Course Outcome: The student will be able to 1. Understand the conventions and the methods of engineering drawing. 2. Improve their visualization skills and apply it in developing new products. 3. Comprehend the theory of projection. 4. Construct basic and intermediate geometry. 5. Create engineering drawings using CAD software and dimension the parts according to standard practice. 6. Draw the orthographic and isometric views of objects in CAD environment. List of Experiments 1. Lettering, Dimensioning and Constructions of geometric figures. 2. Projection of points in different quadrants. 3. Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic views. 4. Projection of lines in first quadrant. 5. Projection of basic solids like prisms, pyramids, cylinder and cone in simple positions. 6. Isometric views of basic solids - prisms, pyramids, cylinder and cone. 7. Drawing aids: snap, grid, limits and Osnap. 8 Application of modifying commands. 9 Methods of drawing lines, circles and arcs. 10 Application of lines, arcs and circles to draw simple geometries. 11 Dimensioning, hatching methods to show different materials, title block and layers. 12 Isometric view of primitive solids and combination of primitive solids. Total Lectures 30 Hours Reference Books: 1. Leo Dev wins. K., “Engineering Drawing”, Pearson India Education, 3rd Edition, 2018. 2. Basant Agrawal, C.M. Agrawal, “Engineering Drawing”, Tata McGraw Hill Private Ltd., 2015. 3. Sham Tickoo, “AutoCAD 2015: A Problem-Solving Approach”, CADCIM Technologies, 2014. 4. Bhatt N.D., “Elementary Engineering Drawing”, 53rd Edition. Chartor Publishing House, Anand, 2014. 5. Venugopal K. “Engineering Graphics”, 10th Edn. (Revised), New Age International Publishers, 2015. 5th September 2020 Recommended by Board of Studies 12th September 2020 Approved by Academic Council Course ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES L T P C code 20ME3001 3 0 0 3 Course Objectives: Impart knowledge on: 1. Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing and its processes. 2. Liquid, Solid and Powder based AM systems and its case studies. 3. Data formats, Pre and Post processing of AM and its applications. Course Outcomes: The student will be able to: 1. Describe the significance and importance of Additive manufacturing (AM) for product development and innovation. 2. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the broad range of AM processes, devices, capabilities and materials. 3. Articulate the various trade-offs in selecting advanced/additive manufacturing processes, devices and materials to suit particular product requirements.