Mission Statement Logo Standards
Acceptable Usage
Unacceptable Usage
Business card
14 15
Business System
Shipping Box
Promotional Goods
BOW WOW is a dog treat brand that brings a playful, healthy product to the owners and dogs. Through our branding and biodegradeable packaging, our product aims to represent the dog’s playful personality and connect with our customers. In order to bring in the best quality and satisfaction, we use natural ingredients and go through safe processing procedures for our treat bones.
The BOW WOW logo was designed to be bold, bright, and simple. The design was inspired by the dog’s playful personality. In order for the personality to come across in the logo, the colors typeface, graphics were all designed and chosen carefully. There are two logos: one official logo, and one secondary logo to be used in marketing materials.
The minimum size of the logo should be 1” in length for the official logo, and 1” in width for the secondary logo. There should be no other elements or text around the logo. The space around it should be at least the width of the small “O” used in both logos.
The BOW WOW logo uses the sans serif typeface Tall & Lean. The name is written in all caps to emphasize the company name and give it energy. There are some aspects of the typeface that are altered. This includes the “OW” in Bow and the first “W” in Wow where they are stretched to achieve type hierarchy.
Tall & Lean ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Pantone: P 10-8 C CMYK: 1/29/100/0 RGB: 250, 185, 21 HEX: #fab915
These are the official colors of the logo and are the only colors that should be used. The colors are chosen to represent the bright personality of dogs and to create pleasing aesthetics to catch attention of the targeted consumers.
Pantone: P 179-14 C CMYK: 67/60/60/44 RGB: 68, 68, 68 HEX: #444443
Pantone: P 179-10 C CMYK: 54/47/46/11 RGB: 120, 118, 119 HEX: #787676
Acceptable Usage
Keeping the different media in mind, the logos should be used under the given guidelines listed. The following are acceptable versions of the logos.
This logo is preferred whenever possible. There should be optimal space between the edges of the box and the text to let the logo breathe.
This logo can also be used if the main logo isn’t available or doesn’t fit with the materials.
This logo is used mainly for marketing materials including promotional goods.
Unacceptable Usage
The BOW WOW logos should not be altered from its original design. The following are examples of unacceptable changes and usage to the logos.
Do not change the size of the bone.
Do not skew the logo.
Do not use other colors.
Do not change the typeface.
Do not tilt or rotate the logo.
Do not move the bone. 11
The standard letterhead is printed on 8.5” x 11” white paper and is used for all official documents. The logo is located in the upper left hand corner and
the address is located in the upper right hand corner.
Chien, CA 95616
2277 Rufus Street
(123) 333-8888
The body copy uses Verdana with 8 pt size. May 12, 2015
The margins are 1” with the exception of the left
Dear John Smith,
margin with 0.5”.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare maximus risus, id faucibus elit mattis a. Pellentesque vel placerat felis. Mauris facilisis massa neque, non accumsan nisi iaculis ut. Sed viverra, ex eu euismod tristique, elit metus semper risus, nec dictum sem risus ac metus.
The back of the letterhead is simple implementing the bright logo color.
Vivamus risus e rat, l acinia ac pharetra eu, condimentum v itae m auris. Vivamus urna t ortor, p retium et massa id, malesuada laoreet turpis. Maecenas blandit ex tincidunt, viverra ante quis, posuere nisi. Nulla dapibus diam massa, a molestie nisl porta sit amet. Mauris et justo ut massa posuere venenatis in sit amet ligula. Mauris faucibus risus aliquam sodales pulvinar. Nam dignissim euismod hendrerit. Sed cursus convallis commodo. Sed egestas convallis ullamcorper.
Vestibulum rhoncus nisl tellus, sed sollicitudin enim elementum nec. Mauris sit amet mi ornare, ultrices risus eget, vehicula nibh. Sed elementum rutrum metus et auctor.Integer vitae venenatis lacus. Aenean ac porttitor mauris. Donec ultrices feugiat d ui a t porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per i nceptos h imenaeos. Pellentesque u t nibh sit amet nulla porta m ollis. Quisque ante justo, p lacerat sit amet d ictum ac, convallis ac odio. V ivamus o rnare tempor t ellus quis euismod. Duis gravida libero imperdiet diam cursus lobortis. Cras sed mauris mauris.
Sed fringilla luctus euismod. Quisque tincidunt nulla id nisl posuere, ut viverra justo auctor. Nunc vehicula, dolor tempus gravida porta, libero neque lacinia orci, vel consequat mauris augue vel arcu. Cras feugiat ultrices commodo. Mauris egestas quam sit amet elementum porttitor. Mauris eleifend, dui sit amet egestas tristique, ante tortor efficitur metus, e u vehicula tortor tellus non ex. I n pellentesque justo erat. Fusce semper quam non bibendum lacinia. Vestibulum tempor felis urna, vitae tincidunt arcu condimentum sit amet. Mauris eget lorem vulputate lorem sagittis aliquam.
Kathy Chang CEO
The envelope is a standard #10 envelope (9.5” x Bow Wow
4 1/8”). The design is simple with only the logo
2277 Canine Street Davis, CA 95616
as a dominant feature of BOW WOW. The return John Smith 123 Apple Rd Davis, CA 95616 USA
address is printed on the upper left hand corner. The recipient’s name is printed in the center of the envelope. The inside of the envelope features a pattern that utilizes the bone graphic on the logo. On the back of the envelope, the website is featured as well. The front has 0.5” margins on all four sides.
Business Card
The business card comes in the shape of a bone instead of the regular rectangular shape. However, it still follows the standard 2.5� x 3� business card. By using a bone shaped card, the person receiving the card will more likely have better impressions of the company and products. On the front, the logo is shown with no bone since the bone is already the card itself. On the back, the name, position, and information (website, email, address) are displayed. 2277 Canine Street Davis, CA 95616 Kathy Chang (123) 333-8888 CEO
Final Business System
BOW WOW Co. 2277 Rufus Street Chien, CA 95616 (123) 333-8888
2277 Canine Street
May 12, 2015
Davis, CA 95616 Kathy Chang (123) 333-8888 CEO
Dear John Smith,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare maximus risus, id faucibus elit mattis a. Pellentesque vel placerat felis. Mauris facilisis massa neque, non accumsan nisi iaculis ut. Sed viverra, ex eu euismod tristique, elit metus semper risus, nec dictum sem risus ac metus.
Vivamus risus e rat, l acinia ac pharetra eu, condimentum v itae m auris. Vivamus urna t ortor, p retium et
massa id, malesuada laoreet turpis. Maecenas blandit ex tincidunt, viverra ante quis, posuere nisi. Nulla dapibus diam massa, a molestie nisl porta sit amet. Mauris et justo ut massa posuere venenatis in sit amet ligula. Mauris faucibus risus aliquam sodales pulvinar. Nam dignissim euismod hendrerit. Sed cursus convallis commodo. Sed egestas convallis ullamcorper.
Vestibulum rhoncus nisl tellus, sed sollicitudin enim elementum nec. Mauris sit amet mi ornare, ultrices risus eget, vehicula nibh. Sed elementum rutrum metus et auctor.Integer vitae venenatis lacus. Aenean ac porttitor mauris. Donec ultrices feugiat d ui a t porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per i nceptos h imenaeos. Pellentesque u t nibh sit amet nulla porta m ollis. Quisque ante justo, p lacerat sit amet d ictum ac, convallis ac odio. V ivamus o rnare tempor t ellus quis euismod. Duis gravida libero imperdiet diam cursus lobortis. Cras sed mauris mauris.
Sed fringilla luctus euismod. Quisque tincidunt nulla id nisl posuere, ut viverra justo auctor. Nunc vehicula,
Bow Wow
dolor tempus gravida porta, libero neque lacinia orci, vel consequat mauris augue vel arcu. Cras feugiat
2277 Canine Street
ultrices commodo. Mauris egestas quam sit amet elementum porttitor. Mauris eleifend, dui sit amet egestas
Davis, CA 95616
tristique, ante tortor efficitur metus, e u vehicula tortor tellus non ex. I n pellentesque justo erat. Fusce semper quam non bibendum lacinia. Vestibulum tempor felis urna, vitae tincidunt arcu condimentum sit amet. Mauris eget lorem vulputate lorem sagittis aliquam.
John Smith Sincerely,
123 Apple Rd Davis, CA 95616 USA
Kathy Chang CEO
Displays should be consistent throughout using the main or secondary logo. The following examples are for billboard and bus stop displays. The bus stop display utilizes the logo’s simplicity and boldness in an attempt to draw in bypassers and customers. Unlike the bus stop display, the billboard design utilizes the picture of the actual product itself with the secondary logo to drawn in attention. Both type of designs can be used interchangeably on the billboard and bus stop displays.
The vehicle’s branding is important as it deals with transporting goods across the roads. The logo will be displayed on the vehicle’s surfaces to serve as a marketing tool to promote the treat bones.
Shipping Box
The shipping boxes features the main logo on two sides, front and back. By having the logo featured, this can serve as a way to market the product when the boxes are stacked. The materials used to make the boxes should be recyclable materials.
The website and mobile site has the logo and colors with a slideshow featuring a variety of pictures that represents the company and products. Our website offers information about the company, our products, nutrition in the products, and online shopping.
Promotional Goods
The promotional goods will either feature the main logo or secondary logo to promote the BOW WOW brand. These goods will be free and given out at events or along any BOW WOW purchase.
BOW WOW Graphic Standards Designed by Kathy Chang DES 116 | Spring 2016 UC Davis