Mech CBCS Syllabus

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6. Apply IoT concepts in various applications Module: 1

7 Hours ESSENTIALS OF IoT FOR MODERN ENGINEERS The IoT revolution, The smart product mechanical engineer, Consumer IoT, Industrial IoT, Sensor, Analysis, Connectivity, Exchange. Data characteristics, The IoT process, Product components, External sources, Data Visualization, Closed loop design, Performance metrics, statistical data, Future design, Edge/Cloud computing. Module: 2

8 Hours SMART AND DIGITAL FACTORIES Big data, Predictive Analytics, Virtualized Processes, Modelling and Simulation, High-performance computing, Robotics, Code Halo Thinking, 3D Printing, Informed Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing. Module: 3 8 Hours IoT IN MANUFACTURING PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS Supply Chain Management, Operating Efficiency, Predictive Maintenance, Inventory Optimization, Intelligent Supply, Maturity Scale for Smart Manufactured Products. Intelligent Product Enhancements, Dynamic Response to Market Demands, Optimized Resource Use, Waste Reduction, Product Safety. Module: 4 IoT MODEL FOR CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS 8 Hours Industry 4.0, IoT, smart factories, Cyber Physical production Systems, synchronized planning, COBOTS, Digital Threads, Augmented and Virtual Reality, sensing and control, security, system design, Data analytics Module: 5 7 Hours IoT CHALLENGES IN MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Resource Constraints, Appropriate Information Models, Standardization of Device Models, Bridging to the Cloud, Security, AI/Autonomy, Cyber Security. Basics of Block chain. Module: 6 INDUSTRIAL IoT - APPLICATION CASE STUDIES 7 Hours Robotics Remote Service, Electrical Vehicle Charging, Container Ship Trim Optimization, Condition Monitoring for Industrial Drives, Digital TWINS, monitoring of IC engines based on IoT. Total Lectures 45 Hours Reference Books 1. “Internet of Things”, Copyright by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. 2016. 2. Heiko Koziolek, “IoT Challenges for Smart Manufacturing”, ABB Corporate Research Germany 3. “The Essentials of IoT for Modern Engineers”, Autodesk, Inc., 2016 4. Stephen Ezell “IoT and Smart Manufacturing”, Global Innovation Policy Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. 5. “Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT Research Challenges”, Gurdip Singh, National Science Foundation 6. “From Mechatronic Components to Industrial Automation Things: An IoT Model for CyberPhysical Manufacturing Systems”, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 5th September 2020 Recommended by Board of Studies 12th September 2020 Approved by Academic Council Course code 3D PRINTING LABORATORY 20ME3004 Course Objective: Impart knowledge on: 1. The basics of additive manufacturing/rapid prototyping. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (2020)

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