Object detection and recognition: Global methods-transformation search-based methods, geometric correspondence-based approaches. flexible shape matching, interest point detection and region descriptors, three-dimensional object recognition. Tracking and video analysis. Module: 5
ADVANCED AI FOR INTELLIGENT ROBOTIC 7 Hours MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS Problem solving: Graph based search, Algorithms for searching, Heuristic search, Robot path planning. Knowledge representation, Semantic networks, Frames, Ontologies, Knowledge based systems. Expert systems. Artificial neural networks: Perceptron, Learning, Associative memories, Self-organized networks, Applications of neural networks in robotics. Fuzzy logic systems, Genetic algorithms: Principles, Working, Design, Applications in robotics case Studies. Module: 6
VIRTUAL REALITY AND APPLICATIONS FOR 7 Hours MANUFACTURING The three I’s of virtual reality, commercial VR technology and the five classic components of a VR system. VR design principles, Input and Output Devices. Modelling: Geometric modelling, kinematics modelling, physical modelling, behaviour modelling, model management. Human Factors: Methodology and terminology, user performance studies, VR health and safety issues. Applications: Medical applications, military applications, robotics applications. VR in Unity 3D. Case Studies. Total Lectures 45 Hours Text Books 1. Mikell P Groover, “Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,” Pearson Education, 2015 2. Goswami Ambarish, Vadakkepat Prahlad, “Humanoid Robotics: A Reference”, Springer, 2019 Reference Books 1. S John J Craig: “Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and control”, Third Edition – Pearson Education,Inc 2014. 2. Arkin, C. Ronald, “Behaviour -Based Robotics”, MIT Press, Cambridge: MA, 1998. 3. D. Forsyth and J. Ponce, “Computer Vision: A Modern Approach”, Prentice-Hall, 2003. 4. Russell, S.J. and Norvig, P., “Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach”, Prentice Hall, 2016. 5. Gregory C. Burdea and Philippe Coiffet, “Virtual Reality Technology”, Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc,2003. 5th September 2020 Recommended by Board of Studies 12th September 2020 Approved by Academic Council Course INTERNET OF THINGS IN MANUFACTURING L T P C code 20ME3003 3 0 0 3 Course Objectives: Impart knowledge on 1. To make the students understand the requirements of Industrial automation standards 2. To enable the students to get familiarized with the concepts of IoT connecting the mechanical systems 3. To make the students create applications of IoT for mechanical systems Course Outcomes: The student will be able to 1. Interpret the Essentials of IoT for Modern Engineers 2. Examine the importance of Smart and Digital Factories 3. Make use of IoT in Manufacturing Process and Applications 4. Model IoT for Cyber-Physical Systems, Virtual Reality and Data Analytics 5. Interpret the IoT Challenges in Mechanical Systems MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (2020)