D.T. Pham and S.S. Dimov, “Rapid Manufacturing”, Springer, 2000. 3. Frank W. Liou, “Rapid Prototyping & Engineering Applications”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011. Reference Books 1. Paul F Jacobs, “Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing fundamentals of stereo lithography”, 1st Edition, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, Michigan, 2012. 2. Chowdia M.P (ED), “Agile Manufacturing”, International Conference on Agile Manufacturing, Bangalore, Feb22–24,1996, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub Co., Ltd., New Delhi, 2012. 5th September 2020 Recommended by Board of Studies 12th September 2020 Approved by Academic Council Course INTELLIGENT ROBOTICS SYSTEMS IN L T P C Code MANUFACTURING 20ME3002 3 0 0 3 Course Objectives: Impart knowledge on 1. Apply the fundamentals concepts with computational platforms for the field robotics and automation applications. 3. To understand mechanism of robotic control and its motion mechanisms. 1. 3. Incorporate the Artificial Intelligence and Allied techniques for Robotic applications. Course Outcomes: The student will be able to 1. Understand the various motion control of robot. 2. Apply the robot kinematics concepts and inversion Mechanism. 3. Select the path movements of various robots for the variety of applications. 4. Diagnose the movement of robots and its operations. 5. Solve the risk application using artificial intelligence, IOT based algorithms. 6. Impart knowledge in networking of robots using sensors for various applications. Module: 1 OVERVIEW OF ROBOTICS FOR MANUFACTURING 8 Hours Robot types based on industrial application, trends, applications, classification - Anatomy and Architecture of Manipulators – Transformations - Robot Kinematics: Forward and Inverse Manipulator Jacobian - Force relations - Dynamics: Forward and Inverse – Feedback Control: Position and force - Trajectory planning. Load handling capacity, Robotic material handling, material transfer, machine loading and unloading, CNC machine tool loading, Robot centered cell. Module: 2 HUMANOID ROBOTICS FOR MANUFACTURING 8 Hours Theory of humanoid robots, kinematics and dynamics. Methods for gait generation, including classical control theory, central pattern generators and linear genetic programming. Applications of humanoid robots. Humanoid robots in society - current and future applications, comparison with other types of robots. Hardware construction, including the use of microcontrollers and servo motors in connection with humanoid robots. Simulation in ROS. Module: 3 BEHAVIORAL ROBOTICS FOR MANUFACTURING 8 Hours Introduction to embodied cognitive science and behaviour -based robotics, reactive behaviour -based architectures, perception deliberative systems, hybrid systems. Module: 4
ADVANCED PERCEPTION FOR ROBOTICS IN 7 Hours MANUFACTURING 3D reconstruction of objects and scenes from video, camera motion estimation from video, object detection and recognition, and tracking, cloud robotics, Optical flow estimation: motion field and optical flow, calculating optical flow, flow-based motion analysis, robust incremental optical flow. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (2020)