EEE CBCS Syllabus

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Python API Types and Functions, The Method Table, Method Flags, Passing Data, Using the Python C Extension API, Generic Discrete I/O API, Generic Wrapper Example Calling the Extension, Python’s c types, Foreign Function Library, Loading External DLLs with ctypes, Basic Data Types in ctypes, Using ctypes Module 3: Instrumentation and Interfacing (5 Hours) Data Acquisition, Control Output, Open-Loop Control, Closed-Loop Control, Sequential Control, Applications Overview, Electronics Test Instrumentation, Laboratory Instrumentation, Process Control, Interfaces -Discrete Digital I/O, Analog I/O, Counters and Timers, PWM, Serial I/O, Parallel I/O, Physical Interfaces- Connectors, DB-Type Connectors, USB Connectors, Circular Connectors, Terminal Blocks, Wiring, Connector Failures, Serial Interfaces,RS-232/EIA-232, RS-485/EIA-485, SB 231 Windows Virtual Serial Ports, GPIB/IEEE-488, GPIB/IEEE-488 Signals, GPIB Connections, GPIB via USB PC Bus Interface Hardware, Pros and Cons of Bus-Based Interfaces, Data Acquisition Cards, GPIB Interface Cards Module 4: Building and Using Simulators (5 Hours) Basic Control Systems Theory Terminology and Symbols Control System Block Diagrams, Transfer Functions Time and Frequency, Proportional, PI, and PID Controls Implementing Control Systems in Python: Building and Using Simulators- Simulating Errors and Faults, Using Python to Create a Simulator Package and Module Organization, Data I/O Simulator, AC Power Controller Simulator, Serial Terminal Emulators, Using Terminal Emulator Scripts, Displaying Simulation Data, gnuplot, Using gnuplot Plotting Simulator Data with gnuplot Creating Simulators . Module 5: Instrumentation Data I/O (5 Hours) Data I/O Interface Software, Interface Formats and Protocols, Python Interface Support Packages Alternatives for Windows, Using Bus-Based Hardware I/O Devices with Linux, Data I/O: Acquiring and Writing Data, Basic Data I/O, Blocking Versus Nonblocking Calls, Data I/O Methods, Handling Data I/O Errors, Handling Inconsistent Data Module 6: Reading and Writing Data Files (5 Hours) ASCII Data Files, The Original ASCII Character Set, Python’s ASCII Character-Handling Methods, Reading and Writing ASCII Flat Files, Configuration Data, Module String Conversion ,Module Data File I/O Utilities, Binary Data Files, Flat Binary Data Files, Handling Binary Data in Python, Image Data. User Interfaces: Text Based and GUI, Real world examples. List of Experiments 1. Python program to operate the data structures 2. Python program to print the matrix in spiral order 3. Python program for generating and analyzing graphs 4. Drawing regular geometrical shapes using Python. 5. Creating Python extensions in C 6. Calling the extension – Generic wrapper example. 7. PWM generation using Python 8. Acquiring current and voltage signal and measuring their parameters using Python 9. Implementation of open loop control in Python 10. Simulation of AC power controller 11. Acquiring and writing data using Python 12. Image processing using Python 13. Python Program for Plotting the Characteristics of DC Motor 14. C Program to calculate the performance metrics of an Induction Motor 15. Python Programming for calculating the performance characteristics of a Single-Phase transformer Text Books 1. Kent D. Lee, Python Programming Fundamentals, Springer, 2011 2. J. M. Hughes, Real World Instrumentation with Python, O’Reilly Media, Inc.,CA, 2011 Reference Books 1. Stephen G. Kochan, Programming in C – A complete introduction to C programming language,2017 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (2020)

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