,البي�ضاء ال�شهيرة تطارد ع�صافير الكارو �أي�ض ًا من الأ�سود الحاملة،في التنا�سل للمحافظة على مجموعة متناق�صة في العالم وكانت هذه الم�شاريع ناجعة �إذ �أ�سفرت عن والدة �أربعة.لهذه المورثات النادرة اثنان منهما غالب ًا ما,�أ�شبال �أ�سود بي�ضاء في اخر ال�سنة الفائتة في المحمية .ي�شاهدان يتجوالن بالكثير من الكبرياء . 61
And it’s a breeding project that’s paying off, with four rare white lion cubs born on the reserve late last year, two of which are often seen gambolling with the pride. While close-up encounters and the opportunity to track wildlife on foot are sure to set your pulse racing, the real joy of Sanbona is in the details, as highly trained rangers bring the sparse Karoo to life, shining a light on the intricate ecosystems that hold this land together. For the landscape is as much of an attraction as the game.
The Western Cape is famous for its profusion of flora, and even in these dry hills there are more than 600 species of plants spread across a number of floral kingdoms. Kingdoms you’ll have all to yourself. During a day spent discovering Sanbona’s secrets you’ll rarely see another vehicle, and as night falls around your sundowner stop it brings a Karoo silence so deep it’ll set your ears ringing.
On terra firma, fleet-footed klipspringer hide on the sandstone cliffs while the lush grasses along the river lines attract the snuffling white rhino. Elephant roam far and wide in search of grazing, as content giraffe nibble on the thickets of thorny acacia. And out on the wideopen plains springbok, duiker and other antelope thrive, providing prey for the cheetah and lion that prowl here.
The powerful tawny lions are always a thrill to see in the wild, but at Sanbona you shouldn’t be surprised if you think your eyes are playing tricks. Here, the famous white lions of the Timbavati stalk the Karoo scrub too, part of a landmark breeding project to sustain the world’s diminishing collection of lions carrying this rare gene. 62 .
وحتى في هذه التالل,الخليج الغربي له �شهرة كبيرة في غزارة الحياة النباتية �صنف من النباتات المنت�شرة عبر عدد من الممالك600 الجافة يوجد �أكثر من و�أثناء ق�ضاء يوم في اكت�شاف �أ�سرار �سانبونا فمن النادر. ممالك لك وحدك.النباتية توقف.. وعند حلول الليل حول مظلتك الحامية من ال�شم�س,�أن ترى مركب ٌة �أخرى . العميق جدا بحيث يجعل �أذنيك في طنين دائم...وت�أمل �صمت الكارو هذا ف�إن موقد الحطب الجاف,وعند م�شاركة المتجولين ق�ص�ص تراث �سانبونا الغنية ال�سانبونيون اعتقدوا �أن.يبعث واب ًال من ال�شرر في �سماء الكارو ليختلط بالنجوم وهي �أ�سا�سها جم ٌر يرمى الى ال�سماء,الرماد من نا ٍر مثل هذه هوالذي �ش ّكل النجوم ف�إن, مع ر�سوماتهم على ال�صخور و ذكرياتهم في التربة.الليلية من قبل فتاة عنيد ٍة لكن هنا ب�صورة,ق�ص�ص – ور�ؤى – ال�سانبونيين موجودة في كل مكان في �سانبونا . في وادي القدماء,خا�صة
These rocks were laid down in an ice age some 250 million years ago, but their tented onlookers offer a touch of decidedly modern luxury. Easily the most stylish accommodation on Sanbona, just nine canvas-covered suites make up Dwyka Tented Lodge. With each suite carefully positioned to ensure the utmost privacy, the décor echoes the empty skies and craggy cliff-face above the dry riverbed. Walls of rough hewn stone frame king size beds, while lofty canvas roofs offer a sense of airiness and space.
It’s an idyllic destination for honeymooners seeking little more than tranquillity and each other’s company You’ll feel the true meaning of relaxation as the crimson sun dips behind the distant Anysberg. But you’ll also savour the tingle of excitement that comes from the knowledge that wild leopard still roam those very hills. As the evening star rises, the hoot of a spotted eagle owl setting off on its nightly hunt is the cue to return to your own comfortable nest. While three lodges are discreetly hidden away across Sanbona, it is Dwyka Tented Lodge that offers the most dramatic location. Strung out along the horseshoe bend of a dry river, the luxurious tented suites overlook a spectacular vision of their namesake: towering cliffs of folded sandstone belonging to the Dwyka group.
There’s an understated sense of Nordic style here, in the sleek wooden finishes and spacious bathroom that spills out onto a secluded wooden deck. And while the riverbed may be dry, your private plunge pool is always sparkling, offering a welcome respite from the summer heat. In winter, under-floor heating keeps your suite cosy, as does fine percale linen and vintage camp chairs that beg for lazy mornings and languid afternoons.
It’s an idyllic destination for honeymooners seeking little more than tranquillity and each other’s company, but for more sociable guests the main lodge building is the welcoming heart of Dwyka. Here, on a small hill above the suites, the wood, stone and canvas inspiration continues, offset by splashes of green from the manicured indigenous gardens that surround the lodge. As rangers share the stories of the San’s rich heritage, the dry firewood sends a shower of sparks up into a Karoo sky washed with stars. The San believed it was ashes from a fire such as this that formed those stars, cinders thrown into the night sky by a headstrong young girl. With their paintings on the rocks and memories in the soil, the stories – and visions – of the San are everywhere at Sanbona, but especially here, in the valley of the ancients. . 63
The big five
AND romantic African elegance
مدمر تحولت شيتوا حريق بعد ّ ٍ شيتوا بتصميمها الداخلي الرائع هادئة ٍ كلوحة ٍ ، مالذ فاخ ٍر ٍ إلى من األشكال الطبيعية والمعدنية التي تعكس القوام واألشكال واأللوان المتنوعة لواحة األدغال . بوشفيلد...المحيطة
Originally the private retreat of owners Charl and Maria Brink, Chitwa Chitwa in the Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve combines the thrill of big-five game viewing with a thoroughly luxurious yet unpretentious lodge experience. The lodge was named after an old giraffe bull, resident in the area when the Brink family first arrived here some forty years ago. Passionate about the bushveld in all its moods, the Brinks had the opportunity to reinvent their beloved lodge after a fire destroyed part of it two years ago.
Transformed into a luxurious retreat after a devastating fire, Chitwa Chitwa’s designer interiors, in a soothing palette of natural and metallic hues, reflect the varied textures, shapes and colours of the surrounding bushveld. 64 .
Grounded firmly in an African bushveld aesthetic, the spacious new-look interiors reflect the endless colours, textures and forms of the landscape. Gnarled tree trunks, some of them salvaged from the fire, have been refashioned into tables or cleverly integrated into the overall design. Sumptuous fabrics in a natural palette are complemented by bold artworks, including large canvasses by Maria Brink and original photography, while elegant antique furniture is juxtaposed against contemporary statement pieces. Natural stonework, thatch, wood and glass create the perfect foil for the designer decor.
الحيوانات الخمسة الكبار
ورومانسية األناقة األفريقية . 65
HOW TO GET THERE Chitwa Chitwa is situated on the banks of one of the largest perennial lakes in the 63,000-hectare Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, which forms part of the greater Kruger National Park. The lodge is easily accessible by air from OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg (flying time approximately one and a half hours). It is a five-hour drive by car from Johannesburg.
تجد �أد ّلة �سياحيين م�ؤهلين ت�أهيال،خارج المخيم ،عاليا ومتتّبعين لن�شاطات المحمية مرتين يوميا بما في ذلك الجوالت بال�سيارات والم�شي في الغابة �سابي �ساند هي فريدة من.واف لما تراه ٍ �شرح ٍ مع نوعها في قدرتها على تقديم م�شاهدة �آمنة لأكبر .حيوانات �أخرى ناهيك عن انت�شار،خم�سة حيوانات ٍ ت�شتهر المنطقة بم�شاهد وافرة،على وجه الخ�صو�ص .للنمرة
�شيتوا �شيتوا هي واحدة من العقارات الفخمة القليلة في �سابي �ساند التي ترحب بالأطفال من جميع وتقدم التجارب البيئية المتخ�ص�صة �شيتوا.الأعمار حيث يمكن للأطفال الأكبر �سنا اكت�ساب،للأطفال المهارات الأ�سا�سية في الأدغال وتعلم كيفية مطاردة هناك الكثير من، بالعودة �إلى المخ ّيم. الحيوانات من الر�سم على الوجوه...الأن�شطة المليئة بالمرح .والخبز للحكايات ال�شعبية الأفريقية حول النار
Each of the eight guest suites leads on to a shaded deck with a private pool overlooking what is arguably the biggest perennial lake in Sabi Sand. What a rare pleasure to take a dip in your own pool while watching hippo and elephants bathing close by in theirs. It’s surely the ultimate spot for armchair game viewing, as a seemingly endless parade of animals comes to drink or bathe at different times of the day. Outside of camp, highly qualified guides and trackers lead twice-daily game activities, including drives and interpretative bush walks. The Sabi Sand is unique in its ability to deliver reliable big five viewing, not to mention a proliferation of other animals. In particular, the area is renowned for its prolific leopard sightings.
Chitwa Chitwa is one of the few luxury properties in Sabi Sand that welcomes children of all ages. It offers specialised Chitwa Children EcoExperiences, where older kids can gain basic bush skills and learn to track. Back in camp, there are loads of fun-filled activities, from face painting and baking to African folk tales around the fire. In response to the growing trend in luxury travel for optimum privacy and flexibility while on safari, especially among families, Chitwa House was conceived as a fully equipped home away from home.This residence has two suites with private outdoor showers, and a series of generously proportioned private spaces for relaxation, dining and game viewing, all flowing out onto a shady deck with a rim-flow pool. Best of all, it comes with a butler service, a 4x4 vehicle and your own ranger and tracker. In between game activities, there is time aplenty to relax with a good book, enjoy a massage or indulge in a good meal. The food is essentially pan-African in style and what better way to end the day than with dinner served in a lantern-lit boma beneath a star-spangled sky?
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المق�صورات الداخلية الرحبة والمعا�صرة ل�شيتوا المتواجدة في اللوحة الجمالية وقوام، تعك�س الألوان التي ال نهاية لها،الأفريقية الرا�سخة في قلب البو�شفيلد بع�ضها ّتم �إنقاذها... جذوع الأ�شجار ال�شر�سة.و�أ�شكال المناظر الطبيعية المحيطة . �أُعيد ت�شكيلها على �شكل طاوالت �أو دُمجت بذكاء في الت�صميم العام،من النار �سطح مظ ّل ٍل مع بركة �سباحة خا�صة تطل ٍ كل واحد من الأجنحة الثمانية ي�ؤدي �إلى كم هي متعة نادرة �أن.على ما يمكن الجزم ب�أنها �أكبر بحيرة دائمة في �سابي �ساند تغط�س في حمام ال�سباحة الخا�ص بك �أثناء م�شاهدة فر�س النهر والفيلة ت�ستحم انه بالت�أكيد �أف�ضل مكان للجلو�س في مقعدك الوثير.قريبة منك في حو�ضها الخا�ص لم�شاهدة المحم ّية ور�ؤية موكب ال يبدو له نهاية من الحيوانات التي ت�أتي لل�شرب �أو .اال�ستحمام في �أوقات مختلفة من اليوم . 67
Africa House at Royal Malewane
Soul Africa OF
Conceived as a private family retreat for the owners, it offers complete privacy. This exquisitely decorated, exclusive-use residence is now available to families or intimate groups who want to indulge in the safari holiday of a lifetime. When the owners of Royal Malewane, Liz and Phil Biden, transformed their private safari retreat into a romantic, colonial lodge straight out of Karen Blixen’s Africa, it was such a success that there was never any room for the family to stay. Royal Malewane fast became the kind of exclusive retreat favoured by high profile, international celebrities who appreciate the extreme privacy, breathtaking surroundings and excellent game viewing on offer. The service is gracious, personal and from the heart. Guests have access to a sophisticated spa with a half-Olympic-sized lap pool. Hydrotherapy treatments using untainted, mineralrich water sourced from an underground stream are a high point.
هذا.يعتبر كمالذٍ عائلي خا�ص من وجهة نظر المالكين حيث يوفر خ�صو�صية تامة ال�سكن المزين الرائع ذي اال�ستخدام المميز هو الآن متاح للعائالت �أو المجموعات .الحميمية اللذين يريدون ا�شباع رغباتهم في �إجازة �سفاري فريدة من نوعها
الزوار لديهم الإذن بالدخول الى منتجع.الخدمة كريمة �شخ�صية و نابعة من القلب ً Liz jokingly says when her children started complaining that �أي�ضا لديهم الفر�صة للمعالجة.عالي الجودة مع بركة �سباحة بحجم ن�صف �أوليمبي she had turned all their homes into hotels it was time to build .المائية با�ستعمال ماء غير ملوث غني بالمعادن م�صدره نبع باطني في جوف الأر�ض Africa House, a family retreat with six spacious, private suites located not far from the main lodge and spa. Before long, demand for an exclusive-use residence at Royal Malewane led to the opening of Africa House to paying guests. The house comes with a game-drive vehicle, ranger, tracker, chef and housekeeping staff.
روح افريقيا البيت االفريقي في «ماليواني» الملكي
Effortlessly stylish and utterly luxurious, Africa House is the most recent addition to Royal Malewane, an exclusive safari lodge located in Thornybush Game Reserve on the western fringe of the Kruger National Park.
تبد�أ مغامرتك الب�صرية منذ لحظة دخولك عبر �أبواب البيت االفريقي الخ�شبية ... المنحوتة العمالقة .وربما �أن االنجاز الأكبر هو �أن الغرف مريحة جدا باال�ضافة �إلى جمالها ال ّأخاذ ابتداء ًا من غرف النوم ، المزينة فرديا في الأجنحة ٍّ كل منها مع حمام في الهواء ً مرورا ب�سل�سلة من،الطلق الأماكن الخارجية و الداخلية ...لتناول الطعام و المعي�شة �إنها مناطق مخ�ص�صة .و مجهزة للمعي�شة فيها اال�ستمتاع بالهواء الطلق ,ووجود ال�شرفات المغطاة والم�ساكن ال�صغيرة التي تت�ضمن �أ�س ّرة نهارية افريقية و بركة �سباحة كبيرة جميعها تدعو �إلى اال�سترخاء والراحة من الحرارة المحيطة التي .تلف المكان
هو أحدث إضافة لنزل،«البيت االفريقي» بأناقته الطبيعية وفخامته الكاملة سفاري حصري يقع في محمية «ثورني بوش» على،«ماليواني» الملكي .الطرف الغربي من حديقة «كروجر» الوطنية
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From the moment you enter the enormous, carved wooden doors at the entrance to Africa House, the visual adventure begins.
The interiors – each room dominated by vibrant colour and a treasure trove of eye-catching furniture – were inspired by the owners’ enduring passion for Africa and its diverse landscapes. It’s an exotic blend of the warm earthiness of the bush and the tropical lushness of the East African coast. There is something too of North Africa in the simplicity of its architecture and the way in which the exterior blends quietly into the surrounding bush.
The house was built around a collection of holiday finds from Lamu, a tiny island steeped in slave-trade history off the Kenyan coast. Carved wooden windows and doors add an ancient provenance to the lavishly layered and detailed interiors. Ornate four-poster beds from Mombasa are ensconced in billowing mosquito netting and dressed in Ralph Lauren linen, and ornamental vases and Chinese lamps, botanical prints and antique candlesticks sourced from France are just a few of the elements pulled together so successfully. Liz Biden has a razorsharp eye for scale, proportion and detailing. Perhaps the biggest achievement of all is that the rooms, while beautiful to behold, are immensely comfortable. From the individually decorated en-suite bedrooms, each with alfresco shower, to the series of indoor and outdoor living and dining areas, these are spaces designed to be lived in. Outdoors, covered verandas, casitas with African day beds and an infinity pool invite cool respite from the enveloping heat.
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In the clear air of the state of the art sauna a lady can find the optimum environment to receive the benefits of increased circulation to the skin and improved cardiovascular health. The state of the art steam room creates an optimum environment for hydrating the skin and freeing up respiration to speed up recovery from the previous workout. The detoxifying aspect is to be taken into consideration which leaves the skin in perfectly healthy condition. Needless to say, that nothing has to be worried about, the first class service provides it all. Ladies are encouraged to leave their work-out clothes with Jade’s professional laundry service between visits and upon return find them freshly laundered and ready for the next work-out. Reducing fat and becoming slimmer is almost every lady’s dream – especially in specific areas of the body. Jade offers the highly popular 3D Lipo — Fat reduction, skin tightening and anti cellulite system. With a combination of the 3D Lipo treatments and one or two Cryotherapy (fat freezing) sessions ladies can expect dramatic results without going under the knife. An easy, efficient and non- invasive fat reduction technology. Another tool is used by incorporating Bi and Tri-polar Radio Frequency, LED and Vacuum Suction as well as Ultrasonic Cavitation. The Trio iShape™ is the most comprehensive system to help slim, tighten, eliminate fat, and reduce cellulite. After a training, treatment or sauna and steam, a blow dry at the inhouse hair salon is the perfect ending of a journey before you leave Jade Qatar rejuvenated, and glowing with health and beauty. You could surely not think of a better way to look fabulous!
Become as lustrous aS
Imagined for the exclusive use of only 100 Qatari ladies, Jade is a precious sanctuary in which to nurture the finest version of yourself. Personal and bespoke programmes have been created by world class trainers to optimise health and fitness. A generous range of services, unique in Qatar, are all specifically designed in this premier luxury well-being club for the needs of Jade’s Qatari female only members.
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The team at Jade worked hard to bring cutting edge technology and techniques to their exclusive members to help them to realise their energy, strength and beauty – and how could it not be for such elite customers - in palatial surroundings. All female personal training team must meet out rigorous selections procedure with no less than ten years’ experience and a bachelor degree in a sports science. Every member’s personal, bespoke program includes three personal training sessions, created especially and exclusively to optimise health-giving benefits and using the latest in body sculpting technology while seamlessly fitting into the ladies’ social calendar.
The strongest of the gemstones, giver of energy and beauty it is found in a spectrum of varieties and colours, each piece unique. The finest Jades are exceptionally rare and tremendously precious.
100 «جيد» هو المالذ الراقي لالستخدام الحصري لـ حيث ستبدعين،القطريات السيدات سيدة فقط من ّ ّ ّ ومفصلة تم شخصية برامج...في اكتشاف نفسك ّ ّ مدربين من الطراز العالمي لتحسين إنشاؤها من قبل ّ ومجموعة وفيرة وفريدة من،الصحة واللياقة البدنية تم تصميمه ّ الخدمات االستثنائية في ّ كل ذلك...قطر ً .خصيصا لتلبية احتياجات اإلناث القطريات األعضاء فقط
تمتّ عي بالبريق على طراز
فريق العمل في "جيد " تفانى حق ًا في �إدخال التكنولوجيا المتط ّورة والتقن ّيات المعا�صرة لأع�ضائه ح�صر ّي ًا من �أجل م�ساعدتهن على تحقيق لياقتهن وق ّوتهن يتم ذلك لتلك النخبة – والمكان يقع في محيط ّ وكيف يمكن �أن ال- وجمالهن وخا�ص ًة في- ٍ الح ّد من الدهون وتخفيف الوزن هو حلم كل ال�س ّيدات على الأغلب .ملوكي فخم ٍّ ٍ المعروفة ل�شفط الدهون و �ش ّد الجلد3D يقدّم جيد تقنية.مناطق مع ّينة من الج�سم 3D وهناك �أي�ض ًا جل�سات تتك ّون من مزيج من العالجات.ونظام مكافحة ال�سيلوليت ك ّل ذلك... )للدهون وواحد �أو اثنين من عالج "كر ّيو" بالتبريد (تجميد الدهون �إنها و�سيل ٌة �سهل ٌة وفعال ٌة.يجعلك تتوقعين نتائج مذهلة من دون االتع ّر�ض للجراحة .ومو�ضع ّي ٌة للح ّد من الدهون . 73
The undiluted essence of cell vitality
Armin Mattli, a well-known philanthropist and firm believer in the multiple benefits of cellular therapy, funded cellular research, achieving results recognised worldwide. His team of world-renowned scientists revolutionised cellular technology at his famous anti-ageing clinic in Montreux, Iridium Spa at the new St Regis Dubai offers these signature facials Switzerland. which are deigned to make you look timeless (forever, I wish). From Simultaneously, his team developed the first cellular cosmetics line in the world. Gregor Mattli, his son, inherited his pioneering spirit and relentlessly sought to perfect the findings of his father in the field of cellular cosmetics. During the quest for the perfect cell, a general ideological change directed the focus of his team on plant cells. Worldwide research finally led to a discovery near Montreux where this ground-breaking journey started.
their range of four different facials, I have chosen one which seems perfect for me: the timeless iris root facial for ultimate anti-ageing. Swiss Perfection with cellular active IRISA is an exclusive compound obtained by a secret and unique extraction process from the iris germanica root. I wondered how the researcher discovered it in one of thousands of flowers and plants.The answer was given to me by Gregor Mattli himself.
A researcher in Switzerland noticed that in harsh weather conditions all flowers died but the iris germanica. So how was this used and how does the whole process work? The intact root cells of the flower are first isolated, then submitted to a micronisation to ensure the assimilation of their principal active ingredients into the skin. Cellular active IRISA is high in enzymes and proteins that accelerate the regeneration of the skin cells, enhancing the skin’s natural renewal progress and providing it with essential nutrients and superb hydration. In a world filled with pollution, that is what we all need.
الجوهر الكامل لحيوية الخليّة
العالمة التجارية للمنتج الخليوي تم الك�شف عن خل ّية ذي ت�أثير متم ّيز لمكافحة ال�شيخوخة في هذا الإنجاز العلمي ك ّمل الدائرة.جذر وردة القزحية جرمانيكا الثانية من المنتجات الثورية من هذه العائلة الرائدة في مجال الخاليا و�أ�سفر عن �إنتاج خط م�ستح�ضرات التجميل الخليوية ال�سوي�س برفك�شن مع القزحية الخليوية: النباتية بالكامل .الن�شطة ايريزا
During this most innovative of rejuvenating treatment with a trained Swiss Perfection therapist, I learn that the product regenerates the skin’s structure and thus rejuvenates the skin tissue with immediate visible benefits and outstanding long-term results. I am told that the treatment activates my own collagen and elastin production which is started in the ninety-minute facial by using electrons made of gold. Before I step out of Iridium Spa to go to afternoon tea, I look in the mirror and I must admit to seeing a new me. For more info about Swiss Perfection go to:
A cell with superior and anti-ageing effect was revealed in the root of the iris germanica. The scientific breakthrough completed the second circle of revolutionary products from this family of cellular pioneers and gave birth to the perfect vegetal cellular cosmetic line: Swiss Perfection with cellular active IRISA. My personal experience I had heard that Swiss Perfection cellular skin care offers a unique solution for healthy and radiant skin as well as a cutting-edge anti-ageing action and was known for its extraordinary effects on mature skin by reducing the signs of time (as well as on younger skin by preventing premature ageing). So I decided to try one of these fabulous treatments that makes a visible difference in less than two hours. 74 .
Iridium Spa, St Regis Dubai . 75
Rotonde de Cartier watch Day/Night retrograde Moon Phases calibre 9912 MC Case: rhodium-finish 18-carat white gold Diameter: 40 mm Bezel: rhodium-finish 18-carat white gold set with 68 brilliant-cut diamonds Crown: beaded, set with a diamond Dial: rhodium-finish 18-carat white gold set with 118 brilliant-cut diamonds and with 28 blue sapphires Minutes hand: sword-shaped in rhodium-finish steel Retrograde Moon Phases hand: Moon-shaped in rhodium-finish steel Strap: dark blue alligator skin Buckle: double adjustable folding clasp in 18-carat white gold set with 43 diamonds Crystal and case back: sapphire Case thickness: 12.16 mm Water resistance: 3 bar (~30 metres
Tourbillon Mystérieux Azuré pendant watch White gold, one 25.93-carat ovalshaped Ceylon sapphire, diamonds, sapphires, onyx. Unique piece.
Mechanical Legends Crash Skeleton watch calibre 9618 MC Case: 18-carat pink gold Dimensions: 28.15 x 45.32 mm Crown: beaded set with a blue sapphire cabochon Hands: sword-shaped in blued steel Strap: grey alligator skin Buckle: double adjustable folding clasp in 18-carat pink gold Crystal: mineral glass Case back: sapphire Case thickness: 9.62 mm Water resistance: 3 bar (~30 metres) Limited series of 67 numbered pieces
CARTIER Fine Watchmaking and High Jewellery
Panthère Mystérieuse pendant watch White gold, agate, diamond, onyx, obsidian, emerald eye. Unique piece.
Fine Watchmaking and High Jewellery: the confluence of Cartier’s two founding fields will be the highlight of the 2016 edition of the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie. A unique creative partnership has thus been initiated between High Jewellery, with all the flamboyance of its gemstones, the power of its style and the expertise of its craft, and Fine Watchmaking, with its attention to detail and its emblematic watches and complications. With a focus on thirteen distinctive creations and two new collections, traditional definitions have been shaken up inthe celebration of a new multi-faceted expertise that combines High Jewellery and Fine Watchmaking. The mysterious has extended its magic beyond the limits of imagination, blurring previously finite boundaries in an exploration of new creative territories. The force of Cartier’s watchmaking expertise can be measured by the depth of the emotion it inspires.
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Dragon Mystérieux watch White gold, one 23.77-carat cushion-shaped fire opal, diamond, coral, onyx, emerald eyes. Unique piece.
Panthère Mystérieuse watch Mysterious Hour calibre 9981 MC Case: rhodium-finish 18-carat white gold and black lacquer, set with 8 brilliant-cut diamonds Diameter: 40 mm Crown: set with 37 brilliant-cut diamonds Panther: rhodium-finish 18-carat white gold set with 533 brilliant-cut diamonds, eyes set with two pear-shaped emeralds Hands: sword-shaped in rhodium-finish steel Strap: black alligator skin Buckle: double adjustable clasp in rhodium-finish 18-carat white gold set with 43 brilliant-cut diamonds Crystal and case back: sapphire Case thickness: 8.50 mm Water resistance: 3 bar (~30 metres) Also available with a gem-set bracelet
Panthères et Colibri watch On demand power reserve calibre 9915 MC Case: rhodium-finish 18-carat white gold set with 314 brilliant-cut diamonds Diameter: 42.75 mm Crown: beaded, set with a diamond Dial: rhodium-finish 18-carat white gold set with 11 brilliant-cut diamonds Panther motif: rhodium-finish 18-carat white gold set with 270 brilliant-cut diamonds, eye consisting of a pear-shaped emerald, spots in black lacquer Hands: sword-shaped in gilded steel Strap: black alligator skin Buckle: double adjustable folding clasp in rhodiumfinish 18-carat white gold set with 43 brilliant-cut diamonds Crystal and case back: sapphire Case thickness: 11.40 mm Water resistance: 3 bar (~30 metres) Also available with a gem-set bracelet
Ballon Bleu de Cartier watch Enamel granulation with panther motif calibre 049 Case: 18-carat yellow gold set with 124 brilliant-cut diamonds Diameter: 42 mm Crown: fluted, 18-carat yellow gold, set with a sapphire cabochon Dial: 22-carat yellow gold, enamel granulation with panther motif Hands: sword-shaped in gilded steel Strap: dark blue alligator skin Buckle: double adjustable folding, 18-carat yellow gold, set with 43 brilliant-cut diamonds Crystal: sapphire Case thickness: 14.35 mm Water resistance: 3 bar (~30 metres) Limited series of 30 individually numbered pieces
Rings of Saturn motif watch White gold, diamonds, black jade. Unique piece
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Chopard at the
Paris Haute Couture Week
Celebrating the finest savoir-faire in
Haute Couture and Haute Joaillerie
Chopard and
co-hosted a dinner for 150 illustrious guests, including Uma Thurman, Isabeli Fontana and Arizona Muse with a special performance by Rita Ora at The Peninsula Paris.
A year after joining the Fédération Française de la Couture in January 2015 as a Jewellery member, Chopard has been showcasing its latest Haute Joaillerie creations as part of the Paris Haute Couture week.The highlight of this presentation are two cuff bracelets and a stunning necklace made of titanium and set with multicoloured gemstones. Chopard also unveiled three new extraordinary rings from the Fleur d’Opales capsule collection.
بعد عام من انضمامه إلى االتحاد الفرنسي لألزياء الراقية (هوت كوتور) في كعضو في عالم2015 يناير بدأ شوبارد،المجوهرات بعرض أحدث مجموعة من كجزء من،إبداعاته للمجوهرات .أسبوع باريس لألزياء الراقية حجر األساس في هذا العام كان عبارة عن إسورتين صلبتين وقالدة مذهلة مصنوعة من التيتانيوم مع مجموعة من األحجار كما كشف.الكريمة المتعددة األلوان شوبارد عن ثالثة خواتم استثنائية جديدة من مجموعة كبسولة وردة .االوبال
EARRINGS in 18ct white gold set with two carved jadeites (45cts), pear-shaped emeralds (3.5cts) and diamonds.
NECKLACE in 18ct white gold and titanium set with fancy-cut sapphires, fancy-cut amethysts, fancy-cut rubellites, fancy-cut rubies, fancy-cut tanzanites and Paraiba tourmalines and adorned with a 14ct pear-shaped tanzanite. CUFF BRACELET in 18ct white gold and titanium adorned with seven oval-cut amethysts (104cts), fancy-cut amethysts (28cts), fancy-cut sapphires (18cts), pear-shaped and brilliant-cut Paraiba tourmalines (12cts), pear-shaped emeralds (10cts) and diamonds.
Temptations ring in 18ct rose gold set with a 55ct oval-cut tanzanite, Spessartine garnets (11cts), multicolored sapphires (3.6cts) and two pear-shaped sapphires.
CUFF BRACELET in multi-coloured titanium set with spinels, Paraiba tourmalines, tsavorites, amethysts, rubies, emeralds and topazes. Butterflies can be removed and worn as a brooch and a pair of earrings.
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المتمركز حين وصولي إلى فندق والدورف أستوريا، ّ تم مباشرةً على الهالل الشرقي من جزيرة النخلة جميراّ ، بواباً استقبالي بخدمة والدورف المتميزة – حيث كان هناك ّ ّ شخصي ًا بانتظاري والذي كان جهة االتصال األساسية لضمان ّ تلبية كل رغباتي وطلباتي التي قد أحتاجها خالل وجودي في الفندق...وما بعده.
لدي �صعوبة في االختيار بين مجموعة مختارة من �ستة مطاعم فاخرة بالت�أكيد كانت ّ تقدم �أرقى الأطعمة بما في ذلك المطعم النيويوركي االجتماعي "�سو�شال" ،لل�شهير هاينز بيك .قررت االجتماع بالأ�صدقاء في هذا المطعم الأنيق الع�صري والحائز وغني عن القول على عدة جوائز في فن الطهي ،لرئي�س الطهاة الأوروبي هاينز بيكٌ . كم ا�ستمتعنا ِّ ب�سيط للأطباق ال�شه ّية التي ُجلبت الى طاولتنا ...من بكل تف�صيل ٍ ٍ ً أ�شكال مختلف ٍة ومده�ش ٍة. �أولها �إلى نهايتها وخا�صة عند تقديم حلوى م�ص ّغرة ب� ٍ ولكن ربما الأهم هو يوم الجمعة حيث "يجب �أال يغيب عنك البران�ش" �...سيكون ذلك الوقت المثالي عندما تتم ّيز البوفيه بمجموعة مختارة وغن ّية من المق ّبالت ال�شه ّية لدى الو�صول ،والم�أكوالت البحرية ومحطة ال�سا�شيمي مع جراد البحر ،وقنفذ البحر والجمبري والمحار المروحي.
Red velvet cake, Himalayan salt
and much more Upon my arrival at the Waldorf Astoria, positioned on the East Crescent of Palm Jumeirah, I am instantly greeted by the True Waldorf Service, a personal concierge who guarantees every want and request I may have throughout my stay is met.
الكعكة المخمليّة الحمراء، ملح جبال الهيمااليا وأكثر من ذلك بكثير
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The lobby is impressive and the light colour makes it even more grandiose and regal. Entering my suite, the breath-taking views of the Arabian Gulf coastline and some of Dubai’s famous landmarks impress even more, and I get the feeling the city lays at my feet, looking at it from a secluded island. The 319-room Waldorf Astoria Dubai Palm Jumeirah really exudes the true luxury and sophistication for which the brand is known.
THE ROYAL SUITE For those aiming for the highest in comfort and space, the Waldorf Astoria Dubai Palm Jumeirah offers the Royal Suite which provides guests with the ultimate luxury of privacy. A sprawling 1567 square metres, including balconies and indoor areas, the exclusive sanctuary takes the grand title of largest suite in Dubai.
Stretching five kilometres out to sea, Dubai’s Palm Jumeirah island has been described as a miracle of engineering. Built in the shape of a palm tree with a trunk, fronds and a surrounding eleven-kilometre crescent highway, the island adds seventy-eight kilometres to the Dubai shoreline. In front of the resort’s beach I admire the luxurious private villas built at the Palm for the rich and famous.
Definitely spoilt for choice with a selection of six sumptuous restaurants offering the finest cuisine including a jewel in the culinary crown, the New York-inspired Social by Heinz Beck, I gather with friends in this fashionably stylish eatery by multi-award winning master of gastronomy, European chef Heinz Beck. Needless to say, we enjoy each of the delicacies brought to the table till the end when miniature desserts in the most amazing variations are served. In the early evening I enjoy the breath-taking views again from the terrace of the executive lounge, to which I have access. I think I’ll head to Lao later, where I have been told I can enjoy innovative, stylish south-east Asian contemporary dining – one of my favourites.
the Waldorf Astoria Brunch has an abundant selection of international cuisines from around the world
The unforgettable journey begins as you arrive in a classic chauffeured Bentley or by your own private helicopter on the seaside helipad. My mind is full of elegant private dinner parties that can be hosted in these exquisite settings, surprising friends with a curated dining experience, the chefs personally presenting each dish and describing the process of each of their creations. For a traditional Arabian experience including shisha and coffee at the end of dinner, the Majilis lounge provides an ideal setting.
But then maybe on Friday the ‘must not miss brunch’ would be the ideal time when the buffet features a rotating selection of signature dim sums upon arrival, seafood and sashimi station with lobster, sea urchin, prawns and scallops. And if this was not enough, a made-to-order traditional Vietnamese Pho station offers a selection of beef, chicken or prawn broths and three types of noodles with traditional accompaniments. Mezzerie, locally-inspired Arabic dining at its most luxurious, Palm Avenue, a chic oasis in the heart of the hotel’s elegant gardens and Serafina, an authentic and refined Venetian offering, are there to give you what your taste buds are longing for on different nights. A weekend isn’t enough to indulge in all these culinary experiences or the magical atmosphere of the pool (I highly recommend arranging a special lunch in one of the floating cabanas). The lure of the beach and spa would not let you leave so fast anyway. To fully enjoy the Waldorf Astoria Dubai Palm Jumeirah, you must spend a week relaxing and rejuvenating here, even if you do add on a few pounds.
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يقدم،�أ ّما بالن�سبة للأ�شخا�ص الراغبين في �أعلى م�ستوى من الراحة والم�ساحة فندق والدورف �أ�ستوريا دبي النخلة جميرا الجناح الملكي الذي يو ّفر لل�ضيوف ،من الأمتار المربعة المترامية الأطراف1567 .الفخامة الق�صوى مع الخ�صو�صية �إ ّنه المالذ الح�صري والوحيد الذي...بما في ذلك ال�شرفات والمناطق المغلقة .ي�ستحق بالت�أكيد لقب الجناح الأكبر في دبي The Waldorf name has always been synonymous with luxury, quality and elegant comfort
البران�ش في والدورف �أ�ستوريا يقدم الطعام بطريقة م�ستوحاة من ن�سخته . مع مجموعة وفيرة من الأطباق العالمية من جميع �أنحاء الكرة الأر�ضية،النيويوركية .هذا الطعام المم ّيز يعر�ض مقتطفات فقط من فندق والدورف ا�ستوريا في نيويورك �أمام تجربة الحلوى الأكثر �شهرة في والدورف... �أ ّما مقاومتي للطعام فقد خذلتني وقد لعبت هذه الكعكة ذات الطبقات. الكعكة المخمل ّية الحمراء، ا�ستوريا نيويورك الدور الرئي�سي في العديد من الأفالم،الغن ّية المخمل ّية من ال�شوكوالته الحمراء .الكال�سيكية المختلفة وير ّكز على توفير عالجات �شخ�ص ّية، هو مالذ ًا للرفاه ّية،والدورف �أ�ستوريا �سبا متر مربع3200 وت�شمل الميزات الراقية والأنيقة م�ساحة ت�صل �إلى �أكثر من.للغاية .من الأماكن الداخلية الفخمة التي تطل على حديقة خ�صبة في الهواء الطلق و�سبا م�ؤلف من الأجنحة الخا�صة للأزواج و�صاالت حرارية،اثنا ع�شر غرفة عالج بالإ�ضافة �إلى نافورة الثلج وح ّمامات بخار جبال الهيمااليا من الحجر،ومائية للتعويم ! جميعها في مكانٍ واحدٍ لدعوتك �إلى اال�سترخاء �إلى �أق�صى الحدود...الملحي
The Waldorf Astoria Brunch has an abundant selection of international cuisines from around the world. This showcases the Waldorf Astoria New York culinary legacy and includes foie gras, truffle-crusted grilled scallops, escargot and grilled seafood in addition to the classics such as Waldorf salad, eggs benedict with poached lobster and traditional roasts. The pièce de résistance of the dessert experience is Waldorf Astoria New York’s most famous dessert, red velvet cake. This velvety rich layered red chocolate cake has to be tried, and more than once. 84 .
The Waldorf Astoria Spa, a haven of well-being, focuses on providing highly personalised therapies. The refined and elegant features cover upwards of 3,200 square metres of palatial indoor space overlooking a lush outdoor garden. As I am taken to my treatment, my therapist offers me a relaxing herbal steam experience to prepare my body for the special massage I have chosen. The wet area is as impressive as the rest of the spa and I can easily see myself spending all day here. Twelve treatment rooms, two private spa suites for couples, thermal and water flotation lounges, an ice fountain and Himalayan salt stone saunas, all housed in one inviting space to relax to the max! The Waldorf name has always been synonymous with luxury, quality and elegant comfort, but they have taken their signature hospitality to a new level at the Waldorf Astoria Dubai Palm Jumeirah. . 85
األطباق الشه ّية
منعزلة جزيرة على ٍ ٍ يقع مرسى مالذ كمبينسكي ،الوجهة الرائدة الجديدة في ويقدم الدوحة ،على الجزيرة المعزولة الخاصة « اللؤلؤة»، ّ أكثر بكثير مما يمكن أن تتوقعه في عطلة نهاية االسبوع. كارين الكنر محررة هورايزن اند بيوند على استعداد لتجربة ما يكون عليه المكوث لفترةٍ أطول في هذا المكان الرائع!
. 87
Culinary ONDelights A SECLUDED ISLAND Marsa Malaz Kempinski, Doha’s new premier destination, located on its own secluded island of the Pearl, offers much more than you could experience in a weekend. H&B’s Editor Karine Lackner is ready get a taste of !what could be a longer stay
86 .
The impressive hotel lies in front of me as I arrive at the resort via a bridge. There are several water channels on this man-made island called the Pearl. The giant horse which stands majestically next to the hotel as if it would guard it with its gigantic dimensions is another eye-catching feature on arrival. All guests of the 281 luxurious rooms and suites are offered unparalleled space and luxurious comfort. The beautiful lobby puts you in the holiday mood right away. In front of you is the blue sea, which can be reached by a majestic staircase, and stylish seating areas inviting guests to sit and admire the omnipresent artwork. Chandeliers assembled with thousands of precious pieces have meaningful raisons d’etre. The exclusive beach located in a private bay, outdoor swimming pools and a large Jacuzzi invite you to relax throughout the day. Additionally, the 3,000 square-metre spa by Clarins – with a generous twenty-three treatment rooms – offers relaxation and rejuvenation that will take your breath away and leave your skin silky as a new born baby (try the new hammam treatment). The health club, indoor pool, saunas and steam rooms round your day up before heading to the culinary part of the stay. At Café Murano, the award-winning European gourmet café, I am introduced to the opulent Golden High Tea. The signature golden cappuccino is served together with a selection of petite culinaire. My kids are in heaven and so am I, as the delicious hot chocolate is a dream come true for all of us.
88 .
يق ّدم
281 لجميع ال�ضيوف في ي�ضعك اللوبي الجميل. م�ساح ًة ال مثيل لها من الراحة المم ّيزة،فاخر غرف ٍة ٍ وجناح ٍ الذي يمكن الو�صول �إليه، و�أمامك هو البحر الأزرق...في مزاج العطلة على الفور ومناطق للجلو�س �أنيقة تدعو ال�ضيوف للجلو�س واال�ستمتاع،مهيب ٍ درج ٍ عن طريق حيث يتم تقديم مزيج من الو�صفات،في الم�ساء الثاني �أج ّرب مطعم ال�سفرة .بم�شاهدة الأعمال الفن ّية المتواجدة حولك .التقليدية والنكهات المختلفة من لبنان وقبر�ص و�سوريا والأردن وفل�سطين مع ًا بل لذيذة، ُيقدّم � ّإلي ال�شاي رئي�س الطهاة يقوم ب�إعداد الأطباق التقليد ّية والتي هي لي�ست وفيرة فقط، المقهى الحائز على جائزة الذواقة الأوروبية،في مقهى مورانو . يلعب دور ًا كبير ًا في نجاح هذا الم�ساء الجميل- جو المطعم – الراقي جدا.جنب مع مجموعة مختارة من للغاية ٍ الفاخر الذهبي والكابت�شينو الذهبي ال�شهير جنب ًا �إلى .ال�ضيافات اللذيذة �أُعاي�ش من جديد الذوق الرفيع من الراحة الأوروبية،بالعودة �إلى غرفتي الفاخرة ومع خدمة الأربع وع�شرين �ساعة في.جنب مع ال�ضيافة العربية الأ�سطور ّية ٍ �إ ّنه مزي ٌج خال ٌق من جنب ًا �إلى. هو وجهتي... تورو تورو،يبد�أ الم�ساء والمطعم الإ�سباني وقت ٍ ِّ كنتُ على يقين ب�أن �إقامتي �ستكون مريح ًة ومخدّم ًة دائم ًا في �أي،الأ�ساليب والنكهات الالتينية وهو �أحد �أكثر المفاهيم الناجحة والمتنامية من متناول اليد .على مدار اليوم .الطاهي الم�شهور ال�شيف ريت�شارد �ساندوفال
. 89
It’s not just an Illusion
The overall bespoke culinary experiences across the resort are overwhelming. And so are the views over the island’s azure waters, which can be enjoyed from all of the resort’s ten restaurants. The evening starts and Toro Toro, the Spanish restaurant, is my destination. A creative blend of pan-Latin styles and flavours, it is one of the most successful and growing concepts of celebrity chef Richard Sandoval. Established in 2011 in Dubai, Toro Toro showcases the most authentic recipes from Brazil to Peru in a vibrant atmosphere, giving its eclectic and selected guests a full Latin experience. Our pleasingly enthusiastic waiter guides us through the delicious choices of beautifully prepared small dishes to share which combine flavours from the most unknown parts of Latin America, the acclaimed Rodizio Experience. On the second evening I try Al Sufra (‘the dining room’ in Arabic), where traditional recipes and flavours from Lebanon, Cyprus, Syria, Jordan and Palestine are blended together. The chef prepares specialities which are not only abundant, as is the Arabic tradition, but highly delicious. The restaurant’s atmosphere – so refined – plays a big part in the success of a lovely evening.
Set in one of the most stunning venues in the region, it is a distinct, unique and captivating new hospitality concept made to transport guests to wonderland.
See you soon for another weekend at Kempinski, and this time I will have a bit more getup-and-go and try the water sport activities, and definitely venture on a romantic sunset cruise to admire the resort from the sea.
Encompassing the entire rooftop at Marsa Malaz Kempinski, Illusion entices guests to explore and encounter three spectacular and unique experiences, the Garden Terrace, 1933 – the Grand Hall and the Private Lounge.
Conceived by Demind Holding, the lifestyle group behind worldfamous Blue Marlin Ibiza UAE and the Act Dubai, it is open six days a week from Tuesday to Sunday. The Garden Terrace offers a lusciously green, awe-inspiring rooftop balcony lounge with 360˚ views over pearly Arabian waters. Chilled music, light bites and an extensive drinks menu within a unique elevated environment create an unparalleled party vibe. As the sunset cascades over the classical domes of Marsa Malaz Kempinski, the venue comes alive with a sophisticated social atmosphere. In 1933 – the Grand Hall, a spectacular dome studded with LEDs provides a mesmerising backdrop. Open only Thursday and Friday nights exclusively for reservations, guests can soak up the extravagance with an eclectic décor of bespoke furniture and a collection of art pieces. And in the palatial, two-storey space the DJ is ever-present for an immersive, interactive vibe. Select guests can also escape to a masculine world of rustic leather and oak. The Private Lounge is a refined, discreet hideaway of indulgence offering everything from appetisers to cigars. A new destination where no night will be the same, where like-minded people can come together to be inspired. Be part of the Illusion!
Back in my luxurious room, I experience the flair of European comfort combined with legendary Arabian hospitality. With a twenty-four-hour butler service at hand, I am delighted to know that during my stay I will be attended to at any time of the day. But for now I just enjoy the amazing feeling of the sheets and lose myself in dreams of Arabian and culinary grandeurs! 90 .
. 91
كانت الردهة ترحب بي مع الثريا العجيبة وتن�سيقات الزهور،عند و�صولي ولم يكن ذلك �إ ّال جزء ًا �صغير ًا فقط من الأجواء المتناغمة التي ت�سود في،الجميلة وبخروجي �إلى الحديقة �شعرت بموجة عارمة من الن�شاط. جميع �أنحاء المنطقة وا�ستطعت �أن �أرى. والحديقة الخ�ضراء وحمام ال�سباحة،تعود الى وجود المياه .كيف العائالت والأزواج يتمتعون بق�ضاء الوقت هنا
التجربة المده�شة لم تتوقف خارج الفندق حيث اتّخذت غرف النوم والأجنحة وقد تمت درا�سة ت�صميم كل غرفة والتخطيط لها وفقا.والفلل ارتفاعا جديدا لأحدث االتجاهات ال�سائدة في الت�صميم ومخطط الألوان تماما كما هو الحال .في بقية �أجزاء الفندق
واحة في المدينة
هو المالذا الجديد الهادئ الذي ومن ثم دخلتُ �إلى جناحي الف�سيح الخا�ص حيث متعة اال�سترخاء الفائقة،فندق وسبا ويستن الدوحة إنّ ه واحة من الممزوجة بالت�صميم الداخلي الجذاب الغني بكل الميزات التي يمكن �أن ت�أمل...يقع في وسط المدينة في قلب العاصمة وفكرتُ في قرارة نف�سي �أن وي�ستن الدوحة...الهدوء يأخذك على الفور بعيدا عن الوتيرة المحمومة للحياة �إيجادها في �أحد الفنادق الكبرى علي �أن .وحركة المرور المتزايدة ّ يوفر �أكثر ما يمكن لأي �شخ�ص ان يتوقعه من اال�سترخاء وبالتالي يجب !اخبر �أ�صدقائي بكل �شيء عن ذلك
The Westin Doha Hotel & Spa, the city’s new serene downtown sanctuary located at the heart of the capital, is an oasis of tranquillity which instantly takes you away from the hectic pace of life and evergrowing traffic. Upon my arrival, the lobby welcomes me with its impressive chandelier and beautiful flower arrangements, just one part of the harmonious ambiance that reigns throughout the whole area. Stepping into the garden I feel the revitalising experience the water features, green garden and pool area offer. I can see how families and couples will enjoy spending time here. The amazing experience does not stop outside. The design of the hotel has been taken to a new height in the rooms, suites and villas. The layout of each room has been studied and planned according to the latest trends in design and the colour scheme is just as stunning and relaxing as the rest of the hotel. The world-renowned Westin Heavenly® Bed (do not miss this) and the bathrooms equipped with rainforest showers and separate bath along with Westin’s signature bath amenities just add to the overall feeling of wellbeing this place provides. I discover how much is offered to the discerning and exquisite guests. The Heavenly© Spa, the Luxe Lounge, a coffee lounge with outdoor garden terrace, the Seasonal Tastes, a global cuisine restaurant, Waves Pool Café and MIX Bar, Lounge & Terrace are all there to give a healthy, enjoyable break to the guests – in the middle of the town. During my lunch at Seasonal Tastes, I have not one, not two, but three glasses of freshly made detoxing green juice, so delicious is it, and the buffet offers all the light and healthy lunch options you could want. There are great desserts too, from fruit fresh from the market to cakes and delicious ice-cream, all there to satisfy your taste-buds. 92 .
During the spring further restaurants will open and I can’t wait for these new concepts to astonish everyone, from the royal Thai-themed Sabai Thai and the contemporary Hunters Room & Grill offering a stunning, indoor green winter garden setting with natural daylight in the hotel’s atrium, perfect for year-round al-fresco dining, especially during the hot summer months. I unwind in my spacious super-relaxing suite, enjoying the appealing interior design with every feature that you could hope to find in a great hotel. I think to myself that the Westin Doha offers so much more than anyone could expect, and I must tell my friends all about it! . 93
السافوي ملحمة العصر الذهبي
مرة ّ افتتح ألول، أحد أكثر الفنادق سحرا في العالم،السافوي .1889 في عام
ّتم االنتهاء من ترميم الفندق الأكثر طموحا في تاريخ،2010 و2007 بين عامي قطعة من الأثاث لترميمها400 �أُخذت �أكثر من، �أثناء عملية الترميم.بريطانيا الملوك وقادة العالم، وقد ا�ست�ضاف الفندق في تاريخه الحافل،و�إعادة تثبيتها .و�أ�ساطير الم�سرح وال�شا�شة يقع الفندق في قلب واحدة من المناطق في لندن الأكثر عالمية على �ضفاف نهر خطوات ودور الأوبرا لي�ست �سوى على بعد... والمتاحف العالمية والم�سارح،التايمز ٍ .قليل ٍة من رواده.�سافوي غريل هو من دون �شك �أحد المطاعم الأ�سطورية في لندن فرانك �سيناترا وجاللة، �أو�سكار وايلد،الم�شاهير �أمثال ال�سير ون�ستون ت�شر�شل وت ّمت العودة �إلى خطة الجلو�س الأ�صلية مرة �أخرى...الملكة �إليزابيث الملكة الأم .لإعادة افتتاحه
The Savoy An idyll of a golden age
The Savoy, one of the world’s most glamorous hotels, originally opened in 1889.
94 .
Between 2007 and 2010, it completed the most ambitious hotel restoration in British history. During the restoration, over 400 pieces of furniture were taken away, restored and reinstalled.The hotel has played host to royalty, world leaders and legends of the stage and screen. It boasts some of the best known bars and restaurants in London including the American Bar and Savoy Grill. Many of the 268 rooms and suites offer stunning views over the Thames and the city of London.
Located in the heart of one of London’s most cosmopolitan areas on the banks of the River Thames, world class museums, theatres and opera houses are just steps away. In 1246, a stretch of land between the Strand and the Thames was presented by King Henry III to Peter, Count of Savoy, uncle to the king’s wife. Peter built his Savoy Palace on the river, and the name has been associated with the area ever since. The Thames Foyer is very much the heart of the Savoy. A guest’s drawing of 1910, which was found in the hotel’s archives, provided inspiration for the design of a stunning new glass dome. The Beaufort Bar exudes an unashamedly old-fashioned glamour. Winner of Best International Bar 2015, this theatrical, art deco interior of jet-black and burnished gold décor bar is all about pushing the boundaries of cocktail making. . 95
وتم افتتاح احد �أعرق المطاعم على الإطالق ّ ، �سنة124 في تاريخ ال�سافوي الالمع منذ كا�سبار للم�أكوالت البحرية والبار اللذان يتمتعان ب�إطاللة بانورامية رائعة على نهر .التايمز و�أهم معالم لندن بالن�سبة لأولئك الذين يقيمون في الجناح ف�إن كبير الخدم في،الملكي دون حا�شيتهم ،�سافوي متواجد �أربع وع�شرين �ساعة في اليوم ح�صر ًا ل�ضمان وتكري�س الخدمة ال�سل�سة .وال�شخ�صية
The bar itself stands on the hotel’s former cabaret stage which was graced by luminaries such as Carol Gibbons, the Savoy Orpheans and George Gershwin. This tradition is continued by nightly live entertainment and monthly evenings of cabaret and burlesque.
For those staying in the Royal Suite without their own staff, a Savoy butler is on hand twenty-four hours a day exclusively to ensure seamless, dedicated, personalised service.
The American Bar has long been one of London’s favourite meeting spots and is one of the most iconic cocktail bars in the world. Guests at the American Bar are encouraged to sit up at the bar where they can interact with the bartenders face to face. A truly unique experience, cocktail lovers will relish the chance to engage with some of the world’s most talented bartenders, known for imparting knowledge and giving personal recommendations. Elsewhere in the bar, guests can relax and enjoy classic jazz from the American Bar’s two resident pianists, with world-class service from the most knowledgeable team of servers.
Refurbished at a cost of over £2.5 million, the Savoy’s Royal Suite is one of the capital’s finest and best appointed accommodations. Spread over the entire fifth floor, the suite’s enfilade arrangement makes the most of the dramatic river frontage views over the Thames. From each of the eight windows, guests can enjoy a magnificent London vista stretching from Canary Wharf to the Houses of Parliament and beyond, with seven of London’s bridges visible.
Savoy Grill is without doubt one of London’s legendary restaurants. Frequented by celebrated diners such as Sir Winston Churchill, Oscar Wilde, Frank Sinatra and HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, the original seating plan has been brought back for the reopening. Designer Russell Sage took inspiration from the restaurant’s heyday, and original 1920s art deco features have been restored. One of the most exciting restaurant launches in the Savoy’s illustrious 124-year history, Kaspar’s Seafood Bar and Grill has panoramic views of the River Thames and London landmarks, and offers modern British cuisine, with an emphasis on seafood, presented in an elegant Twenties-style setting. The Savoy has long had an ethos of ‘personal service naturally’ and was the first hotel to establish its own school to train hotel professionals.The unique Savoy Academy has trained a new generation of butlers who combine the discretion of a traditional English butler with the efficiency of a 21st century personal assistant. 96 .
2.5 تم تجديد الجناح الملكي بتكلفة �أكثر من مليون جنيه ا�سترليني وهو �أحد �أروع و�أف�ضل موز ٌع على.الأماكن المجهزّة في العا�صمة ت�صميمه المنتظم،الطابق الخام�س ب�أكمله يجعل الواجهة ب�أكملها تطل على منظر رائع .لنهر التايمز
The Savoy has also introduced an Elements Stay Package which offers an exciting and fresh approach to an environmentally conscious stay. A Green Butler, another Savoy first, will be on hand to share his knowledge of what the Savoy and London have to offer the eco-conscious tourist. Back in time
The first true luxury hotel in London
The first true luxury hotel in London, the Savoy was the first to be lit by electricity, complete with the first electric lifts, known as ‘ascending rooms’. Guest rooms were connected by speaking tubes to the valet, maid and floor waiter – and to other parts of the hotel. The Savoy later became the first hotel to provide most of its rooms with private bathrooms en suite. The ‘Savoy bathroom’ became famous for its cascading shower and quick filling bath. Fiona Duncan,Telegraph Travel’s hotel expert, who reviews the best and worst of Britain’s hotels, remembers adoring her visits to London’s top hotel, drinking cocktails in the American Bar at the Savoy. And this is the beauty of traditional elegance: it is timeless, and so is the Savoy.
. 97
The global hospitality company continues on an upward trajectory with hotel openings and project pipeline milestones during 2015.
Royal Savoy Lausanne
Katara Towers Lusail Marina District
Sealine QATAR Family Villa King Bedroom
Katara Suite Excelsior Gallia Milan
Saraya Corniche Hotel
Westin Excelsior Rome The Peninsula Paris
The Ritz-Carlton Doha
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Milan
atara Hospitality, the leading global hotel developer, owner and operator based in Qatar, achieved a multitude of successes in 2015, further illustrating continued milestone achievements in contributing to Qatar and the world’s hospitality landscape through investment and development of peerless iconic hotels in key global destinations. ‘The year marked the achievement of many significant milestones, particularly in hotel development and the subsequent opening of iconic landmark properties,’ says Katara Hospitality’s chairman, His Excellency Sheikh Nawaf Bin Jassim Bin Jabor Al-Thani. ‘Our goals bear strong alignment with Katara Hospitality’s vision for strategic growth in Qatar and expansion into new markets beyond our borders such that as we enter 2016, we are well positioned for yet another year of success in our pursuits as an internationally recognised leader in the global luxury hospitality sector.’ 98 .
During the year, Katara Hospitality witnessed the opening of Excelsior Gallia, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Milan, as well as the legendary Royal Savoy Lausanne, a Murwab Hotel. Both properties had recently undergone a meticulous renovation and redesign, restoring their rich heritage and historic landmark status before reopening. The acquisition of Westin Excelsior Rome from Starwood Hotels & Resorts Inc, marked Katara Hospitality’s third hotel in the Italian market, bringing Katara Hospitality’s worldwide property portfolio to thirty-five properties. ‘The opening of the Excelsior Gallia in Milan, and the Royal Savoy in Lausanne, coupled with the acquisition of the Westin Excelsior Rome, further highlights Katara Hospitality’s vision to preserve the heritage of iconic properties across the world, as well as our commitment to continued strategic growth through international expansion, investment and acquisitions as we work towards our target of sixty properties by 2026,’ explains Hamad Abdulla Al-Mulla, chief executive officer of Katara Hospitality. In Qatar, Sealine Beach Resort and the Ritz-Carlton Doha, which both offer impeccable standards and ambiance in idyllic settings, are undergoing massive renovations which will reveal redefined luxurious offerings. Owned by Katara Hospitality and managed by Murwab Hotel Group, Sealine Beach Resort’s extensive enhancements, which will be completed in 2016, include an entirely new wing with an additional twenty villas and room upgrades to appeal to local and international family holidaymakers in a resort-style setting.
As the quintessential showcase of exquisite Arabian hospitality, the RitzCarlton Doha’s property-wide renovations will unveil fully transformed guest rooms, a modernised spa and VIP club lounge. Offering five-star opulence in a contemporary setting, the two-phase project coined ‘the re-imagination project’ is expected to be complete in mid-2017. The launch of Murwab Hotel Group, Katara Hospitality’s standalone operating arm which manages a collection of international upscale boutique hotels and brands, signifies the start of a new era and continued quest for growth into new markets for the company as it leverages forty-five years’ experience in the luxury hospitality sector. Murwab Hotel Group, rooted in Qatari heritage and Arabic hospitality, is a rapidly growing hotel-management company, with six Qatar-based projects in its pipeline. Two of these projects include Sealine Beach Resort currently under renovation, which will be rebranded to Sealine, a Murwab Resort while the recently opened Saraya Corniche Hotel is operated under Murwab Hotel Group. Katara Hospitality has received numerous prestigious accolades for its continued contribution to the Qatari and global luxury hospitality landscape. Some noteworthy awards include being named the Middle East’s Leading Hospitality Development Company for the second consecutive year and Middle East Leading Tourism Development Project for the iconic Katara Towers development expected to open in 2018 in Doha’s Lusail City Marina District, at the 2015 World Travel Awards hosted in Dubai last May.
Katara Hospitality also clinched the prestigious Seven Star Special Award for Remarkable and Exceptional Achievement in the Luxury Hospitality Industry at the illustrious Seven Stars Luxury Hospitality and Lifestyle Awards ceremony in Bali last September, one which is a further testament of the company’s commitment to developing iconic luxury hotel properties in key travel markets. To cap off the year, Katara Hospitality scooped three esteemed awards at the December edition of the World Travel Awards held in El Jadida, Morocco, by being named World’s Leading Hospitality Company for the third year running, World’s Leading Hotel Suite for the Katara Suite at the recently reopened Excelsior Hotel Gallia, Milan and the coveted World’s Leading Landmark Hotel for the Peninsula Paris, a Katara Hospitality flagship property in the French capital. Katara Hospitality’s contributions to the hospitality landscape throughout the course of 2015 have illustrated the company’s continued pledge to investing in unsurpassed hotels in Qatar while growing a collection of iconic hotels in key markets across the globe. Sustained commitment and the renowned pursuit of excellence in executing the organisation’s growth strategy will likely result in more successes for Katara Hospitality in the coming months. . 99
A different experience of Paris La Réserve Paris – Hotel and Spa, Reybier’s urban mansion, has all the elegance of an early 19th century private apartment.There is no classic reception desk but every guest who arrives at 42 Avenue Gabriel is welcomed personally and taken to their suite to make sure they feel at home immediately. And what a home! More suites than rooms, large spaces in re-interpreted classical style, all the codes of a certain way of life: a library reserved for guests and their friends, a smoking room, a sixteenmetre indoor pool (a rarity in Paris), a spa with three treatment rooms including one specifically for men. A world designed for lovers of fine things who appreciate the precious rarity of ultra-personalised services.
رؤيتان من
Two visions OF
Parisian -Style Lluxury
Two neighbouring addresses, two different visions,two complementary ways of enjoying the capital. A new La Réserve hotel and spa has opened in Paris with a second establishment at the Avenue Gabriel, off the Champs-Elysées. Three kilometres, or just fifteen minutes by car, lie between La Réserve Paris – Hotel and Spa and La Réserve Paris – Apartments at Place du Trocadéro. Classical 19th century Paris-style at the hotel, contemporary Paris-style in the apartments, but always the same La Réserve-style way of life. Just like in Geneva or Ramatuelle, Michel Reybier wants each one of his guests, known or unknown, but always recognised, to feel at home at the same time as being somewhere completely different, and to share a way of life rooted in excellence, authenticity and simplicity.
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الفخامة على الطراز الباريسي
A small privileged group The guests who frequent the inner circle of La Réserve regulars will undoubtedly appreciate the fine touch of Jacques Garcia, who has once again worked withReybier on La Réserve Paris – Hotel and Spa. The decorator drew his inspiration from canvases by James Tissot, who paints an accurate picture of bourgeois Paris in the 19th century. The lobby and the potted jasmine plants pay particular tribute to this artist. If you wish to admire some of Tissot’s works, pay a quick visit to the Musée d’Orsay, right next to the Seine. The twenty-six suites and fourteen rooms interpret four gentle harmonies in a serene atmosphere of bronze, beige, prune and tea rose hues. Walls hung with silk, damascene brocade drapes, taffeta and velvet, embossed fabrics, herringbone oak parquet, Carrara marble and blue Turquin from floor to ceiling in the bathrooms.
تم افتتاح الفندق والمنتجع الجديد ال ريزرف في باري�س بن�سخته الثانية في �شارع �أو خم�س ع�شرة دقيقة، ثالثة كيلومترات. المتف ّرع عن �شارع ال�شانزليزيه،غابرييل تف�صل بين فندق ومنتجع ال ريزرف باري�س وبين ال ريزرف باري�س،فقط بال�سيارة 19 بينما يتمتع الأول بكال�سيكية القرن ال. لل�شقق ال�سكنية في �ساحة التروكاديرو ولكن دائما... نرى �أن الطابع المعا�صر هو ما يم ّيز ال ريزرف باري�س لل�شقق ال�سكنية . على نف�س الغرار االر�ستقراطي في نمط الحياة . 101
The green surroundings of the hotel in the very heart of Paris are the stuff of dreams
وهناك وهناك موقع ذواقة جديد لالكتشاف
وكذلك رواد ال ريزرف، النزالء بطبيعة الحال.مطعم لو جابرييل مفتوح للجميع جنب ًا �إلى جنب مع الباري�سيين الحري�صين على تو�سيع،باري�س لل�شقق ال�سكنية .دائرة مطاعهم المميزة
حيث يكون برج ايفل جارك...في مكان إقامتك
يمكن ا�ستئجارها لخو�ض تجربة، �ساحة التروكاديرو10 ال�شقق الع�شرة الواقعة في وهذا ما يك ّمل تم ّيز فندق ومنتجع ال...العا�صمة الفرن�سية في خ�صو�صي ٍة تام ٍة حيث توفر هذه ال�شقق اال�ستمتاع بالمناظر الطبيعية الرائعة �إلى،ريزرف باري�س .جانب القدرة الخيال ّية التي تجعل ال�ضيوف ي�شعرون تماما وك�أنهم في بيتهم ...يهدف ال ريزرف باري�س �إلى �إبهار ال�ضيوف بقدر انبهارهم بعتبات المدينة العظيمة وذلك يعود �إلى االلتزام الكبير من البواب والفرق العاملة التي توفر لكم الفر�صة . حتى تلك الأكثر ندر ًة والأكثر �سر ّي ًة،الكت�شاف الحياة الباري�سية من جميع زواياها A glimpse of green The green surroundings of the hotel in the very heart of Paris are the stuff of dreams. With its plantations of orange trees in pots and Versailles-style planters, the landscaped entrance designed by Pierre-Alexandre Risser’s company, Horticulture et Jardins, pays tribute to the Sun King’s Orangerie.
The immediate vicinity of the hotel offers many green areas suitable for a quick stroll as soon as the sun comes out, such as the Elysée gardens just on the other side of Avenue Marigny and the majestic trees on Avenue des Champs-Elysées.
A new gourmet location to discover Le Gabriel is open to all. House guests, naturally, as well as those from La Réserve Paris – Apartments, along with Parisians keen to expand their gourmet address book. As an exclusive privilege, guests at La Réserve Paris – Hotel and Spa may be served their meals in the restaurant, the library or elsewhere, depending on the mood of the moment. They can also call on room service twenty-four hours a day. Guests at La Réserve Paris – Apartments can enjoy the hotel catering services and savour Le Gabriel’s culinary experience on site or in the intimacy of their own apartment for a private dinner.
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Place du Trocadéro was created in 1869 in the same flamboyant Paris of the Second Empire that saw the development of the Champs-Elysées. Its name comes from a battle fought by Napoleon in Spain in August 1823. The gardens opposite the Seine and the various buildings were built for the World’s Fair of 1937, providing an admirable showcase for the city’s magnificence. Contemporary aesthetics The Haussmannstyle building perfectly reflects 19th century Parisian classicism. This is in magnificent contrast to the interior of the apartments, which are all spacious, understated and graced with designer decoration by the talented Rémi Tessier.
Intended to be a private pied-à-terre, each apartment offers the freedom of serving as a second home that is just as suited to an intimate stay for two as a family holiday. Ranging from 150 to 300 square metres, the ten apartments offer ample space – a rare commodity in Paris – and noble materials interpreted by the greatest names in contemporary furnishing. Less is more
the benefit of a magnificent environment along with the inestimable ability to make guests feel entirely at home
The apartments are decorated in a minimalist, contemporary style, as if to better promote the intrinsic beauty of the place. Noble materials such as ebony, rosewood and sycamore make a perfect match with slate, concrete, stucco, metal and glass, not to mention the light itself that so skilfully sculpts the vast spaces. Timeless neutral tones – white, ivory, black, grey – outline a peaceful, serene atmosphere, creating the type of atmosphere and environment that make guests feel like true Parisians. Guaranteed well-being with à la carte hotel services All the apartments offer services included to ensure peace of mind for guests, from valet parking to a concierge available on request, secure access and a library. Every morning, the housekeeper takes care of preparing breakfast as well as doing the shopping, and is always available to help organise the day.
At home with the Eiffel Tower as your neighbour
The ten apartments at 10 Place du Trocadéro can be rented to experience the capital in total privacy. The ideal complement to La Réserve Paris – Hotel and Spa, they offer the benefit of a magnificent environment along with the inestimable ability to make guests feel entirely at home. 104 .
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La Réserve Paris aims to dazzle guests just as much as the great city at its doorstep does
The feeling of finding yourself ‘at home’ La Réserve’s hospitality, spa and cuisine create an invitation to a whole world where nature’s very best in terms of nutrition rubs shoulders with state-of-the-art treatment. It is a home-fromhome, where guests can focus on the business of relaxing and recharging their batteries in total peace, savouring the art of living at their own pace. La Réserve Paris aims to dazzle guests just as much as the great city at its doorstep does. Thanks to the passionate commitment of the concierge and teams, you will have an opportunity to discover Parisian life from all angles, even the rarest and most confidential.
A chef will prepare meals and receptions on request. A whole range of in-home well-being treatments is available, including manicure and pedicure. A children’s activity organiser can look after the kids and arrange an age-appropriate programme for them to discover Paris.
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DOLCE&GABBANA THE ABAYA COLLECTION THE ALLURE OF THE MIDDLE EAST The new Dolce&Gabbana Abaya collection, a reverie amidst the desert dunes and skies of the Middle East: an enchanting visual story about the grace and beauty of the marvelous women of Arabia. The collection presents flowing, regal ankle-length dresses in a subtle shade of sand reminiscent of the Arabian Desert or in dark, almost black hues. A few
dresses of the line are embellished with motifs from the spring/summer 2016 collection: prints of daisies, lemons, white dots, and romantic red roses. Georgette and charmeuse fabrics have been used and combined with lace inserts and trim in perfect Dolce&Gabbana style. Classic Hijabs coordinated with the outfits complete the look. . 109
Rolls Royce Dawn سيارة
Compromise is not a word recognised in the RollsRoyce lexicon.
And so, the new Rolls-Royce Dawn, the world’s only true modern four-seater super-luxury drophead, is born. The new Rolls-Royce Dawn stands apart from its stable mates, featuring 80% unique body panels. Indeed such attention has been paid to ensuring this amazing new dawn for super-luxury motoring delivers on its promise, even the tyres that connect the new RollsRoyce Dawn to the road are new. Specific engineering and manufacturing attention has been paid to the creation of the Dawn’s roof. Unheard of anywhere in the modern motor industry until now, the roof of the Rolls-Royce Dawn delivers the silence of a Wraith when up and operates in almost complete silence in just over twenty seconds at a cruising speed of up to fifty kilometres an hour. 110 .
رولز رويس دوون
القبول بالتسويات ليست عبارة متعارف عليها في .معجم رولز رويس
وهي ال�سيارة،وبالتالي هكذا ُولدت �سيارة رولز روي�س الجديدة دوون .والتي تليق بالكبار فقط...الوحيدة الحديثة ذات الأربعة مقاعد الفاخرة خا�ص في الت�صميم الهند�سي وت�صنيع �سقف الرول�س ٍ ٍوقد ّتم بذل جهد .روي�س دوون من ال�ضروري القول ب�أن الرولز روي�س الجديدة دوون هي ال�سيارة الوحيدة مقارن ًة... التي ال ت�سمع �إطالق ًا �صوت ك�شف �سقفها الذي يتم بهدوء كامل .وقت م�ضى ٍ ِّب�أي
The passengers’ on-board aural experience roof up and roof down while in motion had to be pure Rolls-Royce. The design of the roof had to be graceful, beautiful and sensuous whilst remaining one of the largest canopies to grace a convertible car. Indeed, the Dawn’s roof is the second largest fabric roof applied to a current production car, second only to that of the Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe. It is safe to say that the new Rolls-Royce Dawn is the quietest opentop car ever made. Deliveries on the new Rolls-Royce Dawn commence in the second quarter of 2016, so a bit of patience is needed to drive two cars in one, which was the design team’s restless endeavours in making the new Rolls-Royce Dawn. . 111
Following the huge success of Cicchetti Piccadilly and Covent Garden, London, the first Cicchetti in the Middle East has opened in Doha.
التجربة اإليطالية الحقيقية
بعد النجاح الكبير الذي حققه شيكتي ،بيكاديللي وكوفنت غاردن في لندن شهد الشرق األوسط افتتاح أول .مطاعمه في الدوحة
المطعم اإليطالي الجديد
،يقع المطعم المثيران للإعجاب في �أبراج ال�شموخ وهو المكان المرموق في قلب المدينة بالقرب من .فندق ال�سيجال المعروف
شيكتي في الدوحة
The impressive restaurant and bar is located in the Shoumoukh Towers, the prestigious locale in the heart of the city next to the well-known La Cigale Hotel.
يفاجئ �شيكتي الدوحة �ضيوفه بعظمة يتميز.المكان وت�صميمه الأنيق والفاخر ب�سقف ذو ارتفاع �أربعة ع�شر مترا والرخام �إنه.المحفور يدو ّي ًا ومطبخ انجيلو بو المفتوح ،المكان المرموق لتناول الطعام طوال اليوم أنيق ب�شكل مذهل ويقدم الأطباق الطازجة ٍ � تي) وهي-كيت-�شيكتي (وتُنطق ت�شي عبارة عن مقبالت �إيطالية تقليدية �صغيرة . عادة ما ت�ؤكل في الحانات في البندقية بع�ض الذوق الإيطالي الحقيقي وفن،و�أخيرا !اال�ستمتاع بالحياة في العا�صمة القطرية
The Doha Cicchetti surprises its guests with its grandeur in stature and a stylish and luxurious look. Featuring fourteen-metre-high ceilings, handcarved marble and an Angelo Po show-kitchen, the stunningly chic all-
،�شهدت الدوحة نمو ًا �سريع ًا خالل ال�سنوات القليلة الما�ضية في مجال المطاعم ولكن �شيكتي يجلب �شيئا مختلفا من حيث القائمة والت�صميم وال�ضيافة الإيطالية .التي ال يمكن العثور عليها في �أي مكان �آخر كل المطاعم في مجموعة �سان كارلو معروفة بجذبها للم�شاهير المرموقين �إن �أ�سرة دي �ستيفانو و.وال�شخ�صيات الريا�ضية ونجوم المو�سيقى وال�سيا�سيين �آل جابر لل�ضيافة وخدمات الإطعام يفخران بتقديم تجربة حقيقية �إيطالية رائدة .بالإ�ضافة �إلى الطعام ال�شهي والخدمة التي ال ت�شوبها �شائبة day dining venue serves freshly prepared Cicchetti (pronounced ChiKET-tee) regional Italian small plates typically eaten in bars in Venice. Finally, some real Italian flair and art-de-vivre in Qatar’s capital!
service, the Distefano family and Al Jaber Hospitality & Catering are proud to demonstrate all that is best in genuine Italian hospitality.
Cicchetti’s extensive menu includes all your heart and taste buds desire, from meat to fish, pasta and pizza, speciality seafood and seasonal specials. Much of the food is sourced from the best producers in Italy, with bottarga from Sardinia, burrata from Naples, culatello from Parma and, of course, autumn white truffle from Alba. What an amazing opportunity for all of us living in Doha. The signature plates include gnocchi with truffle,Tuscan porcini, lobster spaghetti, burrata and truffle.
CIC C HE T T I Doha’s newest Italian restaurant
The team at Cicchetti has been working incredibly hard with suppliers to make sure they have nothing but the right ingredients. Italian cooking is simple; it’s about letting the quality of the produce shine through. Sourcing the highest quality ingredients makes all the difference. The Doha restaurant scene has been growing quickly over the past few years, but Cecchetti brings something different in terms of menu, design and Italian hospitality that isn’t to be found in every establishment. All of the restaurants in the San Carlo Group are renowned for attracting well-known celebrities, sports personalities, music stars and politicians. Offering a true Italian experience, outstanding food and impeccable 112 .
San Carlo Group was founded in 1992 when Carlo Distefano, now group chairman, opened his first San Carlo in Birmingham. Over the past twenty-three years, the awardwinning family business has grown to be one of the UK’s leading restaurant brands, with sixteen outlets across the UK.
In 2007, the group acquired London’s legendary Signor Sassi in Knightsbridge Green opposite Harrods, a restaurant popular with celebrities and royalty and well-known for its exquisite seafood. This acquisition set the scene for the company’s ambitious expansion plans and, three years later, Carlo and his sons Marcello and Alessandro launched the Cicchetti concept. But if this was not enough success already, in 2012 the company launched another new venture, Fumo restaurant, bar and late lounge in Birmingham. This venue added to the group’s extensive array of awards, being named Restaurant of the Year in the 2015 UK and Ireland Les Routiers Awards. The Group’s Gran Café in Selfridges, Manchester has just been awarded Café of the Year in the 2016 accolades. Doha welcomes this true Italian experience, outstanding food and impeccable service. Buon appetito!
Al Shoumoukh Towers BESIDE LA CIGALE HOTEL Ground floor C - Ring Road, Al Sadd Doha, Qatar Contact Number Phone 44215000 / 44219000 Mobile 66774400