Music arena unit 3

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Music arena

I want to re develop the Olympic stadium and create a series of music structures that could be used for fes9vals all year round. The music arenas could be used by any music fes9val in the world. The Stra=ord sta9on provides perfect city links to airports and other main sta9ons, which would make it easy for the audience to get to there and back.

ABer brainstorming ini9al requirements for my idea I had an idea of using naturally occurring shapes within the environment. I think that these shapes would be the most effec9ve because they will allow the music too flow through smoothly.

Stra=ord Olympic area Remodel the Olympic site to fit a modern big music arena / opera house. The whole Olympic site could be made into a modern music venue for all genres and styles of music. I have chosen this sit because I am familiar with it and I have an understanding of how people move in and out of it. This means that I would be able to place the music arena in the best possible area for the audience.

‘Ark nova’, the world’s first inflatable concert hall, will soon tour areas of japan that were devastated in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Designed by a Bri9sh sculptor Anish Kapoor and a Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, the mobile structure will have the capacity to host world class concerts , workshops and different performance's.

Chamber music hall

Recently unveiled at the Manchester Interna9onal Fes9val,Zaha Hadid architects chamber music hall is a perfect fusion between modern design and classical music. The music hall as been specifically designed to cater the performance of Johann Sebas9an Bach's. this design is made to enhance Bach’s music because of the materials that have been chosen for this structure the white ribbon walls and steel frame wrap the sound around and connect audience to the music more than any other music venue does. The modern design also appeals to more audience . Its also a very good example of 21st century music and life style. Due to being so clean simple and modern.

I have been inspired by the Ark Nova to create something that was a bit more edgy but s9ll had a round shape because I think that the shape works well and would be perfect for music concerts as the sound would be heard be[er than if it was a more complicated shape that could lose sound the further a person stands from the stage.

The Triangle Chair is a first prototype that will be fabricated using a custom designed numerically controlled device developed specifically for the efficient produc9on of complex architectural structures. The differen9a9on in densi9es of structural networks made out of thin metal triangles is a registra9on and computa9onally generated transla9on of the varying loads caused by the pressure points related to different body parts of a single person in the chair.

ABer crea9ng the model out of big blocks I realized that the shape of the model worked well aBer also doing addi9onal research but that the shape is too basic and would be hard to convert it into a proper music arena that would serve its purpose. I have then used different colour modeling clay to plate it together and then swerve it to create an effortless organic looking shape that I think is a refined shape to the ini9al idea.

I have added a roof like component to the model to create more space and capacity. I also think that this works as a good feature for the simple model that didn't’t look like a building at first.

ABer crea9ng flat structures that were only on the ground level I decided to make a model that was higher and had different textures incorporated to get a smooth but chunky effect. The different textures also may represent separate areas in which different kinds of music could be played .

Dublin Na9onal Concert hall

Dublin Na9onal Concert hall is a sculptural show case which

creates a outstanding and modern new home for music and provides framework for the historical context on which the new hall would sit on. This designs provides a zone where the urban and the bark that surrounds it come together and become one as well as being a home for music. This design is very modern and out of the ordinary in the sense of scale and the materials used. The structure appears to be made out of concrete this is an unusual material to be used for the home of music. Glass is the main feature of the structure and dominates the design as the outside walls are glass and show off the structure within. However the inside of the music hall is a lot more flowing and simple with drama9c ligh9ng to enhance the experience. I think that the two different styles that I can see in this design compliment each other very well and don’t clash as much as I though they would.

ABer doing my first model I have decided to con9nue with the rounded outer shell but I have decided to use origami made triangles and slot them together to create this shape. I think that using simple triangles work very well; it would be easy to take a part and transport into a different loca9on if needed. I have created a simple illustra9on to try and show the skeletal structure. ABer slo_ng triangles together it creates a pa[ern that I think would look good as a unique feature of the design.

I have created an ink pain9ng using string. Dipping the string into ink and then dragging the string with ink across paper creates abstract lines and shapes that I later connected and made unique shapes. This has allowed me to create a structure that looks very organic and flowing.

ABer connec9ng the lines from the string and ink drawing I tried to create the front view of the side drawing that I made. I think that the front of the structure would resemble n old fashioned tent with the main feature being the stake which is at the back

ABer making the first model I have been inspired to use simple flowing lines drawn with a black felt 9p marker to achieve strong sold lines that can be turned into a structure just by adding colour and enclosing it.

ABer producing a model and some drawing I have made a simplified computer model. This model allows me to look inside and see if the space works or does it need changing. It also enables me to see the design of the building with walls and a roof.

These drawing are of different shapes as a base of a structure I think that the most successful shape was the triangle because other shapes that I used created a tall and not wide structure which would mean that there would be very li[le space inside for people to stand and enjoy the concert.

I have been inspired by the inside swirls of a seashell to create the half dome swirl structure that is capable of being venues to more than one music genre. The walls would be insulated to prevent the music from mixing with the other concerts that are going on.

The site plan shows the different compartments that can be pushed together for easy transporta9on. Each sec9on would be able to have different music playing. This is a 3 in 1 structure and can be used depending on how many people are going to a[end the event.

The sketch view allows me to be[er understand how the shapes are formed which I could try to create using different materials such as paper. This view also gives a more dimensional feel to the CAD model.

This is the first part of my final solu9on, I have used some ideas from my previous models but refined them and added a shelter like roof on one site to make it more enclosed.

This is the second part of my final model, I was inspired to do this curved shape aBer I did some CAD models that were based on curved shapes. I have added details to the shape by adding different shape triangles to the roof and some to the inside that spread out to be the sea9ng area.

The sea9ng area was inspired by the triangles that were used in the other half, I added the simple triangles as sea9ng areas here because I think that the simplicity of them adds to the relaxed calming affect. I have also added similar detail as to the other half of the model on to this one by adding a cluster of different shape triangle t the leB side.

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