covert and obscured interior exam

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Covert and Obscured

Karolina Giediminaite

Brief and specifica9on I have been asked to produce a structure that fits in with the local Romford area, that is modern but also classic so that it doesn't’t distract from. Rumford's history and old historical beauty. Furthermore I have been told that I need to make the building blend into the surroundings. I think I will use mirror glass to reflect light and also glass to let light into the building to make it eco-­‐ friendly. I would also like to expose some off the skeletal structure off the building too add character and a more modern edge. •  •  •  •  •

The building should be eco friendly It should blend in to the surroundings and be modern It should be something that teenagers would like Has to have more than one func9on Large open spaces

White Arena This is a community area and a concert hall. It has been disguised as a shell , the smooth sleek surface off the outer layer suggest that the structure is for personal home improvement or a garden ornament. The structure also looks like a modern museum or a sculpture that is in a newly build shopping center or a gallery.


I have done some sketches off research that I have done to help me generate ideas and breakdown the simple shapes of the building . This could help me with understanding interior spaces of structures that are not what they seem. It gives me the understanding off how this structure was designed and how I could design my structure.

Children's educa9on center This is a children's educa9on center . It is colour coordinated , each colour represents the different age groups off children that go there to learn or to play. The exterior design off the buildings looks like houses or flats. It also looks like a small experimental town in the country side. the colours off the structures are bright and vibrant this allows them to blend well into the sunny Spain weather where its always sunny.


I have done some sketches off research that I have mount to help me generate ideas and help me understand how the spaces work with the design . I have also done these sketches to help me with the layout of my own structure on a piece of land.

Filament mind

This is an ini9aliza9on in a library, it is designed to visualize the collec9ve curiosity and ques9ons off who enter the library it is designed to capture the minds off those who visit the library just like all the books in the library do with their stories off war, adventure, romance and crime This is a sculpture that people see when they walk into the library. It creates a wow factor and excitement, by being exci9ng and unusual. Something that isn't the norm in a library, this piece brings the interior of the library to modern 9mes. It makes the library seem like a less boring place for younger people

Louis VuiTon-­‐ Yayoi Kusama’s pop up store The pop up store for Selfridges London is the ideal place for a project from Kauma’s series of pumpkin ini9aliza9ons and endless Polka dot pain9ngs, a series of pumpkin like elements, self similar in scale and geometry ,interact and overlap , crea9ng a fully enclosed environment . A world itself. Five large inhabitable domes intergrade into single compound shell structure. Inside handing oversized chandeliers focus drama on the collec9on bellow .

This was a model made aWer a couple entered a compe99on to design and build a new cathedral aWer the old one was bombed aWer world war 2. This is a good example of covert and obscure because the model doesn't’t have any typical church or cathedral features and is very modern. it looks more like a modern house by a lake or a beach rather than a place where people would go to pray and seek Gods forgiveness and advice.

Ini9al ideas

Glass window part of the building that lets light in for the gallery . Simple and modern and spacious with the structure beams exposed for character and simplicity

Frees up space in the town to develop in further and make it more aTrac9ve to the younger genera9on.

Replace the exis9ng business building and small run down galleries in Romford and relocate them into the building .

Design a space for art and a space where youth could go and explore art and express themselves . A gallery , and workshops

Modern mul9 purpose structure. That blends into the background

Offices and business sec9on of the building so that the old business buildings could be knocked down to create more space.

Mirror glass for windows to reflect the light for the workers crea9ng a pleasant environed to work in. In the summer and winter

Exam focus: art galleries/ office buildings

My main objec9ve is to combine the two func9ons and address all the specifica9ons points. Ill be focusing on two main areas , making the building hidden or disguised and modern but make it blend into the surrounding older buildings

I have been chosen to design a modern art gallery that is also an office building to fit into the new and expanding Romford market town. I have been given a plot off land just off the center of Romford. I have to design something that would fit in and not over power the history of the historical town that has been there for over 200 years. The new building has to have plenty off space and be light and most importantly eco friendly. I aim to also include the local teenagers in the building and styling off the interior of the building . This would give them a sense of importance and make them feel like they have helped the community. I want the art space in the building that I will design to be like a plain white canvas that new and already known ar9st could put a mark on and make it something unique and incredible. I think that the use off glass and mirrors will be the key feature in this project, it will make the the structure hidden and blend into the surrounding but it will also add a level off elegance.

I have researched the area of Romford to find the ideal loca9on for the new building. I have found this patch off land which is about 2 minutes drive from the town center, right now its not being used. This could be the ideal place to build the gallery and to use the land that is just si`ng there being used to dump rubbish. This is a 1000 square feet.

Primary research My first set of primary research concentrates on stacked objects that could also func9on as a building with the same stacked detail I have also looked at reflected surfaces and curves to get ideas for my further designs and development.

Model one

This model is to demonstrate how stacked structure would create different parts to a building that could be separated and have more than one func9on. It would also be unique and have character that should appeal to the younger genera9on.

I have broken down the model into the simple shapes to demonstrate how I have assembled it and to show how simple triangles could be an effec9ve structure feature with the interlocking corners and the strong sold straight lines.

Model three I have experimented with make a structure out off clay. Clay gives the model a more realis9c rus9c look to my model. It also allows me to construct the elements separately and take them apart to change the ini9al design to make sure that it does meet the specifica9ons. I don’t think that this structure will be good for what I m trying to achieve , it wont give maximum space inside and its too busy to blend into the surroundings, which is what I want it to do.

Sketches AWer doing my first set off research and looking at my primary research I have come up with the idea off stacking shard like structure . This would provide me with the ability to achieve the mirrored glass office space and a spacious light gallery space as the building could be divided into parts easily.

Primary research-­‐ Structural Analysis models Modern engineers use mathema9cal models to calculate the stresses that are likely to occur on a building structure. This model illustrates those stresses in patch off colour the darker the colour more stress is on that place. These kind of models help architects and engineers to design a building that would be able to distribute those stresses equally

This was the final building that from the model is shorter and flaTer. The structural changes were made to allow the building to not crack under the pressure of other components but it s9ll has retain elements off the original design .

Primary research-­‐ Tensegrity Structure

Sco`sh architect Sir Robert MaThew learnt how to design a ‘ tensegrity structure’ from Buckminster Fuller , the American pioneer of experimental structures. The term is a shortening of’ tension integrity’ , and refers to self suppor9ng structures in con9nuous tension. This technique has been used to build tall intricate structures ranging from office buildings to hotels to bridges

Model four With this model I have explored different ways to divide the structure into separate spaces. I have also looked at how I could add unique features with in the building. String works well for walls because as I wind the string around the nails it gives it more depth where it overlaps. This could be one of the features in my final outcome.

With this development of my previous model I have experiment with high and eleva9on. To see how a building would look if its all sides were on different levels. The model has taken on a different shape appearance it doesn’t look like a standard shape off a building because the corners are on different levels. It also doesn't’t provide a clear layout or floor plan. Its all hidden in the structure of the string that could be metal supports.

Primary research

I have been inspired by this glass sculpture with a landscape in itself to try ad create something that looks organic and made by nature with soW curves and soW edges.

Pyramids Pyramids are stacked structures like steps ge`ng smaller and smaller as they get higher, this allows for a steady rise and creates the iconic and well known pyramid shape. I have broke down the pyramid into the simple shapes and discovered that it has been made from smaller individual pyramids that have been made out of triangles, the shape that I have explored earlier on in my research.

Model Five

I was inspired by how pyramid were build to make a stackable high structure. This structure could be adapted to the surroundings by how high it is. The skeleton of the structure could also be leW exposed as the main feature, which will make the wow factored. The building is designed to be made from individual pods that could be personalised in a way that suits the business or the purpose off the space.

I have used different colours to illustrate the different func9ons of the building and how it can be divided inside. In my design I have chosen to do two iden9cal structure so that the needs of the func9on would be met as close as possible. They would be on the same site like two twins towers.

This is what the inside skeleton would look of these two twin towers. It would be part of the interior design and would be leW on show instead of covering it up. This is what would add character to the building and make it more unique

Model six This is a structure that has support in the middle. It looks like pyramids stacked together. This model doesn’t have as much features as the last one but it is more even and it could be encased in glass to make it a rectangle. This would hide the internal structure meaning that people would get a surprise when they walk in and see the exposed skeleton. This is a more simplified building but it could blend in well and not distract from the surrounding old buildings off the historic Romford town.

I have come up with this sketch aWer I have looked at my two parts of research. I have included my stacked feature from the first part of my research and I have also included the curves of y second part of the research. I think that this design has poten9al but it may be too overpowering for the calm atmosphere of Romford. However it would be an eye catching feature that would be very modern

These are sketches of what I want my final outcome to look like and what should be inside it. I have chosen to do my building as rectangles with the triangles from inside as a support structure. I have also decided to have a triangle was the roof because the point would have a very nice sleek end to the building which will make it flow smoother.

Model eight

I have looked at the main feature right at the front of the building. The mean feature can also double up as the entrance into the building. This structure is flowing and simple with the main feature at one off the ends, however it doesn’t distract from the buildings that tower over it.

Model six

AWer looking at the broken glass sculpture I was inspired to create a pyramid like step structure. This structure as a centre peace has an extravagant swirled entrance that creates the wow factor due to the size and scale of it. I wanted to create a stacked but dis9nc9ve look for both off he towers so that they would both look iden9cal and not give away what is inside it. This would create an element off mystery when looking or going into the buildings

I have Photoshoped my ini9al model onto the land that I was designed it for to see how it ill look there and if the sculpture in front of the building is the right size . I think that it will be just right for the piece of land and I think that it will also make the area where the land is more aTrac9ve modern and bright. This will upliW the dull old streets ad inject well needed colour.

FINAL SOLUTION For my final solu9on I have made two iden9cal buildings, but they have two different purpose. In one of the models I have leW one side pen so that the inside triangle structure would be visible. There is statement sculpture at the front that is colourful and would aTract the aTen9on of passers by. It would also be easy to locate because the colourful big structure is so unique and it would remembered by people.

I have covered my design in wall textures to help it blend in with the surrounding area. I have also made small gardens/outside spaces on top off each level. This will ensure that its well insulated which will mean that its more eco friendly. The small outdoor spaces are also ideal for wildlife such as bird; other small insects. It also makes it blend in more into the surroundings.

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