Creative Brief
Mission Statement
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case Studies Logo Design
Digital Mock-up
Typography & Color
16 17
Final Logo
Business System
Marketing Applications
Graphic Standard Packaging
Paper Mockups
Digital Mockup
Finalized Packaging
Design Analysis
Creative Brief
Because of the lack of compostable and biodegradeable
The objective of BOW WOW is to be able to represent
Upon completion, the product will include a packaging
packaging in dog products, this product will address this
the dog’s outgoing personality through its branding and
that will roughly be about 6” in height and 4” in width.
problem while portraying the dog’s playful personality
packaging design. The product will also accomplish the
There will also be a clothed pouch given along with the
through the design and packaging.
task of having natural ingredients/ safe processing.
product as a traveling device to use. The dimension for the pouch will then be 7” in height and 5” width. Moreover, a business system will be created for the product that includes a #10 envelope, 8.5x11 letterhead, and 3x2 business card.
The current market of dog treat bones has a strong
Our treat bones is a representation of what we see
The age range would be 10~60 years old. The gender
competition including companies like Milk Bones, BLUE,
through your dog – a bundle of healthy, bright, and
would be both males and females who are dog owners.
etc. The main problem these companies face is mostly
playful personality all packed in one.
The people targeted would be the middle class.
about getting the owners’ trust. Owners will always want the best quality food for their dogs. In many cases, the companies might have a product that is really healthy but doesn’t have a particularly intriguing/ beautiful packaging. To resolve this problem, there will be a focus on making the dogs’ personality visible in the packaging, so that it would connect with the owners’, thus making them wanting to buy the product.
Mission Statement
BOW WOW is a dog treat brand that brings a playful, healthy product to the owners and dogs. Through our branding and biodegradeable packaging, our product aims to represent the dog’s playful personality and connect with our customers. In order to bring in the best quality and satisfaction, we aim to use natural ingredients and go through safe processing procedures for our treat bones.
Case Study 1
What is it?
Relation to Design
Sunflowers are probably the most recognizable flowers
There are many uses of the sunflower - almost every
Since sunflowers are heavily dependent on sunlight,
due to its large core and brightly colored petals that seem
part of it can be used. Because it originated in North
researchers and scientists have turned to this fact and
to bring about joy when one looks at them. They’re tall
America, the Native Americans used parts of the plant
tried to figure out a way to create a more efficient solar
annuals that can grow to the height of 150 inches (390
as dye clothing, body painting, and part of traditional
layout to gather solar energy. Researchers from MIT and
cm), which are quite tall. Also the sunflower probably has
medicine. On the other hand, seeds can be eaten and
RWTH Aachen Univeristy in Germany saw this connec-
one of the most mesmerizing spiral that just seem to go
are enjoyed by both humans and animals. In addition,
tion and decided to try and create a better layout. More
on and on. In truth, those are actually the sunflower’s
the seeds were grinded to make flour.
specifically they mimicked the sunflower’s spiral pattern
seeds. This spiraling pattern actually follows the Fibo-
by turning the panels 137 degrees reducing the amount
nacci sequence and is quite the mathematical marvel.
of land and panels needed.
Furthermore, the placement of the sunflower’s seeds aren’t just for beauty and hypnotism. In fact, it’s placed at a specific angle to capture sunlight to the fullest.
Case Study 1
What is it?
Relation to Design
Sunflowers are probably the most recognizable flowers
There are many uses of the sunflower - almost every
Since sunflowers are heavily dependent on sunlight,
due to its large core and brightly colored petals that seem
part of it can be used. Because it originated in North
researchers and scientists have turned to this fact and
to bring about joy when one looks at them. They’re tall
America, the Native Americans used parts of the plant
tried to figure out a way to create a more efficient solar
annuals that can grow to the height of 150 inches (390
as dye clothing, body painting, and part of traditional
layout to gather solar energy. Researchers from MIT and
cm), which are quite tall. Also the sunflower probably has
medicine. On the other hand, seeds can be eaten and
RWTH Aachen Univeristy in Germany saw this connec-
one of the most mesmerizing spiral that just seem to go
are enjoyed by both humans and animals. In addition,
tion and decided to try and create a better layout. More
on and on. In truth, those are actually the sunflower’s
the seeds were grinded to make flour.
specifically they mimicked the sunflower’s spiral pattern
seeds. This spiraling pattern actually follows the Fibo-
by turning the panels 137 degrees reducing the amount
nacci sequence and is quite the mathematical marvel.
of land and panels needed.
Furthermore, the placement of the sunflower’s seeds aren’t just for beauty and hypnotism. In fact, it’s placed at a specific angle to capture sunlight to the fullest.
When I started out with my dog treat bones, I wasn’t sure what kind of style I wanted. As I began exploring more, I began realizing what I wanted to convey. I wanted both the name and logo to be very catchy and playful which lead me to draw different sketches.
Digital Mockups
Initially, when I started my digital mockups, I focused on creating interesting white space and disregarded color completely. I wanted to be able to create something dynamic with white space hoping to capture the audience’s attention. Once I had the design narrowed down to what I wanted I added in color. I wanted my color to be bright and happy in order to convey a happy dog. I went through process of elimination to get rid of colors that didn’t match for a dog product. For instance, green didn’t work because in my mind green stood for something more earthy and suitable for products realted to plants. So instead I went with yellow orange and played around with the different shades. I tried using a lighter shade but it was too bright making my letters ineligible which lead me to use a darker shade.
Typography & Color
Pantone: P 10-8 C CMYK: 1/29/100/0 RGB: 250, 185, 21 HEX: #fab915 Pantone: P 179-14 C CMYK: 67/60/60/44 RGB: 68, 68, 68 HEX: #444443 Pantone: P 179-10 C CMYK: 54/47/46/11 RGB: 120, 118, 119 HEX: #787676
Tall & Lean
Finding the right font for my logo was probably the
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
than the other letters. This was a problem since my
hardest part. I wanted to find a sans serif typeface that was bold and minimal with some angular edgeMost of the narrow sans serif typeface I found had a wider W name had three w’s in it. It would never line up with the letter B causing the name to look very disorganized and unappealing. It wasn’t until I found Tall & Lean that I was able to put my logo together. For color, I chose to go with a darker shade of yellow orange because it felt more like a playful dog to me. Not only that, the color is similar to the color of Pluto, Mickey’s dog. With Pluto as such an iconic figure, I thought this color would probably be linked to Pluto by the audience as well.
Final Logo
For the final BOW WOW logo, I decided to keep it simple since my classmates have also said they liked the simpler ones better. The only graphic that is included in this logo was a bone to simply convey what the product was. On a similar note, I also made a secondary logo that can be used in promotional goods, billboards, and etc. By having another logo this will help organize the items distributed by the company.
Business System
The business system includes the letterhead, envelopes, and business cards. Since BOW WOW is supposed to be bold and minimal in style, I went with a clean look for the whole business system. In addition, I wanted to add an element of play with the bone graphic in each as well. Here are my sketches conveying different versions. In the end, I went with my first digital mockup because it went with the whole theme I was going for. It wasn’t possible to do the 2nd version because there was no white ink for the addresses, and the 3rd version just didn’t really fit with my theme since there was grey in it.
Digital Mockups
2277 Canine Street
2277 Canine Street
2277 Canine Street
Davis, CA 95616
Davis, CA 95616
Davis, CA 95616
(123) 333-8888
(123) 333-8888 May 5, 2015
May 5, 2015
May 5, 2015 Dear John Smith,
Dear John Smith,
Dear John Smith,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare maximus risus, id faucibus elit mattis a.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare maximus risus, id faucibus elit mattis a. Pellentesque vel placerat felis. Mauris facilisis massa neque, non accumsan nisi iaculis ut. Sed viverra, ex eu
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare maximus risus, id faucibus elit mattis a.
euismod tristique, elit metus semper risus, nec dictum sem risus ac metus.
Pellentesque vel placerat felis. Mauris facilisis massa neque, non accumsan nisi iaculis ut. Sed viverra, ex eu
Pellentesque vel placerat felis. Mauris facilisis massa neque, non accumsan nisi iaculis ut. Sed viverra, ex eu euismod tristique, elit metus semper risus, nec dictum sem risus ac metus.
euismod tristique, elit metus semper risus, nec dictum sem risus ac metus.
Vivamus risus erat, lacinia ac pharetra eu, condimentum vitae mauris. Vivamus urna tortor, pretium et massa
Vivamus risus erat, lacinia ac pharetra eu, condimentum vitae mauris. Vivamus urna tortor, pretium et massa id, malesuada laoreet turpis. Maecenas blandit ex tincidunt, viverra ante quis, posuere nisi. Nulla dapibus
Vivamus risus erat, lacinia ac pharetra eu, condimentum vitae mauris. Vivamus urna tortor, pretium et massa
diam massa, a molestie nisl porta sit amet. Mauris et justo ut massa posuere venenatis in sit amet ligula. Mauris
id, malesuada laoreet turpis. Maecenas blandit ex tincidunt, viverra ante quis, posuere nisi. Nulla dapibus
Sed egestas convallis ullamcorper.
eget, vehicula nibh. Sed elementum rutrum metus et auctor.Integer vitae venenatis lacus. Aenean ac
diam massa, a molestie nisl porta sit amet. Mauris et justo ut massa posuere venenatis in sit amet ligula. Mauris faucibus risus aliquam sodales pulvinar. Nam dignissim euismod hendrerit. Sed cursus convallis commodo.
diam massa, a molestie nisl porta sit amet. Mauris et justo ut massa posuere venenatis in sit amet ligula. Mauris
faucibus risus aliquam sodales pulvinar. Nam dignissim euismod hendrerit. Sed cursus convallis commodo.
Vestibulum rhoncus nisl tellus, sed sollicitudin enim elementum nec. Mauris sit amet mi ornare, ultrices risus
id, malesuada laoreet turpis. Maecenas blandit ex tincidunt, viverra ante quis, posuere nisi. Nulla dapibus
Kathy Chang CEO
2277 Canine Street Davis, CA 95616 (123) 333-8888
Sed egestas convallis ullamcorper.
faucibus risus aliquam sodales pulvinar. Nam dignissim euismod hendrerit. Sed cursus convallis commodo. Sed egestas convallis ullamcorper.
Kathy Chang CEO
Vestibulum rhoncus nisl tellus, sed sollicitudin enim elementum nec. Mauris sit amet mi ornare, ultrices risus
porttitor mauris. Donec ultrices feugiat dui at porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
eget, vehicula nibh. Sed elementum rutrum metus et auctor.Integer vitae venenatis lacus. Aenean ac
conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque ut nibh sit amet nulla porta mollis. Quisque ante justo,
porttitor mauris. Donec ultrices feugiat dui at porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
placerat sit amet dictum ac, convallis ac odio. Vivamus ornare tempor tellus quis euismod. Duis gravida
conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque ut nibh sit amet nulla porta mollis. Quisque ante justo,
libero imperdiet diam cursus lobortis. Cras sed mauris mauris.
placerat sit amet dictum ac, convallis ac odio. Vivamus ornare tempor tellus quis euismod. Duis gravida libero imperdiet diam cursus lobortis. Cras sed mauris mauris.
Sed fringilla luctus euismod. Quisque tincidunt nulla id nisl posuere, ut viverra justo auctor. Nunc vehicula, dolor tempus gravida porta, libero neque lacinia orci, vel consequat mauris augue vel arcu. Cras feugiat
Sed fringilla luctus euismod. Quisque tincidunt nulla id nisl posuere, ut viverra justo auctor. Nunc vehicula,
ultrices commodo. Mauris egestas quam sit amet elementum porttitor. Mauris eleifend, dui sit amet egestas
dolor tempus gravida porta, libero neque lacinia orci, vel consequat mauris augue vel arcu. Cras feugiat
tristique, ante tortor efficitur metus, eu vehicula tortor tellus non ex. In pellentesque justo erat. Fusce semper
ultrices commodo. Mauris egestas quam sit amet elementum porttitor. Mauris eleifend, dui sit amet egestas
quam non bibendum lacinia. Vestibulum tempor felis urna, vitae tincidunt arcu condimentum sit amet.
tristique, ante tortor efficitur metus, eu vehicula tortor tellus non ex. In pellentesque justo erat. Fusce semper
Mauris eget lorem vulputate lorem sagittis aliquam.
quam non bibendum lacinia. Vestibulum tempor felis urna, vitae tincidunt arcu condimentum sit amet. Mauris eget lorem vulputate lorem sagittis aliquam.
2277 Canine Street Davis, CA 95616 (123) 333-8888
eget, vehicula nibh. Sed elementum rutrum metus et auctor.Integer vitae venenatis lacus. Aenean ac
2277 Canine Street Davis, CA 95616
porttitor mauris. Donec ultrices feugiat dui at porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
(123) 333-8888
placerat sit amet dictum ac, convallis ac odio. Vivamus ornare tempor tellus quis euismod. Duis gravida
conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque ut nibh sit amet nulla porta mollis. Quisque ante justo,
libero imperdiet diam cursus lobortis. Cras sed mauris mauris.
Sed fringilla luctus euismod. Quisque tincidunt nulla id nisl posuere, ut viverra justo auctor. Nunc vehicula, dolor tempus gravida porta, libero neque lacinia orci, vel consequat mauris augue vel arcu. Cras feugiat ultrices commodo. Mauris egestas quam sit amet elementum porttitor. Mauris eleifend, dui sit amet egestas tristique, ante tortor efficitur metus, eu vehicula tortor tellus non ex. In pellentesque justo erat. Fusce semper quam non bibendum lacinia. Vestibulum tempor felis urna, vitae tincidunt arcu condimentum sit amet. Mauris eget lorem vulputate lorem sagittis aliquam.
Kathy Chang
Kathy Chang
Kathy Chang
Kathy Chang CEO
Vestibulum rhoncus nisl tellus, sed sollicitudin enim elementum nec. Mauris sit amet mi ornare, ultrices risus
(123) 333-8888
Bow Wow
Bow Wow
2277 Canine Street
2277 Canine Street
Davis, CA 95616
Davis, CA 95616
John Smith
John Smith
123 Apple Rd
123 Apple Rd
Davis, CA 95616 USA
Davis, CA 95616 USA
Bow Wow 2277 Canine Street Davis, CA 95616
John Smith 123 Apple Rd Davis, CA 95616 USA
Final Business System
BOW WOW Co. 2277 Rufus Street Chien, CA 95616 (123) 333-8888
2277 Canine Street
May 12, 2015
Davis, CA 95616 Kathy Chang (123) 333-8888 CEO
Dear John Smith,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare maximus risus, id faucibus elit mattis a. Pellentesque vel placerat felis. Mauris facilisis massa neque, non accumsan nisi iaculis ut. Sed viverra, ex eu euismod tristique, elit metus semper risus, nec dictum sem risus ac metus.
Vivamus risus er at, la cinia ac pharetrae u, c ondimentum v itae m auris. V ivamus u rna to rtor, pr etium et
massa id, malesuada laoreet turpis. Maecenas blandit ex tincidunt, viverra ante quis, posuere nisi. Nulla dapibus diam massa, a molestie nisl porta sit amet. Mauris et justo ut massa posuere venenatis in sit amet ligula. Mauris faucibus risus aliquam sodales pulvinar. Nam dignissim euismod hendrerit. Sed cursus convallis commodo. Sed egestas convallis ullamcorper.
Vestibulum rhoncus nisl tellus, sed sollicitudin enim elementum nec. Mauris sit amet mi ornare, ultrices risus eget, vehicula nibh. Sed elementum rutrum metus et auctor.Integer vitae venenatis lacus. Aenean ac porttitor mauris. Donec ultrices feugiat d ui a t porta. Class aptent t aciti sociosqu ad litora torquent p er conubia nostra, p er i nceptos hi menaeos. Pellentesque u t nibh sit amet nulla porta m ollis. Quisque a nte justo, p lacerat sit amet d ictum ac, convallis a c odio. V ivamus o rnare tempor t ellus quis euismod. D uis gravida libero imperdiet diam cursus lobortis. Cras sed mauris mauris.
Sed fringilla luctus euismod. Quisque tincidunt nulla id nisl posuere, ut viverra justo auctor. Nunc vehicula,
Bow Wow
dolor tempus gravida porta, libero neque lacinia orci, vel consequat mauris augue vel arcu. Cras feugiat
2277 Canine Street
ultrices commodo. Mauris egestas quam sit amet elementum porttitor. Mauris eleifend, dui sit amet egestas
Davis, CA 95616
tristique, ante t ortor efficitur metus, e u vehicula tortor t ellus non ex. I n pellentesque j usto e rat. F usce semper quam non bibendum lacinia. Vestibulum tempor felis urna, vitae tincidunt arcu condimentum sit amet. Mauris eget lorem vulputate lorem sagittis aliquam.
John Smith Sincerely,
123 Apple Rd Davis, CA 95616 USA
Kathy Chang CEO
Marketing Applications
Marketing applications are tools that help promote a company’s products. BOWWOW will be giving out promotional items at dog competitions to gain more recognition. I’ve also tailored dog specific goods so that the dogs will be able to enjoy using them like the dog bowl or frisbee.
Marketing Applications
The billboards will serve as a way to catch people’s attention by using the bright color of the logo and the bold typeface as well. The website will serve as a way to inform the buyers and reassure them that the product is of good quality with the best natural ingredients. In terms of transportation, the product will be shipped
in the boxes and trucks seen.
Graphic Standard
The final version of the graphic standard includes the final logo, logo spacing, typography, colors, business system, and marketing applications. The standard was
created to as corporate guidelines for everyone to follow
Mission Statement Logo Standards
Acceptable Usage
Unacceptable Usage
Business card Letterhead
14 15
Shipping Box
Promotional Goods
Business System
and use, so the logo would be same throughout.
BOW WOW is a dog treat brand that brings a playful, healthy product to the owners and dogs. Through our branding and biodegradeable packaging, our product aims to represent the dog’s playful personality and connect with our customers. In order to bring in the best quality and satisfaction, we use natural ingredients and go through safe processing procedures for our treat bones.
The BOW WOW logo was designed to be bold, bright,
The minimum size of the logo should be 1” in length
and simple. The design was inspired by the dog’s
for the official logo, and 1” in width for the secondary
playful personality. In order for the personality
to come across in the logo, the colors typeface, graphics were all designed and chosen carefully.
There should be no other elements or text around
There are two logos: one official logo, and one
width of the small “O” used in both logos.
the logo. The space around it should be at least the
secondary logo to be used in marketing materials.
The BOW WOW logo uses the sans serif typeface Tall & Lean. The name is written in all caps to emphasize the company name and give it energy. There are some aspects of the typeface that are altered. This includes the “OW” in Bow and the first “W” in Wow where they are stretched to achieve type hierarchy.
Tall & Lean ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Pantone: P 10-8 C CMYK: 1/29/100/0 RGB: 250, 185, 21 HEX: #fab915
Acceptable Usage
These are the official colors of the logo and are
Unacceptable Usage
Keeping the different media in mind, the logos
the only colors that should be used. The colors are
should be used under the given guidelines listed.
chosen to represent the bright personality of dogs
The following are acceptable versions of the logos.
and to create pleasing aesthetics to catch attention
The BOW WOW logos should not be altered from its original design. The following are examples of unacceptable changes and usage to the logos.
This logo is preferred whenever possible. There should be optimal space between the edges of the
of the targeted consumers.
box and the text to let the logo breathe.
Pantone: P 179-14 C CMYK: 67/60/60/44
Do not change the size of the bone.
Do not skew the logo.
Do not use other colors.
Do not change the typeface.
Do not tilt or rotate the logo.
Do not move the bone.
RGB: 68, 68, 68 HEX: #444443
This logo can also be used if the main logo isn’t available or doesn’t fit with the materials.
Pantone: P 179-10 C CMYK: 54/47/46/11 RGB: 120, 118, 119 HEX: #787676
This logo is used mainly for marketing materials including promotional goods.
Graphic Standard
The standard letterhead is printed on 8.5” x 11”
Bow Wow
white paper and is used for all official documents.
2277 Canine Street
The logo is located in the upper left hand corner and
Davis, CA 95616
2277 Rufus Street
the address is located in the upper right hand corner.
Chien, CA 95616 (123) 333-8888
The body copy uses Verdana with 8 pt size.
Business Card
Envelope May 12, 2015
John Smith 123 Apple Rd Davis, CA 95616 USA
The envelope is a standard #10 envelope (9.5” x
The business card comes in the shape of a bone
4 1/8”). The design is simple with only the logo
instead of the regular rectangular shape. However,
as a dominant feature of BOW WOW. The return
it still follows the standard 2.5” x 3” business card.
address is printed on the upper left hand corner.
By using a bone shaped card, the person receiving
The recipient’s name is printed in the center of the
the card will more likely have better impressions
of the company and products.
The inside of the envelope features a pattern that
On the front, the logo is shown with no bone since
utilizes the bone graphic on the logo. On the back
the bone is already the card itself.
Final Business System
BOW WOW Co. 2277 Rufus Street Chien, CA 95616 (123) 333-8888
2277 Canine Street
May 12, 2015
Davis, CA 95616 Kathy Chang (123) 333-8888 CEO
Dear John Smith,
The margins are 1” with the exception of the left margin with 0.5”.
Dear John Smith,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare maximus risus, id faucibus elit mattis a. Pellentesque vel placerat felis. Mauris facilisis massa neque, non accumsan nisi iaculis ut. Sed viverra,
the bright logo color.
a. Pellentesque vel placerat felis. Mauris facilisis massa neque, non accumsan nisi iaculis ut. Sed viverra, ex eu euismod tristique, elit metus semper risus, nec dictum sem risus ac metus.
Vivamus risus e rat, l acinia ac pharetra eu, condimentum v itae m auris. Vivamus urna t ortor, p retium et
dapibus diam massa, a molestie nisl porta sit amet. Mauris et justo ut massa posuere venenatis in sit amet ligula. Mauris faucibus risus aliquam sodales pulvinar. Nam dignissim euismod hendrerit. Sed cursus convallis commodo. Sed egestas convallis ullamcorper.
On the back, the name, position, and information
Vivamus risus e rat, l acinia ac pharetra eu, condimentum v itae m auris. Vivamus urna t ortor, p retium et
Vestibulum rhoncus nisl tellus, sed sollicitudin enim elementum nec. Mauris sit amet mi ornare, ultrices risus eget, vehicula nibh. Sed elementum rutrum metus et auctor.Integer vitae venenatis lacus. Aenean ac
(website, email, address) are displayed.
The front has 0.5” margins on all four sides.
massa id, malesuada laoreet turpis. Maecenas blandit ex tincidunt, viverra ante quis, posuere nisi. Nulla dapibus diam massa, a molestie nisl porta sit amet. Mauris et justo ut massa posuere venenatis in sit amet
massa id, malesuada laoreet turpis. Maecenas blandit ex tincidunt, viverra ante quis, posuere nisi. Nulla
of the envelope, the website is featured as well.
ex eu euismod tristique, elit metus semper risus, nec dictum sem risus ac metus.
The back of the letterhead is simple implementing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare maximus risus, id faucibus elit mattis
porttitor mauris. Donec ultrices feugiat d ui a t porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per i nceptos h imenaeos. Pellentesque u t nibh sit amet nulla porta m ollis. Quisque ante justo, p lacerat sit amet d ictum ac, convallis ac odio. V ivamus o rnare tempor t ellus quis euismod. Duis gravida libero imperdiet diam cursus lobortis. Cras sed mauris mauris.
ligula. Mauris faucibus risus aliquam sodales pulvinar. Nam dignissim euismod hendrerit. Sed cursus convallis commodo. Sed egestas convallis ullamcorper.
Kathy Chang
Vestibulum rhoncus nisl tellus, sed sollicitudin enim elementum nec. Mauris sit amet mi ornare, ultrices
risus eget, vehicula nibh. Sed elementum rutrum metus et auctor.Integer vitae venenatis lacus. Aenean ac porttitor mauris. Donec ultrices feugiat d ui a t porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per i nceptos h imenaeos. Pellentesque u t nibh sit amet nulla porta m ollis. Quisque ante
2277 Canine Street
Sed fringilla luctus euismod. Quisque tincidunt nulla id nisl posuere, ut viverra justo auctor. Nunc vehicula,
Davis, CA 95616
Bow Wow
dolor tempus gravida porta, libero neque lacinia orci, vel consequat mauris augue vel arcu. Cras feugiat
2277 Canine Street
ultrices commodo. Mauris egestas quam sit amet elementum porttitor. Mauris eleifend, dui sit amet egestas
(123) 333-8888
Davis, CA 95616
semper quam non bibendum lacinia. Vestibulum tempor felis urna, vitae tincidunt arcu condimentum sit
tristique, ante tortor efficitur metus, e u vehicula tortor tellus non ex. I n pellentesque justo erat. Fusce
amet. Mauris eget lorem vulputate lorem sagittis aliquam.
John Smith Sincerely,
123 Apple Rd Davis, CA 95616 USA
justo, p lacerat sit amet d ictum ac, convallis ac odio. V ivamus o rnare tempor t ellus quis euismod. Duis
Kathy Chang CEO
gravida libero imperdiet diam cursus lobortis. Cras sed mauris mauris.
Sed fringilla luctus euismod. Quisque tincidunt nulla id nisl posuere, ut viverra justo auctor. Nunc vehicula, dolor tempus gravida porta, libero neque lacinia orci, vel consequat mauris augue vel arcu. Cras feugiat ultrices commodo. Mauris egestas quam sit amet elementum porttitor. Mauris eleifend, dui sit amet egestas tristique, ante tortor efficitur metus, e u vehicula tortor tellus non ex. I n pellentesque justo erat. Fusce semper quam non bibendum lacinia. Vestibulum tempor felis urna, vitae tincidunt arcu condimentum sit amet. Mauris eget lorem vulputate lorem sagittis aliquam.
Kathy Chang CEO
Shipping Box
Displays should be consistent throughout using the
The vehicle’s branding is important as it deals with
The shipping boxes features the main logo on two
The website and mobile site has the logo and colors
main or secondary logo. The following examples are
transporting goods across the roads. The logo will
sides, front and back. By having the logo featured,
with a slideshow featuring a variety of pictures that
for billboard and bus stop displays.
be displayed on the vehicle’s surfaces to serve as a
this can serve as a way to market the product when
represents the company and products. Our website
marketing tool to promote the treat bones.
the boxes are stacked. The materials used to make
offers information about the company, our products,
the boxes should be recyclable materials.
nutrition in the products, and online shopping.
The bus stop display utilizes the logo’s simplicity and boldness in an attempt to draw in bypassers and customers.
Unlike the bus stop display, the billboard design utilizes the picture of the actual product itself with the secondary logo to drawn in attention. Both type of designs can be used interchangeably on the billboard and bus stop displays.
Promotional Goods
The promotional goods will either feature the main logo or secondary logo to promote the BOW WOW brand. These goods will be free and given out at events or along any BOW WOW purchase.
Since the product I’m redesigning has a cylindric shape, I decided to base my packaging on it, by making a cylinder type of packaging. However, I thought that this was too plain so I decided to add in some other ways to make the packaging fun. This evolved into my idea of having springs on the bottom so the treat bones would pop up, making it easier to take it out.
Paper Mockup
The BOWWOW packaging went through two mockup stages in order to get to the finalized packaging at the end. Throughout this stage, I had to get precise measurements of the springs in order for the packaging to close at a certain point so that it wouldn’t spring up. In the photo, the origami cylinder (on the left) seen was used to serve as a spring around the box. However after several uses of the mockup I realized that it wasn’t much help of trying to push the bones up. This lead me to try another idea I’d like to call the “spring cylinder”. Basically, there is a platform with springs attached to the base of the cylinder. By putting springs underneath the base, it would allow the bones to pop up once the cap is opened. Because this mockup seemed the most stable, I decided to use this and went on to my digital mockup phase.
Digital Mockup
BOW WOW© treats are guaranteed to brighten up your dog’s day and bring out that playful personality.
Feeding Guidlines: For dogs 10–30 lbs, feed 1–2 small treats, or 1 large treat per day. Remember to always monitor your dog while treating.
TREAT DELIGHTS FOR YOUR DOGS Ingredients: Beef Hide. Dried Chicken, Natural flavor, Natural Bacon Flavor. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS: Crude protein (min.) Crude Fat (min.) Crude Fiber (max.) Moisture (max)
15% 2% 3.5% 15%
This digital mockup was made after getting all the right dimensions from the paper prototype I made. Seen here is the body of the cylinder with the height as 6” and the width being 4” (radius is 2”). The little box at the top of the logo serves as a window opening that will be
Best by:
cut in order for buyers to take a look at what the real
DISTRIBUTED BY: Target Corporation. San Francisco, CA 9411 © Big Heart Pet Brands. All Rights Reserved. Made in United States
product looks like. 9 624980 739442 6
NET WT 28 OZ (1 LB 12 OZ) 794 g
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? call 1-800-BOWWOW or visit for more information.
In the center is my logo which I have made sure to make it large enough for buyers to see and immediately recognize the brand. On the left, I’ve put in information buyers would want to know since health is a huge factor when it comes to buying food for beloved pets. On it I wrote the feeding guidelines, ingredients, and the guaranteed analysis which is a breakdown of the nutrients in the product. On the right, I wrote a statement talking about BOWWOW’s guarantee on bringing out the dog’s playful personality with the snacks and wrote the benefits of the product to capture the buyer’s attention.
Finalized Packaging
Putting this all together was a lot tedious then I thought. Even though I had done mockups to make sure that I wouldn’t mess up on the real packaging. I went through three copies until I finally got the packaging I wanted. My main problem was that the cardstock wasn’t thick enough to support the bones I had put in the cylinder, so I had to make cardboard support to make sure it would hold in place. Another problem I had faced was the springs. They would twist causing them to lose the spring and instead collapsing once weight was put on. To solve this problem, I had to put support around it to make sure they would twist. So I cut the boba straws you would get from the drink shop and made them .75”.
Finalized Packaging
Design Analysis
yet appealing branding and packaging for dog treat
1. To make a packaging that represents the dog, thus
BOWWOW is successful or not. If the consumers are
The goal of this project is to design a more sustainable bones. This redesign will help solve the problem of current packaging for dog treat bones because they are usually packed in plastic bags that aren’t environmental
There are two objectives for this project. capturing the consumers’ hearts. 2. To make the packaging sustainable and reusable over time.
consistently coming back to buy more of the product, that means it has succeeded. If not, the we will have to go back to our method and see what went wrong
or appealing to the consumers. The problem will be
during our process. Another way to know is to give out
solved through various design techniques to ensure the
samples of our product, which will help us see whether
best quality of the product.
or not the consumers will come back and buy our treats.
Problem Statement
Project Summary
the buyers’ attention through an aesthetically pleasing
was to come up with ideas to solve a problem first. Next
BOWWOW was very rewarding. The research that was
design. This was created to make the product inviting
was research, where we compared ourselves with other
put into this project has really helped me get a full
and really reflect and represent the dog’s playful per-
products on the market right now. Third, with more
understanding as to what I should focus on in order to
sonality. By doing so, the buyers will have an easier
information gathered continue creating and sketching
create better packaging. Since I’m a dog ownder myself,
time connecting with the product as it embodies the
down ideas. Fourth, the logo was produced from the
being on both sides of the producer and consumer really
dog’s personality. Moreover, it was also created with
ideas and development of a graphic standard was made.
allowed me to explore different aspects and make my
sustainability and being environmental friendly in mind.
Fifth, we started to make mockups of our packaging,
branding and packaging even better.
The branding and packaging serves as a way to capture
The method used in creating the branding and packaging
testing and trying new things out until we reached a certain point. Sixth, the packaging is refined and is put into production. Lastly, the finalized packaging is made.
The consumers will be the deciding factor as to whether
Through many trials and errors, the result of the brand
Design Analysis
BOW WOW Graphic Standards Designed by Kathy Chang DES 116 | Spring 2016 UC Davis