Whales Unhooked ca m pa i g n P ro p o s a l
Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statement 4 Background 5 Needs & Objective 6 Audience 7 Graphic Standards 8 Project Strategy 14 Budget 20
I n t ro d u c t i o n Whales Unhooked is a non-profit organization that works to spread awareness about the issues of whaling, educating the public about the effects it has on current whale populations.
m i s s i o n stat e m e n t Whales Unhooked is about protecting whales and bringing awareness to the downside effects of whaling. We believe that whale lives matter too. We work to keep our whales off the hook.
BACKGRO U N D While many campaigns exist to help end the illegal killing of whales, it seems as though this issue isn’t a main priority for the general public. In current times, there has not been much media surrounding the issue. However, the existing campaigns work to spread awareness and inform the public, as well as sending ships into international waters to directly protect the whales from people trying to catch and kill them. Although there are laws that protect the whales from illegal fishing, they are quite vague and easy to bypass. Japanese fishermen have been using the scientific research permit to slaughter many different species of whales. Iceland also has an annual festival that includes the killing of hundreds of fin whales. Because the country has built a culture around the whaling industry, many of the citizens are prowhaling. There are laws that limit the amount of whales they are allowed to catch, however, these limitations are often ignored as a there is a lack of enforcement of these laws. Our campaign should bring light to these events so that more people may try to find ways to fight against these injustices. The industry uses whale parts as various products, including food, cosmetics, oils, animal feed, candles, and many others. Their blubber is known to be valuable as it is versatile in use and high quality. Because of this, many whales are killed. However, whales are important to the ocean ecosystem as they help regulate the food chain. Some whales live eating off of krill or plankton, regulating their populations. Also when they die, they sink to the bottom of the ocean providing many different bottom dwelling species with food for longer periods of time. We feel that it is important to highlight these parts to the public to help build a stronger support of current campaigns.
n eed s The issue of whaling has been an ongoing issue that has sparked heavy discussion within the environmental community. However it is not as well known to the public as most only know bits and pieces of information about whaling but not the complete story. In order to change and expand past the community, Whales Unhooked hopes to spread the awareness of whaling through a variety of signages that will be displayed in public areas (parks, bus stops, etc).
p ro j ect o bj ective The objective of this campaign is to bring up awareness against whaling. Through the use of marketing strategies, Whales Unhooked aims to bring the devastating effects whaling causes. By killing these whales, the whole ecosystem’s cycle is disrupted because they are such huge animals that regulate the ocean floor. With hard facts like these, Whales Unhooked hopes to educate the audience on why whale lives matter.
Aud ienc e Whales Unhooked aims to reach out to college students and adults, ages 18-40. A college campus is best to spread the word because young adults today are heavily involved in activism and social media, being the change they want to see. Targeting to a foreign audience may not be the best route to gain supporters. Iceland and Japan for example, are two of the main countries currently finding loopholes for whaling profits. By catering to an American audience that highly relies on social media, Whales Unhooked can expand their views universally by one hashtag and share at a time.
Gra ph ic Sta n da rd
Logo Siz e While our logo can be increased to any size, please make it no smaller than 1 in tall. It's important to keep all porportions exact to not distort any of the details within the image.
.5 in
.5 in
Whales Unhooked x in
2x in
1 in
CO l o r s cheme The colors we have chosen reflect the color's of the ocean. We kept the overall color scheme bright and playful to depict a positive disposition.
Whales Unhooked
Typ ogra ph y Our logo uses the typeface Muro. This font is a bold sans serif with sharp corners and edges, making it clean and clear for maximum readability.
Muro a b c d e f g h i j k l n o p q r s t u v w x y z
The typeface Gotham is used for our textual material. Gotham's thin and clean strokes makes smaller text easier to read.
Gotham A B C D E F G H I J K L N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w
L o go Variatio n s
Whales Unhooked
There are three different variations our logo utilizes. Original - The original colors with the white strokes Outline - Either a black or white outline of the logo Flat - The logo without the stroke lines
Whales Unhooked Whales Unhooked
Whales Unhooked 12
Logo m isu ses Here are some examples of what you should not do with our logo. Do not stretch the logo.
Whales Unhooked
Whales Unhooked
Do not change the colors. Do not rotate the logo. Do not move around the parts.
Whales Unhooked
Whales Unhooked
Whale s Unhoo ked
p ro jec t st rateg y We hope to spread awareness of the horrors of the whaling industry by creating thought provoking signage. We plan to design billboards and posters that not only invoke thought, but also inform the public. These will be the main way to get people interested. We also plan on making various merchandise to further spread our campaign. T- shirts, tote bags, water bottles (made from 100% recycled plastic), and stickers/decals will be handed out at certain events or fundraising events. We also plan to design and write editorials that explain and inform our target audience of this issue and spread awareness.
W EB S I TE/ A PP The website and app will be promotional outlets to raise awareness for Whales Unhooked. Users can download the app to learn more about the campaign and directly donate.
FLYERS /P O STERS The flyer and posters will be used for promotional materials that will be passed out at events and pinned on bulletin boards around college campuses.
8.5" x 11"
11"x 17"
22"x28" 16
WATER BO T TLES Water bottles will be printed on glass cases that will be up for sale on our website. All proceeds will go directly to fund Whales Unhooked.
T-S hirts T-Shirts will be printed and worn by volunteers and staff during tabling events. Sizes will vary from XS-XXL. The main whale graphic will be placed in the front corner of the shirt, with the full logo centerd in the back.
TOTE BA GS Tote bags will have our logo printed in the front. These bags will be up for sale on our website, and given away during promotional events.
Projected Cost of Promotional Goods ITEM
Magazine Editorial & Ad Space
$6700, 12 issues
Water Bottles
Tote Bags
Web Video