Media Profile

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Kat Schober 3/19/15 Shifflet Media Profile The Netherlands The Netherlands has a population of 16 million inhabitants, which makes it one of the densest countries in Europe and the official language is Dutch, which is spoken by over 90% of people. Other languages prevalent in this country are English, German and French, with most citizens being polyglots. The literacy rate is 99%. They are a low context culture The Netherlands is a core nation as categorized by the World System Theory. It qualifies as such because of its relevance and power in the world, and how prominent its media is. While The Netherlands is not known like the U.S. for exporting a ton of media, it is home to one of the biggest medical, scientific and technical journal publishing companies, Reed Elsevier. This is an Anglo-Dutch conglomerate that was once distributing over 25% of the world’s scientific publications. Other than this company The Netherlands mainly creates and nurtures its own media while importing media from other core countries: mainly Germany, France, Britain, and the U.S. The Netherlands could be characterized as a mixture of ethnocentric and world centric in terms of media import designations. It is very focused on maintaining its significant culture but it also encourages its natives to learn about other cultures by importing their media. Most of The Netherlands’ imported television shows are

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