Consideration, Material Transport Systems, Storage Systems. Problems on design of material handling systems. Module: 2
8 Hours
Product manufacturability, orientation devices- active and passive devices, parts orientation and escapement. Pneumatic and hydraulic components and circuits, Boolean algebra, pneumatic sensors and amplifiers, jet destruction devices, logic devices, Schmitz triggering devices, developing pneumatic circuits for automatic die casting machine. Industrial Control Systems, Process Industries Verses Discrete-Manufacturing Industries, Continuous Verses Discrete Control, Computer Process and its Forms. Sensors, Design of Actuators and other Control System Components and simple problems. Module: 3 MODELING AND SIMULATION OF PLANT AUTOMATION 8 Hours Fundamentals of system Modeling, Building Mathematical Model of a manufacturing Plant, Modern Tools- Artificial neural networks in manufacturing automation, AI in manufacturing, Fuzzy decision and control, robots and application of robots for automation. Module: 4 PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT (PLM) 7 Hours Overview, Need, Benefits, Concept of Product Life Cycle. Components / Elements of PLM, Emergence of PLM, Significance of PLM, Customer Involvement. Product Data and Product Workflow, Company’s PLM vision, The PLM Strategy, Principles for PLM strategy, preparing for the PLM strategy, developing a PLM strategy, Strategy identification and selection, Change Management for PLM. Module: 5 PRODUCT DESIGN, MODELLING AND ANALYSIS TOOLS 7 Hours Engineering design, organization and decomposition in product design, concurrent engineering, design for X’ and design central development model, product recycling, human factors in product design. Modelling and simulation in product, Design for assembly and disassembly - probabilistic design concepts - FMEA - QFD - Taguchi Method for design of experiments -Design for product life cycle. Estimation of Manufacturing costs, Reducing the component costs and assembly costs, Minimize system complexity. Product optimization, Case studies on new product design using brain storming. Module: 6
PRODUCT BUILDING, STRUCTURES AND PDM 7 Hours TECHNOLOGY Virtual product development tools for components, machines, and manufacturing plants: 3D CAD systems, digital mock-up, model building, model analysis, production (process) planning, and product data technology, Product structures: Variant management, product configuration, material master data, product description data, Data models, Life cycles of individual items, status of items. PDM functions, definition and architectures of PDM systems, product data interchange, portal integration, PDM acquisition and implementation. Total Lectures 45 Hours Text Books 1 2 3 4
Mikell P Groover, Automation Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 4th Edition by Pearson, 2016. A K Gupta, Industrial Automation and Robotics, Third edition, Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd, 2007. Stark, John., Product Lifecycle Management: Paradigm for 21st Century Product Realization, Springer-Verlag, 2004. Fabio Giudice, Guido La Rosa, Product Design for the environment-A life cycle approach, Taylor & Francis, 2006.