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THE CELEBRITY Giancarlo Tinini talks about Nico Hülkenberg

RACING TEAM Cik-Fia European Championship and Dkm THE INTERVIEW Dennis Hauger PRODUCT The entry level project by Crg

47 european th

title for CRG


N . 3 - J U LY / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7



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The celebriTy Giancarlo Tinini talks about Nico Hülkenberg


rAciNG TeAM Cik-Fia European Championship and Dkm The iNTerview Dennis Hauger ProducT The entry level project by Crg



47th european title for CRG

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CRG MAGAZINE CRG SpA’s Official House Organ Year 1 - No.2 April – June 2017 Three month digital publication Free diffusion prior registration on the website Online publication on January, April, July, October In December, the OFFICIAL YEARBOOK version will be published and printed, with free distribution for workers in the sector. EDITED BY



06/09/17 14:27







CRG SpA via Mantova 4-F/G Lonato del Garda (BS) Italy CURATED BY

Marketing & Communication direction PROJECT MANAGER


CRG press office


Fernando Morandi PHOTOGRAPHIES

Fernando Morandi Cunaphoto Renault Sport F1 Team The Racebox Thomas Maccabelli All the articles of this CRG Magazine are protected by copyright (Art. 7 Regio decreto of May 18th 1942) and its partial or total reproduction is forbidden.


September is the month of CIK-FIA World Championships, the

most important events for categories KZ and OK. I hope that the International Federation and the Promoter will do their best to emphasize this aspect, raising the World Championships above every other event on a too busy calendar that currently features so many categories. Last year, our Racing team obtained extraordinary results and we worked hard to be again among the protagonists alongside our drivers, technical partners, engine specialists and all technicians. I am sure we will be under the spotlight also with a lot of drivers competing for CRG’s external teams and related brands. September is also the month in which a long and precious technical work regarding homologations for the 3-year period 2018 - 2020 reaches its conclusion. We developed several effective solutions and introduced some innovations that will improve even further the quality of CRG products. Some of these novelties will be introduced at the KZ and OK World Championships. At the same time, we also worked on the KalÏ Kart range, a historic brand in International karting that we intend to relaunch through several initiatives in the next season. We will announce some news regarding the brands that will flank CRG products in the next few weeks. I invite you to follow our website, social channels and contact our sales network and partner teams for an on track test of our 2018 models. Finally, September is the month in which we will launch our entry project devised for base level customers: the Kart FS4 pushed by a 4 strokes Briggs & Stratton engine. I care a lot about this kart and its related sporting programme, because I believe this is the most concrete chance to promote basic karting. This initiative is already arousing interest both from karting operators and potential drivers. This is very encouraging.


Giancarlo Tinini, President of CRG SpA.



It is one of the brands that made the history of karting and, thanks to champions of the likes of Michael Schumacher and Alex Zanardi, it claimed several National and International titles. CRG was born as an evolution of KalĂŹ Kart and, starting from 2018, the Italian company will relaunch this historic brand. CIK-FIA homologations have been obtained for all categories and a chassis range for all youth categories and for promotional races has been designed. A sporting programme with International races and a capillary sales network will be set up in order to provide commercial and sporting support to all the fans of this prestigious Kart made in CRG.





The await is mounting at CRG for the events that

The World Championships are the main event of the season and will see the strongest drivers and the most prestigious teams on track, a spectacle not to be missed that will be available on all the web and social channels set up by the International Federation ( and on CRG’s official web page.

will make the September of International karting “hot”: t he KZ World Championship and the KZ2 World Cup are scheduled for next 6-10 September in Wackersdorf and the OKJ - OK World Championship will take place in England at the PFI circuit on 20 - 24 September. The Italian company has 39 wins in world championships and world cups under its belt, and has the potential to reach level 40 titles. Last year has been a golden season that recorded the victory of the KZ World Championship scored by Paolo de Conto, and the double win taken by Pedro Hiltbrand in OK and in the KZ2 World Cup.

CIK-FIA KZ WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP & KZ2 WORLD CUP Wackersdorf (Germany), 10th September 2017

Paolo De Conto and CRG-TM are once again the favourites in the highest category, KZ. The Italian driver is the reigning champion and this year he already won the European



I will be contesting the KZ and OK World Championships. We have the technical potential to aim high in both races, and I am focused on scoring the important result that, due to some bad luck, went missing this year in CIK-FIA races.


The World Championship is the most important appointment of the year, the race that is worth the whole season. I am getting ready and I am sure we have what it takes to run a great race



During this season I learnt a lot, thanks to the work done with the team and I feel I am ready for this important appointment. I am aware of the great technical package that is available, starting from chassis to KVS engines to the great work of the staff of the Racing team. Competing on my ‘home’ circuit gives me further motivation to give my best

Championship and wants to keep the momentum in Germany. Among his biggest rivals, team mate Flavio Camponeschi has been very quick in the latest tests and in the races of the German Championship run in Wackersdorf. CRG’s lineup for KZ will be completed by the very young Alessandro Giardelli and Wing Chang, while CRG Holland will field the two brothers Stan and Jorrit Pex, both having good chances in the quest for the win. The Italians Dalé (Nuova 3M) and Federer (SRP) will also take part in the race aiming to the big target. The World Cup for class KZ2 will be run in the same weekend. CRG will be present in this category with 3 works drivers and 15 drivers managed by external teams, which confirms the company’s technical lead in this important racing sector. Prosperi, Cebrian and Denner, the latter on Kalì Kart chassis, will wear the official colors of the Racing team. A lot of drivers are potential protagonists on external teams, amongst these, the Dutch Tubben (CRG Holland) and Davies (CRG Keijzer Racing) and the Germans Horn and Schmidt (both CRG TB Racing).

Norwegian rookie Dennis Hauger by his side, the latter has grown up a lot and is all set to aim to the victory, as the British driver Callum Bradshaw, who will race in front of his home fans trying to get the most of his deep knowledge of the track. Expectations are high also for the German Janker, who has fought for the victory in several occasions, while the Spanish Meyer and the Italian Rosina are called to a race as protagonists. The British driver Louie Westover will make his absolute debut with the works team. He has been a protagonist of the national X-30 championship taking 5 wins and 2 podiums in 7 races. In OK Junior CRG’s squad will also feature a lot of competitive drivers, with 5 racers directly managed by the Racing team in the occasion. The Brazilian Gabriel Bortoleto will have a good chance to get a strong result, because despite being in his maiden OKJ season, he has what it takes to fight for the win, as shown several times at the European Championship. Expectations are high also on the Spanish drivers Sagrera and Fontecha and on the German Munding. The 14 years old Finn Rasmus Joutsimies will make his absolute debut with CRG Racing Team after shining in several International races this year. A lot of potential protagonists will compete on CRG among the ranks of external teams, like the German Sasse (TB racing) and the Dutch Haverkort (Keijzer Racing), both among the contenders to the final win.

CIK-FIA OK & OKJ WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP PFI International (England), 24th September 2017

A total of 7 drivers will be fielded by CRG Racing Team in category OK, with the usual support of KVS and Iame for the engines. The experienced Camponeschi will have the



We are used to the pressure that normally is on the favourites and are getting ready in the best way to give all what we have. There is a strong synergy among our technicians and those of TM regarding engines, and we are working full speed to confirm the #1 we have on the fairing this year

My goal is to qualify for the Final of the World Championship and acquire a lot of experience. I have been competing in OKJ for a few months only, and there is a lot to learn, but the speed is good and therefore I think I can get a good result, if I do not make big mistakes


Often bad luck and some incidents too many prevented me from being constant throughout the season, but the speed needed to win races has always been there. I hope to have a perfect weekend during the World Championship and to play all my cards in the Final



My performance has constantly improved since the beginning of the year. I built a lot of experience and the direct support of CRG Racing Team has helped me a lot. The single race of the World Championship requires a perfect weekend, no room for error and a constant focus for the whole week



CRG celebrates with Paolo De Conto, on

CRG-Tm-Bridgestone, and Gabriel Bortoleto, on CRGParilla-Vega, the first round of the European Championship, as De Conto scored a great victory in KZ, while the young Bortoleto claimed a good second place in OK-Junior. The first weekend of the CIK-FIA campaign offered good satisfactions to CRG in KZ and also in OK-Junior, thanks to a new young protagonist, but disappointed a bit in OK, where Dennis Hauger was the best of CRG’s lot in P11 and Flavio Camponeschi had to retire due to a technical problem.


Paolo De Conto honoured in the best possible way the title of reigning world champion, winning a great race at the end of an overall good weekend, that had started with a “near” pole position – missed by just 0.002s and a win, a fourth and third place in the three heats. Stan Pex also run a strong weekend. Fourth in qualifying and in the Final, he was just three tenths off the podium after taking the lead of the Final for two laps before letting De Conto through at lap five, as the latter kept running

towards a dominating win. The two CRG drivers are currently first and third in the standings. The way ahead is still long, but the charts are already led by CRG drivers. Mirko Torsellini’s debut in KZ with CRG has been very positive too. He has been very quick in the Final, exhibiting a race pace matching that of the pace setters and recovering very well from a difficult start due to the 18th time in qualifying. Torsellini improved to the closing P6 in the Final. Former European champion Andrea Dalè also put in a good performance, ending eighth, while the Spanish Enrico Prosperi was 14th and Jorrit Pex, who crossed the finish line in P6, was relegated to the 15th place by a penalty due to the mis-positioned front fairing. Alessandro Giardelli closed 19th his first race in KZ in what is his first year in a shifter category.

> Paolo De Conto, KZ <

THE INTERVIEW PAOLO DE CONTO, KZ: «I am really very happy, I knew I could do well. We did a solid step forward compared to the latest WSK races. We found the right way to improve the chassis and engine setups. Stan Pex helped me easing my overtaking to the lead. After that, I did not have any problems and I took the win without pushing 100%. I feel a lot better, I recovered well from the snowboarding incident. This has been a good victory, it is great to start the European Championship in such a way. I needed that. I dedicate this victory to the whole CRG team and to my mechanics».


The young Brazilian of CRG Gabriel Bortoleto has been one of the main protagonists of the OK-Junior in the European weekend of Sarno. After fighting in the leading group, Bortoleto completed a great Final with an excellent second place behind the Briton Jonny Edgar and leading the Belgian-German O’neill Muth. The Dutch driver of CRG Keijzer Racing Kas Haverkort had to retire after taking the pole position and setting the new absolute record of the circuit of Sarno for the category in 59.159s. Alongside Haverkort, Bortoleto had been very fast in qualifying posting a 59.179s as his best time in the first of the three qualifying sessions, which confirmed the great speed of the CRG-Parilla equipment.

> Luca Maisch, OKJ <



Bortoleto is currently second in the championship just 4 points shy of the lead. Among CRG finalists, the German Luca Maisch of CRG TB Racing Team was 11th, the Spaniard Francisco Sagrera was 18th and Jose Antonio Gomez 21st. The French Gillian Henrion, the German Donar Munding and the Italians Luca Giardelli and Mathias Torreggiani could not get access to the Final instead. HAUGER BEHIND, CAMPONESCHI DNF IN OK. In

OK, Dennis Hauger did his best to recover from an unlucky qualifying where he was only 37th. Hauger recovered well in the three heats, but in the fourth and decisive race he was stopped by an incident. The Norwegian driver of CRG has started the Final from the 18th spot of the grid and closed his effort in P11. Flavio Camponeschi also managed to recover well in the heats from the 28th time posted in qualifying. The Italian started the Final as 13th, but had to give up shortly after due to a technical problem. The other CRG finalist, Glenn Van Berlo of CRG Keijzer Racing, ended 20th. Michael Rosina, Hannes Janker, Kilian Meyer could not qualify for the Final, while Callum Bradshaw had the ill-starred idea to put the dropped front fairing back at the end of one heat, and for this reason he has been disqualified from the event. Bradshaw has not been the first to do this, the first driver to do so was in fact a former world champion a couple of years ago. He will certainly not be the last either, until this debated front fairing rule will be valid.

CIK-FIA EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP KZ - SARNO International Circuit Napoli (ITA). 21-23 April 2017. Air: 18ºC, Track: dry, sunny. P. Nr. 1 4 2 2 3 8 4 17 5 3 6 22 7 15 8 16 9 9 10 14 11 10 12 97 13 99 14 96 15 11 16 19 17 20 18 21 19 95 20 5 21 12 22 18 23 6 24 98

Entrant CRG SpA Kosmic Racing Departement Sodikart CRG Holland Formula K Racing Team CRG SpA Parolin Racing Kart Srl Nuova 3M Srl Gold Kart Racing Team Formula K Racing Team KSW Birelart Austria Racing Team Chiesa Corse Tony Kart Racing Team CRG SpA CRG Holland Birel Art Racing Srl Birel Art Racing Srl Renda Motorsport Sas CRG SpA Sodikart CPB Sport Tony Kart Racing Team Kosmic Racing Departement Croc Promotion Srl

NOT CLASSIFIED 25 1 Tony Kart Racing Team

Driver Equipment Gap Best Lap De Conto Paolo CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 20 Laps 56.616 Hajek Patrik Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 2.448 56.564 Lammers Bas Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 6.534 56.550 Pex Stan CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 6.926 56.738 Iglesias Jeremy Formula K/TM Racing/B’stone 7.250 56.434 Torsellini Mirko CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 7.622 56.764 Camplese Lorenzo Parolin/TM Racing/B’stone 8.505 56.773 Dalè Andrea CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 10.888 56.811 Fore Davide Righetti Ridolfi/TM Racing/B’stone 12.906 57.008 Carlton Gary Formula K/TM Racing/B’stone 13.288 56.961 Dreezen Rick Birel Art/Vortex/B’stone 14.199 56.772 Loubere Pierre Zanardi/Parilla/B’stone 14.257 56.759 Vigano Matteo Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 14.812 56.588 Prosperi Oliver Enrico CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 16.156 56.864 Pex Jorrit CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 17.561 56.691 Tiene Felice Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 20.528 56.752 Kremers Marijn Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 21.697 56.733 Kuovi Jan Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 59.623 58.128 Giardelli Alessandro CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 2 Laps 57.458 Abbasse Anthony Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 9 Laps 56.546 Lundberg Douglas Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 9 Laps 56.764 Corberi Luca Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 15 Laps 56.827 Puhakka Simo Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 18 Laps 57.258 Hanley Benjamin Croc Promotions/TM Racing/B’stone 20 Laps Ardigo, Marco

Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone


Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. No.11 PEX, JORRIT: According to Stewards’ Decision No.178 No.19 TIENE, FELICE: According to Stewards’ Decision No.179. No.20 KREMERS, MARIJN: According to Stewards’ Decision No.180. Penalty for exceeding noise limit up to 1 dB/art. 11.F CIK-FIA Specific Regulations. No.21 KUOVI, JAN: According to Stewards’ Decision No.181. No.99 VIGANO, MATTEO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.182.

> Glenn Keyaert, Marco Urbinati, Callum Bradshaw <





International Circuit Napoli (ITA). 21-23 April 2017. Air: 18ºC, Track: dry, sunny.

International Circuit Napoli (ITA). 21-23 April 2017. Air: 18ºC, Track: dry, sunny.

P. Nr. Entrant 1 127 Kosmic Racing Departement 2 104 Tony Kart Racing Team 3 122 Tony Kart Racing Team 4 103 Kosmic Racing Departement 5 119 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 6 108 Kosmic Racing Departement 7 128 Ward Racing 8 107 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 9 161 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 10 136 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 11 118 CRG SpA 12 120 Birel Art Racing Srl 13 199 Sodikart 14 146 Energy Corse Srl 15 126 VDK Racing 16 133 Chiesa Corse 17 139 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 18 123 DR Srl 19 148 Kosmic Racing Departement 20 160 CRG Keijzer Racing 21 132 Chiesa Corse 22 164 DR Srl 23 101 Tony Kart Racing Team 24 130 Ricciardo Kart Racing 25 157 Evokart Srl 26 153 Kohtala Sports 27 152 Team Komarov 28 115 Baby Race Srl 29 114 CRG SpA 30 172 Fusion Motorsport 31 111 Chiesa Corse 32 129 Kartprom 33 137 Baby Race Srl 34 140 Koski Motorsport

P. Nr. Entrant 1 216 Forza Racing 2 217 CRG SpA 3 207 Chiesa Corse 4 215 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 5 223 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 6 228 Tony Kart Racing Team 7 220 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 8 203 Chiesa Corse 9 243 Chiesa Corse 10 205 DPK Racing 11 263 CRG TB Racing Team 12 231 Kosmic Racing Departement 13 230 Piers Sexton Racing 14 214 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 15 245 Fusion Motorsport 16 271 Kohtala Sports 17 236 Energy Corse Srl 18 257 CRG SpA 19 206 Evokart Srl 20 227 Baby Race Srl 21 240 CRG SpA 22 224 Baby Race Srl 23 235 Birel Art Racing Srl 24 246 VDK Racing 25 260 DPK Racing 26 237 Koski Motorsport 27 209 Chiesa Corse 28 226 Ward Racing 29 211 CRG Keijzer Racing 30 265 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 31 202 Ward Racing 32 208 Baby Race Srl 33 239 Kohtala Sports 34 251 Novalux Srl

Driver Equipment Gap Best Lap Pourchaire Théo Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 20 Laps 57.186 Novalak Clément Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 0.298 57.105 Vidales Ajenjo David Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 0.802 57.117 Basz Karol Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 1.297 57.138 Taoufik Sami FA Kart/Vortex/LeCont 2.364 57.199 Milell Noah Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 4.461 57.190 Bulantsev Pavel Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 5.823 57.311 Tonteri Paavo Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 6.299 57.309 Schumacher David Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 8.042 57.289 Kruetten Niki FA Kart/Vortex/LeCont 8.322 57.280 Hauger Dennis CRG/Parilla/LeCont 8.431 57.166 Collet Caio Birel Art/TM Racing/LeCont 9.001 57.270 Irlando Alex Sodi/TM Racing/LeCont 12.020 57.262 Nouet Theo Energy Corse/Parilla/LeCont 13.043 57.232 De Pauw Ulysse Kosmic/Parilla/LeCont 14.397 57.288 Eteki Adam Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 17.749 57.687 Nannini Matteo FA Kart/Vortex/LeCont 18.024 57.326 Muizzudin Musyaffa B.A.G. DR/Parilla/LeCont 18.403 57.493 Vebster Daniel Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 18.534 57.446 Van Berlo Glenn CRG/Parilla/LeCont 18.850 57.349 Muth Esteban Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 18.890 57.206 Schimpf Mateos Adrian DR/Parilla/LeCont 20.668 57.648 Hiltbrand Aguilar Pedro Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 21.024 57.399 Lindh Rasmus Ricciardo Kart/TM Racing/LeCont 24.990 57.553 Guazzaroni Alessio Evokart/Parilla/LeCont 26.563 57.613 Valtanen Juho Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 27.672 57.483 Sitnikov Nikita Tony Kart/TM Racing/LeCont 31.552 57.526 Kenneally Finlay Jack Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 45.543 57.495 Camponeschi Flavio CRG/Parilla/LeCont 9 Laps 57.957 Ferrari Lorenzo Exprit/Vortex/LeCont 17 Laps 59.820 Gheno Jacopo Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 18 Laps 59.599 Simonov Mikhail Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 19 Laps 1:14.194 Moretti Marzio Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 20 Laps Ollikainen Jonne Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 20 Laps


Driver Equipment Edgar Jonny Exprit/TM Racing/Vega Bortoleto Gabriel CRG/Parilla/Vega Muth O’neill Zanardi/Parilla/Vega Thompson Harry FA Kart/Vortex/Vega O’Sullivan Zak FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Gustafsson Viktor Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Coluccio Luigi Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Marseglia Leonardo Zanardi/Parilla/Vega David Hadrien Zanardi/Parilla/Vega Civico Genis FA Kart/Parilla/Vega Maisch Luca CRG/Parilla/Vega Stanek Roman Kosmic/Vortex/Vega Lulham Christopher Tony Kart/Parilla/Vega Doohan Jack FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Mallet Evann Exprit/Vortex/Vega Salonen Matias Kosmic/Vortex/Vega Smal Kirill Energy Corse/Vortex/Vega Sagrera Pont Francisco Javier CRG/Parilla/Vega Fusco Giuseppe Evokart/Parilla/Vega Brizhan Alexey Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Gomez Gutierrez Jose Antonio CRG/Parilla/Vega Bosco Luca Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Famularo Anthony Birel Art/TM Racing/Vega Navalon Boya Jose Maria Kosmic/Parilla/Vega Joutsimies Rasmus FA Kart/Parilla/Vega Seppänen Elias Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Michelotto Mattia Zanardi/Parilla/Vega Beganovic Dino Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Haverkort Kas CRG/Parilla/Vega Maloney Zane FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Morozov Ilya Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Rosso Andrea Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Pirttilahti Nikolas Kosmic/Vortex/Vega Pizzi Francesco Raffaele Luxor/LKE/Vega


Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. No.101 HILTBRAND AGUILAR, PEDRO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.173. No.152 SITNIKOV, NIKITA: According to Stewards’ Decision No.174. No.115 KENNEALLY, FINLAY JACK: According to Stewards’ Decision No.175.

Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. No.230 LULHAM, CHRISTOPHER: According to Stewards’ Decision No. 167. No.260 JOUTSIMIES, RASMUS: According to Stewards’ Decision No. 168. No.235 FAMULARO, ANTHONY: According to Stewards’ Decision No. 169. No.NAVALON BOYA, JOSE MARIA: According to Stewards’ Decision No. 170. No.237 SEPPÄNEN, ELIAS: According to Stewards’ Decision No. 171. Time penalty of 10“ for bad manoeuvre (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions). No.236 SMAL, KIRILL: According to Stewards’ Decision No. 172.


Gap Best Lap 17 Laps 59.610 0.955 59.560 1.412 59.422 3.898 59.753 4.297 59.794 8.413 59.708 8.793 59.792 10.159 59.822 14.204 59.659 14.517 1:00.304 14.757 1:00.124 16.107 1:00.175 18.836 59.461 19.704 1:00.069 19.795 1:00.032 19.990 59.834 20.531 59.811 20.916 59.933 21.069 1:00.048 22.058 1:00.136 23.034 1:00.230 23.305 1:00.216 30.623 59.877 31.449 1:00.267 31.540 59.880 32.321 1:00.097 37.149 59.978 2 Laps 1:00.016 5 Laps 59.622 8 Laps 1:00.640 11 Laps 1:00.207 14 Laps 1:00.137 14 Laps 1:00.371 17 Laps



The second round of the KZ European Championship held in Belgium at Genk saw another

Dutch driver Stan Pex of CRG Holland, who was third at the end of a bold performance. The third step of the podium went to Stan Pex, also on CRG-TM, at the end of an absolutely positive weekend. Among the other CRG drivers on track, Mirko Torsellini was 12th, while Jorrit Pex had to retire early into the race due to an incident, and Andrea Dalè did not finish either due to a technical problem at lap two. Julien Deharte was 17th. KZ European Championship: 1. De Conto (CRG-Tm) points 65; 2. Stan Pex (CRG-Tm) 42; 3. Hajek 36.

victory going to CRG, TM and Paolo De Conto. This was another victory obtained showing the muscles, even more than in Sarno. This victory, or better this triumph, confirms Paolo De Conto, CRG and TM on top of the European Classification in the most powerful international karting category. DE CONTO TWO WINS IN TWO RACES. Reigning world

champion Paolo De Conto has always believed in his chances of taking the victory, despite the weekend of Genk kicking off with the eighth time in qualifying. De Conto managed to recover climbing up to P2 in the first two heats. A hiccup in the third one, due to a contact at the start, seemed to put the ambitions of the Italian driver at rest, but De Conto managed to get the lead showcasing his power in the Final. The Italian driver crossed the line as first, with his main rival, the young Dutch Marijn Kremers following him like a shadow on BirelArt. The podium was completed by CRG’s


of Genk, first round of the European Championship of the cadet category, has been a bit mean with satisfaction for CRG due to some racing episodes. The first of CRG drivers was the Swede Benjamin Persson Tornqvist of CRG Holland. He crossed the finish line in 12th position, while the Spanish Gerard Cebrian Ariza was 17th, the Swede Andreas Johansson of CRG Holland 19th and Alessandro Giardelli closed his effort in P20, after a good recovery following qualifying heats. The Spanish driver Enrico Prosperi was 25th. Alexander Schmitz of CRG Holland and Fabrizio Rosati of SRP Racing Team did not finish instead. The Brazilian Gaetano Gomes Di Mauro also had to retire early on. Kay Van Berlo of CRG Keijzer Racing, Max Tubben of CRG Holland, Fabian Kreim of CRG Deutschland, Max Weering of CRG Holland and Julien Deharte could not qualify for the Final. KZ2 European Championship: 1. Vigano (Tony KartVortex) points 32; 2. Irlando (Sodi-Tm) points 29; 3. Köhler (Tony Kart-Vortex) points 26.

> Paolo De Conto, Stan Pex, KZ <

All results feed are available at and




Genk (BEL). 12-14 May 2017. Air: 21ºC, Track: dry, sunny.

Genk (BEL). 12-14 May 2017. Air: 21ºC, Track: dry, sunny.

P. Nr. Entrant 1 4 CRG SpA 2 20 Birel Art Racing Srl 3 17 CRG Holland 4 5 Sodikart 5 94 Tony Kart Racing Team srl 6 2 Kosmic Racing Departement 7 10 KSW Birelart Austria Racing Team 8 12 CPB Sport 9 18 Tony Kart Racing Team 10 6 Kosmic Racing Departement 11 9 Gold Kart Racing Team 12 22 CRG SpA 13 14 Formula K Racing Team 14 19 Birel Art Racing Srl 15 8 Sodikart 16 21 Renda Motorsport S.a.s. 17 93 Deharte, Julien 18 16 Nuova 3M Srl 19 11 CRG Holland NOT CLASSIFIED 1 Tony Kart Racing Team

P. Nr. Entrant 1 301 Tony Kart Racing Team 2 302 CPB Sport 3 332 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 4 327 Energy Corse Srl 5 306 CPB Sport 6 311 Maranello Kart S.r.l. 7 08 Ward Racing 8 322 CPB Sport 9 310 Novalux Srl 10 358 Birel Art Racing Srl 11 329 Petit, Daniel 12 320 CRG Holland 13 364 Kosmic Racing Departement 14 303 DR Srl 15 336 CPB Sport 16 313 Novalux Srl 17 326 CRG SpA 18 305 Birel Art Racing Srl 19 317 CRG Holland 20 335 CRG SpA 21 365 Tony Kart Racing Team 22 345 Goudant, Cédric 23 342 Ward Racing 24 359 Ward Racing 25 331 CRG SpA 26 307 Tony Kart Racing Team 27 341 Birel Art Racing Srl 28 312 Picot, Nicolas 29 309 Chiesa Corse 30 304 CRG Holland 31 314 SRP Racing Team 32 325 Praga Racing Team 33 355 CRG SpA 34 323 Ward Racing

Driver De Conto Paolo Kremers, Marijn Pex, Stan Abbasse, Anthony Hiltbrand Aguilar, Pedro Hajek, Patrik Dreezen, Rick Lundberg, Douglas Corberi, Luca Puhakka, Simo Fore, Davide Torsellini, Mirko Carlton, Gary Tiene, Felice Lammers, Bas Kuovi, Jan Deharte, Julien Dale, Andrea Pex, Jorrit

Equipment Gap Best Lap CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 23 Laps 52.210 Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 0.172 52.192 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 1.345 52.159 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 2.432 52.205 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 2.610 52.264 Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 4.193 52.086 Birel Art/Vortex/B’stone 7.354 52.346 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 8.666 52.478 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 9.463 52.354 Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 11.207 52.183 Righetti Ridolfi/TM Racing/B’stone 11.738 52.481 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 11.906 52.529 Formula K/TM Racing/B’stone 14.659 52.622 Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 15.873 52.532 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 29.680 52.219 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 30.726 53.050 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 34.957 53.347 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 22 Laps 55.694 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 23 Laps

Ardigo, Marco

Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone


THE INTERVIEW PAOLO DE CONTO, KZ: «The inconvenience in the third heat did not allow me to start from the front row. In fact, I was given a 10s time penalty due to the dropped front fairing following my tapping to Pex at the start, but despite having to start the Final from the second row, I was aware of having what it takes to win. I would have never expected Kremers to keep such a race pace from lights to flag, and therefore it has not been easy to end ahead of a rival always in my slipstream. It has been a long an tight final, but I managed at best the whole package and I got the victory. Two rounds are still to be run in this Championship, certainly the two wins make me the favourite to the final win, but it is too early to even talk about this».

Driver Vigano, Matteo Irlando, Alessandro Köhler, Leon Van Leeuwen, Martijn Leuillet, Tom Gonzales, Nicolas Skäras, Emil Baciuska, Rokas Ippolito, Paolo Longhi, Riccardo Petit, Hubert Persson Tornqvist, Benjamin Rasmussen, Oliver Davies, Dylan Renaudin, Adrien Iacovacci, Francesco Cebrian Ariza, Gerard Dahlberg, Alexander Johansson, Andreas Giardelli, Alessandro Luyet, Jean Landais, Thomas Westerholm, Jesper Levi, Ariel Prosperi, Enrico Piccini, Alessio Al Rawahi, Abdullah Picot, Nicolas Loubere, Pierre Schmitz, Alexander Rosati, Fabrizio Celenta, Francesco Gomes Di Mauro, Gaetano Forslöf, David

Equipment Gap Best Lap Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 23 Laps 52.465 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 1.087 52.538 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 2.538 52.562 Energy Corse/TM Racing/B’stone 3.527 52.572 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 7.353 52.657 Maranello/TM Racing/B’stone 7.994 52.716 Tony Kart/TM Racing/B’stone 9.103 52.738 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 10.798 52.606 Lenzokart/LKE/B’stone 11.603 52.739 Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 12.130 52.441 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 12.773 52.794 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 14.400 52.663 Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 15.657 52.690 DR/Modena Engines/B’stone 16.311 52.813 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 17.123 52.896 Luxor/LKE/B’stone 17.761 52.751 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 18.490 52.920 Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 18.533 52.653 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 19.07 52.929 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 19.375 52.931 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 21.794 52.823 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 22.757 52.936 Tony Kart/TM Racing/B’stone 22.872 52.971 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 23.219 52.980 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 23.894 53.054 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 23.895 52.868 Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 25.421 53.225 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 32.662 53.047 Zanardi/Parilla/B’stone 16 Laps 52.793 CRG/Vortex/B’stone 17 Laps 53.082 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 18 Laps 53.164 Praga/TM Racing/B’stone 19 Laps 53.387 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 22 Laps 59.393 Tony Kart/TM Racing/B’stone 23 Laps

NOTE Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. o.358 LONGHI, RICCARDO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.110. N No.305 DAHLBERG, ALEXANDER: According to Stewards’ Decision No.113. No.307 PICCINI, ALESSIO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.112. No.312 PICOT, NICOLAS: According to Stewards’ Decision No.111. No.309 LOUBERE, PIERRE: According to Stewards’ Decision No.114. No.325 CELENTA, FRANCESCO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.115.

STAN PEX, KZ: «I finished in P3. The start was good, I started from the sixth position and I gained directly P4, I had a good speed so I passed Abbasse, who was also fast and he stayed all the race behind me, but in the end I was quicker so I finished third. I am very happy».




The third round of the European CIK-FIA Championship has given the victory of the KZ title to

the circuit of Oviedo, a situation common to a lot of his rivals. The stress that this difficult weekend put on the karts is quite adamant from the fact that CRG had to replace 50 axle shafts! The best of CRG drivers in OK has been the Dutch Glenn Van Berlo of CRG Keijzer Racing, who was fourth at the end of a good comeback race. Hannes Janker, who had been a splendid protagonist up to the Final, and Dennis Hauger had

CRG and Paolo De Conto, thanks to the stunning third win in a row claimed by the Italian in Spain at the Fernando Alonso Circuit of Oviedo, success that followed the first two taken in Sarno and Genk. DE CONTO NEW EUROPEAN CHAMPION ONE RACE EARLY. Paolo De Conto secured another fair and square victory

on CRG-Tm being the unquestioned protagonist of the KZ European Championship 2017 after the two wins taken in as many rounds. The Championship will end in Sweden at Kristianstad next July 30th, but the gap accumulated by Paolo De Conto is now impossible to fill by all his rivals. Three wins in three races, a stunning hat trick that rewarded the competitiveness of the whole CRG team and the technical package provided to the Italian driver. Reigning World Champion Paolo De Conto won his third European title, he was in fact victorious back in 2010 (KZ2), in 2011 (KZ1) and now in KZ. In Oviedo, Paolo De Conto was second in qualifying, but put his name forward to the victory winning all the three qualifying heats. In the Final, after fighting initially with Iglesias, he managed the advantage built on Lammers and Kremers, that eventually joined him on the podium. The weekend of the other two CRG protagonists on CRG-Tm, namely the Pex brothers, has been a bit unlucky instead. Stan Pex was fifth, while Jorrit Pex was eighth instead. CAMPONESCHI UNLUCKY IN OK. In OK Flavio

Camponeschi has been extremely unlucky on CRG-Parilla, as he had to retire one lap early due to the failure of the chain when he was deservedly holding P3 after being second and engaging in a tight fight with his main rivals. The chain failure happened as he jumped going through the closing chicane of


> Michael Rosina, OK <

> Glenn Van Berlo, OK <

> Flavio Camponeschi, OK <


RACING TEAM / CIK-FIA EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 3 - OVIEDO to retire due to an incident, the latter while recovering several positions. Michael Rosina was also forced to an early stop, while Kilian Meyer could not qualify for the final due to a penalty in the closing heat. HUGO SASSE THE BEST IN OK-JUNIOR. The German

Hugo Sasse of CRG TB Racing Team has been the best of the CRG lot in OK-Junior. He was fifth at the flag. The Russian Artem Kosarev of CRG Keijzer Racing was 20th and the Dutch Kas Haverkort of CRG Keijzer Racing was 23rd. The two Spanish drivers Ayrton Fontecha and Francisco Javier Sagrera had to retire due to an incident, as the Brazilian Gabriel Bortoleto who got on the podium in Sarno. The German Donar Munding could not qualify for the final, as Luca Giardelli, Mathias Torreggiani and Pietro Delli Guanti of CRG Keijzer. CIK-FIA EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP KZ - OVIEDO

All results are available at and

Alonso Circuit (SPA). 6-8 June 2017. Air: 19ºC, Track: dry, cloudy. P. Nr. Entrant 1 4 CRG SpA 2 8 Sodikart 3 20 Birel Art Racing Srl 4 2 Kosmic Racing Departement 5 17 CRG Holland 6 3 Formula K Racing Team 7 6 Kosmic Racing Departement 8 11 CRG Holland 9 92 Sodikart 10 14 Formula K Racing Team 11 18 Tony Kart Racing Team 12 10 KSW Birelart Austria Racing Team 13 5 Sodikart 14 19 Birel Art Racing Srl NOT CLASSIFIED 15 9 Gold Kart Racing Team

THE INTERVIEW PAOLO DE CONTO, KZ: «Everything has been working well since the first race of Sarno. In Oviedo I gave my 100% and managed to win three heats scoring some championship points, and the result in the Final provided me with the mathematical certainty of the title. The Final has been quite tough because the temperature changed, as it was cooler after the hot temps of the previous days, and it also started raining. The track was a lot more slippery. I managed the race anyway and I am really happy for the end result. Everything worked like a charm. The environment within the team is great. We will now focus on the World Championship. I would like to thank Giancarlo Tinini for the trust he put on me, TM Racing, my mechanic Bolla, Omar, and my family. If I have to dedicate this title to someone, that is gotta be CRG that allowed me to get such stunning results». FLAVIO CAMPONESCHI, OK: «I am really disappointed for the problem with the chain, but I am happy for the speed we displayed. I had to stop with one lap to go due to the jump I made while going through the last chicane: I was third and chasing the second. It has been a good race, even if some hard taps made me lose contact with the leader. My race pace was very good and this is very important for the next rounds».


Driver De Conto Paolo Lammers, Bas Kremers, Marijn Hajek, Patrik Pex, Stan Iglesias, Jeremy Puhakka, Simo Pex, Jorrit Irlando, Alex Carlton, Gary Corberi, Luca Dreezen, Rick Abbasse, Anthony Tiene, Felice

Equipment Gap Best Lap CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 22 Laps 56.230 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 0.294 56.152 Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 2.367 56.268 Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 2.486 56.067 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 2.948 56.100 Formula K/TM Racing/B’stone 3.492 56.207 Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 3.894 56.319 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 4.804 56.327 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 5.967 56.172 Formula K/TM Racing/B’stone 6.674 56.266 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 1 Lap 56.267 Birel Art/Vortex/B’stone 7 Laps 56.329 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 12 Laps 56.216 Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 13 Laps 56.463

Fore, Davide

Righetti Ridolfi/TM Racing/B’stone DNS



Alonso Circuit (SPA). 6-8 June 2017. Air: 19ºC, Track: dry, cloudy.

Alonso Circuit (SPA). 6-8 June 2017. Air: 19ºC, Track: dry, cloudy.

P. Nr. Entrant 1 101 Tony Kart Racing Team 2 102 Chiesa Corse 3 122 Tony Kart Racing Team 4 160 CRG Keijzer Racing 5 107 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 6 141 Tony Kart Racing Team 7 130 Ricciardo Kart Racing 8 126 VDK Racing 9 173 Kosmic Racing Departement 10 109 CRG TB Racing Team 11 104 Tony Kart Racing Team 12 103 Kosmic Racing Departement 13 146 Energy Corse Srl 14 121 Ward Racing 15 144 Forza Racing 16 111 Chiesa Corse 17 148 Kosmic Racing Departement 18 140 Koski Motorsport 19 158 Ward Racing 20 134 DR Srl 21 136 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 22 114 CRG SpA 23 133 Chiesa Corse 24 120 Birel Art Racing Srl 25 105 Chiesa Corse 26 119 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 27 118 CRG SpA 28 128 Ward Racing 29 161 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 30 170 CRG SpA 31 106 CRG SpA 32 108 Kosmic Racing Departement 33 115 Baby Race Srl 34 172 Fusion Motorsport

P. Nr. Entrant 1 209 Chiesa Corse 2 230 Piers Sexton Racing 3 215 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 4 265 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 5 248 CRG TB Racing Team 6 208 Baby Race Srl 7 223 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 8 235 Birel Art Racing Srl 9 227 Baby Race Srl 10 201 Baby Race Srl 11 225 VDK Racing 12 237 Koski Motorsport 13 203 Chiesa Corse 14 216 Forza Racing 15 245 Fusion Motorsport 16 205 DPK Racing 17 214 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 18 202 Ward Racing 19 218 Forza Racing 20 262 CRG Keijzer Racing 21 234 Birel Art Racing Srl 22 226 Ward Racing 23 211 CRG Keijzer Racing 24 254 Evokart Srl 25 221 Baby Race Srl 26 231 Kosmic Racing Departement 27 220 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 28 257 CRG SpA Sagrera 29 240 Birel Art Racing Srl 30 260 DPK Racing 31 217 CRG SpA 32 243 Chiesa Corse 33 294 CRG SpA NOT CLASSIFIED 34 270 Koski Motorsport

Driver Equipment Gap Best Lap Hiltbrand Aguilar, Pedro Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 22 Laps 56.670 Joyner, Thomas Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 22 2.470 56.866 Vidales Ajenjo, David Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 5.421 56.612 Van Berlo, Glenn CRG/Parilla/LeCont 6.724 56.978 Tonteri, Paavo Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 10.351 56.770 De Castro Petecof, Gianluca Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 11.107 56.864 Lindh, Rasmus Ricciardo Kart/TM Racing/LeCont 11.207 56.849 De Pauw, Ulysse Kosmic/Parilla/LeCont 11.373 56.871 Mazou, Hicham Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 15.603 57.205 Lippkau, Luca Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 19.797 56.897 Novalak, Clément Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 20.687 57.256 Basz, Karol Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 21.417 57.049 Nouet, Theo Energy Corse/Parilla/LeCont 23.458 57.214 Blomqvist, Isac Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 24.576 57.215 Alvarez, Sebastian Exprit/Vortex/LeCont 25.532 57.436 Gheno, Jacopo Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 27.140 57.363 Vebster, Daniel Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 34.907 56.676 Ollikainen, Jonne Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 36.369 57.089 Persson, Sebastian Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 37.475 57.495 Jonusis, Justas DR/Parilla/LeCont 40.284 57.740 Kruetten, Niki FA Kart/Vortex/LeCont 43.287 56.936 Camponeschi, Flavio CRG/Parilla/LeCont 1 Lap 56.660 Eteki, Adam Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 4 Laps 56.935 Collet, Caio Birel Art/TM Racing/LeCont 7 Laps 56.604 Travisanutto, Lorenzo Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 9 Laps 57.110 Taoufik, Sami FA Kart/Vortex/LeCont 10 Laps 57.016 Hauger, Dennis CRG/Parilla/LeCont 10 Laps 56.888 Bulantsev, Pavel Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 11 Laps 58.251 Schumacher, David Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 13 Laps 59.210 Rosina, Michael CRG/Parilla/LeCont 14 Laps 58.890 Janker, Hannes CRG/Parilla/LeCont 19 Laps 1:11.285 Milell, Noah Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 20 Laps 1:12.147 Kenneally, Finlay Jack Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 20 Laps 1:07.561 Ferrari, Lorenzo Exprit/Vortex/LeCont 0 Laps


Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. No.109 LIPPKAU, LUCA: According to Stewards’ Decision No.185. No.148 VEBSTER, DANIEL: According to Stewards’ Decision No.187. No.140 OLLIKAINEN, JONNE: According to Stewards’ Decision No.186. No.158 PERSSON, SEBASTIAN: According to Stewards’ Decision No.188. No.134 JONUSIS, JUSTAS: According to Stewards’ Decision No.184. No.120 COLLET, CAIO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.189. No.119 TAOUFIK, SAMI: According to Stewards’ Decision No.191. No.118 HAUGER, DENNIS: According to Stewards’ Decision No.190.


Driver Michelotto, Mattia Lulham, Christopher Thompson, Harry Maloney, Zane Sasse, Hugo Rosso, Andrea O’Sullivan, Zak Famularo, Anthony Brizhan, Alexey Henrion, Gillian Mettetal, Jules Seppänen, Elias Marseglia, Leonardo Edgar, Jonny Mallet, Evann Civico, Genis Doohan, Jack Morozov, Ilya Patterson, Dexter Kosarev, Artem Famularo, Alessandro Beganovic, Dino Haverkort, Kas Raffaele, Francesca Aron, Paul Stanek, Roman Coluccio, Luigi Pont, Francisco Gomez Gutierrez, Jose A. Joutsimies, Rasmus Bortoleto, Gabriel David, Hadrien Fontecha Martinez, Ayrton

Equipment Zanardi/Parilla/Vega Tony Kart/Parilla/Vega FA Kart/Vortex/Vega FA Kart/Vortex/Vega CRG/Parilla/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Birel Art/TM Racing/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Kosmic/Parilla/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Zanardi/Parilla/Vega Exprit/TM Racing/Vega Exprit/Vortex/Vega FA Kart/Parilla/Vega FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Exprit/TM Racing/Vega CRG/Parilla/Vega Birel Art/TM Racing/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega CRG/Parilla/Vega Evokart/Parilla/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Kosmic/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Javier CRG/Parilla/Vega Birel Art/TM Racing/Vega FA Kart/Parilla/Vega CRG/Parilla/Vega Zanardi/Parilla/Vega CRG/Parilla/Vega

Saarijärvi, Frans-Emil Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega

Gap Best Lap 18 Laps 59.326 0.845 59.205 1.785 59.361 2.647 59.207 2.883 59.433 2.996 59.161 5.500 59.259 5.600 59.364 6.204 59.144 6.436 59.192 6.831 59.187 6.970 59.309] 8.313 59.197] 9.240 59.039 10.339 59.595 10.635 58.853 14.589 58.834 17.494 59.499 18.106 59.167 18.658 59.428 20.328 59.436 20.663 59.024 29.120 59.015 30.607 1:00.661 33.061 59.653 4 Laps 59.058 5 Laps 59.458 7 Laps 59.474 9 Laps 59.392 11 Laps 1:00.000 11 Laps 59.410 15 Laps 1:00.455 15 Laps 1:00.702 DNS

Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. No.205 CIVICO, GENIS: Decision No.174. No.216 EDGAR, JONNY: Decision No.175. No.214 DOOHAN, JACK: Decision No.176. No.202 MOROZOV, ILYA: Decision No.177. No.211 HAVERKORT, KAS: Decision No.179. No.218 PATTERSON, DEXTER : Decision No.180. No.234 FAMULARO, ALESSANDRO: Decision No.182. No.26 BEGANOVIC, DINO: Decision No.181. No.231 STANEK, ROMAN: Decision No.183. No.211 HAVERKORT, KAS: Time penalty 10“ for overtaking under yellow flag conditions (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions). According to Stewards’ Decision No.178.




The Final of the CIK-FIA European Championship

stands in ninth place, 16 points short of the leader. In OK, Flavio Camponeschi managed to recover from the starting P17, but was involved in an incident in the closing stages of the Final when holding P7. The CRG driver unfortunately suffered speed problems throughout the weekend. Among CRG drivers partaking in the Final, Kilian Meyer, Callum Bradshaw and Hannes Janker have been quite competitive too. Meyer secured the seventh place in the Final, Bradshaw (who won one heat) was 10th and Janker 11th. Glenn Van Berlo of CRG Keijzer Racing closed his effort in P20, while Michael Rosina was forced to the retirement.

of OK in Le Mans had a sting in the tail end, with the best CRG driver being the Norwegian Dennis Hauger that has been among the protagonists until the Final. Hauger could have taken the win, but in the end he had to settle for a podium finish, that was later on turned into a fourth position. OK. A one second time penalty to give P3 back to Kenneally

demoted Hauger to the fourth position, a result that did not ruin the good racing weekend put in by the Norwegian driver of CRG, who secured the pole position and took the lead of the pack after heats. In the OK Final, Hauger got an early lead, but then lost a couple of places bouncing back to regain the lead, before slipping again behind. He finally clinched P3, but his overtaking move was judged too aggressive and was sanctioned with a demotion to P4. Hauger recovered some ground in the classification and now

KZ2. The quickest of CRG drivers of KZ2 was Max Tubben of

CRG Holland, who was eighth in the Final. Enrico Prosperi was 15th, while the other CRG Holland driver Benjamin Tornqvist was 22nd. Alessandro Giardelli could not find a place

> Max Tubben, KZ2 <

> Kilian Meyer Prat, OK <


> Eddy Tinini, Mariano De Faveri <

> Hugo Sasse, OKJ <



> Dennis Hauger, OK <

> Alessandro Giardelli, Karol Lubas, KZ2 <


among the finalists, as he was flawlessly involved in a incident in the formation lap of the closing heat.

Le Mans (FRA). 27-29 June 2017. Air: 23ºC, Track: dry, cloudy. P. Nr. Entrant 1 310 Novalux Srl 2 322 CPB Sport 3 394 CKR Srl 4 332 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 5 302 CPB Sport 6 313 Novalux Srl 7 306 CPB Sport 8 324 CRG Holland 9 307 Tony Kart Racing Team 10 325 Praga Racing Team 11 336 CPB Sport 12 327 Energy Corse Srl 13 308 Ward Racing 14 316 CPB Sport 15 331 CRG SpA 16 303 DR Srl 17 387 Fiault, Charles 18 345 Goudant, Cédric 19 393 Solgat Motorsport 20 349 Evrard, Paul 21 395 Sabin, Franck 22 320 CRG Holland Persson 23 309 Chiesa Corse 24 329 Petit, Daniel 25 340 Comer S.p.A. 26 346 Kosmic Racing Departement 27 334 Formula K Racing Team 28 301 Tony Kart Racing Team 29 311 Maranello Kart S.r.l. 30 396 Evokart Srl 31 328 DR Srl 32 389 CKR Srl 33 305 Birel Art Racing Srl 34 312 Picot, Nicolas

OK JUNIOR. The Le Mans’ weekend for OK-Junior CRG

drivers has been hampered by several incidents. In the end, the Brazilian Gabriel Bortoleto was 14th, Luca Giardelli 26th, Kas Haverkort of CRG Keijzer Racing was 27th due to an incident after a great qualifying. The German Donar Munding could not qualify for the Final, despite claiming a great second in one heat, and the Spanish Francisco Sagrera had a similar fate. The final two rounds of the European Championship are scheduled for next July 23rd in Alaharma, Finland (OK and OK-Junior), as the closer will take place in Kristianstad (Sweden) on July 30th (OK, OK-Junior, KZ, KZ2). All results are available at and


Driver Ippolito, Paolo Baciuska, Rokas Pelizzari, Alessandro Köhler, Leon Irlando, Alessandro Iacovacci, Francesco Leuillet, Tom Tubben, Max Piccini, Alessio Celenta, Francesco Renaudin, Adrien Van Leeuwen, Martijn Skäras, Emil Fontaine, Paul Prosperi, Enrico Davies, Dylan Fiault, Charles Landais, Thomas Matisic, Andre Evrard, Paul Sabin, Maxime Tornqvist, Benjamin Loubere, Pierre Petit, Hubert Cunati, Simone Bengtsson, Axel Ptacek, Petr Vigano, Matteo Gonzales, Nicolas Sotiropoulos, Fotis Paul, Maximilian Giannoni, Lorenzo Dahlberg, Alexander Picot, Nicolas

Equipment Gap Best Lap Lenzokart/LKE/B’stone 22 Laps 52.150 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 0.559 52.232 CKR/TM Racing/B’stone 1.037 52.170 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 1.506 52.166 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 1.794 52.083 Luxor/LKE/B’stone 3.601 52.126 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 3.906 51.953 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 4.131 52.246 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 4.621 52.206 Praga/TM Racing/B’stone 6.970 52.278 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 7.525 52.158 Energy Corse/TM Racing/B’stone 7.905 52.162 Tony Kart/TM Racing/B’stone 9.985 52.172 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 11.715 52.280 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 13.171 52.430 DR/Modena Engines/B’stone 14.659 52.497 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 14.981 52.086 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 15.054 52.294 Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 15.133 52.220 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 15.243 52.493 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 15.721 52.149 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 18.368 52.096 Zanardi/Parilla/B’stone 20.648 52.179 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 20.701 52.184 Top Kart/Parilla/B’stone 23.451 52.029 Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 25.457 52.336 Formula K/TM Racing/B’stone 34.764 52.622 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 1 Lap 52.206 Maranello/TM Racing/B’stone 7 Laps 52.295 Evokart/TM Racing/B’stone 12 Laps 52.571 DR/Modena Engines/B’stone 22 Laps CKR/TM Racing/B’stone 22 Laps Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 22 Laps Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 22 Laps

Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. No.320 PERSSON TORNQVIST, BENJAMIN: According to Stewards’ Decision No.200. No.309 LOUBERE, PIERRE: According to Stewards’ Decision No.00. No.329 PETIT, HUBERT: According to Stewards’ Decision No.202. No.340 CUNATI, SIMONE: According to Stewards’ Decision No.197. No.346 BENGTSSON, AXEL: According to Stewards’ Decision No.199. No.334 PTACEK, PETR: According to Stewards’ Decision No.198.




Le Mans (FRA). 27-29 June 2017. Air: 21ºC, Track: dry, cloudy.

Le Mans (FRA). 27-29 June 2017. Air: 23ºC, Track: dry, cloudy.

P. Nr. Entrant 1 105 Chiesa Corse 2 119 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 3 115 Baby Race Srl 4 118 CRG SpA 5 108 Kosmic Racing Departement 6 103 Kosmic Racing Departement 7 149 CRG SpA 8 126 VDK Racing 9 186 PF International Karting Ltd 10 116 CRG SpA 11 106 CRG SpA 12 141 Tony Kart Racing Team 13 128 Ward Racing 14 102 Chiesa Corse 15 158 Ward Racing 16 185 Compkart 17 113 Ward Racing 18 160 CRG Keijzer Racing 19 146 Energy Corse Srl 20 109 CRG Keijzer Racing 21 140 Koski Motorsport 22 153 Kohtala Sports 23 162 Compkart 24 111 Chiesa Corse 25 124 Forza Racing 26 114 CRG SpA 27 127 Kosmic Racing Departement 28 107 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 29 120 Birel Art Racing Srl 30 193 Piers Sexton Racing 31 139 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 32 170 CRG SpA NOT CLASSIFIED 101 Tony Kart Racing Team 161 KSM Schumacher Racing Team

P. Nr. Entrant 1 207 Chiesa Corse 2 243 Chiesa Corse 3 216 Forza Racing 4 205 DPK Racing 5 214 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 6 231 Kosmic Racing Departement 7 288 Hadjar, Yassine 8 212 VDK Racing 9 230 Piers Sexton Racing 10 203 Chiesa Corse 11 209 Chiesa Corse 12 224 Baby Race Srl 13 220 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 14 217 CRG SpA 15 237 Koski Motorsport 16 238 Praga Racing Team 17 284 Auf der Maur GmbH 18 256 Energy Corse Srl 19 221 Baby Race Srl 20 247 Ward Racing 21 222 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 22 202 Ward Racing 23 208 Baby Race Srl 24 246 VDK Racing Navalon 25 227 Baby Race Srl 26 204 CRG SpA 27 211 CRG Keijzer Racing 28 223 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 29 265 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 30 228 Tony Kart Racing Team 31 286 De Gerus, Thierry 32 215 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 33 218 Forza Racing 34 201 Baby Race Srl

Driver Travisanutto, Lorenzo Taoufik, Sami Kenneally, Finlay Jack Hauger, Dennis Milell, Noah Basz, Karol Meyer Prat, Kilian De Pauw, Ulysse Hodgson, Oliver Bradshaw, Callum Janker, Hannes De Castro Petecof, Gianluca Bulantsev, Pavel Joyner, Thomas Persson, Sebastian Garrison, Austin Ohlin, Simon Van Berlo, Glenn Nouet, Theo Lippkau, Luca Ollikainen, Jonne Valtanen, Juho D’Orlando, Nicholas Gheno, Jacopo Vaskelis, Kasparas Camponeschi, Flavio Pourchaire, Théo Tonteri, Paavo Collet, Caio Tan, Ethan Nannini, Matteo Rosina, Michael

Equipment Gap Best Lap Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 22 Laps 52.354 FA Kart/Vortex/LeCont 0.067 52.297 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 1.703 52.325 CRG/Parilla/LeCont 2.202 52.206 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 2.752 52.178 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 4.311 52.280 CRG/Parilla/LeCont 6.257 52.300 Kosmic/Parilla/LeCont 6.366 52.253 Birel/Parilla/LeCont 6.788 52.405 CRG/Parilla/LeCont 7.279 52.423 CRG/Parilla/LeCont 7.569 52.355 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 9.166 52.453 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 9.436 52.207 Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 9.802 52.513 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 12.661 52.268 Comp/TM Racing/LeCont 12.758 52.390 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 16.105 52.342 CRG/Parilla/LeCont 16.530 52.668 Energy Corse/Parilla/LeCont 17.169 52.556 Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 18.478 52.755 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 18.521 52.362 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 23.150 52.354 Comp/TM Racing/LeCont 26.783 52.591 Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 32.077 52.384 Exprit/TM Racing/LeCont 33.405 53.183 CRG/Parilla/LeCont 1 Lap 52.392 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 6 Laps 52.324 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 8 Laps 52.418 Birel Art/TM Racing/LeCont 12 Laps 52.483 Tony Kart/Parilla/LeCont 15 Laps 53.027 FA Kart/Vortex/LeCont 18 Laps 54.549 CRG/Parilla/LeCont 22 Laps

Hiltbrand Aguilar, Pedro Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont Schumacher, David Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont

DSQ 52.178 DSQ 52.268


Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. No.153 VALTANEN, JUHO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.218. No.162 D’ORLANDO, NICHOLAS : According to Stewards’ Decision No.219. No.111 GHENO, JACOPO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.217. No.124 VASKELIS, KASPARAS: According to Stewards’ Decision No.220. No.153 VALTANEN, JUHO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.218.

Disqualification for bad manoeuvre (Art 2.24 of the CIK General Prescriptions 2017). No.101 HILTBRAND AGUILAR, PEDRO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.214. No.161 SCHUMACHER, DAVID: According to Stewards’ Decision No.221.

Equipment Zanardi/Parilla/Vega Zanardi/Parilla/Vega Exprit/TM Racing/Vega FA Kart/Parilla/Vega FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Kosmic/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Kosmic/Parilla/Vega Tony Kart/Parilla/Vega Zanardi/Parilla/Vega Zanardi/Parilla/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega CRG/Parilla/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Praga/TM Racing/Vega Birel Art/TM Racing/Vega Energy Corse/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Kosmic/Parilla/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega CRG/Parilla/Vega CRG/Parilla/Vega FA Kart/Vortex/Vega FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Exprit/TM Racing/Vega Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega

Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. No.202 MOROZOV, ILYA: According to Stewards’ Decision No.207. No.208 ROSSO, ANDREA: According to Stewards’ Decision No.209. No.246 NAVALON BOYA, JOSE MARIA: According to Stewards’ Decision No.208. No.227 BRIZHAN, ALEXEY: According to Stewards’ Decision No.210. No.204 GIARDELLI, LUCA: According to Stewards’ Decision No.211. No.215 THOMPSON, HARRY: According to Stewards’ Decision No.212. No.218 PATTERSON, DEXTER: According to Stewards’ Decision No.205.


Time penalty of 1“ time penalty for bad manoeuvre. No.118 HAUGER, DENNIS: According to Stewards’ Decision No.222.

Driver Muth, O’neill David, Hadrien Edgar, Jonny Civico, Genis Doohan, Jack Stanek, Roman Hadjar, Isack Alexandre Goldstein, Elie Lulham, Christopher Marseglia, Leonardo Michelotto, Mattia Bosco, Luca Coluccio, Luigi Bortoleto, Gabriel Seppänen, Elias Martinez, Carles Anderrüti, Leandro Kikkenborg, Frederik Aron, Paul Kharitonov, Tikhon Bizzotto, Leonardo Morozov, Ilya Rosso, Andrea Boya, Jose Maria Brizhan, Alexey Giardelli, Luca Haverkort, Kas O’Sullivan, Zak Maloney, Zane Gustafsson, Viktor De Gerus, Reshad Thompson, Harry Patterson, Dexter Henrion, Gillian


Gap Best Lap 19 Laps 54.656 0.596 54.467 0.651 54.462 0.810 54.730 0.983 54.422 1.077 54.452 1.786 54.626 1.903 54.664 1.936 54.388 2.602 54.673 2.899 54.745 3.302 54.745 3.473 54.642 4.707 54.606 4.855 54.749 5.128 54.774 5.339 55.010 5.393 54.848 5.920 54.830 6.641 54.622 11.411 54.847 12.712 54.655 13.083 54.722 13.246 54.490 15.233 55.341 21.143 55.562 34.147 54.629 48.769 54.793 7 Laps 54.322 7 Laps 54.535 7 Laps 54.597 7 Laps 54.602 9 Laps 55.009 16 Laps 56.012



CRG drivers put in convincing performances

Glenn Van Berlo of CRG Keijzer Racing, missed out on qualifying for the Final by a whisker, mainly due to a penalty on his front fairing after a contact. Hauger had a tricky start of the Final from the outside lane of the second row and lost some positions. Shortly after he had to retire due to an incident, while he was trying to bounce back. Bradshaw put in a good fight until halfway through, getting up to P6, but then he had to concede some positions and ended 11th.

at the European Championship valid for the two categories OK and OK-Junior in Finland, showing a good pace in qualifying and heats, but the final result went unfortunately missing at the circuit Pawerparck of Alahärmä. That was a shame as premises were very good for the colors of the Italian outfit. Regrettably, Flavio Camponeschi had to leave Alahärmä due to a muscular problem before starting qualifying. On Friday, in free practice, Camponeschi suffered in fact some physical problems and, despite the help of doctors, he preferred not to continue his weekend, as he did not want to risk compromising the remaining the season.


drivers have shown a good pace also in OK-Junior and all managed to qualify for the Final. Gabriel Bortoleto completed his best loop only 0.003s shy of the pole position time in the first session, the Spanish driver Francisco Sagrera was fourth in the second session at 0.219s and Donar Munding tenth at 0.474s. Bortoleto was quick also in the heats, taking the 12th place and a victory. Sagrera was also quick and installed himself in P15. Mathias Torreggiani 27th after the heats at the end of a good comeback from qualifying, and Munding was 30th, as both qualified for the Final. Bortoleto run a good Final closing within the top ten in 10th place, while Munding was 17th. Sagrera had to retire 7 laps into the race due to an incident, while Torreggiani retired from the race on lap 6. The next round will take place in a week’s time in Kristianstad (Sweden). The closer will award the titles of all categories with all the categories KZ, KZ2, OK and OKJunior, the only exception being KZ, category in which Paolo De Conto will finally have the chance to officially celebrate the title of European KZ Champion that he firmly holds in his hands since the previous race in Oviedo (Spain). All results are available at and

> Kilian Meyer Prat, OK <


displayed a great competitiveness in qualifying and heats. In OK, Dennis Hauger posted the quickest time of his series, that was the fourth absolute being only 0.028s off the pace, while Callum Bradshaw was 94 thousands slower than the pole, and Kilian Meyer 0.224s. The winning performance of CRG drivers continued also in the heats, with Hauger standing fourth absolute thanks to a win and two second places, while Callum Bradshaw took one victory and ended 15th. Kilian Meyer has been very unlucky instead, as he did not qualify for the Final due to a penalty for the dropped front fairing that hampered his classification. The Ducth





Alaharma (FIN). 20-23 July 2017. Air: 20ºC, Track: dry, sligtly cloudy.

Alaharma (FIN). 20-23 July 2017. Air: 20ºC, Track: dry, sligtly cloudy.

P. Nr. Entrant 1 119 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 2 128 Ward Racing 3 101 Tony Kart Racing Team 4 136 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 5 107 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 6 105 Chiesa Corse 7 161 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 8 146 Energy Corse Srl 9 122 Tony Kart Racing Team 10 127 Kosmic Racing Departement 11 116 CRG SpA 12 108 Kosmic Racing Departement 13 115 Baby Race Srl 14 102 Chiesa Corse 15 414 Lindfors, Timo 16 132 Chiesa Corse 17 121 Ward Racing 18 129 Kartprom 19 140 Koski Motorsport 20 409 Koski Motorsport 21 406 Kohtala Sports 22 103 Kosmic Racing Departement 23 110 Kohtala Sports 24 403 Hemet Racing 25 153 Kohtala Sports 26 104 Tony Kart Racing Team 27 109 CRG Keijzer Racing 28 120 Birel Art Racing Srl 29 124 Forza Racing 30 113 Ward Racing 31 118 CRG SpA 32 126 VDK Racing 33 123 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 34 148 Kosmic Racing Departement

P. Nr. Entrant 1 216 Forza Racing 2 202 Ward Racing 3 215 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 4 214 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 5 243 Chiesa Corse 6 203 Chiesa Corse 7 265 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 8 246 VDK Racing Navalon 9 226 Ward Racing 10 217 CRG SpA 11 251 Novalux Srl 12 207 Chiesa Corse 13 228 Tony Kart Racing Team 14 276 Koski Motorsport 15 241 Formula K Racing Team 16 220 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 17 267 CRG SpA 18 278 Koski Motorsport 19 230 Piers Sexton Racing 20 218 Forza Racing 21 222 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 22 238 Praga Racing Team 23 60 DPK Racing 24 257 CRG SpA 25 256 Energy Corse Srl 26 205 DPK Racing 27 270 Koski Motorsport 28 250 CRG SpA 29 209 Chiesa Corse 30 231 Kosmic Racing Departement 31 239 Kohtala Sports 32 225 VDK Racing 33 221 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 34 271 Kohtala Sports

Driver Taoufik, Sami Bulantsev, Pavel Hiltbrand Aguilar, Pedro Kruetten, Niki Tonteri, Paavo Travisanutto, Lorenzo Schumacher, David Nouet, Theo Vidales Ajenjo, David Pourchaire, Théo Bradshaw, Callum Milell, Noah Kenneally, Finlay Jack Joyner, Thomas Lindfors, Thomas Muth, Esteban Blomqvist, Isac Simonov, Mikhail Ollikainen, Jonne Leppä, Lauri Saarniala, Axel Basz, Karol Sario, Robin Ropanen, Roope Valtanen, Juho Novalak, Clément Lippkau, Luca Collet, Caio Vaskelis, Kasparas Ohlin, Simon Hauger, Dennis De Pauw, Ulysse Muizzuddin Musyaffa, B.A.G. Vebster, Daniel

Equipment Gap Best Lap FA Kart/Vortex/LeCont 25 Laps 42.405 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 0.875 42.295 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 1.002 42.274 FA Kart/Vortex/LeCont 1.238 42.326 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 1.359 42.314 Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 4.370 42.404 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 4.463 42.383 Energy Corse/Parilla/LeCont 5.014 42.235 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 6.424 42.354 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 6.640 42.293 CRG/Parilla/LeCont 6.993 42.320 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 7.094 42.231 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 7.427 42.325 Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 12.249 42.246 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 12.560 42.464 Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 13.323 42.321 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 15.755 42.683 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 15.815 42.478 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 15.988 42.358 Tony Kart/Parilla/LeCont 17.755 42.509 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 17.784 42.506 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 22.423 42.219 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 25.838 42.392 Ninar/TM Racing/LeCont 27.994 42.519 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 32.703 42.500 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 33.447 42.321 Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 9 Laps 42.633 Birel Art/TM Racing/LeCont 14 Laps 42.671 Exprit/TM Racing/LeCont 15 Laps 42.946 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 20 Laps 42.809 CRG/Parilla/LeCont 22 Laps 43.008 Kosmic/Parilla/LeCont 22 Laps 43.233 Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 22 Laps 43.023 Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 22 Laps 43.035


Driver Equipment Gap Best Lap Edgar, Jonny Exprit/TM Racing/Vega 21 Laps 44.357 Morozov, Ilya Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 1.459 44.437 Thompson, Harry FA Kart/Vortex/Vega 1.934 44.338 Doohan, Jack FA Kart/Vortex/Vega 2.011 44.549 David, Hadrien Zanardi/Parilla/Vega 2.123 44.318 Marseglia, Leonardo Zanardi/Parilla/Vega 3.866 44.456 Maloney, Zane FA Kart/Vortex/Vega 4.064 44.325 Boya, Jose Maria Kosmic/Parilla/Vega 4.292 44.509 Beganovic, Dino Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 5.095 44.567 Bortoleto, Gabriel CRG/Parilla/Vega 7.240 44.464 Pizzi, Francesco Raffaele Luxor/LKE/Vega 7.368 4.347 Muth, O’neill Zanardi/Parilla/Vega 13.397 44.495 Gustafsson, Viktor Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 13.617 44.380 Hannus, Jimi Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 14.368 44.561 Crescente, Francesco Formula K/TM Racing/Vega 14.597 44.558 Coluccio, Luigi Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 14.868 44.427 Munding, Donar CRG/Parilla/Vega 15.058 44.540 Salmenautio, Riku Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 16.784 44.910 Lulham, Christopher Tony Kart/Parilla/Vega 19.373 44.027 Patterson, Dexter Exprit/TM Racing/Vega 20.008 44.232 Bizzotto, Leonardo Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 20.800 44.658 Martinez, Carles Praga/TM Racing/Vega 27.540 44.481 Joutsimies, Rasmus FA Kart/Parilla/Vega 7 Laps 44.986 Sagrera Pont, Francisco J. CRG/Parilla/Vega 14 Laps 44.794 Kikkenborg, Frederik Energy Corse/Vortex/Vega 15 Laps 45.275 Civico, Genis FA Kart/Parilla/Vega 15 Laps 45.576 Saarijärvi, Frans-Emil Tony Kart/Vortex/Veg 15 Laps 45.364 Torreggiani, Mathias CRG/TM Racing/Vega 15 Laps 45.233 Michelotto, Mattia Zanardi/Parilla/Vega 16 Laps 45.181 Stanek, Roman Kosmic/Vortex/Vega 18 Laps 45.353 Pirttilahti, Nikolas Kosmic/Vortex/Vega 21 Laps Mettetal, Jules Kosmic/Parilla/Vega 21 Laps Aron, Paul FA Kart/Vortex/Vega 21 Laps Salonen, Matias Kosmic/Vortex/Vega 21 Laps


Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. No.103 BASZ, KAROL: According to Stewards’ Decision No.165. No.110 SARIO, ROBIN: According to Stewards’ Decision No.167. No.403 ROPANEN, ROOPE: According to Stewards’ Decision No.166.

Time penalty of 10“ for overtaking under yellow flag conditions (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions). No.228 GUSTAFSSON, VIKTOR: According to Stewards’ Decision No.170. Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. No.238 MARTINEZ, CARLES: According to Stewards’ Decision No.160.

Time penalty of 10“ for bad manoeuvre (Art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions). No.104 NOVALAK, CLÉMENT: According to Stewards’ Decision No.168.






Paolo De Conto has honoured at best the KZ title mathematically won in Le Mans on CRG-Tm. The Italian driver of CRG secured his second European Championship title after taking the KZ World Championship in Kristianstad in 2016. In Sweden, Paolo De Conto kicked off the weekend with a very last minute problem making him skip qualifying. In the heats he recovered well anyway, installing himself in a briliant fourth place. This has not been the first time during the season that De Conto had to start the Final from the second row of the grid. In fact that happened already in the first two rounds held in Sarno and Genk, where he managed to take the win anyway. In Kristianstad, a recovery was not that easy due also to the wet tarmac, but Paolo De Conto has put in a strong Final anyway, taking a third place in this occasion. Alongside the full haul in Sarno, Genk and Le Mans, the third place taken in Kristianstad confirmed CRG and Paolo De Conto as KZ European Champions in 2017. In KZ, the two Pex brothers, that have been protagonist of the German DKM Championship in this season, have not been as competitive in Kristianstad: Jorrit Pex was fifth, while his brother Stan Pex had to retire 9 laps into the race. The KZ Final was won by Patrik Hajek. Paolo De Conto (CRG-Tm) is the Championship winner.

Some rain made the final stages of the

European Championship even trickier in Sweden, as all categories – namely, KZ, KZ2, OK and OK-Junior, have been battling out the CIK-FIA Continental title. CRG colors eventually obtained very satisfying results. The circuit of Kristianstad has staged the closer of the European Championship, after the rounds run in Sarno – Italy (KZ, OK, OK-Junior), in Genk – Belgium (KZ, KZ2), in Oviedo – Spain (KZ, OK, OK-Junior), in Le Mans – France (KZ2, OK, OKJunior) and last week in Alahärmä – Finland (OK-OK-Junior).


Final putting in a stunning recovery from P30, as the Spanish Gerard Cebrian Ariza who started 22nd. At the flag, Gaetano Di Mauro claimed an excellent P2, taking the third podium for CRG in Kristianstad. The young Max Tubben took a very good fourth place. Benjamin Tornqvist eventually recovered up to P11, but was later on relegated to P13 by a penalty. Gerard Cebrian Ariza was 17th. The other Spanish driver of CRG Enrico Prosperi was out of the Final by a whisker, as happened to the Finn Petteri Ruotsalainen and Alessandro Giardelli, the latter despite a good qualifying.


which was run on wet tarmac but without rain falling, the German of CRG TB Racing Team Hugo Sasse confirmed to be the most competitive of CRG drivers during this weekend in Sweden, ending right at the feet of the podium, a result that was later on converted into a P3 due to the penalty handed to Edgar. Sasse, after posting the best absolute time in qualifying and taking the fourth position after heats (a victory and two second places), ended the Final in fourth place, but was later on promoted to third, while the Dutch driver Kas Haverkort

> De Conto, Franco Drudi (TM) <

> Hugo Sasse, OKJ <

> Benjamin Tornqvist, KZ2 <

The KZ2 Final was won by Adrien Renaudin, while the Championship went the German Leon Kohler’s ways, who was 12th in the Final.

of CRG Keijzer Racing followed him. The Brazilian of CRG Gabriel Bortoleto was among the main protagonists of the heats and he managed to install himself in P12 early on in the Final, but then had to concede some positions to end his race in 16th place. Eventually, he was handed a 10s time penalty that relegated him to P20. The Spanish driver Francisco Sagrera was 15th, while Luca Giardelli did not manage to qualify for the Final despite a positive 10th place in the closing qualifying heat, as happened to Donar Munding, Mathias Torreggiani and Davids Trefilovs of SRP Racing Team. The OK-Junior Final was won by Jack Doohan, while the Championship was won by the British driver Jonny Edgar, who was fourth following a 10s time penalty.


The closing OK Final was run on a nearly dry circuit and the young Norwegian of CRG Dennis Hauger has been stunning since the start, one of the strongest protagonists despite being in his maiden year following last year’s OK-Junior campaign. Hauger has joined the battle for the lead, taking also P1 for a while, but eventually he slipped down to third until when 7 laps were left to go, when he was overtaken by Travisanutto and closed his effort in P4. The British 2016 Academy Champion of CRG Callum Bradshaw was sixth recovering some solid 9 positions posting also the fastest lap of the race. CRG Keijzer Racing’s Glenn Van Berlo was 12th leading the German Hannes Janker. The Spanish driver Kilian Meyer ended 20th at the end of a good recovery from the back of the starting grid. The OK Final was won by Finlay Kenneally, while the Championship went to Sami Taoufik, who was fifth at the flag. All results are available at and

STRONG PERFORMANCE BY DI MAURO, SECOND IN KZ2. The Swedish driver of CRG Holland Benjamin

Tornqvist had been the quickest of the CRG lot ahead of the KZ2 Final, but he lost 15 positions at the start. The Brazilian Gaetano Di Mauro, managed to recover a lot of positions at the getaway on CRG-Tm instead. He had been previously protagonist of the qualifying stages on the humid tarmac, recovering up to P2 from the starting P14 thanks to some very effective driving. Max Tubben of CRG Holland has also been among the quickest of the





Kristianstad (SWE). 27-30 July 2017. Air: 19ºC, Track: wet, cloudy.

Kristianstad (SWE). 27-30 July 2017. Air: 19ºC, Track: wet, cloudy.

P. Nr. Entrant 1 2 Kosmic Racing Departement 2 8 Sodikart 3 4 CRG SpA 4 20 Birel Art Racing Srl 5 11 CRG Holland 6 18 Tony Kart Racing Team 7 14 Formula K Racing Team 8 6 Kosmic Racing Departement 9 3 Formula K Racing Team 10 21 Renda Motorsport S.a.s. 11 17 CRG Holland

P. Nr. Entrant Driver Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 336 CPB Sport Renaudin, Adrien Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 25 Laps 1:09.902 2 355 CRG SpA Gomes E.S. Di Mauro, Gaetano CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 5.696 1:09.556 3 327 Energy Corse Srl Van Leeuwen, Martijn Energy Corse/TM Racing/B’stone 12.387 1:09.084 4 324 CRG Holland Tubben, Max CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 19.438 1:09.342 5 328 DR Srl Paul, Maximilian DR/Modena Engines/B’stone 25.636 1:09.182 6 349 Evrard, Paul Evrard, Paul Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 26.626 1:09.972 7 309 Chiesa Corse Loubere, Pierre Zanardi/Parilla/B’stone 28.026 1:09.087 8 305 Birel Art Racing Srl Dahlberg, Alexander Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 28.842 1:09.166 9 313 Novalux Srl Iacovacci, Francesco Luxor/LKE/B’stone 30.919 1:09.305 10 325 Praga Racing Team Celenta, Francesco Praga/TM Racing/B’stone 31.581 1:08.402 11 308 Ward Racing Skäras, Emil Tony Kart/TM Racing/B’stone 40.532 1:10.061 12 310 Novalux Srl Ippolito, Paolo Lenzokart/LKE/B’stone 43.409 1:10.066 13 320 CRG Holland Persson Tornqvist, Benjamin CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 45.125 1:09.395 14 332 KSM Schumacher Racing Team Köhler, Leon Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 46.877 1:09.859 15 307 Tony Kart Racing Team Piccini, Alessio Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 50.606 1:10.842 16 322 CPB Sport Baciuska, Rokas Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 51.382 1:09.630 17 326 CRG SpA Cebrian Ariza, Gerard CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 54.294 1:10.062 18 323 Ward Racing Forslöf, David Tony Kart/TM Racing/B’stone 1:05.551 1:10.534 19 340 Comer S.p.A. Cunati, Simone Top Kart/Parilla/B’stone 3 Laps 1:10.348 20 364 Kosmic Racing Departement Rasmussen, Oliver Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 3 Laps 1:11.200 21 301 Tony Kart Racing Team Vigano, Matteo Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 3 Laps 1:12.651 22 334 Formula K Racing Team Ptacek, Petr Formula K/TM Racing/B’stone 4 Laps 1:12.483 23 302 CPB Sport Irlando, Alessandro Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 5 Laps 1:12.828 24 358 Birel Art Racing Srl Longhi, Riccardo Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 7 Laps 1:11.573 25 384 Mach 1 Motorsport Stell, Daniel Mach1/TM Racing/B’stone 7 Laps 1:13.420 26 319 Gold by Brandon Racing Nilsson, Brandon Righetti Ridolfi/TM Racing/B’stone 8 Laps 1:12.838 27 339 Ga Co Racing Rismyhr, Finn Erik Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 9 Laps 1:12.978 28 362 Energy Corse Srl Sjokvist, Isak Energy Corse/TM Racing/B’stone 10 Laps 1:14.500 29 365 Tony Kart Racing Team Luyet, Jean Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 12 Laps :14.990 30 363 Hemet Racing Ojaranta, Arto Ninar/TM Racing/B’stone 13 Laps 1:14.712 31 341 Birel Art Racing Srl Al Rawahi, Abdullah Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 16 Laps 1:15.375 32 357 Birel Art Racing Srl Berto, Filippo Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 17 Laps 1:16.467 33 346 Kosmic Racing Departement Bengtsson, Axel Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 18 Laps 1:14.162 34 306 CPB Sport Leuillet, Tom Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 19 Laps 1:20.121

Driver Hajek, Patrik Lammers, Bas De Conto, Paolo Kremers, Marijn Pex, Jorrit Corberi, Luca Carlton, Gary Puhakka, Simo Iglesias, Jeremy Kuovi, Jan Pex, Stan

Equipment Gap Best Lap Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 25 Laps 59.968 Sodi/TM Racing/B’stone 1.050 59.969 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 4.799 1:00.386 Birel Art/TM Racing/B’stone 26.641 1:00.917 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 29.972 1:00.878 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 34.061 1:00.729 Formula K/TM Racing/B’stone 34.070 1:00.990 Kosmic/Vortex/B’stone 38.869 1:00.434 Formula K/TM Racing/B’stone 10 Laps 1:01.354 Tony Kart/Vortex/B’stone 13 Laps 1:04.916 CRG/TM Racing/B’stone 16 Laps 1:01.126


Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. NO.6 PUHAKKA, SIMO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.186.


Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. NO.336 RENAUDIN, ADRIEN: According to Stewards’ Decision No.221. NO.305 DAHLBERG, ALEXANDER: According to Stewards’ Decision No.209. NO.313 IACOVACCI, FRANCESCO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.211. NO.325 CELENTA, FRANCESCO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.208. NO.320 PERSSON TORNQVIST, BENJAMIN: According to Stewards’ Decision No.217. NO.332 KÖHLER, LEON: According to Stewards’ Decision No.210. NO.322 BACIUSKA, ROKAS: According to Stewards’ Decision No.212. NO.326 CEBRIAN ARIZA, GERARD: According to Stewards’ Decision No.213. NO.323 FORSLÖF, DAVID: According to Stewards’ Decision No.214. NO.340 CUNATI, SIMONE: According to Stewards’ Decision No.216. NO.306 LEUILLET, TOM: According to Stewards’ Decision No.207.




Kristianstad (SWE). 27-30 July 2017. Air: 19ºC, Track: wet, cloudy.

Kristianstad (SWE). 27-30 July 2017. Air: 19ºC, Track: drying, cloudy.

P. Nr. Entrant 1 115 Baby Race Srl 2 103 Kosmic Racing Departement 3 105 Chiesa Corse 4 118 CRG SpA 5 119 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 6 116 CRG SpA 7 128 Ward Racing 8 104 Tony Kart Racing Team 9 107 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 10 161 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 11 160 CRG Keijzer Racing 12 106 CRG SpA 13 102 Chiesa Corse 14 127 Kosmic Racing Departement 15 120 Birel Art Racing Srl 16 133 Chiesa Corse 17 129 Kartprom 18 122 Tony Kart Racing Team 19 110 Kohtala Sports 20 149 CRG SpA 21 126 VDK Racing 22 146 Energy Corse Srl 23 132 Chiesa Corse 24 123 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 25 148 Kosmic Racing Departement 26 111 Chiesa Corse 27 113 Ward Racing 28 144 Forza Racing 29 101 Tony Kart Racing Team 30 162 Compkart 31 158 Ward Racing 32 153 Kohtala Sports 33 108 Kosmic Racing Departement NOT CLASSIFIED 141 Tony Kart Racing Team

P. Nr. Entrant 1 214 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 2 215 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 3 248 CRG TB Racing Team 4 216 Forza Racing 5 211 CRG Keijzer Racing 6 231 Kosmic Racing Departement 7 230 Piers Sexton Racing 8 243 Chiesa Corse 9 203 Chiesa Corse 10 223 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 11 202 Ward Racing 12 208 Tony Kart Racing Team 13 212 VDK Racing 14 201 Baby Race 15 257 CRG SpA 16 496 Forza Racing 17 242 VDK Racing 18 256 Energy Corse Srl 19 246 VDK Racing 20 217 CRG SpA 21 253 VDK Racing 22 221 Ricky Flynn Motorsport 23 205 DPK Racing 24 226 Ward Racing 25 220 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 26 222 KSM Schumacher Racing Team 27 492 Ward Racing 28 495 Chiesa Corse 29 251 Novalux Srl 30 237 Koski Motorsport 31 210 Ward Racing 32 225 VDK Racing 33 218 Forza Racing NOT CLASSIFIED 101 Tony Kart Racing Team

Driver Equipment Gap Best Lap Kenneally, Finlay Jack Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 59.841 59.841 Basz, Karol Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 0.556 59.727 Travisanutto, Lorenzo Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 4.661 59.927 Hauger, Dennis CRG/Parilla/LeCont 5.281 59.704 Taoufik, Sami FA Kart/Vortex/LeCont 11.593 59.527 Bradshaw, Callum CRG/Parilla/LeCont 12.225 59.492 Bulantsev, Pavel Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 14.557 59.960 Novalak, Clément Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 15.391 59.823 Tonteri, Paavo Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 17.315 59.749 Schumacher, David Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 20.247 1:00.493 Van Berlo, Glenn CRG/Parilla/LeCont 21.560 1:00.736 Janker, Hannes CRG/Parilla/LeCont 21.778 1:00.706 Joyner, Thomas Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 22.676 59.932 Pourchaire, Théo Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 25.184 59.891 Collet, Caio Birel Art/TM Racing/LeCont 28.237 1:00.032 Eteki, Adam Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 31.872 1:00.150 Simonov, Mikhail Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 32.917 1:00.510 Vidales Ajenjo, David Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 33.034 1:00.079 Sario, Robin Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 34.612 1:00.178 Meyer Prat, Kilian CRG/Parilla/LeCont 36.964 59.973 De Pauw, Ulysse Kosmic/Parilla/LeCont 38.286 1:00.190 Nouet, Theo Energy Corse/Parilla/LeCont 40.122 59.824 Muth, Esteban Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 40.474 1:00.657 Muizzuddin Musyaffa, B.A.G. Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 40.788 1:00.143 Vebster, Daniel Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 41.129 1:00.569 Gheno, Jacopo Zanardi/Parilla/LeCont 44.944 1:00.873 Ohlin, Simon Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 55.556 1:00.490 Alvarez, Sebastian Exprit/TM Racing/LeCont 56.975 1:00.061 Hiltbrand Aguilar, Pedro Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 17 Laps 1:04.060 D’Orlando, Nicholas Comp/TM Racing/LeCont 17 Laps 1:07.590 Persson, Sebastian Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont 18 Laps 1:05.648 Valtanen, Juho Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 22 Laps 1:07.908 Milell, Noah Kosmic/Vortex/LeCont 24 Laps De Castro Petecof, Gianluca Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont DSQ 1:06.930 [19-23]



Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. NO.120 COLLET, CAIO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.224. NO.133 ETEKI, ADAM: According to Stewards’ Decision No.229. NO.122 VIDALES AJENJO, DAVID: According to Stewards’ Decision No.226. NO.149 MEYER PRAT, KILIAN: According to Stewards’ Decision No.223. NO.126 DE PAUW, ULYSSE: According to Stewards’ Decision No.225. NO.146 NOUET, THEO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.227. NO.144 ALVAREZ, SEBASTIAN: According to Stewards’ Decision No.228. NO.162 D’ORLANDO, NICHOLAS: According to Stewards’ Decision No.230. NO.158 PERSSON, SEBASTIAN: According to Stewards’ Decision No.233. NO.153 VALTANEN, JUHO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.231.


Driver Equipment Doohan, Jack FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Thompson, Harry FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Sasse, Hugo CRG/Parilla/Vega Edgar, Jonny Exprit/TM Racing/Vega Haverkort, Kas CRG/Parilla/Vega Stanek, Roman Kosmic/Vortex/Vega Lulham, Christopher Tony Kart/Parilla/Vega David, Hadrien Zanardi/Parilla/Vega Marseglia, Leonardo Zanardi/Parilla/Vega O’Sullivan, Zak FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Morozov, Ilya Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Rosso, Andrea Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Goldstein, Elie Kosmic/Parilla/Vega Srl Henrion, Gillian Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Sagrera Pont, Francisco J. CRG/Parilla/Vega Kattoulas, Alexandros G. Exprit/TM Racing/Vega Potty, Antoine Kosmic Kart/Parilla/Vega Kikkenborg, Frederik Energy Corse/TM Racing/Vega Navalon Boya, Jose Maria Kosmic/Parilla/Vega Bortoleto, Gabriel CRG/Parilla/Vega Lomko, Wladislav Kosmic/Parilla/Vega Aron, Paul FA Kart/Vortex/Vega Civico, Genis FA Kart/Parilla/Vega Beganovic, Dino Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Coluccio, Luigi Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Bizzotto, Leonardo Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Kristiansson, Caesar Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Innocent Faria, Roberto Zanardi/Parilla/Vega Pizzi, Francesco Raffaele Luxor/LKE/Vega Seppänen, Elias Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Andersson, Viktor Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega Mettetal, Jules Kosmic/Parilla/Vega Patterson, Dexter Exprit/TM Racing/Vega

Gap Best Lap 21 Laps 1:05.281 7.361 1:05.289 11.085 1:05.486 12.359 1:05.320 12.453 1:05.680 14.610 :05.758 16.533 1:05.793 18.316 1:05.918 25.081 1:06.189 25.866 1:06.006 28.174 1:05.646 28.562 1:05.837 28.707 1:06.389 28.863 1:05.631 32.251 1:06.380 32.795 1:06.576 33.297 :06.407 34.477 1:05.987 36.933 1:06.248 40.014 1:06.154 40.697 1:06.639 41.872 1:06.313 43.386 1:06.974 43.862 1:06.076 44.655 1:06.436 50.640 1:06.720 51.003 1:06.594 54.588 1:07.488 55.413 1:06.823 56.935 1:06.954 57.072 1:06.774 15 Laps 1:06.615 19 Laps 1:07.552

Hiltbrand Aguilar, Pedro Tony Kart/Vortex/LeCont

DSQ 52.178

Time penalty of 10“ for incorrectly installed front fairing or incorrect position of front fairing. NO.202 MOROZOV, ILYA: According to Stewards’ Decision No.191. NO.208 ROSSO, ANDREA: According to Stewards’ Decision No.192. NO.201 HENRION, GILLIAN: According to Stewards’ Decision No.193. NO.246 NAVALON BOYA, JOSE MARIA: According to Stewards’ Decision No.194. NO.217 BORTOLETO, GABRIEL: According to Stewards’ Decision No.196. NO.221 ARON, PAUL: According to Stewards’ Decision No.197. NO.226 BEGANOVIC, DINO: According to Stewards’ Decision No.201. NO.248 SASSE, HUGO: Time penalty of 3“ for partly leaving corridor. Art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions. According to Stewards’ Decision No.189. NO.216 EDGAR, JONNY: Time penalty of 10“ for overtaking under yellow flag conditions (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions). According to Stewards’ Decision No.222.


1 4 De Conto Paolo 2 2 Hajek Patrik 3 20 Kremers Marijn 4 8 Lammers Bas 5 17 Pex Stan 6 6 Puhakka Simo 7 5 Abbasse Anthony 8 11 Pex Jorrit 9 18 Corberi Luca 10 3 Iglesias Jeremy 11 10 Dreezen Rick 12 14 Carlton Gary 13 9 Fore Davide 14 22 Torsellini Mirko 15 12 Lundberg Douglas 16 19 Tiene Felice 17 16 Dalè Andrea 18 15 Camplese Lorenzo 19 21 Kuovi Jan 20 1 Ardigo Marco



8 25 7 25 10 25 5 20 0 (11) 8 13 0 (2) 8 20 7 16 1 16 (1) (2) 6 20 7 13 6 16 0 11 10 0 4 7 (1) 9 9 0 10 13 4 4 6 4 3 0 0 8 0 0 2 8 5 6 4 11 DSQ DSQ 9 10 0 5 9 10 0 5 0 6 0 (4) 2 7 3 7 0 6 0 0 0 10 0 5 - - 0 0 5 9 - - 0 3 0 3 3 3 2 8 0 0 - - 0 9 DSQ DSQ - - 0 1 0 1 - - 0 0 0 0 - -


(7) (16) 100 9 25 80 10 13 74 8 20 71 6 (5) 59 3 8 41 - - 40 5 11 37 4 10 35 (2) (7) 34 - - 29 1 9 25 - - 16 - - 15 - - 14 - - 12 - - 10 - - 9 0 6 8 - - 0

AFTER 3 OF 3 ROUND. KZ2 R1 - BEL P. Nr. Driver QH F



1 332 Köhler Leon 10 16 5 16 0 (2) 47 2 310 Ippolito Paolo 0 7 10 25 0 (4) 42 3 302 Irlando Alessandro 9 20 0 13 0 0 42 4 301 Vigano Matteo (7) 25 8 0 8 0 41 5 306 Leuillet Tom 8 11 0 10 10 0 39 6 327 Van Leeuwen Martijn 4 13 0 (5) 5 16 38 7 322 Baciuska Rokas 0 8 7 20 2 0 37 8 336 Renaudin Adrien 0 (1) 4 6 1 25 36 9 324 Tubben Max 0 - 6 9 0 13 28 10 325 Celenta Francesco 3 0 (3) 7 6 6 22 11 355 Gomes E.S. Di Mauro Gaetano 0 0 - - 0 20 20 12 313 Iacovacci Francesco 0 0 2 11 0 7 20 13 358 Longhi Riccardo 5 6 0 - 9 0 20 14 308 Skäras Emil 2 9 0 (4) 0 5 16 15 309 Loubere Pierre 6 0 0 0 0 9 15 16 305 Dahlberg Alexander 0 0 0 0 7 8 15 17 307 Piccini Alessio 1 0 0 8 3 1 13 18 316 Fontaine Paul 0 - 9 3 0 - 12 19 328 Paul Maximilian 0 - 0 0 0 11 11 20 311 Gonzales Nicolas 0 10 1 0 - - 11 21 349 Evrard Paul 0 - 0 0 0 10 10 22 320 Persson Tornqvist Benjamin 0 4 0 0 0 3 7 23 329 Petit Hubert 0 5 0 0 - - 5 24 365 Luyet Jean 0 0 0 - 4 0 4 25 364 Rasmussen Oliver 0 3 0 - 0 0 3 26 303 Davies Dylan 0 2 0 1 - - 3 27 331 Prosperi Enrico 0 0 0 2 0 - 2


AFTER 5 OF 5 ROUND. OK R1 - ITA R2 - ESP R3 - FRA R4 - FIN R5 - SWE P. Nr. Driver QH F QH F QH F QH F QH F TOT

1 119 Taoufik Sami 4 11 0 0 0 20 4 25 5 11 80 2 128 Bulantsev Pavel 7 9 0 0 3 4 8 20 7 9 67 3 105 Travisanutto Lorenzo 0 - 4 0 8 25 0 10 3 16 66 4 103 Basz Karol 8 13 0 4 2 10 0 0 6 20 63 5 115 Kenneally Finlay Jack 0 0 0 0 6 16 0 3 10 25 60 6 101 Hiltbrand Aguilar Pedro 0 0 5 25 0 DSQ 10 16 4 0 60 7 118 Hauger Dennis 0 5 1 0 10 13 7 0 8 13 57 8 127 Pourchaire Théo 10 25 0 - 9 0 1 6 2 2 55 9 107 Tonteri Paavo 0 8 8 11 0 0 9 11 0 7 54 10 122 Vidales Ajenjo David 6 16 7 16 0 - 0 7 0 0 52 11 108 Milell Noah 2 10 9 0 4 11 0 4 9 0 49 12 104 Novalak Clément 9 20 3 5 - - 3 0 0 8 48 13 161 Schumacher David 5 7 0 0 0 DSQ 6 9 0 6 33 14 102 Joyner Thomas 0 - 0 20 0 3 0 2 0 3 28 15 126 De Pauw Ulysse 0 2 0 8 7 8 0 0 0 0 25 16 116 Bradshaw Callum DSQ DSQ - - 1 7 0 5 0 10 23 17 136 Kruetten Niki 0 6 0 0 0 - 2 13 0 - 21 18 106 Janker Hannes 0 - 10 0 0 6 - - 1 4 21 19 160 Van Berlo Glenn 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 - 0 5 18 20 146 Nouet Theo 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 8 0 0 17 21 141 De Castro Petecof G. 0 - 0 10 0 5 DSQ DSQ 0 DSQ 15 22 153 Valtanen Juho 0 0 0 - 5 0 5 0 0 0 10 23 149 MeyePrat Kilian 0 - 0 - 0 9 0 - 0 0 9 24 130 Lindh Rasmus 0 0 0 9 0 - - - 0 - 9 25 109 Lippkau Luca - - 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 - 8 26 173 Mazou Hicham 0 - 0 7 0 - 0 - 0 - 7 27 114 Camponeschi Flavio 0 0 6 0 0 0 - - - - 6


1 216 Edgar Jonny 9 25 0 (2) 9 16 8 25 8 13 113 2 215 Thompson Harry 7 13 9 16 0 0 9 16 9 20 99 3 214 Doohan Jack 0 2 0 0 0 11 10 13 10 25 71 4 243 David Hadrien 0 7 6 0 10 20 5 11 0 8 67 5 207 Muth O’neill 0 16 0 - 8 25 0 4 0 - 53 6 230 Lulham Christopher 0 3 10 20 0 8 1 0 2 9 53 7 202 Morozov Ilya 0 0 7 0 4 0 7 20 0 5 43 8 217 Bortoleto Gabriel 10 20 0 0 0 3 0 6 0 0 39 9 203 Marseglia Leonardo 5 8 0 (3) 0 7 0 10 0 7 37 10 209 Michelotto Mattia 0 0 0 25 3 6 0 0 0 - 34 11 248 Sasse Hugo 0 - 0 11 0 - - - 7 16 34 12 223 O’Sullivan Zak 8 11 0 9 0 0 0 - 0 6 34 13 265 Maloney Zane 0 0 8 13 1 0 0 9 0 - 31 14 205 Civico Genis 1 6 1 0 7 13 0 0 0 0 28 15 211 Haverkort Kas 4 0 0 0 6 0 - - 3 11 24 16 231 Stanek Roman 0 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 24 17 208 Rosso Andrea 3 0 2 10 0 0 0 - 5 4 24 18 220 Coluccio Luigi 6 9 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 20 19 228 Gustafsson Viktor 0 10 0 - 2 0 3 3 0 - 18 20 246 Navalon Boya J.M. 2 0 - - 0 0 6 8 0 0 16 21 212 Goldstein Elie 0 - - - 0 9 - - 1 3 13 22 201 Henrion Gillian 0 - 0 6 5 0 0 - 0 2 13 23 226 Beganovic Dino 0 0 0 0 0 - 4 7 0 0 11 24 218 Patterson Dexter 0 - 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 9 25 235 Famularo Anthony 0 0 0 8 0 - - - - - 8 26 227 Brizhan Alexey 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 - 0 - 7 27 237 Seppänen Elias 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 - 0 0 6




The round of Ampfing has been the opener of DKM

posting tenth quickest laptime just one tenth off pole sitter Fabian Federer, but in Race-1 Giardelli has been forced to the retirement due to a contact early into the race. Mirko Torsellini had some problems and was 25th in qualifying and 18th in Race-1. The second final saw Stan Pex coming to the fore dominating Race-2 after a recovery run started from P9, but Flavio Camponeschi has also been superb after a contact with Daniel Stell early on. Camponeschi lost a few places but then made up for the lost time climbing back to P3, engaging a battle for second with Jorrit Pex. CRG colors monopolized the five-places podium of DKM with Stan Pex, Jorrit Pex, Camponeschi, Federer and Schmitz closing in the order. Tubben finished in the top ten in eighth place, Toni Tschentscher was ninth with SRP racing Team. Giardelli has been quick and aggressive recovering 14 places to the 18th final place, Torsellini was still affected by some technical issues and ended 20th. KZ CHAMPIONSHIP: 1. Camponeschi (CRG-Tm-Vega) points 56; 2. Jorrit Pex (CRG-Tm-Vega) 53; 3. Federer (CRG-Tm-Vega) 44; 4. Stan Pex (CRG-Tm-Vega) 40.

and CRG has been protagonist once again with its drivers, after last year’s very successful campaign in which the Italian make secured the title in all categories. CRG kept its momentum in Ampfing especially in KZ winning Race-1 with Flavio Camponeschi as CRG chassis locked out the podium, and Race-2 with Stan Pex, as five CRG chassis completed the top five. This was an absolute dominant run. CRG, CLEAR DOMINATION IN KZ. Flavio Camponeschi, back

to KZ for the occasion with CRG Deutschland Rutsch & Herpich GbR, has been shining with the win qualifying heats and claiming an authoritative victory in Race-1 leading Jorrit Pex and Fabian Federer, while last year’s winner of the KZ2 Cup Max Tubben, closed his effort in P5. Alexander Schmitz and Stan Pex were also among the quickest of Race-1, ending respectively seventh and ninth for CRG Holland. Among the emerging talents, Alessandro Giardelli posted a great time in qualifying,


In KZ2 Cup, the Dutch driver of CRG Holland Jeroen Bos was third in Race-1, while Luka Kamali and SRP Racing Team claimed P3 in the second race.

DKM KZ - GARA 1 Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Ampfing (DUE). 05-07 May 2017. Track: 1.063 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 3 233 Camponeschi, Flavio (ITA) CRG Deutschland Rutsch & Herpich CRG/TM/Vega 24 Laps 41,560 2 201 Pex, Jorrit (NLD) CRG Holland CRG/TM/Vega 0,791 41,530 3 209 Federer, Fabian (ITA) SRP Racing Team CRG// Vega 1,335 41,613 4 211 Stell, Daniel (DEU) Mach 1 Motorsport Mach 1/TM/Vega 6,683 41,685 5 222 Tubben, Max (NLD) CRG Holland CRG/TM/Vega 9,121 41,779 6 218 Matisic, André (DEU) Solgat Motorsport Birel ART/TM/Vega 10,367 41,735

MEYER VERY QUICK IN OK. The young Spanish driver

Kilian Meyer of CRG Holland has been under the spotlight in OK, taking a stunning pole position and showing a good confidence in his first season in this category. Among CRG drivers, the Dutch Glenn Van Berlo of CRG Keijzer Racing Team has been the best taking the second place leading team mate Luca Maisch, while Meyer closed his effort in P4. DKM 2016 Junior title winner Dennis Hauger was eventually seventh.

DKM KZ - GARA 2 Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Ampfing (DUE). 05-07 May 2017. Track: 1.063 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 205 Pex, Stan (NLD) CRG Holland CRG/TM/Vega 24 Laps 41,707 2 201 Pex, Jorrit (NLD) CRG Holland CRG/TM/Vega 2,509 41,935 3 233 Camponeschi, Flavio (ITA) CRG Deutschland Rutsch&Herpich CRG/TM/Vega 2,897 41,806 4 209 Federer, Fabian (ITA) SRP Racing Team CRG// Vega 3,204 41,940 5 220 Schmitz, Alexander (DEU) CRG Holland CRG/Vortex/Vega 3,493 41,912 6 226 Iglesias, Jeremy (FRA) Formula K Racing team Formula K/TM/Vega 3,623 41,795 N.B. complete risults on website

DKM OK - GARA 1 Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Ampfing (DUE). 05-07 May 2017. Track: 1.063 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 5 Schumacher, David (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 24 Laps 41,942 2 12 Van Berlo, Glenn (NLD) CRG Keijzer Racing CRG/Iame/Vega 1,199 41,800 3 19 Maisch, Luca (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/Iame/Vega 1,291 41,887 4 20 Meyer, Kilian (ESP) CRG Holland CRG/Iame/Vega 1,399 41,779 5 1 Tonteri, Paavo (FIN) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 1,664 41,785 6 9 Arnold, Felix (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 1,720 41,994


He won the race leading the runner up by more than 2 seconds, but was then handed a 5s time penalty due to the front fairing dropped at the start from P10. Meyer confirmed to be among the quickest in Race-2 ending fourth, leading CRG TB Racing Team’s Tim Troger and Hauger. Maisch was eighth instead. OK CHAMPIONSHIP: 1. Schumacher (Tony Kart-VortexVega) points 59; 2. Tonteri (Tony Kart-Vortex-Vega) 44; 3. Meyer (CRG-Iame-Vega) 43.

Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Ampfing (DUE). 05-07 May 2017. Track: 1.063 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 5 Schumacher, David (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 24 Laps 42,291 2 1 Tonteri, Paavo (FIN) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 0,082 42,067 3 9 Arnold, Felix (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 0,342 42,100 4 20 Meyer, Kilian (ESP) CRG Holland CRG/Iame/Vega 1,249 42,085 5 14 Tröger, Tim (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/Iame/Vega 1,334 41,967 6 21 Hauger, Dennis (NOR) CRG Holland CRG/Iame/Vega 1,922 42,135 N.B. complete risults on website



DKM OK JUNIOR - GARA 1 Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Ampfing (DUE). 05-07 May 2017. Track: 1.063 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 152 Edgar, Jonny (GBR) Forza Racing //Vega 19 Laps 43,143 2 108 Sasse, Hugo (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/Iame/Vega 0,363 43,110 3 125 David, Hadrien (FRA) Chiesa Corse Zanardi/Iame/Vega 1,214 43,118 4 109 Tröger, Niels (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/TM/Vega 1,303 43,030 5 106 Zug, Marius (DEU) CRG/TM/Vega 2,636 43,174 6 124 Coluccio, Luigi (ITA) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 3,721 43,010 JOAN CODINA / FOTOFORMULAK.COM

Following the pole position set by Fabian Federer in KZ and that of Kilian Meyer in OK, CRG has claimed another pole position in OK-Junior with the German of CRG TB Racing Team Hugo Sasse. Sasse confirmed his speed also in the heats and later on ended Race-1 in second place, as team mate Niels Troger was fourth and RL-Competition’s Marius Zug fifth. Sasse claimed a fourth place in Race-2 leading Troger and Zug, while Pietro Delli Guanti was seventh in Race-2 at the debut with the CRG colors of team CRG Keijzer, leading the Spanish driver Donar Nils Munding of Kalì-Kart Stern Motorsport. Luca Giardelli was twentieth instead in Race-1 and twenty-seventh in Race-2. OK-JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP: 1. Sasse (CRG-Iame-Vega) points 61; 2. Hadrien (Zanardi-Iame-Vega) 55; 3. Troger (CRG-Tm-Vega) 41. All results are available at

DKM OK JUNIOR - GARA 2 Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Ampfing (DUE). 05-07 May 2017. Track: 1.063 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 152 Edgar, Jonny (GBR) Forza Racing //Vega 19 Laps 43,442 2 125 David, Hadrien (FRA) Chiesa Corse Zanardi/Iame/Vega 0,714 43,370 3 124 Coluccio, Luigi (ITA) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 1,380 43,287 4 108 Sasse, Hugo (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/Iame/Vega 1,590 43,290 5 109 Tröger, Niels (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/TM/Vega 1,822 43,261 6 106 Zug, Marius (DEU) CRG/TM/Vega 2,166 43,160 N.B. complete risults on website



CRG put in another strong performance at

also run a strong race ending 14th, leading Max Tubben who completed a good recovery after the retirement from Race-1. KZ2 CLASSIFICATION AFTER TWO ROUNDS: 1. Stan Pex (CRG-Tm-Vega) points 102; 2. Jorrit Pex (CRG-Tm-Vega) 89; 3. Camponeschi (CRG-Tm-Vega) and Federer (CRG-TmVega) 76; 5. Matisic 60; 6. Dreezen 56; 7. Iglesias 46; 8. Kohler 35; 9. Tubben (CRG-Tm-Vega) 25; 10. Paul 22.

the second round of the DKM held in Kerpen after the opener of Ampfing. Stan Pex claimed a stunning double win in KZ, Dennis Hauger took his maiden win in OK and CRG Keijzer Racing’s Kas Haverkort secured a good victory in OK-Junior, category that is now led by CRG TB Racing Team’s Niels Troger. CRG AND STAN PEX LEADING THE KZ2 CHAMPIONSHIP.

Stan Pex run a perfect weekend on CRG-Tm in Kerpen. He won both KZ2 Finals and this result, added to the victory of Ampfing’s Race-2 placed the Dutch driver of CRG on top of the championship standings. Things did not go well this time for Flavio Camponeschi, who was on track with CRG Deutschland. The winner Ampfing’s Race-1 endured in fact a technical problem slowing him down in the first final before forcing him to the retirement from Race-2. A total of 6 CRG drivers closed the first KZ2 Final in the top 9. Behind the winner Stan Pex, Fabian Federer was in fact third, Jorrit Pex fourth, Camponeschi fifth, Lorenzo Van Riet of CRG Keijzer seventh and Alessandro Giardelli ninth. Stan Pex’s and CRG’s dominant run continued in Race-2, as Jorrit Pex closed his effort in P3, Fabian Federer in sixth place and Benjamin Tornqvist in eighth. Alessandro Giardelli

Moritz Horn on CRG-Tm run by CRG TB Racing Team was the quickest of the CRG lot in KZ2 Cup, as he closed both Finals on the podium, taking a great second place in Race-1 and a third in Race-2. His team mate Dennis Kramp also run a solid weekend coming fourth in Race-2. Jeroen Bos was fifth in Race-1 and sixth in Race-2 instead. Horn is currently fourth in the classification, while Bos is fifth. DENNIS HAUGER STRONG PROTAGONIST ALSO OF OK.

OK provided a further confirmation of the speed of another great protagonist, Dennis Hauger, who claimed his maiden win in the category in the debut year, after winning last year the OK-Junior DKM. Hauger has been particularly competitive in both Finals held in Kerpen. In Race-1 he fought for the victory but could not find a way past his

> Jorrit Pex, KZ2 <


main rival David Schumacher in the sprint to the line. The CRG driver soon counter-charged winning Final-2, despite a slow start due to a misunderstanding at the getaway when the traffic light seemed to fail. Hauger closed lap one in fifth place, but then recovered all the way to take a fair victory. Among the main protagonists of OK, Glenn Van Berlo of CRG Keijzer was fourth in Race-1, while CRG TB Racing Team’s Tim Troger was fourth in Race-2. Wodan Erik Munding has also been very competitive on the new Kalì-Kart, taking two fifth places. Michael Rosina was also among the quickest and ended Race-1 in eighth place. OK CLASSIFICATION AFTER TWO ROUNDS: 1. Schumacher points 110; 2. Arnold 91; 3. Hauger (CRG-IameVega) 76; 4. Van Berlo (CRG-Iame-Vega) 55; 5. Tonteri 53; 6. Troger (CRG-Iame-Vega) 46; 7. Meyer (CRG-Iame-Vega) 43; 8. Lindh 42; 9. Maish (CRG-Iame-Vega) 35; 10. Fungeling 34.

DKM KZ2 - GARA 1 Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Kerpen (DUE). 26-28 May 2017. Track: 1.107 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 205 Pex, Stan (NLD) CRG Holland CRG/TM/Vega 25 Laps 42,420 2 226 Iglesias, Jeremy (FRA) Formula K Racing team Formula K/TM/Vega 1,539 42,533 3 209 Federer, Fabian (ITA) SRP Racing Team CRG/TM/Vega 1,793 42,427 4 201 Pex, Jorrit (NLD) CRG Holland CRG/TM/Vega 1,960 42,423 5 233 Camponeschi, Flavio (ITA) CRG Deutschland CRG/TM/Vega 2,748 42,355 6 218 Matisic, André (DEU) Solgat Motorsport BirelART/TM/Vega 2,906 42,447

DKM KZ2 - GARA 2 Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Kerpen (DUE). 26-28 May 2017. Track: 1.107 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 205 Pex, Stan (NLD) CRG Holland CRG/TM/Vega 25 Laps 42,681 2 218 Matisic, André (DEU) Solgat Motorsport BirelART/TM/Vega 0,351 42,718 3 201 Pex, Jorrit (NLD) CRG Holland CRG/TM/Vega 1,055 42,774 4 277 Köhler, Leon (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 1,380 42,853 5 260 Dreezen, Rick (BEL) KSW BirelART Austria Racing Team BirelART/Vortex/Vega 1,352 42,932 6 209 Federer, Fabian (ITA) SRP Racing Team CRG/TM/Vega 3,071 42,931

CRG TO THE FORE IN OK-JUNIOR. OK-Junior has been a

N.B. complete risults on website

spectacular parade of CRG drivers at the finish line. In Race-1, Michelotto had the best on Zanardi as he proceeded Kas Haverkort of CRG Keijzer Racing at the sprint to the line, while CRG TB Racing Team’s Niels Troger was third, Donar Nils Munding fourth on Kalì-Kart run by Stern Motorsport, Davids Trefilovs of RLCompetition fifth, CRG Keijzer Racing’s Pietro Delli Guanti sixth and JN Motorsport’s Benjamin Frislung seventh. Hugo Sasse also closed within the top ten with CRG TB Racing Team in tenth place. CRG continued its domination in Race-2 with the victory going to Haverkort from Troger to Michelotto, who completed the podium in third place. Munding was fifth, Sasse seventh and Frislund eighth. Luca Giardelli taking two twenty-first places. OK-JUNIOR CLASSIFICATION AFTER TWO ROUNDS: 1. Troger (CRG-Iame-Vega) points 87; 2. Sasse (CRG-IameVega) 80; 3. Haverkort (CRG-Iame-Vega) 73; 4. David 55; 6. Michelotto 54; 6. Munding (CRG-Iame-Vega) 50; 7. Linty 44; 8. Coluccio 43; 9. Marseglia 39; 10. Zug (CRG-Iame-Vega) 37. All results are available at

DKM OK - GARA 1 Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Kerpen (DUE). 26-28 May 2017. Track: 1.107 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 5 Schumacher, David (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 25 Laps 42,912 2 21 Hauger, Dennis (NOR) CRG Holland CRG/Iame/Vega 0,086 42,761 3 9 Arnold, Felix (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 0,521 42,797 4 12 Van Berlo, Glenn (NLD) CRG Keijzer Racing CRG/Iame/Vega 1,011 42,778 5 22 Munding, Wodan Erik (DEU) Kali-Kart Stern Motorsport Kali Kart/Iame/Vega 1,495 42,758 6 17 Füngeling, Luke (DEU) JS Evolution Exprit/Vortex/Vega 2,127 42,786

DKM OK - GARA 2 Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Kerpen (DUE). 26-28 May 2017. Track: 1.107 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 21 Hauger, Dennis (NOR) CRG Holland CRG/Iame/Vega 25 laps 42,677 2 9 Arnold, Felix (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 0,889 42,861 3 45 Lindh, Rasmus (SWE) KSW BirelART Austria Racing Team Ricciardo Kart/TM/Vega 1,496 42,754 4 14 Tröger, Tim (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/Iame/Vega 3,222 42,892 5 22 Munding, Wodan Erik (DEU) Kali-Kart Stern Motorsport Kali Kart/Iame/Vega 4,418 42,834 6 17 Füngeling, Luke (DEU) JS Evolution Exprit/Vortex/Vega 5,166 42,518 N.B. complete risults on website



Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Kerpen (DUE). 26-28 May 2017. Track: 1.107 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 136 Michelotto, Mattia (ITA) Chiesa Corse Zanardi/Iame/Vega 25 Laps 44,315 2 127 Haverkort, Kas (NLD) CRG Keijzer Racing CRG/Iame/Vega 0,157 44,286 3 109 Tröger, Niels (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/TM/Vega 0,289 44,297 4 129 Munding, Donar Nils (DEU) Kali-Kart Stern Motorsport CRG/Iame/Vega 2,754 44,384 5 132 Trefilovs, Davids (DEU) CRG/Iame/Vega 4,595 44,559 6 153 Delli Guanti, Pietro (ITA) CRG Keijzer Racing CRG/Parilla/Vega 7,081 44,602


DKM OK JUNIOR - GARA 2 Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Kerpen (DUE). 26-28 May 2017. Track: 1.107 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 127 Haverkort, Kas (NLD) CRG Keijzer Racing CRG/Iame/Vega 25 Laps 44,472 2 109 Tröger, Niels (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/TM/Vega 0,255 44,350 3 136 Michelotto, Mattia (ITA) Chiesa Corse Zanardi/Iame/Vega 1,166 44,366 4 131 Linty, Etienne (ITA) Emilia Kart Srl BirelART/Iame/Vega 1,703 44,476 17 5 129 Munding, Donar Nils (DEU) Kali-Kart Stern Motorsport CRG/Iame/Vega 2,773 44,320 6 113 O dey, Levi (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 3,177 44,449 N.B. complete risults on website



The winning quality of CRG has been confirmed in

Wackersdorf ’s third round of the DKM Championship. The Italian outfit is now leading the charts in KZ2 with Jorrit Pex, in OK with Dennis Hauger and in OK-Junior with Hugo Sasse. HAUGER CONFIRMS HIS LEAD IN OK. Dennis Hauger has

shown an impressive growth in OK and, despite being in his maiden year in the category, he already reached the top showing the speed required to lead more experienced drivers, as also happened at the recent European Championship in Le Mans. In Wackersdorf, Hauger had the upper hand in both Finals, after taking the win of the heats. Such a dominant run launched the Norwegian driver of CRG to the lead of the provisional classification, thanks also to the results scored in Ampfing and the victory and second place taken in Kerpen. In OK, the very young Spanish driver of CRG Kilian Meyer has also put in an excellent performance in Wackersdorf. He posted the fastest lap of Race-1 claiming the ninth place, before improving to fifth in Race-2. The Dutch driver of CRG Keijzer Racing Glenn Van Berlo has also had a strong weekend and installed himself in the third place of the classification, thanks to the double podium obtained in Wackersdorf. He was in fact third in Race-1 and second behind Hauger in Race-2. CRG TB Racing Team’s Luca Maisch displayed a good shape taking the fourth place in Race-1 and the sixth in Race-2. The German Erik Munding closed his effort within the top ten on Kalì-Kart-Parilla. He was ninth in Race-2 and 13th in Race-1. DKM OK CLASSIFICATION: 1. Hauger (CRG-Parilla) points 144; 2. Schumacher 140; 3. Van Berlo (CRG-Parilla) 103; 4. Arnold 91; 5. Tonteri 79; 6. Maisch (CRG-Parilla) 67; 7. Meyer (CRG-Parilla) 61; 8. Lindh 59; 9. Kacovsky 58; 10. Munding (Kalì-Kart-Parilla) 49. JORRIT PEX BACK ON THE LEAD OF THE KZ2. In

KZ2, Jorrit Pex regained the lead of the provisional classification on CRG-Tm, thanks to the third place in Race-1 and the victory of Race-2 in Wackersdorf. Five time DKM Champion Jorrit Pex, has took the lead off the previous leader that was his brother Stan Pex, who clinched a third place in Race-1 and a DNF in Race-2

> Hugo Sasse, OKJ <

– as he could not start, in this third round of DKM. Fabian Federer, did not get what he would have deserved on CRG-Tm run by team SRP in Wackersdorf. Quickest in qualifying, winner in the heats, he had to retire from Race-1 before bouncing back to the seventh place of Race-2. Following the 16th place in Race-1, Flavio Camponeschi recovered well to P9 in Race-2. Fabrizio Rosati was also among the quickest on CRG and took the fourth place in Race-1, before retiring from Race-2 due to a contact with Camponeschi. Max Tubben ended Race-2 in tenth place after retiring from Race-1. The German of SRP Toni Tschentscher was sixth in Race-1 and eighth in Race-2. DKM KZ2 CLASSIFICATION: 1. Jorrit Pex (CRG-Tm) points 143; 2. Stan Pex (CRG-Tm) 134; 3. Federer (CRG-Tm) 105; 4. Iglesias 100; 5. Camponeschi (CRG-Tm) 89; 6. Dreezen 79; 7. Matisic 71; 8. Kohler 66; 9. Nilsson 43; 10. Pieruszek 39. In KZ2 Cup, the Dutch Jeroen Bos took the fifth place of Race-1 and the third in Race-2 on CRG-Tm run by CRG Holland. These results earned him the second place of the provisional classification, fourteen points short of the leader. The German Moritz Horn (fourth in Race-2) is fifth in the classification, 24 points off the lead, on CRG-Tm run by CRG TB Racing Team instead. CRG-Performance’s Nico Neuman despite not entering the championship, was third and second in the two finals.

> Donar Nils Munding, OKJ <

DKM KZ2 CUP CLASSIFICATION: 1. Speck points 115; 2. Detmers and Bos (CRG-Tm) 101; 4. Muller 96; 5. Horn (CRG-Tm) 91.

DKM KZ - GARA 1 Internationales DMSB Kartrennen Wackersdorf (DEU). 07-09 July 2017. Track: 1.190 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 226 Iglesias, Jeremy (FRA) Formula K Racing Team Formula K/TM/Vega 21 Laps46,506 2 205 Pex, Stan (NLD) CRG Holland CRG/TM/Vega 1,922 46,561 3 201 Pex, Jorrit (NLD) CRG Holland CRG/TM/Vega 2,248 46,613 4 278 Rosati, Fabrizio (ITA) SRP Racing Team CRG/TM/Vega 3,910 0:46,664 5 219 Nilsson, Brandon (SWE) Gold By Brandon Racing Righetti Ridolf/TM/Vega 4,234 46,707 6 237 Tschentscher, Toni (DEU) SRP Racing Team CRG/Modena/Vega 4,772 46,600


momentum of CRG drivers in DKM continued also in OK-Junior. The German Hugo Sasse installed himself on top of the OK-Junior classification in Wackersdorf by winning Race-1 and coming fourth in Race-2 on CRG-Parilla run by CRG TB Racing Team. Sasse collected in this way more points than the previous classification leader, team mate Niels Troger (CRG-Tm), who could not score points in either final, after taking the pole position and the third place in the heats. Troger had to retire from Race-1 and was later on 19th in Race-2, which made him slip down to the third place of the provisional classification. Among the quickest, the Dutch Kas Haverkort of CRG Keijzer Racing was third in Race-1 and fifth in Race-2, results that made him gain the second place of the classification. Donar Nils Munding was third in Race-2 on Kalì-Kart, while RL-Competition’s Marius Zug was sixth in Race-1 and eighth in Race-2 on CRG-Tm. Luca Giardelli ended Race-1 in 24th place and Race-2 in 25th. DKM OK-JUNIOR CLASSIFICATION: 1. Sasse (CRG-Parilla) points 133; 2. Haverkort (CRG-Parilla) 109; 3. Troger (CRG-Tm) 102; 4. Coluccio; 5. David (Zanardi-Parilla) 88; 6. Munding (Kalì-Kart) 76; 7. Zug (CRG-Tm) 59; 8. Marseglia (ZanardiParilla) 55; 9. Michelotto (Zanardi-Parilla) 54; 10. Linty 51. All results are available at

DKM KZ - GARA 2 Internationales DMSB Kartrennen Wackersdorf (DEU). 07-09 July 2017. Track: 1.190 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 201 Pex, Jorrit (NLD) CRG Holland CRG/TM/Vega 21 Laps 46,692 2 226 Iglesias, Jeremy (FRA) Formula K Racing Team Formula K/TM/Vega 0,746 46,774 3 277 Köhler, Leon (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 1,744 46,711 4 260 Dreezen, Rick (BEL) KSW BirelART Austria Racing Team BirelART/TM/Vega 5,404 46,958 5 228 Pieruszek, Kevin (DEU) KSW BirelART Austria Racing Team BirelART/TM/Vega 5,579 46,938 6 219 Nilsson, Brandon (SWE) Gold By Brandon Racing Righetti Ridolf/TM/Vega 5,838 46,914 N.B. complete risults on website

DKM OK - GARA 1 Internationales DMSB Kartrennen Wackersdorf (DEU). 07-09 July 2017. Track: 1.190 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 21 Hauger, Dennis (NOR) CRG Holland CRG / Iame / Vega 21 Laps 47,141 2 18 Kacovsky, Matej (CZE) Solgat Motorsport BirelART / Iame / Vega 0,398 47,087 3 12 Van Berlo, Glenn (NLD) CRG Keijzer Racing CRG / Iame / Vega 0,817 47,147 4 19 Maisch, Luca (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG / Iame / Vega 2,004 47,203 5 5 Schumacher, David (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart / Vortex / Vega 3,164 47,266 6 1 Tonteri, Paavo (FIN) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart / Vortex / Vega 3,454 47,231

DKM OK - GARA 2 Internationales DMSB Kartrennen Wackersdorf (DEU). 07-09 July 2017. Track: 1.190 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 21 Hauger, Dennis (NOR) CRG Holland CRG/Iame/Vega 21 Laps 47,183 2 12 Van Berlo, Glenn (NLD) CRG Keijzer Racing CRG/Iame/Vega 0,497 47,147 3 5 Schumacher, David (DEU) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 5,074 47,247 4 18 Kacovsky, Matej (CZE) Solgat Motorsport BirelART/Iame/Vega 5,560 47,115 5 20 Meyer, Kilian (ESP) CRG Holland CRG/Iame/Vega 6,364 47,172 6 19 Maisch, Luca (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/Iame/Vega 7,009 47,210 N.B. complete risults on website


> Dennis Hauger, Glenn Van Berlo, OK <



> Hugo Sasse, Kas Haverkort, OKJ <

Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Ampfing (DUE). 05-07 May 2017. Track: 1.063 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 108 Sasse, Hugo (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/Iame/Vega 17 Laps 48,553 2 124 Coluccio, Luigi (ITA) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 0,826 48,478 3 127 Haverkort, Kas (NLD) CRG Keijzer Racing CRG/Iame/Vega 1,976 48,530 4 134 Majgaard, Victor (DNK) Pavia Sorensen Kosmic/Vortex/Vega 2,265 48,633 5 168 Handsaeme, Xavier (BEL) Xavier Handsaeme Kosmic// Vega 3,664 48,607 6 106 Zug, Marius (DEU) CRG/TM/Vega 3,981 48,717

DKM OK JUNIOR - GARA 2 Internationales ADAC Kartrennen Ampfing (DUE). 05-07 May 2017. Track: 1.063 m. P. Nr. Driver Entrant Equipment Gap Best Lap 1 124 Coluccio, Luigi (ITA) KSM Schumacher Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex/Vega 17 laps 8,743 2 125 David, Hadrien (FRA) Chiesa Corse Zanardi/Iame/Vega 0,332 48,868 3 129 Munding, Donar Nils (DEU) Kali-Kart Stern Motorsport CRG/Iame/Vega 1,652 48,911 4 108 Sasse, Hugo (DEU) CRG TB Racing Team CRG/Iame/Vega 1,756 48,557 5 127 Haverkort, Kas (NLD) CRG Keijzer Racing CRG/Iame/Vega 2,585 48,839 6 126 Marseglia, Leonardo (ITA) Chiesa Corse Zanardi/Iame/Vega 4,883 48,777 N.B. complete risults on website




Dennis Hauger is yet another product of CRG’s breeding ground, which confirms its role of

proven industry of talents. Born in Aurskog, Norway, in March 2003, he received a used kart as a gift at 5 and he then started his sporting activity that shortly after saw him becoming an absolute protagonist of youth karting. He moved to Italy at 9 years of age to compete in category 60 MINI with team CRG - Gamoto. Dennis is now 15 and is contesting his maiden season among the fields of CRG works team in class OK, where he already claimed his first wins in DKM and holds the top of the classification. The first thing he tells us about is his beginning with karts: ”Engines sparked my interest at the age of 2 and I started on quads for fun, before moving to motocross at 4. At 5 my dad gave my my first kart: it was love from the first meter.” Do you remember your first race? “I run my first race when 8 years old on the home circuit in Norway, it has been great, a lot of close fights. I remember battling drivers two years older than me, but I won all the heats and the Final. I got a trophy and a giant bag full of candies.” What have been the most important moments in your career so far? “I scored several positive results and run a lot of good races. But the victory of the DKM Championship in OKJ last year has been the result that satisfied me the most, because I raced on circuits I had

HIS CAREER 2014 2nd Italian Championship 60 MINI 1st Bridgestone Cup 60 Mini ROK 2015 (60 MINI) 1st WSK Champions Cup 1st WSK Gold Cup 1st WSK Super Master Championship 2nd Italian Championship 60 MINI 2016 (OK Junior) 1st DKM Championship 2nd WSK Super Master Championship 4th CIK-FIA European Championship Finalist CIK-FIA World Championship


never seen before without running tests in What is your relationship with team CRG? my maiden OKJ year.” “It’s great. CRG Racing Team is made by What is your best race? very good technicians at the factory and “I think it is the DKM race in Ampfing in on track, and the team’s prize records are 1 2016 under the rain. I had a problem in incredible. A lot of professional drivers qualifying and was only 37th, therefore I have raced in karting for CRG in their started the heats from the back and climbed past. Everyone is very professional in the all the way up the charts, winning the first team, they have a huge experience and heat and taking 3rd in the second one. I always work to get the highest result. I then won the Final.” learnt a lot in the past two years through And the race you would like to forget? technical briefings and I improved a lot in “The OKJ 2016 World Championship in the set up feedback, we work together Bahrain. I put in some excellent results in with the maximum cooperation within qualifying heats and had I finished the the team. I have an excellent relationship closing heat in the top ten, I would have with my mechanic Peto and with team 2 started Prefinal from the front row. But a manager Glenn, as well as with the driver unfortunately tapped me from President Giancarlo. The atmosphere is Dennis Hauger training 1 ; behind and sent me off. This made me excellent within the team.” with his family 2 ; qualify for the pre-final in the mid field. What are the features of with his dad (on the left) with Vincenzo Gatto of Team Gamoto 3 . After that, another incident put the word a complete driver? end to my first World Championship. I “He must be committed on all fronts, he hope in some better luck this year at PFI.” must think to have fun also, not just to How do you prepare races? win. One has to be open minded with the “During the season I follow a physical and team and ready to learn all the time from mental training programme. This activity is technicians and from your team mates. It very important because the level of is important to constantly work at the competition is very high in International physical and mental fitness too. I watch a Karting and being at 100% both physically lot of races on YouTube to learn from the and mentally is of paramount importance. I most experienced drivers, to understand watch a lot of videos of the races and study the different racing situations and how to 3 the correct lines and my rivals. I then test a face them. It is important to be calm and lot with the team to develop the kart, but quickly take the right decisions.” also to improve my driving.” What are your suggestions for kids that start with karting? What are your goals for this season? “Acquire a lot of experience and have fun. “One of my targets was to be among the protagonists of the When more experienced people tell you what to do, European Championship, but despite some great performances my listen to them and understand what they say.” end result was compromised by some racing incidents. I am What are your hobbies and interests? currently leading DKM in OK and I am working to take the win, “Fitness, driving at the simulator and having fun with my friends.” but the most important round of the season is certainly the World Who are your strongest rivals in this season? Championship, where we can be protagonist.” “There are a lot of good drivers in OK, some are expert and others What are your long term goals? are rookies. Among them, Hiltbrand, Basz, Camponeschi, “Certainly F1. I am working hard to chase this dream and I will Travisonutto, Taoufik, Kenneally and some others. For me it is keep putting all my efforts into that.” positive to fight on equal terms with them, battling for the win.”

DENNIS HAUGER PRIVEE DATE OF BIRTH:17 March 2003. CITY: Aurskog, Norway. HOBBIES: all kinds of motorsport and running. FAVOURITE F1 DRIVER: Sebastian Vettel. STRONGEST KARTING DRIVER EVER SEEN: certainly Paolo De Conto. FAVOURITE MEAL: backed potatoes with different seasoning. FAVOURITE MUSIC: pop and rock. FAVOURITE MOVIE: Grimsby. DREAM CAR: Aston Martin. BEST PLACE FOR A HOLIDAY: Italy. FAVOURITE FOOTBALL TEAM: I am not much into football, but if I really had to pick I would choose Manchester United.




KCM has started its activity in Karting

with Kalì Kart has been going since the first months of activity, thanks to the meeting with Calogero Vanaria and continued afterwards with Giancarlo Tinini and the evolution of Kalì Kart in CRG.” KCM has constantly grown since then... “Yes, in 1986 my father’s brother Jean Claude joined the company, in 2005 I joined too and currently the staff includes 5 people working in the depot, shop and workshop. At the beginning of the 80s the needs for engine and chassis preparation was constantly growing and KCM quickly expanded. Since then we changed our headquarters three times, always scaling up to the current 1.400 square meters structure.” From a sporting viewpoint, what are the biggest victories of KCM? “KCM’s sporting curriculum is quite reach, we won about 1500 races in France, taking wins in National championships (KZ, 100cc) and in the French Cup. Our highest point is, so far, the title of European Champions 100cc ICA won in 1998.” From a commercial viewpoint, how are you organized? “Importing CRG products, thanks to a high quality and very diverse range embracing all the segments of the market, allows us to deliver an excellent service to all kind of customers, from the professional driver to the karting enthusiast.

back in 1981 importing Kalì Kart’s products first and CRG’s then. The headquarters are located in Longvic, a municipality of about 10.000 people, close to Dijon in the region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté»Bourgogne, but its commercial and sporting activity spans the whole France, country in which KCM has become a reference point for Karting and one of the most important operators in Europe connected to the brand CRG. The company has been founded in 1981 by Christan Marchandise, who, after a past as karting driver, decided to dedicate himself to the technical preparation and commercialization of chassis and engines specific for this fascinating sporting discipline. Its history is deeply rooted into CRG’s. The Italian company was undergoing an important industrial transformation and beginning a constant growth on the International market in the early 80s. Christian Marchandise had his first commercial relationship with Kalì Kart and CRG after meeting Calogero Vanaria in 1982, as his son Laurent – now one of the key figures in the company – explained to us: “KCM was founded in 1981 when my father Christian, a former Karting driver who managed to come 4th in the French Championship, decided to make a job out of his passion. The collaboration


We also represent several prestigious karting brands like DID, Iko, Ars, Dell’orto, Aebi, Elto, Alfano, Xeramic, Tillet, Vega and Omp, to provide our clients with high quality solutions, meeting all the needs. We have a well stocked depot and 2 members of staff that send material all over France on a daily basis. Engine preparation and chassis management have an important role among our offered services and we can send material all over France in a very short time. We are the leaders in France for this kind of service.” Regarding racing, what services do you offer? “We provide drivers assistance during races and also support to external teams, both at a regional and national level. Our reference category is KZ, but we also have a very strong team in the X30 classes and several drivers racing in the youth sector.” What is your opinion on the collaboration with CRG? “Our relationship with CRG is great, we have been working together for 35 years now and we always shared the same sporting and commercial strategies. We have been awarded as best CRG importer several times and this has made us very proud. Our relationship is solid and it went through good and more difficult times, but it always had the same collaboration spirit. CRG is the most victorious brand in the history of karting and this is highly appreciated by our clients. Products have very high performances and

Giancarlo Tinini with the founder of Kcm, the importer of CRG products for France, Christian Marchandise. On the other page, three pictures of the new Kcm headquarters in Longvic, Bourgogne (France).


top end quality standards. CRG is among the most famous brands in the world and we are proud of this partnership.” What can you tell us about the current situation in the French market? “The French market (as that of Western Europe) has been suffering due to the economic downturn for a few years now, and the number of drivers has overall decreased (also due to the several regulation changes), but despite this CRG is really highly present in our market, especially in MINI and KZ. We hold a leading position also in the amateurs and promotional sector, thanks to the very wide range of offered products that can make all kind of customers happy, from Rotax to categories Iame X30. I think that the formula 4T Briggs & Stratton, that CRG is launching in Europe, could bring new practitioners closer to karting, filling a market void between rental karts and traditional racing products.” What are your targets for 2018? “We will certainly devise, together with CRG, the best strategy to include France in the 4T Briggs & Stratton project. We completed our move to the new headquarters in the past few months, and now we are working at the setting up of a new truck for on track assistance and we are buying a new test bench. We are optimist eying the future because, despite the economic crisis started in 2008, KCM has constantly grown and therefore we are hopeful looking ahead.”



An eclectic figure, integral part of the CRG world. Michel Vacirca, 50 years old Dutch, has been a strong karting driver before turning into team manager, founder and general manager of CRG Holland, the historic satellite team of CRG.

“I won quite a bit as a driver – Michel Vacirca told us – including a Junior World Championship in 1981 in Locarno – Switzerland. In that year there were only two categories – Junior and Senior – and one type of tyres, kart and engine. Things were quite different back then. I won that Championship with an Allkart pushed by a Pcr engine unit. Then I moved to Kalì Kart which basically is where my long relationship with CRG and Giancarlo Tinini started. I run my last race in Formula K in 1991 in Hong Kong alongside Alex Zanardi. He obviously won it, but that was quite a peculiar race as we had to repeat the start 7 times: he wanted to be clever, but I wasn’t less so either. In the end he took the win, but when we bump again into each other we happily recall those seven starts from the front row. This would be impossible nowadays, as if you jump the start now you go directly to the last row of the grid in the next one.”

Nico Hülkenberg in action on a CRG kart in category 100 Junior in 2001. He has been raised in karting by Michel Vacirca before moving to CRG Racing Team.

“I have always liked being a mechanic and taking care of the management aspect of the race. Back in 1991, I thought I could hang up my racing helmet and take on this more technical role. I have never smoked nor drank in my whole life, I have never made it to the track thinking to just have fun, but I have always dedicated myself totally to the technical and organization side of things. When I started as a manager I did not have money and banks did not feel like lending me the money I needed to get this activity going: they did not get what go-karting was. This is why I discussed my idea with Giancarlo Tinini, who helped out making me start as reseller for Holland first and then Germany. I started winning a lot in Germany with my new team CRG Holland supported by CRG and I extended my reselling activity to Scandinavia with a good success. My team has always been called CRG Holland because Giancarlo Tinini gave me this great chance and I never wanted to put my name before that.” The relationship with CRG has become special... “Absolutely. We now work in synergy with CRG, both on the technical and sporting side. We built a relationship that goes far beyond business and this is great. I had the chance to learn some Italian in all

How did you decide to manage a team?


these years and this allowed me to establish a close relationship with Giancarlo Tinini and all the key figures at CRG, but also to extend my working presence in Italy, which is a difficult market considering the strong presence of karting companies there. CRG Holland has become a reference team and dealer in Europe because we have a direct connection with the technical know-how of the home factory. This privileged relationship has grown over the years and produced a lot of sporting and commercial success stories, and allows us to provide our customers and drivers with high level standards that are delivered with the professionalism and passion of our technical staff.”

Michel Vacirca, 50 years old Dutch, has raced on Kalì Kart. He has then become team manager, founder and manager of CRG Holland.

CRG Holland had several successful drivers among its fields over the years... “Pex brothers are currently the most competitive and known CRG Holland drivers, but before them, their father Richard and his older brother Yard raced with me more than twenty years ago. Now their family tradition continues with Jorrit and Stan that are both top drivers in KZ1. Among my drivers, I proudly had Max Verstappen at the onset of his career. His father Jos bought Max’s first material for MINI Kart from me. Giancarlo Tinini supported Max Verstappen since the beginning and what happened with CRG after that is in the history of karting. Among my drivers, I happily remember Fernando Alonso, “Benjamini”, and all the victories taken with Giedo van der Garde, Rick Dreezen and Nico Hülkenberg, who has basically run his whole karting career with me. We currently have several potential champions in our International and German Championship lineups.” Who is the driver you are most fond of? “Certainly Hülkenberg, due to human motivations that go beyond the (exceptional) results we obtained together. Nico’s father totally entrusted me with his son when he was only 8 years old. He trusted me a lot and allowed me to live a full time experience with a special boy that, despite being very young, showed great driving talent and an exceptional character. I have been rewarded with a lot of satisfaction by him. Things were different with


Verstappen, because his father Jos was always with him, while I was alone with Nico Hülkenberg. I was like a second dad to him, traveling trough Europe full time. I always had a great relationship with the Hülkenberg family, a strict bond that still continues. One thing is sure, it takes a special mother and father to get a thoroughbred driver. Surely, training makes better drivers, but without a dad like Jos and a mum like the karting champion Sophie-Marie Kumpen it would have been harder to get a champion of the likes of Max Verstappen.”



Danilo Rossi is one of the most charismatic and prominent figures of International

We met him to get to know him better and hear his view on the current situation of International Karting: “My karting experience started as a game thanks to my father when I was 8. In a short time I started racing and taking wins in small categories. The most important step of my career as karting driver took place in 1989 though, when I become a CRG works driver, that was the beginning of a successful story as a driver, but, most of all, it started an exceptional human and, I would say, family-like relationship with Giancarlo Tinini. This collaboration and friendship evolved over time and grew through several steps, first as team manager of the Racing Team and then as constructor for DR. It lasts for 28 years now…”

Karting. Born in Alatri in 1974, he has started his karting career very early and won 5 World Championships: FA in 1990, Formula K and Formula C in 1992, Formula C in 1997 and FSA in 1999. His name has always been connected with CRG, as a works driver first when he won 4 of his 5 world championships, then as a Racing team manager (he directed the team winning the title with Liuzzi and Van de Garde) and now through the technical partnership involving CRG and DR Kart – the Kart manufacturing company that has been launched by Danilo in 2007.

Danilo Rossi has a very prestigious Karting CV. He has also contested two F3 championships and a F.3000 season at the end of 90s. He has always been close to the brand CRG.



What do you think about the current situation of International Karting? “I lived the golden years of International Karting and I can say that something is clearly not working now. Leaving aside the external problems, such as the economic downturn, karting lately has been suffering for the too many regulation changes that never found the right recipe to be successful. Costs have raised exponentially, both in the International activity and on the base level, which ended up in a worrying decrease in the number of drivers present in all segments. The “direction” of regulation choices and promotional strategies are tasks for Federations, that should interpret at best the needs of karting operators and drivers. I have to say that, on the technical side, the introduction of the new OK engines has the potential to fix the problems shown by the previous KF engines, but CIK-FIA and National ASNs should push more for the diffusion of these categories on the national markets. Unfortunately, there is still too much anarchy at the level of

“In general terms, promotion must be done at the base of the ‘pyramid’, but currently Federations are more attracted by the top. Federations think about karting as a business rather than a sport, but they should spend more time and efforts coordinating the activity of ASNs in the national championships, rationalizing the single make Trophies and taking all the actions needed to increase the drivers at the base, in the categories reserved to young children.” What is your opinion on the recent teams association? “I hope this newly born association can improve the current situation and pave the way to a better understanding and more effective communication among the operators. This could contribute to fixing some problems and positively influence the choices regarding calendars and regulations of the International Federation.” Tell us about your relationship with CRG and Giancarlo Tinini. “After 28 years of close collaboration, a few words are not

ASNs and, consequently a too much fragmented market. The International activity therefore cannot properly benefit from the breeding ground of national championships.” What actions would you suggest to decrease the cost of International races? “Everybody is entitled to a different opinion, but it is not difficult to draw up a list of costs connected to an International race and figure out where actions are needed: exit costs, personnel, entry fees, fuel and tyres. The problem is that very often Federations, constructors, teams, organizers and promoters do not agree or are not willing to converge on these topics. It is necessary to put the general interest of karting and practitioners ahead of those specific of these entities. In this process, Federations must not think about business, but rather to the promotion of karting, showing the direction and moderating the parts. But unfortunately this is not the case.” What actions are needed, in your opinion, to promote karting more effectively?

enough to explain my relationship with CRG and Giancarlo Tinini. I can certainly say that our relationship is based on the mutual esteem, honesty and real affection.” What are the most important markets and categories for DR? “The American market is the most important today, but Europe is also quite a big part of our business. As a works team, we are directly involved in International categories taking part in the CIK-FIA and WSK races, but we are also present in national categories and single make championships through our resellers. All categories are very important to our market and our action is transversal to all the segments.” You are among the Karting people that decided to have a direct involvement also in F4. What is DR experience in this category? “Thanks to the technical collaboration with Roberto Venieri, four years ago I decided to extend the DR project also to single seaters. I am quite happy about the choice of making this experience, both in terms of management and on track results.”



THE ENTRY LEVEL PROJECT BY CRG CRG e Briggs & Stratton Racing are launching a

maintenance that are required by this segment, which has new promotional project regarding an entry level Kart made by become extremely professional. a CRG chassis powered by a 4 Stroke engine unit produced by The Kart CRG FS4 aims to meet all these requests, as it is the American company, a product that has been very successful affordable by a very wide range of enthusiasts and, most in America and Australia. The first test drive sessions will take importantly, it benefits from the easy management and low place in September, while the racing maintenance costs of the Briggs & Stratton programme will officially kick off in 2018. engine, which really allows everyone to get on WEB PAGE CRG and Briggs & Stratton Racing have track without the assistance of specialized officially started a technical and commercial technical staff. The declared objective is to FACEBOOK partnership to launch a new promotional meet the needs of the racing enthusiasts, that @briggskartchampionship project regarding entry level karts on the intend to make a step forward compared to European market. This collaboration is rental Karts, but that cannot afford a classic intended to market a “low cost” complete Kart and organize a racing product. This is quite an ambitious challenge for CRG, that promotional sporting programme. wishes to give a concrete contribution to boost an expansion of the The CRG chassis has been named FS4 and will be pushed by a 4 ground level of Karting enthusiasts through an economic, but Stroke LO 206 engine produced by the American company extremely valid and easy to maintain, product. Such an articulated Briggs & Stratton. This engine has been very successful and project also includes a race format specifically devised to take the widely distributed in the entry level range in America and new customers of the Kart CRG – Briggs & Stratton closer to Australia, thanks to its low cost and, particularly, due to its low motorsport, in a simple and cost effective way. running costs. This is the ground on which the project of For this reason, a network of race tracks suiting entry level importing the same philosophy to Europe has developed. Italy karting has been selected to promote events and will be the test bench to verify the effectiveness and potential of local races, with running costs kept at minimum. this initiative. The CRG Kart with Briggs & Stratton engine will The basic mechanism is that every race organized be sold at a promotional price of Euros 2.700,00 + VAT in a by a Karting club, a circuit or a local promoter, complete package that comprises all the accessories and tyres. awards points valid for the national ranking, Bridging the gap between rental Karts and Racing products is through which the best drivers can the goal of this initiative. Such a gap has been made huge by the qualify for a National Final. always increasing costs of karting competitions and by the As already happening with tennis, necessary time, specialized technical assistance and costly

FIGURES OF THE BRIGGS & STRATTON KART CHAMPIONSHIP Kart: CRG FS4 chassis equipped with a Briggs & Stratton L0 206 4t engine and VEGA tyres. Retail price: Senior and Junior ready to use models retail at Euros 2.700,00 + VAT, including tyres. The MINI product will be launched in 2018. Categories: Senior (from 16 years), Junior (from 11 to 16 years) and MINI (from 7 to 11 years). Race format: Local races awarding points valid for the National Ranking. The best National drivers will qualify for the National Final. An International Final will also take place. Technical Regulations: Only set-up changes allowed. Engines sealed and all changes banned. No change allowed on the chassis accessories.


this ranking will allow drivers taking part even in two different events during the same weekend, to earn points and climb the classification up. The sporting programme named BRIGGS KART CHAMPIONSHIP will officially begin in 2018 and will schedule more than 40 races on the whole Italian territory. The Championship will initially include only category SENIOR for over 16 years old drivers, but this “top class” will be soon joined by the JUNIOR (11-16 years old) and MINI for younger drivers. Technical Regulations (that will not allow changes to the sealed engine nor to the chassis) and Sporting Regulations will be officially disclosed in September, as the dates of the promotional Road show and some sporting meetings that will be organized in 2017. Among these, the new category Briggs & Stratton will be present for a demo in Lignano Sabbiadoro in occasion of the Rental Kart World Contest organized by CRG. CRG President Giancarlo Tinini, introduced this commercial and sporting challenge with these words: «We got our inspiration from the success that these engines have in America and we devised a strategy to promote this entry level programme in Europe. This product fills a void that no current category can. Our intention is to deliver an economic and easy to manage product on the market and to support it with a low cost sporting programme. We want to reach out to new potential drivers, that aim to something more than rental karts or that are at their first experience with the track racing because they cannot afford costs and time required by higher categories. We

are committed to a strong promotional activity because the whole karting base level system, starting from racetracks to operators, is currently struggling a lot. We found a common sentiment with Briggs & Stratton, but also with several operators that are committed to promote this new commercial and sporting project, and are willing to share their experience in the sector». Marlon Treptow, Briggs & Stratton racing Sales Director, agrees on the potential of the project: «Our goal was to devise a product for the sporting activity, to be placed in between the rental and racing lines. There is a market gap and our product has the potential to reach out to new racing enthusiasts with a very interesting offer. The partnership with CRG – one of the most prestigious karting brands worldwide, allows us to bring on board all the know-how to build a solid project from all points of view: technical, promotional and commercial». Promotion activities will be coordinated by CRG and Marco Angeletti talks about the first objectives: «In the past few days we have been previewing the Kart FS4 powered by the LO206 Briggs & Stratton engine to the public and operators in this sector. The first feedback has been really very encouraging; this is a high-tech racing chassis with magnesium accessories also featuring a sleek design, that is identical to what our clients are used to enjoy in higher classes. We have also drafted the first operational plans with the sales network, organizers of the local races and a series of partners that we are selecting, based on their experience with entry level karting. The promotional programme will kick off in September with a series of “test drive” events on some circuits located in the north and center of Italy, where we will give fans the chance to taste the new FS4 kart. Regarding the sporting activity, we will hold some promotional meetings this year, but the programme will officially start in 2018. We are also launching several communication initiatives, mainly on social media and on the web, that are very important channels for the commercial and sporting activities».



Il Kart da noleggio Centurion by CRG features growing numbers on the market: it is globally more

and more present and meets the needs of drivers and racing track managers. This success goes down to a mix of factors, mainly technical, but also aesthetic motivations, services and events that CRG connected to this product range play their part. To get a respected feedback on the driving sensations, we asked 5 expert Rental races drives to report their impressions after driving the CRG Kart in Endurance races in Italy. Our invitation was accepted by Edgard Kanah, Ambrogio Canavesi, Luigi Padoan, Guido Monfrini and Davide Pedesini

LUIGI PADOAN (AGGRESSIVE TEAM) The Centurion Kart is an exceptional balance between performance and safety. It is quick, challenging to drive, but also safe and therefore ideal for the market it is addressed to. When one drives it in races, it does not look like a kart devised for rental outings, because the quality and performance of this product are top class. The chassis works very well and all the equipments are of great quality, as the fairings that are very nice and make it very aggressive-looking. Driving sensations are very good, they fully capture the essence of karting. Comfort is also very high, thanks to some simple and quick adjustments that can be made to the seat and pedals. The ballast system is also quite functional, they are easy and safe to fit to balance the performance of drivers with different weight. I am very interested in the promotion activities that are carried out by CRG for this kart range and, after the success of the Endurance Series in Italy, I am pretty sure that the Rental Kart World Contest will boost the popularity of this kart .

EDGARD KANAH (GRIP RACING) I took part in the 6 Hours of Ala on the Centurion Kart last July, but I already had the chance to test (and appreciate) it in Lonato. I have always driven it with a Honda 390cc engine unit, which I believe is the ideal coupling, not only for Endurance races but also for rental tracks. The CRG kart is really sleek, it has a refined design and a graphic livery that reproduces CRG official colors (a choice that is very much appreciated by karting and CRG fans). The driving position is perfect, thanks also to the pedals that can be adjusted through an hydraulic system and three different seats positions. The positive sensations grow exponentially once on track: the chassis is precise while cornering and under braking: it is a real pleasure to drive it. It provides the ideal level of grip if equipped with high quality tyres, as devised by CRG for Endurance races (VEGA tyres), delivering the sensations of a real racing Kart to the driver .






AMBROGIO CANAVESI transmitted at the «wheelThebysensations CRG Centurion karts is of real (TEAM ALLIANZ)

GUIDO MONFRINI My team takes part in several « Rental races and we have virtually (TEAM LHASA -MAKELAB)

used all karts available on the market. After testing the CRG Centurion, I can say that it is top end on at least three aspects: quality, performance and design. Despite the mechanical stress and classic contacts of a Rental race, I have never seen a problem or a mechanical failure and this proves the high quality of the product. I have never seen such high levels of reliability before, which certainly are the end result of a good project but also of the high quality of all the parts. Performance is another aspect that makes this kart shine. It is fast and really fun to drive. From my point of view, this is what is making the difference because loyal rental users are a more and more demanding target. Finally, CRG has done a great work in terms of design, they did not compromise anything and designed one of the most beautiful karts available on the market .

ease, the kart can be brought to its limit safely, which gives a lot of confidence to the driver. Particularly, turning in and breaking are its strongest points even if, with the hard tyres used for rental karts, the chassis becomes a bit slippy while cornering, but driving it to its limit is good fun. I was surprised by its performance, that is quite remarkable with the 390cc engine. This kart can challenge and entertain even the most experienced drivers. It is also objectively very good looking and the promotion activities, like the Endurance Kart Cup (organized very well) we are taking part in with Team Allianz, as well as, and even more so, the Rental Kart World Contest, play a key role in spreading it to several rental circuits. The strength and professionalism of CRG are also very important regarding customer service, and guarantee reliability and professionalism in a sector in which these aspects are not always to be taken for granted .


DAVIDE PEDESINI This year, we had the chance of « running two races in the Series (TEAM WILD WILD KART)

organized by CRG and we tested the Centurion Kart for the first time. This gave us the chance for a hands on test of the technical evolution of this sector; a few years back, Rental Karts did not come with a lot of technology, but now they are a sleek and performing product. First of all, the kart has a stunning design and it is very refined in all details, it looks like a miniature racing car. The good thing is that beauty does not mean fragility, in this case. Performance also positively impressed me, it is quick in changing direction, speed and cornering sensations are excellent. This is certainly the most entertaining kart I have ever driven .



CENTURION SENIOR Chassis. Molybdenum, 32 mm diameter tubing Axle. Solid, 30 mm diameter Brake system. Rear self-ventilated discs with hydraulic self-adjustment system and gas shut-off function Steering assembly. With cardan joint and nylon tie rods

Rims. Alloy Pedals. Stock adjustable system Lights. Op-lights Intake. Fuel pump Front-end angles. Adjustable by way of spindle pins eccentrics Clutch oil. 10-W-30 / 300 ml Engine oil. 10-W-30 / 1Lt Transmission. Choice of belt-drive or chain-drive


Clutch. Wet Tyres. Vega / Dunlop Bumper kit. Differentiated impact absorption Bodywork. Thermoformed plastic with CRG stickers Lead weight kits. Lead case on the left side (lead not included) Engine. Honda GX270 - GX390





«Great guy, great family». This is the first

weekends and testing) made him grow very fast. He was the ideal driver: quick, talented, but also keen to learn and to improve. He was really quick and his karting experience ast only a few years before he climbed up to motorsport. He was one of the strongest drivers in early 2000s and certainly one of the most aggressive and motivated on track».

comment made by Giancarlo Tinini when asked to draw a picture of Nico Hülkenberg during his successful karting days with CRG, that proceeded his current Formula 1 driver role at Renault. «Nico Hülkenberg started in karting as CRG Holland works driver. Giancarlo Tinini continued, We obviously supported him directly because we noticed an uncommon talent in this very young boy. He was very motivated on track and paid a lot of attention to the indications of the technicians and his dedication to working with the team (both during racing

How did Hülkenberg’s experience with CRG start? «He competed in Junior and Formula A with CRG. He left great memories behind. He was a little “sprite”: shy face and small glasses, but on track he changed completely his attitude and was really quick. He had a very clean driving style, but was also very resolute and aggressive: whenever he had a small overtaking chance he went for it without any hesitation. Determination is important for a driver and I very rarely had to take him to task for shying away from an overtaking move. Strong drivers that make the difference have overtaking and resolution among their skills, and Nico was this sort of driver». A lot of positive skills, but did he have some flaws? «He was maybe too gentle. Kindness is definitely a positive quality in a human being, but it is a flaw in a driver». What are the main differences between Hülkenberg as a

Nicolas Hülkenberg was born in Emmerich en Rhein (Germany) on 19th August 1987. The F1 paddock calls him “The Hülk”, a nickname



that was given to him by his former manager Willi Weber.

1st Italian Championship Open Masters ICA-Junior 1st German Kart Championship ICA-Junior 2001 1st Italian Championship Open Masters ICA-Junior 2nd Green Helmet Trophy Cadets

karting driver back in early 2000s and current drivers? «The attitude towards competitions did not change much since early 2000s. He run a very intense racing programme and CRG Holland gave him the chance to take part in an high level international programme since the beginning with all the CIK-FIA races, the German Championship and the Italian Open Masters. The most ambitious current karting drivers have a similarly intense racing calendar, which allows them to build a lot of experience. Nico grew up quickly and his karting career has been a successful crescendo in the space of a few years only».

Nicolas Hülkenberg won two German Championship titles and two Italian Open Masters. He started karting at the age of 10. His career with CRG Holland was supported by the Italian company. Nico made his motor racing debut in 2005 in the German Formula BMW, winning the championship in his maiden year. In 2006 he moved to Formula 3, in 2006 and 2007 he competed in A1 Grand Prix. He came third in the European Formula 3 Championship in 2007. Won the Formula 3 Euro Series in 2008. He then won the 2009 GP2 Championship and made his Formula 1 debut with Williams in 2010. He has been a Force India driver in 2011 and 2012, moved to Sauber in 2013 and back to Force India from 2014 to 2016. Since 2017 he is a Renault driver. Nico Hülkenberg won the 24 Hours of Le Mans on the Porsche 919 Hybrid in 2015.

happy, as he had questioned himself and managed to turn around a difficult situation through the team work. This is just to say that Nico was focused on getting the job done since a very young age and he wanted to get to the bottom of a performance that he was struggling to get».

Nico Hülkenberg raced on CRG in ICA-Junior and Formula A classes. He has been one of the most representative CRG drivers until 2004 and has run 188 F1 GPs claiming a Pole Position.

On a scale of CRG drivers, what mark would you give Hülkenberg? «On a 1 to 10 scale, I would certainly give him a solid 9, due to his quality as a driver but also as a person. He has been very professional despite his very young age, being focused on racing and on his kart. I remember that once, a very young Nico Hülkenberg came to me because he could not match the performance of his team mate. He was devastated, but resolute to understand where he could improve. We went through some technical solutions together and some team work made him improve a lot, placing him again among the quickest. At the end of the race he told me he was very

What do you think of Hülkenberg’s experience in Formula 1? «We all know that in Formula 1 one needs the luck of being in the right team on the right car. Nevertheless, Hülkenberg has always scored points, shining also in the initial part of his Formula 1 career».

When did you last meet Hülkenberg? «Not long ago in Lonato. Nico went to me and said hello. He is a man now. He does not wear glasses, but to me it was like meeting the same kid. He is one of those persons that believe in their values, and that do not forget even that little bit you gave them. When he has time he goes back to race on karts with CRG Holland – he is still fond of our colors. I have more frequent contacts with his family: his dad is one of the best parents I have ever met and he had a very positive influence on Nico’s career. He always trusted the team and constantly supported his son».





CHANGE YOUR WAY OF PERCEIVING THE RENTAL KART Offer your customers a higher driving experience and the opportunity of taking part to the Rental Kart World Contest


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